The questionnaire analysis

The Questionnaire Analysis In this part of the coursework I had to analyse the results of my questionnaire about the Rock magazine. I have collected all the data by asking 20 people (10 males and 10 females) around my 6 th Form. I have asked the most relevant questions I could, to help me decide what it is going to be included in my magazine and how it will look like. In the questionnaire I have not included question about the age as I knew that the people I am asking are in my age, they are students. The results: The first question asked about the gender. I won’t analyse this question as I have mentioned before that I have asked 10 males and 10 females. Question 2 How much are you willing to pay for the magazine? £1-£1.99 £2-£2.99 £3-£3.99 £1-£1.99 £2-£2.99 £3-£3.99 0 2 4 6 8 10 Male Female Question 3 Whose pictures would you like to see in the magazine front cover? Famous bands Individual artists Gigs other __________ Famous Bands Individual artisits Gigs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Male Female

Transcript of The questionnaire analysis

Page 1: The questionnaire analysis

The Questionnaire Analysis

In this part of the coursework I had to analyse the results of my questionnaire about the Rock magazine. I have collected all the data by asking 20 people (10 males and 10 females) around my 6th Form. I have asked the most relevant questions I could, to help me decide what it is going to be included in my magazine and how it will look like. In the questionnaire I have not included question about the age as I knew that the people I am asking are in my age, they are students.

The results:

The first question asked about the gender. I won’t analyse this question as I have mentioned before that I have asked 10 males and 10 females.

Question 2

How much are you willing to pay for the magazine?

£1-£1.99 £2-£2.99 £3-£3.99

£1-£1.99 £2-£2.99 £3-£3.990123456789


Question 3

Whose pictures would you like to see in the magazine front cover?

Famous bands Individual artists Gigs other __________

Famous Bands Individual artisits Gigs0










Page 2: The questionnaire analysis

Question 4

Would you like to have competitions in the Rock magazine?

Yes No

Question 5

What freebies would you be the most interest in?

CD’s Posters Both other_______________________

Question 6

On the contents page you are more likely to find:

More text More pictures Equal amount of both

P 1. P 2. P 3.

Yes No0








Cd's Posters Both Other0








Page 3: The questionnaire analysis

Question 7

Does the use of colours on the front cover influence your decision on buying the magazine?

Yes No

Question 8

If yes, what colour pattern do you prefer?

As I have expected while I was creating the questionnaire people are willing to pay the least price for the magazine. I have not included any price under £1 because people will tick only this one and it is really not realistic to make interesting magazine that will include freebies and all the features for only £1. The price of the magazine decides on the quality. My magazine will probably look like the

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3012345678


P 1

P 4

P 3

Yes No0123456789



P 2

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 40







Page 4: The questionnaire analysis

Kerrang! magazine. The front cover will be made off the same material as the rest of the pages. That also appeals to the audience because teenagers are less likely to have any disposable cash and they will not be able to afford more expensive magazines’ which are very often made from higher quality paper.

Summarising the third question I have realised that people mostly want to see the Famous Bands. This was really helpful question as now I have a clear vision what will the main image of the front cover be. In my opinion the covers with the bands on them are more interesting because there is more things going on them and they are more attractive to their target audience, including me. The thing that surprised me the most was that the people I have asked didn’t want to see anything different that I have offered. None of them ticked ‘other’. Maybe the options I have given satisfied them fully.

In the 4th question I have asked people if they would like to see any competition in the magazine. Mostly all of the people answered with yes. That will be very helpful for me because I know now what I can place on the contents page and what would appeal most to them. This will make my contents page more interesting and it will appeal to more people.

Looking on the chart we can see that the people are really interested in the Posters and the CD’s in the same time. It is the most attractive offer I could ask them about. 3 of them have given their own offer; they have said that they will be interested in vouchers. However for me it would be kind of difficult to find any of the vouchers so I rather stay with the posters and CD’s. The freebies make the magazine much more interesting and it will appeal to more of the audience.

Creating the questionnaire I thought that it will be really interesting and helpful I f I have added some pictures to present how the different contents pages look like. And it really was. People were really positively surprised and it helped them a lot to make the decision. As I have predicted, the target audience for my magazine were more likely to find more pictures than the text on the page. Therefore most people have chosen pattern 2 as they one they like the most. This question also gave me an idea of how the contents page should look like and how I should design it.

The 7th question shows how differently do boys and girls think about the use of colour on the cover. This is helpful however, doesn’t give me the answer straight away. Even if more people have answered that they are attracted by the colours the rest wasn’t. Almost all of the boys did say that the colours do not influence their decision whether buy the magazine whether not to buy. Girls reacted in the other way; the colours influence their decision of buying the magazine. However, I want to create magazine that will appeal to both of the genders. So I may look at the colour patterns they have chosen in the next question, but I have to make sure that the magazine isn’t going to be to girly even though the use of colour may not influence the boys.

As I have said before the last question links back to question 7 so I have responses only from 11 people. They mainly chose pattern 3 so those are the colours I will be also looking at while making the magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.