The Puzzle Pieces One can easily see how the continents formed a larger land mass before breaking...

The Puzzle Pieces One can easily see how the continents formed a larger land mass before breaking up.

Transcript of The Puzzle Pieces One can easily see how the continents formed a larger land mass before breaking...

The Puzzle Pieces

• One can easily see how the continents formed a larger land mass before breaking up.

Fluid earth

Mountain Ranges?• Imagine a carpet bunching up as it is

pushed. We cannot imagine the glory of the pre-flood world before massive amounts of water and tsunamis (caused by unimaginable earthquakes and global continental shifts) ravaged the former earth.

• Our present mountain ranges did not exist before the Deluge. When the Flood waters covered everything, it was likely lower heights on earth.

How old is the earth?• Adam 0 AC – 930 AC• Seth 130 AC -1042 AC• Enosh 235 AC-1140AC• Kenan 325 AC -1235 AC• Mahalalel 395 AC -1290 AC• Jared 460 AC -1422 AC• Enoch 622 AC - 987 AC• Methusaleh 687 AC – 1656 AC

Compare with year of flood. His name means “when he dies, it shall be sent.” Enoch used his son’s name as prophecy.

• Lamech 874 AC – 1651 AC• Noah 1056 AC – 2006


First born after Adam’s death.

• Flood Event 1656 AC (2459 BC)

• Shem 1559 AC – 2058 AC

• Arphaxad 1659 AC – 2062 AC• Shelah 1694 AC – 2097 AC• Eber 1724 AC – 2154

AC• Peleg 1758 AC – 1967


Tower of Babel.

• Reu 1788 AC – 1995 AC• Serug 1820 AC – 2020 AC• Nahor 1850 AC – 1969 AC• Terah 1879 AC – 2084 AC• Abram 1949 AC – 2124 AC• Isaac 2049 AC – 2229 AC• Jacob 2109 AC – 2256 AC

Life in Egypt begins 2239 AC.

Moses born 2589 AC or 1528 BC.

Exodus occurs 2669 AC or 1448 BC.

These match up to 1 Kings 6:1.

This puts the year of creation at 4115-7 BC.

Fossils along northern shores of Alaska and Russia show milder

temperatures of pre-Flood world.

These DINOSAUR remains prove a much warmer climate at one


Drastic Ocean Level Change in Recent History

• Grotte Cosquer is named for its discoverer, professional deep-sea diver Henri Cosquer. In 1985, Cosquer discovered a narrow cave entrance 110 feet below sea level on Cabo Morgiou, near Marseille, France. His exploration led him through a 450 feet long sloping tunnel to a large, air-filled chamber.

Grotte Cosquer Drawing

Grotte Cosquer Drawing

Grotte Cosquer Drawing

Human structures are under water showing that in recent history the

sea level has risen 400 feet!!!


Circa 2300 BC right after the Flood

Avebury – 2300 BC


Orkney Stones – Crica 2300 BC

Stenness Stones

And off of the Orkney Islands, we find in the ocean

carved and placed stones.

What does this mean?

• These huge stones show one people over the area of Britain were engineering geniuses. They had the support of a complex society for these projects. The stones for Avebury and Stonehenge came from over 70 miles away in Wales.

• And these stones are found in the waters in Pentland Firth.

What does this mean?

• The people who made these stones lived at a time when sea levels were drastically lower, just like the artists at Grotte Cosquer.

• This means that the civilization that erected Stone Henge witnessed the Great Ice Age and may have eventually been wiped out by it.

With stationary snow and ice…

• Avebury, Stonehenge, and the Orkney stones may have survived the long Winter of the Ice Age.

• This explains the end of the complex society that built these monuments.

And what are people thinking in 2300 BC???

• BABEL PHILOSOPHY – If we make BIG MONUMENTS, we make a lasting name for ourselves on this earth.

• Just like we see in Egypt at this time!!!– Foot note. Imhoteph (likely Joseph) was the

great pioneer for the Egyptian projects that we marvel at today.

We see the dispersed Babel peoples with this mindset still in



Birs Nimrud – Remains of Babel

Massive and Violent Cold Periods

• Volcanic activity is the leading cause of global cooling.

• After the Flood, a massive activity of volcanoes brought on the Ice Age.

• Extinctions would have been continual on land and in the oceans.

1816 – The year without a Summer

• Most consider the climate anomaly to have been caused by a combination of a historic low in solar activity and a volcanic winter event; the latter caused by a succession of major volcanic eruptions capped off by the Mount Tambora eruption of 1815, the largest known eruption in over 1,600 years.

Hypercanes following the Flood during the Ice Age

• A hypercane is a hypothetical class of extreme hurricane that could form if ocean temperatures reached around 50 °C (122 °F), which is 15 °C (27.0 °F) warmer than the warmest ocean temperature ever recorded.

Hypercanes following the Flood during the Ice Age

• The hypothesis was created by Kerry Emanuel of MIT who also coined the term.

• Source: Wikipedia.

The Ice Age

• What do we know?

• Right after the Flood, the Ice Age was so massive that ocean levels were considerably lower.

Think how many scientists say things without out thinking them

through. They say that the Indonesian islands are tens of

thousands of years old while the Grotte Cosquer says otherwise.

The spread of species was very possible, supported

Noahic account in cultures around the world.

Global reference to Noah’s Flood in ethic histories

Let us presume the Bible is true (and it is)…



Creature consumes creature

Human violence is the norm

Death becomes norm


Civilization flourishes.Stonehenge.

Settlement throughout earth.

In time, subtropical and tropical civilization continues to thrivewhile other northern civilizations are severely hindered.


Massive Ice Age

• If oceans were warmer, the Ice Age would have intensified all the more with greater moisture in the atmosphere fueling unimaginable global storms as seen on the Siberian plains. What froze this mammoth was a storm that turned into a massive dirty ice cube.

If the account of the Flood is true, what would happen?

• After the Genesis Flood all of the oceans of the earth were considerably warmer than the modern temperature of today’s ocean waters.

• Warmer ocean water would have evaporated more rapidly and formed more clouds than today’s cooler oceans do. These moisture-laden clouds, combined with a colder atmosphere, would have been an ideal source for major snow accumulations leading to an Ice Age and rapid cooling from volcanic activity.

Warm Water / Cold Air

• Coastal areas would be ice free from temperature warmth from the large body of water, but inland one could expect a drastic change in temperature – As seen in Alaska and Canada coastal and inland areas today. This explains why the civilization that built Stone Henge may have survived for a time along the coast.

The Book of Enoch

• What if this book has historical beliefs and traditions handed down?

The Book of Enoch

• I looked and beheld the great treasuries of snow and ice… I was led to the Northern regions and saw this horrid place… savage darkness and gloom with no light. There also was fire burning alongside the ice. On one side fire. On the other side coldness and ice. A place that burns and freezes simultaneously. Enoch 5.1, 10, 1.

Genesis, chapter 7• Interestingly, the Ice Age movies

(completely fictional) show volcanoes and glaciers side by side. Hmmmmm? Where did they get this idea????

Global cooling from volcanic activity – circa 2500 BC

Babel Dispersement

• This 55 ft. long boat made in 2000 BC was discovered in England in the mud. If these huge boats were traveling the oceans, we can imagine the animals they brought with them.

Babel Dispersement

• But the boats would not have been the sole source of disbursement. With lower oceans levels, all major land masses were connected (except for Antartica).

If oceans were really warmer, would the Artic be open

water for sailing? Yes.

Ainu - Basque

The Basque and Ainu

• The Basque of Spain and the northern Japanese island of the Ainu share an extremely similar language.

• Right after the Flood, ocean waters were warmer than they are at present. This may have been a carry off from the pre-Flood world. This means that areas like Britain may have had warm water keeping the Ice Age at bay (at least for a time).

Ainu - Basque - English

• Aspa - aspaldiko - old, ancient• Taspare - asparen - to sigh• Mokor - makar – sleep• Aukorespa - aukeratu - to choose, select• Kusunkur - kuskusean – spying• Kayo - kaio - seagull• Ese - esetsi - to argue

Ainu - Basque - English

• Kukocan - uko egin - to refuse• Konte - kontentatu - to please• Uk - ukan - to have• Ipuni - ipuina - to tell a story• Iska - xiskatu -to steal• ikoro money koro money• Pita - pita - fishing line• hantasine - hankagorri -barefoot• eraman - eramanpen - patience, tolerance

Who is the closest genetic relative outside of the Ainu?

• Kennewick man found in Oregon. Wow! A connection from Spain to Japan to North America! It’s a small world after all.


Babel Dispersement

• This makes sense! Japheth’s descendants were on the move.

The Ice Age• The Ice Age ran its course in

approximately 700 years, with the snow accumulation reaching its maximum depth about 500 years after the Genesis Flood, with most of the snow and ice melting away during the next 200 to 300 years. For various reasons, the oceans cooled down. With decreased volcanic activity and normal cycles of solar activity, the earth might expect the pendulum to swing to global warming.

Consider this….

• Famine and drought are major themes in the early Bible. What if…

• Mankind had become assimilated to the excessive moisture patterns and then with the gradual adjustment of ocean temperature, new patterns developed.

Just to repeat…Warmer Ocean Water

• The mass of the ocean is so huge, coastal areas would be mild for human development while ice and snow predominated inland. This could explain the Orkney ruins under water in the midst of a huge Ice Age.

With retreating glaciers in Alps…

• Artifacts and coins are being discovered underneath glaciers.

• Roman coins point to another cooling trend well under way in 250 A.D. How do you get a coin under a glacier from 200 A.D.? When the coins were dropped there was no glacier but a travel route.

2000 AD1000 AD0 AD0 BC

1000 BC2000 BC3000 BC4000 BC

4115 BC

Flood – 2459 BC

2000 AD1000 AD0 AD0 BC

1000 BC2000 BC3000 BC4000 BC

4115 BC

Flood – 2459 BC

Volcanic Climate Trends

Volcanic activity increases.

Greenlandglaciers begin cycle of greatgrowth.

Testimony of Enoch?

Glaciers have been measured at Glacier National Park for the past 150 years.

Every single year, these remnants of the Ice Ages are in steady loss and retreat from the previous year. Global warming has been the

trend before automobiles.

Brief Chronological History

• 4117 BC Creation• 2459 BC Flood• 2458 BC “Great” Ice Age begins• circa 2350 BC Great Babel Dispersion

What about thousands of years for an ice age?

• Well, we had a moisture rich atmosphere after the Flood, but even today, glaciers can form quickly.

• Don’t believe ice samples that are said to be thousands and thousands of years old.

Rapid Ice Formation – 38 yrs• The rapid rate at which ice sheets can

accumulate is further demonstrated by the case of the Lost squadron In 1952, P-38 Lightning fighter planes ran out of gas and landed in Greenland. Then in 1990, a group started looking for the planes. They finally found them in May, 1992, under 250 ft. and hundreds of layers of ice. Now it is true that neither of these is representative of the glaciers used for ice core analyses today, but they could have been representative of those glaciers in the past.

Rapid Ice Formation

• Creationists, such as Michael Oard, contend that these laminations are from subannual events, including layering due to dust to be found in a post-flood ice age. Sub-annual formation is supported by observations that several such layers of snow and ice can result from the storms within a single winter season.

Rapid Ice Formation – 38 yrs

• The rapid rate at which ice sheets can accumulate is further demonstrated by the case of the Lost squadron In 1952, P-38 Lightning fighter planes ran out of gas and landed in Greenland. Then in 1990, a group started looking for the planes. They finally found them in May, 1992, under 250 ft. and hundreds of layers of ice. Now it is true that neither of these is representative of the glaciers used for ice core analyses today, but they could have been representative of those glaciers in the past.