THE POINTER - · The ouly rct1u irc111 e11 L is that the 11a111e of the eHtrce be...

THE POINTER Series III Vol. IV No. 14 PIRATES TO REIGN AT MARDI GRAS CLEVER CABARET STYLE STAGED l'ir: lll'S ar<· :ig:1 i 11 i11 \"Og' UC' •• \t S: :W 1 wx1 Tu l'sday 1.•\'l' ll i 11i,r, )la rt· h -1, t hey will h1 •;:i11 :1 11 i11\":1:-iio11 of thP g,nn in t lw 11 1•w t r; 1i11ing- :,1.._. !i oo l. Th ,• f'l'a tur c of )J:1rd i Ora:,1 \\ ill h1· the l'i rah·s · :Ua ll at ,, hit·h t lw l'\ i11g- :11HI Q u1..•t11 w ill Ot• t: n l\\'111·1 1. l' n•n·d i ug the daun: ant.l 1·oru11atio11. st u 11r1"1 wil l lie sh ow n. Thi· 1·,·1·11i11~·:,; 1• 11t 1 ·r 1:1i 11 111e11t j:,; pl a1 1 11 1·d :1 :-t a g 1111d- 1i111c p:t ny fur t he 1.·1itin• :-1·lio11l. .\ !-. 111 :111y s1udc 11 1s :1 :- po:--:-ihly C:lll :-htiU ld 1·01111· i11 pirate (;CJt1111H·. Th ... ·r1..• will ht• :t 11.r i zc offrn.•11 to tilt' h1.·:--t 1,ir:111• 1·o~t11111c woru 11~· a l,11y and :111 l.' fJ ll:t l prizt· fur the 1,cst. Oll i' worn by a. gil'l. ' !'he pri zes a1·c wo rth \\ orking fo r. UNIQUE STUNTS . \ fea tu re <Jt )l :trd i lir as is alwav s th e stunt~. '!' h it, ve ar Se \·era l cxt r cu;c. I:· ,·lcn·r U ll l'S 0 h: 1n: ht·eu pl: 11111 cJ, c arrying out th e pirat e idC' a. On e of th m i~ ca lled ' .\ Tr ip tu D:1n•y .J ou6 1 L ol·kt• J'. 1 an cl p ro m ises su mt• dl•cp sea th r ill:-:. .\ naut ica l ~k etc h in the form of a um~i,·:ll co111cdy, ' · .liouutl Ju r t he ~l1 uth ~t•:is· ·, i:- su 1·c 10 cr eat,· a :-:eu:-: a- 1 il i ll. T h is high cl:t:-::-. pr udut1 ion will i 11l rodUl'l' th l' n..· 1 111,, ·1 1<.' <l t hara cters: ~ : h- :n lli ua, l'u uurt iua : mt! tit• lat ina to tlte :-!:tit· t1f Wi sct1 nsi 11. Th e mu rin t! :-t:l 1t,·n· U:<t·d in th e r ecent thea tr ica l :- Hl·ct ::- ~ •• The ::; huw lJ uaL · ·. bas bee n ul,- t ain cd and will be us ed fo r t hi s s tunt. Pri zes will be offe red fo r the best aurntuc r st uu ts ·g i\·e n by clas:,cs, fueu l- t:·, i11d i,· idua ls 1 jan ito r ~, <J r ot h er pi · r ah·s. Th e ouly r ct1u ir c1 11 e11 L is t hat th e 11a111e of the eHt rce be in th e h an d:; of Eme ry J:' r ibc h Ly uuuu o( th e day uf the var ty . :::ic\'c ral ntr ce:s ha \'c .a. l- re l>t•c n 11 1adc. Each and e,·c ry pi- rate or 1J ir:1t c ba nU sho ul d 1i e b usy pl a1111iu g a ~tu 11 1. Th e pri zes a rc of l!X· trcmc \'~du e tu :w,nrnl! , c:s pce ia lly a cul- lc:ge s tud en t. PIRATE BALL IS FE ATURE l 111 111c diatcl y aftl ' I' the s tun ts, th e gr eat ball will beg i u. A splc udid or· chcst ra will fu ru is li rhythm seint i llat - ing :.i n<l :,ti mu latin g enough for auy pi ra te. T he l>: d l will be rul ed by th e two w inn ers of the popularity co n tes t. The pair will uvcar in royul rubes, tu lJe crow11 t•d K:iu g and Queen of th e ) lar di Gras before all th eir pira te suL· ject:-. Th (' y will asce nd the t hr one a ud n.:ig11 1sup r e111e until th e <lan cing en ds at mi dni gh t. Jn additi uu to th e ho nor lJestuwcd up<J n tl111 , each will receiv e a vri Zl: . Hcfrcs h111 en ts will Uc sC r\' e<l " a la c:.i IJa rct' · dur i ug the dance. 'l ' hi s !"hould be-u·n:.--udded in ce-uti ve to· at.te u<l the fr ol ic fo r bo th classes of p eopl e, - those who cat to li ve, and Lh <Jsc wh o live tu cat. POPULARITY CONTESTJ Th e q ues ti on of wh o will re ig ri as k in g : rn<l qu cc u of th e gr eat es t all - sc hool pa rt y of th e ye ar is constantly in th e a ir. Thi s is th e time for eve ry stude nt to boost his candidat e. The cntr ecs who se names have thus far been r ccei\·ed a rc a lre ady be ing adver- tised . The sen iors hav e set f orth as the ir eandidat es, Gr e gory Cha rles wort h )lary A~ncs B oy le. _TI, c juniors - hope-to-aee..OLlandoJohnsoD...Alld..Eliza,._ bet h Hoger:i wea r the crowns. 'rhe so phomores ar e pinnin g th eir faith on Em il Pagel a nd Murilla Rob e rts. Emil was out of sc hool la st semes ter but Ila~ (Co ntinu ed on page 4 co l. 2) SteYe ns Point , Wis .. Feb ruar y 20, rn:- rn Price 7 ce nt s Junior Prom Is Scored Success Th <' .Juoi or Class of l fl30 Sl·urcd :1 grl'a t :mo:t·l'SS fo r itse lf wh en it :t dt•d .:1s ho:st at thl' fonn: 11 pro men:Hk l:1 t Sa· tu rd:1:· eveuini;. 'l' hi s w:is one of th ose " p1.•1·fod" pro rn :s t ha t lin ge r in rnan y 111 c• 111 ori cs fo r :n• The gy m w:1::1 ll l't·or:ilcd so :1s tu g ive t he cf fed (If a .r ap:rn cse g :l r dcu . ::ioft C'O lorcd ligh ts shone out fro m b1•hind oprn Jap:11n~sc p:1rasols pl:u:C' d nt short in tC' rv :tl s :d (l ng the wall s. Th ere w:1s a low C'C'i li11 g of iut e rwon ~n gr cC' 11 s trip s ft-0111 which hu ug clu ste rs of wis tl'ri:1 blosso ms. :\ pu r pl e centC' rpi e<·r was a hit of 1·o lorfu l contr:ist to th C' gree n of th t• susp(•n d ed l'l' il i nJ! . A rr:wged in honh·-li kc fas hion nhout the e dges of flu• rno 1 11 we re davC'nport s :1 1 1<.l c: hair s, :-.I n .. •wn with 1·0 \orful tH;hi ou:-. . U11 dcr :\ h ut:"t' p:1 rnso l in , ,n e c·orne r of thC' roo m sroo tl th C' t: 11JI C' fro m w hi C' h tlc•li l' ious frnit p1 11 h w:1:-1 snn•d to thi rsty d; 11h· rrs. WHITEWATER OUTCLASSED AS LOCALS REGAIN OLD FORM High Students Receive Honors Tl it• ll 11 1 111 r Holl f'n r th e fi rs t 8c1 11 e:-.te r ha:-. h t.• 1•11 p n• par ed. Th e s tu U0 11 ts w h o:-.t•, 11 :t n1t•:-1 :tni1H· hulcd :t r C' in th e 1q•f)t'I' fiv1• pt• r ('t' ll t of th e st ud ent 1,o dy . T h,·y h:l\'l' 111orc• than tripl ed t l11 •ir honor 1 111 i11t .,. :111 d ilt.•:-1en·c high n,11 1 1i1l·111 l: 11i1111. 'l' lw :-:t ud L·11 1:,.; wh o triph- ,1 th1 •ir i1 0nl1 r po i nts !.111 fa ll ju ~t ~hu rl of lwirig- in lh l' up pe r fi ,·c per 1·1• 1 11 ar,• gi, ·1 •11 hm111rahl1• 111e 11ti o n. :'\ :11111• Co ur se .\ udt·ri,;1111 , Fr:i:tn•:- :! ,·r. G ra m. Hn wk ha 11k . El iz:dll' t li .J r. l{ur:il Sup. l' hil:-11111 . Onion•:-. -l vr . Prim. REDEEM FORMER - LOSS TO SAME l'l aying tl 1l' ty pe of bal l tha t is un- lll';1 t:ihll\ th«~ Poi ntl'rS tl(·f°L':tlt• cl '\Vhi tt•- W:Lte l' :! 5 to 1: :, t hu s spo il in g- th e l:tltl-1'' $ dm111· C):I fo r a 1 •h t1111pi o 11 :-. hi p. 'l'hl' . Do wnst :1 \. l•r i,; 1 wh o :tr(• ruh• tl a :-. 011 0 of th l' h cst t l• a111 :-. in th (· s l:i te, were so u ltt•r!.,· out pl :, yc tl by the t'l· 1 1tr:1l s 1h ut rn•n•r t! ur i11 g tl cu tir g:irnL' did lh l'.Y :-.o 11 11 u·h as thr ca te 11. · MARSHALL GOES STRONG Th (' Pro m llt1 ('C' ll. P:1t ric..• i:1 Cow:111. <' l:i pp. Eli z:tlir 1h ., r. H. 8. lnnkNI 1 •x qu is it e in n long cvr 11i ng ,:r own 1-'r it:,.;,· h. Em i·,· -I ~-r. H. S. ll:1 n lly h:111 th l' g:i 111c begu tt when (.'a pi :iin )1 :.tri,; hnll ,,·as gi n• 11 a n t of a shot, which he :t ::1 il y 111:1 de. . \p- proxirna t.c ly ll' II :-:cco ncls la ter, , '1'11roe- cl c•r1 w ho f' ro 111 pr e,·ious ga mes has l'ortn l'd :i halJit of tlr o ppiu g th~11 1 in i :-11t11k :1 lu11 g Ull L', makin g tho :;cor o 3 to U. (' hur ks wo rth did hi ~ bi t next. by du sting the iusillc of th e uct, briu g iu g tht." co unt to :i to 0. Sa 111 a Clnu s gn\·e the Blu <'s :l :s hot whi ch made it 5 to .I. , \l ar i,; h:111 , playing th e k in il of ha ll t h:1 t h:1 .s 111:td c hirn fe ar ed b,· a ll or thl' col- lc ,:.!l':O:, was 11 cx t to ti <·k lC the 111 •1, g id1i g u :-. a i to l ndvan tnge. '1' hc11 , 'c h wa ger , the .su uth<' rn c r' s :-. ta r fo rward , got h.i s only field goal of t he ga 111e. an ti the 0111\· one hi s 1c a11 1 mad e t hat half. Th C n•fo rco, forge ttin g th nt it was flH !'i t t.: h ri:.: tma s, ga\·e L uo 111cr two puiu l .s fo r no thi ng-, 111 ak i11 g it a tot :.i l of 7 to : '., . Thi s cn d d th e :wu rin g for Whi tC' wat er tha t h;d f, w hil o th e Pui11 t- ns cunt inul.' tl t <J dr op 1 he hall t hr o ugh, IJ ~ wil<l cr i11g th e Blu es lty the ir fiv man f:1s t -b rc1}k i 11g o f'fc ns t•. Th e grand tota l at thi.: i111 c r11 1i ~s io11 , wa s 14 to 5, w ith th e b ig CHll of th e score :-.111 ilin g u pon th e Cc ut ml St :1 t e:-!"I . nf pall' g' l'CC' n moir e' 1 She wore sli ppers (;uuu i :-.on . \ ' i ui:, . ..J. ,·r. Hur:tl of :,.;:iti n th at W<'re :\ pC' r f<'d 111 :1tr h fo r <' ll <' v. )la rit . . . . . -1 ~. 1 ._ H. S . th e froC' k. lf rr w rap was of hlaek .Ku c h.I E st her .i r. H. S. l'hi ffo11 ,·c h ·r t. 'J'h c yo un :.r ladi es' soft I . \lut •ll t'.r, ·1 ·: il 1.•1. •n . . .. .' .' . 1 H Ee ,·o lorr •l I-!""" "' :i d ,h• d to the hr :rn t;· of :-;,," lot rn·. Ell" "" " ' . :1 ~::.: H: Ee: th <' ~<'C' ne. l'a z o11 n•k 1 l. , ·111u· . . . 4 'n ·. H. Ee. Th r C:r:rnd )f:ln·h hC' g :rn nt nin e l{('i tl. 1il•rh l• rt . . .J ;. r. Hural o't·lrwk . It w:1s :1 ,·cry in tl'restin l,! spec- HoZPI I<'. 'l'h t• o(lo r1• ,i · r. t: 1 dt• to w:ttc h. ' rh c <"Ouplcs m:H C' he <l f--.tauff\: r, .\1 1:1 :l ~- r .. l. H. S. al,nut in militar:· f:ts hi on, , ·rOS!i in g fro m ~l i ll n, Ur\' :1 -l yr. H. S. 1 ·o n11•r to torn«'r of thr g-:·m, down th e 'l'ilh•:-. on. H11 hy . ..... 4 y r. "FI. S. < ·C' ttlrr fou r :1h r(':t8 t 1 :111<1 in the ot her 'l'owk , L i• n on· 4 y r. Hural us n:11 for m at' ion!-1, to tl H' tmw of ' ' On Honorable Mention \\' i!-11·n11~i 11 ". At th<' r n<l of th r mnr C'.h. t hr progr:t m~ \\'C'r(• di st rihu tr ,J hy l it tle .Tohn C'< ,wnn :111(1 Ca rol G: ir li y. ,, A 11 rxcC'llent r igh t - pi ere orc• h rstra, til t• .\ ,·: 11 011 F.nt c>r tain c rs, furiii !-l h c> d the mnsiC' . Tt is repo rt ed th nt " Pi 1·<·olo P f'tC' 11 wns onl' of the ir numh rr. T he fh rC'C' ot her eb ssrs unit e> in the ir appr<'"ia ti on of thr work of t il l' ,Junior (' l:1 :-ts. F. :-i; pcr·inlly d cse rd ng of tlrnnk s arf' tl1 t• p rople who work C'Cl on tli c <' Om· mi ttcC'R. Th r~c pco pl C' nro :1 8 follow s: r. C' nN:11 Chairm nn : )fa rion Kowit z. n eeo r3 ti o 11 C'o mmittrC' - Doro thy .Tohn so u. Ch :1. irm:111 ; Irl Thu rber, Tiutll Stiller. lT C' r hr rt Rr<', Cc lin Gold hrr g. U. c fr e~ hment Co mmi tt.e<' - T,u r ill e Sc· hm iclt, Ch:1irn1:1n ; 1 \li ec \Vn.llingt on , 1 Lnura S C' hor niug er. Tnv it :1t io n Cn mmitt c>C' - El izabet h Rogf'rS. Chnirm:rn ; Freel H <'h:11. ~ ttr(' - Orl : rnd o .Johnson , (' h:,irman: .\ll rn R od e ll , .Tose phin c 'T' r rrill. f'o 11nt 1i tte,e 011 A rr ang eme nt ~ - Ali ce F' :1lk. (' hnirmnn: Knr l T<it owski. Fl ora P ikf'. Ri r h:1r cl )forshnll. George Washington Dance Friday P~ - Th <' " ' · A . .-\. is sponsoring :1 George \Vn s hlngt on part,: , in the form of n mn tin ee dnn re to be held Friday n.ft er- noon fr om four 1111til fi, ·c fo rt v- fi ,·C' . Th e pa rt y is nn all SC' hool nr°fair a nd C\·e r:·one is gu arn nt eecl a good time. Ti ck C' ts will b C' so ld Frid ny by W. A. A. me mbers for :1 nominal s u. m, nnd wor to th <' unlu r ky one who does not sport :1 r Nl hnt fh ct by fo ur o'r lock. -- CARD _ OF JHANK$ __ Mr. and Mre. A. W. Weber and Ro- nald , Ir ene, Paul , a nd Cath e rin e Webe r, thank the stud e nt body and faculty memb e rs for th e syntpnthy s hown them in th e loss of their ' son and broth er, Le ighton. · D;n· it•:-. . E n·J:·11 .. . .. :.! y r. ,'up. 1-l otn•d t. B urton ... . -l ,._ H. R. )l ill :tnl , 1. :1\\' IT· lln! -l y r. Hural Sup. Zimm l'r, ]( :1ro lcl ..J. _:· r. H. S. CALENDAR SECOND HALF. _Feb. 20 Y. W. C. A. Feb. 21 \V. A. A. Matinee <lan ce .1:.,cb. 21 Stout game-t here F eb. 29 Eau Cla ire game, there )lar ch 4 ).Ia. rdi Gra s . Annual Short Story Contest Now Open Th e whi s tl e h c: gi1111i11g th o Mecu n<l h;d f was st ill hl o wing when Di ck dril,hl cd 1he le ugth of th o fl oor and :-. hook th e ne t. A rt followed with a suckt..-r . t.: h\" a la, fittin g we ll in tho Po int ers' of f-c us ivc mac hin e, wa s 11 ext to ri ng 0 11 0 up, and a littl e later add ed two 111 or c pQ in ts by fr cc- ihrnws. .:\I· th oug h Hnk l' r was ill, he.: :ind Chnr les- wor th diU s 11 111 · t•xcc pt.i o11all y fi ne g:11a.nli11 g, keepi 11g the Blu es to one f id cl-gnal 1111 ti l !lwre wa :-1 but one 1' h e )Ia rga rc t Ashmun Clul, has 111i 1111 to to p lay, whcu nu,n crous subs ti - announ ce d its annual sho rt story c on · tu1io11 :- wen: rn:ul c IJy th e 'c11trah1, aad te st. Th e cont es t is op cu to any stu - th e 11 cw men wi•r e un:1blc to pi ck out de nt of Cc 11tral S t:l tc Tcaehers ' Col- th ~ir ,u en, allowi.u li(' t ht•1 11 to s lip lege. 1 thr o ugh twice. 'rh c co ndi tions gov e rning th e con tes t 'l'h l' P oin te r s' pa ::is in g, handling of f 11 1h Im 11 1 a 111! foot work were th e an· ar c as. o ows: . . :-. w l' rs to a ny ccmeh ·s d·r en rn s. ![ th o 1. fhe ~tory be lll mauu :se ript 1t 'c 11t r al Stat crs ke ep up th is type of form .. type wntt~n, doubl e spac_c<l, lmll they will rank high in th o stand · margrn s of an rnch on eac ~1 side iri g; . . and th e bot~om, and ~wo ~n ch es LINE UP: _ a_ L tlu,J op; title p~ge withJ.itlc..o_f Hl c\"Cust'o in[ (25)---PG. p• p:----pp:-- story, name of wT1 te r antl number <' hv a l:i, .f. .. l 2. ;t;\ · ~~~!)' can not b e le ss than ~; ·hn;c cl e;, f. :{ 1,500 or more than 2,500 words in · 1 ,. 11 r ks 1 , 1 . length. \ J<· rn : 111 , • • • 3. The story must be in the hai1ds of )lar i,; h:d l, c. 5 the pr e side nt of th e Ma rgar et B:tk l'I', g · · 0 Ash mun Club Th eo dor e Rozell e A lhcr t !'l . g · 0 or any of th e 1 instru c tors of Eng~ <}~ a rl cs \\:u rth , g .. .... 1 Jish wit hin the n ext t.wo months. h 1fow:-: k1 , g. 0 0 () u 3 0 0 4. Valuabl e prizes will be awardccl to th e winn e rs of first, second , Tota ls , , . 10 5 p~ ,. and third places.. Two winners \Vhi tciw:11 e r ( 13~ · }"'G. F 1 ' 11. x will be announced at th e annual Schwager , f .. . ... .... 1 2 3 banqu e t. .J n: ·cox, f . . . .. .. .. .... 0 0 1 5. The--winn~r- a.utomatie.a-ll- ':=be J.- tuo.bu(;. f-..... -.-.-.-~~- ~ · -- - -- 1 -- comcs a mcm her of Margar et _ Pr a tt , f . .. ... : . . . . . . . 0 Ashmun Club. Pe rr y, c ...... . 0 6. The judges will be people from S turl e rnnt , g ..... . ... 0 oulsiae of the college. Their T.oo mer, g . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 names will be announced at a later date. Tota IS ..... ·· ~~ - -3 0 0 1 3 1 r -3

Transcript of THE POINTER - · The ouly rct1u irc111 e11 L is that the 11a111e of the eHtrce be...

THE POINTER Series III Vo l. IV No. 14



l'ir:lll'S ar<· :ig:1 i 11 i11 \"Og' UC' •• \ t S ::W 1wx1 T ul'sday 1.•\'l' ll i 11i,r, )la rt· h -1, t hey will h1•;:i11 :1 11 i11\":1:-iio11 of t h P g,nn in t lw 11 1•w t r;1i11ing- :,1.._. !ioo l. Th ,• f'l'a turc of )J:1rd i O ra:,1 \\ ill h1· t he l ' i rah·s · :Ua ll at ,, hit·h t lw l'\ i11g- :11HI Q u1..•t•11 w ill Ot• t: n l\\'111·11. l' n•n·d i ug t he daun: ant.l 1·oru11atio11. st u 11r1"1 wil l lie s how n.

Thi· 1·,·1·11i11~·:,; 1• 11t 1·r1:1i 11 111e11t j:,;

pl a1111 1·d :1:-t a g 1111d- 1i111c p:t n y fur t he 1.·1itin• :-1·lio11l. .\ !-. 111 :111y s1udc 11 1s :1 :­po:--:-ihly C:lll :-htiU ld 1·01111· i11 pirate (;CJS·

t1111H·. T h ... ·r1..• w ill ht• :t 11.r izc offrn.•11 to t ilt' h1.·:--t 1,ir:111• 1·o~t11111c woru 11~· a l,11y and :111 l.' fJ ll:t l prizt· fur t he 1,cst. O ll i'

worn by a. gil'l. '!'he pri zes a1·c worth \\ orking fo r.

UNIQUE STUNTS . \ fea tu re <Jt )l :trd i lira s is a lwavs

the s t un t~. '!'h it, vea r Se\·era l cxt rcu;c. I:· ,·lcn·r U ll l'S


h:1n: h t·e u pl:11111 c J , carrying out th e pirate idC'a . One o f th l· m i~ ca lled ' .\ T r ip tu D:1n•y .J o u6 1

L ol·kt• J'. 1 • ancl p ro m ises su m t• dl•cp sea

th r ill:-:. .\ naut ica l ~ketc h in t he fo rm of a um~i,·:ll co111cdy, ' · .liou utl Ju r t he ~ l1uth ~ t•:is· ·, i:- su 1·c 10 c reat,· a :-:eu:-:a -1 ili ll. T h is hig h cl:t:-::-. prud ut1 io n w ill i11l rodUl'l' th l' n..· 1111,,·11<.'<l t hara c t e rs : ~:h-:n lL· l iua, l'u uurt iua :mt! tit• lat ina t o tlte :-!:tit· t1f Wi sct1 nsi 11. The mu rin t! :-t:l 1t,·n· U:<t·d in th e r ecent t hea tr ica l :- Hl·ct::-~ •• T he ::;huw lJ uaL · ·. bas been ul,­t aincd and will be used fo r t his s tunt.

Prizes will be offe red fo r t he best aurntuc r st uu ts ·g i\·e n by cla s:,cs, fueu l­t:·, i11d i,· idua ls 1 j a n ito r~, <J r other pi · rah·s. The ouly rct1u irc1 11 e11 L is t hat th e 11a111e o f t he eHtrce be in th e han d:; of Eme ry J:' ribch Ly uuuu o( the da y uf t he var ty . :::ic\'c ral t· ntrce:s ha \'c .a. l­re l>t•cn 11 1adc. Each and e,·c ry p i­rate or 1J ir:1t c ba nU s hould 1ie b usy pl a1111iug a ~tu 11 1. The prizes a rc of l!X· trcmc \'~du e tu :w,nrnl!, c:spceia lly a cul ­lc:ge s tude n t.

PIRATE BALL IS F E ATURE l 111 111cdiatcly aftl' I' t he s tunts, the

g reat ball will beg iu. A spl cudid o r· chcstra will f uru is li rhythm seint i llat­ing :.i n<l :,ti mu lating enoug h f o r auy p i ra t e. T he l>:d l will be ruled by the two w inn e rs o f t he popu larity con tes t. T he pair will uvcar in royul ru bes, t u lJe crow11t•d K:iug and Quee n of the ) lardi Gras before all their pirate suL · ject:-. Th('y will ascend t he t hrone a ud n.:ig11 1supre111e u n t i l the <lan cing ends a t midnig h t. Jn additiuu to the h onor lJestuwcd up<J n tla· 111 , each will receiv e a vriZl: .

Hcfrcsh111 e n ts will Uc sC r\' e<l " a la c:.i IJa rct' · duriug t he da nce. 'l ' hi s !"hould be-u·n:.--udded ince-uti ve to· at.teu<l t he frol ic fo r bo th classes of people, -those who cat t o live, and Lh <Jsc who li ve tu cat.

POPULARITY CONTEST J The ques tion o f who will r eig ri a s

k in g :rn<l qucc u of the greates t all ­school part y of the year is constantly in the a ir. This is the time for every s t ude nt t o boost his candidate. The cn t recs whose names have thus far been rccei\·ed a rc a lready being adver­tised. T he seniors have se t f orth a s t heir eandida t es, Gregory Cha r lesworth ~ )lary A~ncs Boyle. _TI,c juniors - hope-to-aee..OLlandoJohnsoD...Alld..Eliza,._

beth Hoger:i wear the crowns. 'rhe sophomores are pinning their faith on Em il P a gel a nd Murilla Roberts. Emil was ou t of school last semest e r but Ila~

(Continued on page 4 col. 2)

SteYe ns Point, Wis .. February 20, rn:-rn Price 7 cents

Junior Prom Is Scored Success

Th <' .Ju o ior Class of l fl30 Sl·urcd :1

grl'a t :mo:t·l'SS fo r itsel f wh en it :t dt•d .:1s ho:st at thl' fonn:11 prome n:Hk l:1 t Sa· tu rd:1:· eveuini;. 'l ' hi s w:is one of t hose " p1.•1·fod" p ro rn :s t ha t l inge r in rnany 111 c• 111 orics fo r :n• .

T he gy m w:1::1 ll l't·or:ilcd so :1s tu g ive t he cf fed (If a .rap:rncse g:l rdcu . ::ioft C'O lorcd lig h ts s hone out fro m b1•hind o prn Jap:11n~sc p:1raso ls pl:u:C'd n t shor t in tC' rv:tl s :d(l ng t he walls . Th ere w:1s a low C'C'i li11g of iute rwo n ~n g rcC' 11 s trips ft-0111 wh ic h hu ug c luste rs of wis tl' r i:1 blossoms. :\ pu r pl e centC' rpi e<·r was a hit of 1·o lorfu l contr:ist to th C' gree n of th t• susp(•n ded l'l' il inJ!. A rr:wged in ho nh·- li kc fas hi on nhou t t he edges of f lu• rno 111 we re davC'nport s :1 11<.l c: hairs, :-.I n .. •wn wit h 1·0 \o r ful <· tH;hi ou:-.. U11 dcr :\ h ut:"t' p:1rnso l in , ,n e c·orne r of t hC' room srootl th C' t :11JI C' fro m w hi C' h tlc•li l' ious frnit p1 11 u· h w:1:-1 snn•d to t hi rsty d;11h·rrs.


High Students Receive Honors

Tlit• ll 11 1111 r Ho ll f'n r th e fi rs t 8c1 11 e:-.te r ha:-. h t.• 1•11 pn• pared. Th e s tu U0 11 ts w h o:-.t•, 11:t n1t•:-1 :tn• i1H·hulcd :t rC' in th e 1q•f)t'I' fiv1• pt• r ('t' ll t of th e stude n t 1,ody . T h,·y h:l\'l' 111orc• t ha n t ripled t l11 •ir honor 1111 i11t .,. :111 d ilt.•:-1en·c high n ,11 11i1l·111 l:11i1111. 'l' lw :-:t ud L·11 1:,.; wh o triph- ,1 th1•ir i1 0 nl1 r po ints !.111 fa ll ju~t ~hu rl of lwirig- in lh l' uppe r f i,·c pe r 1·1• 111 ar,• gi,·1•11 hm111rahl1• 111e 11tion.

:'\ :11111• Course .\ udt·ri,;1111 , Fr:i:tn•:- :! ,·r. G ra m. Hn wkha 11k . El iz:dll' t li .J ~· r. l{ur:il Sup. l' h i l:-11111 . Onion•:-. -l vr. Prim.

REDEEM FORMER - LOSS TO SAME l'l aying tl1l' ty pe of bal l tha t is u n­

lll';1 t :ihll\ th«~ Poi n tl'rS tl(·f°L':tlt• cl '\Vhi tt•­W:Lte l' :!5 to 1: :, t hu s spoil in g- th e l:tltl-1''$ dm111· C):I fo r a 1•h t1111pi o 11 :-. hi p. 'l'hl'. Do wns t :1 \. l•ri,; 1 who :tr(• ruh• tl a :-. 011 0

of th l' hcst t l•a111 :-. i n th(· s l:i te, were so u ltt•r!.,· ou t pl :,yc tl by the t'l· 11tr:1ls 1h u t rn•n•r t! ur i11 g tl u· cu tir L· g:irnL' d id lh l'.Y :-.o 11 11 u·h a s thrca te11. ·


Th (' Pro m llt1 ('C' ll. P:1t ric..• i:1 Cow:111. <' l:i pp. Eli z:tli r 1h ., ~· r. H. 8. lnnkNI 1•xqu is it e in n lo ng cvr11i ng ,:rown 1-'r it:,.;,· h . Em t· i·,· -I ~-r . H. S.

ll:1 n lly h:111 th l' g:i 111c begu tt w he n (.'a pi :iin ) 1:.tri,; hn ll ,,·as g in• 11 a 11re.sen t of a sho t , w hi ch he t· :t ::1 il y 111:1 de. .\p­p roxirn a t.c ly ll' II :-:cconcls la ter, , '1'11roe­cl c•r1 w ho f' ro 111 pre ,· io us ga mes has l'ortn l'd :i halJ i t o f tlroppiu g t h~11 1 in i :-11t11k :1 lu11 g U ll L', makin g tho :;coro 3 to U. ('hu rksworth d id hi ~ bi t next. by du sting t he ius illc o f the uct , briu g iug t ht." count to :i to 0. Sa 111 a Clnus gn\·e t he Blu<'s :l :s hot whi ch made it 5 to .I. ,\l ari,; h:111 , playing the k in il o f ha ll t h:1 t h:1 .s 111:td c hirn fe ared b,· a ll o r thl' col ­lc ,:.!l':O:, was 11 cx t t o ti <·k lC t he 111 •1, g id1i g u :-. a i t o l ndvan tn ge. '1'hc11 , 'c h wa ger, the .suu t h<' rn cr's :-. ta r fo rward , got only fi eld goal of t he ga 111e. an ti t he 0111\· one his 1ca111 mad e t hat half. ThC n•fo rco, f o rgetting th nt it was flH !'i t t.: h ri:.: tmas, ga \·e L uo111cr two puiu l .s fo r no thi ng-, 111 a k i11 g it a t o t :.i l of 7 to :'.,. This cn d t·d th e :wu rin g for Whi tC' wat e r tha t h;d f, w hil o th e Pui11 t­ns cunt inul.' tl t <J drop 1 he hall t hrough, IJ~wil<lcr i11g the Blues lty t he ir fiv e· man f:1s t -b rc1}k i11g o f'fc ns t•. Th e grand tota l at t hi.: i111 c r111i~s io11 , was 14 to 5, w ith th e b ig CHl l of the score :-.111 ilin g upon th e Ccut ml S t :1 t e:-!"I .

nf pall' g' l'CC' n moire' 1• She wore s lippe rs (;uuu i:-.on . \ ' iui:, . ..J. ,· r. Hur: tl

of :,.;:iti n th at W<'re :\ pC' r f<'d 111 :1tr h fo r K° <' ll <' v . )la rit . . . . . -1 ~. 1._ H. S . th e froC' k. lf r r w rap was of hlae k .Ku ch.I E st he r .i ~· r. H. S . l'hi ffo11 ,·c h ·r t . 'J'h c youn:.r la dies' soft I .\lut•ll t'.r, ·1·: il 1.•1.•n . . .. .' .' . 1 H Ee ,·o lorr •l I-!""" "' :i d ,h• d to th e hr:rn t;· o f :-;,," lot •rn·. Ell" """ ' . :1 ~::.: H: Ee: th <' ~<'C' ne. l'a zo11 n• k 1 l. ,·111u· . . . 4 'n ·. H. E e.

Th r C:r:rnd )f:ln·h hC'g:rn n t nine l{('i tl. 1il•rh l• r t . . .J ;. r. Hural o't·lrwk . It w:1s :1 ,·cry in tl'restin l,! s pec- HoZPI I<'. 'l'h t• o(lo r1• ,i ·;· r . t:1dt• t o w:ttc h . 'rhc <"O uplcs m:H C' he <l f--.tauff\: r, .\1 1:1 :l ~- r .. l. H. S. a l,nu t in mili t a r: · f:tshion, ,·rOS!i in g fro m ~l illn, Ur\' :1 -l yr. H. S. 1·o n11•r to torn«'r of t h r g-:·m, dow n the 'l'ilh•:-.on. H11 hy . ..... 4 y r. "FI. S. <·C' ttlrr fou r :1h r(':t8 t 1 :111<1 in t he other 'l'o wk , L i• non· 4 y r. Hural u sn:11 format' ion!-1, to t lH' tmw o f ' ' On Honorable Mention \\' i!-11·n11~i 11 ". A t t h<' r n<l of th r mnrC'.h. t hr progr:t m~ \\'C'r(• di st ri hutr ,J hy l it tle .Toh n C'< ,wnn :111(1 Ca rol G:ir liy. ,,

A 11 rxcC' ll e n t r igh t - p i ere orc• hrstra, til t• .\ ,·: 11 011 F.nt c>r tainc rs, furiii !-l h c> d t he mn siC' . Tt is r eported th nt " Pi1·<·olo P f'tC' 11 wns onl' of t h eir numhr r.

T he fh rC'C' ot her eb ssrs unit e> in t he ir a ppr<'"ia ti on of t h r work of t il l' ,Junior (' l:1 :-ts. F. :-i; pcr·i nlly dcserd ng of tlrnnk s arf' tl1 t• p rople wh o work C'Cl on tli c <' Om· m ittcC'R. Th r~c pcopl C' n ro :1 8 follow s :

r. C' nN:11 Chairm nn : )fa r ion K owit z. n eeo r3 tio 11 C'ommittrC' - D oro thy

.Tohnsou. Ch :1. i rm:111 ; Irl Thu rber, Tiutll S t ille r. lT C' rhr rt Rr<', Cclin Gold hrrg.

U.cfr e~hm ent Commi tt.e<' - T,u r ill e Sc· hm iclt, Ch:1irn1:1n ; 1\li ec \Vn.lling t on , 1 L nu ra S C' hor niuger .

Tnvit :1t ion Cn mmitt c>C' - El izabeth Rogf' rS. Chnirm:rn ; Freel H <'h:11. ~ t t r(' - Orl:rndo .John son , ('h:,irman: .\ll r n R odell , .Tose phin c 'T'r rrill.

f'o 11nt1i tte,e 011 A rrangement ~ - Alice F':1lk. ('hnirmnn: Knr l T<itowski. Flora P ikf' . Ri r h:1rcl )forshnll.

George Washington Dance Friday P~ -

Th <' " ' · A . .-\. is sponsoring :1 George \Vn shlngton part,: , in t he form of n mntinee dnn re to be held Friday n.fte r ­noon from fou r 1111til fi,·c fo rt v- fi ,·C' .

Th e pa rty is nn all SC' hool nr°fair a nd C\·er:·one is gua rnnteecl a good time . Ti ck C' ts will b C' sold Fridny by W. A. A. membe rs for :1 nominal su.m, nnd w or to th <' unlu r ky one who does n ot sport :1 rNl hnt f hct by f our o'r lock. --CARD_OF JHANK$ __ Mr. and Mre. A. W. Weber and Ro­

nald , Irene, Paul, a nd Cathe rin e Weber, thank the student body and faculty members for the syntpnthy shown them in th e loss of their' son and brother, L e ighton. ·

D;n· it•:-. . E n·J:·11 . . . .. :.! y r. ,'up. 1-l otn•d t. B urton ... . -l :· ,._ H . R. )l ill :tnl , 1.:1\\' IT· lln! -l y r. Hural S up. Zimm l'r, ]( :1ro lcl ..J. _:· r. H. S.


_Feb. 20 Y. W. C. A.

F eb . 21 \V. A. A. Matinee <lan ce

.1:.,cb . 21 Stout game-there

F eb. 29 E a u Cla ire game, t here )larch 4 ).Ia.rdi Gras .

Annual Short Story Contest Now Open

Th e whis tle h c:gi1111i11g th o Mecu n<l h;d f wa s s t ill hlowing whe n Dick dril,hl cd 1he leugth of tho fl oor and :-. hook th e ne t. A rt fo ll owed with a su c kt..-r. t.: h\"a la, fittin g we ll in tho Point e rs' of f-c us ivc machin e, was 11 ext t o r ing 0 11 0 up, and a little la t e r added t wo 111 orc pQin ts by frcc- ihrnws. .:\I· th ough Hnk l' r was ill , he.: :ind Chnr les­wo r th diU s 11 111 · t•xccpt.i o11ally fi ne g:11a.nli11g , keepi 11g t he Blu es t o o ne f idcl-gnal 1111 ti l !lwre wa :-1 but o ne

1'he )Ia rga rc t Ashmun Clul, has 111i 1111 to t o play, w hcu nu,n c rous substi ­announced its annual short story con · tu1io11 :- we n: rn:ulc IJy the 'c 11trah1, aad tes t . Th e contes t is opcu to any stu- th e 11 c w me n wi•re un:1blc to pi c k out dent of Cc11tral S t:l tc T ca ehe rs ' Col- th ~ir ,u en, all o wi.u li(' t ht•1 11 t o s lip lege . 1 through t wice.

'rhc condi t ions gove rning the con tes t 'l'h l' P o in te rs' pa ::is in g, handling of f 11 1 h t· Im 11 1 a 111! foot work were the a n·

arc as. o ows : . . :-. w l' rs to a ny ccmeh ·s d·ren rn s. ![ th o 1. fhe ~tory be lll mauu:se ript 1t 'c 11t ral Statc rs kee p up th is type o f

form .. type wntt~n, double spac_c<l, lmll t hey will rank hi g h in tho stand· margrn s of an rnc h on ea c ~1 side iri g;. . and th e bot~om, and ~wo ~nches LINE UP:

_ a_L tlu,Jop; titl e p~ge withJ.itlc..o_f Hlc\"Cust'oin [ (25)---PG. p•p:----pp:--story, name of wT1te r antl number <' hva l:i, .f. .. l

2. ;t;\·~~~!)' can not b e less than ~; ·hn ;ccl e;, f. :{ 1,500 or more than 2,500 words in ·

1, .11 rks 1

, • 1.

length. \ J<· rn :111 , • • •

3. The story must be in the hai1ds of )lari,; h:d l, c. 5 the preside nt of the M a rgare t B:tk l'I', g · · 0 Ash mun Club Theodore Rozelle A lhcr t !'l . g · 0 or any of the

1instru ctors of Eng~ <}~ a rl cs \\:urth , g .. .... 1

Jish wi t hin the next t.wo months. h 1fow:-: k1 , g . 0

0 ()

u 3


0 4. Valuable prizes will be awardccl

to the winn ers of first, second, T ota ls , , . 10 5 p~, . and third places.. Two winners \Vhi tciw :11 e r ( 13~ ·}"'G. F1'11. x will be announced at the annual Schwager, f .. . ... . . . . 1 2 3 banquet. .J n: ·cox, f . . . .. .. . . .... 0 0 1

5. The--winn~r- a.utomatie.a-ll- ':=be J.-tuo.bu(;. f-.....-.-.-.-~~- ~· --- --1--comcs a mcm he r of Margaret _Pra tt , f . .. . . . : . . . . . . . 0 Ashmun Club. P e rry , c ...... . 0

6. The judges will be people from S turlernnt , g ..... . ... 0 oulsiae of the college. Their T.oo me r, g . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 names will be announced at a later date. Tota IS ..... ·· ~~ --3

0 0 1 3 1 r - 3


Vol. IV. THE POINTER No. 14. 1

l'ublish ccl Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central Wiscon- 1 sin St:1te Teachers' College. Subscription Price $2.00 per year.

Ent'crcd as second-class matter Mny 26, 1927, nt the post office nt Steven~ Point, \\"iscons in, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

THE STAFF Ed itor . . . ........... .......... Fern Pu~h - Phone 150SJ - Office 1584 N'"C'ws Editor . .. . . .. ... .......... Edith San som - Phone 652 Bend \Vritc r .....•. . .. . .. •.. •. , . . . . . . ... . ..... . l(ermit Frate r. Sport E d itor ....... • .. •.......•..•. .. .. •. .... ... . ..... . . . Orlando Johnson I Society Editor . ... . . . . .. •...... . ....•.. . . •. .• . .. . . • .... Catherine Novitski Humor .Editor ... . ... . . . ..•. ....•. • .. •................. . .. Doroth,· J ohn so n \\"01!1('11 ·s At,hl ctic:-: ..... , , . , .. , . , . . •......... : .. . .... .... ... . . Eti1 el Kelley Bus111css .\lanag-e r ....... . ..•.. . . . ..• . ..... Richard ~farshall - Phone 9G3W I Assistant Manager ... . . . . . . . • ... . • . .•.... . ... . ..... . ............ . Ced ric Vig Proof Headers ............ ... . ... •..•. . .. Genev1ove Pulda, Dorothy J ohnson Rf'portrrs .... ... . .. ... ... ......•.• . . • ........ i'\[urilla Robe rts, Esther Kuehl Ci rculation .\tanager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Kalka Ass 't. Circul:1tion .\lunagc r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,villinm Budzinowski Typist~ Estelle Buhl; irarguret Bellman, Winona Roohr Faculty Ad\"i so r ..... . . ......... . ....... . ....... .. . .. 'M:r. R. M. Rightsell


N: •'J' li 1:--<: hap1 H·11in:.r aroun<l .C. S. 'I' . C.? \\" pre ~·011 at the l'1·om ? lfan• .,·uu hcanl a11ythinir but ,·ompliments about th e 11ff11i1· ? It

<ll'~<· n·l':"\ 11 01h i11 µ- l' ls r . and w o rd s .11lo11t• c.·a 1111 ot t•:s:p1·c.•ss how well thf• ,,·l1olt.· }ll'Oµ' l"am· p1·ol·(•Nlrd.

' l'he committl1l's in chaq.!C 1111d th r l' lass as a whol e a 1·p to hl' con­;.r•·atulatL'd 0 11 thr sttt·cess of th r Pl'om. EvL1 1·y t hing fro m t he dPc.-ora ­t ion =" to till' pt11H:h dPse1·Yed ho11 on1hk mention. There is, howeYe 1·, 011e ,·omp lai111 abont lit~ 1n1n,·h which ha, h,·<· n niie,•d by nea1·ly f.!\"l' ryonl'. Tht.'l'l' wasn ' t <·nough of it . That is a min or detai l: how­,.,.,.,·. beeH us<' lhl' dane,·1·, who co ultl n 't qtwnch their thi1·st lived ! b r1,11g-h 1 h(• e\"c nin/,.!. .\ t any l'ate th<· floor cl id11 ' t sl'ent_ any le~s crowded ns th e f' \' C'1t in µ- WOl"e on.

'l'h-e spi1·it that p(• rvatl ed t ln o u:.rh ou l the wh ole• afrair mad e for :o, tu·ces:-; also .' A smiling- happy <·t·o,,·d shows satisfaction and e \· ~ry­!'Ue ·s fal' P ,·xp1·,•ssl'cl just that. P e i-Imps th e ones ,r ho wo1·ked ou till' pi-om . how,•,·cr, missed some of thi s. ~ho"· your appre,·iat ion by t e ll­in/.! them .Y ou lrnd a :.rood tim e o r menti on the fact that tlw rl eeoi·a­tio ns HtHI ;.r ra11d mareh did honor · to the new gym.

,\ lto:.rether th,• 1'1·0111 was a fit dedi .. ation of our ne w buil d ing ;111d should ac:t as c:1 11 in ec•ntive in starting othe1· functions an<l a ct· iviti c.s ai-ound this co ll <'i!P. Jt takes ,1 g 1·eat deal of hard work, but the r eward of satisfaet ion g- iY en and rece ived is pay enough. Let 's ,.II k,•ep up tlw spirit that has bPt'II ,tai-ted and make C. S. T. C. com e to th,• top. P. G. ..__._,


Pl.:<Jl-'U~E sentim<•nt has been broadtHst r·('~ardinµ- a cha ng-l' in the usual plnn ot' asst•mhly seati ng-. \Yh ether such a chan ge would

be d esi1·ahle or not could on ly be ·deeidecl hy summin g up the points in fa vor of' th e step.

lt seems that th e many ,rho have expressed sentiment concern­ing- this idea would sponsor a c lass type of seating fo r t he fo llowing reasons. ' uch a plan would prnmote and d e vel,,p a g r eater class anc) ult ;mately school spirit. lndiYidua ls would have a bette r ch a nce to g-et acquai n ted, and c lasses wou ld g-£'1 to k now w ho t he indiv id ua ls in 1 he oth e 1· cla sses arc.

Lt is evident t hat as time goes on C. S. T. C. is evinci n g more a n d more of th e co ll ege spirit which is so n ecessa ry to the success of a n institution, and if this idea which has become p r e ,·alent , is one to ;,rom o1c sch ool ,pirit. it is wo r th consicle ri n:.r. Some wi ll r eca ll that so1m•time ago on1· president stated that. th e foundation of eo ll ege Jit:e is tlass or:.rani zat ion. Jt is the1·efo n •, -w ell to advoca.te a ll th ings wh ich p1·omote a fu r tlwraii<·c of thi s p1·incip lc.


M AHD I UR.\ ~ ' )l usie. eonfrtti . lrn lloo ns , h1·i:.rht costume,, -_ __! h.L lli!.!lll' hr in~s to mind tt :,ray pi t't un•. T his is not 0 11 1.r the

pi<-tures o f an ,aeal )f:1 m i Gnis. an ima~i,rary-froli , --;t-is our ) Jal'Cli (l1·as.

1'h is is H st·hool pa rt~- in a II wa.,·s. 1·:vci-ybody in the st·hool :ittends. <•ve r.n >n<' is int c r est e<f. and <' V<'ryon e hc•lps to make it a SU(' l"C'SS.

.\ success - how is ii aehieved -? Hard wo1·k is the greatest in­g r('cli ent that 1-{0es into making anything a success. Someone must do the hard work. The seniors arc sponsorin g the fro lic, and the refor e


.\ thlt•h•':,; d1• f i11ition of :1 l": .\ fuol ­l, :111 sta1 l i11m ,,· i th :1 l'ollL'g't' a ltal·hC'll:


( Acl. i11 tht' ( 'olumlii: t Cit~· (r1ul. ) E,·cui ni.r Post) : Fh·l' roo m liungalow with hath on (·onc·n•te s tn·t·t.

).Liss D:n·is : 11 Wel l, ;Ill T h:t \" f' to ~my is if W" <lo han• nnoth1•r w:ir . T hop<' ii is with F'r:1111·r. 'l'h,· F rc 11t·h :ire• !-10 po­Jit C' . "

H. D111·ka: '' ll ow ma11 ~· 111 on• cl:1.\'8 of !;c- hoo l !' '

~\l iss Hoa r h: ".Jus t :1 miuuh•." J-1:n,·<'~·: ' 'Ts th:1t all ? ''

).fr. Uightsf'II (nfte r ta lking ahout grnvity: ) " It's th (• law of gr:n·ity that kcl'ps us 0 11 the earth.' ,

r< crmit: 11 :\l'r. H.ightst•II, how did wr stic·k 011 hcfor(' the l:1w was pa ssed! ' '

).lr. St('ine r: 11 Des<"r ihc t he ma nnNs ancl l·u~tom s of th(' peo ple of .l11di:1.' 1

Smart So ph . : 11 They ain ' t got no m:ln ners :rncl th ey <1011 ' t w<'a r no c·os· tUIJl('S.''

Heel G.: 1 1 Hcy, And('rso n, ~·ou1· mouth is open!"

A nde r!io n : 1 1 \Ve 11 , I ought to know, opened it."

J)orothv 0 . : 11 T um so tired.'' Lorett::i: 11 Do you need an~· shoc>s~" Dorothv: 1 1 No!" Lorett:i : 1 1 Ncither do T, so lct ' ij ,;to

into this shoe sto r<' n n cl hn n • a rc• gt while w e> try on a fe w p:ii r~ . . ,

11 ls your sou going to 1·ollrge 11 C'xt fa II !"

11 li e ha sn 't sa id , l1ut h f' l1oug h t a sN·o11cl -h;111d uk c lele. "

l'rof.: ''W lwt's t he mntte r, don ' t ,vou know thC' quL·st io n?''

Frosh. : "Y<'a h. but I clou't k now th r. :l ll SWC'r. 11

Anne J. (Riding clown tow n i11 th e Toonervil le Troll ey): "Sny, d r iver. c-n n 't vou run ~inv faster than this ? ''

Dri{,cr: 11 Sure0

T r an, hut I have to sh1~· in thC' c-:ir."

l'rit?.11 .: 11 Doesn 't it upsc> t ~'nu wht•n yflu run into :1 pedc~trian~ "

Greg.: "No, 1 n C' , ·rr hit 011t• :is hig a~ tha t. "


You t·1u1 lead A horse to wnt(•r

Bi1t you cun 't )lak C' him drink .

You c·an send Your hoy to ('o lfcgc

But ,·ou <·an 't. .\f;;k c him thiuk .

" Wlw t nr<' thos(' hrowu spots on ·your c.-ont, gravy~' '

"No, rust; th c•y sititl this u li't wou ld we:1r l ik e iron. "

'1 \\"h:1t h<'l':lmf• of t he girl that wns

till' t·rc.1111 in ,·our coffl•t·~'' 1 1

.. lw so ure~l 011 me.''

11 f kncwkL•tl that <1ui 1. c·oM.'' " I he t th:11 ':-1 wh~· it ':,1 :,;n ~tiff 1hi1-1

111 or11ing-. ''

11 Lo,·t• mnking i~ fht• ~a m f' as it wa s. ''

11 Ho w c• au ,·nu trll 1 ,, 11 1 j ust rl':id of . a G rcC>k maide n w ho

s:1t up aucl list c ut·d to :i lyr<' :111 nig ht.''

\\"(• · 1111,krstand t h:it the tlif ferrnee . h f'h\'l'C' n :1 profc•ssor and a s tucl('nt is th:11 :I Jll ' f'lft•SSO I' ji,; :1hSl'llt -111i1Hl c• <f a11 1l 111,• !,; llldt•11t ·s 111 i11d is .ilist•nt.

" II NC' '~ :1 g uy ~o dumh h e• think s a foo thall t·o;h· h h:i s four whee ls. ''

" ll aw! !l a w! 'l'h:it'~ a g-oo<l on<'. By tht• \\';ty. how 111n11y h;i !'; it ~ot ?"

' ' \\"hy don't y ou t!'Pl' tla• ll•tt <•r ns ll StrnJ ? ' '

"Thi~ i.!' ~• ll'ft1•r nf :11.ns <• :111<1 T want t o II SC' hhH·- ld:11·k ink. 11

\\'hat t\,·t1 Jll'riod~ :1n• mo~t 1·om 1110 11 ill hi stOI'\'?

·r1i (' r01011.

htLC011,·itt . ' 1 ..1.\rc.. , ·ou iu fo r lifc'f" ~ncl. f'on\"id . " Xoi me.• - just from

now on.

'1 \\'ait C' r, 1 ' 11 han~ po rk d1ops wit h

PrC' 11d1 friC' d 1111d I ' ll ha\' (' t he chops lean. 11

"Yes, s ir, wlli eh w:iy 'l "

Lael~· (to littlr hoy with bad <>old) -:.'J~;~\I~, Im~·. \h:1\' Cn ' t you :i hanclk c r -

Rn,· - 11 Sure , hut T tlou 't lc> nd it, to ~tr :l 1;gc rs. ''

J'rosh . 11 Shnll I 111:1l'k t imf' wit h my fcc> t, s ir.''

).[r. Sto1·kd:ilc. "Diel ,·ou ever hear of marking time with you; hnnds1''

Pro!-l h. ''T un dnstn nd eloeks do.' '

" ' Vhy :HC'n't ~' OU go inJ! with ·Mary 1111v nwrP ? ''

; 1 W<'II , sh(' wa~ n ' t J)f'('lty , clidn '(:'."'":"'<>&

11 0 111 0 11(',,·1 and married ,To('. So ~st took l hC' ridvirc of my fr ic• nds nn il dropp<'cl IH•r. ' 1 •

T eel : 1 'I wish I were clencl. '' Consoler : 11 W hyf Cnn 't you mnrry

her - or cl id you!' '

Circles Of Value J ,

Oh. 1111111.\' n timf' h t1vp ynu C' udrc·lcd my waist,

And fo nrll .r li11gCrC'd thC're. Again mnny a time whf'11 in great hnste Uicl T ,i us t fli ng you 11 11 yw hcn•,

H o: ' ' Ca n vou stan,1 on ,·our h<'a1l?'' And 1:itt•r ns f foucll,,· heside ! ' OU knelt, --Ro:- "Nori't..'s too- hi~h.'!..- -- ----I kno.\\· T (~ould 110W l0-,,·iU1out_y..ou,....my_

!-t ix !,it l!':dhcr hl•lt . ''I adore you, kid." "You talking to. me, or your

~ loves!"

11 D ocs your wat<-h te ll you t he tim e! "

"No, I hn vc t o look a t it."


Y•·s. :11ul 1 1·a11not in 1111y way forget. You , whom I <·:trcssin~ly n1lo~c, 1''o r ,\'OU tight! ,,· c ncirc•le my clirty neck Lik,~ 11 rC' <l pet ling- rou11d the core, Rut 1 k11ow for you T ' 11 HC' \'C r clio shonlde 1· th e greate 1· part ot: the burden . The students get th e pape r -} .. o r you arf' onJ.,, :.1 d ol_l:tr ti<'.

nr I t hardly seems fair that one small g-roup should do all the w o1·k , Tl" , B<· hool gets the fnmc -while th e e n tire stud ent body participate in th e fun. Vv e can all help 'rhc printer i:e ts th e money - Whr is it tl1<• sma lle•t T love the be•t

The staff gets all the blam e. Tl 1 1 1 • 1 t · , y cooopera tlrw-wiTlrrlre:wnturs:--'f"lrey-w-mrrmore-stunts-cnter ecl- 1 ----=========-----h,v'~~·~~ i; 1; . 0~" Y r~~~1·,;~ ~.;';n men~~••

--inti tuntcnnte·sr. You.., re t he one to ~et husy wOl·king on one. Senior: "'Vhe n my cL1 cl we nt ha <' k to A1HI o,·n :''OU lovingly linger .,Y.Q11 r _costumr 1·~ady so that th f' dan ce will truly be a his olcl home nf t er 2:l _venrs, he fell on \\"h c'n ,vour only trur vn lur is the m es-"Pirates Ball". hi fil fac·e nnd kigsed th e pnve me nt. " - - - ,mg<' you hring, - --

Frosh: 1 1 Emotioll T'' M~· prer ious men nful engagement ringf Seni or: "No, bannnn skin." w. X:. L et's light en th e .seniors ' burden ! S. E.



Grammars Meet For Sleigh Ride Treat

" J'il (' in , everybody!". di rl.

and th c>y

·Th e.· liusiu css ml'et ing- of th e G ramm ar .Round Talilc was ,·cry brief, for all W l'rt" cagt•r t o hop into thl' bob s lL•ds w:,1itiug- out s ide. 'l'h (' 11igh t w:1s i d c:1: for :1 sl<•ig-h ride nnd <'Vt!ryone apprcc i:1 -t('d the f:1<'1. Th e Gr:unm:irs' hila riuu:i s inging, :11· ('o mpa ni ed hy one or two ti ­mid h:1nnonil·as, urg-ed the hor~1.·s to "sp<.'ccl up " . . \ few of th e 1w:1c1.• ful l' i , ti7.l'IIS seC'un•d to t hink th a t th e two full sleighs were fro m an ins:rn e :1syh111 ,, 1,ut th(• Gramma1·~ Wl'r<' out for a good ti me.

Late r. rlou~h nut s and (·offcl' wrr,::, s,•1·­,·ed i11 :\lr. Wat son's room . 'I'h osc wh o clc•,·ourccl four or f i,·e doughnuts w it h ­ou t ba tti ng a n eyelash l':1 11 pron• th :11 t lw lu1wh was "not so h:1d.' ·

Spindler Speaks At Meeting Of Rurals

~ NusoN HI\LL Nons ]J · llc llo - Again: 1 tohl \'OU I 'cl ht• h:ll·k 0 11 t h(' jol,

a~11i11 thi S Wl'C'k 1 hu t I'm not going tu 8:ty how mul· h morC' I hnvc to jalihl•r ahout. Y ou should hn\' '-' scC' n - an<l hl.' :tl'<I - the rush :1rou11d h t•r(• S:1 tur ­tlay nil{ht. - 'rhc g irl'S who went to IIH' prom 11l'cdcd no Fn•uch maicl s to :i.s~igt I twm. 'l' hcrc wa s plc11t,\' of frC'l'


Sot m:rny of us will forget St. ValC'n · tin e 's Da\' . 'l'h C' ,·cstihult• w:1s s t:u·kC'd \\"ith paek:t j!l'S, p;1t•kagcs and mon• p:wk:1gt•s. Heart - shaped onrs wrn· t·spl't·i:1lly i11 e,· id l' ll l'l', :111cl the fortu ­nat C' ones to whom tht•,· were addrrsscd w,•rt• tht· t'II\'\' 11 f ih ,• test. :r•uor " Pik e•" the pOs tm:111 was hc:n ·i ly lo:i ­tl('d with ard <' nt prott•s tations o f last ­iu~ :1ffP l"li o11 1 c.•fl'., l'tl·., - you know till' usual line.

S1111dnv was n m<· mond11 t• cl:l y fo r two of 1111• 1

•1 f:i111 ilv'' w ho t·t•lt ·h1·:;l t• <I thl.'ir

hi rthd:1,·s. A,;it:1 Dnlt o u c·C' le l>r:1h•cl hf' rf: :11· honH' iu Par<lf'l'vi ll C' . \Vin o11:1 Uoohr's hirthclay wm1 •·t•ll'hratl•d hy h:1\'in~ :t spC'1· i:tl t;d1I C'. Alnrn Chnpm :rn, :1 :-;isfl'r of '.\lay (' ha p m:111 was a g-uest of honor :it thr t:th ll'.

Ou r ~i1·k l ist h :Ht iJC'C'II ~hortc ncd. Oulv two ;.:-iris Ruth S··~·mour :incl Ir1.·11 c },l.'~­

m:111 i1· h - \\'l' rC' ill this week :rn cl th C' ll ou h · for :1 ff'w dn,·s.

•j, h r Pro m hrou~ht many g u C'sts h l· r C' for lhC' ,,·rl'k ·l'!Hl. Ruth X c uC'n sd 1w;111 -dN C'n t <•rt:i in C'd a frirnd from he r hom e wh o 1· :111H' to :1tt1•11 d th t• Pl'Om. Patric ia C'ow:111, t hr 11 Prom QurC' n '' c.•ntC'rtn in C'd hC'r s istt•r '.\!i fol;s Strlln Cowan o f ·Mau s­ton.

Th <' (' 11 1·.n·lope<lin f und shows ,-•igns of swe lling- to e uormous proportion s . Th e.' pi<' ·:i 1:) 'mocl (' .!-1 :tlC' spou~o rcd by c·orricl or

)li ss Broc. kl>ank , the newl!· l'lc i: ted C'ight \\"t•tlin·iHl:1~· 11ight :11l<l l'd thl'l' l' p resi dent of t he Rur:d Li fe, ('Juh, pre· doll:1rs for t hr worthv cause'. Th e si clcl1 at the mc('t ing whi c: h was held o n 1 ' whi h' e l('ph:rnt'' s;ilc fs <'X JW<·t ed to )fonday night of this week int·re :1 s(• tl~ t· i\ 1: t· ount in. f:n·or o f t11l'

Aft er n shor t h usinl'ss mee tilig :i <'llt·y1·lopC'il 1:1s, too. Bri ng all !'OUr mc11 's qunrtcttc l'O mposccl of A1l~ert 1

11 Whit (' Elephants' ' out!

Klebe rg, Orin Enrrso n, ]\crmit },r:Iter Th<' C'X<' itmC'nt in <>o rridor on C' was :rnd Tri Thurl)(' r presC'nh•d a g roup of J_!r<' :it wh <'n CC'(·ile Stt•ph cns :rncl lier songs :1s th e fi rst numher on the pro- gut•s ts from Rhi11el:111cler nrri,·Nl :it J.!rnm. Reid th e n l<'d th e g roup in 10:40 S :iturdny night to' nd th e (·o nunu,tit._v s inging. Th e address of t he prom . Th ose w ho roomNl in the corridor I r ,·f'ning was giveu hy ".\[r. Spind l(' r . rns ln •d to g('t tll('m ren dy so that tlwy lfis t opi c wns ''The Comparison of Li ft. did h:a vC' :1 good half hour nf cl:11H·i11J! iu U rhnu :rnd Rural Communiti es ." H1• IH' fo r(' th (' Prom r ndccl. jlfl'Sl' ll tC'd th e s itu:iti o n from a ne w Ln,·C' rn Cla r k gpt•nt th (' w!'(' k -e ncl in : 111glr whic·h wa s ,·t'ry inte rest in g. Th <' Rt·h o fiC'hl w h ere shf' c·clehr:at <"d he r C luh certninl~, appr l'c intcs his ki ndu l'si-: hirflHht,·. Emih· ".\furrav nnd Lorn:1 in appearing 0 11 the program. Quinn '~'•· nt to tl; c ir homr· for th r week -

Th e Program (· losecl with 1,0 11ununi ty <'lid. )fiss Vido ria M:1son W(' nt to ~inging. )fa rshf if' ld on Saturdny, also.

Huldn , Viprurl e njo~·C'cl th e WC'<'k· (' !Hl :1t )f:ulisou.

Ruliv C'urti ~~ rf'turu N I 8und:1y fro m


hl·r in \Vn us:1u.

L O Y O L A It srem~ that Rpr in J! is on t.h c \\·n~· 11 ow1 so perhaps the rlormitor.v will h t' :i lmost vnr:1 t N I <'VC' r \' W('<'k -cnd no w.

=====I. \VC' ll, h e r(' ' s for ;, good tim e nt th r

An interesting program in ,·h:1rge of ):la ry Agnes Boyl e wns heard by the Loyola Club m embe r s last Thurs clny

".\f:1r<li Grns! The Dorm Co-ed.

night, f eatured by :1. short tnlk h;· F nth rr Thurek s of St. Stephens pa ri sl; . .. ---------------. ".\[u s il·;1l numbers by J-l c l<'n l·l amm cs, It Pays To Be Well Groomed Edith Sansom, and Ruby Hand were GIVE US A TRIAL specialties. A delightful lun rh wa , Ladies' and Children's Hair Cut se rv ed by Mi sses H e le n llamm ('s a11d

Estelle Buhl. 'AL' c.~ 'SIG'


R emington Portable T )!pewriters

H. D. McCulloch Company


Gd That ;!.';c Hair Cut at



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Everyon e reported n very e njoy ahlc vt' ni'ng-n11 d-by-thc--numbcT i'n ntten ­

dnn cc we a rc hceoming co nvin ced th e Loyoln is becoming one of the lea ding

'-------------~---4~1-.~-~----- Arriving- Daily:- - - -org:rn izat ions in t he Coll C' ge.

¥. W. C. A.

Stevens Point Beverage Co. !<ANITARY & MOD E RN

PHONE 61 Come And See Us

The dormitory li,·iug room was the MOLLGLENNOlN , CO. -scene of a Y. \V. C. A. ten Thursd av afternoon. Th e fu cul ty and studt,;t y O U R members of the l'.'.. W. C:-J\lr. """'"rr.ree,pmr'>oc;"A'---'"'-"'-::':"=--=----I-.J--1--1---­sent to hear the talk gi \' en hy i\frs. T X I Baldwin. Mrs. B nldwin ' s in spiring ta lk d·ealt -with t~c philosophy of life- a nd CARS F OR A.ENT


gave t he college girl's " slnn t" on li fe . PHONE 6o Tea. candies and cak es w e re s~,::cl".:·~~~~~~~~~~~=====~-'!':==============================-


Twelve Pledged To English Fraternity

At the meeting of the lfa rg-:l rc t Ash· mun Club, Fcbnrnr~· 12. tweh'c mcmb~rs of t he c lub took t he pledge of th e Psi Bet a Chnpt c r of t he Sigm a rr :rn Delta, a national honorn.ry English society. Be­cause of t he rcl:itin~·l v sma11 number of student in this ro11Cgc who major in E nglish, t he a cti ve m<'mhcrship iu Sig· mn 'l'nu Delta is li1nitr cl t o t welve people. Professor Burrough!-! ancl )fiss Davis :Hl111i11i stcrcd the pledge SC'rv iC'~ . Th C' assoc· iatc me mbers will he C' hoscn la te r. Initi ation ccremoniC's will take pl!lec in two weeks. rrhc plcdg~s fur :1ctivc m('mbersh ip are :u; fol lows :

L. 11. Burroughs Thco<lon· Rozelle Dr. R. D. B:1 lchrin )[iss B. )I. Hussey )[iss 'hlilclrccl Da ,·is )fiss E lennor Goc rbing Elizabeth Clapp Claren<'C' Tesk r )f:uy Agnrs Boyle Yi<' to rin )f:i son )far~nrPt n e:uliug )fa ric ) Iollen.

Margaret Ashmun Club Elects Pledges

F ollowing assc> mbly la st Thursday, a ~pce ial mcC' ting of th e :Margaret Ash· mun Club wns (' :died for t he purpose of clectin~ new members. rrhc people who rece ived Jes tlw n three opposing votes a nd met the ot her rec1uiremcnts ha,·e re· ee i,·cd in,·itations to hCcomc pletlges of t he club. There arc onh" fo ur such pC'n plc. ·

'l'hev arc as fo llows: · Karl T<itowski

Elizabe th Clapp Cedric Vig B tirton Hotvedt.


)[nrch 7th , t he _j!jve r FalJ s negative tea m will come h(' rC to debate with the C . . . T . C. aff irmative squad composed of Alta Stau ffe r, Richard K ulasnvage1

and L awrenc·c Margr af£. Professo r Albert F rankzski of the Lawrence Col lcge speech dcpnrtment w ill j udge the debate.

The snrnc day the negative teami eon· s isti ng of Burton H otvedt, Esther Haw· kcs. and Floyd Higgens, w i11 go to Su · pcrior to debate the aff irmati,·e team of the Su perior Stntc Teacher's College.

M r. Burroughs reports a good turnout for oratory, this year. H e will make a select ion of the school ora ton · and ex­temporaneous speakers wi tll alterna th- es Friday, F ebruary 21.

1' he senior e lnss will b e presented by the s peech elass, English 306, wh ich is a senior class cleeti ,·e. The class h-i.s been rc ,·icwing \'a rious plays with th e view of mak ing a selection for the class ·piny from them.

Monday, the class reviewed " Out· ward Bou nd 1 1 and '' The Beggar On Horseback". Ot her re ,·icws ";11 fol­low.



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(Cout inu cl from page 1 col. 1 )

ri- t11r11 L·t l to Ce ntra l to com plete hi -, :-oplu1111orl' y1'.'ar. ' l'h C' [ r{'shrnan arc l'1t••·tionl..'t' ri11g fo r 8urto11 ll ot\·cdt and \"idan En~e.

0111\· ont• ad111i:- :- io 11 ti<: ket j :,; 11('i·rs· :-:1r~· ·ro r t he L'·mt·nt o f all ih c:~c tn·ats. It will ad 11 1it ,·ou t1• t he s t1111t :­:1ntl t hi• lla11 t.:L', gin! .,:011 onL· h1111tln..' d ,·ott•s fo r the ldng :rnd qut•cn t.1f y ou r 1·h11ic1•, aud a ('t as a 111 (':t\ ti C' kC'l a:- WC'l l. .\ 11d :di this i:-i , ·ours for <.1111.· :-1111a ll d o ll:1 r. ·

'l'lw ti t."kc t :-i a rt• 0 11 sn lc a t th e Count · ('r. lt is on ly 1hroug h huyiu:z thC'st' that a Pl'l':-1111 111ay \'Otc for 1.": 111 dida t C's in tht· P opul:irity Con te:-:t .- [f he ur :-he h:1 :- iu\'itcd a g-nC'st from out:-i<lt• of t he :-l'hool ii \\'Ould IJ C' a<.h-anta.l,!co us to 111·(H"lll' I.! th t• 1,! lli.'.S I ·s "4._. ket aud ea.s t h is ,·o tes hcfo cc it i:- too 1 a.t t~. All ,·u tin g (·t1upo11:- of cu lJcge s tudents mu:-:t be in the ballot box at the Counter before 110011 of Tu esday, ~Iareh -1. H C' rctofo re, ,·otc:- h:"·e bl·c· 11 ext ra. 'l'his :'·car t hey will be in eln dc tl in the pr ite of ad · 111i s:-i io11.

I NVITATIONS TO BE ISSUED .\II ~tu dent :-, fa cul ty 111 r mbcrs, an•l

othc-rs<,c·i:1tctl with the college nrc automa tiea lly , in\'itcd to attend. I f :111y :- u t h pu:-on wishes to indte gue!3ts uut :-i de of the coll i'ge, he or she must dt•po:- it a slip of pape r b ea ring the 11:1111 C's and :Hltln!:-:-lt•:; of the inv itees a11tl hi:; o r he r 11 a1 ne in a box in th e offil't'. If :-ut· h names arc npprO\'ecl , in,·it a1io 11 s ,,· il1 IJ r issuct.1 .

Thi s party is 1.w e of th e !Jig fcaturf'S of the :;otial yea r. This is' a real, all· sdwul frolic. Th e g~·111 will b e gor· gcou:--ly tfoeorated fo r the oce:1sio 11 . It is ex pec: te(l that all s tudc11ts who enjoy :1 g-oud time \\'ith f un ga lore will :1ttr 11 d , in pirnte cos tum e if at all p os­~ihlc. The pirate posters in t he JinJI ~ will 110 doubt trrate an urge to come :1 ppea ring :l !i bold and batl a s i-tny c rea · tun! illus tra tcU .

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