The Pursuit of Passion

22 The Pursuit of Passion Encouraging Your Children to Follow Their Hearts

Transcript of The Pursuit of Passion

The Pursuit of Passion

Encouraging Your Children to Follow Their Hearts

As parents, we are blessed with the honorable roll of supporting our children as they explore their passions. We get to encourage and empower them as they go

boldly in the direction of their hearts.

Children are naturally passionate and they will

discover and refine their own passions throughout their lives. Some of their passions will be

similar to ours and some will be very different.

It is natural that they will try a number of things throughout their

lives. This is one way that they develop their own identity and

begin to uncover who they are and what they truly want.

It is a great idea, and even a parental responsibility to encourage children to try new things, take risks, and to experiment with going outside their

comfort zones. This helps them to grow.

Childhood is a time to explore and experiment. By trying new things,

children gather information about who they are and what is possible for them in

their lives. It is a time of learning through failure and success.

Some children will inherit their parent’s passions, others may take entirely new paths. Regardless of

how similar or different their paths may be from our own, we can always offer them valuable

perspectives about how to uncover and pursue their passion.

By helping them to tune into their Internal Guidance System (IGS) we can provide them with

a powerful tool for revealing their true passion.

We can guide our children to tune in and ask what they really want for their

hearts' highest good. Some children will have very concrete ideas about what they

want, while others will relate more to abstractions or feelings.

If we can guide them toward accessing the feelings that arise for

them as they imagine moving toward what inspires them, they will

start to refine their vision and uncover their best path toward

achieving fulfillment.

By helping our children tune into their IGS we empower them to proceed with a

clear mind and an open heart toward their highest good, while enabling them to harness the power of their own deep


We can also tune into our own IGS to help discern the best path toward supporting our children as

they pursue their passions.

It is a natural impulse as a parent to want to actively do everything

possible to open the world up for our children.

We can tune into our own IGS to determine when to get actively involved with our children in

their pursuit and when to step back and let them make some

discoveries on their own.


There are few things in life as rewarding as discovering and

pursuing one’s passion and developing skill by choice.

When children are naturally skilled at something, plenty of people will reaffirm for them that they are specifically gifted.

It is however, important for them to figure out what they love to do.

Ultimately, there will be ample opportunity to both, support your children actively and step back to

hold space for them as they embark on their path of personal discovery.

By tuning into your children, observing their passions and teaching them to use their IGS to broaden or fine-tune their

interests, you can help them along their paths of development in a way that is

supportive and empowering.

When children live in alignment with their hearts and devote themselves to what they feel

passionate about, life becomes richer and more rewarding. This is the path toward greatness, joy, and unlocking

true passion.