"The Prime Mover" (Excerpt from "The Allegorian Tracks of Wasted Life")

7/21/2019 "The Prime Mover" (Excerpt from "The Allegorian Tracks of Wasted Life") http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/the-prime-mover-excerpt-from-the-allegorian-tracks-of-wasted-life 1/72 1 “The Prime Mover” As a sanitation worker in Wilmington, Delaware, Patrick Willows became accustomed to collecting garbage and to cleaning the industrial wastewater and other forms of refuse in the city’s sewers and storm drains. From the years 2028-2040, he had worked tirelessly as a Christian missionary in Ecuador, and during his ministries to the mestizos in the city of Manta, he also lived with his wife Molly as they raised their son Drew. He aspired to abandon his missionary work and to become a doctor, but he could not afford to attend medical school and was forced to concentrate entirely on caring for his son when he contracted diphtheria at age seven. The young child Drew had not been properly vaccinated against the bacterial disease and suffered from a windpipe infection and aortic valve disease. A healer known only as The Prime Mover labored to help Willows’ son, but the healer’s practice of “weighing” sins and perfection was unsuccessful and could not prevent Drew’s premature death. Following the tragic loss of his son, the thirty-eight-year-old Willows abandoned Ecuador and returned to Delaware, where he  joined the sanitation department and savored the opportunity for honest labor more than his  previous missionary work. He and his fellow maintenance worker Luke Railsback were trudging through the sewer system that extended beneath the Wilmington city, and as the two individuals stood in the rainwater runoff from the storm drain, Willows inspected the storm drain’s grating and its network of rectangular piping. For the past three hours, he and Railsback had been repairing the sewer’s pipelines, which extended to the facilities for sewage treatment, and the two maintenance workers now were eager to return home following a day of transporting loading materials and cleaning the pipelines. Six weeks earlier, another maintenance worker named Frank Barron had been killed when a mixture of sand and gravel became dislodged from his truck and crushed him on the street. In reaction to Barron’s death, Willows organized a workers’ union that sought greater rights for sanitation workers, and out of the ninety workers in the local Wilmington area, thirty of them supported Willows’ crusade for improved regulations and security for sanitation workers. Willows and Railsback waded through the industrial wastewater in the direction of the manhole, and during their walk, Railsback recalled that according to news reports, the planet Venus, which once completed its revolution around the Sun every 225 days, now appeared to be orbiting the Sun backwards. Astronomers had determined that while the other eight planets


The Devil develops amnesia and returns to Earth to attempt to resume his role as God’s greatest servant while a sin-eating curandero attempts to restore his faith in good and evil.

Transcript of "The Prime Mover" (Excerpt from "The Allegorian Tracks of Wasted Life")

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“The Prime Mover”

As a sanitation worker in Wilmington, Delaware, Patrick Willows became accustomed to

collecting garbage and to cleaning the industrial wastewater and other forms of refuse in the

city’s sewers and storm drains. From the years 2028-2040, he had worked tirelessly as a

Christian missionary in Ecuador, and during his ministries to the mestizos in the city of Manta,

he also lived with his wife Molly as they raised their son Drew. He aspired to abandon his

missionary work and to become a doctor, but he could not afford to attend medical school and

was forced to concentrate entirely on caring for his son when he contracted diphtheria at age

seven. The young child Drew had not been properly vaccinated against the bacterial disease and

suffered from a windpipe infection and aortic valve disease. A healer known only as The Prime

Mover labored to help Willows’ son, but the healer’s practice of “weighing” sins and perfection

was unsuccessful and could not prevent Drew’s premature death. Following the tragic loss of his

son, the thirty-eight-year-old Willows abandoned Ecuador and returned to Delaware, where he

 joined the sanitation department and savored the opportunity for honest labor more than his

 previous missionary work. He and his fellow maintenance worker Luke Railsback were trudging

through the sewer system that extended beneath the Wilmington city, and as the two individuals

stood in the rainwater runoff from the storm drain, Willows inspected the storm drain’s grating

and its network of rectangular piping. For the past three hours, he and Railsback had been

repairing the sewer’s pipelines, which extended to the facilities for sewage treatment, and the

two maintenance workers now were eager to return home following a day of transporting loading

materials and cleaning the pipelines. Six weeks earlier, another maintenance worker named

Frank Barron had been killed when a mixture of sand and gravel became dislodged from his

truck and crushed him on the street. In reaction to Barron’s death, Willows organized a workers’

union that sought greater rights for sanitation workers, and out of the ninety workers in the local

Wilmington area, thirty of them supported Willows’ crusade for improved regulations and

security for sanitation workers.

Willows and Railsback waded through the industrial wastewater in the direction of the

manhole, and during their walk, Railsback recalled that according to news reports, the planet

Venus, which once completed its revolution around the Sun every 225 days, now appeared to be

orbiting the Sun backwards. Astronomers had determined that while the other eight planets

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rotated counter-clockwise, Venus moved in a clockwise rotation, but satellite images confirmed

that for the past year, Venus had been turning counter-clockwise in tandem with the other

 planets. Venus remained difficult to perceive during the nighttime considering that the planet

 became obscured when it moved between the Earth and the Sun, but during the daytime,

individuals could still monitor Venus due to its extreme brightness. The astronomers were

scrambling to explain why Venus was deviating from its original trajectory and why it was

mysteriously rotating counter-clockwise, and their analysis proved that the counter-clockwise

movements of Venus were accelerating the planet’s initially slow rotations. The planet

originally traveled at such a slow pace that its daily rotation lasted longer than its yearly

revolution, and while the scientists contemplated why Venus’ counter -clockwise motions were

expediting its rotations, concerns arose that Venus was moving too closely to Earth.

Despite the astronomers’ anxieties about Venus’ abnormal counter -clockwise rotation,

scientists gained new insights about the planet’s dense clouds of sulfuric acid and its landscape

of craters and volcanoes. Venus had always been classified as Earth’s “sister planet” based on

their similar sizes, but with Venus’ closer proximity to Earth, scientists determined that Venus

not only contained the densest atmosphere of the terrestrial planets but also that its clouds of

sulfuric acid discharged lightning. The planet remained the third brightest natural object in the

sky following the Sun and the Moon, and as Venus rotated in a counter-clockwise fashion toward

the Earth, scientists continued to speculate about Venus’ lightning, its solar wind, its intense

heat, and its atmospheric pressure. New evidence suggested that the planet’s volcanoes and its

craters were somehow correlated with the occurrences of lightning and pressure, which exceeded

the Earth’s surface pressure by ninety-two times. However, the astronomers were more terrified

that Venus was becoming so close to Earth that its basaltic rocks and silicate materials could be

detached from its scorching surface and could streak to the Earth as meteorites. Standing inside

the underground sewer system of drains and rectangular piping, Railsback stopped in the storm

water and asked Willows about Venus’ bizarre counter -clockwise rotations and its dangerous

 proximity to Earth by remarking, “Hey, Patrick, what do you think about Venus? I didn’t even

know that it was the brightest planet or that it used to be the only planet that moved clockwise.”

As Willows waded through the industrial wastewater, he glanced back at the papules,

 pustules, and the other acne on Railsback’s face, and he silently became irritated that the thirty-

six-year-old Railsback still suffered from an acne condition that was more common in children

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than in adults. Stopping in the streaming waste, Willows joked that his fellow maintenance

worker lacked knowledge about general astronomy when he replied, “Come on, Luke, before the

media started talking about Venus, you didn’t even know that it was the second planet from the


With a halfhearted scoff, Railsback gingerly plodded behind Willows and struggled to

maintain his balance so that he would not stumble in the mucky wastewater, and Railsback

commented about the similarities between Earth and Venus by asserting, “I really didn’t know

that Venus used to have water. They’re saying that the planet heated up until the oceans

evaporated, and all that was left were dry deserts and volcanoes. It’s pretty interesting that

Venus has got a crust and a mantle just like Earth; they’re even saying that if we could plant

algae there, it might start releasing oxygen and become livable for human beings.” 

Trudging past a grating in the narrow drain, Willows contended that humans could never

inhabit Venus considering that its atmosphere consisted primarily of carbon dioxide that could

exceed 400 degrees Celsius and that would suffocate humans with air pressure and heat. He

addressed Venus’ surface pressure, which surpassed the Earth’s pressure by ninety times, its

extreme temperatures, and its volcanic plains by retorting, “I don’t think so. Even if we could

 plant algae on Venus, we’d never release enough oxygen into the atmosphere to make it livable;

it’s way too hot. On the news, they said that eighty percent of Venus is covered with volcanoes;

there’s so much pressure and carbon dioxide there that we’d all burn up and be suffocated. Just

 because there used to be water on Venus doesn’t mean that any of us can live there.” 

Railsback continued to follow Willows in the wastewater and conceded that although

Earth and Venus exhibited similar rocky surfaces and internal tectonic features of a core, a

mantle, and crust, Venus was too hot and contained too much suffocating carbon dioxide to

sustain human life. He speculated about the plate tectonics and the thermal formations of granite

rocks that Venus and Earth shared by muttering, “Well, then, why is Venus so similar to Earth?

It didn’t just have oceans that evaporated from the heat; they’re saying that some granite rocks

were found on its surface. That means that the tectonic plates have been moving and that the

rock cycle has taken place at some point. Some guy on the news even said that Venus could be

our ‘sister planet,’ so why couldn’t we live there one day?”

Despite the similar sizes, densities, and rocky surfaces that Venus and Earth shared,

Willows dismissed the notion that the dry planet Venus could qualify as Earth’s “sister planet.”

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He contended that Venus could not even be detected during the nighttime because the planet

moved between the Sun and the Earth in an elliptical orbit when he retorted, “Because it’s way

too hot, Luke. They said that Venus barely has any plate tectonics; its crust and its mantle are

 both way too hot and dry to sustain any life. Why do you even care about Venus anyway? It’s

 just a rock of volcanoes and clouds of sulfuric acid; you can’t even see it at night.”

Media outlets were perpetuating the possibility that Venus’ counter -clockwise rotations

were causing the dry, volcanic planet to become dangerously close to Earth and that Venus’

 basaltic rocks could plummet to the Earth. As the two maintenance workers approached the

manhole, Railsback insisted that he was simply hoping to distract Willows from his

 preoccupation with the workers’ union that Willows was organizing to demand improved

safeguards for the sanitation department. The wastewater began to rumble slightly when

Railsback replied, “Hey, man, I’m just trying to make conversation; I’m trying to get your mind

off of this stuff with the workers’ union. I know that we all need to be safer, but you’ve been

really obsessed with it lately. Venus may crash into us before you even get to stand up for your

average sewer employee. Who knows?”

Willows trudged past more connecting pipes and peered up at the manhole that would

lead him to the surface, but Railsback was startled by the rumbling in the distance and plodded in

the direction of the whirring noise. With the wastewater’s splashing beneath his feet, he

stumbled onto a white vortex that appeared conspicuously in the green waste around him, and in

an awe-struck moment, he glared at the white substance that was spiraling inside the vortex’s

center. A pocket of warm air was bubbling at the center to generate the rustling sound, and the

convergence of the white substance heated the boiling center until three enormous bubbles began

to burst in unison. The popping bubbles startled Railsback and prompted him to step away from

the explosions that were occurring in the whirlpool’s white center, but he was unable to avert his

gaze from the spiraling center, which reminded him of a black hole. The center contained

convergences of exploding bubbles, but it also featured a compression of mass and energy that

was rapidly heating and that could absorb any objects in its path. When a dense pocket of air

was lifted from the whirlpool’s white center, the tension between the rising air and the white

substance generated more bubbles that exploded into steam particles. The steam dispersed into

the air with such intensity that Railsback continued to back away from the whirlpool that

somehow resembled both a cooking pot and a black hole. Despite his fears that the whirlpool’s

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exploding bubbles could harm him, he could not shift his eyes away from the white substance

that was swirling in the center, and as the rising air created more bubbles, he peered at the

spinning fluid with the same rapt attention that could not be diminished. The center’s vortex-like

fluid persisted in flowing horizontally, and as the air pressure decreased and the bubbles faded,

the s peed of the substance’s oscillation accelerated until the fluid rotated so vigorously in circles

that its bubbling recommenced. More rising air collided into the white substance’s circular

rotations, and the tension between the updraft of air and the swirling fluid caused more bubbles

to explode. The rising air failed to escape from the rotating substance, and Railsback was so

captivated that he could only watch as the white funnel and the trapped air spun more violently

in the manner of a tornado.

Willows plodded through the green wastewater to join Railsback at the white vortex, and

as the fluid spun even more rapidly in its circular rotations, Willows noticed that the bubbling

solution had mesmerized his fellow maintenance worker Railsback. When Willows asked, “Are

you okay, man?,” Railsback explained the whirlpool’s allure by muttering, “It wants me to use it;

it’s telling me that I’m unclean and that I have evil thoughts. It wants to cleanse me.”

Willows did not understand that the whirlpool’s whir ring was summoning Railsback to

climb into its spinning center, and before Willows could question why Railsback hoped to use

the whirlpool to cleanse himself, Railsback stepped from the green wastewater into the white

whirlpool. He became submerged in the bubbly solution and waded toward the spiraling center,

and during his gliding through the white fluid, Willows could only watch as steam was dispersed

and obscured his vision of Railsback. As Railsback sank into the whirlpool’s center from which

no matter or light could escape, Willows identified that another being was being lifted from the

steamy solution and that the individual was rising at the same speed that Railsback was sinking.

A white wave swept over Railsback so that the updraft of rising air and the tornado-like funnel

could swallow him, and after the steam dissipated and the bubbles ceased their fizzing, the

second individual emerged from the whirlpool and stepped into the green sewage. Willows

realized that the naked individual appeared to be a clone of Railsback, but although the clone

shared Railsback’s physiology, he lacked the pustules and the other acne that covered the face of

the original Railsback. Willows also noticed that Railsback’s clone was wearing a red, diamond-

studded crown, which reminded Willows of the white crown that the healer known as The Prime

Mover had placed on his son Drew’s head in his failed attempt to cure him of diphtheria. While

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Willows stood in disbelief, the clone planted his hand inside the white solution and pulled

Railsback to the surface to prevent him from drowning inside the funnel of bubbles and steam.

The bizarre white substance continued to swirl in circular rotations behind Willows as the clone

lifted Railsback to his feet and grinned at him to expr ess his appreciation for Railsback’s

decision to clone himself inside the whirlpool. Dripping with the white substance that splashed

into the green wastewater, Railsback gawked at the clone that somehow was devoid of his acne,

and Railsback spit out the white fluid to clear his throat and asked, “Who are you?”

While Willows watched their interactions as a passive observer, the clone wiped the

white fluid from his nose, adjusted his red crown, and explained that the mysterious whirlpool

represented remnants of the inorganic “primordial soup” from which humans first emerged over

100,000 years earlier. In a fog of steam that the whirlpool was discharging, Railsback’s clone

referred to the white whirlpool as the “hypostasis” when he muttered, “That pool is the only

thing that’s left of the primordial soup from which all human life came; that inorganic pool gave

 birth to organic life. The pool is just like the Pool of Bethesda where the sick people came for

healing in The Book of John; the pool is the key to the perfection that humans could’ve been.

The first humans were perfect until they committed sins that corrupted them; I’m the perfect side

of you that you could’ve been. The primordial soup is called the ‘hypostasis;’ it’s the perfection

that’s eluded humanity since the Fall into sin. I’m the ‘chrysostom;’ I’m the perfection that you

could’ve been.”

Willows delved into his experiences as a Christian missionary to recall that the Greek

word “hypostasis” denoted “existence” and the presence of the perfect Holy Trinity that

represented God. Willows also recalled that in The Book of John 5, “the blind,” “the lame,” and

“the paralyzed” citizens entered the Pool of Bethesda to be cured of their sicknesses because the

 pool erased the sins that caused their sicknesses to cure the “disabled people,” and God’s angels

 blessed the Pool of Bethesda to help the individuals who were suffering from sicknesses.

According to The Book of John 5, Jesus Christ encountered an individual who had been “an

invalid for thirty-eight years,” and the disabled individual was unable to climb into the Pool of

Bethesda to be cured of his sickness that human sins had caused. Jesus performed a miracle that

allowed the disabled individual to walk for the first time in thirty-eight years, and once Jesus had

healed the individual of his paralysis, he picked up his mat and walked away from the pool.

Jesus later commanded the individual to “stop sinning” to prevent “something worse” from

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happening to him, so Jesus suggested that humans caused their own sicknesses by committing

sins. As Willows stared at the whirlpool that had created a clone of Railsback, he refused to

accept that the whirlpool contained the same miraculous properties as the Pool of Bethesda from

The Book of John 5. The white whirlpool stored the remains of the “primordial soup” that

Railsback’s clone praised as the “hypostasis” from which human life originated, and Railsback’s

clone viewed himself as a perfect being known as the “chrysostom.” During the fourth century,

John Chrysostom served as the Archbishop of Constantinople, erected hospitals for poor citizens,

and was eventually banished from the church for his unorthodox interpretations of Biblical

scriptures. After his ridicules of church abuses were reconsidered, the Eastern Orthodox Church

recognized him as a saint and referred to him as a “Great Ecumenical Teacher.” However, as

Willows observed the red crown on the clone’s head, he invoked that the Greek term

“chrysostomos” meant “golden mouth,” and the crown was comprised of the gold that the clone

described when he named himself as the perfect “chrysostom.” Standing in front of his clone

known as the chrysostom, Railsback flailed his arms to drain more white fluid, stared back at his

fellow maintenance work er Willows, and asked, “Patrick, do you have any idea what this guy is

talking about? Did that pool fry my brains or what?”

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The Pool of Bethesda: The Gospel of John 5

With the green wastewater at his knees, Willows turned away from the bubbling

whirlpool and dismissed the clone’s red crown and the fact that The Prime Mover had used a

similar white crown as a “scale” that established balance between sins and perfection. Willows

understood that Railsback’s clone had compared the whirlpool to the Pool of Bethesda, but he

dismissed the possibility that the whirlpool could be comparable to the Pool of Bethesda. He

acknowledged that The Book of John 5 could be correct that humans caused their sicknesses by

committing sins, but it seemed impossible that the white whirlpool could be comparable to the

Pool of Bethesda that erased humans’ sins to cure them of their illnesses. Recalling that Venus

was still rotating in its bizarre counter-clockwise motion, he addressed the significance of the

white whirlpool known as the hypostasis and Railsback’s clone known as a chrysostom when he

replied, “I don’t know, Luke. Your clone called that pool the ‘hypostasis;’ I know that that

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means ‘existence’ in Greek. John Chrysostom was the Archbishop of Constantinople and a

saint; the clone must think that he’s some kind of a saint. Maybe, he’s from Venus; that rotation

could be making clones for all I know. No matter what he says, there’s no way that the pool is

like the Pool of Bethesda; you can’t believe what he says.” 

Drenched in the whirlpool’s cold, white fluid, Railsback began to shiver when he

identified that his apparently perfect clone known as the chrysostom was devoid of the acne that

decorated his own face, and he considered that the chrysostom could be perfect based on the lack

of acne. While Willows ignored the similarities between the clone’s red crown and the white

crown that The Prime Mover had placed on his son Drew’s head, Railsback pointed to his

clone’s red crown and asked, “So, um, you’re my perfect side. Why are you wearing a crown?”

The chrysostom, Railsback’s perfect clone, viewed his red crown as a weighing scale that

was comparable to a triple-beam balance on which human sins and perfection were weighed to

create an equilibrium between them in the universe. The chrysostom adjusted his crown’s

 jewels, which were the sliding weights known as riders that calibrated the weighing scale so that

the two items of sins and perfection could be measured and balanced. He revealed that his red

crown was a universal weighing scale and quoted the Biblical Book of Isaiah’s Fortieth Chapter

when he glared at Railsback and bellowed, “This crown is a scale; once it’s calibrated, it weighs

sins and perfection to balance them. I’m your perfect side, Luke; I’m trying to balance your sins

with my perfection. I don’t have your acne or your envy of Mr. Willows. You’re envious of Mr.

Willows’ popularity, and my perfection is trying to balance out your sinful envy. The Prophet

Isaiah said that ‘the nations are like a drop in a bucket;’ the nations are ‘regarded as dust on the

scales.’ My crown is one of those scales; it has ‘held the dust of the Earth in a basket’ and

‘weighed the mountains on the scales.’ My scale weighs the world; it balances sin and


Railsback was startled that his clone understood his secret envy of Willows’ success and

 popularity among the other sanitation workers, and he noticed that his clone’s red crown was

slightly rumbling to balance Railsback’s sin of envy and the perfection that the clone embodied.

The red crown became so heavy that the chrysostom raised his hands and slid its jewels apart to

calibrate it, and while the chrysostom balanced Railsback’s sins with his perfection, Willows

recalled that the healer known as The Prime Mover had quoted the same verse from The Book of

Isaiah to explain the world’s precarious balance. According to The Prime Mover, his own white

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crown was a scale that functioned as a seesaw because during its weighing of sins and perfection,

the heavier side was raised upward while the lighter side was lowered between a fulcrum. The

Prime Mover had also quoted a different verse from The Book of Isaiah when he insisted that

“every valley shall be raised up” and that “every mountain and hill” will be “made low” because

his seesaw-like scale would balance the sins and perfection to cause the Earth’s “rough ground”

to “become level.” The chrysostom lowered his head in reaction to the crown’s pressure, and he

slid the crown’s jewels to balance his perfection with Railsback’s sinful envy while Willows

contemplated how the chrysostom was associated with The Prime Mover. Railsback stared at

Willows and confessed his sinful envy by muttering, “Okay, so I’m a little jealous of Patrick. I

mean, he was able to rally a ton of sanitation workers to support his cause for improved rights.

The guy’s amazing, so of course, I’m a little envious. Who wouldn’t be?”

The chrysostom’s red crown decreased its pressure on the left side of his head to indicate

that Railsback had reduced his own sins, and as the crown’s weight shifted, the chrysostom

managed to lift his head and no longer was forced to bear such weight. Railsback’s sins were

measured on the crown’s left side, and the chrysostom’s perfection was weighed on the right

side. Therefore, Railsback’s confession of his sinful envy diminished the weight on the left side

so that the crown could function somewhat as a seesaw. The chrysostom raised his head higher

and massaged his stiff neck, which had suffered from the crown’s pressure on his head, and he

 praised Railsback for publicizing his once secret sin by retorting, “Thank you, Luke. The secret

envy in your heart was defiling you; it’s better that you just let it out. You actually decrease your

sins when you expose them, and that’s less weight for me to carry when my crown has to balance

my perfection and your sins. If you’ve got any other sins to confess, it would only help to

 balance my scale.” 

Based on the crown’s decreased weight on the chrysostom’s head, Railsback became

convinced that the red crown was actually a weighing scale and that chrysostom was bearing the

two weights of his own perfection and Railsback’s sins. Railsback placed his palm on his hair,

which was soaked with the whirlpool’s white fluid, and he promised to alleviate the crown’s

 pressure on the chrysostom’s head by answering, “Okay, if I think of any other sins in my heart,

then, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

While Railsback was awe-struck that the mysterious whirlpool known as the “hypostasis”

had cloned him and that his perfect clone was standing in front of him, Willows was skeptical

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and was contemplating the associations between The Prime Mover and the chrysostom. Willows

was disturbed that The Prime Mover also had referred to The Book of Isaiah to explain his role

as a healer who would control “every valley” and “every mountain and hill” to balance sins and

 perfection. As memories of his son’s fatal exorcism were uncovered, Willows scowled at the

seemingly perfect chrysostom and contended that he was incapable of weighing “the mountains

on the scales” to balance sins and perfection when he bellowed, “This is ridiculous. I’ve heard

your verse from The Book of Isaiah before; you took it completely out of context to fit your own

messed up view of the world. Isaiah says that all nations are ‘less than nothing’ in comparison

with God; Isaiah admits that God’s ‘ways’ are ‘higher than’ his ‘ways.’ You can’t balance the

world like some kind of a God; the whole point of Isaiah is that God is greater than humans are.”

In reaction to Willows’ allegation that he had misinterpreted passages from The Book of

Isaiah, the chrysostom remained adamant that human civilizations were simply “dust on the

scales” and that his unorthodox weighing scale balanced his perfection with Railsback’s sins.

Moving another one of his crown’s jewels as a sliding weight, the chrysostom revealed that he

was not human and that he was the embodiment of the perfection that God intended for humans

 before they commit sins when he replied, “I’m not human, Mr. Willows, or at least not in the

sense that you mean. I’m the perfection that God wanted for humanity before the Fall. Humans

evolved from the primordial soup to be perfect, and that’s what I am. My crown is the weighing

scale that balances sins and perfection, and I’m perfect enough to know that your son’s

diphtheria could’ve been cured with an antitoxin. You didn’t have to let him die.”

The chrysostom’s mysterious allusion to the death of Willows’ son prompted him to

lumber through the green wastewater while the white whirlpool known as the hypostasis was

 bubbling and swirling behind them. Willows clenched his fist and prepared to clout the

chrysostom for his insensitive comments, but Railsback placed his hands on Willows to restrain

him and to protect the clone. With his palms on Willows’ chest, Railsback defended his clone

and the whirlpool that had cloned him by declaring, “Come on, Patrick, we found something

that’s weirder than Venus’ counter -clockwise rotation. That whirlpool is the primordial soup

that birthed us all; it called to me and cloned me. We’ve got undeniable proof that the primordial

soup is real and that humans really did fall from original sin. This discovery is bigger than

Venus; it’s the biggest scientific discovery in history.”

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Willows calmed his rage and recognized that the whirlpool had summoned Railsback to

create a perfect clone of him, and he wondered why he had not been cloned inside the same

whirlpool when he muttered, “I don’t care what that white crap is. I don’t care if it’s pudding or

a real part of the primordial soup. Why did it call to you to be cloned? It’s not calling to me.

Why doesn’t it want to clone me, too?”

While the chrysostom stood in the distance and balanced the red crown on his head,

Railsback conceded that he could not explain why the whirlpool cloned only him when he

whispered, “I don’t know, but this is way bigger than Venus.” 

Railsback and Willows climbed from the sewer system and contacted the local sanitation

department about their discovery of the whirlpool that had generated a seemingly perfect version

of Railsback, and the sanitation department gathered samples of the whirlpool and submitted

them to biologists. In a local lab, Willows and Railsback were cleansed of the whirlpool’s

strange white fluid to which they had been exposed, and Railsback remained transfixed by the

 perfect physical appearance and the actions of the chrysostom. The biologists had been studying

the process of abiogenesis through which human life emerged when inorganic matter was

converted into biological organisms, and when the biologists scrutinized the samples from the

whirlpool, they determined that it was comprised of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, water,

methane, phosphate, and ammonia. The sample’s ingredients matched the compounds in the

Earth’s early atmosphere, and the same compounds had managed to produce organic polymers

and self-replicating molecules that resulted in the first nucleic acids and proteins in human DNA.

Based on their examinations of the whirlpool and the origins of human biological monomers,

 polymers, and molecules that evolved into cells, the biologists concluded that the white

whirlpool represented an actual remnant of the primordial soup that spawned organic life from

inorganic matter. While the scientists considered how complex polymers and multicellular

organisms emerged from the whirlpool’s primordial soup and why Venus had altered its rotation,

Railsback celebrated the chrysostom as his perfect side that God had originally intended for

humanity before sins corrupted the world. During the evaluation of molecular replication and

the primordial soup, Railsback hid the chrysostom from the scientists in the lab, and Willows

could concentrate only on the parallels between the chrysostom and The Prime Mover, whose

healing techniques failed to cure Willows’ son of diphtheria. 

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One year earlier in 2039, Willows and his wife Molly were serving as Christian

missionaries with their seven-year-old son Drew in Manta, Ecuador when the child contracted

the bacterial disease diphtheria in his respiratory tract. Willows was not familiar with the

common anti-diphtheritic serum that was manufactured from horses, and as his son began to

suffer damage to his heart, the enigmatic healer known as The Prime Mover emerged from the

Barbasquillo Beach and plodded to the home of the Willows’ family. He was born as Andrew

Delphin in Helena, Montana, and at age thirty, he moved to South America and assumed the

identity of The Prime Mover, a new interpretation of the folk healer called a curandero. He wore

the curandero’s traditional purple scarf and an orange shirt that was covered with black stripes,

 but he did not wield the chonta, which was a magic wand that many shamans used in South

America. Willows’ wife Molly was working in a church on the night that The Prime Mover

trudged toward the home in which Willows was caring for his ill son, and although two

cardiologists named Alberto and Evelia Jimenez were staying with the Willows’ family, they

could not offer any more aid to Drew based on his extreme condition of diphtheria. When

Willows answered the door, he identified The Prime Mover as a curandero and rejected the

Catholic remedies of reciting Bible verses, invoking the names of the saints, and using holy

water on victims by declaring, “I’m sorry, but we don’t need your help, healer. Your prayers are

all that we need; we don’t need any holy rituals. God bless you, and good night.”

With his leopard-like clothing gliding along the ground, The Prime Mover reproached

Willows for his flippant viewpoint regarding the Catholic faith and quoted The Book of James

2:19 when he replied, “Trust me, your son needs me. You’re going to need more than just faith

in God to save him. ‘You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that,

and shudder.’ If the demons believe in God, then, I don’t think that your faith in Him is any

 better than theirs. You need my help.” 

The enigmatic shaman pushed the door open to enter the home, and Willows snarled to

express his resentment that The Prime Mover had suggested that he and demons shared a similar

faith in God. When Willows noticed that The Prime Mover was carrying a bag of items for his

healings, Willows recalled that in the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus Christ exorcised a group of

demons known as “Legion” out of a man in Gadarenes and cast them into pigs that were

drowned. The Prime Mover waddled toward the bedroom where Willows’ son was struggling to

 breathe due to his windpipe infection, and Willows skewered the healer’s holistic techniques by

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remarking, “We don’t need an exorcism here, healer. My son has a  bacterial infection. He’s not

 possessed by a demon, and even if he were, we don’t have any pigs for you to cast the demon

into. We don’t want any holy water, and we’re not praying to Saint Bernadette for him to get

 better. We don’t want your Catholic hocus- pocus and your plastic shamanism.” 

Willows’ intimation that The Prime Mover was a “plastic shaman” who sought only

wealth and power incensed the healer, but as Willows followed him into the child’s bedroom, he

remained calm and unzipped his bag of holistic remedies. Wearing his shamanistic white gloves,

he removed two candlesticks, five different crowns, a cup of ale, a loaf of bread, and a tiny,

glowing teeter-totter that he could hold in his hand, and as Willows observed the peculiar items,

he continued to dismiss demonic possession and the need for an exorcism by uttering, “I told

you, healer. My son is not possessed; he’s got a throat infection. You don’t need all of this crap.

I don’t care what you may think about his sickness; he doesn’t need an exorcist.” 

Despite Willows’ insistence that shamanism was unnecessary, The Prime Mover raised

his miniature teeter-totter from the floor, and as the teeter-totter glowed with one-hundred and

fifty lumens, Willows used his hand to shield his eyes from the radiant object. While Willows’

son Drew gasped and choked from the bacterial infection in his respiratory tract, The Prime

Mover placed the glowing teeter-totter on a nightstand, and the teeter-totter’s board began to

swing back and forth so that when one side was lifted, the other side descended. In a state of

 bewilderment, Willows examined the luminous teeter-totter as pressure was shifted from its

lever’s left side to its right and from its right to the left in succession, and he questioned why the

teeter-totter was mysteriously oscillating back and forth when he asked, “What is that thing,

healer? Geez, it’s so bright that I can barely look at it. Is it like a pendulum or something,

moving back and forth? It’s not going to help my son; your plastic shamanism can’t help him.” 

While the glowing teeter-totter’s lever bounced back and forth on the nightstand, The

Prime Mover ignored Willows’ orneriness, spread the five crowns across the floor, used a match

to light the candlestick, and asked, “Sir, whatever you think about me as a curandero doesn’t

matter. I know that you’re a Catholic missionary, and I need to know. Has your son been

 baptized? Has he repented for his sins?” 

Willows observed his son Drew as he gasped for breath and struggled to use his heart

muscles, and despite his Catholic convictions, Willows resented the proposition that his ailing

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son could be guilty of sins and replied, “How can you say that? He’s just a kid; he’s not a sinner.

He hasn’t done anything to deserve to be sick like this.”

The Catholic healer known as The Prime Mover cited the Biblical Psalm 51 and The

Book of Ephesians to emphasize that humans were sinners from birth due to the original sin that

Adam and Eve committed when he answered, “I need to know this to save his life, sir; just

accept that he’s a sinner. Ephesians calls us all ‘children of wrath’ from the moment that we’re

conceived; Psalms says that we were ‘brought forth in iniquity’ from our mothers’ wombs.

Baptism is supposed to wash away our sins, so tell me. Has your son been baptized or not?”

After Willows nodded his head to confirm that Drew had been baptized, The Prime

Mover placed his white crown on the child’s head, and considering that the crown was a

weighing scale, The Prime Mover adjusted the crown’s jewels, which were the sliders, to

calibrate it. The scalepan’s weight decreased on Drew’s head, and the white crown acted in the

manner of a triple-beam balance because its weight was shifted from its right side to its left side

so that Drew could gain some relief from the pressure on his cranium. The white crown was a

weighing scale that was comparable to the Scales of Justice that the Roman goddess Justitia

wielded to personify Lady Justice, but while Lady Justice weighed the two sides of defense and

 prosecution in court cases, the crown weighed human sins and perfection. During the third

century BC, the King of Syracuse Hiero II commissioned the Greek mathematician Archimedes

to determine whether a crown was pure gold, and the ancient crown also served as the inspiration

for the five crowns that The Prime Mover used as weighing scales. Archimedes weighed King

Hiero’s crown and placed an equal amount of gold into a container of water, and when the water

 began to rise and was displaced by the gold, he developed his Principle of Buoyancy and

discovered that the crown was not composed entirely of gold. To corroborate his hunch that the

crown was not pure gold, he positioned the crown on one side of a weighing scale and the heap

of gold on the other side, and Archimedes was able to conclude that the crown and the gold did

not share the same density considering that the weighing scale did not remain balanced. By

using King Hiero’s crown as a weighing scale that titled in the direction of the gold, Archimedes

was able to conclude that the crown contained light amounts of silver and was not pure gold.

Archimedes’ use of a crown as a weighing scale prompted The Prime Mover to gather his own

crowns that served as weighing scales to balance sins and perfection, and he hoped to heal

suffering individuals by employing perfection that would outweigh and destroy the sins that

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caused the individuals’ illnesses. As The Prime Mover adjusted the jewels on the white crown to

calibrate it and to minimize its pressure on Drew’s head, Willows stared down at the two

candlesticks, the loaf of bread, the cup of ale, and the glowing teeter-totter, and he fearfully

asked, “What’re you doing to my son? I know that you’re trying to help him with this

‘witchdoctor’ ritual, but please, don’t hurt him. He’s suffered enough; he doesn’t need you to try

to cast the Devil out of him. What’re you going to do?”

Willows and The Prime Mover both shared the Catholic belief that Jesus Christ had

exorcised the demons known as “Legion” and other “impure spirits” from victims by simply

communicating “God’s Word.” While Willows’ son Drew was balancing the white crown on his

head, The Prime Mover maintained that he was a shamanistic healer known as a curandero and

that he lacked the Christ-like abilities that he and Willows both admired when he replied, “I’m

trying to save your son with all that I can, sir. I’ve got to use my scales to balance out sins and

 perfection. If I can make the perfection weigh a little bit more than the sins that made your son

sick, then, I can save him. I know that we both love Christ, but I can’t just use my words to cast

out your son’s sickness. This is all a balancing act between sins and perfection. The Book of

Isaiah says that humans are ‘like a drop in a bucket’ and like ‘dust on the scales.’ I’ve got to be

The Prime Mover, the ‘unmoved mover,’ who stands on the scales to move the Earth’s dust in

the right direction; I’ve got to make sure that the perfection outweighs the sins that make us all

get sick and die. I can’t be Christ, but I can try to be the ‘unmoved mover’ that tips the scales

 just a little bit in the right direction. Moving the scales is all that I can do.”

While the Roman Scales of Justice weighed prosecution and defense, the healing

curandero known as The Prime Mover used his five crowns as weighing scales, and his luminous

teeter-totter functioned as the scale that weighed sins and perfection to balance them. Willows

refused to accept the curandero’s viewpoint that he was the “unmoved mover” who

metaphorically stood on the teeter-totter’s fulcrum to create enough balance between the sins and

 perfection that were being weighed on the scales. As Drew whimpered from the white crown’s

 pressure on his cranium, Willows questioned The Prime Mover’s abilities as a curandero by

replying, “Well, I may not control scales and weigh the world like you do, but if you think that

you’re doing God’s work, then, you’re wrong. I know that Proverbs 16 says that, ‘honest scales

and balances belong to the Lord.’ Only God can balance the world and weigh sins when He

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 judges humanity; you can’t wield that kind of power. If you can’t do anything that will actually

help my son, then, I’d like for you to leave.”

Although The Prime Mover had forsaken the use of holy water and other Catholic

remedies, he remained convinced that he was a messenger who was serving God and that he was

simply using the “honest scales and balances” that ultimately belonged to God. He persisted in

referencing the fortieth chapter from The Book of Isaiah to defend his weighing scales and their

impact on the Earth’s sins and perfection when he answered, “I’m not trying to steal God’s

 balancing power. I know that He ‘sits enthroned above the circle of the Earth;’ I’m just trying to

serve Him by using the weighing scales that He’s given me to be a curandero. His scales are like

a seesaw; when I stand on it as the ‘unmoved mover,’ ‘every valley shall me raised up’ and

‘every mountain and hill’ will be ‘made low’ so that ‘the rough ground shall become level.’ If I

can balance ‘the mountains on the scales’ and ‘the dust of the Earth in a basket,’ then, I might be

able to create enough perfection to outweigh the human sins that made your son sick in the first

 place. I can be the ‘unmoved mover’ who seeks God’s ‘great power and mighty strength’ to save

your son if you just give me a chance. Let me prove to you that I want to do His good, pleasant,

and perfect will with the weighing scales that He’s given me.”

The weight between the white crown’s sides suddenly became unequal, and when The

Prime Mover noticed that more pressure was being exerted on the crown’s left side, he lunged

forward to adjust the jewels so that the precarious balance could be restored. Willows feverishly

slapped the healer’s gloved hand away from Drew and condemned the Biblical rhetoric about

weighing the Earth’s “rugged places” when he bellowed, “No, you can’t just come in here and

recite some Bible verses to make me think that you’re a holy man. You can’t justify what you’re

doing by trying to be some ‘unmoved mover’ who stands on the Earth’s ‘scales and balances’ to

raise up the valleys and lower the mountains. What you’re talking about is a metaphor for God’s

 power that has no place in medicine or shamanism. You’re not doing anything until you tell me

what you’re really planning to do to my son.” 

The white crown’s pressure became so intense on the left side of Drew’s head that he

moaned in pain, and The Prime Mover shifted his gaze to the luminous teeter-totter, which was

the main scale that he used to forecast God’s will and to determine whether Drew would survive

the healing technique. The Prime Mover engaged in a divine ritual called cleromancy in which

 prophets “cast lots” that revealed God’s will despite the appearance that the lots would trigger

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random outcomes, and the teeter-totter represented the “lots” that he cast to establish balance

 between sins and perfection. In The Book of Deuteronomy, the Urim and the Thummim were

sacred coins that Israelite high priests carried inside their breastplates to foretell God’s will, and

the teeter-totter’s two sides represented new interpretations of the same coins that were used to

“cast lots.” While the white crown’s pressure increased on Drew’s head and the teeter -totter

oscillated up and down, the curandero known as The Prime Mover cited Biblical accounts of

cleromancy to explain his healing abilities when he proclaimed, “I’m casting lots to balance out

sins and perfection. If I can make the perfection weigh just a little bit more than the sins that

made your son sick, then, I can save him. Casting lots is nothing new; it’s just another form of

cleromancy. The Prophet Joshua and the other Israelites cast lots to figure out which of them

had stolen some Babylonian garments. The Israelites cast lots to decide that Saul would be king.

Even some sailors cast lots to decide that it was God’s will for the Prophet Jonah to be thrown

over  board and to be eaten by a whale. Being trapped inside the whale’s belly for three days

convinced him to preach God’s Word to the people in Nineveh. Casting lots in cleromancy

forced the Israelites to follow God’s will, and my cleromancy will weigh the Earth’s sins and

 perfection to save your son.” 

Willows delved into his work as a Christian missionary to recall that in The Book of

Joshua, the Israelite tribes cast lots to uncover that Achan had pilfered Babylonian goods and had

“wrought folly in Israel.”  Cleromancy’s process of casting lots also selected Saul as the first

king of Israel and determined that it was God’s will for the Prophet Jonah to be emboldened

inside the whale’s belly and to preach to the citizens in Nineveh. Willows lowered his hands and

relented so that The Prime Mover could rotate the white crown’s jewels in the manner of

calibrating a triple-beam balance. Willows gazed at the teeter-totter, which was so radiant that

he was forced to squint, and questioned its function by asking, “So, is your bright, little seesaw

what you use to cast lots? Is that what you use to make you feel like you’re doing God’s work?” 

The teeter-totter’s left side had been lowered to correspond with the white crown’s

 pressure that weighed down on the left portion of Drew’s head, and Willows conceded that The

Prime Mover was seeking to practice cleromancy. With the knowledge that “syncretism”

denoted the difficulty of reconciling two contradictory religious beliefs, The Prime Mover

described the teeter-totter as “The Syncretizer” that weighed the contradictory elements of sins

and perfection when he replied, “Yeah, my seesaw is called ‘The Syncretizer.’ It weighs sins

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and perfection on its different sides; the two sides are like the Urim and the Thummim that

separate sinners from everyone else. Syncretism focuses on how difficult it is to reconcile

contradictory religious beliefs, and sins and perfection couldn’t be more contradictory.”

After The Prime Mover slid the white crown’s jewels that acted as riders, the crown’s

sides became balanced to alleviate the pressure on Drew’s head, and the teeter -totter became

flatter in correspondence with the crown’s adjusted weight distribution. Willows turned away

from the teeter-totter that was glowing with one-hundred and fifty lumens, pointed to the white

crown that was perched on his son’s head, and asked, “What about the crown? Is it supposed to

 be part of the scales that are lifting the valleys and lowering the mountains, so to speak?”

The white crown, which The Prime Mover had placed on Drew’s head, represented the

Crown of Incorruptibility, which was the second of the five crowns that Catholics needed to

obtain to enter the Kingdom of Heaven according to Biblical Scriptures. The Book of James

indicated that the individual who “endures temptation” will earn the first Scriptural crown known

as the Crown of Life, and Drew had already earned the green Crown of Life by being baptized

and by accepting God’s grace. The second crown called the Crown of Incorruptibility is

awarded to the individual who shuns Earthly sins and who strives to be “temperate in all things,”

and based on Drew’s faithful status, The Prime Mover had positioned the white Crown of

Incorruptibility on the child’s head. The blue Crown of Righteousness, the red Crown of

Rejoicing, and the purple Crown of Glory were the other three crowns for which Catholics

strived, and the Greek mathematician Archimedes had treated a gold crown as a weighing scale

that inspired The Prime Mover to use the five crowns as their own scales. While Drew

exhausted his strength to balance the white Crown of Incorruptibility on his head, The Prime

Mover pointed to the green, blue, red, and purple crowns that were scattered across the floor and

explained their functions for the faithful by declaring, “Those are the five crowns that the faithful

strive to obtain, sir. The crowns represent the perfection that I’m weighing against the sins on

the other side of my scale. Just as Archimedes tested the amount of gold in King Hiero’s crown

 by weighing it like a scale, the five crowns are scales that weigh perfection. The green crown is

the Crown of Life; it’s the crown that your son earned when he was baptized in the Holy Spirit. I

 put the Crown of Incorruptibility on his head to reward him for shunning the Earthly temptations

of this world. The five crowns are God’s perfection; I’ve got to make the perfection weigh a

little bit more than the sins that made your son sick if I want to heal him.”

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As The Prime Mover identified the five crowns as the perfection that humans sought to

achieve in the Kingdom of Heaven, Willows recalled that the five crowns also were associated

with the five wounds that were inflicted on Jesus Christ during his crucifixion. Based on his

virtuous a bility to be “temperate in all things,” Willows’ son Drew was balancing the white

Crown of Incorruptibility on his head, but his diphtheria caused him to strain his heart muscles

and to struggle for breath. The luminous teeter-totter known as The Syncretizer coped with the

differences between sins and perfection and weighed the sins that contrasted with the perfection

that the five crowns embodied. During the first century BC, Archimedes had immersed King

Hiero’s crown and a mound of pure gold into water to display the Principle of Buoyancy, and the

crown served as a weighing scale that allowed Archimedes to determine how much gold it

contained. The Prime Mover’s Syncretizer was a weighing scale that measured the amount of

sins that had contributed to Drew’s illness just as Archimedes’ experiment exposed the amount

of gold in King Hiero’s crown and its lack of purity. When the teeter -totter known as The

Syncretizer became level on the nightstand, The Prime Mover glanced back and forth between

the white Crown of Incorruptibility that represented perfection and the teeter-totter that weighed

sins. The equilibrium between the balanced Crown of Incorruptibility and The Syncretizer

 prompted The Prime Mover to conclude that the different amounts of sins and perfection were

equal and that the perfection would overcome and cast out the sins.

Acting as a sin-eater, The Prime Mover believed that the tension between the equal

quantities of sins and perfection would allow him to pinpoint and consume the sins that caused

Drew to contract life-threatening diphtheria. While Willows apprehensively watched the healing

 proceedings, The Prime Mover turned Drew onto his left side, placed a nearby tablecloth on his

cheek, and engaged in “ear candling” by inserting the unlit end of his candle into Drew’s ear

canal. The white Crown of Incorruptibility embodied perfection and was so equally proportional

with The Syncretizer, which balanced sins as a teeter-totter, that the crown did not budge and

appeared to be attached to Drew’s head as he lay on his side. Candlewax slithered down the

candle and was collected as puddles on the tablecloth that shielded Drew’s face, and as The

Prime Mover steadied the candle inside Drew’s ear, he stared back at The Syncretizer to ensure

that its lever remained flat. As the candle’s flames glistened onto Willows’ pupils, Drew began

to cough due to the smoke, and Willows objected to the ear candling and cited his son’s

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respiratory problems by shouting, “Okay, that’s enough of your cleromancy, healer. My son’s

got enough trouble breathing as it is; he doesn’t need smoke in his lungs.”

The white Crown of Incorruptibility remained fastened around Drew’s cranium, but the

luminous teeter-totter known as The Syncretizer rumbled slightly to suggest that its flat, even

surface was being altered. Holding the candle inside Drew’s ear canal, The Prime Mover

 became terrified that the teeter-totter’s left side would be lifted, and considering that the teeter -

totter weighed sins that countered the white crown’s perfection, the lifted side would disrupt the

even surface and would harm the balance between sins and perfection. He practiced cleromancy

in which the Thummim and the Urim were cast as lots to forecast God’s will, and The

Syncretizer and the Crown of Incorruptibility were functioning as the Urim and the Thummim in

his unique form of cleromancy that also involved “ear candling” and sin-eating. In the Biblical 1

Samuel, the Israelite King Saul cast the Urim and the Thummim to expose the culprit who had

violated the Israelites’ oath by eating food prior to nightfall. The third-century theologian

Theodotion described the Urim as “lights” and the Thummim as “perfections,” and the luminous

teeter-totter known as The Syncretizer represented the Urim with its “lights” while the Crown of

Incorruptibility and the other four crowns represented the Thummim with their perfection.

Based on Saul’s prayers, God cast the Urim, which embodied sins, to disclose that Saul’s son

Jonathan was responsible for breaching the oath, and Saul acknowledged that the Thummim

epitomized the perfection of the Israelites who had not committed the sin of eating before

nightfall. As The Prime Mover exerted pressure on the candle in Drew’s ear, he argued that sins

had triggered Drew’s illness and that the equal balance between sins and perfection would allow

him to capture the sins inside the candle’s fire when he replied, “Please, The Syncretizer is

 balanced; its surface is level. The Crown of Incorruptibility is balanced on your son’s head, and

that means that there’s an equilibrium between sins and perfection. There’s enough equality for

the perfection to push the sins out of your son into the candle’s fire. I just need a little more time

for the sins to be pushed into the fire; let me put down a little more pressure to extract the sins.

Give me a little more time to save him.” 

While Drew coughed from the candle’s billowing smoke, The Prime Mover gripped the

candle that was planted inside Drew’s ear and watched the wax that continued to splatter onto the

tablecloth. His eyes peered down to the white Crown of Incorruptibility, which served as the

Thummim’s perfection, and when he identified that the crown was still stable, his eyes darted

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 back to The Syncretizer, which embodied the Ur im’s sins, and determined that its teeter -totter

had maintained its flat surface. He remained terrified that the teeter-totter’s left side would be

raised and that its right side would descend to disturb its balance, and as the teeter-totter

trembled, he intensified the pressure on the candle and hoped that the equilibrium between sins

and perfection would be intact. As The Syncretizer and the Crown of Incorruptibility acted as

the two sides of the metaphorical triple-beam balance that weighed sins and perfection, Willows

recognized that The Prime Mover was panicking that the balance would be compromised and

asserted, “No, you’re not helping him. You’re making his condition worse. If you really believe

in the crowns of the faithful, then, you’ve got to believe in the power of prayer. Please, stop

your ritual, and just pray for my son instead. I know that we’d all appreciate it, healer.”

While The Syncretizer was on the verge of trembling, The Prime Mover pleaded for more

time to perform his “ear candling” and defended his cleromancy and the metaphorical Urim and

Thummim that he had cast as “lots” by responding, “Just give me a little more time. I’m casting

lots. The Syncretizer is the Urim on my scale; the Crown of Incorruptibility is the Thummim on

the scale. My scale is still balanced for a little bit longer, so the perfection and sins are equal. If

they exist in equal amounts, the perfection should weigh down the same amount of sins until it

 pushes them out of your son’s body into the candle’s fire. The ‘dust on the scales’ has become

equal, and the ‘rough ground’ has ‘become level.’ Please, if I can cast out the sins that made

your son sick, then, I can save him.” 

Willows was so desperate to save his son that he granted The Prime Mover, the

mysterious curandero, the ability to continue to hold the burning candle inside Drew’s ear canal

and to collect the wax on the tablecloth that was draped across his cheek. During the “ear

candling,” The Prime Mover squeezed the candle and darted his eyes between the teeter-totter

known as The Syncretizer and the Crown of Incorruptibility to ensure that the luminous teeter-

totter was flat and even and that the white crown was still securely fastened around Drew’s head.

The Syncretizer maintained its stable amount of sins that were equal with the perfection that the

Crown of Incorruptibility contained, and after thirty minutes in which The Prime Mover clasped

the flaming candle inside Drew’s ear, the healer raised the candle and removed the tablecloth on

which the candlewax had collected. He extinguished the candle’s flame and monitored the wax

and other dark residue that was pouring from Drew’s ear in reaction to the candle’s pressure and

to the equilibrium between the sins and the perfection. He detected a chunk of residue that was

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emitting red radiation on the tablecloth, and based on his memories that sins were described as

 being “red as crimson” in The Book of Isaiah, he could identify that the red residue was the

 physical embodiment of the sins that had caused Drew to become ill. He pulled a piece of bread

from the loaf, drank a sip of ale, and rubbed the crusty bread against the red residue until the

 bread began to glow with the same red radiation to symbolize that the sins had been transferred

from the residue to the bread. As he smeared the bread in the red residue and lifted the glowing

 bread to his mouth, Willows became disgusted that the healer had smeared the bread with the red

residue from Drew’s ear and asked, “Oh, man, what is that, healer? What did your candle pull

out of my son’s ear?”

The balance between The Syncretizer and the Crown of Incorruptibility had created equal

amounts of sins and perfection, and the perfection had weighed down on the sins and had pushed

them from Drew’s body through The Prime Mover’s “ear candling.” Carrying the bread closer

to his mouth, the healer explained that the red residue represented the sins that had triggered

Drew’s illness when he replied, “I’ve extracted the human sins that made your son sick in the 

first place, sir. My Syncretizer balanced the sins, and my Crown of Incorruptibility balanced the

 perfection. When the sins and the perfection became equal, the equilibrium made it easy for the

 perfection to push the sins out of your son’s body. The sins are red just like The Book of Isaiah

said that they would be; it said, ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

Though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’ I’ve cast out the sins by putting ‘the

hills in a balance’ and by balancing ‘the dust on the scales.’ I’ve cast the lots; I’ve cast the

‘honest scales and balances’ that are going to save your son.”

The Prime Mover had engaged in “ear candling” to extract the red residue from Drew’s

left ear, and the truths that Biblical sins were described as being “scarlet” and that the residue

was emitting red radiation coaxed Willows into shedding his skepticism and into becoming

convinced that the healer could help his son. In the manner of a traditional sin-eater, The Prime

Mover chomped his teeth down onto the bread that was glowing red with sins, but the impact of

his teeth with the bread somehow chipped his tooth. He yanked the bread from his mouth and

noticed that the crusty loaf had somehow transformed into a stone, and he realized that an

unknown force was interfering with his performance of cleromancy. As he gripped the bread

that had become stone, his eyes glanced back to the teeter-totter known as The Syncretizer to

discover that its right side had been raised and that its left side had descended to graze the

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nightstand. Based on The Syncretizer’s uneven surface, he understood that the balance between

sins and perfection had been disrupted, and he feared that his faith in God’s power had been

compromised and that his tainted faith had blighted his efforts to use cleromancy to heal

Willows’ son. When Drew began to shriek from the white Crown of Incorruptibility’s pressure

on his head, The Prime Mover placed the bread of stone on the table, curled his fingers around

the crown, and feverishly tugged it in an effort to remove it from the child’s cranium. Willows

sprinted toward the bed and recognized that the white crown was sinking and fastening itself to

his son’s flesh, and as he gazed down at the stone and the unstable teeter-totter known as The

Syncretizer, he bellowed, “What’s going on, healer? What are you doing to my son?”

As the white Crown of Incorruptibility merged into Drew’s cranium, The Prime Mover

yanked on the crown that embodied perfection and insisted that the balance between sins and

 perfection had been disturbed when he retorted, “The crown and The Syncretizer are the two

sides of my scale. The Syncretizer is being pushed up, so the crown is being pushed down. We

need more sins to weigh down on The Syncretizer; if we can push The Syncretizer down, we can

 pull the crown up just like a seesaw.”

The Prime Mover turned to the teeter-totter known as The Syncretizer and reassured

himself that considering that it was being pushed upward, the white Crown of Incorruptibility

was being driven downward to contrast the sins and perfection. He could not force the crown to

 budge from Drew’s head and decided that sins needed to be committed so that the sins could

weigh down on The Syncretizer because the pressure would cause the crown, which embodied

 perfection, to move upward from his cranium. While Willows ineffectually tugged on the white

crown that was descending into Drew’s flesh, The Prime Mover stepped back and continued to

question whether his faith had been corrupted and whether his lack of faith had impaired his

attempts to cure the child. He became convinced that Willows’ sins had been transferred to his

son Drew to stimulate his illness, and he understood that because the white crown represented

one side of his scale, the crown could be pushed upward only if The Syncretizer were weighed

downward with the pressure of sins. During Willows’ pulling on the sinking crown, The Prime

Mover quoted The Book of Matthew to argue that Willows should expose the sins that he had

 been concealing in his heart and that the sins would weigh down on The Syncretizer and push up

the crown when he proclaimed, “That’s not going to help. The crown is perfection; it’s

descending because The Syncretizer is moving up. The only way to remove the crown is to push

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it up by pushing The Syncretizer down like a seesaw. The Syncretizer represents sins; we need

to weigh it down with sins. The sins of the father are always visited on the son. Jesus said, ‘the

things which proceed out of the mouth come forth out of the heart, and they defile the man.’

You’re holding sins in your heart; you need to expose them to weigh down on The Syncretizer

and to push the Crown of Incorruptibility up from your son’s head. Please, expose your sins.

Revel in them, and weigh ‘the islands as though they were fine dust.’”

Lying in bed, Drew managed to wail despite his sore throat and the infection in his

respiratory tract, and Willows yielded that the white Crown of Incorruptibility could not be

 physically removed from his son’s head. As the crown sank deeper to merge into Drew’s

cranium, Willows implored The Prime Mover to cast more lots in cleromancy when he asserted,

“No, this is your job, healer. You’ve got to save him with your ‘honest scales and balances.’

You’re so obsessed with cleromancy; cast another lot.”

While the white crown sank deeper into Drew’s skull in reaction to the lifted position of

The Syncretizer, the mysterious curandero known as The Prime Mover repeated that Willows’

sins needed to be exposed by answering, “No, Mr. Willows, you’ve got to do this. You’re his

father, and your sins are being visited on him. Please, indulge in those sins so that The

Syncretizer will be weighed down with them; it’s the only way to  pull the crown up. Indulge in

your anger and your greed and your lust and your envy; your sins will press down on The

Syncretizer and pull the crown up until it comes off of your son’s head.” 

Drew’s persistent shrieking prompted Willows to decide that his internal sins needed to

“come forth out of the heart” so that they could exert pressure on The Syncretizer and propel the

crown up to unhinge it from his son’s cranium. In a frenzy, Willows scampered down the

hallway and opened the door of the bedroom in which the two cardiologists Alberto and Evelia

Jimenez were tossing and turning and struggling to fall asleep with the distraction of Drew’s

screaming. When Alberto and Evelia sat up in bed, Willows turned on the light and indulged in

sins by punching Alberto in the chin and by kissing Evelia, and through his actions, Willows

disclosed his envy that Alberto was an eminent doctor and his lustful desires for his wife Evelia.

Alberto leaped from the bed, gripped Willows’ shirt, pushed the Christian missionary from the

 bedroom into the bathroom, and shoved him to the floor. Willows extended his arm, planted his

hand on the counter, pulled himself to his feet, and glared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror

while Alberto prepared to confront him in retaliation for the attack. Standing in the doorway,

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Alberto demanded an explanation for Willows’ assault and his kissing of Evelia when he

muttered, “What was that about, Mr. Willows? What is your problem?”

Willows conceded that he could never adequately rationalize his displays of envy and lust

to the two cardiologists, and after Evelia charged into the bathroom and kicked him in the shin,

he crafted his most compelling argument for his sins and proclaimed, “I’m just trying to save my

son, Mr. Jimenez. He’s in pretty bad shape. I was visited by a curandero who told me that he

was balancing the world’s sins and perfection on his own scale. He told me that I had to show

my sins to weigh down one side of the scale and to bring up the other one. I’m here to admit that

I’m envious of your success as a doctor, and I’ve been lusting after your wife for a long time.

I’m sorry, but I’ve got to save Drew, by any means necessary.”

Following Willows’ confessions of sinful envy and lust, Alberto grasped that Willows

yearned to become a doctor and that his son’s illness encumbered his wishes to pursue such a

lofty goal. Despite his understanding of Willows’ disappointment about fruitless dreams,

Alberto became exasperated that Willows had relied on the apparent “plastic shamanism” of a

curandero, and he discouraged him from consulting any folk healers when he stammered, “Did

you really go to a curandero to help Drew? Those healers are dangerous; they’re charlatans who

masquerade around like holy men.”

While Evelia scowled at Willows for kissing her to convey his sinful lust, he defended his

solicitation of the curandero based on The Prime Mover’s unconventional “scales and balances”

and his ability to extract red residue from Drew’s ear canal by asserting, “You don’t understand.

This curandero is different; he calls himself ‘The Prime Mover.’ He’s not an herbalist; he

doesn’t even have a chonta. He uses ‘honest scales and balances’ to weigh sins and perfection;

he’s trying to create enough perfection to outweigh sins and to cast out the sins that made Drew

sick in the first place. He pulled some red stuff out of Drew’s ear; I think that it really represents

those sins that made him sick.” 

Alberto and Evelia Jimenez were Ecuadorian cardiologists who both trusted Patrick and

Molly Willows, the two American missionaries, but Willows could not justify his use of a

curandero or persuade Alberto that his sins were necessary to extract the white Crown of

Incorruptibility that was merging into Drew’s cranium. Neither Alberto nor Evelia could decide

how to react to Willows’ allegations that sins would establish an equilibrium for The Prime

Mover’s “honest scales and balances,” but Willows could never retract his admissions that he

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was envious of Alberto’s success as a cardiologist and possessed lustful desires for his wife

Evelia. As Alberto rubbed his new bruise from Willows’ assault, Evelia glowered at Willows

until his eyes darted away from her judgment and captured the image of his reflection in the

 bathroom mirror. A lion, a bear, and a leopard appeared as superimposed illustrations that

covered Willows’ reflection in three successive flashes, and the mysterious sight of the three

creatures in the mirror spurred Willows to push Alberto and Evelia from his path and to dart

from the bathroom back toward his son and The Prime Mover. When Willows reached his son’s

 bedside, Drew had stopped breathing, and The Prime Mover had collected his five crowns, his

candle for “ear candling,” his bread for sin-eating, and The Syncretizer and had fled from the

home. Willows committed sinful acts of envy and lust to press down on The Syncretizer and to

 push up the white Crown of Incorruptibility that served as the opposite side of The Prime

Mover’s scale, which “held the dust of the Earth in a basket” and “weighed the mountains on the

scales.” Alberto and Evelia Jimenez followed Willows to Drew’s bedside where Evelia began to

 perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the dying child. Staring at his unconscious son,

Willows realized that although his sins had weighed down on The Syncretizer to propel the

Crown of Incorruptibility upward and to remove it, The Prime Mover’s cleromancy failed to heal

Drew of diphtheria. During Evelia’s futile performance of CPR on Drew, Willows struck his

foot against the stone into which The Prime Mover’s bread had been transformed when the

curandero drenched it with the red residue that represented the sins that triggered his illness.

Willows stepped over the stone and opened the front door in search of The Prime Mover who

had escaped with disgrace, and upon perceiving him in the distance, Willows stood in the

doorway and beseeched him for assistance by shouting, “Please, healer, I’ll give you anything

that you want. I gave you a chance to help me. I put you to the test, and you failed. I’ll give

you everything that I’ve got if you save my son.”

The Prime Mover discarded Willows’ desperate pleas because he deduced that his faith in

God’s glory had been tarnished and that his corrupted faith had impeded his attempts to balance

sins and perfection and to manipulate the equilibrium to extract the sins and to consume them.

The Prime Mover was aware that even if Willows could offer his possessions in exchange for the

 preservation of his son’s life, his “honest scales and balances” were no longer viable healing

relics, so he sprinted farther away from the home until he disappeared into the nighttime

darkness. Willows viewed healing activities as a test that The Prime Mover had failed, and after

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Willows slammed the door shut in frustration, he kicked the bread that had become a stone and

returned to his son’s bedside while Evelia Jimenez performed chest compressions and breathed

into Drew’s mouth. In a helpless state, Willows witnessed his son’s death, and although Evelia

attributed Drew’s premature demise to respiratory failure from diphtheria, Willows was adamant

that the white Crown of Incorruptibility had fractured his son’s neck and skull before his sins

weighed down on The Syncretizer and allowed The Pr ime Mover to lift up the crown. Willows’

confessions that he envied Alberto and that he was filled with lustful desires for Evelia caused

the severance of his relationship with the two cardiologists. Willows’ wife Molly divorced him

when she discovered that he had been desperate enough to trust the curandero known as The

Prime Mover and that the healing procedures could have killed her son through the Crown of

Incorruptibility that crushed his skull. Following his son’s death, Willows abandoned his

missionary work in Ecuador and became a sanitation worker in Wilmington, Delaware, and one

year later in 2040, he and his fellow worker Luke Railsback now had stumbled onto a spinning

white whirlpool that scientists identified as a remnant of the primordial soup from which all life

emerged. The whirlpool had summoned Railsback to immerse himself inside the boiling white

substance, and his presence in the vortex caused a perfect version of Railsback to be spawned as

a means of balancing Railsback’s sins with the  perfection that eluded humanity. Railsback’s

 perfect clone referred to the whirlpool as the “hypostasis” and described himself as the

“chrysostom” in honor of the fourth-century Archbishop of Constantinople John Chrysostom,

and Willows now was contemplating why the chrysostom was donning a red crown that was

reminiscent of the white crown that The Prime Mover had placed on Drew’s head.

Scientists collected samples of white fluid from the boiling whirlpool called the

hypostasis, and while they tested its contents of water, methane, phosphate, and hydrogen sulfide

to determine whether the whirlpool truly was a remnant of the primordial soup, Willows and

Railsback returned to the sanitation department’s main station. The two workers had notified the

 police about the whirlpool that scientists were studying, but Railsback concealed that the

whirlpool had cloned him to generate the chrysostom, which was his perfect version. Railsback

was storing his perfect chrysostom, who was devoid of acne and other flaws, in his car while he

and Willows pondered how to cope with their new circumstances. In silence, Willows dwelled

on the red crown that the chrysostom was wearing based on the crown’s similarities with the

white Crown of Incorruptibility that served as the side that was opposite The Syncretizer on The

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Prime Mover’s scale. Railsback interrupted Willows’ fixation on the white crown that had likely

killed Drew with its pressure and praised the chrysostom when he exclaimed, “I can’t believe it,

man. The pool that birthed humanity gave me a perfect clone. I mean, did you see that thing?

It’s beautiful; he doesn’t have pimples or any of my other flaws. It’s amazing; if that pool can

clone other people, it could change the world. We might be able to create clones of everyone,

 just the way that God intended it from the start.”

Willows condemned the possibility that humans could rekindle perfection by cloning

themselves in the whirlpool called the hypostasis, and he disclosed that the chrysostom was

wearing a red crown that was comparable to The Prime Mover’s white crown by answering, “I

don’t think that we can know the will of God, Luke. He let my son die for no reason. Do you

remember that curandero who tried to heal him? He called himself ‘The Prime Mover;’ he said

that he cured people with scales that balanced sins and perfection to cast out the sins that made

those people sick. He put a white crown on my son’s head while he was trying to extract the

sins; he said that it was one side of his weighing scales. I think that the crown broke my son’s

neck, and the crown reminds me of the red one that your clone is wearing. I don’t know what it

means, but it’s freaking me out.”

Sitting beside Willows, Railsback considered that his close friend was still mourning the

loss of his son Drew and the divorce from his wife Molly, and neither Willows nor Railsback

were aware that Drew’s white crown represented the Crown of Incorruptibility and that the

chrysostom’s red crown was the Crown of Rejoicing. To allay Willows’ anxieties, Railsback

deviated from the discussion of the hypostasis, the chrysostom, and The Prime Mover’s crowns

and replied, “Man, I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know why the clone is wearing a

crown. The crown does look like it’s made out of gold. I know that ‘chrysostomos’ means

‘golden mouth,’ so maybe, that’s why he’s wearing the crown. You need to get your mind off of

all this stuff. Will you go to church with me tonight?”

Based on his previous misfortunes as a Christian missionary, Willows rejected

Railsback’s invitation to come to church, and he continued to express his aversion to the

chrysostom that the hypostasis had birthed by asserting, “The last thing that I need right now is

church, Luke. I’ve got a huge problem with your clone and his red crown. You think that he’s

so perfect with that stupid crown, but I bet that I could show you how pathetic he really is if you

give me a chance to take away some of that perfection. I’d love to rip that crown off and beat

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him over the head with it. The Prime Mover used crowns like that for a reason, and I’ve got to

figure out why. I want to find him and kill him; I don’t want to think that my son died in vain.”

Willows’ challenge that the perfect chrysostom could be fallible reminded Railsback of

the Biblical character Job’s plight because according to The Book of Job, the Devil revealed that

God’s seemingly faithful servant Job was also fallible and weak when he lost his family and his

wealth. Railsback understood that parallels could possibly exist between the white crown, which

The Prime Mover used to weigh down on the head of Willows’ son, and the red crown that the

chrysostom wore, but he could not empathize with the tremendous pain that Willows was

enduring. In an incredulous tone, Railsback conveyed his amazement that Willows was fixated

on the white and red crowns and was so eager to expose the perfect chrysostom’s blemishes

when he answered, “Man, you’re making it sound like my chrysostom is Job or something. My

chrysostom is me in perfect form. You can’t take away his family and make him try to curse

you; he’s already the personification of perfection. Please, don’t try to hurt my chrysostom,

Patrick. He’s awesome; he’s the way that God wanted me to be if I weren’t such a loser.”

Willows remained wary about the perfect clone who was donning a red crown that was

reminiscent of The Prime Mover’s “honest scales and balances,” and he urged Railsback to

surrender the chrysostom to the scientists by retorting, “You’ve got to give up the clone, Luke.

It’s not just the crown that’s bugging me; it’s that you have no idea what your clone really is.

You can tell yourself that he’s your perfect side all day long, but the truth is that you don’t know

anything about him or that pool that birthed him. When people find out that that pool can clone

them, everyone’s going to go insane to try to make their own clone buddy.”

Railsback became alarmed that Willows would divulge the existence of the chrysostom to

the scientists and that they would confiscate the perfect clone to study him, so Railsback voiced

his disapproval by uttering, “No, the pool called to me because it wanted to clone me. It didn’t

call to you or anyone else. The scientists can study the pool as the primordial soup, but no one

has to know that it cloned my perfect side. Please, don’t tell anyone about the chrysostom.” 

Willows could not deny that he inexplicably detested the chrysostom, but he agreed to

maintain the secret of the chrysostom’s existence and hoped that the hypostasis would not clone

anyone else by retorting, “Okay, I won’t tell anyone. Just be careful about it. Let’s try to make

sure that the pool doesn’t call to anyone else to try to clone them, too. I’d tell on any other

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 person, but since you’re the only friend that I’ve got, I won’t tell anyone about your clone. I

don’t want to lose my only friend, especially not with everything else that I’ve lost.”

As Willows and Railsback exchanged whispers in their private conversation, a young

sewer worker interrupted to commend Willows for assembling a workers’ union that would

 pursue greater rights for sanitation employees by exclaiming, “Hey, Mr. Willows, I want to thank

you for looking out for us. Congratulations on getting those thirty workers to support you.

Don’t worry; I’m sure that the other sixty workers will join you when they see all of the good

work that you’ve done for them. You’re doing a great service.”

The gleeful employee reminded Willows that in reaction to worker Frank Barron’s

accidental death, he had rallied thirty of the ninety sanitation workers together to form a workers’

union that sought improved conditions. However, Willows ignored the empty compliment

 because he was so preoccupied with the chrysostom’s red crown and its similarities with the

white crown that The Prime Mover used to kill Drew. When Willows nodded lackadaisically to

acknowledge the worker’s praise, the individual departed from the scene considering that

Willows appeared to be distracted, and Railsback shifted his focus from the secret existence of

the chrysostom and asked, “If I’m your only friend, then, prove it, and come to church with me

tonight. Now that I’ve got a perfect clone, maybe, you can have two friends.” 

Willows could not abandon his reservations about the chrysostom and his yearning to test

whether the clone was completely perfect, but he indulged Railsback and mumbled, “All right,

I’ll go with you to church, but you’ve got to keep your clone pal hidden. You’d better not share

him with the congregation unless you want other people to try to clone themselves.”

Willows accompanied Railsback to a nighttime church service, and during the car drive

to the church, Willows remained silent and refused to speak to the chrysostom because he was

miffed that the clone had discussed Drew’s death and the anti-diphtheritic serum that he had

failed to provide his son. While Railsback drove the car, Willows gawked at the red crown that

was fastened to the chrysostom’s head and persisted in contemplating how the red crown was

related to the white crown that The Prime Mover had used as one side of a weighing scale to

 break his son’s neck. Arriving at the “True Vine” Catholic Church, Railsback instructed the

chrysostom to remain inside the car, and after Willows and Railsback entered the church and

seated themselves in the pew to await the sermon. Willows flipped through the bulletin to

discover that the sermon’s topic was the Jewish prophet Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the walls in

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Jerusalem under the supervision of the Persian King Artaxerxes. While Willows scanned the

 bulletin and enjoyed his first church visit in over a year, Lydia Hewlett, a woman in a purple

dress, approached Railsback and invited him to her home for dinner following the service, and

after he agreed to the dinner arrangements, he considered that he could share the chrysostom

with Lydia. During the congregation’s singing of hymns, Willows mouthed the verses with

indifference while Railsback sang at the top of his lungs, and prior to the priest’s sermon,

Willows was reminded how joyful Railsback became about worship services.

Behind the pulpit, the priest Father Frederick Garrick grasped that the congregation

members were petrified about Venus’ close counter -clockwise rotation and that the volcanic

 planet could release basaltic meteors that could streak to Earth. However, he discarded his

anxieties about Earth’s “sister planet” and its bizarre atmospheric conditions, and he introduced

the Prophet Nehemiah’s challenges from Sanballat of Samaria and Tobiah the Ammonite by

 proclaiming, “Friends, Nehemiah faced a lot of problems while he was rebuilding the walls in

Jerusalem. His buddy Ezra was bringing back about 1,500 Israelites from exile in Babylon, and

 Nehemiah was working with a Persian king named Artaxerxes who didn’t really trust him.

Then, Nehemiah found out that his high priest Eliashib’s grandson actually married Sanballat’s

daughter, so the Jews actually became related to their enemies. Even when Nehemiah prayed to

God and begged for the Jews to stay pure and to keep God’s laws, the Jews still worshipped false

idols and broke the laws, but even when the Jews married their own enemies, God still loved

them. Nehemiah built the walls in fifty-two days, and K ing Josiah’s son Eliakim even helped

dedicate the walls in Jerusalem and tried to make sure that the Israelites worshiped only God and

no more false idols. Eliakim celebrated the rebuilding of the walls with the Levites, and he

 became a very important priest who showed God’s love for the Israelites, even they made

mistakes and turned against Him.”

Sitting in the pew, Willows and Railsback recalled that the priest Eliakim dedicated the

walls in Jerusalem and that according to The Book of Isaiah’s Twenty-second Chapter, a Godly

servant named Eliakim was destined to receive the “Key of David” that would lead to Heaven.

Before the priest Father Frederick Garrick could continue his sermon about Nehemiah’s

rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem, the chrysostom pushed open the doors and elaborated on the

sermon that he had been overhearing by bellowing, “Yes, Father, Eliakim dedicated the walls of

Jerusalem. He was a great priest, and the Prophet Isaiah even said that Eliakim would get the

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Key of David. If he has the Key of David, then, he can do anything. ‘What he opens, no one can

shut, and what he shuts, no one can open;’ that key opens the door to all things.”

The chrysostom began to crouch as if the red crown were weighing down on his cranium,

and as he sauntered across the aisle, the congregation members noticed that the chrysostom was

Railsback’s exact duplicate who lacked the acne that defined Railsback’s complexion. The priest

Father Garrick identified Railsback among the congregation members in the pew and demanded

an explanation for the clone’s appearance by bellowing, “Luke, what’s the meaning of this?”

Slouching beside Willows in the pew, Railsback remained mortified that the chrysostom

had exited his car and revealed himself to the public, and during the chrysostom’s methodical

walk toward the pulpit, the red crown exerted more pressure on his cranium in the manner of a

weighing scale. The chrysostom lowered his head in reaction to the weight, and Railsback

silently speculated about why the chrysostom mentioned the “Key of David” that the priest

Eliakim was destined to earn following his consecration of the Jerusalem walls, which the

Prophet Nehemiah had erected. Lumbering toward Father Garrick, the chrysostom quoted The

Book of Revelation so that he could reiterate Jesus Christ’s message to the Seven Churches of

Asia to punish them for their vanity and hypocrisy when he bellowed, “You could’ve held the

Key of David, Father; you could’ve worn the Crown of Glory if you’d been the shepherd who

decided to feed the flock of God that’s among you. I wanted to protect you from ‘the hour of

testing’ that’s about to come upon the whole world, but you haven’t earned your crown. Instead,

you’ve fallen to a Jezebel ‘who calls herself a prophetess,’  but ‘she teaches and leads’ followers

‘astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.’ I’ll give you

time to repent, Father, and if you do, I’ll give you ‘the morning star’ that will be the light shining

in a dark place. You’re a hypocrite who prays standing in the church and babbles on and on like

a pagan, but your sin has defiled you. Reveal your sin; bring it forth before it corrupts your


Willows and Railsback grasped that in The Book of Kings, the princess Jezebel was a

deceptive figure who coaxed the Israelite King Ahab into worshipping the false idol Baal and

into forsaking the single God That the Israelite prophets Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshipped.

While the two sanitation workers contemplated the identity of the “Jezebel” who the chrysostom

alleged had led Father Garrick to commit sins against his own “True Vine” church, Father

Garrick recognized the chrysostom’s statements as reminiscent of Jesus Christ’s condemnation

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of the Church of Thyatira from The Book of Revelation. In the aisle, the chrysostom cranked his

neck from the red crown’s pressure, and even when he moved the crown’s jewels that served as

riders to calibrate the weighing scale, he struggled to ensure that his chin did not slam into his

chest. According to The Book of Revelation’s Second Chapter, Jesus Christ offered “authority

over the nations” and “the morning star” to the Church of Thyatira, and Father Garrick was

 puzzled about the chrysostom’s reference to “the morning star” as the clone slowly approached

him. With the red crown crushing his neck, the clone repeated that he would reward Father

Garrick for divulging his personal sin as quickly as possible when he muttered, “Please, Father,

tell your flock your sin, and I’ll give you ‘the morning star.’ Repent of your immorality with the

Jezebel, and bring your soul away from the great tribulation that awaits you.”

Father Garrick remained silent and refused to publicize his sin, and when the chrysostom

reached the pulpit, the red crown acted as a triple-beam balance that he failed to calibrate, so the

crown exerted so much pressure that the chrysostom’s neck broke. With fractured vertebrae and

a bruised spinal cord, the chrysostom collapsed to the wooden floor and perished, and the sight

of Railsback’s dead clone prompted Father Garrick to acknowledge his sins with the “Jezebel”

figure by shrieking, “My God, I’ve sinned. I’ve broken my vow of celibacy. I’ve been having

affairs with a lot of women, a lot of Jezebels, but I led myself astray. I’m at fault for my own

sins; I’ve lost my own crown, my own Key of David.” 

Following Father Garrick’s confession that he had violated his commitment to celibacy as

a Catholic priest, the congregation members mumbled amongst each other in shock, and Father

Garrick’s public admission of his sins caused the red crown’s pressure to be alleviated until the

crown popped off and rolled from the dead chrysostom’s head. Railsback sprinted from the pew

to his perfect clone’s side, and as he wept tha t his perfect version had died in front of the

congregation, the curandero known as The Prime Mover stood in the back of the church and

squeezed his glowing teeter-totter called The Syncretizer. Father Garrick had created the illusion

that he was perfect and faultless, and considering that the chrysostom’s red crown was the Crown

of Rejoicing that embodied God’s perfection, Garrick’s hypocritical illusion of perfection had

weighed down on the crown until the pressure killed the chrysostom. The red Crown of

Rejoicing represented the “perfections” of the Thummim while The Syncretizer was the opposite

side that embodied the “lights” of the Urim and that contained sins, which contrasted with the

 perfection. The perfect Crown of Rejoicing’s pressure had diminished in reaction to Father

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Garrick’s profession that he was imperfect, so in the manner of a teeter -totter, The Syncretizer’s

luminous sides were lowered to indicate Father Garrick’s sin on The Prime Mover’s “honest

scales and balances.” During the congregation members’ hysteria that the chrysostom had

 perished and that Father Garrick had acknowledged his sins, The Prime Mover sensed that he

was slowly regaining the faith that had prevented him from saving Willows’ son Drew and

exited the church. Father Garrick and the congregation members gathered around Railsback and

his chrysostom with a snapped neck, and although Father Garrick expected the individuals to

condemn him for his sinful exploits with “Jezebels,” they embraced him with hugs. When a

congregation member named Doug McCann proposed calling an ambulance for the dead

chrysostom, Railsback placed his index finger on his clone’s jugular vein and screamed, “No, he

doesn’t need an ambulance. My chrysostom is dead; leave him alone.”

During the congregation’s hysteria, Lydia Hewlett, the woman in the purple dress,

focused on Railsback and inquired about the identity of the dead clone that lacked his acne and

other flaws by asking, “Luke, who was this person? What did he mean about the Key of David

and ‘the morning star?’ How was he planning to give a star to our church?” 

According to The Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ would visit the Church of

Philadelphia in modern-day Turkey to bestow its congregation with the Key of David, and he

would grant the “the morning star” to the Church of Thyatira to commemorate its repentance and

its rejection of the “Jezebel” figure. With the knowledge that the volcanic planet Venus was

mysteriously traveling counter-clockwise in the direction of Earth and that the priest Eliakim and

the Church of Philadelphia were both destined to earn the Key of David, Railsback concentrated

on his deceased clone and “the morning star.” As he peered down at the chrysostom’s crushed

throat and the red crown on the floor, he invok ed that Venus was referred to as “the morning

star” because it appeared so brightly in the east prior to sunset, briefly shined in the west

following sunset, and was never visible at midnight. He discussed the chrysostom’s true origin

and his esoteric statements about “the morning star” and the Key of David by asserting, “This

man was my perfect clone. Patrick and I found a whirlpool in the sewer that cloned me. In The

Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ promised ‘authority over the nations’ and ‘the morning star’ to

the Church of Thyatira to reward its congregation for rejecting the ‘Jezebel’ who led people

astray. ‘The morning star’ is also the name for Venus when it’s in the east before sunrise. I

don’t know how my clone could give our church the entire planet Venus, but he was babbling

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about the Key of David, too. It’s true that the priest Eliakim is supposed to get the Key of David

for dedicating Nehemiah’s rebuilt walls in Jerusalem, but Christ also promised to give the Key of

David to the Church of Philadelphia and to protect its congregation from Apocalyptic

destruction. I don’t know what my clone was talking about; he couldn’t possibly give our church

the planet Venus or the Key of David. He was just a clone that came out of the sewer.” 

Willows was furious that Railsback had publicized the existence of the hypostasis and its

ability to spawn perfect clones, and he corrected Railsback’s faulty statement that the chrysostom

had promised to bestow Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church with the Key of David by

interjecting, “Luke, your clone didn’t say that he would give the Key of David to the ‘True Vine’

church. He said that he would give ‘the morning star’ to Father Garrick for repenting of his sin

with the ‘Jezebel.’ All your clone meant is that Father Garrick could’ve earned the Key of David

if he’d been a better priest, a better shepherd to his flock, so to speak.”

Kneeling beside the dead chrysostom that reflected his perfection, Railsback nodded that

the chrysostom had offered only “the morning star” to Father Garrick to commemorate his

repentance in the same manner that Jesus Christ rewarded the Church of Thyatira with the same

“morning star” in The Book of Revelation. Willows’ grimace depicted his rage that Railsback

had divulged the super natural qualities of the hypostasis, and Railsback’s citation of the

Apocalyptic Book of Revelation prompted Lydia Hewlett, the woman in a purple dress, to ask

whether Willows and Railsback were discussing the Apocalypse by screeching, “Wait, are you

guys talking about the Apocalypse? The Book of Revelation is about the end of the world, right?

Does that mean that seven trumpets and the seven seals and the seven bowls are going to unleash

 plagues and famine and death? Is Luke’s clone bringing on the end of the world?”

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The “Morning Star” Lucifer: The Book of Isaiah 14:12

Railsback stared up from the dead chrysostom and assured Lydia that although Jesus

Christ delivered messages to the Seven Churches of Asia in The Book of Revelation, no events

suggested that the book’s Apocalyptic plagues would be released when he retorted, “No, Lydia,

no, my clone didn’t know anything. He probably saw our church as the new Church of Thyatira

since he offered Father Garrick ‘the morning star,’ but that’s all that he knew. Since Venus is

moving counter-clockwise, ‘the morning star’ was probably Venus. That’s all that he meant.”

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Standing beside Lydia, Father Garrick conceded that in The Book of Revelation, Jesus

Christ had delivered warnings to the Seven Churches of Asia and that the chrysostom likely

 perceived Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church as a modern version of the Church of Thyatira

considering that the chrysostom had offered “the morning star” to him. In a panic, Father

Garrick opened his Bible to The Book of Isaiah’s Chapter Fourteen and conveyed his anxiety

that “the morning star” referred to both Venus and the Devil when he uttered, “’The morning

star’ isn’t just Venus, Mr. Railsback. Isaiah calls the Devil ‘the morning star’ and the ‘son of the

dawn’ when he was ‘cast down to the Earth’ for rebelling against God and for trying to raise his

own ‘throne above the stars of God.’ The Devil was an angel that wanted to be greater than God,

so God cast him into ‘the depths of the pit’ in Hell. ‘The morning star’ isn’t Venus; it’s the

Devil that will come out of a ‘lake of fire’ during the Apocalypse. Your clone was a sign of the

Apocalypse, whether you like it or not.”

While the congregation members became terrified that “the morning star” could represent

the Devil instead of Venus, Willows chided Father Garrick for proposing that the chrysostom’s

“morning star” could represent the Devil. Willows insisted that The Book of Isaiah’s Chapter  

Fourteen was actually a meditation on God’s annihilation of Babylon to punish it for enslaving

the Israelites and that “the morning star” could be a hopeful symbol by replying, “’The morning

star’ isn’t the Devil, Father Garrick. 2 Peter says that God’s teaching is ‘a light shining in a dark

 place’ that will make ‘the morning star’ begin to ‘rise in your hearts.’ The Devil’s name Lucifer

doesn’t even mean anything evil. Lucifer means ‘Light- bearer’ since when Lucifer was still a

good angel that served God, he was full of light. He was God’s greatest servant until he tried to

 become God; that’s why the Bible calls Lucifer things like the ‘son of the morning’ and the

‘Angel of light.’ Isaiah 14 isn’t even really about Lucifer’s being cast into Hell to become the

Devil; it’s about God’s promise to destroy Babylon for enslaving the Israelites in exile. God

 promises to sweep Babylon ‘with the broom of destruction.’ The morning doesn’t have to be the

Devil; it could be something really good.” 

Father Garrick recognized that the Devil’s name Lucifer meant “Light- bearer” to

venerate his exemplary service to God, and he remembered that 2 Corinthians also praised the

angel Lucifer as the “son of the morning” prior to his banishment to Hell to become the Devil.

While the congregation members observed the interactions between Father Garrick and Willows,

Father Garrick conceded that The Book of Isaiah’s Chapter Fourteen was more fixated on God’s

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destruction of Babylon than on Lucifer’s wicked desire to “ascend to the heavens” and his

expulsion to Hell. However, the chrysostom’s threat to Father Garrick still echoed Jesus Christ’s

instructions for the Church of Thyatira to shun the lecherous “Jezebel.” Considering that the

Seventeenth Chapter of The Book of Revelation condemned Babylon as “The Mother of

Prostitutes,” Father Garrick compared Babylon to the “Jezebel” figure based on their sexual

indiscretions by answering, “You’re right, Mr. Willows; I don’t know exactly what ‘the morning

star’ is. I’ve told everyone about my sins with the ‘Jezebel,’ and Babylon is the biggest ‘Jezebel’

in the Scriptures. Revelation calls Babylon ‘The Mother of Prostitutes’ because of her

‘abominable things and the filth of her adulteries’ with all ‘the kings of the Earth’ who ‘have

committed fornication with her.’ My sermon was right when I said that the Prophets Ezra and

 Nehemiah could bring the Israelites out of the Babylonian Captivity and rebuild the walls in

Jerusalem, but only God could punish Babylon for enslaving the Israelites for fifty years.

Babylon is ‘The Mother of Prostitutes;’ it’s way worse than what I may have done with some


Willows swiped the chrysostom’s red crown from the floor, handed it to Railsback, and

decided that although the chrysostom had compared Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church to a

modern-day Church of Thyatira based on their shared “Jezebel” figures, the chrysostom was

dead and no longer posed a threat. He pushed through the crowd and ridiculed Father Garrick

for his feeble efforts to dismiss his affairs with “Jezebel” figures as trivial in comparison with

Babylon’s abominations against Israel when he casually muttered, “Okay, Father Garrick, no

matter what you say, you still had your affairs with the ‘Jezebel.’ Babylon brought down

Jerusalem and kept the Israelites in captivity for fifty years, and your fornications with the

‘Jezebel’ are just as bad as Babylon was as ‘The Mother of Prostitutes.’ Luke’s clone is dead.

He didn’t have anything important to say, so let’s pick up his body and get out of here.” 

Willows expressed his indifference to the chrysostom’s death, bumped into Lydia

Hewlett, and scurried down the aisle to exit Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church. As Railsback

gripped his perfect clone’s red crown, he wondered how the red crown was related to the white

crown that The Prime Mover had placed on Willows’ son during the failed healing ritual. While

Lydia Hewlett and Father Garrick maneuvered through the crowd to call for an ambulance to

extract the chrysostom’s corpse, Railsback remained frozen and squeezed the red crown more

tightly to his chest. During Venus’ unexplainable counter -clockwise rotation in close proximity

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to its “sister planet” Earth, Willows walked home and peered up at the night sky in search of

Venus, but although Venus represented “the morning star” as the third brightest natural object in

the sky, he could not view the planet as it moved between the Earth and the Sun. When Willows

reached his home, the empty rooms reminded him that The Prime Mover ’s healing ritual had

killed his son Drew and that his wife Molly had divorced him in her grief over the loss of her

only son. In his living room, he flipped through his Bible to Chapter Sixteen in The Book of

Acts, and as his eyes scanned the text, he confirmed his suspicions that while the Christian

missionaries St. Paul and Silas were proselytizing in Thyatira, they encountered Lydia, who was

“a dealer in purple cloth.” Lydia invited Paul and Silas to stay at her home in an hospitable

gesture that mimicked the congregation member Lydia Hewlett’s request for Railsback to join

her for dinner festivities. Considering that the Biblical figure Lydia lived in Thyatira, Willows

 became convinced that the two women were connected and that Father Garrick’s “True Vine”

church truly represented a modern-day Church of Thyatira that was guilty of being duped by

“Jezebels.” In a thoughtful manner, Willows parsed Jesus Christ’s rebuke of the hypocritical

Church of Thyatira in Chapter Two of The Book of Revelation. Although he had regarded the

chrysostom’s statements as nonsense, he could not deny that Christ promised to reward the

Church of Thyatira for its rejection of the “Jezebel” figure with “the morning star.” During the

quiet moment, he continued to wonder whether “the morning star” was Venus, the volcanic

 planet that was moving in an irregular counter-clockwise fashion, or Lucifer, the “light- bearing”

angel that was God’s greatest servant before God expelled him into Hell to become the Devil.

A pounding at the door roused Willows from his Scriptural reading, and after Willows

opened the door, Railsback hysterically greeted him, shoved the chrysostom’s red crown in his

face, and notified him that a basaltic meteor from Venus had streaked to Earth and had collided

into present-day Iraq by whimpering, “Patrick, you’re going to have to tell me what’s going on

here. My chrysostom, my perfect clone, is dead, and now, the news is saying that a meteor from

Venus hit the Babil Province in Iraq. That’s where Babylon used to be in ancient Mesopotamia;

a rock from Venus wiped out Babylon, ‘The Mother of Prostitutes’ that you compared Father

Garrick to over an hour ago.”

Willows was not surprised that a basaltic rock had been dislodged from Venus and had

 plummeted to the Earth considering that Venus was orbiting more closely than its general

seventeen degrees from the Sun and considering that its distance of forty million kilometers from

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the Earth was diminishing. Venus’ atmospheric pressure generally was ninety-two times greater

than the pressure on Earth, but it was clear that Venus’ solar winds, volcanic activities, and

 pressure had intensified to discharge the basaltic rock to Earth. However, Willows could not

explain why Venus’ rock had crashed into ancient Babylon, and he yanked the chrysostom’s red

crown away from Railsback and replied, “You expect me to know about this. Venus is moving

counter-clockwise with the rest of the planets; it’s getting so close to the Earth that we knew that

some of its rocks could fall on us. I can’t believe that a rock hit Babylon, but it’s none of my


Railsback rushed into Willows’ living room and glanced down at the open Bible to

determine that Willows was actually interested in “the morning star” and in the parallels between

Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church and the Church of Thyatira from The Book of Revelation.

Railsback reconsidered the verses from Chapter Fourteen in The Book of Isaiah and analyzed

their accounts of Lucifer’s falling from Heaven in the form of a “morning star” and God’s threat

to “wipe out Babylon’s name and survivors” when he retorted, “What is that supposed to mean,

Patrick? This is what Isaiah 14 is all about; this is prophecy about the end of the world. Lucifer

is ‘the morning star’ who God cast down to ‘the depths of the pit’ in Hell, but God promised to

destroy Babylon and to ‘sweep her with the broom of destruction’ to make room for Lucifer. No

matter what you think, Venus is moving counter-clockwise for a reason; its rocks fell to Babylon

for a reason. Venus is called ‘the morning star’ when it’s in the east, and Lucifer is called ‘the

morning star’ that fell to Hell. You can deny it all you want, but you know that this means

something. A rock from Venus didn’t just hit Babylon at random.”

Inside Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church, Willows had emphasized that The Book of

Isaiah’s Chapter Fourteen was more focused on God’s destruction of Babylon than on Lucifer’s

transformation from the angelic “morning star” into the Devil in “the realm of the dead.” Based

on the chrysostom’s accusations and Venus’ basaltic rock’s collision with ancient Babylon,

Willows could not ignore that Biblical prophecies concerning the Seven Churches of Asia and

the Five Crowns for the Faithful were being fulfilled. The sight of The Book of Acts’ Chapter

Sixteen in his open Bible prompted Willows to acknowledge that the congregation member

Lydia Hewlett was reminiscent of the Biblical “dealer in purple cloth” who invited the

missionaries Paul and Silas to her home. He agreed that Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church

was the modern Church of Thyatira that was destined to earn “the morning star” for its

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repentance when he rasped, “Okay, you’re right, Luke; there’s something going on here. I found

something else. In Acts, Paul and Silas went through Macedonia and Philippi and met ‘a dealer

in purple cloth’ named Lydia. She was from Thyatira; obviously, the Church of Thyatira was

there, too. It’s no coincidence that the ‘True Vine’ church has a priest who was tem pted by some

‘Jezebels’ or that it has a woman named Lydia who wears purple dresses as a member. Your

‘True Vine’ church is the new version of the Church of Thyatira that’s supposed to get ‘the

morning star,’ whatever that is.” 

Despite 2 Peter ’s message that “the morning star” is “a light shining in a dark place,”

Railsback feared that “the morning star” represented either Venus or the Devil. Railsback

decided that Lucifer was only celebrated as a “Light- bearer” and “the morning star” when he

served God as a dutiful angel, so Lucifer was stripped of his title as “the morning star” after God

 banished him into Hell to become the Devil. While Willows also entertained the notions that

“the morning star” could be the Devil and that Venus had been ordained to annihilate ancient

Babylon to signal his Apocalyptic arrival on earth, Railsback implored Willows to delve into The

Prime Mover’s deadly healing ritual by asserting, “Look, I know that you don’t want to talk

about this, but my chrysostom was wearing a red crown. You said that The Prime Mover put a

white crown on your son’s head to try to cure his diphtheria. It’s pretty obvious that Father

Garrick’s suppression of his sins made the red crown weigh down on my chrysostom’s head until

his neck broke. I mean, the crown never budged from his head, and then, after Father Garrick

confessed that he’d been with some ‘Jezebels,’ the crown popped right off my chrysostom’s

head. The white and red crowns have got to be connected.” 

Willows was confident that Father Gar rick’s “True Vine” church was a modern

incarnation of the Church of Thyatira, which was one of the Seven Churches of Asia that Jesus

Christ admonished in The Book of Revelation. He now believed that The Prime Mover’s white

crown and the dead chrysostom’s red crown represented two of the Five Crowns for the Faithful

that “the Lord has promised to those who love Him” according to The Book of James. Willows

discarded his reservations about dredging up his son’s death, and he discussed the curandero

known as The Prime Mover and his obsession with the image of the Earth’s “dust on the scales”

from The Book of Isaiah’s Fortieth Chapter when he exclaimed, “All right, Luke, I’ll tell you

what I think. I think that the ‘True Vine’ church is a modern version of one of the Seven

Churches of Asia and that the crowns are supposed to be two of the Five Crowns for the Faithful.

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The Prime Mover put a white crown on my son’s head; he said that it was the Crown of

Incorruptibility that you get for shunning Earthly temptations. That white Crown of

Incorruptibility was one side of The Prime Mover’s scale; the other side of the scale was a teeter -

totter called The Syncretizer. The Crown of Incorruptibility was like his Thummim; it weighed

 perfection. The Syncretizer was like his Urim; it weighed sins. He wanted perfection to

outweigh sins very slightly so that the perfection could cast out the sins that made my son sick.

The Prime Mover kept telling me that he could balance ‘the mountains on the scales’ and weigh

‘the islands as though they were fine dust,’ and I believe him. I fell for his trick. I let him put

the Crown of Incorruptibility on my son’s head. He made me commit sins to try to balance them

with the crown’s perfection, but the crown just weighed down on my son and broke his neck.”

While Willows sighed with grief, Railsback recalled that the Urim and the Thummim

were sacred coins that Israelite priests used to deduce God’s will, and he grasped that on The

Prime Mover’s “honest scales and balances,” The Syncretizer was the Urim’s sins while the

Crown of Incorruptibility was the Thummim’s perfection. He expressed his condolences for

Willows’ loss and scrutinized The Prime Mover’s mentality and his ultimate goal as an

unconventional curandero by remar king, “I’m sorry about your son, Patrick. It seems to me that

The Prime Mover killed your son with the white crown just like the red crown killed my

chrysostom. You said that The Prime Mover wanted to balance sins and perfection to cast out

the sins that made your son sick. It doesn’t make any sense. Curanderoes are supposed to use

holy water and Bible verses to help people; they aren’t supposed to use scales. What was The

Prime Mover thinking? What was he trying to do?” 

With more painful memories flooding into his head, Willows remained aware that The

Prime Mover was an unorthodox curandero because he used a scale instead of holy water, but

Willows had been so desperate to save his son that he permitted The Prime Mover to apply his

remedies. In a cracking voice, Willows addressed cleromancy and quoted Proverbs 16 to

 pinpoint The Prime Mover’s use of crowns and The Syncretizer as the two sides of his scale by

retorting, “He said that he was performing cleromancy by casting lots. In the Bible, the Pr ophet

Joshua used cleromancy to figure out who stole some Babylonian gold; even the Israelites used

cleromancy to pick Saul as their first king. The Prime Mover said that his ritual was Biblical

cleromancy, and I believed him. He cast the Urim and the Thummim as his lots in cleromancy;

The Syncretizer was his Urim; the Crown for the Faithful was his Thummim. He kept babbling

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about Proverbs 16 that says that ‘honest scales and balances belong to the Lord’ and that ‘all the

weights in the bag are of His making.’ He told me that he was God’s messenger who used those

‘honest scales and balances’ to weigh sins and perfection. I let him cast his lots to make

 perfection outweigh the sins that made my son sick, and it killed him.” 

Railsback was alarmed that The Prime Mover had presented his use of “honest scales and

 balances” as a variation of Biblical cleromancy, and Willows’ allusion to the contrast between

sins and perfection on The Prime Mover’s scale reminded Railsback of the importance of

opposites. The Prime Mover perceived himself as God’s messenger who used his scales to

weigh the opposites of sins and perfection, so Railsback emphasized that Biblical opposites were

necessary because one opposite defined the other when he replied, “That sounds awful, Patrick.

If The Prime Mover really did try to use God’s ‘honest scales and balances,’ then, that’s just

 blasphemy. I guess that I can understand why someone would want to balance sins and

 perfection though; after all, they’re the most important opposites in existence. In Ecclesiastes,

King Solomon really stresses that ‘the wind blows to the south and goes around to the north;’

north and south are opposites. Even in The Book of Genesis, when God created the heavens and

the earth, He separated light from darkness to make Day and Night; without the darkness, we

wouldn’t understand what light is. I understand why The Prime Mover would want to balance

opposites, but using a divine scale is too much power for anyone to have.” 

Willows concurred that opposites were essential elements of The Book of Genesis and

The Book of Ecclesiastes considering that God ordained for the wind to travel both to the north

and to the south and that He separated light from darkness so that light could be defined as the

contrast of the darkness. He feared that Railsback was somehow defending The Prime Mover’s

 peculiar rituals as a curandero, so he shifted his focus from opposites to the Five Crowns for the

Faithful by shrieking, “Luke, who cares about opposites? It doesn’t matter whether The Prime

Mover thought that he was casting lots in cleromancy or balancing opposites. He still killed my

son. He put his Crown of Incorruptibility on my son’s head and broke his neck.”

While Venus moved in its counter-clockwise direction toward the Earth, Railsback

discarded The Prime Mover’s attempts to justify his peculiar healing rituals and inquired about

the white and red crowns by muttering, “You’re right; your curandero The Prime Mover is a

killer. I don’t care what he thought that he was doing or how he tried to justify what happened.

You said that he put a white crown on your son that broke his neck; a red crown weighed down

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on my chrysostom and killed him. If the crowns are really two of the Five Crowns for the

Faithful, then, what are they exactly?” 

Willows considered that according to The Book of James, the Crown of Life, the Crown

of Incorruptibility, the Crown of Righteousness, the Crown of Rejoicing, and the Crown of Glory

were the Five Crowns for the Faithful that Catholics strived to earn to gain entry to the Kingdom

of Heaven. Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church was a modern-day Church of Thyatira among

the ancient Seven Churches of Asia, and the chrysostom who delivered the message about Father

Garrick’s improprieties with “Jezebels” was clearly wearing one of the Five Crowns for the

Faithful. Based on Railsback’s jovial worshipping during the “True Vine” church service,

Willows concluded that Railsback’s perfect clone known as the chrysostom was likely wearing

the red Crown of Rejoicing. He described the Five Crowns for the Faithful as The Prime

Mover’s weighing scales when he asserted, “I think that The Prime Mover put the white Crown

of Incorruptibility on my son’s head to reward him for being baptized and for shunning Earthly

temptations in favor of God’s grace. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve been running the race of

life for a long time. I think that you’ve fought the good fight and kept the faith; you’ve already

earned the Crown of Righteousness. You’re so giddy about your faith that I think that your

chrysostom was wearing the red Crown of Rejoicing; that’s the crown that broke his neck.

Those Five Crowns for the Faithful were part of The Prime Mover’s weighing scale. They were

inspired by an experiment that Archimedes did to figure out whether King Hiero’s crown was

 pure gold or not. Archimedes used the crown like a scale and weighed it in water to figure out

that it had some silver in it; it wasn’t pure gold. The Crown of Incorruptibility and the Crown of

Rejoicing were weighting scales that killed my son and your perfect clone.”

Willows had informed Railsback of the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes’

experiment to use King Hiero’s crown as a weighing scale so that he could deduce that the crown

was comprised of thirty percent silver and was not pure gold. Railsback grasped that the white

Crown of Incorruptibility and the red Crown of Rejoicing were both scales that served as one

side of The Prime Mover’s “honest scales and balances,” and he remained concerned about The

Prime Mover’s obsession with opposites and the parallels between the Five Crowns for the

Faithful and the Seven Churches of Asia. He snatched Willows’ Bible from the table, and as he

examined Jesus Christ’s message to the Church of Philadelphia in The Book of Revelation’s

Third Chapter, he discovered that Christ instructed the church to “hold fast” to ensure that “no

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one will take your crown.” He proposed that each of the seven churches could possess Crowns

for the Faithful and elaborated on the Biblical fixation with opposites by replying, “Well, I do

love to rejoice; I just wish that my crown hadn’t killed my clone. It seems to me that these

crowns could be weights like Archimedes thought, but I think that the Seven Churches of Asia

had Crowns for the Faithful, too. Christ’s message to the Church of Philadelphia tells its

members to hold on to their crown. In Christ’s message to the Church of Laodicea, he says that

he’ll reject them for being ‘lukewarm’ and for being ‘neither hot nor cold.’ If you didn’t think

that opposites were important before, then, you do now. The Prime Mover wanted to balance the

opposites of sins and perfection, and Christ hated the Church of Laodicea for not picking one of

the opposites of either hot or cold. To Christ, there’s nothing worse than being ‘lukewarm;’

you’ve got to pick one of your opposites on one side of the scale.”

Willows contemplated that the Seven Churches of Asia could have possessed the Five

Crowns for the Faithful in The Book of Revelation, and as he considered Archimedes’

experiment to test whether King Hiero’s crown was pure gold, he decided that Christ also could

 be testing the purity of the seven hypocritical churches. According to the Scriptures, Christ

appeared to abhor the Church of Laodicea’s “lukewarm” mentality and to prefer churches that

exhibited the opposites of either “hot” or “cold” philosophies. With the image of his dead son

etched in his mind, Willows addressed the notions that Christ could be testing Father Garrick’s

“True Vine” church just as Archimedes tested the gold crown’s purity and that opposites were

imperative to life when he rasped, “The Prime Mover didn’t pick a side on the scale, Luke. He

said that he was standing on the fulcrum between the scales that weighed your opposites of sins

and perfection. He tried to make the perfection slightly outweigh the sins to cast them out, but

he never picked a side on either sins or perfection. Maybe, your chrysostom was trying to pick a

side on the scales. He was on the side of perfection, but he wanted to expose Father Garrick’s

sins. Your chrysostom was wearing the Crown of Rejoicing, and if that crown is actually a

weighing scale that broke his neck, then, maybe, he was testing the purity of Father Garrick’s

church just like Archimedes tested the purity of King Hiero’s gold crown. Christ tested the

 purity of the Seven Churches of Asia in The Book of Revelation, and that’s what your

chrysostom was doing. He was picking a side; he abandoned his own perfection because he

wanted Father Garrick to admit his sins. The Prime Mover wouldn’t pick a side on the scales.

He wanted to be the ‘unmoved mover’ who stood between the two opposite sides. He stayed

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‘lukewarm’ like the Church of Laodicea. He was neither ‘hot’ nor ‘cold,’ and it cost me my

family. I mean, Father Garrick may have broken his priestly vows, but he still has a family.” 

Railsback discerned that Willows was still mourning the death of his son Drew, and with

sensitivity, Railsback shifted his focus from the opposites of sins and perfection and testing the

 purity of churches and gold crowns. He dwelled on The Prime Mover’s mechanisms of causing

 perfection to outweigh sins and of extracting the “scarlet” sins that triggered Drew’s illness by

asserting, “It’s terrible what The Prime Mover did to you, Patrick. He had no right to think that

he could be the ‘unmoved mover.’ He should’ve picked a side on sins or perfection instead of

staying ‘lukewarm.’ What else did he do? How did he make the perfection outweigh the sins?”

Willows disclosed The Prime Mover’s use of “ear -candling” to extract the sins that

caused Drew’s illness and the healer’s failed efforts to consume the sins by transferring them to

 bread when he uttered, “He put a candle in my son’s ear to pull the sins out. I guess that they

were sins; they glowed ‘scarlet’ red like the Bible says. He tried to be a sin-eater. He covered a

 piece of bread with the sins, but when he tried to eat them, the bread turned into stone. Then,

when the Crown of Incorruptibility started weighing down on my son, he told me that there was

too much perfection on his ‘honest scales and balances.’ He made me commit sins to create

some balance between sins and perfection on the scales, but it didn’t help. The weirdest thing is

that when I sinned, I saw some freaky things in the mirror. That’s all that happened, and when I

ran back to help my son, The Prime Mover was gone, and my son’s neck was broken from the

crown’s pressure. It was terrible; I was so desperate for help that I let that curandero kill my

 boy. I was so stupid. I trusted in my Catholic faith in curanderoes, and it let me down.”

Willows placed his Bible on the table, walked into his bedroom, and retrieved the stone

into which a piece of bread had transformed when The Prime Mover drenched it with the

“scarlet” sins, which triggered Drew’s illness. When Willows returned to the living room, he

slapped the coarse stone into Railsback’s hand, and as Railsback considered that Willows’ sins

had stimulated him to experience hallucinations, he peered at his friend and inquired about the

visions by declaring, “So, this is the stone. The Prime Mover balanced sins and perfection on his

scale to cast the sins out, and when he tried to eat the sins on bread, the bread turned into this

stone. Let me ask you something. When you started sinning to balance everything on The Prime

Mover’s scale, did you start to see a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a beast with iron teeth?” 

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Willows was flabbergasted that Railsback was familiar with the visions that he had

witnessed in the mirror during his failed efforts to reduce the white Crown of Incorruptibility’s

 pressure on his son’s cranium. In a puzzled tone, Willows asked, “Yeah, that’s right, Luke. The

Prime Mover said that the white crown represented perfection that was weighing down on my

son, so I sinned to try to pull the crown up and off of his head. I feel like the sins made me see

those things. How did you know?” 

In a panic, Railsback shuffled for words and stammered, but when he could not offer a

 proper explanation regarding the visions, he grabbed the remote control and turned on the

television to monitor the aftermath of Venus’ meteor that collided into ancient Babylon in Iraq.

On the news, the broadcaster emphasized that Venus was moving closer to the Earth in its

counter-clockwise rotation and that its sulfuric clouds were discharging lightning when she

 proclaimed, “We’re still following this story that a meteor from Venus struck the Babil Province 

in Iraq. In the past, Venus was the only planet that rotated clockwise, but for the past year, it’s

 been rotating counter-clockwise with the rest of the planets. Its atmospheric pressure has

generally been ninety-two times more than the pressure on Earth, but scientists are saying that

that pressure is increasing. They’re saying that Venus used to be seventeen degrees from the Sun

and forty million kilometers from the Earth, but that’s all decreasing as Venus gets closer to us.

Venus has practically no magnetic field or plate tectonics due to its dry surface, but it’s covered

with erupting volcanoes and basaltic rock. There’s a fear that more rocks could fall from Venus,

and scientists are saying that Venus’ sulfuric clouds are generating even more lightning than

Earth is. Now, we’re worried about lightning and basaltic rocks from Venus as it gets closer to


While the television reporter expressed fears that Venus’ basaltic rocks could annihilate

more Earthly locations than ancient Babylon in Iraq, Railsback became distressed that Venus’

sulfuric clouds were discharging Earth-like lightning on its volcanic surface. He turned to

Willows and quoted from The Book of Luke’s Eighteenth Chapter to convey his anxiety about

lightning when he exclaimed, “Man, Venus is shooting lightning now; it’s crazy. Lightning

always scares me, especially when Jesus said that he ‘saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven’

in the Gospels. My chrysostom warned us that Father Garrick would receive ‘the morning star’

for admitting those sins with the ‘Jezebels.’ ‘The morning star’ could be Venus or the Devil, and

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if it’s the Devil, then, I’m worried. What if the Devil is in that lightning? What if Venus’ rocks

destroyed Babylon to make way for the Devil to come out of ‘the lake of fire.’” 

Willows could fathom that ancient Babylon had been destroyed to punish its King

 Nebuchadnezzar and its other inhabitants for enslaving and exiling the Israelites from the years

597 to 538 BC. However, while he considered that the dead chrysostom had promised to reward

Father Garrick with “the morning star,” he refused to accept that “the morning star” could be the

Devil or that Venus’ lightning somehow contained the Devil considering that Christ “saw Satan

fall like lightning from Heaven” in the Scriptures. As Railsback changed the television channel,

Willows conceded that strange events were occurring and dismissed the possibility that the Devil

could exist in Venus’ lightning by remarking, “Luke, I’ll admit that your chrysostom and my son

wore two of the Five Crowns for the Faithful. I’ll even admit that your chrysostom saw Father

Garrick’s church as a modern version of the Church of Thyatira from the Seven Churches of

Asia, but now, you’re really pushing it. Why does it matter that The Book of Isaiah calls the

Devil ‘the morning star’ when he was cast into Hell? Why does it matter if Venus is called ‘the

morning star,’ too? Just because the chrysostom promised to give Father Garrick ‘the morning

star’ doesn’t mean that Venus destroyed ancient Babylon to pave the way for the Devil or that

the Devil exists in Venus’ lightning. You’re really talking crazy, buddy.” 

When Railsback overheard a breaking news report about the discovery of the

“hypostasis” that could represent the remnants of the primordial soup that birthed organic life

from inorganic matter, he expressed his amazement by exclaiming, “Then, we’re both cr azy

together, Patrick. We’re making news with Babylon and with the whirlpool that pulled us in to

all of this. It looks like those biologists have decided to make our sewer discovery public.”

Willows was astonished that the biologists had publicized the existence of the white

whirlpool known as the “hypostasis” that had spawned Railsback’s perfect clone, and Willows

could only mutter, “What?,” as he gazed at the new television report. Transitioning from Venus’

destruction of ancient Babylon, the broadcaster discussed the “hypostasis” that represented the

remnants of the primordial soup and that generated perfect clones known as chrysostoms when

she proclaimed, “We’re still monitoring the situation with Venus, but in other news, scientists

are saying that they’ve discovered the primordial soup that created all life. They’re calling it the

‘hypostasis,’ and it’s a pool that’s got the properties of a vortex and a black hole. Of course, the

hypostasis has got the water and the carbon dioxide and the hydrogen sulfide that were needed to

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sustain life, but scientists are saying that the hypostasis may even be able to clone humans. This

is an amazing discovery, indeed, and with Venus getting closer to the Earth, we could use some

new discoveries. We’ll update you on the hypostasis when more information becomes


In a rage, Willows turned off the television and became convinced that the biologists to

whom the Wilmington sanitation department had submitted the hypostasis were now using the

whirlpool to clone themselves just as Railsback had. Willows accepted that sins could cause

sicknesses for humans, but he still refused to believe that the hypostasis pool could be

comparable to the Pool of Bethesda that healed “disabled people” in The Book of John 5. When

Willows charged toward the front door, Railsback feared that Willows was incensed that the

 biologists had divulged the discovery of the hypostasis and its ability to create perfect clones

called chrysostoms, and Railsback could only ask, “Where are you going, Patrick?” 

Standing at the front door, Willows contended that the biologists had been immersing

their bodies inside the hypostasis to clone themselves and that the perfect clones were dangerous

 based on the fate of Railsback’s chrysostom by shouting, “Those biologists have been cloning

themselves in our whirlpool, Luke. Those clones are dangerous; they say things that aren’t true.

I mean, your clone said that Father Garrick would earn ‘the morning star’ for admitting his sins;

he made you think that the Devil is coming to Earth just because a rock from Venus hit ancient

Babylon. Stay here, and think about whatever you want. Try to figure out whether ‘the morning

star’ is the Devil or Venus, but I’m going to put an end to these clones.” 

Railsback noticed that Willows was brandishing a handgun and was appalled that his

fellow sanitation worker intended to kill the chrysostoms that the biologists were generating in

the whirlpool known as the hypostasis. He hoped to dissuade Willows from such an impulsive

act and insisted that they both shared the discovery of the hypostasis by replying, “Hey, man, I’m

coming with you. I found that pool with you in that sewer; it’s my discovery, too.”

While “the morning star” Venus shined at its maximum luminosity and barreled toward

Earth, Railsback climbed into the passenger seat of Willows’ car and accompanied him to the

 biologists’ lab where the Wilmington sanitation department had submitted the hypostasis.

Railsback wished to address the meaning of “the morning star” that could represent either Venus

or Lucifer prior to his banishment to Hell, but Willows remained silent and refused to discuss

“the morning star,” Venus’ lightning, or Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church. Willows pulled

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up to the lab and identified that eight chrysostoms were assembled around the premises, and his

suspicions were confirmed that the biologists had immersed themselves in the hypostasis to

engender their own perfect clones. Staring through the car windshield, Willows and Railsback

recognized that the eight perfect clones were wearing different Crowns for the Faithful, which

were the green Crown of Life, the white Crown of Incorruptibility, the blue Crown of

Righteousness, the red Crown of Rejoicing, and the purple Crown of Glory. According to 1

Peter , a Catholic would achieve the Crown of Glory by deciding to “feed the flock of God.” The

two sanitation workers pinpointed that one of the chrysostoms was donning the purple Crown of

Glory, and considering that a biologist had earned the Crown of Glory, his chrysostom was

wearing the purple crown when he emerged from the hypostasis. Willows became infuriated that

the biologists had enveloped themselves inside the hypostasis to create their perfect clones that

wore Crowns for the Faithful, and before Railsback could restrain his friend, Willows leaped

from his car and aimed his gun at the cluster of clones. As Railsback opened the car door,

Willows fired six bullets at the clones as their crowns of green, white, blue, red, and purple

colors blurred together, but the clones were perfect chrysostoms and were impervious to bullets.

In frustration that bullets could not harm the eight chrysostoms outside of the lab,

Willows tossed his gun to the street and wondered how the perfect clones could be exterminated

as they dispersed in reaction to the gunfire. He recalled that the clones’ Five Crowns for the

Faithful represented the individual sides that weighed perfection on The Prime Mover’s “honest

scales and balances.” Railsback’s clone had perished when Father Garrick’s hypocrisy and his

false appearance of perfection caused the red Crown of Rejoicing’s perfection to weigh down on

the clone until his neck snapped. Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church was comparable to the

Church of Thyatira that Christ reproached in The Book of Revelation because the modern “True

Vine” church and the ancient Church of Thyatira both hypocritically appeared to support “love

and faith” and concealed their associations with “Jezebel” figures. As Railsback  raced to

Willows’ side to confront him, Willows decided to treat the Five Crowns for the Faithful as if

they were weighing scales or King Hiero’s gold crown that the Greek mathematician

Archimedes weighed to assess its purity. During the eight chrysostoms’ scampering around the

 premises, Railsback implored Willows not to harm the biologists’ perfect clones by shrieking,

“What are you thinking, Patrick? Why can’t we have some perfection in our sinful, little world?

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Please, leave the chrysostoms alone. I lost my chance to see the perfect side of myself; don’t

take it away from these scientists.” 

As Railsback sought to pacify his fellow sanitation worker, Willows peered at the colored

crowns that the chrysostoms were donning as scales that weighed perfection on The Prime

Mover’s “honest scales and balances.” He was terrified that the perfect chrysostoms would

expose hidden sins just as Railsback’s chrysostom had forced Father Garrick to publicize his

own hypocrisy in the modern “True Vine” church that embodied the ancient Church of Thyatira.

When Railsback clasped his shoulder, Willows revealed that he would revel in similar hypocrisy

to exert pressure on the eight chrysostoms’ Crowns for the Faithful by bellowing, “I have to,

Luke. I can’t be ‘lukewarm’ like the Church of Laodicea; I have to pick a side on the scale.

Those crowns weigh perfection, and if I can’t shoot the chrysostoms, then, I’ll pretend to be

 perfect until my hypocrisy weighs down on their crowns enough to break their necks.”

Considering that Father Garrick’s hypocritical façade of perfection had created enough

weight on Railsback’s chrysostom to kill him, Willows was eager to engage in the same

hypocrisy for which Christ rebuked the Seven Churches of Asia in The Book of Revelation. Just

as Christ revealed the sins of the Seven Churches of Asia, Railsback’s chrysostom had managed

to uncover Father Garrick’s sinful exploits with “Jezebel” figures, and Willows now was terrified

that these new eight chrysostoms would ridicule other humans for their hypocrisies and other

sins. When Railsback asked, “What are you going to do?,” Willows announced that he had

familiarized himself with the hypocrisies that the Seven Churches of Asia committed and that he

would engage in those hypocrisies to kill the new chrysostoms by muttering, “I haven’t given up;

I’m always thinking. Your chrysostom exposed Father Garrick’s sins, but I won’t let these

chrysostoms expose anyone else’s or create the havoc that yours tried to do. Christ showed the

hypocrisy in the Seven Churches of Asia; that’s all that I need. Father Garrick’s hypocrisy killed

your chrysostom, and my hypocrisy can kill these new chrysostoms.” 

Willows recalled that according to The Book of Matthew’s Sixth Chapter, Jesus Christ

instructed his disciples not to be hypocritical and to shun the hypocrites who “love to pray

standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.” In a facetious act,

Willows dropped to his knees on the sidewalk, closed his eyes, and pretended to pray publicly so

that his hypocrisy could create the false appearance of perfection and cause the perfection to

weigh down on the chrysostoms’ Crowns for the Faithful. When he opened his eyes, he noticed

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that the chrysostoms were lumbering in various directions, and he became hopeful that his

hypocritical façade of perfection was stimulating the crowns to weigh down on the chrysostoms’

craniums in the manner of scales. According to The Book of Revelation’s Second Chapter, the

Church of Ephesus had “left” its “first love” by forsaking its zeal for God, and the Church of

Pergamum had been supporting “the teaching of Balaam,” who was a Biblical soothsayer who

 blessed Israel’s enemies and duped the Israelites to worship the false idol Baal in The Book of

 Numbers. Willows embraced the two churches’ hypocrisy and pretended that he had not “left”

his own “first love” of missionary work in Ecuador, and he also praised Balaam for coercing the

Israelites to worship Baal, to construct altars, and to turn away from God by flippantly

 bellowing, “Oh, God, I’ve persevered. My missionary work in Ecuador was my ‘first love,’ and

I never left it. I’ve always loved being a missionary, but I’ve loved ‘the teaching of Balaam’

even more. Balaam built those blasphemous altars and blessed Israel’s enemies and worshipped

Baal, and I love him. I love him for making the Israelites ‘eat things sacrificed to idols;’ he’s my


Willows had imitated the Church of Ephesus’ hypocritical rejection of its “first love” and

the Church of Per gamum’s adulation of the idolatrous soothsayer Balaam, so the sanitation

worker’s hypocrisy and his façade of perfection exerted pressure on the chrysostoms’ crowns.

When Willows recognized that the chrysostoms were crouching down in reaction to the crowns’

weight, he recalled that Christ had reprimanded the Church of Thyatira for committing “acts of

immorality” with a “Jezebel” and that the Church of Sardis was guilty of not completing their

faithful deeds “in the sight of God.” Willows was aware of his own lustful yearnings for

“Jezebel” figures and the sins that he had attempted to conceal from God, so he glared into the

sky and persisted in hypocrisy by proclaiming, “I’m just so perfect, God. I’ve never lusted after

a ‘Jezebel’ in my heart since my wife left me. I didn’t even lust after Evelia Jimenez while I was

married. I’ve never hidden all of my works from Your sight, Lord; I’ve always been honest that

I’ve hated you ever since you let The Prime Mover kill my son. None of my perfection has ever

 been hidden from You.”

In The Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ had uncovered the hypocrisies that the Seven

Churches of Asia committed, and Willows successfully replicated those hypocrisies and facades

of perfection to weigh down on the chrysostoms’ Crowns for the Faithful. The crowns acted as

triple-beam balances by containing perfection that weighed down on the chrysostoms until the

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 pressure fractured their necks, and when the chrysostoms began to collapse to the street, Willows

 became elated about the perfect clones’ deaths. He admired the stacks of dead chrysostoms and

insisted that he had not succumbed to the Church of Laodicea’s sin of being “lukewarm” by

shrieking, “Do you see what I did? I wasn’t ‘lukewarm’ like the Church of Laodicea, God. I

 picked a side on the scale; I wasn’t like your Prime Mover who thought that he could stand on

the scale’s fulcrum and weigh ‘the dust of the earth in a basket.’ If his ‘honest scales and

 balances’ weigh opposites of sins and perfection, then, I picked my side; I picked my opposite. I

know that I’m a hypocrite; I’m a sinner in Your eyes.” 

Willows’ public acknowledgement that he was a sinner alleviated the weight of the

chrysostoms’ crowns because as his sins exerted pressure on one side of The Prime Mover’s 

scale, the side that measured perfection was pushed up until the crowns were extracted from the

chrysostoms’ heads. Railsback longed for the perfection that God originally intended and

lamented that Willows had eradicated the biologists’ eight perfect chrysostoms by exploiting

their crowns as weighing scales. While Railsback openly sobbed, the curandero known as The

Prime Mover emerged from behind the lab and responded to Willows’ contention that he had

“picked” his “opposite” by proclaiming, “Yes, Mr. Willows, you picked your opposite; you

weren’t ‘lukewarm.’ The only problem is that you picked sins on my scales.”

Willows turned away from the piles of dead chrysostoms and became livid at the sight of

The Prime Mover whose “honest scales and balances” had killed Willows’ son during a failed

healing ritual. Wearing the curandero’s orange shirt with black stripes, The Prime Mover calmly

yanked the purple scarf around his neck and gripped the luminous teeter-totter known as The

Syncretizer to dazzle Willows and Railsback. Willows frantically charged toward The Prime

Mover, but Railsback restrained Willows from attacking the curandero and pleaded with his

fellow sanitation worker to refrain from violence. While The Prime Mover’s Syncretizer

represented the “lights” of his Urim, the Five Crowns for the Faithful encapsulated the

“perfections” of his opposing Thummim, and Willows became even more furious when The

Prime Mover hurled the white Crown of Incorruptibility to the pile of the dead chrysostoms’

crowns. Willows and Railsback both recognized the white Crown of Incorruptibility as the

weighing scale that had killed Willows’ son Drew, and as Railsback positioned his palms on his

chest, Willows shrieked, “What do you want, healer? You killed my son with your hocus-pocus,

and I’m going to kill you.”

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The eight biologists who had immersed themselves inside the hypostasis emerged from

the lab and were dismayed by the two stacks of their dead clones and of the Crowns for the

Faithful that the clones had worn to symbolize their perfection. As the biologists stepped over

the assortment of dead clones with fractured necks, The Prime Mover quoted The Book of

Ezekiel’s Twenty-Eighth Chapter to elaborate on Willows’ rejection of being “lukewarm” and of

the clones’  perfection by asserting, “You’ve already killed eight chrysostoms yourself, Mr.

Willows. You killed ten people in Job’s family. Why shouldn’t you be able to kill me with all

of the pain and death that you’ve caused? You’ve pushed away the perfection on my ‘honest

scales and balances,’ so I knew that you would wipe out the chrysostoms for being perfect. It

hurts me to see you forsake your God-given perfection. ‘You were the seal of perfection, full of

wisdom and perfect in beauty.’ ‘Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you

corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.’ When you sinned, you were cast as a profane

thing from the mountain of God. You tarnished your perfection with sins, and you’ve fallen so

far from Heaven, ‘morning star,’ ‘son of the dawn.’ You had to destroy the chrysostoms’

 perfection. It’s in your nature to shun perfection and to pick the side of sins on my scale, but at

least, you’ve picked a side, right? At least, you’re not ‘lukewarm’ like the Church of Laodicea.

You should be proud of yourself, ‘morning star.’”

While the biologists processed the deaths of their chrysostoms in the distance, Willows

deduced that The Prime Mover had cited The Book of Isaiah’s Fourteenth Chapter in which God

 banished “the morning star” Lucifer into “the realm of the dead” in Hell. He resented the

accusation that he was a murderer and argued that although he had spurned perfection by

eliminating the eight chrysostoms, he had never harmed any real humans by replying, “What are

you talking about, healer? I just wiped out some perfect clones before they could start accusing

 people of being sinners; I’d never hurt any real people. I’m not a killer; you are.”

Willows silently contemplated why The Prime Mover had accused him of murder and

why he had referred to him as “the morning star,” which could be either the “light- bearing” angel

Lucifer prior to his expulsion to Hell or the planet Venus that was barreling closer to Earth.

Before Willows could confront The Prime Mover, hundreds of basaltic rocks became dislodged

from Venus’ surface and streaked down to the Earth to destroy locations in ancient Persia,

Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, and Rome. On Venus’ rocky surface, more volcanoes erupted to

release more carbon dioxide into its poisonous atmosphere, and its sulfuric clouds discharged

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lightning that severed more basaltic rocks, which the solar winds collected and hurled to the

Earth. When one of Venus’ meteorites collided into the ground and generated an explosion near

Willows, Railsback, and The Prime Mover, Willows recoiled in reaction to the fireball and the

 burning terrain that was a few feet away from him. With the flames warming his face, Willows

 blamed Venus’ peculiar counter -clockwise rotation and its movement toward Earth for the

destruction by shouting, “Venus is the real ‘morning star,’ healer. It’s all falling apart.”

Standing next to Willows, Railsback scanned the flaming crater that Venus had carved

into the terrain, and the cataclysmic image reminded him of the Island of Patmos to which the

Roman Emperor Domitian had banished John the Apostle when he wrote The Book of

Revelation. The Island of Patmos’ volcanic landscape inspired John the Apostle to write about

the Apocalyptic opening of the seven seals, the playing of the seven trumpets, and the pouring

out of the seven bowls that would unleash plagues, darkness, and death to eradicate the Earth.

As the fiery landscape evoked the Biblical end of the world, The Prime Mover raised his

luminous teeter-totter known as The Syncretizer, and its sides both began to lower to indicate

that human sins were weighing down on it. In The Book of Revelation’s Third Chapter, the

hypocritical Church of Philadelphia wielded the Key of David that would lead to the Kingdom of

Heaven, and The Prime Mover claimed that The Syncretizer represented the Key of David and

quoted The Book of Isaiah’s condemnation of ancient Babylon by proclaiming, “Mr. Willows,

you are the real ‘morning star.’ You and Venus are one in the same ‘morning star;’ Venus is

your weighing scale. Your hypocrisy has pulled Venus into its counter-clockwise rotation, and

now, you’re pulling it down toward the Earth. Venus’ rocks are falling to make way for the

‘angel of the bottomless pit’ to be set free. For a whole year, I’ve been the standing on the

watchtower, waiting for Babylon to fall; I’ve been the ‘unmoved mover’ who wouldn’t budge

from the watchtower. Now, ‘Babylon has fallen,’ and ‘all the images of its gods lie shattered on

the ground.’ You’ve used Venus to destroy Babylon, Persia, Rome, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and

Greece to try to free yourself from the Abyss, and my Syncretizer is the Key of David that can

unshackle you. If you’re free, you can continue to deceive the nations.”

Recognizing The Prime Mover’s assertions about the prophetic destruction of Babylon as

quotations from The Book of Isaiah’s Twenty-first Chapter, Willows shoved Railsback aside and

assured the curandero that he was not influencing Venus’ meteorites to fall by shouting, “Do you

think that I’ve caused this? Venus has been moving counter -clockwise for over a year; it was

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only a matter of time that it would break itself apart and start raining down on the Earth. You’re

not the ‘unmoved mover’ on the watchtower; you’re just a killer.”

As the nearby flames sizzled and the biologists panicked amidst the rubble, The Prime

Mover motioned for Railsback to approach him, and when Railsback stood at his side to join

him, Willows’ confusion became compounded by the sight of his friend’s alliance with the

curandero. In a moment of discovery about Railsback’s true identity, Willows could only choke

out, “Luke, what are you doing with him?,” and Railsback explained his inexplicable knowledge

of Willows’ visions by muttering, “I’m sorry, Patrick, but how do you think that I knew about

your visions? When you were committing sins to try to lift the Crown of Incorruptibility off of

your son’s head, you saw those things in the mirror. You saw a lion, a bear, a leo pard, and a

 beast with iron teeth and ‘nails of brass.’ You know that the Prophet Daniel saw those in his

dreams while he was exiled in Babylon; they showed that Israel’s enemies would be destroyed

 by God. In The Book of Revelation, all of Israel’s enemies are destroyed so that they can come

together to create one beast; that beast is the Devil, ‘the morning star’ before God cast him into a

‘lake of fire’ in Hell. The planet Venus has become your weighing scale; you’re pulling it down

to destroy Israel’s enemies to make way for the Devil.”

Willows still could not fathom how Railsback was aware that he had encountered visions

of a lion, a bear, and a leopard during his efforts to use sins to extract the white Crown of

Incorruptibility from his son’s cranium. As Willows delved into his memories of The Book of

Daniel’s Seventh Chapter, he recalled that the Israelite Prophet Daniel had witnessed the same

visions during the Babylonian Exile under King Nebuchadnezzar. In Daniel’s dreams, the lion

with “eagle’s wings” represented the Babylonian Empire, the bear with “three ribs” symbolized

the Persian Empire, and the leopard with the “four wings of a foul” was the Greek Empire, and

Daniel prophesized that Babylon, Persia, and Greece would be annihilated to punish them for

oppressing the Israelites. According to The Book of Revelation’s Seventeenth Chapter, Israel’s

enemies Babylon, Persia, and Greece would merge together to form the Devil, “the morning

star.” While Willows accepted that had experienced the same visions that the Prophet Daniel

interpreted as an omen that Babylon and Israel’s other enemies would be obliterated, he replied,

“Okay, so I saw Daniel’s visions from the Babylonian Exile. Daniel saw the sins of Israel’s

enemies, and I did, too. How did you know about them, Luke? Who are you really?” 

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As The Prime Mover clasped his flattened Syncretizer, Railsback announced that he was

The Prime Mover’s apprentice and that he had been monitoring Willows since his son’s death by

replying, “I’m a curandero called a ‘yerbero;’ I use planets to heal people. After your son died,

The Prime Mover commissioned me to watch you; he wanted me to figure out what you really

are. He was afraid that he’d lost his faith in God’s glory, but he’d never had his br ead turn into a

stone before. He’s used to extracting sins with a candle and eating them on the bread, so when

you made his bread turn into a stone, he knew that you were special.”

Willows conceded that Railsback was actually a curandero who had betrayed him, and he

invoked that The Prime Mover had engaged in “ear candling” to extract his son’s sins and that

the sins caused a piece of bread to transform into a stone so that the curandero could not

consume them as a “sin-eater.” While Venus acted as a weighing scale that descended closer to

the Earth, Willows denied that he had controlled Venus to eradicate Israel’s enemies and had

transformed the bread into stone by muttering, “What makes me so special? I didn’t use Venus

to destroy Babylon, and I didn’t turn The Prime Mover’s bread into stone. I don’t know why

Venus is bringing down these rocks on the Earth, but none of this is my fault.”

The Prime Mover accused Willows of being a disguised form of the Devil based on the

Apocalyptic visions that he shared with the Israelite Prophet Daniel by bellowing, “How hard is

it for you to see that you’re the Devil, Mr. Willows? You’re the ‘ancient serpent’ and ‘the

morning star’ that God cast from the hierarchy of angels into Hell.”

Although Willows could not rationalize his visions of a lion, a bear, and a leopard or the

transformation of The Prime Mover’s bread into a stone, the curandero’s outrageous allegations

mystified him and prompted him to bray, “No, just because I can’t explain my visions or the

 bread doesn’t mean that I’m the Devil. You killed my son, healer, and I can’t help it that Venus

is destroying the world. I don’t have control over any of this; this is ridiculous. You deserve to

die for what you’ve done; you took everything from me.”

Railsback was confident that the lion, the bear, and the leopard represented the

Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, and the Greek Empire that oppressed the Israelites and

that needed to be destroyed and merged together so that Israel’s ultimate enemy the Devil could

 be unleashed on the Earth. Willows’ passionate denial that he was the Devil goaded Railsback to

compare him to the same lion that symbolized “The Mother of Prostitutes” Babylon when he

sarcastically quipped, “I knew that you would lie about what you really are, ‘morning star;’ St.

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Paul called you ‘the father of lies.’ You know what you saw in that mirror while you were trying

to save your son. You saw a lion, a leopard, and a bear in your reflection because that’s what

you are. You’re the merger of Babylon, Persia, and Greece; you’re ‘the angel of the bottomless

 pit.’ Babylon was a lion just like you are; 1 Peter warned that ‘the Devil walks about like a

roaring lion.’ You can’t hide what you are anymore.”

While Willows enter tained the notion that the Devil was “the angel of light” and the

merger of Israel’s enemies Babylon, Persia, and Greece, the biologists and other Wilmington

residents reacted to Venus’ destructive meteor with wild panic. The Prime Mover accused

Willows of killing the chrysostoms to tarnish perfection just as the Devil tempted Adam and Eve

to commit the original sin that corrupted their perfect paradise in The Book of Genesis by

 bellowing, “It’s okay, ‘morning star;’ you can admit what you are. I knew that I could prove that

you were the Devil. No matter what, you always try to ruin the perfection that God originally

intended for this world. That’s why I knew that you would kill the perfect chrysostoms with

your sins. You couldn’t stand the perfection that Adam and Eve had in the beginning, and I

knew that you wouldn’t be able to stand the perfection of the chrysostoms. You ruined your own

‘seal of perfection’ and ‘corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor;’ I knew that you

would try to destroy any of humanity’s hopes for perfection, too. That’s why you killed the

chrysostoms and why you’re using Venus as your own personal ‘scales and balances’ to pull it

down on the Earth.” 

Willows glanced back at the assortment of dead chrysostoms and their discarded Crowns

for the Faithful, and he considered the possibility that the Devil could control Venus as his

 personal weighing scale simply because the Devil and Venus were both known as “the morning

star.” He persisted in dismissing the possibilities that the Devil and Venus were synonymous

and that he was obsessed with sullying perfection by answering, “I’m telling you the truth,

healer. I’m not the Devil, and I can’t control Venus. Just because Venus and the Devil are both

called ‘the morning star’ doesn’t mean that they’re the same. I don’t even hate perfection. I just

hated the chrysostoms for pointing out how sinful humans are. I don’t care what you guys say;

you still killed my son.”

The Prime Mover argued that Willows had accidentally killed his own son by converting

the curandero’s bread into stone in an event that subverted the Devil’s temptation of Jesus Christ

in The Book of Matthew’s Fourth Chapter by retorting, “No, ‘morning star,’ you did. I extracted

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the ‘scarlet’ sins from your son’s ear and smeared it on my bread to eat it, but you turned the

 bread into a stone. Do you remember when the Devil took Jesus Christ into the wilderness to

tempt him? The Devil encouraged Christ to turn some stones into bread, and Christ refused.

You just subverted what happened to Christ and turned my bread into a stone. You even offered

to give me everything that you owned to convince me to help your son; it’s just like when the

Devil offered to give Christ ‘all the kingdoms of the world.’ You and the Devil from the

Gospels are one in the same, ‘morning star.’ You couldn’t tempt Christ to fall down and worship

you in the wilderness, and you couldn’t get me either. You’re always a tempter, and it made you

kill your own son. You couldn’t stand that I was going to eat the sin that made him sick; you

love sin so much that you couldn’t let me get rid of it.” 

Willows acknowledged that in the wilderness, the Devil had unsuccessfully tempted

Jesus Christ to worship him by encouraging him to morph stones into bread and by offering him

“all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.” However, he refused to accept that he could

 be the same Devil that tested Christ in The Book of Matthew or that he had transformed bread

into stones to prevent The Prime Mover from consuming his son’s “scarlet” sins that were

smeared on the bread. While the Wilmington neighborhood burned from Venus’ meteorite and

citizens panicked, Willows realized that the lion, the leopard, and the bear had appeared in his

reflection because they represented the combination of Israel’s sinful enemies into “the angel of

light” known as the Devil. Considering that Willows had killed the perfect clones known as

chrysostoms, he also conceded that he despised perfection and embraced sins, but he could not

 believe that he had converted The Prime Mover’s bread into a stone simply to protect the sins

that caused his son’s illness from being devoured. He indulged in the hypothesis that his

reflected visions actually represented the merger of Israel’s enemies into the Devil and that he

had caused his own son’s death to preserve sins by rasping, “So, let me get this straight, healer;

I’m the Devil. I saw the same visions as the Prophet Daniel during the Babylonian Exile. My

sins made me see Israel’s enemies as the lion, the bear, and the leopard that came together to

create me, and I even let my own son die just to preserve the sins that made him sick. You seem

to have known that I would want to kill the chrysostoms for being perfect, since I hate perfection

and try to destroy it with sins whenever I can. The only thing that you’re forgetting is that I was

a Christian missionary in Ecuador for twelve years; that doesn’t sound like the work of the Devil

to me.” 

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Railsback was assured that Willows’ missionary work only served as more substantial

evidence that he was truly the Devil considering that prior to the Devil’s expulsion into Hell, he

had been God’s greatest servant as the “Light- bearing” angel Lucifer. Quoting The Book of

Isaiah’s Fourteenth Chapter, he acknowledged that the Devil had been God’s most dutiful angel

and described the parallels between Venus and Lucifer as the two forms of the “morning star” by

 proclaiming, “It’s obvious that the Devil would be a missionary for God. After all, the Devil

used to be the perfect angel Lucifer; he was God’s greatest servant. He was ‘the morning star,’

the ‘son of the dawn,’ who loved God until he decided that he wanted to ‘ascend to the heavens’

and to raise his throne ‘above the stars of God.’ You were the ‘light- bearing’ angel, but after

God cast you down to Hell, you were just the Devil, not ‘the morning star.’”

Willows grasped that the Devil had originally been the angel Lucifer, “the morning star,”

and he referred to 2 Peter to maintain that “the morning star” once denoted righteousness and

God’s hope by asserting, “I’m not the Devil, Luke; if anything, I’m ‘the morning star’ that he

used to be. 2 Peter says that ‘the morning star’ is ‘a light shining in a dark place;’ ‘the mor ning

star’ is a symbol of God’s hope and salvation for humanity. It can’t be anything but good.”

The Prime Mover was adamant that the angel Lucifer had once assumed the role of the

“Light- bearing” “morning star” but that “the morning star” was stripped of its virtuous qualities

after God cast Lucifer into Hell to become the Devil. He reiterated his verse from The Book of

James’ Second Chapter by laconically interceding, “No, the Devil used to be the good ‘morning

star,’ but that’s all been lost. Now, he’s ‘the great red dragon’ and the ‘old serpent’ who tempts

humanity, but he’s still God’s greatest servant. He still fears God more than anyone else. It’s

 just like I told you, ‘You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that,

and shudder.’ You may be the Devil, Mr. Willows, but you’re still God’s greatest servant.”

Willows assured himself that the two curanderoes The Prime Mover and Railsback were

duping him into believing that he was the Devil, “the morning star” in Hell. As he pondered that

his sins had triggered his visions of the lion, the bear, and the leopard in his reflection and that he

had converted The Prime Mover’s bread into a stone to preserve sins and to shun perfection, he

incredulously whispered, “So, you guys think that I’m the Devil with amnesia. If I were really

the Devil, I think that I would know.” 

The Prime Mover proposed that the Devil was such a devoted servant of God that he

occasionally forgot that he was evil and alluded to the Biblical wagers between God and the

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Devil by proclaiming, “We told you that the Devil is God’s greatest servant. He serves God so

well that he forgets who he is, but any good that he did as ‘the morning star’ is gone. As far as

I’m concerned, you and God made a bet that you could come to Earth to try to be His greatest

servant again. It’s just like the bet that you made with God in The Book of Job; you bet Him that

His servant Job would curse Him if he lost his family. You made Job suffer and killed his family

with ‘a mighty wind,’ but you lost your bet with God. Job stayed patient in the face of his

suffering, and God rewarded him with a long and prosperous life. Now, you’ve made another

 bet with God that you could be His greatest servant again, but you failed because you hate

 perfection so much. You killed the chrysostoms, and that’s all that we need to know that you’re

the Devil. You’ll never be ‘the morning star’ again.”

In a cracking voice, Willows contended that even if the Devil had bet God that he could

 become His most eminent servant as “the morning star” again, God was responsible for killing

many more humans than the Devil was by shrieking, “Who has the Devil ever really killed? He

killed Job’s seven sons and three daughters to make a bet with God that Job would curse Him for

His cruelty, but God has killed way more people than that. God wiped out 1,200 people at

Sodom and Gomorrah. He killed over 14,000 Israelites for complaining about their lack of food

in The Book of Numbers. He even forced the Israelite Judge Jephthah to sacrifice his own

daughter as a burnt offering. The Devil killed ten people in Job’s family; God killed thousands.” 

The Prime Mover recognized that God was permitted to murder thousands of humans

 because His judgment was divine and honor able, but the Devil’s murder of the Biblical character

Job’s family occurred only because the Devil was wicked and sought to test Job’s perseverance.

Railsback recounted the Devil’s efforts to tarnish perfection and to perpetuate sins by declaring,

“It doesn’t matter, Mr. Willows. By His nature, everything that God does is just. Everything

that you do is done for evil. You corrupted your own ‘seal of perfection,’ you tempted Adam

and Eve to be expelled from their perfect Paradise, and now, you’ve killed the perfect

chrysostoms. You’ve chosen the side of sins on the scale, but at least, you’re not ‘lukewarm’

anymore. You’re the Devil, God’s greatest servant and His greatest adversary.”

Willows processed that the Devil could have arrived on Earth to endeavor to regain his

venerable position as God’s greatest servant “the morning star” Lucifer, but he was bewildered

that The Prime Mover had labored to expose his true identity as the Devil. Willows questioned

why The Prime Mover and Railsback had revealed that the Devil was such a devoted servant of

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God that he could forget that he was evil, and Willows also wondered why the two curanderoes

wished to expose him as the Devil by asking, “Why did you need to do this? Even if I am the

Devil who loves sin and hates perfection, why did you need to prove it to me? Why couldn’t you

 just let me have my bet with God and try to become His greatest servant as ‘the morning star’

again? I was trying to be ‘the morning star’ as a missionary for twelve years. Why did you want

to take that away?” 

The Prime Mover was aware that his faith in the opposites of good and evil had been

corrupted by the Devil’s struggles to regain his status as God’s most cherished servant in a bet.

The Prime Mover’s compromised faith had hindered his efforts to cure individuals by calibrating

his “honest scales and balances” and had caused ten innocent individuals to perish during the

healing rituals. In a vigorous tone, The Prime Mover insisted that he needed to regain his faith to

heal ill individuals successfully and cited The Book of Romans’ Fourteenth Chapter when he

asserted, “Because I had to, ‘morning star.’ Your bet with God that you could be his greatest

servant again ruined my faith in good and evil. Romans 14 says that, ‘everything that does not

come from faith is sin;’ without my faith, I can’t save anyone as a curandero. I can’t balance

sins and perfection to cast the sins out if I don’t have faith in good and evil. I accidentally killed

ten people while I was trying to cast out the sins that made them sick; it was all because I didn’t

have my faith. I had to expose you for the evil creature that you are because I can’t have faith in

God’s goodness if I don’t know about the Devil’s evil. Good and evil are opposites on my

scales; they define each other.”

As Willows concluded that the Devil’s evil needed to exist to serve as an opposite for

God’s goodness, he realized that the Devil was incapable of regaining his status as the angel

Lucifer because his evil defined and enhanced God’s goodness on a metaphorical scale of

opposites. Willows probed into the status of The Prime Mover’s damaged faith and the

discovery of the hypostasis as the “primordial soup” by asking, “Well, have you gotten your faith

 back then, healer? Did you get what you want by trying to expose me as the Devil with

amnesia? The hypostasis was my discovery. Are you going to take that away from me, too, just

to get your faith back?”

Railsback emphasized that The Prime Mover had planted the whirlpool known as the

hypostasis so that Willows would tarnish the perfection that it generated with the chrysostoms by

 bellowing, “The Prime Mover has done everything to get his faith back. He’s the one who put

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the hypostasis in the sewer for us to find; it really is the ‘primordial soup’ that birthed humans

the way that God wanted them to be in the beginning before sins ruined them. He knew that you

would destroy the perfection that the hypostasis would make if you were really the Devil.

You’ve destroyed its perfection by killing the chrysostoms; now, he’s got proof that you’re the

Devil. He knew that you’d made a bet with God that you could become his greatest servant

again, and he looked for you for a long time. When you had your visions of the lion, the leopard,

and the bear and turned The Prime Mover’s bread into a stone to keep him from eating the sins,

he knew that you were the Devil. He knew that you hated perfection and loved sins; he just had

to expose you as the Devil to get his faith in good and evil back.”

The white whirlpool known as the hypostasis certainly was a remnant of the primordial

soup from which perfect humans emerged before the Devil tempted them and caused their

 perfection to become tarnished. The Prime Mover transported the hypostasis to the sewer so that

Willows would uncover the whirlpool and become obsessed with eradicating the perfection that

it created by cloning humans. According to the Scriptures, God expelled one-third of His angels

to Hell to punish them for aligning themselves with the Devil, and as Willows processed that The

Prime Mover had planted the hypostasis, he recalled that one-third of Wilmington’s sanitation

workers had joined him to form a workers’ union. Willows addressed his all-encompassing role

as the Devil and the workers’ union that sought to obtain improved rights by rasping, “You’re

telling me that everything that I’ve done is because I’m the Devil with amnesia. What about the

workers’ union that I put together in Frank Barron’s memory? I got thirty out of sixty sanitation

workers to join me. The Devil persuaded one-third of God’s angels to join him, too, so is that

 just further proof to you that I’m the Devil? Have I lost my bet with God that I could be his

‘morning star’ again?” 

Railsback nodded to confirm that one-third of the sanitation workers had aligned with

Willows in correspondence with God’s banishment of the Devil Lucifer and one-third of His

rebellious angels into Hell. Venus and the Devil both were recognized as “the morning star”

 because the Devil was destined to manipulate Venus as his personal weighing scale through his

connection to it. For a year, Venus had been rotating in a counter-clockwise fashion since the

death of Willows’ son, and Willows now grasped that his grief and frustrations with God were

stimulating him to pull Venus into its irregular orbit toward the Earth. The Prime Mover

elaborated on the significance of Venus’ peculiar counter -clockwise movement and its

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correlation with the Devil’s power by bellowing, “Yes, you’ve lost your bet, and you’ve fallen

with one-third of your friends. You’ve been pulling Venus into its counter -clockwise rotation

for a year since your son’s died; your anger with God has made you pull it down. You and

Venus are both ‘the morning star.’ You’re one with the planet, but there’s more to it than that.

There’re desert whirlwinds called ‘dust devils,’ and they’re ‘dust devils’ for a reason. The

 Navajo Indians called them ‘chiindii.’ They think that the ‘dust devils’ are spirits of their

ancestors, and if the ‘dust devils’ spin counter -clockwise, the Navajo think that the spirits are

 bad. Only good spirits spin clockwise, and you’ve been turning Venus counter -clockwise since

your son died. You’re using Venus as your weighing scale, and it’s showing us all what you

really are. You can’t hide anymore that you’re trying to bring Venus down to the Earth.”

Willows now was familiar with the whirlwinds known as “dust devils,” and based on The

Prime Mover’s accusations that Willows was the Devil, it was apparent that the related “dust

devils” spun in counter -clockwise rotations to symbolize evil Navajo spirits just as Venus moved

counter-clockwise to indicate Willows’ control over the planet. Willows recalled that Venus’

sulfuric clouds were discharging Earth-like lightning, and based on Jesus Christ’s statement that

he witnessed the Devil’s “fall like lightning” in The Book of Luke, Willows questioned whether

the Devil had plummeted from Venus’ lightning by remarking, “Well, Luke and I noticed that

there’s a lot of lightning on Venus. Christ said that he ‘saw Satan fall like lightning.’ Does that

mean that I fell out of Venus’ lightning since I’m one with the planet as ‘the morning star?’ I

mean, I always thought that the Devil was ‘a great red dragon’ with ‘seven heads and ten horns’

and ‘seven crowns upon his heads.’ I don’t look like that at all.” 

The Prime Mover discerned that Willows had referred to The Book of Revelation’s

Twelfth Chapter in which John the Apostle described the Devil as “a great red dragon” that

exhibited “seven heads and ten horns” and that donned crowns. With the curandero’s motioning,

Railsback sauntered around the destruction that Venus’ meteor had crafted into the terrain, and

he removed the white Crown of Incorruptibility from a bag and tossed the crown into the

collection of dead chrysostoms’ crowns. Willows detected the red Crown of Rejoicing that

Railsback’s clone had donned prior to his death in Father Garrick’s “True Vine” church that

embodied a modern-day Church of Thyatira, and Willows’ son had worn the white Crown of

Incorruptibility during his failed exorcism. The Prime Mover pointed to the pile of the

chrysostoms’ ten Crowns for the Faithful to suggest that Willows would wield the crowns on his

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ten horns. During The Prime Mover’s past exorcism of Willows’ son, Willows had committed

sins to lift the white Crown of Incorruptibility from his son’s head, and the sins goaded Willows

to perceive the bear, the leopard, and the bear that originally represented Israel’s enemies to the

Prophet Daniel. The bear, the leopard, and the bear would merge together to form the Devil, and

Willows now had pulled Venus’ meteorites down to the Earth to eliminate Israel’s seven major

enemies Babylon, Turkey, Rome, Syria, Egypt, Greece, and Persia. The Prime Mover believed

that as the Devil, Willows would wear the dead chrysostoms’ ten Crowns for the Faithful on his

horns and that his seven heads symbolized Israel’s seven enemies after they were destroyed and

were merged together to generate the single “great red dragon” known as the Devil. The two

curandero pinpointed the functions of the chrysostoms’ ten Crowns for the Faithful and the seven

regions that Venus’ meteorites had eradicated by shouting, “You’ve killed eight chrysostoms to

show how much you hate perfection, and I’ve added the red Crown of Rejoicing from Mr.

Railsback’s dead clone and your son’s white Crown of Incorruptibility. Those are the crowns

that you’ll wear on your ten horns. You’ve been pulling Venus down ever since your son died,

and its meteorites have wiped out Israel’s seven enemies to make way for you to come out of the

Abyss. The seven enemies are going to merge to form you as the Devil; those are your seven


Willows was confident that if he were truly the Devil with amnesia, he would carry the

ten Crowns for the Faithful on his horns. He now fully appreciated the images of the lion, the

 bear, and the leopard that appeared in his reflection to display Israel’s conquered enemies

 because they needed to be combined to unleash the Devil with seven heads, which would

symbolize Israel’s seven merged enemies. Quoting the explosive cataclysm from The Book of

Isaiah’s Ninth Chapter, he examined his abilities to manipulate “the morning star” Venus as his

 personal weighing scale and to use its meteorites to demolish Israel’s adversaries by muttering,

“You think that I used Venus to wipe out Israel’s enemies. God promised to eradicate Babylon

and Egypt for oppressing Israel. Isaiah says, ‘By the wrath of  the Lord Almighty, the land will

 be scorched, and the people will be fuel for the fire.’ Venus’ meteorites are streaming to Earth,

so have I fulfilled your prophecy yet, healer? What else can I do for you?” 

While the nearby crater continued to burn and more Wilmington residents surveyed the

damage, The Prime Mover became adamant that according to The Book of Isaiah’s Fortieth

Chapter, he was required to use his “honest scales and balances” to weigh mountains. He was

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compelled to expose Willows as the Devil to regain the faith that he needed to heal victims, and

he explained that his faith would allow him to manipulate mountains by answering, “I don’t

know, ‘morning star.’ My balance should help me hold ‘the dust of the earth in a basket’ and

weigh ‘the mountains on the scales’ while I’m the ‘unmoved mover’ on the watchtower. In The

Book of Matthew, Christ said that, ‘if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to

this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.’ We’ll have to see if my faith can

move the mountain and weigh it in my scales.”

Willows became disheartened that The Prime Mover had planted the hypostasis pool that

was comparable to The Book of John 5’s Pool of Bethesda that healed “disabled people” of their

sicknesses by erasing the sins that caused those sicknesses. The Prime Mover had planted the

hypostasis pool to uncover Willows’ true identity as the Devil because Willows lost his wager

with God that he would be able to reacquire his status as the dutiful angel known as “the morning

star” Lucifer. The Prime Mover gripped The Syncretizer that served as a side of his “honest

scales and balances,” and as Willows evoked that one of the Biblical Four Horsemen of the

Apocalypse brandished a weighing scale, he compared The Prime Mover to the wicked

horseman Famine by whimpering, “Why did you have to show me that I’m the Devil just to get

your faith back? Why couldn’t you let me become God’s greatest servant again? I could’ve

served Him as a missionary. You didn’t have to ruin my life with your scales; you’re just like

the Famine horseman ‘holding a pair of scales in his hands.’ You’ve ruined everything that I’ve

tried to get back. I’m going to kill you.” 

Willows embraced his true persona as the Devil and managed to sprout ten horns and six

more heads that symbolized Israel’s conquered enemies, and as the two curanderoes The Prime

Mover and Railsback trembled with fear, Willows carried and placed the ten Crowns for the

Faithful on his horns. The Crowns of the Faithful encapsulated the chrysostoms’ perfection, so

 by wearing them, he could manipulate the perfection that he yearned to exterminate. He

telepathically employed the similar hypocrisy and the appearance of perfection for which Jesus

Christ reproached the Seven Churches of Asia, and Willows’ hypocrisy allowed him to yank his

weighing scale Venus closer to the Earth. As Willows pulled Venus down from its counter-

clockwise rotation, the planet discharged more lightning in the same manner that Satan originally

fell “like lightning,” and The Prime Mover perceived that Willows was employing the Devil’s

connection with Venus as the two variations of “the morning star.” The Prime Mover sprinted

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away from Railsback and prepared to engage in cleromancy by casting The Syncretizer as his

Urim’s “lights,” which would create sins that could counter Willows’ hypocrisy and his façade

of perfection on the scales. In The Book of Jonah, many sailors “cast lots” in cleromancy to

determine that it was God’s will for  the Prophet Jonah to be hurled into the sea and to be

devoured by a whale, and Jonah’s three-day survival in the whale’s belly is a metaphor for the

Israelites’ fifty-two ordeal during the Babylonian Exile from 586 to 538 BC. Willows had

regulated “the morning star” Venus to use its meteorites to destroy Babylon for enslaving the

Israelites in the exile, and Israelites’ seven enemies now had been eradicated and combined to

allow Willows to become the Devil that exploited Venus as his weighing scale. The Syncretizer

had become the Key of David that exposed Willows as the Devil whose evil was required to

contrast with God’s goodness, and after The Prime Mover cast The Syncretizer in his

cleromancy, he charged into the panic-stricken crowd of biologists and other Wilmington

residents. While he searched for the eight biologists who had cloned themselves inside the

hypostasis, Willows used his hypocritical appearance of perfection to pull Venus and to detach

its basaltic rocks so that they would streak to the Earth. When the curandero Railsback trudged

toward the crowd in an attempt to escape, Willows telepathically hurled one of Venus’ rocks into

Railsback to incinerate him and to sculpt another crater into the terrain, and with his control over

“the morning star” Venus, he tossed more smaller meteorites to the ground.

While Venus’ sulfuric clouds emitted more lightning in reaction to the Devil’s Biblical

descent “like lightning,” Willows reveled in Railsback’s death, and The Prime Mover located

each of the eight biologists in the crowd and began to punch them into unconscious states. He

removed several wax candles from his orange coat pocket, lit them, and inserted them into the

ears of the unconscious biologists to perform the same “ear candling” that extracted sins from

Willows’ son during the failed healing ritual. The biologists had displayed sinful pride by

generating perfect clones of themselves inside the hypostasis because they were unwilling to

accept their flaws and sought to erase them through the perfect clones known as chrysostoms,

and The Prime Mover hoped that his candles could extract the biologists’ sins. He elevated the

luminous teeter-totter called The Syncretizer higher so that his “honest scales and balances”

could attempt to stabilize the opposites of sins and perfection that were being weighed like “a

drop in a bucket” and like “dust on the scales.” In accordance with The Book of Ephesians’

 profession that the Devil functions as “the Prince of the power of  the air,” Willows intensified

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the wind to tug his weighing scale Venus closer to the Earth, and his appearance of perfection

continued to weigh down on Venus because of the ten perfect crowns that he was wearing.

While his process of “ear candling” drained the biologists’ sins from their earwax, The Prime

Mover stood amidst the charred rubble to which Venus’ meteorites had reduced the Wilmington

neighborhood. Holding the luminous Syncretizer, he peered up at the volcanic planet Venus and

realized that if Willows pulled it to Earth, Venus would become a scale that would exchange its

weighed contents with the Earth, and the Earth would adopt Venus’ volcanic environment in

which Willows could reign as the Devil.

The Book of Jeremiah’s Thirty-First Chapter indicated that God would “reject all the

descendants of Israel” only “if the heavens above can be measured,” and considering that

scientists had recently measured Venus’ surface area, density, and axial tilt, God would reject

humanity if Venus and the Earth switched atmospheres on the metaphorical weighing scale.

With dread that Willows would transform the Earth into Venus’ original volcanic atmosphere

and that God would forsake humanity, The Prime Mover plucked the candles from the

unconscious biologists’ ears and watched their “scarlet” sins pour from the earwax. As the

gaseous red blanket of sins permeated throughout the air, he bounced The Syncretizer up and

down to propel the “scarlet” sins in the direction of “the morning star” Venus. Because The

Book of Isaiah 1:18 described sin as “scarlet” and its opposite of perfection as being “as white as

snow,” a field of white light had amassed around Venus to embody the hypocritical appearance

of perfection that Willows was exploiting to weigh down the planet as his scale. While the

neighborhood sizzled, The Prime Mover extended his arms to raise the radiant Syncretizer

higher, and the red sins collided into the white perfection around Venus to cause an enormous

explosion in the night sky. Watching the fireball that the interaction between the red sins and the

white perfection had triggered, The Prime Mover realized that the biologists’ red sins could not

deplete Willows’ white perfection around Venus. The Prime Mover conceded that he could not

impede Venus’ movement with the red sins, and he recalled that his faith in good and evil was

truly the imperative element to his successful use of “honest scales and balances.”

In The Book of Revelations’ Twelfth Chapter, the Devil pulled down “the third part of

the stars of heaven,” and as Willowed used his hypocritical perfection to pull his weighing scale

Venus into Earth’s mesosphere, The Prime Mover became anxious that Venus would also exert

 pressure on the stars to push them to the ground. In his role as “the Prince of the power of the

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air,” Willows intensified the wind and shoved it into Venus, and The Prime Mover

comprehended that although he had exposed Willows as the Devil, he still lacked his imperative

faith as a curandero. The wind was becoming so intense that it reminded Willows of the “dust

devils” that spun in counter -clockwise directions to indicate the presence of evil spirits in Navajo

mythology, and as the wind pummeled The Prime Mover, he gripped The Syncretizer and

struggled to stand upright. Willows’ weighing scale Venus dislodged more basaltic meteorites

that plummeted to the Earth, and as the ground exploded around him, The Prime Mover glared

up from the craters and observed the explosive interactions between the red sins and the white

 perfection. In the night sky, collisions continued between the red sins that The Prime Mover’s

“ear candling” extracted from the biologists’ ears and the white perfection that Willows had

generated with his hypocritical appearance of perfection from the ten Crowns for the Faithful

that he was wearing. With vigorous winds in his face and flames behind him, The Prime Mover

shifted his focus to Willows, who had embraced his identity as the Devil by wearing the ten

crowns on his horns and by elevating his seven heads that symbolized Israel’s defeated enemies.

As more of Venus’ meteorites streaked to the Earth, The Prime Mover dodged the rocky debris

that could easily kill him. With anxiety that he would soon die, he called to Willows and insisted

that Biblical pr ophecy had been fulfilled by shouting, “Well, you did it, ‘morning star.’ I

exposed you as the Devil to get my faith in good and evil back, and you’ve shown me what you

really are. You should thank me; my Syncretizer really is the Key of David that unshackled you

from the Abyss. Do you finally accept that you’re ‘the morning star?’ Will you at least admit

that you’re the Devil? Before you kill me, can you please admit what you are out loud?” 

As The Prime Mover clasped The Syncretizer and tolerated the vigorous winds from

Venus’ weight, “the great red dragon” Willows prepared to propel his weighing scale Venus into

the stars to push them to the ground. The biologists’ gaseous red sins and the white perfection

from Willows’ ten Crowns for the Faithful continued to collide and to explode in Venus’ sulfuric

atmosphere, and Willows verbally acknowledged that he was the Devil by screaming, “Yes,

healer, I’m the Devil. I’m ‘the morning star’ who God ‘cast down to the earth’ because I ruined

my ‘seal of perfection.’ You’ve helped me become what I really am; I hope that you’re enjoying

the end of the world.”

Willows exercised his control over “the morning star” Venus to target The Prime Mover

with a meteorite, and Willows’ public confession that he was the wicked Devil renewed The

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Prime Mover’s faith in the opposites of good and evil that defined each other. The Prime Mover

surveyed the ravaged landscape of flames and craters from Venus’ meteorites and praised

Willows for indulging in wickedness and for not remaining as “lukewarm” as the Church of

Laodicea was by proclaiming, “I’m just happy that you picked a side on the scale. You didn’t

stay ‘lukewarm,’ and you showed me something. You showed me that I can’t be ‘the unmoved

mover’ on the watchtower; I have to make my move.” 

Standing in the flaming rubble and other carnage, The Prime Mover tossed The

Syncretizer into the blankets of “scarlet” sins that were rising through the air, and The

Syncretizer, which was one side of his “honest scales and balances,” launched the gaseous sins

into the Horseshoe Hill mountain. In The Book of Matthew 17:20, Christ maintained that “a

mustard seed” of faith could move a mountain, and The Prime Mover’s reinvigorated faith

uprooted the Horseshoe Hill mountain and propelled it up into the Earth’s mesosphere. The

mountain smashed into Willows’ weighing scale Venus and forced the planet upward until it

returned to its original location in outer space. When the mountain plunged from Venus and

reentered the Earth’s exosphere, the atmospheric pressure broke apart the mountain into rocks

that rained down onto the demolished Wilmington neighborhood. Three of the mountain’s

falling rocks crushed Willows and incinerated him in an explosion while The Prime Mover

concentrated on the “mustard seed” of faith that curanderoes required to heal victims of illnesses.

After Willows’ death from the falling debris, Venus readjusted to its traditional clockwise

movement because Willows was no longer controlling the planet through the connection that

they shared as “the morning star.” The Wilmington community slowly reacted to the destruction

that Willows had caused, and The Prime Mover sprinted around the craters and burning

wreckage to flee from public view. He had regained the faith that he required to weigh the

opposites of sins and perfection in his “honest scales and balances,” and as a curandero, he now

understood that he could no longer be “lukewarm” and needed to be active instead of “the

unmoved mover.” The Devil was definitely God’s most eminent servant and His greatest

adversary, and now that The Prime Mover had a bandoned his “lukewarm” personality, he would

wait for the Devil to return to the Earth as “the morning star” who would seek to become God’s

ally again. In seclusion, The Prime Mover awaited the Devil’s return, and he could no longer

deny the significance of the faith that allowed him to use his scales.

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