THE RICHMOND DISPAiTH. jr THE DISPATCH COMPANY. Twa luitT Dmr at* » a -wii-a to .**. Brrli.r* ai rirr*** < buts ve* .**«*». t***!**** f Oat carrier w. elly. Maned st SO |**r aaaam; SI .ar Mt Nksattts; tlAO trw Hire* Bioela*; 6*X- rsr TB*Bs.MI-Wr.KRI.T UlsrATtTI al SS perta- 00**, er SI Ter .11 mimili.. .fteWKKRl.T IHSrATCHslSl ase aaaam. OatweHi-tl.-n* la all cake* aayable la sdvaare. Bat en tsvprr r .aUaae* aft. t th* et'ilreUo-. ot the tta*** rsslil f"t. netri past-**ncs momy-order, rweeS. er rtetstrrs* len er. « urn ur j arm br mall wUI!» si tr* risk or Ibe srwSer. Bshserltieni wt*h- tew tUttr r****-**ei~ ("tianeiHl mast sire Un-lr old ss Wen ss ibrtr arw is** n«w, Sampls eoplta tn* AHVl>-.KTls.lN(* KATKS. UAi.r isi non t s*s 1 I****-.8 BO S Mani. l on S nasas. 1 Sd . Ulai-.. S 7.1 IS B 90 1 la.slh. » M S aw.ths. SS 0*1 B.s-Tiui -oUr.. la neall** mst*. lr***, ¦*. Unca celt-**Bl: la Mslsfc-aiird 7*1 real*. I"sr* ol raia* Tor more space ls. tushed on ipj*>l- ral'rr. ________ An Mir. aa.) teles-ram' mini br a I ir.-a.-l lo IHR DBRTAf, ll il.SH* SW. R.Ms-*.*t ressBiualest'i.n* will n»t 1-r returned. \WKDXKM»AT. ..-irTK.MKKIl 1". IS-t. Dtrtler'a Canctictaoy-Again. lt I* alir.o»t time for Hie l{cpiil>!(. an Journal* of thc country to ncknnw Mfa Ibu tb.y base committed t!ie flMSt in X- eiisallc ol blunders lu encouraging Gen- cral t-ni-KB lo try to slip in lietween Hie candidates of the two great political pattie* lu tbe rsce now going on for thc b lg li et office within the gilt of th* jieople. Thc scheme originated in Hr East, "f course Otherwise, lt would never have l>c«r, a surer ss; for If lt bad Ik-' ii | .inposed to the Republicans of Mlchlgm. or Kansa*. or Wisconsin", or Illino!*, or ohio, they would hnse sahl *! once that Htri,'"- raodldiry. thrown out Lv thc Republican*. would prose lo lie a l-oomcnirig. They would have foreseen what lia* become ap parent to thc Itcpublicnu- of New Tork and Massachusetts only since Hulk.r took Hie ti*.d. Tte long letler of acceptance of Oeneral Bit LS a advised In* followers In every st tte lo ..unilr willi the WenhCSt party." They have di-iie *", iu> doulit, wherever and win never lb. op|-*-rtuiiit.v to do so has hern afforded them. Thc Blalneilcs and Hie Ruth rites ar*' supporting UM * mm ticket in West Virginia under UH narms of .' Hrpublicar.s'' and "(.rei nl-ackcrs". an alliance Hut will result to Hu- advantage ot neitlier fiction. But in Wisconsin, Mirhlgup. lllmoi*. and Ohio, the lintier, ito ssill coinline with ihe Democrat* if the Dr inneril. ure Hie weakest patty, win rei* if thry are liol tin- weakest party they svill ol course carry tim-, -li". In 1889th* mniLincd ( and Demo, ral',, s dc In Miling; ri WM t/.TJ limn Hnui Hie Bm publican; In Illinois it wa* lo,...'.; mm than thc Republican v,I, ; in ls in-.i* i! was £e.t'l. grenlir, sml in Indiana it was 24.(Vlf greeter. Commenting opOU BhOBS figures, the ( hie igu Si n-.s- sass: .*If, Hun. tbe pal iii -to tb,, fusion again*! tha 1.'. publicans ure rn sining nee a* limy w. ,i ni lin Lill nf |8R8a aad under Hm in¬ jinu timi of (.' iu ral Huller tiny unit" this lid), il will make cudi nf t ii buttes Baaed duuLtfiil, ss iib a strour; fusion baning. If we,dd to this tbe Temperance sole, two tLiii s of which ssill cmne from tim Rcpuli- lusii | urty, Hut organization svill be all tin- weaker to sr il leland the aiaaono of I'm .mill inu! AnH-Monopol-.-Orccnl'iii k and Den *>craHc havion*. I.vir.t vote for Huller la aoy ena af tba State* Banned ia a rota ¦ k.tuisi thc Kepiihlican candidate." lt I* charged that the Hitlki* iniiKii vsn- i.Ba alliance tn the Internet of Hi.ainu wa* nude upon Hie Tallapuo-a tu tween Wu.- 11tu K, l nAMd KR aid lUll.F.1*. 1 he Titi- laj-ooka's fate for*shadows Hint of tbe Her- Ita movement. That ve«*el lia- BOBO to the bottom, snd Hie Iii -publican ship olds fair to 8nd Ihe sam, place before Christin iv. Joint Discusr-iona. Mr. lftTARU complains of thc Democratic ¦petken that Ih* y ss il md divide time with him. So we has e heard. Hut svhicb ptlly I* the loser Ly thi* refu-al ( lt e in¬ not lie thc parly Hist bas a majority of the voter* on its side. Thc malority will ot course listen lo theil own s|n.ikt,-, and if Mr. II, ruin, reprcsints that inajoriiy BO will surely have ii majority to hear lil* sp*ethe*. Htnl ssill si rely ba elected. The trouble Mr. IIiiuki, Im* to | intend with is tbtt the majority of Hie 000*901 are Demo¬ crats. The miijnrlly of the svhites who oro luniocratt is so large that when an East Virginia court-green crosvdl- divided Hilo* llepubl'can meeting and a Democrat- 1c muting, the Bepubliean crowd consist* In so large a proportion ot negroes that t.u H. pii-llein orntor is apt to In IflmOORflfed uni*** such orator happens to be a negro. W hat jo-sible effect would a speech from t.Ki'i.i.i Wisi:, or Hie mos! cloipunt Denn- erat Hist cut oiiencd bl* mouth lo address Ihv people, base upon an audience nf Ite. in -roe 1* Ale thea peoph-op-n to eonsiclion !* I* it ind notnrhni- that Hu now* * f Hie mgrocs regard UN KcpuLlican party as but another name for tbe Gaited States Coifrim ont * Wear* not authorized hy :iny!-ot1v ta come to an agreement of any sort svill, Mr. IliUAKn; but we think weean undertake lor Mr. Wira that if after any couri-grecn crowd ilia! may assemble iu Hil* district 1* distill tl into a Bepubliean gathering ORRI a Democratic gathering, lt ihall appear tint Hu n sic BM fo >rtti rn many white men in the formir gathering is in the latter, then and In tluit case Mr. »isK svill turu tods cuss w llb Mr. Hinmn indore tim cuubiu'-d Itatbering.all Hiclssiu s involved In Hm pie sent M'lnpaiiin. In a word, wini thc li,an ,. . crsla ol.Jict lo. Insides th,- objertiotl tc Joint illseiis.loii* mentioned t-y tin- st i.< k\>< ntivc ( uinmittci in it« --ti, inral Or der" rtlirring to thc su!.Jeet--i* IkB fur¬ nishing ot White audiences for Repuhlicac -p. ak- r- to address. Lei Mr. IllIBOROShoO that bl. crowd on my Last Virginia co,irt- gre.n (on*lit*ul on*' t<mrthss inanv white ak negri**?***-, and Hie objections to Joint di* eus.luti* will, we doubt not, be waived li bis favor. _ The Brinah Danarupt Law. Forty-four pages of No. 48 ot the lintc. Ht!** Comular I*. |>i>rt* arc taken up wit the Rritish hankiupt law. It would..c-up a lii.i.ilt, d i ages ni the Code of Virginia lt lt a model ol cpd. n«*lion, rn serthBBBB lt li the product of evolution, lt contain tn!) such fcstlitft as would bold tb. ir ott nnd*r the Inexorable law ot ..thc .uisis. cf the fittest." We should I.kc to lay i More our readers for their Infonuatioi and lo gratify a natural cu nosily thal hui iiiKs-iurn must feel on the tubject: but I* entln ly too long for our columns. W, Both* a f.ature or two md found in an, I siikrupt law we baie ever had in thu i cunt ry : Find, to prevent fraudulf at bankruptcy tit law provide* that If a dot-tor lt ad Judged bankrupt he thal) be disqiuHfl.t, for lilting or voting in either hm:*- of Tar lliuicnt or aoy committee thereof, or ,n. ehcted Ui tbe Home of Common«, or BS.| mayor, alderman, or councilman, oveneei ol tb* poor, si bool trustee, on a highway t*o*rd, salutary board, burial hoard, or te- hretvtetry. But if the bankrupt 880-8-1 from tbe court a certlfleate that hi* bank. luptcy waa cawed hy misfortune, without any misconduct on blt part, none of tho*.- lenah lc* are Incurred. A capita! feature lo a cou n I ry baring pure Judge*. geeoed'y, where rn th* opinion of tbe cenrt a debtor ought not te hare beeu ad. Judged b*i_rupt, th* court ai| oo the appik-altou of any person Interciled annul the sdjudiealloa. sod the debtor » oo longer s trenkropt. Be ia oeltber subject lo Loo poooKias of UiBkxuptcy rot eotiued Sa Ike braer_a tk*r*raf SOB" msmnm n*nyl*o\wr.BRRm i-sjruBorwstRns niA^.SMViMdJtrV^ojtkaitUot ts considered paid If the debtor give* a pmper bond, with solvent stiretie*, to piy lt If found due when ault ts broiiffht. This law ought to be stwdied by thc members ot the United State* C-ongrcti. Federal Justice in the South. If the sceouuts of ihe work Attorney- General Bli*w*T*rn ls cre*lltcd w itt. h av ins¬ till, ciel from Long Rranch this seaton lie tum. the public should bc inclined to look leniently upon some of hi* sin*. For some time j**t lt bas been evident from our southern exchange* Hist Ihe alh'ged I.epart- ment of .Itistice tva* somewhat enervated a* far a* the South wa* concerned. If the dep¬ uty marshal* have not bSSH lyinir low In Hie matter of poltllcs they have shown a de- t fited dl*U«te for the budnes* of wholesale arrest*. Wo hud b-*n dt*i>OKcd to account f«r this stole «f thine" on thc i<T"tind that a rrcst reformation bsd taken place among the " soiiihern outlaws." However, it ap¬ pears thal thtic ls another »nl ut ion of the niniav. IiurlnK*:eh time a* the A tl or- nt-y-Hri-ni rsl o.ul.t spare tri,ni hi* various sassflsjsnsjl ba bas Ix-en makin, a study of Ihe manners, customs, Ac., of thc I'iiIP d Slnlri* court oflieials in the Vim li and Wes!. A Wasblnirton special telegram to the lias- ion Heraltl suv* : 1 lie «cl Ik r hn« not prevented ttoSHSHM of th,- Ib-partm. Bl ot aBatles Ir.ttn rn akim, uni !, asnnt in<| ia regari lo fee* and (oi.rt expeu*. s, in tbs soul ii and IVcst par¬ ticularly. Tberentwt*of ttoae l__snseiee. will mit be made public until Hit Attorney- (j.iieriil sultiiii- bis annual report to tba Preaidint in IMnemtor, l-ut it is kn-,wu Hal -crcetv ail ofiicial idineetetl with the administration of jiirticc iu the South and the Tunton,* will escape st vcr* amlga- anBlNi i ilinsasflwn iiilifllliiB,flaOfTsnd laSM Knited BtatMlBdg. I d', ry.', feel alt.,- a IR. I ea*y iv iib I. terence to tte BS report*. IR, iii* nf .Rik* md c.-HiiuiissioMcrs are sii||,.-ed IO be < vamiite.l Rv the judg'* lifer-' they nre nllotvcil, and it will tte ililli,-ult tvplain win S4UM pr.t'-ti-v* liave rn-t loni; BflO hSSB detected and pal a stop lo. OHS circuit jud'., tva* visile I l.y an inspector neentlv to see il the statement af a ci. rk of In. court in regard '" I''"1 ''lowed wai correct. Tho dirk bi'.il lor fears chnrged f;-r making . .Hain r, ord* iii i rimiiial flflBSB. Theta- s|s.t.,r found that no mich records had ix ti ius,!e, altin,ugh llioii-atids of dollar* bad Rt en rici )ved ujioii Rills In which Ito folios r<>r cad. .:.*. Ind apparently been c. ci! mid char),.al lor. The clerk »*. s. r|, ,1 that the circuit judge pMICd lbMC ii I-* knotting tba! ito nor! charged for lad nev. i bon flt tbinned. Tbs judge ill- foina diiic insfnetor thal the eleni's state* li:, nt was true; that he dil tint BOH. -iii. r it Bessssary th it tba record tootles- Itt ii -linnhl ls-'kept, but that he did re- gani the charge foi it Bt a legitimate pert]-rialto ol Ibe chwk'i o__ee. In ottos i-.s nRiHM feen tova been allowed with ito toneeal nf thc judge* for days [wrong¬ fully charged] m] sp-nt in gong to Bad i.nuning norn court, allowance* for i.uai<l* in ni.ii-lials' nee unit- wtoaROM Were used, iiiui ci.,nHi'i--i,.ner-' BCCOUOta, -vv. !R .1 tn a l,i_h flflUM vt i!!i ftls di irg,--, have 1,-n renard by ju.I a* who, lo My Ito least, were rrrj ttegligenL When th, sc bael t-> Washington th, v MU _""tl storks of linty unpopular tn, v nie in ;tic tli-t.icts vlaited. Upon Heir jp- araliee in town Hu} arc lici'le to feel that tiny ur. regarded a* -pi. - sad Inform- ensnared in in,un,hug respectable m. ii arith petty persecutions, Tba local papers ar,- ined te v.nkf them mi*- rrable. All kind* nf trapfl are-et to citt h them, if possible, ia -nine Indiscretion, such as il. inking, giiini-ii.ig. and kindred dissipations, lr ;. slip i* made, dorena of itliilav its arc tit once font al-lcil -citing forth thc iin-ral obltqultlMol the Inapeetor, in .,ni. r Dial lin- fone nt bl* r,;i >rt may be hrohen. In oneor twoeasM mom tactles barri -'anal oil in-p. et,us, but a- it genera! Hun'. Ito of AtRUTnv-iieiicr.ii Hr.ii-f.r bare proved toto var* shrewd fellows,sad their eumaaer's noni will g> fur to prove Ibe Ih-purtmcnt ol .ln-ti la going in for reform. Ons only leirret is that it will not hs In ur¬ ti* r f.,r Atinrtiey-iieucral BUHIIBI tosuV mit hi-np'irt bi fide the dec lion. We should like \>ry min h l,< have some ni our northern contemporaries.the IT ot ni, in-" Journal, for instance.posted on "Federal Justice" in thc Suth as I political machine. Presuming thal tbs At¬ torn, y-Ossrsrsl proposes to Bsastsf Ito snii- j*ei and trtii* it in all its length and breadth, ne vvniild like to be be¬ hind Ito siaues when the average .staiitnri editor undertake* to wrestk tv iib Mr. Kui w-rHa's ehapl, r on thc rela¬ tions ol tbs deputy BMflbah to thc reve¬ nue spies and Informers, or to prove one nf Li- calculations a- tn Row much the .!, -tiuetion of two quartoo! BMbryo ap* ph-Jink inst Ito Knited States Govcrn- nt. It would to inlcrcs'.ing to ol>- ¦Sfffl Hu- laSBfll upon these editor* of au rixpordtlon of the salines of bin k- melHpg la Ito interest of the Hepubli- eaii j.itrty as applied by Ito alleged Depail-B-Bt of Janice ta Bi deallaga rrrth lbs soiitli. Infi.ruiiition aa ilie-e potato seaatag fraa meh a high source &* thc At* Inuit v-iii neral Illlgllt induce I helli to be- lii vc that the South In* some little ground foi'diiiuiing that the federal machinery in this MflUaa not till it should, in fact, a travesty upon ju-ticaiid toOOftSHIB ii. tinnnnt ff trppn--iou. Mr. Binnie Hns Spoken. Mr. Hi aim:, like JOBI Kti.-r.tiK, thinks heit "devilish sly.'' He sail not a word on the subject ol tbs prohibitory auiciid- nii nt latUlcd in Maine on Moiidav l.i-l. uiiKI after Ito bet nf its ratitieation had I.ceil,, known. Hut will (iii-uoii-coiiiHiit- tal.sin 11 foi. lum,I, and flea" uiiicli butt than liol,-i nllilllittali-lH How, help Ililli In Ullin, minni*. Wi.,',.11-in, Ac i- Will he lint Insc ns many fi Tend* amongst the Prohibition- i«;* nf uhin :i* to vvill gain anivtug.t Ito Lennans of that State. His explana¬ tion was made tor the beni lit of ito Ohio Kcpul'licati-, and tn aid in cariyiiig ohio lu October. It was Inhl Rack to thc latest and forwarded al Ihe earliest |n.»*il,le moment. Ile darell lint -'lld it until the tiincn.Hut Ht had been mtltied. Ba then festbnRh deelarad thal ha wniiit! ii.-t bs ito m. an* of ohtrndtng local late Hie national contest ! Can snybedy give i c-.m,,! isbbob why tho dcci.i- rntioii was not made a Month ago? Why Wa- il wulh.i ld until alter ito MstfljS elec¬ tion. If it would t-e inexcusable fm Mr. Hi aim* to obtrude u local is-uc into itu- can¬ vas* nov*, wliy wasn't lt In.-xi usable a iiionlliitgo, and why did he tint ttic.i declare thal it ita- in, BtSBBflMsf It i-a- p'aiu a* dat thal Mr. Hi.aim: is plat lue n double Kaine. He did md vote lo ratify the prohibitory amcitduit nt. Hui neither did ht Vote against it, ratili" Uinii. - o wold nfc, ABUTS bu'hi* K< -pul ll* SflQSflsejOflBkM who roted to ratify it, and no word of prslsri-for thiladleswto worked 't I so bsrd in the sain, MUM, Kui Mr, Hraisk j hM Ink. ii li* silence on the siiR.n et. lit- ba* put himself nitn communication ( | with Ito public, and will not BO B-MWfld Bl pi av, .. i.opti Loni" or "Good I>evll,"to j suit liis ciTiseientc or to forward his a:u- taPsHM IStoflMB. (nine out. Mr. Hlaink, sud I;-kc tour .stand either for or flgatasl M-u.ptiiury laws-lor ur against prohihb Hon.for or airuiiiat the Maine Innior law. 1\ billi tide an* you on ? Tammany -Again. Yesterday we had lo supplement the rc flflfl. of last Saturday's nn-cHug Of Tumut. ny a* lhat report ap|*eared in our is.u¦¦ nj (sunday. This moniiug we supplement the tetexrspblc rcjiort of Monday's meeting hy sddlnK Uh following to what was r.|ioried in our kw nc of yeiteiday ri'cnccrniojr Mr. Gbaiw's sjie«ch. We quote : After the meeting, Colonel K. T. Wood Mid: ¦ When the bell rings they all know where tbe clapp, r banjfs. We are goin). to take oil our cont* for Cleveland." Heferriiig toex-Menator Grady's remarks, lte/itier Bellly Mid : .. They ouKbt not to have been allowed; but it makes no differ¬ ence. We sbsll support Clewtsnd." General Splnola asid: "I don't think wbat Grady said will make any difference. 1 think we wiil endorse Cleveland." Ex-County -Clerk Gum bicton asid: " Every one baa a Ha ht to tpMk bl* mind here. 1 think we will endorse the Chicago bob-inst lons." Potler-Jinllfle Gorman observed: ..! sm in favor vf eud_<i.tBgCleveland. There M Bothtac akn le to done." Mr. (J-linea's Letter. Like (loveruor Cammo*. Mr. Oms*, a trendier of Ihe Heneral Assembly, has put hiir.self on record ss opposed to General Maiioms's candidate for Coner**** In tho 1 ounti district. Here ls hfk letter:"., Va.. September5:. Wi Felltjte-CUitens of Petersburg, Va. : I notice a card In to-day'* Index-Appeal rtatlngthal our friend* would BOM a rall- licntion-meetlng In your city to-night. I sm korrv Hist I cannot be present. I bad understood before leaving your city on > ifdsy last that the meeting would lie held on Tuesday nigh!- hence my promise to lie with sou. Assure our friends Hist tbe burlesque enacted at Um Academy of Music on W.(!ne*dav night las! lias had Hm elect de¬ sired by us.viz., to arouse Hie Indignation (f our white and colored Itepublh-an*, milking them -more determined to resist lb* methods of lindy, tim Ssodfl ffl tBfOBl caiicidatc. Witnessing Hie farce (Brady'* istill.afton, so called). lam sure th*f a ma¬ jority of Ihe Republ'.cim prSBSBl wiro paired lo see our parly Icadcri In¬ dulge in sn net which mint result in an iniparalle injurv tn tbcmse.vcs and win,li .o thoroughly IRPOSed th, Ir Identity with and Mipport of a preconceived (dan inau- guraled moosha Hg" for the disregard of thc voles of Iks voter* of thi* district, bavins fer il* object thc reward of an Indi¬ vidual lo Whom fnur fifth* .f tim non- ntiie, -holding I'epubllcans of tb- Fourth congressional (listiict ked, do now. and svill ( n lim 2d of November repudiate. Dur people at tlds end of Hie district are Dru, and um bange,ldc in a determination to nidi, al to the ballot to re lrom this atttnipt to overthrow their will. Not- vtiih-iiiiiding (..loin Brody declared on Wedaesdsy night last thal a Bomomtlea (he oflflttted lo say fraudulcntlv obtained) BRM dinted Ui an election, he will he con¬ vinced when tba ballots arc counted that Mottouny counts- will give lc** Hun one hundred votes to him, and iu icc tgaition of thc lint hods instituted in thi* and ill all -ate three bbboUbs 'n Um dlatrlri le *ie- piive tl ctn of I'cpre. nt.ition in their county primaries ss weo a- dkOricI convention. Luncnliirg, Itrunsvvick, Diutvildic. Ame¬ lia. I'rince Edward, Meekleuburg. almost s dully. Willi the H-sisLlllce of fli'CUl"ll ill li ince (.eirgc, Bosses, QreeaavlUe, and Toss hat an. svill join it li PeteiShUrg in dc (.hiring fi r n'prentntatlOB by and through lim Hcpiibiicin voters of this district, wh, sc innj,,lily os, r tb* ir legal adversary, Brady'a side brows, clique*, and machine influence*, will aanrnol to tea thousand vnte* for Biala*. Logsa, and Ivan*. Tell the people to stand llrni; there 1* 00 coloi-line iii this end Ol Hm district. White and colored BepubllCBB* herc will ratify ymir aetioa of to-night. Mool truly and respeeffuHy, W. E, QaURRB. The BtntO Agricultural Society. To tbs following communication wc ac¬ cord a e.iii-piciiuii, j .lu i- in our columns. It Bl WOttby *,f the attentive eon-iilcralion Ol th* people ol BtehSSOnd mid Virginia. i im wriii i is:. Beatons hu nd ol Um loom* ly, un active cooperator in ail its good works, hut i*. in our opinion, not one wini tun -anguine winn he speak*of whit Bright bo aceotapBahed by tbs state Agricultural .-ni-jets : Hie sun, lg, I. S.Kiel > Us .Wiwsloii. "urouiids, Ac. To ihr Editor nf tin Dispatch : All credit to General Wickham and tim gent lem* n who bare counselled and worked svith Inn, through tim past t .so years of tim Mate Solids's history. With" tim many drawbacks and advene circiuii- ace .* under wi ieb they have lalmred, t am BUT*tb*com¬ munity i- really lo give timm tba scriptural plaudit Of, Well doim, good and faith¬ ful -arvants and ,t Will be a univer-al rregrettbal the eonstitutlon ot tbe Society innke. this term I lie last during winch Gene¬ ral Wickham can serve as president of Hie organisation. lt appeals to tim writer's mind tint Hie time is now when the state Agricultural Society should he planed once for all upon fl substantial basts, anil tim BBWBlOO for which it ssas organized.namely, tin- fur¬ therance Of Hu- interest- of agricultural and kindred pursuit-.-tumid teoetvc at its hands greater attention and in turn larder sympathy and cofiiieralionfrouitlicfaniiini' community within mir state. Now, the one barrtar to tbe work nnd di v.lopliHIlt of tlds Society ls the ipiestion ,f linanc.-. This prtivided for, under pru¬ dent ii iiniigcmcnt it crt .Inly can be nude an institution of untold worth to our peo¬ ple mid their Int. rests. Let us sec who should feel culled upon to contribute to Its support and io sustain its work. li ls needless forme lo attempt to recite the benoit* which Hie etty of Hichmond ann nally derive* from Hu- gatherings of pe )- plc who attend these exhibitions, or to try I,, peera that these bsaae_tta are not ooeBaed to vs hat We call I'air-sveck. These qoosttoBS answer themselves. But are timm not other channels tu walch the etty might co- operate svith tbs Society and reap ai it lia* md thought of)- Bapposa thc dil.iplil.iled buildings now in existence on thc ground- wire t .rn away, and two aubatantbtl and _.poeieui building-, oin' story each svith arched roots, ri et* d ob tom* Mutable sire wilbla the ground-, and large enough to accommo¬ date the entire exhibit that needs be koueedj theoldleaoa and ugly stalls and p, ii- supplanted by others convenient and attractive; and lastly, tim entire grenada ar¬ ranged and made beautiful wita winding drives and tv alli's ay-, gram and lower plots, "green-house.*," stream aud lakelet, making not alone a spot to which mir poo* plc would wish lo take every visitor to tha cits, and Would seek for recreation and pleasure themselves, bid slmBUM^tfleent terminus to the grand drive now bring con¬ structed from the reservoir to its we,tern boundary. A -nilahic dwelling fur the-ecret u-y hav¬ ing bOBfl erected ss ithin the ground-, make* il a part of bis duly to keep Hm satiie ever in thc very beet condition. No sooner vsuiilil such a fad bc established tlinn the Street milts as WOORI break ground for its track to thc spot, dur people LmeouM ini- peUeotfortbo eomplettoa of the work, ami finally, i! would be tim one popular resort for inr citizens. I-there a voter in Rich- iia.iiil who would not he willing to in,timt thc Council to appropriate to such an end. ora member of tim Society svho would not gladly svi leoine sindi, and OOOCede to the city, outside of Fair-week, tull control of the ground.. I think not. BOW, hOW WOOM these tilings effect tbs visitor* and planters from outside of our city who attend thc Fair* of this Society '! I reply, win n such conic to 001*000001 ex- blbltloni thev do BO for protit and for pleas¬ ure. Iildcr thc existing state of thin'.'-each cxli lit um i-, and will be to a greater or less esl. nt, simply a rc|xtltion. With suitable aivMiunodations, exhibitors from lioumlilld abroad would lee] Instiled in making gunter OUthvyi towards perin mi-nt, cu¬ llin:, al, BOd si'tcial display-, some of which would dui Idles, be kepi in p i-itinti. and poaalbty in operation, all thc year through. Tho launer and meehan! would hive tim (¦Pl uiiiilnlv of witnessing machinery Bad appllaacca whleb arm aever seen oo our ground- nott, and vshjeli never svill bc un¬ til-din- greater inducement* are ullered. Where have wo aeeoflssaodsUasM tor the lu'.'. Ii (.ni, linc arts, article* of groat value (intrinsic or historical), tim electric d sp| iv-, aid soon, whiehcoii.titute the real feature* cf other exposition*y The M'cnly in -uc!i a position Would lie enalilcd to oller pt'cmiums for firm pro* dnc!-, cattle, stock, etc., -olilewhat in f.ilio with thane now bestowed upon Ul* mili- twry nnd thc race-course. Beat would ha B .tort-house of knowledge from which the planter and his children might once a ye ir take lesson* which no schonling could oller snd scar* af Iras*] would not giv. With race-course, splendidly-equipped restaurant, and resting accainmoila'.ions amply and contcnicriHv supplied, where wives and childnti might rueemblewlUl nil mouthy, Beautiful grounds, and special rootOTfB each day nf the Fair-week, I ncc | OOt a-k if there would not BS a promise of pin1.1 mm pleasure which would greatly add to tbs list ol hf,-member*, and I hardly think lhere is a single voter within Hu- -Ldc svho would not lu- willing to In¬ stinct the Legislature to appropriate ton SB. such BR Institution.the only one in the State-which would appeal to every citizen, of whatever political U-uiI'iuv, cr, ul, or doctrine, condition, ra«e, or SOter. Other Legislature* have tong ano estated annual appropriation-: to their state societies, rihI in these only, I liclleve, have these organization, been crowned with sine..,. We are too slow, and walt until tb'ng* become old with progressive c. inuiunliles, and usually wake up and M ml our money jn-t at thc Hine when some other new ern t* about to dawn. SHH.llliKK 8, IHK4. g. OneNreutoB buring .tated through the Boston Herald that last winter Mr. Clbvb- i.aku wrote letter* to Mew York member* of Congress urging them to vote with Mr. Mobbibob both on tbe question of consid¬ eration end ob tbe motion to strike ont thc marting clause ot toe MoBRisoB blU, tbe New York World un: "We bappeo to knew personally thst Ibis is s lie- Oovernor ClcvelsJd wrote no kin h leUers." Tbe World made Hist sUtement more than a wick ago. and Iim since rope.le i it In the moat emphatic terms.terms a trifle too emphatic. Lei I)einocratlcipe*lferspiit_, thc H'crbi'* contradiction in their .crap. t. ok*. They will no doubt he confron-, | itpon tbe stump, especially west of tba BRM Uldgc, where there tuc a good many while Republican* artxlou* to disci**, Hie tariff que»tion. willi the statement which that Journal so unequivocally denies. Onb Exr-l.ANATiox..The Philadelphia Telegraph, a ___¦____¦ pai>er, My* of the Maim el'' 'I inn-: "Thc iesders on Imth sides have hr-en playing s new game. Thc Republic ms tut down I heir experted majority tor Hobie at 10,000 in order lo have room far a bl. shout In case their secret hope of KV**) ls met. The Democrat* .cmo-le ' li OOO majority to their opponents In order lo have a chance lo yell like mad in ea«e their secret expectation* of only k.his) ma¬ jority for Holde I* thc result or their re- mark-able still hunt. This lithe pl .in truth about the conflicting and confusing esti¬ mate* sent ou!." We wrote " fright," not " fight," " whlm|>crs,"not " whisper.*," nu,1 .. fltoflb pigeon," not "stool-flsrure." That i<, we trhd la write those words, but we suspect that "our hsndwriting was not of th. bsst. Ami i'.ien such vvcathiT: wc wonder that lhere were not more wrong word* in the paper. We acknowledge the receipt ol rm invi¬ tation to attend thc Kockbrldge-County Fair Exhibition. Hui lt came almost loo late. We return thanks. " Ob, who esn Robt a (Ire In hi* hind Hy tblnkln* _u U,o fro.ty Caucaau, »" Thc telegraph fold H.* yesterday thal there was frost In Munltobn on Sundiy night. Anti st once ocr jrred SS il* whit the " Di¬ vine Williams!" had *anl on thesubjnet. Hen Rooka. Thoma in thc Firth. A Romance ot the War- and Kiiklux-I'rriinl-. A Voice ot Vindication from Hie south, in BBSWW to "A PooPl Ki tanti," and other Slan¬ der-. Ky N. .!. Ki.'-YD. Main Graphic illustration-. Philadelphia.; DcBBABO BBOTHEBB. Krircs, |) lo f_..',0. Kev. Fi.vv.vrti) S. ObHBORT dBHOrUHB this look as a profound yet most engaging I bilo-opliical nr'nmciit withal. Involving a o tupi, tc and unanswerable vindication of the -muthern Slates before, during, and since Ito war. Fur sale by thc publisher*. Tl.i Ct*Wi of thr Tuderies front thc Hesta- ration to ta* Flight ot /...,,. / kUippe, By < AIllKllIM: ITlAltl.oTTK. Lady J&CE- ms, author of "Old Kari*," CC,the. Price, --'n cent*. For sale by Waar, JUHHBIUfl iv CO. The same linn his sent ii* I*art .'Id of stormoiiiirs Dictionary, Prtoe IB cent'.. We tito this ilii-tioiiary. BBIEF COMMENT. .< Profeaenf Tymiarl, one of Hie most not-d <>f -. jeBJaSfa, *i*»«i aol know tbs year of his birth." Perhaps Mr. Tymlilr wm not born at all. but evolved. Tie tin nil,, rs nf the colony of American financiers rc-lding in Cana'a .boult! tele* graph an ex| r,--inn nf their -yiiipithy to the people o! New Hruiiswick, N. J. The BostOB Pott -ay* " Ki TRKIt Noilt West, earning his living by the sweat of bis click." Who flares maintain now that brass will not sweat. Hoptkllk telegrapbs from Bangor to the Philadelphia Prttt that he i* undoubtedly reelected to Congress. And y,t tin rc are some people who do not liclieve In thc luck ol Innate "cussedness." If this thing of stealing national bank* is not stopped in the North, northern m li-hants will be compelled to tlo tholr banking Ra-un-s in thc mal III I lill Bil South. --aa*-- A telegram from Augusta, Maine, says Mr. Ki.aim: icfn.ttl to vote on tba psoblbt- tion anicndiiHTit because he represent- national issue*, and prohibition is a state .ju,ntiid). Mr. Iii.aim: has not alway* been M rt gartttul nf State's rights. Anent the water OJtMBfllOfl thc Philadel¬ phia North American says: "That a con¬ sumer should pay according lo the quan¬ tity consumed is obviously a sound bini- iie-a principle.'' If the average Philadel¬ phia!! only pays for UM water he SOMBSBM it is to be mired tbat thc water-works will lie a heavy charge on the city. A director of Ito broken New Hruiis¬ wick National Hank Slid lu a reporter: " I might as well make an open breast of Ito whole affair. Well, Hill was too much beset by politician-. Ile evidently ruined him.-.'If Ry intering out aid to thc IR | ul.ii. au parti." (Mon another lor the party of high mond ideas. -_____- "Attorney-General BBBBBIflB will take the stump for Klaim:." It i* hoped.that Re will tell the people ol UM North how Mr. Iii..UM.'- party has been administering Justice lu thc St.nth. According to au ex¬ tract from a Washington ipeelal to the Boats** fJerahLfpBbBstod elsewhere, he can tell, if he will. The Philadelphia .Yorfri American (Stal¬ wart KcpuRliean) says: " It is impossible to have any sympathy with tbs SSStbedl of men who seek to hobin up the fortunes of MS] political party hf exciting Hie preju¬ dice* of clnss, nationality, or condition." Then how in the name of all that is consis¬ tent can the North American sympathize vv llb Ito Republican party. The Philadelphia Times says : " But if to [P.).aim:] shall lose Ohio.there's the tub! and if the Blaise prohibition sweep of Maine shall ba thc cause of losing Ohio, as is more than possible, will the Maine majority of yesterday to accounted a vic- loiyor a def, at?" Bi.aink's explanation why he did not vole oh Ito prohibition amendment would indicate that that is Just the i|iiestion with him. It may yet turn out that thc cold wave is side-tracked somewhere up in the Pine State. Personal. .-..lah Bernhardt i* to lie paid XtiO.OOO for tor year's work in America. Sir Andrew Walker will add an KEtSH* sioti costing to the tine art gallery to icccntly presented to tbe cltv of Liver¬ pool, Ibe Lin.oin Park Boord ol Chicago will probnl ly grant permission to <reit within thc park a memorial statue of Thoma* Paine. Mr. Keary M. Stanley, thc explorer of the Congo country, say* the guiding motto ol hts life has been, " Whatsoever thy hand Undi th to do, do it with thy might." When the Czar of Russia meets thc En- |MBWS of Austria and Germany al Warsaw, all his food will lie brought from St Peters¬ burg hf two daily .' lightning " trains. Mrs. A. M. Edgingtoo, of Butte, Min.. thc far-famed "widow of the (eur d'Alcne" KOld-inlnes, I* tbe mother of the actress Lillian Edgington, and weighs near¬ ly 400 pounds. KnglLsh papers are sending out their best correspondent* on the Gordon relief ex ped it on, amonc them being Messrs. Cameron, ol the Standard; Hurleigh, of the Telegraph; O'Kelly, ol tho News, and Mellon Prior, of the _-f1_.fra.0d London Artes. Tbe Archbishop of Naples, alter gaining tbe praise of all men for bia heroism in floing among tbe cholera aick In the poor¬ est and Oltliit st slums, M now roundly accuaed by tbe rabble of being in league with the doctors. Tbe Jackson (Tenn.) Whig naya; The well-known bt. Jacobs Oil ha* a gnat run, for tbe people will kare lt and ao other re¬ medy." FIELD Ol- POLITICS. THE ELECTION IS MAINE. n»M».:.'¦,¦.,<:*,,, .*.." *<s*r by a Plarallir et lJ.'.0»"-Tfc* rVaMMllea ferrie* S* a Riv Usjnriir as Hm Rraaltsl aka Rr*' hwn and ic-,,,,, Alli-in,.. Tlc World's August:, apaoiolsayai sd- dom if ever in tl... histor* of ft qambi rn politic* have stnii dbgracefnl ami humid- atina scenes been OH'sesaed as Hi ate at Ho poll* in Hil* eily lo dav. Your eorr-*- spoudent«tocd al the polllnglnx of tha First Ward, which is tit* larg.-t vrarj at thc city. -Dd the p!«ce ,n Which Mr. Bl linc live* and vote*. The v.ding commenced at 10 o'clock and aottd at 1. .Iud a* Uta poll* opened *ix inin rn ramrod lbs haH lienring bouquets ia their hand*, wh ch they placed in tl,,, vs in.l i.v* and on ihe tul'le*, anti limn proorodod' to I: kc up a posulon n,.ar ..., p-lrcinc*' with iiWrmaiive ballotsoa theprohlbBon amniduient in their beads. They were (ld(rlv ladlta. neatly dresoad. sad Os v. rv dct<*d ai>|K-ar:ince. Ilaiot- kedbeofl j rmi. d f"r lon .,. thc .. Ye. ** beiag in very mttft ,','*'-'k ¦''',' T* "1:i: '""i I'"' r,i'i sorom the stnet. They oil, nd | billot 'oetciy man who entered, and on., of thin tv i IN fellow-neb voter to-,.,, whether lu* pu" a " No" cr a "Yes" in tim box. Il tv ,- tbi lirst time a omen bod t.r iippeare I al Ibe peCb lu Augusta, it wa.*, therefore, a novell y. Seme respon-** made to aollcttatloaa ol tlie women were rude and losotUog. One men. who was (j,ute drunk, stvoia- Hut ba could never bo ruted Ly a lot of petticoats, and ihcn said he would ba .1 -d if In ivoiild ever tak" a ballot from a WOmvO. Tlc poor women lookci terribly dissatis¬ fied. Ons of itu in sat down, sash; - was di-conragod. No! withstanding Um existence of a strict prohibitory law in titi- eft] hearsed svhi*- k.v wera freely given nt a enouoofl nota! nearby. TimBepobBeBa woamn worked fur prohil-itinii at lim |mll*. 'vhilc tie H- pul.!,cnn tuen mule th. ir dupes ('.ruuk be¬ fore nun bing timm in like cattle to eaot I foo belan. There was little ooocealmml alintitthc piircha-c of votci *. TM pri"s paid *ir merited wen truly dioinnued. rollie* of whiskey were eu rici tn cit- p.. kel* alni han.led from one nun to so¬ mber with manv n *lrtinken _,i::i and gi inn i.Ce. There could be no more disgusting I si- acnes ol tba roaaBty md bypaerbr) thal bave grown up in tim politic, nf tm* st ite ind-r Hm leadership of rjaasas <'.¦ Blaine and Nml Bow. H"rc was the ipa I tele ol l pniy lulioring to a!opt a prohlltltotj .-nuniliiuiit BOd using inirelu.e.l til drutiliMi voters in Ural endeavor; tv poor woimn who*! eheekifumed crimson] toort thoo on. a al aneeehesaod eahlbUion* ii ,v l ad nisei- before herd or seen, sad fore inili thev ss. iv evident') uni.:, pu i. Thc whole da's'* (Laing, vv.rc ipgi cl dioii of aaoabood nnd womanhood. OM could Lilt turn nvas fmni inch a ssiiiiiied -piciiu ie aiui madder at tha po**IbiHtiefl if lbs totara nhen such Dagranl outrages g'> unrebuked by Hm I nv, when a eandldate f.-r the highest oil rn ia tbe nation Psi - within sstone'* throw. Hm Mr. I'.liuni' himsi li svuiild Increase tim climax ..f double dealing aod hypo ri-.s. For -eural day* it ha- been koowa thal be wasgToatl) annoyed over tbe urgent ni!'-,¦ inane tn hun bum tim Wet p. opp '¦-" the amendment l,."His.-of tba Istil effect Its icy would bave in thal section, He ssa- Ihr* at*in,1 on the rather -ii" by the lee* of bl* earn oTote if h.-voted agaton. R. it M i Mi. s-i il in went away to Bar il irb »r -Mm,!.ts night with the intention "f nol liing lure in-da.t, and there escape, hoi -, me pre--uro drove him Lack after having bet i. at Par ll irbor bm a lew Bears. Al il:,- polls hts I'svn milli was announce titi * mo! ning tbal bc would down to rot* a! ,,iit 11 o'clock, mid thal be b id proml ie a prominent Prohibitionist be noul i vote for the amendment. On* ol Mn Indies via- dUpoSCu lo h uni him a .. Vi - " ballot. Bbc took tier -t uni outside Ihe door and wailed. Tim hour ol ll came, Lui Mr. Blaihe did nM. It wa* Ul* B given "til that be would conn' at I. Again lim Indie- weil'full of livelv tX\.I Wi: y. They were prepared to semi tb. gnni nets- to -i st ml pince., in *he Gaited State* a* -1 >B ;.- Mr. Blaine roted tha .. Ve*" Ueket. Two o'clock canm. but Mr. Blaine did Bot, lt b.gan to be whispered about that per* kepa Mr. B.lae ssa- sick. Nobody said aiiyl'.iing about a sunstroke, for it OM cloudy. CLEVELAND STEAKS. A (.rai:.! llr, rp,loll Bl l*lmlra-r'ir,c.,i 1 In ii.ami I'i i.i.i., rn .- ii'. The following sddRiOOBl i- given regard¬ ing Clevelau*I's reception at Biotin Mon¬ day Crowd* followed the image* ht Which the party rode Iron, |>oint lo point willi cheers lor Ch scland. "There goes Cleve¬ land "' was thc stiout boord on all side.. i in- Governor strutt used Unwell as betas ivett ph-ssed willi the Fair. !!-. conuneti'ied Bpeokiog nt 8:43 1'. M. from Iii* carriage, winch wa, in fmnt of thc Manufacturer*' Hall. Ile wmtotroonoed b) Um rnoaideni of the Fair Association. Iniiucdi itely after (ioviiimi' ch -vi iuui rosea great cheer went up from the multitude, 14,000 pen .ni un -,nt shouting tix in-.ivi - boorae. The ('..vernor's remark, wen UatSOOd to with gnat aitention. He was often interrupted vt it ii cb* era. Be tpoke as followi ..It affords nm great plroonm to fltOOl you here today, aod to lute an opportu¬ nity of inspecting thc annual exhibition which ii oatrstes tbe condition ot the agri¬ culture ol our State. I regard these annual fair* rn lonarUilag eonaeeted with our State gnverniui nt, be attn*-, to toro* ex. tu,! at lea-t. they are f,,.tired and aid.d by tbs public funds, and l am inr* Ural no good eitiziu is iui'iiueil to complain of th* appropriation of a -ind! part nf tim p.-i- pii'- money to the eoeouiBgeuien! of ibis important lotereaL Toa fat that this ta done furnishes a distinct recognition nv Hie Male of the valuable lelaimn whleb its fun.i r- Mid its f maa bear to "m prosperliv and welfare of the Comaaoosrealtb. Wt Imiist of ,,-,: iii.iniif t. t,na., excei ding a, the] do largely IhOBS nf any Other -'ate: but our supremacy i, ,i,-uis -lens n ts In n wc recall th* lad that lu addition ti OUT lead in Bwnufoct moo tho valno of our fanni ami their jii-oiiiiet-, j- .ci .md univ am .og tb* stat.*. There is a Ixodoom inn! relia¬ bility in agricultural pursuit* which arc not alwass found in other branch* es of industry and In.min ;t u-t. Tba sol remain* in i'* place, ready t b till* si. and Ihe 1 nm, I, with Midd) health and browny arm. dept mi. alene ap ,n toe Work of Ins hands aud the aid of a kind Providence for tim reward of bli labor. Thus mir fannel'- ara net Independent of our citizen.-, 'lin y produce Of bise within their i«-:u!i all limy need for their Becemi- ti.s and for Huh- comfort. Their CTOpI in ,y be Boora abaodanl al one barret! than at another, and their product* may i.i- lnand higher prices af mmniaikit-tiumtlun another. These eondlUoni may expand OT eontraci their ability t,, indulge" in luxuries ur in expenditures not absolutely neel, fut, but they ihould raever bo in nant ol tho neets.iries or comfort, of life. Thi, ls thc sure result of patient and well-regu¬ lated farming. When the fanner fail, an I bl OfRMI hunk nip! in hi, bosttem vve in iv, I think, confidently look for shiftlessness, ora too ambition desire to ..w n ssote load or stock than Im can pas for, or mtermed- illing with matters that hear tm relation to his; or rillhmilB.RlflllBli nt ami Ignorant a* d, BsotRRrats that be bu mistaken bi* v, cati. u. Fortunes may bco/ilckly amBSSBd in spcctilatiun anti lo*t in a day, leasing a Lu! ( xiinple and perhaps ip un rilizition and ciliiic. Tradesman or manufacturer, hy vicissitude* of trade or through Um alluremi nts of a short mad to wealth, may in a day beovercomusod bring dbniteraad ruin upon hundred* of his neighbor*, bot in Um indii-trioiH. intelligent, and oontoOted fnrn cr the State Hud* a -afc and profitable citizen, alway* contributing lo its wealth and prosperity. The r,nl value of Um farmer to thc State and nail ,n is iud. how- .s,r, fully appreciated until wv con-,der that be feds million.* of our people svho arc mgiiged in other pursuits.Hut th. product of hi* labor tills thc avenue* of our lillimur,'. SOM] supplies an ini|x>rtint factor BB our linaracial relation* with other nation-. I have not conn' ta attempt to please vou with cheap and fulsome prams, nor to magnify your worth and your Im¬ portance, but I have come xs ("lief Kxuut'.vc of tbe Stito ti acknow¬ ledge ou its own l-ebalf that our fainter* yield full return for thc benefit- thev receive from the Stale government. I have com*- to remind you of thc Imnor- t*nce of thc interests whioh you have in charge, abd to suggest that notwithstanding the farmer'* Independence, he cannot and must not be entirely unmindful of the value and ind ortan.-c to Ihe Interest* he bold* of a Just and economical government. It I* hi* right and hi* duty to dem ind tint all unjust and inequitable burden* upon agriculture and lt* products, however caused, should be removed, and that while in furtherance ut other interests of the Stale, lave s due regard that this Important one should not be neglected. Thu* by hi* a farmer and tbe full performance of hi* duty as a citizen, bc wilt create and sci ure to himself bia share of the result of bu toll, and aave and guard tor ail the peo¬ ple the mott important element in tbe pron perity of the State." POLITIES IN GEORGIA. A sMsBSMISS* f-at-d H b* Ta¬ ri lion-lr *»Hb sRSBSB rat* tn uiiin« (H-) telegram .-.sys: A NM w/k- ac,.he Helinbh-.-iu Piriy-uiinsg.^ .r I..-, mu rot'cri. upon Madtossi Pavt. Hie cl. nd f-tiu-t-r M AlheRa, uni T.. munt asl rid or hu Dc-noesBltt ,.i ,,.n Wl-o Us controlled the PS> ll _, ...,,rll;es of bl* ovn pilitlcal l" e le P.-idCItt WOUtd bO alk.d IO \ i> Tie P"lv ibfuntlcd UM) vk$l Iile rrlcu!-. ^'¦"""^"V.rr.Hm regrocs in (.corgis, nu t.- tl/.. Kx.-el.atnr Kirai., lt. ,. ..on:neld. Janies M. ^k?* Itt. Mos.- w, rc i.l.a- d from Inrtbt. r-*,> >rut- "my. Tte new bend hm been seesptod bribe K.-t'Otli,c i)c;,i!t'ii"ii'. -Messrs. Keu-e ind B>yWldtl« wMte I.,.:ocr:itsnnvvIn the illec anil it .* i r !,!,!,. d Hal lb.;I wall bc .hort Iv..*¦ to jed :.., t.egroes will tsfletheir ij^'.;.,. PVnH baa ,..,. .f h.* som In «*«_«_*_d£ Br«M bMehsrgs <.r tbs .M«ii,.v-or,i,i w a,m. .t. Clerks trill tore1.topo rh-1 Mtiers are no Republican! eanprtsR! «> Al hens. Madison I Uti- HM UM -MTS at nm Beeu D. u. BM toj-najto war. IV I.e.. llr-t SMMtntad po»tm:ist(tr t was through Hie intlucnce of Mr. Il . thea sanfltar, Ital in-wa* .ntitlrmcd .md Li* tir*t l-ond arni BMdfl "I" ,,v,,lr' V Influence. Il vis a letter addressed to DavU is -Mv Petr Matt" ht Ito Hon. Knmrv -p.. r, and which fell toto Ito bandi ,,i ., ne 11 iii.icn.i*. which snlneqaently contributed <o tbs tottti el Hu' young stall -b SB. ^^^^__ t isiiitn. Political lleatlf|nartor*ri. l Now rack ti m.-. I Amcnir the visitor* to tba Democratic toadqaarters reaterday were Congressmen Springer, of lilinoi*. and Iteltnoiit. of Ben Voil,; s Bator MePhri rson, ol Kew .Ri-, v K. i ogg.-Rall. Of Michigan: M. AleEender, of Missouri; H. A. Alflrr, ol .M-i-s.-iclui.-.-tt-: snd C. K. Perry, of Florida. Ex-Jadae J. II. KsBnard, Louisiana, -aid thal no man In bi* eould Ri Mete foi- mic moment that there wa* a ghee! ,-f a etones lor Blatos in Louisiana or any other loutbi rn 81 't'1. bo! meei ling West Virginia. Congressman Springer, of minni., ipoke very cenfld int- |y ,,f il,e prospects ,,r the Democracy In the west, rn StatM, A Bsflettag ol tbe chairmen ol tr.c (lemocratlc .tate Com¬ mittees ol Indiana, WiMonsin, Iowa. Mich* Kan. ind Illinois iv i held 1,-t Priday to -,, ure liiun -un us letion ifl IhoM Ol ,'¦ Ol ,i urse, thev all f, lt sure of Indiana, sad m to tbe four other Btate* the opinion ni . thal iii, v nan ail doubtful, with thi chances against The German vote nm vt i'ii ile DecoocraUe party, ead be bi Iii vol i! bad bbbm to *t ty. Iii Bltaols, be -ant. bc bad no doubt ol the Ioctl ni ol Carter Harrison lor Governor, and wm ni -f securing -. Democratic L ri*- I nure, which aronid wrry vii-!, li aD mi ,- elalie lulled Slate- -i Hilt,d' ill p':i "I General Logan, **.it Wucllf)! a Victory. l-.oll'IV il','.! Ii [Ibe Maine cl, ellon] give* no evidence ol any ruck po| ularitj on Mr. Blaluo's "eiiii bare I-en rrj cted; none such si Mr, Ed¬ munds would h ve shown in Verm tat or Mr. Linc. In In Illinois, or Mr. <>;. h dd ii-. I; dis. lon - ti,,- fad ilia! a overwhelmingly strong h. ls no stronger relatively (ban even Mr. Hit, - eight years ag--. The rt al itrug :i ts t.t ;,, t.i made. It will not l>e materially ..pi .a. d Rv ibe "!,-I prom w i.i.-ii tl,, niau igers h id arranged in M tine. II will .. il t< rtnli .I br fortes far mon i it. nt than those - nllsted He re, and Ihe*. [oreti aro working Headily and strongly Blaine. . > Loni;. "Pul ,1 w.< 1. 1- o bm. M -H I, VU b a i..-s..i b,-. arl) bead. ivvo. ti r, .'. i.v -i vi i. v i .| it vv i.v. V ll Sid U Yourself. >., lol a.' -, wren! le d 111, lu ll- Hi ll idll ind Tbe tic< ind Ihe lld* and Hie bull Hos. '-.iii I natl n-i- mt -oed. to cr ,w - '. Hui a BU mb ,- SO !...' '¦" be kill, With* droop ol bl-1, .v -li tie-id. "IR ,r Il.e e,,i.,t.i.lle. vi", tbree. loll,- li i.r wi.cb w,, k .o Ihn " iv - in,,iv; Ihiny-oae aayi mdrarb wlil creep A- I! -1, ,.|..\s nvl ,1,', yonder ItOepi 1 I thal he Walciilns Hit-titra ellir.b up the »ty. Host .,,11 I « il! till.nib la i.'e.-V . .. Bal a year li atonal" he il '. rpunnu.' bli brljrhi young bi I. .. mi ii.-, av i, md so Liver Ibe hill* .ail. r.,,(--, pi Bow. Ami nm *. d wuiic. -mmMmr and print:; <>,r..r_ b.ida, ¦ dd i vcr ile eba in -I- op and wida, Timi Blltl t er.-- lu ll « ba is w:iimi).'. mv love, ur. bridal " '. Tl ', v, ll las- e ',,.._' '. I,., ,,i,|. -I..wi j nillo* lil,-Lat, Iv Rc id. "Bnt ibero ¦ rourh lu win, tb, r,- la much b, a in.a i,n,-t labor.* in ni must ,-i.s-. Ai d ii. ma*' i,- itn as i" watti Re V. ll IV |. C. iii vvle, won: -v li¬ ll., rrr.WB of I,, ie i tn niI do BB -Rue. * ,, Ru Ml lie io '.¦. v. ipi fal* w I,., v., i,pt, i.nii, to maali.l's hist " Ab! life I-not lon).." R, nie, Unwin! bi- eran,I wlnte he ni. ..ina IWO, Him ,f, i.i, . I reveal. Mar-! Aliwlft their ll'i'-.l A, iwltbiW* rlciitina Ihe mon,Ri en _:, am. evan. PR, i- .Rori ;.- -ainu., r nl.hl. II..vv I.,,,,., o ,..¦!.,..-. mit) .¦¦ 1)IIY.-I< 1AXS AND DRU0GIST8 Pl COHHRHO HUH RRR IX) WW WEB N ". jfUl. ll 1, ll bril HW VV VV VV N *J NJ" 2 « HUP. Ki;ll () li VI A vv ve SJ BJ N SB)J. lt H II Kl) .) vv Ht WW fl .nv _ UBI. ll K OO VV W fl RR T-S8 ll KKK OO NV BJ ll ll IU) tl\ N N II KKK i) .) S N H ll ll KU OB N N UK K 00 N RS ultu ntrri rrii bbb brr .ss, ii nu t ti ,t i<^ 8 HUH ll T T PK .(Kit -^SSM I Bil ti; it ii, _... BBU II T T KKK K K^bS8.. A- Till. BBB. TuM,'. Tbi* medicine, ,...,.,¦¦,H,,,_ Iron with non mira, quirk Ij iit,,| romtdetelt Ii! - l>V -- Pt PM A. IMiIi.i-'-i pin, MALARIA. WI IK M rf, IMVI RE Pl c,|,a HILLS ,., ; i j \ 1 |L nd Ml I, Via.! V. Bj rapid ind lb, r tb ti li HI ttlnn wpli tit* RI,* ll, ll r, nell, - v. v ail ol Ul* v .'.iii. numb cl. il st! mid ie a v.-.and b.ii, - md Inviiforite, lb- u. VMM VI Pi ll/l ii lil -I |., It « ni ,i r, tbi wm ri ca eof Kv ll tri -lie- -v ',,',,! a,ii. ii, :, a. Belt-bins, lieut in Ibe -loam, li, ll otc. III! iiM.V IRON Vii I,I, ISP TH VT WILL N"l Bl V. RIA t)R IN.It'KK rill-: PK, ll. li I- b ia,., |, cull ir lo women, and loall norwini .,:,, i, ,d a IX I Mtll.lM, Pl v| int Kui( l)i-l- V-M "i rm iava i: vm, KIDNEY*. Pi r-oii- - itieiTii-fr" ii tin fer-work, r debil ty. es. li, rlcnr.-¦,!:!.¦_ relief nnd ri. I -y Ry Uri ii BOES S'.i VP-P UK VI,At UK UK 1'KO. IlI'ljKi'oXBTirATToN -OTIIEB IBOS HEDI- ll l-l I'l ,,\! V l'PPI'VP. VTI-.V up IROR I'I VI VI -Rs M, IN.lPUIuls KKK), |s nu-H pw- vs.a m. i-1-pia om ME nih ii v- un. hiisl. mv pr. " bari Trade-Marl and ern I red Hms.,. sri|,|«r. Take no other. Mideo.ilvby IIKOWN CHEMICAL i '-VI vsv it ll-.¦¦ Ht Raltl more. Md. I) I KuNT- POWOEB, Pi.Mi.nt. Bl iiPTlX.i. BLAH in,.. MINIM!. « Ni:TI it | IU RAM., Arenli, 7-e. "lin. c..mer Bil eonthiii.lCarysiroot.ri. I V.I.KIlblTtri, J W. BILLUP8A sn\, Kl.Tt-j^MMn snip-1 vivi:::-, u.iv,' H ¦*¦ ni,,..'., .1 to their Mri* wnrer.s,,,,-. 1000 ea-t Man -ti. i. Barer -t .'barbs Hotel, where meir .urmo. patron, .uni ll i- public ten, rilli will Hud ¦ KIPI Uri-OKTMENTOr 1HKIAR-. VsKs.Mluunis .-ic,1 enevevaaees rurni -ti.'.l atall le.ur- 1. b ir. ji 1, order* tttended to day or nltht. »o 7-1 Pi*_ T J. IIINFORD A SKTIIKlt-rasnia-a »» . vsn, h psi-msi, >ii|-i:.*M___i*sn I Uv I US, 7-4 fi-r tt vis -TiiKtr, IstvyMn, sj,., inth sud HainI,, have a ltr_a :_i_.N-tuie.t ,,! sit HOLDS, W(K)D and META! LIP C.\sK. Ts i ASKS, and CLOTH CASKKTS, at b.w prirea. < ounuy and ipi, orders ii..u,|.tly atpude.' ta dav or mah.._to ..7-lw_a.s>w:in. J~ 08EPH W. LAUBK, aflflH-MJ tl UXloHIM, t Nl.KIlTAKrR.^wBBM cobxbb Tirst i-.. limnn stbbbts. la, iim.n ,, Vt. WOOD AM) MKUI.I.U' HlKlAL-('A8-aB, BOBE*. Hr.Al.si_., HACKS, mi ill un i< r, sin,-.ii- al '.-iwbst a vt*.*. T-irrrapblc tad eoaalrv or-krt *.>llcliea. _HHjH LT. CHRISTIAN. ~nflBlBBfl . ITllMsillX.i L'XnrRTABER.^SS-BBR MO. ISIS BAST lill.,II. STaBBT. BICIIMOND, VA., MaslamsaMirtmewior Wonotud METALLK BETH. Sr., tt low prleea. C'M-niryaa.1teJegrtph «irder* proapHY illoaderi lo day er alcbk 4* B-sofl ortTllsi. rt IKTPK-.-ld** »« '". .V'?'tM SiM i,,,,»..". Mr. I.T. Mayo, ste laOfaORBaW** '*,:;.,;,,,,ur:.. Orison* ^dr-r-i* .-.« -»*.?. .,,,,././ pteaseewtf. «.i.aH a tl.., LS: *.**..1 -,« rV-Sl; Jj a'*- .,, ,-.- B.->- ¦Rssi* . ., i- ui ,,:;:;.^^£1;',^-«'-". '^.,rf:e;,':.'T.lM,',rv:'.'.<*'^>,''':v,NO UllVailocktt Hullyai,..! BMBflMrr* t0m ,.'.-1,1.,!. s, lb. r.^.^SSaSST 35 Wundi! tc. M"ti'I'iy nisi''- *"pM -i i. hunks :. -itivix )*Wy,a.-S-sa, |rei-n:ulv»s.-in 11. is^--< 1-r-rW t ¦ ., ,, du rn nu in I "ini,' .¦. *. SwOtrn. »-".".. .*"''. ..Rr.,. .»,-. re.t f r BM we*r»." Knurrtt, Wit! toke phee'.*-.*¦ lt" .''Y".^"T ,1 Vi hu. h I OS* sir.. t. at H ¦¦Vl.'.-s I'Ll'^-; MEE ri Mist. HkAl.o' s: ri-1- -ii si- T M .'"- -'f-'; I" *^a'*-* { Lu iiviomi, -ei'tcol-cr IO, IS"*' ? / ,M I-TH- AM. MKS.WSW ^ «, J. riDMiL'-oN LOIWE.NO'. li. (>K !' sf, i '',K"V-rvVvr "ile Wtt) un- vk.nin*.. sn; y-jge/ tui-""' '--i.-ti- '.'".... ..>"".: v**®r .,.,,, n. nt-i..-.t.. Everr awtmsatta- ..»¦ ,,, -led,,, am nd. , ._ i, vMKIV. °»?,«*5| . tx. Ct. ....,:.. m-. V;oTI< K.-MI VI'1 .*, "v ^OS*k *> FIHMIIS I.OH'iL N.. .1 '?'.. (T^^sl i;. f. <>. ..f olin ku t-nwB: r " "'un'1 '.ss";, .'t, ai riUM.iv. rolf, -n r:. rillH St .at, n ,,..,,,.,.,.. N, 14.1 C c.,.11.Ut L.t.! d I.U...-1 a.H '.". ,-;. ¦,::¦ ¦w'Vi',Vi.Vt!,.,iuw..v.$^'.-...-. A MEETING (>F WIS < Iii* WILL A "mMalibeCllvllBllW^ ^l^:;.:,wV.^.,V:^^,,1:.M1s:.n;''r:l,.. a.! ii -. ii ,, .,. i rousc. I'.- idem. .. ut-u tfllMlllSTS. pl* HM'.M» THEAIRE. OMI RIGHT ORLY, nt! RBOAYa Baa-raaBBa ism. ,\in.: ki I I'S"ni .¦':,,di IB. ( ,1. RtBUUl'a In H., li,'. n-triiM-.l v.-r-fii Of Ul I. .ll.l'.. WIDOW i".' upi ried by a ot ipaay or OBtl tn s\- sm, (,) BIO ARTISTS. liilmdu.-i'i-.- Un' I'ci'l LSI: *<*.,.-. SSH Ml -I* "I' int: HS', r the dire I.¦ f rt ob LOUIS VOGLI I i lt «UTITI -USS'. ll III. "pl* UlfOKD THEATRE. SS.. Mi.ll "MS. BEGIN'SINO \s i:hm:-i,,v. i.i Un.LKUTI li us*. ts s ., l: and .1 -mt |Q iv. r. Mou'ii .s.s. s - K.LS OK THE OK KAI I MS. ll..,- ¦. Anu¬ ri ii Morel M ¦lill.'-: Se- iel U ml :. -. .. Adi '.,. i. .-. '. lu I ure. I.X4 I HNt«t>*. I'H'.Mt.H.ate. i'i;, I'M, i;\*( ri;-Hiv TO NATURAL C*< Ult, I l.i. S t RICHMOND sm, si.'.::.iii sn v ItAILROAD -.'li i'l, SS -I lit tiki: Ii ISSI. l.liSMi ILL! MIS S I i'.S "i I'd! 11»,,!. 8ATUR- HVS M',111 Sperl mles si hot,! t r person h -I Moa Ines* I.'..I Mil RIP un! S '.. ti ai in-, ," ultu n -li .nit tr un. 'I ral ,ui,.| sod St,.- icu-.. M.. arri vi - tl Url la rS:lH !'¦ si. Thost wit -in - . " I". St. -nu.lav i id -onie lu lininn. nd IO v. M. Monday. .: Uarluiii.1! .I Ala .', uv r Vf I i Office lgi .; si lin .tn :. li ive s ¦'., Bama, ¦nd i-f .!.¦¦> -. 'I a er", ii '. 11 -I ii. st \( sum:,,... lien. Til !'. .-¦ Wild. -. IL BOW SI V',, re 8*7.10.18,18-81 Anent. MIST. NT lt 4. Ttl ll. AUD >'(M VD. / SUI'. To MY I'l..\( K. MN SAT-OfljflS 1 I lillis LAST, i i SIM iii . li- ii ..______ i; . er v..u,.i paying eh -. I REN Cit, Poplar Vale Dalry, «* 1*'-1l»_SS ul rl'ns--. T (L-T. ON' LAST>AY. A LARGE la JET tim-. «rlili auld niuii'iiiiig-. ss i ...ta- i pin. luit t da rina-al the I piora chain, The Oi der will ti lultal lyne irded by c illina st MUNA, I'l.AMKVVAItE. dr. CPE! IAL Nun, t:. I m.I.I ll DI ORATED I.IVNLU- . "M> i s -; -. , t.sii-.iM.n, 0S1 SiM-,,. pi piKi -|>. foi:*!-. I'LL* -ll TURK] DirreBEMT sin.un.-. K li. I SV1..IU, _IQ) I Main $16.40. |16,40, STAFFORDSHIRE, l'tii nu. i DIRRI IL BREAKS*ART Bad ii s COM-IRI D .... 'i.i tao pi ;i «.Kidd.I UIBOOM, .lu.. ¦'" HQ_1-2Q7 Main I Iii DRATED DINNER-SETS, HP.SI I ' SIS lo 1*5; Dm itv .'--¦: Dec I, d im »i tu »*,i I-.-, ream - silt ri if d V, Lamps.dill iln n's Carri ives rall ll ind ii- r lowest In ta. .try. ROBERT ll si:' aa .1--H.W v -.:,,, -17 ii,-,,,,i WIS EM, 1.11(1 OKI* C-RK.M ll BRANDY, VINTAGE !s77; IP.Lt.AM, DUI PGORDOR SHRRRT, "1 rei lu IM. spl'l.K BRANDY, svi,ni: Wtll-KKS.CIDER VIREUAR.PURE ttl 'a t l"HN SI. 111.,,,IN-, *'".*_ Kr.uH'.ii 'j'.. LOVERS OF MQLIBB I*.SI I ALK Wt BBOOBUIBXa .mhi:i;k---" LIGHT -i*, pole ali A- lid. HM BX LNi.l.lsll ALL 00*1 1 I.Kl). LtKUK.-llIN,,. INSPii'l'.viINt,. AM, ,N mi ri i i in«. an spi'i.n/is,, rovie, ".SHILL -I.K.IMPS' sliSIf- LATIN,I. BAST Ol nii,i.-ri.iN. ki,w.sitn 4 ni i-.k,:, Huiiiiu aaa Litiris.,1, roofrniarooas or IH KKK. I ItKH-HKAH IHIANI) OK BIXHJT. A HIL A.oUTSIKNT o\ ll VM) S HAVK.NfillJT A M,)t:i:|si.-, JT 19-Sm IJicliiniinl. Vt. I**S1 RAM I*. 441.WFA.1iY. -fJETBAT IS WANTED IN UN IS ll -IKlNCK I- ii fair, plain contract, wbtcli will l^> to hln wini Ban ACERTAIM ritiivisiiis roa His isstiL*! -ii'd tu hint wlio live, fir,ecu or twenty year* A (OMl'iit'ND IMKI1KM INVKl*TMKMT. In ether word*. A BONO < I'MIIINI***, 1'KoTK*HOS SV1TI I'ltoKll, SV I Ml,,|| HM. RWKOS* KoltKK.ITHHt:. ItOI SHH-ICNTINK DtVlDKNH POLICY NOUTHSVKM-nut m""t i? A L UPI -IN -I Itv Ncr COMPANY, I* in,t au. h a l.iii.l. locclrcnlars and fiirtlu-r liifirirllion, idd.e, JOHN UM SHY A sos. _ Baaaral A-rmii-i, . n in.¦ ..._.n 0rn,T T",lU --«¦ 'l*nl* *«ri»tJ. AH lO-COallOefl M,,-,.:,.,u.... ll I.ii.nun!. Vi f MSMU'tpiR roflt RALE. ^OR SALK, TAI TIDEWATER LIRK RAL Mii-p.spn: ANDOL'rriT. fee Rowell*! Mewspaper Dtreelory lor lUsUtua One- ot Hie two Uep-iiiticaii papen In thc Vin io..f<rr*alon_l dl.trict. Apply to Iht proprtrtrn Ulouct-stcr Coartbeiise, Va. aef-l« trwmttt. Mt>ttcv*.., ^TtCLB IHIOTIICB*. D.ri.B.H...-^---,-Wr^"%, ;«*>i asB.eoo , v Mh .f ,~rd*fr-m tb*. *"»», o"*ol New York ,*;;;" X 8 Hds-*v"_7 .f..«? i&isimi.. boy er u.l. _____ lillEIM HOODS. .i we .Mt c .mMttllf".. 'Ir .. this flkHSHsiflSMjantnir , frTf(f.,.i,tt,a, .rl * te o**»fI f"r '''_,., l. , n -or anoint mu \,lr I .-tere, a * »*%*Z,'huv. r *-» "dtWd . aiTMH^~HWH^*»-«"«»M-l^,tti* " :!sY,i5,«ij&?2M,.« »** ».*3o-Me- u*- ware*) ,,,-,,,., aiTIN*. fl/iirel ucl Id.m. l.'lji.L ^l.«l eo).)>*._ HLANKKTfA. . rs.w,. .rc still bob.In* ""r yt""'- la BLAH*' rs <**.«* ,.,,, .,. rudd,.._ »|, eli » Hie bo'du thc'»»''¦ P' l , ., ,.. wl ,,. y. r. ond lite Iii.-''"'^. ;; J-...'- a, loft. ** w J,,,,.,,, como..e. (.l,.ll>'r»-'r ,.|.vNKKI. :|,:.,,«sK. **LP_!HW V** »¦ "" " sa»^HS^euK ,!.\V|7.AM..'M...c, eiu.tandcb, ,. lUtbl I" " .*. .*.. :rraXif!a.a::!Vwa.-.i'.e''.i...utw',.....-, -.1 ADIKS- yVDIiKVTI'KMKN'Sri s iKl^^.Jg^s-5^ ,,r wt" 1 s.!^vKa,,. f,,;ly * i'V^iii/i'^viirvupM-N- dilEiS from :i-- '.l'*;^";, inp ,_ own !.!..¦.! RsteftJ '' \" ,r<1'" .IB-WAt *"' ORAND -i ' "-. s|M'.!! P -VP! ". PI.ANKKTB. 'ir itv -.-tc u:i p 1:1. vs,a ra at li! IO fl pair. p. ok si. n zi i: Bl .'- -i rs vs. rib ..".. :.- '. s |p \ link AM) III V\ V Ri ,'.!. . ll fl . pur, Kati Lock si IL! ER-OI vv pi. v- ALL-VV', )' -SS! I.-. Vpli-M IDE El. ISM-I. I .-. V VRIi-VV lit! H.VWi I. ,t 10c. wo ALIr-WOO! BUTTI 1. vs\ un ian fl ILL i R vv s -i Pl pi: ia n w n ; ., .. s : Ll . v nvvi-. «mi', ro rn . . Aiii'Ki-. ; .via rvTBVCAl ..-!; T Vt I - V vlf! VP! I '. V VPl'. ... ivpp-irv ; ; au liuuien-' .tint I '. ..ii. Bl HS.oiL-l lull!- vv IKDOW-BM vn -. I. \. _ PK IAIN-.. .ti, ABfBTB MAIM ea tr,. pushed w tl. a i ni etsi Kyle. 7 ia .. v .. ntvi-. null*: ii< uv-'. -i.ei.ii pa reba** al MIT eon. -. .m. law a n v v I-. inp DBI MGOODS iv. dinv. - .-. - ia baylee T""r BILKA ni i:ii v- DAMKMfi I.It(>4 LRUS. *e. pt BEAT SEDUCTION IN' KS.S. I- OOH A T'.RR n*HH C »fj IO O AA K az. "BB. I' I'O AA KKK °1S8_ K I I 0 GO AVA K P. 5. "SS" I V OOO A A lt lt ,_--8 c. d. Binn I'lluformluK til--ai-1 et-triiat lie bi- mao.' | >i^r.- re la. ni SIT.Alls. I.KAN1I.ATPI..7 a .: BRBT Will TE. 7.; Pt l.uAE.ibd POW 1)1 HEH, *-.-.; LP.Ill \ 1 L- PuW.t;.', mir BO V-I I), ul- ll ii, I '".r Hi ir .iroii_Tb cid dfii.a,..- Hitor, a ran GREEN COPPEE8 alway*la *tu--«. OIK PRICES WILL HE POUHD I" vii: THAN ART BOUSE IV THE ITV i-Ht -vvie ut; WHY. liv- BOLO vt IXPOB11 P- PRU r * URI IPA- Eui: 40 AM* .a CRRTS v IMP M>. .. H. uni. vv ROLESALB ask Kl.iaii. inti Ht IN ll Vs, , ,,; pi i.s. wi, -I -, vi:*. s a: i nv.a si ck san lino vi. am. s,Xia ST!! i: AM- 170T K.l-i VI via - fa* ..-:*ii,! -TOMATOES. ..>,->'.) CASRB BR8T ULA sn-. E,,r *-!.¦ by 'Ti lUVESI'uR'T ,y MORRIS. AI A< KKKKK AND MKKKIM.-. i p. IRBRLfl So. i HACKKRKL ARD iv-iEltv HEH- I.'lSl.-. I. t. M.1ST. AM) EUR SALE UV DAV EXPORT A Multi:!-. -io- Tl _ !>¦ I i,"-. TRA km: \ IBOIRIA ham-. -llull.l.EII-, and VIII,td.1ST,«; .1 Pl pp.p Ol I" IDEB VINE'.ai;, ladah lbs rv -PH EU POB HU IU.US..,.it M. ( VIM UV .t RAI Sl-ss. <e j 137 casi Broad Mr**!. WOOII A*4U4'4I.\I.. / ',i.\l. ELEVATOR. Tbe i.sil ii"i mv v i-. r-er-u-P li ffhflM BM manly tun srseni ta i- m.du. -a ¦¦ re. n (brararj tpsalaf. iii-r«- U wo eatlei tren the but over Ute -cr"'il t'n .. lt ls lui- i-aK.tbic for tbe pur, Ra-, r la ari -the. -baa PEAS UAR. CBl| .ne now fit-Ill). ii"1-t"l into aud dsPTBMd f.ou, il.e u.i li t oil-cn-uiiicrs are Hiviu-d tn .-ill .it tb Kbrva- t.i- and -ic il.e aoctlafl si Hm AataanHe Rail- way. wl.b R ls ii nov, I _inl Intero-tinf -l-IP. ra i.tanii,us .,t' ,ii,vt car, wiitin two .duart*of llevater. I. '.| I.on, N..,»7. s. ||. RAH E-. uftc-ETtlilisnU) and ri try stn* > -. TM KV Al Kl) < UAK.-AKK OP Ol -Ta..i\L .' ELEVATED OVER THE.ila- lum .-ur var.i iud Iboro-rirhly leraSBad befbre de¬ livery to eu,io,a, r-. flu |,iii.II. n invi'ed lo call Bl Dr<-.Prid*-'. fool of seveuli-oam alnst. sud llieo|eraliou. audtlioto pureius, tb_ir -upi-ly "f <'o\L. willi the i-.iiriin-e .f 'sIuk mlt*- i., a, ilv -. -vi. - P. LATHBOP A ri'-'. Pm ci., -a will fe furunUd -I. cir il Iway tick¬ et t">.'inri,. _ *SB »i*l esr- I H K RR |l, ll 1 ,{..» rye OO. / tl. in-ii- i: ail\t v\ i uii-Vri). / O PART I, iv."!, .-idell., .tti-r lliei. ( ELEIll: VI Ell t. BATE COAL at BS.7S l«'r ion, d. o.-r. I. f,r ti.- nomb of september. Tbi* la IM 1**1 and chrata-i erato furl ever nffered t>> citisuui, r. ,.f Soal In in.'biuoiid. We tua ran Us- you _*t_sf*.Vlou or no salo. Tel, ibne No*.. BIS sci 177. offlee. 701 oatt Malu -irct. BobKltr s. MOBTHKM. SollciI,il* AfiuL K. B. THAW. t oiiniuriTiil t_,,it sell,let ONLY TBI BEST FAMILY rOakLS V s I t.p. vi I I s, Iii all aliet; SIM.INT, CROWN HILL,can't h.. auroa-..-!; slr A.LITRE t KKKI., and . I. AND; KOKEsT Pl (ft W.iOla, sawed aud apiti. Tb. brat li wi v. ch.ata-st h. p. i. v i int..i' a itu.. SevrnU'eUUi «trt*l, al dnw-brldso. Tetepboae Wo. »<L_aa i* CUMBERLAND CA)AL. -1 am prepared ' to ail orders for beat qnaliiy (.KOBO--*) .-RElh I I tlHEHl.tM. I "rilAL nv Ult cir*, or In lot* from len to Bfly lon* tl ll.lilia-,- tuJ ..crflrilowi, iiiM.uib'Ut ABTIIBAITTs. COAL Bl! allis,; WEST" VIKlilMA SPLINT tod (L.V VEK-HII.L LIMP COAL fsmtibed at l..w__t martel rale*. WIBT HOBKK I ¦*- OHce *ad yard corner Hevaateaiilb tnd Cary .UoeU. Triritspboaa N* . IBB. |v in-rim , 11UOK AMD JOB P BINTI NU NEATLY JDK__tI!TEUAT -HE DlBPATl ll PB1MT- 1 IRQ HOf BE.


Page 1:€¦ · THE RICHMOND DISPAiTH. jrTHEDISPATCHCOMPANY. Twa luitT Dmrat*»a-wii-a to .**. Brrli.r*ai rirr***< butsve*.**«*».t***!**** f Oatcarrier w.elly.


Twa luitT Dmrat*» a -wii-a to .**.Brrli.r* ai rirr*** < buts ve* .**«*». t***!**** fOat carrier w. elly. Maned st SO |**r aaaam; Mt Nksattts; tlAO trw Hire* Bioela*; 6*X- rsr

TB*Bs.MI-Wr.KRI.T UlsrATtTI al SS perta-00**, er SI Ter .11 mimili...fteWKKRl.T IHSrATCHslSl ase aaaam.

OatweHi-tl.-n* la all cake* aayable la sdvaare.

Bat en tsvprr r .aUaae* aft. t th* et'ilreUo-. ot the

tta*** rsslil f"t. netri past-**ncs momy-order,rweeS. er rtetstrrs* len er. « urn ur j arm br mallwUI!» si tr* risk or Ibe srwSer. Bshserltieni wt*h-tew tUttr r****-**ei~ ("tianeiHl mast sire Un-lr old ss

Wen ss ibrtr arw is** n«w, Sampls eoplta tn*

AHVl>-.KTls.lN(* KATKS.UAi.r isi non t s*s

1 I****-.8 BOS Mani. l on

S nasas. 1 Sd. Ulai-.. S 7.1

IS B 901 la.slh. » MS aw.ths. SS 0*1B.s-Tiui -oUr.. la neall** mst*. lr***, ¦*. Unca

celt-**Bl: la Mslsfc-aiird 7*1 real*.I"sr* ol raia* Tor more space ls. tushed on ipj*>l-


An Mir. aa.) teles-ram' mini br a I ir.-a.-l lo

IHR DBRTAf, ll il.SH* SW.R.Ms-*.*t ressBiualest'i.n* will n»t 1-r returned.

\WKDXKM»AT. ..-irTK.MKKIl 1". IS-t.

Dtrtler'a I* alir.o»t time for Hie l{cpiil>!(. an

Journal* of thc country to ncknnw MfaIbu tb.y base committed t!ie flMSt in X-

eiisallc ol blunders lu encouraging Gen-cral t-ni-KB lo try to slip in lietween Hiecandidates of the two great politicalpattie* lu tbe rsce now going on for thc

b lg liet office within the gilt of th* jieople.Thc scheme originated in Hr East, "f

course Otherwise, lt would never havel>c«r, a surer ss; for If lt bad Ik-' ii | .inposedto the Republicans of Mlchlgm. or Kansa*.

or Wisconsin", or Illino!*, or ohio, theywould hnse sahl *! once that Htri,'"-raodldiry. thrown out Lv thc Republican*.would prose lo lie a l-oomcnirig. Theywould have foreseen what lia* become

apparent to thc Itcpublicnu- of New Torkand Massachusetts only since Hulk.r tookHie ti*.d.Tte long letler of acceptance of Oeneral

BitLSa advised In* followers In every st tte

lo ..unilr willi the WenhCSt party." Theyhave di-iie *", iu> doulit, wherever andwin never lb. op|-*-rtuiiit.v to do so hashern afforded them. Thc Blalneilcs andHie Ruth rites ar*' supporting UM * mm

ticket in West Virginia under UH narms

of .' Hrpublicar.s'' and "(.rei nl-ackcrs".an alliance Hut will result to Hu- advantageot neitlier fiction. But in Wisconsin,Mirhlgup. lllmoi*. and Ohio, the lintier,ito ssill coinline with ihe Democrat* if theDrinneril. ure Hie weakest patty, win rei*

if thry are liol tin- weakest party they svill

ol course carry tim-, -li". In 1889th*mniLincd ( and Demo, ral',, s dc

In Miling; ri WM t/.TJ limn Hnui Hie Bmpublican; In Illinois it wa* lo,...'.; mmthan thc Republican v,I, ; in ls in-.i* i! was£e.t'l. grenlir, sml in Indiana it was

24.(Vlf greeter. Commenting opOU BhOBSfigures, the ( hie igu Si n-.s- sass:

.*If, Hun. tbe pal iii -to tb,, fusion again*!tha 1.'. publicans ure rn sining nee a* limyw. ,i ni lin Lill nf |8R8a aad under Hm in¬jinu timi of (.' iu ral Huller tiny unit" thislid), il will make cudi nf t ii buttes BaaedduuLtfiil, ss iib a strour; fusion baning. Ifwe,dd to this tbe Temperance sole, twotLiii s of which ssill cmne from tim Rcpuli-lusii | urty, Hut organization svill be all tin-weaker to sr il leland the aiaaono of I'm.mill inu! AnH-Monopol-.-Orccnl'iii k andDen *>craHc havion*. I.vir.t vote for Hullerla aoy ena af tba State* Banned ia a rota¦ k.tuisi thc Kepiihlican candidate."

lt I* charged that the Hitlki* iniiKii vsn-

i.Ba alliance tn the Internet of Hi.ainu wa*

nude upon Hie Tallapuo-a tu tween Wu.-11tu K, l nAMd KR aid lUll.F.1*. 1 he Titi-

laj-ooka's fate for*shadows Hint of tbe Her-Ita movement. That ve«*el lia- BOBO to

the bottom, snd Hie Iii-publican ship oldsfair to 8nd Ihe sam, place before Christin iv.

Joint Discusr-iona.Mr. lftTARU complains of thc Democratic

¦petken that Ih* y ss il md divide timewith him. So we has e heard. Hut svhicb

ptlly I* the loser Ly thi* refu-al ( lt e in¬

not lie thc parly Hist bas a majority of thevoter* on its side. Thc malority will otcourse listen lo theil own s|n.ikt,-, and ifMr. II, ruin, reprcsints that inajoriiy BOwill surely have ii majority to hear lil*

sp*ethe*. Htnl ssill si rely ba elected. Thetrouble Mr. IIiiuki, Im* to | intend with istbtt the majority of Hie 000*901 are Demo¬crats. The miijnrlly of the svhites who oroluniocratt is so large that when an

East Virginia court-green crosvdl- dividedHilo* llepubl'can meeting and a Democrat-1c muting, the Bepubliean crowd consist*In so large a proportion ot negroes that t.u

H. pii-llein orntor is apt to In IflmOORflfeduni*** such orator happens to be a negro.

W hat jo-sible effect would a speech fromt.Ki'i.i.i Wisi:, or Hie mos! cloipunt Denn-erat Hist cut oiiencd bl* mouth lo addressIhv people, base upon an audience nf Ite. in -roe 1* Ale thea peoph-op-nto eonsiclion !* I* it ind notnrhni- that Hunow* * f Hie mgrocs regard UN KcpuLlicanparty as but another name for tbe GaitedStates Coifrim ont *

Wear* not authorized hy :iny!-ot1v tacome to an agreement of any sort svill, Mr.IliUAKn; but we think weean undertakelor Mr. Wira that if after any couri-grecncrowd ilia! may assemble iu Hil* district 1*distill tl into a Bepubliean gathering ORRI aDemocratic gathering, lt ihall appear tintHu n sic BM fo >rtti rn many white men inthe formir gathering is in the latter, thenand In tluit case Mr. »isK svill turu tods

cuss w llb Mr. Hinmn indore tim cuubiu'-dItatbering.all Hiclssiu s involved In Hm piesent M'lnpaiiin. In a word, wini thc li,an ,.

. crsla ol.Jict lo.Insides th,- objertiotl tc

Joint illseiis.loii* mentioned t-y tin- st i.<

k\>< ntivc ( uinmittci in it« --ti, inral Order" rtlirring to thc su!.Jeet--i* IkB fur¬nishing ot White audiences for Repuhlicac-p. ak- r- to address. Lei Mr. IllIBOROShoOthat bl. crowd on my Last Virginia co,irt-

gre.n (on*lit*ul on*' t<mrthss inanv whiteak negri**?***-, and Hie objections to Joint di*eus.luti* will, we doubt not, be waived libis favor.


The Brinah Danarupt Law.Forty-four pages of No. 48 ot the lintc.

Ht!** Comular I*. |>i>rt* arc taken up witthe Rritish hankiupt law. It would..c-upa lii.i.ilt, d i ages ni the Code of Virginialt lt a model ol cpd. n«*lion, rn serthBBBBlt li the product of evolution, lt containtn!) such fcstlitft as would bold tb. ir ott

nnd*r the Inexorable law ot ..thc .uisis.

cf the fittest." We should I.kc to lay iMore our readers for their Infonuatioiand lo gratify a natural cunosily thal huiiiiKs-iurn must feel on the tubject: butI* entln ly too long for our columns. W,Both* a f.ature or two md found in an,I siikrupt law we baie ever had in thui cunt ry :

Find, to prevent fraudulfat bankruptcytit law provide* that If a dot-tor lt adJudged bankrupt he thal) be disqiuHfl.t,for lilting or voting in either hm:*- of Tarlliuicnt or aoy committee thereof, or l» ,n.ehcted Ui tbe Home of Common«, or BS.|mayor, alderman, or councilman, oveneeiol tb* poor, si bool trustee, on a highwayt*o*rd, salutary board, burial hoard, or te-

hretvtetry. But if the bankrupt 880-8-1from tbe court a certlfleate that hi* bank.luptcy waa cawed hy misfortune, withoutany misconduct on blt part, none of tho*.-lenah lc* are Incurred. A capita! featurelo a coun Iry baring pure Judge*.geeoed'y, where rn th* opinion of tbe

cenrt a debtor ought not te hare beeu ad.Judged b*i_rupt, th* court ai| oo theappik-altou of any person Interciled annulthe sdjudiealloa. sod the debtor » oo

longer s trenkropt. Be ia oeltber subjectlo Loo poooKias of UiBkxuptcy rot eotiuedSa Ike braer_a tk*r*rafSOB" msmnm n*nyl*o\wr.BRRm i-sjruBorwstRns


ts considered paid If the debtor give* a

pmper bond, with solvent stiretie*, to piylt If found due when ault ts broiiffht.This law ought to be stwdied by thc

members ot the United State* C-ongrcti.

Federal Justice in the South.If the sceouuts of ihe work Attorney-

General Bli*w*T*rn ls cre*lltcd w itt. h av ins¬till, ciel from Long Rranch this seaton lietum. the public should bc inclined to look

leniently upon some of hi* sin*. For sometime j**t lt bas been evident from our

southern exchange* Hist Ihe alh'ged I.epart-ment of .Itistice tva* somewhat enervated a*

far a* the South wa* concerned. If the dep¬uty marshal* have not bSSH lyinir low In Hie

matter of poltllcs they have shown a de-t fited dl*U«te for the budnes* of wholesalearrest*. Wo hud b-*n dt*i>OKcd to account f«rthis stole «f thine" on thc i<T"tind that a

rrcst reformation bsd taken place amongthe " soiiihern outlaws." However, it ap¬

pears thal thtic ls another »nl ut ion of the

niniav. IiurlnK*:eh time a* the A tl or-

nt-y-Hri-ni rsl o.ul.t spare tri,ni hi* various

sassflsjsnsjl ba bas Ix-en makin, a study ofIhe manners, customs, Ac., of thc I'iiIP d

Slnlri* court oflieials in the Vim li and Wes!.A Wasblnirton special telegram to the lias-ion Heraltl suv* :

1 lie «cl Ik r hn« not prevented ttoSHSHMof th,- Ib-partm. Bl ot aBatles Ir.ttn rnakim,uni !, asnnt in<| ia regari lo fee* and(oi.rt expeu*. s, in tbs soul ii and IVcst par¬ticularly. Tberentwt*of ttoae l__snseiee.will mit be made public until Hit Attorney-(j.iieriil sultiiii- bis annual report to tbaPreaidint in IMnemtor, l-ut it is kn-,wuHal -crcetv ail ofiicial idineetetl with theadministration of jiirticc iu the South andthe Tunton,* will escape st vcr* amlga-anBlNi i ilinsasflwn iiilifllliiB,flaOfTsndlaSM Knited BtatMlBdg. I d', ry.', feel alt.,-a IR. I ea*y iv iib I. terence to tte BS report*.IR, iii* nf .Rik* md c.-HiiuiissioMcrs are

sii||,.-ed IO be < vamiite.l Rv the judg'*lifer-' they nre nllotvcil, and it will tteililli,-ult l» tvplain win S4UM pr.t'-ti-v*liave rn-t loni; BflO hSSB detected and pala stop lo. OHS circuit jud'., tva* visile Il.y an inspector neentlv to see il thestatement af a ci. rk of In. court inregard '" I''"1 ''lowed wai correct. Thodirk bi'.il lor fears chnrged f;-r making. .Hain r, ord* iii i rimiiial flflBSB. Theta-s|s.t.,r found that no mich records hadix ti ius,!e, altin,ugh llioii-atids of dollar*bad Rt en rici )ved ujioii Rills In which Itofolios r<>r cad. .:.*. Ind apparently beenc. ci! mid char),.al lor. The clerk »*.

s. r|, ,1 that the circuit judge pMICd lbMCii I-* knotting tba! ito nor! charged for

lad nev. i bon flttbinned. Tbs judge ill-foina diiic insfnetor thal the eleni's state*li:, nt was true; that he dil tint BOH.-iii. r it Bessssary th it tba record tootles-Itt ii -linnhl ls-'kept, but that he did re-

gani the charge foi it Bt a legitimatepert]-rialto ol Ibe chwk'i o__ee. In ottosi-.s nRiHM feen tova been allowed with

ito toneeal nf thc judge* for days [wrong¬fully charged] m] sp-nt in gong to Badi.nuning norn court, allowance* fori.uai<l* in ni.ii-lials' nee unit- wtoaROMWere used, iiiui ci.,nHi'i--i,.ner-' BCCOUOta,-vv. !R .1 tn a l,i_h flflUM vt i!!i ftls di irg,--,have 1,-n renard by ju.I a* who, lo MyIto least, were rrrj ttegligenL Whenth, sc bael t-> Washingtonth, v MU _""tl storks of linty unpopulartn, v nie in ;tic tli-t.icts vlaited. Upon Heirjp- araliee in town Hu} arc lici'le to feel

that tiny ur. regarded a* -pi. - sad ensnared in in,un,hug respectablem. ii arith petty persecutions, Tba localpapers ar,- ined te v.nkf them mi*-rrable. All kind* nf trapfl are-et to citt hthem, if possible, ia -nine Indiscretion,such as il. inking, giiini-ii.ig. and kindreddissipations, lr ;. slip i* made, dorena ofitliilav its arc tit once font al-lcil -citingforth thc iin-ral obltqultlMol the Inapeetor,in .,ni. r Dial lin- fone nt bl* r,;i >rt may behrohen. In oneor twoeasM mom tactlesbarri -'anal oil in-p. et,us, but a- it genera!Hun'. Ito of AtRUTnv-iieiicr.iiHr.ii-f.r bare proved toto var* shrewdfellows,sad their eumaaer's noni will g>

fur to prove Ibe Ih-purtmcnt ol .ln-ti lagoing in for reform.Ons only leirret is that it will not hs In ur¬

ti* r f.,r Atinrtiey-iieucral BUHIIBI tosuVmit hi-np'irt bi fide the declion. We should like \>ry min h l,< havesome ni our northern contemporaries.theIT ot ni, in-" Journal, for instance.postedon "Federal Justice" in thc Suth as I

political machine. Presuming thal tbs At¬torn, y-Ossrsrsl proposes to Bsastsf Ito snii-j*ei and trtii* it in all its length andbreadth, ne vvniild like to be be¬hind Ito siaues when the average.staiitnri editor undertake* to wrestktv iib Mr. Kui w-rHa's ehapl, r on thc rela¬tions ol tbs deputy BMflbah to thc reve¬

nue spies and Informers, or to prove one

nf Li- calculations a- tn Row much the.!, -tiuetion of two quartoo! BMbryo ap*ph-Jink inst Ito Knited States Govcrn-m« nt. It would to inlcrcs'.ing to ol>-¦Sfffl Hu- laSBfll upon these editor* ofau rixpordtlon of the salines of bin k-

melHpg la Ito interest of the Hepubli-eaii j.itrty as applied by Ito allegedDepail-B-Bt of Janice ta Bi deallaga rrrthlbs soiitli. Infi.ruiiition aa ilie-e potatoseaatag fraa meh a high source &* thc At*Inuit v-iii neral Illlgllt induce I helli to be-lii vc that the South In* some little groundfoi'diiiuiing that the federal machinery inthis MflUaa i» not till it should, infact, a travesty upon ju-ticaiid toOOftSHIBii. tinnnnt ff trppn--iou.

Mr. Binnie Hns Spoken.Mr. Hi aim:, like JOBI Kti.-r.tiK, thinks

heit "devilish sly.'' He sail not a wordon the subject ol tbs prohibitory auiciid-nii nt latUlcd in Maine on Moiidav l.i-l.uiiKI after Ito bet nf its ratitieation hadI.ceil,, known. Hut will (iii-uoii-coiiiHiit-tal.sin 11 foi. lum,I, and flea" uiiicli butt thanliol,-i nllilllittali-lH How, help Ililli In Ullin,minni*. Wi.,',.11-in, Ac i- Will he lint Inscns many fiTend* amongst the Prohibition-i«;* nf uhin :i* to vvill gain anivtug.t ItoLennans of that State. His explana¬tion was made tor the beni lit ofito Ohio Kcpul'licati-, and tn aidin cariyiiig ohio lu October. Itwas Inhl Rack to thc latest and forwardedal Ihe earliest |n.»*il,le moment. Ile darelllint -'lld it until the tiincn.Hut Ht had beenmtltied. Ba then festbnRh deelarad thalha wniiit! ii.-t bs ito m. an* of ohtrndtnglocal late Hie national contest ! Can

snybedy give i c-.m,,! isbbob why tho dcci.i-rntioii was not made a Month ago? WhyWa- il wulh.i ld until alter ito MstfljS elec¬tion. If it would t-e inexcusable fm Mr.Hi aim* to obtrude u local is-uc into itu- can¬

vas* nov*, wliy wasn't lt In.-xi usable a

iiionlliitgo, and why did he tint ttic.i declarethal it ita- in, BtSBBflMsf

It i-a- p'aiu a* dat thal Mr. Hi.aim: isplat lue n double Kaine. He did md vote loratify the prohibitory amcitduit nt. Huineither did ht Vote against it, ratili" Uinii.

- o wold nfc, ABUTS bu'hi* K< -pul ll*SflQSflsejOflBkM who roted to ratify it, andno word of prslsri-for thiladleswto worked

't I so bsrd in the sain, MUM, Kui Mr, Hraisk

j hM Ink. ii li* silence on the siiR.n et.lit- ba* put himself nitn communication

( | with Ito public, and will not BO B-MWfld Blpi av, .. i.opti Loni" or "Good I>evll,"to

j suit liis ciTiseientc or to forward his a:u-

taPsHM IStoflMB. (nine out. Mr. Hlaink,sud I;-kc tour .stand either for or flgataslM-u.ptiiury laws-lor ur against prohihbHon.for or airuiiiat the Maine Innior law.1\ billi tide an* you on ?

Tammany-Again.Yesterday we had lo supplement the rc

flflfl. of last Saturday's nn-cHug Of Tumut.ny a* lhat report ap|*eared in our is.u¦¦ nj(sunday. This moniiug we supplement thetetexrspblc rcjiort of Monday's meeting hysddlnK Uh following to what was r.|ioriedin our kw nc of yeiteiday ri'cnccrniojr Mr.Gbaiw's sjie«ch. We quote :

After the meeting, Colonel K. T. WoodMid: ¦ When the bell rings they all knowwhere tbe clapp, r banjfs. We are goin).to take oil our cont* for Cleveland."

Heferriiig toex-Menator Grady's remarks,lte/itier Bellly Mid : .. They ouKbt not tohave been allowed; but it makes no differ¬ence. We sbsll support Clewtsnd."General Splnola asid: "I don't think

wbat Grady said will make any difference.1 think we wiil endorse Cleveland."Ex-County -Clerk Gum bicton asid:

" Every one baa a Haht to tpMk bl* mindhere. 1 think we will endorse the Chicagobob-inst lons."

Potler-Jinllfle Gorman observed: ..!sm in favor vf eud_<i.tBgCleveland. ThereM Bothtac akn le to done."

Mr. (J-linea's Letter.Like (loveruor Cammo*. Mr. Oms*, a

trendier of Ihe Heneral Assembly, has puthiir.self on record ss opposed to GeneralMaiioms's candidate for Coner**** In tho

1 ounti district. Here ls hfk"., Va.. September5:. Wi

Felltjte-CUitens of Petersburg, Va. :

I notice a card In to-day'* Index-Appealrtatlngthal our friend* would BOM a rall-licntion-meetlng In your city to-night. Ism korrv Hist I cannot be present. I badunderstood before leaving your city on

> ifdsy last that the meeting would lie heldon Tuesday nigh!- hence my promise to liewith sou.Assure our friends Hist tbe burlesque

enacted at Um Academy of Music on

W.(!ne*dav night las! lias had Hm elect de¬sired by us.viz., to arouse Hie Indignation(f our white and colored Itepublh-an*,milking them -more determined to resistlb* methods of lindy, tim Ssodfl ffl tBfOBlcaiicidatc. Witnessing Hie farce (Brady'*istill.afton, so called). lam sure th*f a ma¬

jority of Ihe Republ'.cim prSBSBl wiro

paired lo see our parly Icadcri In¬dulge in sn net which mint result in an

iniparalle injurv tn tbcmse.vcs and win,li.o thoroughly IRPOSed th, Ir Identity withand Mipport of a preconceived (dan inau-guraled moosha Hg" for the disregard ofthc voles of Iks voter* of thi* district,bavins fer il* object thc reward of an Indi¬vidual lo Whom fnur fifth* .f tim non-

ntiie, -holding I'epubllcans of tb- Fourthcongressional (listiict ked, do now. andsvill ( n lim 2d of November repudiate.Dur people at tlds end of Hie district are

Dru, and um bange,ldc in a determinationto nidi, al to the ballot to re lrom thisatttnipt to overthrow their will. Not-vtiih-iiiiiding (..loin Brody declared on

Wedaesdsy night last thal a Bomomtlea(he oflflttted lo say fraudulcntlv obtained)BRM dinted Ui an election, he will he con¬

vinced when tba ballots arc counted thatMottouny counts- will give lc** Hun one

hundred votes to him, and iu icc tgaitionof thc lint hods instituted in thi* and ill all-ate three bbboUbs 'n Um dlatrlri le *ie-piive tl ctn of I'cpre. nt.ition in their countyprimaries ss weo a- dkOricI convention.Luncnliirg, Itrunsvvick, Diutvildic. Ame¬lia. I'rince Edward, Meekleuburg. almosts dully. Willi the H-sisLlllce of fli'CUl"ll illli ince (.eirgc, Bosses, QreeaavlUe, andToss hat an. svill join w¦ it li PeteiShUrg in dc(.hiring fi r n'prentntatlOB by and throughlim Hcpiibiicin voters of this district,wh, sc innj,,lily os, r tb* ir legal adversary,Brady'a side brows, clique*, and machineinfluence*, will aanrnol to tea thousandvnte* for Biala*. Logsa, and Ivan*.

Tell the people to stand llrni; there 1*00 coloi-line iii this end Ol Hm district.White and colored BepubllCBB* herc willratify ymir aetioa of to-night.

Mool truly and respeeffuHy,W. E, QaURRB.

The BtntO Agricultural Society.To tbs following communication wc ac¬

cord a e.iii-piciiuii, j .lu i- in our columns.

It Bl WOttby *,f the attentive eon-iilcralionOl th* people ol BtehSSOnd mid Virginia.i im wriii i is:. Beatons hu nd ol Um loom*ly, un active cooperator in ail its goodworks, hut i*. in our opinion, not one winitun -anguine winn he speak*of whit Brightbo aceotapBahed by tbs state Agricultural.-ni-jets :

Hie sun, lg, I. S.Kiel > Us

.Wiwsloii. "urouiids, Ac.

To ihr Editor nf tin Dispatch :

All credit to General Wickham and timgentlem* n who bare counselled and workedsvith Inn, through tim past t .so years of timMate Solids's history. With" tim manydrawbacks and advene circiuii- ace .* underwi ieb they have lalmred, t am BUT*tb*com¬munity i- really lo give timm tba scripturalplaudit Of, Well doim, good and faith¬ful -arvants and ,t Will be a univer-alrregrettbal the eonstitutlon ot tbe Societyinnke. this term I lie last during winch Gene¬ral Wickham can serve as president of Hieorganisation.

lt appeals to tim writer's mind tint Hietime is now when the state AgriculturalSociety should he planed once for all uponfl substantial basts, anil tim BBWBlOO forwhich it ssas organized.namely, tin- fur¬therance Of Hu- interest- of agricultural andkindred pursuit-.-tumid teoetvc at itshands greater attention and in turn lardersympathy and cofiiieralionfrouitlicfaniiini'community within mir state.Now, the one barrtar to tbe work nnd

di v.lopliHIlt of tlds Society ls the ipiestion,f linanc.-. This prtivided for, under pru¬dent ii iiniigcmcnt it crt .Inly can be nudean institution of untold worth to our peo¬ple mid their Int. rests. Let us sec whoshould feel culled upon to contribute to Itssupport and io sustain its work.

li ls needless forme lo attempt to recitethe benoit* which Hie etty of Hichmondann nally derive* from Hu- gatherings of pe )-

plc who attend these exhibitions, or to tryI,, peera that these bsaae_tta are not ooeBaedto vs hat We call I'air-sveck. These qoosttoBSanswer themselves. But are timm notother channels tu walch the etty might co-

operate svith tbs Society and reap ai it lia*md thought of)-Bapposa thc dil.iplil.iled buildings now

in existence on thc ground- wire t .rn

away, and two aubatantbtl and _.poeieuibuilding-, oin' story each svith archedroots, ri et* d ob tom* Mutable sire wilblathe ground-, and large enough to accommo¬date the entire exhibit that needs bekoueedj theoldleaoa and ugly stalls andp, ii- supplanted by others convenient andattractive; and lastly, tim entire grenada ar¬ranged and made beautiful wita windingdrives and tv alli's ay-, gram and lowerplots, "green-house.*," stream aud lakelet,making not alone a spot to which mir poo*plc would wish lo take every visitor to thacits, and Would seek for recreation andpleasure themselves, bid slmBUM^tfleentterminus to the grand drive now bring con¬

structed from the reservoir to its we,tern

boundary.A -nilahic dwelling fur the-ecret u-y hav¬

ing bOBfl erected ss ithin the ground-, make*il a part of bis duly to keep Hm satiie everin thc very beet condition. No soonervsuiilil such a fad bc established tlinn theStreet milts as WOORI break ground for itstrack to thc spot, dur people LmeouM ini-peUeotfortbo eomplettoa of the work, amifinally, i! would be tim one popular resortfor inr citizens. I-there a voter in Rich-iia.iiil who would not he willing to in,timtthc Council to appropriate to such an end.ora member of tim Society svho would notgladly svi leoine sindi, and OOOCede to thecity, outside of Fair-week, tull control ofthe ground.. I think not.BOW, hOW WOOM these tilings effect tbs

visitor* and planters from outside of ourcity who attend thc Fair* of this Society '!I reply, win n such conic to 001*000001 ex-blbltloni thev do BO for protit and for pleas¬ure. Iildcr thc existing state of thin'.'-eachcxli lit um i-, and will be to a greater or lessesl. nt, simply a rc|xtltion. With suitableaivMiunodations, exhibitors from lioumlilldabroad would lee] Instiled in makinggunter OUthvyi towards perin mi-nt, cu¬llin:, al, BOd si'tcial display-, some of whichwould dui Idles, be kepi in p i-itinti. andpoaalbty in operation, all thc year through.Tho launer and meehan! would hive tim(¦Pl uiiiilnlv of witnessing machinery Badappllaacca whleb arm aever seen oo ourground- nott, and vshjeli never svill bc un¬til-din- greater inducement* are ullered.Where have wo aeeoflssaodsUasM tor thelu'.'. Ii (.ni, linc arts, article* of groat value(intrinsic or historical), tim electric d sp| iv-,aid soon, whiehcoii.titute the real feature*cf other exposition*yThe M'cnly in -uc!i a position Would lie

enalilcd to oller pt'cmiums for firm pro*dnc!-, cattle, stock, etc., -olilewhat in f.iliowith thane now bestowed upon Ul* mili-twry nnd thc race-course. Beat would haB .tort-house of knowledge from which theplanter and his children might once a ye irtake lesson* which no schonling couldoller snd scar* af Iras*] would not giv.With race-course, splendidly-equipped

restaurant, and resting accainmoila'.ionsamply and contcnicriHv supplied, wherewives and childnti might rueemblewlUlnil mouthy, Beautiful grounds, and specialrootOTfB each day nf the Fair-week, I ncc |OOt a-k if there would not BS a promise ofpin1.1 mm pleasure which would greatlyadd to tbs list ol hf,-member*, and Ihardly think lhere is a single voter withinHu- -Ldc svho would not lu- willing to In¬stinct the Legislature to appropriatetonSB. such BR Institution.the only onein the State-which would appeal to everycitizen, of whatever political U-uiI'iuv,cr, ul, or doctrine, condition, ra«e, orSOter. Other Legislature* have tong anoestated annual appropriation-: to theirstate societies, rihI in these only, I liclleve,have these organization, been crownedwith sine..,. We are too slow, and waltuntil tb'ng* become old with progressivec. inuiunliles, and usually wake up andM ml our money jn-t at thc Hine whensome other new ern t* about to dawn.SHH.llliKK 8, IHK4. g.

OneNreutoB buring .tated through theBoston Herald that last winter Mr. Clbvb-i.aku wrote letter* to Mew York member*of Congress urging them to vote with Mr.Mobbibob both on tbe question of consid¬eration end ob tbe motion to strike ont thcmarting clause ot toe MoBRisoB blU, tbeNew York World un:"We bappeo to knew personally thst

Ibis is s lie- Oovernor ClcvelsJd wrote no

kin h leUers."Tbe World made Hist sUtement more

than a wick ago. and Iim since rope.le i itIn the moat emphatic terms.terms a trifletoo emphatic. Lei I)einocratlcipe*lferspiit_,thc H'crbi'* contradiction in their .crap.t. ok*. They will no doubt he confron-, |

itpon tbe stump, especially west of tba BRMUldgc, where there tuc a good many whileRepublican* artxlou* to disci**, Hie tariffque»tion. willi the statement which thatJournal so unequivocally denies.

Onb Exr-l.ANATiox..The PhiladelphiaTelegraph, a ___¦____¦ pai>er, My* of theMaim el'' 'I inn-:"Thc iesders on Imth sides have hr-en

playing s new game. Thc Republic mstut down I heir experted majority torHobie at 10,000 in order lo have room fara bl. shout In case their secret hope ofKV**) ls met. The Democrat* .cmo-le '

li OOO majority to their opponents In orderlo have a chance lo yell like mad in ea«etheir secret expectation* of only k.his) ma¬jority for Holde I* thc result or their re-

mark-able still hunt. This lithe pl .in truthabout the conflicting and confusing esti¬mate* sent ou!."

We wrote " fright," not " fight,"" whlm|>crs,"not " whisper.*," nu,1 .. fltoflbpigeon," not "stool-flsrure." That i<, wetrhd la write those words, but we suspectthat "our hsndwriting was not of th. bsst.Ami i'.ien such vvcathiT: wc wonder thatlhere were not more wrong word* in thepaper.

We acknowledge the receipt ol rm invi¬tation to attend thc Kockbrldge-CountyFair Exhibition. Hui lt came almost loolate. We return thanks.

" Ob, who esn Robt a (Ire In hi* hindHy tblnkln* _u U,o fro.ty Caucaau, »"

Thc telegraph fold H.* yesterday thal therewas frost In Munltobn on Sundiy night.Anti st once ocr jrred SS il* whit the " Di¬vine Williams!" had *anl on thesubjnet.

Hen Rooka.

Thoma in thc Firth. A Romance ot theWar- and Kiiklux-I'rriinl-. A Voice otVindication from Hie south, in BBSWWto "A PooPl Ki tanti," and other Slan¬der-. Ky N. .!. Ki.'-YD. Main Graphicillustration-. Philadelphia.; DcBBABOBBOTHEBB. Krircs, |) lo f_..',0.Kev. Fi.vv.vrti) S. ObHBORT dBHOrUHB this

look as a profound yet most engagingI bilo-opliical nr'nmciit withal. Involvinga o tupi, tc and unanswerable vindicationof the -muthern Slates before, during, andsince Ito war.

Fur sale by thc publisher*.Tl.i Ct*Wi of thr Tuderies front thc Hesta-ration to ta* Flight ot /...,,. / kUippe,By < AIllKllIM: ITlAltl.oTTK. Lady J&CE-ms, author of "Old Kari*," CC,the.Price, --'n cent*.For sale by Waar, JUHHBIUfl iv CO.The same linn his sent ii* I*art .'Id of

stormoiiiirs Dictionary, Prtoe IB cent'..

We tito this ilii-tioiiary.


.< Profeaenf Tymiarl, one of Hie mostnot-d <>f -. jeBJaSfa, *i*»«i aol know tbs yearof his birth." Perhaps Mr. Tymlilr wmnot born at all. but evolved.

Tie tin nil,, rs nf the colony of Americanfinanciers rc-lding in Cana'a .boult! tele*graph an ex| r,--inn nf their -yiiipithy tothe people o! New Hruiiswick, N. J.

The BostOB Pott -ay* " Ki TRKIt NoiltWest, earning his living by the sweat ofbis click." Who flares maintain now thatbrass will not sweat.

Hoptkllk telegrapbs from Bangor to thePhiladelphia Prttt that he i* undoubtedlyreelected to Congress. And y,t tin rc are

some people who do not liclieve In thc luckol Innate "cussedness."

If this thing of stealing national bank*is not stopped in the North, northernm li-hants will be compelled to tlo tholrbanking Ra-un-s in thc mal III I lill BilSouth.


A telegram from Augusta, Maine, saysMr. Ki.aim: icfn.ttl to vote on tba psoblbt-tion anicndiiHTit because he represent-national issue*, and prohibition is a state

.ju,ntiid). Mr. Iii.aim: has not alway* beenM rt gartttul nf State's rights.

Anent the water OJtMBfllOfl thc Philadel¬phia North American says: "That a con¬

sumer should pay according lo the quan¬tity consumed is obviously a sound bini-iie-a principle.'' If the average Philadel¬phia!! only pays for UM water he SOMBSBMit is to be mired tbat thc water-works willlie a heavy charge on the city.

A director of Ito broken New Hruiis¬wick National Hank Slid lu a reporter:" I might as well make an open breast ofIto whole affair. Well, Hill was toomuch beset by politician-. Ile evidentlyruined him.-.'If Ry intering out aid to thcIR | ul.ii. au parti." (Mon another lor theparty of high mond ideas.


"Attorney-General BBBBBIflB will takethe stump for Klaim:." It i* hoped.thatRe will tell the people ol UM North howMr. Iii..UM.'- party has been administeringJustice lu thc St.nth. According to au ex¬

tract from a Washington ipeelal to theBoats** fJerahLfpBbBstod elsewhere, hecan tell, if he will.

The Philadelphia .Yorfri American (Stal¬wart KcpuRliean) says: " It is impossibleto have any sympathy with tbs SSStbedl ofmen who seek to hobin up the fortunes ofMS] political party hf exciting Hie preju¬dice* of clnss, nationality, or condition."Then how in the name of all that is consis¬tent can the North American sympathizevv llb Ito Republican party.

The Philadelphia Times says : " But ifto [P.).aim:] shall lose Ohio.there's thetub! and if the Blaise prohibition sweepof Maine shall ba thc cause of losing Ohio,as is more than possible, will the Mainemajority of yesterday to accounted a vic-loiyor a def, at?" Bi.aink's explanationwhy he did not vole oh Ito prohibitionamendment would indicate that that isJust the i|iiestion with him. It may yetturn out that thc cold wave is side-trackedsomewhere up in the Pine State.

Personal..-..lah Bernhardt i* to lie paid XtiO.OOO for

tor year's work in America.Sir Andrew Walker will add an KEtSH*

sioti costing to the tine art galleryto icccntly presented to tbe cltv of Liver¬pool,Ibe Lin.oin Park Boord ol Chicago will

probnl ly grant permission to <reit withinthc park a memorial statue of Thoma*Paine.Mr. Keary M. Stanley, thc explorer of

the Congo country, say* the guiding mottool hts life has been, " Whatsoever thy handUndi th to do, do it with thy might."When the Czar of Russia meets thc En-

|MBWS of Austria and Germany al Warsaw,all his food will lie brought from St Peters¬burg hf two daily .' lightning " trains.Mrs. A. M. Edgingtoo, of Butte, Min..

thc far-famed "widow of the (eurd'Alcne" KOld-inlnes, I* tbe mother of theactress Lillian Edgington, and weighs near¬ly 400 pounds.KnglLsh papers are sending out their

best correspondent* on the Gordon reliefexped it on, amonc them being Messrs.Cameron, ol the Standard; Hurleigh, ofthe Telegraph; O'Kelly, ol tho News, andMellon Prior, of the _-f1_.fra.0d LondonArtes.Tbe Archbishop of Naples, alter gaining

tbe praise of all men for bia heroism infloing among tbe cholera aick In the poor¬est and Oltliit st slums, M now roundlyaccuaed by tbe rabble of being in leaguewith the doctors.

Tbe Jackson (Tenn.) Whig naya; Thewell-known bt. Jacobs Oil ha* a gnat run,for tbe people will kare lt and ao other re¬medy."


n»M».:.'¦,¦.,<:*,,, .*.." *<s*r by a Plaralliret lJ.'.0»"-Tfc* rVaMMllea* S* a Riv Usjnriir as Hm Rraaltslaka Rr*' hwn and ic-,,,,, Alli-in,..Tlc World's August:, apaoiolsayai sd-

dom if ever in tl... histor* of ft qambi rnpolitic* have stnii dbgracefnl ami humid-atina scenes been OH'sesaed as Hi ate at Hopoll* in Hil* eily lo dav. Your eorr-*-spoudent«tocd al the polllnglnx of thaFirst Ward, which is tit* larg.-t vrarj atthc city. -Dd the p!«ce ,n Which Mr. Bl linclive* and vote*. The v.ding commenced at10 o'clock and aottd at 1. .Iud a* Utapoll* opened *ix inin rn ramrod lbshaH lienring bouquets ia their hand*,wh ch they placed in tl,,, vs in.l i.v* andon ihe tul'le*, anti limn proorodod'to I: kc up a posulon n,.ar ..., p-lrcinc*'with iiWrmaiive ballotsoa theprohlbBonamniduient in their beads. They were(ld(rlv ladlta. neatly dresoad. sad Os v. rv

dct<*d ai>|K-ar:ince. Ilaiot- kedbeoflj rmi. d f"r lon .,. thc .. Ye. ** beiag in verymttft ,','*'-'k ¦''',' T* "1:i: '""i I'"' r,i'i soromthe stnet. They oil, nd | billot 'oetciyman who entered, and on., of thin tv i INfellow-neb voter to-,.,, whether lu* pu" a" No" cr a "Yes" in tim box. Il tv ,- tbilirst time a omen bod t.r iippeare I al IbepeCb lu Augusta, it wa.*, therefore, a

novell y.Seme respon-** made to aollcttatloaa ol

tlie women were rude and losotUog. One

men. who was (j,ute drunk, stvoia- Hut bacould never bo ruted Ly a lot of petticoats,and ihcn said he would ba .1 -d if Inivoiild ever tak" a ballot from a WOmvO.Tlc poor women lookci terribly dissatis¬fied. Ons of itu in sat down, sash; -

was di-conragod.No! withstanding Um existence of a strict

prohibitory law in titi- eft] hearsed svhi*-k.v wera freely given nt a enouoofl nota!nearby. TimBepobBeBa woamn workedfur prohil-itinii at lim |mll*. 'vhilc tie H-pul.!,cnn tuen mule th. ir dupes ('.ruuk be¬fore nun bing timm in like cattle to eaot Ifoo belan. There was little ooocealmmlalintitthc piircha-c of votci *. TM pri"spaid *ir merited wen truly dioinnued.rollie* of whiskey were eu rici tn cit-

p.. kel* alni han.led from one nun to so¬mber with manv n *lrtinken _,i::i and gi inni.Ce.There could be no more disgusting I si-

acnes ol tba roaaBty md bypaerbr) thalbave grown up in tim politic, nf tm* st iteind-r Hm leadership of rjaasas <'.¦ Blaineand Nml Bow. H"rc was the ipa I tele oll pniy lulioring to a!opt a prohlltltotj.-nuniliiuiit BOd using inirelu.e.l tildrutiliMi voters in Ural endeavor; tv

poor woimn who*! eheekifumed crimson]toort thoo on. a al aneeehesaod eahlbUion*ii ,v l ad nisei- before herd or seen, sadfore inili thev ss. iv evident') uni.:, pu i.Thc whole da's'* (Laing, vv.rc ipgicl dioiiof aaoabood nnd womanhood.OM could Lilt turn nvas fmni inch a

ssiiiiiied -piciiu ie aiui madder at thapo**IbiHtiefl if lbs totara nhen suchDagranl outrages g'> unrebuked by Hm I nv,when a eandldate f.-r the highest oil rn iatbe nation Psi - within sstone'* throw.Hm Mr. I'.liuni' himsi li svuiild Increase

tim climax ..f double dealing aod hypo ri-.s.For -eural day* it ha- been koowa thal bewasgToatl) annoyed over tbe urgent ni!'-,¦inane tn hun bum tim Wet p. opp '¦-" theamendment l,."His.-of tba Istil effect Its

icy would bave in thal section, Hessa- Ihr* at*in,1 on the rather -ii" by thelee* of bl* earn oTote if h.-voted agaton. M i Mi. s-i il in went away to Bar il irb »r-Mm,!.ts night with the intention "f nolliing lure in-da.t, and there escape, hoi-, me pre--uro drove him Lack after havingbet i. at Par ll irbor bm a lew Bears. Alil:,- polls hts I'svn milli was announce titi *

mo! ning tbal bc would down to rot*a! ,,iit 11 o'clock, mid thal be b id proml ie

a prominent Prohibitionist be noul i

vote for the amendment. On* olMn Indies via- dUpoSCu lo h uni him a.. Vi -

" ballot. Bbc took tier -t uni outsideIhe door and wailed. Tim hour ol ll came,Lui Mr. Blaihe did nM. It wa* Ul* B given"til that be would conn' at I. Again limIndie- weil'full of livelv tX\.I Wi: y. Theywere prepared to semi tb. gnni nets- to-i st ml pince., in *he Gaited State* a* -1 >B;.- Mr. Blaine roted tha .. Ve*" Ueket.Two o'clock canm. but Mr. Blaine did Bot,lt b.gan to be whispered about that per*kepa Mr. B.lae ssa- sick. Nobody saidaiiyl'.iing about a sunstroke, for it OMcloudy.


A (.rai:.! llr, rp,loll Bl l*lmlra-r'ir,c.,i1 In ii.ami I'i i.i.i., rn .- ii'.

The following sddRiOOBl i- given regard¬ing Clevelau*I's reception at Biotin Mon¬dayCrowd* followed the <¦ image* ht Which

the party rode Iron, |>oint lo point willicheers lor Ch scland. "There goes Cleve¬land "' was thc stiout boord on all side..i in- Governor struttused Unwell as betasivett ph-ssed willi the Fair. !!-. conuneti'iedBpeokiog nt 8:43 1'. M. from Iii* carriage,winch wa, in fmnt of thc Manufacturer*'Hall. Ile wmtotroonoed b) Um rnoaideni ofthe Fair Association. Iniiucdi itely after(ioviiimi' ch -vi iuui rosea great cheer went

up from the multitude, 14,000 pen .niun -,nt shouting tix in-.ivi - boorae. The('..vernor's remark, wen UatSOOd to withgnat aitention. He was often interruptedvt it ii cb* era. Be tpoke as followi

..It affords nm great plroonm to fltOOlyou here today, aod to lute an opportu¬nity of inspecting thc annual exhibitionwhich ii oatrstes tbe condition ot the agri¬culture ol our State. I regard theseannual fair* rn lonarUilag eonaeeted withour State gnverniui nt, be attn*-, to toro* ex.tu,! at lea-t. they are f,,.tired and aid.dby tbs public funds, and l am inr* Ural nogood eitiziu is iui'iiueil to complain of th*appropriation of a -ind! part nf tim p.-i-pii'- money to the eoeouiBgeuien! of ibisimportant lotereaL Toa fat that this tadone furnishes a distinct recognition nv HieMale of the valuable lelaimn whleb itsfun.i r- Mid its f maa bear to "m prosperlivand welfare of the Comaaoosrealtb. WtImiist of ,,-,: iii.iniif t. t,na., excei ding a,

the] do largely IhOBS nf any Other -'ate:but our supremacy i, ,i,-uis -lens n ts In nwc recall th* lad that lu addition ti OUTlead in Bwnufoctmootho valno of our fanniami their jii-oiiiiet-, j- .ci .md univ am .ogtb* stat.*. There is a Ixodoom inn! relia¬bility in agricultural pursuit* whicharc not alwass found in other branch*es of industry and In.min ;t u-t.Tba sol remain* in i'* place, ready t btill* si. and Ihe 1 nm, I, with Midd) healthand browny arm. dept mi. alene ap ,n toeWork of Ins hands aud the aid of a kindProvidence for tim reward of bli labor.Thus mir fannel'- ara net Independent ofour citizen.-, 'lin y produceOf bise withintheir i«-:u!i all limy need for their Becemi-ti.s and for Huh- comfort. Their CTOpIin ,y be Boora abaodanl al one barret! thanat another, and their product* may i.i-lnand higher prices af mmniaikit-tiumtlunanother. These eondlUoni may expand OTeontraci their ability t,, indulge" in luxuriesur in expenditures not absolutely neel,fut, but they ihould raever bo in nant oltho neets.iries or comfort, of life. Thi,ls thc sure result of patient and well-regu¬lated farming. When the fanner fail, an Ibl OfRMI hunk nip! in hi, bosttem vve in iv,I think, confidently look for shiftlessness,ora too ambition desire to ..w n ssote loador stock than Im can pas for, or mtermed-illing with matters that hear tm relation tohis; or rillhmilB.RlflllBli nt ami Ignoranta* d, BsotRRrats that be bu mistaken bi*v, cati. u. Fortunes may bco/ilckly amBSSBdin spcctilatiun anti lo*t in a day, leasing aLu! ( xiinple and perhaps ip un rilizitionand ciliiic. Tradesman or manufacturer,hy vicissitude* of trade or through Umalluremi nts of a short mad to wealth, mayin a day beovercomusod bring dbniteraadruin upon hundred* of his neighbor*, bot inUm indii-trioiH. intelligent, and oontoOtedfnrn cr the State Hud* a -afc and profitablecitizen, alway* contributing lo its wealthand prosperity. The r,nl value of Umfarmer to thc State and nail ,n is iud. how-.s,r, fully appreciated until wv con-,derthat be feds million.* of our people svhoarc mgiiged in other pursuits.Hut th.product of hi* labor tills thc avenue* ofour lillimur,'. SOM] supplies an ini|x>rtintfactor BB our linaracial relation* with othernation-. I have not conn' ta attempt toplease vou with cheap and fulsome prams,nor to magnify your worth and your Im¬portance, but I have come xs ("liefKxuut'.vc of tbe Stito ti acknow¬ledge ou its own l-ebalf that ourfainter* yield full return for thc benefit-thev receive from the Stale government. Ihave com*- to remind you of thc Imnor-t*nce of thc interests whioh you have incharge, abd to suggest that notwithstandingthe farmer'* Independence, he cannot andmust not be entirely unmindful of the valueand ind ortan.-c to Ihe Interest* he bold*of a Just and economical government. ItI* hi* right and hi* duty to dem ind tintall unjust and inequitable burden* uponagriculture and lt* products, howevercaused, should be removed, and that whilein furtherance ut other interests of theStale, lave s due regard that this Importantone should not be neglected. Thu* by hi* a farmer and tbe full performanceof hi* duty as a citizen, bc wilt create andsci ure to himself bia share of the result ofbu toll, and aave and guard tor ail the peo¬ple the mott important element in tbe pronperity of the State."


A sMsBSMISS* f-at-d H b* Ta¬

ri lion-lr *»Hb sRSBSB rat*

tn uiiin« (H-) telegram .-.sys: A NMw/k- ac,.he Helinbh-.-iu Piriy-uiinsg.^.r I..-, mu rot'cri. upon MadtossiPavt. Hie cl. nd f-tiu-t-r M AlheRa,uni T.. munt asl rid or hu Dc-noesBltt

,.i ,,.n Wl-o Us controlled the PS>

ll _, ...,,rll;es of bl* ovn pilitlcall" e le P.-idCItt WOUtd bO alk.d IO\ i> Tie P"lv ibfuntlcd UM)

vk$l Iile rrlcu!-. ^'¦"""^"V.rr.Hmregrocs in (.corgis, nu -»

t.- tl/.. Kx.-el.atnr Kirai., lt. ,.

..on:neld. Janies M. ^k?* Itt.Mos.- w, rc i.l.a- d from Inrtbt. r-*,> >rut-

"my. Tte new bend hm been seesptodbribe K.-t'Otli,c i)c;,i!t'ii"ii'.-Messrs. Keu-e ind B>yWldtl« wMte

I.,.:ocr:itsnnvvIn the illec anil it .* i r

!,!,!,. d Hal lb.;I wall bc .hort Iv..*¦ tojed:.., t.egroes will tsfletheir ij^'.;.,. PVnHbaa ,..,. .f h.* som In «*«_«_*_d£Br«M bMehsrgs <.r tbs .M«ii,.v-or,i,i w

a,m. .t. Clerks trill tore1.toporh-1

Mtiers are no Republican! eanprtsR! «>

Al hens. Madison I Uti- HM UM -MTS

at nm Beeu D. u. BM toj-najtowar. IV I.e.. llr-t SMMtntad po»tm:ist(tr t

was through Hie intlucnce of Mr. Il .

thea sanfltar, Ital in-wa* .ntitlrmcd .md

Li* tir*t l-ond arni BMdfl "I" ,,v,,lr' VInfluence. Il vis a letter addressed toDavU is -Mv Petr Matt" ht Ito Hon.

Knmrv -p.. r, and which fell toto Ito bandi,,i ., ne 11 iii.icn.i*. which snlneqaentlycontributed <o tbs tottti el Hu' youngstall -b SB.


t isiiitn. Political lleatlf|nartor*ri.l Now rack ti m.-. I

Amcnir the visitor* to tba Democratictoadqaarters reaterday were CongressmenSpringer, of lilinoi*. and Iteltnoiit. of BenVoil,; s Bator MePhri rson, ol Kew.Ri-, v K. i ogg.-Rall. Of Michigan:M. AleEender, of Missouri; H. A.Alflrr, ol .M-i-s.-iclui.-.-tt-: snd C. K. Perry,of Florida. Ex-Jadae J. II. KsBnard,Louisiana, -aid thal no man In bi*eould Ri Mete foi- mic moment that therewa* a ghee! ,-f a etones lor Blatos inLouisiana or any other loutbi rn 81 't'1. bo!meei ling West Virginia. CongressmanSpringer, of minni., ipoke very cenfld int-

|y ,,f il,e prospects ,,r the Democracy Inthe west, rn StatM, A Bsflettag ol tbechairmen ol tr.c (lemocratlc .tate Com¬mittees ol Indiana, WiMonsin, Iowa. Mich*Kan. ind Illinois iv i held 1,-t Priday to-,, ure liiun -un us letion ifl IhoM Ol ,'¦ -¦

Ol ,i urse, thev all f, lt sure of Indiana,sadm to tbe four other Btate* the opinionni . thal iii, v nan ail doubtful, with thichances against The German votenm vt i'ii ile DecoocraUe party, ead be biIii vol i! bad bbbm to *t ty. Iii Bltaols, be-ant. bc bad no doubt ol the Ioctl ni olCarter Harrison lor Governor, and wm

ni -f securing -. Democratic L ri*-I nure, which aronid wrry vii-!, li aD mi ,-

elalie lulled Slate- -i Hilt,d' ill p':i "I

General Logan,**.it Wucllf)! a Victory.

l-.oll'IV il','.!

Ii [Ibe Maine cl, ellon] give* no evidenceol any ruck po| ularitj on Mr. Blaluo's

"eiiiibare I-en rrj cted; none such si Mr, Ed¬munds would h ve shown in Verm tat orMr. Linc. In In Illinois, or Mr. <>;.

h dd ii-. I; dis. lon - ti,,- fad ilia!a overwhelmingly strong

h. ls no stronger relatively (ban even Mr.Hit, - eight years ag--. The rt al itrug :its t.t ;,, t.i made. It will not l>e materially..pi .a. d Rv ibe "!,-I promw i.i.-ii tl,, niau igers h id arranged in M tine.II will .. il t< rtnli .I br fortes far moni it. nt than those - nllsted He re, and Ihe*.[oreti aro working Headily and strongly

Blaine.. > Loni;.

"Pul ,1 w.< 1. 1- o bm. M -H I,VU b a i..-s..i b,-. arl) bead.

ivvo. ti r, .'. i.v-i vi i. v i .| it vv i.v.

V ll Sid U Yourself. >., lol a.'

-, wren! le d 111, lu ll- Hi llidll ind

Tbe tic< ind Ihe lld* and Hie bullHos. '-.iii I natl n-i- mt -oed. to cr ,w -

'. Hui a BU mb ,- SO !...' '¦" be kill,With* droop ol bl-1, .v -li tie-id.

"IR ,r Il.e e,,i.,t.i.lle. vi", tbree. loll,-li i.r wi.cb w,, k .o Ihn " iv - in,,iv;Ihiny-oae aayi mdrarb wlil creepA- I! -1, ,.|..\s nvl ,1,', yonder ItOepi1 I thal heWalciilns Hit-titra ellir.b up the »ty.

Host .,,11 I « il! till.nib la i.'e.-V .

.. Bal a year li atonal" he il '.rpunnu.' bli brljrhi young bi I.

.. mi ii.-, av i, md soLiver Ibe hill* .ail. r.,,(--, pi Bow.Ami nm *. d wuiic. -mmMmr and print:;<>,r..r_ b.ida, ¦ dd

i vcr ile eba in -I- op and wida,Timi Blltl t er.-- lu ll« ba is w:iimi).'. mv love, ur. bridal "

'. Tl ', v, ll las- e ',,.._' '. I,., ,,i,|.-I..wi j nillo* lil,-Lat, Iv Rc id.

"Bnt ibero ¦ rourh lu win, tb, r,- la much b,a in.a i,n,-t labor.* in ni must ,-i.s-.Ai d ii. ma*' i,- itn as i" watti

Re V. ll IV ,¦ |. C. iii vvle, won: -v li¬

ll., rrr.WB of I,, ie i tnniI do BB -Rue.* ,, Ru Ml lie io '.¦. v. ipi fal*w I,., v., i,pt, i.nii, to maali.l's hist" Ab! life I-not lon).." R, nie,Unwin! bi- eran,I wlnte he ni.

..ina IWO, Him ,f, i.i, . Ireveal. Mar-! Aliwlft their ll'i'-.lA, iwltbiW* rlciitina Ihe mon,Ri

en _:, am. evan.PR, i- .Rori ;.- -ainu., r nl.hl.

II..vv I.,,,,., o ,..¦!.,..-. mit) .¦¦


HUH RRR IX) W W WEB N ". jfUl.ll 1, ll bril HW VV VV VV N *J NJ" 2 «

HUP. Ki;ll () li VI A vv ve SJ BJ N SB) H II Kl) .) vv Ht WW fl .nv _

UBI. ll K OO VV W fl RR T-S8ll KKK OO NV BJll ll IU) tl\ N NII KKK i) .) S N Hll ll KU OB N NUK K 00 N RS

ultu ntrri rrii bbb brr .ss,ii nu t ti ,t i<^ 8HUH ll T T PK .(Kit -^SSMI Bil ti; it ii, _...BBU II T T KKK K K^bS8..

A- Till. BBB. TuM,'.

Tbi* medicine, ,...,.,¦¦,H,,,_ Iron with nonmira, quirk I j iit,,| romtdetelt Ii! - l>V --

Pt PM A. IMiIi.i-'-i pin, MALARIA. WI IKM rf, IMVI RE Pl c,|,a HILLS ,., ; i j \ 1 |Lnd Ml I, Via.! V.Bj rapid ind lb, r tb ti li HI ttlnn wpli tit*

RI,* ll, ll r, nell, - v. v ail ol Ul* v .'.iii. numbcl. il st!

mid ie a v.-.and b.ii, - md Inviiforite, lb- u.VMM VI Pi ll/l ii lil -I |.,It « ni ,i r, tbi wm ri ca eof Kv

ll tri -lie- -v ',,',,! a,ii. ii, :,a. Belt-bins, lieut in Ibe -loam, li, ll


N"l Bl V. RIA t)R IN.It'KK rill-: PK, I- b ia,., |, cull ir lo women,

and loall norwini .,:,, i, ,d aIX I Mtll.lM, Pl v| int Kui( l)i-l- V-M

"i rm iava i: vm, KIDNEY*.Pi r-oii- - itieiTii-fr" ii tin fer-work,

r debil ty., rlcnr.-¦,!:!.¦_ relief nnd ri. I -y Ry Uri


ll l-l I'l ,,\! V l'PPI'VP. VTI-.V up IRORI'I VI VI -Rs M, IN.lPUIuls KKK), |snu-H pw- vs.a m. i-1-pia omME nihii v- un. hiisl. mv pr.

" bari Trade-Marl and ern I redHms.,. sri|,|«r. Take no other. Mideo.ilvby

IIKOWN CHEMICAL i '-VI vsvit ll-.¦¦ Ht Raltl more. Md.

I) I KuNT-

POWOEB, Pi.Mi.nt.

Bl iiPTlX.i.

BLAH in,..


« Ni:TI it | IU RAM., Arenli,7-e. "lin. c..mer Bil eonthiii.lCarysiroot.ri.

I V.I.KIlblTtri,

J W. BILLUP8A sn\, Kl.Tt-j^ snip-1 vivi:::-, u.iv,' H ¦*¦ni,,..'., .1 to their Mri* wnrer.s,,,,-. 1000 ea-t Man-ti. i. Barer -t .'barbs Hotel, where meir .urmo.patron, .uni ll i- public ten, rilli will Hud ¦ KIPIUri-OKTMENTOr 1HKIAR-. VsKs.Mluunis.-ic,1 enevevaaees rurni -ti.'.l atall le.ur-1. b ir. ji 1, order* tttended to day or nltht.»o 7-1 Pi*_T J. IIINFORD A SKTIIKlt-rasnia-a»» . vsn, h psi-msi, >ii|-i:.*M___i*snI Uv I US, 7-4 fi-r tt vis -TiiKtr, IstvyMn, sj,.,inth sud HainI,, have a ltr_a :_i_.N-tuie.t ,,!sitHOLDS, W(K)D and META! LIP C.\sK. Tsi ASKS, andCLOTH CASKKTS, at b.w prirea.

< ounuy and ipi, orders ii..u,|.tly atpude.'ta dav ormah.._to ..7-lw_a.s>w:in.

J~08EPH W. LAUBK, aflflH-MJtl UXloHIM, t Nl.KIlTAKrR.^wBBM

cobxbb Tirst i-.. limnn, iim.n ,, Vt.

WOOD AM) MKUI.I.U' HlKlAL-('A8-aB,BOBE*. Hr.Al.si_., HACKS,mi ill un i< r, sin,-.ii- al '.-iwbst a vt*.*.

T-irrrapblc tad eoaalrv or-krt *.>llcliea._HHjH



MaslamsaMirtmewior Wonotud METALLKBETH. Sr., tt low prleea.C'M-niryaa.1teJegrtph «irder* proapHY illoaderi

lo day er alcbk 4* B-sofl

ortTllsi.rt IKTPK-.-ld** »« '". .V'?'tM SiM

i,,,,»..". Mr. I.T. Mayo, ste laOfaORBaW**'*,:;.,;,,,,ur:.. Orison* ^dr-r-i* .-.« -»*.?..,,,,././ pteaseewtf. «.i.aH

a tl.., LS: *.**..1 -,« rV-Sl; Jj a'*- .,, ,-.- B.->-

¦Rssi* . ., i- ui

,,:;:;.^^£1;',^-«'-".'^.,rf:e;,':.'T.lM,',rv:'.'.<*'^>,''':v,NOUllVailocktt Hullyai,..! BMBflMrr*t0m ,.'.-1,1.,!. s, lb. r.^.^SSaSST 35

Wundi! tc. '» M"ti'I'iy nisi''- *"pM

-i i. hunks :. -itivix )*Wy,a.-S-sa,|rei-n:ulv»s.-in 11. is^--< 1-r-rW t r» .» ¦


,, du rn nu in I "ini,' .¦. *. SwOtrn. »-"."..

.*"''. ..Rr.,. .»,-. re.t f r BM we*r»."

Knurrtt, Wit! toke phee'.*-.*¦ lt" .''Y".^"T,1 Vi hu. h I OS* sir.. t. at H ¦¦Vl.'.-s I'Ll'^-;

MEE ri Mist.

HkAl.o' s: ri-1- -ii si- T M .'"- -'f-'; I" *^a'*-* {Lu iiviomi, -ei'tcol-cr IO, IS"*' ?

/ ,M I-TH- AM. MKS.WSW ^«, J. riDMiL'-oN LOIWE.NO'.li. (>K !' sf, i '',K"V-rvVvr "ile Wtt)

un- vk.nin*.. sn; y-jge/tui-""' '--i.-ti- '.'".... ..>"".: v**®r.,.,,, n. nt-i..-.t.. Everr awtmsatta- ..»¦

,,,-led,,, am nd. , ._ i, vMKIV.°»?,«*5| . tx. Ct. ....,:.. m-.

V;oTI< K.-MI VI'1 .*,"v ^OS*k*> FIHMIIS I.OH'iL N.. .1 '?'.. (T^^sl

i;. f. <>. ..f olin ku t-nwB: r" "'un'1 '.ss";, .'t, ai riUM.iv.

rolf, -n r:. rillH St .at, n,,..,,,.,.,..

N, 14.1 C c.,.11.Ut L.t.! d I.U...-1 a.H '.".

,-;. ¦,::¦ ¦w'Vi',Vi.Vt!,.,iuw..v.$^'.-...-.A MEETING (>F WIS < Iii* WILLA "mMalibeCllvllBllW^^l^:;.:,wV.^.,V:^^,,1:.M1s:.n;''r:l,..

a.! ii -. ii

,, .,. i rousc. I'.- idem. .. ut-u



OMI RIGHT ORLY,nt! RBOAYa Baa-raaBBa ism.

,\in.: ki I I'S"ni .¦':,,di IB.

( ,1. RtBUUl'aIn H., li,'. n-triiM-.l v.-r-fii Of Ul I.


WIDOW i".' ried by a ot ipaay or

OBtl tn s\- sm, (,) BIO ARTISTS.liilmdu.-i'i-.- Un'

I'ci'l LSI: *<*.,.-. SSH Ml -I* "I' int: HS',r the dire I.¦ f


I i lt «UTITI -USS'.ll III.

"pl* UlfOKD THEATRE.SS.. Mi.ll "MS. BEGIN'SINO\s i:hm:-i,,v.i.iUn.LKUTI li us*.

tss ., l:

and .1 -mt |Qiv. r. Mou'ii

.s.s.s - K.LS OK THE OKKAI I MS.

ll..,-¦. Anu¬

ri ii

Morel M¦lill.'-: Se- iel

U ml :. -. ..

Adi'.,. i. .-. '. lu I


I.X4 I HNt«t>*. I'H'.Mt.H.ate.

i'i;, I'M, i;\*( ri;-Hiv TO NATURALC*< Ult, I l.i.

S t

RICHMOND sm, si.'.::.iii sn v ItAILROAD-.'li i'l, SS -I lit tiki: Ii ISSI.

l.liSMi ILL! MIS S I i'.S "i I'd! 11»,,!. 8ATUR-HVS M',111

Sperl mles si hot,! t r person h -I Moa Ines*I.'..I Mil RIP un! S '..

ti ai in-, ," ultu n -li .nit tr un.

'I ral ,ui,.| sod St,.- icu-..M.. arri vi - tl Url la rS:lH !'¦ si. Thost

wit -in -.

" I". St. -nu.lavi id -onie lu lininn. nd IO v. M. Monday.

.: Uarluiii.1! .I Ala .', uv r VfI

i Office lgi .; si lin .tn :. li ive s ¦'., Bama,¦nd i-f .!.¦¦> -. 'I a er",

ii '. 11 -I ii. st \( sum:,,...lien. Til !'. .-¦ Wild.

-. IL BOW SI V',,re 8*7.10.18,18-81 Anent.

MIST. NT lt 4. Ttl ll. AUD >'(M VD.

/ SUI'. To MY I'l..\( K. MN SAT-OfljflS1 I lillis LAST, i i SIM iii . li- ii ..______i; .

er v..u,.i paying eh-. I REN Cit,

Poplar Vale Dalry,«*1*'-1l»_SS ul rl'ns--.

T (L-T. ON' LAST>AY. A LARGEla JET tim-. «rlili auld niuii'iiiiig-. ss i

...ta- i pin. luit t da rina-al the I piora chain,The Oi der will ti lultal lyne irded by c illina st


CPE! IAL Nun, t:.


. "M>

i s -; -. , t.sii-.iM.n,

0S1 SiM-,,. pi piKi -|>. foi:*!-. I'LL* -ll

TURK] DirreBEMT !¦ sin.un.-.

K li. I SV1..IU,

_IQ) I Main

$16.40. |16,40,STAFFORDSHIRE,

l'tii nu. i

DIRRI IL BREAKS*ART Bad ii s COM-IRI D.... 'i.i tao pi ;i

«.Kidd.I UIBOOM, .lu..¦'" HQ_1-2Q7 Main


'¦ .'--¦: Dec I, d im »i tu »*,iI-.-, ream - silt ri if d V, Lamps.dilliln n's Carri ives rall ll

ind ii- r lowest In ta. .try.ROBERT ll si:'

aa .1--H.W v -.:,,, -17 ii,-,,,,i

WISEM, 1.11(1 OKI*


"1 rei lu IM. spl'l.K BRANDY,svi,ni: Wtll-KKS.CIDER VIREUAR.PURE

ttl 'a t l"HN SI. 111.,,,IN-,

*'".*_ Kr.uH'.ii




.mhi:i;k---" LIGHT -i*, pole ali

A- lid. HM BX LNi.l.lsll ALL

00*1 1 I.Kl).

LtKUK.-llIN,,. INSPii'l'.viINt,. AM, ,N

mi ri i i in«. an spi'i.n/is,, rovie,".SHILL -I.K.IMPS' sliSIf-


BAST Ol nii,i.-ri.iN.

ki,w.sitn 4 ni i-.k,:,Huiiiiu aaa Litiris.,1,


HAVK.NfillJT A M,)t:i:|si.-,JT 19-Sm IJicliiniinl. Vt.

I**S1 RAM I*. 441.WFA.1iY.


I- ii fair, plain contract, wbtcli will l^> to hlnwini Ban

ACERTAIM ritiivisiiis roa His isstiL*!-ii'd tu hint wlio live, fir,ecu or twenty year*

A (OMl'iit'ND IMKI1KM INVKl*TMKMT.In ether word*.

A BONO < I'MIIINI***, 1'KoTK*HOS SV1TII'ltoKll, SV I Ml,,|| HM. RWKOS*


NOUTHSVKM-nut m""t i? A L UPI -IN-I Itv Ncr COMPANY,

I* in,t au. h a l.iii.l.locclrcnlars and fiirtlu-r liifirirllion, idd.e,

JOHN UM SHY A sos._ Baaaral A-rmii-i,

. n in.¦ ..._.n0rn,T T",lU --«¦ 'l*nl* *«ri»tJ.

AH lO-COallOefl M,,-,.:,.,u.... V«ll I.ii.nun!. Vi

fMSMU'tpiR roflt RALE.


fee Rowell*! Mewspaper Dtreelory lor lUsUtuaOne- ot Hie two Uep-iiiticaii papen In thc Vinio..f<rr*alon_l dl.trict. Apply to Iht proprtrtrnUlouct-stcr Coartbeiise, Va. aef-l«

trwmttt. Mt>ttcv*..,


D.ri.B.H...-^---,-Wr^"%,;«*>i asB.eoo , v

Mh .f ,~rd*fr-m tb*. *"»», o"*ol New York,*;;;"X8Hds-*v"_7 .f..«? i&isimi..

boy er u.l. _____

lillEIM HOODS..i we .Mt c .mMttllf".. 'Ir

.. this flkHSHsiflSMjantnir , frTf(f.,.i,tt,a,.rl * te o**»fI f"r '''_,., l. , n -or anoint mu\,lr I .-tere, a * »*%*Z,'huv. r *-» "dtWd .

aiTMH^~HWH^*»-«"«»M-l^,tti* "

:!sY,i5,«ij&?2M,.« »** ».*3o-Me- u*-

ware*) ,,,-,,,., aiTIN*. fl/iirel ucl Id.m.

l.'lji.L ^l.«l eo).)>*._HLANKKTfA.

. rs.w,. .rc still bob.In* ""r yt""'-la BLAH*' rs w»<**.«* ,.,,, .,. rudd,.._

»|, eli » Hie bo'du thc'»»''¦ P' l, ., ,.. wl ,,.

y. r. ond lite Iii.-''"'^. ;; J-...'- a, loft. ** wJ,,,,.,,, como..e. (.l,.ll>'r»-'r ,.|.vNKKI.:|,:.,,«sK. **LP_!HW V** »¦ "" "

sa»^HS^euK,!.\V|7.AM..'M...c, eiu.tandcb, ,.

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KS.S. I- OOH A T'.RR n*HHC »fj IO O AA K az."BB. I' I'O AA KKK °1S8_K I I 0 GO AVA K P. 5."SS" I V OOO A A lt lt ,_--8

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.iroii_Tb cid dfii.a,..- Hitor, a ranGREEN COPPEE8 alway*la *tu--«.



-vvie ut; WHY.

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.. H. uni.vv ROLESALB ask Kl.iaii. inti Ht IN

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-TOMATOES...>,->'.) CASRB BR8T ULA sn-.

E,,r *-!.¦ by'Ti lUVESI'uR'T ,y MORRIS.


i p. IRBRLflSo. i HACKKRKL ARD iv-iEltv HEH-



-io- Tl_

!>¦ I

i,"-. TRA km: \ IBOIRIA ham-.-llull.l.EII-, and VIII,td.1ST,«;

.1 Pl pp.p Ol I" IDEB VINE'.ai;, ladah lbsrv -PH EU POB HU IU.US..,.it

M. ( VIM UV .t RAI Sl-ss.<e j 137 casi Broad Mr**!.

WOOII A*4U4'4I.\I../ ',i.\l. ELEVATOR.

Tbe i.sil ii"i mv :¦ v i-. r-er-u-P li ffhflMBM manly tun srseni ta i- .¦ m.du. -a ¦¦ re. n

(brararj tpsalaf. iii-r«- U wo eatlei tren thebut over Ute -cr"'il t'n .. lt ls lui-

i-aK.tbic for tbe pur, Ra-, r la ari -the. -baaPEAS UAR. CBl| .ne now fit-Ill). ii"1-t"l

into aud dsPTBMd f.ou, il.e u.i lit oil-cn-uiiicrs are Hiviu-d tn .-ill .it tb Kbrva-

t.i- and -ic il.e aoctlafl si Hm AataanHe Rail-way. wl.b R ls ii nov, I _inl Intero-tinf -l-IP.

ra i.tanii,us .,t' ,ii,vt car, wiitin two.duart*of llevater.

I. '.| I.on, N..,»7. s. ||. RAH E-.uftc-ETtlilisnU) and ri try stn* > -.

TM KV Al Kl) < UAK.-AKK OP Ol-Ta..i\L .' ELEVATED OVER THE.ila-lum .-ur var.i iud Iboro-rirhly leraSBad befbre de¬livery to eu,io,a, r-. flu |,iii.II. n invi'ed lo callBl Dr<-.Prid*-'. fool of seveuli-oam alnst. sud

llieo|eraliou. audtlioto pureius, tb_ir-upi-ly "f <'o\L. willi the i-.iiriin-e .f 'sIuk mlt*-i., a, ilv -. -vi. - P. LATHBOP A ri'-'.Pm ci., -a will fe furunUd -I. cir il Iway tick¬

et t">.'inri,._ *SB

»i*l esr- I H K RR |l, ll 1 ,{..» ryeOO. / tl. in-ii- i: ail\t v\ i uii-Vri). / OPART I, iv."!, .-idell., .tti-r lliei. ( ELEIll: VI Ellt.BATE COAL at BS.7S l«'r ion, d. o.-r. I. f,rti.- nomb of september. Tbi* la IM 1**1 andchrata-i erato furl ever nffered t>> citisuui, r. ,.fSoal In in.'biuoiid. We tua ran Us- you _*t_sf*.Vlouor no salo.Tel, ibne No*.. BIS sci 177. offlee. 701 oatt

Malu -irct. BobKltr s. MOBTHKM.SollciI,il* AfiuLK. B. THAW.

t oiiniuriTiil t_,,it sell,let

ONLY TBI BEST FAMILY rOakLSV s I t.p. vi I I s, Iii all aliet;SIM.INT, CROWN HILL,can't h.. auroa-..-!;

slr A.LITRE t KKKI., and . I. AND;KOKEsT Pl(ft W.iOla, sawed aud apiti.Tb. brat liwi v. ch.ata-sth. p. i. v i int..i' a itu..

SevrnU'eUUi «trt*l, al dnw-brldso.Tetepboae Wo. »<L_aa i*

CUMBERLAND CA)AL.-1 am prepared' to ail orders for beat qnaliiy (.KOBO--*).-RElh I I tlHEHl.tM. I "rilAL nv Ult cir*, orIn lot* from len to Bfly lon* tl ll.lilia-,- tuJ..crflrilowi, iiiM.uib'Ut ABTIIBAITTs. COALBl! allis,; WEST" VIKlilMA SPLINT tod (L.VVEK-HII.L LIMP COAL fsmtibed at l..w__tmartel rale*. WIBT HOBKK I ¦*-OHce *ad yard corner Hevaateaiilb tnd Cary

.UoeU. Triritspboaa N* . IBB. |v in-rim