The Road to Revolution

Chapter 7: The Road to Revolution By: Alicia LeClair Chapter 7: The Road to Revolution By: Alicia LeClair

Transcript of The Road to Revolution

Chapter 7: The Road to RevolutionBy: Alicia LeClair

Chapter 7: The Road to RevolutionBy: Alicia LeClair

Political views of the Americans


Taxes & Laws

The colonists came to America for a better life, and wanted to be independent

The Radical Whigs in England influenced political ideas

Republicanism, a new form of society

A country’s wealth was measured by its amount of gold or silver

England used the colonies

Navigation Laws: withheld the ideas of mercantilism

Enumerated goods & Privy Council Weren’t enforced very well, Americans smuggled. John

Hancock became rich, and was known as the “King of Smugglers.”

First Act, the Sugar Act of 1763

Quartering Act of 1765

Stamp Act of 1765 “No taxation without representation”

Declatory Act of 1766

“Champagne Charley” Townshend convinced Parliament to develop the Townshend Acts

British troops sent to colonies to enforce Townshend Acts

Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770

British East India Company in debt Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts: Boston Port Act

Developed in response to the Intolerable Acts

Wrote a Declaration of Rights and sent it to Parliament in 1774, but this did nothing

Met again in 1775, preparing the defense of the colonies in case of bloodshed.

Good thinking: Battle of Lexington and Concord, “shot heard ‘round the world”

1776, June. "American Revolution — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts." — History Made Every Day — American & World History. A&E Television

Networks. Web. 27 Aug. 2011. <>.

Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas Andrew Bailey. "The Road to Revolution."

The American Pageant: a History of the Republic. 13th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

2006. Print.

Rempel, Gerhard. "Mercantilism." WNEC FACULTY/STAFF HOME PAGES. Western New

England College. Web. 27 Aug. 2011.
