The Real Rajat Gupta v5

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Transcript of The Real Rajat Gupta v5

  • 8/12/2019 The Real Rajat Gupta v5


    The Real Rajat Gupta

    Hello. My name is Atul Kanagat. I am an alumnus of IIT Bombay (1977) and Harvard Business

    School (1982), and a retired Director of McKinsey & Company (ret. 2004). I have known and

    admired Rajat Gupta for almost twenty-five years.

    I am deeply troubled by the recent events engulfing this good man. I am concerned that a

    grave injustice is being perpetrated on Rajat and the fine reputation he has built with hard

    work and perseverance over half a lifetime. The political climate of animosity toward Wall

    Street in general and Goldman Sachs in particular is creating misdirected anger at Rajat who

    has never been a Wall Street executive and whose conduct had absolutely nothing to do with

    the troubles of the global financial system. Sadly, we witnessed an unseemly rush to

    judgment, with total disregard for the basic principle of the presumption of innocence.

    I offer below my own assessment of Rajat and what is happening to him. If you are

    sympathetic with my observations and line of reasoning, please do your part in helping restore

    the good name of an innocent and honest man.

    The Rajat Gupta I Know (1)

    I first met Rajat in 1987. He was exploring a transfer to McKinseys Chicago Office where I was

    about to be elected Partner. He had earned a terrific professional reputation in Copenhagen

    where he had led a very successful effort to establish McKinsey as the preeminent consulting

    firm in Scandinavia. Shortly after transferring to Chicago, he was appointed Managing Director

    of that office. In four short years, he led the office to a tripling of its consulting staff withassociated growth in consulting revenues. His successes in Scandinavia and Chicago led to his

    election as Managing Director (MD) of the global Firm, becoming the first person of Indian

    origin to lead a major US company.

    As MD, he continued his successful leadership performance, helping the Firm grow rapidly and

    solidifying its global preeminence as advisor to top managements. His success was underlined

    by three consecutive elections to the MDs office. He could not be a candidate for election a

    fourth time due to a three-term limit that he had himself put in place in his first term. After

    stepping down as MD, Rajat continued to serve clients as a Director in the Firm till the

    mandatory retirement age of 60.

    Rajat enjoyed decisive support from the partnership, resulting in repeated elections to MD. Of

    course, Rajat also had his detractors at the Firm, some who disagreed with his leadership

    direction, and, as you might expect, others that were openly envious of his spectacular

    success. They were, of course, a distinct, if somewhat vocal, minority.

    A telling story about Rajats leadership at McKinsey came in the 90s as a result of the

    spectacular success of Bain Capital, an offshoot of the consulting firm, Bain & Company.

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    Voices inside McKinsey were increasingly suggesting the Firm start Blue Capital to tap into

    the flow of money being enjoyed by private equity firms at the time. Rajat even had a

    majority of votes on the ShareholdersCommittee, McKinseys policy-making internal board, in

    support of such a move. Rajat oversaw the debate but, in the end, steered the Firm away

    from the idea. In his view, getting into the private equity business would be a huge departure

    from the Firms mission of serving clients and needed near unanimous support. Majoritysupport was insufficient in his judgment, even though Blue Capital would likely have greatly

    increased the financial interests of the Firms partners.

    Having retired at 60, Rajat was still young enough to continue his spectacular career. As his

    involvement with McKinsey decreased post-retirement, he found the capacity and time to

    engage in other areas where his experience and talent would be valuable. He started by

    devoting half his time overall to humanitarian non-profit work, becoming one of the most

    prolific humanitarian business leaders in the world. He joined, in different roles, the UNs

    Global Fund and the Gates Foundation and numerous other entities. In India, where he was

    very highly regarded, he led the effort to create the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad

    and was deeply involved in creating schools of public health across the subcontinent. The listof his humanitarian contributions and achievements is too long to fit into this essay; suffice it

    to say that the full list is a testament to the good works of a truly exceptional professional life.

    During all this, he continued to help McKinsey with new client introductions, especially in India

    where his celebrity helped open doors for the Firm.

    He joined a few of the many corporate Boards that invited him aboard. These included

    Goldman Sachs, American Airlines, Procter & Gamble, Genpact, and Harman International. He

    also began to look for ways to participate more directly in the financial sector; in this context

    he co-founded the New Silk Route (NSR) with two partners, initially including Raj Rajaratnam.

    The fund was created to bring capital to infrastructure projects and investment opportunities

    in India. Rajaratnam, however, quickly dropped out of the management of the fund.Ironically, at the very time the US Attorney claims Rajat was passing information to

    Rajaratnam, Rajat was in the middle of a substantive disagreement involving the loss of over

    $10 million in a separate fund run by Rajaratnam.

    The Rajat Gupta I Know (2)

    I have had the privilege of observing Rajat very closely during the last 25 years or so. I served

    two major clients of the Firm in the late 80s and 90s with Rajat as my senior partner. I was a

    member of the Chicago partner group, helping run and grow the office. When I moved to

    Seattle to open a new office for McKinsey in the Pacific Northwest, Rajat was one of two or

    three senior partners that flew out to help me get traction with some of the leading CEOsthere. I also led a Firm-sponsored competitive analysis of a competitor firm under his

    guidance and worked with him and others on a two-year exploration of the Firms Global

    Strategy. More recently, I served briefly as VP of Corporate Development at Harman

    International, where he also served as a Director of the Board.

    Having had every opportunity to observe Rajat and his professional rise up close, in meeting

    rooms, boardrooms and living rooms. I believe I know him as well as anybody. And I can say

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    with complete conviction that, in my view, he is not the man being portrayed by the U.S.

    government in the Galleon case.

    I know Rajat as a gentle, soft-spoken and caring human being, blessed with a wonderful

    intellect and boundless generosity of spirit. He has built his phenomenal success largely by

    helping others succeed. He has done this in his personal life, in his work with McKinseypartners, in his service of clients and in his advisory capacity as Board member and strategic

    advisor to institutions around the world. Underpinning his various talents are his remarkable

    powers of empathy, his prodigious capacity for work, and his selfless pursuit of initiatives to

    help others. In all my years as colleague and friend, he has never lied about anything or said

    anything derogatory about others, even when they disagreed with him or were intent on

    harming him. He has a cautious, caring and respectful style of listening and talking to others

    regardless of station, from Bill Gates to my 18-year old son or a junior colleague at McKinsey.

    Whats going on?

    I believe the government is doing this primarily because it can. I believe that Rajat was swept

    up, like the proverbial dolphin in a tuna net, in the Galleon wiretap probe. Excited by the

    prospect of nailing someone as high profile as Rajat, the government undoubtedly looked

    everywhere for evidence to level charges against Rajat. With the successful prosecution of

    Rajaratnam behind them, they returned to Rajats case. All they could find on Rajat was what

    they had found before: circumstantial evidence from calls placed by him to Rajaratnam; they

    cherry-picked a few that seemed suspicious. Importantly, it allowed them to create an

    inaccurate narrative from highly selective circumstantial information.

    Remarkably, the governments charges do not claim Rajat made any money on his illegal

    tips to Rajaratnam but was doing favors for a friend. I know that Rajat has positively affected

    hundreds of people at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Harvard Business School,

    McKinsey, clients, and the many institutions he has advised. I urge these many silent voices

    now come to the fore and speak the truth about what they know of this remarkable man and

    help him combat the unprincipled assault on his character. In doing so, I propose they

    consider the following questions:

    1. Does the portrait being painted of him measure up to what you personally know about the


    2. Has he been treated fairly?

    3. What role does the popular anti-Wall Street sentiment in the political arena play in the

    prosecution of Rajat?

    My plea to all fair-minded people is to avoid falling into the trap of condemning and vilifying an

    innocent man. In a highly charged political atmosphere, Rajat is far more likely to be simply

    collateral damage in the governments prosecution of Rajaratnam.