The Rātib al-Haddad

The Rātib al-Haddād Imām 'Abdullāh ibn ‘Alawi al-Haddād وسلم عليو د صلى ا م ا ن ن و م ا و ن ي ب ن ا و ن يع ف ش ا و ن د ي س ة ر ض ح ة إ ا الفStart with the recitation of Sūrah al-Fātiha and dedicate it to Muhammad (saw) م ي ح الر ن الر ا م س ب ن ي الد م و ي ك ل . ما م ي ح الر ن لر . ا م ال ع ال ب ر د م ا. م ي ق ت س م ال اط ر الص ا ن د ى . ا ع ت س ن اك ي إ و د ب ع ن اك ي إ م ه ي ل ع ت م ع ن أ ن ي ذ ال اط ر ص الض و م ه ي ل ع ب و ض غ م ال غ . آم آلSurah al-Fatiha (Recite this Surah once) In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise be to Allāh, Lord of the worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful Owner of the Day of Judgment You only do we worship, and You only do we beg for helpage Guide us on the straight path. The path of those whom You have favoured; not (the path) of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray. (Surah1: verse 1-7) Āyah al-Kursi (Recite once) إ و ل إ ا ي ي ذ ا ال ذ ن م ض ر ام ا م و ات مو الس ا م و ل م و ن و ة ن س ه ذ خ أ ت م و ي ق ال ي ا و ى ه د ن ع ف م ه ف ل ا خ م و م ه ي د ي أ ا ب م م ل ع ي و ن ذ إ ب إ إ و م ل ع ن م ء ي ب ن و ط ي و ات و م الس و ي س ر س و آء ا ش . م ي ظ الع ي ل الع و ى ا و م ه ظ ف ح ه د ؤ ي و ض ر ام وAllāh! None is worthy of worship but He, The Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist; Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep; to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; who is he that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they encompass nothing of His knowledge, except what He wills; His Seat extends over the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them both; and He is the Most High, the Supreme. (Surah2: verse255)

Transcript of The Rātib al-Haddad

Page 1: The Rātib al-Haddad

The Rātib al-Haddād Imām 'Abdullāh ibn ‘Alawi al-Haddād

د صلى اهلل عليو وسلم نا وموالنا مم الفاتة إل حضرة سيدنا وشفيعنا ونبي Start with the recitation of Sūrah al-Fātiha and dedicate it to Muhammad (saw)

بسم اهلل الرحن الرحيم ين . الرحن الرحيم. مالك ي وم الد المد هلل رب العالمي

راط المستقيم. . اىدنا الص إياك ن عبد وإياك نستعي

صراط الذين أن عمت عليهم . آمي غي المغضوب عليهم وال الض آلي

Surah al-Fatiha (Recite this Surah once)

In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praise be to Allāh, Lord of the worlds.

The Beneficent, the Merciful Owner of the Day of Judgment

You only do we worship, and You only do we beg for helpage

Guide us on the straight path.

The path of those whom You have favoured;

not (the path) of those who earn Your anger

nor of those who go astray. (Surah1: verse 1-7)

Āyah al-Kursi (Recite once)

موات وما ف األرض من ذا الذي ي اهلل ال إلو إال وم ال تأخذه سنة وال ن وم لو ما ف الس عنده ىو الي القي شفيطون بشيء من علمو إال إال بإذنو ي علم ما ب ي أيديهم وما خلفهم موات وال ي رسيو الس ا شآء وس

واألرض وال ي ؤده حفظهما وىو العلي العظيم.

Allāh! None is worthy of worship but He,

The Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist;

Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep;

to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens

and whatever is in the earth; who is he that can intercede with Him

except by His permission? He knows what is before them

and what is behind them, and they encompass nothing

of His knowledge, except what He wills;

His Seat extends over the heavens and the earth,

and He is never weary of preserving them both;

and He is the Most High, the Supreme. (Surah2: verse255)

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Surah Baqarah 285-286: (Recite once)

آ أنزل إليو من ربو وال تبو ورسلو ال ن فرق ب ي أحد من رسلو وقالوا آمن الرسول ل آمن باهلل ومآلئكتو و مؤمن ون ر عنا وأطعنا غفرانك رب نا وإليك المصي س

The (Prophetic) Messenger believed

in what was revealed to him from his Lord,

and (so did) the believers; they all believed in Allāh

and His Angels and His Books and His (Prophetic) Messengers;

(they said) we make no distinction

between any of His (Prophetic) Messengers;

and they said: we hear and we obey,

(Grant us) Your forgiveness Our Lord,

and to You is the eventual return

تسبت رب نا ال ت ؤاخذنآ إن نس ها ما ا سبت وعلي نآ أو أخطأنا رب نا وال ال يكلف اهلل ن فسا إال وسعها لا ما ي نا إ ما حلتو على الذين من تمل علي لنا ماال طاقة لنا بو واعف عنا واغفر لنا وارحنآ ق بلنا رب نا وال صرا تم

أنت موالنا فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين Allāh does not place on any soul a burden

but to the extent of its capacity;

for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned,

and against it (the evil of) what it has wrought:

Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake,

Our Lord! Do not lay on us such a burden as You did lay

on those before us; Our Lord! Do not impose upon us

that which we do not have the strength to bear;

and pardon us and grant us forgiveness and have mercy on us,

You are our Protector, so help us against the unbelieving people.

(Recite the following three times)

ال إلو إال اهلل وحده ال شريك لو، لو الملك ولو المد ييي وييت ل شيء قدير وىو على

None is worthy of worship except Allāh,

He is One, He has no partner, His is the Kingdom and His is the praise, He gives life and He causes

death and He has Power over everything

(Recite the following three times)

ب ر سبحان اهلل والمد للو وال إلو إال اهلل واهلل اGlory be to Allāh and all praise is for Allāh

and none is worthy of worship except Allāh and Allāh is Most Great.

(Recite the following three times)

سبحان اهلل وبمده سبحان اهلل العظيم Glory be to Allāh with His (Own) Praise;

Glory be to Allāh, the Exalted.

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(Recite the following three times)

واب الرحيم ر نا إنك أنت الت ب نا اغفر لنا وتب علي Our Lord, forgive us and relent towards us;

truly, You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.

(Recite the following three times)

د، اللهم صل ع ليو وسلم اللهم صل على مم O Allāh! Bestow blessings on Sayidinā Muhammad,

O Allāh! Bestow blessings on him and peace.

(Recite the following three times)

ات من شرما خلق أعوذ بكلمات اهلل التآمI take refuge in the complete words of Allāh

from the evil in what He has created.

(Recite the following three times)

اس مو شيء ف األرض بس م اهلل الذي ال يض ر م العلي م مي م آء وىو الس وال ف الس

In the Name of Allāh Who causes no harm to come together with His Name, from anything

whatsoever in earth or in heaven,

for He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

(Recite the following three times)

د نبي ا حم ن ا باهلل ربا وباإلس الم دين ا و رضي We are content with Allāh as Lord, and with Islām as religion,

and with Sayidinā Muhammad as Prophet.

(Recite the following three times)

شيئ ة اهلل ر والش ر بسم اهلل والمد للو والي In the Name of Allāh, and all praise is for Allāh,

and the good and the evil are by the Will of Allāh.

(Recite the following three times)

آمنا باهلل والي وم اآلخر ت بنا إل اهلل باطنا وظاىراWe believe in Allāh and the Last Day (of Judgment),

we repent to Allāh secretly and openly.

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(Recite the following three times)

ان منا يا رب نا واعف عنا وامح الذي O Our Lord! Pardon us and wipe out whatever (sins) we may have committed.

(Recite the following seven times)

رام أمتنا على دين اإلسالم يا ذا الالل واإلO The Possessor of Majesty and Honour,

cause us to die in the religion of Islām.

(Recite the following three times)

ف شر الظالمي ن يا قوي يا متي ن إ O the Most Mighty, O the Authoritative One,

protect us from the evil of the unjust.

(Recite the following three times)

أصلح اهلل أمور المسلمي صرف اهلل شر المؤذين May Allāh improve the affairs of the Muslims,

may Allāh turn away the evil of the harmful.

(Recite the following three times)

ر ي ا علي بي ي ا قدي ر عليم ي ا ي ا

ر ي ا بصي ي ر ي ا لطيف ي ا س ي ا خبي

O the Most High, O the Most Great, O the All-Knowing,

O the Powerful One, O the All-Hearing, O the All-Seeing,

O the Gentle, O the All-Aware.

(Recite the following three times)

اشف الغم يا من لعبده ي غفر وي رحم يا فارج الم يا O the Dispeller of anxiety, O the Remover of grief,

O the One Who to His servant is Forgiving and Merciful.

(Recite the following four times)

أست غفر اهلل رب الب رايا أست غفر اهلل من الطايا I seek forgiveness of Allāh, the Lord of all creation.

I seek forgiveness of Allāh for all mistakes. (Recite the following fifty times or one hundred times)

None is worthy of worship except Allāh. ال إلو إال اهلل (Recite the following once)

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allāh. د رسول اهلل مم

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(Recite the following once)

صلى اهلل عليو وآلو وسلم وشرف و رم ومد وعظم ورضي اهلل تعال عن آل وأصحاب رسول اهلل أجعي والتابعي وتابين التابعي بإحسان من ي ومنا ىذا إل ي وم الد

May Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him (Muhammad) and his descendants; and may He

honour, ennoble, glorify and exalt him, and may He be pleased with his purified Household, and

with his rightly guided Companions, and with those who followed them with excellence till the

Day of Judgment.

(Recite Surah Ikhlas three times)

بسم اهلل الرحن الرحيم. قل ىو اهلل أح د. اهلل الصم د.ف وا أح د ل يل د ول ي ول د. ول يك ن لو

Say: He, Allāh, is One. Allāh, the Eternally Besought. He begets not, nor is He begotten, and there is

none like Him.

(Recite Surah al-Falaq once)

اث ات ف العق د، قل أعوذ برب الفلق، من شر ما خل ق، وم ن ش ر غاس ق إذا وق ب، وم ن ش ر .بسم اهلل الرحن الرحيم ف الن سدومن شر حاسد إذا ح

Say: I take refuge with the Lord of the daybreak, from the evil of what He has created, and from the

evil of the darkness when it gathers, and from the evil of those who blow on knots (practicing

witchcraft), and from the evil of the envious when he envies.

(Recite Surah al-Nās once)

قل أعوذ برب الناس، ملك الناس، إلو الناس،.بسم اهلل الرحن الرحيم من النة والناس من شر الوسواس الناس، الذي ي وسوس ف صدور الناس،

In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Say: I take refuge in the Lord of mankind, the

King of mankind, the God of mankind; from the evil of the (devilish) whisperings of one who slinks

away; who whispers into the breasts of mankind, from among the jinn and mankind.

Recite Surah Al-Fātiha and dedicate it to:

To the soul of our master, the foremost Muslim Jurist Muhammad ibn ‘Alī Bā ‘Alaw i and his

genealogical roots (ancestors)

and their branches (descendants), and all our noble masters among the descendants of the Bā

‘Alawi; may Allāh raise their ranks and make us benefit from them and from their spiritual

mysteries and their lights, in this world and in the Hereafter.

د بن عل -لفاتة ا م مم ة ساداتنا آل أب علوي أن اهلل إل روح سيدنا الفقيو المقد ي با علوي وأصولم وف روعهم وفنيا واآل ين والد فعنا بم وبأسرارىم وأن وار ىم ف الد خرة ي علي درجاتم ف النة وي ن

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Recite Surah Al-Fātiha and dedicate it to:

To the souls of our noble Sūfī masters wherever they may be and wherever their souls may be, that

may Allāh raise their ranks

and make us benefit from them and from their knowledge and their spiritual mysteries; and join us

with them with goodness and well-being.

انوا ف مش ارق األرض ومغارب ا وحل ت أرواحه م إ- الفات ة ل أرواح س اداتنا الص وفية أي نم ا أن اهلل ي عل ي درج اتم -فعنا بم وبعلومهم و بأسرارىم وأن وار ىم، وي لحقنا بم ف خي وعافية ف النة وي ن

Recite Surah Al-Fātiha and dedicate it to:

To the soul of the compiler of the Rātib, the Axis of Guidance and the spiritual succour for peoples

and nations, the beloved ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Alawi al-Haddād and his ancestors and their branches

(descendants), that may Allāh raise their ranks and make us benefit from them and from their

spiritual mysteries and their lights and their blessings, in this world and in the Hereafter.

اد وأصولو وف روعو إل روح صاحب الراتب قطب اإلرشاد وغوث العباد والبالد البيب عبد اهلل بن علوي ال -الفاتة دفعنا بم وأسرارى نيا واآلخرة أن اهلل ي علي درجاتم ف النة وي ن ين والد اتم ف الد م وأن وارىم ب ر

Recite Surah Al-Fātiha and dedicate it to:

To the souls of all the pious servants of Allāh and both the parents,

and all the believing men and believing women and the Muslim men and Muslim women; that may

Allāh forgive them and have mercy on them and make us benefit from their spiritual mysteries

and their blessings;

الم ؤمني والمؤمن - الفات ة ي اف ة عب اد اهلل الص الي والوال دين وج والمس لمي والمس لمات أن اهلل ي غف ر ل م ات إل فعنا بأسرارىم اتم وي رحهم وي ن وب ر

(Recite the following three times)

ار اللهم إنا نس ألك رض اك والن ة ون عوذ بك من س خطك والن

O Allāh, we ask of You for Your Good Pleasure and Paradise , and we seek Your Protection from

Your displeasure and from hell-fire.

End of the Rātib al-Haddād - English translation by Dr. Mustafa al-Badawi

Compiled by Muhammad Allie Khalfe