The president of America. The list of US presidents.

The president of America

Transcript of The president of America. The list of US presidents.

Page 1: The president of America. The list of US presidents.

The president of America

Page 2: The president of America. The list of US presidents.

The list of US presidents

Page 3: The president of America. The list of US presidents.
Page 4: The president of America. The list of US presidents.
Page 5: The president of America. The list of US presidents.
Page 6: The president of America. The list of US presidents.
Page 7: The president of America. The list of US presidents.
Page 8: The president of America. The list of US presidents.
Page 9: The president of America. The list of US presidents.

George Washington

Page 10: The president of America. The list of US presidents.

George Washington

• George Washington ( 1732 ~ 1799),was the first President of the United States.the commander of the independence-war' army .1789,He was elected to the first President of the United States .Re-elected in 1793.After this four years , He volunteered to give up his power in office and no longer came back but live freely at Vernon mount estate.Because he played the most important role in the independence war of American ,and have the greatest contribution to the founding of the United States ,He is regarded as the father of USA,and also respected as the greatest President with Abraham Lincoln, and franklin Roosevelt in American history by all of the Americans.

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Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826),American politician, thinker, philosopher, scientist, educator, and the third President of the United States. He is one of the main leaders of the American independent war. In 1776, drafted the declaration of independence of the United States with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, . Since then, he has successively served as the first American secretary , the second vice President and the third President of United states. In his tenure ,

he devoted himself to protect the agriculture, to solidify the development of national capitalist ind


Bought Louisiana from France, because of this ,the territory of United States was almost doubled. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest President in American history, with Washington, Lincoln, and franklin Roosevelt.

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Abraham Lincoln, (1809-1865), America's politicians, the 16th President (term: on March 4th, 1861 - April 15th, 1865), is also the first republican President. In his presidency, the American civil

war broke out. Lincoln defeated the southern separatism, abolishing the slavery, maintaining the unification of the country. But shortly after the

civil war, Lincoln was assassinated misfortunetely. .

He was the first President of the United States who was assassinated , but also a great President who was born in a poor family.because of this ,made many America young people believed that everyone has the oppertunity to get brilliant achievements with their efforts. In 2006, America's leading journal Atlantic monthly named affect 100 people in the United States ,and Abraham Lincoln wasin the first place.

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Page 14: The president of America. The list of US presidents.

• Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 31st and 32nd President of the United States. He is the only president who served for four terms of office in the American history. Roosevelt plays an important role during the great depression of economy in the 20th century and the second world war. During the great depression,he took some effective measures to save the economy, after the outbreak of world war ii ,he launched lend-lease to aid our Allies. In 1942, he declared war on the fascist countries. Later of the second world war, Roosevelt played a key role in shaping the post-war world order, especially in Yalta conference and the establishment of the United Nations.

The Roosevelt administration has redefined the liberalism, and depend on his New Deal coalition to restructure the Democratic Party. He was respected as the greatest President of America ,with Washington and Lincoln.

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Barack Hussein Obama II

Page 16: The president of America. The list of US presidents.

Barack Hussein Obama II

• Barack Hussein Obama II ( 1961.08.04 -),the statesman of American democrat ,the 56th and 57th president of the United States. As the first African-American President in American history, he is also the first president with black-white mixed pedigree President.

On February 10th, 2007,He advocated to end the war in Iraq and implemente of universal health insurance system .He used these two things as the platform, formally announced to participate in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and officially elected on November 4 , the same year. On October 9th, 2009, he was awarded the Nobel peace prize. On November 6, 2012 , Mr Obama defeat Romney,Success in the second session of the President's re-election .