The Poverello

The Poverello St. Bonaventure Secular Franciscans Detroit, Michigan Vol. 74, no. 9 — September 2014

Transcript of The Poverello

The PoverelloSt. Bonaventure Secular Franciscans Detroit, Michigan

Vol. 74, no. 9 — September 2014

Minister’s Letter

2 The Poverello, September 2014

\My dear sisters and brothers,

May God grant you peace!

At our fraternity gathering on August 17, Jeanine Ward was admitted to candidacy and Mack Betts was welcomed into the inquiry phase of formation. Welcome Jeanine and Mack! Please pray for Jeanine and Mack as they discern their vocation to the Secular Franciscan Order.

Teresa Westbrook-Lienert, Brittney Walendzik and I attended the Regional Ministers’ Retreat in DeWitt, Michigan, the weekend of August 8-10. OnSunday,September21,ourDayofReflectionwillbeginat11:00 a.m.OurspeakerfortheDayofReflectionwill be David Seitz, OFS, Vice Minister of the Divine Mercy Regional Fraternity. David will speak on the topic of Franciscan Humility. Please remember to bring a brown bag lunch and, if you are able, a dish to share. We will not have Mass. As they have for hundreds of years, Franciscans throughout the world will gather together on October 3 to recall the Transitus of St. Francis from earthly life to eternal life. Yet this service is more than a remembrance of the death of the Poor Man of Assisi, it is also a celebration of the Franciscan spirit that is alive today within each of us. I hope that you, your family and friends will attend the Transitus service at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 3. Because the feast falls on a Saturday, and because we’d like to have a joint celebration with the friars if poossible, we are not yet sure of the time of the Mass for St. Francis. Stay tuned!

Reflection: The story of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi(The feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi is September 17)

Formyreflectionthismonth,IdecidedtosharewithyouthestoryoftheStigmataofSt.Francis.JustaswetaketimetoreadandreflectontheGospelstories,itisalsoimportantforustorememberandreflectonthestoriesofSt.FrancisandSt.ClaresoastobeinspiredbytheirexamplesofloveforGodandothers.Asyoureadandreflectonthisstory,mayyoumarvelatthelovingrelationshipbetweenSt.FrancisandGodandSt.FrancisandhisbrothersandmayitstirinyourheartthedesiretodeepenyourrelationshipwithGodandmeditateonthePassionof Christ and his immense love for us. St.FrancisofAssisiwasthefirsttoreceivethestigmataorwoundsofourLordonhisbody.In1224,heretiredtoLaVernawiththreecompanionsandwhileprayingonthemountainsidebeheldthevisionoftheseraph,asasequelofwhichthereappearedonhisbodythefivewounds.BrotherLeo,whowasoneofthecompanionsandpresent at the time, left us an account of the incident.

The Poverello, September 2014 3

Francis’wholesoulyearnedforGod,andinhishearttherewasanintenselongingforMountLaVerna.InAugust,whenthecornwasbendingundertheweightoftheears,FrancisandLeowentuptheretospendthefastbeforeSt.Michael’sDay.Ontheway,Angelo,Masseo,Silvester,RufinoandBoniziojoinedthem.SoallsevenBrothers traveled across the country together. ThetiredBrothersenjoyedgazingatthedistanthorizonasthesunwentdowninamassofgoldandredclouds.Francisstoodupandsaid,“Lord,staywithus.Nightiscomingon.” He stood there like a statue bathed in red light. Down below lay the towns, villages, and hamlets in which he hadpreached.Downtherelivedmenwithsoulslikestarsintheirbodies.Howmanystarshadhemadetoflareup?WhilehethankedGodforsuchresults,hefeltsorryforthosewhoremainedinthedark,wrappedinthefogofsinandconfusion,andhethoughtoftheBrotherswhocouldnotgivethemselvescompletelytoGod. “Lord,havemercyonthosewhocomeafterme!”Thegoldenlightfadedaway.OnlytheApenninesstillgloweda bit. Somewhere in the distance a light appeared. “Lord,staywithus.Nightiscomingon!” He thought of his mother, and he held out his hands toward Assisi. Then he said, with a tremor in his voice: “Brothers, I am not going to live much longer. My song is ended. So I would like to be alone – in order to immerse myselfinGodandweepovermysins.BrotherLeocanbringmesomewaterfromtimetotime,wheneverhewants to. But he must let no one else come near me. And Brother Masseo will see to it that meanwhile you pray alothere.”Thenheblessedthemandwenttohislittlehutunderthelindentree. TheBrothersshudderedwithfearandclusteredtogether.EachtimeLeocameback,afterbringinghimsomefood, they went and stood around him, questioning him with the look in their eyes. “Beautiful–beautiful!”hewouldwhisper.“Hekneelsthereinaheavenlylightandtalksoutloud,butIdon’tdarelisten.Ihavetostrugglenottolisten.Heissoabsorbedinprayerthathedoesnotevenhearme.” The Brothers sighed with delight. Theverynextday,theeveoftheAssumptionoftheBlessedVirgin,whenBrotherLeobroughthisfood,Francistoldhimtogoandstandatthedoorofthelittlechapel,andsaid,“EachtimeIshout,“LambofGod,doyouhearme?”thenyoumustanswerasloudasyoucan,‘Yes,Ihearyou.’” Franciswentdeeperintothewoods,turnedaround,andcalled:“LambofGod,doyouhearme?” “Yes,Father,Ihearyou!”heheardfromwayoffthroughthetrees. Francis went farther up over piles of rocks. Then he called again. The answer came as softly as a sigh. Francis went still farther, though he had to struggle through the underbrush, until suddenly he stood before a precipice abouttenfeetwideandatleastthreehundredfeetdeep.Noreplyreachedhimthere. “Iamgoingtoliveontheothersideofthischasm,”hedecided. They placed the plank over the chasm. There was not much room on the other side. A little farther on, the rocks again dropped right down, so that Francis was on a sort of island. They built him a tiny hut under some oak trees. Andtowardeveningwhenitwasfinished,FrancissaidtotheBrothers. “Nowgoback.Noonecancometovisitme.OnlyBrotherLeomustbringsomebreadandwateronceaday,veryquietly,andalsoatnightatthehourforMatins.BrotherLeo,youmustputthebreadatthebeginningofthebridge,andwhenyoureachit,callout,‘Lord,openmylips!’AndifIanswer,“InordertosingThypraises,’thencomeoverthebridgeandwewillchantMatinstogether.ButifIdonotanswer,thengoback!” WhenFranciswasalone,hekneeleddownandmurmured:“Lord,Iamready.” But then the Devil appeared on the scene and injected fear into his prayers, saying: “Elias! Elias! The house inBologna!BrothersattheUniversityofParis!Comfortablemonasteries!Magnificentchurches!Thatiswhatyouhaveachievedwiththatphantomofyours,LadyPoverty!Youhavealwaystriedtograspphantoms:knight,poet,nobleman,troubadour,saint!Justbetweenourselves,admitthatyouwereborncrazy.Butyoucertainlymadethose dupes believe your lies. And yet that is nothing. But how many of them have you driven into confusion or sin? You are going to pay for that! The Pope is going to condemn you, and your name will become a curse. Your Orderisbreakingup–itisalreadyruined!YoupersuadeyourselfthatGodiswithit–whatproofhaveyou?Eliashastheproofs.GodhasabandonedyourOrder.AndHeisright!”

SweatdrippeddownFrancis’face,andhekeptcrying,“Jesusismyonlylight!Jesusismyonlylight!” Then physical suffering came over him in waves. His muscles cracked over his bones from pain and anguish. Thislastedformanydays.OncewhenheansweredLeo’scallandLeowenttohim,Francisembracedhimandsobbed:“IfyouonlyknewwhatIhavebeensufferingfromtheDevil,howtheBrotherswouldhavepityonme!” AndwhileLeoreverentlywipedthesweatfromhisbrow,Francisadded:“ButwhenIthinkofthesufferingsofourdearLord,thenmypainsarebutfleabites.Andwhenthetemptationshavegone,thankstopatienceandprayer,thenIhavesuchwonderfulexperiences,BrotherLeo!Thenheavencomesdowntome. Leocalledinthemoonlight.Asusual,therewasnoanswer,butthistimehehadastrangeforeboding.SupposeFranciswaslyingtheredead!Then,afteramoment’shesitation,motivatedbyagoodintention,Leocarefullycrossed over the plank. The moon was shining brightly, and not a leaf stirred. He intended to look in the hut, but then he caught sight of Francis, kneeling, his face and his arms raised toward heaven,andLeoheardhimsayinamuffledvoice:“WhoareThou,mydearestLord,andwhoamI,amiserablewormanduselessservant?”Themoonlightfelldirectlyonhisfeatures,andhischeeksseemedliketwocavities.Leowassodeeplymovedthathehadtoholdontoatree. SuddenlyagreatflameappearedandhoveredaboveFrancis’head.AndoutoftheflamecameavoicethatLeocould not understand. He felt ashamed to be spying on such a holy event, and he silently retreated, without taking his eyes from Francis – until a branch cracked under his foot! Francissprangupandcriedoutsharply:“InthenameofJesus,whoisthere?Standstill!Don’tmove!” Francisapproached.Leowassofrightenedthathecroucheddownandputhishandsoverhisface.Francisstoodrightbeforehimandsaid:“Whoareyou?” ThenLeo timidly rose,weeping, andbegged forgiveness, explainingwhat hehaddone.Francis tookhistremblinghand.“Leo,Iwasabsorbedinthelightofcontemplation,andinitIsawtheinfinitedepthofGod’sbeautyincontrastwithmyownmiserableself.”FrancistooktheLambofGodintohisarms.“Idon’tknowwhatitwillbe.”heexclaimed,“butGodwillworksuchstrangeandmarvelousthingstomeuponthismountainasshallastonish the whole world; for he will do a new thing which he has never done before to any creature upon this earth.” AndwhenSt.Francishadsaidthesewords,hemadeLeobringhimthebookoftheGospels,becauseGodhadputitintohismindthat,bythreetimesopeningthatbook,heshouldlearnwhatGodwouldbepleasedtodowithhim. And when the book was brought to him, St. Francis went into prayer; and when he prayed, he caused Brother LeotoopenthebookthreetimesinthenameofthemostHolyTrinity;and,bythedivinedisposal,itopenedeachtime at the Passion of Christ. And by this it was given him to understand that, even as he had followed Christ in theactionsofhislife,soshouldhefollowandbeconfirmedtohiminthesufferingsandafflictionsofhisPassion,before he should pass out of this life. Leowentawayanxiously,withtheBookoftheGospelsunderhisarm. On the feast of the Holy Cross, St. Francis was praying before daybreak at the entrance of his cell, and turning hisfacetowardstheeast,heprayedinthesewords:“OLordJesusChrist,twogracesdoIaskoftheebeforeIdie;thefirst,thatinmylifetimeImayfeel,asfaraspossible,bothinmysoulandbody,thatpain,whichthou,sweetLord,didendureinthehourofthymostbitterPassion;thesecond,thatImayfeelinmyheartasmuchaspossibleofthatexcessoflovebywhichthou,OSonofGod,wasinflamedtosuffersocruelaPassionforussinners.”Andcontinuingalongtimeinthatprayer,heunderstoodthatGodhadheardhim,andthat,sofaraspossibleforamerecreature, he should be permitted to feel these things. Having then received this promise, St. Francis began to contemplate most devoutly the Passion of Jesus Christ andhisinfinitecharity;andsogreatlydidthefervorofdevotionincreasewithinhim,thathewasalltransformedinto Jesus by love and compassion. Andbeingthusinflamedinthatcontemplation,onthatsamemorninghebeheldaSeraphdescendingfromheavenwithsixfieryandresplendentwings;andthisseraphwithrapidflightdrewneartoSt.Francis,sothathecouldplainlydiscernhim,andperceivethatheboretheimageofonecrucified;andthewingsweresodisposed,thattwowerespreadoverthehead,twowereoutstretchedinflight,andtheothertwocoveredthewholebody.And

4 The Poverello, September 2014

whenSt.Francisbeheldit,hewasmuchafraid,andfilledatoncewithjoyandgriefandwonder.Hefeltgreatjoyat the gracious presence of Christ, who appeared to him thus familiarly, and looked upon him thus lovingly, but, ontheotherhand,beholdinghimthuscrucified,hefeltexceedinggriefandcompassion.Hemarveledmuchatsostupendousandunwontedavision,knowingwellthattheinfirmityofthePassionaccordedwiththeimmortalityof the seraphic spirit. And in that perplexity of mind it was revealed to him by him who thus appeared, that by divine providence this vision had been thus shown to him that he might understand that, not by martyrdom of the body,butbyaconsumingfireofthesoul,hewastobetransformedintotheexpressimageofChristcrucifiedinthat wonderful apparition. Afterthismarvelousvisiondisappeared,St.Francis’heartwasfilledwithanexcessivefireandardorofdivinelove,andonhisfleshawonderfultraceandimageofthePassionofChrist.Foruponhishandsandfeetbeganimmediatelytoappear thefiguresof thenails,ashehadseenthemontheBodyofChristcrucified,whohadappeared to him in the likeness of a Seraph. And thus the hands and feet appeared pierced through by the nails, theheadswereseenoutsidethefleshinthepalmsofthehandsandthesolesofthefeet,andthepointsofthenailsstood out at the back of the hands, and the feet in such a way that they appeared to be twisted and bent back upon themselves,andtheportionthereofthatwasbentbackortwistedstoodoutfreefromtheflesh,sothatonecouldputafingerthroughthesameasthrougharing;andtheheadsofthenailswereroundandblack.Inlikemanner,on the right side appeared the image of an unhealed wound, as if made by a lance, and still red and bleeding, from whichdropsofbloodoftenflowedfromtheholybreastofSt.Francis,staininghistunic. Nowalthoughthesesacredwounds,whichhadbeenimpresseduponhimbyChrist,gavegreatjoytohisheart,yet they caused unspeakable pain to his body; so that, being constrained by necessity, he made choice of Brother Leo,forhisgreatpurityandsimplicity,towhomherevealedthewholematter,sufferinghimtotouchanddresshis wounds on all days except during the time from Thursday evening until Sunday morning, for then he would not by any human remedy mitigate the pain of Christ’s Passion, which he bore in his body, because at that time ourSaviorJesusChristwastakenandcrucified,died,andwasburiedforus.

– from A Treasury of Catholic Reading, ed. John Chapin (Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957)and passages from Chapter 53 of the Little Flowers of St. Francis

Please pray for an increase in vocations to the Secular Franciscan Order and for our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are being persecuted for their faith.


Your sister in Ss. Francis and Clare,maryann

The Poverello, September 2014 5

Pope Paul VI to be Beatified

PopePaulVI,wholedthechurchfrom1963to1978,willbebeatifiedonOctober19, 2014, during the closing Mass for the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family. In addition to guiding the church through the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council and its initial implementation, Pope Paul is remembered for his encyclical, “HumanaeVitae,”the1968teachingonthemarriage,marriedloveandprocreation.Hewasalsothefirstpopeinthemoderneratotravelabroad,makingnineforeigntrips,includingtotheHolyLand,India,theUnitedStates,UgandaandthePhilippines. Pope Francis, over the past several months, also has highlighted as extremely importantandstillveryrelevanttwodocumentsbyPopePaul:“EcclesiamSuam”onthechurchinthemodernworld;and“EvangeliiNuntiandi”ontheproclamationoftheGospel.

6 The Poverello, September 2014

Members of our Fraternity ELIZABETH

Elizabeth’s parents,both professionals in themedicalfield,arenostrangers to a medical crises. But they never expected one to hit so close to home. Tests

confirmed her family’s fears:Elizabeth sufferedfromALL,a typeofbloodcancer.Hermother’sthoughts raced. “I thought, is this the last time I’m goingtoseeher?Isshegoingtodie?” Elizabeth’sdoctorimmediatelyreferredhertoSt. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude has increasedthesurvivalratesforElizabeth’stypeofleukemia from 4% before opening in 1962 to 94% today — the world’s best. BythetimeElizabetharrivedatSt.Judejusteight hours later, her white count had already doubled. “She probably would have been dead in 72hours,”sayshermother.St. Jude doctors quickly brought the cancer under controlwithchemotherapy.Nowaboutayearintotreatment,Elizabethhasrespondedwell.Hercanceris in remission, but she still has to undergo another year-and-a-half of chemotherapy to be sure the cancer doesn’t return. Being so familiar with hospital environments from theirwork inmedicine,Elizabeth’sparentshavebeenamazedbytheupbeatandchild-friendlyatmosphere at St. Jude. “People here at St. Jude love their jobs, and they’regreatwith thekids,”saysElizabeth’smom.“Andthatmakesitsomucheasiertobehere.” Elizabethisatoughandindependentlittlegirl with a bright future ahead.

Marie AmoreDan & Jan AtkinsonKay BalasJanet BodellMaryLouCatinoMaryGillenGrabowskiFamilyNonaMaryHebertJames HeymesCaroline Hojna & FamilyAnnaMarieJezakGaryJohnsonDonna Marie JohnstonLouisJosephJoyce KaminskiEsther KelleyMary KleinLorraineKorte

JosieLafataFrank&RosalieLiccardelloPatriciaLongJoseph MarraSophie MartinMabel MichaelsHugh MontpetitBarbara PardingtonBob PeckhamGeorgePelyakMary SaberJames SchoenherrMichael&BridgetSchultzGeneSnydersBen StapelAlice VierJoseph Wisk

Relatives needing prayers:

Theresa Brannigan, daughter-in-law of MargueriteMary Ann Bridge, daughter of Connie MusialKateComizio,sisterofBr.PatFr.EdwardErtzbischoff,brotherofJuliaAnn Forys, mother of HankVeronica&SteveGolack,sister/br-in-law of Irene ManningAliceGreene,sisterofHankForysBonnieHoller,nieceofJoMarieNardiDeniseJoseph,daughterofLouisDavid Kaminski, son of JoyceStephanie Kummer, mother of MaryannIreneKutchey,daughter-in-lawofJuliaErtzbischoffRosemary Marson, sister of RalphDr.GregoryMontpetit, son of Hugh and MaryannBarbara Musial, daughter of ConnieVanceNardi,sister-in-lawofJoMarieJeanNozewski,wifeofThomasTeresa Poole, mother of Mary

Joseph Ricard, brother of Tom

At times, the names of relatives needing prayers are dropped from the list if we have not received an update after a few months. Please keep in contact with Jo Marie. Please help to keep our list up-to-date. Call:

Jo Marie NardiOur DeceasedRocco CesaroCardinal Edmund Szoka, V 21 August 2014Daisey McSherry, V 21 August 2014

The Poverello, September 2014 7


Doris Allen was born April 23, 1940 in Detroit, Michigan. Doris is one of six childrenborntoJosephandCharityAllen.Shegrewupwithfivebrothers:Richard,Clarence, Eugene, Joseph, and Alvin. Doris was educated in the Detroit School system. She received a quality education and graduated from Cass Technical High School. She attended Wayne State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree with a double major in Psychology and Sociology.Later,sheattendedtheUniversityofMichiganandgraduatedwithaDoctorof Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. She also earned a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) degree from the University of Michigan. She was married to Curtis Arnold. From this union two sons were born, Rodney and Curtis. Rodney and Curtis died heroically in 1981. They witnessed a van roll into

theDetroitRiverwithsixchildreninside.RodneyandCurtiswentintoactionandrescuedfiveofthechildren.When they went back into the water to get the sixth child, the undertow pulled them and the van under and they drowned,witnessestoJohn15:13:“Noonehasgreaterlovethanthis,tolaydownone’slife...” Doris has been a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish since 1957. She is a Minister of Service and serves as a Table and Eucharistic Minister. She teaches third grade Religious Education Classes. Doris also serves as LectorandisinvolvedwiththeSaturdayYouthOutreachProgram.Shehasoffereddrummingandguitarclassesto the neighborhood youth. Doris spent time serving on the Capuchin Provincial Peace, Justice and Ecology Commission. The Capuchin brothers with whom she interacted made a lasting impression on her by exhibiting Franciscan spirituality. Since St. Charles Parish is cared for by Capuchins she had the opportunity to experience Franciscan spirituality with several of them, especially Fr. David Preuss and Br. Ray Stadmeyer. Two other members of St. Charles Parish are Secular Franciscans, Melissa Lindow and Anna Tyler. Doris has a close relationship with Anna. Anna was wearing the tau when they were traveling in Canada. Doris was impressed when total strangers approached Anna and asked if she was a Secular Franciscan and shared that they, too, were Secular Franciscans. In 2000, while Doris was serving on the Capuchin Justice, Peace and Ecology Commission, Fr. Jim Zelinski attended the Jubilee in Romeand brought back a tau which he gave to Doris and that was when she started wearing the tau, which oftencauseshertobemistakenforaSecularFranciscan.Once,whenleavingadoctor’soffice,Dorisstruckupaconversation with a stranger who turned out to be a Secular Franciscan preparing to make her Profession. As Doris was walking to the parking lot, it struck her that maybe she was being called to become a Secular Franciscan. Doris has an interest in making jewelry, camping, traveling and reading. She is happiest with a cat in her lap and a good book in her hand. BecauseofherNativeAmericanancestry,DorisalsoparticipatesinNativeAmericanspirituality.Herindigenousheritage and her closeness to St. Francis shine brightly in Doris’ strong desire to protect the environment and to advocate for sustainable environmental practices. Doris is Vice President of Voices for Earth Justice. Earth Justice is a faith-based environmental activist group. Their premise is: If you believe in a Creator then you have an obligation to take care of Creation. We love you, Doris!

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The Poverello, September 2014 9

From the Friars’ Choir

COME AND SEE On Sunday, September 21, our Fraternity is hosting a new class of orientees. The gathering beginsat12NooninthesecondfloorconferenceroomoftheSolanusCaseyCenter.Orienteesare invited to remain for the fraternity gathering and social, if they wish. Please consider inviting even just one person to come and see what we are about. We are looking for practicing, dedicated Catholics. Invite them, and let them decide if they want to pursue our Gospelformoflifeforthemselves.

1.......Theresa Coschino 2.......Rita Collins 4.......Joyce Brouillette 8.......Mary Burghardt 10.....Beverly Joseph 14.....Mary Schalm 18.....George Pelyak 24.....Sheryl Ann Nordstrom 24.....Br. Pat McSherry 25.....Joe Gentile 26.....Lorraine Korte

MID-WEEK RETREAT“Celebrating our Franciscan Spirituality”

AFranciscanoutlookonlifeisfilledwithpraise,aweandgratitude.Gracetriumphsoversin,goodnessoverevil.EverythingflowsfromtheTriuneGod,whoisgoodnessandlove.ThisiswhatmakesallFranciscanstick! OurtimetogetherwillincludeMass,ahealingandreconciliationservice,availabilityofstaff,fivefullmeals,alongwithprivateroomswithbaths.EnjoythebeautyofFallon95acresforreflection. We invite you to spend a few days with us at a mid-week retreat from Tuesday, September 30 through Thursday, October 2, 2014 at the Capuchin Retreat Center, 62460 Mt. Vernon Rd., Washington, MI 48094. The retreat facilitator will be Fr. Bill Cieslak, OFM Cap. We welcome people of all faiths. The cost for a mid-week retreat is $160. To register or for more information, please call 248-651-4826. You may also register online at

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MeldrumSoup Kitchen:


10 The Poverello, September 2014

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Exultation ofthe Holy Cross


WEEK 23Pss Wk 3

WEEK 26Pss Wk 1

WEEK 25Pss Wk 1

St. Rose ofViterbo, OFS

Holy Nameof Mary

Birth of theBVM


11:00 Am


NO mAss

WEEK 24Pss Wk 4

OL ofSorrows


St. Francis

Bl. Teresaof Kolkata(Calcutta)

Bl. Martyrs ofJapan, OFS

St. Elzear &Bl. Delphina,OFS spouses

9-11Memorial Day

Minister Maryann KummerVice Minister TeresaWestbrook-LienertTreasurer LauraSapianSecretary AnthonyLienertFormation Minister Sylvia SnigierCouncillors-at-Large: Patricia Cardellio Caroline Florescu MelissaLindow Beverly Sapian Joseph Sapian Mary Williams Spiritual Assistant: Br. Patrick McSherry

APPOINTMENTSInfirmarian: JoMarieNardiContinuing Formation: Beverly SapianHealing Service Coordinator: MelissaLindowSoup Kitchen Coordinator: Joseph SapianHospitality Coordinator: Pat CardellioAnnual Picnic Coordinators: TerryWestbrook-Lienert andTonyLienertGospel Happenings Coordinator: LauraSapian


The entire St. Bonaventure Secular Franciscan Fraternity gathers on the Third Sunday of every month. For more information, contact: Maryann Kummer In addition to our monthly Fraternity gathering, some members also gather in a small group:

Fr. Solanus Cell (2nd Friday, 7:30 pm): Mary Ann and Hugh Montpetit


Usually on the 2nd Friday of each month.&

Healing Service Social Wednesdays at 2 PM

The Poverello is published by theSt. Bonaventure Secular Franciscan Fraternity

1780 Mt. Elliott St.Detroit, Michigan 48207

Phone: 313-579-2100, ext. 136e-mail: [email protected]

editor: Br. Pat McSherry, OFM Cap

Pray Dailyfor Vocations to the OFS

The Poverello,September 2014 11

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Fax et Phonum

St. BonaventureSecular Franciscan Fraternity1780 Mount Elliott StreetDetroit, Michigan 48207