The: Republic’s Fury BattleTech – Faction War, a Quick ... · Conflicts section of the...

The: Republic’s Fury BattleTech – Faction War, a Quick Strike Campaign System New Alliances VERSION 1.0 Volume 1

Transcript of The: Republic’s Fury BattleTech – Faction War, a Quick ... · Conflicts section of the...

The: Republic’s Fury

BattleTech – Faction War, a Quick Strike Campaign System

New Alliances VERSION 1.0



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Faction War Rule Book

Republic’s Fury Ft. Worth, Texas

Email: [email protected]

Acknowledgements: To: Kerri my wife (your understanding is what made this possible), and Kevin – my twin and the only Radicalsingularity that matters).

And finally to William J. Pennington for the assistance and co-authoring of the Salvage Rules, mien Wegsucher, you found the path and we followed.


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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................. 4

FACTION WAR INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 4

YOU AND THE GAME ..................................................................................................................... 4

GAME OPTIONS - WHAT'S POSSIBLE .............................................................................................. 5

Picture Icons ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

Game Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Missions, an introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Determining Player 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Placing Terrain ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Initial Point Total ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

The Forums .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Faction War Website................................................................................................................................................ 7

Communications ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Emailing Us .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Rules ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7

House Rules .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

So…are you good enough? ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Prizes........................................................................................................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................. 9

YOU AND YOUR ARMY ................................................................................................................. 9

You and your Army ................................................................................................................................................. 9

How it Works ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

Pilots and Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Broken and Bandaged ............................................................................................................................................ 10

INITIAL MONEY ........................................................................................................................... 10

The Accountant ................................................................................................................................................... 10

New Units ........................................................................................................................................................... 10

Initial Army Point Total ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Money Laundering .............................................................................................................................................. 11

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................ 12

MISSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Engage the Enemy .............................................................................................................................................. 12

Aftermath of War ................................................................................................................................................ 12

But she’s not playing in the Faction War ............................................................................................................ 12

Victory Conditions ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Wrap-up .............................................................................................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................ 14

MERCENARIES ............................................................................................................................. 14

Hiring Mercs .......................................................................................................................................................... 14

The Contract…The cost of hiring Mercs ............................................................................................................ 14

Paying for Mercs ................................................................................................................................................. 14

CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................ 15

AEROSPACE ................................................................................................................................. 15

Top Gun ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................................................................ 16

SALVAGE & REPAIR .................................................................................................................... 16

Salvage ................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Your Equipment .................................................................................................................................................. 16


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Battlefield Salvage (Units that were not yours .................................................................................................... 16

Step 1 .................................................................................................................................................................. 17

Salvage Chart (What'd I find?) ............................................................................................................................ 17

Salvage Recovery (What is it worth?) ................................................................................................................. 17

Bring out your dead! ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Repairing Damaged Units ................................................................................................................................... 18

Repair Effectiveness Chart .................................................................................................................................. 19

Optional Repair Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 7 ................................................................................................................................ 20

THE END ...................................................................................................................................... 20

End of the road ....................................................................................................................................................... 20

Knocking an Opponent Out of the Faction War.................................................................................................. 20

CHAPTER 7 ................................................................................................................................ 21

A FINAL WORD ........................................................................................................................... 21

A final word ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 8 ................................................................................................................................ 22

COMMANDO SECTION .................................................................................................................. 22

Victory Calculations .............................................................................................................................................. 22

Determining a winner .......................................................................................................................................... 23

Margin of Victory ............................................................................................................................................... 23

Taking The Day ..................................................................................................................................................... 24

Remaining Forces .................................................................................................................................................. 24

RF…need a little help here. ................................................................................................................................... 24

C H A P T E R 1 : I N T R O D U C T I O N

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Introducing the Faction War It is our time to shine, we the guardians of the people shall triumph in this dark hour. – Jonah Levin, closing statement during the formation of Fortress Republic, 3135.

eace and war, two sides of the same coin. Two views on how to rule mankind. With the formation of Fortress Republic planets found themselves adrift and independent, released from the shelter and control of The Republic. Both the Houses and the Clans now eye

those worlds and seek to gain control over them. War comes, once again, to the universe. This war sets the Inner Sphere on the blacksmith’s anvil, ready to be struck. The flames of war are being fanned, and the war will reshape the Inner Sphere and New Alliances will be formed.

You and the game For years combatants have challenged each other on the battle field of honor. To most of us out there we need more than a venue can offer. We need multiple venues each proffering its own flavor of trying player's metal. What you hold in your hands is the potential to do just this. Faction War pits multiple players in combat across the nation and in some cases the world, affording you the opportunity to help your faction to succeed and profit from your efforts. The best thing is it allows you to do this using your current rule system.

Agent, Now you can bring your venue/firebase into the war of change, the Faction War. Are your leadership skills, your tactics and strategies strong enough to succeed in a year long trial? Can you lead your people through the trials ahead? Pit your people against other firebases to find out if they can rise to the top to win this trial. Will you take the challenge to lead your faction to glory? Meet me on the battle field and we will see. Signed, Republic’s Fury.




� Valuable information

$ Costing Issue

� Pilots and Equipment


C H A P T E R 1 : I N T R O D U C T I O N

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What can I do during this game? Answer: Anything you want. If you want to become more involved and discuss the war on the Forums or create stories about your endeavors, that’s great! If you’re reading this for the first time you’re probably asking yourself: “How did I get here? How do I participate? What’s this all about?” And those are all good questions. This is the Faction War – New Alliances. It is a: cross-venue/firebase, multiplayer, campaign which takes you into the very heart of a universal conflict. You are in charge of the army of your choosing, and you must field to meet the challenges your faction faces. The Faction War takes place in 3141. The Faction War will last for nine month. Event records will be kept of your accomplishments, and defeats via tournament recording. Your records will be added to the overall goal of your faction, determining the fate of the future. This war will change the universe's future and the things to come.

About the “Picture” Icons So...what are these picture icons? These icons represent important information that you will need. They are listed out above and will appear throughout this manual, pay close attention because they’re important.

The Game Concept You, the player, are the leader of an elite army, trained in the ways of war and politics. Using your skills and talents you will attempt to lead your army to victory over the other Factions. You select your faction and participate in two missions each month. The missions are listed under the Current Conflicts section of the BattleTech portion of the website ( Your Agent (aka Catalyst Demo Team Member) will select at least two of the listed missions to run each month. You must participate in two missions each month in order to be eligible to win the FW Prize of a $250.00 gift certificate to your firebase. Also, you may only use officially licensed and approved miniatures in these events. No you may not use unseens, nor unlicensed recasts. Consult your Agent if you have any questions.

In this game you will build your army, and register that army with your Agent. He will then submit your army list to Dark Age Press to be registered and then posted the Dark Age Press website. Army registration allows the Generals participating in the Faction War to see what armies are being fielded. It also prevents army modification, and adds a bit of strategy and tactics to the game.

Each month’s missions will focus on specific factions. The missions may not involve your faction. If your faction is not represented in a mission simply choose a side which you will represent. If your faction is represented in the Faction War Mission, regardless of who wins player one status, you must participate in the mission as your faction. For example: The mission revolves around Bannson's Raiders vs. House Kurita and you're playing as House Kurita. Player one decides what faction he wants to represent. If either players faction is represented they must participate in the mission as their faction. In the event both players are representing the same faction this exception is ignored and Player 1 decides what faction he wants to represent. If your army wins a tournament your victory will go towards the overall goal of your faction. The better your faction does the closer they come to winning the Faction War.


C H A P T E R 1 : I N T R O D U C T I O N

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Now you can help determine the fate of your faction by participating in this non-cannon Faction War. Will you strike out and make a name for yourself? Only you can decide the fate of your destiny.

How the missions work Your Agent chooses a mission, and registers it on the CGL website. This will inform the players in your area and any potentially new player that the game is taking place. The mission has a predetermined Point Total. You’ll need to build your army, that is equal to or less than the Point Total of the mission, from your remaining army list. Bring that pre-constructed army to the event and participate in the event. The missions will be scored and the first and second place General will be registered as the event winners. All of the participant’s outcomes will be tallied and one Faction will be deemed the overall event winner. That Faction will move closer towards its goal. All other Factions will move away from their goal. For example: Firebase A has six players. Two players have chosen House Davion, one player has chosen Clan Jade Falcon, one player has chosen The Republic, and the final two players have chosen House Liao. They all face off in the tournament. The Republic player wins the event at Firebase A. All of Firebase A’s player’s scores are sent to Dark Age Press. All the Firebase’s (A-G) totals are collected and compared. The Faction that won the most events actually takes the day. But the event winners gain higher ranking in the over Faction War. At the end of this Faction War, this method will allow us to determine who has won the Faction War. The Faction that wins the Faction War may not necessarily be representative of the winning player.

Determining Player 1 Once everyone is at the game table and their forces have been assembled Player 1 needs to be determined. This is accomplished by rolling 2d6, the person with the highest roll is Player 1. Player 1 gets to decide which faction he will represent for the mission. Player 2 decides if there will be a Planetary Condition, as well as placing the first piece of terrain.

Placing Terrain It's not fair to expect your Agent to supply all the terrain so we ask that for each mission you bring 3-4 pieces of terrain to help out. Your Agent will inform you how much terrain each person may use, and how far apart they must be placed. Essentially you are assisting him in constructing the battlefield each game. If your Agent supplies all of the terrain he should still request that you assist him by deploying the terrain he supplies. As a recommendation each player should bring 4-5 pieces of terrain that they would like to have on the battlefield.

How many points do we start with? I’m glad you asked. The quick answer is each person starts the game with 200,000 BV2 to build their army. This translates into 2000 BattleForce points. For more information on this see the following chapter.

C H A P T E R 1 : I N T R O D U C T I O N

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The Faction War Forums The Faction War forums are located on Gypsee Games’ website. On those forums you will find a Faction War Category where you'll be able to discuss the War, find interesting information, participate in online RPGing with your fellow advocates, and more.

The Faction War Website

The Faction War website will be updated and maintained by Republic’s Fury. It will have many items relating to the fictional world of BattleTech, as well as other items not pertaining to BattleTech. If you are interested in participating in the Faction War but not sure where to begin you can find the Quick Start rules on


Email Format When sending emails please use the following format title: BattleTech: Your Call Sign, Subject. E.g. RepublicsFury WOB missions. This will allow your concerns or comments to be addressed more expediently.

Rules The Faction War uses: Total Warfare, Tech Manual, Tactical Operations, and Strategic

Operations. The game is played using the Quick Strike Rules and is played on a 3D terrain table (4x8 is the recommended size) using Miniatures Rules style of play. It is not a Hex Map campaign game. Hex Maps may not be used to play the game.

House Rules House rules are not considered part of the Faction War. Though they may be useful or fun for normal games in this campaign it's best to stick to the most current rules for the game system. Some scenarios may have special rules but those are specific to that event, not the campaign as a whole. There are two exceptions to this. The following "House Rules" are in effect for the entire campaign.

1) Page 224 of Total Warfare, change the Dismounting Rules to read the following: Dismounting: An infantry unit may dismount a carrier only at the end of that carrier's movement. The infantry dismounts in the same hex as the carrying unit. If the terrain is prohibited for that infantry type[edit] it may not dismount that turn. Dismounting infantry may violate the stacking rules only if deployment hex is not occupied by a non-friendly unit or a friendly unit at the end of the vehicle's movement, and they may not be in violation of the stacking rule the following turn. An infantry unit may not move but may perform a ranged combat attack the turn it is deployed. Infantry units which deployed and fire in the same turn receive a to hit modifier equal to the defensive movement modifier of the vehicle they deploy from and a to be hit modifier of equal to the defensive modifier of the vehicle from which they were deployed. Vehicles, including VTOL's, must spend 1 MP to dismount each infantry unit.[end of edit, return to standard rules from the following point] If a carrying unit has 0 MP...[pg 225 second paragraph].


C H A P T E R 1 : I N T R O D U C T I O N

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Since we’re using the Miniatures Rules to run the campaign we need to also add the following:

1a) In the event Miniatures Rules are used units may be deployed in the above fashion with the following modification: Pg. 13 of the Miniatures Rules: Carrying Units

Carrying Units Use the mounting and dismounting rules from Total Warfare, with the exception that in order to mount a vehicle, a unit must be in base-to-base contact with it.

This rules stands.

1b) Page 5 of the Miniatures Rules: Stacking is followed with the exception that units deployed may not be deployed in base contact with an enemy unit the turn they are deployed but up to two units may occupy the same space the turn they are deployed.

How do I win the Faction War? You win the Faction War by scoring the greatest amount of points. The points come from winning missions on the game table. If you end up being the best of the best, you win the Faction War.

The Faction with the greatest number of victories wins the war but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the Winner and the Faction will match.

What do I win if I win the Faction War? As the winner of the Faction War you’ll receive a gift card to your Firebase. The gift card will be valued at $250.00. This does two things. Thanks your venue for allowing the games to be hosted, and rewards you for participating in the Faction War. The winning Faction will end up controlling more of the universe and becoming a more powerful force to be reckoned with. Even if you don’t win the campaign you can still win by aiding your Faction in winning. You win because your faction wins. If your Faction’s objective is achieved it becomes more powerful. The second and third place Factions will also receive recognition; however, they will not be gain as much power and prestige as the winning Faction. Some events will be sponsored events. When these occur, the event winner and second place winner will be awarded a prize. Usually that will be in the form of a miniature…but you just never know what it will be.

Note to Agents: Make sure your Firebase’s address is correctly listed on Dark Age Press so that prize support can be mailed out. The prize support may only be given to players that are registered with CGL and are official players. This does not mean that you can’t

sign up the player at your event.


C H A P T E R 2 : Y O U A N D Y O U R A R M Y

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You and Your Army “They've brought the war to me because they've forgotten. They've forgotten that before I became Prince of the Federated Suns, a command couch was my throne, a neurohelmet was my crown, and the battlefield my domain. After tonight, no one will ever forget that again. - Hanse Davion

You and your Army In this campaign, you will participate over a nine-month period assisting your faction dominate humanity and gain control of the universe. Your army may consist of any official unit, or properly redesigned official unit. You may not create new, non-official, units. Your army choice will be limited to a fixed army roster, which you determine. For this event, official units refer to produced models and any units generated by Heavy Metal Pro which are status green, units generated through the use of Tech Manual and have been created correctly, units generated using Solaris Skunk Works and are generated correctly, and officially produced record sheets. You must also use the proper miniature to represent your unit, which does not have to be modified to match its load out but it must be the unit you are fielding. For example: You may field a modified locust record sheet, the miniature must be a locust but may not be the unseen locust. Now I’m not unreasonable nor should your Agent be unreasonable. If you have to proxy you may do so, however, the proxy must be an officially produced miniature. Why this requirement? It is a requirement because I’m also attempting to support your Firebase. All I’m saying is give it your best shot to meet these requirements.

Here’s how it works You choose the units (infantry, vehicles, and ‘Mechs) you wish to have in your army and then you officially recruit them to your army by submitting your army roster/list either to your Agent or by emailing it to [email protected]. Once you’ve assembled your team, those are the only figures/units you can use during a Faction War campaign. Now that you've assembled and registered your army you are set to go. All that’s left to do is engage the enemy in a series of twice per month missions.

Pilots & Equipment In BattleTech unit cost is based upon the equipment and the pilot/gunner’s skill. All players

have ten skill points to spend on "Training". These points may be used to design your leaders. Training constitutes spending these points on skills (Gunnery, Piloting, Driving) for Named Characters who will become part of your Army. Create your initial army and include these trained characters in the unit you wish them to pilot or participate in. The cost for the unit they are initially placed in will increase the cost for that unit. Make sure that you place them in the unit you wish



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them to pilot, etc., as they may only be switched from that unit if the unit is damaged and un-useable or destroyed. The rest of your units have the standard skill level for your faction (House/Clan/WOB-Comstar). Once you’ve generated your units according to BV2 you will then convert all of your units over to BattleForce stats using the conversion rules found in Strategic Ops. At this point you are done and fully ready to participate in the campaign.

Destruction of Units and their repair During a tournament some units may be damage or destroyed. At the end of a game your

units do not refresh when they are damaged. Unless you repair them you will need to use them damaged. When a unit is destroyed it is removed from your army roster. Refer to Chapter 6 for the rules on Salvage and Repair for full details on how this process works. Your Agent will send an email to us detailing their player's losses (units destroyed). These units will be removed from your army roster.

So…how much money do I have? Your initial army is "purchased" as you see fit and as long as it is within the allowed

BuildTotal you don’t have to worry about C-Bills. After this you’ll need to "purchase" repairs and new equipment/units using C-Bills. For each mission you participate in you receive: $100,000 C-Bills for winning the tournament, $80,000 C-Bills for second place, and $50,000 C-Bills simply for playing but not achieving any victory conditions. The good news is that everyone gets cash.

Who keeps track of this stuff? Since I don’t have time to keep track of it I’m asking the Agent running the campaign to keep track of this information. They’ll have access to the forums as Agents and will, hopefully, keep your information up to date in your firebase’s section of the forums. If you or your Agent needs any assistance please feel free to contact one of the other Agents or myself and I’m sure any of us will be more than happy to assist you.

New units During the campaign your units will become destroyed and you'll want to purchase new ones. To do this you'll go to the Faction War Forums and find the Sea Fox Traders forum. Each month they will open their doors and you'll have the opportunity to purchase new units. These new units will be listed and have a cost in C-Bills. To purchase these units you'll deduct the cost for them from your balance and send an email to [email protected] requesting the new unit(s) be added to your army roster.

C H A P T E R 2 : Y O U A N D Y O U R A R M Y

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Initial Army Point Total So…what do we start with? I’m glad you asked. Every player has 200,000 points to spend on creating their Army Roster. After you have spent this on units using the BV2 rules and creating your units you then convert them to BattleForce. After that you are on your own.

What if I don’t spend it all? After you've created your initial force any BV2 points not spent are lost.

C H A P T E R 3 : M I S S I O N S

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Missions “The Republic was more than a dream of utopia. It was an ideal, one which we were challenged to live up to each and every day. That bright fire may have been reduced to a guttering flame, but it shall never be extinguished. And the fire shall return! The Republic may be absent for a time, but know this and remember it well: We are all Keepers of the Flame. – Jonah Levin 1 Oct. 3135

Engaging the Enemy Each mission will consist of building a Battle Force out of your pre-chosen army. You will use that force to engage the enemy and attempt to achieve the objective set out in that months' mission.

Some missions will be a take and hold, while others will be an engage and destroy. Whatever the mission you'll gear your force up and set out to achieve that goal.

Fires of Destruction The after math of each battle will be recorded. The player that achieves victory, or the greatest victory, will be recorded as the winner of the tournament. A win will be recorded as a win for your Faction's overall tally that month. The Faction that wins the most engagements for the month will win that months' mission. The nice thing about that is that if you're so inclined you could participate in more than one event a month and help your faction out.

Facing a non Faction War player When facing an opponent not participating in the faction war, that's fine, the player does not have to be a participant, he does need to have an understanding of Total Warfare. The Agent running the event will assist the new player (and hopefully you’ll assist him as well) in preparing for and playing in the game. The only other requirement is that his army meets the Point Value of the mission. Players that are not participating in the Faction War are also exempt from the rule that their miniatures must be officially produced miniatures. They may not use officially banned miniatures but they may use proxies for miniatures.



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Victory Conditions: Each mission will have between two and three Victory Conditions. The more Victory Conditions you obtain the better off you are.

Wrap-up So as you can see your team is under your control. You are the mastermind behind the campaign. You will strive to increase your money and power. If you are good enough, you'll be able to defeat the other generals and gain control of the galaxy.

C H A P T E R 4 : M E R C E N A R I E S

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Mercenaries “Morals are one thing. Survival is everything” - Samantha Clderon 2252. “Who are you dealing with? We’re the Northwind Highlanders”– Countess Tara Campbell

The Merc Contract You have a bit of dirty work to do, but you don’t want to dirty your hands. You need to let your army rest, but the front needs to be garrisoned. Whatever the case may be it’s time to sign the contract…sometimes in blood. Mercenaries are of course a fickle lot and they may or may not perform as you’ve expected them too.

The Cost Now that you’ve found a mercenary group you’ll have to pay them to do you’re bidding. What exactly does it cost? We’ll it isn’t as expensive as recruiting you’re forces but in the long run it costs more as there is a monthly contract payment that must be made.

Now that you’ve decided to hire Mercs to do your bidding you’ll treat it as if you have met with the Merc group you want to hire and a contract is made. The cost for the contract is written out and you're now able to use Mercs in your army as substitute units. When you do your units that you select will be added, for that month, to your available units. No paperwork will be done to record your units. Your Agent/Envoy will modify your win as a half win for that month instead. This is meant to represent that you succeeded but your faction needed assistance.

How do I pay for them? The process for hiring a Mercenary Unit is to build the army you want to field using BV2. Then take the total cost for those units in C-Bills and divide the cost by 2/3. That’s the cost you’ll have to pay out of your "Bank" to hire them. After the single mission they are treated as having fulfilled their obligation to you and leave. If you want them for the next mission you’ll have to hire them again.



C H A P T E R 5 : A E R O S P A C E

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AeroSpace “We…the few, must lead these fools out of Perdition…for they know not what road they are on. It is up to us to come back into the light and show them the way…we are the Word”. – Devlin Stone part of his emergence speech…Prefecture VIII, Lipton, during the deposition of Planetary Legate Ngai Dinh January 13, 3137.

Top Gun If you’ve always loved using AeroSpace units and want to include them in your game you

may do so. The process for including them in your games is found in Strategic Ops. and follow the rules found in BattleForce for space combat and space to ground combat. This means that when you choose to include AeroSpace units in your force you’ll need to have room for the theoretical space map. Your Agent will assist you with the mechanics of this if you have any questions.

Agents: Please let me know if you have any questions on how this works.



C H A P T E R 6 : S A L V A G E & R E P A I R S

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Salvage and Repair “If you need it we have it, usually. If we don't we have something else. Ok…sometimes we took it from you and are just reselling it but it doesn't mean you don't need it!”. – Thuvian Hemdall, Mechanic Major, Sanford's Suns Salvage & Repairs Section Leader


" Your Equipment" When your equipment becomes damaged during a mission, but it is not destroyed you may either continue to use the equipment damaged or repair the unit. If you deem that it is too costly to repair the unit you may scrap the unit to gain MC-Bills. This stands for Mega CBills--shorthand for dealing with the vast amounts of money your unit requires).

"Battlefield Salvage (Units that were not yours)" Battles leave destruction and carnage in their wake. But who gets the salvage? In order to determine who gets the salvage after a battle follow these steps: Note: Units destroyed by artillery, orbital bombardment, nuclear explosion, ammunition critical hits (without the CASE special ability) or other catastrophic damage as defined by the CDT agent cannot be scrapped, salvaged, or repaired. If the unit does not meet these conditions, it is eligible to be salvaged. Normally this includes units that have lost all internal structure, but may include an enemy unit left behind on the field due to a dead pilot, or loss of all movement capability.



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Step 1 1) Determine who owns the salvage. (See Agent Section for MOS) Battle is a Draw: Players roll on the Salvage Recovery chart for their own Units. Battle is won: The winner rolls once for each of the opposing players salvaged (and eligible) units on the field, and then each player rolls for each of their Units on the Salvage Recovery chart.

Salvage Chart Step 1: Roll 1d10 1-5 : It was here a minute ago. Enemy salvage crews were quicker. The opponent may try to

salvage this Units. 6-10: Call us Repo Men! You recover the enemy unit and may check to see if it can be salvaged. Modifiers* Modifier to roll for opponents equipment Draw +0 / +1 to roll for your own equipment Minor Victory +1 Major Victory +2 Complete Rout +3 * Modifiers do not apply when rolling for your units. Step 2: Roll for the condition of the salvaged unit on the Salvage Recovery chart.

Salvage Recovery 01-35 The Unit is FUBAR'd. Unit destroyed (Further damage, delayed ammo explosion, sabotage

by retreating foe). The pile of junk is barely worth anything [(Tonage * 2,000) = C-Bills value].

36-75 "Hey this garbage isn't so bad." The pile of scrap is worth a fair amount [(Tonnage * 25,000) = C-Bills value].

76-95 "Wow this stuff is usesable!" The salvage is worth some money! [(Tonnage * 50,000) = C-Bills Value.

96-100 = "Great Bannson's Ghost! This is useable stuff!" The salvaged unit is repairable. Add the unit to your Army List. Add back two structure points (or one if the unit only had two or less total structure points). Any critical hit, and all armor and structure points must still be repaired.

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Scraping the Dead & Dying It is hard to do, she's been a good gal. She's taken you into the worst and you've come out the other side. But sometimes it's gotta be done. The ole gal's gotta go. So now that you've decided to scrap her what is that pile of junk worth? Destroyed units may be scrapped for parts that are converted into MC-Bills, after all the Sea Fox traders are always willing to take good parts off your hands. The easiest way to determine the MC-Bill value of a QS unit is to add the unit's weight class to its Battleforce Point Value. For example, a CMD-2D would be worth six MC-Bills; five for its point value, then one point for the weight class. Subtract 1MC-Bill from this total for every dot of internal damage and critical hit taken. Subtract the amount of MC-Bills it would take to replace the external armor. (See "Repairing a Damaged unit" below) This gives you a base value that is then modified by how well your crews do at retrieving useful parts for sale. The unit's base salvage value will be at least 1 point. You then see how effective your crews are at converting that pile of scrap into useful parts. Roll on the following chart to see how effective your salvage teams are 01-20 I found some fuzzy dice. 10% of base salvage, do not round up. 21-40 It's not looking good. 25% of base salvage, rounding up 41-60 We can make something out of this. 50% of Base salvage returned, rounding up 61-80 Hey, I was looking for one of those! Good salvage: 75% of base points returned, rounding

up. 81-100 This is a fixer-upper. Full remaining points Selling a unit that is not destroyed is simpler. You determine the value as described above, but you do not roll on the chart. You sell it at 60% of the base salvage value. Yes, the Sea foxes will sell it to someone else at 100%. Sea Fox wins.

Repairing Damaged Units You may choose to repair a damaged or salvaged unit. There is a time for repair after every mission, and repairs cost MC-Bills. After every mission a repair cycle occurs, and ends the day of the next mission. This is an in between games mechanism that allows the player the option to repair his unit(s). You may pay the appropriate repair costs to fix a unit during this cycle, store the unit until another mission's repair cycle occurs; or you may opt to field a damaged unit, should you wish to do so however, the scenario point cost to field that unit remains at the level it would be if it were undamaged. To repair a damaged unit, you pay the cost of repairs in MC-Bills. External armor for units can be repaired at a cost of 1 MC-Bill per 5 armor points. Any leftover points of armor from fixing one unit can be used on a similar unit ('Mech to 'Mech, or vehicle to vehicle. ) Leftover points are lost. Internal structures (and infantry unit losses) are costlier to repair. They cost 1 MC-Bills per 3 structure points. Treat critical hits as an extra point of internal damage for repair costs. Note: 1,000,000 C-Bills = 1MC-Bill.

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If your 'Mech took internal and/or critical damage, roll on the following chart after paying for the repair cost.

Repair Effectiveness Chart 01-10 Failure: Pay cost, but the repair is ineffective. No damage is repaired. You cannot try to

repair the unit again until the next cycle. 11-25 It works. Sort of. Pay 50% more than normal, but not all damage is repaired. The unit still

has one point internal structure damage that cannot be fixed during this cycle. If the unit has multiple Critical hits, one Critical hit is not repaired, and must wait until next repair cycle. This can also represent a jury-rigged repair, such as a FrankenMech grafting of a leg. The unit can move, but still has the MP reduction from the Critical.

26-40 Expensive repair. Repair Costs 50% more than normal. 41-89 Repair is effective 90-00 Great Work! Repair costs 1/2 normal.

Optional Rule "Time is Money" A cash strapped commander can reduce costs by delaying repairs. Nominate a 'Unit for repair, but add two extra repair cycles to the repair time. The repair costs will be reduced by half. You must still roll on the Repair Effectiveness chart. The unit will not be available until the second mission cycle after the one just completed.

C H A P T E R 7 : T H E E N D

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The End “Here we are my old friend…at the end of the road. This contest may be over but I shall never relinquish the Hammer”. – Jeske Kelswa-Steiner upon his leaving of Skye, said to Malvina Hazen.

End of the Road. "This is all very well and good do our opponents get knocked

out of the Faction War?" I'm glad you asked. This game is not designed to be over quickly. This is a Faction War after all. I need to make a statement at this juncture. No one will get knocked out of the Faction War. They'll always be welcome to come and play. Just because they lost last time does not mean that they'll be banned this time. We welcome one and all. This if for fun, after all.



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A Final Word “Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about” – Natasha Kerensky.

A final word. To you, the participant we the Game Designers raise our glass and toast your bravery. Good luck with the game and remember the main thing is always to have fun.

Until we meet…good gaming! - Republic's Fury



C H A P T E R 9 : A G E N T S E C T I O N

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Agent’s Section “If they won’t do it my way I’ll just drop a BattleShip on them!” – Malvina Hazen.

Victory Point Calculations (Damage to opponents) The calculations for this are based upon the system I devised, with help, for standard BattleTech games. Loosely, in BattleTech armor, internal structure (internal armor), crit-hit slots, each piece of equipment, and engine and gyro hits have a point value. Those points are added to the infantry squad, or vehicle/'Mech weight class (destroyed). These are all totaled up to arrive at each players Victory Points.

The standard BattleTech calculations can’t apply to Quick Strike because of unit design. The following is the new set of point values for Quick Strike.



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Determining the Head to Head Winner Add each of the following point values together, per player, to come up with each players score per mission. Compare each players score. The player with the highest score is the head to head winner. Note: Keep in mind this is designed for head to head games. It should work if you decide to do side versus side.

Description (items a player has destroyed) Point Value Each Point of Armor 2 (Negated if Unit is destroyed) Each Point of Structure 3 (Negated if Unit is destroyed) Each Weapon/MP Crit 1 (Negated if Unit is destroyed) Each Special (Mission driven, not always applicable) 4 Size ProtoMech 10 Size Light 'Mech 15 Size Medium 'Mech 20 Size Heavy 'Mech 30 Size Assault 'Mech 35 Size Light Vehicle 8 Size Medium Vehicle 15 Size Heavy 20 Size Assault Vehicle 25 Platoon/Squad, Star, Level II Infantry & BA Destroyed 10 VC1 Greatest number of Kills NA VC2 Most remaining units (infantry are grouped into elements) NA VC3 Mission derived, not always applicable 15 This is an interpretation of the system that was created for BattleTech and has not had much play testing. Because of this it may not be as balanced. If you find that it is unbalancing the winners of the tournament/mission please let me know immediately.

Determining the Head to Head Winner After the game is played, add up all the points achieved. Compare the difference between the two player's scores to the following chart to determine the winner and how successful the winner was. Description (items a player has destroyed) Difference between Point Value Draw 0-25 Minor Victory 26-50 Major Victory 51-75 Complete Route 76+ Report each mission winner to [email protected] in the following format: Mission Winners: [Call Sign]. For example: if you have six head to head games, with twelve players, you’ll have six Head to Head winners.

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Taking the Day Determining how great the win a player has achieved is important. There is no way to standardize the value as missions will have differing point values, and players will have different forces. Since this is the case the only way to determine how great the win is by percentages. As the Agent you’ll be responsible for determining both the Head to Head winner and the Taking The Day winner.

Step 1: Add up each of the Head to Head winner’s points for the day. Step 2: Compare all the Head to Head winner’s totals and take the two highest totals. The highest

total determines the overall winner, the second highest is 2nd place. In the unlikely event that their totals are equal determine the winner by using a single 1d6 die roll. The highest roll is then assigned the winner spot. Their victories will be treated as equal.

Step 3: Between the these two players if the winner’s point value is: 50% Greater: Major Victory 25% Greater: Minor Victory Equal: Victory with no clear winner. This necessary record keeping will be used to determine which faction won the mission at your Firebase. Report the Taking The Day winner to: [email protected] in this format: Taking The Day: [Callsign] [Victory Level]. This will provide me with the Faction Winner for your venue.

Remaining Forces The players should keep the record sheets they used so that they can at a minimum use those sheets again. They should turn in the sheets of the units that were destroyed. Please email the destroyed units in this format: [Callsign] [Each unit destroyed listed individually]. I will remove the units from the player’s roster. The damaged units and their repair will be kept track of at the Firebase level between you and your players, although you may keep track of this on the forums if you’d like. When a player purchases a new unit, deduct the cost in C-Bills, from their "bank" total. Feel free to keep track of this on the FW Forums.

Help!!!! I want to thank you for participating in the Faction War. If you need help please let me know.