The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-04-10 [p ]. · 2019-02-05 · PLATTSUOOTH HERALD....

PLATTSUOOTH HERALD. ITULISHKI) DAILY AND WEKKLY 11 v The Flattsmontb Herald Palilishina: Co. For City anUC'uuiitr Iiri lory, Rail iry Tline Table. Telephuntt Kxcha ig UluIiium Bu.luvti Card &c, e third page. JEFF. L. STONE, - City Editor. A. Salisbury, UentUt. The members of the T. A. M. club are requested to nieetMt the council chamber to -- night at7:J'J. A full utteniiuu o is lcsired. W. C. Itou-id- s bade farewell to every fear last niht, aud iu his mind ttuiue of his creditors. Ills whereabouts to- day are unknown to them, ut they would like to ('. Uouudti and Hquarw up with him. The Journal get a little mixed, at times on its editorial geography, oning, perhapH, to the J1U cellaaeous manner In which it mka up its edi- torials. It is now laboring (like Kab lab wife) with the outrages commit- ted or permitted by the republican party in Connecticut, and grows indig- nant that the Nutmeg State has failed to elect Shot Oun Sprague. Governor. ETidently the Journal has not heard from Rhode Island or Plattsmouth. At the art loan the ladies hare a Jnp anese anil Chinese department, presided orcr by a lady arrayed in the dress of tno heathen. That branch of the nrt loan will attract a large circle of admiring np'.-ftator.- Mr. 8. M. Chapman hi the !det book on exhibition at the art loan, un English law and justice book, in an ex- tra state ot preservation. Arrangements are being perfected to- day lor the concert Friday evening iu connection with the art loan. No extra charge for admission will be made. V regret to learn that our coteua-porary- ," the Journal, "is iu aueh dis- tress" because of the conJition of the IIf.kal, and if it if any source of satisfaction to our considerate friend, and will in any manner relieve him of some of the bile which has so appar- ently accumulated since the Daily IIekald commenced, we will stale lh;a paper is iu a flourishing condition, with about 300 paying subscribers on its list. Not an employe is compelled to stay, and if they are not satisfied with their wages, they are at liberty to go. The boys are paid every Satur- day, are paid in money aud arc paid good wages, the Journal to the con- trary, notwithstanding. It's none of the Journal's business, any how, come to think about it. whether the IIkr- - ald pays its help anything or not. It is not the policy of the Herald to in- dulge iu personal attacks upon people for the mere purpose of having some- thing to say, but the Journal's "dis- tress" to know something of the con- dition of the Herald, must be attend-c- d to, and we hope he is fully satisfied if not ho might come and look ever the books. The Herald will continue to be printed each d y, aud the help will bo paid as usual every Saturday. and paid good wages. ALMOST A SUICIDE. A Case Deserving of Sympathy. The fellow confined in jail for the burglary of the Louisville saloon, at- tempted to hang himself this morning and very nearly succeeded. lie has suffered a great de.d tr.m epileptic fits, and is last becoming an idiot or maniac as the result. Deputy Eiken-bar- y had his arms fastened down at his side by injatis of a belt around his waist, and thin morning h succeeded in getting his arms free and the belt from around his waist. He fastened the belt around his neck and tried to Lang himself from the bars, but was prevented by the interference of other prisoners. These fits be claims are the result of a mad dog bite received a number of years ago. The fellow is to be pitied, and something should be done for him besides coufining him in the county jail. Where are the philantnrophists. A MOGUL'S MARRIACE. The Cental General Ticket Agent of the B. A M. Tied for Life. On the third of the present month, Mr. P. S. Eustis. the well known and popular general passenger agent of the B. & M. was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Russell, daughter of Wil- liam T. Griffith, in Pniladelphia. It was expected that the bride and groom would arrive home yesterday, and accordingly their comfortable suite of rooms in the Millard hotel were put in shape for their recrption. A Bee reporter caught u glimpse of some of the presents which awaited the bride, and they were beautiful in deed. An exquisite bouquet, of the horse-sho- e design, occupied the spaco on the center table. It was of the most delicate and fragrant rosebuds with a lovely calla lily iu the center and on each side. This was an offer-la- g from Mr. Eustia' admirers in the headquarters building. Then there was a beautiful toilet set of embroidered blue silk from Miss Eva L. Ives and a very handsome bevelled plate glass mirror in a hand painted velvet frame from Mrs. Sid- ney E. Locke. Unfortunately the bridal company did sot arrive as was expected, but they will find the evidences of good will and remembrance when they do move into their quarters in the Mil-- 1 lard, tvbich can oot bat be plusiog. Ecr. Tu genuine . TM1 CITY COUMCIL. Their Regular tfteetlnff Last Eve-nin- e; and the Business Trans acted. . The Council met in regular session last evening. Present Mayor Weckbach, Council-me- n Scbnellbacher, Keloid. Hartman, Murphy and Lehnhoil and II. M JJushnell, clerk pro tern. The reading of the minutes of last regular meeting was dispensed with. Applications aud bonds accompany- ing for saloon licenses were presented byCieo. 1. Weidman. F. Uoos, M. O'Connor, J. J. McVey aud Peter iluuiui, and the same were referred to committee on licenses. The mayor called attention to the necessity for opening up a road in the north part of the city. Mr. Howland. Mr. Wayman aud city engineer Fair Held, who were present with the coun- cil, spoke of the necessity if some- thing being done iu the matter at once. On metion of Mr. Hartman it was referred to the committee on streets, alleys aud bridges, together with the city engineer, with power on their part to take action at once. A communication from J. A. Con- nor relative te the city's purchasing certain grounds for additions to Oak Hill cemilery was read and on motion referred to the cemetery committee. The following bills were presented, and referred to the finance committee: Mrs. Uoba While, wood for city .$ 13 50 G 30 50 00 S3 70 24 00 5G 63 23 00 13 10 2 13 2 00 200 63 50 00 14 00 II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber . J. Ioh nes, night police C. YV. Sherman, priming Omaha Herald, blauk books. . F. Krohler, chief of police. . . J. I). Simpson, salary March. . J. It. Cox. sundries Johnson liroa., hardware.... u. C Hal lard, special police.. F. Krohler, work on streets. . II. Cooper, clothing burned Y. A. llendrickson, surveying On motion proceeded to canvass the vote of the city election held April 3 The mayor appointed Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hartman to conduct the canvass, who. after opening and canvassing the votes, reported the following: t or Mayor O. S. Smith. votes : V. V. Lcn- - aid '.'ij ; Smith majority 301. j Forilerk W. ti. Wine. XA votes; J, D. nuiwun,400 voien : siiiipvou waj 42. For Treasurer W. H. Kline. T.a votes; W. H. Cuxliing. 4U3 vote ; Curbing maj 171. For Kngiueer U. W. Fairfield, 4.'8 votes . ltiacK Mi voiea ; raiment inaj. u. For Police Judge B. F. Stout. 33a votes. For Cuncilni-i- i 1st ward ii. M. Hons 7 votea ; U. V. Mathews, 53 votes ; Hons ruaj 34. For Councilman 2nd ward J. II. Fairfield. 8-- ; F. tf. White. GO ; Fairfield inaj "3. For Councilman 3d ward J. K. Morrison, lai ; C. F Nichols. 102 ; Murrieon maj 7!i. For i iuncilxnan-4- th ward 1. McUallan, 106 : J. C. Eikeubary. 81 ; McCallan maj 27. For schooi board fhort term llarticau 404 vote. Maryland 39il, liartigau'a maj. 11. For school board lout; term Winters teen 42a. Bennett 410, fchowalier i. Carruth 401. On motion the report was adopted and clerk authorized to issue certificate of election to those elected on the city ticket, and to M a Hartigan, I. O Bennett and W Wiutersteln as members of the school board. After which council adjourned to meet this evening for the transaction of business. Personal. Ed Wescott returned from Chicago this morning. MisB Jessie Baker left this morning for Agency City. General Smith and Dr. Clutter were on the train for Omaha this morning. Attorneys Hartigan and Crites went to Nebraska City this mcrning to attend the district court now in session at that place. j Elder J. G. 3Iiller, of Lincoln, is in town and is arranging for the sale of ! pome of his lands on Four-mil- e. William Coon, of Weeping Water, was in the city today, on his waj to New York. J. E. Morrison started this p. m. for Fromout, Nebraska, where he at- tends the grand lodge K. of II which is in session in that city. Mrs. Wm. At wood left last evening for Illinois, where she will spend sev- eral months visiting relatives aud friends. W. J. Agnew Teturned from Ash-lau- d last night. Wm. Atwood went to Ashland this morning-- , he iuteuds visiting the western part of the male before he returns. Yine street takes the cake for girU, any way. It was a whole nieaagerie, lemonade and all, to see oae of them from the front yard this She ran out aud in a soft, sweet roice give the cow a pointer to the gate. Madam Cow had a pretty fresh appetite for the nice green -- rrass which grew in the front yard, and de- sired to linger longer, but the girl got emphatic, and picking up a email piece of 'board proceeded to demonstate her earnestness Iu tho matter. It is needless to say the cow concluded to go. A couple of suspicious looking cusses thought to steal a ride on the Iv. C. train this morning from Oreapolis to Platls-tnout- h. When the traiu started so did they, and Ihey succeeded iu getting 011 the pint Tor 111 of the frout car, next to the tender. Fortunately they were noticed when they got ou, and Conductor Har- vey promptly stopped the train and put them off. They probably footed it to town, and cursed the conductor. Regular meating of the W. C. T. U. tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the Presbyterian church. It is hoped there will be a good attendance. Mrs. Cooley will prefide. filter Beport As furnished officially to the War Department. 7 feet thre iocLes, a fall of two inches since last report. Don't forget thoe fin prizes that Ford often fur roller skating. 38t2 LAdies, yrjur special attention is called to tlio new line of tins goods just received at Week bach's. 23ltf Commissioner's Proceedings. Board met Monday, Api il 2, pur- suant lo adjournment. Present, com-mi'tjiouc- rs Crawford, Ilichurdtou and Todd and couuty clerk Jcuniags. Minutes of last meeting read aud approved. The following claiiri9 were allowed on the General Fund. II Uocck coffins for paupers and burying $21.25 W II Baker xudae 10 .On V Ilerold mde 14.60 M IJ Murphy & Co mdse 14 95 J Sharp keeping paupers etc. $107.35 lees rent $'21.25 86 20 J V Weckbach mdoe to paupers 18.55 Hkiuli) Tub. Co. pnutiugetc. . 41.50 I) 1) Johnson extra fees on col- lection of taxes 5.00 Claim ot John Cail for room lor election at Louisville, not allowed. Cost bill in the following' caes were allowed: . State of Neb vs ChailcsiSuyder 33.25 " F Hamilton 8.70 ' Win Kedey 3.45 " "Jake Mvcrs 9.60 Tho following claims were allowed on Bridge Fund: Beardsly .fc Davis lumber $7213 South Platte Lumber Co. lum- ber for dist No. 6 73.97 M B Cutler lumberaud building bridge in dist 27 22.40 J W Cox pnll lax refuuded aud laud 4.00 T Clark poll tax refunded and land 3.75 T Clark poll tax rei n tided aud land 5 00 D Satchel poll tax refunded 3 00 Richey Bros, lumber . . 16.35 Bills of Smith & Blank Bros, and J. M. Roberts lor medicines were not allowed. Resignation of S. II. Draper, over- - seer road dist 19, was accepted. The following overseers were then ap- pointed: J S Lloyd overseer dist. li). A Sturm overseer difct. 41. O Tefft 44 v 56. J floheushell overseer dist. 7. The fo!lowing official bonds were then approved: Peter Stoll overseer district 42 with Henry .Stoll and Hans Stoll a sure-tic- s. A. K. Sutherland overseer district 53, with A. Ii. Dickson and B. Y. Wortman as sureties. The bids, under advertisement for county Physician, were opened and found as follows: Joseph Hall, $80 a year; Hamilton Meade, 7o; W. JI. SchiMknecht $200. After full consideralioa, the contract was awarded to Hamilton Meade. Board adjourned until Wednesdav, April 4. WEDNESDAY SESSION'. Board met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Full board prseent The fol- io wing bonds were approved: J. T. Lloyd, overseer road district 16, with It. Morrow and Walter Jeuk- - ms as sureties. The following overseers were np pointed. C. F. Liiu, overseer district 24. J. K Burdick, overseer district 50. Utlicial bond of C. F. Lau, overseer district 24, was approved, with James Hall aud J. V. Weckbach as sureties. Bond of II. Moade as county physi- cian approved, wilhL D. Bennett, C. E..Black, A.,X. Sullivan aud J. M. Patterson as sureties. The following claims wero allowed on county general fund. C Schluutz poll tax refunded on road dist. 4 & 3.00 W J White moving clerk dist. court's office 20.00 G W Fairfield surveying and plat books . 82 0i) J C Eikeubary b'du'gr pris. for March 36 00 11 W Ilyers jailor's lees forM'ch 46.5U Joseph Fairfield assisting sur- - veyor 3. ; 53 Virgil Mollis assisting surveyor 3 50 It G C'lizbo erroneous tax 10.00 Peter Merges mdse poor house. 7 75 HA & Sou lumber for jail 11.00 E V Hock wood rent of court room 1st quarter 7f.C0 II Meade salary aw county physi- cian 4 mouths 3o,25 D II Wheeler & Co. premium ou insurance jail aud court house . l&iOoUuil PP Gassetal iuqueKt of John Johnson 82.75 Kequests of overseers foriuinber and spikes laid over until May meet- ing. (continued.) - s - It la Coming. ' TheKiralfy Bros. "Black Crook" spec tacular drama is on its winding way to Ptattsmouth. The shnw will be here ou Thursday evening nest, 12th inst. The bill posters, programers, aud lithograph ers have been busy th- - last two days. and everybody yvill know just what is in store for them at the opera house Thursday next. The vale of couuou s tickets commences to-da- y, and we would suggest an early call to those who would avail themselves of eligible seats, for they no doubt will be sold at a premium by speculators on or before the evening of the exhibition. Head the advertise-me- n t. "Aral's nature passed through the Alembaic of man." Emerson. Geo. (Iraybill, teacher ot a thor- ough and practical system of physi- cal and vocal culture, and expn ssion Ly voice and action. Children's classes, advanced class-e- s, Siakepeare or 3Iiltou classes, private classes, public am! parlor readings at reason ablo rates. Otllcc at the Perkins bou. Wednesday Night at the Art Loan. On Wednesday evening the ladies having the art loan iu charge will give an old fashioned supper in connection with the exhibition at KockwooU hall, at which time and place the ladies will 1 attirud in customs of "yc olden time," and the styles of the past will nil be rep- resented. Tue supper will be in quality and ouautity to satisfy nil and the enter- tainment will be one of the most enjoya- ble of the week entire. "Say," said t he wood sawyer to the confectioner's clerk, us he wiped the sore by his ritfht eye," how is it we don't H'C as much of you as usual up around this part of Vine street?" "What the :iat- - ter with you?" replied tin? eh-rU- , i s he swallowed a Jiesli carauit I, "am I I around here as oiu-- as usual, or arc you trying to A pril 1.j.1 mc !'' "No, I am in dead earnest," replied tnc- - ood sawyer as he sighted along the keen cdg.; of his corporation liddle. "I was cut tiug wood here until after dark last night, and yoa hav'ul lteu up to day." "Never you laind inr," replied the clerk its he tumeil over a hu.:I;et ami sat on the dry si'le of it. "J low i it with you; wire you ever in Jove, and do you think a man can Imv the way 1 do morcthau once?" "Well I should think not," replied the ancient man of the saw buck. "You ve yot it awlul had. Why, all the boys sr.. and here are talk- ing about it and wondering when it is coming off. and the girl she hings and seems almighty happy all the time. You ueed'nt mind about mo; if I was ever in love I did'nt put in all my time chasing a girl, and I did'nt swing on the gate he-lo- re dark go that all the nciglibors could see me and have th.; whole town onto me and there want any skating links, when I was a hoy, ami I never had a caddy of sweet things to catch a girl with. I'll tell you how I would catch ou when I was young and before 1 took to flrilkk .QMliW tti4V Imf m'l ltj.t!r rim j right in and see'her now, f..r she's oen lookiDg for you lor .some time, and you are most out ol candy, too For Kent. The northeast comer room in bakery, ("oo-- l for olfiee or small business. 34 tf F. Stahki.maxn. The rink is crowded every niglit and those attending say it is the liuewt place for amusement in the city. il'i For Sale. Fo ir lots together iu good location in the citv " of Plattsmouth. Impure at this oilice dtf Get ready for the masquerade ou roll- er skates next Tucsdav evening. J3t2 Ice! Ice! Ice! Now is the time to contrac t for your summer's supply of ice. Bod rock prices prompt delivery and superior quality of ice, first come first served by the new ice man. (12 mi Joe Path field. The genuine Louisiana perlijue smok- ing tobucco at Schickel's. wl 37d(it A new line of line diets goods con-sisti- ug of the latest styles nud patterns just received at Weckbach's. 23ctf A Square .""leal Can be had at the Citj' Hotel for only 23 cents and lodrinu at same reasonable iates. Farmers and (Tominercial Men will please hear this in mind. d&wtf Henry Foeck Has an elegant liuc of baby carriages for sale very cheap. Also a nice lot of refrigerators aud tlio largest stock of fur- niture .ever brought to'Plattsmonth at prices that can't be discounted. It will pay you to see him. d3Diw2-t- f Everybody is invited to attend the triinn-e- opening tf pattern hats and bonnets at Mrs. A. 1 Stout's, Friday and Saturday, April and 14th. A boquet will be presented to every lady. Jw2t(IGt Ladies; you ae invited to attend the trimmed opening of pattern hats and bonnets at Mis. A. V. Stout's, Friday and Saturday. April l:)th and 14th. A boquet will be presented to every lady. .Swt2dCt Lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers and other choice brands just received at Schlegel's. wl 37dGt. A second invoice of Feck's Bad Boy Must.received at Warrick's cheap book store at 45c per copy. SGdGt Warrick always keeps the best 17.3 s terst headlight oil at H cents. 150 0 test headlight oil at 25 cts. wl-d3Pt- G For Sale.! :v !: 3, Sec 3, t. 12, 11. in. S l: - Sec v. v, n. 13. T. U', it. 13. X. W. -- W-, lo, T. 2, U. E S. Ar. ec :u, T. 1:j, I:. E A, Lot 10, Block 28. " 3, 59. . " 7 & 0. 2:3. S , '; , ii. Duke's Addition. The above described lUrnis fur sale on long time, with 7 tier cent, interest. Apjy to It. U. WINDHAM", dOtf riattHiiouth, l(-h- . Troy City Laundry Now Located on WASHINGTON AVENUE. W. B. lii.'OW.N, Proprietor. Transient Work solicited rhankliiK my patron ror pait favors. 1 soli- cit furtlirr work. Keineinber the place. Muckeuhau house. Washington Avanue. Notice. u nerpiiy given Hint a ort:in noie from .1. C. Felei-so- a to 'iodfrfV Fickler tlao-- a Marcli 2ot li lb62 f..r witli Interest lrm cfato at 10 pr cent and duo Marce wth, 18i3, has bren loxt. Everv ner-o- n U h -bv m nrt Hk'Hiiis! ouyiiiK Ham note as tlie same is due and has been rniid. Uated Aurll 3. ISSC. naDFUKr Ficklf.u ilt J. O. I'ltTElCWW. - . ' - Take Notice. We will receive Guff & Fleishman's compressed yeast every Tuesday and Friday ruuriiinifs. fresh, nt Bennett fc S4 tf Crying made easy J on Imiid ugaiu wltli his fiery horse rtdish whicn i made t'rni every J.iy at B.ibintou's factory and hoi l" wicilcsule und rt-tu- next door to T. trrson's mesit market. Sohl by all grocers an I h.itchrri. .'17-2- 1 (;iifw th- - ()! I!i Tluft 1 fine cut for sale on! v at Si li!;-- ' ri's. vl :57 1 S' A full line of pin; un i line cut hew- - ing tobacco at .S.:.'iie, vi's. wl 37iiCt I To iCenl. Fiiruishi'd t j : s !"ir l'iiyer. Iiupore !" Mrs. H ittii; Neu i'iM. ) ik n!r i t. .'A i Lmlies wf i'i.t Ilsnii,tillt Uon't de,r..y yoiir even if yon ei lilll little S"nr them; tl'i y UK! li; e we could no! !o without; o;t nl iHMlion k jeiid- - tii..m; tin- - Uiiile i m.iile out oi" ittni le--- :dl. ti.e greenbacks are mtei.- - lioui tlivm. Yours ttulv, oTiUi" Jacou I. km. at rosr. For (lie next irJ d iys we w iii st-1- cur large etocl; oi' r.,1;.-- . at cost i. ciw-- .: Oil that hranel; r Hoe's work .... 1 10 .Mrs. Holmes wui 1 10 Mr.H. Fleming's . t k 1 IU Oilier loo!vo proport ii:i;dl y elieup. wlAoO'.i'it Wli.J. J. Wakuku Hit.iso t itent. In one of the best locutions in the City. Inquire of J. W. Jenniugs. dtf AMUSEMENTS. Water man Opera House. One Ni-- ht Only. Th.nrcd.ay, .pril 12. Bi'illiaiit leviviil ol tlie inot Matrnincent Spec-tiicula- r ilraiiKi of nivilerit time. IiIKAfFY IlltOS. FAMOUS With Us wealdtor Magnificent Scenery ! (JKOhOKOl'S C'OSTlVFS JlEWlLOKIMNO l'liOl'EKTIES ! A Suirl Dramatic Com pa 113. A complete anil efficient corps ! t:ilN-- t led ! the greatest premiere Af.soluta in the world, H'LLE MARIE BONFANTI ! Assisted hy the hewifliins dansenso M'llc l.eonikla Ort'Tl. The wonderously beaut if til PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN With Its inyrinil of colored JpIh of real water, showing j.ll the colors .f t tie nviiitow. and imported t t his country at - an e.p'i;se of sS.OMi 0 1. An enteriniiiment calculated to please ladies and children. See the crystal cascade weird the f;drv motto, the serpentu glen, the 1lluiui11.1i el pal- ace, tlie ur aulcrt f all tianfoi-inatio- u cceiies. Popular prices Ticlcets 011 p.ile at J. V. Young's. Kescrvcd scat-- ; rrl ; general admis- sion 75 cents ; gallery 50 cents. GRAND &. A. R. ENTERTAINMENT. To the CitZ'taof Plattimowh: JleCoiiiliiu jtost N'o. 4. A Ii, K'partmeat vi eurussa wm give a GE.AND iJ w i'SPfcT AINT.IEHT at Tiiii .;'; r. a t:oii-- : FRIDAY BraiM APRIL 13 1303. We have ei j;a. cd the oi Isvv; (nl-an- s L'niversii y JU8ILEE SINGERS? And they h v ' .a . '.i;.- - 1 t :i ; !1 i'.T lt.j:'cy eioiuuli iu p:y iIk i. e e:ists A Ihe i.t.i.i;c i Mr. Wlteed.oi. i.;;t!i M soitliri :i r of the ('. A. if i i til mi liiiv d i ;'a tlie nub!:1 iMirixi v a ;',k' oi ,i.. .' ;.i!-- . mail cini-oose- d Loive !.-- . us.- - of the 0n-r- Ii uiM-a- t a ;:i.'iv n-- i ; inn the proceeds of the ei.tert;diiiiiei:t v.ii. Le u vuted to tiie : i.i of INDIilENT 80LDIER8, AND 'f 11111" P AMI I.I V. S . And to help tlie p;-- a to fiiii; therusf Ives tl.-a-l tiuy e::!i ;..i.;.. ;u- - e: Uaa'.iiy in j u'n'-U- ; par.-nlL-j.- . v!.icii a:i; l::;:i a i iM,.itant ai.d iraenve viliire oi ;al 'e eordiaily iuvite all the ei; :,ns. oi.i .ohiiers and t- c aieiubr of ali neip.hh !in p isls to U'ui out aad we will pr.i.jie yoa a fail return lor your money, lie id s t:ie von ean render will lo fuiiy apprefiated lv " fry .r-'J- A J- - J' STKOI'K. a.x axatta. Coiiiinaiider. Adjutant. riCdot ERNST WAGNER ARCHITECT. Plans and pcciticaliou.s will be care- fully carried out, and fail attention will be given as to safety trnd durability. LESSONS ON PAINTING in Oi! or Water (Ador C'i.-voi- i and Oilice and studio over l'ii;(.ii & "Xa. t ban's btore. Main street. :Ti!il 31 AT STMirUlgi AND AT nrumn 0 1 1 D I VV UUU 0) I1 - I liockwood Block, Wall paper. Yv claim to lmv! the largest new slock of wall taper in ihe city without fear of a truthful contradiction. We will prove it, if von wil cull and see for your-huv- e .elf. We hint received an invoice of lead, linseed oil, Mas- - uro.s or Son's colorn, all nliudi'S of :i!: Jt:i-tii- x n Inrgo ntcck of window :it all j trices. (Jwr iuix..l j;iint.s ar. niisiir-i,;s-l-- 1 hv any, :i. 1 1 of which will old at !h Knw-- t to.- - 1!U' 1 rice-'- . Wry v- - jrctlKlly. W'ii i. .1. Wa imih ic. GJF, FLUISCIIMAN & CO. COilPHESSED YEAST. Tin bent yrast in use, received fr. sh every TL'i:.SDAV and FIMDAY liiii itins. Trad-- ? sispplied by :i:xxi:tt A- i.nwis .,'.. 3. IK 1 51 fll9 S O IV, AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE CO'S: CITY, of London, QUI' FN", of Live ri col FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPRESS COMPANIES: AMKIIK'AN KXI'KKSS CO.. WELLS, i'akgo co. i:ri-Kss- . OHlee in I'ockwood Block, with Johnson Bros Mo Humbug Here! 1 Can Outsell aav u.' 1'riee Clothii;? Outilt in I'lallMUoiil!: O IJ "J? . .vm.i. m ua: :.;oi.v Botii Here Uh at my fJiC IGii SlOI'Gj AT LOUI.WILLE, As I $ For Cash. KoniC mber tlio . (i. 1IEI10LI). i"d-2- J f it 3 Li -- zed.. .i Ty SA 4 Si & si ii IXXJ U JSL '.' .4 0 "TB r3 C f.'V e3 za . a u ague wear ever sliowst laa reeeivec V n A - I2se2Mea,, 4be 1 w ca mm TFOt 7ft Fin'. . m v' "I'll M mi IUt ' 'j ytj C' M ii5?,T.rBi?i.8tyep,",f,nu'' "wnaw it ItCQUUlD. ..v rmt- -. ' i:i itin.::iiui, lines, decniitions mi.1 njum.! d:roction Tor vlmnSZi lfJO Vkntfcfc of Ht.if Mwta. Fruit Tim etc t Tij. iaily to Oardec-s- . K-- for It I ' D- - M. FERRY U CO. DETROIT M'oh. HOUSE, SIGN, AND f u Carriage Painter, - to Graioi, Glazi, Paper Mm. or ni A. AD and 1 Reiit KALSOMINING. rf Ui4V orjer t Vrrlci, riattsmoatli. 1 :b. IS3 REAL ESTATE (AND) COLLECTION AUKNCV. Law and collection biiHincHH promp- tly attended to at this ollico aud pro- ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing mid g attended lo on hhoi t no- tice and biitislaction guaranteed. If there in any thing we do make a Hpccialiy of, it i city and Bubtirban real estate. .Several lino faruiH and homo wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a homo by paying month- ly what ihey new pay lor house rent. Space lorbids giving but a umall percent age ol the bargaiiiH now on the bonks at thin aiTone,: we name the following: hix ciioice half acre hits, 8 liiinuVri from l;. II. hhopH, at from $H0 to I50 ca h, and ou tenon that would make a man to he did not own n house. Come and mo, you are not compelled to buy aud wo vout give thoc lots away, but you can get them mi they will absolutely coat you noth- ing. Five acre lot h mile from city for ir'i-'- part on time. Klcvcit aire lot milo from city for .f 't.'iO this is extra line. I have three pieces of outride prop- - . - - -- . . I : i .....i . . . . i - e 1 1 y wiiK ii i can ecu ami uiiuur1 take t liirnish purchaser work enough to pay lor them, now I will furnish the ground ami you the work, work is what hurts me. If you will do the work at a fair price I will give you a clear deed for the land; if vou can't do the work come and see me, 1 may find mow one who will do it lor you. Ten acres for oUO Oi) " " O00 (JO " " " 7f0 CH) " " " J.r00 00 Several traetn well improved mid adjoining the city, for Hale ut rciMjnable rales. KAItM I.AMlM. 10 sicrcH, wihl $ too (K) HO " iinproy'd 16O0 00 1- -0 " " J0OO 00 K',0 " ;,XH) Oi) 'J00 " o'-'- 00 -- '10 " " C(HX) 00 Piucst fctock larm iu Cass coenty fjiltMJOO, long time ami low rale ol in- - K'H t. 1'0 acres, wild 00 n;o 5,'HOO to HJOO 1 uild, lit p. V'y (cash) :tdoiK ri v i'lioi'Lin v. .' r. lo bt'k- - iroiu shoprt (ehe.p j 10) 17.r, i l.r,0 . cor 1 17.r cor l.r0 X. lth (line) J'i uie Hill li ' V asliinglim ave' 1 " 1 brk Irom .Ma n ht cvlm 400 Improved city real estate in abun-tlauc- e. I can find what you want iu this lino if you will call and sec mo. Ilusincss houses and lots for halo at much lower figures than will be asked six months hence. .Stoics and dwellings rcn'cd and for rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't see what you want 'ni this column come and ask lor It. I've probably missed just what you wan. Oilice open nearly every evening from 6 to 8. flood hew house and two fine lots in good location price, 800. W. S. WISE, Union 31ock. CITY HOTEL. TI:U itiful three story brick utructure. on I') v(?r M ud Hfreef, ha Jum been ftnlsbed aod f:ttri up .,r I!i; awdiniaodation ot Tit A ITHIENT CUZTOZIElia. AM ni:r. ula it iio Ait dkiis, EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar ,n covaV!Hh th0 27tf. I REI) COOS. Propr. NEW FurniturE StorE HARRIS Sc UNRUH, DF.ALF.l'.S IN FURNITURE t COFFINS, - ana ;.U kiuili' i 'xid usually kept iu a w i-- kii'.k r mnm mi.viTr nt; mtojik Also. vry car.j ti.-- f runeral (ioodt. l'?te'oW$ ffnpVr,l. rAl.- - u-f- in I'Vtfiv; .IJI.Of.'.-i- . or. : :rc!. TWO t. i:.t.k I.'-u- ! in: . 'I i.iglit onlay. HARRIS & UNRUH, ."If 13 i'f.Al TSMuL'7 II. NKJi. Fits, Epilepsy, OK FALLING SlCKXLhS, I'eniianlly rurPd-NoHumbijE-- l"ow, er'.r' 1 null bl &vTg k1 ao !! 1 Me lilm tor them, vie will by mall, Kr... i ri..i U 1' our ,S, nmnetly cured by the use of thes rwder.w puarantee a permanent rure In v,v ..", relui.rt y.u all inoney expended. Ail iufler- -' vllll'w Fowder. hu enrly trUl be eoiuinoed ol their eurative power. ' rice, for large Uoxe. j.0o;or 4 Boe for tin by rnall to any part of the Uniied Ktalei' W' Ardffi,f p,1ce,'or ash & RnniN. rDec. 28th. M" ". S. Y

Transcript of The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-04-10 [p ]. · 2019-02-05 · PLATTSUOOTH HERALD....

Page 1: The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-04-10 [p ]. · 2019-02-05 · PLATTSUOOTH HERALD. ITULISHKI) DAILY AND WEKKLY 11 v The Flattsmontb Herald Palilishina: Co. For City


11 v

The Flattsmontb Herald Palilishina: Co.

For City anUC'uuiitr Iiri lory, Rail iry TlineTable. Telephuntt Kxcha ig UluIiium

Bu.luvti Card &c, e third page.

JEFF. L. STONE, - City Editor.

A. Salisbury, UentUt.The members of the T. A. M. club are

requested to nieetMt the council chamberto -- night at7:J'J. A full utteniiuu o islcsired.

W. C. Itou-id- s bade farewell to everyfear last niht, aud iu his mind ttuiueof his creditors. Ills whereabouts to-

day are unknown to them, ut theywould like to ('. Uouudti and Hquarw upwith him.

The Journal get a little mixed, attimes on its editorial geography,oning, perhapH, to the J1U cellaaeousmanner In which it mka up its edi-

torials. It is now laboring (like Kablab wife) with the outrages commit-

ted or permitted by the republicanparty in Connecticut, and grows indig-nant that the Nutmeg State has failedto elect Shot Oun Sprague. Governor.ETidently the Journal has not heardfrom Rhode Island or Plattsmouth.

At the art loan the ladies hare a Jnpanese anil Chinese department, presidedorcr by a lady arrayed in the dress of tnoheathen. That branch of the nrt loanwill attract a large circle of admiringnp'.-ftator.-

Mr. 8. M. Chapman hi the !detbook on exhibition at the art loan, unEnglish law and justice book, in an ex-tra state ot preservation.

Arrangements are being perfected to-

day lor the concert Friday evening iuconnection with the art loan. No extracharge for admission will be made.

V regret to learn that our coteua-porary- ,"

the Journal, "is iu aueh dis-

tress" because of the conJition of theIIf.kal, and if it if any source ofsatisfaction to our considerate friend,and will in any manner relieve him ofsome of the bile which has so appar-ently accumulated since the DailyIIekald commenced, we will stale lh;apaper is iu a flourishing condition,with about 300 paying subscribers onits list. Not an employe is compelledto stay, and if they are not satisfiedwith their wages, they are at libertyto go. The boys are paid every Satur-day, are paid in money aud arc paidgood wages, the Journal to the con-trary, notwithstanding. It's none ofthe Journal's business, any how, cometo think about it. whether the IIkr- -

ald pays its help anything or not. Itis not the policy of the Herald to in-

dulge iu personal attacks upon peoplefor the mere purpose of having some-thing to say, but the Journal's "dis-tress" to know something of the con-

dition of the Herald, must be attend-c- d

to, and we hope he is fully satisfiedif not ho might come and look everthe books. The Herald will continueto be printed each d y, aud the helpwill bo paid as usual every Saturday.and paid good wages.


A Case Deserving of Sympathy.

The fellow confined in jail for theburglary of the Louisville saloon, at-tempted to hang himself this morningand very nearly succeeded. lie hassuffered a great de.d tr.m epilepticfits, and is last becoming an idiot ormaniac as the result. Deputy Eiken-bar-y

had his arms fastened down athis side by injatis of a belt around hiswaist, and thin morning h succeededin getting his arms free and the beltfrom around his waist. He fastenedthe belt around his neck and tried toLang himself from the bars, but wasprevented by the interference of otherprisoners.

These fits be claims are the result ofa mad dog bite received a number ofyears ago. The fellow is to be pitied,and something should be done for himbesides coufining him in the countyjail. Where are the philantnrophists.

A MOGUL'S MARRIACE.The Cental General Ticket Agent of

the B. A M. Tied for Life.On the third of the present month,

Mr. P. S. Eustis. the well known andpopular general passenger agent of theB. & M. was united in marriage toMiss Eliza Russell, daughter of Wil-liam T. Griffith, in Pniladelphia.

It was expected that the bride andgroom would arrive home yesterday,and accordingly their comfortablesuite of rooms in the Millard hotelwere put in shape for their recrption.

A Bee reporter caught u glimpse ofsome of the presents which awaitedthe bride, and they were beautiful indeed. An exquisite bouquet, of thehorse-sho- e design, occupied the spacoon the center table. It was of themost delicate and fragrant rosebudswith a lovely calla lily iu the centerand on each side. This was an offer-la-g

from Mr. Eustia' admirers in theheadquarters building.

Then there was a beautiful toiletset of embroidered blue silk fromMiss Eva L. Ives and a very handsomebevelled plate glass mirror in a handpainted velvet frame from Mrs. Sid-ney E. Locke.

Unfortunately the bridal companydid sot arrive as was expected, butthey will find the evidences of goodwill and remembrance when they domove into their quarters in the Mil-- 1

lard, tvbich can oot bat be plusiog.Ecr.

Tu genuine .


Their Regular tfteetlnff Last Eve-nin- e;

and the Business Transacted. .

The Council met in regular sessionlast evening.

Present Mayor Weckbach, Council-me- n

Scbnellbacher, Keloid. Hartman,Murphy and Lehnhoil and II. MJJushnell, clerk pro tern.

The reading of the minutes of lastregular meeting was dispensed with.

Applications aud bonds accompany-ing for saloon licenses were presentedbyCieo. 1. Weidman. F. Uoos, M.O'Connor, J. J. McVey aud Peteriluuiui, and the same were referredto committee on licenses.

The mayor called attention to thenecessity for opening up a road in thenorth part of the city. Mr. Howland.Mr. Wayman aud city engineer FairHeld, who were present with the coun-cil, spoke of the necessity if some-thing being done iu the matter atonce. On metion of Mr. Hartman itwas referred to the committee onstreets, alleys aud bridges, togetherwith the city engineer, with power ontheir part to take action at once.

A communication from J. A. Con-nor relative te the city's purchasingcertain grounds for additions to OakHill cemilery was read and on motionreferred to the cemetery committee.

The following bills were presented,and referred to the finance committee:Mrs. Uoba While, wood for

city .$ 13 50

G 3050 00S3 7024 005G 6323 0013 10

2 132 00

200 63

50 0014 00

II. A. Waterman & Son,lumber .

J. Ioh nes, night policeC. YV. Sherman, primingOmaha Herald, blauk books. .F. Krohler, chief of police. . .J. I). Simpson, salary March. .

J. It. Cox. sundriesJohnson liroa., hardware....u. C Hal lard, special police..F. Krohler, work on streets. .

II. Cooper, clothing burned

Y. A. llendrickson, surveyingOn motion proceeded to canvass the

vote of the city election held April 3

The mayor appointed Mr. Murphy andMr. Hartman to conduct the canvass,who. after opening and canvassing thevotes, reported the following:

t or Mayor O. S. Smith. votes : V. V. Lcn- -aid '.'ij ; Smith majority 301.

j Forilerk W. ti. Wine. XA votes; J, D.nuiwun,400 voien : siiiipvou waj 42.For Treasurer W. H. Kline. T.a votes; W.

H. Cuxliing. 4U3 vote ; Curbing maj 171.For Kngiueer U. W. Fairfield, 4.'8 votes. ltiacK Mi voiea ; raiment inaj. u.

For Police Judge B. F. Stout. 33a votes.For Cuncilni-i- i 1st ward ii. M. Hons 7

votea ; U. V. Mathews, 53 votes ; Hons ruaj 34.For Councilman 2nd ward J. II. Fairfield.

8-- ; F. tf. White. GO ; Fairfield inaj "3.For Councilman 3d ward J. K. Morrison,

lai ; C. F Nichols. 102 ; Murrieon maj 7!i.For i iuncilxnan-4- th ward 1. McUallan, 106 :

J. C. Eikeubary. 81 ; McCallan maj 27.For schooi board fhort term llarticau 404

vote. Maryland 39il, liartigau'a maj. 11.For school board lout; term Winters teen

42a. Bennett 410, fchowalier i. Carruth 401.On motion the report was adopted and clerkauthorized to issue certificate of election tothose elected on the city ticket, and to M aHartigan, I. O Bennett and W Wiutersteln as

members of the school board.After which council adjourned to meet thisevening for the transaction of business.

Personal.Ed Wescott returned from Chicago

this morning.

MisB Jessie Baker left this morningfor Agency City.

General Smith and Dr. Clutter wereon the train for Omaha this morning.

Attorneys Hartigan and Crites went toNebraska City this mcrning to attendthe district court now in session at thatplace.

j Elder J. G. 3Iiller, of Lincoln, is intown and is arranging for the sale of

! pome of his lands on Four-mil- e.

William Coon, of Weeping Water, wasin the city today, on his waj to NewYork.

J. E. Morrison started this p. m.for Fromout, Nebraska, where he at-tends the grand lodge K. of II whichis in session in that city.

Mrs. Wm. At wood left last eveningfor Illinois, where she will spend sev-eral months visiting relatives audfriends.

W. J. Agnew Teturned from Ash-lau- d

last night.Wm. Atwood went to Ashland this

morning-- , he iuteuds visiting thewestern part of the male before hereturns.

Yine street takes the cake for girU,any way. It was a whole nieaagerie,lemonade and all, to see oae of them

from the front yard thisShe ran out aud in a soft, sweet

roice give the cow a pointer tothe gate. Madam Cow had a prettyfresh appetite for the nice green --rrasswhich grew in the front yard, and de-sired to linger longer, but the girl gotemphatic, and picking up a email pieceof 'board proceeded to demonstate herearnestness Iu tho matter. It is needlessto say the cow concluded to go.

A couple of suspicious looking cussesthought to steal a ride on the Iv. C. trainthis morning from Oreapolis to Platls-tnout- h.

When the traiu started so didthey, and Ihey succeeded iu getting 011the pint Tor 111 of the frout car, next to thetender. Fortunately they were noticedwhen they got ou, and Conductor Har-vey promptly stopped the train and putthem off. They probably footed it totown, and cursed the conductor.

Regular meating of the W. C. T. U.tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Inthe Presbyterian church. It is hopedthere will be a good attendance. Mrs.Cooley will prefide.

filter BeportAs furnished officially to the War

Department.7 feet thre iocLes, a fall of two inches

since last report.

Don't forget thoe fin prizes thatFord often fur roller skating. 38t2

LAdies, yrjur special attention is calledto tlio new line of tins goods justreceived at Week bach's. 23ltf

Commissioner's Proceedings.Board met Monday, Api il 2, pur-

suant lo adjournment. Present, com-mi'tjiouc- rs

Crawford, Ilichurdtou andTodd and couuty clerk Jcuniags.

Minutes of last meeting read audapproved. The following claiiri9were allowed on the General Fund.II Uocck coffins for paupers and

burying $21.25W II Baker xudae 10 .On

V Ilerold mde 14.60M IJ Murphy & Co mdse 14 95J Sharp keeping paupers etc.

$107.35 lees rent $'21.25 86 20J V Weckbach mdoe to paupers 18.55Hkiuli) Tub. Co. pnutiugetc. . 41.50I) 1) Johnson extra fees on col-

lection of taxes 5.00Claim ot John Cail for room lor

election at Louisville, not allowed.Cost bill in the following' caes were

allowed: .

State of Neb vs ChailcsiSuyder 33.25" F Hamilton 8.70' Win Kedey 3.45

" "Jake Mvcrs 9.60Tho following claims were allowed

on Bridge Fund:Beardsly .fc Davis lumber $7213South Platte Lumber Co. lum-

ber for dist No. 6 73.97M B Cutler lumberaud building

bridge in dist 27 22.40J W Cox pnll lax refuuded aud

laud 4.00T Clark poll tax refunded and

land 3.75T Clark poll tax rei n tided aud

land 5 00D Satchel poll tax refunded 3 00Richey Bros, lumber . . 16.35

Bills of Smith & Blank Bros, and J.M. Roberts lor medicines were notallowed.

Resignation of S. II. Draper, over- -

seer road dist 19, was accepted. Thefollowing overseers were then ap-pointed:

J S Lloyd overseer dist. li).A Sturm overseer difct. 41.O Tefft 44 v 56.J floheushell overseer dist. 7.The fo!lowing official bonds were

then approved:Peter Stoll overseer district 42 with

Henry .Stoll and Hans Stoll a sure-tic- s.

A. K. Sutherland overseer district53, with A. Ii. Dickson and B. Y.Wortman as sureties.

The bids, under advertisement forcounty Physician, were opened andfound as follows:

Joseph Hall, $80 a year; HamiltonMeade, 7o; W. JI. SchiMknecht $200.After full consideralioa, the contractwas awarded to Hamilton Meade.

Board adjourned until Wednesdav,April 4.

WEDNESDAY SESSION'.Board met pursuant to adjourn-

ment. Full board prseent The fol-io wing bonds were approved:

J. T. Lloyd, overseer road district16, with It. Morrow and Walter Jeuk- -ms as sureties.

The following overseers were nppointed.

C. F. Liiu, overseer district 24.J. K Burdick, overseer district 50.Utlicial bond of C. F. Lau, overseer

district 24, was approved, with JamesHall aud J. V. Weckbach as sureties.

Bond of II. Moade as county physi-cian approved, wilhL D. Bennett, C.E..Black, A.,X. Sullivan aud J. M.Patterson as sureties.

The following claims wero allowedon county general fund.C Schluutz poll tax refunded on

road dist. 4 & 3.00W J White moving clerk dist.

court's office 20.00G W Fairfield surveying and

plat books . 82 0i)

J C Eikeubary b'du'gr pris. forMarch 36 00

11 W Ilyers jailor's lees forM'ch 46.5UJoseph Fairfield assisting sur--

veyor 3. ;53Virgil Mollis assisting surveyor 3 50It G C'lizbo erroneous tax 10.00Peter Merges mdse poor house. 7 75H A & Sou lumber

for jail 11.00E V Hock wood rent of courtroom 1st quarter 7f.C0II Meade salary aw county physi-

cian 4 mouths 3o,25D II Wheeler & Co. premium ou

insurance jail aud courthouse . l&iOoUuil

PP Gassetal iuqueKt of JohnJohnson 82.75

Kequests of overseers foriuinberand spikes laid over until May meet-ing.

(continued.)- s -

It la Coming. '

TheKiralfy Bros. "Black Crook" spectacular drama is on its winding way toPtattsmouth. The shnw will be here ouThursday evening nest, 12th inst. Thebill posters, programers, aud lithographers have been busy th- - last two days.and everybody yvill know just what is instore for them at the opera houseThursday next. The vale of couuous

tickets commences to-da- y, and we wouldsuggest an early call to those who wouldavail themselves of eligible seats, forthey no doubt will be sold at a premiumby speculators on or before the eveningof the exhibition. Head the advertise-me- n


"Aral's nature passed through theAlembaic of man." Emerson.

Geo. (Iraybill, teacher ot a thor-ough and practical system of physi-cal and vocal culture, and expn ssionLy voice and action.

Children's classes, advanced class-e- s,

Siakepeare or 3Iiltou classes,private classes, public am! parlorreadings at reason ablo rates. Otllccat the Perkins bou.

Wednesday Night at the Art Loan.On Wednesday evening the ladies

having the art loan iu charge will give anold fashioned supper in connection withthe exhibition at KockwooU hall, atwhich time and place the ladies will 1

attirud in customs of "yc olden time,"and the styles of the past will nil be rep-

resented. Tue supper will be in qualityand ouautity to satisfy nil and the enter-tainment will be one of the most enjoya-ble of the week entire.

"Say," said t he wood sawyer to theconfectioner's clerk, us he wiped the soreby his ritfht eye," how is it we don't H'Cas much of you as usual up around thispart of Vine street?" "What the :iat- -ter with you?" replied tin? eh-rU- , i s heswallowed a Jiesli carauit I, "am II around here as oiu-- as usual, or arcyou trying to A pril 1.j.1 mc !'' "No, I

am in dead earnest," replied tnc-- oodsawyer as he sighted along the keen cdg.;of his corporation liddle. "I was cuttiug wood here until after dark lastnight, and yoa hav'ul lteu up today." "Never you laind inr," repliedthe clerk its he tumeil over a hu.:I;et amisat on the dry si'le of it. "J low i itwith you; wire you ever in Jove, and doyou think a man can Imv the way 1 domorcthau once?" "Well I should thinknot," replied the ancient man of thesaw buck. "You ve yot it awlul had.Why, all the boys sr.. and here are talk-ing about it and wondering when it iscoming off. and the girl she hings andseems almighty happy all the time. Youueed'nt mind about mo; if I was ever inlove I did'nt put in all my time chasinga girl, and I did'nt swing on the gate he-lo- re

dark go that all the nciglibors couldsee me and have th.; whole town ontome and there want any skating links,when I was a hoy, ami I never had acaddy of sweet things to catch a girlwith. I'll tell you how I would catch ouwhen I was young and before 1 took toflrilkk .QMliW tti4V Imf m'l ltj.t!r rim

j right in and see'her now, f..r she's oenlookiDg for you lor .some time, and youare most out ol candy, too

For Kent.The northeast comer room in

bakery, ("oo-- l for olfiee or smallbusiness. 34 tf F. Stahki.maxn.

The rink is crowded every niglit andthose attending say it is the liuewt placefor amusement in the city. il'i

For Sale.Fo ir lots together iu good location in

the citv"

of Plattsmouth. Impure at thisoilice dtf

Get ready for the masquerade ou roll-er skates next Tucsdav evening. J3t2

Ice! Ice! Ice!Now is the time to contrac t for your

summer's supply of ice. Bod rock pricesprompt delivery and superior quality ofice, first come first served by the new iceman. (12 mi Joe Path field.

The genuine Louisiana perlijue smok-ing tobucco at Schickel's. wl 37d(it

A new line of line diets goods con-sisti- ug

of the latest styles nud patternsjust received at Weckbach's. 23ctf

A Square .""lealCan be had at the Citj' Hotel for only23 cents and lodrinu at same reasonableiates. Farmers and (Tominercial Menwill please hear this in mind. d&wtf

Henry FoeckHas an elegant liuc of baby carriagesfor sale very cheap. Also a nice lot ofrefrigerators aud tlio largest stock of fur-niture .ever brought to'Plattsmonth atprices that can't be discounted. It willpay you to see him. d3Diw2-t- f

Everybody is invited to attend thetriinn-e- opening tf pattern hats andbonnets at Mrs. A. 1 Stout's, Fridayand Saturday, April and 14th. Aboquet will be presented to everylady. Jw2t(IGt

Ladies; you ae invited to attendthe trimmed opening of pattern hatsand bonnets at Mis. A. V. Stout's,Friday and Saturday. April l:)th and14th. A boquet will be presented toevery lady. .Swt2dCt

Lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers andother choice brands just received atSchlegel's. wl 37dGt.

A second invoice of Feck's Bad BoyMust.received at Warrick's cheap bookstore at 45c per copy. SGdGt

Warrick always keeps the best 17.3 sterst headlight oil at H cents. 150 0 testheadlight oil at 25 cts. wl-d3Pt- G

For Sale.!:v !: 3, Sec 3, t. 12, 11. in.S l: - Sec v. v, n. 13.

T. U', it. 13.X. W. --W-, lo, T. 2, U.

E S. Ar. ec :u, T. 1:j, I:.E A, Lot 10, Block 28.

" 3, 59.. " 7 & 0. 2:3.

S , '; , ii.Duke's Addition.The above described lUrnis

fur sale on long time, with 7 tiercent, interest. Apjy to

It. U. WINDHAM",dOtf riattHiiouth, l(-h- .

Troy City LaundryNow Located on

WASHINGTON AVENUE.W. B. lii.'OW.N, Proprietor.

Transient Work solicitedrhankliiK my patron ror pait favors. 1 soli-

cit furtlirr work.Keineinber the place. Muckeuhau house.Washington Avanue.

Notice.u nerpiiy given Hint a ort:in noiefrom .1. C. Felei-so- a to 'iodfrfV Fickler tlao-- a

Marcli 2ot li lb62 f..r witli Interest lrmcfato at 10 pr cent and duo Marce wth, 18i3,has bren loxt. Everv ner-o- n U h -bv m nrtHk'Hiiis! ouyiiiK Ham note as tlie same isdue and has been rniid.Uated Aurll 3. ISSC. naDFUKr Ficklf.uilt J. O. I'ltTElCWW.

- . ' -Take Notice.We will receive Guff & Fleishman's

compressed yeast every Tuesday andFriday ruuriiinifs. fresh, nt Bennett fc

S4 tfCrying made easy J on Imiid ugaiu

wltli his fiery horse rtdish whicn imade t'rni every J.iy at B.ibintou'sfactory and hoi l" wicilcsule und rt-tu-

next door to T. trrson's mesit market.Sohl by all grocers an I h.itchrri. .'17-2- 1

(;iifw th- - ()! I!i Tluft 1 fine cut forsale on! v at Si li!;-- ' ri's. vl :57 1 S'

A full line of pin; un i line cut hew- -

ing tobacco at .S.:.'iie, vi's. wl 37iiCt I

To iCenl.Fiiruishi'd t j : s !"ir l'iiyer. Iiupore

!" Mrs. H ittii; Neu i'iM. ) ik n!r i t. .'A i

Lmlies wf i'i.t Ilsnii,tilltUon't de,r..y yoiir even if yon eililll little S"nr them; tl'i y UK! li; e

we could no! !o without; o;t nliHMlion k jeiid- - tii..m; tin- - Uiiile i

m.iile out oi" ittni le--- :dl. ti.egreenbacks are mtei.- - lioui tlivm. Yoursttulv, oTiUi" Jacou I. km.

at rosr.For (lie next irJ d iys we w iii st-1- cur

large etocl; oi' r.,1;.-- . at cost i. ciw-- .: Oilthat hranel; r

Hoe's work .... 1 10.Mrs. Holmes wui 1 10Mr.H. Fleming's . t k 1 IU

Oilier loo!vo proport ii:i;dl y elieup.wlAoO'.i'it Wli.J. J. Wakuku

Hit.iso t itent.In one of the best locutions in the

City. Inquire of J. W. Jenniugs. dtf


Water man Opera House.One Ni-- ht Only.

Th.nrcd.ay, .pril 12.Bi'illiaiit leviviil ol tlie inot Matrnincent Spec-tiicula- r

ilraiiKi of nivilerit time.IiIKAfFY IlltOS.


With Us wealdtor

Magnificent Scenery !


A Suirl Dramatic Com pa 113.A complete anil efficient corps ! t:ilN-- t led

! the greatest premiere Af.soluta in the world,


Assisted hy the hewifliins dansenso M'llcl.eonikla Ort'Tl. The wonderouslybeaut if til

PRISMATIC FOUNTAINWith Its inyrinil of colored JpIh of real water,

showing j.ll the colors .f t tie nviiitow.and imported t t his country at

- an e.p'i;se of sS.OMi 0 1.

An enteriniiiment calculated to please ladiesand children. See the crystal cascade

weird the f;drv motto, theserpentu glen, the 1lluiui11.1i el pal-ace, tlie ur aulcrt f all tianfoi-inatio- u


Popular prices Ticlcets 011 p.ile at J. V.Young's. Kescrvcd scat-- ; rrl ; general admis-sion 75 cents ; gallery 50 cents.

GRAND &. A. R. ENTERTAINMENT.To the CitZ'taof Plattimowh:

JleCoiiiliiu jtost N'o. 4. A Ii, K'partmeatvi eurussa wm give aGE.AND iJ w i'SPfcT AINT.IEHT

at Tiiii .;'; r. a t:oii-- :

FRIDAY BraiM APRIL 13 1303.We have ei j;a. cd the oi Isvv; (nl-an- s

L'niversii y

JU8ILEE SINGERS?And they h v ' .a . '.i;.- - 1 t :i ; !1 i'.T lt.j:'cyeioiuuli iu p:y iIk i. e e:ists A Ihe i.t.i.i;c iMr. Wlteed.oi. i.;;t!i M soitliri :i r

of the ('. A. if i i til mi liiiv d i ;'atlie nub!:1 iMirixi v a ;',k' oi ,i.. .' ;.i!-- .

mail cini-oose- d Loive !.-- . us.- - ofthe 0n-r- Ii uiM-a- t a ;:i.'iv n-- i ; innthe proceeds of the ei.tert;diiiiiei:t v.ii. Le uvuted to tiie : i.i of

INDIilENT 80LDIER8,AND 'f 11111" P AMI I.I V. S .

And to help tlie p;-- a to fiiii; therusf Ivestl.-a-l tiuy e::!i ;..i.;.. ;u- - e: Uaa'.iiy in j u'n'-U-;

par.-nlL-j.-. v!.icii a:i; l::;:i a i iM,.itant ai.diraenve viliire oi ;al 'eeordiaily iuvite all the ei; :,ns. oi.i .ohiiers and

t- c aieiubr of ali neip.hh !in p isls to U'uiout aad we will pr.i.jie yoa a fail return loryour money, lie id s t:ie von eanrender will lo fuiiy apprefiated lv " fry .r-'J- A

J- - J' STKOI'K.a.x axatta. Coiiiinaiider.Adjutant. riCdot


Plans and pcciticaliou.s will be care-fully carried out, and fail attention will

be given as to safety trnd durability.

LESSONS ON PAINTINGin Oi! or Water (Ador C'i.-voi- i and

Oilice and studio over l'ii;(.ii & "Xa.t ban's btore. Main street. :Ti!il



nrumn0 1 1 D I VV U U U 0)

I1 - I

liockwood Block,

Wall paper.Yv claim to lmv! the largest

new slock of wall taper in ihecity without fear of a truthfulcontradiction. We will prove it,if von wil cull and see for your-huv- e

.elf. We hint received aninvoice of lead, linseed oil, Mas- -

uro.s or Son's colorn, all nliudi'S of:i!: Jt:i-tii- x n Inrgo ntcck of window

:it all j trices.(Jwr iuix..l j;iint.s ar. niisiir-i,;s-l-- 1

hv any, :i. 1 1 of which willold at !h Knw-- t to.-- 1!U'


rice-'- . Wry v- - jrctlKlly.W'ii i. .1. Wa imih ic.


COilPHESSED YEAST.Tin bent yrast in use, received fr. sh

every TL'i:.SDAV and FIMDAYliiii itins. Trad-- ? sispplied by

:i:xxi:tt A- i.nwis .,'..

3. IK 1 51 fll9 S O IV,



CITY, of London,QUI' FN", of Live ri col

FIREMAN FUND, of California


WELLS, i'akgo co. i:ri-Kss-.

OHlee in I'ockwood Block, with Johnson

Mo Humbug Here!1 Can Outsell aav u.' 1'riee Clothii;?

Outilt in I'lallMUoiil!:

O IJ "J? .

.vm.i. m ua: :.;oi.v

Botii Here Uh at my fJiC IGii SlOI'Gj


As I $ For Cash.KoniC mber tlio

. (i. 1IEI10LI).i"d-2- J f it


--zed.. .i Ty

SA 4 Si & si ii IXXJ U

JSL '.'

.4 0 "TB

r3 C f.'V e3 z a. a u ague


ever sliowst laa

reeeivecV n

A -

I2se2Mea,, 4be 1

w ca

mmTFOt 7ft Fin'.

. m v ' "I'll M mi IUt ' ' j ytj C ' M

ii5?,T.rBi?i.8tyep,",f,nu'' "wnaw it ItCQUUlD...v rmt- -. ' i:i itin.::iiui, lines,decniitions mi.1 njum.! d:roction Tor vlmnSZilfJO Vkntfcfc of Ht.ifMwta. Fruit Tim etc t Tij.iaily to Oardec-s- . K-- for It I 'D- - M. FERRY U CO. DETROIT M'oh.


Carriage Painter, -


Graioi, Glazi, Paper Mm. orni

A.AD and1



Ui4V orjer t Vrrlci, riattsmoatli. 1 :b.




Law and collection biiHincHH promp-tly attended to at this ollico aud pro-ceeds remitted without delay.

Notarial work, conveyancing midg attended lo on hhoi t no-

tice and biitislaction guaranteed.If there in any thing we do make a

Hpccialiy of, it i city and Bubtirbanreal estate. .Several lino faruiH andhomo wild land at bargains. Laboringmen can get a homo by paying month-ly what ihey new pay lor house rent.

Space lorbids giving but a umallpercent age ol the bargaiiiH now on thebonks at thin aiTone,: we name thefollowing:

hix ciioice half acre hits, 8 liiinuVrifrom l;. II. hhopH, at from $H0 to I50ca h, and ou tenon that would makea man to he did not ownn house. Come and mo, you are notcompelled to buy aud wo vout givethoc lots away, but you can get themmi they will absolutely coat you noth-ing.

Five acre lot h mile from city forir'i-'- part on time.

Klcvcit aire lot milo from cityfor .f 't.'iO this is extra line.

I have three pieces of outride prop--. - - -- . . I : i .....i . . . . i -e 1 1 y wiiK ii i can ecu ami uiiuur1

take t liirnish purchaser workenough to pay lor them, now I willfurnish the ground ami you the work,work is what hurts me. If you willdo the work at a fair price I will giveyou a clear deed for the land; if voucan't do the work come and see me, 1

may find mow one who will do it loryou.

Ten acres for oUO Oi)" " O00 (JO

" " " 7f0 CH)

" " " J.r00 00Several traetn well improved

mid adjoining the city, for Hale utrciMjnable rales.


10 sicrcH, wihl $ too (K)HO " iinproy'd 16O0 00

1--0 " " J0OO 00

K',0 " ;,XH) Oi)'J00 " o'-'- 00--'10 " " C(HX) 00Piucst fctock larm iu Cass coenty

fjiltMJOO, long time ami low rale ol in- -K'H t.1'0 acres, wild 00n;o 5,'HOO

to HJOO1 uild, lit p. V'y (cash) :tdoiK

ri v i'lioi'Lin v..' r. lo bt'k- - iroiu shoprt (ehe.p j 10)

17.r,i l.r,0. cor

1 17.rcor l.r0

X. lth (line)J'i uie Hill

li ' V asliinglim ave'1 " 1 brk Irom .Ma n ht cvlm 400

Improved city real estate in abun-tlauc- e.

I can find what you want iuthis lino if you will call and sec mo.

Ilusincss houses and lots for haloat much lower figures than will beasked six months hence.

.Stoics and dwellings rcn'cd and forrent, rents promptly collected.

If you don't see what you want 'nithis column come and ask lor It. I'veprobably missed just what you wan.Oilice open nearly every evening from6 to 8.

flood hew house and two fine lotsin good location price, 800.

W. S. WISE,Union 31ock.

CITY HOTEL.TI:U itiful three story brick utructure. on

I') v(?r M ud Hfreef, ha Jum been ftnlsbed aodf:ttri up .,r I!i; awdiniaodation ot


ni:r. ula it iio Ait dkiis,EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN

A Good Bar ,n covaV!Hh th0

27tf. I REI) COOS. Propr.



FURNITURE t COFFINS, -ana ;.U kiuili' i 'xid usually kept iu a

w i--

kii'.k r mnm mi.viTr nt; mtojikAlso. vry car.j ti.-- f runeral (ioodt.l'?te'oW$ ffnpVr,l. rAl.- -

u-f- in I'Vtfiv;.IJI.Of.'.-i-

.or. : :rc!. TWO

t. i:.t.kI.'-u- ! in: . 'I i.iglit onlay.

HARRIS & UNRUH,."If 13 i'f.Al TSMuL'7 II. NKJi.

Fits, Epilepsy,OK

FALLING SlCKXLhS,I'eniianlly rurPd-NoHumbijE--

l"ow, er'.r' 1 null bl

&vTg k1 ao !! 1 Me lilm tor them, vie willby mall, Kr... i ri..i

U 1'our ,S,nmnetly cured by the use of thes rwder.wpuarantee a permanent rure In v,v ..",relui.rt y.u all inoney expended. Ail iufler- -'vllll'w Fowder. hu enrly trUlbe eoiuinoed ol their eurative power. 'rice, for large Uoxe. j.0o;or 4 Boe for tinby rnall to any part of the Uniied Ktalei'W' Ardffi,f p,1ce,'or

ash & RnniN.rDec. 28th. M" ". S. Y