The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1883-07-13 [p ]. · THE CHIEF. "RBBBBpBBpBBpBBuBBpKBIBBB M. I...

"in ' auras or subscbiatiox: Oae nap?, year. - . IObb aaay. a i am, - - . ft. lOneaepy. tkreai BmBanBtiimwfe. S. VOL. X. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. JULY 13, I3S3. a , Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. La-- M. r JVK HbbbbL j VTyX mfmr aBBBBBaWT aBBBBBBBar V AzWk ?wmhmtiiBwa mz ftRRGcrM GMmmeTWN WILLSHMJUfrWM iBrIlurtuteiGimugue. int.Walldk&Co. KCNMLLVIU.E, IND. i BRANCH HOME UtmiTKjm. -- J TUB ianan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FCR hut, miHurr in LIGHT RUNNING." matha af attach. laf tat Balk, susnw rr AKO tVRABXE .IVXLT. ALL KINDS OP INKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. MMNTMUllllHMnl raiuiuH whd mi co. BUCHANAN. MIOMIOAN. IE UNION roftEVEk jWnmBBH nmiaa Itwlas Bfaealma 1 toaU far reaeeae: UaaaUta tfead in we world: Wc nearest aoii bu boBMtnrsMi(;n-rniiBacBieTiiiM- . yo t an easy mimUK MacMue. bay tbo Vajnn : a M Uu-Mn-o liiiv tha TJuton : the litST. inl taada,bayMiaDabja. Tho Unlen U tke KER MM ft liIMM; Mlffltiwi " o tastractlon. werkn wMh nay kad immMimI wilt tha beat aMaabjaeabL ele-- I 13 aestgB. beaaty la etyle ud aaiea. LSJaXNTB WAHT " )N MANUFACTURING CO.,TtJet,a HENDERSON A MS Wyaaeatte Street, Tissss CHy, Bn. Chronic, Ncrums and lrteta IMe- - ,MW, 8CMW WeMCMM IB r) ana H impcaimcBxn losanr- - Irlajsc. Also, Fllee, Taporerm, 'Klicamansm. AnUima. BpHapey, a MHnnteaea.Ae. Cnresmaraateea nVv refunded. Cuarswlow. OTcraUStoaaeee Inexperience la Important. AllmeMcraeator. d psaflv tor nae bo niK iuh -- . n , at a distance treated by letter and nxnreM ; hiM utHtcrpjrtrhBreJret iromaBaeot break' trt Inlnrimi mndlclniM lWl MO lkioa "uli irniirriMinnrt nmd ftrf tauon free ana coBnaeauai, femwui w or A BOOK for beta nw-uiim- aw i or atner tbtBfa,Mai aaaieaift pm w?p Ifnr tm Br itiftM K.B. Dr.HBrBBla r graduate lnaaealetoa. Werwyeare; glnCkicato. BT-- njr ; i deecripuaa la amire ml rBl.. APOX. HtEKmTHAl JpjkJi We gaWaB.8BaBafpFw iLYOffAHKALY T AlBBLaBBBBV aW vH ULBS NllLLtONf OFTHtUf ifknmsnmi numnv f .SSatSfi ..W WWMB ' raaaWw iiBwTarTlrfa-aB- r iKMTtlTiV iSmtS' 1a1Kbi First National Batik RED CLOUD, NEB, Cmpltmh - 504MMI. Hst ftatoBl Dtotxlst bowU. Wiw UtECrORAt RrC Jabs IfBBfB. C.W. H.V.VMM11 w w MicaBWa "ISTKiite. F.A.smtjrer. itXfliTitltf. Blue Hill Bank. SntTSOK & SWBEZT, BLUE HILL WEBSTER CO NEB. A O.BftfBj Stack gtvaa to CallBAioBAjTarm Laawai Iiw Raajfct aa4 BaU COBKISPOOKXTfi: KaBrnBBkBn.irw Yark atj; Baak. Oawaa KaWtaka. LiTf Xeaaa. L. T.kimnwr. FmMaBt. Bt. Baat.Y. Baiiir, CaaUar. State lul of M Qond. MED -- CLOUD, NEB. SfrBClal Attention tln. DIRECIORSt J.W.HaatwMB. SiLABdARBn, Lavi Xaoai, U P. Albemit. Rbbt. Vitnur. Buy And sell Exchange. Make col- lection". Discount Note and do a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed ok all Time Deposits. . W. IL Stboim , G. B. McKbbbt STROHM k McKEEBY, Attorneys At Law, BED CLOUD, - - NEB. tUr h eoaaalted la EbiIIp a or flwau. CollMlieaa will reeiva prompt atUotloa. OFFICB- -1 door watt or Stata baak af Bad CTood. 0. C. Ua a. Ju. itcNeny. Case & McNeny, A COUNSELORS AT LAW. ATTORNF.YS ia att tka CoarU oftkiiEUU nod aortbarn Kaaiuuu Collections as wad ae lit ifated butiaai cnrafolly aad efficiently tlcnd-- I to. Of f ir:- - Jlnl door aoatb of Tfational Bank, np tUin. RBO CI)U1. NKU. J. L. Kalbt, uiooulBctoa, Red CloBd. Nek. Nabratka. KALEY BROS., A TT0RNF.rH AT LAW A BEAL ESTATB C1 AUF.NTS. Will prsctle is all ike Coarte ia Nobratka Bed northern Kama: collection! t.roaptly at tended to aad eorrafiadeaca olichod. LED CLOUD. Ktlrula, Alio. Acen( for B. k M. B. II. Laada, J. S. GILHAM, a TTORNEY AND CODXSEIX)R AT LAW. Office opposite City Drug Store. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, A TTOBNBT A COUNBELOB AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland's store. ISO CLOUS, XXI. Laird & Smith, A TTOR!f ETS AND C0UN8EL0RB AT IJCfT. i Hastings, - Nebraska. Will practice ia all Ike Coarta or tke State. Fraapt aUeattea giraa to all fcariaan cBtrnsted to klaeara. ialyI-- 7 PL aANKKELL, M. P. Physicianl Surgeon, REd Ci)UD, Nerbaska. Opfictj One dooraaatk eTCaiar olea. I m. wnxtmr, m. d. Physician & Surgeon. Red Cloud, Nebraska OSaa aad alMptnc reoat orer Heary OaakV Pracetera. S7 . aa. c. njchbivck, Physician L Surgeon. COWLES, NEBRASKA. Trofewional calls promptly attended. Office: At raeidence near Cowlcs. 8-- 51 D. H A. Baird, RISXSIITJDIVTIST. BED CLOUD, - VSBKA8KA. D. J. Hallowelx, M. D. Surgeon, Hakes m Specialty of Disease of tke Eye and Ear. BAltDT, - NEBTUSJCA, THE CHIEF. "RBBBBpBBpBBpBBuBBpKBIBBB M. I THOMAS, - lalUf. FliDAT. JULY 13, 1883. The) 8finc OBdWwrnlaw. FaaWakataytiMaBl. XJ a aaatrar. BrBftbr, aaatar. FarBHaBaffaBwaeld. Aad iky aiilk Waaatkyi Iaatdyto.BfBkar.aVia. faaa yaall ailaf raaftBai year bartk Far tap Ctys wiB ata ba by ta. Tli Kaarkaato) it. I barawBiBBklaa I watUd ear. B'ar taa rail ay tfaiaa aatkaaa. Aad 1 1 Baa fcea away. I aaa taiaa-- . aareby gaiac, Bat aiy aaaa la 0a4 ia tareac, I am ai Iliac bretfcar, kaawiac. TkatHaaeetk aatalat wra. Tall ray iMaarwaaa yaa gfaat aaat Taat la deat I prmpad far afaa. Frayed taa I atigfet aa a dap i aia. la a wand aaat a araa Tan ray taatkar. (Bad aatar ker.1 New tkfttakatotrawiacatd. Tall kar I waabl alad kara kkwad kar. Wkea tkaaa lip graw pale aad paid. Bitter, kratkar. eatek aaek wkWpar. Th ray wile I apeak af aew. TelLab! tall kar. kw t raiaeed kar. Wkea tke ferar karaad ray brew. Tall kar. kratkar. eleeely lktea. Daa't fenat a aiatia ward. Taat la daatk ay area did aUttaa. Wilk tke tear kar aieaiory stirred. Tail kar aka taaat kaw ray akildraa. Like tka Mat I latt iraprtMed: Held tkara aa wkaa but I keld tkaaa. Folded elaaaly to ray braaet. Glra tkata aarly to tkeir raakar. PaUlac aU ekair tnut ia Ood. Aad Ha aerer will fertaka kar. Per He'a raid w ia HU ward. Okl iy ekildrea. Heart a klea. tkaat. Tkey were all ray lift to Be. WcnM I eeald aaca raera earara tkara. E'ar X aiak kaaeatk tka taa. Twaa for tkera I ertwed tka aaaaa. Wkat ray kapar ware. fU aot toll; Bat tkcy'ra ajaiaad aa arpkaa'a portioa. Yet He daatk aH tUaaja wall. Tell ay litters I remember Brery kindly partiac ward. Aad aiy keart kaa kaea kept tender. By tke tbootnta tkeir memory itirred. Tell tkani I ne'er reached the haraa. Wkera I eoackt tka preoiooR dae, Cat I cnlaad a pert aalled U eaves. Wkera tka cald wfli aarer ratt. Urea them to eeeara aa fatoraat. For taayll fad tkeir kratkar tkara: Faltk la Jeeaa aad riiiatoaie . ''Will for aaek aeenre a akart. Hark I hear my Savioar pcakl&r. Tis. I know his Tolee so wall: Wkea I'm foaa. O daa't be waaping; ; firatkar. kera's my latt farewell. Hon. II. B. Stout was Awarded tlie contract for erecting tbe central por- tion of the State House, at $439,189. Thos. F. Ham. has been fired out of the Omaha poet office and Cbas. K. Contant appointed in hit stead. A fight occured at Dodge City, Kansas, last Monday between five cowboys and the local offkors. One of the cowboys was killed. THE KMEVALS LANI A party of Nebraska men returned yesterday from New York, where they held a conference on June 25 with Knevals and his partner, -- Judge Ran- som, with a Tiew of effecting a settle- ment of tho difficulties that hare grown out of the supreme court de- cision giving Knevals the title to the tract of land known by his aaase. The party consisted of Hon. James Laird, S. T. Caldwell, of Nuckolls co- unty; E. M. Correll, editor of the He- bron Journal; A, F. demons, county clerk of Thayer county, and Hon. J. L.Vool worth, of Omaha. When the conference opened1 the gentlemen representing the settlers offered a compromise stipulating that the settlers should pay $3 cash per acre or the lands to which thaj hold titles frosathe government. Kneval and his partner did not care particnl-ar- y about a cash, settlement and thought if they volunteered an offer of $3 cash, they could ha induced to pay 4 oh time, and hung out for this for along time. A coaipriBiiM was finally agreed apon which provides that the actual settlers whe seemed their deeds before the questioa of ffce title was settled by the eeciskm of aw Hyde case, shall pay t&SOaer are for their land. This coaaropaies is ta be ratified by (he settlers, and they aretoseKle the coat of theaeat awtta, within amety aaye. The teraafof this agreeBBetil afffy only to acta settlers and notk)f tron-reside- nt hohlers ef lanas These will be obliged to aeKJe their aattt for thevaaelvea aad WWpoJwWy not get as favorahle tents as the stXafenr. Great credit Bf. awe laird for his effort fe thar m as weiiasfor aa arevious isbjot m hehatf the heM Tell and Mottt- - i, an tuiaW liat Control aaatUfm, Wmfy tkw lo- cal aHtkorUitc To4aj Qvr. lorry wrwte a kiltr to tasty atari sT of each cotiBty atatiajf tbtjt ktj had been ur-C-d to call oat atilitia, bat tW no ne-caaa- ity for aoiag ao, aad urfinf; the aarifls to call aut poaaat and hunt tbe outlaw dowm. Taa eountrr in-fi- n tad la mountainous aod wild, and through tmnwfista amaay atrsaera are Hi by pefuainf iafonmauoa aad gtriftf thm top- - ptiaa. Hm BaWWB, for the mardar of Soaa-r- a at Ksaraey, kaa aaeo aaotaaoad la ten yearn in tka aaaitaatiary. OwirrsAirs oystaU Food for the supertiatiotai ta furnish- ed in the following Washington dis- patch: Micheal Sheahan, one of the jurors in tha GaiteAU trlaJha baeo sent to aa insane asylum. A morning paper aays that aver since the trial his friends have noticed a strangeness ia his aaanaar aad it seemed a if Guiteeu'e prophecy of evil to befall all those connected with his conviction had produced a deep effect upon his mind, and he would lie awake for hours after going to bed. Finnally he became so nervous he was unable to slsep at all, and bad to give up his positiou as watchman at the If etrop- - ouaa hotel, which place he had held for somerears. About 12 o'clock last night he rushed out of the house cry ing for the police. He said that his wife wanted to murder him, and tal- ked on ia the most incoherent man- ner, liewaseeaace taken into custo- dy. it appears that there are other superstitious people like the unfortu- nate Sheahan, who are given to dwel- ling on Guiteau's curse and who con- nect it with certain events. One of the lists prepared by themia aa follows: Tbe death of district attorney Cork-hill- 'a wife was the first event which was called fulfillment of Guiteau's prophecy; Juror Hobha' wife- - died; Burgeon-Ge- n. Barnes, an important witness, died; Judge Porter health is said to be wrecked: Marshal Henry. Bailiff Stahl. Detective McElfresh. Jail wagon Quard Perry Corson and the driver, Jas. Leonard, were dismiss- ed from aervice; Dr. Noble Young, an important expert witness, died, Dr. Hicks has been libelled; Dr. Gray, another expert, was shot at iu a Utica asylum; Dr. McDonald has been or is the subject of investagation in connec- tion with his admiuistration of Ward's Island, N,jw York; Officer Pat Kear- ney was removed from the Baltimore k Potomac dpeot and Juror Sheahen has becomo insane. OHOTLY VlaMTAMTS. Xagrim aad arm la-rkit- lif tto Seta af Tlafa Xmtt laatfl larffc. From tka Haattaas Haaeaekaa. Considerable excitement has been prevailing in this city of late, occasion- ed by certain alleged ghostly appar-ation-s in the vicinity of the little rail- road bridge on the St. Joe k Western, northeast of town, recently made fa- mous as the scene of the summary ex-eewti- on of Ingram and Green. As the story runs, a few evenings since, some parties were passing the bridge when to their astonishment two men, to all appearances Ingram and Green, ap- peared on the scene and in a very do liberate manner began an inpection of the bridge. They conversed with each othor, and in voice, man- ner and general appearance, the was perfect, ser maxch so that the parties who saw the appar- ition came away fully convinced that they had saw the dead alire again. The matter soon became noised about tire cfty and on the following evening a number of persons repaired to the hevnted locaTtty, determined to inter- view the returned spirits, and if fjeai-M- e fieax what they had to say for vanfv tntTvI v Cai " That party reported that they nee indeed, aeen the- - departed. butrrxd railed in seeming; an tnteivmsf. macji sueoeedsntr eras ing; parties have been seaeiring rt the myaterions awaiter, sard on each occasion it is reported that the ghosts art? Tkdbte butnot approachable Tashehhag btobb eight whenever amyooe attempted to efeee in upon theam. On one ocaasion a gerrtlemari, on seeing; anaaf the awysteriovB form start mi an the aaaal walk ahaat the leidge, covered bin? with a revolver ami or- dered him tostarpisfin, fbraaiening to itaeajt jnercf- - ifaateaapted to te. Ia wm iamsnt taa agate aeon-- ; fajaVaad onthtSBnty lWaaaag aw toi Boatreitfl The Gcab4 lalaaal IaampaJaat fa-fa- n to that towa af at "iaiarc cap- ital f NatTm.'' Gtriteau's alaier has arcra;ht aaota-a- r Bcttoa iato opurt sa Cook coaaty Ilia, afaiaat aar iiaaffwd kutbaad. Geo. ScoTitle, asking; taat he be re TttV. fTV.RlCB.adtor O ' ca- - strained from rtakiac her olaca of alxvfa. and aUfraaaUaa hr at 1 property, that be be coBtpIltd to con-- J pettau to eoelriWW tcr her sappun mnd q of her child, aad ta give vr i aaaaia waTacta. ftie ckims to have snaported harssaf aad agk-te- r by dram making, aad la have kept the child ia boarsnag tchooL ,j Geo. O. Yeiser, lttl aftiti Imma Ifjat, BED CLOUD, NEB. a Ofllceoti Webster Street, ,in Miller A nan a seeo store. "Bars i IUalaVCaU.MlmBlato.maV lac property aad eellostiaa; roam. Ha 20 000 acres and mora proved aad unimproved land aroaad Red Cloud, .Neb. A farm of 1 000 acre, for the aize the moat dcairable farm in the Rep. Valley. Hasan unfailing supply of water. 530 acres with an abundance of wood and water. Buildings on tho place coat $1 500. 640 acres with unfailing springs and running streams, also desirable im- provements. Farm of 320 acres, 150 acre in high state of cultivation, part fenced, im provements good. Farm of 320 acres, 225 under culti- vation, balance meadow. ltM a good residence. ' Farm of 160 acres, good dwelling, spring of unfailing water, trees ale, not an acre of waste land. Farms near to Red Cloud, near R. R stations, convenient to schools ic. 80 acres near Red Cloud at a bar- gain $12-5- 0 per acre. .. Hotel having ..--- . a good run of bttsincan. - for aAle, or will trario for good prop- - crty. Mill property which has profitable run of bushier, fin wafer power, nev- er atop on account of scarcity of or too mt'cli water, nor from ice. Will sell the whole or part, or trade for good property. Busiuesr houses paying good rents, and residences t rents yielding 20 and 25 per cent, interest on investment. Also town lota. For information, description Ac., ad- - dress. GatK O. Ykimkk. Rod Cloud, Neb. MONEY! MONEY I atoatyUlean ea larfrtrai fartulBNttk ara tfaaratka at the rsry haft ratal af latarsrt. We call the attention of all desiring such accomiaxxletrotis, to tho farm loan department of our business, iir which we are still offering the best in- ducements to the public. There is absolutely no cost to our customer!). No fees for abstract title: no feed for recording mortgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or arafta upon which the borrower must pay adav cwmt ht order to get the money, but all loans paid in actual cash, over our counters without any deduction what- ever. In placing our loan there is no te- dious delay in subawltfag apprfcafion to eastern patkar, m our McilitteH are such that we crfn eke all good loan ou short notice. We are prepared to fill dfenrabfe foans at nine percent, straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All payinenta of interest and principal aiay be made at our baak, and will be sent to the parties free of charge and fntercst notes returned to our cuaioat- - mers. As to onr prowsfirmaa and fair deal-ing.- we refer to those with whom we have placed loans (numbering ai pres- ent nearly six hundred.) Call at our office, or address us through the mail. 21 tf Staraoa A Swear. B!ucHill. Nebraska Orange and PtoHnfe. IsttsrthBB aVtwriat; Kraft Mm halan i efFler- - taa mil to awap im smBafa ha af aomlbrt. Art ata aato watora a tka tuitbi aa ftwrnam mm atoea "And. eaW aama. ttaManeiaM aakara aaV ual ah iltoTPr. I. it. Wamaea. af Fart Bada. fmw Faaaaa Team. It to aava Ska iwWfc.Titws afmf af rat dwraaw field to ha aaaaa. Ibaja aaat if le taa aa af a daWeito aad daapapaa rasjatfbaty ww taa mmjaraiiiywm! riaaiii. ic aaamed to aeasmallBk w amm waat jka aasaf BaanaaanyaraUaaMetemaaaBaBamBiaa af ttMaasaPtcaariaasatmMtat. nam to taa faat taat aitor Apra Hak W aadatytoarikw; mtoarawja an ksraafmr ba atmaty FBrkerti ateppat ter Ua raaaaaaVataatHacIplad anal- - MsHh sulCn!ga Tltli amww aara taat emramaawwamapawa.wwmBjaaa.aa law propriety of taa earna-akaaaj- a. TAara argl.ka aw kewerer, ha taa pfi pntajtoajmalf. ,aa aH aaaUaa i ail awap to dm .aamaw, aa. amatera, , . , W Mo Whiskey i B3m5lRON BfTTEW h one of the very few tonk ittexikimtfaaf are not cmf-ponc- d tnoatly of afeohot or whiskey, ffjus becomtag a irvitful source of intctrrpcr-aac- c by, prcawaoting a tksirt BBrrusn. BkowVs Iitojt finTRjts h guaranteed to bt aatwi-antoxkatin- g stimulant, and it will, in nearly every caey take the piece of all and at the same time abso- lutely kill the desire for tkei QavwavewAV- - aayaaf awaWBiS I row Ow..O.,No t, ia. Gti-T- )e focfivh waV. Lt; of vital (occt in bwunaw, p!txare. ami ndoaa tnal. fete of tmt pf. nVcf job fat jfiow a wetwwly ; aad ir afpVctf, wMi arte hun- dred who1 resort fa mJoena tor Mm rotary rrf apTTeaJpafc Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestiony tnlioasness, weakness, debil- ity, ocrwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it nrttt fails to render speedy and pcrmancat reiiaX J. N. Rickards, Bill Eiiili i Issnruee afiii, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will btfy and pell Undir, and insure town and farm property, attend to all kinds of conveyancing. Ovnaz At Smith llroc. Farm Loan a lT mtlner AUCTIONEER. CLOVERTON - NEBRASKA. )0t Have bad5 ffftccn years experience an Auctioneer. 'Will call public sales in We I w tor and udjoinin coun- ties when called upon. BaF Leave orders at the Cm if' office or address me at Cloverton. Webster county Neb. 8. L. M1LNER. Aama. -- THE mm W WildlCU! aBBBBBBam W. H. HOWH Agcntf GOWLfS, NEBKABKA. The Company warrant the Perkins Mill to be a eood, durabfe, self regnfa-tin- g machine built fir a awtaUfilial and woThnanT)ke wmnner, and hereby agree to ftrrniffb, free of charge, the part or parts necessary ta make good any defect in workmanship or mate- rial used, for the term of one year. 41 nawaairacs. " -- ft Turnip aSEED! 1 NEW ewtflimvi CATALOCUC A PrWCf LapT. I.Y. .aktafat wQf M waaail'TiTar ay4.iea wana. aaWa''aBaBaBaBa9aaaBaw Biaas, aarh ae aaaaaaaBBBBBBBmaaBBBBBH GkBtoa raver BaaaaaaaaaaaTbaB9am BBeamt ftr HflK aa all lewer aTaBBBBBBBaaBaaaaaaaBB BBBBBBBBBBBBfjafBgg- - r-- , -- g, j,,,, -- ftHE gjff fiffi a PLATT BBBfcnwiJ .V Coal & Red Ctoud, mmmmmmmm New fibods ! At Baum's AXivll liquor, Bitters: Agency. IwillselldurinitiawiT at rducd ing of - Dry Clothing, k 6apsf Boots & Tninks, ValisM, No- - tions. Groceries. &c, &c lice U I li;t Styles i Etjit, ' Come in and see us and compare our prices. at ' It will pay you. L. BAUM. ITIiBTAr G - " I r-- K .IV'I CABTWA. BW Riprw TnilM rnrOtaaWCM?- - MliMAil.'iK.MI. k.. JJ,1 al) tmai JtoM. Tbroepb r rU Vt i U, IiHim aaelh. K4(t1'ttlMt Fla- - Cttae4 I pay pb an (sraw wucn, i Uiaira vr at el anetn nivcr i Tbraacb TUbeU l Ure lywct fUtftf are aaawce win bi w bji ftr iar "J-'-- - wlU torn I'M aat Bar la (belr ford a. ma OtTAMPUnVMM rfat AaKftaBikV b4 0mm rMar aam: MAKE Be ears 9m to am 97 WmaTaBBaaTv KwVkaabar aaaak awaar aMaahm bbBbbb Ismtt it, aDT Indltui OaTTMaJldiaaMavaW iMtlhw ataaUaaaaaX DEALERS mm-A&Mt- IT TAl5ftA JamaBaaHa?' ' stiiilmex' prioii ddliaiaV Goods, Hats Shoes, MebraeaaV mm! i i' New Price New p &M 1 vs' Iw!r rTtrrmaTflff Ba.- - aact) l lt fa u Bwift'j ttlt - HI. plaerBift a l Wan. tktHflt UiUmflrtbt Kfk.VteRttMUItoWaM.eHkM, aad awaat;eaai aasaaBllii eiasakwa 1 a! aH thm liiaeH. t tJU. mJ; iwrmeaiea aa w im. nww ar ,.:mm-w- . to) Baa a. Msjaeu a caw UNIMKNT VG?T wui aneaeerraii akaa ( BiMua to r . ar to . gOBTtv Oawaial TJsmat Afjefft. Omaka. Kak DADcnya I ftllUUlIO LZ MAKE 1VEW RICH BlXOX; t ) aTaweatataiBaawpeaaabls. DIPHTHERIAi&Mt afOHNSOM'S AfwODYNaf . aawMBjai amaniiJSiia Baa1mwjBie.aTmwibyamaaH CLARK Million (lUM.lltMd ffBBOaB Start, 14' BBaBBWfmBanmaBwmaawawaBy 1 1 i wiaw a . ismraaaa. waami -- .. -- i a mr aajammi a i. a- - 4 amti Baa. mi mB Vl HENS LAY W" aaa maW mat BBB Maa aftar aan to fnav i- - fr f 4 1 M ?r JT K I ? i ??av lOHHSfflO faS 1 mmmawaw mmmamavr aaaaaMaaBf ' "' laaW? r aBBBBBBBBkaY BmBBB - 'j3MWwW t 'BTaaaVv A Blood S war a Oaf aWQaawaiS' BBaaaW mmaal ' BBaTaaTaW t mAammAdaBf a . . . awarmar TgjeuwA Ihf TI5Aiiaam WANTBDl aMMIBOa Ima9DaaaaaT Uwaworr 77 W.MgwwryoOtiy - Ik Jti jBcbEj. s.dsa3By laBBBBBaBBB. - IdfrtWlmWmW --AaBBr Aw. .' MPr aa ' n mt A a? ' ? ri ' - c - vhwmmjr Jr f 1 M i aBBmii7 aaaaaa - - . mBmBmBmBmBmBmpmBnwawmBr arwairrtBaaaM : s inrflDBS swaaMac fraaa ... ". ' ' " i r" 1 .nY ' i aW aaf M. A A ifSSaT l frnfa- - ' "" " . .. ".- -' aaaav m awmsaawaw atemsea aat f I . aT I t Imi A '"; Dnasfpaafal '-I- 'lSifj IP JeaaWmaifttoBCawa ' A itlllf UiUHtf. . Jtaaaf BBBTritr aiaw waaamar. - - - wVaTaTAUalaTB7TBaV . .;i. aBtoaBBBBBT - . - . . .. . CvXXBa, wbbb bbbbtj iMawrxaaBBrv WALL KtHSXm T ' ' J B BmBamBmpmpmmm - - aBBBmwaawawaBBP VfAB " in - -- -t ' BBBBBBBBaaa.saaaw-- 1 af teat era. SmtTaia whawe it Wf) saiamsd a " ' ' "' aaCaSaaaaaBBBaBBVaBaBm w J&?J " , 'pA COOK'S gwamaW eajt for Ins tenae antii rw w be lawad, the ogwr had r maf t SBmrSKBmltB Pn-- : aritwaaempSraseaAaaaiefaavd --- anaaawaawl nsahhaa VftlaaVafafll i laaff .aBmal V 1 IWmF aCaVJT T . 1 - work that sa favorable term. at JKat the haregraaawd wawta kaTaBBT V Pf wBhSMtwaaT" -- 9., WWWS-T- ki .. KZikx y '". H 9 RED Q wrt sftcwW QfaUBae,-tli- e aWtatei to the -- awwa- the mysdwy is -- ato. !- a- KHaLaaaB miWror H afl C -- KUmt W - cviaca aarnnraasi mrnirraiBBamsaam anr maw mar - - mr u - - w w .'iv wwawmmmi wsi. mm -- k. mwmwm ma am mwammi ma ma r avm : aj ,f--- m es rmnr, -- . '.tft m z;.ft: ,i)itaafaTaBi mu jm.m -- mgg!rrm?l2misr,zm:3&m vAvvi- - wawapm .- - i - ... i ..'.... . -- - w . . , av.a vwawaTwawapm. t- - - aaaaaaar 1 pa m aaaawaaai . jaaaVKit .;., - - : awapj mammm in, aaa awawama srom taa are BaBtlwBTaBaaameallaaaam ar ,. . XaOfYaV. v. mil '11 vaffsaaBfW.aArfj,am bbbbTbT 'ZmVmWmn9mVMS3V9KMSitm Batfaaf ffffhw5 -- Mmmm Oaf njftTn aa whaiaaasB JaBV lailia-ada- l ZZJSTLZZITL Z JFaWMPatla fTilmBBBBBBBBBB WMmimm,mm- - " atBT P ? ., ' laaaaS.- - ; Q rianaay :&rmBwWmmmV-m- yyyWyTmWimmWmmW :r Mir " ''-' feSSisw toaaW7 stome. ZmlZwZJmi- - 99aBI!SBfnVJ9ar'i . - 'VI rvsVC-- : ' :'P1 Hisl itr rsk - , , t ..-s a- - - . rf. . ji ,. - . Z . "r sS t-1- - 4ldiBBBBBBBBw 'sz- - Aam .r, , !? ." '.' -- '' 'S T a ' , . -- ,,, - ?? ,.r , - i&&? .C -- iri,? X - - - T wJ&' S4 CuiftftaaweBBBBBBBEr .BamBaBai I ' - -

Transcript of The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1883-07-13 [p ]. · THE CHIEF. "RBBBBpBBpBBpBBuBBpKBIBBB M. I...

Page 1: The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, NE) 1883-07-13 [p ]. · THE CHIEF. "RBBBBpBBpBBpBBuBBpKBIBBB M. I THOMAS,-lalUf. FliDAT. JULY 13, 1883. The) 8finc OBdWwrnlaw. FaaWakataytiMaBl. XJ



auras or subscbiatiox:Oae nap?, year. - .

IObb aaay. a i am, - - . ft.lOneaepy. tkreaiBmBanBtiimwfe. S. VOL. X. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. JULY 13, I3S3.a


Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. La-- M.

r JVK HbbbbL j VTyX


?wmhmtiiBwamz ftRRGcrM




hut, miHurrinLIGHT RUNNING."

matha af attach.laf tat Balk,

susnw rr





raiuiuH whd mi co.BUCHANAN. MIOMIOAN.



nmiaa Itwlas Bfaealma 1

toaU far reaeeae: UaaaUtatfead in we world: Wc nearest aoii bu

boBMtnrsMi(;n-rniiBacBieTiiiM- . yot an easy mimUK MacMue. bay tbo Vajnn : aM Uu-Mn-o liiiv tha TJuton : the litST. inl

taada,bayMiaDabja. Tho Unlen U tke KERMM ft liIMM; Mlffltiwi "

o tastractlon. werkn wMh nay kadimmMimI wilt tha beat aMaabjaeabL ele--

I 13 aestgB. beaaty la etyle ud aaiea.LSJaXNTB WAHT "


HENDERSONA MS Wyaaeatte Street, Tissss CHy, Bn.

Chronic, Ncrums and lrteta IMe- -


r) ana H impcaimcBxn losanr- -

Irlajsc. Also, Fllee, Taporerm,'Klicamansm. AnUima. BpHapey,

a MHnnteaea.Ae. CnresmaraateeanVv refunded. Cuarswlow. OTcraUStoaaeee

Inexperience la Important. AllmeMcraeator.d psaflv tor nae bo niK iuh -- . n, at a distance treated by letter and nxnreM ;hiM utHtcrpjrtrhBreJret iromaBaeot break'trt Inlnrimi mndlclniM lWl MO

lkioa "uli irniirriMinnrt nmd ftrftauon free ana coBnaeauai, femwui w orA BOOK for beta nw-uiim- aw

i or atner tbtBfa,Mai aaaieaift pm w?pIfnr tm Br itiftM K.B. Dr.HBrBBla

r graduate lnaaealetoa. Werwyeare;glnCkicato. BT--

njr ;

i deecripuaa la amire ml




JpjkJi We gaWaB.8BaBafpFw





f .SSatSfi..WWWMB

' raaaWw iiBwTarTlrfa-aB- r

iKMTtlTiV iSmtS'1a1Kbi

First National BatikRED CLOUD, NEB,

Cmpltmh - 504MMI.

Hst ftatoBl Dtotxlst bowU. WiwUtECrORAt

RrC Jabs IfBBfB.C.W. H.V.VMM11

w w MicaBWa

"ISTKiite. F.A.smtjrer.itXfliTitltf.

Blue Hill Bank.SntTSOK & SWBEZT,


A O.BftfBj Stackgtvaa to CallBAioBAjTarm

Laawai IiwRaajfct aa4 BaU


KaBrnBBkBn.irw Yark atj;Baak. Oawaa KaWtaka.

LiTf Xeaaa. L. T.kimnwr.FmMaBt. Bt.

Baat.Y. Baiiir, CaaUar.

State lul of M Qond.


SfrBClal Attentiontln.


Lavi Xaoai, U P. Albemit.Rbbt. Vitnur.

Buy And sell Exchange. Make col-lection". Discount Note and do aGeneral Banking Business.

Interest Allowed ok all TimeDeposits.

.W. IL Stboim , G. B. McKbbbt

STROHM k McKEEBY,Attorneys At Law,

BED CLOUD, - - NEB.tUr h eoaaalted la EbiIIp a or flwau.

CollMlieaa will reeiva prompt atUotloa.OFFICB- -1 door watt or Stata baak af Bad


0. C. Ua a. Ju. itcNeny.

Case & McNeny,A COUNSELORS AT LAW.ATTORNF.YS ia att tka CoarU oftkiiEUU

nod aortbarn Kaaiuuu Collections as wad ae litifated butiaai cnrafolly aad efficiently tlcnd-- I

to. Of f ir:- - Jlnl door aoatb of TfationalBank, np tUin. RBO CI)U1. NKU.

J. L. Kalbt,uiooulBctoa,

Red CloBd. Nek. Nabratka.


Will prsctle is all ike Coarte ia NobratkaBed northern Kama: collection! t.roaptly attended to aad eorrafiadeaca olichod.

LED CLOUD. Ktlrula,Alio. Acen( for B. k M. B. II. Laada,


Office opposite City Drug Store.RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA.


Office: Over Mc Farland's store.ISO CLOUS, XXI.

Laird & Smith,A TTOR!f ETS AND C0UN8EL0RB AT IJCfT.i Hastings, - Nebraska.

Will practice ia all Ike Coarta or tke State.Fraapt aUeattea giraa to all fcariaan cBtrnsted

to klaeara. ialyI-- 7

PL aANKKELL, M. P.Physicianl Surgeon,

REd Ci)UD, Nerbaska.Opfictj One dooraaatk eTCaiar olea.

I m. wnxtmr, m. d.Physician & Surgeon.

Red Cloud, NebraskaOSaa aad alMptnc reoat orer Heary OaakV

Pracetera. S7

. aa. c. njchbivck,Physician L Surgeon.


Trofewional calls promptly attended.Office: At raeidence near Cowlcs. 8-- 51

D. H A. Baird,


D. J. Hallowelx, M. D.Surgeon,

Hakes m Specialty of Disease of tkeEye and Ear.BAltDT, - NEBTUSJCA,



M. I THOMAS, - lalUf.FliDAT. JULY 13, 1883.

The) 8finc OBdWwrnlaw.

FaaWakataytiMaBl.XJ a aaatrar. BrBftbr, aaatar.

FarBHaBaffaBwaeld.Aad iky aiilk


faaa yaall ailaf raaftBai year bartkFar tap Ctys wiB ata ba byta.

TliKaarkaato) it.

I barawBiBBklaa I watUd ear.B'ar taa rail ay tfaiaa aatkaaa.

Aad 1 1 Baa fcea away.I aaa taiaa--. aareby gaiac,

Bat aiy aaaa la 0a4 ia tareac,I am ai Iliac bretfcar, kaawiac.

TkatHaaeetk aatalat wra.Tall ray iMaarwaaa yaa gfaat aaat

Taat la deat I prmpad far afaa.Frayed taa I atigfet aa a dap i aia.

la a wand aaata araaTan ray taatkar. (Bad aatar ker.1

New tkfttakatotrawiacatd.Tall kar I waabl alad kara kkwad kar.

Wkea tkaaa lip graw pale aad paid.

Bitter, kratkar. eatek aaek wkWpar.Th ray wile I apeak af aew.

TelLab! tall kar. kw t raiaeed kar.Wkea tke ferar karaad ray brew.

Tall kar. kratkar. eleeely lktea.Daa't fenat a aiatia ward.

Taat la daatk ay area did aUttaa.Wilk tke tear kar aieaiory stirred.

Tail kar aka taaat kaw ray akildraa.Like tka Mat I latt iraprtMed:

Held tkara aa wkaa but I keld tkaaa.Folded elaaaly to ray braaet.

Glra tkata aarly to tkeir raakar.PaUlac aU ekair tnut ia Ood.

Aad Ha aerer will fertaka kar.Per He'a raid w ia HU ward.

Okl iy ekildrea. Heart a klea. tkaat.Tkey were all ray lift to Be.

WcnM I eeald aaca raera earara tkara.E'ar X aiak kaaeatk tka taa.

Twaa for tkera I ertwed tka aaaaa.Wkat ray kapar ware. fU aot toll;

Bat tkcy'ra ajaiaad aa arpkaa'a portioa.Yet He daatk aH tUaaja wall.

Tell ay litters I rememberBrery kindly partiac ward.

Aad aiy keart kaa kaea kept tender.By tke tbootnta tkeir memory itirred.

Tell tkani I ne'er reached the haraa.Wkera I eoackt tka preoiooR dae,

Cat I cnlaad a pert aalled U eaves.Wkera tka cald wfli aarer ratt.

Urea them to eeeara aa fatoraat.For taayll fad tkeir kratkar tkara:

Faltk la Jeeaa aad riiiatoaie. ''Will for aaek aeenre a akart.Hark I hear my Savioar pcakl&r.

Tis. I know his Tolee so wall:Wkea I'm foaa. O daa't be waaping; ;

firatkar. kera's my latt farewell.

Hon. II. B. Stout was Awarded tliecontract for erecting tbe central por-

tion of the State House, at $439,189.

Thos. F. Ham. has been fired outof the Omaha poet office and Cbas. K.Contant appointed in hit stead.

A fight occured at Dodge City,Kansas, last Monday between fivecowboys and the local offkors. Oneof the cowboys was killed.


A party of Nebraska men returnedyesterday from New York, where theyheld a conference on June 25 withKnevals and his partner, --Judge Ran-

som, with a Tiew of effecting a settle-

ment of tho difficulties that haregrown out of the supreme court de-

cision giving Knevals the title to thetract of land known by his aaase.The party consisted of Hon. JamesLaird, S. T. Caldwell, of Nuckolls co-

unty; E. M. Correll, editor of the He-

bron Journal; A, F. demons, countyclerk of Thayer county, and Hon. J.L.Voolworth, of Omaha.

When the conference opened1 thegentlemen representing the settlersoffered a compromise stipulating thatthe settlers should pay $3 cash peracre or the lands to which thaj holdtitles frosathe government. Knevaland his partner did not care particnl-ar- y

about a cash, settlement andthought if they volunteered an offerof $3 cash, they could ha induced topay 4 oh time, and hung out for thisfor along time. A coaipriBiiM wasfinally agreed apon which providesthat the actual settlers whe seemedtheir deeds before the questioa of ffce

title was settled by the eeciskm of aw

Hyde case, shall pay t&SOaer arefor their land. This coaaropaies ista be ratified by (he settlers, and theyaretoseKle the coat of theaeat awtta,within amety aaye.

The teraafof this agreeBBetil afffyonly to acta settlers and notk)f tron-reside- nt

hohlers ef lanas These willbe obliged to aeKJe their aattt forthevaaelvea aad WWpoJwWy not getas favorahle tents as the stXafenr.

Great credit Bf. awelaird for his effort fe thar

mas weiiasfor aa arevious isbjot mhehatf the heM

Tell and Mottt- -

i, an tuiaWliat Control aaatUfm, Wmfy tkw lo-

cal aHtkorUitc To4aj Qvr. lorrywrwte a kiltr to tasty atari sT of eachcotiBty atatiajf tbtjt ktj had been ur-C-d

to call oat atilitia, bat tW no ne-caaa- ity

for aoiag ao, aad urfinf; theaarifls to call aut poaaat and hunt

tbe outlaw dowm. Taa eountrr in-fi- n

tad la mountainous aod wild, andthrough tmnwfista amaay atrsaera are

Hi by pefuainfiafonmauoa aad gtriftf thm top--ptiaa.

Hm BaWWB, for the mardar of Soaa-r- a

at Ksaraey, kaa aaeo aaotaaoad laten yearn in tka aaaitaatiary.

OwirrsAirs oystaU

Food for the supertiatiotai ta furnish-ed in the following Washington dis-

patch: Micheal Sheahan, one of thejurors in tha GaiteAU trlaJha baeosent to aa insane asylum. A morningpaper aays that aver since the trialhis friends have noticed a strangenessia his aaanaar aad it seemed a ifGuiteeu'e prophecy of evil to befall allthose connected with his convictionhad produced a deep effect upon hismind, and he would lie awake forhours after going to bed. Finnallyhe became so nervous he was unableto slsep at all, and bad to give up hispositiou as watchman at the If etrop- -

ouaa hotel, which place he had heldfor somerears. About 12 o'clock lastnight he rushed out of the house crying for the police. He said that hiswife wanted to murder him, and tal-ked on ia the most incoherent man-ner, liewaseeaace taken into custo-dy.

it appears that there are othersuperstitious people like the unfortu-nate Sheahan, who are given to dwel-ling on Guiteau's curse and who con-

nect it with certain events. One ofthe lists prepared by themia aa follows:Tbe death of district attorney Cork-hill- 'a

wife was the first event whichwas called fulfillment of Guiteau'sprophecy; Juror Hobha' wife- - died;Burgeon-Ge- n. Barnes, an importantwitness, died; Judge Porter health issaid to be wrecked: Marshal Henry.Bailiff Stahl. Detective McElfresh.Jail wagon Quard Perry Corson andthe driver, Jas. Leonard, were dismiss-ed from aervice; Dr. Noble Young, animportant expert witness, died, Dr.Hicks has been libelled; Dr. Gray,another expert, was shot at iu a Uticaasylum; Dr. McDonald has been or isthe subject of investagation in connec-tion with his admiuistration of Ward'sIsland, N,jw York; Officer Pat Kear-ney was removed from the Baltimorek Potomac dpeot and Juror Sheahenhas becomo insane.


Xagrim aad arm la-rkit-lif tto Setaaf Tlafa Xmtt laatfl larffc.

From tka Haattaas Haaeaekaa.

Considerable excitement has beenprevailing in this city of late, occasion-ed by certain alleged ghostly appar-ation-s

in the vicinity of the little rail-

road bridge on the St. Joe k Western,northeast of town, recently made fa-

mous as the scene of the summary ex-eewti- on

of Ingram and Green. As thestory runs, a few evenings since, someparties were passing the bridge whento their astonishment two men, to allappearances Ingram and Green, ap-

peared on the scene and in a very doliberate manner began an inpectionof the bridge. They conversed witheach othor, and in voice, man-

ner and general appearance, thewas perfect, ser maxch so

that the parties who saw the appar-ition came away fully convinced thatthey had saw the dead alire again.The matter soon became noised abouttire cfty and on the following eveninga number of persons repaired to thehevnted locaTtty, determined to inter-view the returned spirits, and if fjeai-M- e

fieax what they had to say forvanfv tntTvI v Cai"

That party reported that theynee indeed, aeen the- - departed.butrrxd railed in seeming; antnteivmsf. macji sueoeedsntr erasing; parties have been seaeiringrt the myaterions awaiter, sard on

each occasion it is reported that theghosts art? Tkdbte butnot approachableTashehhag btobb eight whenever amyooeattempted to efeee in upon theam. Onone ocaasion a gerrtlemari, on seeing;anaaf the awysteriovB form start mian the aaaal walk ahaat the leidge,covered bin? with a revolver ami or-

dered him tostarpisfin, fbraaiening toitaeajt jnercf-- ifaateaapted to

te. Ia wm iamsnt taa agate aeon-- ;fajaVaad onthtSBnty lWaaaag aw toi


The Gcab4 lalaaal IaampaJaat fa-fa- n

to that towa af at "iaiarc cap-

ital f NatTm.''

Gtriteau's alaier has arcra;ht aaota-a- r

Bcttoa iato opurt sa Cook coaatyIlia, afaiaat aar iiaaffwd kutbaad.Geo. ScoTitle, asking; taat he be re

TttV. fTV.RlCB.adtor O ' ca- -

strained from rtakiac her olaca ofalxvfa. and aUfraaaUaa hr at 1

property, that be be coBtpIltd to con-- J

pettau to eoelriWW tcr her sappunmnd q of her child, aad ta givevr i aaaaia waTacta. ftie ckimsto have snaported harssaf aad agk-te- r

by dram making, aad la havekept the child ia boarsnag tchooL


Geo. O. Yeiser,

lttl aftiti Imma Ifjat,


Ofllceoti Webster Street,,in Miller Anan a seeo store.

"Bars i IUalaVCaU.MlmBlato.maVlac property aad eellostiaa; roam.

Ha 20 000 acres and moraproved aad unimproved land aroaadRed Cloud, .Neb.

A farm of 1 000 acre, for the aizethe moat dcairable farm in the Rep.Valley. Hasan unfailing supply ofwater.

530 acres with an abundance ofwood and water. Buildings on thoplace coat $1 500.

640 acres with unfailing springs andrunning streams, also desirable im-provements.

Farm of 320 acres, 150 acre in highstate of cultivation, part fenced, improvements good.

Farm of 320 acres, 225 under culti-vation, balance meadow. ltM a goodresidence. '

Farm of 160 acres, good dwelling,spring of unfailing water, trees ale,not an acre of waste land.

Farms near to Red Cloud, near R. Rstations, convenient to schools ic.

80 acres near Red Cloud at a bar-gain $12-5-0 per acre... Hotel having

..--- .a good run of bttsincan.-

for aAle, or will trario for good prop- -crty.

Mill property which has profitablerun of bushier, fin wafer power, nev-er atop on account of scarcity of ortoo mt'cli water, nor from ice. Willsell the whole or part, or trade forgood property.

Busiuesr houses paying good rents,and residences t rents yielding 20 and25 per cent, interest on investment.Also town lota.

For information, description Ac., ad- -dress. GatK O. Ykimkk.

Rod Cloud, Neb.

MONEY! MONEY IatoatyUlean ea larfrtrai fartulBNttk

ara tfaaratka at the rsry haftratal af latarsrt.

We call the attention of all desiringsuch accomiaxxletrotis, to tho farmloan department of our business, iirwhich we are still offering the best in-

ducements to the public.There is absolutely no cost to our

customer!). No fees for abstract title:no feed for recording mortgages: nofees for taking acknowledgments, noloans paid in checks or arafta uponwhich the borrower must pay adavcwmt ht order to get the money, butall loans paid in actual cash, over ourcounters without any deduction what-ever.

In placing our loan there is no te-dious delay in subawltfag apprfcafionto eastern patkar, m our McilitteH aresuch that we crfn eke all good loanou short notice.

We are prepared to fill dfenrabfefoans at nine percent, straight, with nocharge of any nature whatever. Allpayinenta of interest and principalaiay be made at our baak, and will besent to the parties free of charge andfntercst notes returned to our cuaioat--mers.

As to onr prowsfirmaa and fair deal-ing.- we

refer to those with whom wehave placed loans (numbering ai pres-ent nearly six hundred.) Call at ouroffice, or address us through the mail.21 tf Staraoa A Swear.

B!ucHill. Nebraska

Orange and PtoHnfe.


aVtwriat;Kraft Mm halan i efFler- -

taa mil to awap im smBafa ha afaomlbrt. Art ata aato watora atka tuitbi aa ftwrnam mm atoea"And. eaW aama. ttaManeiaM aakara aaVual ah iltoTPr. I. it. Fart Bada. fmw Faaaaa Team. It

to aava Ska iwWfc.Titws afmf afrat dwraaw field to ha aaaaa. Ibajaaaat if le taa aa afa daWeito aad daapapaarasjatfbaty ww taa mmjaraiiiywm! riaaiii. icaaamed to aeasmallBk w amm waat jka aasaf

BaanaaanyaraUaaMetemaaaBaBamBiaaaf ttMaasaPtcaariaasatmMtat. namto taa faat taat aitor Apra Hak Waadatytoarikw; mtoarawja an ksraafmr baatmaty FBrkertiateppat ter Ua raaaaaaVataatHacIplad anal--

MsHh sulCn!ga Tltli amwwaara taat emramaawwamapawa.wwmBjaaa.aa lawpropriety of taa earna-akaaaj- a. TAara argl.ka aw

kewerer, ha taa pfipntajtoajmalf. ,aaaH aaaUaa i ail awap to dm .aamaw, aa. amatera,

, . ,W

Mo WhiskeyiB3m5lRON BfTTEW

h one of the very few tonkittexikimtfaaf are not cmf-ponc- d

tnoatly of afeohot orwhiskey, ffjus becomtag airvitful source of intctrrpcr-aac- c

by, prcawaoting a tksirtBBrrusn.

BkowVs Iitojt finTRjtsh guaranteed to bt aatwi-antoxkatin- g

stimulant, andit will, in nearly every caeytake the piece of alland at the same time abso-lutely kill the desire for

tkei QavwavewAV- -

aayaaf awaWBiS I row

Ow..O.,No t, ia.Gti-T- )e focfivh waV.

Lt; of vital (occt in bwunaw,p!txare. ami ndoaa tnal.fete of tmt pf. nVcfjob fat jfiow a wetwwly ;aad ir afpVctf, wMi arte hun-dred who1 resort fa mJoenator Mm rotary rrf apTTeaJpafc

Brown's Iron Bittershas been thoroughly testedfor dyspepsia, indigestionytnlioasness, weakness, debil-ity, ocrwork, rheumatism,neuralgia, consumption,liver complaints, kidneytroubles, &c, and it nrtttfails to render speedy andpcrmancat reiiaX

J. N. Rickards,Bill Eiiili i Issnruee afiii,

RED CLOUD, NEB.Will btfy and pell Undir, and insure

town and farm property, attend to allkinds of conveyancing.

Ovnaz At Smith llroc. Farm Loan



Have bad5 ffftccn years experiencean Auctioneer. 'Will call public

sales in We I w tor and udjoinin coun-ties when called upon.

BaF Leave orders at the Cm if' officeor address me at Cloverton. Webstercounty Neb. 8. L. M1LNER.

Aama. --THE

mmW WildlCU!



The Company warrant the PerkinsMill to be a eood, durabfe, self regnfa-tin- g

machine built fir a awtaUfilialand woThnanT)ke wmnner, and herebyagree to ftrrniffb, free of charge, thepart or parts necessary ta make goodany defect in workmanship or mate-rial used, for the term of one year. 41

nawaairacs." --ft Turnip

aSEED!1 NEW ewtflimvi



.aktafat wQf M waaail'TiTar

ay4.iea wana.aaWa''aBaBaBaBa9aaaBaw Biaas, aarh aeaaaaaaaBBBBBBBmaaBBBBBH GkBtoa raverBaaaaaaaaaaaTbaB9am BBeamt ftrHflK aa all leweraTaBBBBBBBaaBaaaaaaaBB

BBBBBBBBBBBBfjafBgg-- r-- , -- g, j,,,,

--ftHE gjff fiffi a




Coal &Red Ctoud,


New fibods !

At Baum's





IwillselldurinitiawiTat rducd

ing of -

Dry Clothing, k 6apsf

Boots & Tninks, ValisM, No--tions. Groceries. &c, &c

lice U I li;t Styles i Etjit, '

Come in and see us and compareour prices.

at '

It will pay you.L. BAUM.



BW Riprw TnilM rnrOtaaWCM?- -MliMAil.'iK.MI. k.. JJ,1 al) tmaiJtoM. Tbroepb r rU Vt i U, IiHimaaelh. K4(t1'ttlMt Fla- - Cttae4 II

pay pb an (sraw wucn, iUiaira vr at el anetn nivcr i

Tbraacb TUbeU l Ure lywct fUtftf areaaawce win bi w bji ftr


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wlU torn I'M aatBar

la (belrford a.



b4 0mm rMar aam: MAKEBe ears 9m to am

97 WmaTaBBaaTv KwVkaabar aaaak awaar aMaahm bbBbbb

Ismtt it,






TAl5ftAJamaBaaHa?' '

stiiilmex' prioii ddliaiaV

Goods, Hats


MebraeaaVmm! i i'

New Price

New p

&M 1


Iw!r rTtrrmaTflff Ba.- -aact) l lt fa u Bwift'j

ttlt - HI. plaerBift a lWan. tktHflt UiUmflrtbtKfk.VteRttMUItoWaM.eHkM,aad awaat;eaai aasaaBllii eiasakwa

1 a! aH thm liiaeH. t tJU. mJ;iwrmeaiea aa w im. nww ar



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aiaw waaamar. - - - wVaTaTAUalaTB7TBaV . .;i. aBtoaBBBBBT -

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'". H9 RED Q wrt sftcwW QfaUBae,-tli- e aWtatei to the --awwa- the mysdwy is -- ato. !-a- KHaLaaaB miWror H afl C --KUmt W- cviaca aarnnraasi mrnirraiBBamsaam anr maw mar - - mr u - - w w .'iv wwawmmmi wsi. mm -- k. mwmwm ma am mwammi ma ma r avm : aj ,f--- mes rmnr, --. '.tft mz;.ft: ,i)itaafaTaBi mu jm.m -- mgg!rrm?l2misr,zm:3&mvAvvi- - wawapm .-- i - ... i ..'.... . -- - w . . , av.a vwawaTwawapm. t-- - aaaaaaar 1 pa m aaaawaaai . jaaaVKit .;., - - : awapjmammm in, aaa awawama srom taa are BaBtlwBTaBaaameallaaaam ar ,. . XaOfYaV. v. mil '11 vaffsaaBfW.aArfj,am bbbbTbT 'ZmVmWmn9mVMS3V9KMSitm Batfaaf ffffhw5 -- Mmmm

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'laaaaS.- - ; Q rianaay :&rmBwWmmmV-m- yyyWyTmWimmWmmW :r Mir " ''-'

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' :'P1 Hislitr rsk - , , t ..-s a- - - . rf. . ji ,. - . Z . "r sS t-1- - 4ldiBBBBBBBBw 'sz- - Aam

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