The Radiology Assistant : Ankle Fracture - Weber and Lauge-Hansen Classification

Basically there are three main types of ankle fractures. Weber classified them as: type A - infrasyndesmotic type B - transsyndesmotic type C - suprasyndesmotic These fractures are identical to the fractures de- scribed by Lauge-Hansen as supination-adduc- tion, supination-exorotation and pronation-ex- orotation. We will first give a short overview of these frac- tures and then discuss them in more detail. Once you understand the trauma mechanism as described by Lauge-Hansen and the sequence of events that take place in stages, then you know where to look for fractures and ligamen- tous injuries. Publicationdate August 23, 2012 Classification of ankle fractures is important in order to estimate the extent of the ligamentous injury and the stability of the joint. The Weber classification focuses on the integrity of the syndesmosis, which holds the ankle mor- tise togeth er . The Lauge-Hansen system focuses on the trau- ma mechanism. Adding the stages of Lauge-Hansen to the We- ber system will help you to predict ligamentous injury and instability . This article will help you to correctly stage ankle injuries and to detect fractures, that are not ob- vious at first sight. Ankle fracture - Weber and Lauge-Hansen Classification Robin Smithuis Radiology Department of the Rijnland Hospital, Leiderdorp, the Netherlands Short overview

Transcript of The Radiology Assistant : Ankle Fracture - Weber and Lauge-Hansen Classification

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