The Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1881-05-03 [p...

M 77 ' .' i.dr i JOBBlOTlNGr. The citizena of Hamburgh- - Iowa, who BUSINESS CATS. Railroad Time Table. AND DISEASES OF .THE HEAD, THROAT and SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY CURED. DR. CONNAUGHTON, Professional Office, 403 Brady St., Davenport, Iowa Write for Catarrh Journal, Mailed Free. have aufiered a great many hardship 1n the destruction of property py the latenoocis, call upon the public for relief for the des- titute whose homes and property have been swept away by the water. Hundreds of families in that town are houseless and homeless. Their live stock have been swept away, and their farms are rendered entirely worthless. The people need food and clothing, and money to purchase seeds for planting. A relief committee has been organized at Hamburgh, and contributions should be addressed to the First National Bank tf that town, or to Culver & Co., of Chicago. portly of Praise. As a rule we do not advocate Patent Medicines, but when we know of one that really is a public benefactor, and does cim then we consider it our duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bitters are truly a most valuable medicine, and will surely'cure Biliousness, Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney Com- plaints, even where all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can free- ly recommedd them to all, Exc7i., Sold at fifty cents at bottle, at C. Speidel. PILES! FILES!! PILES!!! Sure Cure Found at Last. Xo On Seed Buffer. A sure core for the Blind, Bleeding.! Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment.' A 6iogle box lias cured the worst chronic cases of 25 aud 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minuses after applying this won dertnl soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and Electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poul- tice; gives instant and painless relief, and is prepared only tor Piles, itching of the private parts, and nothing else. Read, what the Hon, J. M. Coffin, berrv, of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment; I have used scr.res of pile cures and it affords me pleasure to say that I have" never found anything which gave such immediate aud permanent relict as Dr, Williams Indian Pile Ointment. For sale by all druggists, or mail.d on receipt of" price $1 00. S. F. Henry & Co.. Prop's,, Cleveland, Ohio, for sale bv McCabe & Wheatou, 3 5dt t s&wly Hook Island. CELEBRATED 4 STOMACH Why Saffar Needlessly ff8? With the cfmvnlninsr. psniodic tortnivi of fever and mul biluiu wnen Hosteller Stomach Bitter, acknowledged to he a real curative of liniifirinl fevers, will eniriiiHlo lhe cause of so suffering. No loss effective is thin benignant alterative in eases of constipation. dypp!a. Jive complaint, rheumatism, and in general debility and nervous weakness. For sale by all Drufrsists and Dealers generally. Magnetic Ointment., Tho tr.-ri- t Pores, Brofces, Cut, Burn, Srrftinn, fckin lMscrdfrs, fror TSrol, Croup, r.heuniuiLsm, lameafNS, r;!e&,J uii ptVihi.I m ernitl iitlections. filial fielei ized fcy fXFLAN Il.lTffiV, icld to i's influence -. if by "muj:ic It ii a purc-l- vasatnble preparation ty a rep-ala- phytneirni of cmictfttieu and its bucvsh hftsoen marvellous in the most obstinate c;i'"s. fold by I)ruggi;ts and Dealers at SS and, 40 CSQts. ISS In either Lfanid or rry l'orm acts bl EJ ihp ranmr time on the eliseaxcs of the w. Liver, Bowels ani Kiflneys, This combined action must it wonderful power to cure all disease. WHY ARE WE SICK? Becaw. tre a'!oe these areat organs to te- - I rome clogge-tr- - ttrrpiti. and poixmrm hirmors l are therefore forced into the Mood that should I be expdUd nuiuraUy. BILIOUSNESS, PTLES, COJiSTTPATIim, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, VEI5AKY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, AM NEiiVOlS SI&OEDEKS, ly eauti0 f ee action of Vtese organs ondZ restoring lietr power 10 uiroio ojf atseaxe. Vfhj Suffer Billon paiua and achos? k Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! 1J Why endure nervous or sick headaches! lTfcy hare sleepless nlgfatsl Vse KIDXET.WORT and rejoiee in health 85-- It IspTittrplnPry VeuctaWc-Form- . rutin E one puel;aiaT' of whk.h makna ni quarts ft 4 it3T'eaiir. jrtor tbe convenieneo of thtwo that cannot GET TTOFTOT7R rHICT!, (lI.GO. WELLS, KICHA II BSO C O., ITop's, rWHl ami! tho rtrr pot-pM- i' Bmi.HiOTOI!, VT. Executor's Notice. OP JTTL1.V. A. KINEKIN. Deceased. ESTATE havinff been appointed Kxi'c- - ecutor of the la?t win and testntneit of JnliaA Kinekin late of the county of Kock Island, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives noicu that he will apt ear b. fore the f'oumy Court of Rock Island county, at lheotliceof the Clerk of said Court, in the ci y oi hock ificdq, at me dime icrm, on tne th nl MoDiiay in Jnne nexr. at which time all p.r- - sons having claims cgainst said ets.te are noiiilcd and ruqnesied to ntteud or the purpose of iiavins the sanu: aajUHtt a. Ail pers u inaeracd to said estate are requested to mate immediate payment to the nndersitrned Latcd this xh day oi April, A. D. 1S81 . 4 25diw J. M. BUFOliD. Executor. By instantly affecting the Kervous System, their In n 10 ol once lejl at inc VOLTAIC "'n'Xarthei'tertremitles. Hence Pain, which arises from a distnrbance of the Nerve Forces, is cured in every instance as if by raairic Also. l alnitalion of the Heart, Iiillamnistion of the I JLnne, Liver and Kidneys, Irritation of the Ktom I ach and Bowels, Indlgeitioo, lvspepala and ii-- 1 Qiooa ollc . mm i - . NERVOUS SYSTEM, From Hon. J . XL Murphy, Prominent Lawyer of Davenport. Zoita. It pleases me to say that Dr. P Walter Connaughton, of this city, has been a resident of Davenport. Iowa, for two 'ear", and during all that time has een constantly engaged in the prac- tice of his profession. He is a gentle- man by nature and culture, and has proven himself to be an honorable man. His practice has been varied and extensive, and attended with fine success. 1 have seen certificates from some of our best people, to the effect that the Dr's skill has produced won- derful ellects. I cheerfully recommend him him to the confidence of tho afflicted J n Murphy. Davenport, Ia., July 4, 1880. Catarrh of Twelve Tear' Standing Cured. From Captain Lon Bryson, Agent Keokuk Northern Line, and Com. mission Merchant: Davenport, June 3th, 1879. Dr. W P Connaugton, I have been afflicted with catarrh for over twelve years, and tried various remedies and Ehysiciaus, with only temporary relief the catarrh returned with increased seveiity, so much so that I was nearly deaf in one ear and suffer- ing severely with pains and noises in my head and sore throat. About three month since I commenced your treat- ment with at once convinced me as being the only rational treatment I had ever tried, and proved itself so by the relief it gave mo, Iv'ow my hear- ing i3 as good as ever; no noise in my head and very fclittle hawking and spirtieg; and had I followed the treat, raent as persistently as you desired. I believe a perfect cure would have been experienced by this time not- withstanding my neglect. Yours truly. Lon Bryson. Nervous Debility ,I.oss of Vital Fluids, Seminal Weakness, Etc., Cnred. Dr. Connaugton Dear Sir: When I first employed your nkdl I was indeed a suflerer with all those ills that follows the violation of those laws of our experience, the abuse of ofjwhich leave their terrible effect too plainly told. My memory was im- paired: my body nearly ruined. I had languid feeling, nervous debility, wasting dreams, weakness of the back, floating scales before the eyes, some- thing like webs forgctfulness, inabil-t- y to concentrate my mind, awful foreboding, desire to avoid company, dull, heavy feelings. I was wasting away and despondent. I have been using your wonderful remedies for three months, and have regained my former vitality and vigor. My body and mind are improved; I am indeed a new being, with nearly all my for-me- r vigorous mind nd body. "I am now able to study my theological stu-die- s, and feel that I'am a man again, and know how to shun that awful awful habit which would have ruined me but for your skill. I am ever your friend, II. K. C. Deafness Cared. An Aged Lady cured of Deaf neat Tes- timony of Mrs Augusta Jireyer, Re$i-denc- r. Jfo 623 Ripley Street, Davenport. Iowa. Dr. Connaugton has cured me in two days of deafness and noise in the cars of many years standing, after I had considered myself hopeless. I cau and do most cheerfully recommend Dr. Cannaugton as a master of his profes- sion, and advise the afflicted to employ his skill whenever they have an op. portunity to do so. Ho has effected many astonishing cures in this city, and has done an astonishing amount of good. Mas. Augusta Bhter. A Complicated Case. Davenport, September 8, 1879. Dr. Connaughton:DearSir:Iwassick for twenty years and for several years could scarcely walk about town. My breath, was short and I suffered from pains all the time; also from palpita tiou and interval fever or burning bc li- gations. I also suffered from paina low down across my bowelsf and back, and was reduced in flesh. I now feel like a different person my health is so good. Mrs. C L Watt. 1110 Harrison street. Letter Erora a Clergyman. from Rev. Ji seph Hart, paster of the tth St. Methodist church, Rock Isl- and. Dr. Connaugton, I have suffered with catarrh of the head for twelve years, my sense of smell was greatly impared, ringing in my ears, partial loss of my voice, stopping up one or both nostrils, and some headache oc- casionally. I feel safe in recommend- ing you to all the afflicted. J. Hart. office, &M.Jx WORD TO BUSINESS HEN. On the first of April-o- f the present year the ' f i Tv a. A V 4 , ; i i ? i aiuv Ltrpfii lutein u mo :: ARGUS OFFICE was ENTIRELY REFITTED and FURNISHED with all the LATEST 8TYLE8T OF Type, i Borders, mn t r Flourishes, &c., &c., and is now prepared to do all kinds of plain and ornamental printing' in the latest styles and on short notice. W'E MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PRICE LISTS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, , STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, Business and Address Cards, Ball, Party and Wedding Invitations, &c. and clam that our prices are low for first class work. Call on or send orders to THE ARG-US- , Sock Island. 111. Hotels. PE0BIA HOUSE. Bt.t comej Public kjquare, PEORIA, ILLS. J. Q. PERLKT, Proprietor, (Formerly of Ottawa Hotel, VcntreaL.) Rates reduced to $3 00; M 50; S3 00 per day. WALNUT ST., HOUSE $2 OO and Q2 50 Per Day. Walnut Street, Bet. 6th and 7th Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO DAVIS A BOWERS", Prop. Cle.u Chas Morlidge, Geo. Davie. J. M alntyre NEWHALL HOUSE MILWAUKEE; WIS J. F. AUTIHDKL Proprietor. The present pronrietora of this Eleuant Dote have spared neither money or pains in furnishing and improving the houe ; and with the Improved Oti. Elevator, recently put in It cannot be excelled for convenience and comfort to the traveling public MASSASOIT HOUSE, M. fc E. 8. CH APIN, SrnrNOFisijj, Mass. The Mawawoit tlouse, near tbe Railroad Siatlon?, was established in 1848. It has been twice en- larged, making it three time, its original eize, and thurouKhty remodeled and refurniehed . Tbe larce airy sleeping rmms, fnruiehed with hot and cold water, are excelled by none in tbe country. Spec- ial attention paid to ventilation aud all sanitary improvement. The proprietors are determined that tbe world wide reputation of tbe shall be maintained in all respects. HON SQUARE HOTEL, UNION SQUARE, Corner 15th Street, NEW YOEE. J. 13 jJM & SON, PROPRIETORS. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Corner of Chamber Street, and Weat Broadway, NEW YORK. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Flrst-cla- . accommodations for 400 guests. Loea fed conveniently to business and places of amuse- ment. Car. from all depots pass the door. Room, from ft to $5 per day. Newly and handsomely fur- nished and decorated N.6 8... auGGINS. Proprietors. N. nuggiiis, formerly of Manba ten Hotel. S. J Cuggine, formerly of Lbvejoy'. Hotel; FRENCH'S HOTEL (EUROPEAN PLAN,) Opposite City Hall, Court House and New P.O. NEW YORK. FB.ICES REDUCED TO 75 CIS. FEB DAT AND UPWARD. Elevated Railroad!" within 8 minutes walk. All Street Car lines pass the door. First class Restaurant at f oouiar Prices. TREM0NT HOUSE, Cliicaeto. -- THE- PALACE HOTEL, Cor. Lake and Dearborn Sts. Prices reduced to suit the times, to 3.00 tier day. above parlor floor except front rooms and room with baths. Rooms on European plan, $1.60 to $3.00 per day. Finest Restaurant in the West at- tached to the House. JAS. COUGH, Pboprieto. JKWETT WILCOX. Manager. ASHLAND HOUSE, Fonrth Ave. Cor. S4th St., New York Oity. American and European Flan. The central location of the "Ashland" makes It a very desirable place for strangers, being one block from Madison Park, also Broadway, and only a short distance from any of the principal places of amusement. By taking either S3d St., cross town, or Fourth Avenue Street Cars, access may be had direct from the door, to any part of the city. ward aad m. J. woods will be round in charge oi the office. Room and Board $2,00, $3,59 ana $3 per Say Rooms $1 per lay and Upwards. H, H. BROOK WAY. Proprietor United States, Casadi&n and General FOREIGN Patent Solicitor, Civil asd Mechanical Engineer. Office, Federal Buildings WASHINGTON, D. C. Branches is Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, London, pans, Benin, etc. All Patten t matter promptly attended to on rea on able terms. Correspondence conducted eitha In the English,. Franea Oannsa or the BcasdUs Tlaa laagaaf m. ciiciao.scci X3LA a Tioino 2. s TIMK TAB LB. AUG. SS. 1880. A8TWARD. STATIOMS. WSSTWARD. cat. i mx. FA'Oj tX. pAT. X. X'1L EX. H ex. I'll.' 11. a. m ia a. in p m ia. m p. m 1015j 9 25! 8 15 j BOOK ISLAHD. 45; 6 0S 615 a. mpm 1 m i p m ,a m p m 10 tX), tt 101 8 00:; Davenporu 7 10j 6 80, 6 25 v m a m jl pm am j 6 25' 4 55!! Iowa City. H43; H5u: pm p.m a. m pm 120 1145 j Des Moines. SI0 145 a m pmlj a m p ml 7 30 510;! Council Blnffs 80! 7 30! I U p.m m j 3 20 Oskalooes. ill 45i p. m 315 KDOXTUle. (.... !145- a ro pm am pm 8 40 9 1 Cameron. 7 33 7 20 a m ;p m am 'p m U5 6 3U Kansas City 9EO10O0 ' ,a m nm a m pm 5 40 6 w. Beyerley. 9 47: 9 45 a m pm 'mom 5 151 15' Leavenworth . jlOOOilOOO a m :p m a m pm 5 30, OOj Atchison. 10 88 10 lb p.m a m 'a m p.m s. m'a. m 1 56;:i 85 Ottawa. 3 27 155i 140 p.mnm a m a m p.m m ;p 6 00 20 2 30- - CHICAGO. 112 80,10 00 10 00 r... .an4i on Frelsht trains aa follows BAST .7 4:80 p ml ST... . .. . . .10 :10 am GHO. M LOOB1.KX, AgDi,nu;. "'"" A. KIM BALL, E-- TCJ2 dN Gon'l SupX Gen. Afct 0., B, k Q. S. B. L1ATI. ARP.TTX 8t. Louis Mail 6,:B1 - 7:50 a. m St. Lonis Express........ 7:55 P.M. 8:35 p, m Sterling Accommoiationl:00 P. M. 11:00 a.m. CHIOASO. ST. PAUL. BACIHB SO0TaWBSTBBK DIVISION. I iiri AKEiva .. t,nrB.andMa!l 8:45 a 8:85pii SihtKipress.. ...10:80 P 5:55 Air The niirht express leavlni? Mock Island eery Sunday ni?Iit at 10:05 copnecte with the train arrf vine in Chicago early Monday morning. No lay aver checks e'iren on through tickets from Kock .laud to Chicago Through ticket only good on thistiain- - . ; SCCE ISLAND & F2C2IA SAILWAT.' 1H03HST BOCTB Tt THB VAST AMD SOCTH." I.AT ABJHTB. r m m Wav Prelsht. 8:30 ' Past Express. 14:45 p m Mall apd Express 1:45 p m Man and Kxp'. : irast ifxprise. F"ht & Accom'n The 1 :3l p m train makes close connection at GaWa with CB A 9 foi polrts wi-st- : arriving t Galcsbur at 4ii5ip at Burlington 6.40 p mj at Keoknk 10:i5 p m; and at Qaincy 10:06 p m; also makine close connection at Peor a with I B & W and TP & W roads for all points east and south. SOCZ ISLAND &V.HCSS CO.. 5. S. Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a. m., and 4:00 o m. Arrivine at Cable at 11:20 a m.. and 6:15 p m. (jeave Cable at 6:80 a m., and 1:30 pm. , Kr. Rock Island at 8:15 a. ro., and :j5p m. NEW AEVERTISEJiENTS ' ROTH'S PATENT Double Bone Corset Ja made In Two Rows of Bones, placed one upon the other, on each side, giving It donbl strergth and elasticity, and will positivbit not break down on the sides. Pent by mail on receipt of $1.25 FIELD, LEITKR A CO , Chicago, Ili.'? SPLENDID CHAN'CR FOR GENERAL STORK BUSINES8. Other interests reqnirlng my attention, I offer at a HAHCtAIN a small stooK oi naruware, ec. wun a lartfe two-stor- store house, with pleasant dwell ing above ; also, my 6 weilin? on adjoining block, with close's and porches; also, wood, ice, smoke, cellar, and other ont-hons- es; on smple prolines, well set with fruits, and In A 1 orner. Conla take some Weotern land in the trade: o', if preferred, will rent fur a term, subject to sale. Riv ing renter the relusai. ror particulars aaaresa nndersigned at New Merlin, m. J. D. BATTY. The Manny Bauer MPg Co. A fj ST. LOUIS, MO. H Hnniontal and Vertical Cauc ift. fX 5i Ai Mills, O'k BTftnorttora lm J gm giJiffS"J3Br,roTd. SiUk- - Haj Hake:. Wa- - u'l'-- : y-f !JS3f?nBSS B8eedoriarly Amber and z3T?xZMU&r gCJgarlv Oranpe Bupar Cane, ii ii h mi i' "' warrnoted liesh and pure, ta plaai ou arev uy mail, SI: larger quaniitiM. by frVtght r axpi a... SQs. per lb. Kw book, fullv 4eaeribiDaT Varietiaa, Koll. Ftaatins, CultlTatluo, Ataebiaerf ma& AaaAttTaotoraj free, by maU. A CATHOLIC MAN of good bns'nees d'siiog'tion and steadj hal.its. Must travel short dis tances in seetion in which he re si cs. Apply, with references, to BKN31UER BKUTIIEKS, 311 Broadway, New lork. Y0UMG iHElf mon'h. Graduates guaranteed paying office, Address Valentine Bros., Janeevtlle, Wis. C r1 ry ry A YEAR expenses to ac't. Outflt .1 f f i free. Address P.O. VICKEKY, An gueU, Maine a year to A eents, and expenses. $6 Outttt $999 rRin, Address K.bwAiK&Co. Augusta, Me WAI fiSf f! SJ!I '5"SCvB I ,M IT. OIL LACTQ.Vlft InjX(rUtsrunf. l Ull.. tur. r)rCntan-r-- 4l lLam Uo, Cuniis. EroDclU. s.l Srrofuloos jHjj aAaUk distues. lsk TourdrofrMfur Csmas'i )F!?I lSSOv t Bt rt it, 1 will, sb rweipt Jr&J DR. SCIINABLE'S GREAT GERMAN RESTORATIVE Hie Triumph of Kedical Science The Ifri'imata HeHuit cf over Twenty Tears Practical Expe- rience The Acknowledged threat Remedy and Positive Curo for Nervous and Physical lia- bility and Exhausted Vitality. Cures Pain iu tho Bark, Nervous Trembling of Limbs, Partial Pnrlyai3 and liecav of the toys, tern. Bewildered Mind. Confusion ofldeas, Aver- sion to Society, TImlditv. Refl tlessneps, Sleep- lessness, Oebllltatiiiir lreani8, Melancholy, Drowsiness. Impaired Vision and Hearinif. Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Pains, Headache, Dir-zine- Spot, before tlie Kyes, HlupiiiK In the Kars. PafplLatlou of the Heart. IueKieity for Study. Mental Debility and DrpresMou oi' Spir- its, the etlects of indlserctiotis, excesses, Ac. Puts a rosy, natural ujoou) on the face, enr-In- it Sallow Couiplexion and Happard Looktnr Countenance. Eliminates all KlllNEY aud BLA1IUEK Complaints, lneontinence or Reten- tion, CaiMilt or Brick dust Deposits. Tones up and invigorates the whole system, dispels the elooni and despondency, purifies and enriches the blood. STOPS THTK UN" N ATCKAL DKA1N upon tlie svstem. It Inipar is streiifrth and cnerarv, end Invigorates the entire being, both In nil rid and body. No matter If your condition be ever so bad, though yon may have tried scores of physi- cians and dozens of remedies and appliances in vain, you have no cause to despair, as by the use of this wonderful remedy, a thorough, speedy and permanent cure and restoration to your mental, physical and vital functions will be (raaranteed. This (Treat German restorative has been exten- sively u.,ed throughout Germany for 25 years, with the greatest suecess, having received the indorsement or the Medical Faculty as well at the treneral public. -- Prlee. Two Dollar., Bold by - ' BOHAVNAN CO., DmpKisfs and Apothecaries, 8. W. Corner Fiftt and Christy Avenue. St. Louis, Ho.. Sole Agent! for the U. a. Sent by them to any address. Br. JAMES, Lork Honpital, 204"Washington SU Mm Cor. Franklin, CHICAGO. ChD.trwi by tba BUtctf S C" ofgivins iimaediatc teUcfta -- u , A afl ,Saaeof 4 j 7 i ,a urtnarr rtic ill all their 2,,' A cmilicattd forma. ltUweB M VW.SVH-VfrS- t knoa n ba. "ori at r. aw V5 V V y tlie of tht- .rofrsfcn tor I? AvV"11!! $" the pat thirty years. Ae k ?&Wifi tjfttstiai sad carjartnie are all taa;w KV'if..'i. 'aKVit4 A. ftichtloaM-- bv Araaau. im-- wawrjM - vi'.i l.iAirm olesnn the taoe. lost inaanooa. on ' "LI J aaatLiE the m.t lk;ate attenilon, call or Jf- - 'Sl bnrao for naticnta. A bnok fr tl,a latHlon atwrt .hdlmaw. bo should mnrr,, way nVt 10 cTrVo ry pta.-- . Dr. .Ina ha. fifty r..m. an. pt.t Pauda?. 10W11. Or. Jam la 60 yeara of as. sTASaiasnircr a:td siuttescto cttsed DU. MoAFFEE, REGULAR Graduate of British and American A Institutes. 25 years practice, the lat ft year in Davenport Treats all diaeases of the Kidney, Lirer Linngti, Mean, iriioai ano errou veieui Errors of youth and ol Manhood radically curea even alter othere have lulled. $luu forfeit tor any case of Hernia al Weakoea, Nervous Debil- ity, or Private IMaeaae he and fails to care. Ladies will And the most scientific treat- ment for all disease, peculiar to their .ex. Con- sultation Free. Bend for Circular, Lock box soO, Udos 37 Ferry &t IXaTenport, Iowa. wf a. paulT hi; d., ( Hours M 1 to S P.x. RoomsS 4 M abort o Tsuri-- l ( 7 to 8 P. x, Rock. Island. Ili.. . 1 JLi'J P. S. McELHERNE; AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ATTORNEY Thomas' Drug Store, cor. 17th St , and Snd Avenue, Rock Island, tils. - igfsipvt'ial fa llltteia for Abstract business, v naM. CORBETT, h ATTORNKY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHAtf- - f eery and notary Public, Abstracts, Loans ana collects,' wince na Ayecno, ra aoor esst oi 8ofHtoT'lrng Store. Roek Island, in S. J. COIilAllfS, Builder and - Contractor. JOBBING AND CARPENTER WORK IK)NB on short notice. Third Avenue, between 18th and 19th street. Residence next door. Rock Island, Illinois. . . JOHN VOLK & CO., AND BUILDERS. Manufac CONTRACTORS Saah and Blinds. "Novolty Works." Rock Island, 111 I.D. IWIIK1T. 1. JAOKSO. CHA8.L. W1LIIB. SWEENEYfJACKSOH & WALKER rrOKNEVS AND COUK8BLLOR8 AT LAW r Office Hengston pioca, nivt iwiann.iii. 50 LOTS nN UIQH GROUND; GOOD VIKW OF RIVBR VJ and Island: near ttaiiroaa Liepot ana sdo!. 7 ...... CORNELIUS LYNDK. (At Mitchell A Lypde's Bank.) TELE RELIABLE HARPER HOUS't. BOwE ISLAVB, . ILLINOIS. This is one of the 1 argct and most Elegant Hoteli west of Chicago, practically Fire Proof First-cla- ss iu all respects, offers superior ad van tat;is to Business men and rlea.ure Parties, and is the Commercial man's Headquarters.' Free T.ansortatlon for Gueets and Baggage to and from the Uepots aud Ste imho.-its- . , KAT3. 92.O0 AND $2.50 DAT CONSUMPTION, Owing to a popular idea that a remedy said to cure a variety of maladies should be treated with caution, if not suspicion, the inventor hesitated pome time in plac ng it before the public; bnt from the gratifying assurance by a great number of the r?re vitalizing and health-renewin- g proper- ties of h'i preparation of Hypophopphite:, nnder a variety of eirenmftances, he is finally satified that thcee effects are secured bj- - us use. hst its activin :s peciiiiar to hif preparati n, and thai c not only clm:ablk, hut, up to a certain state, is xtae, is as easily controlled as most other orgHTiie diseases. While it is tiic nim or the inventor to convey to etich as rcqnlre his Hypopi:otphite, it is his firm bear I that its uee will te valuable t all who detire a Iobk life or who are struggling for health "With a faith based upon the experience of 13 years, he would not despair of restoring a patient epfferina from the sbave-nam- ed disease, even thoBtU reduced t.o a very low state and not com- plicated by actual organic ics, Flint. Mich., Mav 10th. 1. 80. IVar Sir: Allow me to say th t I esteem your "III yopn. sphitea most liiub y. and for those en-ea'- cd in pro'ewions whfh draw largely on the nervoiis ssrera it is invalaftHe. 1 have Heil it mypclfwith he most s itis'actory results snd have it troiiuce.i it to a lanre number of mv people. HKV. R. V. HAIKK, fsstor St. Michael's Catholic Cbarch. Kor s.tlc by E. J. MARSHALL. E. W, HURST, FIRE AND LIFE Represents the following first-cla- ss Companies: Eosarsace Co. of fl. America or(h British k 1. Ins. o. Sprioglleld bs. Co. of Jlass Losdon 4ssorance Corp' ion Qeeo of England. PeHamivaBia of Piiila. Lancashire of England. ComaimiaiUnion, England Glens Falls of New York. Cosa. ttico of Oarlford. Mew York Alliance of N. Y. La Con Fiance of France. MntnaS Benefit Life. IV. Y. SAM'L BUDD 1,101 Broadway, cor. 24th St., New York City, invites atten- tion to his superb assortment of goods for gentlemen's wear gelected abroad specially for first-clas- s trade, and unequall- ed for richness,style or beauty Dress Shirts are Mr. Budd's specialty. Customers pro- nounce them the best made. Special orders for goods made here or in Europe promptly attended to. An established reputation of over twenty years guarantees honorable dealing. kit nam rf-1- -' " """- - c. F. iEWICK & 00., itiO Dorche&ter Ave., BO. BOSTON, MASS. Manufacturers of. IooIey Patent And other Steel To-Calls.- B - BLUNT AND SHARP. THOS. tC. CLABKS, U59 and 181 Lake Street OniAftCO, Aseat for irih Wsaterm tKtw, DAILY, by year - 1? 00 " toy the week, deliyered by carried... ltfte WEEKLY, p.r year, y mall. . L50 , ... . . s , k : I ' MCHARDS0N A FOWK113, PbotbiMoM. M. W. Fmn, Biuincsa Manager Tuesday, lay 3. 2881 ;wverend ass ia New York the other day said "that heaven was built for ladie9 and gentlemen," If - we are to judge from New York, how small the quarters - can be and yet leave room. - - Can Boston stand it? When Sarah Sarah Bernhart aUted Your types do not vary; the American you meet in Boston you meet also in Texas," she meant well, but imagine Boston's feelings of such a statement. Texas may resent it also. Attorney General McVeagh has been in- structed to obtain indictments against the star route thieves. The country is anxi- ously waiting to see if they will be prose- cuted. We have had enough shams before in such prosecutions; let this one be lion-es- t. An ia out With a plea for the pitiful condition of fhf Tinnf Tnnvfir when the 1st of May occurs on Sunday. But think of the fact that it is not only house moving days but Bock Beer days and then pity the condition of the average citizen, in a place where the Sunday law is enforced. Stephen W. Dorsey says it was not he; but his brother, who held the Star Route contracts; but the Chisago Times publishes some evidences taken from a congressional investigating committee in which, one M. C. Reredell, an agent of Dorsey's in the business, swore explicitly, that it was S. W., and not J. W., who was interested. But Mr. S. W. Dorsey still howls for an investigation. By all means let him have one; probably the country wants one worse than he. Is it not about time that delegates were appointed from Rock Island for the Henne- pin canal convention to be held in Daven port May 25th Rock Island is in the direct line of the desired improvement, and it behoves us to show an interest in the pro- ject commensurate with the advantages to be derived from it. It is a live question with us, let us show life in the way we act upon it. Nothing in this world can be got without effort, it is time that the effort should be made. The matter cannot be acted on too soon. General Grant has again made a speech. This time it was in Mexico, and in regard to the question of religious intolerence and general education. We know of no one better fitted than Grant to speak on such subjects in Mexico, as he has a happy faculty of never speaking in a way that anybody can take offence at, because no one can ever discover what he means. You could hardly call the General's jiroductions "glitering generalities," for the adjective would be totally out of place; but take one of Evarts sentences and interlard it with periods, instead of commas and semi- colons, and you have one of Grant's speeches. Some state papers are still harping on the subject of the Springfield hotel keepersJ and their refusal to keep the colored sing- ing troupe. We are sorry, but it will be rather hard work, to make much political capital, in the shape of colored outrages out of the affair. The papers are hardly to blame however, for their whole political stock in trade consists in just such stories and the oftener they can refer to some such matter the more confident they feel of retaining their grip on thejpublic offices and consequently the public purse. When a mans bread and butter depends on his being indignant over matters that he would otherwise view with perfect indifference, it is wonderfull how warm that indignation can become. There is one phase of the present dead lock business in the Senate, that perhaps the President has not thought of as care- fully as he ought. In face of strong Re- publican opposition to many of his nom- inations, it is necessary for him to depend on the votes of the Democatic Senators in order to have them confirmed, and he would undoubtedly have secured those votes had he acted as a President of the Uuited States should, and used his influences to expedite the business of the Senate.instead of bolstering up a fight of factions. His duty was to break the deadlock not to en- courage it. No wonder that the Demo- crats are begining to feel that they are absolved by the Presidents own acts from the usual acts of so-call- courtesy, and the rejection of some iart of his nominations in the senate, may show Mr. Garfield that when he for- gets his position as President of a great Union in the partizanship of a factional leader he is apt to be rewarded in kind, and the men he antagonized in his latter position are apt to retaliate upon him in his former. For cheek that is so sublime in its height and depth that it makes the average observer dizzy to look at it, commend us to Mr. Dorsey. He wants an investiga- tion. There is nothing remarkable in that statement or nothing more than what he should have; but observe the kind of in- vestigation he wants. Does he desire a jury of of his peers, who shall try his case with fairness, hear the evidence, and de- cide without further appeal ? Well, hardly ! He wants the Postmaster General to join him (Dorsey) and a third party of his (Dorsey 's) selection, review what evidence he and his other friend (how would Brady do for the third juror?) choose to give and furnish Dorsey with a certificate of good moral character, which lie may carry around in his pocket, ready to show to whom ever has the audacity to suggest that the man, who saved Indiana, has ever done anything that the strict principles of honor, honesty and the de- mands of the Republican party did not en- force. We have had numerous instances of white-washin- g jobs in this country, but this is a proposal for one more ingenious than the fraud it ia needed to cover. From Andrew H. McGtee, Esq... an old Resident of DaYenport, Iowa. Da. Connatjqhton: Dear Sir: With feelings of the deepest gratitude for the benefit my eon has received at your hands while a patient at your In- stitute, allow me to enumerate a few facts ior those similarly afflicted: For two years previous to being under your treatment,my non had suffered be-a- ll description. Various physicians ofrenown had been employed to no purpose. It was thought that his eye could not be cured. A kind friend "of Davenport who had been ciirM by vou recommended you. Now I am happy to say all my friends iu Daven- port say that my son's eye ia quite well. I sincerely conmend those afflicted with chrouio diseases to avail them- - selves of your skill, and I am confident they will not regret it. I have ex- - nressed my sell in strong terms because so many have inquired of me for these facts, and because in these days of false advertising I am glad to bo able as a Christiau man, conscientiously, to recommend one thing up to the full measure of its advertisement. Very truly yours, Andrew II. McUie. Catarrh ana Female Aliment of 20 Tear. From .James N, Dawson, Grand Mound, Iowa. l Walter (Jonuaughtou, M. D. Dear Sir: Gratitude prompts me to write you a few lines, informing; vou of my wife's great improvement under your treatment. She feels young ouce more, and can do a good day 8 work. She is bettar than she has been for twenty years. I have paid out a good deal ot money to quack doctors, and nostrums oi the day, to no benefit; and she has never received and benefit until she commenced your treatment. and if any person doubts it let Jthem call at my residence or write.and I will nrove my assertion. L saw one of mv neighbors last night; she is in the first stage of consumption. I am going to take my wife and see them, and try to prevail them to go and seo you like my wife. He has paid out a good deal for his wife to no benefit. Yours with much respect, James JN. Dawson. Another Iowa Testimonial. KtLLOGO, Iowa, May 17. 1879. Dr. F. W. Connaughton: Sir: We have deferred writinsr to you, knowing that your time was ful ly occupied that the needless inquir- ies would only consume it for no use But ;we now feel that courtesv demands that we should let you know now airs. 15. is progressing-- , she is an entirely different person to what she was six weeks ago whan we started to see you, knowing that something must be done and that quickly, but dreading to sry again for fear of ano- ther i failure. But we are happily mistaken. Her health has been better than it has been for a long time and is steadily improving. The stomach trouble lias been remove, and the whole system genarally improved. Her strength has so increased that she can walk three to five miles any day without fatigue. There are several parties watching- - and wondering' at her rapid gain and will soon probably be down to see you sometime this summer. I should close and not encroach on your time but I must first express my gratitude to yon for the wonderful assistance you have rendered Mrs. B.; for words are to feeble to give j ou the feelings of our hearts for what you have done tor us. We wisn you a coutinued success. We remain yours truly, J, II. F. Balderson, Xne Efficacy of Sr. Cannonghton'a- - Treatxnent. Editor of the Gazzette: Will you please give thit communication a place in your uoiuuiuB, j. uuvu unuy inquir ies ana Mrs. wans receives letters from abroad in regard to the truth of her certificate published in your paper Mrs. W. called on Dr. Connaughton in luly last to see if he could help her aud told told him that she had lost all hopes in physicians, and had very little in him. The Doctor told her that he could cure her and he has done it. 1 had my doubts of it being permiuent but I am now satisfied that it is. She has taken no medicine since October. and has eujoyed perfect health after being a sufferer for fifteen years. I publish this for the doubting aud afflicted. C. L. Watt. State of Iowa, ) SScott Counnty. ( 88. Subscribed iu my preseuce and sworn to before me by C. L. Watt, this 16th day of January, 1880. (jeo. W. Jenkins, Nolrary Public, Scott Uouuty. From Edward Russell, Esq., Postmaster and Editor Gazette, Davenport, Iowa. During the past two years I have been ealled upon, at various times by persons of excellent repute and unquestioned character, who have volunteered statements as to the results of treatment bv them, or by members of their families, received at the hands of Dr. W. "P. Connaughton. The voluntary testimony thus offered apparently because of gratitude to the Doctor for ben- efits secured has been unequivocal, direct and convincing. Therefore while I have had no occasion to test the fact in my own experience. I do not hesitate to express the opinion that Dr. Connaughton is a physician ot real merit and in the line of his specialties one whose professional labors has been atteuded with marked success. In all the personal and business relations of Dr. Con-nauget- on with myself, and this office, I have found him to be a gentleman in every sense of that term. EDWARD RUSSELL. The above are only a few of the cases treated by Dr. Connaughton. Wo would append a few references, but the fame of Dr. Connaughton speaks its own truth, p. s k list of qoestions will be sent to invalids in the country who desire my opinion in their cases. IIOURS:- -8 AM to 5 F M, SUNDAY: 8 A M to 1 P iS. Refeaences to leading citizens of Davenport, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska, will be furnished on applica, on at my

Transcript of The Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1881-05-03 [p...

M 77 '.' i.dr i

JOBBlOTlNGr.The citizena of Hamburgh- - Iowa, who BUSINESS CATS. Railroad Time Table.





Professional Office, 403 Brady St., Davenport, Iowa

Write for Catarrh Journal, Mailed Free.

have aufiered a great many hardship 1n thedestruction of property py the latenoocis,call upon the public for relief for the des-

titute whose homes and property have beenswept away by the water. Hundreds offamilies in that town are houseless andhomeless. Their live stock have beenswept away, and their farms are renderedentirely worthless. The people need foodand clothing, and money to purchase seedsfor planting. A relief committee has beenorganized at Hamburgh, and contributionsshould be addressed to the First NationalBank tf that town, or to Culver & Co., ofChicago.

portly of Praise.As a rule we do not advocate Patent

Medicines, but when we know of one thatreally is a public benefactor, and does

cim then we consider it our dutyto impart that information to all. ElectricBitters are truly a most valuable medicine,and will surely'cure Biliousness, Fever andAgue, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney Com-plaints, even where all other remedies fail.We know whereof we speak, and can free-ly recommedd them to all, Exc7i., Soldat fifty cents at bottle, at C. Speidel.

PILES! FILES!! PILES!!!Sure Cure Found at Last. Xo On Seed

Buffer.A sure core for the Blind, Bleeding.!

Itching and Ulcerated Piles has beendiscovered by Dr. Williams (an Indianremedy), called Dr. William's IndianOintment.' A 6iogle box lias curedthe worst chronic cases of 25 aud 30years standing. No one need sufferfive minuses after applying this wondertnl soothing medicine. Lotions,Instruments and Electuaries do moreharm than good. William's Ointmentabsorbs the tumors, allays the intenseitching (particularly at night aftergetting warm in bed), acts as a poul-tice; gives instant and painless relief,and is prepared only tor Piles, itchingof the private parts, and nothing else.

Read, what the Hon, J. M. Coffin,berrv, of Cleveland, says about Dr.William's Indian Pile Ointment; Ihave used scr.res of pile cures and itaffords me pleasure to say that I have"never found anything which gave suchimmediate aud permanent relict as Dr,Williams Indian Pile Ointment.

For sale by all druggists, or mail.don receipt of" price $1 00.

S. F. Henry & Co.. Prop's,,Cleveland, Ohio,

for sale bv McCabe & Wheatou,3 5dt t s&wly Hook Island.




Why Saffar Needlessly ff8?With the cfmvnlninsr. psniodic tortnivi of feverand mul biluiu wnen HostellerStomach Bitter, acknowledged to he a real curativeof liniifirinl fevers, will eniriiiHlo lhe cause of suffering. No loss effective is thin benignantalterative in eases of constipation. dypp!a. Jivecomplaint, rheumatism, and in general debility andnervous weakness. For sale by all Drufrsists andDealers generally.

Magnetic Ointment.,Tho tr.-ri- t Pores, Brofces, Cut, Burn,

Srrftinn, fckin lMscrdfrs, fror TSrol, Croup,r.heuniuiLsm, lameafNS, r;!e&,J uii ptVihi.I

m ernitl iitlections. filial fielei ized fcy fXFLANIl.lTffiV, icld to i's influence -. if by "muj:ic Itii a purc-l- vasatnble preparation ty a rep-ala-

phytneirni of cmictfttieu and its bucvsh hftsoenmarvellous in the most obstinate c;i'"s. fold byI)ruggi;ts and Dealers at SS and, 40 CSQts.

ISS In either Lfanid or rry l'orm acts bl EJihp ranmr time on the eliseaxcs of the w.

Liver, Bowels ani Kiflneys,This combined action must it wonderful

power to cure all disease.WHY ARE WE SICK?

Becaw. tre a'!oe these areat organs to te--

I rome clogge-tr- - ttrrpiti. and poixmrm hirmorsl are therefore forced into the Mood that shouldI be expdUd nuiuraUy.



ly eauti0f ee action of Vtese organs ondZrestoring lietr power 10 uiroio ojf atseaxe.

Vfhj Suffer Billon paiua and achos? kWhy tormented with Piles, Constipation! 1J

Why endure nervous or sick headaches!lTfcy hare sleepless nlgfatsl

Vse KIDXET.WORT and rejoiee in health

85-- It IspTittrplnPry VeuctaWc-Form- . rutin Eone puel;aiaT' of whk.h makna ni quarts ft 4


jrtor tbe convenieneo of thtwo that cannot


rWHl ami! tho rtrr pot-pM- i' Bmi.HiOTOI!, VT.

Executor's Notice.OP JTTL1.V. A. KINEKIN. Deceased.ESTATE havinff been appointed Kxi'c- -

ecutor of the la?t win and testntneit of JnliaAKinekin late of the county of Kock Island, state ofIllinois, deceased, hereby gives noicu that he willapt ear b. fore the f'oumy Court of Rock Islandcounty, at lheotliceof the Clerk of said Court, inthe ci y oi hock ificdq, at me dime icrm, on tneth nl MoDiiay in Jnne nexr. at which time all p.r- -

sons having claims cgainst said ets.te are noiiilcdand ruqnesied to ntteud or the purpose of iiavinsthe sanu: aajUHtt a. Ail pers u inaeracd to saidestate are requested to mate immediate paymentto the nndersitrned

Latcd this xh day oi April, A. D. 1S81 .

4 25diw J. M. BUFOliD. Executor.

By instantly affecting theKervous System, their In

n 10 ol once lejl at incVOLTAIC "'n'Xarthei'tertremitles. HencePain, which arises from adistnrbance of the Nerve

Forces, is cured in every instance as if by raairicAlso. l alnitalion of the Heart, Iiillamnistion of the I

JLnne, Liver and Kidneys, Irritation of the Ktom Iach and Bowels, Indlgeitioo, lvspepala and ii--1Qiooa ollc .

mmi - .


From Hon. J . XL Murphy, ProminentLawyer of Davenport. Zoita.

It pleases me to say that Dr. P WalterConnaughton, of this city, has beena resident of Davenport. Iowa, for two'ear", and during all that time haseen constantly engaged in the prac-

tice of his profession. He is a gentle-man by nature and culture, and hasproven himself to be an honorableman. His practice has been variedand extensive, and attended with finesuccess. 1 have seen certificates fromsome of our best people, to the effectthat the Dr's skill has produced won-derful ellects. I cheerfully recommendhim him to the confidence of thoafflicted

J n Murphy.Davenport, Ia., July 4, 1880.

Catarrh of Twelve Tear' StandingCured.

From Captain Lon Bryson, AgentKeokuk Northern Line, and Com.mission Merchant:

Davenport, June 3th, 1879.Dr. W P Connaugton, I have been

afflicted with catarrh for over twelveyears, and tried various remedies andEhysiciaus, with only temporary relief

the catarrh returned withincreased seveiity, so much so that Iwas nearly deaf in one ear and suffer-ing severely with pains and noises inmy head and sore throat. About threemonth since I commenced your treat-ment with at once convinced me asbeing the only rational treatment Ihad ever tried, and proved itself so bythe relief it gave mo, Iv'ow my hear-ing i3 as good as ever; no noise in myhead and very fclittle hawking andspirtieg; and had I followed the treat,raent as persistently as you desired.I believe a perfect cure would havebeen experienced by this time not-withstanding my neglect.

Yours truly. Lon Bryson.

Nervous Debility ,I.oss of Vital Fluids,Seminal Weakness, Etc., Cnred.

Dr. Connaugton Dear Sir: WhenI first employed your nkdl I wasindeed a suflerer with all those illsthat follows the violation of thoselaws of our experience, the abuse ofofjwhich leave their terrible effect tooplainly told. My memory was im-paired: my body nearly ruined. I hadlanguid feeling, nervous debility,wasting dreams, weakness of the back,floating scales before the eyes, some-thing like webs forgctfulness, inabil-t- y

to concentrate my mind, awfulforeboding, desire to avoid company,dull, heavy feelings. I was wastingaway and despondent. I have beenusing your wonderful remedies forthree months, and have regained myformer vitality and vigor. My bodyand mind are improved; I am indeeda new being, with nearly all my for-me- r

vigorous mind nd body. "I amnow able to study my theological stu-die- s,

and feel that I'am a man again,and know how to shun that awfulawful habit which would have ruinedme but for your skill.

I am ever your friend, II. K. C.

Deafness Cared.An Aged Lady cured of Deafneat Tes-

timony of Mrs Augusta Jireyer, Re$i-denc- r.

Jfo 623 Ripley Street, Davenport.Iowa.Dr. Connaugton has cured me in two

days of deafness and noise in the carsof many years standing, after I hadconsidered myself hopeless. I cau anddo most cheerfully recommend Dr.Cannaugton as a master of his profes-sion, and advise the afflicted to employhis skill whenever they have an op.portunity to do so. Ho has effectedmany astonishing cures in this city,and has done an astonishing amountof good. Mas. Augusta Bhter.

A Complicated Case.Davenport, September 8, 1879.

Dr. Connaughton:DearSir:Iwassickfor twenty years and for several yearscould scarcely walk about town. Mybreath, was short and I suffered frompains all the time; also from palpitatiou and interval fever or burning bc li-

gations. I also suffered from painalow down across my bowelsf and back,and was reduced in flesh. I now feellike a different person my health is sogood. Mrs. C L Watt.

1110 Harrison street.

Letter Erora a Clergyman.from Rev. Ji seph Hart, paster of the

tth St. Methodist church, Rock Isl-and.Dr. Connaugton, I have suffered

with catarrh of the head for twelveyears, my sense of smell was greatlyimpared, ringing in my ears, partialloss of my voice, stopping up one orboth nostrils, and some headache oc-

casionally. I feel safe in recommend-ing you to all the afflicted.

J. Hart.




On the first of April-o- f the present year the' f i Tv a. A V 4


i i ? i aiuv Ltrpfii lutein u mo ::


with all the LATEST 8TYLE8T OF

Type,i Borders, mn t r

Flourishes,&c., &c.,

and is now prepared to do all kinds of plainand ornamental printing' in the latest

styles and on short notice.







Business and Address Cards,Ball, Party and Wedding

Invitations, &c.

and clam that our prices are low for first classwork. Call on or send orders to


Sock Island. 111.


PE0BIA HOUSE.Bt.t comej Public kjquare,

PEORIA, ILLS.J. Q. PERLKT, Proprietor,

(Formerly of Ottawa Hotel, VcntreaL.)Rates reduced to $3 00; M 50; S3 00 per day.

WALNUT ST., HOUSE$2 OO and Q2 50 Per Day.

Walnut Street, Bet. 6th and 7th Streets,CINCINNATI, OHIO

DAVIS A BOWERS", Prop.Cle.u Chas Morlidge, Geo. Davie. J. M alntyre


J. F. AUTIHDKL Proprietor.The present pronrietora of this Eleuant Dote

have spared neither money or pains in furnishingand improving the houe ; and with the ImprovedOti. Elevator, recently put in It cannot be excelledfor convenience and comfort to the traveling public

MASSASOIT HOUSE,M. fc E. 8. CH APIN, SrnrNOFisijj, Mass.

The Mawawoit tlouse, near tbe Railroad Siatlon?,was established in 1848. It has been twice en-larged, making it three time, its original eize, andthurouKhty remodeled and refurniehed . Tbe larceairy sleeping rmms, fnruiehed with hot and coldwater, are excelled by none in tbe country. Spec-ial attention paid to ventilation aud all sanitaryimprovement. The proprietors are determinedthat tbe world wide reputation of tbe be maintained in all respects.


Corner 15th Street, NEW YOEE.


COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL,Corner of Chamber Street, and Weat Broadway,


Flrst-cla- . accommodations for 400 guests. Loeafed conveniently to business and places of amuse-ment. Car. from all depots pass the door. Room,from ft to $5 per day. Newly and handsomely fur-nished and decorated

N.6 8... auGGINS. Proprietors.N. nuggiiis, formerly of Manba ten Hotel. S. J

Cuggine, formerly of Lbvejoy'. Hotel;


Opposite City Hall, Court House and New P.O.NEW YORK.


Elevated Railroad!" within 8 minutes walk. AllStreet Car lines pass the door.

First class Restaurant at foouiar Prices.

TREM0NT HOUSE,Cliicaeto.


PALACE HOTEL,Cor. Lake and Dearborn Sts.

Prices reduced to suit the times, to 3.00 tier day.above parlor floor except front rooms and roomwith baths. Rooms on European plan, $1.60 to$3.00 per day. Finest Restaurant in the West at-tached to the House.

JAS. COUGH, Pboprieto.JKWETT WILCOX. Manager.

ASHLAND HOUSE,Fonrth Ave. Cor. S4th St.,

New York Oity.American and European Flan.

The central location of the "Ashland" makes Ita very desirable place for strangers, being oneblock from Madison Park, also Broadway, and onlya short distance from any of the principal placesof amusement.

By taking either S3d St., cross town, or FourthAvenue Street Cars, access may be had direct fromthe door, to any part of the city.

ward aad m. J. woods will be round incharge oi the office.

Room and Board $2,00, $3,59 ana $3 per SayRooms $1 per lay and Upwards.

H, H. BROOK WAY. Proprietor

United States, Casadi&n and General


Patent Solicitor,Civil asd Mechanical Engineer.

Office, Federal BuildingsWASHINGTON, D. C.

Branches is Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, London,pans, Benin, etc.

All Patten t matter promptly attended to on reaon able terms. Correspondence conducted eitha

In the English,. Franea Oannsa or the BcasdUsTlaa laagaafm.

ciiciao.scci X3LA a Tioino 2. sTIMK TAB LB. AUG. SS. 1880.


cat. i mx. FA'Oj tX. pAT.X. X'1L EX. H ex. I'll.' 11.

a. m ia a. in p m ia. m p. m1015j 9 25! 8 15 j BOOK ISLAHD. 45; 6 0S 615a. m p m 1 m i p m ,a m p m10 tX), tt 101 8 00:; Davenporu 7 10j 6 80, 6 25

v m a m jl p m a m j

6 25' 4 55!! Iowa City. H43; H5u:p m p.m a. m p m120 1145 j Des Moines. SI0 145

a m pmlj a m p ml7 30 510;! Council Blnffs 80! 7 30!

I Up.m m j

3 20 Oskalooes. ill 45i

p. m315 KDOXTUle. (.... !145-

a ro p m a m p m8 40 9 1 Cameron. 7 33 7 20

a m ;p m am 'p mU5 6 3U Kansas City 9EO10O0

' ,a m n ma m p m5 40 6 w. Beyerley. 9 47: 9 45

a m p m 'mom5 151 15' Leavenworth . jlOOOilOOO

a m :p ma m p m5 30, OOj Atchison. 10 88 10 lb

p.m a m 'a m p.m s. m'a. m1 56;:i 85 Ottawa. 3 27 155i 140

p. m n m a ma mp.m m ;p6 00 20 2 30- - CHICAGO. 112 80,10 00 10 00

r... .an4i on Frelsht trains aa followsBAST .7 4:80 p ml ST... . . . . . .10 :10 a m

GHO. M LOOB1.KX, AgDi,nu;. "'""A. KIM BALL, E-- TCJ2 dN

Gon'l SupX Gen. Afct

0., B, k Q. S. B.L1ATI. ARP.TTX

8t. Louis Mail 6,:B1 - 7:50 a. m

St. Lonis Express........ 7:55 P.M. 8:35 p, m

Sterling Accommoiationl:00 P. M. 11:00 a.m.


I iiri AKEiva.. t,nrB.andMa!l 8:45 a 8:85piiSihtKipress.. ...10:80 P 5:55 Air

The niirht express leavlni? Mock Island eerySunday ni?Iit at 10:05 copnecte with the train arrfvine in Chicago early Monday morning. No layaver checks e'iren on through tickets from Kock.laud to Chicago Through ticket only good onthistiain- - . ;


I.AT ABJHTB.r m m Wav Prelsht.8:30 ' Past Express. 14:45 p m Mall apd Express1:45 p m Man and Kxp'. : irast ifxprise.

F"ht & Accom'nThe 1 :3l p m train makes close connection at

GaWa with C B A 9 foi polrts wi-st- : arriving tGalcsbur at 4ii5ip at Burlington 6.40 p mj atKeoknk 10:i5 p m; and at Qaincy 10:06 p m; alsomakine close connection at Peor a with I B & Wand TP & W roads for all points east and south.

SOCZ ISLAND &V.HCSS CO.. 5. S.Leave Rock Island at 9:00 a. m., and 4:00 o m.Arrivine at Cable at 11:20 a m.. and 6:15 p m.(jeave Cable at 6:80 a m., and 1:30 pm. ,

Kr. Rock Island at 8:15 a. ro., and :j5p m.



Double Bone CorsetJa made In Two Rows of Bones,placed one upon the other, on eachside, giving It donbl strergth andelasticity, and will positivbit notbreak down on the sides.

Pent by mail on receipt of $1.25

FIELD, LEITKR A CO , Chicago, Ili.'?


Other interests reqnirlng my attention, I offer ata HAHCtAIN a small stooK oi naruware, ec. wuna lartfe two-stor- store house, with pleasant dwelling above ; also, my 6 weilin? on adjoiningblock, with close's and porches; also, wood, ice,smoke, cellar, and other ont-hons- es; on smpleprolines, well set with fruits, and In A 1 orner.Conla take some Weotern land in the trade: o', ifpreferred, will rent fur a term, subject to sale. Riving renter the relusai. ror particulars aaaresanndersigned at New Merlin, m.


The Manny Bauer MPg Co.A fj ST. LOUIS, MO.

H Hnniontal and Vertical Caucift.fX 5i Ai Mills, O'k BTftnorttora lmJ gm giJiffS"J3Br,roTd. SiUk- - Haj Hake:. Wa- -

u'l'-- : y-f !JS3f?nBSS B8eedoriarly Amber andz3T?xZMU&r gCJgarlv Oranpe Bupar Cane,

ii ii h mi i' "' warrnoted liesh and pure, taplaai ou arev uy mail, SI: larger quaniitiM. by frVtght raxpi a... SQs. per lb. Kw book, fullv 4eaeribiDaT Varietiaa,Koll. Ftaatins, CultlTatluo, Ataebiaerf ma& AaaAttTaotorajfree, by maU.

A CATHOLIC MAN of goodbns'nees d'siiog'tion and steadjhal.its. Must travel short distances in seetion in which he re

si cs. Apply, with references, to BKN31UERBKUTIIEKS, 311 Broadway, New lork.

Y0UMG iHElfmon'h. Graduates guaranteed paying office,Address Valentine Bros., Janeevtlle, Wis.

C r1 ry ry A YEAR expenses to ac't. Outflt.1 f f i free. Address P.O. VICKEKY,

An gueU, Maine

a year to A eents, and expenses. $6 Outttt$999 rRin, Address K.bwAiK&Co. Augusta, Me


fiSf f! SJ!I '5"SCvB I ,M IT. OIL LACTQ.VlftInjX(rUtsrunf. l Ull.. tur. r)rCntan-r-- 4l

lLam Uo, Cuniis. EroDclU. s.l Srrofuloos jHjjaAaUk distues. lsk TourdrofrMfur Csmas'i )F!?IlSSOv t Bt rt it, 1 will, sb rweipt Jr&J


RESTORATIVEHie Triumph of Kedical Science The Ifri'imata

HeHuit cf over Twenty Tears Practical Expe-rience The Acknowledged threat Remedy andPositive Curo for Nervous and Physical lia-bility and Exhausted Vitality.

Cures Pain iu tho Bark, Nervous Trembling ofLimbs, Partial Pnrlyai3 and liecav of the toys,tern. Bewildered Mind. Confusion ofldeas, Aver-sion to Society, TImlditv. Refl tlessneps, Sleep-lessness, Oebllltatiiiir lreani8, Melancholy,Drowsiness. Impaired Vision and Hearinif.Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Pains, Headache, Dir-zine-

Spot, before tlie Kyes, HlupiiiK In theKars. PafplLatlou of the Heart. IueKieity forStudy. Mental Debility and DrpresMou oi' Spir-its, the etlects of indlserctiotis, excesses, Ac.Puts a rosy, natural ujoou) on the face, enr-In- it

Sallow Couiplexion and Happard LooktnrCountenance. Eliminates all KlllNEY audBLA1IUEK Complaints, lneontinence or Reten-tion, CaiMilt or Brick dust Deposits. Tonesup and invigorates the whole system, dispels theelooni and despondency, purifies and enrichesthe blood. STOPS THTK UN" N ATCKAL DKA1Nupon tlie svstem. It Inipar is streiifrth and cnerarv,end Invigorates the entire being, both In nil ridand body. No matter If your condition be ever sobad, though yon may have tried scores of physi-cians and dozens of remedies and appliances invain, you have no cause to despair, as by the useof this wonderful remedy, a thorough, speedy andpermanent cure and restoration to your mental,physical and vital functions will be (raaranteed.This (Treat German restorative has been exten-sively u.,ed throughout Germany for 25 years,with the greatest suecess, having received theindorsement or the Medical Faculty as well atthe treneral public. -- Prlee. Two Dollar.,Bold by - ' BOHAVNAN CO.,DmpKisfs and Apothecaries, 8. W. Corner Fifttand Christy Avenue. St. Louis, Ho.. Sole Agent!for the U. a. Sent by them to any address.

Br. JAMES,Lork Honpital,

204"Washington SUMm Cor. Franklin, CHICAGO.

ChD.trwi by tba BUtctfS C" ofgivins iimaediatc teUcfta

--u , A afl ,Saaeof 4

j 7 i ,a urtnarr rtic ill all their2,,' A cmilicattd forma. ltUweBM VW.SVH-VfrS- t knoa n ba. "ori atr. aw V5 V V y tlie of tht- .rofrsfcn torI? AvV"11!! $" the pat thirty years. Aek ?&Wifi tjfttstiai sad carjartnie are all taa;w

KV'if..'i. 'aKVit4 A. ftichtloaM-- bv Araaau. im--wawrjM - vi'.i l.iAirmolesnn the taoe. lost inaanooa. on ' "LI JaaatLiE the m.t lk;ate attenilon, call or Jf- - 'Slbnrao for naticnta. A bnok fr tl,a latHlon

atwrt .hdlmaw. bo should mnrr,, waynVt 10 cTrVo ry pta.-- . Dr. .Ina ha. fifty r..m. an.

pt.t Pauda?. 10W11. Or. Jam la 60 yeara of as.sTASaiasnircr a:td siuttescto cttsed

DU. MoAFFEE,REGULAR Graduate of British and AmericanA Institutes. 25 years practice, the lat ft year

in Davenport Treats all diaeases of the Kidney,Lirer Linngti, Mean, iriioai ano errou veieuiErrors of youth and ol Manhood radicallycurea even alter othere have lulled. $luu forfeittor any case of Hernia al Weakoea, Nervous Debil-ity, or Private IMaeaae he and fails tocare. Ladies will And the most scientific treat-ment for all disease, peculiar to their .ex. Con-sultation Free. Bend for Circular, Lock box soO,Udos 37 Ferry &t IXaTenport, Iowa.

wf a. paulT hi; d.,(

Hours M 1 to S P.x. RoomsS 4 M abort o Tsuri-- l( 7 to 8 P. x, Rock. Island. Ili.. .

1 JLi'J

P. S. McELHERNE;AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.ATTORNEY Thomas' Drug Store, cor. 17th St ,

and Snd Avenue, Rock Island, tils. -

igfsipvt'ial fa llltteia for Abstract business, v


f eery and notary Public, Abstracts, Loans anacollects,' wince na Ayecno, ra aoor esst oi8ofHtoT'lrng Store. Roek Island, in

S. J. COIilAllfS,Builder and - Contractor.JOBBING AND CARPENTER WORK IK)NBon short notice. Third Avenue, between 18th and19th street. Residence next door. Rock Island,Illinois. . .


CONTRACTORS Saah and Blinds."Novolty Works." Rock Island, 111



r Office Hengston pioca, nivt iwiann.iii.

50 LOTSnN UIQH GROUND; GOOD VIKW OF RIVBRVJ and Island: near ttaiiroaa Liepot ana sdo!.7...... CORNELIUS LYNDK.

(At Mitchell A Lypde's Bank.)



This is one of the 1 argct and most ElegantHoteli west of Chicago, practically Fire ProofFirst-cla- ss iu all respects, offers superior ad vantat;is to Business men and rlea.ure Parties, andis the Commercial man's Headquarters.'

Free T.ansortatlon for Gueets and Baggage toand from the Uepots aud Ste imho.-its-. ,

KAT3. 92.O0 AND $2.50 DAT

CONSUMPTION,Owing to a popular idea that a remedy said to

cure a variety of maladies should be treated withcaution, if not suspicion, the inventor hesitatedpome time in plac ng it before the public; bntfrom the gratifying assurance by a great numberof the r?re vitalizing and health-renewin- g proper-ties of h'i preparation of Hypophopphite:, nnder avariety of eirenmftances, he is finally satifiedthat thcee effects are secured bj-- us use. hst itsactivin :s peciiiiar to hif preparati n, and thai

c not only clm:ablk, hut, up to a certainstate, is xtae, is as easily controlled as most otherorgHTiie diseases.

While it is tiic nim or the inventor to conveyto etich as rcqnlre his Hypopi:otphite,

it is his firm bear I that its uee will te valuable tall who detire a Iobk life or who are strugglingfor health

"With a faith based upon the experience of 13years, he would not despair of restoring a patientepfferina from the sbave-nam- ed disease, eventhoBtU reduced t.o a very low state and not com-plicated by actual organic ics,

Flint. Mich., Mav 10th. 1. 80.IVar Sir: Allow me to say th t I esteem your

"III yopn. sphitea most liiub y. and for those en-ea'- cd

in pro'ewions whfh draw largely on thenervoiis ssrera it is invalaftHe. 1 have Heil itmypclfwith he most s itis'actory results snd haveit troiiuce.i it to a lanre number of mv people.

HKV. R. V. HAIKK,fsstor St. Michael's Catholic Cbarch.

Kor s.tlc by E. J. MARSHALL.


Represents the following first-cla- ss Companies:

Eosarsace Co. of fl. Americaor(h British k 1. Ins. o.

Sprioglleld bs. Co. of JlassLosdon 4ssorance Corp' ion

Qeeo of England.PeHamivaBia of Piiila.Lancashire of England.ComaimiaiUnion, EnglandGlens Falls of New York.Cosa. ttico of Oarlford.Mew York Alliance of N. Y.

La Con Fiance of France.MntnaS Benefit Life. IV. Y.

SAM'L BUDD1,101 Broadway, cor. 24th St.,New York City, invites atten-tion to his superb assortmentofgoods for gentlemen's weargelected abroad specially forfirst-clas- s trade, and unequall-ed for richness,style or beauty

Dress Shirts are Mr. Budd'sspecialty. Customers pro-nounce them the best made.

Special orders for goodsmade here or in Europepromptly attended to.

An established reputation ofover twenty years guaranteeshonorable dealing.


nam rf-1- -' " """--

c. F. iEWICK & 00.,itiO Dorche&ter Ave., BO. BOSTON, MASS.

Manufacturers of.

IooIey PatentAnd other Steel


THOS. tC. CLABKS, U59 and 181 Lake StreetOniAftCO, Aseat for irih Wsaterm tKtw,

DAILY, by year - 1? 00" toy the week, deliyered by carried... ltfte

WEEKLY, p.r year, y mall. . L50, ... . .s , k : I '

MCHARDS0N A FOWK113, PbotbiMoM.M. W. Fmn, Biuincsa Manager

Tuesday, lay 3. 2881

;wverend ass ia New York the otherday said "that heaven was built for ladie9

and gentlemen," If - we are to judgefrom New York, how small the quarters

- can be and yet leave room. - -

Can Boston stand it? When Sarah

Sarah Bernhart aUted Your types do not

vary; the American you meet in Boston

you meet also in Texas," she meant well,

but imagine Boston's feelings of such a

statement. Texas may resent it also.

Attorney General McVeagh has been in-

structed to obtain indictments against the

star route thieves. The country is anxi-

ously waiting to see if they will be prose-

cuted. We have had enough shams beforein such prosecutions; let this one be lion-es- t.

An ia out With aplea for the pitiful condition offhf Tinnf Tnnvfir when the 1st ofMay occurs on Sunday. But think of thefact that it is not only house movingdays but Bock Beer days andthen pity the condition of the average

citizen, in a place where the Sunday law is


Stephen W. Dorsey says it was not he;

but his brother, who held the Star Routecontracts; but the Chisago Times publishessome evidences taken from a congressionalinvestigating committee in which, one M.

C. Reredell, an agent of Dorsey's in thebusiness, swore explicitly, that it was S.

W., and not J. W., who was interested.But Mr. S. W. Dorsey still howls for aninvestigation. By all means let him haveone; probably the country wants oneworse than he.

Is it not about time that delegates wereappointed from Rock Island for the Henne-pin canal convention to be held in Davenport May 25th Rock Island is in the directline of the desired improvement, and itbehoves us to show an interest in the pro-

ject commensurate with the advantages tobe derived from it. It is a live questionwith us, let us show life in the way we actupon it. Nothing in this world can be gotwithout effort, it is time that the effortshould be made. The matter cannot beacted on too soon.

General Grant has again made a speech.This time it was in Mexico, and in regardto the question of religious intolerence andgeneral education. We know of no onebetter fitted than Grant to speak on suchsubjects in Mexico, as he has a happyfaculty of never speaking in a way thatanybody can take offence at, because noone can ever discover what he means. Youcould hardly call the General's jiroductions"glitering generalities," for the adjectivewould be totally out of place; but takeone of Evarts sentences and interlard itwith periods, instead of commas and semi-

colons, and you have one of Grant'sspeeches.

Some state papers are still harping onthe subject of the Springfield hotel keepersJand their refusal to keep the colored sing-ing troupe. We are sorry, but it will berather hard work, to make much politicalcapital, in the shape of colored outragesout of the affair. The papers are hardlyto blame however, for their whole politicalstock in trade consists in just such storiesand the oftener they can refer to somesuch matter the more confident they feel ofretaining their grip on thejpublic officesand consequently the public purse. Whena mans bread and butter depends on hisbeing indignant over matters that he wouldotherwise view with perfect indifference, itis wonderfull how warm that indignationcan become.

There is one phase of the present deadlock business in the Senate, that perhapsthe President has not thought of as care-fully as he ought. In face of strong Re-

publican opposition to many of his nom-inations, it is necessary for him to dependon the votes of the Democatic Senators inorder to have them confirmed, and hewould undoubtedly have secured those voteshad he acted as a President of the UuitedStates should, and used his influences toexpedite the business of the Senate.insteadof bolstering up a fight of factions. Hisduty was to break the deadlock not to en-courage it. No wonder that the Demo-crats are begining to feel that they areabsolved by the Presidents own actsfrom the usual acts of so-call-

courtesy, and the rejection ofsome iart of his nominations in the senate,may show Mr. Garfield that when he for-gets his position as President of a greatUnion in the partizanship of a factionalleader he is apt to be rewarded in kind,and the men he antagonized in his latterposition are apt to retaliate upon him inhis former.

For cheek that is so sublime in its heightand depth that it makes the averageobserver dizzy to look at it, commendus to Mr. Dorsey. He wants an investiga-tion. There is nothing remarkable in thatstatement or nothing more than what heshould have; but observe the kind of in-

vestigation he wants. Does he desire ajury of of his peers, who shall try his casewith fairness, hear the evidence, and de-cide without further appeal ? Well, hardly !

He wants the Postmaster General to joinhim (Dorsey) and a third partyof his (Dorsey's) selection, review whatevidence he and his other friend (howwould Brady do for the third juror?)choose to give and furnish Dorsey with acertificate of good moral character, whichlie may carry around in his pocket, readyto show to whom ever has the audacity tosuggest that the man, who saved Indiana,has ever done anything that the strictprinciples of honor, honesty and the de-mands of the Republican party did not en-

force. We have had numerous instancesof white-washin- g jobs in this country, butthis is a proposal for one more ingeniousthan the fraud it ia needed to cover.

From Andrew H. McGtee, Esq... an oldResident of DaYenport, Iowa.

Da. Connatjqhton: Dear Sir: Withfeelings of the deepest gratitude forthe benefit my eon has received atyour hands while a patient at your In-stitute, allow me to enumerate a fewfacts ior those similarly afflicted:For two years previous to being under

your treatment,my non had suffered be-a- ll

description. Various physiciansofrenown had been employed to nopurpose. It was thought that his eyecould not be cured. A kind friend "ofDavenport who had been ciirM byvou recommended you. Now I amhappy to say all my friends iu Daven-port say that my son's eye ia quitewell.

I sincerely conmend those afflictedwith chrouio diseases to avail them- -

selves of your skill, and I am confidentthey will not regret it. I have ex- -

nressed mysell in strong terms becauseso many have inquired of me for thesefacts, and because in these days offalse advertising I am glad to bo ableas a Christiau man, conscientiously,to recommend one thing up to the fullmeasure of its advertisement.

Very truly yours,Andrew II. McUie.

Catarrh ana Female Aliment of 20Tear.

From .James N, Dawson, GrandMound, Iowa.l Walter (Jonuaughtou, M. D.

Dear Sir: Gratitude prompts me towrite you a few lines, informing; vouof my wife's great improvement underyour treatment. She feels young oucemore, and can do a good day 8 work.She is bettar than she has been fortwenty years. I have paid out a gooddeal ot money to quack doctors, andnostrums oi the day, to no benefit; andshe has never received and benefituntil she commenced your treatment.and if any person doubts it let Jthemcall at my residence or write.and I willnrove my assertion. L saw one of mvneighbors last night; she is in the firststage of consumption. I am going totake my wife and see them, and tryto prevail them to go and seo you likemy wife. He has paid out a good dealfor his wife to no benefit. Yours withmuch respect,

James JN. Dawson.

Another Iowa Testimonial.KtLLOGO, Iowa, May 17. 1879.

Dr. F. W. Connaughton:Sir: We have deferred writinsr to

you, knowing that your time was fully occupied that the needless inquir-ies would only consume it for no useBut ;we now feel that courtesvdemands that we should let you knownow airs. 15. is progressing--, she is anentirely different person to what shewas six weeks ago whan we startedto see you, knowing that somethingmust be done and that quickly, butdreading to sry again for fear of ano-ther i failure. But we are happilymistaken. Her health has been betterthan it has been for a long time andis steadily improving. The stomachtrouble lias been remove, and thewhole system genarally improved.Her strength has so increased that shecan walk three to five miles any daywithout fatigue. There are severalparties watching- - and wondering' ather rapid gain and will soon probablybe down to see you sometime thissummer.

I should close and not encroach onyour time but I must first express mygratitude to yon for the wonderfulassistance you have rendered Mrs. B.;for words are to feeble to give j ou thefeelings of our hearts for what youhave done tor us. We wisn you acoutinued success. We remain yourstruly, J, II. F. Balderson,

Xne Efficacy of Sr. Cannonghton'a- -

Treatxnent.Editor of the Gazzette: Will you

please give thit communication a placein your uoiuuiuB, j. uuvu unuy inquiries ana Mrs. wans receives lettersfrom abroad in regard to the truth ofher certificate published in your paperMrs. W. called on Dr. Connaughtonin luly last to see if he could help heraud told told him that she had lost allhopes in physicians, and had verylittle in him. The Doctor told her thathe could cure her and he has done it.1 had my doubts of it being permiuentbut I am now satisfied that it is. Shehas taken no medicine since October.and has eujoyed perfect health afterbeing a sufferer for fifteen years. Ipublish this for the doubting audafflicted.

C. L. Watt.State of Iowa, )

SScott Counnty. ( 88.

Subscribed iu my preseuce andsworn to before me by C. L. Watt,this 16th day of January, 1880.

(jeo. W. Jenkins,Nolrary Public, Scott Uouuty.

From Edward Russell, Esq., Postmaster and Editor Gazette, Davenport, Iowa.During the past two years I have been ealled upon, at various times by

persons of excellent repute and unquestioned character, who have volunteeredstatements as to the results of treatment bv them, or by members of theirfamilies, received at the hands of Dr. W. "P. Connaughton. The voluntarytestimony thus offered apparently because of gratitude to the Doctor for ben-efits secured has been unequivocal, direct and convincing. Therefore whileI have had no occasion to test the fact in my own experience. I do not hesitateto express the opinion that Dr. Connaughton is a physician ot real merit andin the line of his specialties one whose professional labors has been atteudedwith marked success. In all the personal and business relations of Dr. Con-nauget- on

with myself, and this office, I have found him to be a gentleman inevery sense of that term. EDWARD RUSSELL.

The above are only a few of the cases treated by Dr. Connaughton. Wowould append a few references, but the fame of Dr. Connaughton speaks itsown truth,

p. s k list of qoestions will be sent to invalids in the country who desiremy opinion in their cases.

IIOURS:- -8 A M to 5 F M, SUNDAY: 8 A M to 1 P iS.Refeaences to leading citizens of Davenport, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska,

will be furnished on applica, on at my