The Pregnant and Parenting Students Access to Education Act

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Transcript of The Pregnant and Parenting Students Access to Education Act

  • 7/30/2019 The Pregnant and Parenting Students Access to Education Act


    KER13172 S.L.C.


    llTo authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants to promote the

    education of pregnant and parenting students.



    introduced the following bill; which was read twiceand referred to the Committee onllllllllll

    A BILL

    To authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants

    to promote the education of pregnant and parenting students.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1

    tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,2


    This Act may be cited as the Pregnant and Par-4

    enting Students Access to Education Act of 2013.5

    SEC. 2. PURPOSES.6

    The purposes of this Act are7

    (1) to ensure that each pregnant and parenting8

    student has equal access to the same free, appro-9

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    priate, high-quality public education that is provided1

    to other students;2

    (2) to improve high school graduation rates, ca-3

    reer-readiness, access to postsecondary educational4

    opportunities, and outcomes for pregnant and par-5

    enting students and their children; and6

    (3) to assist each State and local educational7

    agency in improving its graduation rates and ful-8

    filling its responsibilities under title IX of the Edu-9

    cation Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et10

    seq.) with respect to pregnant and parenting stu-11





    (a) IN GENERAL.The Secretary of Education is au-16

    thorized to make grants to States to carry out the activi-17

    ties described in subsection (d). A grant made under this18

    section shall be for a minimum of 3 years, and the Sec-19

    retary shall have the discretion to renew the grant at the20

    end of the grant period.21

    (b) APPLICATION.A State desiring to receive a22

    grant under this section shall submit an application to the23

    Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing24

    such information as the Secretary may reasonably require,25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    including, at a minimum, the State plan described in sub-1

    section (f).2



    ACTIVITIES.From the funds made available to5

    carry out this Act, the Secretary may reserve not6

    more than 5 percent for national activities.7


    INTERIOR.The amount allocated for payments9

    under this Act to the Secretary of the Interior for10

    any fiscal year shall be, as determined pursuant to11

    criteria established by the Secretary, the amount12

    necessary to meet the needs of13

    (A) Indian children on reservations served14

    by secondary schools for Indian children oper-15

    ated or supported by the Department of the In-16

    terior; and17

    (B) out-of-State Indian children in elemen-18

    tary schools and secondary schools in local edu-19

    cational agencies under special contracts with20

    the Department of the Interior.21


    retary shall allocate to States having approved appli-23

    cations the funds remaining after the application of24

    paragraphs (1) and (2) based on the percentage of25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    the States number of teen births compared to the1

    number of teen births nationally, except that the2

    minimum grant for a State shall be $300,000.3


    funds provided under paragraph (3) shall be used5

    only to supplement the funds that would, in the ab-6

    sence of such Federal funds, be made available from7

    non-Federal sources for the education of pupils par-8

    ticipating in programs assisted under this Act, and9

    not to supplant such funds.10

    (d) USE OF FUNDS.11

    (1) IN GENERAL.Funds made available to a12

    State under this Act shall be used for the following:13

    (A) To provide or enhance educational pro-14

    grams and related services that enable pregnant15

    and parenting students to enroll in, attend, and16

    succeed in school, and that are culturally and17

    linguistically competent.18

    (B) To designate a Coordinator for Edu-19

    cation of Pregnant and Parenting Students in20

    the State educational agency to direct and man-21

    age the State educational agencys activities re-22

    lated to this Act, in collaboration with the23

    States designated employee responsible for the24

    States efforts to comply with and carry out, to25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    the fullest extent, its responsibilities under title1

    IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (202

    U.S.C. 1681 et seq.).3

    (C) To prepare and carry out a State plan4

    described in subsection (f).5

    (D) To develop and implement high-quality6

    professional development programs for local7

    educational agencies and school personnel.8

    (E) To direct grants to rural and other9

    local educational agencies without capacity to10

    prepare an application for funds so that such11

    local educational agencies may carry out the ac-12

    tivities described in subsections (e) and (f) of13

    section 4.14

    (F) To ensure that information about the15

    program is disseminated to all local educational16

    agencies and made publicly and readily avail-17

    able on the State educational agencys Web site,18


    (i) the name and contact information20

    for the individuals described in subpara-21

    graph (B);22

    (ii) a list of subgrantees; and23

    (iii) an explanation of the rights of24

    students and responsibilities of schools25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    under title IX of the Education Amend-1

    ments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.),2

    including investigation and complaint pro-3

    cedures as required under subsection (a)4

    and (b) of section 106.8 of title 34, Code5

    of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the6

    date of the enactment of this Act).7


    TIES.From the funds made available to a State9

    under this Act, a State may reserve not more than10

    10 percent for State-level activities.11

    (3) SUBGRANTS.The State shall distribute at12

    least 90 percent of each State grant as subgrants to13

    local educational agencies in accordance with section14



    AND PARENTING STUDENTS.The Coordinator for Edu-17

    cation of Pregnant and Parenting Students in the State18

    educational agency described in subsection (d)(1)(B)19


    (1) gather information on the nature and extent21

    of State and local efforts to prevent teen pregnancy22

    and the nature and extent of barriers to educational23

    access and success facing pregnant and parenting24

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    students in the State, including information on re-1

    ported incidents of discrimination;2

    (2) develop and carry out the State plan de-3

    scribed in subsection (f);4

    (3) collect and report information to the Sec-5

    retary of Education, such as that which is listed in6

    subparagraphs (A) through (G) of section 6(a)(6);7

    (4) facilitate the coordination of services with8

    the State agencies responsible for administering pro-9

    grams affecting children, youth, and families (in-10

    cluding for the purposes of maximizing the11

    leveraging of resources from such agencies), includ-12


    (A) Temporary Assistance for Needy Fam-14


    (B) Medicaid;16

    (C) Childrens Health Insurance Program;17

    (D) teen pregnancy prevention, family18

    planning, and maternal and child health pro-19


    (E) Women, Infants and Children Food21

    and Nutrition Service;22

    (F) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance23


    (G) child care programs;25

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    (H) early childhood education, home visita-1

    tion, and child welfare programs;2

    (I) workforce investment programs and3

    postsecondary education;4

    (J) housing assistance and homeless assist-5

    ance programs;6

    (K) school-based health services programs;7


    (L) programs carried out by Federally9

    qualified health centers (as defined in sections10

    1861(aa)(4) and 1905(a)(2)(B) of the Social11

    Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(aa)(4) and12

    1396d(a)(2)(B))), health centers (as defined in13

    section 330 of the Public Health Service Act14

    (42 U.S.C. 254b)), and outpatient health pro-15

    grams and facilities operated by tribal organiza-16


    (5) coordinate and collaborate with educators,18

    service providers, and local educational agency preg-19

    nant and parenting student liaisons;20

    (6) provide technical assistance and training to21

    local educational agencies, including the dissemina-22

    tion of best practices; and23

    (7) report to the Secretary any complaints re-24

    ceived by the State about discrimination based on25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    pregnancy or parenting status and what actions1

    were taken to address those complaints.2

    (f) STATE PLAN.Pursuant to subsection (d)(1)(C),3

    each State shall submit a plan to provide for the education4

    of pregnant and parenting students. Such plan shall in-5

    clude the following:6

    (1) A description of how such students will be7

    given the opportunity to meet the same rigorous aca-8

    demic achievement and college and career-readiness9

    standards that all students are expected to meet.10

    (2) The policy, protocol, or procedure that each11

    district or State implements once a pregnancy has12

    been discovered on campus; including how each dis-13

    trict ensures the student understands his or her14

    rights under title IX of the Education Amendments15

    of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.).16

    (3) A description of how the State will identify17

    such students.18

    (4) A description of training programs to raise19

    awareness of school personnel regarding the rights20

    and educational needs of pregnant and parenting21


    (5) A description of procedures designed to en-23

    sure that students eligible for Federal, State, or24

    local food, housing, health care, or child care pro-25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    grams are informed of their eligibility for, assisted1

    in enrolling in, and able to participate in such pro-2


    (6) A description of procedures designed to en-4

    sure that students eligible for Federal, State, or5

    local after-school programs or supplemental edu-6

    cational services are enrolled in and able to partici-7

    pate in such programs.8

    (7) Strategies that respond to the problems9

    identified under subsection (e)(1).10

    (8) A demonstration that the State and its local11

    educational agencies have developed, reviewed, and12

    revised policies to remove barriers to enrollment and13

    retention of pregnant and parenting students in14

    schools in the State.15

    (9) Assurances that16

    (A) State educational agencies and local17

    educational agencies will not stigmatize, dis-18

    criminate against, or involuntarily segregate19

    students on the basis of pregnancy or par-20


    (B) local educational agencies will des-22

    ignate a pregnant and parenting student liaison23

    to communicate with the Coordinator for Edu-24

    cation of Pregnant and Parenting Students in25

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    the State educational agency and oversee the1

    provision of services at the local educational2

    agency and school levels; and3

    (C) State educational agencies and local4

    educational agencies will ensure that transpor-5

    tation is provided for students who have an in-6

    ability to pay for transportation and who7

    (i) choose to attend programs for8

    pregnant and parenting students located9

    outside of their school of origin; or10

    (ii) need transportation to and from11

    school and the students child care provider12

    for the student and the students child, re-13


    (10) Description of how the State will ensure15

    that local educational agencies comply with require-16

    ments of this Act.17

    (11) A description of technical assistance to be18

    provided to local educational agencies.19


    EDUCATION.Each State and each local educational21

    agency shall include in professional development and pub-22

    lic education materials reference to, and shall ensure that23

    school personnel, students, and family members of stu-24

    dents are aware of title IX of the Education Amendments25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.) and its implementing1

    regulations, which set forth the Federal civil right to be2

    free from discrimination on the basis of a students preg-3

    nancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of preg-4

    nancy, or recovery therefrom. This includes the right to5

    be free from harassment and stigmatization on those6

    bases, as well as the following:7

    (1) The right to enroll in any school or program8

    for which they would otherwise qualify.9

    (2) If enrolled into a special program or sepa-10

    rate school, the right to an education equal in qual-11

    ity to that offered to other students in the main-12

    stream or originating school.13

    (3) The right to decline to participate in a spe-14

    cialized program or separate school.15

    (4) The right to continue their education in the16

    school in which they were enrolled, or would have17

    been enrolled, prior to the students pregnancy,18

    childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of preg-19

    nancy, or recovery therefrom, including elementary20

    or secondary schools, charter schools, honors and21

    magnet programs, Advanced Placement and Inter-22

    national Baccalaureate programs, career and tech-23

    nical education programs, special education and non-24

    public school placements, alternative options or pro-25

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    grams, migrant education, free and reduced lunch1

    programs, services for English language learners,2

    physical education programs, after-school academic3

    programs, and any others for which they are other-4

    wise qualified.5

    (5) The right to participate in school activities6

    including graduations and other ceremonies; to re-7

    ceive awards or peer recognition; to participate on8

    field trips, student clubs and councils, in after-school9

    activities, including cheerleading or athletics teams;10

    and in any other school-related programs, subject to11

    providing a medical release if that is required of all12

    students who have physical or emotional conditions13

    requiring the attention of medical personnel and who14

    want to continue participating.15

    (6) The right to the same benefits and services16

    offered to students with other temporary disabilities.17

    (7) The right to an excused absence for as long18

    as the students physician deems it medically nec-19

    essary, without penalty, and automatic return to the20

    status the student held prior to the leave of absence.21

    (8) The right not to be retaliated against for22

    raising awareness of, complaining about, or report-23

    ing discrimination.24

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    KER13172 S.L.C.


    educational agencies may coordinate with social services2

    agencies, public health agencies, youth services providers,3

    or other community-based organizations for the purposes4

    of ensuring that pregnant and parenting students have ac-5

    cess to the academic support services they need to con-6

    tinue their education; and to raise awareness among agen-7

    cies about pregnant and parenting students and their edu-8

    cational rights and opportunities.9


    SON.The duties of a local educational agencys pregnant11

    and parenting student liaison shall include12

    (1) identification, by consulting with school per-13

    sonnel, and by self-reports, of pregnant and par-14

    enting students in need of services to help them stay15

    in school and succeed;16

    (2) gathering information on the nature and ex-17

    tent of barriers to educational access and success18

    facing pregnant and parenting students in the geo-19

    graphic area served by the local educational agency,20

    including information on reported incidents of dis-21


    (3) ensuring and facilitating the continued en-23

    rollment of pregnant and parenting students in24

    school in an academic program that best meets the25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    educational goals of the student and his or her fam-1


    (4) ensuring that the educational and related3

    barriers faced by pregnant and parenting students4

    are addressed, and that any services and referrals5

    provided are culturally and linguistically competent;6

    (5) informing pregnant and parenting students7

    of educational and related services extended to preg-8

    nant and parenting students and of their right9

    under title IX of the Education Amendments of10

    1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.) to continue their edu-11

    cation; and12

    (6) coordinating the provision of services in13

    conjunction with the Coordinator for Education of14

    Pregnant and Parenting Students in the State edu-15

    cational agency and with community organizations16

    and partners.17




    (a) IN GENERAL.A State educational agency re-21

    ceiving a grant under section 3 shall make competitive22

    subgrants to local educational agencies for the purpose of23

    facilitating the enrollment, attendance, and success in24

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    school of pregnant and parenting students. Services may1

    be provided on school grounds or at other facilities.2

    (b) APPLICATION.Local educational agencies seek-3

    ing subgrants shall submit an application to the State edu-4

    cational agency in time and manner required by the State.5

    The application shall include6

    (1) an assessment of the educational and re-7

    lated needs of pregnant and parenting students in8

    the local educational agency;9

    (2) a description of the local educational agen-10

    cys plan for addressing those needs, and assurance11

    that the specific services and programs for which12

    subgrants are being sought are culturally and lin-13

    guistically competent;14

    (3) assurance of the local educational agencys15

    compliance with local educational agency require-16

    ments established in section 3; and17

    (4) a description of the local educational agen-18

    cys plan for continuing specific services and pro-19

    grams for which subgrants are being sought in case20

    of the loss of or absence of Federal assistance.21

    (c) AWARDS.Subgrants under this section shall be22

    awarded on the basis of need and the strength of the appli-23

    cation in meeting the requirements and goals of this Act.24

    Priority consideration shall be given to applications from25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    local educational agencies serving students in geographic1

    areas with2

    (1) teen birth rates that are higher than the3

    State average; or4

    (2) teen birth rates below the State average but5

    having one or more racial or ethnic groups with teen6

    birth rates higher than the State average.7

    (d) DURATION.Subgrants under this section shall8

    be for periods not to exceed 3 years.9

    (e) REQUIREDACTIVITIES.Subgrant funds shall be10

    expended for activities that include11

    (1) the provision of academic support services12

    for pregnant and parenting students, which may in-13

    clude, but are not limited to academic counseling,14

    the development of individualized graduation plans,15

    assistance with class scheduling, assistance with16

    planning for and gaining access to postsecondary17

    educational opportunities, assistance securing tutor-18

    ing or other academic support services, supplemental19

    instruction, homework assistance, tutoring, or other20

    educational services, such as homebound instruction21

    services to be provided during extended leaves of ab-22

    sence due to pregnancy complications, childbirth, or23

    the illness of a students child, to keep the student24

    on track to finish the students classes and graduate;25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    (2) assistance to pregnant and parenting stu-1

    dents in gaining access to quality, affordable child2

    care and early childhood education services;3

    (3) the provision of transportation services or4

    assistance so that parenting students and their chil-5

    dren can get to and from school and child care, re-6

    spectively, and so that pregnant students unable to7

    walk long distances can get to school if transpor-8

    tation is not already provided for that student;9

    (4) the provision of services and programs to10

    attract, engage, and retain pregnant and parenting11

    students in school, including informing pregnant and12

    parenting teenagers and their family members and13

    caring adults of their right to continue their edu-14

    cation, the importance of doing so, and the con-15

    sequences of not doing so;16

    (5) the education of students, parents and com-17

    munity members about the educational rights of18

    pregnant and parenting students;19

    (6) the professional development of school per-20

    sonnel regarding the challenges facing pregnant and21

    parenting students and their educational rights;22

    (7) proactive outreach efforts to assist pregnant23

    and parenting teenagers with excessive absences and24

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    to re-enroll pregnant or parenting teenagers who1

    have dropped out of school;2

    (8) the revision of school policies and practices3

    to remove barriers and to encourage pregnant and4

    parenting students to continue their education, in-5


    (A) the revision of attendance policies to7

    allow for students to be excused from school,8

    school activities, after-school activities, or9

    school-related programs for10

    (i) attendance at pregnancy-related11

    medical appointments, including expectant12

    fathers who are students;13

    (ii) fulfillment of the students par-14

    enting responsibilities, including arranging15

    child care, caring for the students sick16

    child or children, and attending medical17

    appointments for the students child or18

    children; and19

    (iii) such other situations beyond the20

    control of the student as determined by the21

    board of education in each local edu-22

    cational agency, or such other cir-23

    cumstances which cause reasonable con-24

    cern to student or the students parent for25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    the safety or health of the student, for ex-1

    ample addressing circumstances resulting2

    from domestic or sexual violence; and3

    (B) the creation and implementation of a4

    policy flexible enough to meet the individualized5

    lactation and medical needs of student mothers,6

    including reasonable break time from class, ac-7

    cess to a clean, private space and protection8

    from retaliation for this purpose;9

    (9) the provision to student parents, and at a10

    students request, also to a non-student parent or11

    other family members and caring adults, of training12

    and support in parenting skills, healthy relationship13

    skills, strategies to prevent future unplanned preg-14

    nancy, and other life skills such as goal setting,15

    budgeting, time management, financial literacy, net-16

    working, job interviewing, applying for college and17

    securing financial aid; and18

    (10) the provision to pregnant and parenting19

    students of educational and career mentoring serv-20

    ices and peer groups, whether during school hours or21

    after school.22


    (1) IN GENERAL.Subgrant funds may be ex-24

    pended for allowable activities such as25

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    (A) the provision of child care and early1

    childhood education for the child of the par-2

    enting student, either by providing these serv-3

    ices directly on school grounds or by other ar-4

    rangement, such as by providing financial as-5

    sistance to obtain such services at a child care6

    facility within a reasonable distance of the7


    (B) the provision of case management9

    services to pregnant and parenting students,10

    such as assistance with applying for and access-11

    ing public benefits and Federal financial aid for12

    postsecondary education and training;13

    (C) the provision of, or referrals to, preg-14

    nancy prevention, primary health care, maternal15

    and child health, family planning, mental16

    health, substance abuse, housing assistance,17

    homeless assistance, legal aid services, including18

    paternity testing, establishing parental rights,19

    child custody arrangements, and other services20

    needed by the student;21

    (D) the provision of emergency financial or22

    in-kind assistance to a parenting student to ful-23

    fill the basic human needs of a student and the24

    students child;25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    (E) efforts to create a positive school cli-1

    mate for pregnant and parenting students, in-2

    cluding addressing discrimination against, har-3

    assment and stigmatization of pregnant and4

    parenting students; and5

    (F) the provision of training practicums6

    for graduate students in social work to carry7

    out the purpose of the grant.8



    (A) IN GENERAL.With respect to infor-11

    mation provided under paragraph (1)(C) and12

    subsection (e)(9), whether provided by local13

    educational agencies or by contract or arrange-14

    ment as described in subsection (g), the infor-15

    mation shall be, where appropriate, medically16

    accurate and complete and developmentally ap-17

    propriate for the intended audience.18

    (B) DEFINITION.For purposes of this19

    paragraph, the term medically accurate and20

    complete means verified or supported by the21

    weight of research conducted in compliance with22

    accepted scientific methods and23

    (i) published in peer-reviewed jour-24

    nals, where applicable; or25

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    (ii) comprising information that lead-1

    ing professional organizations and agencies2

    with relevant expertise in the field recog-3

    nize as accurate, objective, and complete.4


    ZATIONS.Local educational agencies may provide and6

    expend subgrant funds on required activities authorized7

    in subsection (e) or allowable activities authorized in sub-8

    section (f) directly or by contract or arrangement with so-9

    cial services agencies, public health agencies, youth serv-10

    ices providers, or other nonprofit community-based organi-11

    zations with experience effectively assisting pregnant and12

    parenting students to stay in school by conducting the ac-13

    tivities described in subsections (e) and (f).14




    (a) IN GENERAL.The Secretary shall, from the18

    amounts specified in subsection (b), make grants to local19

    educational agencies in a State described in subsection (b)20

    for the required activities specified in section 4(e) and the21

    allowable activities specified in section 4(f).22

    (b) APPLICATION.A local educational agency desir-23

    ing a grant under this section shall submit an application24

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the1

    Secretary may require.2

    (c) SPECIFICATION OF FUNDS.The amounts re-3

    ferred to in subsection (a) are any amounts that would4

    have been allocated to a State under section 3(c)(3) that5

    are not paid to the State as a result of6

    (1) the failure of the State to submit an appli-7

    cation under section 3(b);8

    (2) the failure of the State, in the determina-9

    tion of the Secretary, to prepare the application in10

    accordance with such section or to submit the appli-11

    cation within a reasonable period of time; or12

    (3) the State informing the Secretary that the13

    State does not intend to expend the full amount of14

    such allocation.15


    (a) IN GENERAL.The Secretary of Education shall17

    carry out the following activities:18

    (1) Review of State plans to ensure they ade-19

    quately address all of the elements listed in section20

    3(f) of this Act.21

    (2) Provide technical assistance to State edu-22

    cational agencies.23

    (3) Provide guidance to Federal programs and24

    grantees likely to have contact with pregnant and25

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    parenting students and their family members and1

    caring adults regarding the educational rights of2

    pregnant and parenting students and the State edu-3

    cational agencies responsibilities, including the re-4

    sponsibilities under this Act.5

    (4) At the end of each 3-year grant period, con-6

    duct a rigorous, evidence-based, comprehensive eval-7

    uation of the local educational agency programs8

    funded by these grants and their effectiveness in im-9

    proving graduation rates and educational outcomes10

    for pregnant and parenting students, including ac-11

    ceptance and enrollment in higher education. The12

    findings of such evaluations shall be reported to13


    (5) Conduct a one-time national evaluation of15

    pregnant and parenting student access to education16

    program service delivery models, directly or via con-17

    tract with an independent research institution. Iden-18

    tify and disseminate the findings and best practices19

    at the State and local levels, including models of20

    programs that are successful at, or show promise of,21

    serving specific racial or ethnic groups or have been22

    modified and tested with specific racial or ethnic23

    groups, and create an online best practices clearing-24

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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    house as a resource for other State educational1

    agencies and local educational agencies.2

    (6) Annually collect and disseminate nonperson-3

    ally identifiable data and information, in a manner4

    protective of student privacy, and disaggregated by5

    each school or alternative program identified pursu-6

    ant to subparagraph (B) and by whether services for7

    pregnant and parenting students are offered in8

    school or off-site, on9

    (A) the number of pregnant and parenting10

    students enrolled in school;11

    (B) rates and participation of pregnant12

    and parenting students in mainstream or origi-13

    nating schools, rates and participation of preg-14

    nant and parenting students in alternative pro-15

    grams and, for each alternative program, an in-16

    dication as to whether it is offered in a main-17

    stream school or off-site;18

    (C) pregnant and parenting students per-19

    formance on academic assessments;20

    (D) pregnant and parenting students21

    graduation rates, dropout rates and transfer22


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    KER13172 S.L.C.

    (E) rates of usage by pregnant and par-1

    enting students of child care services or assist-2

    ance (if offered);3

    (F) rates of usage by pregnant or par-4

    enting students of other services offered (bro-5

    ken down by type of service); and6

    (G) such other data and information as the7

    Secretary determines to be necessary and rel-8


    (7) Coordinate data collection and dissemina-10

    tion with the agencies and entities that receive funds11

    under this Act and those that administer programs12

    in accordance with this Act.13

    (b) REPORTING RATES.Notwithstanding subsection14

    (a)(6)(B) through (F), if the number of pregnant and par-15

    enting students in a particular school or program in a16

    State is smaller than a size determined by such State, it17

    shall be reported by the applicable local educational agen-18

    cy, and if the number of pregnant and parenting students19

    under the jurisdiction of a local educational agency in a20

    State is smaller than a size determined by such State, it21

    shall be reported by such State.22

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    Nothing in this Act shall be construed to preempt,3

    invalidate, or limit rights, remedies, procedures, or legal4

    standards available to victims of discrimination or retalia-5

    tion under any other Federal law or a law of a State or6

    political subdivision of a State, including title VI of the7

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), title8

    IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C.9

    1681 et seq.), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of10

    1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), the Americans with Disabilities Act11

    of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), section 1557 of the12

    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C.13

    18116), or section 1979 of the Revised Statutes (4214

    U.S.C. 1983). The obligations imposed by this Act are in15

    addition to those imposed by title IX of the Education16

    Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.), title VI17

    of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.),18

    the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.19

    12101 et seq.), and section 1557 of the Patient Protection20

    and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18116).21


    For purposes of this Act, the term State means23

    each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Com-24

    monwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the25

    Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the26

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    United States Virgin Islands, and any other territory or1

    possession of the United States.2


    There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out4

    this Act such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years5

    2014 through 2018.6