· The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3:...

AIJGTO* f, 1941 The Rah way Record hard they will be apP H e d may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right to vote in primary andgeneral elections is a birthright given to us by being born in the United States and is a privilege to those who come here from foreign shores and signify their faith in our Country and it's gov- ernment by becoming citizens of the finest Republic on the face of the earth. Of course there must be rules and regu- lations governing this right of franchise. ' Here in Rahway we have had permanent registration fQI \ snmp ^me^Ygt.-at-Beariy-^very-etectioTi it is difficult to exaggerate the impottaaee- of the-e«J nomic whip we hold over Jlirohito's empire. Japan buys the bulk of many vital supplies from us, J2u top of that we have lo ni been Japan's best customer Most ' ™ Japan loses the American, market. fcsok: ^ p ses the Ame , ^ S be m a desperate economic position. So far as we are con- cerned, our sales to Japan are but a cjrop in th&bucket compared with our total trade. We buy nothing froS Japan we cannot do without. Mrs. America may have to forego silk stockings in thefuture, and use substitutes such as nylon, but that can hardly be considered a great hardship primary \.Beariy^veryetectioTi.bgTh primary and general, there are some who lose the right to exercise their voice in the government through improper or no rgis- tratwn._ All.pf this can be.avoided if .those .whd-haro ^gMTovote xvrll pruttfet that right by seeing tp_it,.,as_-JLhdi-- tTiey are properly registered under their cor- •/TJ pUreIy miuta *y Pot"* of vie^i Japan has quite a job on her hands. The war in China seems as far from conclusion as ever, andinvolves a tremendous drain on Japanese resources—men as well as ma- lt m QiS weaai »g *" *• ^r East, and as ^g^rnnmrt^tsUng as tonglTaTin^wife Japan now as we are. In the event of actual hostilities, full naval collaboration between England and the their, right to vnt those not registered to protect -CilV-Cl&rlL-Snmuel rt. Mortun has aF M. until Au'gOS. Clerk will be an duty fjwm ... . ^ stgr^gatBrs. . Arterl^uguet- tooJate-to -register, for- the primary election oh" '" *" ' H to do this wore requested.**- nut voted at least once . ,, . "*•" """- '"-"• vuieu ai ieast once :, . , •"*• " »« w "o KnowtoeJan ^!L aSt fOUr § eneral - elections must re-register. ' hlnk i4v ery possible that the Nipponese The qualifications necessary to be eligible to reeister " «"="" ^-"< : ->- J *- ' • • - •ct^t^^ffittertfSjrfSSfSasae That too would Japanese character ftnow fed ~—i—-j^— - . ... ^ ^ sji.ai.tr mi nr Deioje-ja-ovembe^ LH4O and in Union County on or before June 4 1941 Any person reaching the age of 21 years by November 4 1941 may register now and vote in the primary and subsequent elections. . ^ Naturalized citizens or persons claiming cllUcnship -through another person's papers are required to produce such papers in substantiation of their claims. Many nations in the world deny their citizens a voice in the government, but here in the United s t at ,. it i. gi .. rn M *MST: z _ .. „. ...... w,,,i.,; U l i m w f f l i, is-gwea iojui regardless of race, color or creed. The right ne your-voteetrr the guvernrrte-nToTthFTrhited States _-Dont lose that right through failure to comply with the rules. See that you are properly registered and do it now. .THE Railway 65 Years Ago appearance irTr appearance in pl coras-inaBiBrTJnB roe-sue sumor,:. .'-Sea!.5hira^s^nttec^faett^se^p>d.. one for the'title. enefos? the shelf- .because the scrapln%vlei;V!es'S;*ttul. Jlst-thfcprivate j»c6td-o£-bbol£6Jn- .tltudfilof^small^Jrregulai'-sirface.i the-libraiy, whlch-tells at ajslaHee «rhieh f ?efleet4Ke Hghfc ftall^dlreo. how many copies of the book' tions. ' , •" i ... "i^^Sc.^-*-- . book cardtobe kept In tKel.yji uvu ~. Some, books which deal with various subjects may have as many as '13, cards. ... Hils cataloging Is revised to" catch any errors Ibefore the boofc circulates. The-date is stamped on the shelf list and book card. A pocket and date slip are pasted in the back of the book. The "Public Library, N-. J." is stamped on the edges and three pages Inside "the book. iLast" thing donetothe new book is caned processing. This means that it is opened from both covers at once, a fewpages at a time, un- iar t»B^ : RAHWAY io. FORT DIX S No. 134 _ . center of" the book is n Is reached. This allows the book I i to open easily without breaking the binding. The book Is then Record ymay Record jgaders We prospects for what you have to «I1. WiSsr not sell them? An ad in ajeJRecp5P<J%cIassifiedti" jajeJRecp5P<J%cIassifiedSec inexpensive and productive tfs Uses, Varied Services Interested In what your library lias to offer. By Helen Costello Do you realize how much It takesrto add on« "rary? Wi(jh all the books "that are printed, the numerous calls for new books and the little money there is to meet the hungry read- JBBneedIth I non-fldon is listed In the catalog] ' according to the subject matter v "Bar "example: *55ie StgrsLQfJMini, ersTS" might have cards for iron, | u UtOn SVenU ^ Resents the r « lal1 havmgieen-uphed b 2 m -oI rthaBfc head when vVE FACE TO - DAY RAHWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1S41 PRICE TJ&BEE CENTS Attdit-R SfaoWSi^FOBFfe DebLfer Ordinance Joseph Hiiehes Acrested.) Ha Bail; Truck Xoad Of GamingDex^i g I940; Suppest Changes Coiifideated Elizabeth HEARING AUGUST PLACE DID THRIVING—BUI Meiabers of the Common report for the year nounced the establishment of an p e year 1940, submitted by City Auditor etBers;eiicy fire and police zone un- til h ti th police zone un til such time as the Common Coun- ilh mmon Coun cil-has been able to pass aa- ordi- e Ba.rds copper, tin, etc., made. Accession in* The next step is accessionlns the ok If you will look * u ~ "" gr hirfT^gxdai^sp^fSgigTinpie dow^n town area arotind the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. The members of the-Council voted unanimously for the ordinance. •Councilman ^Clifford .Case" did not vote on the !_• prdinencejas ie askedrto-Be excused" ffomthe Council jneet- ' "ing^afterltbTe"first roll call. "4T J.- IL.«I 1L ,. , -,, , ,, . , , I tendency" of persons to'create . No autompbUe or other vehicle will be allowed to b«|daagerous condition at.tfat sce e [book. "library book, l a 3»ou will look w Mm .„„,„.•. and in the back: ofi [ parked for more than two hours between"? A. M. and 7 P.M. by an «Fth^^S^S?SfS^^ iblisher's catalogs and tlW "Book . ^ w ^ V * 6 ^ braT3 " u " to m Signs multiply that the great American public is be- '•»-* impatient wiMi the antics "of some.of the labor So impatient that if the unions-don't develop-more «, n™l ih ? le SenSe and Vision tha£ some of'thim have= they all stand to lose all the gains thrown tat* their laps -hy_a_sympathetic reform'administration. ' - i Nation's Business relates a typical case.- At a small town in the middle-west the Goven 3,000 to 4,000 carpenters and hundreds of ^-workers. Fewwere available-IrTffie immediate >:•-' «, i , Canle a - runnin g." but they wouldn't work with «. u fe. the local men who.didn'-t hayejnmon cards. : ** be?t - to [publisher's catalogs and the "Book list" published by the American Ubrary Association, the librarian has a thorough knowledge .of the new books on " East Sazclwood avenue and Kas including the>entrance of this par- ticular _l£brary_i>ook. A record is made of all Information regarding the new addition in the accession new .Dooms rfi\ r.yif. rnnvirM. (TTfTn-livfinl. T ••••• H-,-"- TTT —~ ~ t "'T j "Jii ing her i^ders Delias found new m£75>ii " Br a"an's desk, needs. The ©etenso todnstov ™,rJS catal °8 uer Proceeds to make meatt^moifette^^U^^ Cn^S f o ^^ <*>™*m , and i school stadents Sesoerid by the score aslcing for biographies, or, es- [says or special"topics that thex_all mustAayeJtor specialreadtogand reports". '*&,"new cross-wbrj o test bring in dozens wanting ' . unateidsjed dictionaries. BOOK^ pr nilt. nr are SOlMetiUMS lost "«ml ^dUabor the rates.prevalling in and' must :ibe replaced^ juterjcon-- sldeiablo thbugjit .the librarian makes out lier . Boot list A Nevf Book iOrdering a. book requires consid-1 erable -knowledge. !Por example, the touyer must know which style I of T)rtotlng_ is easjifs't, 'W which'types of paper and'bina<uig i last longest, _arid-.^the-i>rices-ofj Set a wage scale it,"this area at foPflt ° r k % , oomi «enee on Tuesday on t^e foundation varlous eddtlons toniato^i teartrir large cfty, alLthe.ne-w-,iSSr^-^^-^ « olnres ^ernbrial f o u n t a i n S S " editions best use of the mone [spend.- -After-the^bo wages. "The contractor is expected.;to ia«e all| an jockeying inbis stride and turn out'the job on time un-j j S der pain of a penalty forfeiture. , at thereJs._ ordar-fagsT 5ja: ana mauedi tbs boo^s finally arrive from the-publisber The librarian thrarfaces a hea .task. First the books are hk *!? b ^te d l Uur_ enlarged new Switchboard makes it Easy=to=Sliop Jby Now we're able to fill your phone orders mote ex- pedxtaous-ly than ever. You can,.gam a picture of the vast improvement by..the fact that we 'hjwe 120ex~ .---taasaorUinfls <theoughout,Jte store; -0 trnrifehnes for • ^ T " 1 ^^^ ° U ^ Oll ' gcal ^ ^ two flireGt^res to ' nue and 1 Btoad streeti-on-E^st At bert'steeat 5>etWieenTN'ew Brunswick jnceiiue and Thorn street; on Iva st^ali? between tTftw Brunswick avfenue and Thorn strfet; on 3Bas • jBtaarns street between New Bruns : wlek;ayenue 'and Thorn street: OE. 1 ^ ^ ' s t r e e t foefcween East-Hizet. li^jpoj'avBnue and the property, Q the National pneumatic Company on iBast.Seott avenue between thi P l Railroad and Bon tgonwry street-be- t E a t E t e o t t avenue and tht property" ol'-Sifercfc & Cfompaay and on Bond Street between Bast ^ t t ^ 4 j 6 .These From ''/,' : ~w^^DS^t'-^oUr.'par^m^ lifiiit- Is ?-placed'onl^itBfef.'slde.of i^ampbell p hoMe U, ^ ' in the book with the price, dealer and date. USaoti page of the book lore they take off their coats and go to work. - J Painting Work and Paperhanging Rahway^S Ye pages are cut. . The cataloguer classifies each book. Bhe studies;each book-ears: Not nnly f,h« 1n.rpgHt.jTi/ijmvih complete- stock l ol_ Rahway; Be~Koseiies, _ e f BTOad( street Jbetwecn East -Hcotfc—aveBU6~ttntt"*lfeaEt Itocoln and Linden, ask (fpera^f^:.,.. " === ^ 2S2 (no toti. diai^e)' }f J .ifJo jparkjng will be permitted off ^JjeweehyRRaSKMiiwitt-fiveauefaaW Gampben street between the hours ' bf*i;iS;--S«^.fn#t *. St.;*arkInK -wltelBe^.ijeiatlttBdr'ifor 15 minutes on the easterly Klde of Broad stree 1 b8tw«ea»'l6aiapb6ll ' and ^^st n fight for our bread or beliefs.- Missxssippi editor, in the current Botarian n R an 7 —just between you and me the ». "SBIe outiriglhan it did on the occasion of a visit to the State Home for "Roys at Jamesburg yesterday." "The committee for the corn roa.s_t_to_b.eJieldiinder,the auspices of St. Mary's Alumni held a special meeting-lkst" evening at the home of George J. Reilly, chairmanofthe committee, at 175West Milton avenue. All members of the committee were present and Paul Soloman's Grove was selected as the site of.the roast." ....: "Belmar was Hie"camp site selected for the two weeks' outing on which Thistle Troop, Girl Scouts, lorl hy .Ruth XeonhBrdHhn<r-rrw«=-" This government's reaction to Japan's move into Indo- "Ghina was precisely what was expected. We have long been criticised for permitting oil exports to the Nipponese— and it is an ironical fact.lhat while we have been giving our moral support g "^ "U" 0 -^ 11 -- 1 - 1 " " Rahway § Years Hyto^udgeTKheTjnKT5aongsTn the collection. She decides whichi number in the aDcwey Classifflca^J tloirSysfcemlt hll l shnll TSuSTBeTTs jnarfced to Oie book, teubject headings are assigned. AU out expert.iworfcmen-do *he J wo« ! k,^>lu5 (ihrservice-oranTn; K-wrtor-decorator. • We also F ^r° r w a ? d ' e3tte " or »«ta*liw gfe-gg'g^ gladly^teen^.. ^fljaneats-jnoy—be—ayJ WHEW1TO GO WHEN < . Need a LOAM Oearanee CSierryi. street, duitoe thoss hours. The penalty fixed Ijy the ordi- nance for violation has a maxl- naxaiart&a&ieji tbii or imprisorntnaif not esoceedlng 60 days or both A ipublle"~hearing onthe parkins? oSdlhauce~'wllI Be TjeldTTin. August Continued «n Page Four just between you and me 3.9S mjinn I, nun some—Hwrtei'ial tiUUPor.t to (Jhina. TO have also been supplying Japan with m"ost,p£ ; the gasoline -that has made the war_against_China -possiblev'President HR^^e^e^ciij^rjedaJLfupxessconf«^ne^^ - - - S Abb t, announced yestferday " No. Wood Avenue j. U FOR EVERYONE —TTTH ONI B » S " PRlV^fELY to 7.95 r t, tut In horse meed, the Ion* shot aeeaslonally toy -ietti—th«—d(>p«- and /con«» UblroUkli Jdi^ a Vrin. Somo»of the ^«te 4&&W uiay jttwe tme of the ttus- slaas. thfl war Jbetaa, ihe bulk ot will' a*tt*d_ilikt Httfcaf was tmOt^ ably i-lghtiriKaiheimia that-'It Would-be over tn tHa weeks. Plenty of ho^weathee & J ^ s e t l , andJp«B«^ "slalW, insWd 0* »ebeatW in cobfustwd. are said tojbfr plan- nI"!9atleniCiiiUk« oilexports in the 'belief that | gwementhar3perrfiittea oil exports in the belief that ,if we shut oft these vital supplies, Japan would at brice at- terftpt to seize Indo-Chiria and other rich "areas, ?ind so cause a-Racific war of the first magnitude. In other-Wirds, the^overnrnent was trying to localize conflict.- That poHcy Ktas now proven a failure, A start toward a b Avith start Bv«™ Be -ir?So^MrsJK •Jgattpw Mi ucaiitT. 4-1 f^^m ^ as a t cording t0 reports." J naBthly piymtou. All ,_J need do Ii °idlx* w much j-on emt^aai »Sw^ m police ggg; Sorry, M o' mail or. phone ordersi All sales final. ^ THEY SAY: It needs constant a t t e m S and eT tak u n ** granted - petitors in the world market oftd^ ^"w", h f l S b i t t e M 0 M - Associate Just i ce of T he , £~f? ~ I M °' DoUg1 ^' magazine. Supreme Court, in the Rotarian —. r- ^ =5 . - _ So whl, ^ai l»rter* -Uon. abiaaUy proven j a)ul even Superior id the Get- man. Mast important Vrfalli '"ilu* teorale ^f w & >Ie ^~~milHtt>y aW( >• YillVr i uri-nn <h tintrt ^irtwrrn Sfarinftire*l*uti6h thanahydne; Editorial *a«e Wli^(^f»T:Vii^W 1 ('y Awarded Prize Merck Chetnistl_Beceisea H»QD(rFrom American Chemical Society FOR RESEARCH WORE The -$1,000 American Chemical Society Prize In Pure Chemistry. has been awarded, for 1M1 to Of Karl A.'folkers, assStant djfecto rciiTn the-Metek lahottt torles {Presentation, of the^Waidf annually for outstandtasrre- as been able to pass aa ordi- nance cpTOtine thts-SituaUon.4rh£ Mojaor states tUfib-Ws-actk>tt has; been made necessary .due to the at various fires in and aliaufs the Safety Measore "Thi? none inthe residential see-| tions -will extend for .one block from the sceneof anyJfiretherein'! will take place at the 102Uif Meet- lng-of the Society in Atlantic Gfty S t b S ^ Otr'S'oIksrs, Jxini inBecatur, XuY. In 1MB. was Chosen in recognition Sfrhls4&QBM^iottklH:_.tti8jfteId ot organic; ohaalstiy,-ineludlisr Erj-tbrina -'allcalolds, vltataln BS catalytic bydrogenation, and pyyl- ffliaiBes".'" . s5uSng'the :l »ast-Jlvt SBawt J3r.-.fotiD6*s;;has ^Uccesslally iBhar acter of many new Erytlvrina alka loids talhl Costmtied-"oti "'• WargaHonoredL By Gonvention Named C h a i t m a a Of Board Of Trustees John jr. Wargo, of IKahway, was wted chalnaasi of tKc Board -of trvustees_of: the Greek-Catholic : SeW.SrerSeS'fW. he'cTcan^-^a^tf^'theiaetHsan- tho Eagles 0ther;:«ffp| ters eleetedi'swifeY CSsbt^e.deBgiwi if 'FerpiiSAmBeiy.;. 'iiwesIdeBti--, ual eouvenlion , Home* last Saturday. tevhen E. Gladls, of Perth. Am joy, geb«ral-secretary; -Stepheii tanuseak, ot Perth 'Auiib&y, t*easi urer and G^Sjrge^Archy, of Fords rgeanl-at-anris.* alte^Bl was named ioiw-«f the-audittae Xtte nHaXttefi!. iMlcihael of •M^ieWg?lKatSSaai#r,«imi' . :4j.3b^2^^tew^^wwe;th'ugKeU: ^6ife:»gais»':yb£gi^:l^i»^^fbKim to^ltaH<»;:V-g^EgF:--,iglK; - ^~* race, waastaiidlnjc alone; side bt his ear parked on the northwest cor- Hfer of Irvkig street When-a Penn- sylvania coal iraln ioimbled'"by dJ3uadenljtMf J jBuahlfelf u on Ills head. He was reated by tor—deorae-te.-rOalla* >ay, «f 163 West Siiltart avenue r a laceration. 6f *the scalp. Offf- er Joe Kellfty reported thatlt was dustfla! sections, will extend for a distancBipf *sm"Mocks fro^. " scene of any such fire. Anygei-km found -within this fire and poMca xoi» win be given * tiete* or wJli. •bB; awested at the-dlscreUon of th>) jfllCBr or firemen andt such pea-: alty imposed' as. is within the proEws^Iseretipn. of the Pojiee Jul» a .recent Mre it was seariy. £t&; oth»'^ offlcialteifo'"«et near »^= flBef^Sekuse -pf^tho-degteiirSr pjit* son* driving autettibbHes asuj •weS&- JM-td ! -c*owd'thi _»ici^ity. ifl order *b «Vo{a ahsi sejlStis : injujcsL-and 'anV^sBifious pr^geirl*, loss- tfee abwe -eai^ency i ^o»a&-i9-1ssiied iSa%ai67samS5H^l?caHtInue la'futt •fts^c^ and effect ui^tli such time as acMohi'tiiereen. is- taken by thej ©bauiwBgGptttajii? ed by City Auditor Sugtfae P. Kenna. stated that the rity's debt percentage is now down *°_ jy *LJ??r cent of Hie assessed valuations'. In the ye pereehtaee'-was BAl ^fc*i hence. It is now nearer to thi ."State requirement of VfttO pet cem than in many years. The total trross debt of the <SUby-to-^S#3? Tnis Includes water an Police Chief Clifford W. Dunphy and Detective John Kiesecker, of the Rahway Police Department, in co-opera- tion with Detectives Michael Tevnan, Frank Bruggy and Louis Lombardi," ot the County Prosecutors office raided $50,000 Plant I'afI* R. Pnk-ntnii, tironibirnf Industrialist anil a true phllan- tiM nnnVrnlttftinTir-hU frlMiib folks from »ll>l!ks of We, -Vhxmighaai his eaNer lie was active in ctu-lnr for the welfare of _ others and ""save full measure of his time and Was always ready to Tend a helplmr liand to those whora life had touched. - _ Fdman Funeral WilTBe Held Tomorrow , !3te; ^lant if the E6wte ; A^shalt . ClarK, -was destroyed" by .flreearly. WedBB»Jaisf.,a^irtBK when* back draft la.*a vatJgnUei The damage •was estimat«a'at;#S0,, along-wlth eo5siderAi>I«amount 81, snaterial'ana ©ruilpiitSht. Most of the i :*W,00046Ss^Wa8..jB^;up of tHe.^ate^lSl^^^awl'eQUlp^^t. .-^tc^ eordlhg'^ito -"Sj.v-JftiiKsm;:' of i ''W%s'ti i^ar t -j>iap"^aass^:"-"*r'; '""*-. •; ••3^<aarkMr« (Department, i der.iqKtef Jade,ituddy? < '"" rtfeTDcpartment.uttdci' -^_ ^lo^/bfrCblef-'^ABK.;.^- ,aaa.'the'..Hahwasi (pteei ! E" tniaBr 7 the idtteettoffiiof ! i Rev. John M t Jacpieth, Of Trinity Methodist Church, To Conduct Services For Deceased Witt- Rev. J. Wesley Lord As.Assistant JFHihepal servicesfbr Pails'Raijai Stownan, president of the National -die early yesterday nnoralng, will be held at 3 -P. M. tomorrow In the Gray Ptraeral Home, WesUield. Rev. John M. Jaqueth, pastor of . .^__ . _ . st^aMueaptflinTn-the Anriation.and will officiate. Interment will lie in Fftirtdw Cemetery) West- field, Masans-and-Stoteinetaivare- until ib was confcto^ sly "" was yiti!^ con Hiremen were seribusly by s hlfh winds •wWchvC lr<s,to spreaa to.variotut fUfchlt iiHy^AatfeiJSyii.S iiUSs#»*aSe*3 ^yes'.brgotti^ilbB^f'Mrclt^a- Hoiis picnlo, Jjoskey Is rfialrman/ wa« ^. ointed air foHows;_Wrs. S&fcy fiSii Sirs. Anna Gamjsel, i4rs. MilidM C3«Jifcner abd the iUases Srttiicii feleckle, OMBary-SIurtha. fcltty <Sus- czsK Mario Alberts. {Mary>ftasfcr, Alida-yk P t B r, Pat, l ham, KSaab^(ieki'QeHe ! We'fe;e6*; noldine services at funeral home tonlsht. -Mr. Jormmv whoJor- merjy> resided here, has made his home at 240 East Dudley avenue, yfefi1d, fnr the pmt t.hwe y i''?lJtajur.les received in.an- automo- bUeiacflitlsnt on August 3, .were *ii£?eSuse . pf.-'his death. Mr. j-yfece retnmmg .Ttb-tneir ..home ^iwtf^^ii^lnr-whlqhjfeeyrVere ^a&g ;iwa?i"struck iby. (&: truek 'on ^iife^B^feiT6w;amnig*ipk. Mr. ^orfflaa raceived a f raetured pelvis SM"cheM>|nJvtfles;- : ;Bolh^Mr. ihd 'srega~taTim~tirthe'| th^Nf Oenerararespitftl, Mrs. brman r was discharged from the lfclitdt iAlf.-fiprfflaHa^asiajDm m ; : " ^f^uarjfcKg- g. , a y , lOT an early age his family "moved to ohllllcoth&^ 4ind—Cameron,-^-Mo. Whett-abouli> Utt years of- age He dwdi to.iehieaKo_to -eatet_ the l X i l I d d b J d U buslnessileIdandbecam»Jden.U tihd' wlth^ttip pneumatic and elcs- irifcal iJiduitry/. Near the turn of t t h V t d ^ ahyJaCaddagOTHae with the L "concern In & snHOf ^apaolty and in the S*aw that fol- lowed ¥osa from the-ranks to be- came Chief "'EnMneer, Qederal ifartABetand finally President, this posi'he held at the time 6f his deathT—tor. i«l»-hff-canw-b,-Hah- way to take*harga of the Cotn- to'BIttJ ' y arg jttoy'B-ItatertetsJiere. Cameron, Mo. Thssy had a daugjl- ter, Irene, who Is now Mrs. J. R. Marple. of 1J97 Piernont, Street T"ormnn-died—at her home in Westfield on June 28 of this jnear. Served In War I>urlnp Hie World War he served ieportis «-ciroular83«Pho£ thu cost to operate the city for the vear 1940. Sixty-six per cent oi the cost is mandatory Items over •vhich the local council have n( ronitrol. These items consist o ... ... -gUte, uouuly, ailu local school taxes, and the reserve for uncollecbed taxes. The loca whool tax is the largest single Item, and comprises 30 per cen of the total cost. Amounts To Be Raised A schedule is submitted display Insr the amounts lyhleh will hsv( 'otoeraised each year by budget to pay off the bonds. The las 1 ., hond tofoepaid off Is for the new high school, in the sum of $13,000 in .thetjrear uses. - ,. :.. , , Due to H&igatlon, *the 5??i'<anchige- find. Gross (Receipts Taxes were not oollected in full, which is the main cause for the revenue as a» tldpated in .the 1940 budget not, being collected as-anticipated. The expenditures made against the •budget appropriations" were cu [.down to «6,440.S7 Jselow the amount as permitted by the budget.- JW^th©'-cioseHjt-th&=yearr| $60,172.07 was due and unpaid on franchise and gross receipts taxes. •Considerable activity was shown during the year Inobtaining deeds of liehproperfcyr Also, sev©raTfore- closed properties were sold, thus restoring., tfyom _$o the .taxable property list. At the close of 1940 Continued on Page JPirnr | Directors New Commitft ei 4Kiwanians Hear Recreation Talk Signal Corps, being connected with the Aircraft Engineering D l d l ' the Aviation' Do- par.tftient-of the XT; S. Army. iDur- inff.his..^ryicB in the Army,he was largely Instrumental In developing xhe- synchronization of aie am- chine gun ando-alrplane propellor which automatically, controlled the firing of the gun with tfie revolu-. ttons of the propellor. •Hiroughout his business career b : ^ i an vly a ovar the world and was well known among, the governmental ond- In- dustrialiheads-of-'this and maSy foreign'gwerninents. -' •• Besides serving as President of :SchretBp;_.iphyslcal_oomai)itt6er 'Jesse Wraight. C. H. Erusie. a , L. Oilman, SS. A> tSchx^mp, Charles Schultz, O. B. Gflrthwaite, Paul Clelandr W.. L. Bosewcll, Edtfiii Shults and "®. W, SJUlerj joiaa- mena-commlttea. 3B. A. and as a membeiLof its Board of XWreetoro, Mr. iEVjrman was a mem- b«th Geofge Emery, and'cr. P. Case; boys' committee, 'A. OF. Hope, "W. t$. ~ ' IB. Ei. Oilman, JbiiSaiwtor-^Su^fflesiTiGowpanyr thei.Citizens Building and ioan Company andi .the RflihwayiPublish- rting;epr^ration,,|Hej«5aai3s<>^esl2 g pton. Hevsa&jJso presi dent of the former Citizens Na- tional Hank which. was_Jatetf merged>rtth. the Rahway National Bank. _ He was a former_memb«r c Bflard of Trustees of the Colonla Country Club and served on'all of the important commit- tees. During tho past four or five years he has served on National £Jommltt66S-4osi-thB_ development of the Defense Program, Many AeUvllle* 'air. SVitman was fo? many jreasa active ,to civic.'welfare,, church and featatnal Organizations. H flatPf tfi UsteesMUie*rlillfcy3fethodfet CSiureh, the Union County Council Boy Soouts ot Americana fohmer Y.M.C.A. Members Given Activity^ Posts; For,. -Coming Year ..Memberrof the Board of Direc- tors of the Rahway Y. M. C A. named the working committee fdr the.comlng year at a recent meet- ing held in the Y. Those named are as follows: \ ford P. Ca*se and J. O. Mores; so- cial committee, Jesse Wraisht, R. L. Oilman, R. O. Fowler and 1 E. A. :SchretBp;iphlli ter.""ATisiiB! 'Singer;';».,A.' iBoasi: anU "it>: s;' Qarthwalt^ .bowling ooisMnlttee,- iE. J. Gibbons, Jesse iWralgbt and S%ed HJspe> •• v • • "• : fc'--..-*«tfl4k*Jta#a-i!:. ... "£M^te k; da^amM);te»^^Qas~Su- ee^jffiSSUleri'a&^SSirte'SaolUagS" 'head7;StesfSTOllam'«ntoo»iy^SSrSfi ,J^?Anth6ny;iSirs;;*ffiMiIe;,Seai. ite.'.. -AssaiBS: SSuellfsft-Siid'•-'8^7 t&ina' H««d; sellgieusicoaaMitier m?ifti",Cp"to, ,B. •O. ; -^wler: aaa ; SiV: tiV Gllman: feouse.eettailtteeyif^p^ nU.^toSBSTafiirSrjt aibijons, and membershljj group, ». p. I>. Surchfield, B. U Ollmah; Jesse Wraight, C. i>. Case and Oeatge fitaory. ^ ..., -.^~',;b*i. : afl s :"6Utd66r,?lEae6ti- ! la^ff:|he; ; B^osid : ?^iia^S«(iSi!)Ui :earfMibVJ5Miifcsni6ttd^iat. :! ;tHe iridgestreet, yealeid'uy~afternoon. The raiding squad acted upon a warrant from the Prosecutor's office. As the Police entered the place, which was well patrpn--_ -ized-aad-appagentsly-dqing a Ihil-ving business, Hughes was, from all appearances, in charge of the operations of 1 "•^"~ ~ ^gambling BTComo Speaks To R. E. Board Tells Membership Desirous Of Selling Tax Lien Property ABE WEITZ PRESIDES The regular monthly meeting oi the iEalrway Real Estate Board was held last night at Greven'8 Hotel Councilman X&sss SSOomo, ohah*' man of the tax lien committee, was ^,£?~~%*;?£ ftp- as secretary. During;- the course of Mr. Di- Corao's remarks lie stated that his comniittee was partlculariy desir- ous of selling to private' owners reat-estateTttow Tiwnedrtsy" the city to order to place this property on a-taxable bails and asked th^; d theco; ESsUon.joi the jnembei^-of -the Real Estate -Board—members in bringing about this result. A question and apswer period followed Mr. DICbmo's talk with Robert C Bauer. Geyer, DiComo, R. W. Sart. Peter A. Sensenig, John C. Shell and Weitz partici- pating. The Bahway Defense Council has opened headquarters* In I rDom.203.. City-JHoll.—A,, secretary 1 will be oil duty during :*uaneBS~ hours, accordingtoa Council an- nouncement. Ahomes registration service,, is.beii Members Pay. Tribute To Late P. R. Forman, —| PastJPrefWLent The regular meeting of the KI- ranls Club was held in the Y. M. !. Aryesterday noon and featured ;he eiBhth-in-ar=B8rie3~oT"*VSMSieri- Ban Way" meetings. i^ranlc'M. Kryaiak, superintendent of recxea-. tion in !Lutden_fOr the past six years, was the guest speaker. Rus- s^HoHiddtaffl HoHpresidedrWtartffle Welta as secretary. The membership- observed a minute "of silence in memory of ^he'laterlPiarlsH.'S'orarian, who was a former president of the local clu$ and at his death an honorary member: 3fi -Mrr-Krysiak's talk he emuha- zed the adyancement of wscwa- theretrom. IHe stated that New ersey was the leading state in the East,in-recreation, work bub-the middle-and-far-west-wew- furtBer advanced in their programs than the East. MAtWDEN rssxmymato iJohn Si. Madden, iProspeot ave- nue, Av«nel, is lmpro«dns after Ihs injuries received in aa automobile crash. Hesuffered a broken nose and chest injuries in the accident whleit -resulted in_the death of Paris 5», tPorman. Madden hag amily for "17 yeat-« anaUteTacol- Mnt of-'AugustJJ -was the first he vet had, ^" ing; street Tuesday night, wanted- six loans amounting to iiS.ooo and sold one piece of Property, Victor " .lg.tephbna presided- ttrlth. PM Armstrong s Sta Hughes was arrested and taken to the-Prosecutors office where he was. placed under $1,000 ball fof appearance, at a later; date. •A. .tnirir lnml nf phemalia consisting of a dice table, slot machines and horse bet* ting, equipment "was confiscated and taken to the Elizabeth Court House for evidence; / - The^rald wsts-soasell planned by the Police .that Hughes and some 40 occupants of the place- were taken completely by surprise'. Two of- the detective?, who -were un- known -to 3E£h ^t tance PMfce party were theti. admitted and HugMeSwas placed tinder ar- rest.;- None.of tho "customers" 5^ e K Council Room 203 City Hall Toj Be Headquarters For Local Group ; ei* TOSe of provitliap furnished wioms for workers to tiefenser Tjlaats There will be.no charge for the service. TJj^e.. ijsejenseXSounclljexecutiwes- itate that the «juestI6nnalres ; are being returned 1 slowly and urge all who ha-ve not returned them to bring or mail them, to the City CHatt office ofJthe Council. Here Is^ne Way Tb Locate Tlungs Y ou Want To Buy l-HMtany-^localr—I»oi)I»"~^aw" •leaned the easy way to locate things they, -want to buy at rea^ soaable prices. For instance: a lady 'ifl;' Woodbrldge ;«aBt£d to buy a Msed-batoy; st¥gneV.*.K»6w- m»'that-aliaost everybody '— ne ortMfreoj an adior two times. But one pub- llcation brought so maay—ie- plies thatshejti5aWeti plies thatsh.ejwti5-aWe-to,mai59 a"~se!fieuoa at once" so she botight %c~5tr6Hex*a n d t l ^ ? ad on SUday K y botight %c5tr6Hex and trl^p^?- the ad on. SUday. K you want io buy something you prabably would do as well by using a small Inexpensive Record watat ad, (BKre Is the ad for the WANTED:—CBDUVS SrTSUXC- ler la good condition at reat. SOttaUte^riCe^ Write bo* 900, eare Becovd>-or i>h0i» Wood- bridge jM)l6»JMt. Aug 1 at ,tt V \

Transcript of  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3:...

Page 1:  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right

AIJGTO* f, 1941

The Rah way Record hard they will b e apPHed m a y dependw this Far East." '

3: Sitromb' KsSs

Published Thursday NoonThursday, Augusi_V1941


REGISTER NOWThe right to vote in primary and general elections is

a birthright given to us by being born in the United Statesand is a privilege to those who come here from foreignshores and signify their faith in our Country and it's gov-ernment by becoming citizens of the finest Republic on theface of the earth. Of course there must be rules and regu-lations governing this right of franchise. '

Here in Rahway we have had permanent registrationfQI\snmp^me^Ygt.-at-Beariy-^very-etectioTi

— it is difficult to exaggerate the impottaaee- of t h e - e « Jnomic whip we hold over Jlirohito's empire. J apan buysthe bulk of many vital supplies from us, J 2 u top of thatwe have l o n i been J a p a n ' s best customer Most

' ™ Japan loses the American, marke t .


^ p ses the Ame , Sbe m a desperate economic position. So far as we a re con-cerned, our sales to J a p a n are but a cjrop in th&bucketcompared with our total t rade . We buy nothing f r o S J a p a nwe cannot do without. Mrs. America may have to foregosilk stockings in the future, and use substitutes such asnylon, but that can hardly be considered a great hardship

primary\ . B e a r i y ^ v e r y e t e c t i o T i . b g T h primaryand general, there are some who lose the right to exercisetheir voice in the government through improper or no rgis-tratwn._ All.pf this can be.avoided if .those .whd-haro

^gMTovote xvrll pruttfet that right by seeing tp_it,.,as_-JLhdi--tTiey are properly registered under their cor-

•/TJ p U r e I y miuta*y Pot"* of vie^i Japan hasquite a job on her hands. The war in China seems a sfar from conclusion as ever, and involves a tremendousdrain on Japanese resources—men as well as ma-l tm Q iS "° weaai»g *" *• r East, and

a s^g^rnnmrt^tsUng as tonglTaTin^wifeJapan now as we are. In the event of actual hostilities,full naval collaboration between England and the

their, right to vnt those not registered to protect-CilV-Cl&rlL-Snmuel rt. Mortun has a F

M. until Au'gOS.Clerk will be an duty fjwm

... . ^ stgr^gatBrs. . Arterl^uguet-tooJate-to -register, for- the pr imary election oh"'" *" ' H

to do this wore requested.**-

nut voted at least once. ,, . — "*•" """- '"-"• vuieu ai ieast once :, . , •"*• " » « w " o Know toe Jan^!L a S t f O U r § e n e r a l - elections must re-register. ' h l n k i4 v ery possible that the Nipponese

The qualifications necessary to be eligible to reeister " « " = " " -"<:->-J *- ' • • -

•ct^t^^ffittertfSjrfSSfSasaeThat too would

Japanese characterftnow


~ — i — - j ^ — -. . . . ^ ^ sji.ai.tr mi nr Deioje-ja-ovembe^LH4O and in Union County on or before June 4 1941 Any

person reaching the age of 21 years by November 4 1941m a y register now and vote in the primary and subsequentelections. . ^

Naturalized citizens or persons claiming cllUcnship-through another person's papers are required to produce

such papers in substantiation of their claims.Many nations in the world deny their citizens a voice

in the government, but here in the United s t a t , . it i . g i . . r n


z _ .. „. ...... w,,,i.,;U l i m w f f l i, is-gweai o j u i regardless of race, color or creed. The rightne your-voteetrr the guvernrrte-nToTthFTrhited States

_ - D o n t lose that right through failure to comply with therules. See that you are properly registered and do it now.


Railway 65 Years Ago

appearance irTrappearance in pl

coras-inaBiBrTJnB roe-sue sumor,:. .'-Sea!.5hira^s^nttec^faett^se^p>d..one for the'title. enefos? the shelf- .because the scrapln%vlei;V!es'S;*ttul.Jlst -thfcprivate j»c6td-o£-bbol£6Jn- .tltudfilof^small^Jrregulai'-sirface.ithe-libraiy, whlch-tells at ajslaHee «rhiehf?efleet4Ke Hghfc ftall^dlreo.how many copies of the book' tions. ' , •" i ... "i^^Sc.^-*--

. book card to be kept In tKel.yjiuvu~. Some, books which deal withvarious subjects may have as manyas '13, cards. ...

Hils cataloging Is revised to"catch any errors Ibefore the boofccirculates. The-date is stampedon the shelf list and book card. Apocket and date slip are pasted inthe back of the book. The "PublicLibrary, N-. J." is stamped on theedges and three pages Inside "thebook.

iLast" thing done to the new bookis caned processing. This meansthat it is opened from both coversat once, a few pages at a time, un-iar t»B^ :


S No. 134

_ . center of" the book i s nIs reached. This allows the book I ito open easily without breakingthe binding. The book Is then

Recordy m a y Record jgadersWe prospects for what you have to«I1. WiSsr not sell them? An ad inajeJRecp5P<J%cIassifiedti"jajeJRecp5P<J%cIassifiedSec

inexpensive and productive

tfs Uses, Varied Services

Interested In what your library lias to offer.

By Helen CostelloDo you realize how much

It takesrto add on«"rary? Wi(jh all the books "thatare printed, the numerous calls fornew books and the little moneythere is to meet the hungry read-J B B n e e d I t h

I non-fldon is listed In the catalog]' according to the subject matterv"Bar "example: *55ie StgrsLQfJMini,ersTS" might have cards for iron, |

u UtOn SVenU^ Resents the r« l a l 1

havmgieen-uphed b


m-oI rthaBfc

head when




Joseph Hiiehes Acrested.) HaBail; Truck Xoad Of Gaming Dex ig

I940; Suppest Changes Coiifideated ElizabethH E A R I N G AUGUSTPLACE DID THRIVING—BUIMeiabers of the Common

report for the yearnounced the establishment of an p e year1940, submitted by City AuditoretBers;eiicy fire and police zone un-

til h ti thpolice zone un

til such time as the Common Coun-i lh mmon Coun

cil-has been able to pass aa- ordi-

e Ba.rdscopper, tin, etc., made.

Accession in*The next step is accessionlns theok If you will look — *u~ ""

gr hirfT^gxdai^sp^fSgigTinpiedow^n town area arotind the Pennsylvania Railroad Station.The m e m b e r s of the-Council voted unanimously for theordinance. •Councilman ^Clifford .Case" did not vote on the

!_• prdinencejas i e askedrto-Be excused" f fomthe Council jneet-' "ing^afterltbTe"first roll call .

"4T • J.- IL.«I 1L , . , -,, , ,, . , , I tendency" of persons to'create. No autompbUe or other vehicle will be allowed to b«|daagerous condition at.tfat scee

[book."library book,


a 3»ou will look w M m .„„,„.•.and in the back: o f i [

parked for more than two hours between"? A. M. and 7 P.M.

by an « F t h ^ ^ S ^ S ? S f S ^ ^iblisher's catalogs and tlW "Book . ^ w ^ V * 6 ^braT3" u " to


Signs multiply that the great American public is be-'•»-* impatient wiMi the antics "of some.of the labor

So impatient that if the unions-don't develop-more«, n™lih?le S e n S e a n d V i s i o n t h a £ some of'thim have=they all stand to lose all the gains thrown tat* their laps-hy_a_sympathetic reform'administration. ' - i

Nation's Business relates a typical case . -At a small town in the middle-west the Goven

3,000 to 4,000 carpenters and hundreds of^-workers. Few were available-IrTffie immediate

>:•-' «, i , C a n l e a - r u n n i n g . " but they wouldn't work with «. ufe. the local men who.didn'-t hayejnmon ca rds . : * * b e ? t -


[publisher's catalogs and the "Booklist" published by the AmericanUbrary Association, the librarianhas a thorough knowledge .of thenew books on "

East Sazclwood avenue and Kas

including the>entrance of this par-ticular _l£brary_i>ook. A record ismade of all Information regardingthe new addition in the accessionn e w .Dooms rfi\ r.yif. rnnvirM. (TTfTn-livfinl. T ••••• H-,-"- TTT —~ ~t"'Tj"Jii

ing her i^ders Delias found new m£75>ii "Bra"an's desk,needs. The ©etenso todnstov ™,rJS c a t a l ° 8 u e r Proceeds to makemeatt^moifet te^^U^^ C n ^ S f o ^ ^ <*>™*m

, and


school stadents Sesoerid by thescore aslcing for biographies, or, es-

[says or special"topics that thex_allmustAayeJtor special readtog andreports". '*&,"new cross-wbr j otest bring in dozens wanting '

. unateidsjed dictionaries. BOOK^pr nilt. nr are SOlMetiUMS lost


^ d U a b o rthe rates.prevalling in

and' must:ibe replaced^ juterjcon--sldeiablo • thbugjit .the librarianmakes out lier . Boot list

A Nevf BookiOrdering a. book requires consid-1

erable -knowledge. !Por example,the touyer must know which style Iof T)rtotlng_ is easjifs't, 'Wwhich'types of paper and'bina<uig ilast longest, _arid-.^the-i>rices-ofj

Set a wage scale it,"this area at f o P flt ° r k % , o o m i « e n e e on Tuesday on t^e foundation v a r l o u s edd t l ons *° *» to niato^iteartrir large cfty, alLthe.ne-w-,iSSr^-^^-^ «o ln res ^ernbrial f o u n t a i n S S "

editionsbest use of the mone

[spend.- -After-the^bowages. "The contractor is expected.;to ia«e a l l | a n

jockeying in bis stride and turn out'the job on time un-j j Sder pain of a penalty forfeiture.

, at


5ja: ana mauedi tbs boo^sfinally arrive from the-publisber

The librarian thrarfaces a hea.task. First the books are h k

*!? b ^ t e d l

Uur_ enlarged new Switchboardmakes it Easy=to=Sliop JbyNow we're able to fill your phone orders mote ex-pedxtaous-ly than ever. You can,.gam a picture of thevast improvement by ..the fact that we 'hjwe 120ex~

.---taasaorUinfls <theoughout,Jte store; -0 trnrifehnes for• ^ T " 1 ^ ^ ^ °U^O l l 'g cal^ two flireGt^res to '

nue and1 Btoad streeti-on-E^st Atbert'steeat 5>etWieenTN'ew Brunswickjnceiiue and Thorn street; on Ivast^ali? between tTftw Brunswickavfenue and Thorn strfet; on 3Bas

• jBtaarns street between New Bruns: wlek;ayenue 'and Thorn street: OE.1 ^ ^ ' s t r e e t foefcween East-Hizet.li jpoj'avBnue and the property, Qthe National pneumatic Companyon iBast.Seott avenue between thiP l Railroad and Bon

tgonwry street-be-t E a t E t e o t t avenue and thtproperty" ol'-Sifercfc & Cfompaayand on Bond Street between Bast^ t t ^ 4 j 6



''/,':~w^^DS^t'-^oUr.'par^m^ lifiiit- Is?-placed'onl^itBfef.'slde.of i^ampbell

p h o M e U ,

^ 'in the book with the price, dealerand date. USaoti page of the book

lore they take off their coats and go to work. -

J Painting Work andPaperhanging

Rahway^S Ye

pages are cut.. The cataloguer classifies eachbook. Bhe studies;each book-ears:

Not nnly f,h« 1n.rpgHt.jTi/ijmvihcomplete- stock lo l _

Rahway; Be~Koseiies,

_ e f BTOad( street Jbetwecn East-Hcotfc—aveBU6~ttntt"*lfeaEt Itocoln

and Linden, ask (fpera^f^:.,.."===^ 2S2 (no toti. diai^e)' }f J

.ifJo jparkjng will be permitted off^JjeweehyRRaSKMiiwitt-fiveauefaaWGampben street between the hours

' bf*i;iS;--S«^.fn#t * . St.;*arkInK-wltelBe .ijeiatlttBdr'ifor 15 minuteson the easterly Klde of Broad stree1

b8tw«ea»'l6aiapb6ll ' and ^s t

n fight for our bread or beliefs.-Missxssippi editor, in the current Botarian

n Ran7

—just between you and me

the » ."SBIe outiriglhan it did on the occasion of a visit to the StateHome for "Roys at Jamesburg yesterday."

"The committee for the corn roa.s_t_to_b.eJieldiinder,theauspices of St. Mary's Alumni held a special meeting-lkst"evening at the home of George J . Reilly, cha i rmanof thecommittee, at 175 West Milton avenue. All members of thecommittee were present and Paul Soloman's Grove wasselected as the site of.the roas t ." ....:

"Belmar was Hie"camp site selected for the two weeks'outing on which Thistle Troop, Girl Scouts, lorl hy.Ruth XeonhBrdHhn<r-rrw«=-"

This government's reaction to Japan ' s move into Indo-"Ghina was precisely what was expected. We have longbeen criticised for permitting oil exports to the Nipponese—and it is an ironical fact.lhat while we have been giving ourmora l support g"^ " U " 0 - ^ 1 1 - - 1 - 1 " "

Rahway § Years

Hyto^udgeTKheTjnKT5aongsTnthe collection. She decides which inumber in the aDcwey Classifflca^JtloirSysfcemlt h l l lshnllTSuSTBeTTs jnarfced to Oie book,teubject headings are assigned. AU

out expert.iworfcmen-do *heJwo«!k, >lu5 (ihrservice-oranTn;

K-wrtor-decorator. • We also d«F r ° r

wa ? d ' e3tte"or »«ta*liwg f e - g g ' g ^ gladly teen ..



<. Need a LOAM


CSierryi. street, duitoe thoss hours.The penalty fixed Ijy the ordi-

nance for violation has a maxl-naxaiart&a&ieji tbii or imprisorntnaifnot esoceedlng 60 days or both

A ipublle"~hearing on the parkins?oSdlhauce~'wllI Be TjeldTTin. August

Continued «n Page Four

just between

you and me


mjinn I, nun some—Hwrtei'ial tiUUPor.t to (Jhina. TOhave also been supplying Japan with m"ost,p£; the gasoline-that has made the war_against_China -possiblev'President

HR^^e^e^ciij^rjedaJLfupxessconf«^ne^^- - • -

S A b bt, announced yestferday "

No. WoodAvenue

j .



to 7.95

r t , tut In horse meed,the Ion* shot aeeaslonally toy

-ietti—th«—d(>p«- and /con«»UblroUkli Jdi^ a Vrin. Somo»ofthe ^ « t e W« 4&&W

uiay jttwe tme of the ttus-slaas.

thflwar Jbetaa, ihe bulk ot will'

a*tt*d_ilikt Httfcaf was tmOt^ably i-lghtiriKaiheimia that-'ItWould-be over tn tHa weeks.

Plenty of ho^weathee &J ^ s e t l , andJp«B«^

"slalW, insWd 0* »ebeatW incobfustwd. are said tojbfr plan-n I " ! 9 a t l e n i C i i i U k «

oilexports in the 'belief that |gwementhar3perrfiittea oil exports in the belief that,if we shut oft these vital supplies, Japan would at brice at-terftpt to seize Indo-Chiria and other rich "areas, ?ind socause a-Racific war of the first magnitude. In other-Wirds,the^overnrnent was trying to localize conflict.- That poHcyKtas now proven a failure, A start toward a b

Avith start

Bv«™Be-ir?So^MrsJK •Jgattpw Mi ucaiitT. 4-1

f^^m^ a s a tcording t 0reports."

J naBthly piymtou. All,_J need do Ii°idlx* wmuch j-on emt^aai » S w ^

m police

ggg; Sorry , Mo'mail or. phone ordersi Allsales final. ^


It needs constant a t t e m S and e T t a k u n ** g r a n t e d -petitors in the world market oftd^ ^"w", hflS b i t t e M 0 M -Associate J u s t i c e of The, £ ~ f ? ~ I M °' D o U g 1 ^ 'magazine. Supreme Court, in the Rotarian

—. r- ^ =5 . - _

So whl ,


l»rter*-Uon. abiaaUy proven ja)ul even Superior id the Get-man. Mast important Vrfalli

'"ilu* teorale f w &>Ie ^~~milHtt>y aW(

>• YillVr i uri-nn <h tintrt irtwrrnSfarinftire*l*uti6h thanahydne;

Editorial *a«eWli^(^f»T:Vii^W1('y

Awarded PrizeMerck Chetnistl_BeceiseaH»QD(rFrom American

Chemical Society


The -$1,000 American ChemicalSociety Prize In Pure Chemistry.has been awarded, for 1M1 to OfKarl A.'folkers, assStant djfecto

rciiTn the-Metek lahottttorles {Presentation, of the^Waidf

annually for outstandtasrre-

as been able to pass aa ordi-nance cpTOtine thts-SituaUon.4rh£Mojaor states tUfib-Ws-actk>tt has;been made necessary .due to the

at various fires in and aliaufs the

Safety Measore"Thi? none in the residential see-|

tions -will extend for .one blockfrom the sceneof anyJfiretherein'!

will take place at the 102Uif Meet-lng-of the Society in Atlantic GftyS t b S ^

Otr'S'oIksrs, Jxini inBecatur, XuY.In 1MB. was Chosen in recognitionSfrhls4&QBM^iottklH:_.tti8jfteIdot organic; ohaalstiy,-ineludlisrErj-tbrina -'allcalolds, vltataln BScatalytic bydrogenation, and pyyl-ffliaiBes".'" . s5uSng'the : l»ast-JlvtSBawt J3r.-.fotiD6*s;;has ^Uccesslally

iBharacter of many new Erytlvrina alkaloids talhl

Costmtied-"oti "'•

WargaHonoredLBy Gonvention

Named C h a i t m a a OfBoard Of Trustees

John jr. Wargo, of IKahway, waswted chalnaasi of tKc Board -of

trvustees_of: the Greek-Catholic


tho Eagles0ther;:«ffp|

ters eleetedi'swifeY CSsbt^e.deBgiwiif 'FerpiiSAmBeiy.;. 'iiwesIdeBti--,

ual eouvenlion ,Home* last Saturday.

tevhen E. Gladls, of Perth. Amjoy, geb«ral-secretary; -Stepheiitanuseak, ot Perth 'Auiib&y, t*easiurer and G^Sjrge^Archy, of Fords

rgeanl-at-anris.*a l t e ^ B l

was named ioiw-«f the-audittaeXttenHaXttefi!.

iMlcihael of

•M^ieWg?lKatSSaai#r ,« imi '. :4j.3b^2^^tew^^wwe;th'ugKeU:

^6ife:»gais»':yb£gi^:l^i»^^fbKimto^ltaH<»;:V-g^EgF:--,iglK; - ~*

race, waastaiidlnjc alone; side bt hisear parked on the northwest cor-Hfer of Irvkig street When-a Penn-sylvania coal iraln ioimbled'"by

dJ3uadenljtMfJjBuahlfelfu on Ills head. He was

reated by tor—deorae-te.-rOalla*>ay, «f 163 West Siiltart avenuer a laceration. 6f *the scalp. Offf-

er Joe Kellfty reported that l t was

dustfla! sections, will extend fora distancBipf *sm "Mocks fro^. "scene of any such fire. Anygei-kmfound -within this fire and poMcaxoi» win be given * tiete* or wJli.•bB; awested at the-dlscreUon of th>)jfllCBr or firemen andt such pea-:alty imposed' as. is within theproEws^Iseretipn. of the Pojiee Jul»

a .recent Mre it was seariy.

£t&;o t h » ' ^ offlcialteifo'"«et near » =flBef Sekuse -pf^tho-degteiirSr pjit*son* driving autettibbHes asuj•weS&-JM-td!-c*owd'thi _»ici ity. ifl order*b «Vo{a ahsi sejlStis: injujcsL-and'anV^sBifious pr^geirl*, loss- tfeeabwe -eai^encyi^o»a&-i9-1ssiiediSa%ai67samS5H^l?caHtInue la'futt•fts c and effect ui^tli such time asacMohi'tiiereen. is- taken by thej©bauiwBgGptttajii?

ed by City AuditorSugtfae P. Kenna. stated that the

rity's debt percentage is now down*°_ j y *LJ??r cent of Hie assessedvaluations'. In the yepereehtaee'-was BAl ^ f c * ihence. It is now nearer to thi."State requirement of VfttO pet cemthan in many years. The totaltrross debt of the <SUby-to- S#3?

Tnis Includes water an

Police Chief Clifford W. Dunphy and Detective JohnKiesecker, of the Rahway Police Department , in co-opera-tion with Detectives Michael Tevnan, F r a n k Bruggy andLouis Lombardi," ot the County Prosecutors office raided


I'afI* R. Pnk-ntnii, tironibirnf Industrialist anil a true phllan-tiM nnnVrnl ttftinTir- hU frlMiib folks from »ll>l!ks of We,

-Vhxmighaai his eaNer lie was active in ctu-lnr for the welfare of _others and ""save full measure of his time and Was always ready toTend a helplmr liand to those whora life had touched. - _

Fdman Funeral WilTBe HeldTomorrow

, !3te; ^lant i f the E6wte; A^shalt

. ClarK, -was destroyed"by .flreearly. WedBB»Jaisf.,a^irtBKwhen* back draft la.*a vatJgnUeiThe damage •was estimat«a'at;#S0,,

along-wlth eo5siderAi>I«amount 81,snaterial'ana ©ruilpiitSht. Most ofthei:*W,00046Ss^Wa8..jB^;up oftHe.^ate^lSl^^^awl'eQUlp^^t. .- tceordlhg' ito -"Sj.v-JftiiKsm;:' of i''W%s'tii^ar t-j>iap"^aass^:"-"*r'; '""*-. •;••3^<aarkMr« (Department, ider.iqKtef Jade,ituddy? < '""rtfeTDcpartment.uttdci' -^_^lo^/bfrCblef-'^ABK.;.^-,aaa.'the'..Hahwasi (pteei!E"tniaBr7 the idtteettoffiiof !i

Rev. John Mt Jacpieth, Of Trinity Methodist Church,To Conduct Services For Deceased Witt-

Rev. J. Wesley Lord As.AssistantJFHihepal servicesfbr Pails'Raijai

Stownan, president of the National-die

early yesterday nnoralng, will beheld at 3 -P. M. tomorrow In theGray Ptraeral Home, WesUield.Rev. John M. Jaqueth, pastor of

. .^__ . _ . st^aMueaptflinTn-the Anriation.andwill officiate. Interment will

lie in Fftirtdw Cemetery) West-field, Masans-and-Stoteinetaivare-

until ib was confcto^sly ""

was yiti!^ conHiremen were seribuslybyshlfh winds •wWchvClr<s,to spreaa to.variotutf U f c h l t



^yes' .brgotti^ilbB^f'Mrclt^a-

Hoiis picnlo,Jjoskey Is rfialrman/ wa« ^ .ointed air foHows;_Wrs. S&fcyfiSii Sirs. Anna Gamjsel, i4rs.

M i l i d MC3«Jifcner abd the iUases Srttiiciifeleckle, OMBary-SIurtha. fcltty <Sus-czsK Mario Alberts. {Mary>ftasfcr,A l i d a - y k P t Br, Pat,



noldine services at funeral hometonlsht. -Mr. Jormmv who Jor-merjy> resided here, has made hishome at 240 East Dudley avenue,yfefi1d, fnr the pmt t.hwe yi''?lJtajur.les received in.an- automo-bUeiacflitlsnt on August 3, .were*ii£?eSuse . pf.-'his death. Mr.

j-yfece retnmmg.Ttb-tneir ..home

^iwtf^^ii^lnr-whlqhjfeeyrVere^a&g ;iwa?i"struck iby. (&: truek 'on^iife^B^feiT6w;amnig*ipk. Mr.^orfflaa raceived a f raetured pelvisSM"cheM>|nJvtfles;-:;Bolh^Mr. ihd

'srega~taTim~tirthe'| th^NfOenerararespitftl, Mrs.

brmanrwas discharged from thel f c l i t d t

iAlf.-fiprfflaHa^asiajDm m;:" ^f^uarjfcKg-g. , a y , lOT A£

an early age his family "moved toohllllcoth&^ 4ind—Cameron,-^-Mo.Whett-abouli> Utt years of- age He

dwdi to.iehieaKo_to -eatet_ thel X i l I d d b J d UbuslnessileIdandbecam»Jden.U

tihd' wlth^ttip pneumatic and elcs-irifcal iJiduitry/. Near the turn oft t h V t d

^ ahyJaCaddagOTHaewith theL "concern In • & snHOf^apaolty and in the S*aw that fol-lowed ¥osa from the-ranks to be-came Chief "'EnMneer, QederalifartABetand finally President, thisposi'he held at the time 6f hisdeathT—tor. i«l»-hff-canw-b,-Hah-way to take*harga of the Cotn-to'BIttJ 'y arg


Cameron, Mo. Thssy had a daugjl-ter, Irene, who Is now Mrs. J. R.Marple. of 1J97 Piernont, Street

T"ormnn-died—ather home in Westfield on June 28of this jnear.

Served In WarI>urlnp Hie World War he served

ieportis «-ciroular83«Pho£ thucost to operate the city for thevear 1940. Sixty-six per cent oithe cost is mandatory Items over•vhich the local council have n(ronitrol. These items consist o

. . . . . . -gUte, uouuly, ailulocal school taxes, and the reservefor uncollecbed taxes. The locawhool tax is the largest singleItem, and comprises 30 per cenof the total cost.

Amounts To Be RaisedA schedule is submitted display

Insr the amounts lyhleh will hsv('o toe raised each year by budgetto pay off the bonds. The las1.,hond to foe paid off Is for the newhigh school, in the sum of $13,000in .thetjrear uses. - ,. :.. , ,

Due to H&igatlon, *the 5??i'<anchige-find. Gross (Receipts Taxes werenot oollected in full, which is themain cause for the revenue as a»tldpated in .the 1940 budget not,being collected as-anticipated. Theexpenditures made against the•budget appropriations" were cu[.down to «6,440.S7 Jselow theamount as permitted by thebudget.- JW^th©'-cioseHjt-th&=yearr|$60,172.07 was due and unpaid onfranchise and gross receipts taxes.

•Considerable activity was shownduring the year In obtaining deedsof liehproperfcyr Also, sev©raTfore-closed properties were sold, thusrestoring., tfyom _$o the .taxableproperty list. At the close of 1940

Continued on Page JPirnr

| DirectorsNew Commitftei

4Kiwanians HearRecreation Talk

Signal Corps, being connectedwith the Aircraft EngineeringD l d l ' the Aviation' Do-par.tftient-of the XT; S. Army. iDur-inff.his..^ryicB in the Army,he waslargely Instrumental In developingxhe- synchronization of aie am-chine gun ando-alrplane propellorwhich automatically, controlled thefiring of the gun with tfie revolu-.ttons of the propellor.

•Hiroughout his business careerb : ^ i anv l y a

ovar the world and was well knownamong, the governmental ond- In-dustrialiheads-of-'this and maSyforeign'gwerninents. -' ••

Besides serving as President of

:SchretBp;_.iphyslcal_oomai)itt6er'Jesse Wraight. C. H. Erusie. a , L.Oilman, SS. A> tSchx^mp, CharlesSchultz, O. B. Gflrthwaite, PaulClelandr W.. L. Bosewcll, EdtfiiiShults and "®. W, SJUlerj joiaa-mena-commlttea. 3B. A.

and as a membeiLof its Board ofXWreetoro, Mr. iEVjrman was a mem-b « t h

Geofge Emery, and'cr. P . Case;boys' committee, 'A. OF. Hope, "W. t$.~ ' IB. Ei. Oilman,

JbiiSaiwtor-^Su^fflesiTiGowpanyrthei.Citizens Building and ioanCompany andi .the RflihwayiPublish-

rting;epr^ration,,|Hej«5aai3s<>^esl2g p t o n . He vsa&jJso president of the former Citizens Na-tional Hank which. was_Jatetfmerged>rtth. the Rahway NationalBank. _ He was a former_memb«r

c Bflard of Trustees of theColonla Country Club and servedon'all of the important commit-tees. During tho past four or fiveyears he has served on National£Jommltt66S-4osi-thB_ developmentof the Defense Program,

Many AeUvllle*'air. SVitman was fo? many jreasa

active ,to civic.'welfare,, churchand featatnal Organizations. H

flatPf tfiUsteesMUie*rlillfcy3fethodfet

CSiureh, the Union County CouncilBoy Soouts ot Americana fohmer

Y.M.C.A. Members GivenActivity^ Posts; For,.

-Coming Year..Memberrof the Board of Direc-

tors of the Rahway Y. M. C A.named the working committee fdrthe.comlng year at a recent meet-ing held in the Y. Those namedare as follows: \

ford P. Ca*se and J. O. Mores; so-cial committee, Jesse Wraisht, R.L. Oilman, R. O. Fowler and1 E. A.: S c h r e t B p ; i p h l l i

ter.""ATisiiB! 'Singer;';».,A.' iBoasi:anU "it>: s ; ' Qarthwalt^ .bowlingooisMnlttee,- iE. J . • Gibbons, Jessei W r a l g b t a n d S%ed HJspe> • • v • • •"• v»:fc'--..-*«tfl4k*Jta#a-i!:. ...

"£M^tek;da^amM);te»^^Qas~Su-ee^jffiSSUleri'a&^SSirte'SaolUagS"'head7;StesfSTOllam'«ntoo»iy^SSrSfi,J^?Anth6ny;iSirs;;*ffiMiIe;,Seai.i te . ' . . -AssaiBS: SSuellfsft-Siid'•-'8^7t&ina' H««d; sellgieusicoaaMitierm?ifti",Cp"to, ,B. •O.;-^wler: aaa;SiV:tiV Gllman: feouse.eettailtteeyif^p^

nU.^toSBSTafiirSrjtaibijons, and membershljj group,». p. I>. Surchfield, B. U Ollmah;Jesse Wraight, C. i>. Case andOeatge fitaory. ^

..., -. ~',;b*i.:afls:"6Utd66r,?lEae6ti-!la^ff:|he;;B^osid:?^iia^S«(iSi!)Ui:earfMibVJ5Miifcsni6ttd^iat.:!;tHe

ir idgestreet , y ealeid'uy~afternoon. The raiding squadacted upon a war ran t from the Prosecutor ' s office.

As the Police entered the place, which was well patrpn--_-ized-aad-appagentsly-dqing a Ihil-ving business, Hughes was ,from a l l appearances , in charge of the operations of 1

"•^"~ ~ ^gambling

BTComo SpeaksTo R. E. BoardTells Membership

Desirous Of SellingTax Lien Property


The regular monthly meeting oithe iEalrway Real Estate Board washeld last night a t Greven'8 HotelCouncilman X&sss SSOomo, ohah*'man of the tax lien committee, was^,£?~~%*;?£ ftp-as secretary.

During;- the course of Mr. Di-Corao's remarks lie stated that hiscomniittee was partlculariy desir-ous of selling to private' ownersreat-estateTttow Tiwnedrtsy" the cityto order to place this property ona-taxable bails and asked t h ^ ;d theco;ESsUon.joi the jnembei^-of -the

Real Estate -Board—members inbringing about this result.

A question and apswer periodfollowed Mr. DICbmo's talk withRobert C Bauer. Geyer, DiComo,R. W. Sart. Peter A. Sensenig,John C. Shell and Weitz partici-pating.

The Bahway Defense Councilhas opened headquarters* In

I rDom.203.. City-JHoll.—A,, secretary1 will be oil duty during :*uaneBS~hours, according to a Council an-nouncement. A homes registrationservice,, is.beii

Members Pay. Tribute ToLate P. R. Forman, —|

PastJPrefWLentThe regular meeting of the KI-

ranls Club was held in the Y. M.!. Aryesterday noon and featured;he eiBhth-in-ar=B8rie3~oT"*VSMSieri-Ban Way" meetings. i^ranlc'M.Kryaiak, superintendent of recxea-.tion in !Lutden_fOr the past sixyears, was the guest speaker. Rus-s^HoHiddtafflHoHpresidedrWtartffle Weltaas secretary.

The membership- observed aminute "of silence in memory of^he'laterlPiarlsH.'S'orarian, who wasa former president of the localclu$ and at his death an honorarymember:

3fi -Mrr-Krysiak's talk he emuha-zed the adyancement of wscwa-

theretrom. IHe stated that Newersey was the leading state in the

East,in-recreation, work bub-themiddle-and-far-west-wew- furtBeradvanced in their programs thanthe East.

MAtWDEN rssxmymatoiJohn Si. Madden, iProspeot ave-

nue, Av«nel, is lmpro«dns after Ihsinjuries received in aa automobilecrash. He suffered a broken noseand chest injuries in the accidentwhleit -resulted in_the death ofParis 5», tPorman. Madden hag

amily for "17 yeat-« anaUteTacol-Mnt of-'AugustJJ -was the first hevet had, "

ing; street Tuesday night, wanted-six loans amounting to iiS.ooo andsold one piece of Property, Victor" .lg.tephbna presided- ttrlth. P M

Armstrong s S t a

Hughes was arrested and takento the-Prosecutors office where hewas. placed under $1,000 ball fofappearance, at a later; date.

•A. .tnirir lnml nfphemalia consisting of a dicetable, slot machines and horse bet*ting, equipment "was confiscatedand taken to the Elizabeth CourtHouse for evidence; / -

The^rald wsts-soasell planned bythe Police .that Hughes and some40 occupants of the place- weretaken completely by surprise'. Twoof- the detective?, who -were un-known -to 3E£h ^ ttance

PMfce party were theti. admittedand HugMeSwas placed tinder ar-rest.;- None.of tho "customers"

5 ^ e K Council

Room 203 City Hall TojBe Headquarters For

Local Group ;

ei*TOSe of provitliap furnished wiomsfor workers to tiefenser TjlaatsThere will be.no charge for theservice.

TJj e.. ijsejenseXSounclljexecutiwes-itate that the «juestI6nnalres; arebeing returned1 slowly and urgeall who ha-ve not returned themto bring or mail them, to the CityCHatt office ofJthe Council. —

Here Is^ne Way TbLocate Tlungs Y ouWant To Buy

l-HMtany-^localr—I»oi)I»"~^aw"•leaned the easy way to locatethings they, -want to buy at rea^soaable prices. For instance: alady 'ifl;' Woodbrldge ;«aBt£d tobuy a Msed-batoy; st¥gneV.*.K»6w-m»'that-aliaost everybody '—

ne ortMfreoj anadior two times. But one pub-llcation brought so maay—ie-plies t h a t s h e j t i 5 a W e t iplies thatsh.ejwti5-aWe-to,mai59a"~se!fieuoa a t once" so shebotight %c~5tr6Hex* and t l ^ ?ad on SUday K ybotight %c5tr6Hex and trl p^?- thead on. SUday. K you want iobuy something you prabablywould do as well by using asmall Inexpensive Record watatad, (BKre Is the ad for the

WANTED:—CBDUVS SrTSUXC-ler la good condition a t reat.SOttaUte^riCe^ Write bo* 900,eare Becovd>-or i>h0i» Wood-bridge jM)l6»JMt. Aug 1 a t ,tt



Page 2:  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right

. ? ^ v **- i \-\+ j f .

items Ofwilh white accessories and wore a


gT~ ScenMrs. Irving Mudell, 1343 Pulton

t hMrs. John Wasko, 434 Hamilton

l i i l l S J i m l l i l l i i ^ a-:i'.-!fcj:MV^U I',',!.!!


Mxss Kathryn L. Vignoli Becomes Bride Of KennethC. Taylor At Afternoon Ceremony Performed

By Rev. Van Ness ChappellMiss Kathryn Ixjuise Vignoli.

492 Harrison street, became thebride Saturday of KennethCharles Taylor, son of Mr. andMrs. J. Lloyd Taylor. 2184Church street. The bride wasgiven in marriage by her father

quet of white gladioli, delphiniumand baby's breath.

The matron ot honor, Mrs.The maThomas J.in *

s' was attired. atired

a gown with "waist of bluehd hiff

.. o~ MJ •«;* IUUICI , uver saun. sne wore a matchingand the ceremony was performest. hat. and face veil. Bridesmaidsat i 6'cloeg in the afternoon at w Mb T

e ceremony was performestat i 6'cloeg in the afternoon atFlrst Presbyterian Church by Rev.Van HES (<h.i»>»ii 'Van Mess Chappell.

William j . Cary, of Cltffwood

-organist-ttnete of taeTriaeand. ,

o fStr JahfTs HpiscbpalTj

-'- -BrtaV-far^Vhite ChiffonA...Dri«eess style gown ofbro-

chlffon was worn byimerer-t.ip turn-

— "—'. "Qrnrotmt6aby^aZjcor5neXof see* pearls.- She carried a bou-

n a gown with waist of bluestarched chiffon and skirt of netover satin. She wore a matchinghat. and face veil. Bridesmaidswere Mbs Tess tesfcowits, ofPros-pect Park, and Miss Buth Weber,of thi ity; ""'of thisgowns


They, -wore yellowstarched rhtffn^

sweet peas. Mrs. Taylor, motherof the •bridegroom, wore a dustypink chiffon dress, \uhi£e acces-sories and a corsage ot orchids,

A reception iwas held at thehome of the bride's parents withguests present from this city, Eliz-abeth. Woodbridge, Plainfield,Somervule. Trenton. Asbury Park.CUffwood Beach, Prospect Parkand Hawthorne. Following a wed-ding trip through the New Eng-land States the couple will residehere.

Both are graduates of RahwayHigh School. Mrs. Taylor Is em-ployed at the Cornell ElectrioPlant, South FlHtafued and. Mr.Taylor is employed at Merck and"70.. Inc.

sts, net skirts-over satin anditching hats and face veils. Alli, .episcopal Jttatehins hats and face veils All

marches nnrf o nw»~~.M „# I. • ,..... ,... , . •

rs. g Mudell, 1343street .has returned- fromweeks' stfly~at.Ooeari. Gfeve

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Maler.5 Wt I iMr. and Mrs.

655 West Innian e .are visit-

tag friends to Salami aha Orlando^™ at Leeds. N. Y-. for two^eksHa., for three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. MWftifc,822 Central avenue. entertainedMr. and Mrs^ Harry WOlatt. ofSouth Bend, Indiana, during theweekend.

Mr. and iSxs. Joseph P. Buni.405 central avenue, have beenspending several days at The She!

[street. Is speAtlantic City

Miss Evelyn. Voss and Miss Her-mlna Nlehucser, 1&4S fijfain street,

t L d N Y f t

Mrs. Daisy Miagst, IWZ SewBCunswlck avenu&, hbs tieenspending- the smnaJer at her campta th* eatskffls* She will be -athome Monday and Tuesday, leav-ing ftgi*^ on W d d f L l

Couple Mamed. _ ^ ~ , . , y*_; ._Si WVM1W i

of the bridegroom. T»as best man,and ushers were James Vignoli. a' • •brother of the>ride, and JRoberlf Miss - G e n e v i e v eRush. - ^ [

3£ecepUon.At Home


Church street, visited Members oftheir family at Shark River on

M a t t o n , Thursday.

Mrs, Vignoli-i mother' of .thgbride, was attired in blue chiffon



Mlaa- Qe-ievie,ter of Albert Matton.

, daugh1966 Wil-ter of Albert Matton. 1966 Wil-

liams street, become the bride Sat-iU3tas_Df—Eetex-Bvexett-eodifreyrlion of Mr. andtreyFTiarwedding was

.Monsienor c.

••""-Arthur anaFiHSSIftneTTBifForbes street, are at „Lake for the month of August.Mr. oidfieteJ plans to join- themlater.

-.- = — J. Kane. SisterNarerett played the weddingmarches, and .Frank Wseney ofJnden^ sang "ATC Maria." '

The bride, who was-given to"

daughter. Miss „ . . _ _ _;,™iT •^?s^^'"^"Sta«6VT«tuTnearHQn>8


Sunday.the CatsHll Stuuhtatas.

.week's-stay in

and-children. Nancy ami Richard; Mr.aa*Mr.sratalet CJ. WKitaker and

bouquet of white gladioli, roses[gardenias and_babjc:s~breath

ingnday and Tuesday, leavon Wednesday for Lalte

near Hartford, Connewhere she will remain until afterLabor Bay.

County Get-Togethet? HeldSuaday AftettiettH

Mis. Madge Smith MacClary,former vice-chairman of tlie Gnioit-

&HS Mrs. HarryfcHls cliy; w{frank" Parks,

Special qWzh



publican City Committee, at theget-together dinner of the ttaloitCSUHia> PJtt^ffiUHiKi W (Sunday at the Iiog Cabin Inn.

L jar "I AsseisSflyinail HerBefli • Rtaic#,Iwho Is 8 candidaS~fof State Sefta-

less feses street,

.Thosepadlneci. Roberta Green, ArthurGreen. Ellen Coaway and Walter is aii alumnus.

- -Moaday

Iff km o©n.;;lirWHittlffiy•'• - " ' ••• " •—-— : — • •—H-#r&w : ; i# i&^SV

Yux-en4rrG«i^rA-W^ffiMa^^^^ttetoii,liir, United Ar:'Ci^&aixtij0i?wit^^0Jt:'' '

John's,. iGpiekJ^affipitt' CltUr^it^^;' ".MlsS jaagr; "YurerA; dsugfiler-

«i» MR <hd textr. Prank rufenda.i i i ^ew'iBfiraiwick aveBue. ariaCorporal "William Ralph- Pend^ u s q a . oi Mr. and Mrs. WilUam


aijairai ^ . JI^'gj|reekJ&tfejitehrlde

marquisettfc, with sweetheart, neck-line, tiiauottn rSJ'* •"—-'"-'•--™~.mttmting in

^rteW"trirS:i#br -fiayelthe'saaewo* BpOTWer Blue'silk dress wilih\wWte1a8ge8«rie4,anfi.'i-ibraaii ofgardenias. -' •.?;' . .'••*;:.,• •

Mrs., Penffletosufcreduatedi from

member of S t .iblm'srQitseitCath-leUe Cttittehr<*1*K#^ siSh*-i9 em-^%#>BS%«^e*iin4'Swjil»f CoLinden. Oor|»ral--geaaieioaTg§ad'"SfsafJrSrirWTKSspmsRstecsspr:jjtuum. ^urpor*u jrcuaiflion gradu-Seafrotti'CatoslerHlglrSScHool andIs now stationed ai*<drt Dix anow

nDix as

jSoptemBer t&e comile eJrpeit to reside In doster

ateg . . . j e t <iAllj!yr& b're'Bjt

a gadioli, roses anil

Attendants In, Fink, •#»&•• * » « - m ^ - m t m theSagles' Heiae, 325;HWest Grand

waa liurat-iji -nonor -Monday at 6family gathering ana dinner giveamily gatheri

his-hoffle,r gives

road, inhonor of his esth-bh-tlslay anhi-

Hueiday night: in tise-Moose KiSine.:tTWe class -initiation was to hdnor' of *Ira. Margaret ilarrlson, of Idn-

Mr. and- Mr*. Hasrtajgad B. Sea-tett-gad-^wrrSigttr-^-aBaSS

tired. In a gown of yellow starchedohiffon over taffeta with featheredJuliet cap and yellow veil. ajiecarried an aria bouquet of yellowracca. blue JclfrlilHlHfil. anct baibysbreath. John Dunn; a cousin ofthe bridegroom, was Jbest man

Kf«eptlon At HomeMrs. -Godfrey, mother of

bridegroom, wore blue cltwith, white accessories arid a tsage of pink roses and gladioli.


. - ~ . ^ u , ^ » , f-r r ,1 "*-f*- f 1 1 "r-gown, with lage rssaloei aUSffl s&lriiof net and lufitchaisi Mssy Stuartcap. The tsridesmaki, Miss, BeHe•*hr6iiai7-als5VSISSSr8t'eB» Bfiae,:Was Slniilii«y; atfirbd in paie blue.33oth carried cascade .bouquets ofpink roses anii WueTJelSBmlaai.

TSlda" doria, of -\Clpster, :'a1 broth'er-ln- law of tke UridegrdoSifwas best niajii ana William Braa-•^""ri also of Closter,' served as

far. Mrs.

Miss Marjorie SVeeman, 130fiPleree street, has. returned hontefollowing a vaeaHbh «t itfvineyard. atuJ Nani!ucket,-M

He resunisd Ws duties on theschbal board early last year follot<r-teg his recB'tWry. frdin a, RBri-nns

k. * Si»«e your Health, ana e o o d aisp«-

f ^ °f W O ? 5 * d ° dn^»fc-fe*»* wea ther^all the laiwnry to Morey-laBue!


?-J^:*^«.^w«ess- wan yowSFhoiho whBa y o t i can have

A reception was- held at thehome of the bridegroom's parentswit?h guests present from RahwavCarteret. Perth Amboy. Saizabeaiand Jersey city. After the recep-tion the couple left for a shortwedding trip to Atlantic-Cite, l £ rtravel the bride wow a raspberryred dress pf Jersey with white ac-

i "Sf01""5.3- °»on their return they1 will reside at l « 8 Now Church

street. . ,.... ,-Both are graduates of Riahway

H^Sohool-aadr-merabers of SVMarys Church. Mr. Godfrey is amember of the Holy, ilame -Soctety'


Ittwey laftue is JrUd to serve you fif-a

eucsts-aa-ive.vacations or

— _ __-st Battalion Head-Ciuarters of the Ii4th Infantry?

Quick results at litue cost wltHRecord want ads. ."'•.•P™

Vlneeai J^-Murshy, laf? Matestreet, is vlsitlne his brdther. Bfan-ds. who Is spending the summer atMt^Veaioni MBJ -

„***• **>« Mrs. BJlchael J. Solce.2109 Jtotebsaery sireeti lB*t Afon-W for a vacation, of- three Weekstft BlaBchester, ^ H . ^ ^

,. **f- ?Ud Mrs.^j ja Trictei.wtuiarfl s t r e e t n t r s . eodf™,a ^ f h . 16OT-Irving, street, ahd^ilr

-:Mrs. Ludwlg H. Schneider andh? 8 - GeOT«*L_. _ ^ = f f l . 1 3 6 1 . .jr-iKVWair

.have returned home follDW.-lng a vacation at Oceaa Grove.


Mrs. Harrison was presentedivith a gilt In behalf of the lodgeiy Mrs. Matthew Sleh. It was votedto organize s bowltair dilvision, andMis. Charles Bomuwl and Mrs.

charge. A donation was made tothe Academy ot Friendship.

Mrs: August Kiel -was. awardedthe attendance prize, and Mrs.Margaret Manero received a. spe-cial prise. A social fallowed themeeting with f h



of the bridegroom,, was at-'W ^ ^ I a c e w l t h »«y scces-. 3Both; wore similar corsages

Pink roses and blue fc


fallowedmeting, with rcfrtshments

Jcharge of Mrs^Joseph Kontra.in

A receDMon was field at ChibiIdnrose, Unden, for abbut_100-|guests from this «lty, Unden. Ella-abfefch, Woadtsriage, fWth Awboy,kew- Brunswick, Westfiold, Clos-,

Westwoorf. New- York elty andwhere S'VjUowlns the j

ter. Westelsewhere.t

r afteitoan toj f M '

iPollowinB ttjfi .raplB-^eltrXor-a"

, for-, , - ] ! • • facial\c*iwJit 'fl£tS~r*066CL fiiftd0

by Mr. and- Mrs. John DotooBlii-ski. 2092 Whittier streot. of theertgageriicnt of their" daughter.

r.m&$krs ieoil Kamlbetsr,3266 Alteii stree-t, have snhouneedthe engaBenieat <sf theto daughfer

gaVJ™;:soaoLjaj. ^ j j ^jfelvifrj", -d.48 East tos

jn S W tSn set



street, °uM*"hV3Wjoined her

de now to send your laundry to


Baily Service to gahway, .-Coionls-

Chic Beauty SatanBARBARA JOST)

Poi-merly at 298 W. HaielwoodAvenue

N i GttmComplete Beauty Service* ' All tts Sranohes

mother, Mrs. Marie Ballweg, atGrand View Villa. Cairo, N. Y., fora week's vacation.

Miss Wihna Dobson, 09 West

ittended _ v , ...umaaj.—uractTrorn St. Mary* Scfcool $&& ^way High sehoel;; She Is ft tjfetn-

m . a i O T ™ u > . ber of St,. Mary's Chiu'ch and isiPoUowing the ceremony a recep- dniployetf by Sfercfc & Cofe^any.

tion for members of the immediate Inc. Mr. LagoM-tf. 4W> a memJjerfamilies was held at the Latog resl- of St. Mary&JEaiurch and Is em-dence. Mr. and Mrs H n i " I » " «'«•—• "^ ™—*--

382 union streeta cousin«>f the bride, and GeoreeBowers. 2070 Church.street.

.Mr.. -Max;-Grutisteih837 J

. r . and:^JKs.-Max;-Grutisteihand son. Marvin, 837 Jaaues ave-nue, have returned from a 10-dayvacation trip to Ni ff

, avacation


r e d from atrip to Niagarara ffails,

Toronto ana other "points of In*.terest.

Mrs. Thomas W, Stark, 370West Hasetwooil avenue, was eucsstof Honor Monday at a surpriseparty given- to celebration of herbirthday anniversary.

. smith and son,st Gd


dence. Mr. and Mr=,. omaar lenfor a short wedding trip and upontheir return will reside on Enat

-Mtttoirsvenue. 'Both are graduates of Rahway

High School. Mrs. Baker is^a.[member of St.-PauTs I^jiscopal-Church and is employed: by CJuinnand Boden Company. Mrattends Trinity ifethbdistaild la a uuiDetltor and bui

Plan Fashloii ShowAffair To Be Sfjonso^ed

By Jutiior MatfonsT*c JuniOr-SIatroriirSf "Itahwiy i

have made plans for a fashion |

Bakerst Churchmilder.

Ployed to spring lake.


Your Clothes will fit betterFigure wiinSok Better

• And Ydu will feel bett&r m &m:

3 . 9 5 '

_^^.>,c.? w w«3 cioD are: Presl- T "Jrti __.[derit. Mrs. lijnwoad Bailey; vie^- I of rajifori t>4s't«rSpresident, iMrs.. CterK *iick; sacre- I stJefcnlni up and ddWBtattr, Mrs. Jutson Bryant: teeas- T ;m:ma ^ or atoos;urer, Mrs: Arthur Ci-onrSrell: bnsi- I i J i i ^ _ — " -

ents of Rahway Ghurches, Their Organizations and Sunday Services

•-; «haplaln;.Mrs. lffl.VerneSflUs.il J - JT" " K ^ 2 - -B aSn

*««a» a « Sirs. itObeiik liarri^fl -»ont . -paiiel hfts-.-'lrl-a Mrs. Siml Callana.; •• II yMsly botiea,.iioncavte

'Oie nestt ifieettoe will' be'heltf" - ' - " • ' "teiursaayi. AiigusS SS, a t S'P' MT;,at the idrae of ^&s£_lia^erB*

Hie Rah^vay Record

|nue, a r » e n _Mrs. UarrSB w.

Oharles, of New


PREMIER OIL IA!»¥vffiY cp. •NDNES: RAH.-7-1263

sISSltsh side ttanels «f light

Onion CounfyBulck Co339 NORTH BRrNnni cv ~x&**:f~v.~*~-' -


'iiittli"^. a.

rsTrtHd^ailoflijstreet^sntertained members of the

_ _ i 'which the TJjuted, statest Department-has just placed.ftrwUlUe lnstaUed In regimen-Ichapels now betaB built in thi

loufk lAtmsi camps throughout,i country.' Tb».organs •win be••sped-with sturdy- handles b-iltate rejaoval frcan one loca-

_i to another. Of the 558 organslorder, six are to be installed in•r IPanaraa iOanal Zone, four in

** ' -- , fpui; In, ftftmUflawailan Islands.


t-fbf the last time Sunday alinn sprvice- o f O l

— — -* *». uo.. witht 8. Stench,.of. Trinity, con-" J'1' t ^

U be -held, at Wwn riirlan Church.

' Club Meets 'i'oi Fall Plans


Jout Ship 047 met ThursdayKht at the home of President"?. Walter Ecull, 11685- Irving

m. and discussed, plans for t. •Bentatlve plans for an oi

j(i_were'inade.Sha^E^za served is'secre-1 Mrs. SVed' Sohupp, grw"""' Others present

, ,>*>uuAut-£)roege, Mrs. ]?YanxaUi Mrs. SCohael Bolyog, Mrs—'" i | - T O "—^-•John '-

Oonajt, Mrs. WhitteyrsAlbert S t rAbert Stumpr.

^ aifflduneetlnB-will be-held-atelwme of Mrs. Mienael l

| S JUnden avenue.

FOR SALEI, Slusle. staves and choice slots' or without Perpetual Care

i Jbeaatlful xtazelwood CesieTWest Lake Avsmie. Office

j East Chetfy Stasei:%hway,f Telephone: . Eahway 7-2112.

or Sundays call

High score honors were receivedby Mrs. Edward Seheuer. and Mrsr|Joseph Reuter was awarded a spe-cial prize. Those In charge wereMrs. Sest and the Misses SforeneePeterson and Mary Doyle.



D«an of TU» Moody BIbl«.In»Utut*-

County Playground competitionheld last nigh* In Elizabeth. Unionwas. the winner with; 29 points,EUgajbeth" m i i « l j | P h

Rahway point

Redniond, second in paddle tennis;Lenore glagler. second in hoi>scotch; Louis DeLorettorsecond ta-»toB—tosst—Araiar-MSrHr-EraBHByTtfiird In horseshoe_pitchin»;i_

Lesson for August 17

Make Financial StatetnenOfB.W.R.S.


a Christian, let hint not- be ashamsdrbut let him glorify God <m this behall.

A total of $5,050.49 has beenraised' here by the Rahway Branchof the British War Relief Societysince its organization the first ofJanuary, according to a financialreport issued' by Mrs.. BertramBerry, vice-chairman, pf the localorganization. This money was re-ceived through donations «"»» thesale of emblems. £Tsed clothing

trthnted—to—the--SMSabetl*branch and Rahway brandsamounted* to 33.0S7 pounds: nextclothing receives! by the localeroup, 986 Pounds, and toittet

garments. irIn a report from, the El»ittirig

,„ . . , - . t- ..—rtsiian:zanmw, EInt-ovenue. it Is•Sweet are tho uses of adversity s tated .that 12 pairs of socks and

•so says the poet, and It Is true >r»» «™.«*sw h-t_i . . " .!zTT.^5rSweet ore tHo uses of adversity

—so says the poet, and it Is trueHint God li aVilBtoJcialeawaotl

says tHint, God lisngerlnga of-tnan a source of bleaa-

in the Gounty tournaments were:

Uailes—OAUUUT;—ijuolts,SteVffUsiafc.-Bveiyn Sager; paddle ten-nis, £mUy Redmond; rmg tennis,Jjouis J3elnret*oi -Checkers^rHivlaDelia iRflglone.; ianka, .To MnaMaBier^hopscoteK,USnore Wag^ler; fouLshootlng. Ruth Gibson,Charles Natson; pen. knife, BettyRommel, Joe Bneeley.


ing ana an occasion ter joy. "if aman suffer-as a Christian" (1 Pet."1:18). in arwevia~whero ssrriSwjind autferlng have been heaped

iy mail.

think of—the- -encouragement whlcbGod's Word gives to those who orelndlstress* - •-•—

There nre"raany helpful Scriptiirn

Continued- from Page One

rirftsirient-and-aonorajy-member-of-the Rahway Kiwanis Club. <He was

•"tod_I)BBree=JMason. andt-was^ amember of the Lafayette Lodge.

: St S. MvroT HaHway.'Other organiaations to which he

selongedi were: Order of EasternStar, Rahway Chapter "JS; NewTersey consistory S. P. R. B., 5Snd

Jrdnaiee Association; American-Museum of Natural History; EastOrange Golf Association; RahwayY. M. C A.; and the NationalAeronautic Association of TJ. S. A.

He Is survived by his wife, Mrs.Mice BlrtwSt gprronn; his daugli-'ter, Mrs. Marple and three grand-children, Terry,, Joan and JeffreyMarple. There are three sisters,

Alice Do Walt, of Inde->,' Mo.; Mrs. Bessie Spen-

—•'." of "TJenyer, Col.;_ .aiul. jjrs,"Eafe^Phelps, of Hobart, okla.


iiiri;tHis l ively Annhersary Model^•-^-•'-lHiiilet--fi'1 ~ " ""' ;

passages « a thls-polnt -tflose *eftjrous today being from the writingsof Peter to the Jews "of the disper-sion. Scattered abroad and no moreunder tho guiding and protectinghand of Paul. Luke and th/othera.they were undergoing severe, per-teeutlon'for Christ's" sake.". Some:were apparently disturbed bse theirMais, and Peter tells them tbatpersecution should hring

I- No Surprise M:12>.W

world; yes, sevoro flory trials. Suchthings-are common-to-all mankind,and tfte ChrtaUarijhould not expectto escaped to them, such trials arereaL tests of their faith, an oppor-tunity to show to the unbelievingworld that God is able to deliver•those urho put their trust to Him!

stated .that 12 pairs of socks anf fve sweaters have been sent to th<

" nstscbsth" -Br&nclt for shipment:aad-a-requeaia-foi- tl dclothing has been made.

At Surprise Shower

Xieiiukr Rhfrtff-and-Mrs^-MlHardJett, ^13- West-Scott avenue, waseuest of honor.aAjk-Surflrise jreekend mlsceUaneous shower given aithe home.of MJss Gertrude Plathmann. 1988 (Price street, in anticipation of her approachine mar-riaBe,-JJass-Jett^wUl wedV LouisI>ublno, son- of Mr. and MrsPrank Dubmo, of Linden, Saturday afternoon.

Those participating were: MissliTOVmtriNoble—Mrs,—Georg)


Mrs. John Mcduskey and son,William, of Hart street, have re-turned from a vacation trip toOhio.

—3!o ba fotawmued la m Ua fare-armed. "Think it not strange con-cerning the flery trial."

IT. No Shame (4:13-10).There ore two senses in which

the-Shristian lsvt»bo unasbamod-lnthe midst of suffering. In the firstInstance, uoTs not to" be asBameaof the trial itself if he bears it forChrist's sake, for he i s thus shar,Christ's sufferings. ' We cannotshare in bis substitutionary andsacrificial suffering on Calvary,but we. can stand with'Hlm who-wai.

quainted with gricr' (Isa. 63:3). Inthe secontf-jrtneo, he Is not to doanythine which would justify othersin making him suffer. It is a dis-grace, 0 shame which Injures the

.cause--of—Gtelsti—when a beiieverhas to,suffcr because lie has broken

Crowell. Mrs. George OWeill, MrsKrankHayfin. Mrs^WUllam IrvineMrs. Millard Jett. Miss Ruth Martwnutrs" Vnniam ~SKTg~MSWilliam Collins, of this ciV: Mrs.SVank Dublno. Mrs. Nettle Kubi-cek. of Idnden-.



Reveal Betrothal OfMiss Ruth Alice Weber

Mr, and-.Mrs. Charles D. Stallof Smith streei,-Avenel. have an-nounced the engagement of theirniece. Miss Ruth Alice Weber, SOS~ st Grand avenue, to Frederick

Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs.Frederick $. Bowers. 2079 Churchstreet. No date has been set forthe wedding. - — -—iBoth-are--Bra<iuateB or "RailwayEdg-h School. Miss Weber Is em-ployed by Merck Sz Company, Inc.,and Mr. Bowers Is associated) withhis father In, business.


«.—cstepBed3HqrBoaaoTiEire3q)ecTC3ofl to deliver you out of it orhonor you In that kind of suffering.

HI. No ESCSJMJ (4:17-19).- "HtKerlgfitobus'flnd fho difficul-ties and temptations in their wayto be like flery trials, if those whohave the blessed presence ot Christto cheer-and to guide them find It•umicult—at~times; to "inSlce tHeifway through sorrow and sadness,what will the unbeliever do?

^ h l f c t h t fSurely not—and there is yet thatday ahead when the believer shallenter into eternal peace, where sor-row and «iifferlne-8ha;i httrinWheto will the unbeliever be In thoi


Actual Saving to You$ 5 6Mrancd Made fo>> youi- o!tf piano . . - fay only

*5 DOWN ^5 PER MONTHs s l l es?ms small


' ''Puteare into Christ's bag," sold©eorgirBeSbBrt—••Treat your caresasyoutreat your gins. Hand them,over to Jesus one by ono es theyoecur, commit thorn to Him" (F. B

H-Meyer). He really cares about-4|-you—believe-it-and-aet-upon-it,—•

? The-cure- for all worry is rightttere, but even as it Is' true thatthe mule- shajl "Inherit the earth"(Matt 8:6), so it,Is true that only:fbfcrhurable-are^gaaay to east-their

wer.e President Mrs. *«Shaw, Mrs. IBanson- C.-HuU,AGIbert Paplrnlk, Mrs, Walter"Baiotts, Mrs. Charles EiaseJc andthe Misses (Flora Klasek, MayPagans and Jennie Paplrnlk.

The next meeting will be heldFriday. August, ga, j>. -ETWF hnm<»_nf.TSEcs.""CharIes IQasek, 14W Law-renee-street, at which time thebirthday_. annlversariest. of three

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keller, ofKathryn street, returned Sundayfrom a 10-day- trip, through theN«w Sagland States, during whichthey visited Mrs. lEeller's sister atNewport, R. I.

Plans for a clara-ibaJce to be heldSunday, August 31. at Lang'sGrove, Raritan road were madeFriday night at a meeting of theClark Township Democratic Cluband Its Ladles' Auxiliary held atthe fire house. George LoesSr waanamed chairman in charge of the

"affair: I

\Qbituary^Announce Engagement Of! Miss Adele Mary Petro

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Petro, 718

Miss Betty Shapiro, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Nathan Shapiro, of

^anrroadT^eft^^taiday^for^aTvisit with her grandfather In Bal-uUHore —TEtu-rn .

The Township Republican Club'told " reButer-monthly

he-tng-anue, at 8 o'clock tomorrow nleht.

Mr. and Mrs.Brant avenue^

Mr. and1 Mrs. Ferdinand

Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Turner anddaughter, Joan, have moved fromBartell place to Linden.

MgS. JEKN3E B. SEITZMrs. Jennie B. Seltz, 89. of 3085

St. George aveaue, died at herhome after a long illness, Satur-day. Mrs. Seltz was born, in Ken-tucky and had made her home inRahway for the past 45 years.

She is survived tby two daugh-ters, Miss Emma J. Seitz and Mrs.George J. Meier, of the St. Georgeavenue address. There are Sb"five grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.

Funeral services were held* Tues-day aft f hafternoon from her

-servrcesr—were-latecon---.%™w,—a-«ip act viucs wext? con-

ducted by Rev. John M. Jaaueth,pastor- of— t3rrir>Hafc- -

RosehUI Cemetery, Unden.bearers were: Harold Meier,Hum RrhmltH—^grjri_»tfh«tf.Louis Marrlson.



, SOSS-SAKAH E. MUND'SElmer Bcis, of t _MlS9-JSarah-JS. 3

'" -Wesfegazelwoday morning after an illness ofseveral years. She was a memlberof the Trinity Methodist Church.

,East Grand avenue, have an-nounced the engagement of theirdaughter. Miss Adele Mary Petro,to William J. Kenny. Jr.. TO WestOherry street. No date has beenset for the wedding.

Miss Petro te a member of theFirst Methodist Church and Is em-ployed at a local store. Mr. Kennyis a member of St. Paul's EM> u. uu^xiuci VI ol. £^IU15 i piSCO-pal Church and Is employed by theNational Pneumatic Compayfi;;L=r

pal Church and Is eNational Pneumatic

IEngagement Announced

223 Adams street.j u t

Hneforannounce the

SPsstJaariil^proTjo ftr*hiir Iler, 409 Johnson street. No datehas been set for the wedding.. Miss—Manero—ts—employedfWhelan's DniB r

SEW, SWIM FOE WEO CfcOSSHot weather isn't dampening the

spirits of Red Cross volunteers atMorriStown.

Mrs. Aglar Cook, chairman ofthe chapter's volunteer serviceshas Introduced a new angle on.sewing meetings. She -started a"sew and swim" group, meeting atthe outdoor swimming pool of herhome. Volunteers sew two hours,swim two hours, take time out forlunch, then sew and swim again.And Its' not all play. At the firstmeeting 13 skirts for foreign warrelief were turned put.

Many Rahway Record readersare prospects for what you have tosell. Why not sell them? An sd inThe Record's classified section is

,. .-and-Jiadi-*een -active-spending—two-j-work-r

"TSWe Is survivea by two eisters.Miss Estelle Mundy, of the WestHlaaelwood avenue address and

-Mrs.- Sioyd Collins, of 593 WestHazel wood avenue.

of Every DescriptionGRANP AVE. AWNTNr. r n

now in military servicestationed at For{ Dix. -

-J. 1

- charity

Mrs. John Stuhler. Jr., andchildren, Charlotte and John,Hamilton boulevard, have re-turned -home foBowinjr ar-threeweeks' visit in Michigan.


Miss Virginia Stores, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. C h i ^tvebmx Uilve. istvebmx Uilve. is at waaogrisiting.her grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shapiro,.if Rarltan road, entertained his>rother;in-Uvw and sister, Mr. and

Mrs. Hyman Poll, of the Bronx,luring the weekend.

ESmoro and Donald Martin, sonsif Mr. and Mrs. William Martin,if Acken drive, are spending a

vacation In Maine.

PLAN TRBP TO ASBXmY PARKThe outmg committee of The

Rahway Women's Democratic As-

home of-Cosirman. Miss Helen Mc-.Cue. lOtS-Fuifton street. ^Arrange-1ments were made ^or a public bus-]ride to ASbury Park to be heldSaturday. The bus will leave thecorner of Cherry and Iraingstreets promptly at 9:18 A. M,

Three out of four executives inthe steel industry started at pro-duction jobs in the mills andworked their way up.

IT is not true, as some people think, that all granitememorials are made from Barre Granite.

Thexcare.Jriarijr- kinds, of granites But- from our longexpeiiance we are convinced that no mnmorinieranUecan compare with Select Barre Granite in its qualitiesof «xcepdonal beauty and permanence.

It la natural, therefore, that we recommend Select Barns Granite as the ]beautiful granite for memorials. With every memorial * " • ~P P d ^ w< ^ SUcZ

ceUence of material, workm^hip^d J r a i g n ,JTyou

HOLLYWOOD MONUMENTAL CO.Specialists In Memorials Sculptured from Select Barre Grani te

KAHWAY "J-22S0-R COTONVBULE 2-1379~~ Uperi every day Including Sundays—Holidays •till dark

894 WEST INMAN AVKSHDE(Optxialte Main Gate St. Gertrude Cemetery)

Mrs. Garth Matthews and son,Conrad, of Colonial Village, haveTeturned home following a month's'islt with relatives in Michigan.

Tire CHlef "Jack" RudflyT "of" Cen-tral avenue, hos returnedi home*rom-a vacationT

) ^ S l S j ^ a a - ' w h e r e h

n o w s totioned following his lnu o t l o n m t o t h e rj. s . Army.

RADIO REPAIRSBr iar your radio here jmd savcj R i a n s y J U d b V l l


A.—Fluted gold edges, 24", $5.08

B.--OQW loaf frame, 10"xli". .$9J)S

r.eg" 0m -.the, ijord,•. *Tuod -resrsteth;

proiifcftHt gl^eth, grace' untovtheiinntto1. ;i :'* jgumhliai.#ourselve8 Iriu b e . . . Humble yourselves fti

-HnrBlg6t of ih^Loii,'and he shaDUK you up" CJattiBS 4-8, im. —

V. No Waverta* (8:8-11)."Steady, perfected and established

la Christ, strengthened by Hisgrace* sura of the etsnal eoll andwith the eye of faith on the elory toxotaer-»uch-ls--ih«Tnan--who7la--BiSlB~who7laBiSlB

dy-to successiuuy-tneeMhedevil when, like a roaring lion, Jia^dar-to---aitlr-aa'r^j' C T

jSatan b busy in our-day- 33t. Wil-

bur M. Smith saygi "it li admittedh 1 t l d

wrip from Servel...w


*v«rywhere 1iy outslandlia Chrl*-Unu leaders, to every sifters of Ufatoday, -that thero has never been atime, at-least Jn. our -geHerallan,wbeS"tha temptatlonirU: Satan Tjavebeen^io "floreeso & < i u (

Which is faii-est of them all? Den'tdecide until you've seen our mag-••nifl.een-t—colleet-ion.- We've gathered-mirror maKic in every size and shape.. . . round, oval, oblong . . . all in thefinest of—pla-te-glass. We're showingthem framed in gold, white gold, an-tique gold, and-a- combination, of goldand mahogany . . . /you'll find themiiTesistiWerQ-terifyycnir periodTseltingjor keynote your modern one. We guar-

t i 3 ig

cjressrsnd their lastingfinish. So. give yemr rooms size andsparkle with a Koos Bros, mirror, from$5,95 to $20.95; gift shop mirrors, $1.50

A 10-YEAR Son complete1 tefrigerating system


'|toeeivci%p6^er;.f^i;»ln%ueBoe'l'ior.:;«ie;gs^selj i»ofc.fljem:?e£ :tha^joy;;trnd^iuUiiy, iudyoweiybywnIcHtihrodgU theW labors albers will babrought -to confess th& Lord JesUKChrist ChrliUah people today whdare conidous of being fiercely as-nafaeil -.hy" evil "ought Sot _to Jbebiarmed, but ahonld r«llJ UVthU

p f lTralr^vterywhere, of true'bellov'ers, and thatihere la lufflclent grace jotDeed In nichidrtuiiUltimTl

SEHVEt jiii fef |reedng; fiyflt m*'-lt/i fit9^lWgerfariSr«aWsr«B9oa'-<risad Its ojjfiratint tost »m»{B*I__L^

;*au^Vot Ite Ideally. «J^«WU • .Jjnrtidpls of operation. Mpro. ;jBdweia plspig, j&ojsa ja^ i -—:


" ^ - ' " ^ ^ w v e l i ; - - " " ' - - • -'••' -'•' •'

EllzabethtownConsolidated Gas Co.

C—Beautiful mahogany and

D.—Modern silver .etched trim.28" v. . W2JM

E.—pold-finigreb trito, S-in.,$LK0



Page 3:  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right

' • v • . / • • '

'-t-^f^"'*? >i*K$?r?j$'^^'^&-~

-iii^i'-^l^v-; ^^m^^^^^^^^^^i^J^SM.

• • . , ' . - * i . ! ' - . - - • • '

castoireUirom Page 6

to win for Uw Catholic fcoys.



<y uus Jqntel scored two totjwy.firJiheJlt5t-fortije-i^to».

h--hoaa run by Sammy MUanoafter a slnele by Bo Bums «ad »

-Sane yuaJWLBfflji. atwsrai* gave


late-trr^-rii-^ultons adored t Win the Fourth whsnTHcfc fionovinwas sate on an error. George Mur-phy waited and both scored on atone single by Jack Cornell The*m,«*$ a » same ta the tat *tha fifth on BUI Sfce's walk, a^gie^Sy Fred Boyne and an out-

. The Pultons scored one to th«[seventh on a single j™ Jao l c -npJi e base on balls to Ed _

*• • ' sa£rm« ! and a hit 'byInski. The —-• —

retched Qr;*S on aa^jmsr ^BSs. «aorifle««| j » . easonffTlS^W' W»eI and scored on a single Jj? r

sanpison with Salerno on .jn thefifth wade Bje eoust 4-3.

ThjL following teamsthe plasKjffr -••—"-••

-Fattoura:. »,-., tjgeuBitaad. Holy Name.

InlandBarnes. !b . .Hugos, oTVlutlcl. pB. InfAnuno ifKosa. abJoss. 5bETaohck, cf ..-Oryeek, af . ,P. mfantlno. rf- ' ' '"''Kamiehoff, es

' Steel Ck>..SeSolfiH ^ ^

I equipment j—; . jequrament a n a SBupJSHes,-

A shatter «a*£st fe now et head J c"'"'*tSS;^ir:r~rt~


J>ernrto 2)4 eenb

lower rate* for S

, AUGUST? 14,'1941PAGE-FIVE*— " *

Record Want Ads Reach The People And

ders chftice and Bob Bumsl.to «so« Hommel and J ^

Totals ^ . ~TMerchants

Salerno, m . R- B. B.

£5SE2:.:.:.:::::::::s J ;,SSSr^.::-':::::::::S °°Soos. rf •-• * 9 1Blddar. p •"• ? J O

Xfre Second War4 flepuWJcaaClub tenth annual outdoor mest-ing and'social will be. UelS on thegrounds .of Freeholder Clifford B.Gearing's home oq Tuesday, eve-

'nlng. at 8 P. M.Invitations have been extended

to all candidates for tJnioiL-GoiiBtyoffice nominations to t>e hefd inthe Ssptaraber prinjaries. Interestin this aiffalr is Jujther augmentedby reason of Clifford P. Case's can-

Idldacy for the General »••—•-•-

} M > v e rwid to an <*J

ucoDurar, Member of the Rcc-reatioif&mmisslon, who has bMttiill for some time, first at his homaand for the past two weeks at theKahway Memorial Hospital, Is re-ported to be slowly recovering.

^i*».«j3 for the local coun-cilmianlo race have assured theirpresence, Including Millard J£tt,

[Shrank I,, jtoulka, Walton P. Sel-toy-,- and Anthony



tied the gajne in the last ^f e

HtnrnJ 7,. •. 010 001—3Two base hits, Salerno, Arvsy, *1»-

chek: struck out, by Blddax 3. lyiutkl

- •«• lHVltflTAVW

' Eugene F. Kenna, past grandknight of Railway Council- 11*6.Knights of Columbus, wag recently

i-eiectsd Treasurer oT'tSe New Jet-I sey- Chapter of the Knights of Co-lumbus at a meeting held in New-ark. ___

. • • . . . _. - .From the "College ot-Hsca^^Sl

featf of: y»-rnsay way* te!sft«ov«f3 may ba utiltod, Ther«ara «i»ht strips seamed to*ether_.

'•*ta erey skirt inateHaJ has bwa'lined with maroon sateen, and tHe

I two sldas held-togethsr aiih ooa«fi I' lP[running; stitches ot marooii cotton. I f i 1fOther thrtftyr' trlcSs are oilcloth I- | ' i |IPfliowB pieced eoeether out at bm fVby S». Pimj-s Cl«weh Worieafeanfl •• .^the little frocks apd bathiobes,they have mw*T©i wraps.

Si. Paul's traitSt. f%m*s ChmcH unit, under

the suparvislop; of S&S. Robert Aji-^ows^^t^he-^fts4-»ee^jn^ielij^six•

jackets and- completed theixu^vwing: two g'l*ls' skirls, 3 ojj-clpth pUlows, 3 baby sacques-. onebaiy blanket, 4 sleeping r-~—-*-



:jito':EaEwaK,.Hs«>tti resewesJ•-- jagU6*ja^iait,,Kr mtet SB?

— Money To LoanSUMMER • CfcEAUANCE SAtE,

(UessM. *2.95 and up; 2S fe 30parcafit (pit Editt' & t s . SDresses, 13SS Irvtag Street, nextto-A. A: P. Super-Market.


Special Nbitices

t»^,!ThB- Hedbya S*'"? ... FOOD—SAVE MONET—

on. Credit

wnoited alterv=^=n .-r-«:»ubliahe5Mrill

_ , . Jfe'iresgdliialsleVSfo* mb**' fHaa'bWite&Sji^inserfloifc \ •

Bobtamnbera *ul fce ksairned.MvMiHseM3,,B6t,twlshlBgKnown, ehelf i dea ' a^"


H o l y N a m e

J E o m m e l , s f , < . . . . • ^" " * -

^ ^ ^ T S S a T ^"5?

^ g e s aoVdtfc*"afiflclp"at& tKe'ris^

e f - canned-goods.-^ew-jJersey :P#usRes as* pl&ilM andideal for «analB«. —^"Toss iBsn^vpr..'! N. J. GouncH-attdi Nf. J;iDept.of Agdciilture;"



iEHsg:Thi M l l a n n fth ' ' I • ' • • • • • "

T3os, u

rfenBiflftgsOean of

Tflfjiaaifl-:---',-'g^-:" • -" ^~»:

« •• ' a

gana Drasized Getr sweater

EHONE-RAH. 7-01?

G. & W 2 S T A R - A Fine Blend V %pt X.00 _ Stli 1.59 q t

P.*nbllc Sohoola.



eiotheg DeserveOur BestAttention


glohmond. of .'.2»=lJestBr, p-3b

, Hoagtand. &-pKosiarald, rf . . .

•— « *w»« tj11 of the

y, and I chumming of"ue I to enhance the

-A lingI with a I


'* i*W^<^ or flBhway, or around. C."*C!

this tld to The


f-o.I ACM aasessments^were^pjifiriilfifU-[congistlng of two paving jobs, sixsewer Jobs, and two curb and. gut-ter jobs. (At the end of the year,

|*here were 81 Improvements inprogress.

- c


ismitli has completes S kn taea l J , ^ ' !

Walton League of- Luis' SovaisTJ. awarded1 by the Qroat Kills Cham-1Iber of Cominerce^—Durlnfir thepresentation ceremoniss Prof. Qet-


tOIothes . aoi ooo lL



rA Pastel \<vl|<V a Chiffon \ \ L

^ Dresses J u j '

i o«» . SBVJNOl STKEET| w Shone HAhway •J-0400 I| Factory, Elisabeth Ave.,-Bahwa? I

Security steel Co. the Postates tbqt «r>


wajuteed in Floyd Prcstqn and Family haveThe report returned from a tour <rf the Sfew

g>«Uo. «Von Dalen. M . . .Damns. p . ' . , , :Mayor, rf

<» lbut a r enotcarry out the Boy


Cold-Beer £s Al*sBy Case or Bottle

.Delivered at Ones WINE ge&XQVGR STORK1539 MASH ST., rggE PEMVERY,



Yarnull. sbSimpson, cfSanzono. sffoarpltto. o

i. Arvay, 2bHlUlard, r f"gonioo. if .Salerno, ss

. Blddar, DOrr. i,b K ''


. That

itona. That the... of-the Police

Assistant Cierk be



BUCKuo 30a 1

>«7 ttb o a m, Saturday. $

f program. will begin a t 3o'clock. During the afternooneveryone will hove an opportunityto see. the construction work thathas been done to date and to see

*~** **- a c t l

Fulton A. c.

STO™r.,10.S0— ~-_*J«r "BLUE BIBEON •COATi" IViHg . . . , A n a - S A ¥ B I -

Gesehwind Bros.Donovan, cO. Murphy, cf'.'""Cornell, it ...

Holy Name

Mllano. at>'Clos, uOtaocento. 'if '


]Mee. cf'|Boyne, p '

' ' 0, Totals — — —Holy N a n \ o 8 Q 3I"ultoa . sop 010 3—6

' - 200 200 1—6


Three'ba],e-hit "uinM•*?!? 30° 1~6

•ne 4. k S ? " ; . 1 - b 0 S M ?.i bani^off-ay^Vk^STVMerclmnts-

1 Salerno, ^Slmpaon, cf



From Swift's; Sclectcri ^ t o n j a

Rump Come J BeefJ X _ L :' -—UIIJ. : • .ALL-SQLIp MEAT

\ \iArvay, sr ;Romoo. ir ' "S^ker. ib " '

ptddar, p •"




p&a>a^^i;to 3^ ih«



— J « . it • •» • ' • •»Soyoe. p •"••Davis. i S

*• « t . . ! ; " " • • • •^itterur, sf ' * *"Hasbronck. «

L—Totata-v.-iT-••••••'•!'Merohsnts ;* •"

™ . base hijs. sinWd; horno run. £fe-Ti-Boyn* 4 i B- f•Is. off Boyno 3, :


Merchants ....- | * 4?f

_ _ Jtow ChangedAn ordinance was passed on

final reading covering changes inthe zoning-law which permit mulning-law which permit mul-tiple dwellings to be erected in aniridustcial zone Aftdustcial zone. After much de-bate on the merits and demerits ofthe ordinance the Council

te on the merits and dethe ordinance the Councilfor IB «*< *-

: ^ ^ ^ # y f r t s r i

Pull CollegeShorter q

Write o* '— -^ . -~"» »•••«•» w r mJornia3rjnji_wlj

J8B5 > . — r ^ : .• w - ; . * • " _ „ —



o y t».fcbaH ; .On Bond and Mortgage

Hycs* <Ss AS• HaHway


Rooms Board__ Si

LARGE FOHJSISHEO BOOM, A iepnvenleaces. Good location,neat station. Also gajftge. 179Wi . Ailg 7 '3S

AB*3fe^ieB«>Ji* HOOH. J tWr-ESfe for two gentliinen, oppositestation. 94 East MUton Avenue,

". -Aug-7 2t

confectioned*. In, Baliway. Ooodloeatlot^ sftecept reasonableoiteS. • =WHte febrd. Box 965.


Saturd _ ? j ! l _ s r J ;hours. D(frit» givitie conupletelflfbrmatiBtt to Reeorft Box BSS.

AUB 7 at


>,_ on.^Record Sox 915.

Auto Service—

dite lubrlcaMbn servi(ie. &Koneor leave your car GarlS", * e cksseIP. M. Eddie's Service Statleh,Stahway 7-2756. Aue 1* tf


job. 'Kiejproducts usedi mostjie


|,Pf edway Auto Sal^Co.

lots to be held on August .2fi to theCity Hall woro passed. . -'•__•• •,

Ime remaining -o* t.h» v»«i™««'

itr. f!.«.. 0 . o ~~ 0,:"..«, o' -o

O o o.. . 3 l . o

. . , > 0 /„" 0 0••• ° 0 0

••. 4 3 0Wo

"Aiiy \ emDloy«a itjata"' «r WdiBart !»welcome At our MCBvm<>3eraIKah.-.way 9f(ies. Our. uole tjiiuteess I* f

k princeFlavored Gin




^ ^..w ^.mj.^^^0 uocm u n h a n ggooff aiid ffic service men. who~&o the work must be experlehriedand reUaitde. Ydu, tflwaiiss get asatistoctorjB jot) wliett you ferihr

?ur- c i r ' t a .us. ^shwaftoig't. j. >a.bl ts^r^ice, iryuig anfi~3Vfn.'

tan. " -- s-" '"

For Sale

WH &«-

BUREp Of FtJIili GAB•,. V&B, tOVU MONEY.lSSTJBontlac Sedan

^ $376176

•ifas^neneSTtot necessary. Apply(Vv'Hifce s Safcery, HS86 Irvtagetnreel; ^

FROKTT ROOM FtJRNtStlE».all oonveaiences. Keferencc. 403West; <Qrsnd Avenue.

tieiain, .7 q a t ^ :$B8 Watte


HoUBes"For Sale






June 5 tf


iTbtloe U hereby glv«a that the fol-lowing propose*! OwUnnnre was intro-duced 'and passed on Hist reading at8> rfifitui r DflcstlnHr of fchft Cbtsuxioinoouncil of th» City ot Bahway. NewJersey, held on the 19th day of August,VMl. and thnt_tbe raid ordlmuuss willbe taicon up for ruftKer eonsMarottonand final passage 6t a regular ma&a&Glof . the Common* Cdunidl cf the Cityof iRahtray td ~b& bold itt Its c « t l nroom lrj, the City BsJl. I47O CampOMJlStreet. SAHway. N«w. J«rs«3r, on th«37t& day of AngtBt, 10*1. at Elgn.1o-dock P. M (t^yluait a o W ' l )

mssiarT^ae#nlJt»54*on»who may 't>a Interested therein, will be.g^ven on opportunity to be heard oon-oeralng the same.


tiBft-riy iirrfiroilsafirt; rnnms tnfbiisekeepiiig or ^eeetag. BaS-

very- light houseVork. Maternityease; Sleep U». wanted alsoutAugust 26th. $5 per wc«k. Rah-

Male Hglp Watttefl

EXPERIENCED MACHEW&TS,^aajitray Machine T o o f eBt.'West Scott Avenue.N. J . Telephone Rahway•'J-COSO.

' TiayTiT

IBation work. Esporience- pre-ferreai appfr Eddie's Se'rvleeStation, Main Se Poplar Streets.

Bros. Coal Company, 13iO WestElisabeth Avenue, Linden.

- - •• - •-.-•-..• Aug 14 2t

ApartcaentsI Unfurrdshed



$ 6,500. Six rooms, garage. FacingLake. Comer lot t e r c e t : . Broad Street; Jefferson

put in. A-l shape. .SB5?—6 rooms, large lot—lease fur-

adjaceat Ruttway—or will

ARTHWR N. PIERSON COBPN.37 Elm Street Westfleld 2-4848


ABLE. KENT $SS. ACKLY. ncnu,-ifetuwAf

Business Place To Rent


leas^PoaUsc Sed«n:..:.-...-..:J... 48S1S39 Suiek Setiaii. Kidlo Maa •:

^ijd-neftter .:._-..:^r. 63fl

-.• oatiae seasa...-:..\^._; Us


BEtlE Iff


TelejJKatto EaHtety

l'93%":i]bica!'.'SE»Ati(- — QO6D

TO3 Union^ Street, Rahway. -


ALL ST11ING INSTRUMENTSpiano, taueht_ easily, duickly^JS.00 month "at pupil's homcL"Itelephbne ^ h TVn&IR

Goal «- Coke

A. OOtrPLB OFT JMfOKTiBS FROMBWarSrmi-TriU -wa-Bt hea€ In yourhorns, W h y aottiusr your supply

Hprices aw still in effect?

Geo>M. Priesg SState iRahway7 0309 Nt5ealer_Jn_coal, coke^

" "Yaefll Pte materlala.

Articles For

. CiH a Hoate

Bona i—"SSS9erHJzatloii - ^,ilhg. Loans Arranged. USB

Weathefd AveritiB. Telephone Hah-^ S y ^ a g a i M — J a i t - 4 tf


BOO5MS ig x 13 PAPERED. COSt-t>lete ^* and up P. tt. Heron*,painter and ipaperhatljier; B


wants', work, day- or contrast,mahway T-22S8 J .

Cesspbol' Service

Of M&5? ^8p'p>:«)ur gaJS;, ^J.50. '.eifHi^iiug/depqsifc. ^hons S*ab-

tPOKKSMay S tf


DAt'LIGUT STORE, SKJITABLEfor delicatessen_and_lunch.room.Possession August ISth. lWaIrrtng Street. Inquire 855 Cen-tral Avenue. Railway 7-0359-M.

Aug 7 3t

Wanted To Rent

TWO TICKETS FOB THE BAH-*ay Theatre have Tjeen left fori~~Br°ad, ElizabethMrs. L. Pitepatrick, W7 West'Grand Avenue.-just "brirw thisad td The Record office before

_August-31 — —•

We have several four-room cot-tages with ample space~to Uut tworooms on second floor, insulatedthroughout, brass piping, one car

^ A ^ ^ O ^ l s ^ b . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ - i » - « o o dgayage,kot-J8-Hresidential section. g


26 West ScottAvenue. Rahway. Telephone IRah-way 7-0846. July 31 3t

Bay, corner "five room bungalowand—earage.. - completely—fur^nished S1.750. lEasy payments.Box 85, Colonia, N. J.

\ Aug 7 2t


Aug 14 Zp

$10,500. Overlooking Milton Lakepractically oaL-SrunflwicJe^ Ayoiiua;. East Kazsl-

St£B*t; East ettikrns Str*ot; PennSir«et; tSost Scott Av»n\ie; Montgom-—•' Street; Bond street; Cajnpbal''nd 3t

Railway. ^ ^* BE f*r QP.nA TKU^I* by the Commtyfl

Council of tho City ot ~ ""

SUiiia lor Mfli-A tiien two <3) houwbetween the hours of 7 A. M. and 7P.M. oa the following1 streets and, -thor-oughfarca, to wit, on either altte of

Hazulwood^A? l i f t BT>ft •TCnaf'. T.enuo; On either alcleo- _™_w.~™«Avenue b*bwi*a N*w Brunswick Ave-nue and Broad Street; on ettiier side of"•--*• Albert Street .•bfltwwn . New

wick Avenue and Thorn Street;on cither ski© of iva €t£«et betweenJJ«w Brunewlolc—Avenue—and ThornStreet; on etth«r side of East Stearns

# trenrNowEtruj iawick^vsrnueand Thorn Stre«b; on «ltther side ofPenn Street between & i &A d h

n Street between &L3£_i&izelAvenue and the; prtip&cty of trie Nattonni Pnoumattc Compsny; on eitheraide of East Scott Avenue between, theFennsylvanltt Railroad miri ttnnrt

eat; on either side of M „ „Street between East Scott Avenue andtptw=prop*rty~of Merclc~ar Co. Inc.: op.either side of Bond- Street betweenEairt Seotfc-'-Aventie nnd- East UncotafAvenue.

SECTION 2. No autamoliile orother vehicle of any kind or descrip-tion ahali be parked or allowed tostand for more than one (I1) hour_on

WE'RE mJULDING IN RABWAY,5.rooms, garage. $5,600: nice lo-cation. Happy Home Flnck, 218

on the westerly side', of BuoadStreet between Campbell Street andWest Cherry Street, between the hoursof 7 A. M. and 6 P. Si:

CH£&N 3. No automobile orother veKlcle of any kind or descrip-tion shall be parked or allowed t o"and on the westerly aide of Broadtxeet between West Milton AvenueadhSampbeU Street, and between tho

hours Ofs* P. M. and 7 P. M. parklneahaU be" pomiltted on the easterlyaide of BroatkStreet between Camp-

I bell Street onorvWeat Cherry Street' for a.-'period not exbe^dlng fifteen (16)minutes*, , . ,"\

SEOTTON 4. That Jeffejsbn Avenuebe and the same la horebjNmade anddieetsnated as a «ton street ax^t^ie ln-terabctlon of s»4d Jefferson AV«nuowith West Lake Av«n«e; and West In-~mnn Avenue be and the same Is ooretojrmade and designated as a stop street


at the intersection of sflld. West Inman Avenue with jaquefi Avenue; andFulton Street be and the eame 1» her*-by made and designated as a. stopstreet-at the Intersection.of soldi Ful-ton. Street "with East Milton Avenue,

SECTION 9- Any person or j&mms*firm, or oonwratton, who shall violateor Jail, to comply. wilk.any ot the pro-vlslong of the within ordinance shall,upOtt-convtetlon, be subject, to anot exceeding Fifty i&SQAtSr) BoL ,or to Imprisonment In the CotixttyJail for a period not exceeding Sixty(fid) days, or to both such fine and

All ordinance^parts, of Ordinances in conflict withthis Ordinance, or day port of it, arehereby repealed as to the conflictingportion bt portions, and this Ordl-i^anoe-Bhfttt^ttdc^-efJ&ct .Imjtssttffafter final passage and publication


_JS EDSRSlBY^OrTBlT, That•. Trustee under the loat Will

and Testament of THOMAS' PTJRDY,bo audited a.

day Of September next-at 0:90 A* M.daylight saTlng- time.

Federal Trust Company.

July asta, 1841,y. s"Proctors.

34 Oomznerco St., Newark. N. J.July 31 oavrSw Fees $520

Dr.Folkes-Continued irom Paee One

action that mojr proveof value to the control of nervous

AuthorAutnor~~ancT co-author of many

publications In the field of organicchemistry. Dr." Polkers receivedthe deeree of bachelor of science\yith honors from the Daiversifcy 01Illinois in 1929, and the deeree of j

MACHINIST SCHOOfcJ.Summer ClasKes Now Forming

Day or Evening -Easy Weekly Payments

We can put you Into a good pay!ne IJ»b In National Defense

Write today or visit school. "Machine Shop Tralnins Schoo l s !i n E. 2nd St. - Clatnneid. N. J.IOver Ben Pranklln Pood Market

of philosophy lnflssa ftonithe Unlversitsrof Wlscansin. whePBhe was. teachine assistant in 1S2S;and B, researcb toslstanfc ami fel-low in L9M-d^l. . .;;

iHe was a past-doctorate researthfellow in oreanic chemistry., from1931 to 1934 at the'StgrltegeitaB'-Istry Laboratory. Vale tttivarsitji -where he worleed Tmder" Prafessar •Treat B. Johnson, in • 1S84 he ;

•jBtneoT Merek and CBinisanys ti*Horatory of Pure Research in Rateway, and was appointed assistant,director of research ia 19S8..~BEiTeas Co-recipiont in 1940 or thelMead Johnson and CompanyAward for research on. the vlHisiin.B complex.

c to 6n>courafije fundamealal research b y£QU i t l l - DTortlt-

Princeton University was chair-man/of the committee of award.Other members vn re

Institute of Technology a n d tit.

WAJfSIf you find y&w name listed

tor frco tickets, dip oiit the ad

day befdra5:00 P. fit at

RAHWAY RECORDne t reaeeiiiBblft Jdi

No Tickets Gives Wllnont MS

Today - Friday • SaturdayPowell & Loy in

— Pins —Casney * O'Brien In.

"DEVltt. &OGS 0* THE AWt"

~Sun. - Man. - Tucs. - W«J.

— tins —CHEERS FOR. MlSS


WANTED OCTOBER 1ST, THREEroom apa tment all improve-ments- -Wrlte-iRecordrBoorS D—

Aug 14 2f

WANTED FOOR OB FIVE KOOMapartanent, heat suppltqd, Tele-phoufr Bahwa 7-SOS8 M

PA&Tri-. Real Estntprfgtif.h^ | \ a r a l estate


Rlland, DeceastKil . •' ' •-I—ParsTiaanrssTEo-order "of dwCaUSBA. OT*TO, JU^ Surrogate of theCounty of Union, 'mado on. tho firstday of JiUy, A. D., 1041, upon th« ap»plication of the undersigned, as Sxec-utrix of tho estato of said decoased,notico Is hereby given to tho creditorof said deeeasstl to exhibit to tbs sub-soTlbor under oath or affirnmtloii

claims and demands «gnta»t the> -of- sn^A d

Call before noon. Aue V«tRODGtt FACE OEMEftT BLOCKS

12 cents each at ard Johni/ivenueSf


room suite, *ab.F N G ,


TJmegburg, N J Sox 112. TelephoBaJ&uesbtiig ti-itr iKme tH 101

Special Services'


S r •:; ; : '• ' - — "•"•••••"• : ; - H " V -•" • - ' ! W ~ m ^ m * ^ y r " e S A ' A- -" *' « '• ^ l 1 - ^ 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

liJloW&edpiiBdisIain-iabfi&STfiadtJ' • ' ' i t t^gi^u^uMtflfeJ^eoiBu!*

•th^s^fg^«^rlals;:©ebm!ilajsa:^^vvjB^t^s'A^prkniBasljlp^i a»afi:t8SfSStt|viBalfif4gHefiiiSte:SdstMentef tobl^i liyHps.-secffr-:^^^ifeaeeiibi8iaeskSf::itoin«•ro^^a^iliearodirt^silltes. Casiie

ST ^aBe-| " '

t A ^ SEwtNG JtOOM — 1433Estertnroofc Avenue", Rahway -V-0604. Dressmaking, altering, re_

"iribaollng Pl(itt for tall now.

Professional Services,

Violin' mst,rucli6n"i fei

SrunswleK AVat,

;'toeat6rvt6r»^e>-#6d..c(jadlti&n:;.. , a;,Cheani?5:iSaMteSS!:-;ii0869Jj.;evB-:

r. ;.,: M&^;masms i&^^^§^Jig&us:^^t


„.. . ^Ji<S8sM*aS5i^eTjSf6*$18;

OEt..FKlEEMAN * SON?eal&tt^tiand_Insutanc

l s e d 2892No. 1469 Irvine S t , near Cherry St.

Telephone Kahwks^V-0050

irr months from tho

10S-"West BHlton A?e..-Near fflksTolephoae-Rahway 7-1333

^1^,.1'J: _ • Feb 8 tf"?SBtC»iBteO»C!OSiDlS: -•',;..-.'Sales — Ecntals . 'All' Types of Xtt tiraaee

Hy MinasrismeHtV..Scott.Ave. Railway 5-1G31

„, V , - - - -iKb 20 tfReal. Estate Broker 'Sales aHd Rentals

. A l l Tyjies of Insuraace

833 Mamnioa gC'• •:•> Sa& MZSZ

or they will be forever bowed fromprococutfcg or recovering tho siuno• ' ' *h9-sub»rH»iv-— „

"•"noronMU. Hulhort,> Executrix.Nnttam Rclbol.1143 C Jorao e t mboth N J

Pees S7-80

City Legal

BOAKD. AXXEAC-with^runntab wafecAVentui.

TWO FORJrtSHED HOXJSEKEEF--ing rooms. Friffidalre, all con-Venlended* n Coll evenings* WOS l S t r l ^ ' tt

j P Wanted'

Custbni, btilU hasrifcfcii atre plats

h^fi^^'.j^JifejfJijSfisTOn' Corp.'-w>tltl>^'t'-*'J»"**l-ljI'""nry to Mio nUc-' tlonoer ,Bh8 amount of the minimumbid shaU be paid at tho sole to, thoovent the AlgHese bid shall exceed theihJsilmum- Tsld Heroin sbt TortH then


THE ftNEST BOTLDtVdf tLdTIn tfte 6ity. ^o SLldo 8^430 wn-

tViolai-Jiuton Laka Park.-.'-Brooks Cd*,i480 irvtoBit, Sahway.>d8eS. ^

"Mar 10 ttLOT -^ HASlttTON

Tteelrdeepr 4a,O0OTTniieSaTawaNational Bank, Hahway, ir. 3.

/"Oet 8CE: TtOT.TDtt1 GKOUND

e1^ Siamlltoil^ Street aHdJeKerson Avenue, aw x tin.Will sell 'as one niece or divide,J o t o <3aUo, i522 ivEato Street.

The .ditsfi^pf Efthway will offer fors&le. at pubUtMiuetlbn "to the highestbidder, on, Kfonday, tho 35th day ofAugust. 10411, at "KUI5 o'clock A. M.

* iSSDSft) at tho Office-^ tho Receiver'Qf-Taxes of tho pity of Rahway ln> thoCity Bali, ,Campbell StreWj\Ilahway,New • Jersey; tbo foltoi)i«iig describedlands and premises: \

Known and; designated as Lot at .Bloalc (ISO, on the .Tax Atlns of thoCity of Hahway.. Said fa-ottriaus -pem^ loSated on. tho

SoutheaJBt* 'corner of Kew runswiolcAvonue shd: Bast Stearns Street.

lii aeoordaniep- with B. 8 ""th R.'with_flfclHSaocOTai«oB wltti Rcaolutlon.

ptafiod-by "thftOoHiiaoil Oounoll of +***O i ^ of Ra&wfty :at a':re8rular tneetui^held.AuguB^gsffi.' i M l i • ••,•••'•

Ths terms ot salaare as follows:« - I H e • aboW p>«Bi5os. shall bp

Bold--toith&vjilghcst^blidddr.-at. a HUW-mum w i c o o f iSSWnBITto. casla or MjecJc

Classified Business andProfessional Directory

iss and Pcofessioas for Youjf^ConvcaieHce


The Jffome of Bonfcat ariaAcetirate Brakt, Work

185 E. MUlon Ave, Bait 7-lSll

Dept. StoreGRIES-BROS,

BTOBE O ¥ QCfAttTra h f t H i c a Sctvleis—Cdittp Snr-

k)cal a m i Mjiternlt S M to

Comnlete Xufaat DepL1S22 mwNG ST. BA. 7-0813

.^Ithlh ^ivo .days ' • from'the ' deitef 6fJ^^^Q.iiv'cawv'o&\eh«ojc ^hldheVer1 .Is'sfttisJaotory-'^to' th« auctioneer. -for.j

pufodby the Mayor and, OWy O l c r t 6 rt l tojOm' tet Hnlixroy, shltll bo subso-qUeritly..dSn**ifed.> . ...„•. . . ; • . . . , ,

:*r(*>>.''-X!h*1.co8ts'of,. solo ; whlo iJ th- :

' • p r i o r i ' - . :..•'•!»• •"•-.•>? >••"•-:•;•< v',^y(o>^Hia^me^«uotioneefc.;'ttiBo£is:,%uthflr|!Md^Stt*r«Ilr«otedf.jto>. r.eoiuluet:sara^6&Iei:I^hall.:'''bBV*deMefiated:r~b^tlie

;C(ii«iaiittaS,6t3ihe' oity :df;ayiHiyiaiid! i l £ tunas tollofitod;-TJfrsucljiaiieH6ne»-:«1iili::l».rliutii«dVqv«r;.'totheiomo6'ofi«^!BBo*l*»ft«Jr-*«»iiJ:o*;;tjw(''."oity)'M

B twdor of the coiiuobn Coimell


JEuel-fi-FuimaceUAU. 1J-lS83-^Hn(Iour Betvlefl

All BcUverUs Xhrongh Metw




-STJESi OtiiSOa IBurncrs - Service

Motor OH and Gr*as*s



Telephone E a h w a y 7-1SBSNew ftrnnswtcfe Ave.

j Kahway


Weam and.tears ..

SUSS ANTON1A EOS*yAi3011 fellvcy St. (off Scott Ave.)


(Suatanteed A S*fri»d 1 Yr. JPr«'

Premier Oil SGagoliae" Ntw BrtmSWltk At«i*H* i u * "'

Page 4:  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right

., V

issssss /•J&"


•*-—< — _ _ i ' T*rJtfeSpAY, AUGUSf 14, I f e l . ' ' ' " • ' " ' • . • ' • "• "•' :-'y:- . . • ^ ^

S_____jgigjs~.-E*ii€ti€aHy^€ft^^_""N _ _ . , " i ' ™ — ~ - ! 1 . -'- - - - ' . . - - " ". ' • A ' ! ~ '• . Vj W., •

GeorgeWilson TakesUnion Tennis CrownDefeats Paul Zajakowski In Straight Sets,

6-4, 6-2, 6-4; Seeded Sixth Ex-Iligh School Star Shows Speed

ENTERED IN STATE TOURNAMENTGeorge Wilson, former Rahway High School-athlete ,

downed the favored Pau l ZajakowskHn s t ra ight set's to wint h e Union County tennis championship. The scores"were

Bears, RoyalsMeet In

Crucial SeriesMontreal Plays Newark

For Last Time; May

Decide Pennant


The Newark Bears and their

6-4, 6-2. and 6-4. Zajakowski, who had recently defeated

Wilson to win the Rahwa}' tennis title, provided little oo-

"position lor the lanky Wilson.TTjNB? Zajakowski, wiio-is-eapUvin-of the Mercir teannfTrr_fe"—_r: PiL - - County Industrial League and was Ihe number one man for

the Ildor-- '•• 'ti'uiu this—season w#S seeded tourth in theCounty tourney play. Wilson was seeded sixth. Wilson

-bad reached the finat Tcra__nf

for the International League pen-nant, the Montreal Royals, willmeet for the last time this. . . . ^ . _ • . . »_.*c .n*i.-* _ _ _ _

in a four-game sertcgopenlng _un-J — - * • ~ ' " _ _

6=4, T5, 4-6 and 6-2. Zajakowski^ e r aver Dic.k I

scores of 6-3. 6-1 and 6-1. -


In the finals match the speed ofWilson proved the undoing of pre-match favorite, Zajakowski. Wil-

n^s-service and- noirerful returnshad "7p.ftifl.Ww«:iH_____e.throughout the tnree set match.When, however, Zajakowski didattempt a. placement or cross courtshot Wilson did the almost impos-sible and made "gets" that broughtthe fans to .their feet.

Zajakowski and Roderic C.Smith, of Elizabeth, are teamed upin the doubles play and are seededthird. They have advanced tothe quarter-final roundr In their"-'—match—ttteam of Donald Marshall and C.T>1l»7l»y n f .gJTTTYCTYlif. t>y C/V.TWI nf6-0 andJj-1. _In their next match

"They will play LeRoy CQoley. Jr..and BUI Leonhardt. of Roselle.

• The winners of this match wclash with the Rahway teamGeorge Wilson and Cephas Mo:natt, who aw attdid UHIIUI.

Terpak. Hesse "WinAnother , Rahway doubles team

'• of _ene Terpak and Henry Hes_—seeded fourth, reached the semi

'final round- when thy defeated Alfred Ganskopp and . [Roderic D

- _mith. ,&s "and 6-2. They arscheduled to meet the first secdetteam of Bill Lute and Dick Hooveiof Roselle and Elizabeth respe<tively

George Wilson, of Rahway, th<Union County champion, will represent this city in the New Jerse:Public Courts championships to b.played at Millbum" this week-endHe will meet Byron Kirk, Jr., oRoseland in __.f__,-J_atch.

—- "Mrs.. VincentAndresW, the-^Jah^ way Women's singles Ch_hpi~~

At Auto TrackDrivers Of Midgets To

Try Novel Event At.

i V j € S d

FIFTY LAP~EVENTTwo races for the price of one

admission will feature GeneralManager Albert Santo's semi-weekiy midget auto racing pro-

gram at Tri-City 3tadium. Union,Sunday night.

The boys will have to go through

Where will be a doubleheader Sun-day afternoon and night -games

TUiSHay and Wednesday with thelatter evening ladies' night._ C h e l

JSoyals <3Ut"0t "ttie racfByTaTcIngfour out of five games to drive,them back to third plac«- 'Hrw-eVer. the Royals ibounded back intoform with a bang -while the Bearsran into trouble at Rochester wtfhine-result-thatr-the-raoe-

GkpaMeF^abstitnte irdsrTu-PfayIn BaseballTournamentMeet Middlesex Tigers In

First Game At Men-nett-Field

CAN ADD THREEliahway—CirdlnaJs—have

been selected to represent the cityIn the New Jersey American Bass-ball Congress .tournament wHlchstarts Mr BEHHBttSTeld "August _T.

iaey win be the Middlesex Tigers.fr^?imtrH?lalnfleldsg^rrar'gfim?'3"lH

eiaer ana took the Mace of Georce &__.we_Sa wiu>-___-m_tan emergency operation for^iomaeh ulcers, has don* _T that has

a-j_wyj-_Mhli»* •!«»*» l _ _a».|_1 la. . . I , , i. . _ _ , l ^ ^ * ^ . __-_ro-r «tomseh ulcers, has don* air

ee lift ataitwl to tilay it-tularfy;MfeasI th frW h tMMnr ^H in,

—oee_—n.*iirr<i of—itMii MliiBft JUS SIAl'Mul to—pu*y l f ! 4 u l sbatted .420 and has turned In thw hwrtr »ran_ hra* t_ts International " L e a g u e . . ' -. -**i

main purpose of gaining berths In-therfteai-rurr FTdi i i:. -Peraie Arrlsonl will

starting, positions tothe fastest time

l i l S i f l J S . - - wm also be entered in-the-tourne*• $,,,.,-Stg-^ at Millburn. She will meet Mi_n. She will meet Mis

Blake, or Irvington, in hefirst match of the tournament.


"Comets Winior Yanks

___unp -Losers By 21-4""Score IiTNatiSna

League Game


_nffTi^ i''_? i f 1"





B-• ^ s •



i CoincLs worr^l-4 overthe Junior Yanks on Thursday ina National League game. TheYanks scored three .times ta^-thelast of_th£._rirstjjn_hits.fey Sohaeffer and 'Jerry Trecc. but theComets ser|t 13 men lolnat in thesecond to score 6 j*uns on one hitand finished up in the fifth with13 runs the feature being .a homerun toy Joe Kemesky with two OB

Ttlf en". •Blue

K.O. White, _KQUer. c " 33S. CoUlor, 3b . . 2"Tavl«_on, lt> o

. 2 b . . . . : : : : : : I

r: r* . comer, rf 3B&ckgalupo, it . . . . " oXucza, cl ' I " Q

Totals ' . .2!

Junior Taiilm


Wilson, p j f . . .Schacfler, ir-p•Trooc, 3b


. . . . 1 01 1

... 1 a— 1 0.. . o 0

isione, at> . . . ' . . . 0- 0rf 0 0ir. cf :. 0 0

: ~ Totals . 4 3 3•aBlue Comets 0_ 00 IB—81

' "'Jr. YnnJcs . . 1. • 310 00 ,0— ;.'.'!..' Two base _ ts . Da-vlason (2); horn•;:rUns Remc.tsky:.Btn_k out, ijy Bemetveky .8. Wlleon 1: basetf on- balls, off>TR«m_ky a, Wilson 6, Sohaerfcr 5; uxn-

award polethe drivers with . ,«_.« vu»^starting put. At the end-of 25 laps,he will then slow the boys down,and reverse the_ starting order,speediest cars"XakT[hg the rear posi-

Competltlpn Ke«lxH, whether at fault or not, a car

stops duringr the altering of posi-tions, the <iriver is automaticallydisqualified. Thus, the competi-tion should be keen throughout,and even interestlntr when theboys are taking their new placesafter the first 25 saucer .spins. Itcertainly would hurt if the winnerof the first half of the race stalledin going to the tailend.

Charley Muter, Dave Randolph,Boscie Hough. Harry Sheeler,John Peterson, John Pierson',Lloyd Christopher, EdJdy Wendt,Walt Gregory, Bed- Redmond arejust some of the drivers who willstart.. - — —=^

tlghtened u: _ . .Royals. Comisur Fast

Newark is still out in front butMontreal has been coming so fastthat the Bears may have to takethe series to retain first place. Inthat event the Bears will not feeltoo sure a&out tha_$57O0O pennantprize unless they do better thanbreak even with the Canucks.

The sudden display of homerunpower by Jack Graham, husky out-" -' 1er—wlie—has—already—Wokrar

itreai's all-time homerun rec-

Wc're Invaded

Tueaday afternoon the Record Sports depa r tmen t w a s ,invaded by three s ta lwar t sons of R a h w a y . . . and if yoqj

have been "bl i tzkrieged" by "Skooter" Russo,Truppa and J i m . Bra_y__j_«__jiis_ h a v e n ' t ..been

ed^ tha t ' s _all. They arfived_irv a. b o d y _ _ - f h " t^r

the opening round-of play.wflJ be


- r

Shatter Visitors' Nine Game .WinningStreak By 6 To 2 Victory Here On

Saturday; Elizabeth.Team LosesBILL FITZGERALD HITS HOMER




, ]Sr, _ . , THtJRSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1941Telephone R a h w a y 7-0G0fe

QSe_Q3bi_es-asid-ral_5 -their

Those Rahway Cnrriinnif? Knvp n» hirt

Our Booksmid

Your Books

x _ » c xi_jiw_y urn inaw nn-af mi rviiT niimpun-t^C-pm,nant for the second successive year _i the'Intra-countyleague. They have two moi?e~games to.play, one with Linden and another with the "tnil.lioht" f6a-m ' TT*«««- nn...

Reviews sponsored by The Rahway Public library, Seminary Av*.and Unrlne St—Ruth t . Prtws, Librarian, Mrs. Betes DillonCosiella, Editor—All bosks reviewed ate available at Iibrarj.

ag T e y have two motegamesden and another withThe "ta}l-lightw f a b ^ S a ^ B F " f t F r ' R

OATHBy Tto Prldrenied 1>s.DonbIe_iy-Dora_

JPrideenJias taken a.: very

-for-s-^«^gtffi=CBrfeest t h i s W4they brought-to—a—h

» " « C K i . j - " ' > - _ , • - " _ _ > K e i r a l u t l o n a it S a t u r d a y afternoon ^M the.pages.-of

^ e amencmaded it through

team by defeating them 6_tO- Z-iaJhe.Counjy j^arfc^ -The

RoseUians fhenwent m j t ^ n i ^ l l Q p e d J h e J C ^ i l VRoseUians fhenwent mjt^ni^llQpedJheJCa^inalVnest rivals for first gjggp, tIie[Eli2atietn.t,^am,-,9-to 7

lltely two sides ip the questionJ . « _ . J lioseearJy

Jiound byjojjiB-sang,

On the next day. August 34, the

will i-loch nHt.h ».VioA. A. 19J9 National ABC Cham-pions. This game wifl be playedat 1:30 P. M.

never"Min'bom;bed_of them_ breathless and somewhat, incensed over w i a tthey believed to be a r a w deal in r ega rd to the Recrea t ionCommission's Junior basebal l leagues . . . the National andAi " f i l " R

eluded in the 15 there can be threebotterymen who are not on theClub's official roster. These threecan be chosen t&aa any club in the'saguejteem


League Playoffs


., , (This s tow pJ 'Dunean Sfcoftrt, a;• ;l.oyal,.ll!ors'~ Orhere were -ttiose

Stores wharwwe not loyal) _ laid

team Qualified.

American, R ssn rp

orddoubly important. Graham is now

behind ' Prankie Kelleher,Newark lugger, who has led theleague In circuit blows since thestart of the season.

who_,-__c uumerun rec-i w o n l^e pennant in the Amer i can League. "Min"-has-madff the series j - T r u p p a w a s the spokesman'"for the St. M a r y 'rtant. Oraham Is now I »• . . . . . . .

--teams^. will play for

Lj_e_5aj_____ "lState in the Eastern

'sNo.2Wins. . . . • * • - ' • - •

National CrownDefeat Junior Yanks To

Take Title In -Recre-

ation League

•urn rye -Mnwon the championship of the Na-tional League when they defeatedthe Junior -Xaniks by .a • -W to S

Bruins are down fo/ a four-gamehome-and^homc series with theJersey Giant© who are making "astrong bid for a playoff berth.There is a doufoleheader tonightslated' at Jersey City. Tomorrowniffht the clubs will move over toNewark for a ladies' night contestand then go back to Jersey Cityfor a gome on Saturday afternoon.

Ken Sears, who was injured atBuffalo, is expected 'bock in actionfor the Montreal series. Mean-while Perrell Anderson, former all-around star at the University ofKansas. Is Tom Padden's under-study.

"Jack Lindell, Newark ace, hasreplaced Fred Mufcchinson, Buf-falo, in first place amongpitchers of the league.

r I .. w . .w u t , ~ ,_ ._*» ._ , i^,i u i c _ t . ixiai y £, beuxxi wxliUJlwas the pennant winner-rn the Nat ionar_eag_e" . . . ah_ J i mBrady, well, he came along for the ride . . . or to lend mora lsupport to the "Skooter" and "Min ."We H e a r A Complaint

The "Shooter" and "M4u" s tar ted Oil __unison and it

,.,1,,-^v, f tourney to be held at Hfolyoke.


Park CommissionPlans Grid Loop

untyJPorlcTTasaaymorning. Kress, in the points forhe winners let the Yanjcs down

-batters:—"Mta»"-Trnpp_o_d Mau-ser were the heavy hitters for thewinners, each having a triple andsingle to their credit. Trecc, of theYanks, had a homer.

The score:St. Mary's No.

Fitzgerald, rfEttcek. _Truppa. 3t, ;'Kress, pMauser, e -Scnrpltto. 2bWurtha, ifc .F*lner. If •-Wlele. cr

Hideo., ifraltero. cf

Pope, rf '

H.. 1'. 1. 3. 3..._3_. I. 1'. I1

. 1

. 1 •

. 1

. 1


Form County League

Next Tuesday —

The thermometer may not showit, but football is already

-several UnionpromteeCounty football

_ _ _ _


'llson. p lIlckau. 3b 0!el_effer, If , . llelly, _

^.u._bj jl^l.UllH

teams at the end of the 1940 sea-son, P. S. Mathewson. superin-tendent of recreation for TheUnion_County Park Commission,has called a meeting for Tuesdayevening to consider the possibili-ties of starting a football league.The meeting will be held at theAdministration BunaTHgT Warl-nanco Park. .Elizabeth, at 8ti5o'clock.

Plan MeetingManagers 0! teams are invited

to send representatives to attendthe meeting. Teams that haveshown an interest in -"-*- - 'during the past six

sounded something like this, "Listen, $%?•? (_ ! • they tellus now that$?&*@! %&(?" we won't get the gold baseballsfor winning the p e n n a n t s i n $?&*@"! %&(? leagues ." Totrans la te the choral jargon . . . which we were able to doonly after.cooling off the invaders and asking them to speakslowly and one at a time . . . . it went something like this.The boys played through the league season, in both loopsunder the impression they would receive gold basebal ls ifthey won the pennant . . . whi»h the St. Mary ' s t e am andthe Blue Aces didr According to "Skooter" and "Min" , forthe past four years the winning t eams have been given suchawards by the Recreation Commission . .~~ and now theyhave been informed there won't be aay gold basebal ls . . .or even tin ones this year. Th.e_'j_k.Q_t'er" and. "Minll-and. :

trim "say "that when the league was organized this y e a r they-were promised the award . . . all of which-has~highly "iSf"censed the trio and especially the "Skooter" who h a s g o t - jtenjhimself in more or less of a j a m with; one of the fat_|sex-. . . it seems'tre-promised the gold basebal l to he r andnow he can ' t produce . . . which, of course, c rea tes quite adither for the "Skooter."

The "Whys" And "Wlierefoses"

So this scrivener . . . feeling somewha t chagr ined that

Golfers Will VieFor County Title

Annual Tournament ForMen, Women To Start

On September 14Amateur golfers of Union

County, not members of privateclubs, may compete lti the AnnualPublic Tilrilre Tournaments spon-sored by The Union County ParkCommission wtoeft-wfil-start withthe playing of Qualifying roundsSeptember 14.. Both are Four-teenth Annual Man's and EleventhA n B u a I l a 5 l c m l l a

pa^ffer_K>Hday, the Merchants and the Pul-ton, teams meet; Jne play-offs' willbegin August 25, at the HahwayRiver'Park, field No. 1,' starting

- . .« iwo Ke-_i.es_ies- to .assure the pen-

nant ftjf 1941. ;CDon Newman weattlie route for

tha'Cards against Ros«Ue and _ ." • " — - 'L " ' •"• t doze

[ , -».>,VTi<"^i»T«>«^*cK;fea" and' 1was only in the late Innings Rosellemanaged to cross the plate. Theyscored 'wSrlp. the eeveiith and an-• . t u i ^ a ^ *«-- aintjj. Rahway

^_-Jem6Vrte--t_e-flrstrWP rials and were

Stars' opens "sdfch _ _ _ _ i ' s Inwardstaiggle with nlmself as to physl-car contact with Martha __Gee,

a touxom Whig, who would haveliked to marry this a__l_ous

st Scot who was building ahuge strong house with

QSe_Q3bi_es-asid-ral_5 -theirdren' la this lash, new land. Xtflsthis J__eJov_« <t_Ults> iwhlchPrldgen has sucee_fuUy Instilled1_ these pases which; falsa thebook above the average historicalfiction. Even In the midst of tat-tle one feels that these p^otJle are

ghti& tor boMe anil p l i l 2p lEebel* At Marriage -

__ican felt'de&piy and sincerelyIn love with. Mary _ _ _ » d , ayoung ScottlBh "'lass, who c

bearing; his name."

_fffir__k__-iudentur«lservantiflora MacDonald. Bat Marjibelled at marriage, iseeause itwould our__~U8r freedow, WBIC_she had come to 'lAmmiea ta Mnd.

Plant Gets Auto Industry's First Navy "E"

By Helen Costelloas Man's

ability to write. The first bookswere of stone, baked clay apapyrus. The Assyrians and Baby-l U i

"old Scotsman, who acted1 as .._' M>_^jTirt._iM__»V.wrnT!lj

T_e_first library of which we haveany knowledge, was formed by the

{few Scottish KingdomIt was the dreaim of the tidewa-

ter Scots to build' a _sw Scottish


d ^ _

IwltSTTBonnle. „ . _ ~ „___=, com* to tne> hlgh.-—-Ha_da fog their leader MI_ "_ai»__-'tion. Flora's life in this new land

was beautiful for- a time, but sheleft American son after then, aunencaji sou aner xne war.

%ro_sa"__ woman, bowed is«i_ilefThe soota were a laughtotr hard

worktosr people, who wished to" beleft alone to till their fields, build

_artiest Wnlg and, her toothercame an eaually ardeat 'Sow..

;the storehouse of theThe -Alexandrian Utorary;b th_ t _ _ | _ | _ , _«0_

_ l _ _ _ e i _ d M _j miitt Ule w_-

dom of the ancient world. Therein-wordiag it-aahn d a g i t a ashoi__i_ti_ddate . « . _, v i uposed vengeances on their homesif violated, appealed to their na-tural iears of€he snpernautral and«oinp le te l !?^ l»und ta fc^W!^

vice-president of Generald l

KBcreation. Commission class"B" league, which plays its gamesat the Milton Avenue Oval-havemade plans, for ihe play-off fbs* thechampionship to start next Tues-day at iKanway Biver Paik be-tween the first half winner -theNational Chair Company of Clark:Township and the Regtaa Cor-poration.

o ~ _ . ^._g_m«j. wimoneCLA-r base hlt-with JPtaak Shupper

on the paths. ; .Eddie Bua«rfj__ea"^4 of the

Rabway batsmen 'but the Card-inals touched him for the samemimfa ^ 'MH' :Ha!Dq_New___werehtherieadlng hit-•ters for the."wmners with three hits



" * a

Prl_9•the __a!s_ev_it tn-

andthe boys were not gojng to get the gold baseba l l s . ..also more than-soi'i'y for tlitf plight o t ' t h e " a k o o t e r " . . .took the ma t t e r up with m e m b e r s of the Rec rea t ion Com-mjssjorK__JNovi_ we all know tha t the-budget-for- the-Com-

[-wHsaion-foi—1941 w a s cut~By~the City F a t h e r s . . . and wealso know the WPA, who have been opera t ing the rec rea -tion jjro^ram^JiasJbeen curtailed,- leaving tiie-Gommicrs liolding well

mj w—— _• • , - * " i ' ' I I 1 i f * J-^ Jl . J ^

„ Known sack with less money thanusual. Something had to be cut-down in the w a y of expense. . . and so the trophies and a w a r d s i tem w a s one of thoseexpenses which took the -rap. — _t>rnm_sioher K d w a r d M.Brennan regret ted that the boys were noHold a t the stert-oi-the season and also said that no one had the author i ty to

goldagdaiTToTthB ___„.. owlan-appropriate award for the run-ner-up. A gold medal or IMS sea-son card at Galloping Hill twill be

_.r.~.T.T> $ l _ _ _ _ i g , _ _ L ' . • / r - vfii i, bailie |a get into the play-

offs the Inland Motors and Mer-chants played to a 2-3 .tie at tBcRahway TUvei Park Monday; Tljegame was a thrilling pitcher's bat-tle between Blddar, of the Mer-chknts .and! iRrHrip .^yiutkl, of the,^tok^awasJl^team^JnlandSaofeis jdae-ru_.3fiad in the-sacoad' .whenJtfflU-Jass^ j«aBhed—first—<6tt—«_-eiror, went to second on a bass onKOIIBV *~ tWid-Tsa—Sri Inffeid. outr-s-event in- uiaaiaf 10 «ur_ on-an mlteld outli,' _S__f-

t»phy-3_g}^°>«eored-pH^t-_fl>a^ln5'8^ii__T^^"?^raiiw with I fly. to ie_r^—:" — ^taSSiit^"'

while the winner and runner-up ineach-flight will also receive prizes. In the women's tournament th

trophy for the winner, a suitaJbleaward for the


__tr_SopT_es for thei winand runner-up to each flight.

1 AU entries must toe received Jay

ytoTS£t:The Merchants took the lead in

the top of_the sixth, which wastnelast Irming when Prank Blddarwalked wei__to tliird when Nergesthrew Into center field, Len tRoniet)struck out, Salerno draw a baseon balls BuddyBi i l

third, Tony .eaazohe'S fly ip left•ttias to short to score a run, StewArvay-oubledi to right defiiier geoy-. _„ ^w^w.uy vy. jitsiii/ center S607-

! _igTSa_™o,'_lcl'HITIiard groundedI nut. - • ' ' , ' .-

Coming into the last'of^the sixth

^Batted VoriSe^&iMSjeth.RosclloKh &» ooo roi<—3

aao out IOX—e


YourV 1 M 1 Permanent Registration became effective

— ..->. . _ _ ~ _ « _ _ u v _ u i s l a addition to those alreadyoperating under that system. Many residents of. these munici-palities are not Permanently. Registered and will not be tser-mlttdi to vote until they register:—

3XE5I __*_2___S? J_S____i




-Persons already pennane_dy registered who have moved to a_ew address anywhere in TJnfon County Can transfer by aaaflinetheir certificates of registration showing their new addresses onthBjTBverse slde-'of Jto«ard^toJ____U»-o__iej___a,JCy5U_tj!

"Ss6ard:o{ Elections. This veiiaflgc can-also to _iade by postal card :

roeiettwr.'.f- ; '• .. . ', . '.,_- j

lib! in doubt about-your reBistration Inquire either at theofflce ofthe Union: County Board of Elections in. the Court House, orat tho office of your local munlclrial clerk.


Arthur T. _ee, fHiaiwng^ ' William J. Seelaad. Secretary and» Cominlssioner of a

Bobert 3. Mon»hy Mangten P . MeBj____

.»T 1 s » i t j g - j i i f f y n y B ^ o ^ F i ^ T i • - - - - - - — — — - - - j

•A high point In the book is Ifound- ln,the Soutliern rally of theTories, when our hero joined theranks of inarching men and Mora

I " m * " afaS oi «M FShw Body dietad oiaehiBS unit in Detroit. The"E"

. — _ . - _ . _ . . - . •

_iaiNBvy==wss-pr_ented to this_ —.— i~_.» iu. • » TOUS. us I Figber j)lant for its excellence and

ftntaoV in,the-eouthera rally of the ahesd-of-«_edule production of navalTories, whan nm hmvi inhiBfl +h» I ordnancs. The Fisher plant was the

first in the automotive industry to

p _B_i1^_B"~hiVii^ wsrtf^»_ „.._ , . — . - . .. hino unit wn«l "PI,. «<»•••._.-—*-

aftd cheered them. on. The vividdescription of the massacre of'thetroops-fey Uehthorse Hawy 3t_ecauses Mm bl__lrto~cn_rB~ltttl5-at'such, barbarism.- "Tory Oath," is written to lustydofwa-to-earth-language. Thereader Is taken back to the earthwith a feeling of complete reality.The broaa sscotea accent gives *nebook an. earthy flavor with Itscomplete frankness of speech.Blood runs like water in. the ao-

-eomit ot the American Revolutionbattles, when Whis and Toryfriends meet _s deadly enemies,and yes, it has a happy ending.

Rear Admiral Wat T. Cluvoriua

s e , vicepresident of GeneralMotors and general- manager vof itsFisher. Body division, in a. colorful

' Pictunvl nbow ii FMicr, left, as ho[.received" tha pennant from Admiral1 Cluverius, center, while a member ofj - , ™ » » » I.T>U,«_ 1 umvenus, center, while a member of

ceremony atrttnrpTant. lBm__j_the_L_a_olDr euar_waited to hoist it-topreMntation, "Adnflril Cluverius said the plant flaejitaffthe "Fisher die and ..machine unit wasthe "finest naval machine shop" hehad ever seon. '

High ranking officers of the ninthnaval district, executives of-General-M»tors_id-tho~1^800'employ_ in tffifplant witnessed the presentation and

The "E" pennant will fly below thenaval ordnance! flag, which was pre-sented simultaneously to the plant.The plant also Is entitled to paint alarge block "E". oti Its stack—similar"to \he Nsvy practice by which crewwinnerg of the award inscribe anTnrtho ship funnel or gun turret.


Business ShowsIncrease In Unioi

Mrs. Georgia M. Dunlel

-Seasonal Slump Saved BSlight Rise In 68

IndustriesSlight increases in payroll and

hemployment "for 68 representativ1 industries of eastern Union Count,save the July business Index of th^

f^hamtoer of Oommerce from theS6aso__ contraction or slump o

st'yettf"' ' ' ' ' ' •'

. f i w t i ^ o f - e c t r i c i t y by PUMiefeerviee iOectric aad Gas Companyfor the week ended Atigust 7 was•J3,8T»,«31 kilowatt hours com-pared with 59,609,442 kilowatt

year.ago, an Jnc_!or,22.26 j«r oast.


Eranianco.languages are_ o a c e languages are derivedfrom the I_tin. They includeItli S

serueK out, b ">fewo_n S. _«itjBr M:b__-6_b_ls otTKew__l3 SutlerS; xiMpiw, _<vUter_

also said thapromise them gold baseballscould do.

e authority to. but he would see what he

"which are expected to be repre-sented include the Jersey Bullets,Roselle Dodgers,—Orioles A,. CBlue Comets, and-Redskins.

Starting a county league wouldbe nothinf new. Tmr n."rtv^

JSnt«r dlommissionci-Raltni Smith ""

Then we contacted Commissioner Ra lph L. Smith . Heexplained the m a t t e r with the s a m e facts a s those given byCommissioner Brennan, .and also said, " I ' l l see if some-thing can ' t be done ." Bright and ea r ly yes t e rday morninghe Dhoned t>io mrH_f — >*- - -' •-

Warinanco Park, __^__.»i, jmi,later than 6 P. M. on Monday,Septemlber 8.

Blue Aces Enter

"office I0* t h 6 ,PiaH*f& the.sltoltodersElizabeth, not scored' once after Serges struck

•-— out and Tylutki walked. RichardXoDantlao singled, 3Pote _o_i-Staeled-torfUKyie-basesrjilra_ctHfffto shdrtV-"Eaachek -hit a bal l t t j

^Ensoroii third who held the-ball |not knowing where, to throw it al-iigStne Tyltitkt to, score with the


&te_n^1808 phlcaeo White Sox

• out three home runsv, w •entire-season but w.^ ^ r r u m i i f i K t o r first p ] t t c e ,t4?1':*he"«-Jose-of OK; season



DEEP SEA FISHINGOn The Ncw,45-Foot Diesel

RANGERLeaves Belmar Marine Basitt

8:00 A. M. DAILYFluke and Sea Bass

Now RunningACT3OroM

, .... a Union County Foot-ball League, sponsored by the parkcommission, operated very success-

I fully. Uur-lng-port of this time, aUight—sem_—leairn6"Tttso was con-' ducted. Due to various circum-stances both leagues, were discon-tinued.

Mr. Mathewson -coports that re-cently a number of football playersand supporters have indicatedtheir eagerness to have _ leagueformed,. •

How much the Selective ServiceAct.hits affectea^the-personnel ofthe various teams uv this vicinitymay be determined at the forthcoming meeting when the monag«M - in 1—ve. o chance to

to discuss relative

being a public spirited citizen who is all for the lads of Rail-way and ha tes to s e e o r h e a r of misunderstanding 's ^rherekids a re concerned . . . is going to t ry and ra i se the moneyfor those gold basebal ls by contfiBution fr-om tHe citizens of

Compete In First RoundOf Baseball Competition

At Warinanco

^ _„. _^ MWV* M ouuiiv witn tnetleing run, Oryczk grounded out.

Huly-NanurwiiiiHulyNanurwiiii(Holy Name won easily over the

Young (Democrats Il-ct a t theOnion County. Park Sammy _ 3 -lano's six inning home run !«_•«

. . . . . . ..••—.. o u , o iunKaeservvy _ world of credit .It would have been the easy thing for him to say or do noth-ing about i t . . . but not RalpSi h. Smith.• - M r . "~-™: ••-••" • : "

era wiU have-eet togetherstrengths.

^HiBBins, of the 103812 con

ra ^-.^-yuTr-un-a-uiie-maircrpsaae to raisethe rnoney necessary "by voluntary contribution frolaa. thesports fans of Rahway . He said " I t is not a good thing tohave the youngsters lose faith in adul ts , and whether' or notthey were promised-these awards , they believed they weregoing to get them and it is up to' us to see tha t they do gett h e m or they will lose faith in u s . "The Fans Asked To Help

Thi i

. Ilie Blue Aces, winaevs of theRahway Recreation- Jukri5_.8&se-ball League, American' XHvJsib-.will play its^ Hist .round "game inthe Union County junior baseballtournament at WaHaaneo • 'Park

Continued on Page 4

Aootwrr _BAGOB


•~'r— • • 8 ;






Aked To Help _This is an admirable attitude for Mr. Smith to take arid

he deseryes the co-operation of everybody in putting thisacross. The amount is not-large, _So_ie-$30 or $40 will pro-vide gold' baseballs for the members of the two teams. Ifeach and every fan will give a little, the~amount will-easilybe raised and everybody will be happy. Mr. Smith can bereached at his place of b ireached at his pl.ee of bus^e^ ^ ^ ' ^ e . ^ S d T&I^ill be a l,lB-hgP if all w n n l , ^ ^ # ? 5 ^ ? ^ ^ e e f rsend their donation to Mr, Smith,n't his'!

•rwtfy^Bcibert- Van' Note,.;JosTolly, _ted B_s6_Jbe.Kelly, JoeDuffo-, Joe Anderson, ames Brady.'The Rahway team wlir meet lin-den-Monday andTthe'iwinne*.,^!!!play Plaia'flejd-on WeahttHayV .3^6rtaa_ wfll-.bp"pla|^:,3*d#i...;••:£

Hahway/s BlualiiAibes.i-;piase(i4;tttthe tourhuaettt lasfc year reaohlris:,the finalsjgto-te;;8ai_vb^th.?'J!o>.


Kaybasio* ib Cton__ t _ _ u !-GEVBKAt B£F___KG ON

- jUJb CABS'p sgEcou

United_Motor ServiceGENtnWE DEtCo ' j t J t JTO

i5___At_ P

Rahway Brake ServiceMS _ , _ _ „ _ AVe. ] _ _ ^-ISll

, p_ isJvOBortugueseSVench- Provencal, Romanech end


. Saecords show S8.681 workers;an increase of 3.51 per cent ove:the June mark of 35rGfi4, and 5per cent ahead of July, 1940, lowpoint of the year, (With 23,028 employes. Payrolls totaled $8,118,~54fl30f7^uin.J.6" per-cent for themohth.-and-SS-percentabove-theJuly, l»40 total of $S,S128,&B8.97.

PliKicmcnt Pecreaso-^CSft^-aj^r^s&te••' emplbysaeniagencies'shdwedi, a decrease of 1'per cent to 'placements, while un-employment benefit claims rosesharply for the month. "WPA rolls- — -it_drasttaally;_nd-K_a...en-

' was temporarily wiped


Relief figures continue

Now there Is __l_er_b_ck_# nortongue, and the Housemaidhas brought, it to show.

Master, remember Thy Servant isyoung, smack him and let him

-eoj- - —-• -

Master, extol Thy Servant, he has

low of 2,014 persons maintainedat a cost of $18.«_.87, m and 4

1 t hflsrr^WrThe "Chamlber of Oommerce

ootopllcs this business indexj W ' h f

nished by industrial, financial,aaii municipal sources in Clark,C a f d B U b t a C

e i B i n t r a a x s . _.the Shop—and into the Shopalso!

-=B111—cMieP-umbrellaa-parted-^the—strife--(or -I-might have been

choldng-him yet)But Thy Servant has had the Time

~ > £ e a n d - n o w - s h a H - w e

unicipal sources in Clark,Cranford, BUbatieai, ' CJarwood,Hillside, Konilworth, Linden,Momitair^do,-Bahwayi -Kosclle,

iRoselte1^!!^ iRoselte^-^!!^aad-Wsstfleld.

- Ve Taken OnNew Duties

Amateur NightJ-Second Program Will Be

On August 27. A-secxuMTiAaiateur Night will besteged.ait the;StadUiin ffleld, Warl-

With all the activities that claim women^s attentlon-these daysthere ore few wasted hours. The wonder is they can accomplishso much and continue to run their h'omes so ©ffieieiitly. Ask-one

^Hhegg4iom&uicrk t a Tiundred^outsid&jnjsrests just how _„she _bes sp much and she'll tell you sheusesj M d t ^ w £ ^ f e ^ h ~

__!Ms6n^r3bS rKfor the locals with"h i d th

:|^:;:©leqtrisif^&^rr:-y:'Si?>' ' ~ ""

_.w_p _ i_u__e»__« competltioii will again bo

divided Into "three c l a s s e s , lt t



|___d__t_T__ieI[e_nd_l_abethon Wednesday evening, August 37,_t view of the success of the firstamateur competition, which washeld several weeks ago. * •

Entries for the Competition, aren j l b j B d

assistant superintendent -of recrea-tion, at the 5>ar_-<»__6."~ __6 clos-ing date is Monday, August S3.


• '''ifif^'j^SW^iM^iittifi^j^fpeffsoBs'


-6WK*yaerSftto^KSS_!!o|eSSwJU;;^t^l^eri^tt^S^^:§^»aSW?;¥ : :-'ifi-A^:'tauUtTOk(^?'tev,!r^u_e_iefttt;ic^J^_i_te^ui_itS26^*Mi|^


}._ i_Uftrjf!s ^reductionth t f^pW_;?^_vaientf^|tKe?;4_i_,.•_>.i%,_u^.»||||:ijg|j^m^.,.t^pj^3


Not So DumbFor The S. P. C. A.


Thought For The WeekHe trusts you supremely and is

the embodiment of Faith,and Love.


—^Virtues o-f a {Dog-Master, behold a Sinner! He has

committed a wrong.He hath defiled Thy Premise

through being kept in toi—long.

Wherefore his nose has beenrublbed ta the dirt, and hisself-respect has been bruised.

Master, pardon Thy Sinner, andsee he is properly, loosed.

Master—again Thy Sinner I Thisthat was once Thy shoe.

He has found and taken and car-ried aside, as fitting matter-tofihftW

ter, extol Thy Servant,met a most Worthy Foe!p e b a l e H f i h t i a

--can on the vec?"

Master,- behold Thy Servant!Strange children came to play,

And because they fought to caress-him,— _liyi-—Servant wentestaway. •' . - —

5ut now that the little Beasts havegone, he has returned tosee-

:_rushed—wltn his Sunday collaron—) what they, left overfromtea.

Master pity Thy Servant! He isdeaf and three parts blind,cannot catch Thy Command-ments. He cannot read1 thyMlnjfc

Tdbuke him not before visltlng-rfolkT^ nov—snnlt:6—1U&D that"puppy's scorn.

Hte has Jiad none other God thaiisince the month that he

was born. '

look down on Thy Servant."Bad things have come to pass.

Thenris no heat in tho midday sunaor. health In tho wayside

EnsT3S_f5""aT5TuU of. an old disease—his torments, run _ and inrcrease

_6*d,__J£e baste with Thy Ught-ningd &nd grant him ctulck re-lease 1

—Kudyard Kipling.

"Swiniini_Lff ••' -

^a^Free : :;Clas8e^^l|-pe r

v'"';^BDE»e'AuguBt'liS;'•-''••' '

,. iCOT'd^n'itepm'R^^a^.ibjgBttierfSrttB :-te^i*to6lnHsj6!toer :yt5tedb_'i^#g^unlo^p'Wlter : tSn«*eSi 'a '___&_t_u^_ifiuS^we:e_4_PthB

lost free 6w__nlni( _ _ _ _ , thatwill _> Conducted, this seaion at theWo SOQls operated _y Tho tTnlott3oUnbyj TParfc'''Cfemm_sI5aT' In-

struction, for youngsters from 9 to16 years of age, will start August18, and continue daily for the bal-ance of the week from 9 to 10 A.M.

•Registrations are being acceptedyi flUmrr.' i HflVwTiTi w faty Umrr. i Hfl.Vnw.TiTi, wo.yiqgAt. n

the Rahway River Park-pool. Chil-dren desiring ito enroll for one. ofthese clajsses have until 10 o'clock,Sunday evening, August 17, to do—,f

At the end of the week's instruc-tion each youngster will Ibe givena test to see if he has learned toswim a distance of 60 feet.

A recent survey of industrial ex-ecutives snowed that 77 per centwere church-members.

Your Public Libraryfts Uses, Varied Services

A series of articles about the Free Public Ubrary of the City ofRailway written for the express purpose of telling those who areor may become Interested In what your library has to otter.

of the

dom of the ancient world. Therewere many private coltectfons thatvrem sm lloaraliy Sftaraa mat theymight also be included under pub-lic l i b i e s . These were the prop-srty of EmUlus Paulius, Sulla.Lucullus and Cicero. AU are weUknown To-the student of the class-ics. • -

When the warlike hordes de-scended upon the Romans, wipingout ancient civilization, theyeither—destroyed or caused theancient libraries to be dispersed.

i Tnose Soofcs'that escape destruc-tion found sanctuary within thewalls of monasteries. This salvageof the general wreck w_s not onlya f e f u y d b t

plied by the industry of the monks.

specially worthy _f notiee__a_;bhose oF Christ Church and themonastery of St. Augustine, Can-terbury, 'England: the Abbeys ofPleury and Clugni in Prance;Monte Cassino, in Italy: and St.<*^11 I n f i t f r l W

reading. Here the precious booksthat had cost some monk, a ]ii_time of labor were chained to pre-vent removal.

With the invention of printing^learning revived, resulting" in a~

-w_t-_L0K_se in thew_t_L0K_se in the proTigctioirofbooks.*_Jbraries spring up in allthe main capitals of Europe.. In


library otf-Trtntty College. X»i___.and ithe-UbraTqr of -the -faculty—o:A_VOCat€3.:Q<ti T^filTi;V>nr(yh

No wonder that America settledb y such book lovtasr people Were-not-1. ag in eatablUliliiu UieU uwulibraries. At the present day wohave in America over 6,000 publiclibraries, 1,500 university and col-lege libraries; 6.500 school lib-

is4JUSO0-spec_l-lipbrQrieal- _ i_ state- libimi_,22tT^

000,000 books Approximately."Houses of Treasure" are special

libraries that have collections ofor^preclous documents. In

Washington, D..papers froi

..C. impor-tant-departmont of-

government are kept in the Natlonal Archives Building. Treaties,proclamations, and filbrought


es,files are

no longer being used actively, in." T.lhrn.ry nf <7np.CTu<p;., . t ^ < _ g 9 n -

3Mtonl_ FirstIf you think of a library as a

>lace where persons may come notinly to read books but also to bor-

row them, -then tho monks of theUiddle Ages were very likely the,lrst of all to have real libraries.

They copied books patiently by'land on vellum or parchment,itored them carefully in chests_d wall recesses in' the monas-eries. and loaned them to monks

and other students.

jtltution of the United States andtho Declaration of" tedepffliiaenceare on display. It also holds acopy^of the Magna Carta. . N

Original ManuscriptsThe Polger Shakespeare Mb>—~

rary in_Wa3hington. P- -C... hatS5JH5 oi -anaKespeare's origins Imanuscripts- and letters, editionsof his books and sonnets besidesproperties from, his-plajts- —

At Hyde Park. N. Y.. the Presi-dent gave his entire collection ofstate papers and other officialdocuments to the Federal Govern-ment. In Chicago, the Neiwbeir.Library has a famous collectionabout the American Indian, andanother on the art of book mah-

The HuntlnEton Library in.

f Tm Glad We Locked Worrjrin Our Safe Deposit Box

He's rights— there's one form of worry" you can lock iri'a Safe Deposit Box when you setout for .a car-e-free_vacationi- -It's-worry abouirthe safety of valuables — including importantbusiness and personal papers.

Don't depend on home "hiding places" toegasrd~y0_r mostimportaht belongings. For

a few cents a wee.k, you can rent a sturdy steelbox-in our modern Vault — and put them beyondreach of thieves, fire or loss throughlessness.


"The Sank of Strength"

1500 Irving Street


separate rooms were Get aside for

\ \ 1J * "''/*> "v ** v'\ ^V^Vv"*"'°%''^'t*^^j

Page 5:  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right

-_«..! Hit; Theatre

Merle Oberon ana Melvyn Douglaseo-starr«a as the blissfully

happy couple who discover theyhave i&have no rig&t to be happy. inEmsiLubitsch's light-hearted comedy,"That Uncertain Feeling." whichis now playing at the Regent Thea-tre. Elizabeth.

Supporting Miss Oberon andMelvyn Douglas, who last cameunder the Lubitsch baton in "Ni-notchka," are Burgess Meredith,who plays a wild-haired pianistwith a leaning toward s

seems; Eve Arden. as'Sally. an unconventional private secretaryand Stg Rumann. seen as a prosperous Hungarian mattressGfefin&

Donald Odgen Stewart wrote thescreenplay for "That UncertaihFeeling.,"

art; Alan Mowbray. as the psy-choanalyst who does his level bestto convince lovely Merle that her

' — ' .as—bright—as—it

. , — - •••--™- -mleasing the production. . Most Oithe action of the story unwinds onNew York's Park avenue, whichsince the war, is the vstreet in the world. Miss Oberonand Douglas portray a young Am-erican couple who have moneybut lead ra&hfir simple lives until

, jj. i , a psycho-analyst complicatesRealist j ***** fo* -

marriage is

COPPER MKSTCopper, was the first metal used



""3S?d £W§^«

Good Food

[ ' '*vJb AttV^^ryTy" ST*H.y[tj'*y

Quick "Service - Moderate Prices


PoignantJWw<ir<WKi Negrby Moving

• Z " " r • • ~

Dramatic, RomanticffH& B «W'««B%«

Storing Rbmanerttre

film fix wmcn sne rtms =—eomut of human emotions. Thepicture will open Sunday at the


ar Counter Service "~

Brennau's TavernRAHWAY1497 MAIN ST.

Where Good Fellows Meet- and

Good Felloivship Prevails

ThcTJnly Place fei The City With

Tho F-atnous


.. MRH

, Garean play the top stellar roles inthe large and Impressive east ap-pealing in Richard A. Rowland'snew United Artists release,•••Cheera Woi Altss-BishoPj" wWchIs dated 'for its gala prcmlore atthe Rahway Theatre on Sunday.Tails new. production;, which; pre-

1 seats the storss of a- woman, who[ was. sought • and- iov«t hy 'three' I M B ^ V U transierredi to the screesijftcaxTtha widlely read novel'by Bess

ers38BBBrstory .ofi "Cheexs. Wot Miss

^ U j u j ! 1 l s . s e .< ; i 3 i a i . f f l i d w e s t e j 3 i T i lye^slte which, .posae^i. Jts, doors

i S 6 i

the Uses amd. loses.- the


,andu Asamea, who?<3ail^^Sklives to operate,]B». " " '""wave. • raSIo" that Ifcotenf; 'weapon,-. ^^'«ang«rou!tand faiMBachteg•jBwBBJcaar.-only hicarried on becausa'^ESfeaatiuj,»rthroughout the) iirS&5*S^i«-f.T?structure...Against

ground"- • _thrill-lfldett:more


'tMia,1iS'ls- a n icoaBeUine.:;jbecause itmore comueUuii'

tatsea sfaaight from;

S w BN^IK&g Of Small EnsignApjiQBaug," Foyx Room Hause* Has AekfedIMstiactioiu Heigbth. H G V®11 Specif




-.by. Matfha.andUi "

w and-iBtei.the; story,

U "is. EUa

, W—to i-ecoBunaadeif TJbJrTrTbit with., a t least 'aT'ffll-ilodt *—"-1—

•f eseesvaMbn., affords aaetter . .nm-Wsg Sh& house a low. nestling.

"Tke Hat Mikado

BaseballTlie Rahway "Y" Boys' Depart-

ment basebaH-team defeated a representative team • - — «•- •* ••

NewTheatce Presents

Giveu At Maplewood

Bill "Bojangles" Roblnajn, "themost famous Colored d.pnplT'g..trgsHort on-the- Anjerican- -^sjaw^-^ne^picture, pTaxIne^uHdiay at thetoday, wttt-be-staired. to his r-6«K t[-New THoatre, provides the actressBroadway success, "TIIB Hot iiika-1 with a terrific role in a

"3oan Crawford rises to now dra-matic Heights in "A Woman's!P§c<L" Wiloh presents a- new •-and-jpoignant Miss Crawford in a com-1


Ilolcl of- tha-dteiaiior

- way-Theatre.^^--cvwwuv u u « i v^i^^vviuru. in* a corn-

Spelling study, at a woman's squl.^Sie^picture DTayJhg"Sd t th

lling study, at a womans squl.ie^picture. DTayJhg"Sundiay at the A \w Ttfoatre provides th t •*?

oo/ ' derived, from Gilbert andi §ul-l l v a n . *or one wegfc at the: Mapje-w o o d *n»e»trfl M n l V b

Kentucky Avenue Near BeachCENTER OF AiA. ACTIVITIES


M O S T -H O T E L

f Ra tes a s lo\32.00 European Phm —



PARKING ADJACENTAll Outside Rooms — Brick Construction — Elevators

Mrs. Wesley E. Johnson, Owner

'. M. C A. last Saturday, by. the |score of 4 . tot 3 . __All_dudng—themonth of July there has 'been_ a jbaseball; school conductsff for eS\-boys interested in learning how toplay basebaU. General SecretaryChalmers Seed, ims been the in-terested sponsor and was assistedby Tom Fitzgerald and ....tork secretary oi the '"ST." Games,

are scheduled for the "Y" team;each Saturday. This SaturdasHwe-|»rhope to play. Berth

- Swimming-Fifteen boys are enrolled In the

beginners swlmnling class and arei-receiving special instruction -under \~

I the supervision of the ibojs' wortsecretary while Bay Bennett,physical director, is enjoying avacation. There is still plenty: oftime before- the opening of schoolfor boys' to come in and Join the.summer swimming classes. To dotethe following boys have passed the60-foot tests and have been pro-moted to the regular swimmersclass, _ TredMurinser, Jack

.Cool:. Ko;,- -™Patsy Cipoletti, .~.^,Tice, Robert Castor,

w o o d

drama, In which she runsgamut of human emotions.-#fe t5 tt


J u n d c a J l e d byvflfoki, famqus. uew^ commen^j

tator. th/> most amaztag stoiry everto^ reacb- the-»uubllcy-wHl-b^ -theassociate feature i_—Jejffcsy ILSto is starred in, his^oxoitlng expose o£ "the- under-!ground: movement that is working

story oi a womanscarred since child-

see I

"Sunset in •Wyoming,"the newest of R»II» A.

*hich isAi\tvxLi-JlA

public musical .westerns, Is "now

face develops her into_ jr of all manl£ind. She

heads a blackmail ring as adangerous c r i m i n a l figure.Into her life comes a man—the~ whn •' - '

etsMJFheatre^with the usual robust

- *^ • ' - •

Q1II ^tobinson._ Monday evening, announces

Chervil (Trtfmfnjrt and1 Jack- Wmd-berg> producer andi associate, re-spectively!, of New Jersey's

I summer, theatre

her. She comes to love him. Mean-time, throueb blackmailing activi-ties, she meets a surgeon whooperates on her and restores, hex-nftturst-ijBauty. The. man," Shetaves places her in. his uucicrtrtraxofl

.sS-..a,--Bp»etai£*s ta isiiL "the cluiliwho stands betweenateand.artin-heritance. There, comtoe to lavethe toby, she is torn between twoterrific, emcrttotts-unttron, nmn?ttngclimax solves her problem. •


SsjinlM^of all Autry plots it hasto do with the tribulations of Geneag ayoutnful ranchce-Jn a valleyfacing "flood' devastation unless re-ftfrestration is adopted! by theW

ciate filmJitihe Press," the asso-

starrlnB Jean Parkerce F d i

e film starrlnB Jean Parkerand Wallace Ford is a speedystory of the adventures of a newly-wed; reporter and his bride wHojhappen upon a double murder Justas their honeymoon is about tostart.

The Classified Ads



L---actiiaX Qveisall'disfijensloris nt - ^ i --rg'feefr.' laie cufeage hi the; stctSjiaitelpis 15,000 feet. = fSbe* square1 plan.

ad"titnization -of- _-tno-Goni.


Thin attraction only: Evo S5C-S.2o";•Mutu 3So-l 10 Box otflco A

Hooltenjou utoiW

"itructlon cost... "^~t^Co!or Sotom^ SiJCeested

. jWhit&jiaJatgd^cligjtoards walls,""ana^eutt aad. greea roof and shut-" tors are. suggested for. the color

ischetteJ_W1ridow-boxes.under-thenslde,- windows add a **homey""charsn.' The red. -pressed brick

•Jsteps and platform, Hanked bypimple osa,aincntal ralllnss, set off•>the^aifltn. e&feance-. ' ' ^

J" front door opens OQ a cor--ner of-aifraiSsBMha. fdot llyjng room

-rariimcrt i/cWjis-T^-mii. s p a c e s present

arrangements There is no fi».placed -this leature having- ibeen-sacrificed to keep down' expense.

In the long inside wall of theliving;, toqm a door owns on a

small inner hall! while at another

door, closes, oil'the-stairs to, theattic storage; space. The space at"-'-" ' if, toe statps. cpuki>b^ fli?

•Hie attip, tf desuefli. could be

ass space- under the eaves in-the

t of the second story willLlS.3S?8 in const uctlng a sheddormer on the rea roof at the

ta the second Jloxjr, and cappingt&emy until sucji i&ne as upstairsroom f i i h d "

^^l)uuariBOTnnegtsalltheycP^^J.Atlone end of the corridor Is adoor to the cellar stairway, ot the.opposite end*- a lixtexi-closet*

Either a full basement or-exca-vatlon under living; roam, bath andkitchen only is a matter- of-choice-for owners. Comparison of costs,in which any rcliaKfe contractorcan advise, •will Ukelybc a, decidingfactor in the decision Hi either

room for laundry, heater, anilstorage !_

other floors tajhe house-are hafd-

leeK, has its. eauipmenT convenl«nbly placed. Beside the. rangithere Is. e, wortliiK cp.unter

counter with sink and a wja— ^ ^ ~ ~^.» a. wellcabinet above Is placed along the

lreasr-outsid»~wallJ with a- serviceentry; to the backyard: placed atthe end-^oi this, counter. The re-:f$i£e£at«Qr '• stands against the•smaller, inside wall of the room-whHe-, opposite it, uetow a wiodow;lookdngi out- on- the sida jcaxd theE*;1& open -wail. space, wiiere a. break.fast table could be pJuicedL

At a sligiit addltioaol cos ts rear

Two bedrooms" opening, off

LjJpclO feet i^spectively. EaoH- bed»1 room has cross ventUattoB from;two windows &nd each, has a good-.sized clothes closet.

_ . * PMonc R A H W A Y 7 - l > 5 O

TSHi^how^iVew^at.Coiwe As Late As 9 30And See Both'Features

il rosearon has now de-veloped an "antiseptic" ice which.it has toeen proved' by experiments,—'" preserve perishable foods ,for-

Richard Archer.The following boys have passed

to the Advanced swimmers class:Merton S c m D

Hnfla(Jto )



Jean Barker .Wallaoe Foi*

R B f a "


aclgulope, Blchard Rimple.The following boys are advanced:, u c lyuuivmg ooys are advanced-

swimmers who have passed the fishn.nd will quaUfy-^or

swimminB : instructionsPulop, Roger Julius.

yd ja iB age, j^nveHoLMlRflstagey by Hazzard Short; andtoaMcn1 \v r:n^nmrOiJ

.... •. Mon, -Tues.. •-.-¥*Joan Melvyn.


I "A WOMAN'S FACppromises-lprmises tobethe,niosO apoctocu-lar p,roduptlon ever presented nt


-John-'Meyersriw.ir'hlL —i;

prices, „•*» .wuaiu Lints. I

The swimmlns program this smn-J ';"mer has been one of the best. ActTyities of -the-Rahsw Yacht I

Club' will close with' a- program to

Your LibraryContinued from Page 7

to plaits mUde at the- meetlri* ot-the club held last Thursdfti' night.Commodore 'August -Masshiberger

. presided with (Kojiooncl Young, as^ijipgypffpfta1 secreatry,. Etorxne ., jponimodfflre j L J ! _ i £ ^ i ?

Ifl.v r»r/wvH«««

The average .aj^ce. of an electriSTfe"-"fiigerator 20 years ag&svW8-s-"$680r"-

The dvciafce price today-is $154—fora Jot better product. . - - - >_

One thing that made this price reduc-tion possible was -that- * miUkms^of-^-^

—people bought electric refrigecatois.Volume brought prices down. .

And .one thingthat made volume pos-lble wa advertising, which taught \

people to want electric refrigerators.

That's how advertising helps bringprices down.

.„......*, wm a, rore-._ _.j dealing with the British ' " ^ _

! Isles and North'America. Whether. '*.,"It is one of these great Treasure;: J --GKOWS KEW fcEGHouses or a small local library, tTie; • Unlike humans, wheii a lplbsterhistory Is the some. It all ffocs loses, a leg, an antenni .or log is..,back-to, the ancient who thought' grnfiuaily renewed', ' ff^owtajr' 8#|t

|ltWOUld be a-good iri n *-r. m.lr<uli«iBi-i--"' '-^^"slqre house of the mind."


SI .ConS ta l l C 0 .

Beauty Aids

y Wait Until YouSay Brrr.. Its Cold'

D ICall Rahway 7-2228Enjoy tlui benefits -and-satisfactiaa. -o j—febefcee heat this wiatejc Jb,Y_ hayjuag: OUB SEBVICE

clean and. couditiott youii oj b bjuatu:~ .NOW = ' : C ; •"•""" "

Ralph L. SmithWAins OMiX O ^ M ^ I E T E OH Bp



porchaiayberaddedrtofehlB plan.Screaned in, such, a< porch couldiw y a, -jsleasant outdoor

If i i is intended to eventually;flndshiup. the. attic, the area, under.

rtjh& xpjsf. should, be insulated' at. the-Miner o i co£Cstxucitiorj» OtherwiseInsulation should too placed over- - -«IlflMM3DOisite facing southeast to northwestwill give best day-long light for theprincipal rooms of the house.

plans Are Availablel t T ~ lpleteTplansasi!i specmca-

tlons for this housa, "The Appo-nau«," are available at moderate'cost. To. ascertain the exact priceof these documents, 'write to' theHome Building, Editor. The Sahway. Bccoxd. At least one weekshould be allowed for a rep] .

^rJgaScje^e. [;

.Notify The Record or your club's,ctivl/leo Write or phone Rahwayactivities.

t-0800.J:. Yearly: ayorage, production of

'shoes for oivflianfuse-ln tlse-'tJnlteaiStates Is «stlm8ted>"at? niorc tiianjj4/in.Ann (wit i—'— '"'"




The Rahway RecofdT

MEDICAL — ouKlSlEiMH T'Salary Replacement Benefits Mhy Bo Added

At Small CostNo VVaiting For Groups, To,Eflfrm •--••^•'~

No. Medical ExaminationI .Families—Individuals lusuredi At Qncor-Np Kod Haiip,




He Makes a^ are essential ta sound\l?afiking>

and a bub ' s profits eomo through^ having itsloanable Tilndfc employed. Credit is part of aband's stock in trade, and so the banker is aseager-to-extend credit through. Making soundloans as a merchant is to sell his goods.



s^^^efi^id|ffere»eeiite^^^-therlinfceT--jaM'd~'-.Tth^.m*rchatit;is"th^-thB b*a3£cr ddeg tiot ^11^

" Consequently he taji tViso carejirt grantiag~a *Ibarf because the-moibey he legds belongs totnShank'a depositet*- " "•"

d««istoftHnsBIaat eariy-hloom-Injf perennjals, to make divisions.ofoia clumpsrnnd to get read*' fornext jjear, Sliis applies to-psithrums, primulas, and to- faebniomost ho baceous perennials whichbloom before Oune, exsepfc coluiji-Blaes-andnotheJ: Subjects thaifapnot divide well. I t Is also'a'gpoidtime to transplant'parennial <fop-pies. set out bulbs of, MadotuiaLUlcs. start "^ilaittincf i W t w i i_ _ at the lost of. the- montJi,-"fernava SBMSlan anfli. Jar/anese1 irises.

QQareasoafo3?wor4ie withPnese.fiarljLjsprlng-Jlowers-at-tihlBLttaie of the year Is that they areas nea ly- dormant during Augustas_at_aiiy Mme. duslng thelt-cyicle

-MBfflK-ofe^emrmate^rii-raBWtirwhlchr gcnerallv stante with, thefall rains, and, thip Ktoduces thobloom buds for next scrlng.

" JEtojtagato UMesX ' ^ K l " " 1 - i B ^ ff""*'-.«mnt.h <:n •Kvypropaeatingt •'•.-< lilies 'f ism-" scales:Ulie>"'can be^dug no^,, aniar^he,outep; soa|j5s"Joan^*s-SesBpvia'.and:

lUiulibs; wUl-gen-.tihgt cads. of_.tha.

Swob better lor: nropagatin5< Jules;ii^alei:tVa»a'}w«i«eF"orifl;'totll;


Clean^cot and compact. tbi& four, room house can. be built, on., acomparatively small budget. Later, if the nscd arises "and meanspermit, tiro mono- rooms eon bo Eialshed in- the attic' Vbls. haw-eyes;, would, naceasltate tho erection ot a shed dormer at tlys rear.


Whon you see'ihe patiy cracldneaway froin your xrmdb™ in bigchunks, don't be too quick aboutblaming It on tho putty. The-•"--•—' — the putts failure Is duo

' to tHo way the" -is But on.

.othm tliin,(f.«thoro is a rightand a wrong

-way—to—apply--putty. The riirht-way takes a lit

"-WRbNG'3.!fcno-^matenaVjirbielrtextile reasenryotjroo hot flnHit .o.n windows. tfeat. are made tofell^at a prifeel. -

l a one sketch, .we—showrr-sourway" " : ' '"

pliod to windows. This method isquick and'cheap, but it is usuallytemporary because swelling of thewood from the inside causes theputty to crack off. t

-..In..^° -nWtav.alcetcb. IssKowiltho proper wayto apply putty.It is known as"b o d-'-ii n g."Notice here' thelayer of puttyon all sides ofth l Kactually is rest-

ing in a "bed" of putty. Wood andglass <3o ngtcamaln contact with

-each—otherr- Notice "also, 'tlio "putfcyiiropviJwiicli anchors tho

jthe base of.the scales. Then theac^Bwe''ffiBrF'ffiSls^te^tnna rSEamouit. ot. moisture, seems to bgthe' whole secret ta getting., good'propagation, with, Madonna Lilies""«"''"'«• -""* .even upright 'lVl'--'iiilies'-staad.feansp^ting; <.»w.weUj at. this Onjc( of^the yeai'. pro-'vidod'toey arc" s i ^ j . _pj<!nty' of

on rvinvflrt Rnyp nily,<>isturn .jvhon. rvinvflrt. Rnyp ni'he roots possible around, the. "bulb

(Dahlias bloomln® now may Daeu± wlUL_long. atam^, and-perhapsyajwnlgiilrettt-thcra a- illU^ lohfterthan necessary. th§ yeasoij torthis, Is to keen young growth* closeto till? bottom, ol Mac plant for Sep-tenllHiE olaDnunff Sy kecpinssoodstrong .young growth a t the bottom Iofi^/plantyou.afe.«UEe.<sta goodlot of September bloom on strong;ste:njs. 'ffbr eoSilOorweis-Ta August

,..^Ji'5S^TjjB(w?..tnKpl5ite bfi^m)ITliis treatment' furnishes sHo£tersturdier bushes which won'tt rorlulre ipjfflucH" staking. There IB noWnj^iftge.ttinB dahlias too. ta3|; ' '






; ftualliX aadl; ServlbB :4ta3--•wKpiwatea Saif ' " -"

~~ 's*a«;


When the roof ol a home Is re-newed, the matter of -weight of the

of State Highiway Route No. 25.200 feet from Bast Scott avenue,Rahway.

w a r e - ymiajn, Booth. Railway, rep-resentative, of ' the Factory Divi~

Gloria street, d a r k .,'Brwinfront rooi-slant'. rectaneular corner tub with over

i d h T

Transfers OfReal Estate

Newsted" Building and Loan As-sociation. Liquidating; Corporationto- I^rederick L. Zygala, single,property known as No. 20 Lincolnboulevard,' CSark.

Aderf Autoboriums. Inc., to Mr.and Mrs. William Erankiewteh.

retheastcrly side

Officials ChosenMerek Employees Select

Four Representatives .

Officials of the Merck &; Co.,Inc.. Employees Organization metlast Friday evening, and con-firmed^ the election of four newrfepresentatlvea and- owo membersto the Finance Committee accord-cording to an announcement madeby 'Harry Lanouette. These repre-

, , . . . . T-~, ^.Tmi^TT^wfi, T.f>;

the Hahway" Savings Institution^lots S3 and 54, block 46, consisting;of SO feet in Pierpont street, mapi

-oS-ptoperts^BBIOBgw» to Suburban. Lfackaging-JDepartment — VInconi;t€^-KanwasNrspistti4l

property in the southerly line o £West Inman a-venue, 250 feet fromJAadlson-avenueIIHIH-SIUII avenue^ .—~— ^-^-^-—:^4—Z.^__ — —

Unden, Trust Company toHat-T00^ttee--. _Jie-SegaiHJ»oi}erts=atttlon of the northerly lin of iavenue and the westerly line of!Lenox place.

Home Owners' Loan Corpora-tion to Leah Kriesberg, propertyknown as 20tt Lafayette street.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Packman,to Parlcway. Development, Inc.,.property In the southwesterly sideof road leading from Ifinsey cor--ner-to-fTorenr—"• ~

resentative of the Mechanical Di-vision—Mrs. Smmo. Gartner.•ptewoodr Of

, K a n w a s-the- SWppineVTanderschalk,


JJohn-iand Ai

l dderschalk, Blizalbeth. and Ai

Boutllinskl. of Clark were electedto fill the vacancies on the Finance

-— — !••• •n.f-Lj 4 • t' ' il T L * H * 1M ' l M M I ^ * r 111.:

land of Robert Russell, containing,20-16 acres of landu with excep-|tion. R a h m a d C l kn. Rahmay-jind^Clark-

The iRahway Savings Institution,to Merck and Company, Inc..property at the intersection of thenortheasterly side of Scott avenueand the southeasterlyMontgomery

side of

Mi. and Mrsr-aacoto Ziiman toRaleieh Alden "Square," Inc., onetract in the southeasterly line ofiLinden avenue, at the southwest-* r 4 f

I, WJ. . . . J J U W 'Ui—HVi^merly of John M. .Yankulics andone tract in the southeasterly lineof linden avenue, 177.36 feet Iromlands now or formerly of John M.'Yankulics.

Laura E. Jardlne and others,trustees, to Jacob Zuman, prop-

•ty in the easterly sldclino otUnden avenue, at division line oflands of the estate of Henryi J.Jardine and lands now or formerlyof John^ M. and Mary Yankullcscontaining thof John^ M. and Mary Yankullcs.containing three acres, more oxless.

»K,X BEFORE PAINTING .When Pftlnttog redi cedar or. red1;

oo^^sidte^.ainplertimtf should-be I.Ito j}erjnjj_-the -wood-to' drjtiore applying file pr ims

alloyred to j}erjnjj_the woodto drjtout before applying file primescpat. The latter, to too most: ef-fective,- shpuldr-consist o tUireejpats of pure white lead and; oil,jr a high quality- mixed paintshould) be specified.


Creaky, staii-s may be silenced bynailing.. headless, .finishing.' nags,through the treads into the risersbelow'thenj. The tread is.the flatstep of a stair;.the riser i s the ver-tical piece at the back of eachtrend The nails used should ttwo antf one-half to throe inchesin length. They should slant al-,,ternately to' -left' -and- jo Tightrasfjthey are nailed in pteee. Two marbe enough. After counter-sinking,the nailholes should- be* fiHed- with-plastic wood, or putty and tintedto match the woodwork.

storms and' be ready foewinter's ley Mast.

Dp You Want To SellI. Your Home?


We Have Caients/^aitiag

List 11 Now With

carefully. If the old roof- is ofwood shingles, it ia often, possibleto-cover—KH iWthout "removing" theolct. shingles. • • •

^ _ _ . - . ...T..,.,:, .,...,., ,;. w . ., ,..., ..._......-_JSIos incmy years «gi3) tfca aHow. j»«^^o;afw.,%tg|giWeBL.ffii| _ ^ - ^wliara the- bulldejr proudly displaced. <« built-in tin, Sir^c. Tij{I<?2 ti^? to''*BO

i 'eontcdntrs jor all soytg. ot. -Jtilehek e ' iBnt::enff:

In- tneiTatSEM^! Yqil%»l.:.|SBs:iuin eveiry room, [. ,..,.!.•.,,. ,,,'•..*

' " " " ' • p a a J l s ' i 1 * " * ' " " - ' ^ - * ' - — ' » » - • - » • ' •'••• - •" • • ' • ' ' - i r i • • • - . - : - - • •-••*!••••"••".:' • • • • " . • " ' - : • - • • : . t ' « ' i . " - i 3

leTloccd na

p _ _ _^ _ __^These a e a ofi eut ConsbruoUott Industry dit 't- woAr Sranfr « ScraonciJe faint tthey t ^ f t a - ess individuals, "'Ote;tlielr^own Snltjauiw/(icxiid4n«f

d d ^ C T S ! ^ p p | ) S r t a a i t g l ' ••• ' " 1—' ,^ 'V.. . .•——

mmJ l



Page 6:  · The Rah way Recordhard they will AIJGTO* f, 1941 be apPHed may depend w this Far East." ' 3: Sitromb' KsSs Published Thursday Noon Thursday, Augusi_V1941 ft REGISTER NOW The right

!S!S(S? *555»


PAGE >tfffl

ie Rahway Record *


Established July IS, 1823lira Broad Street TeL Rob. 7-0800 ftahway. NewWalter * . Mani l e__J. JeftHna Kales —Editor



This newspaper waLsJfounded luul Is nudntaltied u i»n tht nrinefcfoof a clear, concise and unbiased presentation of a]] the •- '—--"—news of th« wMnimniWr, tmrt. npon the—basis-of—a-edltorial - » " - -

Published Thursday NoonThursday, August 14, 1941




HOW COME, HIGH COST?Americans need new homes — there is scarcely a town

or city in the whole United States tKafTsn't crying for moreand better housing. Even those who are comfortablyhoused in 10 or 15 year-old homes are casting covetous eyeson the new models that have been built in the last few yearsand wishing that they might scrap their old model for oneof the new super de luxe jobs that has more contraptions

__and_ gadgets..in a compact six-Foom frame than their oldgangling model has in eight or nine.

We'll, what ' s holding them back?"Materials cost too much , " complain the uninformed

.So-we-Started-on.a huntto-find-eot about "~~""—__subjec_t the current j ssue nf-Jfatioalgr-Bugig--pe^tHWttS^wrorrrVa+iorrr- r——;

It says that the total cost of building a house last Janu-axy-aras abont,six_-pej-cent more-than in J a n u a r y 194IK-$^,OQn>iniigP in .Tanna r.y-1940 WOUldJiaVS-COSt j&ySOO-Ul-lii*^It doesn'_t seem that $300 should be a deterrent to a man


lately senl'nUu Russia haver-pithe men who preceded them.

It also seems Jrnquestioned 4ftat Gtfrttiaaj^littS-lostquantities of aircraft and mechanised equipment—andbas consumed immense amounts of oil, that most pre-cious of war materials. Russian bombers haw been

- iMvadmg^RounTffniairoil fields, and may have done con-siderable damage. And in the meantime, Britain hasbeen carrying on determined, big-scale air raidsagainst the Continent.

At the beginning, British spokesmen had little to say ofRussian chances. They were frankly skeptical. Now theyare saying that the Russians have actually stopped theGermans, and that there is no possibility of the campaignending before the winter rains set in. If that is true, Ger-many will be in for a war of position—and that is preciselywhat Hitler cannot afford. In addition, Britain getsstronger as Germany gets weaker. This war isn't_pyerjrgt—•but not since it sfarTeaiTasTEe'outloolPbHeTrso good forthe Allies.

n, think some, German morale will startto crack. It is a fact that in the last world War, Gcr-


,..„___. ._•—-——-— w.>«««•t.'^H?J=^.ii^i^.•iS*t=J^•**-* |J**srej-^^ s e e m s .even more ridiculous tcrcrrar-ge~the material suppliers with"making exorbitant demands. In theiirst place, more than50 per cent of the cost of a house is for labor, and a govern-ment source says that the wages of building mechanics in-

-cTeased-TOn per cent over thl^jame^enpclj while the priceof building supplies increased only 5.1per cent.

We are not advocating that labor should be satisfiedwith less, but it seems that business men might be morevociferous in pointing out that they have been able to climbonly half as far up the price ladder, as the boys who wield

"The trowels arid hammers.

HTTLERIAN TACTICS HEBE-go^ut-^-blufttlyy-iMg-e^eaiHJiat uertairr

leaders have one aim in mind: To make it impossible futany man to obtain a job, any man to earn a living, unless

~~Ke~b"elohgs To a "labor umdnT"" These labor leaders, in short,are driving toward a labor monopoly—and toward personaldictatorship over every working man and woman in thiscountry.

the scrapbookHistory of Rahway Prom Record Piles

4hcGegnianrexfcrsesgMd losses istlirougETo hc German people, no matteroneyPrT^CrgBbbe&pnts out through press

.__... , ... KalH.—., „ - ~»»*t».n£U

"The frescoing of the First Presbyterian Church hasbeen finished, but owing to the damp weather of last weekthe old sizing which was left on the walls, began to peel and'spoiled the work so greatly that a greater portion of theceiling had to be washed-off, -and is JIOW being re-sized andfrescoed. Mr. Seth B. Ryder, ex-Sheriff, is doing the work."

"The pic-nicof the 1st Presbyterian Church was heldlast Tuesday at McKenzie's woods near the Bramhall prop-

.-(Spare Jn this column lafreer to those who wish to useIt to comment upon any sub-

~J*cL AH letters must be slcnedor the identity known t<? thee d i t o r ; H Q

ppypesairttirriewBshad notwithstanding the

which came up about noon. Swings and tables were^ ^ P «*»««* n°°«- Swings and tables were Rahway Record,.™tlS*rU?tef l n abundance, and when the showex-came up--Sir: - -" ™ w h o h a d " ^ f e l l a s weae sheltered, but those with no All last week the 1csheltenni? ant m.ito ..«* i « i ' •

IH pursuing that goal, these leaders will use anyweapon that comes to hand. They will call strikes in de-fense industries, apparently not caring a whit that thecountry's security and safety are thereby imperiled. They

"\vill rig labor elections in one way or another, so that theordinary union man is virtually voiceless. They will, OSoccasion, stoop to violence and terrorism. They make useof that most terrible weaport^the blacklist. Their obvious

...,, purpose is-to put the fear of God into workers and employ-Ifff- —1 ers, so that they Vill knuckle under.

The callous disregard certain labor leaderahave shownfor government itself in this time of grave-crisis indicatesthe way the wind blows. They make totally unjustified andimpossible demands on industry on an "or else!" basis.Their methods are often impossible to differentiate fromthose of Capone in the heyday of organized vice. This pro-

—Jectedlabofr monopoly is one 6Tf the most serious problemsthe United States has ever faced..

Let this-state of affairs" go on long enough, "and the;"country will be helpless. A.few fat-salaried labor leaderswill rule this country as surely as Hitler rules his Reich.

. Nothing will be done without their permission—aiid-on theirterms. These are the syndicalistic tactics that did muchto destroy France.

y.uc»o wcue srieiterea, out those with nosheltering got quite wet. They adjourned to Mr. McKen-zie's house and there served cream and peaches to thescholars, and in the course of an hour or two

editor;HwtrBVMTnaiiles WQTnet be published if the writerso desires although The Bee-curd prefetvthflt names he pub-lished. While The Record willpublish letters and commentson any subject, this newspaperdoes not necessarily subscribeto the beliefs expressed. Viewsof all writers are their own,not necessarily ours.)

and Intensive drive to cut 1942local government budgets.

Public officials have been askedto work.—Jointly with taxpayers

EditorRahway Record,

to the gruveday's sports

Tne cnildren seemed much pleased with the

Kahway 25 Years Ago"The fifth case of infantile, paralysis to develop in this

city eame to the notice of Dr. George E. Gallaway lastnight in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Stewart,colored, of 29 Haydock street, their two-year-old son, Al-fred, being afflicted with the disease in a comparativelymild form."

"Important changes have taken place during the pastfew days in some of the principal positions at the. New Jer-sey Reformatory. -Manton D. Martin, of 145 West Miltonavenue, who has been employed as chief clerk at the Stateinstitution for the jjast.12 years, has resignedtp assume aposition in the casWerV-department of tCompany, financiers>of New York City."

"A poorly executed double

All last week the lodges of theliberty Organization, held theirannual convention in your con-eenlal city. Represen-tatlvRs fmm"all parts of New Jersey werepresent.

I urould like to express my grati-tude to your fair city for being sohelpful and courteous to us.

I feet that I must thank all thepejsrdeijif-JElanway ior their warmwelcome and hospitality.

Rahway may-well be proud ofFather Sllvlca and Mr. JointWareo, who served) as chairman,also Mrs. Glag-ola, BabiUa, Totlnand Ladanye, who were our cooks.

" Very truly yours, .MRS. M&Riy BOOK.

success. Many of thejn have al-ready responded favorably.

In sponsoring the state-.wldedrive to appoint non-salaried"Economy Survey Directors'' ineach community to prepare nowfor large-scale • reduction, nf—npgtyear's public spending programa.the New Jersey Taxpayers Associa-tion and its many allied localgroups are approaching thls_sertdus pfoMem in a practical, fore-sighted manner.

Citizens of this community can.a l i H » i lauil,4aalpiBaHHmt»i lauil, w f l i ) Ulv

tag their wholehearted support tothe drive and l>y informing publicofficials of their •wifflngness to ac-cept the sacrifices which, -will benwy.wn,ry t" Inilirn Itt

Ey t Inilirn Itt CTmmwi

E. P. L. EUROHXTEUD, V. P.• D l C u n l y Taxpayers Ass'n.


In tKe Western Hemisphere a new and brilliant interna-tional light of law is beginning-to.burn. It is the Inter-Am-

_erican Bar .Association,-dedicated "to the prompticm of auniform code of law for the American Republics that trade,peace, and prosperity all may be advanced. . . . As theyremove legal b a r r i e r . +Vi" fi-o«>T- Tri]]_ha-iarc-«AWF f

. the coat 0fast In-er-seals, . ..„«= uthe Rahway nine this season.


Sir:The need to cut. dpwa_our_lucni

tax burden at this time cannot be-"—'-•" The national emerg-


y applied by theS C O r e d t w o s t o r i e s over

and travel.—Dean, Emeritus John H. Wigmore, in the issueof the Rotarian magazine. . . —

pments of war to safeguard ourcountry from foreign aggression.

Q. "Cohere should I keep myDefense Savlnes Bonds?

A. In a safe place, becausethey have value which constantlyIncreases. If you wish, the Trec&-ury. Department or any FederalReserve Bank will hold them insafekeeping for sou withoutcharge, giving you a receipt.

Q. DOBS an album filled with-Stamps automatically become aBond" that -win-pay "Interest "andmature ln 10 years?~~ m; No; flftd" completed albummust be exchanged for a. Bond. 1Regardless of the amount oftmmesq

Lyou havo Invested-instampsithey.I will not bear Interest until t h e yare to the form .of a Bond orBonds.


Kaliway Past, ifttiisrtsajrrE^loB7

Commander Fred SchuKz, SSBllNeugebauer, George Bent andMichael W. Zuccarelll have teennamed delegates to the Depart-ment Convention of the American'Legion to be held atSeptember 4 to 6.

• • *The Drum andi Bugle Corps of

Post 8 will participate, hi the Con-vention Parade in WUdwoodr onSeptember 6. The Corps will leave*Rahway by .bus on September 6.

The membership committee has

members. Plans for an "EarlyBird" membership drive are beingcompleted by the committee.


who •.•^""sMlrmM.iief. ithea, annualijpn*toeI>whJchHasJiiMJseent!y,;fthaaksd-th© • raanT^flrps^com!"auttea-foEihBhi^ff^iilB-aakunrthe affahr thi 'sueeess;ie was. Themembers of theiFosfcjwUl join withthe veteran^ O6BtraJ!feaasjnltt«Ato, a Joint Veterans' pfcrii£en NawD a y . " .-'; ' ; ' 4 ~-•: ' . ' *

The nesct meeting: o£-the Po»win be held, a«st Thursday.

MulVey-tHimarsPost, V. F. wThe- SLadles" Tftuxfllites' of the

Post met last -Thursday night in-the Post rooms. W short busine™meeting was held after" which te.freshments were. served. MraMar«arefr-St§i>hens Brestded withMrs. Evelyn Sfesh^rjs secretary


120. No. 2134BAHWAY, N. jr., THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1941

, Federal governmenttloas for-npn-fflHlta

Pass Newuor Resolutions

f ; ;5 (Sornmissibher Advised By ABC BoardjThit Present licences Are Not IjaJPrppe

" J ^ i d ~ T s i ^ t e i i

*hM« Cent* a Week Itellvsfed By Carrier

thp itions, which -havo-bega-adeptithe- Officials of-Clark Township, arjeF-not^fir]


Safety Council O>nvert - LiensAfter Speeders I n t o Ratables^Charge 'One-Way Streets City Will Gain $600,000

More Ratables ThroughSale Of Properties



_ , _ -^,™™__—r™. —t of Alcoholic Beverage-Oontroi^last-night at the meeting of the Clark Commissioners heToV

Kin the Firehouse.-__The resolutions previously adopted do"*; rrcrtrshow the restrictions imposed on the licensees. "If allfehe. resolutions: are in the farm ynn hnv^i t f^ika 'Li . t"

UsedRace Track

propertles by the City there willbe more than S600.000 more prop-

. doubtful that your licenses have been properly issued,"; said the State Board communlca-'*: tlon. The dark Oommlssibners~vW remedy this conaitloa at thr t meeting of the Commlssior

"Name SBSety Council'©"citissens of Clark_were ap

' pointed, as a Safety Council bs: 34ay6r iLeon Sehlndler. Those

. __4d—SL-«iuddy^|' Walter arutoe, Peter M. Peterson,

Havfland—and— William—.. Thjs committee was

named because of The prevalenceof reckless driving and speedingin *he highways of the TownshipMayor Sehlndler recently con

with the mayors of other' and,_ut ies in -me counu, ~™

they are planning to Inaugurate acoopera-tlve—dEfice—against motorvehicle violations.

!Aa-t5HUnanC8-wiU-conw TIP forz. in^l ffi&dihS- awrf ppogftgf* at. the> next meeting setting an annual

l i 0 f h

a feeibasthe pastk

f Jaw find. or lhecBir«sen£

TtaSeta will "be regulated and• 'coaitrolled In. the future, according

to another ©rdteance which Is^ueto como up1 for final reading andpassage at the n«xt meeitog.

f-=r»Hie-CohitayaasJeirs*-t65Fr»HieCohitayaasJeirst65Fconsideration the request ofQ l i l t t h d i t e i biQlialtea—that-rdisteibutor—-Hcstise

, fees be reduced to £35© Instead of• $3126 which is thj^ cost tor the 11

joenseat_ Hrls t t t " |

remain to j>ay for the ordinaryoperations of government.—-This

forego many of thet d l

ny of the publico t s end luxuries which keep

our tax bills high, h

eaogIGseslgldjy enforced;Township.

. nB^yDKnsbKfcdler, an9i OomftiJlssloness Thoams Evans and War--resi -Wusoa gave detailed reports6 f t h t L l t i l t h l H S ! S

With"Bear M™» • a s ^ e t p x c m c aboard-the S. S. Favorite. .A! M o u n t<"n as the destination " avorue......— ~± *a.yx, jo-uowingjarxmises-ef-dttfirrite"

;axrtiuirnhe Public Service is acting upon the demand ofMayor Thomas A. Fyffe that the unused switches of thetrolley tracKs^on-Irving^ street, at Elizabettj_ay£nue-and-te-^fron*~of the-old car barns near tKe TTew Empire Theatre,be removed."

by ding^ Continued Prom Page One ~

Germany has not lost the Knssiau war. It would notcome as any great surprise if Hitler's forces yet suc-ceeded in taking Moscow, Leningrad and other -keyCities. But tlippn would t,n ttn11n« jir!r.f nyjoc imiocc,. nf -the same time, Hitler xvas qblc to destroy Kussian mili- :

tai-y power. SoTong as substantial Bed armies remainin existence and fighting, Hitler .will not be safe nojhatter howjnnch Russian totritory he succeeds in con-quering:.. On top of that.Bussian civiiians hav« d

t suicidl f

"FUnas are being raised in a nation-wide drive to erectmemorials to Christy Mathewson, deceased ball player.

-Mayor Thomas A. Fyffe has been .named chairman of thelocal drive committee and has appealed for contributions."

"^ t l m e s ' me>^^ all waste andextravagance, wherever it S

— i i . i r . n - . • " - , y '••T'—f"Hr—WffT;—t>rc:aittsed Laxpiiysw throughout I tallow, wood, paper, gas and elec-New Jersey are leading a spirited trlclty. ,


week ai the home of Mrs.j ; Best, 623 West Grand avenue.

r, Mrs; Edward Collins and.; JobVsutolUfey'aaSs;\SuteUffe1sevKosteas;at thene'gtiaaeBt


isHfi ittdle tipa. otftoad, construe-loa, Hnliiess'ana ibeauty iri:sheet-

g n top of that.Bussian civiiians hav« dtnignaliuttst suicidal fervor in destroying areas -which

have been evacuatedt^and in sniping at German troops.--a&o-Russians^iwtrtfelrting i» total war i t t l f h i... _ o u s a total war in total fashionnow, and they have demonstrated surprising courage."

;Best of all, from the.British-American poiut of. vient, isthe apparent fact that Germany is."On August 2, the Russians, "troops has-represent a

incapacitated it is

o - - . •••ovuiayess reserves Germany has |

half-yeajly sale,.

• TEhfire stoiik.pf spring_and summer-suits

v^To" buy "Defense Bondsand Stamps, go to the nearest postOffice, bank, or savings and loanassociation; or write to the.Treas-ireEJf4hBirtd uuxi, vvasn-

D.- C.,'- for a mail-order • iReguIarsj j^hprts,

Fuels for nimuinatfonThere are seven fuels used fornmttfi money on, tiiese finely

tailored :' suits. ;.-Please

lection is at its best.

* v ir n

PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM?Your bes», defense tiklm

nflcenain prices I» t ? buyaow wilb east/. ™\ Have yon: beea thlaldtiB•boot wintef fuel—watiScrmiffe« — boiae

newer rar? n , e i e , „

Md yon .rijonld have them; \iWise «hoppai-Tflf8^giHfi5-7them now—at t o d a y ' s *prices. . u * ' . 1 1

Vqu. tea buy now AKJother

areT . .private:

You a » tbe emy eneIoiow» about It—

• S^nr money i» _te_lT faf

MEWS SHOP-THIBDloan on ugacurity.—

Convenient, cottil&ttttetentu oE tcpanaatt tie ar-ranged accatalag to yova


Daily and SATURDAY218-20" NO. WOOD AVB.

(2nd Floar WNBEV, N. Of.K.HI.-S-S0KO—=W SSO)

sneer waste of

salaiy of sf3^0O for the *ownship library Association. The city IsAttornesjHsfead of paying him on to take over shortly the operation

the oastL •UavM ArmstronB. of thn 1 and the .private direction ana' en-JDavi<nKnstronB. of theoMSCyes J» Armstrong Is£ Jdillt-ail

ti t M r p i i op 'yn?Tiyp TiffPTii" a u i f v ^ o ' i

men .who played' £ miajor "part 'sf|:the founding and the developmentof the private library association.

The original directresses ' aad.'ounders ta^SSSiot.^Jiev^ahwaselibrary were headed by Mrs. "Wil-liam C. (Cathertoft •Oi-algJ Squ'-who-retslHeanffii' position, as .1.directress and treasurer until -.nd treasurer until..w

-1913. — The .-.origtaalteectdrtWihdi© Oomsslssdonefs . anijoufbeed

ihe~aog"IGsense lawwouKTbej f d throughout the

death- hiboard._nf

many respects has continued tothe present day. The board hasalways' been composed. entlreta-ofwomen and from the first manyof Hahway;s leading women have;contributed* their services to the

"LittleRahway 5 Years Ago

Bobby Costello, the. fair-hairedj WUOKJJJO, xne. fair-haired soap boxspeeder of the city, was the cynosure of_^doring_juveaile-jey^s_as.he-sa4^^«pH:he-TolletPBa"cTc"Eood of a roadster between Mayor John E Br .«= iuuea-oacjt hood of a roadster be-

Mayor John E. Barger and William irloblitzell Wed-nesday night like a young triumphant Galahad and re-ceived the plaudits of his Rahway public in a send-off thatcrowded the city s t reets ." ' 1_ • •

^BufieiEd —

^ ^ ^ ^ j ^

'KvA^&HSiKr,1t iM .!Wght'''aoV-la

ntiMi«/3j Ty--ffiirTng3rnTiirig tactics of threeCommon Council committees the question of the $9,000S t o r m w a t & r s e w e r p i V ^ \ l l f > f \ t > t h ^ J l a n i l n u m ' a i \ l T t ^"mres aevelopea nt th

n mil il ii 111 mi

-nxres~aeveloped into^the five-star exhibition at the Com:X^ounoil meeting Wednesday night."

"An ordinance suggested by thepassed by the Commonbetween Irvingoughfare will

I 5 J b^InlotTnitloniKmiWasWitt-. .1

p1&i?f3w.Vi «iisHtJi -;ftlLialliMe' aeeessl?. •: vfe^Ue*M^SiBnB6tai*itti^M ^

to pick locks Th

. i «,w4 w jicn sne seemaaie to pick locks . . . and make all sorts of repairs arounthe house. . . . I invariably know the theory foehinf! tv.»«an? could he ovi- ' - "--



Tablet HonorsFounders^ Of

LibraryDirectors Place . BronzeJPlaqae Itt-Reeogmtiotr

Of Contributors


UttbcH 3.

SlatesMind Open OnGSays Revision Muat B

~ -TFI'OUI* Pafliaan'"

A bronze tablet was recentlyplaced ln the Rahway. Public Lib-rary by thejward of directors of


Poltical Influence

SATE COSTS(Herbert J. Pascoe^Republican,

candidate for the nomination forS t t e B t o t o.State Senator.—ia_-the—ro»DnsrPrimary, speaklne before the West-field Rotary Club <m_ Tuesday.stated his mind was jwdde"open onthe' question of a Constltatl6n«l-~_j—^.:*. piascoe ' "

political iafluence.-He advocated; an

which will eliminate the cost ofspecial elections and save the. costof hundreds x>? thousands of (idS^^b h l d ^dfl1 at'general elec'HoS.1 V V, fclle CBSttris*4n

"Wise as pur forefathers; thoughtthey, were;" said- Paseoe, - 'tthey

.have-left us contused as to theIjnanner. In wlUclua constttutioBHrevision qaii be made. "Kie tJon-

twtten 'syafl>iffly:. stafes jhat: can bo,m!ad«

rmulB.' Any pro-ht-mustbe

•ary organisation. •.First Endmtnamt

"Our State Constitution," BOB-tlnued the. candidate, "now al-

beeldeUaost--a •hundred_se'ars-old'r Jiasw*.* * u f u u ^ a \^i V4&V ^^_p || |\|f?X ff fcliXw OJlf?

names of those who have con-tributed to the library's endow-ment. The m i i* ~'*-~-~^-~-'- —-'-

•shorn Eddy, wJiocbntrlbuteaSloVtt The following year the teach-;ris of the Hahway Colored School

f ISSiT^In mare recentye&ts successive' giffe issr membewt the 8«(ijler JamllyJbavo allowed:

the .library. Jo broadan and_te-

flugrire. ;Noone^p,artyrahoutdrttyand control such a convention torth'elc poilHcai Advantage."

j d v s I t s ^ ^ i i ;of ,.:bb*oks free ,te tn« putaio wasb«"g^ iiifMi8,«and .durittg the"next" decaaetthe number- of bdploswas sseatfy increBsed.; tegrSfemartal KurXdi,. set yep fe 1SSO, ateI r t t , h « H K v ^ v y t t i t l J U

Sbtci^lTo" Be HelaTBy—Junior Matrons Saturday.At a, meeting last Thmsd&y of

the . Junior Mairons plans wfire'made j for an ice1 <sream- festival

' vppsratloas" ; durihgV theO t d t v l I i

' ofjegueattietf ;to "tbi* insUlSiHon'.' te-J;he late $Srs;'Itederjek.C.'Sauier.i

( 6 j a l r » i i ithe'TOcenfc-house to: house' caaviMscoa'duetedbytlia local Bay Stouts

aJ6Sttber;&tScout *rtb *L•Stewawhich,

iughfar"e^re.d4flybe«6mIn6;;jtMiret __._i_ _\_*±_-'$.'_r __;'_•____•!,**-'.!?—>~-»,L.'--*^l-.^

. . ...__j-jhe stats,and then, rejsasscd1 by. the nest

JaicceedlaK JGeBlslature. Aitor thishas iseea done, the amendment issubmitted to the pebple at S spe-cial electloh. No mention Is made

•His questionis. Is this the time, when theworld and our nation Is disturbed

ttett^gan it to'<teggnroperly Withthe public mind agitated, by theinternational crisis? ' . . .

vWnstfiver is doas.-apd my jjjjnttiS'wId^BBn^OT-ajBjgta^E^SE

a n a sociiil to Jbo held'•• Saturdaya&ma «b 4 ,0'docfc at the

is" ArtHmqcSfrtJMSiHitstrcit. . . . . . . . . . . . . ."1~" ~":Orpms»i8ll; was.h'esfsss'at

0 "M^'HJsS^eildejlli^SIrs;;._ »»SleSJ^e»af i tg^«**

ISSisV ~"" :'"' " "• ' '.Mrs. Jutson2BWant serving &sslsct'otftW.~Otfiers present include*!

tesC^rle'afuk M I ' *

fi&iiaBdi^Harrison," and

. yiThe-JEUhwdy Sotaiy'caia* n e ^;tlnelr regulfli- weekly luncfieoameeting at CSWVen's Ifiitel on Mton-day. cihe program was informal.X.iKUsseU Tlbnan presided wlUt»6teH At Cbatf&s sewetai-y* W sSruests wererOharlesjA. DiavlS^o!

"twac", Chalfeer, i las-tWodbHd^ W « i J h n

S , Mulford Blrcball, of Lindenand Kin Stall, 01 Newark.




umbesrfOfcmotorists^Efe. together with former Coun-

cilman A. C. Feakes. Charles T.Drake, John P. Geyer, H. O. Kett-ner. R. D:"ConlcUn and others, dis-cussett methods of- curMng, u a ^ » un7wiwjfl yi- UKU4JU1& m e

speeaing in the. business district.A conference will protoaWy be heldln the near "future with Police

I Chief Dunphy and other city offi-cials and joint steps to be takenby the police and Safety. Councilwill then be determined. •" """ "Want £arkiH£~StudJed

The Council also decided topresent Its views to the CommonCouncil on the parking regulationsiohtateed lrr the new ordinance


wtuch is scheduled to have a finalreadme Wednesday night, Tliesafety body suggested that the*m*Mng--problem-be"Studled--Itt-thelight of the expansion of Industrialplants in the city andi the largenumber of employees- forced tocommute by auto between adja-saat-towas—and tho-le

w * v**** in • i jiioil i A X ^ M ^ ^ * 1 ^ <^h*tfrl WjJilfrlnlT^I

at their regular meeting held Memday night.

Councilman DiComo stave a lucid.explanation .of the proceedure•tois—oomnsltitee—in—aetiWselllne these properties. Btnrfte-the fact that there was more than$1,000,000, in. 1939, represented b:tax Hen properties and to d&tithere havejieen erected nearly SWhouses on these converted propertles^ -lJoseph- MT -Petabertr. "attorney for the tax lien committeetold of. the progress being mad<In reducing these tax lien properties.

President John D'Ambrosa ,.,,ap-pointed iRaymand W. Bi&lth,Charles T. Drake, Raysnond F.Sggers, Maurice ChalUet, endWilliam F. Davis to represent the- "-"."• the •wednesasyCommott Council jneeidngi. r_r;_ :

'Among those also participatingln the discussions were William F .Shaffer. Oeorae Brooksbaak,Charles D. Bommel,- and G. Ed'wlna *

p ailPainting Of Christ

At the conclusion of CouncilmanDtComo's talk there was a generalddscusslon In wbJch the, followingparJiclpateVl: Hoy B. Moore, prasident of tbe association: fortneidtsr Attorney WjBiam v . HererH»bcrt Brennan, David Davis, M-Mi PatftAson. James A. PickensOeorge Miller. Bruno Polacco and-Albert Boll.

The members of the associationvoted help In the conservation 0:gasoline by asking their friends

|J»jivold-Us]ng—their cars-over—theIjabor Day week-end.

Three, new imeittbers were re-ceived into the association. Theywe*ei~AMred-Forte7-or-894 WestInnvan avenue; Fred Aag&ard, of159 Russell avenue and Joseph M,- • - ' • [ «5? casnore. street.


"Baleen, from * an I8th centuryb t shlpv~aar oil paintiiie


t IN. '.749 Th'fco Ppai l ih pil'atMr" af-

"Eoee Sffiomo"_ ~~

acked th'e cblonlal town of Bruns-wlcK,14 miles below Wilmington," iht Jwere driven off.. One of the* lips -was sunk. 'When the salvage

was removed -th« painting wasIn the capt&hVs cabin. In

House Breakers-JEnteringHiomes

"Get Reports OfDwellings Being

f^Ransacked —

During the absence of Rev.Chester M. Davis, pastor of theMrst Presbyterian Church, whowas vacationing in Vermont, someperson or persons gained: entranceto the Manse and ransacked the

to PoHce Headauarters.Thomas Gallo. of mrmgibon, who

Supreme Court Comnrisslone^Julius Kwallck. heard testimony,

I Tuesday. in Elizabeth, on a writ orreview obtained by eight Bahwaidhanoeinen which'reijuh^ed the citsand the Civil Service Commissionto show cause why open examina-tions were held for appointmentto the local Police DepartmentThe chancemen are: Frank I>eStephiino, Slosd Preston, Josephv Ctahaft,-ErvUle -Madisan.-tfohr

-C»QianneH. Frank • Errlekeon- . j d O. Enapp, Charles- SDas«k,Jr. They were represented1 by theirattorney, IHigene A. Llotta.

Ejraais Not Restricted- Ehystoal—and—mental-*«stamlaa<-

tlons taken on March 34 and MayiS, 1810 • were not restricted—to:hancenien. City Attorney Eugene

J . Malnzer. represented the City-and-hBld~that the mandate of the 1voters ^expressfidr~3^ he- rcferen—|dum-4ri—M53B adopteil civil service-to govern municipal appointmentsand the necessity for additionalpatrolmen made it necessary to fol-low the civil service requirementsand open the examination to allL,hat were eligible which resulted

l u tA\i$

vork on Route 26. reported! to thel">oUce the- theft of eosoline fromthe Shovel being used in ..the roadwork

James Watson, of 723 Centralavenue, reportied to the Police thathis house had been ^entered andransacked_whlle.he,and' Ms family.were on vacation.

Tlie Detective Bureau and theare investigating the

mumm. lu'Q m u m i n caiMll. iD'760 ltAvas presented to St. James*Thuroh by the General Assembly.he "'churcH,; cpnisjteted. in 1W0,

was usfed during the Revolutionary"Var as a (British hpMtal,_o~l!floek

6use, and still later as a Vidlne-

New Field RepresentativeFor Selective Service

WllUam Plume, of West Orange,has been named the new field rep-resentative' of the local Selective

-Serylee~Bosrdr:Phim)B~wnl ajauawHis new duties oil September 1.The change-in-personnel-was maa«-necessary-through the realloca-Won of teirl]torles to, the Mo^themjlew Jersey *aE6S. " "" —

Slit sttiectees wfll iBavo tomor-/ftS'Again used-as a hospital In the""•' r-getweenr'th^'etat^.~r: '"

_ -ulpturesvwlllie".;'s?iiown'•• at. Hodsef elt and Shot-^feplaygsJpjfflilsj-vvflEiie'y pictures

iUod " IPlftftSurer'T^Hip": with;w^JtBff.;ana'i;«*obaccp^iand:

thel U; jiSigAJUsi j*Hey: vwJU::Jbe•*TO}«SHefi Mfc:Bi!aygfpun!*; I t

i W A K ^ U ^ r r w - a n d a t Shot-;

v t 5 F l S r c o l l e « H M i B J o r thanonth tt July we*d 4l5d.ood aheadt the Same jwrlcxJ ltl 1B40, ac£6ro>tf te Jr. tvanels'*feS£,ItoQttI,S*-lver -at Taxes. The feroBA re"

selpbt and franchise Hexds amount^tc$3ft«)6wldi3idiiEhidebV Bumffthe 1B38 and JS80 taxes,, Tbe

urrent -eoUeellons were , $20,000haabC'ttA l

Pbrt rrtst where th«r willd-and-lnducted-lnto the

row. Ipr

Wr^jj^who^BetgiSed" July-7!!'*eturn«37"

to ;Joseph. Wllheun,. of W.. . . r . . ttvemie has enlls&di a s aVol'unteer. "'•:" y - ' ' •.: •';•

Chemist Slightly BurnedWhen Alcohol Ignites

"AHSroken "flasik~oTl~iloofiol whioffuaufc>H fire in the Marck labora-tory, on Tuesday, caused minorbttrna_to_lhb feca and-hands, ofteobert W» Winslc-w ,»f Plalnileld,v, chemist. Glassware and labors-tery-Jistures were damaged in theSire.

'Window received treatment forthe burns In the pTaat'infirmary)

^?g3e j^6 j3 | g | a^

An., alarm. Was jturnidjU^'aHdJ;th8SfthS»aS!PlrSiSepartmeBlt re fohoV'^ tb i i t^^aof^e^j«fe ; ;agHt ;BS ;

1'Blasir wlsT5S!Uagu1s15etl?w1JenvlIlftrrlv^,~!Damai^weMslle«v-

Eusrene F. Manner


Testimony Token-On WritObtained From Court

In Local Suit


following day, according to an•order issued by Mayor John B.Barger.- 1*fi purpose .of Jihe orderis to create a more steady flewof traffic on Route 25 and preventany loss or waste-of gasoline.

•Tbe text; of the eme*«as^MS*Bi_ as follows: At the re<iua6i;_o:the Honorable Charles A. Edison.Governor of the State of New Jer-sey, and by virtue of the authorityvested in my office as Mayor of

:ity. Tt was through this certlfl-calon that Louis Rlzzo .was ap-POlnted- to .th«--Wnll^ f>ther appointments have beenlield up because of the litigationitarted by the ohanccmen. 1

T h C l i t Service—Commlsslorrtne city are expected: to pro^

sent their testimony before theomml&sioner early in Septemberndjthat_the_c:ase._ will toe eard by.he"Supreme"Court during the* Oc-

" ir term.4mise present at the hearing

rare: Miss (Aline Dunn, acting31ty Clerk.. Police Chief CliffordJunphy and Police Sere*. DanielRommel, -who represented the city.T9w chancemen. were represnted>y chanceman Fred Q. Knnpp,resident of the State Assocdatioii>f Chancemen, Prank DeStephano,

John J. OVDonnci, and Charles J.E3asek.' 1 ' •'

Democrats Make Primary"Section Plans At Meeting

were -made for the pra-primary campaign by the mem-iors 01 the Kfthwayi EtonocEatle.Cluh at their meeting-held 1ti theWoodruff building on_ MDnday

At the next meeting of theub to be held, on September IBouoty and local 'candidates will

the speakers. Oeorge B". Bar-U presided.Reports ttosa the various wards

ttte slveti ty: Wrsb Ward, Ai-ed C. Veskes; lSeeondi Wex&,

3«orge V. BarteU, Third,Ward,Jdward Slbles^: fourth Ward, Maxftol and 5iU!lihJWird,_Sias!)_Masv

S h l l ^ ^ ~"

HAS ovvtsa..,-.,. WMJ'hei.d '-' l d^Vviby '.'-tha'leisure;0ub:iJT^..trip^wai!miiae'

j^twawi^.vtSBi'au^^JBiv&i1;;anoVftho^3a^e^tIr^.;w>»«t;S(K•aaK"MrS^^triekitaf.?ttu^ann6ni:B6amggpmml5siam8r.feand^Mffa^^thur-».Murphy,vi^j^tod>Mrt.:la^K^lPmsBpsoHjfSlirS^SKry;•a:iMa e¥Mr;';gttna;.agrBifAQthBn>.


Confesses Robberies;Held For Grand Jury\ . W. O. L. From Fort Dix, Found Asleep-1 aBa^^M^fafeHPriB^

I leadquarters, Admits Many=SoM>eri€& —j


.Jary"the- actiDn-tff

, . . .w . .^u < 7 « .& , ib , ^ a s honJaeen, iurned-over to the..CoHn.ty_auihQrities-as-Detectiv-es'John Kiesecker and Robert Walker are"gradually gettinghim to admit more burglaries than those with which he wasoriginally charged. He was held without bail. Detainershave been~ftle"d for Hedrick by" the Police nf rm-nfni-rl,.

"Roselle, Panwood and a charge of violating parole fromthe Annandale Reformatory. It is also reported that

•Hedrick wfll be ohargedl with de-sertion by the Military Authorities..Issues

Parking BanORTo Create Steady Flow 0

Traffic On StateHighway Here

XONSEKVATIONParking will be prohibited on

Route as. within the corporatelimits of -Cfty-of- Bahway- on Sun-"lays ^nd. holidasns—bstRWcn-j—tholours of 4 P. M. and 3

teclare-«iat an-emergency existssonoer-ninsff—trafific~~cond$Moris- "on*State Highway Koute 25 and dolereby egpressly prohibit parkingml&tate p g h w a y Route 26 wJOjln.iho corporate limits of the Olty of

.....wioa his nei'tfinrr. • » wsis ^held for further investigation: r

;-|—"Islkmday morning Detectlvea'.rKiesecker and Walker questioned-Hedrlck; _at headquarters^stated he had been A, W/ O „Trbm Fort i»x since the n*Jdlsr

of July and had spent the ftest HFdays at his home ln West Miltonaseaue. Since, .that time he hadbeen sleeping In the Park aid-that iRailroad station. B« also'told.howhe had entered: a, house in. Boseltei •last Thursday,'te Jirealdng a pane.:gf" glas in the cellar window.SCere, he said, he took s quantityof Jewelry. Including mwisfc ;watches, rings and Jewetey from; 'the dresser drawers. He also fSund; 1 .-so.a-plstoWa-the-clflset-l^a-bedroaBt-fjtgand- a glass jta: with a quantity! of/ '*change^JHe ^tafad -that-4ie--had.-;

y7trom. 4 o'clock P. Mr to 2 o'clockl . M. the following day.

The purpose of this order is -toassure a steadier flow of traffic on"State Highway. Route 25* in the71ty ofOTOalyway In order to prevent

entered several homes in Cranford,EntersNelghbor'a Home ' a

Later he admitted' entering the'Sjv:"""•-^' .WiQlam:.Bbiwall.- o t l i f fpg. tonravenue,-whlle!Soswelt

was away on vacation. The Basr*SH-family live te-the. .other halfof.a JDuplex-house-jel'

auy lota or waag bf eaaoTlae lattempt to conserve astnuch thcre-«f as is possible under present con-

f Rahway and al l persons usingsaid State Highway- Route 35 are•espectf uliy urged to. co=operate.

Be admitted entering the BosweU ,home on two occasions by forcing 'the cellar door and gaining ear;tranoe=KB=«he=ueiSjr=pa¥?=of ".". .house through the cellar. Fromthese two entrances he took a-ouantHar-of -j«wnlry ~mgr-$as TlBZ


Democratic ClubHear"' PlnfiB For

County AffairMembers of the Rahway Wo-len's Democratic d u b wereIven repTSEtssrtho plans of theWmocratlc Women's Club ofrnltsn Countj" at their meeting.eld Tuesday nlghit In Democraticleadquarters in the . Woodruffuildlng. Miss M. Anita Hissginstreslded and gave' the report.s d a d gave tMiss BHgglns told of plans lor

he next meeting1 of the County(rput>."whlchrwlll be held "fir Taa^ r t j Inn, Rbselle, on September

and. will include a panel forumvn the subject **Womcn.'sJEIace inatloaal—Pefotigov'. -Miaa -Hlggma-

ias 'been named a wettiber of theommlttee in e~Har.ge~o7 tfia alfetlr..Th membership - completed.

t.n nlwryi* r v t l WWDay on September 2ft, A

?eelal program wul be arrangedr the event. -

je special, award for the highsore honors went to -Mrs. Anna'Connor and Mrsi Mary Orede

was given the scecisl award. - .A social' hour to charge of Mrs,

Catherine XMete followed, the meet'

g HOliO SOOlAtiMrs. John Mowbray, •iii tmlon

street,-WaS-hcatess last Wednesdayif tcrrtfKKi at a Social of the &arm->r«ttea Club with. Mrs. ThomaSx'W.tkrk serving as co-hostess^JHigh

soojtes hi games were Jnjide by Mrs." U rBraaney, Mrs. iiobeirt Knox

toll Mrs i^ l ^ ^iward was received by-Mrs. Fred" Pfelffer. The .next Social wUl^_Jheld at t h t Jhome^^^Mrs.ieorsfe^IT. Potler. l?8ft Bryant>treet, September »r at 8:30 PJ'M.

at Fort Dix.Attested- Sunday

'Hedrick-day morning by Patrolman Ches-"tor Smith when he found hiw»asleep at the Pennsylvania Rail- 'xoad^statlon-heie.—WThen-Patral-man Smith mtide the arrest heconfiscated.a stun which Hedriclcclaimed to have found .wastalesn to~Kahwayi-I>oB£e%eaa-quarters where he was booked and

{searched. A quantity of Jewlry,$70.33, a fountain pen, a set ofIron knnddles and other articlesv f o l Il

cash. At the time of the burglary v ,Hedrick was Questioned by the Po-J.'.^Hcebut denied any connection with. ,S?j?

the money and sold most of the 'lewehr for old gold. :

<to Tuesday, morning after his.-appoaKance -In. Jsollce^OouEt^the^

furtiher. by rxtw-flviwand Walker. At this time he ad-mitted ransacking th©-g nnorg?home In West Haaelwood avenue.

Continued on Pace Four _

Tell Them And•Help Them


If you are one of the thou-d f H d d SsandaOHeeord^eaderSyouBiDe

&O doubt a regular.reader ofthe wantags.,. (»spiSoutoow_how interesting Tihsy. are^ andTperhaps you. are one. »iho Basused these small, iriejcpenGlve-ads with «opd results. This

1/l (tyihesy i n g thft ff«i<tf>. y " " awmw .WAI.hesitate to rocommead themi to4he tos*s s»u ibuy from. 3pverymerchant who h'ag thtoga to sellis Interested In" furthering his"businessandbrtogtoeJHO-"customers into his store. "We'llwager that every meroh&ntyoubuy fwaa would welcome soiar

|r«coouneiidatlon th&Uuuidver-

-Hse- resularljr-ltcJaa. HecordiWant Ads., All they ue«& is theIrecoiumeadattatt of their cm-tome'rs. Theyi will tsonalder, thatyoa h«.ve don»-thera & favor

I and will tbinfc you niajw times!f yrM \Ytifair-* ihenir-to lisa these

> small, iiwucpensive. ads ceosls-tentiy lAbdrfctotLkesrioi d i f f ^tentiy. lAe^ce What

totLkesrio difthey are hx»

1 1 ' ' • i ^^ y | J ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ P W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
