The Prophet Joseph Was the Son of the Seventh Instead of the Twelve Sons of Prophet Ya

8/2/2019 The Prophet Joseph Was the Son of the Seventh Instead of the Twelve Sons of Prophet Ya 1/42  The Prophet Joseph was the son of the seventh instead of the twelve sons of Prophet Ya'qub. He was a brother named Benjamin is beribukan Rahil, a cousin of the Prophet Ya'qub. He is a great way dikurniakan God, looks handsome and well-built body that makes every woman's dream and the memories of teenage girls. He is spoiled by his father, much loved and lovable than other siblings, especially after the death of his biological mother abandoned Rahil namely during her twelve years old. Discriminatory treatment of Prophet Ya'qub against children has led to a sense of envy and  jealousy among the brothers of Joseph the others, who feel they dianak bahawa by his father- tirikan unjust fellow children, pampering Joseph more than any other . Their resentment against his father and envy against Joseph evoke a sense of esprit de corps among the brethren of Joseph, unity and fraternity among them are familiar. Joseph's brothers held a meeting In the mrk rahsia meeting held to discuss the fate of the natural mrk and set the action that must be done for menyedarkan mrk father, demanding a fair and thorough treatment, said one of the DRP mrk: "Do not you feel bahawa treatment of us as his children unfairly and one-sided? Joseph and menyintai he indulged and loved more than we do, as if Joseph and Benjamin sahajalah biological children and our children's stepmother, when we are older and more cekap than both of them and we who always accompanied his father, taking care of his needs and rumahtanggannya purposes. We feel hairan why Joseph and Benjamin Sahaja only the privilege of the father side. Did her mother closer to the hearts of our mothers versus fathers? If that's the case, but if any of us? Bahawa we are born than mothers who received second place in the hearts of Joseph's father or face a more handsome and more cekap DRP face and our face that had been so created by God and not the will or the occasional result of our efforts? We highly regret over the treatment and act contrite fathers and flawed and should do something to end the state of a crippled and annoying our hearts. " Others say connect a brother: "The issue of love or hate sympathy or antipathy is all about the heart that grows like our fingers, no one can be asked why a more rebdah than others and why

Transcript of The Prophet Joseph Was the Son of the Seventh Instead of the Twelve Sons of Prophet Ya

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  The Prophet Joseph was the son of the seventh instead of the twelve sons of Prophet

Ya'qub. He was a brother named Benjamin is beribukan Rahil, a cousin of the Prophet Ya'qub.

He is a great way dikurniakan God, looks handsome and well-built body that makes every

woman's dream and the memories of teenage girls. He is spoiled by his father, much loved and

lovable than other siblings, especially after the death of his biological mother abandoned Rahil

namely during her twelve years old.

Discriminatory treatment of Prophet Ya'qub against children has led to a sense of envy and

 jealousy among the brothers of Joseph the others, who feel they dianak bahawa by his father-

tirikan unjust fellow children, pampering Joseph more than any other .

Their resentment against his father and envy against Joseph evoke a sense of esprit de corps

among the brethren of Joseph, unity and fraternity among them are familiar.

Joseph's brothers held a meeting

In the mrk rahsia meeting held to discuss the fate of the natural mrk and set the action that

must be done for menyedarkan mrk father, demanding a fair and thorough treatment, said one of 

the DRP mrk: "Do not you feel bahawa treatment of us as his children unfairly and one-sided?

Joseph and menyintai he indulged and loved more than we do, as if Joseph and Benjamin

sahajalah biological children and our children's stepmother, when we are older and more cekap

than both of them and we who always accompanied his father, taking care of his needs and

rumahtanggannya purposes. We feel hairan why Joseph and Benjamin Sahaja only the privilege

of the father side. Did her mother closer to the hearts of our mothers versus fathers? If that's the

case, but if any of us? Bahawa we are born than mothers who received second place in the hearts

of Joseph's father or face a more handsome and more cekap DRP face and our face that had been

so created by God and not the will or the occasional result of our efforts? We highly regret over

the treatment and act contrite fathers and flawed and should do something to end the state of a

crippled and annoying our hearts. "

Others say connect a brother: "The issue of love or hate sympathy or antipathy is all about the

heart that grows like our fingers, no one can be asked why a more rebdah than others and why

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the thumb is larger than your little finger. What we regret is that we are not interchangeable

father escorted her love extravagant to Joseph and Benjamin, causing them to do injustice to us

all as another biological child. The crippled state of our relationship with father will not be lost,

if we do not remove the main cause. And as you know that the main cause of the irritating

circumstances of Joseph's heart is in our midst. He is a collapsible barrier for us to break through

into the depths of our hearts and her father is a thick wall that separates us from our fathers we

really love. So the only way to end our worries is to eliminate from our midst and threw it far

away from my father and our family relationships. We must do away with our own hands or

banished him somewhere where terdpt wild animals that would devour him as an easy prey and

lazat. And we need not doubt that if Joseph had vanished from the eyes and the social father, he

will return menyintai and loved us as his children are deserving of a fair and thorough treatment

of the father and the atmosphere of the household would go back into harmony, peace and quiet,

no something is bothering and heartbreaking. "

Yahudza said, the fourth son of Prophet Ya'qub and the most cekap and wise among his brother:

"We are all sons of Ya'qub messengers of God and the children of Abraham, and lover of God's

messengers. We all are people who are sane and sensible. Killing is a deed which is prohibited

by religion and reason are not received by the sihat, what else do we kill it or give his soul to the

beast that is our own brother, by one venter, incest, one flesh of innocent and did not ever do

things painful to touch the heart or feelings. And that he is more dicntai and loved by the father,

it was something beyond his control and are not interchangeable occasional sins inflicted on him.

So in my mind is the word Yahudza continue discussed it with the best way to eliminate Joseph

is cast into a dry well located at a crossroads where the caravans and the travelers stopped

beristirehat fed and watered the animals kenderaannya. In this way terdpt possibility that one

rather than the traveler finds Joseph, lifting it from the cistern and take it away as a foster child

or a slave to be sold. I pointed out this way, we have been able to achieve our goals without

doing murder and claimed the lives of our innocent brothers. "

Mind and reserves it has been argued by Yahudza well received and approved unanimously by

the other brothers and would do it at the right time and opportunity. Bersurai rahsia meeting with

the promise that each one of you is present, will close the mouth and this evil design

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merahsiakan as tight-tight so as not to leak and not be heard by their fathers prior to


Joseph's dream

On the night in which his brother held a meeting in which it is difficult to devise tricks and

evil designs against himself his brother who was the Prophet Joseph was sleeping soundly, float

in a dream a delicious and exciting, not knowing what the fate planned for him and not imagine

him to be endured that suffering is the result of actions siblings own, inspired by the properties of 

 jealousy, envy and jealousy.

Pd mlm that fateful Prophet Joseph saw in his dream as if eleven stars, the sun and moon in the

sky and bowed down before him. Hurry after waking from sleep, he came to his father, telling

him what he saw and experienced in dreams.

Happy to sign soon appear on the face of a beaming Jacob when he heard the story of Joseph's

dreams, son. He said to his son: "O my son! Your dream is a dream and not containing an empty

dream. Your dream confirmed my hunch that signaled to you, that you dikurniakan by God's

glory, knowledge and enjoyment of life mewah.Mimpimu is a good news from God to you that

your future is a bright future full of happiness, greatness and enjoyment abound. However, you

must be careful, O my son, do not you tell your dreams to your brother that I know they do not

put love thee, even those to the left you because kedudukkan that I give to you and to your

brother Benjamin. Mark always whispering when talking halmu and always quip-mrk nyindir in

conversation about both of you. I do not worry, if you tell the story of your dreams will mrk 

increasingly filled with malice and envy them against you and even unlikely that they will devise

evil against you that will destroy you. And in such circumstances the devil will not remain silent,

but will increasingly mambakar evil spirits and give them a sense of envy and jealousy that

resides in the chest mrk. So be careful, my son, do not let your dream story was leaked and heard

by them. "

The above story content contained in Al_Quran, in the sura "Yusuf" paragraph 4 to paragraph

10 which reads as follows:

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That is: "{} Remember when Joseph said to his father:" O my father, verily I dreamed I saw

eleven stars of fruit, sun and moon, bow down to me I saw everything. " 5. His father said: "My

son, jgnlah you tell your dreams to saudar-brother, then it makes deception mrk} {for

membinasakanmu. Verily Satan is the real enemy of man." 6. And so the Lord chose you to be a

prophet {} and taught to the party of your dreams and destiny perfected His blessings to you and

to the family of Jacob as He perfected the joy of the father of two before it, namely {} Ibrahim

and Ishaq . Verily thy Lord is Knower, Wise. 7. Indeed there are some signs of God's power at

{the story} Joseph and his brothers for the person who asked. 8. {Namely} when they say:

"Truly Joseph and his brother Benjamin {} are more beloved to us than our own father, when we

{this} is a strong group {}. Surely our father is in a real mistake." 9. Slay Yusuf or cast him into

an unknown area {} so you just spilled your father's attention and then let you be good people.

"10. A than mrk said: "Do not kill Joseph, but she key it into the cistern, so he picked up by some

caravan of travelers: if you want to do." {Joseph: 4 ~ 10}

Joseph put into the cistern 

On the next day after all-night siblings Joseph and devise a strategy to meet berundingkan

removal of his brother who is a serious rival in the admiration of the father, they came face the

Prophet Ya'qub Yusuf father asked permission to bring along their recreation outside the city.

Mrk competent interpreter said to the father: "Father, we love! We hunger and berkelah

recreation outside the city abuzz and we'd love to brother Yusuf bahawa participate and do not

miss it, enjoy the sunny air under a clear blue sky. We will take their food and drinks are enough

to feed us for a day outside the city for merriment and fun, entertaining and clear the heart lara

chest tightness, while reinforcing the spirit of brotherhood and harmony among siblings. "

Jacob said to her son: "Behold would be merungsingkan fikiranku when Joseph was out of reach

of my eye, much less will participate with you out of town, in the open field, which according to

many wild animals such as hearing a lot of wolves lurking there. I not worry that you will keep it

off guard, because you are busy playing their own making sehinggakan prey for wild beasts that.

How sad I was when it happened. You know how fond I am of Joseph who was ditingglkan by

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his mother. "

Her son replied: "O our father! Worried about it make sense, that Joseph would be torn to pieces

by wolves or other wild animals in this set before our eyes? Though none of us who was weak or

the timid hearted. We are prepared to reject any interference or attacks coming from everywhere,

whether it be a wild animal or other creature. We are strong enough and brave and we keep the

best of Joseph, will not release it from our view even a single moment. We would risk one's life

we're all for safety, and where we will put our faces when things are disappointing father of 

Yusuf. "

Finally, the prophet yusuf no reason to deny the request to bring her children Joseph recreation

delivered him in the hands of his brothers who are known mrk not like it and not put her

affection. He was a blessing to his son: "Well if you are able keselamtannya responsible for

security and in accordance with the words you say it, I let Joseph go with you, may God protect

it with you all."

On the next day the group departed sons of Ya'qub except Benjamin, to the actual place of 

recreation or to the place where according to the draft, Joseph will be abandoned. Arriving mrk 

around the lake which is the goal, Joseph immediately taken off his clothes and cast in the lake

regardless of the screams of tears that had not changed the hearts of his brothers had lost his love

for a brother's innocent. Their hearts were relieved and chest mrk be roomy because the design

has been successfully implemented rotting and thus the heart will be open to the widest Ya'qub

mrk, and if the action would be sad mrk his father, then over time it will be resolved when the

mrk good grief comfort to forget and obliterate the memory of his father's shadow Ysuf.

Mrk returned in the evening to return home without the leave of Joseph who was alone in the

dark tegala basis, to bring his clothes after a rabbit blood watered deliberately withheld for this

purpose, the Prophet Ya'qub mengadap mrk weep and cry while on the stage as if said mrk and

grief to his father: "O my father! It would be unfortunate and nahasnya today for us, that

kekhuatiran the father of Joseph pointed out to us we have to ensued and a reality that a sharp

premonition father was not missed. Joseph has been torn to pieces by a wolf when his playing

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dolphins we ran and left Joseph alone to keep the clothes. We are careful enough to keep us in

accordance with the order's brother's father, but because according to our observations at the

time, there are no signs or traces of wild animals around the place we play, we sometimes do not

see any danger in leaving Joseph alone keep the clothes We are not from where we played even

still covered by our eyes. But the wolves are apparently being staked our brother Joseph's, acting

so quickly using our lengahnya opportunity, time to play so as not to trigger us to help save the

lives of our brothers is our dear and loved it. Oh father! We greatly regret that we ourselves have

failed to occupy the promise and our ability to father when we asked for permission takes the

Joseph, but what to say when destiny willed it so. This dress is stained with the blood of Joseph

as a proof of our righteousness, even if we feel bahawa father would not believe us even though

we tell the truth. "

Prophet Ya'qub who has obtained the hunch about what will happen to his favorite son Joseph

yourself up and find out how the attitude of his brothers to his brother Joseph, could do nothing

but surrender to the divine destiny, and as he pressed a sense of sadness, anxiety and anger that

was bubbled in his chest, he said to her son: "You have indulge in carnal passions and follow

what Satan has intended for you. You have done an act which will result you will feel yourself 

later if it is open curtain pertolong smoke that should be asked Him in all things and events.

Contents have been able to read this story in Al-Quran in sura "Yusuf" verse 11 so 18 as follows:

"11. They said: "O our father! why do not you trust us with Joseph, when in fact we are the

ones who want good for him. "12. Just let it go with us tomorrow, rather he {could} have fun,

and {} can play and we must keep it real. "13. Jacob said: "Truly Joseph leaving you with very

sad and I'm not worry if the wolf devour him while ye heedless thereof." 14. They said: "If he

really eaten by wolves, while we are a strong group {}, so that indeed we are the ones who lose."

15. So when they took him and agreed to put it in and then they enter the lake {he} and {at the

time he was in the lake} {We reveal unto Joseph}: 'You will tell them what they have done this,

they will not remember anymore. 16. Then they came to their father weeping in the evening. 17.

They said: "O our father! Indeed we went berlumba dolphins and left Yusuf near our stuff, and

he occasionally eaten by the wolf and you will not believe us, though we are the right people.

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"18. They brought his shirt stained with {a} with fake blood. Jacob said: "Actually me look good

deeds alone {bad} is the patience that's good {patience}. And God alone who applied for

protection against what you're describing. "

Joseph sold as a slave-buying

Joseph was in the dungeon, alone, overwhelmed by the darkness and great silence. He

looked up and down to the right and left thinking about how he can mengangkatkan himself out

of the dungeon, but he saw something interchangeable tidap help. IA can only see the shadow of 

his body in the shallow water beneath his feet. It's a test that is very hard for a young Joseph,

who still have not much experience in his life, even for the first time he separated from his father

who loved and spoiled. Much more weight was uijian it was because the cast to the bottom of the

lake itself are his brothers, sons of his father.

Joseph, in addition to thinking about his fate is being experienced, and how he saved himself 

from starvation if he had not been helped, he always remember her father when she saw her

brothers back home without him along mrk.

Three days later, since Joseph was thrown into a cistern, and yet the signs seem promising for

him to get out of the cage, while the danger of famine has begun to overshadow and are almost

desperate when suddenly he heard a faint voice, a strange sound that has not been heard since he

was cast into the lake. Increasingly clear that the voices were finally heard a dog barking sound

like people talking and laughing and the sound of human and animal footprints around the lake.

Apparently what was heard by Joseph, is the voices that arise by a caravan which was stopped at

around the cistern, where he was confined to beristirehat while searching for water to drink and

mrk mrk animals. how genbiranya Joseph when he was installing keetika ears and voice

menengar caravan leader ordered the person to take water from the bucket off the lake. A

moment later seen by Joseph A scoop down and reach of his hand so tightly dipeganglah bailer

was then drawn up by the traveler as he shouted to complain because of the weight-drawn scoop


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The travelers in the caravan was shocked and amazed when I saw the incriminating bahawa

scoop it instead of water, but human life handsome, white-bodied upright and clean. They

negotiate what will be done by the servants of God who have been found in the dungeon, the

base, the release in a quiet place or returned it to his family. Finally bersepakatlah mrk to be

taken to Egypt and sold there as a slave with a price, which according to the interpretation mrk 

will achieve a higher price, because of his good and his face is handsome.

On arrival the caravan was in Egypt, Joseph was brought in a particular market, where humans

are traded and traded as a commodity or as farm animals. Joseph then offered in public

dilelongkan. And because of the travelers who bring not worry it will open the meeting of 

Joseph, they are reluctant to maintain the price reached a high, but releasing it on the first offer

lower prices and inadequate. Though a prophet like Joseph can not be valued with the gold

money even with the whole earth was not balanced as a human being God's creatures great and

glorious as the Prophet Joseph that God has outlined in his destiny that it was going to carry out

the sacred mission and execute a decisive role in pengaulan life of mankind.

The Prophet Joseph in pelelongan was bought by the Egyptian policy keeetua Fathifar named as

the first bidder, who was happy getting a flawless servant alone is good, strong stature and

countenance which suggested that buy bahawa in the human soul it contained a large, clean and

pure heart bahawa he is not a man of quality that should be traded.

Fathifar said to his wife when introduced Joseph to him: "Here I am who I just bought from

pelelongan. Give it a good treatment and services in case one day we will acquire the benefits

drpnya and picked it as our biological children. I can be a feeling of his face and motion face-

gerinya that it was not from a class that should be traded, perhaps even once that it was the

descendant of a noble family and the people are civilized.

Fathifar mistress, wife of Chief Joseph Polis Egypt received at his home, according to the orders

of her husband. dilayan as one rather than an occasional member of the family and not as a

servant diperlakukannya purchase. Joseph was able to adjust to the household Futhifar. He was

doing his daily duties at home with passion and with honesty and discipline. All the obligations

and duties that he was told, dealt with as if glad of orders by the parents themselves. Thus, it will

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increasingly disayanglah Polis Chief Joseph in Egypt was home to feel as if you are in the family

home and his parents own.

 About the content of the story above, can be read in sura "Yusuf" paragraph 19 so that 

 paragraph 21 as follows: ~

"19. Then there came a traveler who then sent a mrk take their water, he let down his bucket, he

said: "Oh! Khabar excited, it's a boy! "Then mrk hid him as merchandise. And Allah is Aware of 

what mrk doing. 20. And mrk sold him for a cheap price, namely a few dirhams shj, and mrk was

not interested in him! 21. And the Egyptian who bought it said to his wife: "Give him a place

{and} of good service, may be he will tell us or we shall adopt him as a child." And precisely

demekian We provide a good position to Joseph in the land of Egypt {} and so we teach her

destiny dream. And God is able of his affairs, but most people do not know. "{Surah Yusuf: 19 ~


Joseph in temptations lady Futhifar

Joseph lived a quiet and peaceful at home Futhifar, Chairman of the Egyptian policy, since

he set foot in that house. He heard about the full confidence of both employers, spouses, take

care of their households and carry out the orders and all purposes mrk by sincerely, sincerity and

honesty, and no wages in return for all the energy and effort devoted to the interests of the

family. He considers himself at home was not as a paid servant, but as a family member of the

DRP. as well as employer's contention, husband and wife against him.

Tranquility and contentment of life that diperdpt by Joseph during his stay at home Futhifar, has

influenced kesihatan and body growth. He has dikurnai the physical perfection of God is happy

with life and home Futhifar soft, add more fresh look on his face, plus good-looking and added

up her body, so he was a young teenager who is mighty tempting heart of every woman who saw

it, not exception Futhifar wife, his own master, even it is not impossible that he would be a bone

of him, supposing he had lived in the city at the center Sadum hands of the people of Prophet

Luth at the time.

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Pengaulan days under one roof between the house of Joseph a gallant young adolescents and

Mrs. Futhifar, a beautiful young woman and beautiful, will not avoid the risk of immoral deeds,

when no power of faith and piety which insulate the passions that ammara bissu . So is what

happened to Joseph and wife of Chairman of the Egyptian policy.

In the first days of Joseph was in the midst of the family, Mrs. Futhifar not take it and treat it as a

domestic over a cekap, agile, energetic and honest, have a certain character of good and virtuous.

He was just admiring the virtuous qualities as well as efficiency and agility in its affairs and

completing tasks pasrahkan him. But it is a love that is always preceded by a sense of sympathy.

Sympathy and admiration for the workings Futhifar Mrs. Joseph, eventually turned into

sympathy and admiration for the form of banda and sandstone face. Motion-geri and Joseph

diperhatika behavior from a distance and he glanced with great caution. Sparks of love in the

hearts of young Mrs. Joseph Futhifar of increasingly larger and burned every time she saw him

or heard Joseph was his voice and the sound of his footsteps. Although he tried memandamkan

fire burning in his chest and insulate hedak lust was raging in his heart, to keep mepertahankan

maruahnya as an employer and as the wife of Chairman of the Policy, but he did not attempt to

control mood and the weather nasfunya with the power of his wits. When he sat by himself, then

terbayanglah before his eyes would look exquisite Yusuf and his body is good and remains

attached to that image in front of his eyes and his heart, though he tried to eliminate it by

diverting his attention to business and household activity. And finally surrender to the will of 

Mrs Futhifar and impulses and desires that Satan and demons mnedpt support and

diketepikanlahnya all maruah consideration, status and dignity and self respect in accordance

with the reasonable demands of the sihat.

Mrs Futhifar using tactics, fishing mamancing Joseph that he first approached him and instead he

used the approach of Joseph in order to maintain the honor of himself as the wife of Chairman of 

the Policy. He was always neatly dressed and decorated, when Joseph was in the house, to

stimulate her with perfumes and by demonstrating motion-geri and behavior as he appeared, as if 

by accident a portion of his body normally arouse the hearts of men.

Joseph was not aware that Zulaikha, wife Futhifar, love and lust contains him, considers the

treatment to her sweet and Zulaikha approach is commonplace in accordance with the order

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Futhifar to his wife when brought home from perlelongan. He applies common courtesy and be

respectful and not at all visible motion of his right things or actions indicating that he was

captivated by the style and action seeking to attract attention Zulaikha and mengiurkan heart.

Prophet Joseph as a candidate has been equipped by God with a firm faith, the lofty character

and high moral character. He will not do anything immoral to fall at once an act or an act of 

betrayal to the person who was believed to treat it as a child and give him a place in the midst of 

his family.

Coldness and indifference to the seduction of Yusuf and Zulaikha behavior intended to arouse

syahwatnya Zulaikha even added heat makes your heart and try to continue until determined

dkan point is reached. If the vague action which he did not remain dimengertikan by Joseph

Yang dianggapkannya a cold-blooded, then it will do is come clean and if necessary by force


Zulaikha, do not hold much longer to wait for the reaction of Joseph who remain cold, indifferent

to the flattery and vague solicitation thereof. It is an occasion when her husband was not home,

go to the booth Zulaikha bed and cried to Joseph to follow. Joseph soon followed him into the

booth and behind Zulaikha, as he often did when the ask for his help to do something in the

chamber. Never crossed his thoughts preformance Zulaikha times that orders him to go to his

chambers is not the usual order for anything unusual melekukan told. He was only conscious

when he berad in the chamber, the door is locked by Zulaikha, as he lay aside the veil he said to

Joseph: "Ayuh, O Yusuf! Here I am ready for you, I do not keep much longer lasting flavor

rinduku to touch your body. This is my body I give unto you, and your heart's content at will Act

passions. "

As she turned her face toward the other, Yusuf said: "May Allah protect me from the temptations

of Satan. It is impossible, O lord my daughter I would do immoral and satisfy your desire. If I do

what I want ladyship, I betraying my master, the master's daughter's husband, who had bestowed

her kindness and compassion to me. The trust that has abounded to me, is an inappropriate

message that I cederai. Occasionally no reciprocation akanku perkhianatan well with my lord and

the desecration of his good name. Other than that God would be angry at me and would curse me

if when I do what ladyship than I ask. Allah knows all that is done by servants.

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Zulaikha's eyes immediately bulged and his face became red, a sign of overwhelming anger, the

refusal of Joseph tehadap she said. He felt himself insulted and belittled by him for his refusal,

which he considered a brazen act of a servant to his master who had humbled himself, took her

to bed with, but was rebuffed. Padhal not least the government authorities and the noble has long

wanted to touch her and her beautiful, but it was ignored by Zulaikha.

Yusuf Zulaikha saw the bulging eyes and his face became red, become afraid of things happen

that are not desirable, and immediately ran toward the closed door, but Zulaikha quickly get out

of bed trying to catch Yusuf opened the door, strong ditariknyalah- strongly by Zulaikha rear

portion of his shirt so torn. Just at the time they were behind the door pull, come Futhifar mrk 

found in suspicious circumstances.

With nothing to give Joseph a chance to open his mouth, quickly Zulaikha said to her husband

who was still standing dumbfounded look to both the belief that: "This is Joseph, the servant

whom you worship and praise it has dared to brazenly go into my cubicle and forced me to meet

the desires syahwatnya. Give him a reward commensurate with the act biadabnya. People who do

not know a good reason we should be imprisoned and diberika seksaan a painful punishment. "

Joseph heard Zulaikha statements and false accusations to her husband, not retrievable do

nothing but give a description of what actually happened. He said to his master, Futhifar:

"Verily, he who tease me, to call me into his chambers, and then forced me to fulfill the lust

syahwatnya. I declined his offer and ran menyingkirinya, but he chased me and pulled my shirt

from behind so torn. "

Futhifar in a confused state. Sipakah between two people is right? Yusufkah who are living

together for at home has never told a lie, or Zulaikhakah that in his thoughts is not likely to

betray him? In such circumstances, it suddenly came a family of Zulaikha, namely his own

brother, known wise, clever and always giving appropriate consideration when asked for

thoughts and advice. At the request of Futhifar to give judgment in a confusing issue, said his

brother: "Look, when Joseph's shirt was torn bahgian behind it, then it is true and the false wife.

Conversely, if ripped his shirt in front of the Courant he is a liar and your wife is telling the truth.

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Futhifar said to his wife after the problem became clear and the veil rahsianya revealed: "O thou

Beristighfarlah Zulaikha and ask forgiveness for your sins. You have done wrong and lies to

cover up your mistakes as well. Indeed, such is the properties and deception of women we had

known. "Then he turned mengadap Joseph and said to him:" Shut your mouth shut, O Joseph,

and tie your tongue, so that this problem will still be stored rahsia around the walls of this house

and do occasionally until it comes out and become public rahsia and society gossip. Think of it

this issue is over up here. "

There is a proverb which says: "Every rahsia is known by two people must be spread and known

by the public." So also with Yusuf Zulaikha events are strictly covered by the family wants

Futhifar not have to wait long to become public rahsia. at first people were whispering word of 

mouth, tell the story, but it is increasingly widespread and increasingly spread to every meeting

and be the talk among the women of the upper and middle classes. Criticisms that are satirical

mahupun overt leveled people start to Zulaikha, wife of Chairman of the State Policy, which was

said to bill and coo with his own servant, a servant and a very embarrassing purchases mrk said

that the minister and his employer to refuse even when run self drpnya dikejarkannya to the rear

portion of his shirt torn.

Criticisms innuendos and slurs to themselves finally arrived in the ear Zulaikha. He became

masyangul and sad heart that Joseph had gone into the event with the mouth of the fruit which in

itself brings the good name and reputation of her husband's family as the Chairman of the State

Policy which sgt respected and honored. Zulaikha is very angry and irritated class women, wives

of princes who will not cease the offending name mrk meeting with ridicule and criticism in

connection with the events with Joseph.

To end the rumors and whispering women were the wives of princes, Zulaikha invited mrk to a

banquet at his house, with the intention of making a surprise show mrk Yusuf had made his heart

so forget menawankan will maruah and position as the wife of Chairman of the State Policy .

The party guests are given a padded seat and each is given a sharp knife to cut meat and fruits

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available and has been served.

After each of the guests occupying the place and disilakannya dishes which are available at the

front, then right at the mrk busy peeling the fruit is in the hands of each, dikeluarkannyalah

Zulaikha Yusuf by running as peragawan in the presence of the women were busy cutting the

fruit- fruits that. Unwittingly, the guests were women who had a knife and fruit in her hand as

she gaped admire the beauty of face and body of Joseph mrk injuring sendir fingers and shaking

his head kehairanan, the mrk said: "Almighty God's Perfected. This is not human. It is a noble

angel. "

Zulaikha applauded genbira sign to see the surprise brhasil and her need to assign it to a woman's

fingers bled it terhiris and he said: "This is Joseph, who led me to lie and crap ejekanmu target

criticisms of our not having seen Joseph with aging eyes gave me, when he captured my heart

and arouse the passions syahwatku as a young woman who had never seen anyone as handsome

as his face, beautiful body and seluhur character of Joseph? Am I wrong if I'm crazy about him,

to forget the kedududkanku and my husband's position? You are just a cursory look at Yusuf has

lost consciousness so that instead of the fruits that you peel but your fingers are terhiris. So if I

hairankah assembled by Joseph under a single tube, look at his face and body as well as hear

suaranyapada every moment and every second to lose the sense that it can not escort lust

syahwatku deal with it? I must confess in front of you bahawa was I who tease and seduce him

and with every effort to lure him and invited him to greet my love and passion to serve

syahwatku. But he survived himself, ignoring ajakanku and being cool to the seduction and

godaanku. He further alienate myself, when I approached him and turned mencuba eyes of my

eyes when my eyes against his eyes. I have humbled myself as a wife to Joseph, Chairman of the

State Policy which is only a slave and servant, my name was already tarnished and become a

mockery of it, then if still defiant and mahu not indulge in my will, I will not hesitate to enter it

on prison all the time as teaching him to dishonor my name and return it. "

Hearing these words to himself Yusuf Zulaikha threat stirred the hearts of the women who put

the sympathy and feeling sorry for himself Yusuf. Mark regretted that beautiful body and a

handsome face and a virtuous man noble character and a certain character it does not deserve

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prison and put into place the people who do jenayah and criminals.

Said one of those who approached him: "O Joseph! Why do you insist that the head faces

Zulaikha love you and love you? Why do you say no and call to you? A big advantage for you,

that a beautiful woman like Zulaikha is married to a magnifying countries interested in you and

wants your approach. Or maybe you are a man impotence and therefore is not attracted by the

beauty and elegance of a young woman like Zulaikha. "

Another woman told a visitor: "If it Were not you attracted to her beauty Zulaikha, the Act for

his wealth and position of her husband. because if you can adjust yourself to the will of Zulaikha

and follow all the instructions you will be awarded nescay treasure that many rank and probably

will be raised. "

Others say a guest to give advice: "O Joseph! fikirkanlah carefully and take to heart my advice

is: Zulaikha had resolved to reach the goal and get what he wants drpmu. He had already mocked

and criticized people and had already renamed to crap in the community because he threatens

you if you remain obstinate and do not soften your attitude to his demands, he will surely put you

in jail as a felon and penjenayah. You know bahawa Zulaikha's husband is someone Chairman of 

the State policy of the ruling jailing a person into custody and you know also that influence her

husband Zulaikha sgt. Spare, O Joseph, you are still young and handsome teenager and Zulaikha

to follow orders you safe and protected from the consequences of which we do not want to top

yourself. "

Words of advice and persuasion of the woman, Guest Yusuf Zulaikha was heard by the right ear

and came out to his left ear. Not a matter thereof which may come down to the bottom of her

heart or became penimbangannya material. However, although he believes in himself, will not be

affected by persuasion and counsels, he felt worry, that if it's still a long stay in the middle of the

association that he might eventually be caught and get into the trap of deceit and trickery

Zulaikha and female friends.

Joseph Pray ask God to give faith and determination determination determination spy him

not to get lost by the temptations of Satan and the wiles of women who will plunge into the

valley of disobedience and unjust deeds. Berucaplah he in his prayer: "O my Lord! actually I'd

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rather be in prison compared to outside, but I have to indulge the passions of the woman. Protect

me, O Lord of the association of people who want to take me into a false path and make me do

anything that you do not redhai. When I was incarcerated I'll round it off fikiranku and devotions

unto you, O Lord. Put away the seduction and deception than I women's, so I'm not including

people who are ignorant and misguided. "

Futhifar, Chairman of the State Policy, Zulaikha's husband knew for sure that Joseph was

cleared of the accusations hurled at him. It was also aware that isterinyalah is a ringleader in the

incident to defame her family. But he can not do other than follow the advice of his wife who

suggested that Joseph was imprisoned. Because by putting Joseph into custody, public opinion

will change and will turn around and assume Yusuflah accused is guilty in the incident and

instead of Zulaikha. Thus mrk hoping his name will be restored and the rumors and the public

about the Kasak-kasuk rumahtanggannya will end. Thus, the orders issued by Futhifar and

Joseph go to prison according to his prayer.

Fill in the above story can be read in Al-Quran surah Yusuf so that verse 35 verse 22:

"22. And when he is old enough, We gave him wisdom and knowledge. Thus do We reward

those who do good. 23. And {women} who Zulaikha Yusuf Yusuf lived in the house tempting to

subdue him {her} and he closed the doors and said: "Come here". He said: "I seek refuge in

Allah, my master has treated me really well." Verily, those who do wrong will not prosper. 24.

Surely she had intended to perform that action {} with Joseph and Joseph was intended to do

anyway} {with the woman if she did not see the signs {of} God. So that We might turn away

from it kemungkaran and abominations. Indeed Joseph's including slaves of us are elected. 25.

And berlumba both dolphins to the door and pulled her shirt dress to tear him out of the back and

found both her husband at the door. She said: "Is revenge against those who intend to do with the

unfaithful wife, in addition to imprisonment or punished with a painful punishment?" 26. He

said: "He was teasing me to beat me {him}." And a witness from her family gave her testimony:

"If his shirt was torn in front, then her right, and he is the people who lie. 27. And if his shirt torn

behind, MKA that women who lie and he is the right people ". 28. So when my husband saw her

shirt was torn from the back of the shirt, he said: "Verily, the event was devised between you,

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your snare really great". 29. Hi Joseph: "Turn away from this and your wife {O} beg forgiveness

for your prayers because you are actually including those who do wrong". 30. And women in the

city said: "Al-Aziz's wife to beat her servant seduce her, in fact it was his love for bachelor deep

sgt. For us, we look at the real error. "31. So when she heard the slur} {Zulaikha them,

diundangnyalah the women and the availability of their seats and gave to each of them a knife to

cut a banquet {} then he said to Joseph, {}: "Come out you nampakkanlah {} to mrk ". Tatakala

then the women saw, mrk admiration for the beauty of the form {her} and {finger} mrk injuring

his hand and said: "Glory to God perfect, are not human. Surely this is nothing but a noble angel.

" 32. Zulaikha} {woman said: "That he's the man you blame me} {attracted to him and indeed I

have been teasing him for subjecting himself {to me} but he refused. And if he does not obey

what I command him nescaya he would be imprisoned and he would include people who are

untouchable ". 33. He said: "O my Lord prison more to my liking than that to which they invite

me. Unless Thou turn away and deceit drpku mrk I would be inclined to fulfill mrk {} and I

certainly include people who are stupid ". 34. Then God allowed him to avoid the prayer of 

Joseph and Joseph of their trickery. Verily He is the Hearer, the Knower. 35. Then take the mrk 

mind after seeing the signs of {} that it was best to imprison him mrk time ". {Joseph: 25 ~ 35}

Joseph in prison 

Joseph put in prison not because he had made a mistake or crime, but due to arbitrary rulers

who jailed him his authority to cover the sins of his own sins by putting it to the prisoner.

However, for the Prophet Joseph, prison is a safe place to avoid all temptation and deception that

will plunge into the vices and unjust deeds. For Joseph lives in a dark and narrow prison, where

movement is restricted Bandanese and eyes, is better and more preferred living in the wild DRP

where his soul and his heart depressed do not feel safe and secure. In prison Joseph

interchangeable round out his thoughts and spirit worship and worship to God.

Besides, he did missionary interchangeable in prison, giving guidance and advice to pesalah, so

mrk who have sinned a crime, repent and return to good people, the prisoners were innocent

victims of acts of arbitrary power mrk dihiburkna to be patient and cautious, sole trust and faith

to ask God to end the suffering and misery mrk.

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Together with Joseph, imprisoned two other court officials wanted to use to poison the King with

the aim of the King of command and with the cooperation with the enemy castle. Two young

employees who were jailed, a storeroom keeper mknan table as a waiter and a palace.

One day the morning the two young prisoners came to the Prophet Joseph tells us that the

mrk has heard about leaders. The waitress saw it as if it was in the middle of a vineyard holding

the glass, as glass is often used by King Drinks, employer and the glass filled with grapes

milking. Youth were seen in mimpinnya warehouse keeper as if supporting on her head a basket

containing bread, which was struck by a bird and took him flying. The two young prisoners from

the Prophet Joseph was expected to provide commentary for mrk's dream.

The Prophet Joseph had prophetic dikurniai and commissioned by God to deliver His message of 

His servants began his preaching to the two young men who come asking mimpinnya

commentaries, invite mrk yangg faith in God Almighty, leave offerings to the idols there mrk-

invent itself by giving the names of the idols mrk it as they pleased. to prove to both the young

man that he is a prophet and messenger of Allah, the Prophet Joseph said: "I know and can

explain to you, what food you will receive, what kind and how many types and kinds as well as

where you are going to drink receive.

Similarly, I can give interpretation to include both your dreams a dream. That is all that science

dikurniakan by God to me. I have left the religion of the people who do not believe in Allah and

deny the doomsday future. I have followed the religion of the father-my father, Ibrahim, Ishaq

and Ya'qub. We should not associate anything with God who has mengurniakan mercy and His

blessings upon us and upon all mankind, but were mostly people do not appreciate God's

blessings and gratitude. Just try out Think, O my friends in prison, which one is better and more

reasonable, the worship of several different gods or worship of God Almighty and the Almighty?

God has commanded you not menyembahkan than DRP him. That religion is true and straight,

but many people do not know and mahu not understand. "

"As for your dreams", the Prophet Joseph continued, "So takbirnya that thou, O young maid, will

soon be released from prison and reinstated seperit usual, while the warehouse guard thee, O

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young man will be put to death by crucifixion, and your head will be eating birds pecked. Thus

Takbir dream that has become the law of God for you both. "

Joseph further said the youth had predicted would come out of prison: "O my friend, my message

to you, if you have been out and returned to work at the court call it my name before the King,

your master. Katalah him that I was summarily imprisoned his authority, not guilty and not

guilty. I was just in jail for the sake of saving the family name of the Chairman of the State

Policy and the instigation of his wife alone. My Order Jangalah you forget this, my good friend.


Then, in accordance with the Takbir of the Prophet Joseph, the hose is not long out of King

pardon letter for youth ministers and punishment of the cross for the youth carried the warehouse

keeper. But the orders of the Prophet Joseph to the young waiter, is not presented to the King

after he was welcomed back to work in the palace. Satan has made him forget when he was

enjoying the freedom of the prison and thus keep the Prophet Joseph was in prison several years,

entertainer of innocent prisoners and educate and preach to the prisoners who had been guilty of 

committing crimes and bad deeds, so that mrk be people who are good and beneficial to

humanity and to God's servants who believe and bertauhid.

Contents of this story there is in the Al-Quran in sura "Yusuf" paragraph 36 to paragraph 42: ~

"36. ~ And along with him as well go to prison two young men. Said one of them: "Behold I

dreamed, that I blush wine." And the other said: "I dreamed that I was carrying bread on my head

and sebahagiannya eat birds." Preach to us takbirnya, we actually look at you, including people

who are good} {menakbir dream. 37. ~ Joseph said: "Before I came to both of you will be given

to the food but I have been interchangeable explain the type of food before the food is up to you.

Such is the party of what is being taught by my Lord to me. Verily I have left the religion of 

people who do not believe in Allah, to deny being mrk days later. 38. ~ And I follow the religion

of the father-my father, namely Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya'qub. Nor should the prophets for us {any}

to associate anything with Allah. That is from Allah kurniaan to us and to all mankind, but it's

not human; most grateful. 39. ~ O my two friends in prison, which is good, god-tuha the various

gods of the Almighty or Mighty? 40. ~ You do not worship a God other than {worship but only

the names that you and your fathers made him, God has not sent down any of those names.

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Decision but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. That is the right

religion, but were mostly people do not know. 41. ~ Hi my friend in jail as for the second one

between the two of you will give to drink wine as for his master with the other one then he will

be crucified and birds eat the party of his head. It has been decided to ask both of you

perkarayang {me} ". 42. ~ And Joseph said to the people he knew would be saved in between

them: "Explain my situation to your master." So Satan made him forget to mention Joseph's

{state} to his master. Because he was still Joseph} {number of years in prison. "{Joseph: 36 ~


Joseph was released from prison

One day assembled at the palace of the king of Egypt, the authorities, and the wise counsel

of deliberately oelh invited to give a dream that has merunsingkan Takbir and frightening her. He

dreamed that seemed to see seven other female cows are emaciated. Besides, he also saw in a

dream seven grains of green wheat grains in addition to seven others dry.

No one DRP. magistrates who brought it to provide interpretation for the dream of King Takbir

DRP mrk menganggapkannya sebahagian even as an empty dream that no bererti and

recommend to the King to forget just dream it and eliminate it from his thoughts.

Servant of King, the young friends of Joseph in prison, during a meeting with the King

tetamunya, then she remembered the message of the Prophet Joseph to him when he will be

excluded from the prison and that the Takbir is given by the Prophet Joseph for his dream is

right, there have been as destined. He then ventured over to the King and said: "O my lord My

lord! Servant has an acquaintance friend in prison who are good at menakbirkan dream. He was a

cekap, friendly and noble character. He is innocent and did not do anything wrong. He was jailed

for just a mere slander and false accusations. He has given Takbir for my dream while in custody

with her servant, and was takbirnya right and true according to what a natural slave. If Paduka

Tuan pleased, I will go visit him in prison to ask him about the dream Takbir Paduka Tuan. "

With the permission of the King, head waiter visited the Prophet Joseph in prison. He told the

story of Prophet Yusuf King dream that no one DRP members and advisers kakitangannya

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interchangeable provide satisfactory Takbir and relief for employers. He told the Prophet Joseph

that if the King interchangeable satisfied with the provision for Takbir his dream, he may very

well be released from prison and will thus be an end to the suffering experienced by many years

in captivity.

Joseph Berucaplah takbirnya to describe the dream of King: "The state will face a period of 

prosperous, fertile for seven years, in which all plants and crops of wheat, rice and vegetables

would have reaped a good time to bring the abundant food, and then menyusuk dry season

during the next seven years when the Nile did not provide enough water for the dry fields, plants

and plant pests eat ssedang destroyed food supplies, the fertile harvest of the years it has been

eaten. However, the Prophet Joseph continued his statement, after the second season came the

seven years it will be a wet year in which it will rain cats and dogs watered lands and re-greening

of the dry groceries and produce fruits that are interchangeable lazat milked to drink. "

"So if takbirku this a reality," the Prophet Joseph further said, "you should have kept well what

has been produced in the fertile years, and berjimat in its use to prepare for the dry period, in

order to terhindarlah people from famine and misery. "

King after hearing of the servants what was told by the Prophet Joseph about his dream to feel

that you listen to it sgt Takbir reasonable and verifiable believed that what was predicted by

Joseph will become a reality. He gained the impression that Joseph had given the right Takbir

was a clever and thoughtful and will be useful for the country jikaia sgt seated in the palace

became the royal adviser and helper. So he sent back the servant to jail to bring Joseph into his

presence in court.

Prophet Joseph was old enough to live as a person suffering of innocent prisoners, and to

get out of jail that gripped his heart, but he was reluctant to get out of jail before the event with

his wife Chief State Polis cleared in advance and before the accusations and slander that was

inflicted upon he described his fraud. Joseph wanted to get out of jail as a clean and holy that sin

is put to him is slander and fabrications aimed at covering the sins of his own wife of Chairman

of the State Policy.

King of Egypt who had heard a lot about the Prophet Joseph and was impressed by the Takbir

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was given to his dream in detail and more comprehensive feel kindly to him, hear his demands to

be completed in advance about the accusations and slanders being cast on him before he was

released from prison. Things which according to the mind of the King signifies his honesty, his

holiness and greatness of soul that he did not want to be released on the basis of forgiveness, but

want to be released because he is clean and not guilty and not guilty.

Demands of the Prophet Joseph received by the King of Egypt, and immediately issued orders to

collect the women who had been attending a dinner Zulaikha and terhiris hujung fingers of each

hand when he saw her face. In the presence of the King tells the story of what they saw and

experienced in the mrk mkn's banquet as well as conversation and question and answer mrk done

by the Prophet Joseph. Mark stated mrk messages about the Prophet Joseph that he was an

honest, pious, clean, and instead he is wrong in the event with Zulaikha. Zulaikha was at the

meeting, acknowledged that it was he who sinned in the event with Joseph and he who suggested

to her husband Joseph to jail for giving a false picture to the public that he is wrong and that it

was he who raped her honor.

The results of the meeting with the King announced that she had in mind by all levels of society

and thus revealing the veil covering the events of Yusuf and Zulaikha. Then on, the King, the

Prophet Joseph was issued in respect of prison, net of all charges. He went straight to the palace

of the King meet invitation.

 Read the contents of this story in Al-Quran sura "Yusuf" paragraph 43 to paragraph 53: ~

"43. ~ {The king said to the distinguished men of his kind}:" I dreamed I saw seven cows

are emaciated females and seven grains of wheat {green} and seven other items dry. You who

are leading, you thought about my dream Takbir, if you can menakbirkan dream. "44. ~ Mark 

replied:" {It} is empty dreams, and we occasionally do not know menakbirkan dream ". 45. ~

And the survivors said between two and remembered mrk to Joseph} {after some time: "I will

tell you about people who are good {} menakbirkan dream it, then send me {him}". 46. ~ {After

the waitress he met with Yusuf called}: 'Joseph, O people sgt wobbler, Explain to us about seven

fat cows, fat cows devoured by seven emaciated females and seven points { wheat, green}

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{seven} others that I may go back to the people, so that the mrk know ". 47. ~ Joseph said: "So

you raise seven years {old} as usual then what you reap you shall leave it to you except a little

grain to eat. 48. ~ Then after that will come seven years of very hard, who spend what you save

it to deal with difficult} {year but less than {wheat} seeds that you saved. 49. ~ Then after that

will come in which people will have enough rain {a} and in the mrk pressing wine. " 50. ~ King

said: "Bring him to me". So tatakala messenger came to Joseph, Joseph said: "Return unto thy

lord and ask him Bagimana well as women who had injured his hand. Indeed, my Lord, Knower

mrk deceit ". 51. ~ King said: "{to} the ladies, How are you when you tempt Joseph to beat him

{you}?" Mark said: "Perfected God Almighty, we do not know anything keburukkan drpnya".

Said Zulaikha} {Al-Aziz's wife: "Now it is clear that truth, I'm the one who teased him for

subjecting himself {to me} and indeed he was among the people the truth." 52. ~ Joseph said:

"That is for him to Al-Aziz {} knows that I did not betray him in the back, and that Allah will

never meredhai guile betrayed the people. 53. ~ And I can not rid myself of error {}, because it

certainly prone to evil, except the desire to grant us by the Lord. Surely my Lord is Oft-

Forgiving, Most Merciful ". {Joseph: 43 ~ 53}

Joseph was appointed viceroy of Egypt

King of Egypt who had heard a lot about the Prophet Yusuf from his servant, a friend of the

Prophet Joseph in prison, from the testimony of the women, a guest in the banquet and Zulaikha

of Zulaikha own, growing respect and admiration to the Prophet Joseph, after face to face and

converse Out from the prison with him.

Joseph's intelligence, vast knowledge, patience, honesty, hospitality dna virtuous morals and

manners, according to the mind of the King would be very beneficial to the kingdom when the

Prophet Joseph and the people entrusted with the leadership of the country. Then to the Prophet

Joseph in his first meeting with the King offered him to stay in the palace of the King held a

government representative and the management of the country and lead the people of Egypt are

forecast to face difficult times and difficult.

The Prophet Joseph did not refuse the offer of Egypt's king. He took it so long given him full

authority in the field and the field distribution kewangan BHN food, because in the opinion of 

the Prophet Joseph, the two fields related to each other that is key to the welfare and stability of 

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the country. The king who already have full confidence of the Prophet Joseph himself, against

his brain intelligence, honesty and kecekapannya approve his mind and decided to hand over

power to the Prophet Joseph in a ceremony which, according to the usual and prevailing


On the coronation day of the week, which was attended by the pembesarnegeri and community

leaders, Prophet Yusuf confirmed as deputy king, dressed in royal garments and on his neck with

a necklace of gold dikalung, then attended the king in front of the ring from his finger off and

then dipasangkannya the fingers of the Prophet Joseph, as a sign of royal power delivery.

After completion of the coronation and the position handover of Prophet Yusuf AS then the King

of Egypt is pleased to mengahwinkan with Zulaikha Yusuf Ra'il} {mistress widow who died

when the Prophet Yusuf AS still in prison.

Then after the Prophet Joseph along with his wife he said: "Would not it be better DRP advance

what you want it." Answer Raa'il Zulaikha {}: "O good honest people, do not criticize. You

know that I was once so young and beautiful, the luxurious state, my husband was weak, did not

satisfy his wife and made retrievable by God so handsome, so I lost my soul to the weaker sex ".

It is so, because the Prophet Yusuf AS Zulaikha still in a state meet girls, and two sons heard

about drpnya, Ifratsim and Minsya bin Yusuf.

Such grace and kurniaan God who has given a high position and great kingdom to His servant

Joseph after experiencing some pain and a severe test, which began with pelemparannya into a

dungeon by his own brothers, then sold-belikannya as a servant in a public offering and in the

end after he began to feel the peace of living in the house came the Chairman of the Egyptian

policy and slander are serious temptations for him in which his name is associated with an

immoral act which led to his meringkok in prison for years.

As a wise ruler, the Prophet Joseph set about the task by organizing trips to areas that are

included in his power to get acquainted with the common people and ruled from nearby areas, so

that all the design and regulation to be held interchangeable meet the needs and in conformity

with the climate and local circumstances .

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In the first seven years of running the government of the Prophet Joseph in Egypt, the people feel

peaceful life, secure and prosperous. Enough goods terbahagi purposes equally accessible to all

segments of society without exception. In the meantime, the Prophet Joseph did not forget the

warnings contained in the dream the king of Egypt, that would DTG period of seven years of 

hard and difficult. Then to face the day, the Prophet Joseph to prepare the warehouse-dented and

dented the BHN mknan storage for dry season that would DTG.

Thanks to the wise stewardship of the Prophet Joseph, then after time passes and lush green and

the dry drought came, the people of Egypt not to have suffered famine or food crisis. BHN

mknan inventory assembled in a green and fertile period of time sufficient verifiable needs of the

people during the dry period, even the Egyptians could help people who already lack food BHN

and face the danger of starvation.

The story of Prophet Yusuf appointment as ruler of Egypt is told in the Quran in sura "Yusuf" so

that verse 57 verse 54 which reads as follows: ~

"54. ~ And the king said:" Bring Joseph to me, so I chose him as the person meeting me. "

So when he had a conversation with him, he said: 'You {from today to be a high berkedudukkan

longer believed our side pd} ". 55. ~ He said: "Lead me from the state treasurer {Egypt} that I

am the person who is good at keeping more knowledgeable". 56. ~ And so we give the position

to Joseph in Egypt {he} went to full power anywhere on earth he wants Egyptians. We bestow

Our mercy to sesiapa We desire and a waste We do not reward people who do good. 57. ~ And

the real reward of the Hereafter is better for people of faith and always be cautious. "{Joseph: 54

~ 57}

Joseph meeting his brothers A.S

Then dtglah people flocked from the city outskirts and villages of Egypt, even from

countries that border Egypt are already shortages of food for its people BHN. Mark DTG to

expect the aid of the Prophet Joseph to give the opportunity to buy grain and other mknan BHN

is still available in government warehouses.

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Among the newcomers who want to shop in Egypt there are those Palestinian groups, including

among mrk are brothers of Prophet Yusuf himself, is the main cause for the suffering that has

been in nature. The Prophet Joseph immediately knew them but would not know otherwise mrk 

Prophet Joseph was ever thrown into the lake. Not even crossed his mind mrk that Joseph was

alive, what a great person to lead the country as a representative of the Egyptian king who ruled


The question of the Prophet Joseph said jurucakap entourage sons of Jacob: "O my lord, Sir,

we are the sons of Jacob putere all of which were twelve of us The youngest son of the father

who bongsu we left our father's house to keep the Talah lamjut age and blind as well. One other

brother had long since left home, and until we do not know where he is. We came here by order

of our father, to ask help from dna help Paduka dear sir, would permit interchangeable giving us

the opportunity to buy wheat from pesediaan host government, to meet the urgent needs of our

sgt, in connection with BHN food crisis that hit our area. "

Said the Prophet Joseph said his brother's particulars: "We doubt you and question the

keteranganmu identiti this. We do not ignore the possibility of interchangeable that you are a spy

sent by our enemies to hold kekecohan and chaos in our country so we want to give strong

evidence for the validity of what you say or bring the witnesses that we believe that You are

correct beul-sons of Jacob. "

"Excellency Mr. Yang wise", jurucakap welcome that, "We are a pilgrim people Gharib in the

host country, no one here know us or know us, then it is very difficult for us at this time to give

evidence or bring witnesses as Paduka Tuan calls. So we just surrender to inform you sir to give

way to us by way of how we fill the coffers of your majesty's verifiable. "

"All right", the Prophet Joseph said, "This time we are offered an opportunity for you to buy

grain from our warehouse to taste keperluaan you family on the condition that you have to go

back here as soon as possible to bring you bongsumu that you leave at home. Jiak these

conditions are not met, then we will not serve the purposes you will be grain for the future. "Say

brother to Joseph, who did not introduce it:" My lord sir, we thought that our father will not

allow us to bring our sister bongsu here, because he Our favorite is a much loved father and

father he is an entertainer that replaces the position of our brothers of Joseph, since he removes

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out of the house without leaving a trace. But how else to interest us as a family, we will try

wherever possible to persuade father memngizinkan we carry our brother Benjamin to let the

next opportunity. "

Since the beginning of Joseph's brothers saw the faces of the DTG require wheat, there is no

intention at all in his heart about missions mempersukarkan mrk in retaliation for the actions of 

mrk has been done to him. About the responsibility carried by mrk just want to know the state of 

his father and brother bongsunya, Benjamin, who has been abandoned for years and just a tactic

for reuniting with his father and his brothers who had long been separated.

Then Joseph commanded his servants to fill the sacks of wheat and BHN brother mrk food

needs. Was brg-brg mrk gold and silver brought to the price of wheat and BHN makn, it is

loaded back into the sacks mrk secretly without mrk know.

Arriving back at the Palestinians to his father Ya'qub mrk Tell me about the trip and how Joseph

received mrk mrk, which is praised as a wise ruler, fair, patient, humble and very kind-hearted.

Without the slightest difficulty was given mrk mrk intent of wheat that once filled by employees

in the sack Joseph mrk.Disampaikan mrk also by his father, that the mrk required by mrk bongsu

brother Joseph took to Egypt, when the mrk DTG again to buy wheat and BHN mknan. Without

bringing the said brother, mrk not be served and allowed to buy grain mrk need. Therefore mrk 

of the way please do mrk mrk allowed to bring brother Benjamin when mrk must return to Egypt

to buy grain.

Prophet Ya'qub said immediately after hearing the story of her son: "No, not occasionally

give akanku allow you to take Benjamin away drpku. I would not entrust Benjamin to you after

what happened with Yusuf adikmu.Kamu has promised to take care of them, and even able to

sacrifice life-your physical body to safety.

However, what has happened is the opposite. You come home in a safe, being your brother

Joseph, you loose fall prey to the wolves. Suffice what the nature of the self telahku Joseph, and

do not happen again this time about yourself Benjamin ".

When the bags are brought back from Egypt dismantled, turned inside terdpt items of gold and

silver that has been mrk paid for the purchased price of wheat. Then mixed with amazement as

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he pleased, run-run kehairanan mrk mrk convey to his father. They said: "O my father! We do

not lie in our story about the good-hearted people of Egypt. Look at the brg-brg gold and silver

we have paid to replace the wheat that we received, sent back into our sacks without us knowing.

So what we bring is a useless gift from the ruler of Egypt who sgt generous. "

By obtaining wheat, gratuitous assistance of the son who does not recognize mrk, the family of 

Jacob to be calm and felt for some time, that will house the kitchen fire was still burning.

however, a limited supply did not last long if not followed by the filling of new stock during the

dry season is not over. So the Prophet Ya'qub who saw his grain supplies increasingly

berkurangan while signs of the food crisis has not appeared, he was compelled to send her son

back to Egypt to obtain bekalan for the second time of Joseph's country representative of the

King. And because the sons of Jacob are not will go to Egypt without Benjamin, according to

Joseph mrk promise, then forced to involve also the son of Jacob Benjamin bongsunya in abg

abgnya entourage.

With the accompaniment of prayers and advice of the father, the caravan departed sons of Ya'qub

consisting of eleven people on the border town berpisahlah mrk Arriving into several groups

enter the town from different directions according to the message mrk father in order to avoid

 jealousy and prejudice and accusations population that mrk is an enemy spy.

On arrival at the royal palace mrk accepted by their own brother Joseph, who has not known mrk 

back, with full hospitality and honored with a banquet. For mrk provided lodgings for every two

people of a house, being bongsu brother Joseph, Benjamin, were invited to stay with him in the


While he was alone with Joseph, Benjamin, to weep and said to his brother who has not been

known to return: "If abgku Joseph is still alive, nescaya you will put me in a house with her own

as the other brothers." Joseph and his brother with the words comforted the heart -word: "if I

were you Sukakah abgmu abgmu replace the lost?" Benjamin replied: "Sure, but a pity that you

were not born by the father of Jacob and mother Rahil."

Hearing these words the brother that was thrilling, Joseph bercucurlah tears, then hugged his

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brother as he admitted that he was Joseph, abgnya missing. He told his brother the sufferings that

have been experienced since he cast into the cistern, was sold as a slave, detained in prison for

years without sin, and finally the grace of God and kurniaan he was appointed as a representative

of an absolute monarch ruling. Joseph advised to end the story with his brother, so merahsiakan

what he had heard and not to be known by other relatives.

What a joy to hear the story of Benjamin abgnya always dikenangnya missing since he left

the house together berkelah his brothers a few years ago. He immediately hugged her brother

back and said: "I can not imagine how happy my father when he heard that you still live in a

state of good shape, sihat afiat, master of a great empire, lived in the palace is covered by all the

luxury and splendor. Since you disappeared because we have never seen my father happy. He is

always overwhelmed by a sense of sadness and grief, never the slightest shadow regardless of the

memory. Thus the state of our father Joseph sejal O thou remove the house and disappear, until

his eyes became white with grief and tears are not forever. "

The story of Joseph's encounter with his brother told in the Quran in sura "Yusuf" verse 58 so 69

is intended to: *

"58. ~ And Joseph's brothers to Egypt {DTG} and {mrk go to his place}. So Joseph knew

mrk, is mrk no longer know {} kepadanya.59. ~ And when he set up BHN mknannya, he said:

"Bring me your brother with the same father with you {Benjamin}, not you see that I'm perfect

manner of measure and I am the best -good reception? 60. ~ If you do not bring him to me, then

you will not get another manner of measure and jgn drpku you near me ".61. ~ Mark said:" We

will convince our father to let him {to} and in fact we will actually carry it out " .62. ~ Joseph

said to the servant-servant: "Please insert a brg-brg {} exchanger belongs to the mrk mrk sacks,

find out if spy mrk mrk has returned to his family, hopefully mrk back again" .63. ~ So when

mrk mrk has returned to his father {Jacob}, mrk said: "O our father, we did not heard about

another manner of measure {wheat}, {if} swordfish bring our brother, because it let our brother

Benjamin {} go with us so We heard about the real manner of measure and we'll take really good

care ".64. ~ Says Jacob:" How shall I entrust to you {Benjamin}, except as I entrusted his brother

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{Joseph} to you first? "And Allah is well- both guards and He is Merciful Mahga among

penyayang.65. ~ When mrk open-brgnya brg, mrk rediscover brg-brg {exchange} is returned to

the mrk mrk. Mark said: "O our father, what more could we want. Brg-brg this we returned to us

and we will be interchangeable feed our family and we will maintain retrievable ksaudra us and

we will get an extra manner of measure {wheat} weighing a camel. That was the easy manner of 

measure for the King of Egypt {} ".66. ~ Jacob said:" I will not let go once in a while {go} you

together before you give a firm pledge on behalf of Allah that ye shall surely bring it back to me,

Unless you are surrounded by enemies ". When mrk mrk promise, then Jacob said: "Allah is

witness to what we say {this}" 67. ~ And Jacob said: "My little children, ye shall not enter

together from one gate and come from a different gate, but not interchangeable so I delivered

you out a little brg {destiny} else than God. Decision set {something} belong to Him; to Him,

and let me sole trust in Him those who have surrendered sole trust "68. ~ And when entered in

the ordered mrk mrk father, then {mrk way to do it} Nor let any mrk} instead of {God's destiny,

but it's just a desire to Jacob he has set himself. And indeed he has the knowledge, because we've

taught him. But the men were mostly not mengetahui.69. ~ And when mrk go to {place} Joseph,

Joseph brought his brother Benjamin {} into place. He said: "I {it} is your brother, then do not

grieve for what mrk has done."

Joseph Benjamin held as a prisoner

Joseph receives his siblings as a guest for three days and three nights. After completion of 

the visit mrk prepared to go back home, after mrk sacks filled with wheat} {dam-BHN BHN mrk 

other food need.

After shaking hands, asking themselves from Yusuf, mrk caravan move toward the gate out of 

town. But before the caravan had passed the city limits, all of a sudden some palace guards who

rode mrk chase and ordered to stop and forbidden to go on, before the examination is held

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against the brg-brg mrk carry. The guards say that drinking a glass trophy and perhaps the king

has lost one who stole mrk DRP.

The caravan stopped at a place and with hairan jurucakap mrk said: "By Allah, we are here

not to disrupt DTG and sgt is unlikely that one of our DRP will steal the trophy. We are the sons

of Jacob messenger of God. We are indebted to the king and many thanks for the assistance

given to us. Our cuisine will return the favor by stealing the king's heart-brgnya brg? However,

to justify our words, we do not object to the sacks and brg-brg dismantled and searched our

heart's content. And if there was one that caught our DRP in the collection cup brg-brgnya, we

are willing to submit to the king to be rewarded in kind. "

A search conducted by the guards, brg-brg and sacks down from the camel's back, disassembled

and inspected. A moment later cried one of his bodyguards to hold the cup in his hand and said:

"This trophy is missing."

The members of the group were surprised, keep wide open mouth, looking at each other-kehairan

hairanan, as if each cast in yourself, whether on earth calamity that befell this mrk? sgt hard if 

not impossible, mrk akanpercaya that one of the group of brothers who will do anything libelous

mrk. However, the mrk see the head of each eye are not interchangeable denied and rejected the


Asked the leader of the group to the guards, of which the mrk dptkan cup. They are addressed to

one trunk, which it turns out that the luggage belonged to brother Benjamin bongsu mrk. Then in

accordance with the agreement that has been agreed, ditahanlah Benjamin and was not allowed

to accompany the group home.

In those days before terbayanglah mrk mrk father Jacob's face, who was blind and suffered

illness because they do not cease and remembrance in memory of Joseph. Father who struggled

with a sense of weight and came with mrk releasing Benjamin to Egypt because not worry be

repeated again the tragedy experienced by the younger brother of Joseph Benjamin bongsunya.

How should face mrk mrk father who has given a firm promise in the name of Allah will bring

Benjamin back? And whether to believe the father mrk Bial told that Benjamin had been

detained in Egypt for stealing the king's cup? Would not the news will soon make the disease

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worse mrk dad, maybe even destroy it and end his life?

While the question of questions that revolve in the mind of abg-abgnya, Benjamin pensive alone,

do not say a word agree. He gaped kehairanan, how it should didpti trophy in the trunk. Though

he occasionally felt not to touch it. He wants to reject the allegations and denied the charges

against him, but will feel futile, even irritating the pengawak will add a cup of luggage had been

issued as proof that not interchangeable denied. He just surrender to Allah, knowing that he was

cleared of charges of stealing.

Members of entourage busy to go to Joseph, begging his wisdom in order to receive one of 

the DRP mrk to replace Benjamin as a prisoner. Mrk said: "O my lord Sir! we are conscious that

we are guilty bongsu sister and we do not deny the fact interchangeable we've seen with our eyes

when the cup was found in the trunk. But the appeal of wisdom and compassion that our brother

Mr. Benjamin to leave Egypt and instead Paduka Tuan interchangeable to one of our DRP as a

prisoner. Because when our party arrived at without Benjamin, it will be our father sgt sad,

perhaps even interchangeable destroy his soul. Our fathers who are elderly, nearly a century, was

in ill health since his favorite son Joseph kehinagan. This is our brother Benjamin, who became

an entertainer who dogged him throughout his life of sorrow and sadness. He did not even let us

bring it here if not because of shortages of wheat had been at home. So are we expected Paduka

Tuan mercy to our fathers by releasing Benjamin and detained one than ours instead. "

Joseph helped the petition abg-abgnya and sticking to the same conspiracy which has

dipersetujui, that brg who caught trophy in the trunk will hold, what else according to the Shari'a

of the Prophet Ya'qub that brg who steals the thief's sentence is one year old be a servant .

In the deliberations that have been done by abg-abg Joseph had failed to obtain approval from

the Benjamin releasing prisoners, said Yahudza, eldest brother of the mrk: "I do not have a face

to mengadap father without Benjamin. We have disobeyed his father by throwing Joseph into a

cistern sehinggakan into lifelong suffering father and now will add more suffering of Benjamin's

father by leaving us alone here without knowing the fate of what we are experiencing will Talah

promised and vowed to bring it back if anything before us to maintain safety. Therefore I will

stay here for a while and will not go home before my father called me and let me go back. You

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go back home immediately and tell the father what had happened to the real and if the father

does not trust you, because his experience with Joseph, then let him ask the caravans and the

people who had witnessed the event a search with your own eyes mrk in place we were detained.

Ya'qub caravan went back to his homeland with only consists of nine people, leaving behind mrk 

abg eldest sister bongsunya Yahudza and Benjamin. Arriving mrk at home with just nine men

and faced his father told him what had happened to Benjamin and Yahudza. Prophet Ya'qub said

as he turned their DRP and rubbed his chest: "Oh, what a sad heart for the loss of Joseph, who

still remember his face in front of my eyes. Now you add more pain to the left in the land of 

Benjamin, for the second time you break your promise and oath itself and for the second time I

lost my son who sgt I care about and only you alone look good deed. May God give me patience

and bring me back with all my children. "

Said her son replied: "O my father! By Allah, you will suffer severe illness and you will be

ruined if you continue to remember Joseph and did not try to eliminate the shadow of fikiranmu.


Answering reprimand her son was berucaplah Ya'qub: "Indeed, to Allah I complain about my

fate, sorrow and grief. I know from Allah what you do not know. "

Then, the self-Benjamin who was arrested by the royal guards, then sepeninggalan abg-abgnya,

by Joseph told the king that the cup contained in the trunk, is a guard-guard actions that are

deliberately ordered by him to the trunk loaded with Benjamin's purpose of holding live with him

in the palace. He encouraged his brother to foresee that there would come a time soon where he

with his brother and the whole family will meet and come together again.

 Read about the story above paragraphs 70 to 86 of sura "Yusuf" is intended to: *

"70. ~ And when he had prepared food for BHN mrk mrk, Joseph put the cup of a drink into

a sack of his brother. then calling someone yell: "Hey caravan, actually you are the ones who

stole the" .71. ~ Mark said with a face to the caller-caller: "The BRG is missing your DRP?" 72.

~ caller-caller said : "We lost the cup kings, and who will get it back dpt food BHN} {heavy

burden camels, and I guarantee to it." 73. ~ The brothers answered: "By Allah you know that we

DTG is not to create damage in this {country} and we are not the ones stealing "74. ~ Mark 

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said:" But what if your child really liars? "75. ~ Mark said:" The penalty is on who found the

missing {} in brg sack, then he himself replies ". So we give vengeance to those who zalim.76. ~

So he began to check the bags before {check} mrk baggage of his brother, then he pulled out a

cup of sack king's brother. So we set it to {reach} the purpose of Joseph. Nor should his brother

Joseph mneghukum under the laws of the king, unless Allah wills. We raise whom We darjat

want, and above every knowledgeable person who is no longer the Supreme Mengetahui.77. ~

Mark said: "If he stole it actually had been stealing his brother before it's too". Joseph then hid it

in her vexation, and not to mrk menampakkannya. He said: "In his heart} {ye worse your

character kedudukanmu {properties} and Allah is Aware of what you explain it" .78. ~ Mark 

said: "O Al-Aziz! Indeed he has a father who was advanced in years, because it took one of our

DRP instead. Surely we see you among those who do good ".79. ~ He said:" I beg God's

protection DRP unless the person holding a property which we ketemukan us to him, if we do so,

it is our true, the wrongdoers ".80. ~ And when despair DRP mrk {decision} Joseph, mrk alone

while negotiating with whispers. Said the oldest of the mrk: "Do you not know that the real

father has been taking our DRP appointment with the name of God and before that you have

been a waste of Joseph. Therefore I will not leave the land of Egypt, until my father permits me.

And He is the best judge ".81. ~" Go back to your father and said: "O our father! Behold the

child you have stolen and we are just stating what we know and sometimes can not keep that

stuff {find out} ghaib.82 ~ And we ask the people of the land that was there and the caravan in

which we returned and indeed we are the ones who right ".83. ~ Jacob said:" Just you look good

deeds themselves are bad {}. So that's good patience patience {}. I hope God brings mrk all real

to me He is the Knower, the Wise '.84. ~ And Jacob turned away from mrk {children} and said:

"Oh my grief for Joseph. And his eyes became white with sorrow, and he was a man to keep his

temper {children} .85. ~ Mark said: "By Allah, you always remembrance of Joseph, so that you

suffer from severe disease or among those who perish" .86. ~ Jacob replied: "Surely to God I just

complained distress and grief my heart, and I know from Allah what you do not know".

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Ya'ub family reunion

Since the return of her son caravan from Egypt without Benjamin and Yahudza, the sorrow

and sadness deepens Ya'qub and heartbreaking. He does not feel sleep many nights, the third

remembering her son and his fate tenpat irregular. He just feels he is being comforted Bial to

Allah, bersolat, prostrate as she pleaded to God for patience and steadfastness of faith

mengurniainya exams and percubaan he was experiencing.

He is a self off sometimes seclusion tears streamed freely to relieve chest tightness.

Prophet Ya'qub Fizikal increasingly become weaker, the more lean body hungga leather sole

attached to the bone, coupled with blindness to white eyes. That which makes her son not worry

for their survival. Mark rebuked him, saying: "O father! My father was a prophet and messenger

of God's revelation of His DRP drpnya down and we heard about the demands of faith and

doctrine. Until when was the father grieve and shed tears in memory of Joseph and Benjamin. Is

it not enough that Banda's father had only bones and skin over the eyes of a blind father? We sgt

not worry that the father would be destroyed if not menyedarkan yourself and stop remembering

Joseph and Benjamin. "

Jacob answered warning her son said: "Words teguranmu even add my sadness and even revive

my memories in the past, where all the children gathered in front of my eyes. I believe that

Joseph was still alive and my conscience whispered me that he was still hanging on God's earth,

but where it is located and the fate of what he experienced, only God knows. If you really loved

me and wanted to relieve my pain and sadness and grief, go ye go abroad and try to trace Joseph

to meet him and at least found out where he is now and do the occasional despair because only

those disbelievers the despair of the mercy of Allah ".

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Ya'qub appeal considered by the sons and diterimanyalah saranannya, at least he was simply

encouraging the father and relieve the protracted suffering of the solution. And once mrk was not

possible to get Joseph alive, but when the mrk successfully persuade the Egyptian authorities to

restore Benjamin, then it is quite an entertainer for mrk father and a collapsible ubat ease the pain

of his heart.

Racangan negotiated travel and Egypt elected as the first destination of the trip mrk to trace

Yusuf Ya'qub in accordance with a call with the intention of a side is to buy wheat to replenish

inventory that has been reduced.

Caravan arrived sons of Jacob in Egypt for the third time and the mrk meeting with Joseph,

viceroy of Egypt's ruling, said jurucakap mrk: "O my lord Sir! Living conditions are difficult and

impoverished in our country caused by BHN food crisis is not resolved DTG forced us back for a

third time on assistance and generous host your majesty, our arrival time is also to repeat our

request to host your majesty would dptlah our sister bongsu Benjamin is released to bring us

back to his father who was blind and emaciated sakit0sakit since Joseph, brother of Benjamin

lost. We expect the wisdom of your majesty master sgt in order to release our petition, the case

with Benjamin's return to his father's lap interchangeable alleviate suffering and restore her inner

body kesihatan that only the skin attached to the bones. "

The words spoken by abg-abgnya raises emotive self pd Joseph and right on target in his

heart, making it feel that its time has arrived to introduce himself to his brothers, and thus will be

able to end the suffering of the poor father. Berucaplah Joseph to his brothers, mockingly:

"Remember you are what you did to your brother Joseph, when you indulge in the passions

tossed into the dungeon in a remote place? And still teringatkah drpmu held by you when a

Joseph with his strong hands, stripped off his clothes and in a state daritubuhnya naked

ditinggalkannyalah he was alone in the dark well and dry it, then regardless of mourning cries,

you go back home satisfied if -will you have disposed of an object or an animal that is not to be

pitied and ignored his fate? "

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Hearing these words spoken by the viceroy of Egypt, Joseph's brothers were amazed, wondering

to themselves, respectively, while mamandang between one another, how the event was to know

in detail, but no one ever DRP their leaked news of the incident to others, was also told that

Benjamin was in the king's palace. Then each of them shining eyes, mulutmya and came all over

his body from head to foot. Looking for characteristics that are known mrk on the body of 

Joseph, his childhood. Then hushed moment later bisiklah mrk and out of their mouths in unison

shouting: "You are Joseph".

"Yes," Joseph replied, "I am Joseph and this is my brother setunggal father and mother,

Benjamin. God in His mercy has put an end to all suffering and all the big test that I have

experienced, and by His grace we have dikurniai also an abundance of delicious food and a

prosperous livelihood. So whoever is patient, devoted and sole trust will not escape the reward

and the reward. "

After hearing the confession of Joseph, their faces transformed into pale. Pictured in front of 

what mrk mrk mrk brother did to myself that Joseph was in front of them as representatives of 

the Egyptian king who berkuaa full. They were anxious not interchangeable imagine what would

mrk retaliation received from Joseph for their sin was.

Joseph's brothers said in a low tone: "We have sinned against you and be ruthless when we throw

you to the bottom of the lake. We are doing that cruel deed, driven by passions and whispers of 

the accursed devil. Sgt We regret what happened was the result of suffering for you and for

fathers kami.Akan but now seems to us strong suit on ourselves and how God has mengurniakan

His blessings to you in exchange for the suffering caused by our rebellious acts against you.

Then it is up to you to whether retaliation would you inflict on us who have sinned and disobey


Berucaplah Joseph reassures his brothers who are scared: "There is no benefit regretted what

had happened and sued the events that have past. It is enough if it all had to be teaching that

follows the passions and Satan will always carry the voice of suffering and lead to destruction of 

the world and the Hereafter. I hope God forgives all your sins, because He is Merciful and

Forgiving. Go now to bring back to his father with this shirt dress. Usapkanlak it in his eyes that

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willing-Allh will be bright again, and then bring it along with all the family here as soon as

possible. "

Then the caravan bertolaklah sons Jacob was filled with emotion mingled with joy, returned to

the Palestinians to bring good news to their father, who is awaiting the results of the search for

Joseph is suggested. And while the caravan was nearing the end of his journey and almost

entered the Palestinian father of Prophet Ya'qub obtained hunch that a meeting with Joseph, his

favorite son was at the door. Obtained hunch that when he was alone in seclusion mihrab

bermunajat place of worship to God, remembrance and bowing as he let go of the tears streaming

down and a voice cries echoed across the corner of the house, crying voice suddenly turned into

laughter laughter, tears streaming down and out he stopped of the mihrab shouted: "I've smelled

the bodies of Joseph and I'm sure that I would meet him in the near future. This is not fantasy,

and instead are innate weakness of memory that you always accuse me. "

A moment later a caravan stop at the doorsteps of the sons of Jacob came down from the camel

each, a gang entered the house and the father, wiping berpeluknyalah shirt dress Joseph in his

eyes. Similarly broad is at once both eyes open Ya'qub, shining back at her son's face and hear

the story of the journey of her son and how mrk has found Joseph and his brother Benjamin.

Also presented to Joseph's father calls and invitations to all the family emigrated to Egypt and

 joined together in the palace. And immediate family to pack-pack Ya'qub preparing to emigrate

to Egypt.

Dirangkulnyalah Joseph's father said, shed tears when I got Jacob in the courtyard with the

whole family. Similarly, do not miss my father shed tears, but this time it was tears of joy and

delight. Everything on the lay prostrate as a mark of gratitude to God and respect for Joseph,

then dinaikkannyalah father and stepmother who is also his mother up sigahsana saying: "O my

father! This is the first dream he Takbir, became a reality. And no less-and less kurniaan grace of 

God that has lifted me from the dungeon, get me out of jail and bring us all after the devil has

been destroyed brotherly relationship between me and my brothers. Allah is Gentle to what He

wills and He is the real Knower, Wise. "Then Joseph her hands to pray:" O my Lord! Thou has

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given me and taught me sebahagian royal flair mentakbir pengentahuan and dreams. My Lord of 

heaven and earth! You are the protector of the world and the Hereafter, wafatkanlah me in a state

of Islam, faith and fear and I combine with pious people. "

 Read verses 87 to 101 of sura "Yusuf", about the story above as follows: ~ 

"87. ~ Said Jacob:" O my children, go ye then seek news of Joseph and his brother and do

not despair of Allah's mercy. Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but ye disbelieve. "88. ~ So

when they go to {place} Joseph, they said:" O Al-Aziz, we and our family has been overwritten

and tribulations we've come to bring the goods no value, then complete your bersedekahlah

manner of measure for us and to us, verily Allah reward those who give alms. "89. ~ Joseph

said:" Do you know {evil} what you did to Joseph and his brother when you do not know

{result} account for it? "90. ~ They said:" Art thou indeed Joseph? "Joseph replied:" I am Joseph

and this is my brother. Allah has bestowed His grace to us ". Indeed those who fear Allah and be

patient, Allah is not a waste of reward people who do good ".91. ~ They said:" By Allah, Allah

has melebihkankamu upon us and we are indeed people who are guilty of sin { } "92. ~ {Joseph}

He said:" Today there is no slur on you, I hope God forgives you {} and He is the Most Merciful

of the merciful among ".93. ~ You go with the dress shirt This, then lekatkanlah it to my father's

face, he would look back, and bring your family everything to me ".94. ~ When the caravan

came up out of Egypt {} said their father:" I smell Joseph Had you not accuse me weak {would

you justify the reason I} ".95. ~ His family said:" By Allah, you are actually still in the first

kekeliruanmu ".96. ~ When we had arrived bringing good news, then laid the clothes into the

face of Jacob, and then return he can see. Jacob said: "Did I not tell you that I know from Allah

what ye know not" .97. ~ They said: "O our father! Us to ask forgiveness for our sins, indeed we

are the ones who are guilty sinners {} ".98. ~ Jacob said:" One day I will ask forgiveness for you

to the Lord. Verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful ".99. ~ So when they go to {place}

Joseph, Joseph embracing his father and mother he said:" Enter ye in the land of Egypt, insha-

Allah in a secure state ".100. ~ And He raised both his father to the mother singahsana. And they

{all} lay down as he bowed to Joseph. And Joseph said: "O my father! This is the first Takbir

was my dream, my Lord has made it a reality. And my Lord has been good to me, when He

delivered me from prison and brought you from the desert hamlet, after the devil destroy {}

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relationship between me and my brothers. Gentle my Lord Almighty for what He wills. He is the

Knower, the Wise ".101. ~ My Lord, thou has given me sebahagian kingdom and taught me a

dream Takbir sebahagian} {my Lord of heaven and earth. You are the protector of the world and

the Hereafter, wafatkanlah me in a state of Islam and I combine with people who are pious.

"{Joseph: 87 ~ 101}

Teaching derived from the story of Prophet Yusuf AS

Many teachings and ibrah be learned from the story of the Prophet Joseph was full of life

experience kontriversi it. Among them are: ~

That the suffering of someone who seems to be a disaster and catastrophe, pd nature in many

ways even a grace and blessings that are still veiled penderitaannya.Karena selalunya that

suffering in anggapkan it is a disaster is to be the beginning of happiness and prosperity are not

thought to be originally. So what has been experienced by the Prophet Joseph by throwing

himself into a dungeon by his own brothers, pursued by his imprisonment by the rulers of Egypt.

Overall it is a road that must be taken by him to reach the summit of greatness and glory as the

prophets and tngkat life of luxury and prosperity as a ruler in a large kearajaan that with his

power as viceroy, to gather the whole family again after such a long separation and crumbled.

Then one believer who believes in destiny, should not feel disappointed and discouraged when

disaster struck something in their wealth, physical kesihatan or family circumstances. He must

accept God's percubaan with patience and resignation as he pleaded with the Almighty to protect

him and forgive all his sins, in case of misfortune upon him was a warning from God to him to


And vice versa if one believer acquire favor of the expansion and sustenance kurinia God,

perfection kesihatan and family welfare, he should not show joy and excitement of exaggeration.

He even had to give thanks to God by multiplying charity solehnya while menyedarkan

themselves that what is acquired may sometimes uprooted again if God wills. Look, as an

example of the Prophet Joseph who had lost faith in God and tawakkalnya while he was alone in

the dungeon when merengkok mahupun in prison, as well as he was in a kingdom of his

greatness as a ruler of Egypt, he is not blinded by worldly pleasures and powers of the in his

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hands. In both circumstances, he did not forget the hope, syukru and adoration to God, and

conscious that he was as weak creatures who have no power to maintain all the pleasures gained

or shy away from tragedy and suffering that God bestows upon him. It returns everything to the

fate and the will of Allah the Almighty.

Joseph has been an example and role model for the purity of his soul and his perseverance when

facing temptation Zulaikha, wife of Egyptian president Polis, his employer. He was invited to

commit adultery by a wife Zulaikha still very young, beautiful and powerful, while he himself 

was in a youth summit, where a person's sexual desire is usually still at peak levels. But he can

control himself and be escorted passions of youth, refused to take her employer's wife to be,

because he feared God and did not betray his master mahu who have done him the favor to him

and treated him as if his own family members. As a result penolakannnya that he was willing to

preserve the dignity of budinya imprisoned, firmness of faith and purity of his soul.

The Prophet Joseph gave the example of the nature of a warrior who reluctantly released from

prison before the matter with Zulaikha clarified. He was released from prison mahu not kerana

obtain pardon from the King, but he wanted out as clean, pure and innocent. Therefore it before

the king's invitation to him to come to the palace, he demanded that diselidik prior false

accusations, slander and defamation of people attached to him and maketh a reason to put him in

prison. Compelled the king of Egypt who need him as his advisers, ordered the investigation

back to the event Yusuf Zulaikha with the unfolding of events that ultimately the truth, in which

they are guilty and admit bahawa slandering Yusuf is a clean and pure and innocent that what the

charges are false alone.

The main character traits of a great soul of the Prophet Joseph when he receives prominent

brothers who came to Egypt to acquire the right of purchase of grain from government

warehouses Egyptian empire. The Prophet Joseph in those days, when he mahu he could take

vengeance on his brothers who had been tossed into a dungeon, and separated from his father

who deeply loved. But instead he even received them with hospitality and serve their needs with

love, as if nothing had happened which had suffered due to the actions of his brothers are cruel

and inhumane. So with the soul of the magnitude of the Prophet Joseph had forgotten all the

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bitterness that has endured suffering due to the actions of his brothers by giving amnesty to them,

when he was in a state that allows it to retaliate in kind. And that is the forgiveness that will

impress the people who have been pardoned and encouraged by Allah and His Messenger, in

some verses of the Quran and some hadiths nabawi.