The Prince Peace coMMUnicaTor…“Picnic, Poetry, and Prose” at Bull Run Winery. Please bring a...

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost Prince of Peace is a... • Hub of spiritual transformation using God’s Word, Sacrament, and Prayer, • Equipping us to build networks of vibrant Christian communities, • Extending to our homes, to our neighbors, and beyond, making disciples of Jesus. Worship Saturdays 5:30pm, Sundays 8:15 & 11am Sunday School & Adult Education 9:45am Church 703.451.5855 School 703.451.6177 Fax 703.569.0978 8304 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield, VA 22152-1695 THE PRINCE OF PEACE COMMUNICATOR VOL. 1 NO. 5 MAY 2018 NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER MAY 3 (PAGE 6) Pg 2 Call Committee Update....Pg 3 GO! Monthly Project Pg 4 Women of the Word... Pg 5 Student Ministry...Pg 8 Calendar 2018 Confirmands The confirmands will share their faith stories at 7:00pm May 5 and participate in the rite of confirmation at 11:00am May 6. My hope is that as we gather in support of these young people they will be filled by the power of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to take some time and pray for each one of the students and their families individually. Pray that they may be continually sustained by God’s Word and by the people of God that He has placed in their lives. May Prince of Peace always be a place these students can continue to grow in their faith and love for Jesus Christ. John Durkin, Minister to Families and Children When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4 Pentecost Celebration Sunday, May 20 11AM Multi-National Pentecost Service 12PM Potluck Lunch (Bring your favorite dish ready to share. Please plan on it serving 12 people. If you have questions call Linda Harley 703-866-6060) 2PM HIMnals Blessing Concert

Transcript of The Prince Peace coMMUnicaTor…“Picnic, Poetry, and Prose” at Bull Run Winery. Please bring a...

  • The Holy Spirit Comes at PentecostPrince of Peace is a...• Hub of spiritual


    using God’s Word,

    Sacrament, and


    • Equipping us to

    build networks of

    vibrant Christian


    • Extending to

    our homes, to our

    neighbors, and

    beyond, making

    disciples of Jesus.

    WorshipSaturdays 5:30pm,

    Sundays 8:15 & 11amSunday School & Adult

    Education 9:45am

    www.poplc.orgChurch 703.451.5855 School 703.451.6177

    Fax 703.569.09788304 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield, VA


    The Prince of Peace coMMUnicaTor

    VoL. 1 no. 5 MaY 2018


    Pg 2 Call Committee Update....Pg 3 GO! Monthly ProjectPg 4 Women of the Word...

    Pg 5 Student Ministry...Pg 8 Calendar

    2018 ConfirmandsThe confirmands will share their faith stories at 7:00pm May 5 and participate in the rite of confirmation at 11:00am May 6. My hope is that as we gather in support of these young people they will be filled by the power of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to take some time and pray for each one of the students and their families individually. Pray that they may be continually sustained by God’s Word and by the people of God that He has placed in their lives. May Prince of Peace always be a place these students can continue to grow in their faith and love for Jesus Christ.

    John Durkin, Minister to Families and Children

    When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4

    Pentecost CelebrationSunday, May 20

    11AM Multi-National Pentecost Service 12PM Potluck Lunch (Bring your favorite dish ready to share. Please plan on it serving 12 people. If you have questions call Linda Harley 703-866-6060)

    2PM HIMnals Blessing Concert

  • POP Communicator Page 2 May 2018

    Budget Deficit

    Our deficit rose again in March. However, we give thanks to all of you who have gone over and beyond in your giving in the month of April, which will be reported next month.

    Let’s work together and finish up our fiscal year, June 30, 2018 in the black!

    [email protected]

    Regular Income Jul 2017 – Mar 2018$1,054,546.50

    Regular Expenses Jul 2017 – Mar 2018


    Deficit: $79,580.51

    Senior Pastor Call Committee Update On April 17, the BoSL, the Senior Pastor Call Committee, Vacancy Pastor Gary Rueter, and Circuit Visitor Pastor Jack Meehan met for the first time to pray together and review the process for calling our next senior pastor. As a reminder, the process that will be followed is outlined below. A larger version is available in the office. The Call Committee is beginning Step 2 of the process which is the Congregational Profile. During this phase, the Call Committee, with guidance from the Circuit Visitor, will gather input from the congregation and other sources to document pertinent information about Prince of Peace which helps us determine the type of senior pastor we need. The Call Committee will be looking for ways to engage the congregation and collect feedback to contribute to the Congregational Profile. Once completed, the Congregational Profile is reviewed by the BoSL and shared with the congregation. It is important to recognize that this process cannot be timebound if we are truly being led by the Holy Spirit. Also during this phase, the Call Committee along with the BoSL, Vacancy Pastor, and Ministry Administrator will review funding requirements and begin planning for the budget needed for candidates’ visits, moving expenses, and salary. Please continue to join us and the Prince of Peace Prayer Committee in praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and patience for the Call Committee, the congregation, our staff, our Vacancy Pastor, our Circuit Visitor, and our next Senior Pastor. As always, questions or concerns can be shared at any time with BoSL at [email protected] or at a monthly Sunday Listening Forum or a bi-monthly (on the odd-numbered months) Saturday Listening Forum (more information available on page 7).

  • POP Communicator Page 3 May 2018

    GO!Go! Monthly Projects

    Each month we highlight our church’s GO! Project and ask our members to pray

    for our GO! Missionary of the Month. Check out the GO! Board by Room 26.

    Empty Bowls: Neighbors Meeting Neighbors Helping Neighbors. . .All for ECHO!

    It was a neighborhood affair when neighbors met for the Empty Bowls event on April 22 at Prince of Peace. Friendships were made from all walks of life while beautiful, hand crafted bowls were selected and tasty treats were served by neighborhood restaurants.

    * $15,019 & 187 canned goods donated to ECHO!

    We especially thank:* the 70+ neighbor volunteers who made the bowls

    * the 30+ POP volunteers who helped to set up, tear down, serve, and pick up food.

    * Afghan Kabob, Trader Joes, Milano’s, Malek’s, Panera Bread and Hannah’s Catering and Arepas Bees for their donations

    This event would not have been possible without the vision of Melinda and Michael Reidy!

    There is power in prayer! Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3. ‘Pray for your neighborhood’ is the next Go! project.

    There will be a giant Springfield area map on the Go! Board outside Room 26 where you can find the dot that symbolizes your home and pray for your neighbors.

    [email protected]

    Coming soon! Go! Project: “Pray for your neighborhood!”

  • Inviting all Women to Celebrate 25 years of Women of the Word

    A Closing BrunchHosted by

    Prince of Peace Women of the Word

    Wednesday, May 23, 9:30 – 11:30am Fellowship HallFor our closing WOW brunch this year, we want to celebrate God’s faithfulness in our lives. 25 years ago, a group of POP women had the vision to start a midweek Bible study fellowship group. Many women’s lives and their families have been transformed through this special ministry. Join us to celebrate and hear stories of God’s faithfulness! Invite your friends and please bring a brunch dish to share.

    Ladies’ Night Out May 19, 12:00-3:00pm for “Picnic, Poetry, and Prose” at Bull Run Winery. Please bring a dish for our picnic potluck and your favorite quote or poem to share. Carpooling is an option. Contact DCE Stacey Crosson if your interested at [email protected] or call 703-451-4855.

    Faith Shapers: On Tuesday, May 8, from 7:00 to 9:00pm, Faith Shapers will discuss a selection out of the book Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups by Richard Foster. The Devotional Classics selections usually take no more than 20 minutes to read. Read the selection titled “The Present Moment,” by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, starting on page 200. Please note meeting location change for this month only: Kim Robinson’s home, 8107 American Holly Road, Lorton, VA 22079. For more information, contact Jennifer Gross ([email protected])

    A Community of Women Committed to the Call of Christ

    Wednesday Mornings9:30-11:[email protected]

    Faith ShapersSoul-Tending ReadingMeets monthly on Tuesday [email protected]

    Holy ComfortersQuilt making for charityResumes January-MayThursdays, 9:00am-3:00pmRoom 27

    Ladies’ Night OutMonthly Fellowship Events [email protected]

    For more information:DCE Stacey Tasler CrossonMinister of Care and Outreach

    Email: [email protected]: 571-326-5580

    POP Communicator Page 4 May 2018

  • POP Communicator Page 5 May 2018

    Sunday School9:45-10:45am

    Meet in Sanctuary


    Junior Choir - Grades 3-6Sundays, 4:00-5:00pm

    HIMnals Choir - Grades 9-12Sundays, 5:00-5:45pm

    Living Water Teen Praise BandSundays, 5:45-6:15pmMust be in HIMnals also

    SMALL GROUPSFUEL Wednesday NightTeen Bible StudySenior High Youth, no R.S.V.P.Weekly, 7:00-9:00pm

    Small Group Tuesday NightsSenior High Youth, 7:30-9:00pm7816 Carrleigh Parkway

    Follow @poplcva_students on Instagram!

    Sign up for the Student Ministry email blast: http://www.poplc.


    Student Ministry

    Register now for Vacation Bible School

    July 30-August 3Rising 1st Graders-Rising 5th Graders (Kindergarten is currently on a waitlist)Limited space available for students turning 4 by 9/30/18

    Volunteers Needed!

    Registration for the 2018-2019 School Year for Preschool and Kindergarten is open! Our school is proud to be accredited by NLSA National Lutheran Schools Accreditation. To ask questions, to learn more about our programs designed for children from 2 1/2 through Kindergarten, or to schedule a tour, contact Marcel Page, our Registrar, at 703-451-6177. Also, be sure to visit our website at Tell your family, friends, and neighbors about Prince of Peace Lutheran School.

    Springtime at the PreschoolFrom left to right: guest musician Ryan Perrella, POP alum, shows his double bass during music; Courtney Williams and her service dog, Zido, explains the difference between pet dogs and service dogs during an In-house Field Trip; children pretend to plant flowers in the dirt in our small media tables.

    HIMnals Blessing Concert May 20, 2PMWe will be saying goodbye to our senior singers. Pictured to the left are seniors Laura Maloney and Greta Holliday directing the Primary Choir for the last time.

  • POP Communicator Page 6 May 2018

    National Day of Prayer May 3, 10:00am-8:00pm This year on the National Day of Prayer, Prince of Peace will be a Pray Station. The chapel will be open to pray for our country, its leaders, and for any “Luke 6:18” requests. Prayer requests can be texted to 703-831-7734. Come pray with us!

    Noonday Prayer at POP May 17, 12:00 - 12:45pm; Chapel All are invited. If you cannot attend, join us by stopping to pray wherever you may be. If you wish, you may submit any prayer requests ahead of time to Guy Danley or Frank Dellermann, [email protected] (703) 491-1083

    Here are the Prayer Focuses and Scripture for the Praying as One for May:

    May 6, 2018 Philippians 1:3-6 I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.Pray for: The Senior Pastor Call Committee, Prince of Peace Congregation, our Pastors and Staff, the new confirmands and give thanks for mothers.Our Father, we humbly pray for those who serve You, that You will give them energy and opportunity to share Your word. Father, we ask that You would bless the Senior Pastor Call Committee with wisdom and discernment as they do their difficult work for Prince of Peace. Amen

    May 13, 2018 Philippians 2:1-2 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

    Pray for: Those who are struggling in daily life with stress, addiction, depression or broken hearts. Father, we thank You for Your encouragement, and ask that You send Your steadfast love to cover those who are struggling and suffering. Bring them strength in Your Holy Name, relief from the stress of their burdens, and fill them with Your joy. Thank you, Amen

    May 20, 2018 Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Pray for: Those struggling with burdens, faith issues and fear.Father, we thank You for listening to us, that You take our cares, and exchange them for peace and comfort. We rejoice in You, in knowing You, and in Your steadfast love for us. Amen

    May 27, 2018 Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned[a] and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.Pray for: Giving thanks for our Senior Pastor Call Committee, and for answered prayers.Father, we thank You for your care and for Your answers to our prayers. Help us to be patient as we await Your answers, and to remain firm in the knowledge that You respond to each need and prayer. Fill us with joy and wisdom and to see others through Your loving eyes. Amen

    ANSWERED PRAYER: Sharing the ways in which God is alive and moving in your life is an integral component in living out your faith and encouraging others!

    *Grateful for safe travel to Philadelphia and back including opportunity to attend a conference on Theistic Evolution; It was sponsored by Westminster Theological Seminary and The Discovery Institute.*I’m grateful to be with my family!

    Share YOUR Stories:Write them in the “Friendship Folder” located in the pews at any worship service or by sending an email [email protected]. We will include your answered prayers in the Communicator.

    Prayingas One

    ESL End of Year CelebrationMay 25, 10:00am-12:30pmFellowship HallJoin us to celebrate another year of connecting individuals from all over the world for a common goal, to learn English. This year we’ve had over 75 students attending English classes and citizenship classes. Join us for this special day!

    [email protected]

    Men’s Ministry Serves Central Union Mission Saturday, May 1910:30am - 2:30pmMen ages 12 and up to serve lunch at Central Union Mission in DC. We will meet in the Narthex to carpool to the mission to host, serve, and clean up lunch. We will also be delivering all the socks we collected back in the winter. Come and make a difference! RSVP: [email protected]

  • Board of Servant LeadersErin Summers, Chair

    David McLean, Vice ChairKarla Ver Bryck Block,

    SecretaryKim Robinson

    Chris MartinLeon Debolt

    Ministry StaffGary Rueter

    Vacancy Senior PastorTim ChristensonAssociate Pastor

    Stacey CrossonMinister of Care & Ourtreach

    John DurkinMinister to Families & Children

    Brad WombleMinistry Administrator

    Michael RossiDirector of Music Ministry

    Tiffany SearsCommunications Director

    Mecia Miles-RockettCommunity Outreach

    CoordinatorCindy Holliday

    Communications AssistantKatie Boltwood

    Youth Ministry AssistantMatthew Bryant

    Youth Ministry InternNancy Sinclitico

    AccountantTanya Tucker


    POPLC SchoolCindy Deatherage, Principal

    Marcel Page, School RegistrarLisa Long, Administrative


    To contact STAFF or BOSL use their name in the format:

    [email protected] [email protected]

    To contact a PASTOR use:[email protected]

    [email protected] 703-451-5855SCHOOL 703-451-6177

    POP Communicator Page 7 May 2018

    Communicate with yourBoard of Servant Leaders (BOSL)

    First Sunday of the Month, 9:45-10:45am, Church OfficeEvery month the BOSL is available to listen to ideas, concerns, and questions about the ministry of the church. Feel free to email your questions or thoughts to the BOSL anytime at [email protected].

    Saturday Listening ForumSaturday Listening Forums will be held the first Saturday of every odd

    month at 4:15pm (Library).

    Submitting Material to the POP JUNE Communicator:Submissions for the June edition should be sent via the website Communication Request Form no later than 12:00pm on the FOURTH Tuesday (early submission is encouraged) of May. The form is located at Please read through the “Newsletter Policies and Guidelines.”

    Moving On?Prince of Peace strives to love and encourage all who move on to new destinations. If you will be departing Prince of Peace in the near future, please contact the church office.

    Church Office: 703-451-5855 or [email protected]

    Pastor Gary captivating children with Jesus.

  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1

    9:30a ESL Faith Conversation Class 9:30a Powerful Fit 10a ESL 12:30p Staff 6p Powerful Fitness 6p Stephen Ministry 6:30p Cub Scouts 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Music Prac 7p Properties Mtg 7p Small Group

    29aWoW 9:10a POPLS Chapel 5p Praise Band 6:30pToastmasters 7p Fuel Bible Study 7p Girl Scout Team 7:15p Homeschool 7:30p GEC Time

    3National Day of Prayer 9aHoly Comforters 9a MOPS 9a POPLS Chapel 9:30a Powerful Fit9:45aMOMsnext 6p Powerful Fit 6:30p Nueva Vida 6:30p Prayer Com 7p Pastor Call Com7:30 p Chancel Choir

    49:30a Knit, Purl, Pray 10a ESL 10:30a Al-Anon 10:30a Bulletin Stuffers 3p Funeral Set-Up 5p Scout Lock-in 7p GEC Pray

    5 7:30a Men’s Bible 9a Care Ministry 12p Shirley Dewitt Memorial Service3:30p Music Reh 5:30p Worship w/Communion 6:30p Mosaic Service6:45p Bible Study 7p Confirmation Faith Stories

    68:15a Worship (Com)9:45a Sunday School11a WorshipConfirmation Sunday4p Jr Choir Reh5p HIMnals Reh5:45p Living Water6:15p Orchestra7:30 Bells

    711a Senior Bible 1p Writing Your Memoirs 6:30p TOPS 7p Boy Scout 1145 7p Seekers 8:30p Men’s AA

    89:30a ESL Faith Conversation Class 9:30a Powerful Fit 10a ESL 12:30p Staff 5:30p Restore 6p Powerful Fitness 6p Stephen Ministry 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Music Prac 7p Small Group

    99aWoW 5p Praise Band 6:30pToastmasters 7p Fuel Bible Study 7:30p GEC Time

    109aHoly Comforters 9a MOPS 9:30a Powerful Fit6p Powerful Fit 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Card Fellowship7p Chess7p Girl Scouts 7p Pastor Call Com7:30 p Chancel Choir

    119:30a Knit, Purl, Pray 10a ESL 10:30a Al-Anon 10:30a Bulletin Stuffers 10:30a LaLeche2p Wedding setup5p Cub Scouts7p Chess7p GEC Pray

    127:30a Men’s Bible 3:30p Music Reh 5:30p Worship w/Communion 6:30p Mosaic Service6:45p Bible Study

    13Mother’s Day

    8:15a Worship9:45a Sunday School11a Worship (Com)4p Jr Choir Reh5p HIMnals Reh5:45p Living Water6:15p Orchestra7:30 Bells

    1411a Senior Bible 11:45a Parkinson’s1p Writing Your Memoirs 2p VOH BOD3p Girl Scouts6:30p TOPS 7p Boy Scout 1145 7p Seekers 8:30p Men’s AA

    159a VOH Board Dir9:30a ESL Faith Conversation Class 9:30a Powerful Fit 10a ESL 12:30p Staff 6p Powerful Fitness 6p Stephen Ministry 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Music Prac 7p Small Group

    169a VOH BOD9aWoW 9:10a POPLS Chapel5p Praise Band 6:30pToastmasters 7p Fuel Bible Study7:30p Boy Scouts 7:30p GEC Time

    179a MOPS9a POPLS Chapel 9:30a Powerful Fit12p Noonday Prayer6p Powerful Fit 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Pastor Call Com7:30 p Chancel Choir

    189:30a Knit, Purl, Pray 10a ESL 10:30a Al-Anon 10:30a Bulletin Stuffers 11a Sparklers 7p GEC Pray

    197:30a Men’s Bible 9:30 Embroidery3:30p Music Reh 5:30p Worship w/Communion 6:30p Mosaic Service6:45p Bible Study


    8:15a Worship (Com)9:45a Sunday School11a Multi-National Worship4p Jr Choir Reh5p HIMnals Reh5:45p Living Water6:15p Orchestra7:30 Bells

    2111a Senior Bible 1p Writing Your Memoirs 6p Finance Support6:30p TOPS 7p Boy Scout 1145 7p Seekers 8:30p Men’s AA

    229:30a ESL Faith Conversation Class 9:30a Powerful Fit 10a ESL 12:30p Staff 6p Powerful Fitness 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Music Prac 7p Small Group

    239a End of Year WoW Brunch5p Praise Band 6:30pToastmasters 7p Fuel Bible Study 7:30p GEC Time

    249aHoly Comforters 9a MOPS 9:30a Powerful Fit6p Powerful Fit 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p NAMI 7p Pastor Call Com7:30 p Chancel Choir

    259:30a Knit, Purl, Pray 10a ESL Party 10:30a Al-Anon 10:30a Bulletin Stuffers 7p GEC Pray8p TOH

    267:30a Men’s Bible 3:30p Music Reh 5:30p Worship w/Communion 6p Event Setup6:30p Mosaic Service6:45p Bible Study

    27Holy Trinity Sunday

    8:15a Worship9:45a Sunday School11a Worship (Com)4p Jr Choir Reh5p HIMnals Reh5:45p Living Water6:15p Orchestra7:30 Bells


    12p Safe Harbor1p Writing Your Memoirs 8:30p Men’s AA

    299:30a ESL Faith Conversation Class 9:30a Powerful Fit 10a ESL 12:30p Staff 6p Powerful Fitness 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Music Prac 7p Small Group

    305p Praise Band 6:30pToastmasters 7p Fuel Bible Study 7:30p GEC Time

    318a SED Colloquy 9:10a POPLS Chapel9:30a Powerful Fit10a MOMS Club11:15 POPLS Chapel6p Powerful Fit 6:30p Nueva Vida 7p Pastor Call Com7:30 p Chancel Choir

    MAY 2018 POP CALENDAR - Full Calendar on

    Weekly Worship Attendance

    April 20181st wknd: 989

    2nd wknd: 4223rd wknd: 4444th wknd: 393