The QuarkXPress Insider...4 The QuarkXPress Insider Resample pictures The File Save Picture commands...

The QuarkXPress Insider Volume I A collection of tips and tricks for QuarkXPress 6.5.

Transcript of The QuarkXPress Insider...4 The QuarkXPress Insider Resample pictures The File Save Picture commands...

Page 1: The QuarkXPress Insider...4 The QuarkXPress Insider Resample pictures The File Save Picture commands give you the opportunity to downsample each picture’s pixel res-olution, so it

The QuarkXPress InsiderVolume IA collection of tips and tricks for QuarkXPress 6.5.

Page 2: The QuarkXPress Insider...4 The QuarkXPress Insider Resample pictures The File Save Picture commands give you the opportunity to downsample each picture’s pixel res-olution, so it


The QuarkXPress Insider

New to QuarkXPress 6.5 2

QuarkXPress basics 6

Working with type 9

Working with pictures 13

Prepress and printing 16

QuarkXPress for the Web 19


Page 3: The QuarkXPress Insider...4 The QuarkXPress Insider Resample pictures The File Save Picture commands give you the opportunity to downsample each picture’s pixel res-olution, so it


The QuarkXPress Insider


Primary new features in QuarkXPress 6.5

The three principal new features in the

QuarkXPress 6.5 update are QuarkVista (a picture

adjustment and effects XTensions), PSD Import

XTensions software powered by ALAP (a Photoshop

format import and layer selector XTensions module),

and QuarkXClusive (a variable content generator

XTensions module). These should be listed in your

UUttiilliittiieess Þ XXTTeennssiioonnss MMaannaaggeerr..

Getting started with QuarkVista

To get started with QuarkVista, select a picture you

have imported to a page and choose WWiinnddooww Þ

SShhooww PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss to open the PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss

palette. You will obtain better results if you import

the picture with a 32-bit preview.

Two sets of effects

The PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss palette provides two sets of

effects. Each is accessible from the first two buttons

at the top of the palette. The left button contains

color adjustment effects and the right button con-

tains the filter effects.

Color pixel data

After you apply effects to a picture, you can click IInnffoo in

the PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss palette and view the RGB and CMYK

values as you drag the mouse across the picture. To

activate the Info feature only, apply an effect without

making adjustments.

Speed performance when updating the preview

When you are using pictures that are physically large

on the page or on the screen with QuarkVista, you

can speed up performance by zooming out of the

layout so that the picture box appears smaller.

Toggle preview

Each effect that you can make a custom adjustment

on provides a PPrreevviieeww option. You can accelerate

performance by unchecking PPrreevviieeww while dragging

on the sliders, and then checking it again afterwards.

For example, adjusting the five sliders in the LLeevveellss

effect with PPrreevviieeww checked refreshes the preview

five times instead of just once.

Numeric values

To adjust the numeric values interactively in

QuarkVista’s effects dialog boxes, click in a numeric

field and press the up and down arrows on your

keyboard. The values will increase or decrease in

single increments.

Saving presets

You can save any combination of QuarkVista effects as

a reusable preset by clicking the SSaavvee PPrreesseett button

at the top of the Picture Effects palette. You can then

select another picture and click the Load Preset button.

Unchecked effects are included when saving presets.

Picture export

Adjustments applied in the PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss palette

exist as part of the QuarkXPress project file — they

do not amend the original source pictures. To update

the effects in the original picture files, go to FFiillee Þ

SSaavvee PPiiccttuurree and choose SSeelleecctteedd PPiiccttuurree or AAllll

PPiiccttuurreess iinn LLaayyoouutt..

Rename pictures

When resaving your QuarkVista adjusted pictures to

disk using FFiillee Þ SSaavvee PPiiccttuurree,, check LLiinnkk LLaayyoouutt ttoo

NNeeww PPiiccttuurree in the PPiiccttuurree EExxppoorrtt OOppttiioonnss dialog

box. Remember to leave the OOvveerrwwrriittee OOrriiggiinnaall

PPiiccttuurree option unchecked to ensure that your origi-

nals are preserved.

New to QuarkXPress 6.5

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Resample pictures

The FFiillee Þ SSaavvee PPiiccttuurree commands give you the

opportunity to downsample each picture’s pixel res-

olution, so it has the correct resolution for the size

you have scaled it to on your page layout. This way,

you can create smaller, more efficient files without

sacrificing quality.

Bleed option

When using the FFiillee Þ SSaavvee PPiiccttuurree commands,

QuarkXPress crops the unseen areas beyond the

edges of each picture box. To allow for a margin of

error, increase the PPiiccttuurree BBooxx BBlleeeedd value in the

PPiiccttuurree EExxppoorrtt OOppttiioonnss dialog box.

Collect for Output

Go to FFiillee Þ CCoolllleecctt FFoorr OOuuttppuutt and click the VViissttaa

tab. Check the RReennddeerr PPiiccttuurree AAlltteerraattiioonnss option in

order to create picture files with the picture effects

applied, or leave it unchecked to have QuarkXPress

apply the effects during the final output stage.

QuarkVista usage

For an instant list of the pictures in a layout that

were adjusted with the PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss palette, go to

UUttiilliittiieess Þ UUssaaggee and click the VViissttaa tab. Here you

can also select a picture and click RReennddeerr to save

the adjusted picture.

QuarkVista menus

You can apply QuarkVista adjustments without open-

ing the PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss palette. Instead, go to SSttyyllee Þ

PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss and apply them as menu commands.

This submenu also contains incremental UUnnddoo steps

for all of your PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss adjustments.

QuarkVista XTensions software

QuarkVista is not a required XTensions module.

Someone using QuarkXPress 6.0 or 6.1 can open

your project file even if it contains pictures with pic-

ture effects applied. However, the picture effects are

no longer applied, and the pictures will print in their

original states.

Getting started with PSD Import XTensions software

To get started with PSD Import XTensions software,

draw a picture box, go to FFiillee Þ GGeett PPiiccttuurree,, choose

an Adobe Photoshop native picture to import and click

OOppeenn.. If you now go to WWiinnddooww Þ SShhooww PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt,,

the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette opens.

PSD Import and standard pictures

PSD Import XTensions software is designed to work

with standard pictures saved in the Adobe Photoshop

PSD format that may or may not contain standard

transparent layers. If you select a Photoshop picture

that contains adjustment or blending layers, PSD

Import will treat it as a composite-layer picture.

Working with Adobe Photoshop (PSD) files

You can display imported PSD pictures with low-

or high-resolution previews by choosing IItteemm Þ

PPrreevviieeww RReessoolluuttiioonn as normal. However, you cannot

customize PSD pictures using the PPiiccttuurree EEffffeeccttss

palette. To use QuarkVista on these pictures, resave

them in a different format.

Layer visibility

The layers in a Photoshop picture display as thumbnails

in the LLaayyeerrss pane of the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette. You can

show or hide individual layers by clicking the “eye”

icon to the left of each thumbnail. These selections

are respected when you print the layout, too.

Layer opacity

You can make selected layers transparent by using

the LLaayyeerrss pane of the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette provides

an OOppaacciittyy slider. A Photoshop-like set of transparen-

cy blending modes (MMuullttiippllyy,, SSccrreeeenn,, etc.) are also

provided as a drop-down menu. These transparency

effects interact with other layers, but not with the

picture box background.

Revert layer

If you change your mind about changes you made

to a selected layer, channel, or path in the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt

palette, click the palette menu button and choose

RReevveerrtt LLaayyeerr,, RReevveerrtt CChhaannnneell,, or RReevveerrtt PPaatthh.. Use the

RReevveerrtt AAllll command to apply the reversion to all layers,

channels, or paths in one step.

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Channel tints

You can adjust the overall tint setting of a selected

channel in the CChhaannnneellss pane of the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt

palette, such as a spot ink channel in a Photoshop

duotone. To do this, choose CChhaannnneell OOppttiioonnss from

the palette menu and adjust the SShhaaddee slider

(which has a default setting of 100%).

Ink solidity

To change the opaque appearance of a channel in

the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette, choose CChhaannnneell OOppttiioonnss from

the palette menu and adjust the Ink SSoolliiddiittyy setting.

Reducing this value makes the channel appear trans-

parent. This may be helpful when working with spot

varnish colors, for example.

Spot color switch

You can switch spot color channels in Adobe

Photoshop pictures to other colors using QuarkXPress.

Simply select the channel in the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette,

choose CChhaannnneell OOppttiioonnss from the palette menu, and

choose a replacement color from the CCoolloorr drop-

down menu.

Indexed pictures

You can edit Adobe Photoshop pictures that have

been saved in IInnddeexxeedd CCoolloorr mode easily from the

PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette. Just click the CChhaannnneellss pane and

double-click the IInnddeexxeedd channel to open the IInnddeexxeedd

CCoolloorr OOppttiioonnss dialog box. You can then edit the indi-

vidual colors as you would in Photoshop.

Runaround and clipping

The PPaatthhss pane in the PPSSDD IImmppoorrtt palette offers a con-

venient visual representation of existing paths saved

in an Adobe Photoshop picture. Here, you can assign

paths for clipping and runaround purposes visually

rather than using the IItteemm Þ RRuunnaarroouunndd and IItteemm Þ

CClliippppiinngg menu commands.

Rename paths

To change the name of any path in an Adobe

Photoshop picture, Ctrl+click (Mac OS) or right+click

(Windows) its name in the PPaatthhss pane in the PPSSDD

IImmppoorrtt palette and choose RReennaammee PPaatthh from the

context menu. Then, enter a new name in the

RReennaammee PPaatthh dialog box.

Thumbnail size

To either increase or reduce the size of the thumbnails

in the LLaayyeerrss,, CChhaannnneellss,, or PPaatthhss panes of the PPSSDD

IImmppoorrtt palette, click the palette menu button and then

choose PPaalleettttee OOppttiioonnss.. You can choose an appropri-

ate thumbnail size, or even choose to remove the

thumbnail completely.

PSD Import XTensions software

PSD Import XTensions software is not a required

XTensions module. Someone using QuarkXPress 6.0

or 6.1 can open your project file even if it contains

Adobe Photoshop native pictures. However, those

pictures will only print as low-resolution previews.

Group tables

QuarkXPress 6.0 and 6.1 treated tables as independ-

ent objects on your page. With QuarkXPress 6.5, you

can group them with other objects, including text

boxes, pictures, and lines. To do this, select a table

and any other objects with the Item tool and choose

IItteemm Þ GGrroouupp..

Pasteboard guides

Ruler guides added to master pages always appeared

on layout pages based on those masters. This also

works with ruler guides dragged to the pasteboard

area around a master page in the QuarkXPress 6.5

update. This is useful for setting up a visual bleed area.

Missing Font

When you open a project that contains a font you don’t

have installed, QuarkXPress 6.5 provides a MMiissssiinngg FFoonntt

warning message. Click the BBuuyy MMiissssiinngg FFoonntt button in

the alert and you can browse an online font library and

store run by Linotype.

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The QuarkXPress Insider


Project files

QuarkXPress 6.0, 6.1, and 6.5 files are known as

“projects” rather than “documents.” Each project

file can contain one or more layout spaces which

can be print layouts or Web layouts. Understanding

this hierarchy is essential if you are to get the most

out of the program.

Create box first

You cannot choose a picture or text file to import to

a layout until you have created and selected a box.

Be sure to create boxes first, and then place content

(text and pictures) in them.

Change shape

Boxes, lines, and shapes are interchangeable items:

You can convert one to another instantly using the

IItteemm Þ SShhaappee commands.

Rounded corners

To change any ordinary rectangular box to a box with

rounded corners, enter a value in the CCoorrnneerr RRaaddiiuuss

field in the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette. To return the box

to its original square corners, enter a zero in the field.

Context menus

Ctrl+click (Mac OS) or right+click (Windows) items in

your layout and you will open a context menu of com-

mands relevant to the selected item automatically. This

is especially useful if you are a beginner because it

saves you from navigating through the main program

menus for the right commands every time.

Text to pictures

Convert a picture box to a text box, or vice versa, by

using the IItteemm Þ CCoonntteenntt commands. Here you will

notice a content option named NNoonnee.. This is useful

for adding invisible boxes when you are fine-tuning

a text runaround.

Hide or lock other layers

In the Layers palette, Ctrl+click the “eye” icon next to

a layer. This will hide all of the other layers you have

been working on instantly, leaving just the layer you

have selected. If you Ctrl+click the LLoocckk icon, this will

ensure that all layers, except that one, are locked.

Experimental layers

You can place alternative versions of headlines or pic-

tures for a layout in different layers. You can also show

and hide the alternative versions interactively by click-

ing the “eye” icons in the LLaayyeerrss palette.

Experimental layers and hidden runarounds

If you are experimenting with alternative versions of

a layout, you may encounter problems with hidden

runaround on pictures or other items that affect

visible layers. To disable this on an individual layer,

double-click the layer in the LLaayyeerrss palette to open

its AAttttrriibbuutteess dialog box and uncheck the KKeeeepp

RRuunnaarroouunndd option.

Move locked items

You can adjust locked objects on your page

((IItteemm Þ LLoocckk)) without unlocking them. Simply

select the object with either the Item or Content

tool, then change its XX and YY position or WW and HH

values in the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette.

Lock master pages

When you edit master page items on a layout page,

the link back to the master page breaks. To avoid

doing this inadvertently, lock the default layer and add

other layers for your actual layout. Locking the default

layer effectively locks all the master page items.

Backup master layer

As an alternative to preserving master page items

by locking the default layer, duplicate the default

layer (using the context menu in the LLaayyeerrss palette)

and click the new layer’s “eye” icon to hide it. Then,

use this hidden duplicate layer as a backup reposi-

tory for your master page items.

QuarkXPress basics

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Page numbering

To add a page number to any page in a layout

document, draw a text box and press Command+3

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+3 (Windows). If you do this on a

master page, all the layout pages based on that

master page will be numbered automatically.

Measurements palette

With an item selected in your page, press

Command+Option+M (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+M

(Windows) to highlight the top-left field in the

MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette (usually the X co-ordinate).

You can then press Tab progressively to jump to

other fields or Shift+Tab to move backwards.

Deselect all

With the Item tool active, press the Tab key to deselect

everything. This will also work while you are using the

Content tool if you have selected two or more items on

the page.

Live scrolling

When you drag a layout window’s scroll bars,

QuarkXPress does not update the view by default until

you actually release your mouse button. To activate

real-time scrolling, go to QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess

(Mac OS) or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows), click

AApppplliiccaattiioonn Þ IInntteerraaccttiivvee and then check LLiivvee SSccrroollll..

Live scrolling on the fly

You can leave LLiivvee SSccrroolllliinngg unchecked in

QuarkXPress PPrreeffeerreenncceess and then activate it on the

fly with a keyboard modifier. To enable Live Scrolling

temporarily, simply hold down the Option (Mac OS)

or Alt (Windows) key while dragging the scroll bars.

Ruler guides

In addition to the page border and column guides

already in a layout, you can add more guides by drag-

ging them off of the horizontal and vertical rulers at

the top and left edge of your project window ((VViieeww Þ

SShhooww RRuulleerrss)).. To remove these ruler guides, simply

drag them back to the originating horizontal or

vertical ruler.

Delete all guides

If a layout is cluttered with unnecessary ruler guides,

you can delete them using simple shortcuts. To delete

all horizontal ruler guides, Option+click (Mac OS) or

Alt+click (Windows) in the horizontal ruler. To delete all

vertical ruler guides, Option+click (Mac OS) or Alt+click

(Windows) in the vertical ruler.

Edit column guides

You cannot edit page margins and column guides once

you have created a new layout using LLaayyoouutt Þ LLaayyoouutt

PPrrooppeerrttiieess.. Instead, choose PPaaggee Þ MMaasstteerr GGuuiiddeess..

Note that changing these settings will affect all layout

pages based on that particular master page.

Edit shape

To edit the shape of a rectangular text or picture

box, choose IItteemm Þ SShhaappee and select the FFrreeeehhaanndd

BBooxx thumbnail. At first it will appear that nothing has

changed, but now you can use the keyboard toggle

Shift+F4 to enable and disable the EEddiitt SShhaappee

attribute on the fly.

Merge union

You can create a complex box shape surprisingly

easily by combining several simple boxes. Draw any

number of overlapping rectangle, ellipse, Bézier,

and freehand boxes. Select them all and choose the

IItteemm Þ MMeerrggee Þ UUnniioonn command. To edit the

shape further, press Shift+F4.

Merge independent boxes

The IItteemm Þ MMeerrggee Þ UUnniioonn command also works

on boxes that do not overlap each other. Using this

method, you can select several independent boxes,

merge them using the UUnniioonn command, and then flow

a single text story across them or place a single picture

inside them all.

Color-coded layers

Each layer, except for the default layer, is assigned a

color code in the LLaayyeerrss palette. Go to VViieeww Þ SShhooww

VViissuuaall IInnddiiccaattoorrss to display this color coding in a layout.

Each item on the page is marked with a colored square

to indicate the layer where it sits.

QuarkXPress basics

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Merge layers

To merge two or more layers, Command+click (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+click (Windows) each of the layer names in the

LLaayyeerrss palette and click the MMeerrggee LLaayyeerrss button.

Choose the layers you want the other selected layers

to merge to (the destination layer) and click OOKK..

Move layer items

To move a selected item from one layer to another

without using the MMoovvee IItteemmss dialog box, click the

tiny dotted square to the right of the layer’s name in

the LLaayyeerrss palette, and drag it to a new layer name.

Copy pages

To copy pages from one project to another, open both

project windows side by side and view the pages as

thumbnails (Shift+F6). Then, Command+click (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+click (Windows) each page to copy and drag

them to the other window.

Copy master pages

You cannot drag and drop master pages between

projects because master pages cannot be viewed as

thumbnails. But by dragging a layout page thumbnail

to another project, you will copy the master page it is

based on and add it to the destination project’s list of

master pages automatically.

Compare styles

When editing CCoolloorrss,, DDaasshheess && SSttrriippeess,, or

PPrriinntt SSttyylleess in their individual dialog boxes (EEddiitt menu),

Command+click (Mac OS) or Ctrl+click (Windows) two

styles. Then, press Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows)

and click the CCoommppaarree button. You can compare the

two styles side by side.

XTensions software tips

QuarkXPress will launch more quickly if you have fewer

active fonts and use UUttiilliittiieess Þ XXTTeennssiioonnss MMaannaaggeerr

to reduce the number of active XTensions. The PPrriinntt

LLaayyoouutt dialog box will open more quickly if you use

UUttiilliittiieess Þ PPPPDD MMaannaaggeerr to turn off unnecessary Printer

Descriptions files as well. If you use specific XTensions

for different jobs, you may find it helpful to choose

which XTensions to run automatically at each launch.

Go to QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS) or EEddiitt Þ

PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows), click AApppplliiccaattiioonn Þ XXTTeennssiioonnss

MMaannaaggeerr,, and choose AAllwwaayyss under SShhooww XXTTeennssiioonnss

MMaannaaggeerr aatt SSttaarrttuupp..

Quick edit

By using Ctrl+click (Mac OS) or right+click (Windows)

in palettes, you can display a context menu for that

palette quickly. Command+click (Mac OS) or Ctrl+click

(Windows) on a color name or style sheet name in the

CCoolloorrss palette or SSttyyllee SShheeeettss palette and you will

open the EEddiitt dialog box for that item.

Layout versions

To produce multiple versions of a document, each

with only minor differences, create the different ver-

sions as hidden layers. To duplicate entire layouts,

rather than just certain items, use the LLaayyoouutt Þ

DDuupplliiccaattee command.

Temp node edit

While drawing a path or shape outline using the

BBéézziieerr drawing tools (LLiinnee,, TTeexxtt PPaatthh,, TTeexxtt BBooxx,, or

PPiiccttuurree BBooxx), hold down the Command (Mac OS) or

Ctrl (Windows) key after plotting a new point. You

can then move that last point and edit its BBéézziieerr

handles temporarily.

QuarkXPress basics

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Path corrections

If you make a mistake while drawing a Bézier path or

shape outline, just press the Delete or Backspace key.

This will delete the last point you plotted, effectively

jumping back one step, and you can continue the

path from that point.

Add tools

To add a tool from a pop-out menu to the TToooollss

palette, Ctrl+click (Mac OS) or right+click (Windows)

that tool when you select it. Send the tool back to

its original pop-out by Ctrl+clicking (Mac OS) or

right+clicking (Windows) it.

Gradient lines

You can apply color blends to lines and Bézier paths.

To increase the stroke weight, select IItteemm Þ SShhaappee

and choose the FFrreeeehhaanndd BBooxx thumbnail. The line

will turn to a hollow shape. You can then apply a

color blend as a background color.

Drag colors

When an object on your page is selected and the

CCoolloorrss palette is open, you can drag colors from the

palette to any other object or stroke. This is handy for

experimenting and for coloring multiple box frames

or single cells in a table quickly.

Program defaults

If you adjust QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS)

or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows) while a project file

is open, you will affect that file only. To change the

defaults for the entire program, and all subsequent

project files you create, simply adjust the PPrreeffeerreenncceess

while no files are open. Preferences listed under

AApppplliiccaattiioonn apply to your copy of QuarkXPress

regardless of whether any projects are open.


Navigating text

To skip forward or backward one word at a

time, press Command+Left/Right arrow (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+Left/ Right arrow (Windows). To jump one

paragraph at a time, press Command+Up/Down

arrow (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Up/Down arrow (Windows).

To jump to the beginning or end of a line, press

Command+Option+Left/Right arrow (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right arrow (Windows).

Jump to the beginning or end of a story

Jump to the beginning of a story, even if it is on a

different page, by typing Command+Option+Up arrow

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow (Windows). To jump to

the end of a story, press Command+Option+Down

arrow (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow (Windows).

With all text navigation shortcuts, press Shift at the

same time to select the text.

Selecting text

Select one word by double-clicking it, one line by

triple-clicking it, or a whole paragraph by quadruple-

clicking it. You can select an entire story by clicking

the text five times, although you could use the EEddiitt Þ

SSeelleecctt AAllll command.

Drag and drop

Mac OS users can enable drag-and-drop text on the

fly using a keyboard command. Select text, press

Command+Ctrl and drag the text to a new location.

If you hold down the Shift key, you can copy rather

than move the selected text.

Text size

You can decrease and increase the size of

selected text in 1-point increments by pressing

Command+Option+Shift+< or > (Mac OS) or

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+< or > (Windows). Use the same

keyboard commands without the Shift key to

change the text size by the preset sizes listed in

Size menus.

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Kern commands

Increase and decrease the kerning between two

characters in 1/20-em increments by inserting the

text-editing cursor between them and pressing

Command+Option+] and [ (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+]

and [ (Windows). Press the Shift key at the same time

and you will alter the kerning in 1/200-em increments.

Leading commands

Increase and decrease leading for selected

paragraphs in 1-point increments by pressing

Command+Shift+’ and ; (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Shift+’

and ; (Windows). Press the Option (Mac OS) or Alt

(Windows) key at the same time and you will change

the leading in smaller 1/10-pt increments.

Copy attributes

To copy paragraph attributes (including style sheets)

from one paragraph to another, position the cursor

anywhere in the paragraph where you want to apply

attributes and then press Option+Shift+click (Mac OS)

or Alt+Shift+click (Windows) in the paragraph from

which you are copying the attributes.

Style sheet shortcuts

When assigning a numeric keypad number as a

“Keyboard Equivalent” (keyboard shortcut) in a style

sheet in the EEddiitt CChhaarraacctteerr or EEddiitt PPaarraaggrraapphh SSttyyllee

SShheeeett dialog box, include a modifier key such as Shift

or Alt/Option. This way you will avoid applying style

sheets when typing plain numerals by mistake.

Compare styles

You can compare two style sheets side by side.

When editing SSttyyllee SShheeeettss,, HH&&JJss,, or LLiissttss in their

dialog boxes under the EEddiitt menu, Command+click

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+click (Windows) on two style names.

Press Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) and click the

CCoommppaarree button.

Hanging punctuation

QuarkXPress can mimic a hanging punctuation effect

on a column of justified text. Just paste a white-colored

period at the beginning and end of each line that does

not end with punctuation.

Quick indent

To create a hanging indent quickly, insert the text-

editing cursor in a paragraph and press Command+\

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+\ (Windows). All lines of text below

in the same paragraph will be indented to this point.

Discretionary hyphens

Discretionary hyphens remain invisible until a word

needs to split at the end of a line. The discretionary

hyphen tells QuarkXPress where you prefer to split

the word. You can insert discretionary hyphens

between characters using the keyboard shortcut

Command+hyphen (Mac OS) or

Ctrl+hyphen (Windows).

Nonbreaking hyphens

A nonbreaking hyphen is a visible hyphen that

will not break at the end of a line. To insert a non-

breaking hyphen, use Command+= (Mac OS) or

Ctrl+= (Windows).

Hyphenation exceptions

QuarkXPress hyphenates words according to a built-

in dictionary automatically. If you do not like the way

it hyphenated a particular word, go to UUttiilliittiieess Þ

HHyypphheennaattiioonn EExxcceeppttiioonnss and type in the word com-

plete with hyphens in their positions. These excep-

tions override the QuarkXPress hyphenation dictionary


Turn off paragraph hyphenation

To turn off a paragraph’s hyphenation completely,

first go to EEddiitt Þ HH&&JJss,, then click NNeeww,, uncheck AAuuttoo

HHyypphheennaattiioonn,, and enter a name such as “No hyphens.”

Then, click OOKK and SSaavvee.. Finally, select the paragraph,

go to SSttyyllee Þ FFoorrmmaattss and choose “No hyphens” from

the HH&&JJ drop-down menu.

Nonbreaking space

A nonbreaking space is a space between two words

that cannot be split over two lines. To insert a non-

breaking space, simply press Command+5 (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+5 (Windows).

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Changing font

To activate the font field in the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss

palette while editing text, type Command+Alt+Shift+M

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M (Windows). You can then

type a font name immediately and press the Return

(Mac OS) or Enter (Windows) key to apply that new

font to the selected text.

Font scrolling

By selecting text and then typing Option+F9

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+F9 (Windows) repeatedly, you can

apply each font from your font list in order. The font

names display in the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette as they

change. Hold down the Shift key at the same time

and you will work your way back up the list.

Proofreading printouts

To print a hard copy of your work for proofreading,

go to FFiillee Þ PPrriinntt and click the OOppttiioonnss tab in the

PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box. In the PPiiccttuurreess section, select

Rough from the OOuuttppuutt drop-down menu. The pictures

will not print and, as a result, the layout will print

quicker and you can focus on the text.

Proofing Rough layouts

If printing RRoouugghh layouts makes proofreading hard

copy difficult because of criss-cross boxes, switch to

the Item tool, Shift+click the various picture boxes,

then choose IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy,, click the PPiiccttuurree tab, and

check SSuupppprreessss PPiiccttuurree OOuuttppuutt.. The selected pictures

will not print regardless of the OOuuttppuutt setting.

Create clean proofs

To create clean proofs quickly, create the layout with all

of the pictures placed on a layer of their own. Double-

click the layer name in the LLaayyeerrss palette and check

the SSuupppprreessss OOuuttppuutt option.

Greek text

To speed up the performance of QuarkXPress on high-

resolution displays, greek (gray out) font sizes that are

too small to read properly. Choose QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ

PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS) or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows),

click PPrriinntt//WWeebb LLaayyoouutt Þ DDiissppllaayy,, check GGrreeeekk TTeexxtt

BBeellooww,, and enter a point size.

Break text links

To remove a text box from a text chain without

breaking the links, delete the box. If you do not

want to delete the box, select the Unlinking tool

and hold down the Shift key as you click the tail

feathers of the linking arrow that points to the box

you want to remove.

Ad to chain

To add an empty text box to the beginning of an

existing text chain, click once with the Linking tool in

the first box of the chain and then click in the new,

empty box. Then, reselect the Linking tool, click once

in the new box, and then click in the original box.

Adding index text

To add words to a QuarkXPress index, select text

in the layout and press Command+Option+Shift+i

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+i (Windows) to add that

text to the index instantly. The index entry is added

according to the current settings in the IInnddeexx

palette (WWiinnddooww menu).

Break a column

To separate several linked text boxes containing

a story to independent boxes, each containing its

respective column of text, duplicate each box in turn

using Command+D (Mac OS) or Ctrl+D (Windows).

Note that the new, duplicated boxes may contain the

text overflow symbol because they will contain any

remaining text from the story that did not fit in the box.

Text to box

Select text, hold down the Option (Mac OS) or Alt

(Windows) key, and choose the SSttyyllee Þ TTeexxtt TToo BBooxx

command. This converts the selected text to com-

pound shapes without copying or moving it to a new

position. You can then fill the text shapes with a picture

or gradient. To fill the text-shaped boxes with text, use

IItteemm Þ CCoonntteenntt Þ TTeexxtt..

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Text around box

QuarkXPress can flow text along a path, but not

around a box. To use convenient text box shapes —

rectangles or ellipses, for example — as text paths, cut

the box using the Scissors tool. You can now run text

around the shape.

Split type shapes

After you convert selected text to shape objects

using the TTeexxtt ttoo BBooxx command from the SSttyyllee menu,

the shapes will be a compound group by default. To

make them separate editable boxes, choose IItteemm Þ

SSpplliitt OOuuttssiiddee PPaatthhss..

Foreign dictionary

Although QuarkXPress is supplied as a single-language

product (unless you buy QuarkXPress Passport Edition),

the user-defined spell-check dictionary ((UUttiilliittiieess Þ

AAuuxxiilliiaarryy DDiiccttiioonnaarryy)) contains foreign language and

accented words. Use it to check and correct common

phrases in French, German, Spanish, and Latin.

Quick style edit

Ctrl+click (Mac OS) or right+click (Windows) in the

SSttyyllee SShheeeettss palette to display a context menu for

creating a new style sheet or editing, duplicating, or

deleting the style sheet you clicked. Command+click

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+click (Windows) on any paragraph

or character style sheet name in the SSttyyllee SShheeeettss

palette to open the EEddiitt dialog box for that style.

Skip box

Force a text chain that runs across several text boxes

to skip a box using this one-click technique. With the

Unlinking tool active, simply Shift+click the link arrow

tail feathers at the bottom-right of the box you want

to skip.

Right-flush tab

When entering tabbed text for a simple list without

using a table, press Option+Tab (Mac OS) or Alt+Tab

(Windows) before the last column. This will create a

right-aligned tab that is flush with the right edge of

the text box.

Delete tabs

To delete all custom tab settings for selected text, press

Command+Shift+T (Mac S) or Ctrl+Shift+T (Windows)

to display the TTaabbss pane. Then, Option+click (Mac OS)

or Alt+click (Windows) the tab ruler above the text box.

All tabs are deleted instantly.

Table navigation

QuarkXPress tables do not act like Excel tables.

For example, you can’t skip from one cell to the next

using the Tab key. Instead, use Ctrl+Tab (Mac OS and

Windows). Press Ctrl+Shift+Tab to skip between cells

in the reverse direction.

Table striping

To color alternate rows or columns in a table,

Command+click (Mac OS) or Ctrl+click (Windows)

every second row or column, then apply the color. You

can use this keyboard command to make noncontigu-

ous selections for editing.

Same size tables

To add a row or column to a table without increasing

its physical size, go to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy,, click the TTaabbllee

tab and then check MMaaiinnttaaiinn GGeeoommeettrryy.. This will force

existing rows and columns to adjust themselves to fit

without expanding the whole table.

Pivot data

To pivot tabbed text so that the columns become

rows and the rows become columns, highlight the

text and choose IItteemm Þ CCoonnvveerrtt TTeexxtt TToo TTaabbllee.. Click

the CCeellll FFiillll OOrrddeerr drop-down menu and choose the

way to flow the data, then click OOKK..

Spell check

To check the spelling of selected words, press

Command+L (Mac OS) or Ctrl+L (Windows). To spell

check an entire story, press Command+Option+L

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+L (Windows). To spell check the

entire layout, press Command+Option+Shift+L

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L (Windows).

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The QuarkXPress Insider


Picture formats

With a standard installation of QuarkXPress 6.5, you can

import TIFF, EPS (bitmap or vector), JPEG, GIF, PNG,

Scitex CT, PhotoCD, and PDF pictures to any picture

box. (Some of these file formats require an import filter

to be active.) If any of these are not working in your

copy of QuarkXPress, use UUttiilliittiieess Þ XXTTeennssiioonnss

MMaannaaggeerr to ensure that its import XTensions soft-

ware has not been disabled.

PDF pages

When importing an Adobe PDF document as a

graphic to a picture box, click the PPDDFF IImmppoorrtt tab in

the GGeett PPiiccttuurree dialog box and enter a page number

in the PPDDFF PPaaggee field. Click the file name to update

the thumbnail preview.

Drag and drop

The Windows version of QuarkXPress 6.5 supports

drag-and-drop picture import. You can create a picture

box on a page, click a picture file icon on the Windows

desktop or in a folder window, and drag it straight to

the picture box in the QuarkXPress window.

Picture usage

Choose UUttiilliittiieess Þ UUssaaggee and click the PPiiccttuurreess tab

to view a list of pictures in the layout. If a picture has

changed since you imported it, use the UUppddaattee button

to reimport it while preserving the existing box, color,

position, scale, rotation, and skew settings.

Verify if pictures have changed

You can set QuarkXPress to tell you automatically if

pictures have changed since you last opened a proj-

ect file. Go to QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS)

or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows), click PPrriinntt//WWeebb

LLaayyoouutt Þ GGeenneerraall,, and then click VVeerriiffyy under AAuuttoo

PPiiccttuurree IImmppoorrtt..

Reimport pictures

To force QuarkXPress to reimport all the pictures in a

project file, first close the project. Then, use the FFiillee Þ

OOppeenn command, navigate to the file, and then hold

down the Command (Mac OS) or Ctrl (Windows) key

as you click the OOppeenn button.

Fitting box and picture

After importing a picture to a picture box, resize

the picture to fit inside the box by using the SSttyyllee Þ

FFiitt PPiiccttuurree TToo BBooxx (Proportionally) command. Then

use SSttyyllee Þ FFiitt BBooxx TToo PPiiccttuurree..

Fitting context menu

When you select a picture box, the context menu,

displayed by Ctrl+clicking (Mac OS) or right+clicking

(Windows), provides quick access to the FFiitt PPiiccttuurree TToo

BBooxx and FFiitt PPiiccttuurree TToo BBooxx ((PPrrooppoorrttiioonnaallllyy)) commands.

FFiitt BBooxx TToo PPiiccttuurree,, however, is only in the SSttyyllee menu.

Fitting shortcuts

You can apply picture fitting commands using

keyboard shortcuts. To use FFiitt PPiiccttuurree TToo BBooxx

((PPrrooppoorrttiioonnaallllyy)),, press Command+Option+Shift+F

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F (Windows). To fit the

picture non-proportionally, press Command+Shift+F

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Shift+F (Windows).

Crop a picture

To crop a picture, drag any of the handles on the

picture box. To adjust the position of the picture in

that crop, click inside the box with the Content tool

and drag the picture accordingly.

Picture resolution

To ensure that a picture’s original resolution is

appropriate when imported to a QuarkXPress page,

first open it in Adobe Photoshop and use the IImmaaggee Þ

IImmaaggee SSiizzee command to set the resolution according

to your output intent — 300 ppi for print or 72/96 ppi

for Web, for example.

Working with pictures

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Resizing shortcuts

To resize a picture in 5% increments using

keyboard shortcuts, press Command+Option+Shift+>

(Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+> (Windows) to enlarge,

and Command+Option+Shift+< (Mac OS) or

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+< (Windows) to reduce.

Scale pictures

To scale a picture box and its picture simultaneously,

hold down Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS) or

Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) and drag any corner handle

of the picture box. If you click and wait a couple of

seconds before dragging, you will see the picture

rescale as a live preview.

Scale picture box

To scale a picture box proportionally without scaling

the picture in it, hold down Option+Shift (Mac OS) or

Alt+Shift (Windows) and drag the box’s corner handle.

Pressing Shift by itself as you drag will force equal

height and width values for the box.

Scale nonproportionally

You should not scale a bitmap picture nonproportion-

ally, but doing so with vector graphics can be useful

and effective. Hold down the Command (Mac OS)

or Ctrl (Windows) key and drag any handle on the

picture box.

Center pictures

Using either of the SSttyyllee Þ FFiitt PPiiccttuurree TToo BBooxx com-

mands you can center a picture in its box. But you

can also center any picture in its box without resizing

or fitting it by pressing Command+Shift+M (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+Shift+M (Windows).

Picture rotation

You can rotate a picture box and the picture inside it

independently. Use the RRoottaattiioonn tool or the AAnnggllee field

in the middle of the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette to rotate

the box. Use the AAnnggllee field on the right side of the

MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette to rotate only the picture.

Picture shear

You can skew a picture box and the picture inside

it independently. Use the SSkkeeww field in the BBooxx pane

((IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy)) to skew the box. Use the SSkkeeww field

on the right side of the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette to

skew only the picture.

Nudging content

When you select a picture using the Content tool, you

can nudge the picture around inside its box using the

four cursor keys on your keyboard. The left, right, up,

and down keys each move the picture by 1 pt. By hold-

ing down Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows), you can

move the picture more precisely (by 0.1 pt).

Flipping and reversing

You can flip pictures horizontally and vertically using

the FFlliipp HHoorriizzoonnttaall and FFlliipp VVeerrttiiccaall commands in the

SSttyyllee menu, the Flip Horizontal and FFlliipp VVeerrttiiccaall check

boxes in the PPiiccttuurree pane ((IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy)),, or the

arrow icons on the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette.

Extend clipping path images beyond picture box

You can force clipping path images to extend beyond

their picture boxes. To do this, choose IItteemm Þ CClliippppiinngg

to open the MMooddiiffyy dialog box, pick a clipping path

from the TTyyppee drop-down menu, then uncheck RReessttrriicctt

TToo BBooxx at the bottom of the CClliippppiinngg pane.

Alpha channels

Instead of preparing cut-out images using Adobe

Photoshop paths, create a simple mask, paint out the

image background with easy brush tools, and then save

the mask as an alpha channel. When you import the

picture to a QuarkXPress page, you can select alpha

channels as clipping paths in the TTyyppee drop-down

menu under IItteemm Þ CClliippppiinngg..

Working with pictures

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Eliminate halos

If a cut-out (clipping path) image suffers from a white

halo around its edges, open IItteemm Þ CClliippppiinngg and

reduce all the TToolleerraannccee values to zero. Then, enter a

small negative measurement, such as –0.5 pt, as the

OOuuttsseett value.

Shaped text

In Adobe Photoshop, save alpha channels or clipping

paths to a totally blank image. Place this picture on a

page over text. Under IItteemm Þ CClliippppiinngg,, select the

channel or path from the TTyyppee drop-down menu and

check IInnvveerrtt.. Do the same in the RRuunnaarroouunndd pane and

click OOKK.. The text should now flow inside the irregular

path shape.

Multiple paths

It’s always worth saving more than one Adobe

Photoshop path or alpha channel with a picture. This

way, when you place the picture on a QuarkXPress

page, you can use one path or channel as a cut-out

clipping path and a completely different path or

channel for the text runaround.

Visible clipping path

You can edit all clipping paths in QuarkXPress manual-

ly as Bézier paths using the Content tool. To reveal

a picture’s clipping path for editing purposes, press

Option+Shift+F4 (Mac OS) or Alt+Shift+F4 (Windows).

Or, use the IItteemm Þ EEddiitt Þ CClliippppiinngg PPaatthh command.

Checking modified picture times

If you share pictures over a server and QuarkXPress

tells you they have been modified under UUttiilliittiieess Þ

UUssaaggee Þ PPiiccttuurreess,, there might be a difference between

your computer’s clock and the server’s clock. You can

resolve this by asking your network manager to syn-

chronize the clocks on all computers.

Picture layers

Keep all pictures in a QuarkXPress layout on their

own layer, separate from the rest of the layout, and

speed up performance — especially when scrolling.

Use the LLaayyeerrss palette to show or hide the pictures

with a single click.

Greeking pictures

When working with many large pictures in a layout, you

can speed up performance by greeking (graying out) all

non-selected pictures. Open the PPrreeffeerreenncceess dialog

box from the QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss (Mac OS) or EEddiitt (Windows)

menu, click PPrriinntt//WWeebb LLaayyoouutt Þ GGeenneerraall,, and check

GGrreeeekk PPiiccttuurreess at the top right.

Preview quality

Save memory, improve performance, and create small-

er project files by importing low-resolution previews for

pictures. To do so, open the PPrreeffeerreenncceess dialog box

from the QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss (Mac OS) or EEddiitt (Windows)

menu, click AApppplliiccaattiioonn Þ DDiissppllaayy,, and change the

CCoolloorr TTIIFFFFss drop-down menu setting to 16-bit or 8-bit.

Open at 36 dpi

When using the GGeett PPiiccttuurree command (FFiillee menu),

hold down the Shift key when clicking the OOppeenn

button. This brings the picture in the layout with a

low-resolution 36 dpi preview for faster performance.

This will work regardless of the current default

preview setting.

Full resolution preview

Unless you use the previous tip, QuarkXPress

imports all pictures with a 72 ppi preview. To obtain

a more accurate preview in a selected picture box,

choose IItteemm Þ PPrreevviieeww RReessoolluuttiioonn Þ FFuullll RReessoolluuttiioonn..

(The original picture must have a higher resolution

than 72 ppi to see a difference.)

Working with pictures

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Selected full resolution

To speed up QuarkXPress performance when

using FFuullll RReessoolluuttiioonn PPrreevviieeww, open the PPrreeffeerreenncceess

dialog box under the QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss (Mac OS) or EEddiitt

(Windows) menu, click AApppplliiccaattiioonn Þ FFuullll RReess PPrreevviieeww,,

and change AAllll FFuullll RReessoolluuttiioonn PPrreevviieewwss to SSeelleecctteedd

FFuullll RReessoolluuttiioonn PPrreevviieewwss..

Convert to grayscale

When using the GGeett PPiiccttuurree command (FFiillee menu) to

place a color TIFF picture in a picture box, hold down

the Command (Mac OS) or Ctrl (Windows) key when

clicking the OOppeenn button. This will bring the picture

in the layout as grayscale, although it will not change

the source picture file.

Fake duotones

You can colorize an imported grayscale picture by click-

ing a color name in the CCoolloorrss palette. If the color is a

percentage mix of black and another process ink, the

colorized grayscale picture will appear as a duotone.

Prevent spot color import

Hold down the Command (Mac OS) or Ctrl

(Windows) key as you click the OOppeenn button when

importing a vector EPS graphic to a picture box ((FFiillee Þ

GGeett PPiiccttuurree)).. This imports the graphic without adding

any spot colors it contains to the CCoolloorrss palette. The

spot colors in the graphic will print as CMYK.

Vector background

EPS vector graphics do not have a background color

unless one was created in the original picture. White

areas of the graphic will display according to the box

color, which is None by default. To make sure the

graphic does not have a transparent background, go

to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy,, click the BBooxx tab, and choose WWhhiittee

or another color from the BBooxx CCoolloorr drop-down menu.


Print dialog box overrule

The PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box ((FFiillee Þ PPrriinntt)) should over-

rule all other printer settings. You can use the PPaaggee

SSeettuupp button to confirm that you are printing to the

correct printing device, but avoid clicking the PPrriinntteerr

button unless you are enabling special features such

as duplexing.

Print spreads

By default, QuarkXPress will always print pages individ-

ually. To print a double-page spread as a combined

unit, check the SSpprreeaaddss option in the LLaayyoouutt section of

the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box. This is useful when objects

such as pictures and headlines run across the gutter.

Usage panes

In the Usage dialog box ((UUttiilliittiieess Þ UUssaaggee)),,

you can jump between the FFoonnttss,, PPiiccttuurreess,, VViissttaa,,

OOPPII,, PPllaacceehhoollddeerrss,, and TTaabblleess panes by pressing

Command+Option+Tab (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Alt+Tab

(Windows). Hold down Shift at the same time and

you will jump back in the opposite direction.

Faux styles

Bold and italic text will often output from

QuarkXPress as Roman. This is caused by the “faux”

font styles for Bold and Italic included in SSttyyllee Þ

TTyyppee SSttyyllee submenu and in the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette.

Always choose the precise bold and italic fonts from

SSttyyllee Þ FFoonntt submenu or the FFoonntt drop-down menu in

the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette. For example, apply Futura

Oblique instead of applying Futura and italic type

style. If you apply bold and italic sporadically through-

out a layout, create a character style sheet.

Adjust page size and rescale pictures, not fonts

To adjust your page layout on Mac OS to fit a new

page size while rescaling pictures but not fonts, switch

to the Item tool and choose EEddiitt fifi SSeelleecctt AAllll.. Choose

SSccrriippttss fifi BBooxx TToooollss fifi SShhrriinnkk OOrr GGrrooww AAtt CCeenntteerr.. Enter

a resizing measurement, choose SShhrriinnkk oorr GGrrooww, then

select PPrrooppoorrttiioonnaall SSccaallee..

Working with pictures

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Adjust page trim size

There are several ways to adjust the items in a layout to

fit a new page size. First, select the Item tool, choose

EEddiitt fifi SSeelleecctt AAllll, and then choose IItteemm fifi GGrroouupp to

group everything on the page into one big group. You

can then resize the group as a whole to fit the new

page size. To resize the group while maintaining the

page’s aspect ratio, drag the group’s corner handle

while holding down Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS)

or Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows). To resize the group with-

out maintaining the page’s aspect ratio, drag the

group’s corner handle while holding down Command

(Mac OS) or Ctrl (Windows). You can also resize the

group by dragging its corner handle with no keys

pressed or by entering new dimensions for the group

in the HH and WW fields of the MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss palette, but

this will not change the size of text and will likely result

in reflow. An alternative method of resizing a page is

to save it as an EPS file using FFiillee fifi SSaavvee PPaaggee aass EEPPSS,

import the EPS to a picture box the size of the new

page, and then scale the image to fit the box.

Instruction stickies

Create a layer in the LLaayyeerrss palette called “Notes,”

double-click the layout to display its AAttttrriibbuutteess dialog

box, and then check SSuupppprreessss PPrriinnttoouutt.. You can use

this layer for annotating your layout with comments or

output instructions (be sure to use non-runaround text

boxes) for your design or production departments.

Printer descriptions

The most important setting in the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog

box is the PPrriinntteerr DDeessccrriippttiioonn drop-down menu in the

SSeettuupp pane. If you fail to select your printer from this

list, many of the other settings in the dialog box will

be incorrect and produce print errors as a result.

Paper size

Do not confuse the PPaappeerr SSiizzee drop-down menu in the

PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box with your layout trim size as

defined under LLaayyoouutt Þ LLaayyoouutt PPrrooppeerrttiieess.. Depending

on your output purpose and method, the paper size

should normally be bigger than your layout size in

order to accommodate crop marks.

Print to fit

For proofreading purposes, it may be necessary for

you to output to a desktop laser or inkjet printer. For

occasions when the finished layout is bigger than the

paper size supplied by these devices, check FFiitt iinn PPrriinntt

AArreeaa in the SSeettuupp pane of the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box.

Print area back to 100%

If you check FFiitt iinn PPrriinntt AArreeaa for printing quick

proofs, uncheck the option and resave the project

before sending it for professional output. Even if you

generate your own PDFs, be sure they have not been

scaled down.

Preferred bleed measurements

Page items that are supposed to run to the trimmed

edge of a page are said to “bleed.” Bleeds should

extend beyond the edge, allowing for variances in

the trimming, but should not go beyond 4 mm. Your

service bureau or printer will give you their preferred

bleed measurements.

Bleed settings

Limit the extent of your page bleeds by entering a

specific value in the BBlleeeedd pane of the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt

dialog box. Choose SSyymmmmeettrriicc from the BBlleeeedd TTyyppee

drop-down menu to set one measurement for all edges

or choose AAssyymmmmeettrriicc to enter different values for

each edge.

Uncompressed TIFFs

Most service bureaus are happy to accept QuarkXPress

projects that incorporate pictures in a variety of file

formats, including TIFF. However, if you choose to use

TIFF, these service bureaus may prefer that you not

enable this format’s built-in compression option.

TIFF subsampling

By default, QuarkXPress subsamples the resolution of

TIFF pictures to double the line screen value. You can

set this in the OOuuttppuutt pane of the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog

box. To override this for 1-bit line art TIFFs, click the

OOppttiioonnss tab and check FFuullll RReessoolluuttiioonn TTIIFFFF OOuuttppuutt..

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Do not rename pictures

If you use pictures in a layout that are low-resolution

FPO (for position only) scans produced by a service

bureau, do not rename them either before or after

importing them. Doing so breaks the link to the high-

res scan back at the service bureau and will cause

output errors.

Check colors

Icons in the CCoolloorrss palette indicate whether colors are

spot or process. Control+click (Mac OS) or right+click

(Windows) to convert a color by choosing Make

Process or Make Spot from the context menu.

Separation options

In the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box, click the LLaayyoouutt pane

and check SSeeppaarraattiioonnss.. Then, click the OOuuttppuutt tab

and use the PPllaatteess drop-down menu to determine

which separation plates to output. This drop-down

menu includes an option to convert all spot colors

to process.

Selective separations

You can choose separations to output by checking

SSeeppaarraattiioonnss in the OOuuttppuutt pane of the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt

dialog box. To test a “special” spot ink but not the

process inks, for example, uncheck all the inks in

the list other than that spot color.

Selective layers

Even if you have hidden certain layers in your layout,

you can use the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box to show and

hide individual layers. Click the LLaayyeerrss tab and check

the layers to print. Check AAppppllyy TToo LLaayyoouutt to update

these layer visibility settings to the layout.

Faster proofs

Whether printing to a PostScript laser printer or to a

high-quality inkjet proofer, QuarkXPress will output your

files more quickly if you ensure the DDaattaa drop-down

menu in the OOppttiioonnss pane of the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog

box is set to BBiinnaarryy rather than AASSCCIIII..

Print styles

Prepare custom print styles that incorporate all of

the settings for a printer, job, or client using the

EEddiitt Þ PPrriinntt SSttyylleess command.

Non-PostScript print styles

Although print styles are intended for use with specific

types of print jobs, you can use them with any printer,

including a non-PostScript machine such as a desktop

inkjet. You may be warned about unavailable options,

but otherwise the print style will work.

Preview thumbnail

The PPrreevviieeww pane in the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box pres-

ents a print summary and basic visual idea of how your

layout pages will fit on the selected printer’s media.

Click the “?” button underneath the thumbnail to see

an explanation of the colored rectangles.

Print thumbnail

As a design aid, you may find it helpful to print out a

set of page thumbnails to view side-by-side. To do this,

go to FFiillee Þ PPrriinntt,, click the LLaayyoouutt tab, and then check

TThhuummbbnnaaiillss.. Print your layout as you normally would.

Negatives and back-to-front printing

To print pages as negatives (typically as film separations

for some types of platemaker), check NNeeggaattiivvee PPrriinntt in

the OOppttiioonnss pane in the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box. The

BBaacckk TToo FFrroonntt option in the LLaayyoouutt pane, on the other

hand, will simply reverse the output page order.

Print pages

You can specify nonsequential pages (for example,

1, 7, 38) and page ranges (for example, 3–10), or both

in combination in the PPaaggeess field at the top of the

PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box. You can also print only the

odd or even pages using the PPaaggee SSeeqquueennccee drop-

down menu in the LLaayyoouutt pane.

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Save as PostScript

Mac OS users can create a raw PostScript file from a

layout. In the PPrriinntt LLaayyoouutt dialog box, click the PPrriinntteerr

button to open the PPrriinntt dialog box. Select a PostScript

printer from the PPrriinntteerr drop-down menu, then in

OOuuttppuutt OOppttiioonnss check SSaavvee AAss FFiillee and choose

PPoossttSSccrriipptt from the FFoorrmmaatt drop-down menu.

Smooth Shading blends

When printing to a PostScript Level 1 or Level 2 device,

QuarkXPress blends are converted to a sequence of

static halftone objects. When printing to a PostScript 3

device, QuarkXPress automatically employs the

SSmmooootthh SShhaaddiinngg feature.

Spot varnish layer

For print designs with a spot varnish, create the spot

varnish areas as non-runaround page items colored

with one spot color at 100%. Keep all of these items

together on their own layer so you can show and

hide the layer while editing the layout.

Spot varnish check

To check if all of your spot varnish items are collect-

ed in the same layer, go to FFiillee Þ PPrriinntt and click the

LLaayyeerrss tab. Click each layer name in the list to show

a summary of the separation inks used in each.

Color management

When activating Quark CMS in the program’s

PPrreeffeerreenncceess,, try to replicate the source and destination

profile setup you already use in Adobe Photoshop as

closely as possible.


External CSS

When exporting a Web layout as HTML, you can

export the style sheets as a separate document. To do

so, choose FFiillee Þ EExxppoorrtt Þ HHTTMMLL and check EExxtteerrnnaall

CCSSSS FFiillee in the EExxppoorrtt HHTTMMLL dialog box. This CSS data

is embedded in the HTML file.

Preview a Web page

To preview a Web page in your default Web browser

without first exporting it to HTML, click the HHTTMMLL

PPrreevviieeww button at the bottom of the Web layout

window. Or, select PPaaggeess Þ HHTTMMLL PPrreevviieeww and

choose the browser name from the submenu.

More in alternative browsers

To convert the HHTTMMLL PPrreevviieeww button at the

bottom of the Web layout window to a drop-down

menu of alternative browsers, go to QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ

PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS) or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows),

click AApppplliiccaattiioonn Þ BBrroowwsseerrss,, and use the AAdddd but-

ton to locate any other Web browsers installed on

your computer.

Safari printing workaround

Choosing File Þ Print in a Web layout will preview the

page in your default browser and then open its PPrriinntt

dialog box. However, Mac OS users may be prevented

from completing this when working in Apple’s Safari

browser. As a workaround, click the HHTTMMLL PPrreevviieeww

button and then choose FFiillee Þ PPrriinntt in Safari.

Site directory

You can work on Web layouts on the fly, but for larger

jobs it is worth establishing a root directory for your

Web site. Go to QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS)

or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows), click WWeebb LLaayyoouutt Þ

GGeenneerraall,, and then select a location next to SSiittee

RRoooott DDiirreeccttoorryy..

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The QuarkXPress Insider

Folder name for pictures

If you are creating Web pages to insert in an existing

site, you may need to conform to a specific naming

convention for the folder containing all of the pictures.

In QuarkXPress PPrreeffeerreenncceess,, click WWeebb LLaayyoouutt Þ

GGeenneerraall,, and then enter the name in the IImmaaggee

EExxppoorrtt DDiirreeccttoorryy field.

Cascading menus

To work with the cascading menus feature, you

must do things in the right order. First, go to EEddiitt Þ

CCaassccaaddiinngg MMeennuuss and build your menus there. Next,

draw a picture box (or a rasterized text box), go to

IItteemm Þ CCaassccaaddiinngg MMeennuuss,, and choose the menus

you created.

Pop-up menus

Pop-up menus are created in a completely different

manner. Use the PPoopp--uupp MMeennuu tool to draw a starting

box on your page, then go to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy and click

the FFoorrmm tab. Choose NNeeww from the MMeennuu drop-down

menu, and then click AAdddd to start building the

menu itself.

Reusing menus

Like style sheets, colors, and other editable style

content, you can copy cascading menus from one

QuarkXPress project to another. Go to EEddiitt Þ

CCaassccaaddiinngg MMeennuuss and click the AAppppeenndd button to

locate the project file that contains the menu set

to copy.

Picture export formats

Pictures in a Web layout are converted to JPEG

by default when the layout is exported to HTML. To

change this preference to GIF or PNG, select the pic-

ture box, go to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy and click the EExxppoorrtt tab.

Image maps

You can prepare image maps using many graphic pack-

ages, however, you will find that the Image Map tool in

QuarkXPress is much easier to use and it creates image

maps that are more convenient to edit on the page.

Avoid vector graphics

Although you can import vector EPS graphics to pic-

ture boxes in a Web layout, they do not always convert

very well to JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats when export-

ing the layout to HTML. Remember to convert them

to a bitmap format in your illustration program before

importing them to QuarkXPress.

Actual size pictures

Before importing pictures to a Web layout, prepare

them in your graphics software at actual size and crop

them tightly so there is no empty space around them.

This saves you from rescaling or cropping the pictures

on the QuarkXPress page.

Runaround text

Although QuarkXPress Web layouts allow overlapping

items on a Web page, live text runarounds are dis-

abled. To reproduce the effect of a runaround quickly,

simply select the text box, go to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy and

then check CCoonnvveerrtt ttoo GGrraapphhiicc oonn EExxppoorrtt..

Clipping paths

Take care when importing pictures with clipping

path to a Web layout. To ensure the area outside of

a clipping path is interpreted as transparent, select

the picture box, go to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy,, click the EExxppoorrtt

tab, and choose GIF or PNG from the EExxppoorrtt AAss drop-

down menu.

QuarkXPress for the Web

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Alternative fonts

It is likely that some people who view your Web pages

will not have the fonts you specify installed. To specify

alternative fonts, go to EEddiitt Þ CCSSSSFFoonnttFFaammiilliieess,, click

NNeeww,, and build a custom set of alternatives for your

Web layout.

Rollover buttons

To create a rollover button, select a picture or raster

text box and go to IItteemm Þ BBaassiicc RRoolllloovveerr Þ CCrreeaattee

RRoolllloovveerr.. To create a remote rollover, go to IItteemm Þ

22--ppoossiittiioonn RRoolllloovveerrss Þ CCrreeaattee22--ppoossiittiioonn TTaarrggeett and link

it to an origin box using the RRoolllloovveerr LLiinnkkiinngg tool.

Web-safe colors

To add any of the 216 Web-safe colors to your Colors

palette, first go to EEddiitt Þ CCoolloorrss,, click NNeeww,, and then

choose WWeebb SSaaffee CCoolloorrss from the MMooddeell drop-down

menu. There is also a WWeebb NNaammeedd CCoolloorrss model

for your convenience, but this does not include

all 216 variants.

Custom anchor color

It is very important that you make hyperlink anchors

visible while editing a Web layout. To customize

the display color of anchors, go to QQuuaarrkkXXPPrreessss Þ

PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Mac OS) or EEddiitt Þ PPrreeffeerreenncceess (Windows),

click WWeebb LLaayyoouutt Þ GGeenneerraall,, and then click AAnncchhoorr

CCoolloorr under HHyyppeerrlliinnkkss..

Convert a Web layout to a print layout

To convert a Web layout to a print layout, first go to

LLaayyoouutt Þ LLaayyoouutt PPrrooppeerrttiieess and choose PPrriinntt from the

LLaayyoouutt TTyyppee drop-down menu. You can also copy and

paste between layouts, drag items between projects,

or drag items to a library and drag them back to a

different layout or project.

Synchronized text

When designing Web and print layouts together,

you will save a great deal of time and effort if you

use the SSyynncchhrroonniizzeedd TTeexxtt palette to run the same

text stories across both layouts simultaneously rather

than copying and pasting the text. This way, text will

update automatically.

Unsynchronized text

After adding text stories to the SSyynncchhrroonniizzeedd TTeexxtt

palette and copying them to another layout, you can

still sever the link. To do this, select a text box that

contains synchronized text and click the UUnnssyynncchhrroonniizzee

AAllll button in the palette. The text will become inde-

pendent of other layouts.

Converting Web content to a print layout

When converting Web content to a print layout, HTML

and raster text boxes become ordinary text boxes, but

you cannot convert form boxes. Images with rollover

and image map features are treated as ordinary pic-

tures and their Web functions are discarded.

Convert a print layout to a Web layout

When converting a print layout to a Web layout, be

aware that all of the text boxes are set to rasterize

when generating the HTML. To change this for each

selected text box, go to IItteemm Þ MMooddiiffyy and uncheck

CCoonnvveerrtt ttoo GGrraapphhiicc oonn EExxppoorrtt at the bottom of the

MMooddiiffyy dialog box.

QuarkXPress for the Web