The Prioritization of Scientific Research for Societal Development

Williamson 1 Brian Williamson Matt Landrus ENG-121 20 October 2014 On The Prioritization of Scientific Research for Societal Development "What practical application does this have?" This is a question often asked of scientific research, especially on the cutting edge. In most circumstances, what is really being asked is: "How can this be used to make money?" David Kaplan, a theoretical particle physicist at Johns Hopkins University, was faced with a similar question regarding the practical applications of the work done at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), an experiment that is designed to test theories involving the particles governing the fundamental forces of nature. His honest response was "It could be nothing–except for understanding everything" (Particle Fever). This exchange demonstrates a fundamental difference in thoughts and values between those who see merit in research for the sake of knowledge, and those who's interests are largely monetary. The former would likely see money and politics as petty when seeking answers to deep questions of our existence, but the reality is that money and politics do exist, and they are a necessary part of the research process. As scientists, a convincing argument must be made on the necessity of science in our complex society, even if it is merely a reminder of how much of that society is a product of the scientific method. Without the discoveries made through science, where would we be? If, for example, one is struck ill, it is commonplace to seek a medical doctor. The doctor informs the individual that they have a bacterial infection and prescribes antibiotics to remedy this. The antibiotics are


A research paper on the topic of scientific research in a society of economic necessity.

Transcript of The Prioritization of Scientific Research for Societal Development

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    Brian Williamson

    Matt Landrus


    20 October 2014

    On The Prioritization of Scientific Research for Societal Development

    "What practical application does this have?" This is a question often asked of scientific

    research, especially on the cutting edge. In most circumstances, what is really being asked is:

    "How can this be used to make money?" David Kaplan, a theoretical particle physicist at Johns

    Hopkins University, was faced with a similar question regarding the practical applications of the

    work done at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), an experiment that is designed to test theories

    involving the particles governing the fundamental forces of nature. His honest response was "It

    could be nothingexcept for understanding everything" (Particle Fever). This exchange

    demonstrates a fundamental difference in thoughts and values between those who see merit in

    research for the sake of knowledge, and those who's interests are largely monetary. The former

    would likely see money and politics as petty when seeking answers to deep questions of our

    existence, but the reality is that money and politics do exist, and they are a necessary part of the

    research process. As scientists, a convincing argument must be made on the necessity of science

    in our complex society, even if it is merely a reminder of how much of that society is a product

    of the scientific method.

    Without the discoveries made through science, where would we be? If, for example, one

    is struck ill, it is commonplace to seek a medical doctor. The doctor informs the individual that

    they have a bacterial infection and prescribes antibiotics to remedy this. The antibiotics are

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    taken, which in turn kills the bacteria and relieves the individual of their ailment. This treatment

    relies on the discovery and identification of bacteria, the discovered association of that bacteria

    with the ailment, and the discovery of compounds that are capable of destroying the bacteria.

    This is of course a gross simplification of the knowledge gathered over many years, and through

    many people, to make this treatment possible. Nonetheless, it was scientific methodology that

    allowed these discoveries to be made. There is little dispute as to the usefulness and practicality

    of such research in the medical field, as it is easy to see how it can benefit human health. A less

    obvious example is necessary.

    Rather than a bacterial infection, let the ailment instead be a fractured bone. The

    individual is taken to a hospital where X-ray imaging is performed in order to determine the

    severity and location of the fracture, so as to provide the most appropriate treatment. Stopping

    here even, it is necessary that an X-ray imaging machine was developed to do this. In order for

    that to occur, X-radiation will have to have been discovered. This discovery was made by

    physicist Wilhelm Rntgen in 1895. He was not looking for a medical solution to fractured

    bones, he was instead investigating cathode rays in discharge tubes. It was in no way obvious to

    him, or to anyone, the utility and practicality of the discoveries made from his work. On top of

    that, work done on the same sort of discharge tubes, known as Crookes tubes, led to such

    inventions as the fluorescent light bulb and the cathode ray tube (CRT) that was used in the first

    televisions. The work of physicist William Crookes made these groundbreaking discoveries

    possible, which in turn made more groundbreaking discoveries possible. A common theme that is

    seen amongst many of the great discoveries in science is that the research is rarely done for the

    practical applications that come of it, because the practical applications are often not known prior

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    to doing the research. Additionally, potentially insignificant discoveries can lead to further

    discoveries, which lead to yet further discoveries, and so forth. We can go beyond simply solving

    preexisting problems and limiting ourselves to applications we think possible; we can bring

    novel ideas into fruition.

    The current system of scientific funding in the US and Europe is generally considered to

    be in a bad state. Researches must obtain funding through grants distributed by various

    government agencies and private foundations. This is done by means of a reasonably competitive

    application process. With limited funding available, and limited grant availability, a researcher's

    chances of being successfully funded are diminished. This poses a problem in that researchers

    must spend more time seeking funding, and more time jumping through bureaucratic hoops to do

    so. A 2011 article for the periodical Scientific American states, "The process has become a major

    time sink. In 2007 a US government study found that university faculty members spend about 40

    percent of their research time navigating the bureaucratic labyrinth, and the situation is no better

    in Europe" ("Dr. No Money"). There are far better ways that researchers could be spending their

    time, namely, performing research.

    A further issue with the system is in how grant winners are decided. Rather than primarily

    looking at the quality of the researchers, and the potential of the research, it is generally the

    safest investments that are chosen. This is a problem for scientific research because, as stated

    previously, many breakthroughs are in research where its potential applicability is not initially

    apparent. This would therefore make them risky investments. Science writers Brenda and K. Lee

    Lerner state that "there is a loss of scientific diversity as proposals that have predicable outcomes

    are viewed as less risky investments of precious capital by grant evaluation committees." They

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    go on to say that this safe approach drives research "away from the types of risky research that

    are the likeliest path to more spectacular scientific insights and advances." When it comes to

    subjects such as cancer research, major breakthroughs are needed to carry things forward. In a

    system that discourages that, the safe approach may not be the best, or even the safest,

    distribution of funds. Science is certainly not an area to be playing it safe.

    Another issue seen in the funding system is that of research funded by private interest

    groups. Often times, results can be eschewed to work in the favor of the funding party. The

    issues with this are so apparent that they hardly need mention. It is simply no longer science, and

    contradicts the very purpose and nature of scientific research. This is often seen in the

    pharmaceutical and health research industries. As an example, medical researcher Maira Bes-

    Rastrollo and her associates at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain conducted a

    systematic review of systematic reviews linking weight gain and sugar-sweetened beverages

    (SSBs). They found that of the seventeen reviews in question, six of them had potential financial

    conflicts of interest. Of the eleven reviews having no conflicts, 83.3% of them found a positive

    correlation between weight gain and SSBs. Of the six reviews with conflicts, the same

    percentage found no known correlation due to insufficient scientific evidence. These sorts of

    manipulated topics and results only lead to further public confusion. The credibility of legitimate

    research may then be questioned, and individuals become skeptical of the wrong sorts of things.

    When particular research is manipulated to serve a profit interest, it creates a bad image of

    scientific research as a whole. For the uninformed individual, the difference between such "bad

    research" and legitimate research may not be so apparent.

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    The root of many of these issues is based in the way that science is viewed by many

    individuals. Particularly in America, science in pop culture is often eschewed or "dumbed-down"

    in the name of entertainment value. This "anti-intellectualism" culture has long been developing,

    and can be seen in many different contexts. The largest area in which this affects scientific

    workings is in politics. A simple part of this issue lies in the fact that there are a staggeringly low

    number of individuals with scientific backgrounds in political positions. Mathematician John

    Paulos writes for the New York Times that amongst the 435 members of the US House of

    Representatives, there is one physicist, one chemist, one microbiologist, and six engineers. He

    compares that to China, wherein eight of its nine most important government officials have some

    sort of scientific background. While the number of government officials with scientific

    backgrounds may be on the upper end for China, it is more indicative of the numbers for many

    countries, especially when compared to the US.

    The distinct lack of elected officials with scientific backgrounds can really be brought

    back to the way the American public views science. It is, after all, the public that does the

    electing. One part of the issue is the disconnect between scientists and the general public. For

    most, they simply do not care to understand the complexities of any of the many sub-fields of the

    many scientific disciplines being practiced. This disconnect is seen on the scientific side as well,

    as most scientists are not interested in packaging their information in a suitable, socially sensitive

    manner. The issue then becomes that if the facts and data offend or contradict cultural and

    religious beliefs, then the socially sensitive packaging often contradicts or distorts the facts. This

    packaging is often done by politicians, which more often than not leads to conjured up

    controversies, such as climate change, which are further sensationalized by the media. To

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    relevantly quote science fiction writer and professor of biochemistry Isaac Asimov: "There is a

    cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-

    intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life,

    nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your

    knowledge'" (19). The reality is that, for science, anything less than cold, hard, empirical data is

    not enough.

    A particularly apparent underlying issue can be seen in the school system. Most

    individuals who have been in the secondary school system are familiar with the typically

    associated social system. Generally the individuals with a better social standing are those who

    are better aligned with popular culture, whether that is through dress, media, or any of its facets.

    Individuals pursuing athletic endeavors are often perceived as more popular than those pursuing

    intellectual endeavors, as per the "jock" and "geek/nerd" cliques. Beyond that, even the

    educational institutes themselves are often better funding their athletic systems than their

    academic systems. A 2013 study by educational researcher Donna Desrochers found that

    "athletic departments spend far more per athlete than institutions spend to educate the average

    studenttypically three to six times as much." While this educational and sociocultural artifact

    is an issue, it is one that is better explored elsewhere. It is a related but distinct issue that

    deserves mention, but has been well-explored, and easily merits an entire paper in and of itself.

    The solutions to these issues begin in educating the public on the importance of science

    in society. At times it is simply necessary to remind one how much of their modern life is due to

    past scientific endeavors. Many individuals fail to see the usefulness of something that they do

    not understand, but it must be made apparent that one's lack of understanding within a particular

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    subject does not exclude its potential applicability. After all, how many iPhone owners truly

    understand the technology they are using to simply send a message? A better appreciation of

    science will come from a better understanding of what has come of it. Many do not realize that a

    number of things or ideas that are common sense or commonplace today are only so by means of

    the work done by individuals in developing said thing or idea. It is often taken for granted that

    electromagnetic information can be propagated through the air at the speed of light, and this is

    made possible by the fruits of the scientific method.

    Politically, a good first step would be to see more elected officials with scientific

    backgrounds. Though, this really does stem from educating the public, in order to make them

    more informed voters. The lack of scientifically familiar legislators will only damage the publics

    views on the importance of scientific research in our society. A more scientifically informed

    public will inherently elect more scientifically informed politicians. Regarding the political issue

    of climate change, writer and astrophysicist Adam Frank writes:

    The basic scientific case that the planet's climate is changing due to human

    activity has been settled for at least 25 years. What's more, policymakers have

    known about the dangers of climate change going back to the 1960s. But, as we

    are painfully aware, not only has nothing been done, but opposition is so

    prevalent that we can't even get to debating the real issue.

    If the public were to be made more aware of the realities of these issues, they would not be

    issues at all. It is necessary that informed voters are able to fact check politicians on their

    information. After all, we are only aware of climate change because of science.

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    Stemming from potential political solutions, a reform of the research funding system is

    necessary. This can first be done by a deliberate allocation of more funds towards innovative and

    potentially groundbreaking research versus safe, incremental research with predicable results.

    While science is an incredibly effective tool of verification, it can be an even more effective tool

    of discovery. The time consuming bureaucratic process is also in need of simplification. It is

    unacceptable that researchers should need to spend so much of their valuable time navigating the

    grant funding system, as it is wasting money in itself. If the organizations distributing grants

    wish to get the most out of their money, it is in their best interest for the application process to be

    smooth and concise. Before considering solutions involving increased funding, the funds

    currently available are in need of better management and distribution. Additionally, as far as

    manipulated research funded by private interest groups is concerned, harsher penalties should be

    seen for labs violating this scientific integrity. At the very least, this research should be labeled

    accordingly, carefully checked, and possibly taken with a grain of salt. Scientific integrity is to

    be taken seriously by scientists if science is to be taken seriously by the public.

    Increased government funding may also be necessary to create a more stable system of

    supply and demand within the research sector. This proves difficult, as government funds can be

    tight. A better way of looking at it may be to think more carefully when considering science and

    research for budget cuts. Medical reporter Liz Szabo states that the purchasing power of the the

    government budget for the National Institute of Health (NIH) has fallen 25% over the course of

    the last decade. In addition, she writes that every dollar invested in the NIH returns two dollars

    in goods and services to the economy within a year. This serves as a basic example just from the

    health sector as to the value of research in the economy, and the necessity of a better grant

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    funding model. While it may seem an easy economically extra area to siphon money from, the

    consequences may be completely unknown. It is difficult to predict what sorts of potentially

    beneficial results can be affected or absent due to a lack of funding, and the affected research

    could likely be blamed on inadequacies of the ill funded researchers. This is why it is important

    to consider the way in which scientific breakthroughs produce knowledge that allows for further

    scientific breakthroughs. Careful considerations must be made in seeing the long term beneficial

    effects that a well funded scientific research system can produce.

    As can be seen, scientific research proves to be an indispensable tool of innovation. It is

    something to be cherished and preserved. In a political system with an obvious lack of scientific

    literacy, voters and policy makers must be reminded of its important place in our society. It

    represents the best of our unique skills of analysis, memory, and pattern recognition that separate

    us from the rest of the animal kingdom. While finding the money to properly fund scientific

    research is difficult, and solutions are easier said than done, the funds can be found, and the

    solutions implemented with the right motivation and intentions. Science has successfully faced

    much larger problems than funding issues. If we wish to continue improving the amazing

    technological society we are a part of, we must not neglect the tool that has created it. This tool

    that has given us the power to see the workings of the human brain, to understand the beginnings

    of our universe, and to visit worlds beyond our own. Given the proper resources, science will

    carry us confidently into a universe of unknowns, where an individuals wildest thoughts and

    dreams mark just the beginning of our capabilities as humans. Novelty awaits us, and science is

    our vessel.

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    Works Cited

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