The Prometheus Anti-Aging Project · Myth # 1: You can prevent type 2 diabetes by eating low...

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Transcript of The Prometheus Anti-Aging Project · Myth # 1: You can prevent type 2 diabetes by eating low...

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The Prometheus Anti-Aging Project

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Introduction ........................................................................................ 4 

What Your Health Says About Your Age .............................................. 7 

Aging vs. Anti-Aging ......................................................................... 10 

What is Anti-Aging? ...................................................................... 12

How Your Body Fights Back .......................................................... 13

The Dangers of Free Radicals ........................................................ 16

What Are Anti-Oxidants? ............................................................... 18

Can You Make It To 100? .............................................................. 18

Can You Rewind the Clock? ............................................................... 21 

What Is Degenerative Disease?...................................................... 23

Myth # 1: You can prevent type 2 diabetes by eating low glycemic

index foods ................................................................................... 24

Myth #2: Eating after a workout can aid recovery .......................... 25

Myth # 3: You have to eat meat to get enough protein ................... 26

Preventable Diseases ........................................................................ 30 

What if you are genetically predisposed to certain diseases? ......... 32

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Are you at risk? ............................................................................. 33

Degeneration and Aging ................................................................ 33

How Hormones Affect the Aging Process .......................................... 40 

Food: The New Fountain of Youth ...................................................... 50 

How Much Should You Eat?........................................................... 53

What Kinds of Foods Should We Be Eating? ................................... 54

A word about supplements ............................................................ 56

The Ultimate Ant-Aging Diet .............................................................. 57 

The Role Antioxidants Play in the Anti-Aging Diet .......................... 60

The Role Vitamins and Minerals Play in the Anti-Aging Battle ........ 65

Fight Aging with the Right Herbs ....................................................... 79 

Exercise: The Key to Healthy Aging ................................................... 85 

Get a physical ............................................................................... 89

Add In Some Resistance Training .................................................. 93

Don’t Forget to Exercise Your Brain ............................................... 93

Keeping Your Skin Looking Younger .................................................. 94 

Conclusion ...................................................................................... 101 

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Growing older can be a wonderful experience – or it can really

stink. It’s a fact of life: we all get older. The question is how

will your Golden Years look? Will you be full of energy, enjoying

all of the things you didn’t have time for when you were

younger; nor will you battle health issues, unable to care for

yourself or enjoy the rest of your life?

Maintaining a quality life means being healthy enough to

remain independent so that you can enjoy your family, friends

and boundless activities. Unfortunately, far too many people

welcome their older decades with waning eyesight, weakened

muscles and a myriad of physical complaints. Being unable to

continue to drive or live where you want can strip you of your

independence and keep you from enjoying the rest of your life.

So what can you do to ensure that you don’t end up old before

you have to?

We have studied our friends, relatives and clients move

through the many phases of life. Some do it gracefully and

some do it fighting all the way. Others simply give up and don’t

even try. If there is one thing we have learned while watching

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this progression of time is that most of these folks are doing it

all wrong. They do not know they are doing it wrong, but they

are; and it isn’t their fault.

The medical community promises to fix all of our ills. They

hand out pills; order operations; and even tout the newest

procedure as the cure all we’ve been waiting for. All while

watching society grow older and weaker all of the time. So,

what is the problem? In a world full of medical technology why

are so many people experiencing such health problems? The

answer is simple: because we treat symptoms, not causes.

The trouble with this approach is that a knee replacement may

stop your knee pain, and insulin may regulate your glucose

level, but it isn’t fixing the root problem. Until you address the

real problems causing all of those physical symptoms, you are

simply going to replace one set of ailments for another.

We have a new approach that uses proactive, holistic, and all

natural lifestyle changes to help eliminate maladies like

diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and yes, even erectile

dysfunction. Just because you are growing older doesn’t

mean that your body has to show – or feel -- it. You can live

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like you are thirty again. The key is to learn how to give your

body what it needs; and stop torturing it with things it doesn’t.

It is time to stop being OLD and start being BOLD! There are

changes to be made and those changes will give you the

quality life you deserve!

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What Your Health Says About Your Age

So what ails you? If you are like the vast majority of people

over the age of 50 you probably have a long list of complaints:

high blood pressure, diabetes, joint aches; lowered immunity

and obesity, to name a few. Individually, any of these health

issues can cause major problems. What makes matters worse

is that for most people, one of these issues turns into another

and another and then another. Before you know it you are a 60

year old who can barely get through the day without a handful

of pills to counteract the effects of chronic disease.

So what’s going on? We are a society that treats symptoms

instead of causes. We get a prescription or agree to a

procedure to “fix the problem,” when all we are really doing is

masking its symptoms. The problem is still there and it is

causing havoc within our bodies. That insulin shot or pill may

regulate your glucose levels for a time, but the diabetes you

suffer from is still ravaging your organs. To make matters

worse, that diabetes medication may be messing with your

cholesterol and that can cause heart issues. Now instead of

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one medical problem, you suffer from three. A better strategy

is to get to the root of the problem and figure out how to fix


For many older adults, diabetes (and other medical issues) are

the result of a decreased metabolism and increased weight,

coupled with poor lifestyle choices over the long haul. Let’s

use the diabetes example again since it is such an epidemic

amongst older adults these days.

As you age, your metabolism naturally declines along with

your body muscle. This causes more fat to build up, increasing

the average person’s weight by 3 -5 pounds every year after

the age of 45. As you pack on those middle age pounds, your

body is no longer able to use glucose properly for energy,

which causes fat cells to multiply (this removes glucose from

the bloodstream), and the cycle continues. The result: type 2


Instead of relying on medication to reverse this dangerous

cycle, a better approach may be to alter your lifestyle habits to

give your body the nutrients and exercise it needs to work

properly. For example, did you know that okra can be used to

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reduce dependence on insulin and a healthy diet can help you

control glucose levels better than any medication?

Obesity isn’t just an epidemic among the older crowd; younger

people (and kids) are getting fatter and fatter these days. This

is a dangerous trend that is going to shorten life spans in the

years to come and cause younger and younger people to

experience the ailments of old age. Researchers at Oxford

University (London) have discovered that a high Body Mass

(BMI) can take 10 years off of your life. What more evidence do

you need to trim down now?

Losing weight, exercising more and eating a well balanced diet

is just the beginning to better health. But, without it, you don’t

stand a chance at avoiding the ailments of old age and

reversing the hands of time.

Ever wonder where the fountain of youth is? It just may lie in

the foods you eat. What does your health say about your age?

A lot. No matter how young you are, if you are in poor health

you will look and feel much older. Thankfully, the reverse is

also true.

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Aging vs. Anti-Aging

No one wants to face getting older. It’s a scary endeavor. As

the years fly by you suddenly realize that your body isn’t as

fast, nimble or healthy as it once was. Aches and pains

become an everyday occurrence and certain maladies begin to

make their presence known.

Society has made it virtually impossible to age without notice.

With advertisements touting wrinkle creams and commercials

showing the newest drugs available to cure what ails you, it

seems as if the fight to stay young has become a struggle to

stop aging altogether. Willing to do whatever is necessary to

“turn back the clock,” we rely on medications, creams, lotions,

potions and procedures to stop – or slow down – the normal

aging process. This has created a multi-billion dollar industry

geared toward making us look and feel younger longer.

Here’s the problem: few (if any) of these anti-again remedies

really work. Why? The answer is simple: they concentrate on

the wrong thing. Instead of dealing with the real problem that

causes us to age too quickly (our diet and lifestyle choices),

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these concoctions simply to try and “fix” the problem. Whether

you are battling wrinkles, sagging skin, or poor health, it is

always better to try and prevent the problem rather than fix it

after it has materialized.

Common sense tells us that to attack the root cause of a

problem is the best way to wipe it out. Pulling weeds won’t

save your garden unless you dig up the roots. The same is true

when it comes to your health. Masking the symptoms with

medication won’t stop the disease from wreaking havoc in

your body. But, attacking the root cause of the disease can.

There is no quick ox or magic cure-all when it comes to

battling the aging process. Your body will age – and is --

every day. The only way to slow the process and give you the

freedom from its nastier symptoms is to know what to do and

why. Understand how your body works and what it needs to

work properly. Learn how to protect your heart and other

major organs; your skin; and your mind. The more you can

protect damage to these vital body parts, the longer they will

last and the better you will look and feel.

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What is Anti-Aging?

Can you stop the aging process? Absolutely not! But you can

slow it down and keep it from negatively affecting your life.

Anything you can do to slow abnormal aging is called anti-

aging – and it all starts from the inside out.

You have probably heard this a million times, but it is true:

take care of your body and it will take care of you. Eat right;

maintain a healthy body weight; exercise daily; keep your mind

sharp and stay out of the sun; these are all essential tools for

fighting the ravages of time.

Every day you make choices about what you will eat and how

you will live your life that will affect how old you look and feel

in the years to come. Going without sleep; working in a

stressful environment for years and adopting poor lifestyle

habits are all going to take their toll. You may not notice their

effects in your 30’s or even 40’s, but eventually those long

nights, stressful days, bulging waistlines and poorly cared for

skin will begin to show the signs of deterioration. Before you

know it you will look older than you are and feel even worse!

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How Your Body Fights Back

As we age, our bodies begin to change. Unfortunately for most,

these changes are not good. Here are just some of the

physiological changes that naturally occur as we get older:

The Heart and Lungs

Arteries tend to thicken over time (especially when you don’t

eat properly and exercise enough). This can decrease the

pumping rate of the heart and cause circulation problems. To

make matters worse, lung capacity normally decreases by as

much as 40% between the ages of 20 and 70. This can

exacerbate problems with the hart.

The Brain

The brain too is vulnerable to the aging process. Over time,

neuron connections decrease, the brain gets smaller and the

membrane covering (and protecting it) thins.

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The Immune System

The older you get the longer it takes for t-cells to respond to

an invading bacteria. This can put older people at risk of


The Kidneys & Bladder

Older people tend to have less bladder capacity causing some

level of incontinence. At the same time the kidneys work less

efficiently, unable to keep up with removing wastes from the

body; especially if you introduce too many toxins into the


Muscle & Bone

Most people begin to lose bone density by the age of 35, and

muscles strength continues to decline with age. The good

news is that regular exercise can help thwart this process.

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Sight & Sound

By age 40, the vast majority of people has lost the ability to

hear certain frequencies and may have more difficulty seeing

smaller details.

Body Fat

Middle age spread is no joke. Fat increases in the 40’s, 50’s

and beyond and can dramatically affect your quality of your

health – and your life.

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The Dangers of Free Radicals

While everyone experiences some level of diminished capacity

of the organs and systems as described above as they age,

free radical damage can quickly speed the process, causing

you to look and feel older than you are. Free radicals are toxins

that infiltrate the body, causing damage to the cells on a

molecular level. Discovered by Dr. Denham Harman, free

radicals have been blamed for everything from wrinkles to

cancer. Most old age symptoms have been directly linked to

free radical damage earlier in life.

No one can escape free radicals and the damage they cause.

Your body makes a certain amount of internal free radicals,

and of course, we all know that we come in contact with toxins

all of the time in our environment which only increases the risk

of damage.

It’s hard to believe that our bodies would produce something

that would harm itself, but it does. Internal free radicals are

produced in four ways:

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1. through normal metabolic function

2. when white blood cells kill off bacteria and parasites, they

produce oxidants

3. when cellular components that produce peroxide escape

into the system

4. when cytochrome enzymes in cells have oxidant by


Although this may seem like your body is working against

itself, these processes are normal and the body does work to

clear these types of free radical toxins from it. Problems occur,

however, when external sources bombard the body with even

more free radicals that it can purge. That’s when they begin to

build up in your cells and tissues, causing all sorts of health


It has been estimated that the average person comes in

contact with more than 1,000 different toxins every single day.

From hormones and pesticides in the foods we eat; pesticides

and chemicals in our furniture, clothing and body products;

chemicals in our water supply and even toxins in the air we

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breathe, there is no way to escape. We face dangerous toxins

every day. So what can you do to stay healthy (and younger

looking)? While you can’t stop the aging process altogether,

you can fight free radical damage with this potent tool:


What Are Anti-Oxidants?

Antioxidants are wonderful warriors for the body. These vital

nutrients not only hunt down and destroy free radicals in the

system, but they can also repair damage caused by those

dangerous toxins. Some experts claim that by adding enough

antioxidants in your diet, you can actually add as many as 8-

10 years to your life.

Can You Make It To 100?

The average lifespan in the United States is a mere 78. Yet, in

some of the most remote regions of the world, reaching the

ripe old age of 100 (or more) is considered the norm. So why

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the disparity? Because true health requires more than a lack of

– or a control of – disease. True health requires a wholeness

of body, mind and spirit.

In such a hectic world, how can we all find ways to acquire the

kind of internal peace that results in a complete wholeness

that results in longevity? One way is to study the populations

that live the longest.

Upon further inspection, you will notice some important

differences between the average American lifestyle and those

of more remote regions of the globe.

Just like us in so many ways; the people of long-lived

populations are just like you and me. They work, play, feel pain,

love, laugh and get sick. So what gives them such an edge

when it comes to again?

Most of those populations live in more remote areas, void of

the pollution, technology and stress that we face regularly. The

luxuries we can’t live without may actually be shortening our

lives. Easting a more natural diet filled with homegrown fruits

and vegetables, long-lived populations eat very little meat

(usually only about 2 ounces once a week), and never eat

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processed or chemical-laden foods or drinks. Relying on

plant-based foods, these cultures rarely ingest carbs, sugars

or preservatives.

The human body is designed to consume mostly plant -based

foodstuffs. This helps to keep the digestive system from

becoming taxed. Plus, these fresh foods, void of hormones,

chemicals, etc., contain a much higher quality of nutrients

than our standard diet. This allows other cultures to grow

stronger immune systems, healthier bodies and more


Even the meat and fish they ingest are of better quality than

ours. With little pollution in their environment, the meat

products they eat contain greater nutritional value and less

toxins, which make them healthier.

Exercise too is commonplace, relying more on their own two

legs to get where they are headed then bikes, cars or trains. All

of these factors have a dramatic affect on their health and the

way they age. The fountain of youth may indeed lie, not in a

place or thing, but in the foods we eat (and don’t eat).

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Can You Rewind the Clock?

The Bible says that man was created to live 100 years or more.

That of course is if we live the life intended in the Bible. As

modern day peoples steer away from the healthy lifestyles and

anti-gluttony of normal eating habits, we whittle away at that

predetermined lifespan, leaving us with maybe 50 years or so

of healthy life and another 20-30 years of life battling disease

and disorder.

Living to a certain age isn’t enough. Quality of life should be

what we all strive for. Enjoying the years we have is vital if we

want to experience life to its fullest. Still, as we age, too many

of us find ourselves limited by poor health. This is because we

have failed to eat right; exercise more and reduce daily stress

so that our body is compromised.

Longevity is the result of being active. Getting off the couch

and moving outside helps to increase circulation; improve

brain health; relieve stress and induce proper digestion.

Walking several times a day helps to increase respiratory

function, while breathing and movement helps the body

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eliminate waste products that are produced by normal

metabolic processes.

Famed fitness guru, Jack Lalanne was known for his robust

ability to live life to its fullest. Up until his death at 96, he was

reported to have not taken much (if any medications) for

again. His secret to a long life: activity. “People don’t die of old

age,” he once said. “They die from inactivity.”

Jack believed in healthy eating and routine exercise. And he

proved that to be true. Just because you reach a certain age

does not mean that you have to rely on medications to keep

living. Nothing could be further from the truth. While, yes,

some medication is necessary to treat certain disorders, you

should also always strive to fix the root problem so that

medication is no longer necessary to alleviate your symptoms.

Degenerative diseases are plaguing our society. Even people

as young as 25 or 30 are now complaining of aching joints;

battling glucose control; and taking medications on a daily

basis to battle disease. This is completely preventable.

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What Is Degenerative Disease?

Degenerative diseases don’t kill you right away. Rather, they

cause your body to break down over time until it can no longer

function. Most degenerative disease can be prevented, or even

stopped, before they cause irreparable harm. There are a lot of

ways to reduce the amount of degeneration that occurs:

healthy eating exercise and stress control are the most

common. Unfortunately, they are usually the last three things

people turn to for better health.

Most of us are looking for the quick –and easy – fix to our

problems. We want the maximum results in the shortest

amount of time (and with the least amount of effort). That’s

why machines, procedures and pills are so popular. After all, it

is much easier to take 5 supplements every day then to eat a

well balanced diet filled with the natural nutrients you need.

If you are like most people, you have fallen for more than one

health related myth over the years. Maybe you fell gullible to a

diet scheme or thought a certain lifestyle habit would ward

away wrinkles. When things did not work out the way you

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wanted, you may have decided to stop listening to those so-

called experts or taking the next health breakthrough

seriously. I don’t blame you. There certainly is a lot of bad

information out there.

I don’t want to add to your confusion, so instead of giving you

a whole lot of new strategies to try, and fixes to implement, I

am going to tell you about three of the most common health

myths you have to steer clear of if you want to beat old age:

Myth # 1: You can prevent type 2 diabetes by eating

low glycemic index foods

Glucose levels will spike when high glycemic index foods are

eaten, but they are not the root cause of type 2 diabetes. It is

the body’s inability to deal with such spikes and get rid of

extra glucose in the bloodstream that is the real problem.

So what causes Type 2 Diabetes? When you eat a lot of high

glycemic foods, your body begins to become desensitized to

insulin. Unable to use the insulin properly, the pancreas revs

up production trying to rid the blood of extra glucose. This

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results in higher levels of both glucose and insulin traveling

through the bloodstream. This causes a number of health

issues: inflammation; degenerative disease; and of course

Type 2 Diabetes. By eating more whole foods and eliminating

animal products such as meat and dairy from your diet, along

with regular exercise and good hydration, you can reverse

Type 2 Diabetes.

Myth #2: Eating after a workout can aid recovery

The best way to recover from a hard workout is to consume

whole foods. Protein won’t do you much good, so it is always

better to eat raw fruits or vegetables instead. Although eating

a raw plant based diet is essential to beating free radical

damage, the odds are good you can’t get enough by food

alone. Taking an antioxidant supplement will help to guarantee

that you get the nutrients you need to recover from toxic


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Myth # 3: You have to eat meat to get enough protein

Keep in mind though that while a plant -based diet is best, it is

vital to give your body the protein it needs for energy and

optimal health. Eating rice bran is an excellent way to get all

the amino acids, essential fatty acids, protein and nutrients

your body needs without taking in large amounts of animal

proteins and fats.

Although protein is so important to your health, few people

really understand it. Here are a few of the best – and worst –

proteins that you should be aware of when trying to adopt a

healthier eating plan:

Grass Fed vs. Grain fed Beef

It is always better to choose grass fed beef over grain fed.

Grass fed cattle is allowed to roam the fields eating a safer

mixture of grasses. Not only void of many of the chemicals

and hormones as grain fed cattle, their grass fed counterparts

have better digestion which helps their bodies release more

toxins. Plus, the grass fed cattle is significantly higher in

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omega fatty acids and lower in saturated fats, which is

healthier for you to eat.

Organic Chicken vs. Frozen Chicken

Organic is always best. Chickens raised in this manner are not

given antibiotics or hormones and are allowed to roam free,

which creates a healthier environment for them.

Wild vs. Farmed Salmon

With mercury levels rising across the globe, many people now

prefer to eat farm raised salmon and other fish. The problem is

that while you may be assured that your salmon is not ridden

with mercury, being raised in small hatcheries requires the

injection of antibiotics, which can be just as dangerous for

human consumption.##

Tuna vs. Fish Sticks

Although some people fear the mercury in tuna, statistics

show that the benefits far outweigh the danger. Just be sure

to use sweater packed tuna instead of oil packed.

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DHA Enhanced Eggs vs. Regular Eggs

Do you always reach for the white eggs in the store cooler? If

so, you are buying the wrong ones. Eggs are not naturally

white, they are bleached that way to appear cleaner. The

healthiest egg is either brown or brown blotched. A deep

yellow orange yolk signifies a healthy egg.

Greek vs. Regular Yogurt

A wonderful source of protein Greek and kefir yogurt are much

more nutritious than sugar laden regular varieties.

Tempeth vs. Tofu

Most vegetarians reach for tofu to satisfy their protein

requirements. Tempeth however contains much more protein

and other vitamins.

Quinoa vs. Legumes

A complete protein grain, quinoa provides the body with all of the essential amino acids it needs. Although other legumes

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are very healthy, they do not offer the same level of nutrition as the quinoa.

Almonds vs. Peanuts

Almonds are healthier than peanuts and other nuts for several

reasons. For one, they provide the body with more good fats

and can be eaten freshly pressed without additional sugars

and preservatives. Peanuts also leave an acidic residue in the

body when metabolized, unlike almonds which metabolize



There’s a reason why people have claimed for centuries that

an apple a day keeps the doctor away – it’s an amazing fruit! A

powerful source of antioxidants, apples also contain

potassium and fiber. Linked to heart health, preventing lung

cancer and increasing pulmonary health, apples may also help

to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Now that you understand more about the health myths that

trip most of us up, and how to eat for a healthier future, let's

look at a few old age diseases which can be prevented now…

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Preventable Diseases

Don’t fall victim to the diseases of old age! Some of the most

common diseases plaguing older citizens are completely

preventable. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke,

cancer, diabetes and arthritis are costing us billions of dollars

every year in health care costs, and stripping years of life from

its victims, for no good reason. Some of America’s biggest

killers (heart disease, cancer and stroke) are all preventable.

To reverse and prevent these dangerous diseases all you

really have to do is make some changes to how you live and

what you eat. Start eating better… start exercising … drink

more water … avoid common toxins (cigarettes, alcohol, etc) …

and you can avoid some of the health ailments afflicting


Lifestyles (and the choices they incur), food supplies and our

perceptions about what is okay are all to blame for the influx

of chronic disease plaguing our society. They are a direct

result of inflammation in the body and our inability to cope

with it. The simple fact is that our bodies are equipped to deal

with a certain amount of free radical damage, but when we

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overload the system and then fail to give our cells what they

need to fight that damage, we are putting ourselves at risk.

Preventing disease isn’t as difficult as it may sound. The key is

to clean up our act. We all need to take more responsibility for

what we take into our bodies and how we treat it. Chronic

stress creates just as many health problems as poor nutrition.

Skeptical that a few lifestyle changes can help you live longer?

Here are two examples of how life changes can prevent, stop

and even reverse chronic disease:

Type 2 Diabetes

It has been proven that if you cut out highly refined processed

foods from your diet and replace them with 80% fresh fruits

and vegetables while limiting your sugar intake and drinking

plain water instead of soda and artificial drinks, plus start

exercising every day for 30-45 minutes, you can cure diabetes.


Research has shown that removing all animal products from

your diet and replacing them with raw whole foods, spicy

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foods, and juice made from fresh fruits and veggies is better

absorbed by the body and alleviates stress on internal

systems. Going all natural, while also alleviating stress have a

dramatic impact on the body and can help it fight off cancer


What if you are genetically predisposed to certain


Preventing, halting and reversing degenerative and chronic

disease is possible, with the right lifestyle changes. But what if

you are genetically predisposed to certain diseases like

diabetes, cancer or arthritis? Are you doomed to suffer with

their effects? Absolutely not!

While there are many conditions and diseases which are

caused by missing or altered DNA, most degenerative

diseases are not. They are caused by lifestyle choices such as

eating, exercising and smoking. When multiple members of a

family suffer with type 2 diabetes, for example, the odds are

good is has little to do with genetics and more to do with

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tradition. If your grandparents ate certain foods, you probably

will too, and those eating habits could increase your risk of

developing the disease. Not because of your DNA, but because

of what you have been taught.

Are you at risk?

When trying to figure out where your stand in regards to your

health, the best way to determine your current state of health

is to get a physical. This may entail a blood chemistry

analysis, blood pressure check, and other tests. Once you have

a clearer picture of what level of health (or unhealthy) you are

in, you and your doctor can begin devising a plan. Breaking old

habits and developing better ones will not only save you from

getting sick, but it will help you live longer and feel younger.

Degeneration and Aging

Degeneration is caused by a lot of different things: pollution,

physical stress, emotional stress, poor nutrition, a sedentary

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lifestyle, chemicals, tobacco, alcohol and weakened immune

systems. But how does all of this cause you to age faster? To

find out, let’s look closer at three key areas: medications,

previous injuries and surgery.


No matter what your complaint there is a medication to take

for it. Have a headache: here’s some Excedrin. Suffer with

menstrual fatigue? Take a Midol. Even diseases that “have no

cure” have medicine to help ease their symptoms. So why isn’t

anyone asking what the medicine is for if it isn’t curing the

disease? The reason is because people want to take that pill in

the hopes that they can find relief for their symptoms.

We all want to feel better and we are willing to take any

medication and pay any price to get that relief. Before we

know it we are taking a pile of pills every day just to feel like

we can get through the day. It’s a bad cycle that is making you

sicker – and older.

Let’s take a closer look at Jane, who takes a cholesterol drug

every day. Jane’s doctor told her that she needed the drug to

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lower her cholesterol so she wouldn’t succumb to heart

disease. Jane did what she was told. Then her doctor ordered

a blood test every three months to check her liver. Why?

Because the drug she is taking is likely to lead to muscle pain

and increased liver enzymes. If left unchecked these higher

enzyme levels can cause all sorts of nasty problems.

Here’s the big problem with using medications to treat

symptoms: every pill you take is a man-made chemical that

triggers your body to respond. These constant responses

stress the adrenal glands and other bodily systems. Even the

slightest shift in one system and they are all affected in some

manner. This can leave your body in a chronic state of wear

and tear. And this can have some dramatic results.

While temporary usage of these medications may be able to

keep you healthy while you work on treating the root cause of

the problem (in Jane’s case high cholesterol), they should not

be used permanently. Otherwise your body is slowly fighting

itself and aging in the process.

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Previous Injuries & Surgery

One of the biggest culprits to aging is previous injuries and

surgery. As children we often fall victim to bumps, bruises and

broken bones, Those years are followed by more internal

damage to organs like the liver and kidneys due to poor

lifestyle choices (drug experimentation; alcohol use;

medications and stress). Why, even the pancreas can become

injured from poor nutritional intake. Over the years, all of these

small injuries begin to build up, causing our bodies more and

more internal and external stress. Over time these small

stresses and injuries can have a big impact on how the body

deals with the degenerative effects of aging. The sooner we

each begin to limit damaging lifestyle choices, the better able

our bodies will be to deal with small injuries, and the younger

we will both look and feel.

Surgery too, can have a dramatic effect on the aging process.

While surgery may be needed to deal with life threatening or

life altering injuries or disease, far too many people undergo

surgical procedures simply to look better. Just look at the

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billion dollar business plastic surgery and body sculpting has


Besides these elective procedures, there are millions of

serious surgical procedures performed every year simply

because people made the wrong lifestyle choices. Heart

bypass is most often needed because the patient ate poorly,

never exercised and simply did not take care of their heart and

arteries. Hip and knee replacement surgery is becoming a

phenomena in recent years as the population ages.

Unfortunately for those undergoing these drastic and painful

procedures most could have been prevented with more

exercise and proper joint care in their younger years.

When you undergo repeat surgical procedures (for any reason;

both good and bad), your body undergoes a tremendous

amount of stress. Plus there are drugs and anesthesia to deal

with, which often cause even more stress on the body. All of

this not only affects your health, but how you age. One of the

best ways to stay younger for longer is to limit the stress on

your entire body by caring for it well and keeping all injuries

and surgical procedures to a minimum.

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As we have discussed before, the best way to treat any email

problem and injury) is to deal with the root cause. This will

allow you to prevent further cell and organ damage; stop the

pain and discomfort you are feeling; and preserve your health,

well being and youth for years to come.

Dealing with Pain Naturally

Pain is a major problem amongst society today. Whether it is

simply a headache or severe joint and muscle pain, patients

tend to grab for a bottle of Motrin, Aleve or some prescription

drug to help stop their discomfort. Unfortunately, these drugs,

when taken regularly, don’t deal with the root cause of the

pain, so it never truly goes away. This stresses the body and

causes you to age prematurely.

Thankfully, natural has given us a good supply of pain

relieving foods that can help ease your discomfort while you

deal with its root cause. Here are a few foods that help fight

pain and inflammation that offers safe relief:

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Berries (cherries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries &


Celery (and their seeds)






flax seeds

flax seed oils

walnut (and walnut oil)

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How Hormones Affect the Aging Process

Hormones are very important in the battle against again. As

we age, our hormones change; sometimes being higher or

lower, depending on the stage of life we find ourselves in.

These fluctuations can have a real effect on your skin,

metabolism, energy level and even immune function.

For many people hormone replacement is a good way to help

reverse the aging process and look and feel younger. But

before you head to your doctor and demand hormones to help

you look younger, ask yourself a few key questions:

Do you experience mood swings often?

Are you often quick to anger (have you always felt like

this or is it s relatively new phenomena)?

Is it difficult to fall asleep (and stay asleep) at night?

Are you sick a lot?

Do you often feel cold?

Has your libido taken a hit lately?

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Do you often feel scatterbrained or foggy?

Is your total cholesterol over 240?

Is your HDL under 50?

Do you suffer from high blood pressure?

Is the skin on your face and neck becoming saggy?

Do you have a tighter grip lately?

Is your endurance waning? Are you finding it difficult to


Is it hard to breathe when (and aftre0 exercising?

Are you over 45?

If you answered yes to more than half of these questions, then

you may want to talk to your doctor about hormone

replacement – it may help you look and feel better. But which

hormones are you lacking? Further testing may be necessary

to determine which hormones you are lacking and which ones

may help you feel better. In the meantime here is a rundown of

the most common hormones that affect aging and make you

look and feel older than you really are:

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HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

HGH is a growth hormone that is excreted by the pituitary

gland. Its production peaks during adolescent and then

decreased by about 14% every ten years. Although the gland

has plenty of HGH hormone later in life, it fails to release it for

some reason as we grow older. This can cause muscle mass

to decrease, wrinkles to appear on thinning skin; hair to thin,

energy levels to drop and cholesterol levels to rise, while

sexual desire drops and memory loss increases. It’s amazing

how many things are affected by this one hormone!

Recent research has shown a dramatic affect by patients who

take HGH hormone replacement for as little as six months.

Many have seen an increase in energy, mood, memory and

muscle mass. Plus their skin looks younger and lost hair

begins to re- grow, libido was shown to return to more

vigorous levels and cholesterol levels decrease as does body

fat and overall weight.

Secretagogues, too are hormones that are taken in addition to

hGH in order to help the pituitary gland produce and secrete

higher levels of growth hormone naturally.

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Amino Acids

There are four main amino acids that help stimulate growth

hormone and improve the immune system:

- Glutamine: offering tremendous anti-aging benefits,

glutamine has been shown to improve immunity; prevent

daily oxidation caused by stress; inhibit the catabolic

effect of cortisol to help you maintain a healthier weight;

and improve kidney function.

- Lysine: used to increase bone and genital function, this

basic amino acid works to combat the effects of aging on

the bones, while preserving sexual function.

- Ornithine: a non essential amino acid that increases the

effects of argentine.


This is a steroid hormone that can help prevent endometrial

cancers in women, promote the breakdown of fats in the body;

normalize blood sugar levels and stimulate GH production.

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An important female steroidal hormone, estrogen helps to

control mood swings, and keep bones strong. It is also helpful

in controlling cholesterol levels, preventing heart disease,

improving body composition, and protecting the brain against



The strongest stimulant of GH this male hormone is found in

both sexes. Testosterone is what gives humans their sexual

drive. For men, testosterone helps to increase strength,

prevent bone loss, raises red blood cell counts, and lower ldl



A steroid that is released through the adrenal glands, DHEA is

the most prevalent steroid in the body. Helping in the

production of many other important hormones, DHEA levels

drop significantly with age. By age 65 only 15-20 percent of

previous levels are being made by the body. This has a

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dramatic effect on your health and well being. DHEA

supplementation can help to increase autoimmune response,

combat stress and infection and fight obesity and cancer.


As strong antioxidant, melatonin helps the brain keep certain

rhythms. It is most used to help patients sleep well so that the

body has the time to rejuvenate itself and repair cells.

Hormones are a vital component to battling the aging process.

While hormone replacement does offer benefits, it should be

considered carefully as some potentially dangerous side

effects may result. In most cases, the safest way to boost your

hormone levels is to use more natural methods of replacement

inducing herbal and dietary measures.

Nutrition Basics

No one wants to be overweight. Despite the way too much

weight on your body may make you look, it makes you feel

even worse and that can affect how you age. Maybe that is

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why we are all so keen on grabbing a hold of any diet plan that

offers quick and substantial results.

The problem is that many of the most common diet plans

being touted may offer weight loss results, but they come at a

hefty price when it come to your health. In the end, they may

even make you sick and make you look older than your years.

For example, those popular diets which restrict carbohydrates

or even require you to eat only proteins, produces ketene in the

body, which if produced in high amounts for long periods of

time can hurt your kidneys and your liver.

Other diets promise quick weight loss (maybe even 5-10

pounds a week). Sounds great, right? Any diet that results in

such a quick weight reduction should be considered suspect.

For one thing, you may be opposing all water weight, which

won’t result in any long term weight loss. Those that are

causing you to lose more than water, is also placing your body

into a survival mode, which will ultimately turn every food you

eat into fat (for survival), which will make you gain weight even

when eating the healthiest foods.

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The simple fact is that diets don’t work and some can be

downright dangerous! Effective and long lasting weight loss

can only be achieved by adopting a healthy diet and

exercising. It takes longer to see the results you may want; but

those results will be safe and long lasting. Plus, by eating a

healthy diet and exercising more will give your cells and

organs exactly what they need to maintain a good health and

younger looking skin.

Here’s something else to consider: stress not only helps you

pack on the pounds but makes you look older. Stress affects

every system in the body. From the brain to digestion, stress

impacts how your systems and organs work.

Until you can find ways to eliminate the stresses in your life,

you’re going to battle with your weight and age poorly.

Alleviate stress and you can live a healthier and happier life.

Eating in a stress free environment

When was the last time you sat down and ate a relaxing meal

either alone or with your family? If you are like most

Americans, you eat on the run or rush through meals to get to

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the next activity. This is horrible for your health! Eating healthy

and taking the time to relax at each meal (and for a short time

after eating), is essential to your overall well-being. Every time

you eat, your digestive system begins working. This process

directs almost 80% of your body’s entire blood supply towards

the digestive system. When the body is under stress,

hydrochloric acid production is halted, which makes it

impossible to digest food properly. This means that your body

is not absorbing the nutrients it needs. This not only means

you have ingested calories for no reason, but since HCL is one

of the strongest lines of defenses against invading organisms,

you also have set yourself up for getting a bacteria or virus.

When you eat, be sure to eat in a relaxed atmosphere so that

your body can do what it needs to so. Digesting food while at

rest is a completely different process than digesting food

while in motion. At rest, digesting is the body’s main function,

with most of the blood supply diverting to helping it. When the

body is in motion (or stressed) that blood supply is diverted

away from the GI tract towards other muscles and organs.

This can thwart proper digestion and leave food in the

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stomach. This can cause cramping, nausea, muscle aches,

fatigue and poor nutrient absorption.

Digestion is an intense process, requiring sufficient rest so

that it can be handled adequately and so that the body can

recuperate from it. This may require a short day long fast, or in

the case of serious digestive problems, much longer. During a

health fast, your healthcare provider may order a liquid diet to

keep the digestive tract from needing to work too hard for a

period of several days or weeks. This gives it time to fix any

problems within and heal from poor digestion in the past.

Since liquids o not need digestion, they are easily absorbed

into the body and their nutrients sent to where they are

needed. This not only helps the digestive tract to heal, but can

do wonders in detoxifying the entire system.

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Food: The New Fountain of Youth

Hippocrates once said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy

medicine be thy food …” no truer words may have ever been


A diet filled with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is

essential to living a long and healthy life. Our bodies were

designed to use bright, colorful and vibrant foods. The more

color and variety we put into our diets, the more energy we will

have and the more nutrients we will give our cells.

Exercise too is a vital component to youth. Think about it: in

the past humans grew their own foods. They worked the fields

and exercised their bodies on a daily basis. Then they ate

those same fresh foods to give their bodies the nutrients it

craved. Can we say the same today? Unfortunately no. Modern

man now sits all day behind a desk and rests at night after “a

long day’s work.” We have replaced fresh whole foods with

fast food and sugar laden snacks. Our diet is poor and our

exercise level is worse. This has created a fat, energy deficient

and health ravaged society that is growing older by the day. In

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times where technology has allowed us to live better, we are

living shorter and weaker lives than ever before in history.

Humans have spent hundreds of years and countless hours,

not to mention trillions of dollars trying to find the fountain of

youth, when in reality food is the one thing that nature

provides to give us the healthy years we seek.

Take a look at some of the most common fruits and

vegetables and you will be surprised at how closely they

mimic the human body. Take tomatoes, which are considered

a very heart healthy food. Cut one in half and notice the four

chambers that resemble the heart. Now look at a grape

growing on the vine the cluster resembles the circulatory

system, which by the way grapes are wonderful at healing.

Figs too, grow in pairs and have been proven to benefit the

male reproductive system. Is it a coincidence that so many of

the foods we should be eating for the benefit of certain organs

and systems also resemble those same organs and systems?

I think not! Disagree with me if you like, but I firmly believe that

that there is significant meaning and purpose for the fruits and

vegetables that resemble our body parts and their functioning

to maintain our health, vitality and youth.

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Food may be the new fountain of youth. It has been proven

time and time again that eating whole foods, exercising

regularly, staying hydrated and living a relatively stress-free

life can increase your life expectancy. The populations of the

world that live to be 100 or more show us that the foods we

eat can –and do – impact our longevity. Studies show again

and again that people who eat a high fruit and veggie diet have

half the risk of getting cancer and other diseases, while those

who eat a highly processed diet of preservatives and sugar get

sick (and die) more often than those who make healthier

eating choices.

Of course eating the kinds of foods that will help you live

longer isn’t always easy. There are two things that stand in our

way: quantity and the quality of the produce we do eat.

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How Much Should You Eat?

Americans tend to eat way too much or way too little – and

few eat what they should. If you are supersizing that burger

meal at lunch and barely taking a full scoop of veggies at

night, you're eating habits are off balance. To make matters

worse, we tend to eat the same fruits and vegetables with

every meal; or for every snack. An apple a day y may keep the

doctor away, but not if you don’t vary the kinds of apples or

introduce new fruits to your eating plan.

Think of it this way: if you did the same exact exercises day in

and day out they would eventually lose their efficiency. You

would stop losing weight and you would stop building muscle.

Your body would become desensitized to the exercise and it

would do little if anything to make you stronger. The same

goes for food. If you eat the same exact foods all of the time,

your body will become desensitized to their nutrients, and

worse yet, could develop an allergy to those foods. Variation

can help. Try some new fruits and vegetables or at least

change the way you prepare them; eat your carrots steamed

one day and raw the next. Add in some kiwi to your breakfast

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and introduced pineapple instead of an orange at snack time.

Shake things up. Your body will respond and your taste buds

will enjoy the change!

Also, consider how much you are eating. If you aren’t getting

7-13 servings (remember, a serving size is about the size of

your fist) of fresh produce every day, you are not eating

enough fruits and veggies. Few of us do. As a matter of fact,

research shows that few people get three servings a day, let

alone 13! No wonder we are feeling so old, tired and cranky.

Our bodies are starving for nutrition and we are turning a deaf

ear to its plea.

What Kinds of Foods Should We Be Eating?

We’ve talked a bit about creating a variety filled diet, but have

you considered the quality of the foods you are eating?

Organic has become a big buzz word these days as more and

more people try to eat products void of pesticides, hormones,

antibiotics and other chemicals. Still, there’s more to eating

organic and fresh than simply cutting down on pesticide use.

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Few people realize that every time a field is sprayed with a

pesticide to kill of damaging bugs, the soil is adversely

affected. Over the years, our soil has become drained of its

natural nutrients, which means are food is less nutritious than

it should be.

Crop rotation has been used for hundreds of years as a way to

allow the soil to replenish its natural minerals. Unfortunately,

with today’s use of minerals and chemicals, modern farmers

rely more on replenishing the soil with additives than by

allowing nature to take care of it herself. This had left our

foodstuffs void of the nutritional value we have come to


One way to combat this is to buy locally grown produce that

you know is grown through crop rotation and free of chemicals

and preservatives. Meats too should be purchased from

butchers who guarantee that the animals were not def

hormones, antibiotics or that were grazed on chemical laden

lands. It may cost a little more to go organic, but it is well

worth the price to get foods that you know hold the nutritional

values your body needs to thrive.

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A word about supplements

In a world that is making it impossible to buy and eat

nutritious foods, many people are turning to natural

supplements for help. While herbal supplements can help you

restore much-needed vitamins and minerals to your system, it

is important to be sure that you are taking quality

supplements that contain safe and effective ingredients.

While most natural supplements are derived from herbs and

flowers, there are no mandatory guidelines that guarantee

their safety. Many contain fillers that are not only useless

nutritionally but that can be dangerous. Look at all ingredients

and only take supplements that contain few, easy to read (and

understand) ingredients on the list. If it isn’t straightforward

and short, look for another brand.

The best supplements use vegetable cellulose capsules which

allow the ground powder to be held together without other

fillers which could hinder nutrient absorption by the body.

Look for pharmaceutical grade supplements and never use

them as a replacement for a healthy diet. Although a great way

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to ensure you aren’t missing vitamins and minerals in your

diet, they should never replace healthy foods.

The Ultimate Ant-Aging Diet

Your body needs good food to keep running smoothly. Give it

the wrong fuel and your body will create oxidation and free

radicals; store more fat; increase insulin and sugar

imbalances; and find it difficult to absorb nutrients and

circulate blood properly. If you keep eating junk, your body will

eventually break down, leaving your stranded – and old.

Changing your eating habits right now, though, can (and will)

reverse those negative effects and put you on the road to a

healthier and longer life. Staying young comes down to

changing your eating habits and making better lifestyle

choices to creating the ultimate anti-aging diet that your body

can thrive on.

The first step in this process is to figure out your ideal caloric

intake. You need to take in enough calories for your body to

function at peak capacity, without burdening it with extra

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toxins that could create problems. When we eat more than we

should, our bodies have to work harder to break those calories

down. Then it is stored as fat.

Remember, eating fewer calories doesn’t mean taking in less

nutritional value. The trick here is make what you eat count.

Choose foods that will give you the right mix of vitamins and

minerals so that your body has what it needs.

As with any diet, you need to know what your ideal weight is –

or should be. To do this you have to consider two things:

your ideal body weight

your target anti-aging weight

Of course, body type, medical conditions and bone structure

will also need to be considered. Since our focus here is on

anti-aging, we will skip the first target (your ideal body weight)

and concentrate instead simply on your anti-aging weight.

So how do you determine you’re anti-again target weight?

Women should begin with the premise that they should begin

with 100 pounds and add five pounds for every inch you are

over 5 feet tall. So if you are 5 feet, 5 inches tall, you would

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start with 100 and add 25 (5 lbs for every inch over five feet),

equaling 125 pounds.

Next, add or subtract that number based on your bone

structure. Big ones add a few pounds and small bones

subtract or stay at that ideal weight.

To determine your target anti-aging weight, subtract 10-15%

from that original weight. That makes our 125 pound example

112-118 pounds.

In my opinion, that is too thin, but that is how anti-aging target

weight is calculated.

Men do this calculation a bit differently. Hey begin with a 106

pound base weight and add 6 pounds f-r every inch over 5

feet. Then add 3-5 pounds depending on your frame. Finally

subtract 10-15% for your target anti-aging target weight.

To lose weight steadily, most experts agree to maintain a diet

of 1500-200 calories and continue to exercise. You will need

to burn an additional 1200 calories to lose a single pound and

eat at least 500 calories less per day than you normally do in

order to lose a single pound per week.

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The Role Antioxidants Play in the Anti-Aging Diet

Antioxidants help free the body of dangerous free radicals that

could be harming our health and shortening our lives. As we

age, our metabolism, body systems organs and skin become

less effective. That is why it is so important to only take in

foods that are designed to decrease the stress on our bodies

and make it last longer.

Developing an anti- aging diet consists of taking in foods that

are rich in antioxidants and fiber and are low in saturated fats.

This translates into eating lots of dark leafy vegetables and

brightly colored fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains that

contain plenty of nutrients and fatty acids.

So which foods are high in both fatty acids and antioxidants?

Here are 20 of the most nutritious foods you can feed your


small red beans

wild blueberries

red kidney beans

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pinto beans



artichoke hearts





red delicious apples

granny smith apples



black plums

russet potatoes

black beans


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gala apples.

To ensure that you are getting enough antioxidants in your

diet, strive for 5-8 servings per day.

All foods fall into three categories when it comes to how they

react on a cellular level:

1. pro-inflammatory

2. neutral

3. anti-inflammatory

To keep yourself looking and feeling younger, you want to eat

as many anti-inflammatory and neutral foods as possible.

Stay clear of foods that are pro-inflammatory because they

tend to speed up the again process.

Here is a list of good anti-inflammatory foods to add to your

diet plan:

Fish: the American Heart Association recommends eating fish

at least twice a week. To get more omega 3 fatty acids, strive

to eat at least some cold water fish like mackerel, anchovies

and salmon.

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Fruits and Vegetables: for best anti-aging effects, eat at least

5 servings per day.

Whole Grains: Eating 3 servings of whole grains per day will

increase your fiber content, give you important phytonutrients

and help lower your cholesterol – all important anti-aging


Legumes: offering a lot of nutritional value for very little

calories, beans should be eaten 3-4 times per day.

Yogurt: gives you all the nutritional benefits of other dairy

products, plus probiotics which can help you fight bad


Nuts: a good source of B vitamins, nuts contain healthy fats

that help the skin remain younger looking.

Water: your entire body needs water. Without proper hydration,

your organs and skin suffer. Drinking at least 4-8 glasses of

purified water per day can help increase circulation, flush

toxins from the body and keep skin looking smooth and fresh.

Others: in addition to the important foods mentioned above,

here are a few additional anti-aging foods to consider adding

to your diet:

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acai fruit/berries






hot peppers

wheat grass





Anti-aging begins on the inside with a pro-longevity program

that includes a healthy diet. Slowly replace those bad food

choices with better, healthier ones. Once you begin making

these important changes, you’ll see a difference in the way you

look and how you feel. That will make it easier to continue on

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your program to completely eliminate the bad foods from your


The Role Vitamins and Minerals Play in the Anti-Aging


Your body needs all sorts of vitamins to remain healthy and

stay young. Not all of them are antioxidants and that’s okay.

Different vitamins accomplish different goals. Your job is to

make sure that your body gets enough of everything it needs.

But how can you be sure that you’re getting enough of each?

That’s a tricky question.

The government has come up with a standard Recommended

Daily Allowance to help people understand how much they

need of specific vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy.

Unfortunately, these guidelines were established using people

in optimum health as a guide. That means if you are

overweight or have a certain medical condition, you could

need more of certain vitamins than the government suggests.

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This is important to keep in mind, because if you fall below the

standard RDA allowance, the odds are good that you aren’t

coming close to meeting your bodies real needs; especially

when it come to fighting again. Use the RDA guidelines as a

baseline only in establishing a good diet. Meeting those

recommendations are great, but they aren’t going to be

enough when trying to feed your body an anti-aging diet. This

is going to require boosting those recommendations even


Not sure what you need to stay healthy, let alone keep yourself

from aging prematurely? Here is a breakdown of the major

antioxidants vitamins and minerals you need, along with

dosage recommendations under several situations:

Retinol Carotene (vitamin A)

A fat soluble vitamin, retinol helps to preserve vision, skin

formation and increases bone growth. Found in liver, eggs and

dairy products such as butter and cheddar cheese, vitamin A

does contain saturated fat, so be careful how much you

consume through the foods you eat. Plain vitamin A can also

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build up toxic levels in your liver, so take care not to exceed

recommended dosages of 5,000-10,000 IU daily.

Beta Carotene (vitamin A)

Another form of vitamin A is beta carotene, a potent

antioxidant that helps kill off free radicals in the body. Beta

carotene is considered carotenoids, which is creates the

colors red, orange, yellow and green in many fruits and

vegetables. The deeper the color, the more vitamin A that food


Some good foods that contain high levels of beta carotene

include: carrots, sweet potatoes, swiss chard, chili peppers,

capsicum, spinach and mangoes.

The Alliance of Aging Research recommends 10 mg (17,000

IU) to 30 mg ( 50,000 iu) of beta carotene per day for best

antioxidant results. One 8 ounce cup of carrot juice will give

you about 24-25 mg of beta carotin, while one medium sweet

potato equals about 10 mg.

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Vitamin C

An absorbic acid, vitamin C must be ingested through food or

supplementation since our bodies are unable to produce it on

its own. The building block of healthy connective tissue, bones

and teeth, vitamin C helps to boost the immune system and

increase white blood cell levels. It has been linked to younger

looking skin as well as longevity. Vitamin C is known to

regenerate vitamin E and glutathione in the body which is

wonderful for anti-aging purposes. It is best taken 2-3 times

per day since the kidneys tend to excrete it quickly. In most

cases 100-1,000 mg per day is necessary to obtain the full

anti-aging effect.

Here are some good sources of vitamin C in the foods you eat:


Chili peppers




Brussels sprouts

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Red cabbage




Any red fruit or veggie

B Vitamins

The B vitamins contain 8 different vitamins often called the B

Family or B Complex. The 8 B vitamins include:

B-1 (thiamine): essential for mental health and clarity and cell

growth, thiamine must be replenished daily since the body

cannot store it. Yeast, sunflower seeds and peanuts are great

souse of vitamin B1

B-2 (riboflavin): the body cannot grow cells or release energy

without enough B2. Overcooking and processing tends to

destroy B2 in foods, so be careful to only cook these foods

lightly. Yeasts, tomato sauce, meat and dairy are good source

for vitamin b2.

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B-3 (niacin): cells cannot function properly without sufficient

amounts of niacin. Be careful though because taking in more

than 3 grams a day can cause kidney damage and blood

vessel problems. Foods that contain niacin include yeast

extract, tune, lean meat and peanuts.

B-5 (Pantothenic acid): this vitamin helps to convert energy

and is essential for vitamin D, hormones and RBS synthesis.

B-6(pyridoxine): this B vitamin converts amino acids to protein

and synthesizes enzymes o help prevent heart disease. Don’t

take more than 50 mg a day though because high levels can

cause nerve damage. Lentils, salmon, squid, turkey, lean beef

and backed potatoes are good sources of B-6.

Biotin: helps to break down fat, carbohydrates and protein and

turn them into energy.

Folic Acid: essential for cell growth and cell division, it also

helps to prevent heart disease and birth defects.

B-12 (cobalamine): helps to make red blood cells and coverts

fat, carbohydrates and protein into energy. It also helps to

prevent heart disease.

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Most people get enough B-vitamins through the food they eat,

except for B12 and folic acid. These may need to be

supplemented in people over the age of 60. People in their 80’s

and above almost always need to take B vitamin supplements

to maintain adequate levels of B12 and folic acid.

Vitamin D

Necessary to help fight fragile bones and decrease your

chances of getting osteoporosis or osteomalacia (bone

thinning), as well as to keep skin strong and healthy, vitamin D

is only produced by the skin when it some in contact with

enough natural sunlight. As we age, our bodies tend to

produce less vitamin D so supplements ranging from 2000-

6000 IU a day are needed over the age of 70. Dairy and fish are

excellent sources of vitamin D.

Vitamin E

A powerful antioxidant, this fat soluble vitamin works to

protect cell membranes from damage. It also works to free the

body of toxins, free radicals and fight against cancer. Vitamin

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E is also good at repairing skin damage caused by the sun. It

can be used topically or orally. The normal dosage is 25 IU per

day, but for anti-aging purposes about 400 IU’s a day are

needed. Caution: doses over 800 iu a day can cause blood

thinning. High blood pressure and headaches. Vitamin E

supplements are not recommended for those taking anti-

coagulation therapy.

Foods that are high in vitamin E include: wheat germ oil,

sunflower oil, safflower oil, polyunsaturated spread, sun dried

tomatoes, shelled hazelnuts, almonds and cod liver oil.

Vitamin K

Often overlooked as an antioxidant vitamin, vitamin K helps to

regulate calcium in the blood and increase hormone

interleukin 6 which can cause inflammation in the body as you

age. This may result in arthritis, Alzheimer’s and

cardiovascular disease. No set doses of vitamin K have been

established, so talk with your doctor as to how much to take.

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids

A common group of unsaturated fatty acids, omega 3’s known

as DHS’s and EPA’s are every healthy and have been linked to

preventing all sorts of health problems including

cardiovascular disease, stokes, heart attacks, and high blood

pressure, while also decreasing depression and inflammatory

responses in those who take it regularly.

The American Heart Association recommends 500 mg of fish

oil per day, while the National Institute of Health recommends

650 mg. per day. For best anti-aging results 10 mg a day is


Coenzyme Q-10

Produced naturally in the body until about age 10, CoQ-10 is a

water soluble vitamin that is needed for the production of

energy in cells. Organ meats, sardines, soy and peanuts all

contain small amounts of coenzyme Q-10. Those suffering

with chronic conditions should take 50-150 mg per day, while

30 mg is sufficient for healthy adults.

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Used to combat heart disease, CoQ-10 is also known to boost

the immune system; helps users maintain a healthy weight

and fight fatigue and Alzheimer’s’ disease.


Found in protein, this non-essential amino acid works as a

neurotransmitter and is vital for normal brain function to

occur. It also promotes healing. For anti-aging purposes 500-

2000 mg per day is needed.

Lipoic Acid/Alpha Lipoic Acid

Thought to be a universal antioxidant, Lipoic acid helps other

antioxidants work better in the body. It can cross the blood-

brain connections, which other antioxidants cannot, plus it can

actually regenerate other antioxidants. A standard does is

500-1000 ml pr day.

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L-Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC)

In the form of chlorine, GPC has can protect your cognitive

ability as you age. Your doctor can tell you what dosage is



The body needs certain minerals to work and develop. Without

them it cannot regulate fluids, enzymes and hormones. Some

good sources of minerals include: dairy, buts, soybeans, green

leafy vegetables, table salt, legumes, whole grains, bananas,

red meat and spinach.


Important for bone strength, nerve action and muscle strength

this anti-age fighter can also help prevent some cancers. Most

adults need 200-1,000 mg of calcium a day to stay healthy

and protect their bones. Too much calcium however can result

in kidney stones. Be sure to take it with plenty of water. Some

foods rich in calcium include: parmesan cheese, reduced

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cheddar cheese, sesame seeds, tofu, almonds, soy, beans,

spinach, muesli and white chocolate.


Works to help keep bones strong and healthy. It also helps to

regulate sodium in the body and is a cofactor to over 300

different enzymes. The normal dose for females is 300 mg and

400 for males.

Almonds, hazelnuts and cashews are all excellent sources of

magnesium as well as shredded wheat. Note: heavy alcohol

use inhibits magnesium absorption in the body.


Cells need potassium to work and regenerate. No human being

can live without it. Potassium also works well to help regulate

the heart, nerves, and blood pressure. The ideal ratio for anti -

aging purposes is 5:1 or 3500mg per day. Your doctor can help

you decide how much of a potassium supplement you may

need after reviewing your normal eating habits.

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An essential trace mineral, this powerful antioxidant is an

important building block for other antioxidants. It helps to

neutralize free radicals in the body, rendering them harmless.

It is great at preventing premature aging and gives hair and

skin a healthier, more youthful appearance. Selenium also

works well at regulating hormones, which can also help you

look and feel younger. Garlic, grains, seafood and sunflower

seeds re great sources of selenium. Brazil nuts contain about

100 mg per ounce which is half of what you need daily for the

best anti-aging effects.


Produced by the thymus gland (which produces all-important

T-cells), zinc helps to boost immunity and fight off intruders.

Since zinc is produced in the thymus and the gland often

shrinks with age, supplementation is often recommended for

older adults. Seafood, cereals, buts and seeds are high in zinc,

but may not be absorbed properly by the body because of the

fiber these foods contain. That is why most doctors

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recommend a supplement dose of 15-30 g dose for people

under the age of 70 and 50 mg. for those over 70.


Works to reduce insulin and blood sugar levels, chromium

promotes a rise in the anti-aging hormone DHEA. Since

normal chromium levels decrease every 10 years, an anti-

aging dose of 200-400 mcg per day is needed. Good dietary

source of chromium include broccoli, barley, lobster tail and


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Fight Aging with the Right Herbs

Herbs have been used for centuries to help battle disease and

ease the fight against aging. Used properly herbal remedies

are a wonderful –and natural – way to fight aging by aiding in

circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to cells, and reverse

the effects of poor choices in the past. To top it off, herbs can

help cells rejuvenate and multiply faster, replacing old aging

cells, with newer, healthier and more vibrant ones. This is

especially true when it come to fixing aging skin.

Below you will find the best herbs used in battling old age:

Ginkgo Biloba

A wonderful astringent, antifungal and anti bacterial her,

gingko is used for many health and aging purposes. Here are

just a few:

clears bronchial tubes for easier breathing

clears blood vessels for better circulation

stops memory loss

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decreases inflammation throughout the body

alleviates mood swings

stabilizes heart rhythms

cures erectile dysfunction caused by poor blood flow to

the penis

improves kidney function

improves vascular dilation

slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

For most people 30 mg taken two to three times a day is

sufficient. Be patient though because it can take two months

to see any improvement in your symptoms.

Note: gingko Biloba can thin the blood so be sure to discuss

its use and dosages with your doctor.

Gotu Kola-Indian Pennywort

An herb sued to rejuvenate brain nerves and brain cells, it is

used to help keep senility at bay. It is also sued to help heal

wounds in patients who have a hard time healing. It works by

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depressing action to the central nervous system and can also

have these benefits:

improving circulation

stimulate hair growth

relieves arthritis symptoms

improves liver function

increases vasculization of connective tissues

heals wounds faster

treats eczema and psoriasis

promotes skin health/healing

strengthens veins and arteries

Gotu Kola can be used internally or externally with doses of

600 mg taken three times a day. To sue externally for wound

care and skin health mix the herb with water and apply directly

on the affected area.

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Milk Thistle

This is an antioxidant that works specifically for better liver

function by preventing toxins from entering or altering the

membrane of the liver. It also helps to produce new cells.

Other benefits include:

minimizes the effects of chemotherapy

treats mushroom poisoning

heals gallbladder disease heals cirrhosis

Milk thistle should be taken in capsules of 140 or 175 mg,

taken two or three times per day.

Black Cohosh

A wonderful menopause healer, black cohosh is known for its

beneficial effects against mood swings and hot flashes in

older women. It is also used to treat arthritis and rheumatism

and can also decrease cholesterol and blood pressure in some

patients. It is best taken as a liquid extract (40-60% alcohol)

which is equal to 40 mg of dried black cohosh root. Taking 5 g

or more of this herb can be toxic.

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Saw Palmetto

A wonderful libido enhancer for any age, it is also credited for

aiding in the healing of other prostate problems. Dosage

recommendations are for 320 mg taken 1-2 times per day.


An popular antioxidant and dietetic sued to destabilize heart

rhythm, rate, blood pressure and coronary blood flow,

Hawthorne is also known to help prevent/cure circulatory

disorders, blood pressure problems, heart issues and

improving circulation and memory.

Doses range from 160-900 mg taken daily under a doctor's

supervision. Note: the herb must be taken for 1-2 months

before any benefits are seen.

Green tea

A powerful antioxidant that is full of flavonoids, Catechins and

polyphenols, green tea helps cells maintain their structural

integrity and keeps abnormal cell colonies as are found in

cancer to form. Other benefits include heart health, boosted

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immune systems, weight loss, memory gain and more energy.

Drinking just one cup of green tea a day can offer all of these


As you can see, herbs are a completely safe and natural way to

increase your health and boost your anti-aging program. When

used with proper diet and exercise, these supplements can

help you add years to your lifespan and give you a more active

and enjoyable future.

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Exercise: The Key to Healthy Aging

A healthy lifestyle requires regular exercise. Too little exercise

and you will age quicker than necessary. The body needs

exercise to stay healthy and slow down the aging process. It

keeps muscles tone, bones strong and organs working well. It

also helps your cells rejuvenate faster. One study completed at

the Internal medicine in London (2008) showed that people

who exercise actually have cells that resemble others 10 years

their junior. Amazing!

This doesn’t mean you have to become an exercise fanatic.

You simply have to move. A brisk walk taken for a half an hour

a day or even gardening is really all that’s needed. Adding a bit

of aerobic and weight training once or twice a week can help

you maintain good balcned, posture circulation and prevent

fractures and osteoporosis.

But how much do you really know about exercise? If you are

like most people, you have fallen for one or more of these

exercise and fitness myths:

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Myth: You need to sweat in order to get a good workout

Fact: the amount of sweat you excrete during a workout really

has little to do with how good your workout is. Sweat is simply

a sign that your internal temperature has risen.

Myth: If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat

Fact: This is impossible. What really happens to people who

stop exercising is that their muscles shrink and if they

continue to take in more calories than they are burning on a

daily basis, fat begins to build up where those muscles once


Myth: I can lose more weight by training harder

Fact: Actually the exact opposite may happen. If you run until

you are exhausted, your body may perceive this as a threat

(after all you must be running away from some danger) and it

may react by storing fat for the next emergency. This can have

the opposite effect of what you want. So why are most runners

so thin? Because they have given their bodies time to adapt to

their workouts and have built their progression slowly over a

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period of time. So be careful how quickly you try to beef up

those workouts. Go slowly at first until your body adjusts and

then keep increasing your workout in a way that will not enact

your body’s emergency response.

Myth: pain is good when working out

Fact: pain is a sign of trouble, not success. While you should

expect some soreness and discomfort when trying a new

workout or increasing your workout, you should never feel

outright pain. An acute pain is your signal that something is

wrong and you need to stop. If you continue to work out at this

rate you will cause inflammation to occur which will cause

more problems

Myth: everyone gains weight as they age

Fact: yes, your metabolism does slow after age 35, the fact is if

you eat healthily and continue to exercise you should be able

to stave off that mid-age spread. Eve older adults who's

metabolism has slowed and are experiencing some degree of

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muscle loss due to age can reverse these effects with proper

diet and plenty of resistance training.

Myth: if you rent; sore, your workout was too weak

Fact: if you continue to experience muscle soreness after a

few workouts, then you are probably overtraining. This can

lead to injury and the inability to continue exercising, which is

detrimental to your health and fitness goals.

Myth: lifting weights will make me bulk up

Fact: no worries here, especially for women. If you are female,

your body ahs much less of the muscle building hormones

needed to bulk up, so unless you are trying to do just that a

basic workout with weights isn’t going to result in any major

muscle building., It will, however, help you tone and sooth out

those weakened muscles.

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Myth: the ire crunches I do the smaller my stomach will get

Fact: targeted body part reduction is an outright lie! Body fat

reduction is a total body concept. You can tone weak muscles

in specific areas and larger fat reserves will be lost first, but

you simply cannot target a single body part for reduction

without working on the body as a whole.

Now that you know the truth about proper exercise and fitness,

it's time to devise a healthy exercise regime that you can

follow. Let’s look at the proper way to lose weight, maintain

your health and stay vital strong and younger looking for years

to come:

Get a physical

Everyone needs to get a physical before starting any new

health regime. This is especially so for seniors. Have your

doctor check you for high blood pressure, diabetes, joint

problems, vitamin deficiencies, hereditary traits, heart disease

and more before drastically changing your eating and exercise

program. This is a good time to discuss with your doctor your

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overall health and fitness goals and allow him/her to help you

devise a plan that you can stick with and that will enhance

your health and well bring.

Complete a Health History

Now is the time to take a closer look at both your personal and

your family health history. Look for trends or concerns that

need to be addressed. For instance, if diabetes runs in your

family, take steps to alter your diet to ward off the disease.

Take Stock of Your Medications

Every medication you take is going to have some affect on

your health. For instance, some medications make it harder for

your heart to respond to exercise, while others affect the way

your body metabolizes foods and nutrients. Make sure to

discuss the side effects of all medications with your doctor

and fitness coach so that you can alter your diet and exercise

routine for better results.

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Know Your Weight and Body Mass

Most people want to shed a few pounds. But, consider what

kind of weight you are losing. If you don’t consider your overall

body mass, then you could be at risk of losing important

muscle. Have a trained professional assess your overall body

composition to figure out the best exercise and weight loss

plan. Keep in mind that as you get closer to your weight loss

goals, your body composition should be reevaluated to help

you maintain strength, endurance and vitality.

Do a Structural Assessment

Not everyone can exercise in the same manner. If you have

medical issues or have been injured in the past, you could

have some limitations or need alterations in order to get the

most out of your workout. Have a professional trainer do a

structural assessment to help you create the absolute best

workout for your body. The plan will outline ways to adjust

your exercise plan to best meet your needs and overcome any

limitations you may have.

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Don’t Skip the Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is must for everyone – no matter what

your age. The foundation of any good workout, cardio delivers

nutrients from the digestive system, uptakes oxygen from

breathing straight to the body’s cells and takes waste gasses

out of cells.

Cardiovascular exercise also helps the body deliver and

absorb nutrients better while also helping the body get rid of

toxins that could be making it sick.

When performing cardio exercise, you want to be sure that you

are hitting your target heart rate. To figure out what that

should be try this:

relax quietly for one hour and then take your pulse (count

the beats for one minute)

this is your resting heart rate

next take 220 and subtract your age and then subtract

your resting heart rate and times that number by 0.6.

Now add your resting heart rate back in and that sum is

your target heart rate during cardio exercise.

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When exercising, bring your heart rate to that number (but

don’t exceed it) and try to keep it there for at least 20-30

minutes. Do this three times a week for best results.

Add In Some Resistance Training

The fastest way to firm up and tone your body is through

resistance training. It tones muscles and gives the body shape

and curves. By adding resistance training to your exercise plan

a few times a week you will give your body the chance to build

strength and endurance. This will give you more energy and

the ability to lose more unwanted weight since muscle burns

calories faster than fat.

Don’t Forget to Exercise Your Brain

Exercising your body is great way to get healthy and remain

younger looking. But don’t forget your brain – it needs

exercise too! Mental exercise can help you remain mentally

sharp. Doing simple things like working through puzzles or

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brain teasers are a good way to start, staving of mental

declines as your age.

Exercising both body and brain is essential to staying young. It

makes you look younger, feel younger and yes, act younger.

Take time every day to enjoy some physical and mental

activities. Thirty minutes is all you need to give your body

exactly what it needs to stay healthy and feel younger.

Keeping Your Skin Looking Younger

Our skin is a reflection of how we treat our bodies. Eat poorly;

fail to exercise; sit in the sun and simply take rotten care of

your body and your skin is going to show it. Before long you

will be dealing with wrinkles sagging and thinning skin, dark

spots and more. If you want to look younger, start by

incorporating these anti-aging secrets into your daily routine:

Stop Smoking! Cigarettes are horrible for your skin. Even

living with a smoker could be detrimental to your anti-

aging program. Toxins found in cigarette smoke dry out

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the skin, and strip it of vitamin C which makes it wrinkle


Get out of the Sun! We all know that the sun damages the

skin. It not only causes skin cancer, but it dries out the

skin, giving it a leathery, saggy and wrinkled appearance.

Sun damaged skin looks old before its time.

Unfortunately for many, the most damage is inflicted in

our teens and 20’s before we know better. But, that

doesn’t mean you can’t take better care of your skin now

and reverse some of that damage. Never go outside

without sun block, wear a hat during peak sun hours (10

am to 4 pm) and avoid tanning.

Get Moving! Failing to exercise leads to slack muscle

tone and poor circulation, which can cause the skin to

sag and cellulite to appear.

Avoid Alcohol! Even a few drinks can have a detrimental

effect on your skin. Alcohol dilates blood vessels near the

skins’ surface, increasing blood flow. Over time, these

blood vessels become damaged, which can make the

skin look flushed and mottled.

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Stop the Stress! If here is one thing you can do to reverse

aging is to distress your life. The more stress you are

under, the more lines will appear on your face. Even if

under stress, try to change the expression on your face

throughout the day to keep lines and burrows from

forming. And smile! Not only will it make you look

younger, but research shows it will help you feel better


Get More Sleep! A lack of sleep can lead to dark circles

under your eyes, bags underneath and sagging skin. The

best way to look fresh and healthy is to get at least 8

hours of quality sleep each night.

Drink More Water! Few people drink enough water to

satisfy your cells craving. Lack of hydration is horrible for

your skin and will results in more wrinkles. Drink at least

608 glasses of clear water each day.

Want to give your skin what it needs to look younger and

healthier? Try some of these vitamin protocols:

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Vitamin A

Used either internally or externally, vitamin a can help to

reduce wrinkles, fade brown spots and smooth roughness. It

can also help to diminish stretch marks and cellulite by

increasing collagen prediction. When used externally, be sure

to rub the cream on your skin at night because the sun

deactivates vitamin A.

Vitamin B

Used as a cream to help boost fatty acid production in the

skin. Vitamin B cram is great at getting rid of dark spots on the


Vitamin C

Absorbic acid is an antioxidant that fights free radical damage

and helps to reverse sun damage. It is also good at healing the

skin and boosting collagen production which reduces

wrinkles. Take with vitamin E for best results.

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Vitamin E

Another great antioxidant that fights free radicals the damage

they cause, vitamin E works to rehydrate the skin and can also

work as an anti-inflammatory. It can be used externally or


Vitamin K

Used topically to heal bruised skin, it is also great at reducing

the appearance of spider veins. Best if used with retinol and

applied nightly.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Helps to exfoliate the skin, reduce wrinkles and stimulate

collagen production. Best used externally with a moisturizer.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Easily absorbed into the skin, this strong antioxidant helps

other vitamins work to help eliminate fine lines in the skin.

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An exfoliate found in many skin creams, it also helps to

promote new skin cell growth.

Copper Peptides

Used topically, copper helps to promote collagen and elastic

production in the skin. This, of course, helps to reduce again

and prevent wrinkles.


Used topically to improve skin firmness


Apply topically to reduce wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.


Helps protect the skin against sun damage. It can be used

internally or externally.

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Witch Hazel

Used topically to help keep skin tone.

There are so many products on the market right now that

promise big results when it comes to keeping your skin wrinkle

free. However, the best thing you can do for your skin is treat it

tenderly and use products that contain some of the vitamins,

minerals and herbs described above. You can’t keep your skin

from again altogether, but you can minimize the effects of time

by giving it what it needs to continue to produce collagen and

stay moisturized and elastic.

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Aging is a process. So is anti-aging. Finding ways to fight

aging takes time and it involves changing the way you think

and the way you live. For some people the changes may be

minimal, but many of you will find that big diet and lifestyle

changes are needed to slow down the gain process and look

and feel younger. Take your time, remember, there is no magic

bullet and no quick fix. Small changes are always better than

no changes and anything you do to treat your body (and skin)

better is going to have an effect.

Consider ways you can change your eating habits to better

support your body and add some supplements to your daily

routine. Get up and get moving and watch as your body begins

to respond.

Staying young longer requires a multifaceted approach. It isn’t

just about nutrition and exercise. It’s also about your frame of

mind. If you think old you will act old and if you don’t allow

love and happiness into your life your body will respond in a

negative manner.

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We can all live long and healthy lives. But, it’s up to us to

recognize the things we are doing wrong and make the

changes necessary. Living a healthy life filled with whole

foods, lots of activities, and loving relationships all contribute

to longevity. These factors all work together to make us happy,

healthy and fulfilled. Science is constantly showing us new

ways to enjoy life more. Take heed. The information is out

there. Use it to create your best life ever and enjoy the years

(and decades) to come.