The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1859-09-08 [p ] · 2017. 12. 18. · KOOKS, APS, CxLOBES,...

Ifoiij ii anil Saitnftj. \u25a0 gOUJERSPURT, SEPTEMBER 8, 1853. j I 77." tvpe and fixtures of the fit >r then, \ \u25a0j,riK**raf is advertised to-be sold at 6her-j 8 f sale on the 12th inst. lVjh&t's up ? Cold ?the weather here-aJjout?- idc,id. So cold that.we have to keep tire' ijiantly through the day in our com-, l,?i n rr room. The Aurora has been flash-' \u25a0 several more evenings since our lust; \u25a0sue. The northern gates have been left \u25a0ije open, we think. I fire. ?Just as we go JLu press, we learn \u25a0at ou last Satuaday evening the Shin-! !< Manufactory of Hal com & Cady, in i 'lyases township, near the Heetor line,! . thi> county, was burned to the ground,, pother with the dwelling of Mr. Bah' Imi, a'log house), and nearly ail he pos- ited. The fire originated, it is thought, ft u. the turnaco. Total loss about $OOO ; ft) insunnoe. Mr. Balcotn is left Dearly Bititute., About SJM. manufactured, \u25a0angle's were destroyed. ft far inert throughout the county will \u25a0 glad to learn tnat the new Grist Mill \u25a0 Messrs,Canticld & Lord, in this place, j it now m full running order and prepar- \u25a0 to Jo grinding in a manner that can- \u25a0 t fail to hatufy the most fas tideus cus- \u25a0:uers, and upon terms equally satis fac- l r Y When our columns are less crowd- j Hi, and our time will admit, we intend \u25a0 .uig before our reades a complete do- Hription of its capacity. It has an an:-i \u25a0 water-power and machinery, unequal-; it i in the county; and Mcssis C & L, arc \u25a0crgetio men. and well-backed by pecu- H.iry means to carry on the business, \u25a0alas they will themselves soon make, fc own their business through our columns \u25a0l- nut say anything more at present. I 77\e new Academy at Lewisville coin-! ra'nces its first term on Wednesday, the \u25a0;i inst, under the care of JOSEPH A. o?<iPEit, A. 11, of long l>land. Mr Coop- \u25a0 i> graduate of Yale College, and, if He may judge from the recommendations ? w licit lie brings frotu Brest. Woolsey and dliier?. is a man of rare abilities and rino' I Hholarship. We think we hazard uotli-, B.g in saying that under his guidance the Iraucmy will take a high rank among institutions of our land. Lewisville I a business center of the northern, Hrt of our county, and is surrounded by 8 \u25a0ve tract of excellent farming lands, now \u25a0i lly under cultivation. The institu \u25a0>:'. now just to open its halls, is but the \u25a0 act of the deep and abiding in- \u25a0r'st in the cause of education hitherto; BmitVstcd by the people of rivsses and 1 \u25a0 ->ii ug towns, ar.d wc bespeak a liber* \u25a0 patronage for it. For further infuriua- Hm we refer our readers to thfi.announce- \u25a0cat in our advcitising columns. M a rriod. \u25a0IIAYNF.S?IJOLLEXBKOK. -*Jn Allegany, Biter Co.. Pa , on Thursday, Sept. Ist, 1359, \u25a0 A G Pr -s'io, K.sq., Mr llcmuiio lIAYSBS, \u25a0 ' \u25a0.II-J-burjr, and Mrs. JANS lIOLCKSBECS, of Br den. f PIKJ3; "7 \u25a0 ' VN'IX A E<JEN?In Hebron, on Frid&y. At g. ? 7 TB, I \v RSI. VA.VI.VWKWKS, AGED 71 Auditor's Notice. B7OTICK is hereby given that tiie Auditor appointed by the (' >nrt to make distri- Biion of the sale of real estate, in the case cf B-ius A Quincy against L. F. Maynard, of \u25a0 Term, 1753, No. 98, will atteiid to the Bne.- of Ins appointment, at tl e office of the B'thnnotarv. on Friday, the llith day of Sep- \u25a0 >er next, at one o'clock, P. M Those in- |t:>n-.l are requested to be present. II J. OLMSTED. Auditor. \u25a0 ''oiujersport, Aug. 1 1859. .'lt Insolvent Notice. BC OTP' 'll is hereby given to the creditors of j JuilN LANN EN, of Hector Township. Hit ho has applied to the Court of Common B' r " "I Potter county for the benefit of the; J.'olvent of this Common wealth, and : it mi: 1 Court has appointed the 19th day of 'ptt-niber next, (being the first day of the rm.) at Coudersport, at '2 o'clock I'. M.. B' ";? hearing of the case, at which time his editors tuav attend if they think proper. \u25a0 Aug. 9, !B'>9 -4t By Order of Court. , ____ * B Insolvent Notice. OTICE is hereby given to the creditors of \u25a0 b. C. JENNINGS, of Ulvsse3 Township, ? * h3 ftpplieJ to the Court ot Common \u25a0 ras (T Poster county for the benefit of the ?ohfut Jaws of litis Common wealth, and \u25a0 - ia;d Court has appointed the I lth day of \u25a0' !>tc:il> r next, (being the first day of the \u25a0 un at, at 2 o'clook P. M., for '?earing of the rase, at which time his I r lit a can attend if the v think proj t-r. I 2, 1859.-4t Ry order of Court. I Special Ifotfce to tl' I.a<lieM. SUMMER FASHIONS. 1 dItS. CiHIHLEY tenders her t'.anks to the" \u25a0 reu -of Potter and adjoin ng counties, for \u25a0 'eir generous patronage. iSiic would say to ' I 1 iblic, that sl'.e has on hand a splendid \u25a0 rtmrnt of Millinery (ioods. which she will H "? TI tail or wholesale at the lowest rates, es- <? v to those in the trade, at a small ad w i rPm \ y ~r - c ej orders promut- I: to. I ? K f.RIDI.EV will deliver Bonnet* to arty \u25a0 ""ordered. Bleaching and Repairing done \u25a0* in the latest style, with taste The large H* , lr ' b v of work to be ?' (lone over," will be ??\u25a0trcd at the earliest moment. Ladies \u25a0 f 'd! or send in ronrorders. .Shop locat- V ' tniles west of Lewisville. K. 11. \. IiRIDLrX I A.rrtc#, May 1, 1 §39.-38. A T ! OLMSTED fc KELLY'S SI'ORE cstn always be found the best ol "Cooking, Box and Parlor S T () V E S. Also, TIN and SHET-IROX WARE: PAJTS. KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS. ! FRYINO-PANS. SAP-PANS, ami CAULTf- UON'S. Also. Agricultural Implements, j such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA- TORS. COR.Y-SHELI.ERS, HORSE-RAKES. DOG-POWERS, Ac. THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and | substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County?Terms easy. Ready Pay j of all kind.-;. including Cash, seldom refused", i Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court, Couderspoit. Aug. L 1859.-50 hBSiOfMSV Main above Third St., COUDRRSPOHT, PA. M. W .11 i\\, PROPimroa. KOOKS, APS, Cx LOBES, BLAXKB- - LEDGEBS- I) AY-LOOKS- RECEIPT-BOOKS; MEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOOKS, D i A R 1 K S. PORTFOLIOS, HERB A RIU.MS. LKTTE U .-BOOK3 k \ INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin, French and German Text- , Books. Ail School Books vseil in the. County k*pt on hunt/, or immediately jjracured a hen desired. Magazines or any Periodical* supplied when ! desired. A good assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Dravv- ! ing Materials, Watpr Colors, .tc, BIBLES. TESTAMENTS, PRAYER & II Y'lN* BOOKS, of various kinds. MUSIC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC. Slates. Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards flies* Men. &c., Ac. [ll-34] | . /7 i-r/ - /7// (^yCcmOmm (Ty (Tf St to.oo ; Pays tlm Tuition for a full course in the Tron ! City College, the largest, most extensively pat- ' ronized and b 3t organized Commercial School ! in the Umt*d Stale-'. ? FOUR lARGE HALLS, j For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book- Keeping and Lectures. Usual time to complete a full course, from oto 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradua- ting, is guaranteed to bo competent to manage the Books of any Business, aud qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO <o §l.OOO Students enter at any time?No Vacation? Review at pleasure. First Prenjittoi3 for Best Writing Awnrdt 1 this Institution. The best and great- est variety of Penmanship in any one Hall of the Union, is found here. ?l? Ministers' sons received at half price. Fur Circular and Specimens of Writing, in- ! close two letter stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. 10:0-1 y* NEW JEWELRY STOW?. 11. BUTriiRWORTH having located tit hi nice If in this Borough, in the building recently occupied by Dr. Edison, on Main St., opposite the court house lms opened a JEW- ELRY ESTABLISHMENT, for the purpose of REPAIRING WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY. Having frmf years' experience in the busi- ness. I foci confident in giving the public GEN- ERAL SATISFACTION. The patronage of the public is solicited. Please give me a call. Ah work warranted or no pay. A general assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry on hand and for sale. Couderspoi't, Jam-33, 1359 -43. TAICE NOTICE! jj Pvtm want to get your Watch- , v j , M_ PS or Clocks put in good run-jt?*/j ; ning order, take tlieqi to E.IVI'OXS. You ! | will find Uim on hand to do your work on, 1 short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, at ! Xo. 2, rII(EXIXBLOCK. opposite Parmclce's Drag and Book Store.; I Jewelry neatly repaired, and work done on short notice, cheap for cash. JOHN 3. DAYTON. Weilsvi'le. April IT, 1859. 40-Gmo. j COUDERSPORT ACADEMY, 1859. RKV. J. lIENDRICK. A. M., PKIHCIPAL, (SPRING and SUMMER TERM commences Tuesday, April 5. ' FALL TERM commences Tuesday, August 23. Rates of Tuition: I Primary Blanches. $2 50 Common English, 3 50 j IF'gher English, with Algebra, 4 75 Higher Mathematics, 6 00 , Latin and Greek, £ 00 ! Drawing (extra) 50 Music, with use of Piano, (extra) 10 00 I French, (extra) 3 00 French, without other studies, 5 00 ? Room Kent, each, 1 00 tegr Competent Teachers nave been scour- ed for every branch of Study. [ 31.3 Divorce Notice. Orpha T.ucina Lord, ) No. 89 Dec. Term, 18*9, by her next friend, j in Common Plea 3 of . William Patterson, ) Potter County. VS. J LIBEL IN DJVOBCE. Wellington Lord. J To Wellington Lord, Respondent.? Whereas a SubpoeQa and alias Subpoena having been issued ar.d returned Xihtl, yon are hereby notified to be and ap- pear at our next Court of Common Pleas for this county, fur an application will be made io said Court for a divorce, on the part of I.i- bellant. A. C. TAGGAIIT, Sheriff. 1 Coudej-sport, Aug. 24, 1559. SHERIFFS SALES. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, Fieri Facias ama. T.evari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Virus <f Potter County, Pennsyiuuniu. and to me directed. I shall export to public sale or outcru. at the. Court J/ouse in Couder sport, on MONDAY, the I :Hh day of September, 4839. at 10 o'clock, a. vi., thejollotc- viy described real estate, to irii : Certain real estate situate In Gswayo Town- . shi[), Potter Co.. Pa., bouuded as fodowi : Ou t!) West by laud of Thomas Crittenden and William D'-xter Co., ou the North by lands of Joel H.tskfn.s, Charles 11. Simmons. C. C. Ktnyon and Noah Crittenden, on the East bv ! lands of Win. M'Dougali, Geo. W. Tyler. C. If 1 Simmons, Bei j. I>. Dolby and Geo. \V. Tyler, and on the South by lands of George W. Ty- -1 lev ; contkuing about forty acres of land, ail I improved, on which is erected one Uio-storv. \ frame dwelling house, one small frame dwell- j ing house, ivvo frame barns, and with some : fruit trees thereon, being part of lot No. 20 by the allotment of the Biugliam Lauds in Gs- i wayo Township. .Seized, taken in execution and to be sold \u25a0 is the property of She den Bradlee. j ALSO?Certain real estate situate partly in 1 Hebron and partly in Clara Townships, Potter !Co , Pa., beginmn r at a hemlock tree for a ! corner, being the North-west corner of the lot joriginally sold to Worilen. thence North 352 ! 1 poles to a beech tree, being tin* South corner of C. Byam's purchase, thence East 232 poles 'to a (oruer iu the E. line of Itidgewaya land. ! thence South on said E. line 352 pules to u corner in said E, line, thence \V. 23 2 ' pales to the place of beginning; containing 510 acres <ai land, being part of Warrant No. 5804, I of which about forty acres are improved, with one frame house, one frame barn and sheds, ' one water saw-mill and some fruit trees there- ; *? ! Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Foster Reynolds and Win. ' T. Joues. i ALSO?Certain real estate situate iu Waar- : ton Township, Potter Co., Pa. T commencing ' on the bank of the Sinnemahouing Creek six j rods above the saw-mill built by the Cards, ' tlrcnce about four or live rods to the gut. thence . South-ca.-t along the gut far enough to make an acre, thence Westerly to the bank of said : creek, thence up the creek to the place of be- ! ginning; containing one acre of improved I j land, on which is one water saw-mill and one ! frame dwelling house. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Christopher Evelyn, Jr, ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Whar- ton Township, Potter Co., Pa., beginning at a I post in tin North-east corner of a lot contract- -1 ed to James Ayres, thence North one hundred and fifty-seven rods to a post, thence Ea.-t 1 twenty-nine rods to a post, thence North to 1 the West bank of the yinnemahonmg creek, ' thence along the West bank of the Sinnema- honing creek by the several courses thereof to the Warrant line, thence along the Warrant line West five hnudred and twenty-five rods to a post, thence tsouth three hundred ami thirteen rods to a post, thence East five hun- ) fred and twenty-live r eds to the place of be- ginning; containing six hundred ami twenty-. 1 nine acres, be the same more or less, and ! being part of Warrant No. 4027?said laud being unimproved. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold .as the properly of 11 W. May. ALSO?.Certain real estate situate in Whar- : ton Township. Potter Co., I'a., bounded on the North by lands late of Jonathan Card. Lc- : vi B. Curd and Geprgc P. W. Card, East by J. L Nelson, South and West by the Sinnema- ; honing Creek ; containing about three acres, j of which about two acres are improved, with one frame shanty and one frame shed erected 1 thvreon. ?ALSO?One ithcr lo' situate iu ! Township, County ami State aforesaid, bound- ' ed on the North by unseated lands, East by 'the Siuncmahonitig t;rcek, and .South and West by utite ited lands, contain ing about ouc !i indred acres ol which about three acres are j improved. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold 'as the property of .Jonathan Card, Levi B. j Card and George P. W. Card. ALSO?Certain real e-L.ite situate in Sha- ron Township Potter Cuunty. I'a., bounded j on the North i y ianus of -Michael L imb and Joseph Mann, East by lands oi Gabriel Barnes. ' dec'.d. South by lands of Joseph Herring and J John West, and on the West by unseated lands | of the Keating L.-lale, containing one hundred acres, of which about twenty acres arc im- ; proved, with one frame hou.-e, one frame barn ! and some fruit trees taereon. Seized, taken i:i execution and to be sold !as the property of L. D C'uri-tman. Al.i'U?Certain real estate situate in Jaek- ' son Township, I'olter County. Pa., hounded on the North by lands of the Bingham Estate . and Lot No. 2, on the East by Lot No. 2. on ; the South by lands of the Bingh tm Estate, and ' W, .. U . T . \* A ... J t.. . "... r on ine west oy Dot ao. 4 una Unus oi tiio Bingham Estate, being Lot No. 3 ' the allot- ment of lands in Jackson Township, Potter County, containing ninety-seven and fotir- tentlis acres, of which thirty-five acre? are improved, on which are erected one frame house, one log house.* one frame barn, one old frame barn,and u ith an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of M. Chapel. ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Enla- lia Township. Potter County. Pa., bounded on the North by lands of the Bingham Estate. East by L. D. Spafi'ord, South by lands of John Crittenden'and C. W. Ellis, and West by lands of John Crittenden and P. Ross, containing one hundred acres, of which twenty-five acres are improved, on which are erected one frame dwelling house, one frame barn and other out buildings, and with some fruit trees thereon. --ALSO ?one other Lot situate in Enlalia Township, bounded North by lands of E. Starkweather and L. D. Spafi'ord. Hast by the Highway, South by L. D. Spafi'ord, West by- lands of L. D. Spaff'ord, containing seventy- acres, of which fifty acres are improved.? ALSO?One other lot situate in Township, County an 1 State above mentioned, bounded on the North by lands of the Bingham Estate, on the East by lands of 11. A. Nelson and the North Hollow road. South by tlm Lvmansvillc and Coudersport road, and West by lands of L. D. Spaff'ord : containing eighty-eight acres of which twenty acre? are improved. Si-ized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Nathan Woodcock and A. Woodcock. ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Har- rison Township, Potter County, I'a,. contain- ing one hundred and twenty acres, and bound- ed as fallow . On the North by lands of S. S. Robertson and Samuel Stone, ou the East by 1 lands of Samuel Stone and Hamilton Whit'-. ; on the South by lands of Samuel Goodell, and | on the West by lands of William Cobb and 1 Rot No. I Ofi of the lands of Margaret C. Bar- ' bcr, being Lot No. 10 4 of the allotment of land? I of Margaret C. Barber, in Harrison Township. ' niad being part of Warrant No I2lb, Pot*or ? Countv, i'a., one hundred acres of the said j lands being improved, on which are erected two frame houses, one frame h'msf partly j erected, two frame barns, one log barn, and | with some fruit tree? thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold a? Ith* property of Ira Ellis. ALSO?Certain real estate -itunted in Ho- : ' mar Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded OH, 1 tlie North by lands of Jame* H. Quiuiby, Last, South and West, bv unseated lauds of.Jobn Keating; eolitaintng fifty and four-feaftis Teres, with about fifteen acres improved, five' acres chopped, and one frame house, one frame i shop and one frame barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of James E. Q aim by. . I ALSO?Certain real estate situate it) Sha- | roil Township, Totter County, PH., bounded as follows; Beginning aftius£ corner staud- iu : niuteen degree* We-t twenty-nine rods un 1 three tenths from the North-east corner jofL. Wood's Lot. thence South 14*°, West fifteen rods aud eight-tenths to a post c-orner at the North side of tke road, thence by the North side of said road North 75,j° West twelve rods to post corner near the Last side of the said road, tlreuce North 28° East six- teen and three-tenths rods to a post and cor- ner. thence South 75.I 3 East eighty and two- tenths rods to the place of beginning; con- taining one acre of laud strict measure, on which are one frame dwelling house, one frame burnuud one store house? Al.SU?One : other lot situate iu Clara Township, Potter County, Pa., commencing at, a post corner in the District line between Districts No's. 2 and 3. thence South one hundred and one and two- tenths perches to a post corner, thence West j one hundred and seventy-oneand seven-tenths , perches to a post, thence North thirty-one de-; grebs East one hundred and eighteen and one- 1 tenth perches to a post corner, thence East one hundred and ton and nine-teutlis perches .to the place of beginning ; containing eighty- nine acres and forty-five hundredths, of which thirty acres are improved, with one frame- house, one log house, cfue log barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken 111 execution and to be so'd as the property of W. P. Graves and J. 11. Graves. ! ALSO?Certain real estate situate iu Uec-j | tor Township, Potter County, Pa., bounded on i the North by Bingham lands and lots former- ly owned by Edward Alvord, on the East, : South and West by Bingham lauds, being lot No. 101 and part of Warrant No. 1793: con- taining one hundred acres more or less, iif- J teen acres of which are improved, with one | iog house, one frame house, oue log barn ana | 1 sum' fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of llenrv Young, with notice to Austin Bolls, terre tenant. ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Pike Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded ou the i North by unseated lands, on the En.-t by un- seated lands, on the South by unseated lands.' and on the West by lot No. 20 belonging to C. i Hnnsicker: containing sixty acres, being lot No. 92 ot the allotment of the Ashley Lands ' in saiu township, and part of Warrant No. 912". ALSO?One other lot situate in township and county above mentioned, ar.d described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the North by lot No. 2 belonging to J is. Sunderlin, on the East by unseated lands, on tae South by un- seated 1 mds. and on lire V. est by lots Nos. 19 a: 22 ; containing one hundred and twenty-six and seven-tenths acres, it being lot No. 10, i and part of Warrants Nos. 5122 k 5127, ol which about twelve acres are improved and; ten acres chopped, on which is erected one over-shot saw-mill, one frame dwelling house, < one frame barn and one log house.?ALSO?j One other lot, described as follows : Bounded I on the North by unseated lands and lot No. 29. j on the East by lots Nos. 17 k 19 and unseated j lands, ou the South by lots Nos. 22 & 23. andi ou the West by lots Nos. 21 i: 27 : containing one hundred acres, being lot No. 9 and part of ? Warrants Nos. 5123 k 5126.?ALSO ?One equal undivided half of lot No. 27, described i a.- follows . Bounded o:i the North by unseat-j ed lands and lot No. 29, on the East by lot No. 9, on the .South by lot No. 21 and unseated ; lauds, and on the West by unseated lands; i containing 97.2 acres, being part of Warrant, No. 51 23. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold' as the property of Jonathan Stevenson. ALSO?Certain real estate situate in llec-, tor Towusiiip, Potter Co., Pa., described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the S uith-easl, corner of Warrant No 1599. thence along said i Warrant line West 136 perches, thence North . 58 perches an i 14-17 of a perch to post, thence Wc.-t 4.'; pi" dies to a post, thcU'-o North 57 pore he.- iu i 3-17 of a perch to a post, thence li i t 1 }o£ perches, thence South 116 perches, j to the place of beginning : coat lining one; hun- dred acres more or less, about tliiity acres of which arc improved, with one log mid frame house, one frame barn end some fruit trees thereon.?Al.SO?One other lot situate in Harrison Township. Potter Co., Pa., bounded O" the N -rtli by lands of S. B. Goodell, on the ! ; East by lot of Nelson Doty, on the South by i the highway, and on the West by lands of S. 1 j\ Gondcll : containing about one acre, more or less, all improved, and on which is erected ' one frame b use and store. Seized. taken ir, execution and to be sold as the property of E. K Tanner. A LEU?Certain real estate situate in Pike Township, Potter Co. Pa,, bounded on the ; i North ly lot No. 14. on the East by lots Nos., 14. 22 k 35, on the South by lot No. 22 and i unseated lands of the Bingham Estate, on the | West bv unseated lands and lots Nos. 13 <k 36, j being lots Nos. 11 12 of the sub-division of i of the land- of the Bingham Estate in Pike 1 Tow n-hip; containing one hundred and fifty- live acres, about fifty acres of which are im- proved. with three frame houses, two frame 1 barns, one saw-mill and some fruit trees tin reon.?ALSO ?Lot No. 36 in the Town- ship. County and State aforesaid hounded on the North and East by lot No. 11. South by j lot No. 13 and by unseated land?, and on the West by unseated lands anil by lot No. 15; containing one hundred and four acres, with about four acres improved, and a log house erected thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold , as the property of Elijah Johnston, Garnishee jf Aaron Lewis. ALSO ?Certain real estate situate in Gen- esee Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on the North by lots Nos. 28. 05 & 32 of the al- lotment of the Bingham Lands in said Town- ship, on the East by lots Nos. 32, 88 k 89, on ! the West by lots Nos. 28, 27. 19 k 9, and on the South by lands formerly in possession of ; Horry Lord, and formerly known as the North half of the mil! lot of Harry Lord, South of! Elli-burg; containing about one hundred and fifty su-rcs. of w Uleh fifty acres are improved,! an which are erected one frame dwelling house, j one store house, one frame barn and other, i it-buildings, and with two apple ore hinds thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as- the property of John Ueckhow. i ALSO?Certain real estatesituated in Elys- j ses Township, Patter C-0., Pa., bounded or, the North by lands of 11. H. Dent, East by lands of H 11. Dent, South by lauds of H. 11. , Dent and West by lands of id. li, Dent; con- taining fifty acres, of which about forty acres : \u25a0 arc improved, and some fruit trees thereon, i Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of E. E. Kelly. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. Coudcrsport, Aug. 24, 1859. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL, i YE FRIENDS OF A FREE PRESS. i WARREN'S NEW 1 (Jt< i in fyreet, (marly opposite BalJicih : Bros.' (Jrotcry:) Wcllscilley Atle- ffhanf/ Co., A'. K. 6IXHE Proprietor of the above establishment 1 would respectfully infqrm the inhabitants of Coudcrsport, and Potter county generally, that he Is row prepared to supplv them with MOOTS, SHOTS, GAITERS, LEA'FUER- F/XDIXGS, .jv., of-every description, at pri- ce.- which cuimot tail to suit. We have on hand, and are constantly receiving from New York, the finest assortment of goods that can be found in this portion of the country, and will sell the same at prices which will DEFY COMPETITION. SOLE LEATHER. UPPER LEATHER J- KIP SKIXS, EREXCIf CALF SKIXS, (jimuwe), PEGS, NAILS, AWLS, and FINDINGS, of ev- ery description, in quantities to suit purcha- i sees, at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, FOR CASH. AH goods sold at our establishment are of the Best Quality, and will be WARRANTED. Terms 4'asla tiisly. Give us a trial. GEORGE T. WARREN. Wellsville, May 19, 1859.?40. sent by mail, or left at the JocrwvL OFFICE, Coudcrsport. will be prompt- ly and carefully attended to. NEW STOCK. ! SI IBM&ll BfifttS JUST RECEIVED RV C.H. SIMMONS, in Oswayo. Low Prices A ND FAVORABLE TERMS TO Cash and Shori-Timc Buyers. IAM NOW RECEIVING inv Summer Stock, which embraces everything usually kept by a Country Merchant? DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IT A RD- WARE, BOOTS A SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HA T S A CAP S , CROCKERY, ic? all of which will be sold at low figures for i cash or approved credit. GOOD TEAS FOR 45 CENTS, Ladies' Fine Congre** and other Gaiters, from 75 rts. to Si.oo. MENS STOG.V BOOTS, $2,50 " CALF " 3.65 FINE DE LAIN EH, 20 GOOD LAWNS, 12* ur.d all other goods iu proportion, fur Ready- Pay of most kinds. LiCash paid for GOOD LUMBER. C. H. SIMMONS. Oswayo," June 15. 1859.?43?1y. B.S. COL WELL WILL SELL Flour, Meal, FF.KI). FISII, i'OUIi &c? Cheaper than ANY OTITEII MERCHANT CAN SELL FOR CASH. and will take in payment, all kinds of good LUMBER. I will also S*;ty Cash for LUMBER. Also, will pnv the highest going prices in mil FOR WOOL. CorPFUSPORT, June 22. 1859 ?-44-6rno. RE N IMS YL V ANTA State Agricultural Society 17&I1 1 1! KTIO.V fTIIIENinth Annual Exhibition of the Penn-, g. sylvani.u State Agricultural Society, will; be held at Poweltou, Philadelphia, on Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 2 7th. 28th. 29th and 30th, days of September.. On the Ist September, the Secretary will re- move to the Rooms of the Philadelphia Soci-1 etv for the promotion of Agriculture, No. 620 Chestnut. Street, Philadelphia, where Bo.oka of Entry for the Exhibition will be opened. Letters addressed to the Serretarg, at Har- ris'mrg. John VcGi'ivrn, Piiihula., or Charles A". Engle, Bustleton. will meet with attention till Ist September. DAVIDTAGGART, l're*'t. A.(.). HKISTER. Secretary, ggy- Goods for Exhibition, carried ou all the Railroads in the State, to and fro, free of charge. 52-st. LIS T or CALSKS, ¥ NOR. TRIAL at Sept. Term. 1859, of the E Court of Common Picas of Potter coun- ty, >*. S. S. White, t\. Clark k Phiilips, ct al. Ptirdv, for use, " P B. Dedrick. 1 W. k M. S. Funis, " J. D. Stavsa. W. T. .Tones, " S. Bradleo. Hillyer .k Bush, "C. W. Ellis. W. T. Jones, " Jackson A - Bees. Sheppard, " G. W. Lewis. Kalen, 44 Jones, Maim <k Jones. Starkweather, " Sherwood, liaskin, use of Piatt, " H. Ellis. , Be ever, " Thompson. Jones k Brother, " 11. Lord, , Wihnot, "" " Trust's M. F..Church. Dent, 44 C. k C. H. Loucks, Lansing, 44 Hall. Jones, " Ives k Straight, 1 White, " Stevens, cl al. 'Ford, for u?e, '? W T. Jones, et at. \V. T. Jones, u N. V. Jackson. Jones k Brother, " Gulp. Killbourn, use Gorman," U. Rice. 'Canfield, " Starkweather. ' A. F. Jones, " C. Ives, et al. Chamberlain, <l Kinney, Keating, et al, " Fobes k Backus, I J. L. Phenix. jr., " Woodard. VV. T. Jones, " J. W. Smith. I'yani, " C. S. Jones, Adra'r Willet, <s Kinney. Broneman, ,! Barclay. Same, " Same. Abagail Strong, ct al, " TV. T. k A F. Jone3. : Dual, " M Neh k MilL, Henry Youker, " W. B. Cutler. IT. J. OLMSTED, Trcth'y. i Coudcrsport, Aug 16. 1859 lI.LvtM.II. lUMELS ARK CONSTATLY mmvm , A COMPLETE ASSORTJUEXI OF SUMMER DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, CUTLERY, GROCERIES. i OroHkevv Glassware. Also, A good stock of MISCELLANEOUS AND School , STATIONERY, AC., I AJS.I of winch thev will sell AS LOW AS CAN BR BOUGHT ELSEWHERE IN (THE COUNTY. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TASKS IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, For which the HIGHEST PRICE will be paid. U \u25a0 They can be found at all times, (Saturday and Sunday excepted.) at the Store formerly' ' occupied by D. BAKER, In t'lysses, 1 ready to wait upon Customers. N. R?We have come to the conclusion that "HEADY PAY" is better for all parties, an.d we shall, there- fore do business on this system. D. L. &M. 11. DANIELS. ? Ulysses, June 20, 1839.--1G132*. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY 1 tqsf orqiis, A FEW WORDS ON THE RATU, N AL TUEAT- tirJVhSbr Zr ME N'T, without Medicine, of Sermatorrhea, or Local Weakness, Noctur- nal Emissions. Gcnitfll and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay d tbe system, Irapotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally. BY R. DE LANEY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and (Solitude of youth, may be easily removed without Meuioivk, is iu this small tract clear- ly demonstrated; and the entirely new and ; highly successful treatment, as adopted by thn Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least p ;s&ible cost, thereby avoid- ing all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid/ two postage stamps to DR. B. DE LANEY S8 East 31st Street. New York City. [ inside t.r XUH HTOCK OF SI >1)1 Fit GOODS, JILST RECEIVED BY Low Prices FAVORABLE TERDIS, TO Cask a:s<l Short-Time Bujcm. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: ! \M NM\Y RECEIVING my SUMMER Stock, which embraces almost everything ! usually kept by the Country Mcrchaatr-*- DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, BOOTS x SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, 11 A T 8 4 C A 1' S. CROCKERY, i.; all of which 1 propose to sell at low figure*, for cash or approved credit. Call and see our GOODS and PRI- CKS. Beiuji thankful for past favors, 1 hope to L>; able now to offer more favora- ble indtt tenants. P. A. STEBBINS. Coadcrsport, May 25, 1859.-40. REMOVAL! DI". OLWSTFI) has removed on® ? door North, into the store former!/ oc- i cupied by Srhoomaker A Jarkson. Thankful for past favor*. I would solicit *> e of t lie very liberal patronage here- tofore bestowed, which I shall endeavor to merit by fair dealing and selling good articles At Jlcasonable Prices. My stock, consisting of the usual variety of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, EOOOTS &, SHOES, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. &.C., is now large, and mv intention is to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE ! GREAT REDUCTION on I.awns, Chall® d 1 Laines. Mantillas, Parasols, Mitts and other Summer Goods. Prices reduced to CLOSE 1 THEM OUT ! j ISA I ATI 1 LOOP'S well-known Scythes, of German-steel, Cast-steel and Sil- ver-steel ; ni*o, Snaths. Porks, Rakes, and many other Farming Utensils, at the lowest prices, constantly on hand. HOOTS & SHOES?the largest stock in the county. Especial care taken in select- ing to get those which are good and durable. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is well stocked, aud prices will be made galit- , factorv. SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, a full ate sortmcnt ef Groceries, Riooins, Pailg 4c., at low prices. H EAr/niY BREAD. James Pyl e' s Dietetic Salcr alu r. Call and the Goodsin my N'E W QT T ARTEJtS. For Ready l*y. "id on Credit to prompt-. paving customers, I shall eel) at low figures. D. E. OLMSTED. i Coudersjv-t, July C, 4t>

Transcript of The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1859-09-08 [p ] · 2017. 12. 18. · KOOKS, APS, CxLOBES,...

Page 1: The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1859-09-08 [p ] · 2017. 12. 18. · KOOKS, APS, CxLOBES, BLAXKB--LEDGEBS-I)AY-LOOKS-RECEIPT-BOOKS; MEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOOKS, D i A R 1 K S.

Ifoiijii anil Saitnftj.\u25a0 gOUJERSPURT, SEPTEMBER 8, 1853. j

I 77." tvpe and fixtures of the fit>rthen, \\u25a0j,riK**raf is advertised to-be sold at 6her-j

8f sale on the 12th inst. lVjh&t's up ?

Cold?the weather here-aJjout?-

idc,id. So cold that.we have to keep tire'ijiantlythrough the day in our com-,l,?i n rr room. The Aurora has been flash-'

\u25a0 several more evenings since our lust;\u25a0sue. The northern gates have been left\u25a0ije open, we think.

I fire. ?Just as we go JLu press, we learn

\u25a0at ou last Satuaday evening the Shin-!

!<Manufactory of Hal com & Cady, in

i'lyases township, near the Heetor line,!. thi> county, was burned to the ground,,pother with the dwelling of Mr. Bah'

Imi, a'log house), and nearly ail he pos-ited. The fire originated, it is thought,ft u. the turnaco. Total loss about $OOO ;

ft) insunnoe. Mr. Balcotn is left DearlyBititute., About SJM. manufactured,

\u25a0angle's were destroyed.

ft far inert throughout the county will\u25a0 glad to learn tnat the new Grist Mill

\u25a0 Messrs,Canticld & Lord, in this place, jit now m full running order and prepar-

\u25a0 to Jo grinding in a manner that can-\u25a0 t fail to hatufy the most fas tideus cus-\u25a0:uers, and upon terms equally satis fac-

lrY When our columns are less crowd- jHi, and our time will admit, we intend

\u25a0 .uig before our reades a complete do-Hription of its capacity. It has an an:-i

\u25a0 water-power and machinery, unequal-;it i in the county; and Mcssis C & L, arc

\u25a0crgetio men. and well-backed by pecu-H.iry means to carry on the business,\u25a0alas they will themselves soon make,

fc own their business through our columns\u25a0l- nut say anything more at present.

I 77\e new Academy at Lewisville coin-!ra'nces its first term on Wednesday, the\u25a0;i inst, under the care of JOSEPH A.o?<iPEit, A. 11, of long l>land. Mr Coop-

\u25a0 i> graduate of Yale College, and, ifHe may judge from the recommendations ?w licit liebrings frotu Brest. Woolsey anddliier?. is a man of rare abilities and rino'IHholarship. We think we hazard uotli-,B.g in saying that under his guidance theIraucmy will take a high rank among

institutions of our land. LewisvilleI a business center of the northern,

Hrt of our county, and is surrounded by 8

\u25a0ve tract of excellent farming lands, now\u25a0i lly under cultivation. The institu

\u25a0>:'. now just to open its halls, is but the\u25a0 act of the deep and abiding in-\u25a0r'st in the cause of education hitherto;BmitVstcd by the people of rivsses and 1\u25a0 ->ii ug towns, ar.d wc bespeak a liber*\u25a0 patronage for it. For further infuriua-Hm we refer our readers to thfi.announce-\u25a0cat in our advcitising columns.

M a rriod.\u25a0IIAYNF.S?IJOLLEXBKOK. -*Jn Allegany,Biter Co.. Pa , on Thursday, Sept. Ist, 1359,

\u25a0 A G Pr -s'io, K.sq., Mr llcmuiio lIAYSBS,\u25a0 ' \u25a0.II-J-burjr, and Mrs. JANS lIOLCKSBECS, ofBrden.

f PIKJ3; "7\u25a0 ' VN'IXA E<JEN?In Hebron, on Frid&y.At g. ? 7 TB, I \vRSI. VA.VI.VWKWKS, AGED 71

Auditor's Notice.B7OTICK is hereby given that tiie Auditor

appointed by the (' >nrt to make distri-Biion of the sale of real estate, in the case cfB-ius A Quincy against L. F. Maynard, of

\u25a0 Term, 1753, No. 98, will atteiid to theBne.- of Ins appointment, at tl e office of theB'thnnotarv. on Friday, the llith day of Sep-\u25a0 >er next, at one o'clock, P. M Those in-|t:>n-.l are requested to be present.

II J. OLMSTED. Auditor.\u25a0 ''oiujersport, Aug. 1 1859. .'lt

Insolvent Notice.BC OTP''ll is hereby given to the creditors of j

JuilN LANN EN, of Hector Township.Hit ho has applied to the Court of CommonB' r " "I Potter county for the benefit of the;

J.'olvent of this Common wealth, and

:it mi: 1 Court has appointed the 19th day of'ptt-niber next, (being the first day of therm.) at Coudersport, at '2 o'clock I'. M..

B' ";? hearing of the case, at which time hiseditors tuav attend if they think proper.

\u25a0 Aug. 9, !B'>9 -4t By Order of Court., ____


B Insolvent Notice.OTICE is hereby given to the creditors of

\u25a0 b. C. JENNINGS, of Ulvsse3 Township,? * h3 ftpplieJ to the Court ot Common

\u25a0 ras (T Poster county for the benefit of the?ohfut Jaws of litis Common wealth, and

\u25a0 - ia;d Court has appointed the I lth day of\u25a0' !>tc:il> r next, (being the first day of the\u25a0 un at, at 2 o'clook P. M., for

'?earing of the rase, at which time hisI r lit a can attend if the v think proj t-r.I 2, 1859.-4t Ry order of Court.I Special Ifotfce to tl' I.a<lieM.

SUMMER FASHIONS.1 dItS. CiHIHLEY tenders her t'.anks to the"

\u25a0 reu -of Potter and adjoin ng counties, for\u25a0 'eir generous patronage. iSiic would say to

' I 1 iblic, that sl'.e has on hand a splendid\u25a0 rtmrnt of Millinery(ioods. which she willH "? TI tail or wholesale at the lowest rates, es-

<? v to those in the trade, at a small adw irPm \ y ~r -c ej orders promut-I: to.I ? K f.RIDI.EV will deliver Bonnet* to arty\u25a0 ""ordered. Bleaching and Repairing done\u25a0* in the latest style, with taste The largeH* , lr' b v of work to be ?' (lone over," will be

??\u25a0trcd at the earliest moment. Ladies\u25a0 f'd! or send in ronrorders. .Shop locat-V ' tniles west of Lewisville.

K. 11. \. IiRIDLrXI A.rrtc#, May 1, 1 §39.-38.


SI'ORE cstn always be found the best ol"Cooking, Box and Parlor



UON'S. Also.


THEIR WORKis well made and the material good. Good and

| substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in anypart of the County?Terms easy. Ready Pay

j of all kind.-;. including Cash, seldom refused",i Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court, Couderspoit. Aug. L 1859.-50

hBSiOfMSVMain above Third St.,

COUDRRSPOHT, PA.M. W .11 i\\, PROPimroa.







Greek, Latin, French and German Text-, Books.

AilSchool Books vseil in the. Countyk*pt on hunt/, or immediately jjracureda hen desired.

Magazines or any Periodical* supplied when! desired.

A good assortment of Paper, Envelopes,Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Dravv-

! ing Materials, Watpr Colors, .tc,


MUSIC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC.Slates. Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards flies*

Men. &c., Ac. [ll-34]

|. /7 i-r/- /7//(^yCcmOmm

(Ty (TfSt to.oo

; Pays tlm Tuition for a full course in the Tron! City College, the largest, most extensively pat-' ronized and b 3t organized Commercial School! in the Umt*d Stale-'. ?

FOUR lARGE HALLS,j For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book-

Keeping and Lectures.Usual time to complete a full course, from

oto 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradua-ting, is guaranteed to bo competent to managethe Books of any Business, aud qualified toearn a salary of from

$5OO <o §l.OOO

Students enter at any time?No Vacation?Review at pleasure.

First Prenjittoi3 for Best WritingAwnrdt 1 this Institution. The best and great-est variety of Penmanship in any one Hall ofthe Union, is found here.

?l? Ministers' sons received at half price.Fur Circular and Specimens of Writing, in-

! close two letter stamps, and addressF. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa.

10:0-1 y*

NEW JEWELRY STOW?.11. BUTriiRWORTH having located

tit hi nice If in this Borough, in the buildingrecently occupied by Dr. Edison, on Main St.,opposite the court house lms opened a JEW-ELRY ESTABLISHMENT, for the purpose ofREPAIRING


JEWELRY.Having frmf years' experience in the busi-

ness. I foci confident in giving the public GEN-ERAL SATISFACTION. The patronage ofthe public is solicited. Please give me a call.Ah work warranted or no pay.

A general assortment of Watches, Clocksand Jewelry on hand and for sale.

Couderspoi't, Jam-33, 1359 -43.

TAICE NOTICE!jjPvtm want to get your Watch- , v j

, M_ PS or Clocks put in good run-jt?*/j; ning order, take tlieqi to E.IVI'OXS. You !

| will find Uim on hand to do your work on,

1 short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, at !Xo. 2, rII(EXIXBLOCK.

opposite Parmclce's Drag and Book Store.;I Jewelry neatly repaired, and work done onshort notice, cheap for cash.

JOHN 3. DAYTON.Weilsvi'le. April IT, 1859. 40-Gmo. j


(SPRING and SUMMER TERM commencesTuesday, April 5.

' FALL TERM commencesTuesday, August 23.

Rates of Tuition:I Primary Blanches. $2 50Common English, 3 50 jIF'gher English, with Algebra, 4 75Higher Mathematics, 6 00

, Latin and Greek, £ 00! Drawing (extra) '£ 50Music, with use of Piano, (extra) 10 00

I French, (extra) 3 00French, without other studies, 5 00

? Room Kent, each, 1 00tegr Competent Teachers nave been scour-

ed for every branch of Study. [ 31.3Divorce Notice.

Orpha T.ucina Lord, ) No. 89 Dec. Term, 18*9,by her next friend, j in Common Plea 3 of

. William Patterson, ) Potter County.VS. J LIBEL IN DJVOBCE.

Wellington Lord. J To Wellington Lord,Respondent.? Whereas a SubpoeQa and aliasSubpoena having been issued ar.d returnedXihtl, yon are hereby notified to be and ap-pear at our next Court of Common Pleas forthis county, fur an application will be madeio said Court for a divorce, on the part of I.i-bellant. A. C. TAGGAIIT, Sheriff.

1 Coudej-sport, Aug. 24, 1559.


BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of VenditioniExponas, Fieri Facias ama. T.evari Facias

issued out of the Court of Common Virus <f PotterCounty, Pennsyiuuniu. and to me directed. Ishallexport to public sale or outcru. at the. Court J/ousein Couder sport, on MONDAY, the I :Hh day ofSeptember, 4839. at 10 o'clock, a. vi., thejollotc-viy described real estate, to irii :

Certain real estate situate In Gswayo Town-. shi[), Potter Co.. Pa., bouuded as fodowi : Out!) West by laud of Thomas Crittenden andWilliam D'-xter Co., ou the North by landsof Joel H.tskfn.s, Charles 11. Simmons. C. C.Ktnyon and Noah Crittenden, on the East bv

! lands of Win. M'Dougali, Geo. W. Tyler. C. If1 Simmons, Bei j. I>. Dolby and Geo. \V. Tyler,and on the South by lands of George W. Ty-

-1 lev ; contkuing about forty acres of land, ailI improved, on which is erected one Uio-storv.\ frame dwelling house, one small frame dwell-j ing house, ivvo frame barns, and with some

: fruit trees thereon, being part of lot No. 20 bythe allotment of the Biugliam Lauds in Gs-

i wayo Township..Seized, taken in execution and to be sold

\u25a0 is the property of She den Bradlee.j ALSO?Certain real estate situate partly in

1 Hebron and partly in Clara Townships, Potter!Co , Pa., beginmn r at a hemlock tree for a! corner, being the North-west corner of the lotjoriginally sold to Worilen. thence North 352 !

1 poles to a beech tree, being tin* South cornerof C. Byam's purchase, thence East 232 poles

'to a (oruer iu the E. line of Itidgewaya land.! thence South on said E. line 352 pules to u

corner in said E, line, thence \V. 23 2' pales to the place of beginning; containing 510acres <ai land, being part of Warrant No. 5804,

I of which about forty acres are improved, withone frame house, one frame barn and sheds,

' one water saw-mill and some fruit trees there-; *? !

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the property of Foster Reynolds and Win.

' T. Joues.i ALSO?Certain real estate situate iu Waar-: ton Township, Potter Co., Pa. T commencing' on the bank of the Sinnemahouing Creek six

jrods above the saw-mill built by the Cards,' tlrcnce about four or live rods to the gut. thence .South-ca.-t along the gut far enough to makean acre, thence Westerly to the bank of said

: creek, thence up the creek to the place of be-! ginning; containing one acre of improved Ij land, on which is one water saw-mill and one

! frame dwelling house.Seized, taken in execution and to be sold

as the property of Christopher Evelyn, Jr,ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Whar-

ton Township, Potter Co., Pa., beginning at a

I post in tin North-east corner of a lot contract-

-1 ed to James Ayres, thence North one hundredand fifty-seven rods to a post, thence Ea.-t

1 twenty-nine rods to a post, thence North to

1 the West bank of the yinnemahonmg creek,' thence along the West bank of the Sinnema-honing creek by the several courses thereofto the Warrant line, thence along the Warrantline West five hnudred and twenty-five rodsto a post, thence tsouth three hundred amithirteen rods to a post, thence East five hun- )fred and twenty-live r eds to the place of be-ginning; containing six hundred ami twenty-.

1 nine acres, be the same more or less, and! being part of Warrant No. 4027?said laudbeing unimproved.

Seized, taken in execution and to be the properly of 11 W. May.

ALSO?.Certain real estate situate in Whar-: ton Township. Potter Co., I'a., bounded onthe North by lands late ofJonathan Card. Lc-

: vi B. Curd and Geprgc P. W. Card, East by J.L Nelson, South and West by the Sinnema-

; honing Creek ; containing about three acres,jof which about two acres are improved, withone frame shanty and one frame shed erected

1 thvreon. ?ALSO?One ithcr lo' situate iu! Township, County ami State aforesaid, bound-' ed on the North by unseated lands, East by'the Siuncmahonitig t;rcek, and .South and

West by utite ited lands, contain ing about ouc!i indred acres ol which about three acres are

j improved.Seized, taken in execution and to be sold

'as the property of .Jonathan Card, Levi B.j Card and George P. W. Card.

ALSO?Certain real e-L.ite situate in Sha-ron Township Potter Cuunty. I'a., bounded

j on the North i y ianus of -Michael L imb andJoseph Mann, East by lands oi Gabriel Barnes.

' dec'.d. South by lands of Joseph Herring andJ John West, and on the West by unseated lands| of the Keating L.-lale, containing one hundred

acres, of which about twenty acres arc im-

; proved, with one frame hou.-e, one frame barn! and some fruit trees taereon.

Seized, taken i:i execution and to be sold!as the property of L. D C'uri-tman.

Al.i'U?Certain real estate situate in Jaek-' son Township, I'olter County. Pa., hounded

on the North by lands of the Bingham Estate. and Lot No. 2, on the East by Lot No. 2. on; the South by lands of the Bingh tm Estate, and' W, ..

U . T . \*A

...J t.. .

"... r

on ine west oy Dot ao. 4 una Unus oi tiio

Bingham Estate, being Lot No. 3 ' the allot-ment of lands in Jackson Township, PotterCounty, containing ninety-seven and fotir-tentlis acres, of which thirty-five acre? areimproved, on which are erected one framehouse, one log house.* one frame barn, one oldframe barn,and u ith an apple orchard thereon.

Seized, taken in execution and to bo soldas the property of M. Chapel.

ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Enla-lia Township. Potter County. Pa., bounded onthe North by lands of the Bingham Estate.East by L. D. Spafi'ord, South by lands of JohnCrittenden'and C. W. Ellis, and West by landsof John Crittenden and P. Ross, containingone hundred acres, of which twenty-five acresare improved, on which are erected one framedwelling house, one frame barn and other outbuildings, and with some fruit trees thereon.--ALSO ?one other Lot situate in EnlaliaTownship, bounded North by lands of E.Starkweather and L. D. Spafi'ord. Hast by theHighway, South by L. D. Spafi'ord, West by-lands of L. D. Spaff'ord, containing seventy-acres, of which fifty acres are improved.?ALSO?One other lot situate in Township,County an 1 State above mentioned, boundedon the North by lands of the Bingham Estate,on the East by lands of 11. A. Nelson and the

North Hollow road. South by tlm Lvmansvillcand Coudersport road, and West by lands ofL. D. Spaff'ord : containing eighty-eight acresof which twenty acre? are improved.

Si-ized, taken in execution and to he soldas the property of Nathan Woodcock and A.Woodcock.

ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Har-

rison Township, Potter County, I'a,. contain-ing one hundred and twenty acres, and bound-ed as fallow . On the North by lands of S. S.Robertson and Samuel Stone, ou the East by

1 lands of Samuel Stone and Hamilton Whit'-.; on the South by lands of Samuel Goodell, and

| on the West by lands of William Cobb and

1 Rot No. I Ofi of the lands of Margaret C. Bar-' bcr, being Lot No. 10 4 of the allotment of land?

I of Margaret C. Barber, in Harrison Township.' niad being part of Warrant No I2lb, Pot*or

? Countv, i'a., one hundred acres of the saidj lands being improved, on which are erectedtwo frame houses, one frame h'msf partly

j erected, two frame barns, one log barn, and| with some fruit tree? thereon.

Seized, taken in execution and to be sold a?

Ith* property of Ira Ellis.

ALSO?Certain real estate -itunted in Ho- :' mar Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded OH,1tlie North by lands of Jame* H. Quiuiby, Last,South and West, bv unseated lauds of.JobnKeating; eolitaintng fifty and four-feaftis

Teres, with about fifteen acres improved, five'acres chopped, and one frame house, one frame ishop and one frame barn thereon.

Seized, taken in execution and to be soldas the properly of James E. Q aim by. .

I ALSO?Certain real estate situate it) Sha-| roil Township, Totter County, PH., bounded

as follows; Beginning aftius£ corner staud-iu : niuteen degree* We-t twenty-nine rodsun 1 three tenths from the North-east corner

jofL. Wood's Lot. thence South 14*°, Westfifteen rods aud eight-tenths to a post c-ornerat the North side of tke road, thence by theNorth side of said road North 75,j° Westtwelve rods to post corner near the Last sideof the said road, tlreuce North 28° East six-teen and three-tenths rods to a post and cor-ner. thence South 75.I 3 East eighty and two-tenths rods to the place of beginning; con-taining one acre of laud strict measure, onwhich are one frame dwelling house, oneframe burnuud one store house? Al.SU?One

: other lot situate iu Clara Township, PotterCounty, Pa., commencing at, a post corner inthe District line between Districts No's. 2 and3. thence South one hundred and one and two-tenths perches to a post corner, thence West jone hundred and seventy-oneand seven-tenths

, perches to a post, thence North thirty-one de-;grebs East one hundred and eighteen and one- 1tenth perches to a post corner, thence Eastone hundred and ton and nine-teutlis perches

.to the place of beginning ; containing eighty-nine acres and forty-five hundredths, of whichthirty acres are improved, with one frame-house, one log house, cfue log barn and somefruit trees thereon.

Seized, taken 111 execution and to be so'd asthe property of W. P. Graves and J. 11. Graves. !

ALSO?Certain real estate situate iu Uec-j| tor Township, Potter County, Pa., bounded on ithe North by Bingham lands and lots former-ly owned by Edward Alvord, on the East,

: South and West by Bingham lauds, being lot

No. 101 and part of Warrant No. 1793: con-taining one hundred acres more or less, iif- Jteen acres of which are improved, with one |iog house, one frame house, oue log barn ana |

1 sum' fruit trees thereon.Seized, taken in execution and to be sold

as the property of llenrv Young, with noticeto Austin Bolls, terre tenant.

ALSO?Certain real estate situate in Pike

Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded ou the iNorth by unseated lands, on the En.-t by un-seated lands, on the South by unseated lands.'and on the West by lot No. 20 belonging to C. iHnnsicker: containing sixty acres, being lotNo. 92 ot the allotment of the Ashley Lands

' in saiu township, and part of Warrant No. 912".

ALSO?One other lot situate in townshipand county above mentioned, ar.d describedas follows, to wit: Bounded on the North bylot No. 2 belonging to J is. Sunderlin, on theEast by unseated lands, on tae South by un-seated 1 mds. and on lire V. est by lots Nos. 19a: 2 2 ; containing one hundred and twenty-sixand seven-tenths acres, it being lot No. 10,

i and part of Warrants Nos. 5122 k 5127, olwhich about twelve acres are improved and;ten acres chopped, on which is erected oneover-shot saw-mill, one frame dwelling house, <one frame barn and one log house.?ALSO?jOne other lot, described as follows : Bounded Ion the North by unseated lands and lot No. 29. jon the East by lots Nos. 17 k 19 and unseated jlands, ou the South by lots Nos. 22 & 23. andiou the West by lots Nos. 21 i: 27 : containingone hundred acres, being lot No. 9 and part of ?Warrants Nos. 5123 k 5126.?ALSO ?Oneequal undivided half of lot No. 27, described ia.- follows . Bounded o:i the North by unseat-jed lands and lot No. 29, on the East by lot No.9, on the .South by lot No. 21 and unseated

; lauds, and on the West by unseated lands;

i containing 97.2 acres, being part of Warrant,No. 51 23.

Seized, taken in execution and to be sold'as the property of Jonathan Stevenson.

ALSO?Certain real estate situate in llec-,tor Towusiiip, Potter Co., Pa., described asfollows, to wit: Beginning at the S uith-easl,corner of Warrant No 1599. thence along said iWarrant line West 136 perches, thence North .58 perches an i 14-17 of a perch to post, thenceWc.-t 4.'; pi" dies to a post, thcU'-o North 57pore he.- iu i 3-17 of a perch to a post, thenceli i t 1 }o£ perches, thence South 116 perches, jto the place of beginning : coat lining one; hun-dred acres more or less, about tliiity acres ofwhich arc improved, with one log mid framehouse, one frame barn end some fruit treesthereon.?Al.SO?One other lot situate inHarrison Township. Potter Co., Pa., boundedO" the N -rtli by lands of S. B. Goodell, on the !

; East by lot of Nelson Doty, on the South by ithe highway, and on the West by lands of S. 1j\ Gondcll : containing about one acre, moreor less, all improved, and on which is erected 'one frame b use and store.

Seized. taken ir, execution and to be soldas the property of E. K Tanner.

A LEU?Certain real estate situate in PikeTownship, Potter Co. Pa,, bounded on the ;

i North ly lot No. 14. on the East by lots Nos.,14. 22 k 35, on the South by lot No. 22 and iunseated lands of the Bingham Estate, on the |West bv unseated lands and lots Nos. 13 <k 36, jbeing lots Nos. 11 12 of the sub-division of

i of the land- of the Bingham Estate in Pike1 Tow n-hip; containing one hundred and fifty-live acres, about fifty acres of which are im-proved. with three frame houses, two frame

1 barns, one saw-mill and some fruit treestin reon.?ALSO ?Lot No. 36 in the Town-ship. County and State aforesaid hounded onthe North and East by lot No. 11. South by jlot No. 13 and by unseated land?, and on theWest by unseated lands anil by lot No. 15;containing one hundred and four acres, withabout four acres improved, and a log houseerected thereon.

Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ,as the property of Elijah Johnston, GarnisheejfAaron Lewis.

ALSO ?Certain real estate situate in Gen-esee Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded onthe North by lots Nos. 28. 05 & 32 of the al-

lotment of the Bingham Lands in said Town-ship, on the East by lots Nos. 32, 88 k 89, on !the West by lots Nos. 28, 27. 19 k 9, and onthe South by lands formerly in possession of

; Horry Lord, and formerly known as the Northhalf of the mil! lot of Harry Lord, South of!Elli-burg; containing about one hundred andfifty su-rcs. of w Uleh fifty acres are improved,!an which are erected one frame dwelling house, jone store house, one frame barn and other,

i it-buildings, and with two apple ore hindsthereon.

Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as-the property of John Ueckhow.

i ALSO?Certain real estatesituated in Elys- jses Township, Patter C-0., Pa., bounded or,

the North by lands of 11. H. Dent, East bylands of H 11. Dent, South by lauds of H. 11. ,

Dent and West by lands of id. li, Dent; con-taining fifty acres, of which about forty acres :

\u25a0 arc improved, and some fruit trees thereon, iSeized, taken in execution and to be sold

as the property of E. E. Kelly.A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff.

Coudcrsport, Aug. 24, 1859.



1(Jt< i in fyreet, (marly opposite BalJicih

: Bros.' (Jrotcry:) Wcllscilley Atle-ffhanf/ Co., A'. K.

6IXHE Proprietor of the above establishment1 would respectfully infqrm the inhabitants

of Coudcrsport, and Potter county generally,that he Is row prepared to supplv them withMOOTS, SHOTS, GAITERS, LEA'FUER-F/XDIXGS, .jv., of-every description, at pri-ce.- which cuimot tail to suit. We have onhand, and are constantly receiving from NewYork, the finest assortment of goods that canbe found in this portion of the country, andwill sell the same at prices which will



PEGS, NAILS, AWLS, and FINDINGS, of ev-ery description, in quantities to suit purcha-

i sees, at

REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, FOR CASH.AH goods sold at our establishment are of

the Best Quality, and will be WARRANTED.Terms 4'asla tiisly. Give us a trial.

GEORGE T. WARREN.Wellsville, May 19, 1859.?40.

sent by mail, or left at theJocrwvL OFFICE, Coudcrsport. will be prompt-ly and carefully attended to.



C.H. SIMMONS,in Oswayo.

Low PricesA N D


Cash and Shori-Timc Buyers.

IAM NOW RECEIVING inv Summer Stock,which embraces everything usually kept

by a Country Merchant?DRY GOODS,




CROCKERY, ic?all of which will be sold at low figures for

i cash or approved credit.GOOD TEAS FOR 45 CENTS,

Ladies' Fine Congre** and other Gaiters, from 75rts. to Si.oo.

MENS STOG.V BOOTS, $2,50" CALF " 3.65


ur.d all other goods iu proportion, fur Ready-Pay of most kinds.

LiCash paid for GOOD LUMBER.C. H. SIMMONS.

Oswayo," June 15. 1859.?43?1y.


Flour, Meal,FF.KI). FISII, i'OUIi &c?


CASH.and will take in payment, all kinds of good

LUMBER.I will also S*;ty Cash for LUMBER.

Also, will pnv the highest going prices in

mil FOR WOOL.CorPFUSPORT, June 22. 1859 ?-44-6rno.

RE N IMS YLV ANTAState Agricultural Society

17&I1 1 1! KTIO.VfTIIIENinth Annual Exhibition of the Penn-,

g. sylvani.u State Agricultural Society, will;be held at Poweltou, Philadelphia, on Tues-day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the2 7th. 28th. 29th and 30th, days of September..On the Ist September, the Secretary will re-move to the Rooms of the Philadelphia Soci-1etv for the promotion of Agriculture, No. 620Chestnut. Street, Philadelphia, where Bo.okaof Entry for the Exhibition will be opened.

Letters addressed to the Serretarg, at Har-ris'mrg. John VcGi'ivrn, Piiihula., or Charles A".Engle, Bustleton. will meet with attention till

Ist September. DAVIDTAGGART, l're*'t.A.(.). HKISTER. Secretary,ggy- Goods for Exhibition, carried ou all

the Railroads in the State, to and fro, free ofcharge. 52-st.

LIS T or CALSKS,¥ NOR. TRIAL at Sept. Term. 1859, of theE Court of Common Picas of Potter coun-ty, >*.

S. S. White, t\. Clark k Phiilips, ct al.Ptirdv, for use, " P B. Dedrick.

1 W. k M. S. Funis, " J. D. Stavsa.W. T. .Tones, " S. Bradleo.Hillyer .k Bush, "C. W. Ellis.W. T. Jones, " Jackson A - Bees.Sheppard, " G. W. Lewis.Kalen, 44 Jones, Maim <k Jones.Starkweather, " Sherwood,

liaskin, use of Piatt, " H. Ellis., Be ever, " Thompson.Jones k Brother, " 11. Lord,

, Wihnot,""

" Trust's M. F..Church.Dent, 44 C. k C. H. Loucks,Lansing, 44 Hall.Jones, " Ives k Straight,

1 White, " Stevens, cl al.'Ford, for u?e, '? W T. Jones, et at.

\V. T. Jones, u N. V. Jackson.Jones k Brother, " Gulp.Killbourn, use Gorman," U. Rice.'Canfield, " Starkweather.' A. F. Jones, " C. Ives, et al.Chamberlain, <l Kinney,Keating, et al, " Fobes k Backus,IJ. L. Phenix. jr., " Woodard.

VV. T. Jones, " J. W. Smith.I'yani, " C. S. Jones, Adra'rWillet, <s Kinney.Broneman, ,! Barclay.

Same, " Same.Abagail Strong, ct al, " TV. T. k A F. Jone3.

: Dual, " M Neh k MilL,Henry Youker, " W. B. Cutler.

IT. J. OLMSTED, Trcth'y.i Coudcrsport, Aug 16. 1859





i OroHkevv Glassware.Also, A good stock of MISCELLANEOUS AND





IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS,For which the HIGHEST PRICE willbe paid. U

\u25a0 They can be found at all times, (Saturdayand Sunday excepted.) at the Store formerly' '

occupied by D. BAKER,

In t'lysses,1ready to wait upon Customers.

N. R?We have come to the conclusion that

"HEADY PAY"is better for all parties, an.d we shall, there-fore do business on this system.

D. L. &M. 11. DANIELS. ?

Ulysses, June 20, 1839.--1G132*.


YOUTH AND MATURITY1 tqsf orqiis,


tirJVhSbr Zr ME N'T, without Medicine,of Sermatorrhea, or Local Weakness, Noctur-nal Emissions. Gcnitfll and Nervous Debility,Premature Decay d tbe system, Irapotency,and Impediments to Marriage generally.

BY R. DE LANEY, M. D.The important fact that the many alarming

complaints, originating in the imprudence and(Solitude of youth, may be easily removed

without Meuioivk, is iu this small tract clear-ly demonstrated; and the entirely new and

; highly successful treatment, as adopted by thnAuthor, fully explained, by means of whichevery one is enabled to cure himself perfectlyand at the least p ;s&ible cost, thereby avoid-ing all the advertised nostrums of the day.

Sent to any address, gratis and post free ina sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid/two postage stamps to DR. B. DE LANEY S8East 31st Street. New York City.

[ inside t.r



Low Prices


Cask a:s<l Short-Time Bujcm.


! \M NM\Y RECEIVING my SUMMERStock, which embraces almost everything

! usually kept by the Country Mcrchaatr-*-DRY GOODS.



11 A T 8 4 C A 1' S.CROCKERY, i.;

all of which 1 propose to sell at low figure*,for cash or approved credit.

Call and see our GOODS and PRI-CKS. Beiuji thankful for past favors, 1hope to L>; able now to offer more favora-ble indtt tenants. P. A. STEBBINS.

Coadcrsport, May 25, 1859.-40.

REMOVAL!DI". OLWSTFI) has removed on®

? door North, into the store former!/ oc-i cupied by Srhoomaker A Jarkson.

Thankful for past favor*. I would solicit *> e of t lie very liberal patronage here-tofore bestowed, which I shall endeavor to

merit by fair dealing and selling good articlesAt Jlcasonable Prices.

My stock, consisting of the usual variety of




is now large, and mv intention is to sell


GREAT REDUCTION on I.awns, Chall® d1 Laines. Mantillas, Parasols, Mitts and otherSummer Goods. Prices reduced to CLOSE

1 THEM OUT !j ISA IATI 1LOOP'S well-knownScythes, of German-steel, Cast-steel and Sil-ver-steel ; ni*o, Snaths. Porks, Rakes, andmany other Farming Utensils, at the lowestprices, constantly on hand.

HOOTS & SHOES?the largest stockin the county. Especial care taken in select-ing to get those which are good and durable.

THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENTis well stocked, aud prices will be made galit-

, factorv.SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, a full ate

sortmcnt ef Groceries, Riooins, Pailg 4c., at

low prices.H EAr/niY BREAD.

James Pyl e' s Dietetic Salcr alu r.

Call andthe Goodsin my N'E W QTT ARTEJtS. ForReady l*y. "id on Credit to prompt-.paving customers, I shall eel) at low figures.

D. E. OLMSTED.i Coudersjv-t, July C, 4t>