The Psychology of Transformation in Yoga - Atreya

The Psychology of Transformation in Yoga Table of Contents 0. Introduction 1. My Introduction to Samkhya and the Psychology of Transformation 2. An Experiential Approach to Transformation 3. Consciousness and Matter in Latent States Purusha – Latent Consciousness Prakriti – Latent Matter Concept of Dualism vs. Monism Principle of Prana 4. The Manifestation – Downward Movement of Consciousness Mahat – The Cosmic Mind Ahankara – The Sense of I Buddhi – The Individual Intellect Manas – The Individual Mind Tanmatras – Matter in Subtle Form The Five States of Matter The Five Forms of Reception The Five Forms of Expression The Twenty Attributes of Nature 5. The Right and Wrong Use of the Manifestation Karma 6. Liberation – the Upward Movement 7. The Yogic Method of Transformation 8. Vedic Astrology as a Method of Transformation 9. The Ayurvedic Method of Transformation 10. Transformation in Daily life 11. The Psychology of Transformation as Yoga Chart - Relationships Between Dimensions Glossary Bibliography

Transcript of The Psychology of Transformation in Yoga - Atreya
