THE PLATT8BURGH SENTINEL, OCTOBER 17,1890. STATE TAX SALE. The following laftlist of all the lands situated in the County of CLINTON, N. Y., which are included in a general list of lands advertised by me to be sold for arrears of Taxes, at the Capitol, in the City of Albany, commencing on the 11th day of December, IDWABD WEMPLE, Comptroller. BEEKMAN'S PATENT, Lot. Acres. 71, 8 Vf car 80 128, B'd N by p't sub-divided into two tmall lots of MoFadden, K & Wby lot lines & 8 by McPadden M 144. B'd N by Ohazy line, E by Carney, 8 by Matt Howes and W by McOreedy, known as the Michael Brennan place 10 DUERVILLE PATENT, 6*, E x . 39a N W cor., square, & l l a 8 E cor., square. 7^ All in Altona 1701-10 7, W p't of 8 66a, b'd N by Town line 6 9, B'd N by lands of F. E. Poidy, E by land of Wm. Aspaew, 8 by Highway and W by lot line, 100a, ex. 71a B p't thereof paid by H. Wai worth. 18, B'dNttW by land of Q. W. & F. Palmer & Co., I by lot line & S by land of Levi asfStoAirw;v::;.v.v:/.:v:.v.v.v.v.:v:i»OT-ioo 22 Allto.Dannemora 8488-100 20, B'd N by lot line, B by town line, S by Band Hill Boad k w by State l»nd.......... 26, B'd N. by lot liae, E by 91a B p't of lot, S by Rand Hill Boad & W by «%a Bet eff to Wm. Near *<88#ft to Defore 27, B'd N by land of Alic. Cereobee or Conch- ies, Alec., or Cooohe, or Alex. Oon- ofafe, K by roaa to Patrick Ryan's, 8 by Wm. Burnham's land & W by lot 2 85, Francis Parrott; b'd N by lot line k B, B & W by land of F. E.Pnrdy 43, B'd N E by Military Boad, E k B by La- gier's land & W by lot line «,Np't $', N $'%., ex. 16a S p't & 87aKE oor. thereof. 67. N p't of N W X •. 67, N W ^ ( ex. 44%a N p't thereof. 58! Ex. 26* N E oor. paid by Mrs. Banborn, 26a 8 E oor. k 37a owned by Wm. Lucktn, b'd N by 26a N JC oor. of lot. X by lot liae, S by 26a 8 S oor. of lot and W by line par'l to B line 60, B'd H by land of Edward page, B & 8 by land of James Murphy & W by Und of Stephen Btaokpole.....?. * 73, Oorneliue Hayes; b'd N by land of Paul Lafotintatn, E by land of J. T. Mead, S by land of John Jadd to W by highway 78, All in Altona, 140 7-100*, ex. 28a N W oor. thereof, square. 99,100. 104, B'd N by highway, S by land of Patriot Booney & Bteazer Mclniyw, 8 by lot line k W by land of Jeremiah Byan 104, w p't, across, Frank W. Bombard IOC* Er. 25» N E oor. 108,M Boor 119,N Woor. 114. AU that remains of 76a N E p't after ex. 60ft N B pt thereof. 119,128,124. 44% laS. 199, 128, ar Bx.OOaEeud, .., Urt. II. Hogan; b'd N by land of Cath- arine Louohier, B by land of John Gerry, 8 by landof Wm. Booney * W by Unda of Wm. 188, Wm. k P.' Hogan;' b'd Nby'land'of Oath- arlne Lonohter, 1 by Und of Mw. Bf. Hogan, B by land of Wm. Booney * W by lot line.. "", BylYenus Baker; b'd N by Und of Edward » , B by Uad of John Murphy, S. by Und Jeremiah Douglass k W by Und of M0, B'd N by land of Joi., land of 8. Baker, 8 by laud of John 1 &W by highway 190, Peter Leonard: b'd H by land of B. B. Witherell, or WetWell, E by land of T. F. TOWNSHIP 4, ioisiibiftiBX. 10, Subs. 5, 6. 20, s.11 in Saranac , 20, "EX of all in Dannemora 2S 30, B'd N by N X of lot, E by a line par'l with E line of lot, 8 by lot Une & W by 60a W end of S X of lot to Bedford OU Co. 80, E end of 8 X, across 33, B'd N by Boad, E by Taylor, 8. by Biver & W by Bedford Iron Oo 2 33. Maria Williams; b'd W by Lane k Tankard, E by Taylor, 8 by Plank Boad & W by Perry 1 60, All in Dannemora 6i6X 61, All in Dannemora. 602# 61, All in Saranao 93 88-100 62, 8 E oor 60 62, 8 Woor 50 66," David Peff; b'd N by lot line, E & 8 by Basco* W by Bowen k Signor 31 70, Sub. 7. 71, B'd N by Centre line of lot, B by H. Gainee, 8 by lot line to W by Louis Ano.... 8) 11, B'd N by Alex. Venn, E by A. McCosland, 8 by highway k W by lot line 8 71, K end of 8 X of lot, b'd Wby Ano 60 74, N E oor., Lewis Furmer 26 80, AU in SaraDao 126 6-10 84. 88, Winch. Howard; b'd E & W by lot lines &Hby Oardell 100 91, 8Ecor 71 92, N W oor., b'd E by Trombly, or P. Trom- bley, or Trembley, k 8 by Road, or P. Trozu- bley or Trembley 60 96, 96, 97. >. TOWUSHIP 6. 2, Ex. 113)4a W p't. " N W cor., b'd E by Und of E. Dak, or Dftke, k 8 by Unds of R. G. Miller 63* , W p't. b'd S lands of E. Dake, 113)* a, ex. 63Ka N p't thereof b'd 8 by Unds of B. G. Miller 501-8 8, Ex. 127a N p't, b'd a by land of B. G. Mill- er. , N p't, b'd B by Und of B. G. Miller 127 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. 9, Ex. 50a. N end, across, occupied by George Higpins. 10, S X.b'd N by lands of Dennis Kelly or Jas. k Geo. Higgins. 1, 8 E oor., b'd N lands of Ormsbee k Pike or O. Pika, k W by Unds of Mrs. Chloe Ormsby or Ormsbee's Und & lot line 106 2-3 12,8 E oor., b'd N by lands of Mrs. Ormsbee or Mrs. Chloe Ormtby & W by Unds of E. Goodell k H. S. Bowel 6* L6, At Bllenburgb Centre, supposed to be Monroe Halt's, b'd N by highway, E. by Und of W. 8. Ayer or Ayers, or Mrs. Ayres or M M . W. 8. Ayres, 8 by Unas of M. E, Brown & Wby lands of 0 . Delong; with house » 1 28, 8 end, b'd N by lands of M. Harrigan..... SO 80, Land formerly assessed to Mrs. Patrick Shay, being a part of 166%a in 8 W cor. of lot, b'd N by Unds of John Modinley k James Harrigan & E by Und of Miohael BurkandJohn McGinley 50 30, 8 W oor.. b'd N by lands of James HorrJgan &E by Unds of Michael Burk and John McGinley 106% 82, Ex. 100a N end, occupied by Stephen Tuck- er, or K end, land of M. Burke k Stephen Tuoker. 84, 8 W oor., b'd N by lands of Wm. Fifleld & E by Biley Fifleld or Unds assessed to John EgroorEro 60 48, 8 E oor., b'd N by lauds of Matilda Hinds & Wby Unds of M. Hammond... 61X 60, N end of E X, b'd B by B. Arno's Und .... 98* 60, N B oor., b'd 8 & W by Unda of Mrs. B. F. 61, Ex. 84aS end,' belonging to E." Arno". MIEX. 60a8 end of W X*belonging to Ethan 66, 8 end of W X belonging to Ethan Mix.... 60 57 to 64, ino. 66, I x . 84a 8 end of B X, 26o long N & 8. 66, Ex. 66a B end, 25c long N & 8. 68, Ex. 604 N end of W X. b'd 8 by highway. 79!N'end, b'd B by lands occupied byL. L, 14 184, B'd N by lot line, B by land of Oliver Gil- bert & 8 & W by land of O. K. Wood <fc Co.. 14 186, B E X. 186, Vf X. 1&9, Lewis Bruso; 'b'd N by land of Gaorge JLaraoh, E by Highway, 8 by Und of Frank BobrU k W by Und of Lewit Broso 15tf M0, John Dawson; b'd N by Wardner'a 10*, E by lot line, S by Hook Boad & W by the Gon- ye» Boad to 10a owned by Wm, Lafayette... 32 140. Abram Ladoe; b'd *f by Usd of O. E. Wood k Co., B by Unds of John Dawson to 3,3. Brown &B Wby highway, 11 J£ 141, Nathan Arnold; b'd N by land ofP, O. fitoughton, Eby Undsof A. Bassett, Bolin Brown k P. C. 8toughton, 8 by lot linetoW by Unds of John 8. Kirly & Albert MoFad- den 8 141, O. Merrlhew; b'd N & W by Und of Dan- iel Bassett, E by Uuds of P. O. Stoughton to Daniel Bassett & 8 by highway 16 142, Nathan Arnold; b'd N by lot line, S by Unds of A. Bataett, Bolin Brown to P. O. 8too«hton, 8 by highway k W by Unds of 148, John BoaleyV b'd N '** *W by' Highway, JB by Und of Ohas. Larabee k A by Und of Wm.DougUss **&£«.. 20 181, 8 U M Sheldon Est.; bfflfcby Und of June* BUlr, E by highway, sTgJaufl of John Lib- etty k W by Und of OiKpWbod k Co 21* 161. Adeline Tulip; b'dfit£ w by Und of Jonas Blair. E by highway & S by Und of SiUs Sheldon Bit ......... 1 ELLENBUBGH CENTBE, VILLAGE OF, LIVINGSTON GOBI, 19. 22, 8ub. 1, la BE oor. of lot, ex. 3a 8 B cor. thereof belonging to Ells, k 16a W side, State land 208-100 22, Sub. 4, in 8 W oor. of lot, 23, Sub. 2, b'd beg. in N W oor. of Sob., th. B in M linn thereof 84o 881 to E line, th. S 13o 461, th. W. 35o 841 to tb. N 18o 431 to beg .... 47, 23, "C. Turner;" oom. at N Woor., th. E 84o 411 to B line, th. 8 Ho 461, th. W 84c 881 * th. N 14o 401 to beg.; I 24, Bub. 1. 24. Sab. 4, 8 p't of lot, 13c 991 wide on E & Ho 281 on W Uue, BjrrcaiK GOBE, BOOTH or DUHRVILLE PATENT, 6, All in PUtfcburgh 162 STATB GOBE BSXWBSN OLD MILITARY AND RKFU- GBB TBAOTS, See "Moore (B. J ) 776a Pateut." 22, A Gore ou 8 Une, 10 44-10oa, and all of rem. ex. an und. X thereof, State Prop- erty 86 46-100 23, BM N by land of L. S. Carter, E by lot line, 8 by Und of H. A. Kuapp & Oo. & W by highway , 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 3<), 31, 82. 34. 43, Ex. 16a on W line 3c 831 N from 8 W cor., 16^0 long N & 8 & 10>4o wide E & W. 46, 8 & cor., b'd N by State land & W by State lioad 49, AH in Dannemora 163 6-80 68, Triangle in 8 W cor., 13o 601 ou 8 & lie 661 on W line 7 94-100 KEESEV1LLE VILLAGE, JOHNSON (PDWIN) MAP, 70, B'd N bf land owned by KobertOook in his lifetime, E by highway, 8 by a lane from highway to burytag ground & W by burying ground i LIVINGSTON PATENT, DIVISION 6, Hart Tract, I, B'd N by Town of Saranao, a by lot 2, 8 by lot 4 & W by the Oraig lot owned by Lapham 76) 4, B'd N by lot 1, E by lot 3, S by lets 5 k 6 JOT by Cragie or Oratg lot J& 7 DIVISION 8, SiOouM TBAOT, 19. 62, Middle >,', b'd Sf by J. & J. Bogers' Iron Oo.,EStW by lot lines &8 by Patrick Hogan 83) MAUL'S PATENT. 197, B X, ex. und. 41X* paid by J. & 3. Bogen MOOBE <B. J.) 776a PATENT, B'd N * W by Und of Saisuel Comers E«t., E by Und of J. Myers & 8 by highway ) MOOBE'8 (PLINY 600a) PATENT, K p't, across, 100a, and all of 200a Wp't, acroBB, ex. 66a N p'c thereof, b'd N & 8 by Sterna land 2f OLD MILITARY TBAOT, TOWMBHIP a, l.Np't 32« 4, Ex. 18a 8 K cor., tiquare. 6, E end of W X, aorow a 0,Kx. 17Sa E end, across, & 100a W end, acroiis. 7,8. 9, Ex. 43a N W oor. to Daniel Kennedy, b'd beg. at N W oor. of lot, th. 8 86« E on N line of lot 2So to W bank of Baranao lltver, th. up said Biver, 8 llo 501 to a stake utaudir g ou W bank thereof, th. N 86 U W «o, th. Bfi°«() / W 7o, th. N 86° W llo 161, th. 8 23 U W 17o RO1 to a stake standing on W Hue of lot &th. N » ° I I along said W Hoe 34o to beg.; 34a, Uad of A. William*, b'd bog. st a stake Sc stones on W line of lot at H W oor of Ken- nedy's land, th. 8 W along s*id W. line 10c 701 to m «Uk,3 Sc stones, th. 8 i6" K 7o 381 to centre of road, th. N 25° E along cent,r« of road 8o 001, th. N 68 U E Bo 501, th. N *« K 6o 601 to a Mrgraph jioat on W »lde of the road, near a oprlug. th. N 5S U W 16o to n dtake & stoam tn MI old road & th. H W 1'Jto um to beg ; also ox. 5U, Und of Pat Buoklny, in BW oor. of lot, b'd beg. at a staka & utonen on W lino of lot, 8 of A. Wil- liams' Uoal Kiln, th. H il' W on Mid W line 60o to 4 W oor. of lot, near bank of Bavanno Klver, th. H 80° E down aaid Hlvor lOo, th. N a" K aloiiK the Mar«)i on W Hide of Haid Kiv«r 8Io 801, th. N ««•• W 2o 021 to oflntrn of road, th.,8 35" W along Rftid contro lo 751 & tb. N H0° W 7o »H1 to bog 7J II, Ex. uud. U-10 fornierly p'd by J. VV. Bognr- 11, Und. 9-10 on which taxyn wore formerly paid by J. W. Wognrdim. 16, B'd b»g. at H W oor. of lot, th. V, on H lino of lot 18»r to centra of t.lio Harunnn Kivnr, Ui. along aaid oentr« N 6!i u K Hr 71 A, N 88° E 48r 201, th. W'ly par't with 8 liuo of JotlMrfttli. B'lyon W line of lot h'i)it to bug < It, 8nb. 4. 18,N»oor If 26, Sx 85a,square,<nN Woor. k 100a,square, in 8 W oor. of lot. &, B*. w>a. # Stot* property. 88, S end of W X, b'd N by Unda of Mrs. John Biglow k fatten, Mrs. John Bigelow k Yat- to, J. k U. Biglow k P. Yattow, or Uads of P. Tatton 63>i 84, 8 X. £:"*• 111 to 119, inc. 120, Bx. 25a 8 E oor., 50r wide N & 8 & 80r long E k W. L20.SB cor, 60rwideN&8&Ji0rlongE&W 95 21,8 p't, b'd N by land* of L. St. Louts 128 % aw. L69, 170,178,177, 194, All in Dannemora 23 196, All in Dannemora 25 230. 350, N Wcor., rem. in Lake 87 270,Sside 100 TOWNBHIP 6, 5, B'd N, S k W by Unds of A. 8. Phelps k E by Unds of B. G. Holbrook, Mrs. Samuel Walkeror M. Harford 28 23, Ex. 125a 8 E cor., 125r wide N k 8to160r long E k W. 23, On E line 60r N from S E oor., 75r wide N (fc 6 & 160r long. E & W...... 76 26! H #, ex. und. X thereof paid by Mary B. 46*. On W line 40r S from N W oor., 46r wide »&8&160rlongB*W 46 51, B'd N 87#o by a line par'l to & 89c 421 N from S line of lot, B 29o 721 k W840 97i by lot lines * 8 by the Ogdensbnrg & Lake Obamplain Ballroad 124% 52,B'dbeg.6erWfromNEoor,,th. W42r,S ^ 150r1B48r&N150r... 40 68, N W oor., b'd beg. at N W oor. of lot, tb. S 90f. B 190r, N 108c & W190rtobeg 117 "JSW oor., b'd beg. at N W oor. of lot, th. S rjSIr, »172r, M'Ur k W 181rto beg 106 BijtpH 126 19, On N Unell6r E from N W oor., 880r long N & 8 ft 17r wide S k W " . 40 PALMER'S (ZBPHANIAH), OB PLATX'8 (ZEPH- ANIAH) GBEAT LOOATION, 8, B'd N by Und of B. O. ruller, or E. TuUer, B b y Lake Coamplaln, S by T. Baker to James BopgB or Baggs & W by lands of E. Fuller, T. Baker, I. O. Allen & Bat. of J. AUen, or by Undn of J. G. Allen k £ s t of J. Allen 400 PION PATENT, 4, N Woor,, "JohnAherns" 20 6, Ore Bed b'd N by Thorn k Watson's Tract, E by lot 283 Befugee Tract, B by Town line & W by 600a said to belong to A. O. Moor, 200a, ex. und. \ thereof heretofore paid by. J. M. Davison. PLATT'8 (ZEPHANIAH) GBEAT LOOATION, Baa PALMER'S (ZEPHASIAU) GBBAT LOCATION, PLATrtjBDKGH OLD PATENT, lBT DlVItllOK. 39, Monroe Hal; b'd beg. at N W cor. of lot, tb. 8 on W hue tue.eof 24o 701, th. E 40c to laud of Lueiua Reynold*, t&. N 24o 701 to a stake & Btoueu & th. W 40o to beg; with house, 99 2D JLlVIfclON 76. 2D J PL&TT8BUBQH VILLAGE, BIUDOK & WAFKB HTBBETS, Feet McOadden, Frauds; b'd N 20 ft by Bridge St.. E 60 ft £ 8 20 ft by the Me ann place (so called) & W oo ft by Water St.; witn house.. 20x5( BKINKJJBHOFF Sl'BEET, North Side, Beokwitb, B. or B. M.; b'd beg 293 ft W from W line of Oak Ht, tb. W on N Hue of Brlnk- erhoflSt. 100 ft to A. M. Moore's 8 E oor., th. N on Moore's E line 226 ft. to land of Weed to Moore or Weed & Moocr's, th. E on Weed & Moore's or Weed & Mooer's 8 line 100 ft. to N W oor. of Warren Dow and tb. 8 on Bald Dow's W line 220 ft. to beg.; with house 100x226 BBOAU STBKET, South Side, fcsq. Ft. Biley, John B.; b'd beg. on 8 line of Broad St. 92X feet from an o»k tree in centre line of Oak St.,toat N E oor. of land* occupied by O. DoUn, th. E on S line of Broad Ht. 80 w; ft., th. 8198 ft., th. B W'ly 112 ft. and th. N along said Dolan'a Und 208 ft. to beg.; with house 10,938 llBOAD k OEMKTKHY HTBKTH, Clark, Geo. L.; b'd N I'M ft. by Broad St., E 160 ft. by Cemetery St., 8 00 ft. by A. Mc- Keefe and W112^ ft. by O. E . M. Edwards; with house. CKMKTBRT HTBIET, Went Bide, Acres, Dowling, H. H.; b'd « by MoKeever, E by Cemetery Ht., 8 by Saranao River and W by Obateaugay Ore & Iron Oo.'a land; with house S See "Broad dc Cemetery Street*." OHAMPLAIN STBKET, West Side, Feet. 12, Moore, A. O., But, now owned by John O. Olark; b'd IN by highway, E by Ohaiuplain St., 8 by lot 18 and Wby lots 33x100 18, Fountain, Joseph, 2d; b'd N 100 ft. by Elm St., E4!ift. by Obnmplain Ht.,« 100 ft. by G. L. Olark & W 42 ft. by G. H. Beck with.. 42x100 OOIINKLIA 8TMBKT, South Side, Brno, Mrs. Eriward; b'd N by Oorne/ia St., E by A. L. & J. I-dfare, 8 by Me flattie to Dr. KellogK & W by lot of W. L, German; with house 116x100 8eo "Ohamplalu Street, Went Bido," Lot 13. HAMILTON STBJCET, Boo "Peru Si Hamilton Streets." Went Side, ' Kveraat, llv>v j F.; b'd N 260 it. by O. Town, E HO tt. by Margaret «t., H 280 ft. by 11. F. Everest & W «0 ft. by O. W. Kandall 80x250 MlLtALLKV, Hoo "Water Stroot & Mill Alley." PEHU & HAMU,TON STBUBTH. Lot .11 of the MiibdlviHiou of land between I'lluy Mooru, Joiia« IMatt & othors, b'd botf. In H line of Hamilton Bt, at N W oor. of Bohool Ilouao lot, th. N 5H y W along B lino of said 8t., ao and 211 to R lino of Peru 8t,, th. 8 4/5 / W along Bald Une 'Jo to land of (Javanash; th. B H«y 15 / E alou« «ald Oav- ansRh'B land 2o 001 to the School House lotAores. A theuoo N W hi aloiiK n%U Hnhool House lot 701 to beg.; with house 517-101) 1'INR HlHKBT, Weil Side, Feet. Mowwy, L«aiid«r; b'd N & W by fl. M. Weed, K by i'lue Ht. k 8 by i'ntor Mosmiy; with houBo 66x98 PLATT STRKKT. Kant Side, 26 Landry, Angeline; b'o N100 ft. by Uointta & 88 ft.toythe Oblate Fathers, 8 100 ft. by Xooney *W»8 ft. byPUtt St.; with faou«e,80xlfO0 Lot. feet. 88, Brown, Antoine; b"d N by P. O. Callinan, & by J. Wiluott, a »^y o. 1) man k W by Pla\t St.; 33 ft. wide I* & S & 100 ft. long E & W; with house 33x100 mvsu STBEET, West Side, B'd N 81 5-6 ft. & W 14 6-6 ft by G o, Tappan, E 14 6-6 ft by Rivor St. & a 31 5-6 it. bv Thos. Armstrong; with store 3L 5-6X14 6-6 Standish Street ife Water A Iky, Tennison, Wm.; b'd N 100 ft. by Water Alley, E 60 ft. by 8. M. Weed. S 100 ft. by Jas. Oa- vanangb & W f0 ft. by StandlBb St; wifh house SOxlCO Water Street, See "Brldgo & Wat(>r Sc^e'D." WaUr Street & Mill Alley, Nichols, Eoea W ; Kesruex lot, b'd N by the McCann place (BO called), E by Mill Alley, S by Mill OO'B laud & W by Wat«r 8t 18x52% POINT AU ROOHE PATENT, 2, W end, 75a, ex. ?0a S W p't tb>roof. KEPUGEB TBAOT, 420 ACRE Lore, SO Mauer. Eugene: b'd beg. on E line ox lot 24o 801 N from is E cor. thereof, th. W'ly par'l with S line of lot 40o 121. th. N'ly p ir'l with E line of lot So 101, tb. E'iy par'l with 8 Acres, line of lot 40c 12i to E line thereof & th. S'ly in said E line to beg 32*? 91, NWeor 90 49, N E cor.; b'd S by land of Joaeph L^Zitt or J. O. Hubbeli & W by Und of J. O. Hub- bell or Und of Eet. of Patrick Finncgan.... 46 81, Lewia Tromblj; b'd N by highway, H by land cf Thomas Weightoian & 8 k W by land of Bartemy Dragen, Jr.. 20 82, B'd N by highway, B by Und of lhos. Weightman k S & W by Uud of B. Dragen, , Jr 20 1 Dennis Lezott; b'd N by highway, E k S by Unda of Lewis Lezott Eat. It W by land of JohnNeddo 15 82, Le«iB Sberbina; b'd beg. in centre of high- way on N line of lot 18c 601 E from N W cor. thereof, tb. E in said highway 4c 881 to V W cor. of Geo. Bobs*' Und, th, S 18° W78c 961toa stake to stone* in 8 line of lot, th. N 77° Won said H line 4u 901 to a, bt&ke k atones &th. N13«9/E78c961t3beg 36 10*. 8 W oor., b'U « by highway k E by Und of Jeremiah Ito&n . 60 107. 110, B'd N by Und of Est. of John Hani y, E & W by land of G. W. & F. Palmer & Co. & S b y highway X 110, B'd N by land of Joseph Superaaw, E by land of Joseph Paro, 8 by Ohazy Biver k W by Und oi Samuel Goff X 110, David Decker; b'd bog. at a stone in a pile of stones S 20 W 7c 801 from the S W cor. of the S abutment of the bridge across the S branch of the Ohazy Biver, bo- low Palmer to Go's forge, th. N 72° 20/ W 5c to bank of Ohazy River, th. S 17° 40 ' W, up said river, 2c to a pile of stones, th. S 12 Q 20 / E 6o to a Btone in a pile of stones & th. N 17° 40 / E 2o to beg 1 110, Wm. Gardner; b'd N by Und of John Hanley Btf.,.B by lands of S. F. ViUs, known as Grabam Mill property & 8 & W by highway 6V 111, B'd N k 8 by Unds of G. W. k F. Palmer k Co., B by highway at W by land oi Jno. Hanley Est X 132, Edward Minney; b'd N k E by highway, S by la <<t of Joho LamuunUln & W by land of Stephen Staokpole X 134, Ex 120a E side paid by H. Q LaaBlng. 135, B'd N by highway, E k 8 by lands of David iieubriaor Bobria & W by land of Stanley Wood ; 4 155, 8 Boor., square 66 168, Mr*. Abbie McGregor; b'd N by Old Mili- tary Turnpike, E by line par'l with W line of iot, S by highway k W by lot line [t, B'd N by Uud of Stephen Stackpole, E by Und of Frank Ladne, 8 by Und of G. W. k 160, B'd N by Uud of Stephen Stackpole, E by Und of Frank Ladne, 8 by Und of G. W. k F. Paluitr & Co. k W by Und of John Ber- lab.. 170. 183, Ex. 9 9-10a occupied by Ogdenfbnrg to Like Ohamplain B. B. Oo. for tracks k turn- 186. 187, N p't, across 105 191, Ouurles Donnahew; b'd N by Und of Roborts k Son, E by Und of A. William*, S by highway k W by land of Patrick Ken- nedy x 192, Oharles Dounahew; 8. W. oor.. b'd N by Bail Koad & E by lands of Roberts & Sou.. X 220. B'd N k E Dy lands of A M. k P D. Moore, 8 by lands of J Ducat & Wby State ' , Gor* between Old Military to Befugee Tract* 60 223, N E oor.. b'd S by Uudsof Aiocza Uollins ft J. O. Hubbeil ft W by lauds of Lewi* Beach 50 223, Johs & Elihu Taylor, S W oor., b'd N by lauds formerly owned by A. L. Bronfon & Weeley Sp"amding to E. oy Uud uf Alonzo Oollios... so 224, NX. 224 S X. 226! 237; 220, Ex. 38a 8 E oor. k 33a S W cor., State Unds. 230 k house. 231. 283, N p't b'd B by tue Prison lot 160?i 244, B'd N by lot line, E by town Una, 8 by Brunellfc Wby Road 33 247, Thos. Haley; b'd N by Road, & by lot line, S by Judge & W by Boad leading S to PUnk Road 50 THORP'S PVTflNT, , Allen Plain lot, b'd N k W by the Oraig lot, E by the Rioketfton lot & S by A. Irwin k Downs, or by the Allen Plain lot 40 5, B'd N by laud* of N. Lspham, E by land* of the Elmore Est.. or the Bimore U,t. H by UndB of A. Irwin, known as the Ricketsou lot & W b y the Oraig & Alleu lots CO WALLlOE (HEN/.) 548 AORkS PATENT, B'd N by Und of Peter Hub*dean, E by land of ilex. MoUlelland, S by Old Military Turn- pike 4c W by land of <Jb*rlee Rollo 50 WATSON'S PATENT, 16. 39, W p't across.. 50 LEGIL NOTICES. \jO'riC».-Byorderof David F. Dobie, 8nr- 11 rogate of Olinton county, N.Y., notice in hereby given according to law, to all pernoun having claims against DANIEL WESOOXT. late of Peru, in aaid county, deceased, that they are required to --.Uibit the same-with the vouihtrn thereof to the bscrlufir*, At the dwelling-house of Lewis M. Howes, at PeasleevMe, ia Peru, in eald county aud state, on or before the 17th day of November; 1890. Daied, Maj 6th, 1890. LE\*1B M. H0WE8, \ v ^ „,.„_. 1820 DEAN T. DENTON,/ Executors. N OTiCR «»F «AI^I5.-Byvlrtu©ofa judg- ment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the Supreme court, Jane 3,1890, the subscriber, Referee duly appointed, will Bell by -"two auction, at the Court House door in Platts- rgli, N. Y., on the 14th day of November, 1890, at ten AM., tno ioliowlng described premises, nameiy: That tract or parcel 0! laud situate In town of Altona, Clinton county, N.Y., bounded and described aa follows: That part of lot one Hundred and ninety (iflO) Refugee 4!J0 acre Lota, beginning at the northeast corner of the lot; run- ning tnence north 19 degrees aDd 80mlnuteB west 23 chains In tue nortli line of the lot to David Vincent's northeast corner; tnence southerly la said Vincent's east line forty-one chains and forty-six ilnfea to tbe Military Turnpike; thence south 76 degrees eaBt twelve clialns and 84 llnka and Boutn 72 degrees 45 minutes east 10 chains and 13 links In tiie center of tne Turnpike to the east line of the lot, and tnence northerly in the east line of the lor, 42 cnalns and 90 llnka to ttie place of beginning, containing ninety-six acre3 or land, be the same more or less, ana being Bame premises conveyefl to uetrnls Orowley and John Tormey Dy Bridget Haley and otners, by deed, daied Marcn 18. i860, and recorded in Clinton county clerk'8 office, in VoL 75 or Deeds, p. 281. September 24th, IHSO. mo DAVID F. DOBIE, Referee. S irPKemw U O C I H T - T R I A L DESIRKD IN OujiTON COTJNTT.—Charles Gonyo, Plaintiff, a;/aimt Mary L. Gonyo, Antrellne Donah, Albert Donan, Julia Recor, Wilbur Recor, Emma J. Gonyo, Luolna Gonyo, Eliza Trombly, James Trombly, laaao Gonyo, Jenny Gonyo, Albert Gonyo, Frank Gonyo, Alice Gonyo, Defendants. To the above named Defendant; You are hereby summoned to answer tne com- plaint in tills action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the service of tnla summons, exclusive of the day of service, and In case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default tor the relief demanded In the complaint Dated, June 26,1890, 8HKDDBN * BOoTH, Plalntlff'8 Attorneys. Oftt<;e address, Plattaburgh, New Yorlt. * Postomce address, Plattbburgh, New Yoik. To Albert Gonyo, FranK Gonyo, Alice Gonyo and The foregoing summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. 8. A. Kellogg, Clinton County Judge, dated tne 7th day of July, i89i>, and tiled with tne complaint In the office of the Clerk of Clinton county, at Pittsburgh, New York. SUKDDBN &-BOOTH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 1840W7 - Pittsburgh, N.Y. S irPftKIVI K fJOUM/r—OLINTON COUNTY. Verner H. Lamberti Plaintiff, aqaimt George Lamberton, Alexander i,. »,ambert6n, Elizabeth Foiiett, Mary A. Wilson, William Lamberton, Jr., Mary Lamoerton, an infant over 14 y> ars of r— Mary j . Lamberton, Jenny Lambertorj, EUL.W Defendants Jc>8epU Follett * Bartlett Wilson, In pursuance of a Judgment in the above en- titled action or partition, entered In the office of the clerk of the couoty of Clinton, on tbe 25th day of Heptemoer, 1800, i, the undersigned Ref- eree. In and by 8ald judgment for thatpurpoBe appointed, will Bell at publlo auction at the entrance of yhedden'a Block, in the village and town of Mooers, Clinton county, New York, on tne lotn day of November, IBOO, at 10 o'clock in tne forenoon, the lands ami premises in said judgment directed to m aold and ttereln dea- crioed as follows: AH that piece or parcel or land situate In the town of Mooers, Clinton county, Nt-w York, being part of lot number 151 of tne 4«6 acre lota of the Kef ugee Tract, bounded on the nortn by lands of Mary A. w Uson; on the east by tne highway running rroin Wnltney's butter toe- tory to Ira Downs; on the south by land* of Bllz- abeth Follett, and on the west by lands of Verner H. Lamberton, containing about nine and one- naif acres of land, more or less, being a part ol tbe twenty-Blx and one-fourth acres of land owned and occupied by Alexander LamDerton in ills liietlme. Dated, September 25th, 18»;>. H. a HAPP, Referee. SHSDPCN k BovtUy ^Jalntlff's Attorueye, Platts- bUTgD,N.Y. 1841 and desumatlon thereot Also, all that certain other piece or parcel N JEVV Y d R K SCPKEMtr cow K T - < OTTNTY OF CLINTON.—The Equitable life Assurance Society of the United St tea, plaintiff, oaainut Cfcarlotte Ai. Norton and otlier*, delend- in' pursuance oi the judgment of foreclosure and sale made in tne above entitled action, bear- ing date the first day of July, oiie thousand eight hundred and ninety, and duly entered in tne office of the clerk ol ihe county ol Clinton, I, the undeisigned sheriff of the county of Clinton will sell at public auction at the County Court House in tne village of Piattsburgh, Clinton county, on Wednesday, the 2&ta day ol October, 1890, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the lollowing described premises, to wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and water privilege, situate in the village oi Pitts- burgh, in the county of Clinton ana state ot New YorK, lying and being on the west side ol the Biver saranac, and known and distinguished on the map ot the subdivision ot the Mill lots and other Mm Company lands In the said village, caused to be made by Jonathan Griffin and others, trustees, etc.. on a survey thereof by Nathaniel H. Treadwell and Hiram Qoodale, in June, 1829, as Mill lot No. 6, and which Is bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at the west end ot the Mill Dam (as it stood In 1829) acrosB the Elver Saranac at the east aide of a brick building formerly standing thereon and at the southwest corner ol lot number 7 of said Mill Lots; tbence north 27° east along the eaBt Bide ol Bald brick building and In the line ot said lot number 7, forty leet and 6-lOtihs ol a foot to the northeast corner ol said brtcH building; thence north 63° west along the north end ot the aaid buck building and the same line continued 45 ft. to an alley laid down on said map leading from Bridge street to said lot number 6; thence south 27° west to the south side ol an aney laid out on said map 30 f c. wide and leading from Mill Alley; thence north 71° 80 / west in the sooth bounds ot said Alley to Mill Alley; therca south 11° 15/ west in the east bounds of Mill Alley 57 feet to the north bounds ot the lot called the Jebez P. Hyde lot; thence south 88° eaBt In said Hyde's north line 120 leet and 8-lothB of a loot; thence north 27° east 47 leet ana 3-ioths ot a foot to the place of beginning. Together with all the rights and privileges and robject to all tbe regulations, resti lotions, con- ditions and reservations contained in a deed ot ttieae premises and other lands, executed by Jonathan urlffln and other Trustees to Richard Gates, dated 8 June, 1S29, and recorded In the Olinton county clerk's office, in Liber O ot Deeds, on page '248, etc., and to the terms and conditions ot eaie annexed to said deed and recorded there- with. Also, all that certain other piece or parcel of land, situate north ol and adjoining the premises above described and being part of Mill lot num- ber 7 above referred to, bounded as follow s: Be- tinning at the northeast corner of said Mill lot No. 6 aoove desorioed; thence north 27° east 80 teet; thence north 63® weBt to the east line ot the Alley leading irom Bridge street to said Mill lot No. 6: thence along the east line of said Alley to lot No! 6; thence along and In the line ot said lot No. 6 south 63° east 45 feet to the place of ——nlng. ;ether with the right to use on the above ibed premises forever, one-quarter oi the water which said Mill lot No. 7 Is entitled. And together with all the rights and pxlvlleges mentioned, referred to or granted in and by a certain deed executed by Almon Thomas ai.d BphrJml. Thomas to OtlsA.Tetft snd Henry Tefft, dated 14 August, i860, and recorded in Clin- ton county clerk's office, in volume 37 of Deeds, on page 118, etc., and subject to all the regula- tions, conditions, and restrictions mentioned or referred to in said deed, reference being had to the same and to the deed and schedule therein referred to for a more toll and perfect description of herein above described, being part Lot No. 7, bounded and described as follows: Be- ginning at the southwest corner ot Bald Mill Lot No. T. at a point where tee south line ot Bald lot extending along tbe Mill Dam joins the east line ot said lot No. 6 at where was the east side ol the brick building formerly etandlog on Bold lot No. 6, and running thence northerly in the east line o( said lot No. 6 to the northeast corner of said orlck building, and trom thence northerly In tne same course no feet; thence east or easterly parallel with the north line ot Mill Lot NO. 6 six ieet: thence southerly parallel with the eaBt line of Mill Lot No. 6, being the east line ot Baidbilck buhdlng, to the south line ot MtU Lot No. 7, and thence west or westerly along the south line ot said Mill Lot No. 7 to the place of beginning. Together with tbe right to build and project the cornice ot any buildings which may be erect- ed on the above described premises, over tne lands adjoining the above described premises on the ea^t. Also ail that otber certain piece or parcel of lana, situate, lying and being in the town of Piattsburgh aforesaid, near the Upper Dam (so called) above the village of Plattsburgn, bounded and described as follows: Commencing on the west side ot the road leading trom the village ol Piattsburgh across the covered Bridge on tbe Saranac Klver towards Salmon Klver at the northeast corner of a piece ot land heretofore conveyed by William Palmer and tne executoro ot Juhn Palmer, to James and George Harris, and running thenoe northerly along the west bounds or aaid road twelve rods; thence north 78° 30' west and parallel with the north line of said Har- ris lot until it Btrlk?B the north shore or bank of the mill pond above the dam near said covered bridge; thence southeasterly along the north Dank or shore of the said mill pond as It winds and turn», but hot extending luto said mill pond or including any part thereor, to the west line ot a did Harr s lot; thence along Bald Harris' west and north Une to the place of beginning, oontala- lcg 2 aorte and 63 one-hundredtns of an acre of land, more or less. Also all that certain lot of land and water priv- ilege, t)eing the Harris lot above called, and being known and described and designated ai Lot No. 1 m the division of Mill Lote>, located on the north side of the Biver Saranao at the upper or covered bridge and near the village ot Pittsburgh, bounded as follows: commencing at a point lu the west bounds or margin ol a street or roaa leading from the village ot Piattsburgh over said covered bridge and at or nearest the northwest corner oc the abutment at the north ena of said bridge, and running thence north twenty degrees and 16 minutes eaBt one chain and seventy-nine and one-halt links to a Btake; thence north 78° 30 / west 6 chains and 28 links to a point 4# links north or a white oak tree Bt«mdlDg on the bank, near tbe margin of the Mill fond; thence south to tbe centre of the Klver Saranac; thence down the centre of the river as It windb and turns to a point which wouldfcelutersected by the contin- uation of the Une of tne western bounds ol tue street or road flret above mentioned; thence nort awesterly to the place of beginning. Together with all the rights and privileges and, subject to all the regulations, restrictions, reser- vations and conditions mentioned, contained or referred to in a certain deed ol the above de- scribed premises executed by Benjamin p. Bur- haus and Thomas 8. Gray to Henry Tefft and otls A. Tefft, dated the lat day of December IStir*, aud recorded in Clinton County clerk'a office lu Vol. 55, ot Deeds, at page Tft4, &c, and in the con- tract aud conveyance o£ said deed referred to. Also all that certain other lot aud water privi- lege situated on the north side of the river Sar- auac, at the covered bridge, herelnbetore referred to, and lylDg east and aujolnlnga lot and water privilege heretofore sold hy the executora ot John calmer aad others to Smyrna Hobart and Wm. H. hedges, bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Hobart and Hedges lot and running thence east to the west Hue of lands belonging to Hiram Walworth, now deceased; thence Bouth along said Walworth's west line to the river saranac, and la a continua- tion ot said Une south to the center of the river saranac; thence up the center ot said river to the southeast corner of aald Hobart aud Hedges lot: thence northerly along the east line ol said Hobart and Hedges lot to tbe place of beginning. Together with all the riglita and privileges and subject to all the conditions, restrictions, liabili- ties, reservations and regulations contained, mentioned or referred to la the certain deed from Burhaus aud Gray to Henry and Otis A. Tefft, baarlng date the 1st day of December, 1866, above referred to, so far as said rtphta andJpnvileges, conditions, restrictions, &c, reler to or affect the above described premises. Also all that certain otber piece or parcel ol land situate west of and adjoining tne premises last above described, known and designated as the Forge lot and water power, and being lot No. 2 in tbe division ot Mill lots on the north Bide ot the river Saranac at the upper or covered bridge, (HO called) being the aamttlot and privileges here- tofore conveyed by the assignees ot Hobart and Hedges toz. N. Weston by a deed in Clinton county Clerk's office, In volume 17, ol DeedB, pxges 356 and »66, reference being made to Bald deed for a more full and particular description of said premises. Together with all the rights and privileges, and subject to all the conditions and reBtrlottons con- tained or referred to in the said deed to eald Weston, abovo mentioned. Also all that certain other lot and water privi- lege on the south side of tue river Saranac at the covered bridge, aforesaid, bounded weBt by the road leading iroro the said covered bridge towards Salmon Klvur village, south by lands conveyed by the executors of John Palmer to Otis A. Tefft, eust hy lands conveyed by said executors to Christopher P. Norton, and north by the aouth bank or the river saranac at low water mark. Together with aU the rights and privileges, and subject to all the conditions; provisions and re- strictions contained in a deed from Frank Palmer, Chas. E. Palmer, and victor A. Wood, aa execu- tors ot William Palmer, deceased, to Henry Tefft and Otis A. Tefft, dated 8th January, 1868, aud recorded in Clinton County Clerk's office in vol. 63, ol Deeds, page 6>», &o. Also so ruuoh of the bed of the rlv#r Saranao as Is bounded on the north by the center ot said river, on the eist by the Norton lot above re- terr- d to, on the south by the premises above described, and a Hue extending therefrom to the toot of the dam at a distance of six leet Irom the north side of the foundation wall of the present grist mtn, and on the west by the town side of the dam. Subject to ull the rights heretofore re- served or convoyed to the owners ot the said grlat mill, said Norton or others. Also all that certain piece or parcel ot land situate south ot »nd adj<»toing the MUl lot last herelnabove described, bounded as follows: Be- glnntDK ftt the southweBt corner ot said Mill lot tmd running thence easterly along the south line ot said Mill lot and the south line ol lands con- veyed by the executors of John Palmer to Chris- topher P Norton, 7 chains and 40 links, or there- abouts, to the west Une of lands heretofore owned by Bobert Ptatt, deceased; thence southerly in said Platt'8 west Une 5 chains and 8 links; thenoe north 77° <6 ' west parallel with the first men- tioned line 8 cualuB and 66 links, or thereabouts, to the road leading aouth trom the coveral bridge towards Salmon river, and thenoe north- easterly in the east bounds of said road to the •r covered bridge, ^HM©? place of Beginning. Excepting and reserving iherelrom a small piece In the south wear, corner now owned by Fletcher Richards. Also all rhai certain Island to the Saranac river near the heufl ot the MM Pond above the covered bildge, »t»vp- s*ld, known and distinguished by the name of Webb's Island, containing about ten acres oi land more or less. Also all that certain piece or parcel ol land tn the town of Piattsburgh, being tne same convey- ed to Henry and Otis A. Tefft by deed dated 29th May, 1862, by Edgar and Stephen Averill, bound- ed as tollowB: Beginning on the north bank of the river Saranac a few rods east of Wlncheli's Old Bridge (so called) at Palmer's Une and run- ning theuce north east, )0 chains and 75 lihfcB to the southeast corner of the lot heretofore oc- cupied by Mr. Archey; thence north 88«and 30 minutes west, 8 chains and 16 links to the sou f h- east corner of a one acre lot of land sold by Charles Averill to G. V. Edwards; thence south 2° west, 8 chains and 26 Unks to the rivtr sar- anac; thence down said river to the place ol be- ginning, containing 8 acres, more or less. Re- serving the privilege of getting sand reserved to G. v. Edwards in his deed ol the aloresald prem- ises to Charles and George Averlli,aiid as to the- provisions as to fencing contained in said deed Also all that certain piece of land situate in the said town ot Pittsburgh, convened by GustavuB V. Edwards to Otis A. Tefft by deed 1 dated the first day ot March, 1863, bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the river Saranac at the southwest corner o f a piece of land heretofore conveyed hy said Edwards to Charles and George Averill, and runnlng^hence north or northerly along the west Une ot said Averill's piece to the foot ot the high bank, and thence up said bank in the same line *o a point In said bank to which the water wiu Ue raised by a dam 11 leet high, irom the ordinary line of the water to the top ot the dam across the said river Saranac at the old abutment, so called, just down the river trom the piece of land hereby conveyed where the water is running over said dam one foot deep on the top thereof; thence westerly and southerly in said bank as It winds and turns, keeping at said elevation to the line of tbe lands owned by Hiram Walworth, late ot Piattsburgh. deceased, at the time ot his death; thence east or easterly In said Walworth's line down said bank to the river saranac; thence down said river as it winds and turns to the place ot beginning. Excepting and reserving all the rights reserved to said Edwards, his heirs and assigns in and by said deed. Also to be held by the party ol the second part for the Joint benefit of all the owners ot water power at the dam near the covered bridge, afore^ said; all the rights to flow land hy said dam granted to the party ot the first part, Otla H. Tefft, or to him and Henry Tefft by the abo«e named Gustavcs v. Edwards, and the above named Edgar and Stephen Averill, and by Mrs. Bobert Carrol, and by Samuel Waterhouse and others, heirs of Samuel Waterhouse, deceased. Also all that certain piece of land in the village ol Piattfitmrgh conveyed to Otis A. Tefft party of the first part by the executors of John and Wm. Palmer, bounded and described as follows: Be- ginning at the southwest corner of the burial greuna in the village of Piattsburgh, as fenced in 1866, and running thence south 37° 80 ' west, 4 chains and 91 Unks to lands ot the party ot the 1st Dart; thenoe northerly along the east line of said last mentioned line to tbe southwest corner of a piece of land conveyed by said executors to Andrew McKeele; thence easterly along Mc- Keefe's south line to the place of beginning. Also all that certain piece or parcel ol land in the village ol Piattsburgh, bounded and de- scribed as follows: on the north by the factor? lot, so called, (being Mill lot No. 6 at the lower dam herein above referred to) on the south by a lot now or heretofore owned by James Bailey, and on the west by MUl Alley, being the same N W'l'lOJi.—By order of David F. Dobie, Bar- row te of Clinton County, notice Is hereby given according to law, to all persons having claims against ABRAMA. GALE, bite of Mooen~deo«Med, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the • the residence of Henry A. Roof, in Mooers, H,Y., onor before the 2d day of February, 1891. Dated, July 19,1890. premises conveyed by Solon Tobias to Almon Thomas and Henry Tefft, by deed dated 7th June, 1869, and recorded in the Clinton County Clerk's office in Vol. 84, of Deeds, on page 482, &c. Also all those two certain pieces or parcels of land being parts of lot No. 9, in Township No. 3, Old Military Tract, conveyed to Henry Tefft and Otis A. Tefft by Lawrence Myers and William Walt, assignee of James and George Harris, by deed dated i2th day of March, 1869, and recorded in Clinton County Clerk's office in Vol. 87, of Deeds, on pages &J, &c. one of said pieces la bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point In the center of Saranac river opposite to a marked cedar stump on the east bank of said river about 20 rods below the dam at Gartick'B Falls, and running thence north &s° east to a point 20 rods fromsaid cedar stump; thence south fe°, east 60 rods; thenee south 66 s , west 20 rods; thence to the center of the river by the shortest line; thence down the center of the river to the uaceot beginning, containing 7 x acres of land, resides the river, more or less. The other piece is bounded as follows: Beginning at the south- east corner of the piece known as the 31 acre lot In said lot No. 9, and runnln*; thence northwardly and parallel to the west une of said lot No. 9,16 rods; thence eastwardly at right angles with said line 16 rods; thence southwardly parallel to the first line 36 rods; thence weBtwardly at right angles 20 rods; thence northwardly as before, 20 rods; thence eastwardly 4 rods to the place of beginning, containing four acres and 16 rods of hind, more or less. Together with all the rights and privileges and subject to an the restrictions and limitations contained or referred to in said deed from said Myers and Wait, assignee, &c.' Also ail that parcel of land in the county of Clinton, being 100 acres in the northwest corner of lot No. 18, in Township No. 8, Old Military Tract, as conveyed by Gerrit H. smith to Henry and Otis A. Tefft by deed dated the 10th October, 1866. Also 1«7 s-iotfes acres of land on the south line adjoining acres in the southeast corner of said lot No. 18, in said Townshup, No. 3, except 100 acres in the northwest corner of said lot, belntf the premises conveyed by Thomas A. TomllHson lenry and,Otis A. Tefft by deed dated21st August, 1856, and recorded in Clinton county Clerk's office in VoL 29, of Deeds, on page 231, &o. Also all that portion of said lot Ko. 18 in said Township No. 8, conveyed by John McGregor to Henry and Otis A. Tefft, by deed, dated 20th July, 1864, and recorded in Clinton county clerk's office, in VoL 20 ot Deeds, on page 251, etc. Ref- erence being had to said deed lor a more full and perfect description of said premises hereby in- tended to be conveyed. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land in Township No. s, Old Military Tract, known and distinguished as Lot No. 9, excepting therefrom such parts as have been sold for taxes prior to the 3d day of August, 1841, and that part convey- ed by Jo3eph Goidlng ana Oliver D. Peabody to James and George Harris by deed dated 5th Oc- tober, isfci. AIBO excepting that part heretofore conveyed to fcary a. scripture by a certain deed recorded in Clinton county clerk's office, in VoL 27 01 Deeds, at page 378, and that part heretofore convex ed to Elbridge Ames by a certain deed re- corded in said office, in Vol. 68 of Deeds, at page 274. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land, elng lot 26 in Township No. 3 ot the Old Military _'ract, excepting ana reserving eighty-five acres in the northwest corner of fifty-five acres In the southeast corner of said lot, and also r . and reserving one hundred acres in the southwest coiner conveyed to Ellen F»dden by a deed re- corded in Clluton county clerk's office, in Vol 33, pagu 373. Also all that certain piece or parcel of land and mill privilege, situate on the south side of the River Saranac, at the upper dam, near the village of Plattsburnh, and being that part of the ir> acre lot reserved for Mill lots and Mill privileges on ihe Baid south side of said River, which lies east ot Mill Lot No. 8, BO called, ot about one acre next below the south end of a covered bridge near &ald dam, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the center of the River at a point norm of Robert Platt's west line, so called, and running thence south to the south bank of said River at the northwest comer of lands belonging to Robert Platt in bis lifetime; and thence south in tbe west bounds of said Robert Platt's une 7 chains; thence west or westerly in a straight line to tbe southeast corner ot said MtU Lot Mo. 8, as the same was fenced and occupied by William Palmer in November, 1869, and at the distance of »bout 100 leet from and east of the east bounds oi the highway leading from the covered bridge to- wards Salmon River: thence northeasterly along the east Une of said Mill Lot No. 8 to the center or said River, and thence running easterly down toe center of said River to tbe place of beginning. Together with all tbe mill and water privileges, rights and appurtenances reserved in favor or the owner and occupants of the above described lot and privilege and the right to use on eald lot for ail mill and manufacturing purposes, exoept tbe grinding of grain, so muoh of the water of the said river as has heretofore been appropriate ed to the use of said premises, together with and •entitled to all the privileges and righis and sub- ject to all the conditions, regulations and rest no- tions mentioned, referred to and contained In a deed of the said premises from the executors of John Palmer, Bsqulre, deceased, to the party of the nrst part hereto, bearing date 8th November, 1869, and to which reference is made for a more full and particular description thereof. Also au that certain piece or parcel of land In the village of Plattsburgn, lying on the east side ot the road leading from Broad street to the covered bridge, (so called) bounded as follows: Beginning at the eatt margin ot said street at the northwest corner of a lot ot land heretofore sold to Hobart and Hedges and now oalled the Forge Lot, and running thence northerly along the east margin of Raid road 16 rods; thence east and parallel to said Robert k Hedges north Une, and to the north line of lands heretofore convey- ed to Burhaus and Gray to the west Une of lands belonging to Hiram Walworth in his lifetime; thence south along said Walworth'8 west Une to the northeast corner of the land aforesaid sold to BurnauB and Gray, and thence along Burhaus and Gray's north line and th& north line of said Forge Lot, to the place of beginning ALEXANDER & GBBBN, Plaintiff's A ttorneys, Office and Post-office Address, 120 Broadway, New York. 1838 , JOTICJE-By order of David 7. Doble, Surro VI gate of Olinton county, N.Y.., notloe Is nereby given aooording to law, to all persons havtna alMms against JOHN BAKEtt, late of Hcbujler F*ll«, in •aid oounty, deceased, that they are reqnired to exhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to the *un8criber,athisroidenoeln Peru, Glinton nonuty, N.Y , on or before th« lflth d*y of March, 1801. Dated, September 8th, 1890. i38m« HI BAM BlKSR, Executor. N O T I C K . - B y order of David F. Dobie, Surro- gate of Clinton County, N.Y., notice is hereby n aooording to law, to all persons having claims ost JAMBS W. BROWN, late of Giiasy, in given •gainst said county, deceased, that they" are" required to exhibit the same with the voucher* thereof to the subscriber, at his dwelling house in West Ohazy, Oliuton county, N. Y., on or before the 16th day of March, 1891. Dated, September lOttt, 1890. ALBSBT WoTADDER, 1888 Bole Surviving Executor. LEGAL NOTICES. OTICJE*—By order ol David tf. DoOie, our- rogate of Clinton county, notice is hereby given according to law, to all persons having claims agaiast OLIVE ROUsB, late of Plat sbargh, de- ceased, that they are required to exhibit the eame with the vouchers thereof to tue subscriber, at his residence in Plattsbargh, N.Y., on or before the 31st day ot January, 1>91. Dated, July 29th, 1890. »2 GERVIS G, DECOR«t, Executor. N OTICE.—By order oi David v. Doble, Surro- gate of Clinton County, notice is hereby given according to law, to all persons having claims* against RICHARD R. MOORE, late of Beekmantown, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his residence In Beekmantovn, N. Y., on or before the 20th day of October, 1890. Dated, April 16th, 1890. 1817 3\Y H. gABNSWOBTH, Executor. N O T I C E . - B y order of David F. Dobto, Surro- gate of Clinton County, notice is hereby given according to law, to all persons having claims against HOBAOE SLOSSON, late of Gbazy, de- ceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouohers thereof, to the subscriber, at his residence in Cbazy, on or before the 16th day of December, 1890. Dated, June 10th, 1890. 1836* FfiRNAUDO J. LIS GFELD, Execnto*. VTOT1UE. - B j order ol David F, Doble, Surro- 1\ gate of Olinton Oosnty, notloe it hereby given aooording to law, to all persons having claims against DISBL 8. MOUABTX**, late of Piattsburgh, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at hit office, 61 Cornelia Street, Plattsburgb, H.T., on < before the 27th day of December. 1690. Dated, June 23,1890. 1827 FRANK M0MA8TEB8, Administrator. N OTICE—By order of David F.Bobie,Sur- rogate of Olinton Gounty, notice 1B hereby given according to law, to all persons aavinRolaimi tgftlnst LUMAN JONBS, £te ot Blleiburg?; deceased, that they are required to exhibit the sune with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at hit store in Ellenburgh D«pot, N.Y., on or bei fore the ISfch day of Jan nary, 1891. ' Dated, June 2tJth, 1890. 8. G, MARSHALL. Administrator. N OT1CEU—By order of David F. Dobie, Sur- rogate of Olinton oounty,N.Y., notice is hereby given according to law, to all persons havina claims .galaJtMTBLVlN A. BARNE^lateaf Sohuy? ler Falli, in said county, deceased, that they are re- quired to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his dwelling house, in tbe village of Sohuyler Falls, OUntoa county. New York, on or before tbe 23 i day of February, 1891. Dafed, August l«h,iM0. - 1836 ETfiAM A. BAEWB3, Executor. N ente N OTICE OF 8AE,JB.-By virtue of a j ment of the Supreme court, duly made entered, Sept. 22, 1890, the subscriber, Referee duly appointed,will sell by publlo auction, at the Court House door in Piattsburgh, N.Y., on the 14th day ol November, 1890, at 10 A.X., all the In- terest Of the tees, viz: Part of lot No. 122, Patent, in the town of Beekmantown, in Clinton Co., N.Y., viz.-Fifty acres off the south side of said lot by a line running easterly and westerly parallel to the south line. September 24th, 1890. 1840 DAVID P. POBIB, BflfereeV npHJE TBJBMS O* COmm COURT 1 and Oourtof S c i o n s are nereby appointed to beheldiutheooontyof Ollat«n for &e yiar 1888. and until otherwise ordered, as foUom: Terasof Oounty Oourt sad Sessions, with 3 TMf4»y of April and second * r hearing em y consent, an partt motions andoontetted na other chamber bmiaan Piattsburgh, on every Monday. Order for appointment of such Termsfiledin tb* 01erk'coflo«,lnPlatteburgh,on January td, 1888. 1399 8. A. KBLLOGG Olintos Oe.indge. ^ CtiNTOuCoxrNTT—Peter F. criuey, executorof Mary E. Everest, deceased, Plaintiff, against Thomas CrlUey, as administrator of the estate of Timothy cieary deceased Thomas W Clear/ James H. Cieary, Catharine E. Cieary, Timothy H. cieary, Stephen cieary, Margaret Cieary, wioiam Cieary, Frank Cieary and Jerome B. Bromley, Defendants. To the above-named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the com- plaint In this action and to serve a copy ot your answer on the plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: And in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment, will be taken against you by default, tor the reile? demanded in the complaint. Dated, September 23d, 1890. JAM3& TIRKNEY, Plaintiff's Attorney. Office and Postoffice address Piattsburgh, Clinton coaoty, New York. To Thomas W. cieary, Mary J. Llndaey, John deary* James H. Oleary, Catharine B. cieary, Timothy H. cieary, Stephen cieary, Margaret cieary/William cieary and Frank Cieary, Defendants: The foregoing Bummons is Berved upon you by pubUcation pursuant to an order of George 8, weed, Clinton County Judge, dated the 9d day of October. 1890, and fifed with the com- plaint In the office of the Clerk of Clinton county. Dated October 9,1890. 1841 JAMBS TlEK>fiY, Plaintiff's Attorney. u p H K n r. vo u ** i\—Eliza S. QarfleM, 3 Plaintiff, againtt Bobert, Hall and others, De- fendants. By vinue of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made in the above entitled action on the 84th day of September, 1890, the subscriber, a referee for that purpose duly appointed, will sell at the front door of the Keeaevitie National Bank, in the town of AusaWe, county of Clinton, on the &d day or November, 1890, at 9 o'olootc A. H., the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein desotlbed as follows: AU that certain parcel of land situate in Keese- vllie, Clinton county, N. T., containing about one-fourth of an acre of land on Pleasant Street* being about two rods wide in front and 28 rods wide in /ear, bounded easterly by said street; westerly by lands formerly owned by heirs of J. Piste; northerly by lands formerly occupied by one Bradley, and southerly by lands formerly owned by Keuoen Jones, Delng same premises conveyed by James Allen to "Robert Hail. Also, a parcel of land adjoining the same, being prem- ises described in deed from w. O. Watson to said Bobert Hall, datwl October 26,1871, and recorded la Clinton county clerk's office, in Book No. 63 of Deeds, page 201. A. W. BOYNTON, Referee. F. A. ROWE, Plaintiff'* Attorney. i& TjiL.feB.tTf OX NOTICE. A General Election is to be held In the county of Clinton on the *tb day of November next, at whiohwiilbecuo«en the officers mentioned in tne notice trom the secretary of state, of which a copy is annexed. J. B. WHITS, Sheriff. Dated at Piat.sburgh, August l, 1890. STATE OF NEW YOBK, OFFICE OF TH« SBCMTABY OF &TATB, ALBAHT, July 29,1890. , on the Tues- day succeeding the first Monday of November next (November 4th), the following officers are to be elected, to wit: An Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, In the place of Robert Earl,whose term ot office will ire on tbe last day of December next. _ Justice of the supreme court, for the Fourth Judicial District, in the place of Frothlnaham Fish, whose term of office will expire on the last day of December next. A Representative in the Fifty-second congress of the Unlttd States, for the Twenty-first con- gressional District, composed of the counties of Clinton, Essex, Warren and Franklin. COOHXT AND DlSTBlOT OniOIBg 1UO TO BB iLXOTID IM ADD FOB BAH) tlOCMTY: One Member of Assembly; Two School Commissioners; A County Treasurer, in the place of John M. Wever; A county Judge, in place of George 8. Weed, appointed by the Governor, In the place ot 8. Alonzo Kellogg, resigned; Two Justices for Sessions, in the place of Seth W Parsons and J. Thompson Ames; A Coroner, in the place of Henry p. Glillland, 2d; AH whose terms of office will expire on the last day of December next. Respectfully yours, FRANK RICE, Secretary of State. J U R ¥ NOT IO13. -Notice is hereby given that on tbe 3d day of November, 1890, at Clinton County Clerk's Office in Piattsburgh, N T., I will draw the names ot thirty six persons to serve as Trial Jurors, at a Circuit Court and court of Oyer and Tarminer, to be held at the Court House, in tbe village ot Piattsburgh, on the Third Mon- day, the I7th day of November, 1890. 1848 J. P. BRBNAN, Cleric r u B Y NOTI c K . -Notice is hereby given that on the 3d day of November, 1890, at Clinton County Clerk's Office in Piattsburgh, N.Y., I will draw the names of twenty-four persons to serve as Grand Jurors, at a Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held at the Court House, in the village of Pittsburgh, on the Third Mor day, the 17th day ot November, 1890. 1840 J. P. BRENAN, Clerk. TO RENT I COAL! w convenient for parties to receive season's Goal early we prefer to deliver while dry, and are now ready, WITH a good stock of the best AU Bail and Wafer On*!. WITH improved oovered scales always ID order. WITil caref al m?n and teams to load, haul and unload. WITH personal attention to screening, weighing, keeping boose and settling our own accounts. WITH no standing excuse for poor, dirty ooal. WITH prices at all times as low as any good coal. WITH fair dealing and a desire to please as a basis to all, rich or poor alike.' We ask a oontinuanoe of all old oustomers and a fair trial from new ones, knowing we can give satisfac- tion. When Beady for Coal Don't Forget the Place. •BTOffloe and Telephone at Delaney's Ooal Yard. 1.6. MCflESOll. Pittsburgh, July 1, 1890. T HE Undersigned would re- spectfully announce to the people of Ellenburgh Centre, and vicinity, that they have opened the store at Ellenburgh Centre, formerly known as tie "Webster Store," and have a well selected line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware; also a full line of Drugs and Medicines, the Prescription department of which is in charge of a duly licensed Phar- macist. All of which they offer at prices to suit the times, and trust by courtesy, and fair dealing, to merit a share of the public patronage. G00DSPEED4 BROWN, Ellenburgh centre, March 20, ISM. HUBERT 8Q0DSPEED. M. L IHWI. Sash, Doors, Mouldings, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINTS and OILS — IS AT . . J.A.Hagar's NEW8TORE On Clinton Street Faint that will not Crack, Peel nor F*d«. ^ Taloaid Asbestos Floor Paint is superior to any; no Benzine. Drys bard and is permanent. ALABASTINK—the Permanent Wail Coatlnff-Wbite and Color*. Lead, Oil, Yarnlah, Stain, Brushes, Oores, Dry Colors, and Colors in OU and Japan. Builders' Hardware, inokcliDg As Niles Lock, Building Paper, Etc, Etc. Sasb, Doors, BUnds, Mouldings, Stair Bafl ' and Newels, in endless variety, at the Lowest Possible Price. OLASft at Wholesale and Retail, both Double and Single surenfftn. Al«e>, Catuedral, Colored, * name led and Plate Ola** Call on me before you buy; I can suit you both aa to quality and price. J. A. HACAR, OPENING OF A. Sehiffs VARIETY - DANNEMORA, N. Y., Just reoelved, a large and oomplete Une of TriooU, striped and plaid Flannels, in all shades and effeots. A speoial line of Brilliantines, snob as- atripea, plaid and plain; Henrlettes, Cashmere, of my own importation? My Cloak department has never before been so oomplete, and I am prepared to show as fine a line of Misses and ladies Jaokets and Children's Oloeisv as was ever shown in this Motion. A oomplete line of Ladies Fur and Astraoatt Capes, and I guarantee finish and fit in every way. Also, a large assortment of ObiWwn's, Boys and Men's Clothing, also Over- ooats, whioh I guarantee wm suit in fit, quality and prloe. A fail line of Ladles,(Gents a&d Children's Shoes constantly on hand. •P. Oox'a floe Shoes a specially. A oomplete line of Thompson's Glove- fitting Corsets, for whioh I am the sol* Agent. Every pair warranted. Goodyear's Glove Bobbers, in light and heavy weights, for lumbermen. 1 o»rry a full line and warrant every pair. A oomplete line of staple and fanoy Groo- eries constantly on band, 88 well as numerous other articles seedless to mention. Tours Respectfully, A. SOHIFF, Dannemora, N. F. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS.—A No. 4 Bridge 8fc,P]attsbui|»

Transcript of THE PLATT8BURGH SENTINEL, OCTOBER 17,1890. N COAL! -...


STATE TAX SALE.The following la ft list of all the lands situated in

the County of CLINTON, N. Y., which are includedin a general list of lands advertised by me to be soldfor arrears of Taxes, at the Capitol, in the City ofAlbany, commencing on the 11th day of December,

I D W A B D WEMPLE,Comptroller.

BEEKMAN'S PATENT,Lot. Acres.71, 8 Vf car 8 0

128, B'd N by p't sub-divided into two tmalllots of MoFadden, K & W by lot lines & 8 byMcPadden M

144. B'd N by Ohazy line, E by Carney, 8 byMatt Howes and W by McOreedy, known asthe Michael Brennan place 1 0


6*, Ex. 39a N W cor., square, & l l a 8 E cor.,square.

7̂ All in Altona 1701-107, W p't of 8 66a, b'd N by Town line 69, B'd N by lands of F . E. Poidy, E by land of

Wm. Aspaew, 8 by Highway and W by lotline, 100a, ex . 71a B p't thereof paid by H.Wai worth.

18, B ' d N t t W by land of Q. W. & F . Palmer& Co., I by lot line & S by land of Levi

asfStoAirw;v::;.v.v:/.:v:.v.v.v.v.:v:i»OT-ioo22 All to. Dannemora 8488-100

20, B'd N by lot line, B by town line, S byBand Hill Boad k w by State l»nd.. . . . . . . . .

26, B'd N. by lot liae, E by 91a B p't of lot, Sby Rand Hill Boad & W by «%a Bet eff toWm. Near *<88#ft to Defore

27, B'd N by land of Alic. Cereobee or Conch-ies, Alec., or Cooohe, or Alex. Oon-ofafe, K by roaa to Patrick Ryan's, 8 by Wm.Burnham's land & W by lot 2

85, Francis Parrott; b'd N by lot line k B, B &W by land of F. E.Pnrdy

43, B'd N E by Military Boad, E k B by La-gier's land & W by lot line

« , N p ' t

$', N $'%., ex. 16a S p't & 87aKE oor. thereof.67. N p't of N W X •.67, N W ^ ( ex. 44%a N p't thereof.

58! Ex. 26* N E oor. paid by Mrs. Banborn, 26a8 E oor. k 37a owned by Wm. Lucktn, b'dN by 26a N JC oor. of lot. X by lot liae, S by26a 8 S oor. of lot and W by line par'l to Bline

60, B'd H by land of Edward page, B & 8 byland of James Murphy & W by Und ofStephen Btaokpole.....?. *

73, Oorneliue Hayes; b'd N by land of PaulLafotintatn, E by land of J. T. Mead, S byland of John Jadd to W by highway

78, All in Altona, 140 7-100*, ex. 28a N W oor.thereof, square.

99,100.104, B'd N by highway, S by land of Patriot

Booney & Bteazer Mclniyw, 8 by lot line kW by land of Jeremiah Byan

104, w p't, across, Frank W. Bombard

IOC* Er. 25» N E oor.108,M Boor119,N Woor.114. AU that remains of 76a N E p't after ex.

60ft N B p t thereof.119,128,124.




Bx.OOaEeud,.., Urt. II. Hogan; b'd N by land of Cath-arine Louohier, B by land of John Gerry, 8by landof Wm. Booney * W by Unda of Wm.

188, Wm. k P.' Hogan;' b'd Nby'land'of Oath-arlne Lonohter, 1 by Und of Mw. Bf. Hogan,B by land of Wm. Booney * W by lot line..

"", BylYenus Baker; b'd N by Und of Edward» , B by Uad of John Murphy, S. by UndJeremiah Douglass k W by Und of

M0, B'd N by land of Jo i . ,land of 8. Baker, 8 by laud of John 1&W by highway

190, Peter Leonard: b'd H by land of B. B.Witherell, or WetWell, E by land of T. F.


ioisi ibift iBX.10, Subs. 5, 6.20, s.11 in Saranac ,20, "EX of all in Dannemora 2S30, B'd N by N X of lot, E by a line par'l with

E line of lot, 8 by lot Une & W by 60a W endof S X of lot to Bedford OU Co.

80, E end of 8 X, across33, B'd N by Boad, E by Taylor, 8. by Biver &

W by Bedford Iron Oo 233. Maria Williams; b'd W by Lane k Tankard,

E by Taylor, 8 by Plank Boad & W byPerry 1

60, All in Dannemora 6i6X61, All in Dannemora. 602#61, All in Saranao 93 88-10062, 8 E oor 6062, 8 Woor 50

66," David Peff; b'd N by lot line, E & 8 byBasco* W by Bowen k Signor 31

70, Sub. 7.71, B'd N by Centre line of lot, B by H.

Gainee, 8 by lot line to W by Louis Ano.. . . 8)11, B'd N by Alex. Venn, E by A. McCosland,

8 by highway k W by lot line 871, K end of 8 X of lot, b'd Wby Ano 6074, N E oor., Lewis Furmer 2680, AU in SaraDao 126 6-1084.88, Winch. Howard; b'd E & W by lot lines

&Hby Oardell 10091, 8Ecor 7192, N W oor., b'd E by Trombly, or P. Trom-

bley, or Trembley, k 8 by Road, or P. Trozu-bley or Trembley 60

96, 96, 97.>. TOWUSHIP 6.

2, Ex. 113)4a W p't." N W cor., b'd E by Und of E. Dak, or Dftke,

k 8 by Unds of R. G. Miller 63*, W p't. b'd S lands of E. Dake, 113)* a, ex.63Ka N p't thereof b'd 8 by Unds of B. G.Miller 501-8

8, Ex. 127a N p't, b'd a by land of B. G. Mill-er.

, N p't, b'd B by Und of B. G. Miller 1274, 6, 6, 7, 8.9, Ex. 50a. N end, across, occupied by George

Higpins.10, S X.b'd N by lands of Dennis Kelly or

Jas. k Geo. Higgins.1, 8 E oor., b'd N lands of Ormsbee k Pike orO. Pika, k W by Unds of Mrs. Chloe Ormsbyor Ormsbee's Und & lot line 106 2-3

12,8 E oor., b'd N by lands of Mrs. Ormsbeeor Mrs. Chloe Ormtby & W by Unds of E.Goodell k H. S. Bowel 6*

L6, At Bllenburgb Centre, supposed to beMonroe Halt's, b'd N by highway, E. byUnd of W. 8. Ayer or Ayers, or Mrs. Ayresor M M . W. 8. Ayres, 8 by Unas of M. E,Brown & W by lands of 0 . Delong; withhouse » 1

28, 8 end, b'd N by lands of M. Harrigan... . . SO80, Land formerly assessed to Mrs. Patrick

Shay, being a part of 166%a in 8 W cor. oflot, b'd N by Unds of John Modinley kJames Harrigan & E by Und of MiohaelBurkandJohn McGinley 50

30, 8 W oor.. b'd N by lands of James HorrJgan&E by Unds of Michael Burk and JohnMcGinley 106%

82, Ex. 100a N end, occupied by Stephen Tuck-er, or K end, land of M. Burke k StephenTuoker. •

84, 8 W oor., b'd N by lands of Wm. Fifleld &E by Biley Fifleld or Unds assessed to JohnEgroorEro 60

48, 8 E oor., b'd N by lauds of Matilda Hinds& Wby Unds of M. Hammond... 61X

60, N end of E X, b'd B by B. Arno's U n d . . . . 9 8 *60, N B oor., b'd 8 & W by Unda of Mrs. B. F.

61, Ex. 84aS end,' belonging to E." Arno".

M I E X . 60a8 end of W X*belonging to Ethan

66, 8 end of W X belonging to Ethan Mix. . . . 6057 to 64, ino.66, I x . 84a 8 end of B X, 26o long N & 8.66, Ex. 66a B end, 25c long N & 8.68, Ex. 604 N end of W X. b'd 8 by highway.

79!N'end, b'd B by lands occupied b y L . L,

14184, B'd N by lot line, B by land of Oliver Gil-

bert & 8 & W by land of O. K. Wood <fc Co.. 14186, BE X.186, Vf X.

1&9, Lewis Bruso; 'b'd N by land of GaorgeJLaraoh, E by Highway, 8 by Und of FrankBobrU k W by Und of Lewit Broso 15tf

M0, John Dawson; b'd N by Wardner'a 10*, Eby lot line, S by Hook Boad & W by the Gon-ye» Boad to 10a owned by Wm, Lafayette... 32

140. Abram Ladoe; b'd *f by Usd of O. E.Wood k Co., B by Unds of John Dawson to3,3. Brown &B Wby highway, 11 J£

141, Nathan Arnold; b'd N by land ofP, O.fitoughton, Eby Undsof A. Bassett, BolinBrown k P. C. 8 tough ton, 8 by lot line to Wby Unds of John 8. Kirly & Albert MoFad-den 8

141, O. Merrlhew; b'd N & W by Und of Dan-iel Bassett, E by Uuds of P. O. Stoughton toDaniel Bassett & 8 by highway 16

142, Nathan Arnold; b'd N by lot line, S byUnds of A. Bataett, Bolin Brown to P. O.8too«hton, 8 by highway k W by Unds of

148, John BoaleyV b'd N '** *W by' Highway, JBby Und of Ohas. Larabee k A by Und ofWm.DougUss **&£«.. 20

181, 8 U M Sheldon Est.; bfflfcby Und of June*BUlr, E by highway, sTgJaufl of John Lib-etty k W by Und of OiKpWbod k Co 2 1 *

161. Adeline Tulip; b'd fit £ w by Und of JonasBlair. E by highway & S by Und of SiUsSheldon B i t . . . . . . . . . 1


LIVINGSTON G O B I ,19.22, 8ub. 1, l a B E oor. of lot, ex . 3a 8 B cor.

thereof belonging to Ells , k 16a W side,State land 208-100

22, Sub. 4, in 8 W oor. of lot,23, Sub. 2, b'd beg. in N W oor. of Sob . , th. B

in M linn thereof 84o 881 to E line, th . S 13o461, th. W. 35o 841 to tb. N 18o 431 to b e g . . . . 47,

23, " C . Turner;" oom. at N W oor., th. E 84o411 to B line, th. 8 H o 461, th. W 84c 881 *th. N 14o 401 to beg. ; I

24, Bub. 1.24. S a b . 4, 8 p't of lot, 13c 991 wide on E & Ho

281 on W Uue,BjrrcaiK G O B E , BOOTH or D U H R V I L L E P A T E N T ,

6, All in PUtfcburgh 162S T A T B G O B E B S X W B S N OLD M I L I T A R Y A N D R K F U -

GBB T B A O T S ,See "Moore (B. J ) 776a Pateut."22, A Gore ou 8 Une, 10 44-10oa, and all of

rem. ex. an und. X thereof, State Prop-erty 86 46-100

23, BM N by land of L. S. Carter, E by lot l ine,8 by U n d of H . A. Kuapp & Oo. & W byhighway ,

24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 3<), 31, 82. 34.43, Ex. 16a on W line 3c 831 N from 8 W cor.,

16^0 long N & 8 & 10>4o wide E & W.46, 8 & cor., b'd N by State land & W by State

lioad49, AH in Dannemora 163 6-8068, Triangle in 8 W cor., 13o 601 ou 8 & l i e

661 on W line 7 94-100KEESEV1LLE VILLAGE,

JOHNSON ( P D W I N ) M A P ,70, B'd N b f land owned by KobertOook in his

lifetime, E by highway, 8 by a lane fromhighway to burytag ground & W by buryingground i


I, B'd N by Town of Saranao, a by lot 2, 8 bylot 4 & W by the Oraig lot owned by Lapham 76)

4, B'd N by lot 1, E by lot 3, S by lets 5 k 6 JOTby Cragie or Oratg lot J & 7

DIVISION 8, SiOouM TBAOT, ™19.62, Middle >,', b'd Sf by J. & J. Bogers' Iron

Oo.,EStW by lot lines &8 by Patrick Hogan 83)MAUL'S PATENT.

197, B X, ex. und. 41X* paid by J. & 3. BogenMOOBE <B. J.) 776a PATENT,

B'd N * W by Und of Saisuel Comers E«t., Eby Und of J. Myers & 8 by highway )

MOOBE'8 (PLINY 600a) PATENT,K p't, across, 100a, and all of 200a W p't,

acroBB, ex. 66a N p'c thereof, b'd N & 8 bySterna land 2f


l . N p ' t 32«4, Ex. 18a 8 K cor., tiquare.6, E end of W X, aorow a0,Kx. 17Sa E end, across, & 100a W end,

acroiis.7,8.9, Ex. 43a N W oor. to Daniel Kennedy, b'd

beg. at N W oor. of lot, th. 8 86« E on N lineof lot 2So to W bank of Baranao lltver, th. upsaid Biver, 8 llo 501 to a stake utaudir g ouW bank thereof, th. N 86U W «o, th. B fi° «() /W 7o, th. N 86° W l lo 161, th. 8 23U W 17oRO1 to a stake standing on W Hue of lot &th.N»°II along said W Hoe 34o to beg.; 34a,Uad of A. William*, b'd bog. st a stake Scstones on W line of lot at H W oor of Ken-nedy's land, th. 8 3° W along s*id W. line10c 701 to m «Uk,3 Sc stones, th. 8 i6" K 7o 381to centre of road, th. N 25° E along cent,r«of road 8o 001, th. N 68U E Bo 501, th. N *« K6o 601 to a Mrgraph jioat on W »lde of theroad, near a oprlug. th. N 5SU W 16o to ndtake & stoam tn MI old road & th. H m° W1'Jto um to beg ; also ox. 5U, Und of PatBuoklny, in BW oor. of lot, b'd beg. at astaka & utonen on W lino of lot, 8 of A. Wil-liams' Uoal Kiln, th. H il' W on Mid W line60o to 4 W oor. of lot, near bank of BavannoKlver, th. H 80° E down aaid Hlvor lOo, th. Na" K aloiiK the Mar«)i on W Hide of HaidKiv«r 8Io 801, th. N ««•• W 2o 021 to oflntrn ofroad, th.,8 35" W along Rftid contro lo 751 &tb. N H0° W 7o »H1 to bog 7J

II, Ex. uud. U-10 fornierly p'd by J. VV. Bognr-

11, Und. 9-10 on which taxyn wore formerlypaid by J. W. Wognrdim.

16, B'd b»g. at H W oor. of lot, th. V, on Hlino of lot 18»r to centra of t.lio HarunnnKivnr, Ui. along aaid oentr« N 6!iu K Hr 71 A,N 88° E 48r 201, th. W'ly par't with 8 liuo ofJotlMrfttli. B'lyon W line of lot h'i)it tobug <

It, 8nb. 4.1 8 , N » o o r If26, Sx 85a,square,<nN Woor. k 100a,square,

in 8 W oor. of lot.&, B*. w>a. # Stot* property.

88, S end of W X, b'd N by Unda of Mrs. JohnBiglow k fatten, Mrs. John Bigelow k Yat-to, J. k U. Biglow k P. Yattow, or Uads ofP. Tatton 63>i

84, 8 X.

£:"*•111 to 119, inc.120, Bx. 25a 8 E oor., 50r wide N & 8 & 80r

long E k W.L20.SB cor, 60rwideN&8&Ji0rlongE&W 9521,8 p't, b'd N by land* of L. St. Louts 128 %

aw.L69, 170,178,177,194, A l l in Dannemora 23196, All in Dannemora 25230.350, N W c o r . , rem. in Lake 87270,Sside 100

TOWNBHIP 6,5, B'd N, S k W by Unds of A. 8. Phelps k Eby Unds of B. G. Holbrook, Mrs. SamuelWalkeror M. Harford 28

23, Ex. 125a 8 E cor., 125r wide N k 8 to 160rlong E k W.

23, On E line 60r N from S E oor., 75r wide N(fc 6 & 160r long. E & W.. . . . . 76

26! H # , ex. und. X thereof paid by Mary B.

46*. On W line 40r S from N W oor., 46r wide» & 8 & 1 6 0 r l o n g B * W 46

51, B'd N 87#o by a line par'l to & 89c 421 Nfrom S line of lot, B 29o 721 k W 840 97i bylot lines * 8 by the Ogdensbnrg & Lake

Obamplain Ballroad 124%52,B'dbeg.6erWfromNEoor,,th. W42r,S ^

150r1B48r&N150r... 4068, N W oor., b'd beg. at N W oor. of lot, tb. S

90f. B 190r, N 108c & W190rtobeg 117"JSW oor., b'd beg. at N W oor. of lot, th. SrjSIr, »172r, M'Ur k W 181rto beg 106BijtpH 12619, On N Unell6r E from N W oor., 880r long

N & 8 ft 17r wide S k W ". 40PALMER'S (ZBPHANIAH), OB PLATX'8 (ZEPH-

ANIAH) GBEAT LOOATION,8, B'd N by Und of B. O. ruller, or E. TuUer,

Bby Lake Coamplaln, S by T. Baker toJames BopgB or Baggs & W by lands ofE. Fuller, T. Baker, I. O. Allen & Bat. of J.AUen, or by Undn of J. G. Allen k £ s t of J.Allen 400

PION PATENT,4, N Woor,, "JohnAherns" 206, Ore Bed b'd N by Thorn k Watson's Tract,

E by lot 283 Befugee Tract, B by Town line& W by 600a said to belong to A. O. Moor,200a, ex. und. \ thereof heretofore paid by.J. M. Davison.PLATT'8 (ZEPHANIAH) GBEAT LOOATION,


lBT DlVItllOK.39, Monroe Hal; b'd beg. at N W cor. of lot,

tb. 8 on W hue tue.eof 24o 701, th. E 40c tolaud of Lueiua Reynold*, t&. N 24o 701 to astake & Btoueu & th. W 40o to beg; with house, 99

2D JLlVIfclON76.

2D J


McOadden, Frauds; b'd N 20 ft by Bridge St..E 60 ft £ 8 20 ft by the Me ann place (socalled) & W oo ft by Water St.; witn house . . 20x5(


Beokwitb, B . or B. M.; b'd beg 293 ft W fromW line of Oak Ht , tb. W on N Hue of Brlnk-erhoflSt. 100 ft to A. M. Moore's 8 E oor.,t h . N on Moore's E l ine 226 ft. to land ofWeed to Moore or Weed & Moocr's, th. E onWeed & Moore's or Weed & Mooer's 8 line100 ft. to N W oor. of Warren Dow and tb. 8on Bald Dow's W line 220 ft. to beg.; withhouse 100x226

B B O A U S T B K E T ,South Side, fcsq. Ft .

Biley, John B.; b'd beg. on 8 line of Broad St.92X feet from an o»k tree in centre line ofOak St., to at N E oor. of land* occupied byO. DoUn, th. E on S line of Broad Ht. 80 w;ft., t h . 8198 ft. , th . B W'ly 112 ft. and th. Nalong said Dolan'a Und 208 ft. to beg.; withhouse 10,938

llBOAD k OEMKTKHY HTBKTH,Clark, Geo. L.; b'd N I'M ft. by Broad St., E

160 ft. by Cemetery St., 8 00 ft. by A. Mc-Keefe and W 1 1 2 ^ ft. by O. E . M. Edwards;with house.

CKMKTBRT H T B I E T ,Went Bide, Acres,

Dowling, H. H.; b'd « by MoKeever, E byCemetery Ht., 8 by Saranao River and W byObateaugay Ore & Iron Oo.'a land; withhouse S

See "Broad dc Cemetery Street*."OHAMPLAIN S T B K E T ,

West Side, Feet.12, Moore, A. O., But , now owned by John O.

Olark; b'd IN by highway, E by OhaiuplainSt., 8 by lot 18 and W b y l o t s 33x100

18, Fountain, Joseph, 2d; b'd N 100 ft. by ElmSt., E4! i f t . by Obnmplain Ht . ,« 100 ft. byG. L. Olark & W 42 ft. by G. H. Beck with. . 42x100


Brno, Mrs. Eriward; b'd N by Oorne/ia St., Eby A. L. & J. I-dfare, 8 by Me flattie to Dr.KellogK & W by lot of W. L, German; withhouse 116x100

8eo "Ohamplalu Street, Went Bido," Lot 13.HAMILTON STBJCET,

Boo "Peru Si Hamilton Streets."

Went Side, 'Kveraat, llv>v j F.; b'd N 260 i t . by O. Town,

E HO tt. by Margaret «t., H 280 ft. by 11. F .Everest & W «0 ft. by O. W. Kandall 80x250

MlLtALLKV,Hoo "Water Stroot & Mill Alley."

P E H U & HAMU,TON STBUBTH.Lot .11 of the MiibdlviHiou of land between

I'lluy Mooru, Joiia« IMatt & othors, b'd botf.In H line of Hamilton B t , at N W oor. ofBohool Ilouao lot, th. N 5Hy W along B linoof said 8t. , ao and 211 to R lino of Peru 8t, ,th. 8 6° 4/5 / W along Bald Une 'Jo to land of(Javanash; th. B H«y 15 / E alou« «ald Oav-ansRh'B land 2o 001 to the School House lotAores.A theuoo N W hi aloiiK n%U Hnhool Houselot 701 to beg.; with house 517-101)

1'INR HlHKBT,Weil Side, Feet.

Mowwy, L«aiid«r; b'd N & W by fl. M. Weed,K by i'lue Ht. k 8 by i'ntor Mosmiy; withhouBo 66x98

P L A T T STRKKT.Kant Side,

26 Landry, Angeline; b'o N100 ft. by Uoint ta& 88 ft. toy the Oblate Fathers, 8 100 ft. byXooney * W » 8 ft. byPUtt St.; with faou«e,80xlfO0

Lot. feet.88, Brown, Antoine; b"d N by P. O. Callinan,

& by J. Wiluott, a »̂ y o. 1) man k W by Pla\tSt.; 33 ft. wide I* & S & 100 ft. long E & W;with house 33x100

mvsu STBEET,West Side,

B'd N 81 5-6 ft. & W 14 6-6 ft by G o, Tappan,E 14 6-6 ft by Rivor St. & a 31 5-6 it. bvThos. Armstrong; with store 3L 5-6X14 6-6

Standish Street ife Water A Iky,Tennison, Wm.; b'd N 100 ft. by Water Alley,

E 60 ft. by 8. M. Weed. S 100 ft. by Jas. Oa-vanangb & W f0 ft. by StandlBb S t ; wifhhouse SOxlCO

Water Street,See "Brldgo & Wat(>r Sc^e'D."

WaUr Street & Mill Alley,Nichols, Eoea W ; Kesruex lot, b'd N by the

McCann place (BO called), E by Mill Alley, Sby Mill OO'B laud & W by Wat«r 8t 18x52%

POINT A U ROOHE PATENT,2, W end, 75a, ex. ?0a S W p't tb>roof.


SO Mauer. Eugene: b'd beg. on E line ox lot24o 801 N from is E cor. thereof, th . W'lypar'l with S line of lot 40o 121. th. N'ly p ir'lwith E line of lot So 101, tb. E'iy par'l with 8 Acres,line of lot 40c 12i to E line thereof & th . S'lyin said E line to beg 32*?

91, NWeor 9049, N E cor.; b'd S by land of Joaeph L^Zitt

or J. O. Hubbeli & W by Und of J. O. Hub-bell or Und of Eet. of Patrick Finncgan.... 46

81, Lewia Tromblj; b'd N by highway, H byland cf Thomas Weightoian & 8 k W byland of Bartemy Dragen, Jr.. 20

82, B'd N by highway, B by Und of lhos.Weightman k S & W by Uud of B. Dragen,

, Jr 201 Dennis Lezott; b'd N by highway, E k Sby Unda of Lewis Lezott Eat. It W by landof JohnNeddo 15

82, Le«iB Sberbina; b'd beg. in centre of high-way on N line of lot 18c 601 E from N Wcor. thereof, tb. E in said highway 4c 881 toV W cor. of Geo. Bobs*' Und, th, S 18° W 78c961 to a stake to stone* in 8 line of lot, th. N77° Won said H line 4u 901 to a, bt&ke k atones&th. N13«9/E78c961t3beg 36

10*. 8 W oor., b'U « by highway k E by Undof Jeremiah Ito&n . 60

107.110, B'd N by Und of Est. of John Hani y, E

& W by land of G. W. & F. Palmer & Co. &Sby highway X

110, B'd N by land of Joseph Superaaw, E byland of Joseph Paro, 8 by Ohazy Biver kW by Und oi Samuel Goff X

110, David Decker; b'd bog. at a stone in apile of stones S 2° 20 • W 7c 801 from the SW cor. of the S abutment of the bridgeacross the S branch of the Ohazy Biver, bo-low Palmer to Go's forge, th. N 72° 20/ W5c to bank of Ohazy River, th. S 17° 40 ' W,up said river, 2c to a pile of stones, th. S 12Q

20 / E 6o to a Btone in a pile of stones & th.N 17° 40 / E 2o to beg 1

110, Wm. Gardner; b'd N by Und of JohnHanley Btf.,.B by lands of S. F. ViUs,known as Grabam Mill property & 8 & Wby highway 6V

111, B'd N k 8 by Unds of G. W. k F. Palmerk Co., B by highway at W by land oi Jno.Hanley Est X

132, Edward Minney; b'd N k E by highway,S by la <<t of Joho LamuunUln & W by landof Stephen Staokpole X

134, Ex 120a E side paid by H. Q LaaBlng.135, B'd N by highway, E k 8 by lands of

David iieubriaor Bobria & W by land ofStanley Wood ; 4

155, 8 Boor., square 66168, Mr*. Abbie McGregor; b'd N by Old Mili-

tary Turnpike, E by line par'l with W lineof iot, S by highway k W by lot line[t, B'd N by Uud of Stephen Stackpole, E byUnd of Frank Ladne, 8 by Und of G. W. k

160, B'd N by Uud of Stephen Stackpole, E byUnd of Frank Ladne, 8 by Und of G. W. kF. Paluitr & Co. k W by Und of John Ber-l a b . .

170.183, Ex. 9 9-10a occupied by Ogdenfbnrg to

Like Ohamplain B. B. Oo. for tracks k turn-

186.187, N p't, across 105

191, Ouurles Donnahew; b'd N by Und ofRoborts k Son, E by Und of A. William*, Sby highway k W by land of Patrick Ken-nedy x

192, Oharles Dounahew; 8. W. oor.. b'd N byBail Koad & E by lands of Roberts & Sou.. X

220. B'd N k E Dy lands of A M. k P D.Moore, 8 by lands of J Ducat & W by State ' ,Gor* between Old Military to BefugeeTract* 60

223, N E oor.. b'd S by Uudsof Aiocza Uollinsft J. O. Hubbeil ft W by lauds of Lewi*Beach 50

223, Johs & Elihu Taylor, S W oor., b'd N bylauds formerly owned by A. L. Bronfon &Weeley Sp"amding to E. oy Uud uf AlonzoOollios... so

224, NX.224 S X.226! 237;220, Ex. 38a 8 E oor. k 33a S W cor., State

Unds.230 k house.231.283, N p't b'd B by tue Prison lot 160?i244, B'd N by lot line, E by town Una, 8 by

Brunellfc W b y Road 33247, Thos. Haley; b'd N by Road, & by lot line,

S by Judge & W by Boad leading S to PUnkRoad 50

THORP'S PVTflNT,, Allen Plain lot, b'd N k W by the Oraig lot,E by the Rioketfton lot & S by A. Irwin kDowns, or by the Allen Plain lot 40

5, B'd N by laud* of N . Lspham, E by land*of the Elmore Est.. or the Bimore U,t. H byUndB of A. Irwin, known as the Ricketsoulot & W b y the Oraig & Alleu lots CO

WALLlOE (HEN/.) 548 AORkS PATENT,B'd N by Und of Peter Hub*dean, E by land

of i l e x . MoUlelland, S by Old Military Turn-pike 4c W by land of <Jb*rlee Rollo 50

WATSON'S PATENT,16.39, W p't across. . 50

LEGIL NOTICES.\ j O ' r i C » . - B y o r d e r o f David F. Dobie, 8nr-1 1 rogate of Olinton county, N.Y., notice in herebygiven according to law, to all pernoun having claimsagainst DANIEL WESOOXT. late of Peru, inaaid county, deceased, that they are required to--.Uibit the same-with the vouihtrn thereof to the

bscrlufir*, At the dwelling-house of Lewis M.Howes, at PeasleevMe, ia Peru, in eald county audstate, on or before the 17th day of November; 1890.

Daied, Maj 6th, 1890.LE\*1B M. H0WE8, \ v ^ „,.„_.

1820 DEAN T. DENTON,/ Executors.

NOTiCR «»F «AI^I5.-Byvlrtu©ofa judg-ment of foreclosure and sale duly made and

entered In the Supreme court, Jane 3,1890, thesubscriber, Referee duly appointed, will Bell by-"two auction, at the Court House door in Platts-

rgli, N. Y., on the 14th day of November, 1890,at ten AM., tno ioliowlng described premises,nameiy: That tract or parcel 0! laud situate Intown of Altona, Clinton county, N.Y., boundedand described aa follows: That part of lot oneHundred and ninety (iflO) Refugee 4!J0 acre Lota,beginning at the northeast corner of the lot; run-ning tnence north 19 degrees aDd 80mlnuteB west23 chains In tue nortli line of the lot to DavidVincent's northeast corner; tnence southerly lasaid Vincent's east line forty-one chains andforty-six ilnfea to tbe Military Turnpike; thencesouth 76 degrees eaBt twelve clialns and 84 llnkaand Boutn 72 degrees 45 minutes east 10 chainsand 13 links In tiie center of tne Turnpike to theeast line of the lot, and tnence northerly in theeast line of the lor, 42 cnalns and 90 llnka to ttieplace of beginning, containing ninety-six acre3or land, be the same more or less, ana being Bamepremises conveyefl to uetrnls Orowley and JohnTormey Dy Bridget Haley and otners, by deed,daied Marcn 18. i860, and recorded in Clintoncounty clerk'8 office, in VoL 75 or Deeds, p. 281.

September 24th, IHSO.m o DAVID F. DOBIE, Referee.

Si r P K e m w U O C I H T - T R I A L DESIRKD INOujiTON COTJNTT.—Charles Gonyo, Plaintiff,

a;/aimt Mary L. Gonyo, Antrellne Donah, AlbertDonan, Julia Recor, Wilbur Recor, Emma J.Gonyo, Luolna Gonyo, Eliza Trombly, JamesTrombly, laaao Gonyo, Jenny Gonyo, AlbertGonyo, Frank Gonyo, Alice Gonyo, Defendants.To the above named Defendant;

You are hereby summoned to answer tne com-plaint in tills action, and to serve a copy of youranswer on the Plaintiff's attorneys within twentydays after the service of tnla summons, exclusiveof the day of service, and In case of your failureto appear or answer, Judgment will be takenagainst you by default tor the relief demanded Inthe complaint

Dated, June 26,1890,8HKDDBN * BOoTH, Plalntlff'8 Attorneys.

Oftt<;e address, Plattaburgh, New Yorlt. *Postomce address, Plattbburgh, New Yoik.

To Albert Gonyo, FranK Gonyo, Alice Gonyo and

The foregoing summons Is served upon you bypublication, pursuant to an order of Hon. 8. A.Kellogg, Clinton County Judge, dated tne 7thday of July, i89i>, and tiled with tne complaint Inthe office of the Clerk of Clinton county, atPittsburgh, New York.

SUKDDBN &-BOOTH, Plaintiff's Attorneys.1840W7 - Pittsburgh, N.Y.

SirPftKIVI K fJOUM/r—OLINTON COUNTY.Verner H. Lamberti Plaintiff, aqaimt George

Lamberton, Alexander i,. »,ambert6n, ElizabethFoiiett, Mary A. Wilson, William Lamberton, Jr.,Mary Lamoerton, an infant over 14 y> ars of r—Mary j . Lamberton, Jenny Lambertorj, E U L . WDefendants J c > 8 e p U F o l l e t t * Bartlett Wilson,

In pursuance of a Judgment in the above en-titled action or partition, entered In the office ofthe clerk of the couoty of Clinton, on tbe 25thday of Heptemoer, 1800, i, the undersigned Ref-eree. In and by 8ald judgment for thatpurpoBeappointed, will Bell at publlo auction at theentrance of yhedden'a Block, in the village andtown of Mooers, Clinton county, New York, ontne lotn day of November, IBOO, at 10 o'clock intne forenoon, the lands ami premises in saidjudgment directed to m aold and ttereln dea-crioed as follows: AH that piece or parcel or landsituate In the town of Mooers, Clinton county,Nt-w York, being part of lot number 151 of tne 4«6acre lota of the Kef ugee Tract, bounded on thenortn by lands of Mary A. w Uson; on the east bytne highway running rroin Wnltney's butter toe-tory to Ira Downs; on the south by land* of Bllz-abeth Follett, and on the west by lands of VernerH. Lamberton, containing about nine and one-naif acres of land, more or less, being a part oltbe twenty-Blx and one-fourth acres of landowned and occupied by Alexander LamDerton inills liietlme.

Dated, September 25th, 18»;>.H. a HAPP, Referee.

SHSDPCN k BovtUy ^Jalntlff's Attorueye, Platts-bUTgD,N.Y. 1841

and desumatlon thereotAlso, all that certain other piece or parcel

NJEVV Y d R K S C P K E M t r c o w K T -< OTTNTY OF CLINTON.—The Equitable l i fe

Assurance Society of the United St • tea, plaintiff,oaainut Cfcarlotte Ai. Norton and otlier*, delend-

in' pursuance oi the judgment of foreclosureand sale made in tne above entitled action, bear-ing date the first day of July, oiie thousand eighthundred and ninety, and duly entered in tneoffice of the clerk ol ihe county ol Clinton, I, theundeisigned sheriff of the county of Clinton willsell at public auction at the County Court Housein tne village of Piattsburgh, Clinton county, onWednesday, the 2&ta day ol October, 1890, at teno'clock in the forenoon, the lollowing describedpremises, to wit:

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land andwater privilege, situate in the village oi P i t t s -burgh, in the county of Clinton ana state ot NewYorK, lying and being on the west side ol theBiver saranac, and known and distinguished onthe map ot the subdivision ot the Mill lots andother Mm Company lands In the said village,caused to be made by Jonathan Griffin andothers, trustees, etc.. on a survey thereof byNathaniel H. Treadwell and Hiram Qoodale, inJune, 1829, as Mill lot No. 6, and which Is bound-ed and described as follows: Beginning at thewest end ot the Mill Dam (as it stood In 1829)acrosB the Elver Saranac at the east aide of abrick building formerly standing thereon and atthe southwest corner ol lot number 7 of said MillLots; tbence north 27° east along the eaBt Bide olBald brick building and In the line ot said lotnumber 7, forty leet and 6-lOtihs ol a foot to thenortheast corner ol said brtcH building; thencenorth 63° west along the north end ot the aaidbuck building and the same line continued 45 an alley laid down on said map leading fromBridge street to said lot number 6; thence south27° west to the south side ol an aney laid out onsaid map 30 f c. wide and leading from Mill Alley;thence north 71° 80 / west in the sooth bounds otsaid Alley to Mill Alley; therca south 11° 1 5 /west in the east bounds of Mill Alley 57 feet tothe north bounds ot the lot called the Jebez P.Hyde lot; thence south 88° eaBt In said Hyde'snorth line 120 leet and 8-lothB of a loot; thencenorth 27° east 47 leet ana 3-ioths ot a foot to theplace of beginning.

Together with all the rights and privileges androbject to all tbe regulations, resti lotions, con-

ditions and reservations contained in a deed otttieae premises and other lands, executed byJonathan urlffln and other Trustees to RichardGates, dated 8 June, 1S29, and recorded In theOlinton county clerk's office, in Liber O ot Deeds,on page '248, etc., and to the terms and conditionsot eaie annexed to said deed and recorded there-with.

Also, all that certain other piece or parcel ofland, situate north ol and adjoining the premisesabove described and being part of Mill lot num-ber 7 above referred to, bounded as follow s: Be-tinning at the northeast corner of said Mill lotNo. 6 aoove desorioed; thence north 27° east 80teet; thence north 63® weBt to the east line otthe Alley leading irom Bridge street to said Milllot No. 6: thence along the east line of said Alleyto lot No! 6; thence along and In the line ot saidlot No. 6 south 63° east 45 feet to the place of——nlng .

;ether with the right to use on the aboveibed premises forever, one-quarter oi the

water which said Mill lot No. 7 Is entitled.And together with all the rights and pxlvlleges

mentioned, referred to or granted in and by acertain deed executed by Almon Thomas ai.dBphrJml . Thomas to OtlsA.Tetft snd HenryTefft, dated 14 August, i860, and recorded in Clin-ton county clerk's office, in volume 37 of Deeds,on page 118, etc., and subject to all the regula-tions, conditions, and restrictions mentioned orreferred to in said deed, reference being had tothe same and to the deed and schedule thereinreferred to for a more toll and perfect description


herein above described, being partLot No. 7, bounded and described as follows: Be-ginning at the southwest corner ot Bald Mill LotNo. T. at a point where tee south line ot Bald lotextending along tbe Mill Dam joins the east lineot said lot No. 6 at where was the east side olthe brick building formerly etandlog on Bold lotNo. 6, and running thence northerly in the eastline o( said lot No. 6 to the northeast corner ofsaid orlck building, and trom thence northerly Intne same course no feet; thence east or easterlyparallel with the north line ot Mill Lot NO. 6 sixieet: thence southerly parallel with the eaBt lineof Mill Lot No. 6, being the east line ot Baidbilckbuhdlng, to the south line ot MtU Lot No. 7, andthence west or westerly along the south line otsaid Mill Lot No. 7 to the place of beginning.

Together with tbe right to build and projectthe cornice ot any buildings which may be erect-ed on the above described premises, over tnelands adjoining the above described premises onthe ea^t.

Also ail that otber certain piece or parcel oflana, situate, lying and being in the town ofPiattsburgh aforesaid, near the Upper Dam (socalled) above the village of Plattsburgn, boundedand described as follows: Commencing on thewest side ot the road leading trom the village olPiattsburgh across the covered Bridge on tbeSaranac Klver towards Salmon Klver at thenortheast corner of a piece ot land heretoforeconveyed by William Palmer and tne executoroot Juhn Palmer, to James and George Harris, andrunning thenoe northerly along the west boundsor aaid road twelve rods; thence north 78° 3 0 'west and parallel with the north line of said Har-ris lot until i t Btrlk?B the north shore or bank ofthe mill pond above the dam near said coveredbridge; thence southeasterly along the northDank or shore of the said mill pond as It windsand turn», but hot extending luto said mill pondor including any part thereor, to the west line ota did Harr s lot; thence along Bald Harris' westand north Une to the place of beginning, oontala-lcg 2 aorte and 63 one-hundredtns of an acre ofland, more or less.

Also all that certain lot of land and water priv-ilege, t)eing the Harris lot above called, and beingknown and described and designated ai Lot No.1 m the division of Mill Lote>, located on the northside of the Biver Saranao at the upper or coveredbridge and near the village ot Pittsburgh,bounded as follows: commencing at a point luthe west bounds or margin ol a street or roaaleading from the village ot Piattsburgh over saidcovered bridge and at or nearest the northwestcorner oc the abutment at the north ena of saidbridge, and running thence north twenty degreesand 16 minutes eaBt one chain and seventy-nineand one-halt links to a Btake; thence north 78°30 / west 6 chains and 28 links to a point 4# linksnorth or a white oak tree Bt«mdlDg on the bank,near tbe margin of the Mill fond; thence southto tbe centre of the Klver Saranac; thence downthe centre of the river as It windb and turns to apoint which would fce lutersected by the contin-uation of the Une of tne western bounds ol tuestreet or road flret above mentioned; thencenort awesterly to the place of beginning.

Together with all the rights and privileges and,subject to all the regulations, restrictions, reser-vations and conditions mentioned, contained orreferred to in a certain deed ol the above de-scribed premises executed by Benjamin p. Bur-haus and Thomas 8. Gray to Henry Tefft andotls A. Tefft, dated the lat day of December IStir*,aud recorded in Clinton County clerk'a office luVol. 55, ot Deeds, at page Tft4, &c, and in the con-tract aud conveyance o£ said deed referred to.

Also all that certain other lot aud water privi-lege situated on the north side of the river Sar-auac, at the covered bridge, herelnbetore referredto, and lylDg east and aujolnlnga lot and waterprivilege heretofore sold hy the executora ot Johncalmer aad others to Smyrna Hobart and Wm.H. hedges, bounded and described aa follows:Beginning at the northeast corner of Hobart andHedges lot and running thence east to the westHue of lands belonging to Hiram Walworth, nowdeceased; thence Bouth along said Walworth'swest line to the river saranac, and la a continua-tion ot said Une south to the center of the riversaranac; thence up the center ot said river to thesoutheast corner of aald Hobart aud Hedges lot:thence northerly along the east line ol saidHobart and Hedges lot to tbe place of beginning.

Together with all the riglita and privileges andsubject to all the conditions, restrictions, liabili-ties, reservations and regulations contained,mentioned or referred to la the certain deed fromBurhaus aud Gray to Henry and Otis A. Tefft,baarlng date the 1st day of December, 1866, abovereferred to, so far as said rtphta andJpnvileges,conditions, restrictions, &c, reler to or affect theabove described premises.

Also all that certain otber piece or parcel olland situate west of and adjoining tne premiseslast above described, known and designated asthe Forge lot and water power, and being lot No.2 in tbe division ot Mill lots on the north Bide otthe river Saranac at the upper or covered bridge,(HO called) being the aamttlot and privileges here-tofore conveyed by the assignees ot Hobart andHedges t o z . N. Weston by a deed in Clintoncounty Clerk's office, In volume 17, ol DeedB,pxges 356 and »66, reference being made to Balddeed for a more full and particular description ofsaid premises.

Together with all the rights and privileges, andsubject to all the conditions and reBtrlottons con-tained or referred to in the said deed to ealdWeston, abovo mentioned.

Also all that certain other lot and water privi-lege on the south side of tue river Saranac at thecovered bridge, aforesaid, bounded weBt by theroad leading iroro the said covered bridge towardsSalmon Klvur village, south by lands conveyed bythe executors of John Palmer to Otis A. Tefft,eust hy lands conveyed by said executors toChristopher P. Norton, and north by the aouthbank or the river saranac at low water mark.Together with aU the rights and privileges, andsubject to all the conditions; provisions and re-strictions contained in a deed from Frank Palmer,Chas. E. Palmer, and victor A. Wood, aa execu-tors ot William Palmer, deceased, to Henry Tefftand Otis A. Tefft, dated 8th January, 1868, audrecorded in Clinton County Clerk's office in vol.63, ol Deeds, page 6>», &o.

Also so ruuoh of the bed of the rlv#r Saranao asIs bounded on the north by the center ot saidriver, on the eist by the Norton lot above re-terr- d to, on the south by the premises abovedescribed, and a Hue extending therefrom to thetoot of the dam at a distance of six leet Irom thenorth side of the foundation wall of the presentgrist mtn, and on the west by the town side ofthe dam. Subject to ull the rights heretofore re-served or convoyed to the owners ot the said grlatmill, said Norton or others.

Also all that certain piece or parcel ot landsituate south ot »nd adj<»toing the MUl lot lastherelnabove described, bounded as follows: Be-glnntDK ftt the southweBt corner ot said Mill lottmd running thence easterly along the south lineot said Mill lot and the south line ol lands con-veyed by the executors of John Palmer to Chris-topher P Norton, 7 chains and 40 links, or there-abouts, to the west Une of lands heretofore ownedby Bobert Ptatt, deceased; thence southerly insaid Platt'8 west Une 5 chains and 8 links; thenoenorth 77° <6 ' west parallel with the first men-tioned line 8 cualuB and 66 links, or thereabouts,to the road leading aouth trom the coveralbridge towards Salmon river, and thenoe north-easterly in the east bounds of said road to the

•r covered bridge, ^ H M © ?

place of Beginning. Excepting and reservingiherelrom a small piece In the south wear, cornernow owned by Fletcher Richards. Also all rhaicertain Island to the Saranac river near the heuflot the MM Pond above the covered bildge, »t»vp-s*ld, known and distinguished by the name ofWebb's Island, containing about ten acres oiland more or less.

Also all that certain piece or parcel ol land tnthe town of Piattsburgh, being tne same convey-ed to Henry and Otis A. Tefft by deed dated 29thMay, 1862, by Edgar and Stephen Averill, bound-ed as tollowB: Beginning on the north bank ofthe river Saranac a few rods east of Wlncheli'sOld Bridge (so called) at Palmer's Une and run-ning theuce north l ° east, )0 chains and 75 lihfcBto the southeast corner of the lot heretofore oc-cupied by Mr. Archey; thence north 88«and 30minutes west, 8 chains and 16 links to the soufh-east corner of a one acre lot of land sold byCharles Averill to G. V. Edwards; thence south2° west, 8 chains and 26 Unks to the rivtr sar-anac; thence down said river to the place ol be-ginning, containing 8 acres, more or less. Re-serving the privilege of getting sand reserved toG. v. Edwards in his deed ol the aloresald prem-ises to Charles and George Averlli,aiid as to the-provisions as to fencing contained in said deed

Also all that certain piece of land situate in thesaid town ot Pittsburgh, convened by GustavuBV. Edwards to Otis A. Tefft by deed1 dated thefirst day ot March, 1863, bounded and describedas follows: Beginning in the river Saranac at thesouthwest corner of a piece of land heretoforeconveyed hy said Edwards to Charles and GeorgeAverill, and runnlng^hence north or northerlyalong the west Une ot said Averill's piece to thefoot ot the high bank, and thence up said bankin the same line *o a point In said bank to whichthe water wiu Ue raised by a dam 11 leet high,irom the ordinary line of the water to the top otthe dam across the said river Saranac at theold abutment, so called, just down the river tromthe piece of land hereby conveyed where thewater is running over said dam one foot deep onthe top thereof; thence westerly and southerlyin said bank as It winds and turns, keeping atsaid elevation to the line of tbe lands owned byHiram Walworth, late ot Piattsburgh. deceased,at the time ot his death; thence east or easterlyIn said Walworth's line down said bank to theriver saranac; thence down said river as it windsand turns to the place ot beginning.

Excepting and reserving all the rights reservedto said Edwards, his heirs and assigns in and bysaid deed.

Also to be held by the party ol the second partfor the Joint benefit of all the owners ot waterpower at the dam near the covered bridge, afore^said; all the rights to flow land hy said damgranted to the party ot the first part, Otla H.Tefft, or to him and Henry Tefft by the abo«enamed Gustavcs v. Edwards, and the abovenamed Edgar and Stephen Averill, and by Mrs.Bobert Carrol, and by Samuel Waterhouse andothers, heirs of Samuel Waterhouse, deceased.

Also all that certain piece of land in the villageol Piattfitmrgh conveyed to Otis A. Tefft party ofthe first part by the executors of John and Wm.Palmer, bounded and described as follows: Be-ginning at the southwest corner of the burialgreuna in the village of Piattsburgh, as fenced in1866, and running thence south 37° 80 ' west, 4chains and 91 Unks to lands ot the party ot the1st Dart; thenoe northerly along the east line ofsaid last mentioned line to tbe southwest cornerof a piece of land conveyed by said executors toAndrew McKeele; thence easterly along Mc-Keefe's south line to the place of beginning.

Also all that certain piece or parcel ol land inthe village ol Piattsburgh, bounded and de-scribed as follows: o n the north by the factor?lot, so called, (being Mill lot No. 6 at the lowerdam herein above referred to) on the south by alot now or heretofore owned by James Bailey,and on the west by MUl Alley, being the same

NW'l'lOJi.—By order of David F. Dobie, Bar-row te of Clinton County, notice Is hereby given

according to law, to all persons having claimsagainst ABRAM A. GALE, bite of Mooen~deo«Med,that they are required to exhibit the same with thevouchers thereof to the • the residenceof Henry A. Roof, in Mooers, H,Y., onor beforethe 2d day of February, 1891.

Dated, July 19,1890.

premises conveyed by Solon Tobias to AlmonThomas and Henry Tefft, by deed dated 7th June,1869, and recorded in the Clinton County Clerk'soffice in Vol. 84, of Deeds, on page 482, &c.

Also all those two certain pieces or parcels ofland being parts of lot No. 9, in Township No. 3,Old Military Tract, conveyed to Henry Tefft andOtis A. Tefft by Lawrence Myers and WilliamWalt, assignee of James and George Harris, bydeed dated i2th day of March, 1869, and recordedin Clinton County Clerk's office in Vol. 87, ofDeeds, on pages &J, &c. one of said pieces labounded and described as follows: Beginning ata point In the center of Saranac river opposite toa marked cedar stump on the east bank of saidriver about 20 rods below the dam at Gartick'BFalls, and running thence north &s° east to apoint 20 rods from said cedar stump; thence southfe°, east 60 rods; thenee south 66 s , west 20 rods;thence to the center of the river by the shortestline; thence down the center of the river to theuaceot beginning, containing 7x acres of land,resides the river, more or less. The other pieceis bounded as follows: Beginning at the south-east corner of the piece known as the 31 acre lotIn said lot No. 9, and runnln*; thence northwardlyand parallel to the west une of said lot No. 9,16rods; thence eastwardly at right angles with saidline 16 rods; thence southwardly parallel to thefirst line 36 rods; thence weBtwardly at rightangles 20 rods; thence northwardly as before, 20rods; thence eastwardly 4 rods to the place ofbeginning, containing four acres and 16 rods ofhind, more or less.

Together with all the rights and privileges andsubject to an the restrictions and limitationscontained or referred to in said deed from saidMyers and Wait, assignee, &c.'

Also ail that parcel of land in the county ofClinton, being 100 acres in the northwest cornerof lot No. 18, in Township No. 8, Old MilitaryTract, as conveyed by Gerrit H. smith to Henryand Otis A. Tefft by deed dated the 10th October,1866.

Also 1«7 s-iotfes acres of land on the south lineadjoining 8» acres in the southeast corner of saidlot No. 18, in said Townshup, No. 3, except 100acres in the northwest corner of said lot, belntfthe premises conveyed by Thomas A. TomllHson

lenry and,Otis A. Tefft by deed dated21stAugust, 1856, and recorded in Clinton countyClerk's office in VoL 29, of Deeds, on page 231, &o.

Also all that portion of said lot Ko. 18 in saidTownship No. 8, conveyed by John McGregor toHenry and Otis A. Tefft, by deed, dated 20thJuly, 1864, and recorded in Clinton county clerk'soffice, in VoL 20 ot Deeds, on page 251, etc. Ref-erence being had to said deed lor a more full andperfect description of said premises hereby in-tended to be conveyed.

Also all that certain piece or parcel of land inTownship No. s, Old Military Tract, known anddistinguished as Lot No. 9, excepting therefromsuch parts as have been sold for taxes prior tothe 3d day of August, 1841, and that part convey-ed by Jo3eph Goidlng ana Oliver D. Peabody toJames and George Harris by deed dated 5th Oc-tober, isfci. AIBO excepting that part heretoforeconveyed to fcary a. scripture by a certain deedrecorded in Clinton county clerk's office, in VoL27 01 Deeds, at page 378, and that part heretoforeconvex ed to Elbridge Ames by a certain deed re-corded in said office, in Vol. 68 of Deeds, at page274.

Also all that certain piece or parcel of land,elng lot 26 in Township No. 3 ot the Old Military

_'ract, excepting ana reserving eighty-five acresin the northwest corner of fifty-five acres In thesoutheast corner of said lot, and also r .and reserving one hundred acres in the southwestcoiner conveyed to Ellen F»dden by a deed re-corded in Clluton county clerk's office, in Vol 33,pagu 373.

Also all that certain piece or parcel of land andmill privilege, situate on the south side of theRiver Saranac, at the upper dam, near the villageof Plattsburnh, and being that part of the ir>acre lot reserved for Mill lots and Mill privilegeson ihe Baid south side of said River, which lieseast ot Mill Lot No. 8, BO called, ot about one acrenext below the south end of a covered bridgenear &ald dam, bounded and described as follows:Beginning at the center of the River at a pointnorm of Robert Platt's west line, so called, andrunning thence south to the south bank of saidRiver at the northwest comer of lands belongingto Robert Platt in bis lifetime; and thence southin tbe west bounds of said Robert Platt's une 7chains; thence west or westerly in a straight lineto tbe southeast corner ot said MtU Lot Mo. 8, asthe same was fenced and occupied by WilliamPalmer in November, 1869, and at the distance of»bout 100 leet from and east of the east bounds oithe highway leading from the covered bridge to-wards Salmon River: thence northeasterly alongthe east Une of said Mill Lot No. 8 to the centeror said River, and thence running easterly downtoe center of said River to tbe place of beginning.

Together with all tbe mill and water privileges,rights and appurtenances reserved in favor orthe owner and occupants of the above describedlot and privilege and the right to use on eald lotfor ail mill and manufacturing purposes, exoepttbe grinding of grain, so muoh of the water ofthe said river as has heretofore been appropriateed to the use of said premises, together with and•entitled to all the privileges and righis and sub-ject to all the conditions, regulations and rest no-tions mentioned, referred to and contained In adeed of the said premises from the executors ofJohn Palmer, Bsqulre, deceased, to the party ofthe nrst part hereto, bearing date 8th November,1869, and to which reference is made for a morefull and particular description thereof.

Also au that certain piece or parcel of land Inthe village of Plattsburgn, lying on the east sideot the road leading from Broad street to thecovered bridge, (so called) bounded as follows:Beginning at the eatt margin ot said street atthe northwest corner of a lot ot land heretoforesold to Hobart and Hedges and now oalled theForge Lot, and running thence northerly alongthe east margin of Raid road 16 rods; thence eastand parallel to said Robert k Hedges north Une,and to the north line of lands heretofore convey-ed to Burhaus and Gray to the west Une of landsbelonging to Hiram Walworth in his lifetime;thence south along said Walworth'8 west Une tothe northeast corner of the land aforesaid soldto BurnauB and Gray, and thence along Burhausand Gray's north line and th& north line of saidForge Lot, to the place of beginning

ALEXANDER & GBBBN, Plaintiff's A ttorneys,Office and Post-office Address, 120 Broadway,

New York. 1838

, J O T I C J E - B y order of David 7. Doble, SurroVI gate of Olinton county, N.Y.., notloe Is nerebygiven aooording to law, to all persons havtna alMmsagainst JOHN BAKEtt, late of Hcbujler F*ll«, in•aid oounty, deceased, that they are reqnired toexhibit the same with tbe vouchers thereof to the*un8criber,athisroidenoeln Peru, Glinton nonuty,N.Y , on or before th« lflth d*y of March, 1801.

Dated, September 8th, 1890.i38m« HI BAM BlKSR, Executor.

NO T I C K . - B y order of David F. Dobie, Surro-gate of Clinton County, N.Y., notice is herebyn aooording to law, to all persons having claimsost J A M B S W. BROWN, late of Giiasy, in

given•gainstsaid county, deceased, that they" are" required toexhibit the same with the voucher* thereof to thesubscriber, at his dwelling house in West Ohazy,Oliuton county, N. Y., on or before the 16th day ofMarch, 1891.

Dated, September lOttt, 1890.ALBSBT WoTADDER,

1888 Bole Surviving Executor.

LEGAL NOTICES.OTICJE*— By order ol David tf. DoOie, our-rogate of Clinton county, notice is hereby

given according to law, to all persons having claimsagaiast OLIVE ROUsB, late of Plat sbargh, de-ceased, that they are required to exhibit the eamewith the vouchers thereof to tue subscriber, at hisresidence in Plattsbargh, N.Y., on or before the31st day ot January, 1>91.

Dated, July 29th, 1890.»2 GERVIS G, DECOR«t, Executor.

NO T I C E . — By order oi David v. Doble, Surro-gate of Clinton County, notice is hereby given

according to law, to all persons having claims*against RICHARD R. MOORE, late of Beekmantown,deceased, that they are required to exhibit the samewith the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at hisresidence In Beekmantovn, N. Y., on or before the20th day of October, 1890.

Dated, April 16th, 1890.1817 3\Y H. gABNSWOBTH, Executor.

NO T I C E . - B y order of David F. Dobto, Surro-gate of Clinton County, notice is hereby given

according to law, to all persons having claimsagainst HOBAOE SLOSSON, late of Gbazy, de-ceased, that they are required to exhibit the samewith the vouohers thereof, to the subscriber, at hisresidence in Cbazy, on or before the 16th day ofDecember, 1890.

Dated, June 10th, 1890.1836* FfiRNAUDO J. L I S GFELD, Execnto*.

V T O T 1 U E . - B j order ol David F, Doble, Surro-1 \ gate of Olinton Oosnty, notloe it hereby givenaooording to law, to all persons having claimsagainst D I S B L 8. MOUABTX**, late of Piattsburgh,deceased, that they are required to exhibit the samewith the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at hitoffice, 61 Cornelia Street, Plattsburgb, H.T., on <before the 27th day of December. 1690.

Dated, June 23,1890.1827 FRANK M0MA8TEB8, Administrator.

NO T I C E — B y order of David F.Bobie,Sur-rogate of Olinton Gounty, notice 1B hereby

given according to law, to all persons aavinRolaimitgftlnst LUMAN JONBS, £ t e ot Blleiburg?;deceased, that they are required to exhibit thesune with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber,at hit store in Ellenburgh D«pot, N.Y., on or beifore the ISfch day of Jan nary, 1891. '

Dated, June 2tJth, 1890.8. G, MARSHALL. Administrator.

NOT1CEU—By order of David F. Dobie, Sur-rogate of Olinton oounty,N.Y., notice is hereby

given according to law, to all persons havinaclaims .galaJtMTBLVlN A. BARNE^lateaf Sohuy?ler Falli, in said county, deceased, that they are re-quired to exhibit the same with the vouchersthereof to the subscriber, at his dwelling house, intbe village of Sohuyler Falls, OUntoa county. NewYork, on or before tbe 23 i day of February, 1891.

Dafed, August l«h, iM0. -1836 ETfiAM A. BAEWB3, Executor.

NenteN O T I C E O F 8AE,JB.-By virtue of a j

ment of the Supreme court, duly madeentered, Sept. 22, 1890, the subscriber, Refereeduly appointed,will sell by publlo auction, at theCourt House door in Piattsburgh, N.Y., on the14th day ol November, 1890, at 10 A.X., all the In-terest Of thetees, viz: Part of lot No. 122,Patent, in the town of Beekmantown, inClinton Co., N.Y., viz.-Fifty acres off the southside of said lot by a line running easterly andwesterly parallel to the south line.

September 24th, 1890.1840 DAVID P. POBIB, BflfereeV

npHJE TBJBMS O * C O m m C O U R T1 and Oourtof S c i o n s are nereby appointed tobeheldiutheooontyof Ollat«n for &e yiar 1888.and until otherwise ordered, as foUom:

Terasof Oounty Oourt sad Sessions, with TMf4»y of April and second *

r hearing emy consent, an

partt motions andoontettedna other chamber bmiaan

Piattsburgh, on every Monday.Order for appointment of such Terms filed in tb*

01erk'coflo«,lnPlatteburgh,on January td, 1888.1399 8. A. KBLLOGG Olintos Oe.indge.

^ CtiNTOuCoxrNTT—Peter F. criuey, executorofMary E. Everest, deceased, Plaintiff, againstThomas CrlUey, as administrator of the estate ofTimothy cieary deceased Thomas W Clear/

James H. Cieary, Catharine E. Cieary, TimothyH. cieary, Stephen cieary, Margaret Cieary,wioiam Cieary, Frank Cieary and Jerome B.Bromley, Defendants.To the above-named Defendants:

You are hereby summoned to answer the com-plaint In this action and to serve a copy ot youranswer on the plaintiffs attorney within twentydays after the service of this summons, exclusiveof the day of service: And in case of your failureto appear or answer, judgment, will be takenagainst you by default, tor the reile? demandedin the complaint.

Dated, September 23d, 1890.JAM3& TIRKNEY, Plaintiff's Attorney.

Office and Postoffice address Piattsburgh, Clintoncoaoty, New York.

To Thomas W. cieary, Mary J. Llndaey, Johndeary* James H. Oleary, Catharine B. cieary,Timothy H. cieary, Stephen cieary, Margaretcieary/William cieary and Frank Cieary,Defendants:The foregoing Bummons is Berved upon you by

pubUcation pursuant to an order of George 8,weed, Clinton County Judge, dated the 9dday of October. 1890, and fifed with the com-plaint In the office of the Clerk of Clinton county.

Dated October 9,1890.1841 JAMBS TlEK>fiY, Plaintiff's Attorney.

u p H K n r. vo u ** i\—Eliza S. QarfleM,3 Plaintiff, againtt Bobert, Hall and others, De-

fendants.By vinue of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale

made in the above entitled action on the 84thday of September, 1890, the subscriber, a refereefor that purpose duly appointed, will sell at thefront door of the Keeaevitie National Bank, inthe town of AusaWe, county of Clinton, on the&d day or November, 1890, at 9 o'olootc A. H., thereal estate and mortgaged premises directed bysaid Judgment to be sold and therein desotlbedas follows:

AU that certain parcel of land situate in Keese-vllie, Clinton county, N. T., containing aboutone-fourth of an acre of land on Pleasant Street*being about two rods wide in front and 28 rodswide in /ear, bounded easterly by said street;westerly by lands formerly owned by heirs of J.Piste; northerly by lands formerly occupied byone Bradley, and southerly by lands formerlyowned by Keuoen Jones, Delng same premisesconveyed by James Allen to "Robert Hail. Also,a parcel of land adjoining the same, being prem-ises described in deed from w. O. Watson to saidBobert Hall, datwl October 26,1871, and recordedla Clinton county clerk's office, in Book No. 63 ofDeeds, page 201.

A. W. BOYNTON, Referee.F. A. ROWE, Plaintiff'* Attorney. i&

TjiL.feB.tTf OX N O T I C E .

A General Election is to be held In the countyof Clinton on the *tb day of November next, atwhiohwiilbecuo«en the officers mentioned intne notice trom the secretary of state, of whicha copy is annexed. J. B. WHITS, Sheriff.

Dated at Piat.sburgh, August l, 1890.


ALBAHT, J u l y 29,1890. ,

on the Tues-day succeeding the first Monday of Novembernext (November 4th), the following officers are tobe elected, to wit:

An Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, Inthe place of Robert Earl,whose term ot office will

ire on tbe last day of December next._ Justice of the supreme court, for the Fourth

Judicial District, in the place of FrothlnahamFish, whose term of office will expire on the lastday of December next.

A Representative in the Fifty-second congressof the Unlttd States, for the Twenty-first con-gressional District, composed of the counties ofClinton, Essex, Warren and Franklin.COOHXT AND DlSTBlOT OniOIBg 1 U O TO BB

iLXOTID IM ADD FOB BAH) tlOCMTY:One Member of Assembly;Two School Commissioners;A County Treasurer, in the place of John M.

Wever;A county Judge, in place of George 8. Weed,

appointed by the Governor, In the place ot 8.Alonzo Kellogg, resigned;

Two Justices for Sessions, in the place of SethW Parsons and J. Thompson Ames;

A Coroner, in the place of Henry p. Glillland,2d;

AH whose terms of office will expire on the lastday of December next.

Respectfully yours,FRANK RICE,

Secretary of State.

J U R ¥ N O T IO13. -Notice is hereby given thaton tbe 3d day of November, 1890, at Clinton

County Clerk's Office in Piattsburgh, N T., I willdraw the names ot thirty six persons to serveas Trial Jurors, at a Circuit Court and court ofOyer and Tarminer, to be held at the Court House,in tbe village ot Piattsburgh, on the Third Mon-day, the I7th day of November, 1890.1848 J. P. BRBNAN, Cleric

ru B Y N O T I c K . -Notice is hereby given thaton the 3d day of November, 1890, at Clinton

County Clerk's Office in Piattsburgh, N.Y., I willdraw the names of twenty-four persons to serveas Grand Jurors, at a Circuit Court and Court ofOyer and Terminer, to be held at the Court House,in the village of Pittsburgh, on the Third Morday, the 17th day ot November, 1890.1840 J. P. BRENAN, Clerk.


COAL!w convenient for parties to receive

season's Goal early we prefer to deliverwhile dry, and are now ready,WITH a good stock of the best AU Bail

and Wafer On*!.WITH improved oovered scales always ID

order.WITil caref al m?n and teams to load, haul

and unload.WITH personal attention to screening,

weighing, keeping boose and settling ourown accounts.

WITH no standing excuse for poor, dirtyooal.

WITH prices at all times as low as anygood coal.

WITH fair dealing and a desire to pleaseas a basis to all, rich or poor alike.'We ask a oontinuanoe of all oldoustomers and a fair trial from newones, knowing we can give satisfac-tion.

When Beady for Coal Don't Forget thePlace.

•BTOffloe and Telephone at Delaney'sOoal Yard.

1.6. MCflESOll.Pittsburgh, July 1, 1890.

THE Undersigned would re-spectfully announce to the

people of Ellenburgh Centre,and vicinity, that they haveopened the store at EllenburghCentre, formerly known as t i e"Webster Store," and have awell selected line of Dry Goods,Groceries, Boots and Shoes,Crockery and Glassware;also a full line of Drugs andMedicines, the Prescriptiondepartment of which is incharge of a duly licensed Phar-macist. All of which theyoffer at prices to suit the times,and trust by courtesy, and fairdealing, to merit a share of thepublic patronage.

G00DSPEED4 BROWN,Ellenburgh centre, March 20, ISM.


Sash, Doors, Mouldings,BUILDERS' HARDWARE,


— IS AT . .


On Clinton StreetFaint that will not Crack, Peel nor F*d«. ^

Taloaid Asbestos Floor Paint is superiorto any; no Benzine. Drys bard

and is permanent.ALABASTINK—the Permanent Wail

Coatlnff-Wbite and Color*.Lead, Oil, Yarnlah, Stain, Brushes, Oores,

Dry Colors, and Colors in OUand Japan.

Builders' Hardware, inokcliDg AsNiles Lock, Building Paper,

Etc, Etc.Sasb, Doors, BUnds, Mouldings, Stair Bafl '

and Newels, in endless variety, atthe Lowest Possible Price.

OLASft at Wholesale and Retail, bothDouble and Single surenfftn. Al«e>,

Catuedral, Colored, * name ledand Plate Ola**

Call on me before you buy; I can suityou both aa to quality and price.



A. SehiffsVARIETY -


Just reoelved, a large and oomplete Une ofTriooU, striped and plaid Flannels, inall shades and effeots.

A speoial line of Brilliantines, snob as-atripea, plaid and plain; Henrlettes,Cashmere, of my own importation? •

My Cloak department has never beforebeen so oomplete, and I am preparedto show as fine a line of Misses andladies Jaokets and Children's Oloeisvas was ever shown in this Motion.

A oomplete line of Ladies Fur and AstraoattCapes, and I guarantee finish and fitin every way.

Also, a large assortment of ObiWwn's,Boys and Men's Clothing, also Over-ooats, whioh I guarantee wm suit infit, quality and prloe.

A fail line of Ladles,(Gents a&d Children'sShoes constantly on hand.

•P. Oox'a floe Shoes a specially.A oomplete line of Thompson's Glove-

fitting Corsets, for whioh I am the sol*Agent. Every pair warranted.

Goodyear's Glove Bobbers, in light andheavy weights, for lumbermen. 1o»rry a full line and warrant everypair.

A oomplete line of staple and fanoy Groo-eries constantly on band, 88 well asnumerous other articles seedless t omention.

Tours Respectfully,A. SOHIFF,

Dannemora, N. F.


No. 4 Bridge 8fc,P]attsbui|»