The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1885-07-31 [p ]....ripe to if 11 Ind to slip oiir bill ooor was...

w Kid rmice rehased .of Sixth houndaries Bical region on .'reek known as the Italian seav- - Kue lminenional de- - its of their carls, and and decaying masses is 01 oiu iron aim other commerce, as well as the imvs 01 piate nenevoienuy dropped iilo the ash-barr- el bv careless servants. lis.s'on (.'reek, at high tide, is for a considerable distance a navigable I stream, and il was generally conceded 1 ll,Mt Itr.nvcO.r c hrouli ir.1 a'.i . shrewd venture, ami would toon 'turn the tide of trallie from the crowded thor- oughfare of St euarl street. The Prince of lied wood himself had felt all the glow of a prudent man's eomplaccncv over this evidence of his own sagaeitv. but a Mcrmy interview in the under- - writer omce 111:11 i noon had disturbed the serenity will! wlreh heJiad hitherto i viewed liis new acquisition. Meeting .some old comrades, meu of his own regiment, who had fought side by side i wiiu niiu uiiougu me lum vcars oi me Civil war. ho cast aside the perplexities of the day and plunged with eager zcM .into the animated discussion of past .campaigns, iu the course of which he made the inquiry that heads tlrs chap- ter. The question was repeated by an echoing chorus. Lenoir?" The speaker who volun- teered a reply was a member ot that very agreeable and highly entertaining class of individuals who are commonly accredited with the possession of uni- versal knowledge, and whose informa- tion is about as diffuse and inexact as the average encyclopaedia of biography. Lenoir's wlfo died just before he was mustered out in '65. llrokc him all up for awhile, but he rallied and went down to Florida, invested in an orauge grove, and lived on the fat of the land." He was an odd fellow Lenoir," remarked a gray-beard- ed veteran who endeavored to 'reconcile his predi- lection for powder and cold steel by .keeping a gun shop in Dush street . Odd! there wasn' ta nobler fellow 1 ever . ' ' drive hail created, and exchanged ent.iu-.sias- m for a dry, argumentative tone. , I was a mere boy when I of folks lenoir; my mother him the -- day we well, could tell you thing or two Colonel none of vou ever I'm not soxnz to over the man, but xou . 1 J. , r ,...,-- . mav mierestea to near ot a little in cident happened a Eastern ... nessee. lou remember .in v. we the mount- - and camped ma delile liev Kattlesnake f:iss? By . corge, I shall never iorget the place the day mv shut in ' green seen, a scant green bordering starveling that Jckled along side. 1 noticed ' sucn and cared more them Pan e men. When I joined j thi) arv I wis inst. tnrn.-- rorrhfoen., I . V "" jwr ..Uv.. ChoV.fiill lvitrint-i- lirp rsvinff over thestjce of our cause, ambitious 5V? 'nct:on, for 5Joded. One year had cooled ma i:t wonderful wav, the might tiitv. to thunder . for --. I.-..- . .W W..MV - fluid licr. was v. 1 doncl (doom lO'-ii- Vr of Lleeii- - awith Lln't US. my fin in iihI I ... 5cs. uui into any re- - icrience. lie. r'ni'i'i uodde I 0 rue score or more oi was soon d riving at a up Market and out For the first few blocks t he well- - !aved street was with hnnd-oui- c buildings and presented appearance of an important thoroughfare; but. he progressed, the buildings dwindled in Mature and were occasionally al- ternated with a handsome, comfortable residence, and the pavement grow un- even. Half a mile further the street abandoned pretense at smartness, trailed humbly between one-storie- d warehouses, leaped a railroad track, lost in a maze of switches, and resumed existence in the guise of wagon terminating with a dismal wooden structure, standing in a deso- late region and Hanked on one tall lumber The and d.iv laborers were tiling away, and the night-watchma- n, a quiet-mannere- d man. with an unlit lantern in his hand, bl00t.0!! th? 'Well, Martin, sueees-?- " gave them warning, sir, clear out, early this morning, ami kicked their hou-e- s over after thev for d be , : ick again to-nig- like 1S' but ",. "Great man! Don't "s :u ,):d a- - a dozen? I can t get a " lsir ! II1S nrinei .- - oti .. tlin --:t.w"L- wiMi- - ".. , "1. uuul1, I: u Ul l sausiv me coiupauv uiai uie wnoie tribe is The tribe referred to by lirewstcr consisted of a floating population of disreputable vagabonds, allied character the hoodlums and criminals commonly known as "wharf--rat- s' aud hay-bunke- rs, "' who had squatted on "dump," and utilized the cans plenti- fully scattered over the ground in the construction of a miniature village. The members of this peculiar sub-stratu- m of society were fabled to eke out their sustenance by diligent grubbing in the heaps by w Inch they were surrounded. They were looked "upon by the police and the public as a dangerous of citizens, and the underwriters very wisely refused to insure property in proximity at the ordinary rates. Martin, meanwhile, advanced "a lame self-defens- e. It was early, and hadn't shown himself, sir. I didn't (mite like to this his care. You. Mr. Brewster, he's different like lrom tnc rest -- mute himself to the house and inform hi, wife he would be detained a couple of hours. The two men. left alone, stool at the window and looked in the direction of the raed village, to detect some sign of life: but saw only a uogWho wandered disconsolately amid rums. snifliug heaps of garbage with a disdainful a:r. Ihe light waned " and the serried ranks of mist that been If ". ! .& iving in wait am:a me lulls and the stmits. closetl upou the cicy. l lie merchant grew impatient uud-i- r lhe long delav 'I uuders'and, Martin, vou ilsun t getnd ot the man along trol niy property?" , 'Whv, vou see, sir. I didn't like to speak rough to tb old I'd to say he ktsn't alwavs been what he now. iV I didn't sneak to him direct, T ught take the hint and leave.. "Mv soul!" man shrank from the indignat: it Hkornst exnressed in his employ-- ! W.nn liiitenpn to smooth awavbl'fv,.. ;ri;rna. in the service. He was a if abov tuera- - J'011 kow-on- e existed." Brewster spoke with This stammering communication such unwonted energy that the others Brewster. A notion en-look- ed at him in surprise, for he was tered his head. He would confront the generally regarded as phlegmatic in usurper himself aud see what manner society and cold-bloode- d in his business of ereature he was. II called to the relations. He cooled a little as otlice-bo- y who was walking down he observed the sensation his remark the road, bidding him up his 'You know enlisted. Some our knew spoke to marched, and I a about the that knew. gush ue that in Ten 18- h- iirhen marched through ams uarrow called of death: bv a left, you in that had in . rocKV walls, loose sand with the rest. Did lie to a leaf or of tion authority, or my right to con- - outside of the brook one ings about older mSUX nf greedv carnage and CaWSC mmn ruber street, lined the as all itself road, side by piles. clerks s!?Iy what "1 to lciev one." guns, know ,:i-- T' ,c" gone." to the class their he knock house down about see, carries they stray the the western aeross can't why chap. venture is Fpt he'd tknn hero, amused queer down under- - venture ques-n- ot blade grass tiou with a nPFfcfitethourhL t""-- n Jrow iiiugti. l'Iea!Fsuggu n hi3 own land, not forty rods aw dead man was lying, who had per-- T :ips perched from lack ot proper iojU nd care: I hen a uetter sentime irred his heart. He ws a narrow niled man, but not hard-hearte- d "Take your lan'ern and come ahea .lartin; no morgue on my promises, il I can help it-- " They stepped out into the chill anu darkness, carefully locking the door be- -. hind them as a precaution against law J Ium mtruuers. ,va they lett oehmd them uie laii iiimoei-iiii- e uu i.-ie- ir , scent of the wood, and ap-- j the border of -- MiSsioii Creek, malaria! poisons tilled the air, and a host of unsavory otiors assailed them Keeking vajiors seemed to arise from the putrid heaps and clutch at their I throats with phantom linger--- . Their nrew-te- r and to iht hi-abs- urd much mvsterv :u-- ever i: ntncies. ,0re was noth ng lr king or u.liS. The cudit.on eleo-.-we- et uncommon the iigure. the small, are di-nro- ached old face with it-b- ot .r.. .....i .i. i ..i i.... lire. th. ' - his lir-- t his saiiK , to the left Back first this his . mind it was a j nil J poor a a a his in such pa-- i any dead a total out to up step, , pic rescuer. a7,d over a and , tmr- - i u,t, his arm . ; , He ju-- t ob- - !,.,. acro-- s the tr.,v.. .1 .nmtv . iauieru spot for his Here are, I leaned and a low. not i the at its ' ilis of the slvlc in ine-- e i were neat shin- -' rows oi uu cans, rising upon iinio a Uure, he a rude covered Jl- - .an L wind and li.e tor a He had . but a at a weak voice Horn ior the 8 an He not him-- , It for his was He to not to give you a more ho-- t, but as m ripe to if 11 Ind to slip oiir bill ooor was It Ivas erv well him, tiie and I I to a joke to the who on cnair and con-ca- l white in" of ed-'- e thi- - ! i bv .u.e 1 tru 1 ,f , I ea-- y inner- - li.uuii , him. was ' He the. and the now, this do! Clet out aw:iv with vnii!" . . t i to be to with ...".l:. : i ... i .i. . . iioiue icmicM, 1 1 ; I want you to that you on my 'hit in two or I'll have had into line rage, and that was with a the I The I of was thin I a r t i nauu, a erect the like box. than Uie j nature of fall with tart. as if! had a He wa-- but , the the moon of . with I ..... . back and was in the pens of j ' from a to thin his side into the lad's a cru.-- t brea. aved his put i that ex- - his but it left r with lonarv ot and by Mich out in case had one oath. had if ever he from that hole, he and had it his never fail to feed a all the career and the his life had kept this as a and street could had into a and into He sir; this will you a meal the street, a he had his it in his hand to that he was no a by Do that if I vou . .. -- 1 1 1 I be inu- - until reluse gar- - ; a ... . a ling, under whirh parfc-- . they ',,,,. overcoat imitin.n- - nently forehead friend wood, lectsuppeu temple festering decay. Brewster's memories again! acquired the) niciou- - afternoon'- - lions. Well, would deny Only young tatters, crazed fever, crawling other grounds strong uiilittie.-- s bullet occupancy. Suddenly Martin leaving bloody tem-broug- ht short swinging along -- cirecn.w? Brev,-,e- r ,t.,.,ed pomts disappear ."rTl j," iirewo.d high 4t lullooni-- t t..,,.,. 2E -- vL lll.,ivi. u?1Id oppor- - temple uiumiiiaie employer's inspection. wrewsier lorwnrd descried irregular structure, .above ground highest point. preconceived notions milding jiursued imilive dwellings completely Urturned, Instead pretentious beheld framework niiieneciij strips humble ipology covering cur,ory glance kails, hailed there? hesitated instant l.;fore could announce friend, icndly. resolved jiresent strictly neutral grounds lining iiardly company enough under I'.rew-ter- 's dignity offended. property position, coude.scem address vagabond domain; guest presume .ocular ttoiiling recorded theang-tla- r uualitv. teud.iig observer- - eertain provided worthh-- n would ?....., toward inloleiable! thought underwriter- - increased premium, interrupted fellow angrily: won't Sorry unable comply could Humbug: under- stand ground, Iv.ery moment endangers propel minutes, under Brewster worked him-c- !f acquit- ting him-e- lf meditations rupted movement within tramp's domicile. highest -- ection pushed pgure anertiire Something pected apparition Brewst-- r 1.1111.1111101.01, uncanny locality. smells wreaths vapor, struggling pierce overhead, eouided. peniaus. niscences. earned years, Ander- - waking troubled Lenoir stealing pocket scanty rations. collection wretched resolutely mind, impression. plans riotous gluttonou indulgence common planned extremities, earned release, sol- emn vowed escaped wretched loug power would hungry human being. Through tluctua-tion- s business manifold duties busy pledge many drunken loafer bum- mer Steuart lie-sol- ve principle ac- tion, principle re- called custom Here, round yonder," nodding di- rection cheap entuig-hou.-e- s nftended quarter extracted trousers' pocket, earefuily weighing danger giving gold mistake. think wanted occupying paiauai man.-io-.i fa-ti- ng bage King? twice The fn0 ' Qn watch trrriiitf tbittB 1. ... .... t . rh ...... lirewsier iecaiieu u;t o..v. and drew his well-mea- nt fering with a sense ot muin. , i.. ...t i:-- .. ., ....1 u:i, now. u. fel'ow, and more The lumberman was bring close, still lingered the uneasy . 1 k ti-- to !.& sense thai wouiu oe mt- - ov ession a The rai--- ul 1 C lv.-l- l 1 ?l aa.-w.- - lauereu nai. wiui a wim". "--- "' and e-- s veil the his legs proved too the succes-fu- l -- nt" his purpose- - He and down rasped and a mai chorus. meaning the many had seen some poor reduced last limits of inanition, and fall by the way forced march. reflections in two words, each three and followed by The was the second only the syllable, and vetv essential faith creed. He the remarks with an order who forthwith seized oi r ? " vt- a- rA.' s - , l L S& -- SM r vagrant's arm. Half I;-- a half him. ignoring his faint pro- - i in .1 s. they took him the to tin ce. and placed him a clia.r tefure e on their slimv Brewster incon-- e recalled e battle hil h. wh.-- Lenoir, oun and thrown from tie f a dviug hor-- e. had lxen lel the protestiug and lighting ev rv step fof the wav. he came into the 1 "ht ,01 n vouir.e ,- -. Ifce sensation the di-cne- rv the wow a cheap milda-- r loth cut. the -- t.nrun u.n.itlv ueceu u. "itay-bunKr- -. ,nH.rnlatt..lhimin,.u.,i...i... .... . w.iv. ,,,v, Tfir there a f live, his with it battered drawn dowti over eve- - and parliailv face. Tlw glance the stranger the horn -t li-h- t of the ollice lamp in a inen-ur- e rea-ur- ed II w as a very an emi- - prosa'c face, he hims.-lf- ; same as ten thoustnd otiiers in the city, but he could ie- - st a cray de-ir- e to the bare I. And why had -- .ght the gal hint old soul all the-- e vears? oii- - found it! Lenoir iust the on sneak from hi-- - . i him in in a uugoui dine on v 1" V" 1 es, to est and ila-,- h out with I i uaunue-,--.pir.- t ma moment ot humil- - shame ttiat held terror to a prmid soul than the brave-- t -- oi- uier laeeu on P.illie-neK- l. ould poverty, de-mr- r. and health, relu c the high so il d gentle- - ' man somici to iik m s n and through the -- grty hair, then with bra n in whiil. secured the stick of it c.irefulh tin blaze, took out pencil and note book j anu inw uie ma.-se- s look, at and It was Bah! to those old of visit to choice portion ot the war So much for th per-recent- ly possessions, and effect of the came to his that wha' wa- - it. after man who fel-ow- . blue -- nit fellow-creatur- e the hospitality of with an accursed snot, on the line, hand slrek bed than that of ita tor -- ave him, a dulfieport. a human a tra.-- k a. n-- s the with a the -- rain of the mi- - atew dark o!l , ibT b:u-h- - he !,, oil its he-ita- ed .... nis arouiui we sir. four feet of and ner and iii.-- u ooanis, ty o tin de-- , a.nst when visitors. ion mine rec 'ive of to disreputable progressed to an scnuoie.i in- - . thought warm cher Ins to.- - troin Ins to to tone liim oxen u-- cl into llw nig ,ur the the iter far 7jii, for man, tir-- t. fa-'e- . urem-iiin- of 'lti:,,,!,, s",- - iiiik, s fruit a-- is a ;i- - 10 ......;.,- - lis appearance are i in of he "Come and . oui Ml, oiil mm think walk far I are my sir. ou stay tv. this place vou arrest!" a felt he credit. His self were inter- - bv the root away by a ami ro-- e i:iek-in-tli- e- une- - the cau-e- d to back a the noisome curliti"" of the to the thick .. the him tw,,,ly sleep to at to from own He of from its vis- - men be of taKen He so as lived in he of his he in of now. get in in Fourth he from sure in piece ltv and lor .r. prprtT fact Hl.rtbTr -- W.!!. .0.0 .o back come -- um. impatient to silver an u uei m of n.s to of abode: but of wn the of action. How times the falter a exploded possessed syllables, exclamation point. a article of the the watchman, 22r3?e4 JI ja.-- . of ofiice u.n-lo'.vs- . he :r of and of uie sat vm- - fell hat a": in had ordinary of the tvpe see he mi oil ill uie and the ill-- l anu uie iu.ii ... iJT lire loom. the p. a of as-un- ie a wi'.li a ,tH ,,..,,, a oiiuii.ov turn, here, mist Aion" that char- - bK- - t,. bat tj the lhp to '"l the prrfei;ion "ner lrt saal. of-- the with man his for his own ch iu dis- - he first first led As anu br.m his face, u-- ed lution uor-- e ever and upon the the the lightning spee.l. ' called v.atehinaii ami him the note, ting tin- - iuan" I look lh ot tein ! - ci-io- n. the door closed behind the me. enger. ami in- - tnnri.tig ioo:.-ic- p- echoed lainter and fainter tauce, iind hi- - comnul-or- y The diou-e- ? I'll die lir-t- !" "A'i r whilr I lm Lnir!" uttered nit a sat staring hi- - old friend through a mi-- t of tears. The old man i an-wer- ed . - .,.-- the s'om-- h hat over his j'lim I'liiivnl.i v.dr I - .' Old and tiiin ami ,. irriv w"x iivitrf'i ..11 .. bv I cru-he- d mi-fortu- ne I Colonel wa-- , found out. ban c. jnglcsttle. ' A 1 That a- :i tlif Vc4rT V:ilh. watch that winds it-e- lf the limi tlu r i, tiie wnmlur ' 'he motieved touri-;- - '.., '. ,', . . abroatl probably come Lome the .... .... ,. , , . , t iiiiihiiia-i- i kitii iiii-ii- i :iiiiiiiif their st.n-at-hoil- ie frit The fo.low- - arm. the end with hammer-lik- e attachment the moves whenever from a po-iti- on of ab-olr.- te he force of a spnng the arm furnis.ies the and the every -- K'r taken the wearer. . - J his tran- - nutted to the lock the mainspring barrel bv wheel, the circumference which is adapted to clutch of do-t- hat "holds fast it gets." and the most ordinary walking exert the par: of wearer serve, to ; it up The watch when u-- ed for th- - lir.--l is never after is a key if the . watch any , the most moderate hab ts peregr ;.na. The s.juare - .s-n- tiai tc ! U-- t .tiooo.ftil ontmn fri mitinir forhe that im, . w;,..miir- - o o-- n ...1 . . i".... .,..- - ..1 ..:. .111- - ,..&.. .111 .iiri . - - I the iioeket- - L'pou the face watch :- - ihf. small dial winch indicates tiie which the spring is wound, bv a glan-- e t, ;iie vvat inav Ml for m.iuv hotiri lhe watch Ti.e running .. capacity the . jiari.i,Ct" wnen lullv - hottKm : the mauom-- - Jor j,ami ,)t,in to t,. nt,nib-- r the top dial. u to wind full u- - re.-ent- etl bv mdes' walking The - a advantage urgd autonintcw-.n-- : iue- - is absence o; hazard tniins and -- owing ioe,i, 0f in the familv arrival a: d.nner beau- -- 'org.l fulness ne--! -- ence m the matter t the watch. The ab-ea- cv a.- - .?tv for anv human i th .nterlor the 1- - nrgel argumen loreursoi and it- - shape, wh nr-- t -- eeau i- - better to r ch and t c decora: on. The is a watch, and a model erfec-tio- n the the expense which is the chief barrier to introdnction 10 Star. General Kobert Toombs, who now totally blind, is at hi Ga.. from ra Washington whence fond sending out h friends occasional religious suit hii fane. THUNDER-STORM- S, J'om'-thir.-Ai.o- ctin .mni from ISalltxtp Iiiv-:ict- i-. Tlie form of theiuud-:na- - a w ee ' Hiey t uy their egei.I from the gr-ua- o no; well shown; ?"" or lu . w5l"V lh ' bat as descnbi"! or tc the . rnaut. . . from h n .sgo :mvio uunr or forty igo. has som-wha- l thf , shape of a grn: hoor gifts . lh d.irl;- - clouds catenas: 5t r- - ! form at the ba-- e. and pr-t- i imnblr rissag ' tlmn,h h central cuii-t- n: p'.v l,c white, it tiia.. th i? i in" at tiip wilh the mtnenrancu v,... -- nnu- ..!..., .- -. " .. . ; " .. 1. " . " T :" vTI i" uiil: .iituiiiui iiiuunu. ii- - i ,.. . ri...k,; ...... i..- -. ., , J. ..4.k..... " " .- - to another, or bLtze out in thu hf'wrn the cloud- - anI erlh ' or eveu tla-- h frm the cloiaU into th . " lt1 ... t'itlfltV ,.-- .. k; but e orgin of , violent elect man.tetatitti.- - i- - f Ultimate origin of atmo-pher- ie citv - :t fjiie-t.o- n whiHi phy- - tf,cia. Hre lot u--t ii"r .'.1 When' a ' ' liirhtnin"-:!a-l- i i- - viewed at n.-- h: ' uarr-i- radial -- lit in a rai- - idly-revolvi- ng dr-k.- it i- - tosmd to ihselisiri'e- - M'nursiii! lv m- - i t :i!most a a spare or lr:C large or n;.. i i of ' thrust down badly ne ' other, " f- - i - AND ...K fc .- : ji.opaatic fcrti!iar. .. :'""'"."' 'n j,., thoroughly o.vuir us .r....rK.. disappear. too tne hi; Wu, Vnrk WOUnim iL unaided this "'" ! uKUm Imae. Un- - Ume- - meni b -- lit j It u-- el to Ihi though oah Jnm i- -, -- eeu in -- eend tLfl'er- - suitable garden nad Ceorjff oi al j ? ctyi single. imuq-s- o n,snrn lla-- h. The atparatus ma le J ar.' good ilra:n-l- . and easily I and anv high ! -- otiie pr.wi.enl j;anlewer- - an- - -- chool or and the it tcritnl bulk of their later remarkable one in big.-- . A. 1. HtraUl of need-- , j Canada thiI ha- - vet to -- mother TImI i- - al To ceived. 1'hotoirr inhiii ' liirhtuin'- - them t. oiv. ...,t .....i ...,.. l old ,,,v..r im.U ?. faint- -r tiber- - .kl, .,, ehun .wardiv ,ky. cloud of green pea-- , wai!-- r ulW .J and hat. 5U1V vortex ,w.a. iAlti t. L XT1 th.. me aU you all very not reun-- I this would mess make knew up tha" not lost ami laid and ami lew wne. ,i,ul j. U(.uld iu bed fr ra.n-- a dinner: neil Led o.l iro. (..UIM. current tne an-e- n more He As di he alms this iirance. at .'ro,. and all full. lion. rea-o- n ,v..Li.i. 1 and bv rep- - th m: of its ia living he is on con-i- -t It that more iv iiiii ii Jiti'i as i a ., ,, 1; ot to t ! w to ! to ;,.- - ., . ur- - u mi'- - iv at a it i, air ra i I i ... it ii n, i t nv.jR., at night l, anoth.-- r interest ng nun in i oe u ,eu to iiu ..!..l.. ..1. I . .. i:iiM- - in iiii'-t- - iiioiiriii o:i oi :iin:ii-ii- i "i- - . rV,oroTJt hv n .,,,.. v.. r i , lu...n , t:lK,., houin' a comj-.-it- . ila-- h to ...,, ..f -- ....on:.- H..- - h.'hi .,,. on.. !,. irr..,r!.,r for ill eio-ei- y ,rl"jiel one another; ti . thread ..... iLi lir-iticn- ;ir." oil .- - ' ; that been a- - to the ' 'iirehau -- in of the storm. Mm bold enough to begin hi-a-e- ent j,.r tjK. of -- t it i- - proba f.rt. wnieh retard upward tli;r,t: (.,ir,.,.t, chllod the rain, , nio-- t .ihe on'in cool gust umil th:it - u ,,j, heal v il nu well into the .'Joild- -, a- -i would thept X' aided the current, to which the format of the cloud ami dorm is thought to due. Only drop- - oi can through an a- -i ending cm rent; the liner .vater s may be earned higher mt il are troen into Jia I- - of which melt re.w'i- - ,.i ... .- n ... ,.i.. ! 111! I 1.111 kl I Mill mi- - jttj. ".! i"t il happen- - that ' .1. '... i 1.1.. ... ine "lov.ioa foii-iiicraii- ie ;n-- . ,'f.M,. f II..I' MI'll .f til .... r."iili .. 11. onto. ... x. (l..'iTiir , . that is at the-- o ' greater bititude-- -. where I ture even iu mid-uniin- er i- - blov fr.--z-- tig. form- - Miow iiake-- . of the-eli- iu , ho of Ill .ire to I'mhi-t- . height to "hieh the-- e clouds ascend .s ; ""l uo11 but it is I ov-- r miles, maj u j r a observation will ..). ,ltl'r- - u,r Liko a pii t ...,i ,..,. i i1 r 1 10111 oir to 11 .jaT ! ' j,..--,- -- v uii.i o Allington. Medford as t.i t .i 1 1 ... ' ti calculate the height. But it 11111 tune ihe -. the din- - - ( lion of the w.nd -- o on. in ie oJ.-er- ve' by any nite' ' vvni?' other exmm-n- t form leasts attest, make MH-nt'- v made -- foV mty jaVe select look. ioi'Liil rever-e- -, la'ist whvn sing hand home boy them. enter. arger l.i.rli..! little it.-'r- u- that lrgh.. ilhnf n-.- i.1 ;-- - 11 tn know cimditu.n lsm-- 4 gre.t.-- t will these most 10 volunteer well-re- , nded pucants teing preterm number apply piaee Right, A g-'- ri about fiurt'-e- n yenrs wa- - tiie Central day -- ,tr!...l t:i llAa. console your mother marrvd j " mnrriCsl up- - po-- e' "Vni." -- urn! have, eh? lAar. dear, bcrr v. tor. -- For 0t1T! j not eve! first rith to gut with ciuh. in agin o:tv bog later-nei- o. tcW And have with "ot lt. ma'am. I'm right, j thauk to wrep o soon h so town' tras. FARM RDEU. - i u-- Mirar Wc p'tn the t arm. A . . ... U-- r .;th v !el V,,, Un th-- T nre aackiJ cb.ler. a fvr thy bocoiM 4rk act! oi by Mrm fararr u i;h oj . j. j m.r;- - ........... .w. t. ....k. ..- - irW,,--f- c uamatrii graa tneir lowia. L.,iir-.'- . .hn ivrtt.KJtxi9 .. ,,?,. v. t ,.!lw vrw Farmer .... .... . o. v, vry deep m nh ! fMl tUry o UIV 9t.O llHU M W diu-- e tod i- - iarrea-l- . ami brt mpthtHl -- ertnag tht rnwih I tw drain land and puJwtrUc the od u !!. hieham. BKe.l Curr ami par a,i,'u" I'ut thrm ia .halliw earthea ,hh- - h- - with jfnr uil with grw-- d U ittott run!: coer lioUotn thr 4sh Bak- - iu .. .i, , f .j early the pnng aud rep.-n- r j tn- -i ll- - JH'IU-- , I iioi a r- - - -- hoot M.i-- r A thev an i- -,,,. ther 5003 j a tenal- - a ; uuira ,. but w,tn eper the fact that the that aal j,iak,, i- - a tor OU-e- nt tude- - """- - w t'a. h-- a well con-iruc- te by re that ! for Uie i- - a the phy-i- o Tne U- -t way kill than it re J i low Plow them nn j bv lb i. iiiii a.11 fr . . . . .! a. . and u,d for ., U I s lf th(. II . j I " t. to I aud a io his nn- - m oil rlieuiiieii . and i..-- c .llll.T.-n- i have rm, would hii the ,f anil the ent by fall tuey before . uy ..IKhltfMl I the and bug the The live ami lo . . . and ran wm. oF.1... wno than here Jcntrna'. .,.i and And vay reak imp tn hi? the . m PERSOMAL nmcbi 0iMt iUaJK-b- a Ttfr4an putl.hMl aatuBoiu-- a umnmiu. vrnp.Bojr Va.JwagtHi 'l"hom.i commonly e.nriWorc.gsnr appareniiv p.a:.l-discovc- rs thunder--tor:n- - explanation Mewed Ijtmb- - the naek majria-- a tW into and c10 hotUm hjr tep.tii w.tu aalt miblu a-t.- ey divide U iZTli ly foruard. "XTirtTrkJlh ,:t.jlirilill!r the ma-- s knocking rangers ,,,.,,, a- - llw;.Brv lbu aaic enough 'TJJZhTLT SCl.-- V'r mi.i.i,i. operations tanciliil weather; mi-.-io- n landlord." the the hungry habit. cIom-carriag- falling downward trespas-c- d .Mounting :if: but j:heva;or tempera- - det.-rinin-- ten: Maiden, through iM.rtaot adrnn- - tage- - larnirn have ia m.rk. t 'X' AND yaar York (Wr. Duaa when ilium renter when TaJto IKkj,j smnll -- herd Imu,..r niona ,:UIlU.r long bk.dv minute settle Tardea 1 bine aa.l. aleir ,jer-i..- ul. iuiH win htheyesn prt j, Aiarnraa from their own -- table and ardx IW ft, i,, ,'h tf ""Jiba win veeond tf ner enough lo or nlr .,,... Utit iw sell dim Uy .,,;" to. t..hl awU rva-- i suiuer-am- i thu-g- e ,-ft- ,,,,, whi h thl. ftw .o .. ,Jin (tr krf fUrt, Bu,,.aft,lf olbge.l largely to .ell piodo..- - m 4vtW9m at very amnl! marg.a oi f-- w, a, tf( Aiarrk-a- . .tv pro t. I.unil Atu j.pp,,,,! m Farmer- -' Xk thr.ap gn.d. Iat h. aakl aiatarr l cup- - dried uppV- - overnight ia warm ; I thiak aho nrtild writ a w.ter. -- bghtly morning ntv! !. m then nr. or n.of, , toiaat irrl i itwt' lot I uoh ran irfifr ltii I rtiiifa explanation the new tor will, woum oy run ' bv and inferior the ilWi'ver take off the '" .,, ...J.,," r.,-o?..- ,s of could be strain to and vtabiuinug bieu- - . ., . towns i ..1..1 fnil,ia om.un. .11 1 ( j hour s - jt(.ri:imj where il invented.! . v- - h.- - , 01 redneiti for 111 the plan 1 n- - I jie .i:l,el,e..Marche." watch - ..,,' aimo-- t a. market ; an then it be I fruit littlo. 110111 . i ' l . t." of con- gratulatory inn tbiomrh he veil afternoons he see of midnight, of I ly he of grown of the as of away f seems I w:J Itfth ftfcHj abu aanl (new law aaom mum tln-tre- e, I i a ct-- e , wi ,i.n.'t U, a f,..inin watch ar.d i- - with Hul . trth. mr ,i,.sl.r,i,Bli n tail. t- - lhl. n uI,at that . are . : tllf. au,. r,. irum ,tt,t nU , ffB , "lo n , j 'iw Mr side that the ; a WI.. i vv-r- tbr barrel ex sinijde a.s K,.u nol ... personal ie trouble, ' a tie 1- - step over un- steady rce'ed sat roof- top, clashed a His of in in supplemented 2Kftfe-f- c As JBTiir, a of a a .Meteorological Earning Jf vaualoud. stumbled, orthodox at t'.e he with wondering ! in turned j He drew eye- -. Hi- -; L ...i. bv Francis NOVEL An W.ilrli WInil ', lirlf :u j mo- - ()f in ; r- - nd- -. :i downward disturbed 'I adjusted oscillation is repeated with . - - J the a the wound but one ca.--c tf .) f-- i' apparatus; il ! ...,:,- - i .. i. .. 11. Til. manometer, to of 5. The amouat e.xerci-- c :x ! in mechanize tt.e bv late contact of of waVh j as additional adapted aru "Marcne-Marche- " entirely hand-mad- e consequently of cbronometric an. ol A. Sunday Couatv. of tracts wh:cr happen t,.ir ! baJi years it thr tn:l. ' ..- - ma-.- - tiiese throu--h"- i -- ou. in' i Kairlik. For att. Hrraltl an girl, to n .a. l i ;iu- - ate of ., to '.viii :il 'ons Suppo-m- g hs coiupaiite-- , upward be the rain .tl ..,...-.- , ,.... IIWIIIIII-I-- ' I. ..ll til .It... .... fiil coudenvd Ilia-- e Mtperb l,ro,,:i"'y v wm 101 .u and p.-r-o- smaller tblafc without meteorological alMWlnt InJjt ,f Mt the :s thus , nml KO ul,,rolw Mi ui rea large cl:t, , othl.r Ia flavor xnd a w.-!- l , k a " population inter- - 'd . w enoii"h to civn -- . . ance rioi it is ..... r 1 . 1 .i aiit 1 fin "n? ot.h"r id m mentionel . va but -- iiiii.le on- - are thv - es-ent- ial n t:i-d- - or.-erv- er nrr tr I ,' V be appointed m N.- - Lngland the earl er. omm. a given f a All Thank the other wb-- o Mn'ui t, k.lillla,fl t a ! - . tbins. wb V a o I e-- in. i eat man. i " Ah , i . . 1 v ma am. truatetl. eee: , chil "I not thi The was a $ ro and ' of fmger a , et me I burned the deed to taeiarm lei lhe , von don't jp a all vou. It the cr as Free - nit gnnJenx t A,,,-w- "HMt ' Un and - In too ru!::flioa vrrlaMe th It our -- um . . - WW..W.J v "- - "J u n- - . i . . . iW.- - w.. It "UVJF ,l , U l'l' for the Apple- - a "U addunixr u of . ..: i . .. , plow- - Mil; inev -- nM . .t... ' f niitiiv nv .tni.i ' "r t to ttot I will j ' ous i mt ;h we m in U at tv .M ., premm is' u tau a Mtn moathlv th At riiiiiivii ii . in an aw he ,w hl. ' to nf of uir ,Ut bv mo-- t 1 -- to! vi-r- v i',, our are ag bv ." tor a. 1 J tbia ia large i.,.,.,1,,.. , , u e tv ,w can to ,..,,. I.. t.N-- r t . can the comi.iervtn! gnrdeth-r- . ,,1 ,1 hi- - to , . n , of middlemen a , Mlto, JorA.r. ( t M.ia.-tim- -. ot ouwraa uke. i At im; chop in t:n I u.1.1 lu-- r nmm i and two h I ver ti it! friiif me of tri-- ti. , .. in - ,, was ow. - val- - . I he .. ciioug!, ( of jen J - . t j ,i. oie n,,.i .. - use. c avti.rtll pv.-- n ; t uatbin-Hint-- ; brougi.t a Mien aganT' 1 ' .... - ( step-fath- er gardca- - I, ... clip- - ino!.n.e- - until pie- - c.troii Makr a i two I'Xi:. mil' cup onerito it. ilk. three-fourth-cu- p butter. rw and f tea-poo- ii- ftoda. U a rather thick batter, -p ph'tity. put in the .... tipt'I-- . and bike ui n iiutrk oV,," lms "'" nt'. l lhtt$&- - Mill. THINNING FHUIT. A I'rorr Tllllt .Mll.t Itr- - Itr..rt.'.l to II I'r.xllli'l IIr - t ..lirlf.r. . Tin- - operation in e J with pruning or attent.oti U the oil; v- how fi-v- avtute aud sMll dlspti-- e I to pii' U t to - the cut doun, ami tank profMirtaoi to ,.n t derived if d lh(,n- - u any rMt; ,,.,, Xtirr miM.j, doubted. . the tree ura . with ri inrli . tie, or evett fourth i- -5 the irjl, fnut ,Nll.tiiv ed ,j lr,.(. -- ,,. r,:,lU Wj , whjch wljl u. Urf.0 or ,w t ....... t tlio & large a i: ien uniii:nue. cor- - ..,. 1 1 among 111 ti? .oinad growing should be don A well known. th-r- o ia a t difference in tal t) 4 tre.-- : and iind thi Unlnri -t- hat -- by b-n- rer la.-- C XruiU . . , d the iinaii. It t " ale for t,r ja:l.r u, yro-.- r tbotr uume roo ;,, t, (ru.t ?p-im- n- t Jormer I'ul if taaaol ooi 10 ; the other l:tnbutoa. vbr will be morh ! djfl'faro .a the t , thf fmi 1,.- - .w j i. .i..? fn. rr,v .' b-- earn.! u. rt. - . -- ...nt of raaanar ia rbaraci'rr frwi. rak;a vt pow var.etr a eoiapara.Uely g"vu , osnt. aot j -- T !T5 .?? l9ctm BrgltrJ . bicb , sot gaaera.'iT 4io io r;rv.iaiok aai sh-.- i a arv bra- - itl. lluo iratt htprord far taat A? fonorr n.uaUr "cawi w-a- tnv at aikanlL hblr triw , lo 2rw ih-- Jnm . ; tnttml t umplj Voo ad lb Uxt i- - aortlal Ue. trte. . oa- - . aaaiair s - toe eaort l grv' aat Biatart- - i:, e--t TT- - l d fad- - Asl tbb coac-aatio- n apoo tbe -- ri i ki ; the nrmaiadcr fruiu ir aai -- jtsalUT Th- - rfv wdl tench ame- - , here ,1 lreaej. wmch i)il by the Uc auratcr j or fnut. thf ' jtraci f0rc of the tree c plotrd. anions other imag. ra growing j tbe"tlch and Vic flavor aod j qua. :y cf t .t frai .ng the l isc same xa a bcaithy coodit:o- - . G., iu Country Gcallcvutx. ' LITERARY. tar 4 rr mpi. K. lnw, a Trraarr. ialra4 h tmtmta hw oU bom M.tfpL Ttok Uw tuI.-1I- L nsXy ol-- L aal Mlar ! xr rvaacrt d6,V year. I'Wwinnal cinulatmo i jwrlo m la la4a to 1.017.-iJ- M ip. l.l.iaO0 covm". in aad !lnAiiiK -- horttobe not.ced eye. pitrpu-- - ;,imor mtturf ia naelnng through SIIIirmil that .i;pp,i -- ind vt ,! w I, ba. -- utiiner unrrlfivd Wl.(,'i',aii( why inviolate, wl..irt.P iuak OUT U ottfoMai I ilX"i Hut ?v' v aad Itrooa- - l mtttl. Oo .. rwUiir-- K . -- mt rvr- - . much Mt9- - i . lr a Ua.foa 0h Kag'nad Vts i m Krmitk. ' ay urrtnL ..... AttW Kotn Uray W wywr ay Ll-- r Anw l. da4rlr hnsl llalcarr. vt . voTrtl,brr js. i;; aod at mtw lWBlrwomi laarf ka Sr Wnltrr 'is wtf all tlio luiMfrM (orka m PhUa ' t .1. J a. - wave aati loffruwr irHn - TheocnUM d.mawani " Ciif Amr-uti- L TK-x- t sprrinl jal;thv. r otitinl to lhf d mania- - fc nhoan hy hr nimh of who f.nilil to rjiri tnrnt- - include-- , fhailt HofiWaa. Mr. Irr. Wl u'.ty--x- n rnr. t ttl! InintT nt I'Jwwrs, N. Y. Wltra sh and teubl thai vinatty? ta rmtlawl cmlf H fanmirew and aaiiualt iwdr,oi' to part ( the rn:I NnJr. wire faad tnrr anttibrr-- . Mrv lrr rrmarkabh nomso hr p. Ilt5' ,r. frvW Um,v n llilral rahd, U- -r ..t,., t.. n voia!rftel ilpcnH " Hnjfl tfjprejtt. Anirriraa tnnsraala 1T iOT calr- - praf fr -- hort uri Tav uni .- - lil or !' lor a romobrhr Mtrv. j .. iati;la.ui. ililinraAaWd ,.,, ,.!,.-- .. -- l Utorarv j to ar m in urh a wny tJaatt (MniUln't mtad it " HUMOROUS. I- - lanrr.agu aaM ajii echnage No. it jr?urai?r au iajf. HttrlittijUm t'rr V. A lTc4it aior irroiaMnar baMi a UUr -- rhoi.I iprl "Viuai'r!," abo iHrtl. "i idarai "Wb j aoa i: tnke uaiik uot " X I a.tUitt. j lltth Tatatajr. Hl tthe. l iajttux own raJlrMa "N. aay ; oa." -- W-ll. tbr m cu4 aoaaHJaia j lo do Ihrnt e on aava b hoajrbl nifl icuei 01 acijMr 1 twrr-tum- . A wihl Tetaa r rrtf a York man aj;aint tuqim wail tbo other day. I h-- mm aaid brtwtani gaij thai bo ar tiairr3iaj iba workiugot a Kidlo k prM hmtur. V. .Vi. Hnaband I oklagU) "0 I'aa tb iuniaat ike tml Wua aiol the ) li otn. and Lbu aa4 tbo Small fY ir'm " - "And the apaaer. V4. ainaasa. liwin t'virur. Mowv ao bi o. Krvoirt raat ft'i laridkrd a oow rMMrt boal) U hat ar "Ut prrnuU"a amnt ai' tdlrnuai iJ,aa Bi4l "Oh, tut. Mr Hot worthy a coii,Siat to jm a ainj; lad"" Hotwar&lty (). I w.Hibla't it yoa, know -- lfarrmt lstuji't (ramluta " Inm. do too thak rJir M nfa i' 9 t ut' ' lara r.tiwlt4a. Urm;; m boi a anurk?;r"l v.k aad Jht hroatrbt rt htmw taxiny. a ait a wfnK u, rtfMamlK,r Hufl taiaBVo ,' . . .. thtU ,.,. ---- .4ilMMI. - A acwminr wrlwr n UkU to eHf. rojr bow no iawt !- -. "tatav ar. a Thp or a uorna-J.- " H aa-i- ia wll. bat bs,fl cmh ik a w, or a biijat. 'I"a w. W"P aoraxn m 2K.S,'l2 iS!S wnsa'oi; - a? . . i" itb Ua iavc xtm. rttvr im laaini ittni ekxr.o t .to4.-s.Ur niaat rtsucrnm&ml ymrr0Utm htruitt. Ht a Cent. Two '.fee larga& si:.? t Yea. mat jlt . . L 'I!' ' haw Tfc prkst tmAdr lauatJlMi a:i atf ibu bows? rt rilbag baii ai - carat a w" . . wmt .. ba4 ruavi !.- - - a. " - .w w.- - i luc a rt-- . TWj lka ,& uV irtn foor iJ'j". a bMf&. a ntJfi that ajric ctator eoald puraba. tbaa a 4aglu r:at' worth bat, vmo barp op-ir- i, j oato tbi rc.rt and ot lhjr iMirs couita ad &mu a to while ta. jtxatktri. ctovra. Aa result tht-- v hud OOiif a tock. which ther art w4H- - tr. otarr girl a: x haadomo protH W couxvr tla for a ewet bat broke ap competition short order. acd taat a.unag prtt did not rezaaia loaz ya tojju. .V. T. UtroJUL )rol( hv sou ire iu-te- ul of in.u tie ep an.-uioi- i part id which no J landlord Inraa'r It vnt big j. ''f I,,IW tnTln' i-- '" "" "''d lnn thi-- Ur , 0 : rea-ont.i- at 1 appear 'f t:i.u. taking but n note. ia.Hey (lu.,. tJlL. 'olu.r of the " ;' k'eneralIvaet-.-pted- . it of ltIm? M u.,t nirnml what it btvn di VC'V more re. ,.uun;,h u pil ,u !.He'it, which ; apar t4mUijm the of the nc fl.nturi! W:lU.u f.H r,.MlotB ul full Mvindiii" lnechatii-- m wn ';,n"" rcfwil arc in h. j ,0 lm. .()llrtll, if .. ilb- - H-a- W !ki 1lta objt.ct7n ,ie.,v "ml;rf-k,- n "" a' points a pru,,K.,.r. ,i.jiniltv ivanl- - Koh..f prnUT. JiU the the arlxit fl "'""' on of lv in ,o: r,.movlll: ,.ougr" u of wm,i;n- - is po ml an j.kenomena Mich u:1om.!v ,,. thjlIJ ,rfla,,raianr b ba-- a vrrr m. .... to interview f walls accomrdish-- m fellow, to on an starvation:" differed represented imperative to one xm b. of of item- - p the to 1'uloin-- l Having hi. Brewster with a lie TIMEPIECE. Inanition A by nf at at rest. und-- r reaction, bv of the i- -e upon with ol of C in of the of con- stantly ten-io- n h JlQW wound "Marche ... wound. -- ixl. indicated at of the of re. red the in d:.en-"o- n or winding an iiv. ch at odd. ir. spwiy general 1. to to out t.t of th ) ri-- o tin of on ...... -- ie h did iiiidertakmg ., the h of ..I ,orl from jaKy 'tignr. awert tiowr importance Il them fruit ir.m twin idlowd ,iu, ear'v i the havr iHrw wal ia in,,.: -- j mau-.nai.- T l??.tX?' tt i- - wtib fc'yol arolflc alfcciu lane. txcw eipcov t reaction vd improving thr .a a Yav what r tba 1 provzuoii Fpomlm tiie pniport rrrnon-- ii it 4iilr half pa; t wbn tranSc ll,nru ,!""n u ,,d- - ia. Wh aI.o founi, u. k nol JaU ma "-- '' r tuan near so arijflH n, upp d l grnadm baW- -l to 1- -r awV n our chew., are abundantly pre-- , a i.onw.air!ll Urfd-- r. ami ihin oat by i Jmak aV a dla't PaTVU "''?. e-",- ,' uor ,uc" a , hnm! rernov-n- the m-eri- ijHuien-- i J .j,., jar htta ay Now. Hara. )u no'1 a - wonu. a ttmn , T)u ro.(l.r ,,. w j0 tja, t. when thf , or. nntl 4Un'l tb clok ' T"0"" api-a- r-' jn -- iglu or ; , f at:jun a!0llt lho .. (I a uimi..,T.- - , A44..,. Tr.r , ...U. ..(l.. T. ,. 'r ..lit. iirVren" - ' ymU ot,",n " U .,r . "u .""I ! ".kt. A. .Mr, (rtabmir J STfcno -- - V' K,ml. the htj J t. nsRX L v ccrtfn i7 I u" ' l' ,,aM jrrAn' V'", " 1. -W- r-d. "Ami b.m di roa ka ft fr :- - ., . . , . :t . !" '1 , Sent to tain oot. fair f, , rood'" WIL 1 air.. - w - - T ,. n- - mill .onn. I 7 .n work, ijof- -, imiKir'ant the ! . r ...t m iiiii auiriii ji r-- i " l s b-.-- ol tie. - - lt the towns, the when lioston You. jav--in- g feet oae ta t. .! t; - v-- l lo you bit. ' " a it's a :ep-fathry- ou bat I . riat the Le L" guA thing"! did him ap one Ma'am and np aaa mu tn put anv abu-c?- " I you ant a. can Vtlml HOME, .' d.i- - fat. i ..... th ur . , iho ;iou-.t- r 'rnimi - (inikaai by hy the mat r ui j imil tboiwal iurrifn .aiwaaal srf tIMt thl, xh oi j cloud-top- -, not ea-- e MUI(. Mna one ill two of an ie-citl- ak oi in ll.l of pi are tl it. it! tin .euH out of th to j. it. i.tllv leaving thtoiub u aUmt :j. ni';i f"ftt we proliar larjfM ol a j of of la- - i bot obi of f Su b. r,"r reU lo I or ib oi the th If it ! Ur ot of ctrfe pcjaica of h6- - cm- - Ie trco si to zi ht cgbt"J u ia I'arv th rk ftf or I uf IB oi ar kcttw Sft p,!ttc. Ul av Mi - - w-m th inti lh Uj ni-i- i mt F. i thai lit roiiath tv fr !- -P, th aaaaw h in la of - two K m hl $ X, ol of i, ot ytHi " h w .... .,,, "W& U a airo. So- - aaaa aa ipM h aar w4 ""- -' aji. r" - lar aa earrjiax vn To or of fas bT k'va bsruatr Is batt imr ""a a In now to the a certamlv few ui iy of cl ()f to of lu of , of n, .. no on on of ' of of lh- - he Jb ul di of th uw nf fco of t on wa 'MM no -- p- ,. lhal wo Mi " '.rarMlawv wa vour IW. InnrU,. ltu nn fa of o'n ? o-- fc rruHr ,?a . of of his Io . tin- - at th

Transcript of The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1885-07-31 [p ]....ripe to if 11 Ind to slip oiir bill ooor was...

Page 1: The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1885-07-31 [p ]....ripe to if 11 Ind to slip oiir bill ooor was It Ivas erv well him, tiie and I I to a joke to the who on cnair and con-ca-l white



rehased.of Sixth

houndariesBical region on

.'reek known asthe Italian seav- -

Kue lminenional de- -

its of their carls, andand decaying masses

is 01 oiu iron aim othercommerce, as well as the

imvs 01 piate nenevoienuy droppediilo the ash-barr- el bv careless servants.lis.s'on (.'reek, at high tide, is

for a considerable distance a navigable I

stream, and il was generally conceded 1

ll,Mt Itr.nvcO.r c hrouli ir.1 a'.i .

shrewd venture, ami would toon 'turnthe tide of trallie from the crowded thor-oughfare of St euarl street. The Princeof lied wood himself had felt all theglow of a prudent man's eomplaccncvover this evidence of his own sagaeitv.but a Mcrmy interview in the under--writer omce 111:11

i noon had disturbedthe serenity will! wlreh heJiad hitherto i

viewed liis new acquisition. Meeting.some old comrades, meu of his ownregiment, who had fought side by side i

wiiu niiu uiiougu me lum vcars oi meCivil war. ho cast aside the perplexitiesof the day and plunged with eager zcM.into the animated discussion of past.campaigns, iu the course of which hemade the inquiry that heads tlrs chap-ter. The question was repeated by anechoing chorus.

Lenoir?" The speaker who volun-teered a reply was a member ot thatvery agreeable and highly entertainingclass of individuals who are commonlyaccredited with the possession of uni-versal knowledge, and whose informa-tion is about as diffuse and inexact asthe average encyclopaedia of biography.

Lenoir's wlfo died just before he wasmustered out in '65. llrokc him all upfor awhile, but he rallied and wentdown to Florida, invested in an oraugegrove, and lived on the fat of the land."

He was an odd fellow Lenoir,"remarked a gray-beard- ed veteranwho endeavored to 'reconcile his predi-lection for powder and cold steel by.keeping a gun shop in Dush street .

Odd! there wasn' t a nobler fellow 1

ever .


' drivehail created, and exchanged ent.iu-.sias- m

for a dry, argumentative tone. ,

I was a mere boy when Iof folks

lenoir; my mother him the--day we well, could tellyou thing or two Colonel

none of vou ever I'm notsoxnz to over the man, but xou .

1 J. , r ,...,-- .mav mierestea to near ot a little incident happened

aEastern ...nessee. lou remember .in v.

we the mount--and camped m a delile

liev Kattlesnake f:iss? By .

corge, I shall never iorget the placethe day mv shut in


seen, a scant greenbordering starveling

that Jckled along side. 1 noticed 'sucn and cared more themPan e men. When I joined j

thi) arv I wis inst. tnrn.-- rorrhfoen., I

. V "" jwr ..Uv..ChoV.fiill lvitrint-i- lirp rsvinffover thestjce of our cause, ambitious

5V? 'nct:on, for5Joded. One year had cooled

ma i:t wonderful wav, themight tiitv. to thunder. for--. I.-..-. .W W..MV -



v. 1


Vr ofLleeii--




iihII ...

5cs. uuiinto any re- -

icrience. lie.r'ni'i'i uodde I

0rue score or more oiwas soon d riving at a

up Market and outFor the first few blocks t he well--

!aved street was with hnnd-oui- c

buildings and presented appearanceof an important thoroughfare; but.he progressed, the buildings dwindledin Mature and were occasionally al-

ternated with a handsome, comfortableresidence, and the pavement grow un-

even. Half a mile further the streetabandoned pretense at smartness,trailed humbly between one-storie- d

warehouses, leaped a railroad track,lost in a maze of switches, andresumed existence in the guise ofwagon terminating with a dismalwooden structure, standing in a deso-late region and Hanked on onetall lumber The and d.ivlaborers were tiling away, and thenight-watchma- n, a quiet-mannere- d

man. with an unlit lantern in his hand,bl00t.0!! th?

'Well, Martin, sueees-?- "gave them warning, sir, clear

out, early this morning, ami kickedtheir hou-e- s over after thev for

d be ,:ick again to-nig- like

1S' but",."Great man! Don't"s :u ,):d a- - a dozen? I can t get a

" lsir ! II1S nrinei.- - oti.. tlin --:t.w"L- wiMi- -".. ,

"1. uuul1, I: u Ul lsausiv me coiupauv uiai uie wnoietribe is

The tribe referred to by lirewstcrconsisted of a floating population ofdisreputable vagabonds, alliedcharacter the hoodlums andcriminals commonly known as "wharf--rat- s'

aud hay-bunke- rs, "' whohad squatted on "dump,"and utilized the cans plenti-fully scattered over the ground in theconstruction of a miniature village. Themembers of this peculiar sub-stratu- m

of society were fabled to eke out theirsustenance by diligent grubbing in theheaps by w Inch they were surrounded.They were looked "upon by the policeand the public as a dangerous ofcitizens, and the underwriters verywisely refused to insure property in

proximity at the ordinary rates.Martin, meanwhile, advanced "a lameself-defens- e.

It was early, and hadn't shownhimself, sir. I didn't (mite like tothis his care. You.

Mr. Brewster, he's different likelrom tnc rest -- mute himself

to the house and inform hi, wifehe would be detained a couple ofhours.

The two men. left alone, stool at thewindow and looked in the direction ofthe raed village, to detect some sign oflife: but saw only a uogWhowandered disconsolately amid rums.snifliug heaps of garbage with adisdainful a:r. Ihe light waned


andthe serried ranks of mist that been

If ". ! .&iving in wait am:a me lullsand the stmits. closetl upouthe cicy. l lie merchant grew impatientuud-i- r lhe long delav

'I uuders'and, Martin,vou ilsun t getnd ot the man along

trol niy property?" ,'Whv, vou see, sir. I didn't like to

speak rough to tb old I'dto say he ktsn't alwavs been

what he now. iV I didn't sneakto him direct, T

ught take thehint and leave..

"Mv soul!" man shrank fromthe indignat: it Hkornst exnressedin his employ--! W.nn liiitenpnto smooth awavbl'fv,.. ;ri;rna.

in the service. He was a if abov tuera- - J'011 kow-on-e

existed." Brewster spoke with This stammering communicationsuch unwonted energy that the others Brewster. A notion en-look- ed

at him in surprise, for he was tered his head. He would confront thegenerally regarded as phlegmatic in usurper himself aud see what mannersociety and cold-bloode- d in his business of ereature he was. II called to therelations. He cooled a little as otlice-bo- y who was walking downhe observed the sensation his remark the road, bidding him up


'You knowenlisted. Some our knew

spoke tomarched, and I

a about thethat knew.


that in Ten18- h-

iirhen marched throughams uarrow


of death: bv








. rocKV walls, loose sand with the rest. Did lie toa leaf or of tion authority, or my right to con- -

outside ofthe brookone

ings aboutolder

mSUX nf

greedv carnage

andCaWSC mmn








side bypiles. clerks


"1 to

lciev one."guns, know

,:i--T' ,c"







house down aboutsee,


they straythe



can't why


is Fpthe'd



amused queer


under- - venture ques-n- ot

blade grass

tiou with a nPFfcfitethourhLt""-- n

Jrowiiiugti. l'Iea!Fsuggun hi3 own land, not forty rods awdead man was lying, who had per-- T

:ips perched from lack ot proper iojUnd care: I hen a uetter sentimeirred his heart. He ws a narrowniled man, but not hard-hearte- d

"Take your lan'ern and come ahea.lartin; no morgue on my promises, il

I can help it--"

They stepped out into the chill anudarkness, carefully locking the door be- -.

hind them as a precaution against law J

Ium mtruuers. ,va they lett oehmdthem uie laii iiimoei-iiii- e uu i.-ie-ir ,

scent of the wood, and ap-- jthe border of --MiSsioii Creek,

malaria! poisons tilled the air, and ahost of unsavory otiors assailed themKeeking vajiors seemed to arise fromthe putrid heaps and clutch at their I

throats with phantom linger--- . Their

nrew-te- r and to iht hi-abs- urd much mvsterv :u-- ever i:ntncies. ,0re was noth ng lr king or u.liS. The cudit.on eleo-.-we- et

uncommon the iigure. the small, are di-nro- ached

old face with it-b- ot .r.. .....i .i. i ..i i....




hislir-- t


saiiK , to the leftBack

first this his .

mind it was a j nil Jpoor a a a his in

such pa-- iany dead a

total out to

up step, , pic rescuer.

a7,dover a and ,

tmr-- iu,t, his arm . ;

,He ju-- t ob- - !,.,.

acro-- s the tr.,v.. .1 .nmtv .

iauieruspot for his

Here are, I

leaned anda low. not i

the at its '

ilis of the slvlcin ine-- e i

wereneat shin- -'

rows oi uu cans, rising uponiinio aUure, he a rude

coveredJl- - .anL

wind and li.etor a He had .

but a ata weak voice Horn

ior the8

anHe not him-- ,

It for his wasHe to

not to give you a moreho-- t, but as m

ripe to if 11

Ind to slip oiir billooor

was ItIvas erv well him, tiie

and I I

to a joke to the whoon cnair and con-ca- l


in" ofed-'- e thi- -


i bv.u.e 1

tru1 ,f ,

I ea-- y

inner- - li.uuii,

him. was '

He the. andthe

now, this do! Clet outaw:iv with vnii!". .t i

to be to with...".l:. : i ... i .i. . .iioiue icmicM, 1 1 ;


want you tothat you on

my'hit in two

or I'll havehad into

line rage, and that waswith

a the I

The I

of was thin I

a r t inauu, a erectthe like

box. than Uie j

nature offall with tart. as if!

had a He wa--but ,

the themoonof .

with I..... .

backand was in the pens of j

'from ato thin

his side intothe lad's a cru.--t brea. aved

his puti that ex- -

his butit left r withlonarv otand

byMich out incase had one

oath. had if everhe from that hole,

he and had it hisnever fail to feed a

all thecareer and the

his life hadkept this as a

andstreet could

had into aand into He

sir; this will you ameal the

street, ahe had his

it in hishand to that he was no

a by

Do that if Ivou. . . -- 1 1 1

I be inu--until reluse gar- - ;

a ... .a


under whirhparfc-- .



imitin.n- -





lectsuppeu templefestering decay. Brewster's memories

again!acquired the) niciou- - afternoon'- -

lions. Well,would deny Only young

tatters, crazed fever, crawlingother grounds stronguiilittie.-- s bullet

occupancy. Suddenly Martin leaving bloody tem-broug- ht

short swinging along

-- cirecn.w? Brev,-,e- r ,t.,.,ed pomts disappear ."rTlj,"iirewo.d high 4tlullooni-- t t..,,.,. 2E -- vLlll.,ivi. u?1Id oppor- -


uiumiiiaieemployer's inspection.

wrewsier lorwnrd descriedirregular structure,

.above ground highest point.preconceived notions

milding jiursuedimilive dwellings completelyUrturned, Instead

pretentiousbeheld framework

niiieneciijstrips humble

ipology coveringcur,ory glance


there?hesitated instant l.;fore

could announcefriend,

icndly. resolved jiresentstrictly neutral grounds


companyenough under

I'.rew-ter- 's dignity offended.

property position, coude.scemaddress vagabond

domain; guestpresume .ocular ttoiiling

recorded theang-tla- r uualitv.teud.iig

observer- -eertain

providedworthh-- n



toward inloleiable!thought underwriter- -increased premium, interruptedfellow angrily:


Sorry unable comply

couldHumbug: under-

stand ground,Iv.ery moment endangerspropelminutes, under

Brewster worked him-c- !f

acquit-ting him-e- lf

meditationsrupted movement withintramp's domicile. highest -- ection



pected apparitionBrewst-- r

1.1111.1111101.01, uncanny locality.smells wreaths

vapor, struggling pierceoverhead, eouided.

peniaus.niscences. earnedyears, Ander--

waking troubledLenoir stealing

pocketscanty rations.

collection wretchedresolutely mind,impression.plans riotous

gluttonou indulgence commonplanned

extremities, earnedrelease, sol-

emn vowedescaped wretched

loug powerwould hungry

human being. Through tluctua-tion- s

businessmanifold duties busy

pledge manydrunken loafer bum-mer Steuart lie-sol- ve

principle ac-

tion, principle re-

called customHere, round

yonder," nodding di-

rection cheap entuig-hou.-e- s

nftended quarterextracted trousers'

pocket, earefuily weighing

danger giving goldmistake.

think wantedoccupying paiauai

man.-io-.i fa-ti- ng

bage King?

twiceThe fn0


Qn watch trrriiitf tbittB

1. ... .... t . rh ......lirewsier iecaiieu u;t o..v.

and drew his well-mea- nt

fering with a sense ot muin. ,

i.. ...t i:-- .. ., ....1u:i, now. u.fel'ow, and more

The lumberman wasbring close, stilllingered the uneasy

.1 k ti-- to !.&sense thai wouiu oe mt-- ov

ession a The rai--- ul

1 C lv.-l- l1 ?l aa.-w.- -

lauereu nai. wiui a wim". "--- "'

and e-- s veil thehis legs proved too

the succes-fu- l-- nt" his purpose- - He

and downrasped and a

mai chorus.meaning the

many had seensome poor reduced lastlimits of inanition, and fall by theway forced march. reflections

in two words, eachthree and followed by

The wasthe second only

the syllable, andvetv essential faith

creed. He theremarks with an order

who forthwith seized oi

r ? " vt- a-

rA.' s -


l L S& --SMr

vagrant's arm. Half I;--a half him. ignoring his faint pro--



s. they took him the to tince. and placed him a clia.r tefure

eon their slimv

Brewster incon-- e recallede battle hil h. wh.-- Lenoir,oun and thrown from tief a dviug hor-- e. had lxen lel the

protestiug and lighting ev rv stepfof the wav. he came into the 1 "ht,01 n vouir.e


Ifce sensation the di-cne- rv thewow a cheap milda-- r

loth cut. the -- t.nrun u.n.itlvueceu u. "itay-bunKr- -.

,nH.rnlatt..lhimin,.u.,i...i........ w.iv. ,,,v,Tfir there af live, his with it battered

drawn dowti over eve- - and parliailvface. Tlw glance

the stranger the horn -t li-h- t of theollice lamp in a inen-ur- e rea-ur- ed

II w as a very an emi- -prosa'c face, he hims.-lf- ;

same as ten thoustnd otiiersin the city, but he could ie- - st acray de-ir- e to the bare I.

And why had -- .ght the galhint old soul all the-- e vears? oii- -found it! Lenoir iust the onsneak from hi-- -

. ihim in in a uugoui .i.lidine on v1" V"1 es, to est and ila-,- h out with I


uaunue-,--.pir.- t m a moment ot humil- -

shame ttiat held terrorto a prmid soul than the brave-- t -- oi-

uier laeeu on P.illie-neK- l.

ould poverty, de-mr- r. andhealth, relu c the high so il d gentle- - '

man somici to iik m s n

and through the -- grty hair, thenwith bra n in whiil. secured thestick of it c.irefulh tinblaze, took out pencil and note book j

anu inw uie ma.-se- s look, at andIt was Bah! to those old of

visit to choice portion ot the war So much for th per-recent- ly

possessions, and effect of thecame to his that wha' wa- - it. after

man who fel-ow- . blue -- nitfellow-creatur- e the hospitality of withan accursed snot, on the line, hand slrek bedthan that of ita tor -- ave him, a dulfieport. ahuman a tra.-- k a. n-- s the

with a the --rain of the

mi- - atewdark o!l , ibT

b:u-h- -he !,,

oil itshe-ita- ed


nis arouiui

we sir.

four feet

of andner


iii.--u ooanis,ty o tin de-- ,




minerec 'ive






scnuoie.i in- - .thought

warm cher

Ins to.- - troin Insto to tone liim


u-- cl


nig ,urthe the




for man, tir-- t.

fa-'e- .


of 'lti:,,,!,,s",--iiiik,

s fruita-- is

a;i- - 10

......;.,- - lisappearance are i




.oui Ml, oiil mmthink walk far

Iare my sir.

ou staytv. this place

vou arrest!"a

felt hecredit. His self

were inter--bv

the root away by aami ro-- e

i:iek-in-tli- e-

une- -

the cau-e- d

to back a

thenoisome curliti""

of the tothe thick ..the

him tw,,,ly


to at to

from own Heof

fromits vis- -


of taKenHe

soas lived in


of hishe




Fourth hefrom

sure inpiece


lor .r.



Hl.rtbTr-- W.!!.

.0.0 .oback

come -- um.


silver anu uei m


to ofabode: but



the ofaction. How times


aexploded possessed

syllables,exclamation point.

aarticle of the


22r3?e4 JIja.-- .


ofiice u.n-lo'.vs- . he :rof

and ofuie

sat vm- -fell hat




of the tvpe




ill uie


theill-- l

anu uie iu.ii ...


lire loom. thep. a of

as-un- ie a wi'.li a


,,..,,, a








bK- -t,. bat



'"l theprrfei;ion

"ner lrt

saal. of--




his ownch iu dis- -









u-- ed

lution uor-- e





the lightning spee.l. '

called v.atehinaii amihim the note, ting tin- - iuan" I

look lh ot tein ! -ci-io- n. the door closed behind theme. enger. ami in- - tnnri.tig ioo:.-ic- p-

echoed lainter and faintertauce, iind hi- - comnul-or- y

The diou-e- ? I'll die lir-t- !"

"A'i r whilr I lm Lnir!"uttered nit asat staring hi- - old friend

through a mi-- t of tears. The old man i

an-wer- ed .- .,.--

the s'om-- h hat over hisj'lim I'liiivnl.i v.dr I- .'

Old and tiiin ami ,.irriv w"xiivitrf'i ..11.. bv I

cru-he- d mi-fortu- ne I

Colonel wa-- , found out. ban c.



That :itlif Vc4rT V:ilh.

watch that winds it-e- lf thelimi tlu r i, tiie wnmlur '

'he motieved touri-;- -'.., '. ,', . .

abroatl probably come Lome the.... .... ,. , , . ,t iiiiihiiia-i- i kitii iiii-ii- i :iiiiiiiif

their st.n-at-hoil- ie frit The fo.low- -

arm. the end withhammer-lik- e attachment themoves wheneverfrom a po-iti- on of ab-olr.- te heforce of a spnng thearm furnis.ies the and the

every -- K'rtaken the wearer.

. -J his tran- -

nutted to the lock the mainspringbarrel bv wheel, the circumference

which is adapted to clutch ofdo-t- hat "holds fast it gets." andthe most ordinary walking exert

the par: of wearer serve, to;

it up The watch when u-- ed

for th- - lir.--l isnever after is a key if the .

watch any ,

the most moderate hab ts peregr ;.na.The s.juare - .s-n- tiai tc !

U-- t .tiooo.ftil ontmn fri mitinirforhe that im, .

w;,..miir- - o o-- n...1 .. i".... .,..- - ..1 ..:.

.111- - ,..&.. .111 .iiri - - Ithe iioeket- -L'pou the face watch :- - ihf.

small dial winchindicates tiie which

the spring is wound, bv a glan-- et, ;iie vvat inav Ml for

m.iuv hotiri lhe watchTi.e running.. capacity the .jiari.i,Ct" wnen lullv -

hottKm : the mauom-- -

Jor j,ami ,)t,in to t,. nt,nib-- r

the top dial.u to wind full u--

re.-ent- etl bv mdes' walking The- a

advantage urgd autonintcw-.n-- :

iue- - is absence o;hazard tniins and -- owingioe,i, 0f in the familv

arrival a: d.nner beau--- 'org.lfulness ne--! -- ence m the matter t

the watch. The ab-ea- cv a.--.?tv for anv human i th .nterlor the 1- - nrgelargumen loreursoi

and it-- shape, wh nr--t -- eeaui- - better to r ch and

t c decora: on. Theis a watch, and

a model erfec-tio-n

the the expensewhich is the chief barrier tointrodnction 10


General Kobert Toombs, whonow totally blind, is at hi

Ga.. fromra Washingtonwhence fond sending out h

friends occasional religioussuit hii fane.


J'om'-thir.-Ai.o- ctin .mnifrom ISalltxtp Iiiv-:ict- i-.

Tlie form of theiuud-:na- - a w ee' Hiey t uy their egei.I

from the gr-ua- o no; well shown; ?"" or lu. w5l"V lh '

bat as descnbi"! or tc the . rnaut.. .from h n .sgo :mvio uunr orforty igo. has som-wha- l thf ,

shape of a grn: hoor gifts . lh d.irl;- -

clouds catenas: 5t r-- !

form at the ba-- e. and pr-t- i imnblr rissag '

tlmn,h h central cuii-t- n:

p'.v l,c white, it tiia.. th i? i

in" at tiip wilh the mtnenrancuv,... -- nnu- ..!...,.-


.. . ; " .. 1." . " T:" vTIi" uiil: .iituiiiui iiiuunu. ii- - i,.. .ri...k,; ......i..- -. ., ,J...4.k..... " " .- -

to another, or bLtze out in thuhf'wrn the cloud- - anI erlh '

or eveu tla-- h frm the cloiaU into th .

" lt1... t'itlfltV,.-- .. k; but e orgin of ,

violent elect man.tetatitti.-- i- -

fUltimate origin of atmo-pher- ie

citv - :t fjiie-t.o- n whiHi phy--tf,cia. Hre lot u--t ii"r .'.1 When' a '

'liirhtnin"-:!a-l- i i- - viewed at n.-- h:

'uarr-i- radial -- lit in a rai- -

idly-revolvi- ng dr-k.- it i- - tosmd ihselisiri'e-- M'nursiii! lv m- - i

t :i!most a a

spare or lr:C large orn;.. i i









" f-- i -


...Kfc .-


ji.opaatic fcrti!iar...

:'""'"."' 'n






too tne hi; Wu, Vnrk WOUnim iLunaided this "'" !

uKUm Imae. Un- - Ume--meni b -- lit j

It u-- el to Ihi though oah Jnmi- -, -- eeu in -- eend tLfl'er- - suitable garden nad Ceorjff

oi alj ? ctyisingle. imuq-s- o n,snrn

lla-- h. The atparatus ma le J ar.' good ilra:n-l- . andeasily I and anv high ! -- otiie pr.wi.enl j;anlewer- - an- -

-- chool or and the it tcritnl bulk of their laterremarkable one in big.--. A. 1. HtraUl

of need-- , j Canada thiIha- - vet to -- mother TImI i- - al To

ceived. 1'hotoirr inhiii ' liirhtuin'- - them t. oiv.

...,t .....i ...,.. l

old ,,,v..r im.U ?.faint- -r tiber- - .kl, .,,

ehun .wardiv ,ky. cloud of green pea-- , wai!--r ulW .J

and hat.5U1V


iAlti t. L XT1








reun-- I













ami lew wne. ,i,ul j. U(.uldiu bed fr ra.n-- a

dinner: neil Led o.l iro. (..UIM. current

tne an-e- n












rea-o- n

,v..Li.i. 1








he is


con-i- -t



iv iiiii ii Jiti'i as i a .,,,

1; ot tot

! wto !

to;,.- - ., .

ur- -


mi'- - iv

ata it i,








n, i tnv.jR., at night l, anoth.-- r interest ng

nun in i oe u ,eu to iiu..!..l.. ..1. I . ..i:iiM- - in iiii'-t- - iiioiiriii o:i oi :iin:ii-ii- i"i- - .rV,oroTJt hv n.,,,.. v.. r i , lu...n ,

t:lK,., houin' a comj-.-it- . ila-- h to...,, ..f -- ....on:.- H..- - h.'hi.,,. on.. !,. irr..,r!.,r for ill eio-ei- y

,rl"jiel one another; ti . thread.....iLi lir-iticn- ;ir." oil .- -

' ;

that been a- - to the '

'iirehau -- in of the storm.Mm bold enough to begin hi-a-e- ent

j,.r tjK. of -- t it i- - proba

f.rt. wnieh retard upwardtli;r,t: (.,ir,.,.t, chllod the rain,, nio-- t .ihe on'in cool gust

umil th:it - u,,j, heal v il nu

well into the.'Joild- -, a- -i would theptX' aided the current, towhich the format of the cloud amidorm is thought to due. Only

drop- - oi can throughan a- -i ending cm rent; the liner

.vater s may be earned highermt il are troen into Jia I- -

of which melt re.w'i- -

,.i ... .- n ... ,.i.. !111! I 1.111 kl I Mill mi- -

jttj. ".! i"t il happen- - that'

.1. '... i 1.1.. ...ine "lov.ioa foii-iiicraii- ie ;n-- .

,'f.M,. f II..I' MI'll .f til....r."iili.. 11. onto. ... x. (l..'iTiir , .

that is at the-- o '

greater bititude-- -. where I

ture even iu mid-uniin- er i- - blov fr.--z--

tig. form- - Miow iiake-- . of the-eli- iu ,

ho of Ill .ireto I'mhi-t- . height to

"hieh the-- e clouds ascend .s ;

""l uo11 but it is I

ov-- r miles, maj u j

r a observation will..). ,ltl'r- - u,r Liko a pii t ...,i ,..,. ii1

r 1 10111 oir to 11 .jaT !' j,..--,--- v uii.i o

Allington. Medford ast.i t .i 1 1 ... '

ti calculate the height. But it 11111

tune ihe -. the din- - -(

lion of the w.nd -- o on. inie oJ.-er- ve' by any nite' '


exmm-n- t





MH-nt'- v








rever-e- -,












it.-'r- u-



ilhnf n-.- i.1;--



tn know cimditu.n

lsm-- 4 gre.t.-- t


most 10volunteer

well-re- , ndedpucants teing preterm

number apply piaee


A g-'-ri about fiurt'-e- n yenrs

wa-- tiie Centralday

-- ,tr! llAa.

console your mothermarrvd j

" mnrriCsl up- -

po-- e'


have, eh? lAar. dear, bcrrv.

tor.-- For 0t1T!

jnot eve! first

rith to gutwith

ciuh. in agin

o:tv bog later-nei- o.

tcW And havewith"ot lt. ma'am. I'm right, j

thaukto wrep o soon h

so town' tras.


i u-- Mirar Wcp'tn the

t arm.

A . . ... U-- r

.;th v !el V,,, Un th-- T

nre aackiJ cb.ler. a fvrthy bocoiM 4rk act!

oiby Mrm fararr

u i;h oj. j. j

m.r;- -........... .w. t. ....k. ..- -

irW,,--f- c

uamatrii graa tneir lowia.L.,iir-.'- . .hn ivrtt.KJtxi9 ..,,?,.

v. t,.!lw vrw Farmer

........ . o. v,

vry deep m nh ! fMl tUry oUIV 9t.O llHU M W

diu-- e tod i- - iarrea-l- . ami brtmpthtHl --ertnag tht rnwih I tw

drain land and puJwtrUcthe od u !!. hieham.

BKe.l Curr ami para,i,'u" I'ut thrm ia .halliw earthea,hh- - h- - with jfnr uilwith grw-- d U ittott run!:coer lioUotn thr 4sh Bak- - iu.. .i, ,

f .jearly the pnng aud rep.-n- r j

tn- -i ll- - JH'IU--,

I iioi ar- - -

-- hoot M.i-- r A thev ani- -,,,. ther 5003



tenal- - a ; uuira ,.but w,tn

eper the fact that the that aal j,iak,, i--a tor OU-e- nt

tude- -

"""- - wt'a. h-- a well

con-iruc- te by rethat ! for Uie

i- - a thephy-i- o Tne U- -t way kill

than it re J i

low Plow them nn

j bv

lbi.iiiii a.11 fr . . . . .! a. .

and u,dfor .,U Is lf th(. II


j I








nn- -




andi..-- c

.llll.T.-n- i



would hii

the,f anil





. uy..IKhltfMl



andbug the


live ami

lo. . .





than here













nmcbi 0iMtiUaJK-b- a




umnmiu.vrnp.Bojr Va.JwagtHi'l"hom.i



p.a:.l-discovc- rs

thunder--tor:n- -


Mewed Ijtmb- - the naek majria-- a tWinto and c10 hotUm hjr

tep.tii w.tu aalt miblua-t.- ey divide U ly foruard. "XTirtTrkJlh,:t.jlirilill!r the ma-- s

knockingrangers ,,,.,,, a-- llw;.Brv lbu aaic

enough 'TJJZhTLT SCl.--V'r mi.i.i,i.




mi-.-io- n






cIom-carriag- fallingdownward

trespas-c- d


:if: but

j:heva;ortempera- -





iM.rtaot adrnn- -

tage- - larnirn have ia m.rk. t





when ilium



TaJto IKkj,jsmnll

-- herd Imu,..r niona






wh.chTardea 1 bine aa.l. aleir ,jer-i..- ul. iuiHwin htheyesn prt j, Aiarnraafrom their own -- table and ardx IW ft, i,, ,'h tf ""Jiba winveeond tf ner enough lo or nlr .,,... Utit iwsell dim Uy .,,;" to. t..hl awU rva-- i

suiuer-am- i thu-g- e,-ft-

,,,,, whi h thl. ftw.o .. ,Jin (tr krf fUrt, Bu,,.aft,lfolbge.l largely to .ell piodo..--

m 4vtW9mat very amnl! marg.a oi f--

w, a, tf( Aiarrk-a- . .tvpro t. I.unil Atu j.pp,,,,! mFarmer- -' Xk thr.ap gn.d. Iat h. aakl aiatarr l

cup-- dried uppV- - overnight ia warm ; I thiak aho nrtild writ aw.ter. -- bghtly morning ntv! !. m

then nr. or n.of, , toiaat irrl i itwt' lot I uoh ran

irfifr ltii I rtiiifaexplanation the new tor will, woum oy run' bv and inferior theilWi'ver take off the

'" .,, ...J.,,"r.,-o?..- ,s

of could be strain to and vtabiuinug bieu- -

. ., . towns i ..1..1 fnil,iaom.un. .11 1 ( j hours- jt(.ri:imj where il invented.! . v--

h.-- ,01 redneitifor 111 the plan 1 n- - I

jie .i:l,el,e..Marche." watch - ..,,' aimo-- t a. market;

an then it be I fruit littlo.110111

. i











see ofmidnight,

of I





of theas

of away












mum tln-tre- e, Iia ct-- e

, wi ,i.n.'t U, af,..inin watch ar.d i- - with Hul . trth. mr

,i,.sl.r,i,Bli n tail.t-- lhl. n

uI,at that .are .: tllf. au,. r,. irum ,tt,t nU

, ffB , "lon , j 'iw Mr

side that the ; a WI.. i vv-r- tbr

barrel ex sinijde a.s K,.u nol


personalie trouble, '

a tie1- -

step overun-


rce'ed sat roof-

top, clasheda





2Kftfe-f- c













att'.e he





Hedrew eye- -. Hi- -;



An W.ilrli WInil ',

lirlf :u j

mo- -



r- -nd- -.


downward disturbed'I


oscillation is repeated with.

- -


the a





tf .) f--i'

apparatus; il!...,:,- - i

.. i. ..11. Til.




The amouate.xerci-- c

:x !

inmechanize tt.e



contact ofof waVh j

as additional

adapted aru"Marcne-Marche- "

entirely hand-mad- e

consequently ofcbronometric an. ol



tracts wh:cr




baJiyears it




..- -ma-.- -


throu--h"- i


i Kairlik.For

att. Hrraltlan



n .a.



;iu- -



., to'.viii :il



coiupaiite-- ,


be therain

.tl..,...-.- , ,....



I. ..ll til.It... .... fiil


Ilia-- e



wm 101 .u





without meteorological alMWlnt InJjt ,f Mtthe :s thus , nml KO ul,,rolw Mi ui

rea large cl:t,, othl.r Ia flavor xnd a w.-!- l

, k a


population inter- - 'd.

w enoii"h to civn--. .

ance rioi

it is .....r1 . 1 .i

aiit 1 fin

"n? ot.h"r id mmentionel .

va but -- iiiii.le on- - are thv-es-ent- ial n t:i-d- -

or.-erv- er nrr trI ,' Vbe appointed m N.- - Lnglandthe earl er. omm.

a given fa

All Thank

the other wb-- o

Mn'ui t,k.lillla,fl t a ! -

. tbins. wb Va o I

e-- in. i

eat man.i"


, i. . 1v ma am.

truatetl. eee: ,

chil"I not thi The

was a$

ro and ' of fmger a ,

et me I

burned the deed to taeiarm leilhe ,

von don'tjp

a allvou. It the

cr asFree


nit gnnJenx

t A,,,-w-"HMt 'Un


- In too ru!::flioa vrrlaMeth It

our --um

. .- WW..W.Jv

"- - "J

u n- -. i .

. .iW.-- w..

It"UVJF ,l , U l'l'


Apple- -a

"Uaddunixr u

of. ..: i .

.., plow- -

Mil; inev -- nM..t... ' fniitiiv nv .tni.i' "r t

to ttot I







;h we min


tv .M

.,premm is' u tau

a Mtn moathlv th Atriiiiiivii ii .

in anaw

he ,whl.








mo-- t


-- to!

vi-r- v


our are





a. 1J tbia

ia large i.,.,.,1,,.. ,, u

e tv ,wcan to ,..,,.

I.. t.N-- r t .can the comi.iervtn! gnrdeth-r- . ,,1 ,1

hi- - to , . n , ofmiddlemen a , Mlto,

JorA.r.( t M.ia.-tim- -. ot ouwraa

uke. i Atim;

chop in t:n I u.1.1 lu-- r nmm iand two h I ver

ti it! friiifmeoftri--

ti. ,

.. in- ,,was ow. - val- -

.I he..

ciioug!, (













pv.-- n; t uatbin-Hint-- ;






.... -


step-fath- er

gardca- -



clip- - ino!.n.e- - untilpie- - c.troii Makr a itwo I'Xi:. mil' cup oneritoit. ilk. three-fourth-cu- p butter. rw f tea-poo- ii- ftoda. U

a rather thick batter, -p ph'tity.put in the.... tipt'I-- . and bike ui n iiutrkoV,," lms "'" nt'. l lhtt$&- -



A I'rorr Tllllt .Mll.t Itr- - Itr..rt.'.l to III'r.xllli'l IIr - t ..lirlf.r. .

Tin- - operation in e Jwith pruning or attent.oti U the oil;

v- how fi-v- avtute audsMll dlspti-- e I to pii' U

t to - the cut doun, amitank profMirtaoi to

,.n t derived if dlh(,n- - u any rMt; ,,.,, Xtirr miM.j,

doubted. . the tree ura

. with ri inrli. tie, or evett

fourth i- -5 theirjl, fnut ,Nll.tiiv ed

,j lr,.(.--,,. r,:,lU Wj

, whjch wljl u. Urf.0 or ,wt .......

t tlio & large a i: ien uniii:nue. cor--

..,.1 1 among 111 ti? .oinad growing

should be donA well known. th-r- o ia a t

difference in tal t) 4tre.-- : and iind thi Unlnri -t-hat

-- by b-n- rer la.--C XruiU. . ,

d the iinaii. It t " alefor t,r ja:l.r u, yro-.- r tbotr uume roo

;,, t, (ru.t?p-im-


Jormer I'ul if taaaol ooi 10 ;

the other l:tnbutoa. vbrwill be morh ! djfl'faro .a the t ,

thf fmi1,.- - .w j i. .i..? fn. rr,v .'

b-- earn.! u. rt. - .

--...nt of raaanar iarbaraci'rr frwi. rak;a vt powvar.etr a eoiapara.Uely g"vu, osnt. aot j

--T !T5 .??

l9ctm BrgltrJ . bicb ,

sot gaaera.'iT 4io io r;rv.iaiokaai sh-.- i a arv bra- - itl. lluoiratt htprord far taat A?fonorr n.uaUr "cawi w-a- tnv at aikanlL

hblr triw ,

lo 2rw ih-- Jnm . ;

tnttml t umplj Voo ad lb Uxti-- aortlal Ue. trte. . oa-- . aaaiair

s -toe eaort l grv' aat Biatart--

i:, e--t TT- - l d fad- - Asltbb coac-aatio- n apoo tbe --ri i ki ;

the nrmaiadcrfruiu ir aai --jtsalUT Th- -

rfv wdl tench ame- - ,

here ,1 lreaej. wmchi)il by the Uc auratcr j

or fnut. thf '

jtraci f0rc of the tree cplotrd. anions other imag. ra growing j

tbe"tlch and Vic flavor aod j

qua. :y cf t .t frai .ng the l

isc same xa a bcaithy coodit:o- -. G., iu Country Gcallcvutx.


tar 4 rr mpi.K. lnw, a

Trraarr. ialra4 h tmtmtahw oU bom M.tfpL

Ttok Uw tuI.-1I-L nsXyol-- L aal Mlar !

xr rvaacrt d6,Vyear.

I'Wwinnal cinulatmo i jwrlom la la4a to 1.017.-iJ- M

ip. l.l.iaO0covm". in aad !lnAiiiK

-- horttobe not.cedeye.

pitrpu-- - ;,imormtturf









ba.-- utiiner









I ilX"i Hut ?v' v aad Itrooa- -l mtttl. Oo ..

rwUiir-- K . -- mt rvr- - . much Mt9- -i .lr a Ua.foa 0h Kag'nad Vts

i m Krmitk. ' ay urrtnL.....AttW Kotn Uray W wywr ay

Ll-- r Anw l. da4rlrhnsl llalcarr. vt

. voTrtl,brr js. i;; aod at mtw

lWBlrwomi laarfka Sr Wnltrr 'is wtf

all tlio luiMfrM (orka m PhUa' t .1. J a. -

wave aati loffruwr irHn -

TheocnUM d.mawani " Ciif Amr-uti- L

TK-x-t sprrinl jal;thv. r otitinlto lhf d mania- - fc nhoanhy hr nimh of

who f.nilil to rjiritnrnt- - include-- , fhailt HofiWaa.

Mr. Irr. Wl u'.ty--x- n

rnr. t ttl! InintT nt I'Jwwrs, N. Y.Wltra sh and teubl thai vinatty?ta rmtlawl cmlf H fanmirewand aaiiualt iwdr,oi' to part (

the rn:I NnJr. wire faad tnrranttibrr--. Mrv lrrrrmarkabh nomso hr p. Ilt5',r. frvW Um,v n llilral rahd,

U- -r ..t,., t.. n voia!rftel ilpcnH"Hnjfl tfjprejtt.Anirriraa tnnsraala 1T iOT

calr- - praf fr -- hort uri Tavuni .- - lil or !' lor a romobrhr Mtrv.

j .. iati;la.ui. ililinraAaWd,.,, ,.!,.--.. -- l Utorarv

j to ar m in urh a wny tJaatt(MniUln't mtad it "

HUMOROUS.I- - lanrr.agu aaM ajii

echnage No. it jr?urai?r auiajf. HttrlittijUm t'rr V.A lTc4it aior irroiaMnar baMi

a UUr --rhoi.I iprl "Viuai'r!," aboiHrtl. "i idarai "Wb

j aoa i: tnke uaiik uot " XI a.tUitt.j lltth Tatatajr. Hl tthe.l iajttux own raJlrMa "N. aay; oa." -- W-ll. tbr m cu4 aoaaHJaiaj lo do Ihrnt e on aava b hoajrbl

nifl icuei 01 acijMr 1 twrr-tum- .

A wihl Tetaa r rrtf aYork man aj;aint tuqim wail tboother day. I h- - mm aaid brtwtanigaij thai bo ar tiairr3iaj ibaworkiugot a Kidlo k prM hmtur.V. .Vi.

Hnaband I oklagU) "0 I'aa tbiuniaat ike tml Wuaaiol the ) li otn. and Lbu aa4 tbo

Small fY ir'm " -

"And the apaaer. V4. ainaasa.liwin t'virur.

Mowv ao bi o. Krvoirt raatft'i laridkrd a oow rMMrt boal)U hat ar "Ut prrnuU"a amnt ai'

tdlrnuai iJ,aa Bi4l "Oh, tut.Mr Hot worthy a coii,Siatto jm a ainj; lad"" Hotwar&lty(). I w.Hibla't it yoa,

know -- lfarrmt lstuji't(ramluta " Inm. do too thak rJir

M nfai' 9t ut' ' lara r.tiwlt4a.

Urm;; m boi a anurk?;r"l v.kaad Jht hroatrbt rt htmw taxiny.a ait a

wfnK u, rtfMamlK,r Hufl taiaBVo,' . . ..thtU ,.,.----

.4ilMMI.- A acwminr wrlwr n UkU to eHf.

rojr bow no iawt !- -. "tatavar. a Thp or a uorna-J.- " H

aa-i-ia wll. bat bs,fl cmh ika w, or a biijat. 'I"a w.

W"P aoraxn m

2K.S,'l2 iS!Swnsa'oi; - a?. .i" itb Ua iavc xtm. rttvr imlaaini ittni ekxr.o t .to4.-s.Ur

niaat rtsucrnm&mlymrr0Utm htruitt.

Ht a Cent.Two '.fee larga& si:.? t

Yea. matjlt .. L 'I!'' haw Tfcprkst tmAdr lauatJlMi a:i atf ibubows? rt rilbag baii ai - carat aw". . wmt ..ba4 ruavi !.-- - a." - .w w.- -i luc a rt-- . TWj lka ,& uV irtnfoor iJ'j". a bMf&. a ntJfi that

ajric ctator eoald puraba.tbaa a 4aglu r:at' worth bat,vmo barp op-ir- i, j oato tbirc.rt and ot lhjr iMirs couitaad &mu a to while ta. jtxatktri.

ctovra. Aa result tht--v hudOOiif a tock. which ther art w4H- -

tr. otarr girl a: x haadomo protH

W couxvr tla for a ewet batbroke ap competition short order.acd taat a.unag prtt did not rezaaialoaz ya tojju. .V. T. UtroJUL

)rol( hv sou ire iu-te- ul of in.u tie ep an.-uioi-i part id which no J landlord Inraa'r It vnt bigj. ''f I,,IW tnTln' i--'"

"" "''d lnn thi-- Ur, 0 : rea-ont.i- at 1 appear 'f t:i.u. taking but n note. ia.Hey(lu.,. tJlL. 'olu.r of the " ;' k'eneralIvaet-.-pted- . it of ltIm? M u.,t nirnml what it

btvn di VC'V more re. ,.uun;,h u pil ,u !.He'it, which ; apar t4mUijmthe of thenc fl.nturi! W:lU.u f.H r,.MlotB ul full Mvindiii" lnechatii-- m wn ';,n"" rcfwil arc in h. j ,0 lm. .()llrtll, if .. ilb- - H-a- W !ki1lta objt.ct7n ,ie.,v "ml;rf-k,- n "" a' points a pru,,K.,.r. ,i.jiniltv ivanl- - Koh..f prnUT. JiU

the the arlxit fl "'""' on of lv in ,o: r,.movlll: ,.ougr" u

of wm,i;n- - is po ml an j.kenomena Mich u:1om.!v ,,. thjlIJ ,rfla,,raianr b ba--a vrrr m.





accomrdish-- m

fellow, to



starvation:" differedrepresented

imperative toone





item- -p


1'uloin-- l

Having hi.Brewster

with a



A bynf


rest.und-- r




i- -e





inof the

of con-stantly ten-io- n

hJlQW wound

"Marche...wound. -- ixl.


at of the ofre. red


ind:.en-"o- n


aniiv. ch atodd.


spwiygeneral 1.



out t.tof



ri-- o





-- ie



iiiidertakmg .,the h of ..I ,orl



'tignr. awert



Ilthem fruit

ir.m twin




the havriHrw

wal ia

in,,.: --jmau-.nai.- T




arolflc alfcciulane.













1provzuoii Fpomlm tiie pniport rrrnon-- ii it 4iilr half pa; t wbn tranSc

ll,nru ,!""n u ,,d- - ia. Wh aI.o founi, u. k nol JaU ma"-- '' r tuan near so arijflH n, upp d l grnadm baW- -l to 1- -r awVn our chew., are abundantly pre-- ,

a i.onw.air!ll Urfd-- r. ami ihin oat by i Jmak aV a dla'tPaTVU "''?. e-",- ,' uor ,uc" a, hnm! rernov-n- the m-eri- ijHuien-- i J .j,., jar htta ay Now. Hara. )uno'1 a - wonu. a ttmn , T)u ro.(l.r ,,. w j0 tja, t. when thf , or. nntl 4Un'l tb clok' T"0"" api-a- r-' jn -- iglu or ; , f at:jun a!0llt lho .. (I a uimi..,T.- - , A44..,. Tr.r

,...U. ..(l.. T. ,.

'r..lit. iirVren" -

' ymU ot,",n " U .,r . "u .""I ! ".kt. A. .Mr, (rtabmirJ STfcno --

- V' K,ml. the htjJ t. nsRX

L v ccrtfn i7 I u" ' l' ,,aM jrrAn' V'", " 1. -W- r-d. "Ami b.m di roa ka ftfr :- - ., . . , . :t . !" '1 , Sent to tain oot. fair f, , rood'" WIL 1 air..- w - - T ,.

n- -mill .onn. I

7.n work, ijof--,

imiKir'ant the !.

r ...t

m iiiii auiriii ji r-- i

" l s

b-.-- oltie.

- -






jav--in- g

feet oae tat. .!t; - v-- l


you bit.


it's a :ep-fathry- ou

bat I .

riatthe Le


thing"! did him apone

Ma'am andnp aaa

mutn put

anv abu-c?-" I

youant a. can



.'d.i- - fat.








;iou-.t- r 'rnimi -






j imil tboiwal


.aiwaaal srf

tIMt thl,xh


cloud-top- -,


ea-- e



ill two of anie-citl- ak oi


ll.lof pi

are tl!

tin .euH out of thto j. it.


leavingthtoiubu aUmt :j.





larjfM ola



of la- - i

bot obi


Su b.r,"r

reUlo I


ib oi the

th Ifit !

Ur otof ctrfe pcjaica of h6--

cm- -

Ie trco si




ia I'arv





uf IB

oi ar kcttwSft

p,!ttc. Ulav Mi



th inti lh Uj

ni-i- i mtF.



roiiath tv


!- -P, thaaaaw


in laof

-two K


hl $




i,ot ytHi


h w.....,,, "W&

U aairo.So- - aaaa aa ipM



""- -' aji.

r" -laraa

earrjiax vn

To orof fas

bT k'va bsruatr



imr""a a In


the a

certamlvfew ui


ofcl ()f to

ofluof ,

of n,









lh- -










t on wa'MM no -- p- ,. lhal wo Mi " '.rarMlawv

wa vourIW. InnrU,.

ltu nnfa

of o'n?

o-- fcrruHr









