THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that...

1 THE POTTING SHED EDITOR’S LETTER Equinox is that time of year that brings a point of balance into our lives. We are launching the first edition of our Potting Shed Ezine to coincide with this occasion and to celebrate our creative contributors who met through attending the Pat’s Garden (LifeScape metaphor) workshops, held regularly at Equinox Shop & Therapy Centre in Wolverhampton. We share the joy of spending creative time in a space and place within our individual ‘LifeScape’ design, in much the same way that landscape gardeners work. It’s where we do creative things that bring so much joy to us, that we lose a sense of time and emerge with a sense of accomplishment. Time out to play with our ‘Inner Child’. Our mission with the Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like- minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of our productive potting shed time, as well as offering interesting techniques for you to try out for yourself with new ideas to get you thinking, if not ‘doing’! We hope you enjoy this first edition. Please drop me an email to subscribe to future FREE editions at [email protected] . Give us some feedback and let us know what kind of features you would like us to include in future editions. You can meet our creative contributors on our accompanying website www.PottingShed.Online and if you are interested in becoming a contributor and showcasing your creative accomplishments, please let me know your thoughts! I hope you enjoy our creativity and we look forward to hearing from you. A FREE Bi-Monthly Ezine dedicated to Creative Thinkers & Do-ers September 2018 Edition INSIDE THIS ISSUE PG. 2 Amerdeep introduces her meditation travel guide, Wish you were here’ PG 5 Introducing a creative art feature: Keeley, Lin & Maureen demonstrate encaustic art with meditation techniques PG 7 Featured Crystal for the month. Billy introduces the power of working with Black Tourmaline. Also inside this issue: Regular features: Chill out zone; monthly competition; Messages from Pat’s Garden; Heal With Cards; Inner Child corner; Kitchen Pharmacy; Home; Nature Speaks and more…..

Transcript of THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that...

Page 1: THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes






Equinox is that time of year that brings a point of balance into

our lives. We are launching the first edition of our Potting Shed

Ezine to coincide with this occasion and to celebrate our

creative contributors who met through attending the Pat’s

Garden (LifeScape metaphor) workshops, held regularly at Equinox Shop

& Therapy Centre in Wolverhampton.

We share the joy of spending creative time in a space and place within

our individual ‘LifeScape’ design, in much the same way that landscape

gardeners work. It’s where we do creative things that bring so much joy

to us, that we lose a sense of time and emerge with a sense of

accomplishment. Time out to play with our ‘Inner Child’. Our mission with

the Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-

minded people.

We look forward to sharing the outcomes of our productive potting shed

time, as well as offering interesting techniques for you to try out for

yourself with new ideas to get you thinking, if not ‘doing’!

We hope you enjoy this first edition. Please drop me an email to

subscribe to future FREE editions at [email protected] . Give us

some feedback and let us know what kind of features you would like

us to include in future editions. You can meet our creative contributors

on our accompanying website www.PottingShed.Online and if you are

interested in becoming a contributor and showcasing

your creative accomplishments, please let me know

your thoughts!

I hope you enjoy our creativity and we look forward to

hearing from you.

A FREE Bi-Monthly Ezine dedicated

to Creative Thinkers & Do-ers

September 2018 Edition




Amerdeep introduces her

meditation travel guide,

‘Wish you were here’

PG 5

Introducing a creative art feature: Keeley,

Lin & Maureen demonstrate encaustic

art with meditation techniques

PG 7

Featured Crystal for the month. Billy

introduces the power of working with

Black Tourmaline.

Also inside this issue:

Regular features: Chill out zone; monthly

competition; Messages from Pat’s

Garden; Heal With Cards; Inner Child

corner; Kitchen Pharmacy; Home; Nature

Speaks and more…..

Page 2: THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes


Winterbourne House & Gardens,

58 Edgbaston Road,

Birmingham B15 2RT


A meditational travel guide By Amerdeep

Have you ever tried meditation? You've heard of it most likely. It's

big business these days. The benefits are vast and a

quick online search will list them.

I don't find it easy sitting and trying to do a silent meditation, if it's

with music, it's easier. However, I still struggle!

I've personally found walking helps me, it’s my way of meditating

and being mindful. Whether that's walking round my neighbourhood

or walking somewhere like Glastonbury or the Cotswolds. This has

helped me by shifting my focus to the present, calms me down,

balances me and usually inspires me to write.

In this series, I am going to introduce you to some special places

where you can walk and meditate. I will show you ways you can

meditate simply and effectively. No straining or frustration on your

part, that perhaps you can't silence your brain, or sit for too long. If

you struggle to get to these places, then allow me to be your visual

guide. Through my writings and pictures, I hope you get a sense of

what these places are like. I will be your eyes and ears.



How to start?

➢ Tip: Make a conscious decision when you enter this place

that you are mentally leaving your baggage and stress at the

door. This is your peace time. Just set that as your simple

intention. Start walking.

Links to Amerdeeps

meditational photos are

available from www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/amerdeep

Page 3: THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes


When I walk I spend a few moments taking a deep breath in and

out. I feel each footstep connect with the earth. I notice all that is

around me. I express gratitude for this beautiful place. I smile at

people who may cross my path extending my peace and gratitude


➢ Tip: What can you see? What can you smell? Notice all the

beauty around you.

I feel the crunch of gravel underfoot as my feet hit the ground and I

can smell the different scents of flowers. I notice the way the sun

illuminates and transforms whatever it shines on.

I take a walk through the gate that connects to the woods. This

place is like a real secret garden you just don’t know what is around

the corner.

I notice how the place has changed since the last time I was here

which was the end of spring. The forest woodland had a blanket of

bluebells now gone. I will stop here and let you discover the rest of

the woods yourself but carry on walking simply noticing all that is

around you, engaging all of your senses.

In the garden I take a seat opposite the Japanese bridge and close

my eyes. I take a few deep breaths in and out enjoying the peace.

I keep my eyes closed for a moment longer listening to the buzz of

nature, the gentle breeze of wind rustling the trees and the chirp of

birds. My heart over flows, my soul is happy. This is good for mind,

body and soul.

➢ Tip: With your eyes closed take some deep breaths in and

out. Feel your lungs fill up with the fresh air as you inhale and

exhale; relax. Open your eyes when you are ready and look

around you. What do you notice?

The first time I did this I was amazed at how every flower and blade

of grass seemed more alive and so full of color. Everything felt still

and magical.

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You will discover magical moments too. Like when I saw a squirrel

leaping across the grass. It was adorable, flying across the grass so

gracefully it looked like his little paws weren't even touching the

ground. His little bushy tail flying behind him.

Then there was the couple walking hand in hand he took her picture

as she stood on the bridge twirling her skirt.

Each visit will be given a star rating based on ease of meditation &

magical quality:

***** 5 stars

➢ Summary: I absolutely adore how you never quite know what

to expect when you turn a corner or a path. It’s a real secret

garden kind of place where you could easily imagine magical

folk taking residence in the gardens like something out of an

Enid Blyton book. This garden is so peaceful and tranquil.

You will leave feeling refreshed and I hope, more peaceful.

*Please let me know of your experience with this meditation. Email

me with your star rating on [email protected]. If

getting out to visit these places is difficult, you can use the images

to picture yourself there.

Visualisation is so powerful!

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By Keeley, Lin and Maureen

Whether or not you are artistically inclined, this is a quick, easy and effective technique to play with,

unleashing your ‘Inner Child’! .

Encaustic art uses wax of different colours which is melted onto a hot craft iron and then the magic starts

to happen on specially coated paper.

This process is a brilliant way of meditating, as Keeley explains in the video and also for connecting with

spirit guides and receiving messages as demonstrated by Maureen.

Please click on the links below to watch our 3 part video.

Part 1: An introduction to Encaustic Art and Meditation – Getting started by Linda Porter

Please click on this link:

Meet Lin on http://www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/linda


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Part 2: How to meditate with encaustic art – by Keeley Pearson

Please click on this link:

Meet Keeley on http://www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/keeley

Part 3: Connecting with spirit guides through encaustic art – by Maureen Ansell

Please click on this link:

Meet Maureen on http://www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/maureen

Encaustic Art by Keeley

Page 7: THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes


Billy is the owner of Equinox New Age Gift &

Clothes shop and Equinox Therapy Centre.

Meet Billy on




Black Tourmaline is a very protective stone. It

is highly recommended for grounding and

protection. If you are feeling negative or sense

negativity around you, keeping this crystal on

your person will dispel this energy leaving you

feeling positive. Black tourmaline helps

against electromagnetic smog and radiation.

For those who are very drawn to undertaking

spiritual work or interested in attending ghost

walks and events, it is highly recommended

you take this stone with you. Projected

negativity can be experienced from people

through psychic attack, spells and ill-wishing.

Black tourmaline prevents these energetic

vibrations from affecting you giving you a

sense of security and steadfastness. For those

of you who are therapists it is a must for for

crystal toolkit. If you meditate using crystals

why not place a black between your feet and

notice how you feel.

Tourmaline comes in a variety of colours each

having its own attributes and healing

properties. This will be a topic of conversation

at a later date. Equinox has a wide variety of

Black Tourmaline from tumblestones, to

minerals and jewellery.

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My first child a boy, was born healthy, but as the months progressed I

realised he wasn’t developing very well with regards to his fine motor

skills. The months turned to years and it became more evident to me he

was struggling with learning to walk and his speech was delayed. After a

few years he was finally diagnosed as having cerebral palsy; affecting his

emotions, speech, fine and gross motor skills. I realised ‘I can’t cure

him; I will have to help him overcome obstacles.

My son is now a 6ft 3’’ strapping fella, whom can outwalk me, has a

fabulous sense of direction, (he can find my car within minutes on a

large car park), is confident to purchase items in a shop and lives

independently. He is learning all the time, although he isn’t aware I’m

still teaching him!!

I have been asked in the past and I have been asked recently ‘what

effect has this had upon you’.I reply ‘it has made me a strong person’ It

has certainly changed my path of life, including my career path.

I have met many young people whom have special educational needs and they still give me and my son a hug after all the

years of our first meetings many years ago. It is a privilege to know them and their families

I mentioned my son struggled with his emotions (how to use them) especially towards myself and his father, there are no

hugs, he can’t hand us a gift, he doesn’t buy us a gift.

So imagine my Joy when he came to his family home and handed me a gift, (see above), he had made it at a group he

attends. What pleased me more than the gift is the emotion was true and he was proud to have given it to me. If you turn

the plaque upside down it spells WOW! and that is how I felt and I thought, ‘I’m getting there’.

Meet Maureen on http://www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/maureen

Editor’s note: If you are interested in starting a creative collabortive with vulnerable yet valuable members

of our community, please contact [email protected]. 10% of sales from our website go to support

creativity in the community.

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Sometimes all we need is a little bit of down time to emerge from the ravages of a hectic day!

I have included here a peaceful slice of seasonal inspiration.

Taking Time out Activity:

Go for a walk through trees at this time of year, play with leaves at your feet, lose yourself in their colour ,

texture and form. Lose yourself in the moments of a walking meditation. Take a camera with you and

capture those moments.

This is exactly what I did this time last year!

I woke up one morning from a very strange half asleep / half awake

dream, which became very vivildy alive for me later on that day as I

describe in the video below. I drew a card from the Pat’ Garden

Oracle pack which was ‘Autumn’. The whole experience inspired a

journey into a new design for the jewelled ‘bag for Life’ jewellery



Here is a message from Pat’s Garden; Oracle Cards ( Seasons)

‘Any season represents change. The autumn card represents a

time of completion, something coming to fruition and the harvesting

of previous efforts. The change of colours in the autumn denotes a change in the way we see things. It

can signify letting go of things that we no longer need to hold on to. It can signify a time of abundance

and knowing that we have all the resources to see us through the next stage that lies ahead.

This card can also denote a time of balance. In the northern hemisphere it is the time of the autumnal

equinox. This might indicate a time for getting things cleared up. As the sun sinks below the equator it

casts longer shadows in the northern hemisphere. This can indicate that the issues, emotions and negative

patterns of others around us can be projected onto us. This card can signify a time or a situation when this

is happening. This is an opportunity not to take things too personally but to detach from the situation and

recognise the circumstances as an illusion when others try to project their ‘baggage’ onto us.’

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Bags for Life with jewellery are available based on Pat’s Garden themes. POA

Which brings me quite nicely to the COMPETITION of the month feature!

The purpose of our Ezine is to inspire fellow creatives to collaborate with their inner child moments and

engage in creative expression and thinking outside of the box!

The Potting Shed carries that message to share and empower. It also showcases the creative outcomes of

our contributors and or each purchase you make thorugh this site and our sister sites www.jewellery.Life and 10% of the sales are donated to support vulnerable craft groups…

So…… we have a win / win / win potentially happening now. But for this to take off, we need to have as

many subscribers / new contributors as possible for our next edition, due out at Halloween. Please encourage

all your friends and family to subscribe by emailing [email protected] and include a reference with

your initials in it and the word Pottingshed. E.g. for me, my friend would email ‘LPPottingShed.’ The person

who gets the most subscribers will win the themed Pat’s Garden LifeScape jewellery for the month!

There will also be a draw that all new subscribers will be entered for. The prize for them will be a free

Pat’s Garden consultation and matching piece of LifeScape jewellery. I shall ask Billy to pull out the winner

for the draw and the results will be in the next edition.

Page 11: THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes


Place the beeswax in a bowl over a pan of hot

water. Add the lanolin and petroleum jelly.

Melt the mixture over a gentle heat. When

dissolved stir in the honey. Mix in the

essential oil and remove the pan from the


Stir in the mixture vigorously to keep it


Before it thickens completely, spoon into

small pots and seal when cool.

In these examples we have only looked at

the use of Lavender and Chamomile as the

safest, simplest and most effective

essential oils. However there are many more

oils that you can use but some of them are

not to be used in certain situations. If you

have a tendency towards cold sores, you

can replace the lavender / chamomile with

Tea Tree and / or Ravensara.

Have a very relaxing time with all of this!!


We are coming up to that time of year again…..

Lip balm is an essential in winter to protect your lips from

chapping in cold winds, and in summer to moisturise and

guard against the drying effects of the sun.

This lip balm has a good texture not too hard and not too

soft – making it easier to apply to your lips and ensuring

that it stays put long enough to do its job. The beeswax is

available in block form and as granules, from craft shops

and hardware stores. I actually get my beeswax from

Maureen, it is extremely pure and good quality. When

buying directly from a bee keeper, you will need to

filter it first. Lanolin and petroleum jelly are available

from chemists. If you are not happy with lanolin

&petroleum jelly, I use coconut oil instead. You will

just need to play around with adding the correct

amount to get the consistency you prefer.

You will need:

15 ml (1TBSP) grated beeswax

15 ml (1 TBSP) Vaseline

15 ml (1 TBSP) of lanolin ( or coconut oil)

5 ml of clear honey

3-4 drops of either Lavender or chamomile essential oils

Grater and a bowl



Page 12: THE POTTING Potting Shed is to share that sense of being different with like-minded people. We look forward to sharing the outcomes



During this time of incredible Earth Energy shift, more and more of us are experiencing those strange

inexplicable things, that perhaps we don’t talk to other people about unless we know they are of a ‘like


As a spiritual healer and a channel, I have spent most of my life doing what I call “walking between the

worlds” and trying to make sense of it all.

So in this feature, I am going to share some of my experiences with you and I hope this gives you more

confidence in believing in yourself and marvelling at the power of the Universe when we allow it to happen:

Some years ago, I set up an educational centre near Glastonbury. We converted a run down farm and B& B

into an award winning centre for families with children with behavioural problems to have respite, an

educational centre for local children excluded from school, a food

cooperative, a therapy centre and an animal rescue centre. We won

a national award for the empowerment and inspiration of young people

during this time. It was there that I first met Daisy my pet pig when

she was a baby, it was love at first sight! Eventually after a long

story, she came back with me to my home in Wolverhampton and she

lived happily in her own house, in my garden for 10 years. She was

very special. I taught her to vocalise as a baby and she would call me

“ Momma” and say “ I want more” when it was dinner time! We produced many educational films

together as resources for my work with many childre with special needs, whom she inspired and she is well

established on youtube!

Sadly, she passed away last February. I still miss her and love her so much.

But after she died I was still aware of her presence, I could still see her, hear her. And even now,

mysterious piggy wallows appear in my back garden over night!

She had many garden friends, including birds who would ride on her back around the garden. The

morning after she died they all came and sat on the roof of her house. I had never seen that happen

before. She kept giving me messages to put water out for them as it was so cold and frozen at the

beginning of the year, which I did.

I tried to set up a concept called ‘Daisy Chains’ shortly afterwards, after receiving numerous signs and

messages from my girlie! This was about getting socially minded organisations to sponsor setting up craft

groups for vulnerable yet valuable members of our community, with an aim to regularly meet as a craft

group. This is part of the S.O.A.K.S. model in Pat’s Garden Level 4. However it was a vision too far and

didn’t take off with the organisations I had been involved with.

The idea was to make garden jewellery with beautiful recycled plates as bird feeders. The chains from

which they hang, contain charms and beads, as Pat’s Garden Metaphors they are symbolism of inviting

opportunities into our life as depicted by the meaning of the charms. Of course they all had a daisy on

them too! Selling them was going to generate income to support the groups.

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After the businesses felt they couldn’t work with one another the idea sort of got put on the back burner.

Until a few days ago that is.

Some of you may have heard of ‘apports’? APPORTS are where a spirit gives you a real, physical object. It can be at

random or by request. They are objects that can appear from nowhere or disappear seemingly

randomly. Well I had a beautiful necklace pendant appear from out of nowhere in my kitchen

a few days ago. None of my family members had even seen it before and I have no idea

where it came from. Nowadays, I spend a lot of my time designing and making customised

and commissioned Pat’ Garden LifeScape designer jewellery for personal empowerment. So,

this lovely little piece from ‘Nowhere’ ( ?), has inspired me to get going with the Daisy

Chains again, why? It had a pattern on it of a Daisy Chain!

The next day I received an email telling me to get a Christmas craft stall on December the

9th. Guess what I’m going to be doing in my studio till then?