The recession has changed the way businesses buy


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description Conferences are a great way of getting in front of clients and selling in a recession

Transcript of The recession has changed the way businesses buy

Page 1: The recession has changed the way businesses buy

Merchant Taylors’

The recession has changed the way businesses buy

Page 2: The recession has changed the way businesses buy

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The United Kingdom has been in and out of recession for the last 5 years and has recently entered into yet another recession. For the majority of individuals this means cutting back on things that they do not have to have. For businesses, it means buying only essential services.

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Not all doom and gloom

Economic depressions aren't all doom and gloom. Businesses can still do rather well in an economic depression if their sales and marketing methods are right. Although quite a few businesses cut down spending as much as they possibly can, they still have to carry on trading meaning buying vital services. Just what exactly should you do to position your business so that it flourishes in these hard times?

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Businesses are still buying

Studies have shown that a lot more organisations are buying essential services. It is for that reason crucial to show firms why your services are needed and why

your organisation is an extremely low risk. Merely cutting prices won't work.

Business is undoubtedly significantly more difficult in a recession but it's still possible to do well. Firms

cannot avoid spending as their company would stop operating without crucial services. Organisations are however very careful in an economic downturn and

so are less likely to take a punt. You thus have to show the need for your services.

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Get in front of potential clients

Running a conference enables you to get in front of potential clients and explain why they need your services. They also allow you to demonstrate why you're a safe option. This in turn considerably raises the chances of delegates purchasing from you.

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Demonstrate the need for your products or services

Getting through to potential consumers is often very difficult. Most people do their best to avoid sales calls and they are less likely to want to have a sales meeting where you can explain precisely why the services you provide are necessary. Prospective customers are considerably more likely to agree to your seminar invitation and attend your conference than a sales meeting. This is because seminars are less formal and make it possible for prospective consumers to find out more without having to commit to a sales meeting.

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Planning is important

Seminars are a good method of getting in front of potential clients and demonstrating your abilities but to be effective, they've got to be well organised. You can’t leave your preparations to the last minute otherwise they can result in harm. It is incredibly important to book the appropriate seminar venue in the correct location.

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One of the best conference locations is London. London is the capital but also home to a large number of organisations. There are

many very good conference venues in London. It is therefore the perfect place to hold a conference.

Have you thought about holding a conference to gain new contracts?

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Are you looking for a conference venue?

Give Merchant Taylors’ a call

020 7450 4459