The ProActive Network's PRISM product

8 PRISM Product Overview Jeff Ramson, CEO ProActive Capital Resources Group LLC Summer 11


PRISM (PRoActive Integrated Strategic Messaging) is ProActive’s disruptive process that leverages social and professional media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Stock Twits and LinkedIn, as a distribution and destination platform for client’s strategic messages that reach thousands of individual and institutional investors. Using the "inbound marketing" techniques and MIT developed algorythms of Hubspot, ProActive Newsroom is positioned as the technology leader of the Investor Relations 3.0 market.

Transcript of The ProActive Network's PRISM product

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w w w . T h e P r o A c t i v e N e t w o r k . c o m  

PRISM  Product  Overview  Jeff  Ramson,  CEO  ProActive  Capital  Resources  Group  LLC              

Summer   11  

08  Fall  

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


The ProActive Network’s platform is a cutting edge IR program that harnesses the power and reach of social media to the benefit of your company. Our core program, PRISM, is our digital platform that, in the most cost effective manner, serves to:

• Produce tangible and client specific investor leads; • Grow your company’s corporate and investor audience; • Elevate your company’s visibility; • Enhance your company’s transparency; and • Communicate your company position in your industry sector.

ProActive has the full understanding that needs and budgets vary from company to company. With this in mind, we offer a series of additional services that work in complement to our core program. This breadth of capabilities allows us to truly customize a program that is in perfect alignment with your company’s goals. Path to Liquidity - ProActive's mission is to provide our clients with the tools for achieving fair valuation and liquidity in the capital markets. We strategically leverage digital communication tools, “inbound marketing” techniques and online networks to deliver a “path to liquidity” based on our philosophy:

____________________________________________________________________________________ ProActive Integrated Strategic Messaging - PRISM

PRISM’s Objective & Purpose

PRISM is an investor lead generation, awareness and community-building program for clients of The ProActive Network. PRISM is ProActive’s disruptive process that leverages social and professional media sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SlideShare Stock Twits and LinkedIn, as an aggregation, distribution and destination platform for client’s strategic messages. PRISM reaches thousands of individual and institutional investors using "inbound marketing" techniques, Search Engine Optimization and PRISM’s proprietary and extensive distribution network. PRISM is positioned as the technology leader of the Investor Relations 3.0 market, and The ProActive Network includes:

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


• ProActive Newsroom - The central newsroom for client information; • ProActive Network TV - ProActive’s online television network; • ProActive Capital Forum - 24/7 virtual trade show; • OutsideIn Research - Traditional Wall Street research; and • ProActive Newswire - Social Media Press Release site.

The Product ProActive’s PRISM leverages social and new media technologies to help companies deliver their strategic message to individual and institutional investors using:

Blogs/Articles created by ProActive’s writing staff; Press Releases and SEC Filings; Client Specific Landing Page(s); PRISM Distribution (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter….); Corporate Videos (provided by client and/or created at ProActive); Emails; Social Media Websites; Wall Street investor platforms including Seeking Alpha; Content syndication and management.

Distribution - The ProActive Network Reaches Online and Offline Investors  











Client content and research is distributed on an ongoing basis through The ProActive Network to a global audience of small cap investors. Our distribution network includes:

• Capital IQ - Capital IQ is a leading provider of data and analytics for global financial professionals.

• Bloomberg – For Wall Street’s institutional investors. • Yahoo Finance – The #1 retail investor site.

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


• Stock – The Twitter of the investor community. • Seeking Alpha – The #1 analyst website on Wall Street. • Bing Finance, PR Newswire and CNN Money. • ProActive on its own is ranked in the Top 5% of all websites by • Precision Email and ProActive Email Database – We distribute content to our proprietary email

database of up to 68,000+ investors. In addition, our PRISM product has been developed to create client specific investor leads, emails and followers in order to build client specific investor communities.

• Twitter - ProActiveNR and ProActivePRISM – 10,000+ followers, and ProActiveNR is ranked 100 out of 100 by Twitter Grader.

• Facebook - ProActive Fan Page + ProActive Friend Page – 24,000+ Friends and Fans. • LinkedIn – ProActive Corporate Page and the individual partners’ accounts.

Distribution to The ProActive Network include:

• Institutional Investors • Retail and Individual Investors • Brokers and Money Managers • Thought Leaders and Influencers • Industry Bloggers • Users • Distributors and Sales Representatives • Research and Business Partners

____________________________________________________________________________________ PRISM Platforms - This is ProActive’s “open” platform on, which is a platform developed at MIT and is the recognized leader in “Inbound Marketing” for investor leads.

ProActive Newsroom Statistics:

• Total ProActive Newsroom Mentions Per Month - 3,700 on Average - 70% of News Traditional Blogs and Micro Blogs Mentions as measured by

• Ranked in the top 4% of ALL websites as measured by

• 99% “Positive to Favorable Feedback” on news released as measured by This includes all blog mentions, tweets, and forum postings.

• Influential and Authoritative Blogger’s: An average of 101+ Blogger’s per month are following ProActive Newsroom.

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


• Demographics - Worldwide news distribution with the US as the primary reader of articles released with U.K. and Japan coming in second and third.

• 6000 to 8000 website visitors per month to

• We help client companies get found online by more qualified investors.

• We convert visitors into leads.

• We provide client analytics to help make smart marketing investments. - ProActive’s Social Media Press Release site has lead to over 50,000 Press Release Readers. is a virtual investor relations conference with a closed platform that hosts dedicated client exhibit booths with robust market intelligence and company-specific presentations including breaking news; corporate videos, research reports, social media news feeds, intraday stock charts and quotes, corporate blogs, investor presentations, Web TV telecasts, and more. The “closed” nature of The Capital Forum makes it a retail and institutional investor “lead” tool for clients. Historically a "Forum" was the marketplace or public square of an ancient Roman city. It was the center of business affairs and a place of assembly for people. Today, with our partners at Onstream Media, we

present the modern Forum for capital markets at "ProActive Capital Forum" which we believe will be a leader in presenting accurate, complete, and transparent information to the capital markets community.

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


Partners/Vendors - If the client is a NASDAQ or AMEX company, ProActive will manage the company ticker page on Stocktwits. This platform has over 100,000+ users and is distributed to Yahoo Finance, Bing Finance, CNN Money, and Bloomberg. For clients not on the NASDAQ and AMEX, we use

Precision I/R - Lead generation tool where ProActive will manage the relationship with Precision IR on behalf of the company. ProActive will manage the investor database built in the program. Each month ProActive will supply client with a new list of interested investors while managing the uploading of new content in the Precision I/R Investor Kit. - ProActive’s joint venture with Veomed for video content creation and distribution.


PRISM Deliverables

• ProActive performs a monthly “PRISM Social and Traditional Media Audit and Analysis” of client, including 98+% of all social and traditional “conversations” by Bloggers, Influencers, potential investors, and clients.

• Monthly ProActive Summary Report – Summary of ProActive’s tangible output.

• Two original articles per month created by ProActive’s staff.

• Syndication, “re-purposing”, and distribution of all client content.

• Social Media Marketing (basic) – Updates on ProActive’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Slideshare.

• In partnership with Yahoo Finance, Barrons and a number of other media sites, PRISM generates on average 500+ new investor leads per month, which are specific to a client.

• ProActive creates a company-specific “Landing Page” at and which function as the central hubs for all corporate news and developments, social media accounts, news feeds and market data.

• Company-specific Search Engine Optimization for Inbound Marketing.

• ProActive Corporate Summary – Executive summary used for meetings with investors, brokers, and analyst.

• Listing of relevant downloadable files, including corporate presentations, video presentations, profile reports, stock research reports, etc.

• Monthly conference call with ProActive’s management and staff to review and develop client’s Traditional and Social Media footprint.

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


Other ProActive Services

• Extended Distribution – Through and with our Partners at PR Newswire and other nationally recognized platforms, we are able to extend the reach of PRISM. This is a powerful product that combines search-optimized news release hosting with distribution via our partners online syndication network of more than 5,800 web sites. This distribution also includes one image rendered on Client news will be seen on the Internet's largest news sites like

o Yahoo!, o MSN, o AOL, o On niche and localized web sites, o On news engines including Yahoo! News and Google News.

• Social Media Strategies – ProActive creates the Company’s individual Facebook, Twitter and LinkenIn pages independent of ProActive’s. Our SMS team handpicks followers, who are interested in your company, on all three of these highest profile social media venues.

• Broker Outreach – Program utilizes its 25,000 broker database to communicate your company’s story through individual phone calls, conference calls with management and emails.

• Traditional Investor Relations – ProActive enjoys many institutional and retail broker relationships. This service allows your company to have face-to-face meetings to further communicate your message and your company’s story.

• Video content creation, interviews and platforms – ProActive’s partner creates the highest quality video content creation. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth 10,000. Upon production completion, we are able to leverage the distribution of PRISM to distribute your corporate videos to gain the broadest possible exposure.

• Wall Street Research – Inspired from the difficulty that small cap companies have in garnering Wall Street Research coverage, ProActive fills this void. Led by Mr. David H. Talbot, our in-house research capacity produces Wall Street caliber research that it independent in nature. Dave Talbot is a Senior Advisor and Director of Research and Content at ProActive. David is a widely recognized specialist in the healthcare field with over 35 years of experience at leading research and investment banking firms.

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245  Park  Avenue,  24th  Floor⏐New  York,  NY    10167  ⏐212-­‐792-­‐4321  


Any questions or thoughts, please contact us

Jeff Ramson CEO, ProActive Capital Resources Group 212-792-4294 [email protected] Alon Kutai 212-672-1747 [email protected] Mike Sweeney 212-792-4136 [email protected]