The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit...

J. Hughes Humanity+ Summit – June 12, 2010 Harvard University, Cambridge MA
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Transhumanism is part of the family of Enlightenment philosophies. As such transhumanism has also inherited the internal tensions and contradictions of the broad Enlightenment tradition. From the beginning thinkers and movements have interpreted core Enlightenment values of reason, secularism, self-determination, progress, universalism and individualism in radically different ways. It is essential that transhumanists understand how our internal divisions and arguments are playing these three hundred year old debates so that we can avoid old mistakes and dead ends."Dr. J." Hughes is the Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and the former Executive Director of the World Transhumanist Association. A bioethicist and sociologist, Dr. Hughes teaches health policy at Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut. Dr. Hughes is author of Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human of the Future, and produces a syndicated weekly radio program, Changesurfer Radio. He is a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities and the Working Group on Ethics and Technology at Yale University.

Transcript of The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit...

Page 1: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

J. Hughes

Humanity+ Summit – June 12, 2010 Harvard University, Cambridge MA

Page 2: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Copyright Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies 2006

Page 3: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Natural philosophers

Page 4: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

1660 Wishlist1.Life extension, anti-aging therapies, transplants, telemedicine

2.Strength and speed enhancement, body armor

3.Glasses, telescopes, microscopes and electric light

4.Flying, traveling under water, GPS locators

5.Speeding up agricultural production

6.Smart drugs, amphetamines, sleeping pills, analgesics and hallucinogens

7.Synthetic biology and genetic engineering.

Page 5: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

“D'Alembert's Dream” 1769

Mind = body/brain

Animals can evolve intelligence

Machine minds are possible

Minds can be stored and re-bodied

Science can bring back the dead

Human-animal hybrids OK

Sexual freedom

Copyright Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies 2006

Page 6: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind (1795)

Reason liberates us from church, authoritarianism, nature

Women’s suffrage Opposed to slavery Radical life extension Freedom from work

through technology

Copyright Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies 2006

Marquis de Condorcet

Page 7: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

"Nature has set no term to the perfection of human faculties; the perfectibility of man is truly indefinite; and the progress of this perfectibility, from now onwards independent of any power that might wish to halt it, has no other limit than the duration of the globe upon which nature has cast us."

Copyright Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies 2006

Page 8: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Arguments within H+ and between H+ and our pro-Enlightenment friends

A four hundred year-old conversation

Parallel movements and issues

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We promote reason, but reason is not self-validating

Acknowledge our pre-rational side

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Natural philosophers divided between deists and atheists

If super-intelligence is possible, then god(s) are possible

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Why shouldn’t smart people control the things instead of democracy or markets?

How about super-friendly AIs?

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Rational planning vs. exchange between rational actors

Democratization of economic power vs. minimizing state power

Page 13: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Faith in the inevitability of progress vs. radical uncertainty

Existential risks Optimism of the

will and pessimism of the intellect

Page 14: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Enforcing ethical universals, while respecting pluralism and the contingent, evolving nature of our values

Evolutionary psychology, Jon Haidt and Sam Harris

Page 15: The Problems of Transhumanism Are Problems of the Enlightenment - James Hughes - H+ Summit @ Harvard

Liberal individualism vs. the illusion of autonomous, continuous, discrete selves

If we upload and live for millennia, who survives?

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Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

[email protected]