The Professional Cheat Sheet_Convo With Tara

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Attributes of a professional.

Transcript of The Professional Cheat Sheet_Convo With Tara

Tara MakaremHi Arsalan

Arsalan JumaniHey14:44:05

Tara Makaremsorry about Sunday, my meeting with James ran over time and we couldn't discuss the professional cheat sheet14:44:22

I am going to be away on leave until Monday, Sept 514:44:53

but in the mean time, please do work on it so that we are not too behind on time14:45:09

if you want we can talk briefly today?14:45:16

or we can just chat here14:45:21

I can share some of my thoughts and you can tell me what you think you can get done?14:45:30

Arsalan JumaniSure, we can chat here14:46:38

Tara Makaremok great14:47:55

so some of thoughts I had are:14:47:59

1. elements of a professional email14:48:13

2. talking to clients14:48:23

actually scratch that let me rephrase14:48:46

1. How to communicate professionally?14:49:13

2. What do professional documents look like?14:49:22

3. What makes up a professional attitude?14:49:44

4. How can you look professional?14:50:09

Arsalan JumaniWe can have email etiquettes, talking to the client etc. as sub-themes under them14:56:27

Tara MakaremYes exactly, so maybe the key categories can be: Attitude, Appearance, Communication and Delivery14:56:58

Arsalan JumaniOne thing, with regards to attitude, do you exactly mean?14:57:20

like emphasis on proactiveness?14:57:27

Tara MakaremAttitude can include things like: be proactive, if you know something needs to get done, do it (or offer to do it) before someone tells you to, say hello when you walk in to a room, when stuck with something you do not want to do, make the best out of it and act positive rather than complain14:58:33

It can also maybe include things like being punctual and/or present14:59:18

Arsalan Jumaniwhile other things are more concrete, this section seems a bit different14:59:23

Tara Makaremyea i know14:59:32

but its also important stuff14:59:37

Arsalan Jumaniyeah, that's true14:59:42

we can make it concrete14:59:54

Tara Makaremyea exactly15:00:05

think of ways of making things specific I guess15:00:15

Arsalan Jumaniinstead of mentioning punctuality, we can mention "if you're 5 mins early, you're on time"15:00:30

Tara Makaremmaybe instead of saying things like be positive, we can phrase it with something like "tasked with something impossible? give it a shot before confirming that it is"15:01:08

yes exactly15:01:14

so those are my thoughts on attitude15:01:28

if you do some research you will get a lot more suggestions15:01:47

you can make a master list of everything you find and then a short list of the good and concrete stuff15:02:09

As for appearance, I was thinking not just dress, but what you actually the superficial professional appearance and how people perceive you - stuff like don't always be on your phone or facebook in the office when people are around :p15:03:17

Arsalan Jumaniyeah, i can get started with it15:03:19

Tara MakaremCommunication can have stuff like tips for emails, attending calls, attending meetings, etc15:04:47

and Delivery can include things like what professional documents look like, reviewing your work before delivering, ensuring that you answer all the questions that were asked of you before delivering15:05:29


Arsalan Jumanithis seems like a good list to begin populating15:06:17

of course we can delete things that everyone does follow at the end15:06:47

Tara MakaremI'll send you an email with all these points now15:06:54

Arsalan Jumanior things that are obvious15:06:57

that would be great15:07:07

Tara Makarembut just sharing my initial things with you so you can get started while I am away15:07:07

yes exactly!15:07:17

and also, in terms of format, I am thinking of something highly visual, with less paragraphs and more visuals15:07:44

ideally if we can maybe fit into an A3 fold up or something like that it would be nice15:08:12

something short and simple that we can pass around and people will like to look at15:08:24

I think Oussama will be around if you want to run anything by him15:08:43

I won't have my laptop with me, but my phone will work so I will be more than happy to answer questions any time15:09:05

Arsalan Jumanisounds perfect15:09:26

i'll consult Oussama whenever there'll be a need15:09:45

Tara Makaremhow far do you think you can get in the coming week?15:09:51

If you can have a draft of what it might actually look like with the key points we talked about and whatever else you research and find useful, then we can play around with it15:10:25

Arsalan JumaniI think I'll be able to have a draft master list within 2 days15:10:26

Tara Makaremgreat!15:10:34

I will be back on tuesday the 6th so if you have a draft by then that would be great15:11:01

Arsalan Jumaniyeah, i'll surely have it by then15:11:11

Tara Makaremand try to keep a master list as well, so we can play around with the tips15:11:12

great 15:11:15

and happy eid!15:11:18

travelling anywhere?15:11:23

Arsalan Jumanito you too 15:12:25

i'll be staying in Doha this time around15:12:37

Tara Makaremenjoy your staycation :p15:13:08

Arsalan Jumanihaha thanks 15:13:43