The Pieceful Times

The Pieceful Times Vienna Quilters Unlimited June 2017 Visit our chapter page at NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 20 Vienna Firehouse, 7 PM 400 Center Street South Vienna, Virginia Second Floor Community Hall Please send reimbursement requests to the treasurer, Carol Kramp, no later than the June meeting. The books for this year must be closed out by June 30th. From the President Wasn’t the QU Show “Wing It” just wonderful! So many beautiful and well-crafted quilts and fiber art! I had a really good time and was there all four days. One to set up, one to volunteer, one to see the sights and buy a little bit and the last to take a class with Julie Belin – Very exciting! Thanks to the VQU “Technique Team” for doing another remarkable “Wing It” display and to all the others who entered a quilt or two! At the membership meeting, Augusta Cole showed a good sense of humor and gave some tips to make interesting designs. At my class with Julie Belin, I learned how to create Tumbling Triangles with a Deb Tucker ruler. I had never used one of her rulers, but really liked her technique! Only 50 more triangles to make and I will have a throw quilt! It’s embarrassing to say that I have not finished last year’s President’s quilt. I have completed the back and will bring it to share even though I still need to quilt it. Now, to think of a quilting pattern. This is my last letter as acting president for VQU. I have enjoyed serving the guild for the last two years, but I am also happy to hand over the position to Michiyo next year! Thank you, Mich, for volunteering! Thank you Mary Lyttle for stepping into the Vice President’s position mid-year! And, thank you to all my board and committee chairs for your participation, continuous effort and wonderful support! I hope to see everyone at the June dinner on June 20 th ! May your dreams come true! Laura In-Out Officers Dinner June 22The location is the Townes of Moorefield Community Building (adjacent to community pool) on Tapawingo Rd SW, turn off from Nutley on the Vienna side of I-66. Come around 6:30, dinner at 7. I am providing the main entree and asking people to bring sides and dessert. Laura June Hospitality: A special thanks to those that brought treats for our May meeting. At our June meeting, we are having a Picnic-theme dinner. Fried and roasted chicken and ice tea and lemonade will be provided. We ask each person attending to bring a side (more sides please) or a dessert for the Hospitality Tables. Also, the sign-up sheets for our upcoming Hospitality Table starting in September will be passed around. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the June meeting. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the June meeting. Gloria Thompson, Hospitality

Transcript of The Pieceful Times

The Pieceful Times Vienna Quilters Unlimited June 2017

Visit our chapter page at

NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 20 Vienna Firehouse, 7 PM 400 Center Street South

Vienna, Virginia Second Floor Community Hall

Please send reimbursement requests to the treasurer, Carol Kramp, no later than the June meeting. The books for this year must be closed out by June 30th.

From the President

Wasn’t the QU Show “Wing It” just wonderful! So many beautiful and well-crafted quilts and fiber art! I had a really good time and was there all four days. One to set up, one to volunteer, one to see the sights and buy a little bit and the last to take a class with Julie Belin – Very exciting! Thanks to the VQU “Technique Team” for doing another remarkable “Wing It” display and to all the others who entered a quilt or two! At the membership meeting, Augusta Cole showed a good sense of humor and gave some tips to make interesting designs. At my class with Julie Belin, I learned how to create Tumbling Triangles with a Deb Tucker ruler. I had never used one of her rulers, but really liked her technique! Only 50 more triangles to make and I will have a throw quilt!

It’s embarrassing to say that I have not finished last year’s President’s quilt. I have completed the back and will bring it to share even though I still need to quilt it. Now, to think of a quilting pattern. This is my last letter as acting president for VQU. I have enjoyed serving the guild for the last two years, but I am also happy to hand over the position to Michiyo next year! Thank you, Mich, for volunteering! Thank you Mary Lyttle for stepping into the Vice President’s position mid-year! And, thank you to all my board and committee chairs for your participation, continuous effort and wonderful support! I hope to see everyone at the June dinner on June 20th!

May your dreams come true! Laura

In-Out Officers Dinner June 22– The location is the Townes of Moorefield Community Building (adjacent to community pool) on Tapawingo Rd SW, turn off from Nutley on the Vienna side of I-66. Come around 6:30, dinner at 7. I am providing the main entree and asking people to bring sides and dessert. Laura

June Hospitality: A special thanks to those that brought treats for our May meeting. At our June meeting, we are having a Picnic-theme dinner. Fried and roasted chicken and ice tea and lemonade will be provided. We ask each person attending to bring a side (more sides please) or a dessert for the Hospitality Tables. Also, the sign-up sheets for our upcoming Hospitality Table starting in September will be passed around. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the June meeting. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the June meeting. Gloria Thompson, Hospitality

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Sunshine Please let if you know someone that could use a little sunshine. Send me an email at [email protected]. Thanks!!

May Program

Judy Gula shared her enthusiasm for batiks. She started with how she came to take on the batik business from her friends. This adventure started with a trip to Indonesia. Through a slideshow, she gave us a glimpse into the world of the artisans and the many studios that create batik. Judy gave some details about some of the more skilled artists and showed preference for the work of one or two. She shared the tools that were used and gave us an idea of how many hours it took to create a panel depending on how many colors and layers were applied. The workers spend many hours a day sitting and applying wax and colors in a very precise way. I can newly appreciate the work and skills involved! Wow!

Community Service As our three years coordinating Community Service comes to a close, we want to share how grateful we are for the bountiful support from VQU members. The Fairfax County Foster Program is extremely grateful for the quilts and pillowcases they have been able to pass along to children in difficult situations. In May we received donations from Janet Tasker, Carol Strong, Barbara Leven, Masako Weintraub and Beth Veomett. Thanks to all! If you have projects nearing completion, we encourage you to bring them to the June meeting. Barb Ross and Diane Lovejoy

Summer Sit and Sew July Sit and Sew will be held at Quilters Studio in Fairfax on Monday July 10th between 10:30am and 5:30pm. Besides a great day of sewing with friends, folks are free to come and go throughout the day as well. Thank you! Michiyo

2017-18 Membership Information At the end of the newsletter you will see the new membership form for 2017/2018. Please note that the prices have changed as well as the criteria for Life members. If you will be 75 or older on June 1 you are eligible for free membership, but other memberships you have in other chapters (as associate members) will have to comply with their fees. There is no longer a Senior option fee, (alas, we are all aging!) You may print out your form and bring it to the May meeting along with your payment. We will do our best to process it and get you a card, but the date on the new form says the fiscal year starts July 1, so don't throw out your old card until then! I will be working with Donnie Wood who will be replacing me after June. Please be nice to her as she takes the reigns! She will be at the June meeting to take your membership dues. I have enjoyed getting to know you all these last 3 years, and look forward to more inspiration next year! Enjoy your summer! Polly Dombroski

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VQU Officer Nominations for 2017-18 We have our new board for next year and will be presenting them at our June dinner. Thank you all for stepping up! Sharon Gorky President - Michiyo Vangellow Vice President - Diane Lovejoy and Barbara Ross Secretary - Laura Fraser Treasurer - Carol Kramp continuing for a second year - Thank you! Newsletter - Tommie Curtis - continuing for a second year - Thank you! Nominations - Polly Dombroski

Ricky Tims Retreat Thank you SO much to the Vienna QU for the nomination for the scholarship to a Ricky Tims retreat. It was a wonderful week of self-discovery, and I hope to share some of what I’ve learned with our guild. The retreat we attended was IMPROVISATION. We were to come with fabric and no preconceived ideas of what to make. Ricky told us to “trust the process” as we learned new techniques that were “out-of-the-box” and our quilts evolved throughout the week. Ricky also took us on Field Trips to the studio of fiber artist Judith Baker Montano, to a local art gallery and to the remote mountain home that he and his partner, Justin, are building outside of La Veta. He performed a beautiful concert for us on the piano one evening before dinner. The trunk show of his quilt collection was awe-inspiring even for our husbands. Some of the quilts he owns have been appraised at $40,000! They are true works of art - his and other quilt artists. He is such a talented artist…music, photography, quilting…and he’s a terrifically nice person. He was very patient with me as a “baby quilter”. His guidance was invaluable. Debbie Bacigalupo

QU Quilt Show Boutique I hope everyone had a chance to stop by the boutique and shop. There were some wonderful items there. I think we did very well with our contributions and I'm estimating we made about $1200. We should have the final amount soon and I'll report it at the June dinner. If you had items in the boutique and they didn't sell, I'll bring them to June's meeting for you to retrieve. There are a number of items that I can't remember who contributed, feel free to send me an email or call me and I can let you know if it sold or not. If you're unable to attend the June dinner, I can bring them to September's meeting. A big thanks to everyone who contributed - as the old saying goes...."Many hands make light work". I hope we can do this again next year and ask that you consider taking the lead on our guild's participation. It's really a lot of fun and isn't all that much work! Sharon Gokey, 703-283-3694 or email - [email protected]

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May Show and Tell At the May meeting there was lots of show and tell. Here are a few examples -

Modern quilt by Betty.

Betty made another beauty.

Bill’s beautiful applique examples.

Carol brightens the room with red!

Hazel finished a signature quilt.

Joni worked with blue and teal for this one.

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Laura made a bag and….

…some bowls.

Susan made bright fabric choices for this one.

Mich designed a soothing panel with happy butterflies.

Polly used happy colors also!

Natasha made this busy spinning blocks.

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Amazing what Judy Gula can do with panels.

Beth is a clever quilter using panels purchased on vacation.

Puggy uses lovely Mary Engelbreit panels.

Puggy used green to make this one really look good!

Quilt Collector Thanks Thank you again to everyone who put a quilt in the QU show – you helped make the show a great success! Our quilts looked great! Very special thanks to everyone who helped with the show set-up and take down. I had forgotten what an army it takes to take the show down so quickly. I especially appreciate those who helped me refold the quilts as they were returned, put them in their bags, and then helped get them out of the building. I can’t imagine doing this job without your kind of help! I’d also like to thank everyone who went above and beyond our call to duty by helping take down the FLY ME TO THE MOON exhibit. Your willingness to help others is really appreciated!!! Again thank you to everyone who has been a Quilt Collector Elf this year!! You are greatly appreciated! If anyone is willing to be Quilt Collector next year, please let me know. I am happy to help you throughout the coming year; it’s not a difficult or demanding job and the help you get from VQU members is FANTASTIC! Willa

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Joyce welcomed those in attendance. UPCOMING EVENTS: Christine announced that David Taylor will be the speaker at the Fall Event on Thursday, October 19, 2017 with a workshop scheduled for Friday, October 20. Centreville will be in charge of details for this event. Jinny Beyer will be the speaker at the 2018 Annual Meeting, and she will hold two 4 hour classes at the quilt show. BOARD GOALS: Joyce briefly described the goals and progress made by the Board during the past year. One of the objectives was to put the organization on a sounder financial basis. This involved looking at facts, especially as pertains to the guild's sources of income which are twofold: (1) dues and (2) the quilt show. The Board made hard choices based on the facts that were gathered. MEMBERSHIP, DUES, & PHYSICAL LABOR: There are a significant number of members who currently pay reduced dues or no dues which led to a proposal to examine the categories of membership along with the dues paid by each category. Also, because the membership as a whole is aging, it was decided to reduce the level of physical involvement by members in the set up and take down of the quilt show poles and drapes. The money to pay Hale for performing these functions was taken from the Donations line of the budget and resulted in set up being completed by 2:00 p.m. with much less physical labor by QU members. MINUTES OF LAST YEAR'S ANNUAL MEETING & FINANCIAL UPDATE: The minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting were approved as submitted. Treasurer Janet Tasker indicated that year-to-date our revenue is $81,000, $71,000 of which is from quilt show vendors. We have a total of $135,000 in cash as of this date with outstanding expenses from the show. Show expenses will not be fully available for a few weeks as some bills are not sent until after the show. There will be complete treasurer report in early July. Quilt show attendance through Saturday this year was 2841 compared to 2679 for the same time period last year. IN MEMORIAM: Joyce read off the names of QU members who had passed on during the last year. There are quilts from some of those women in the In Memoriam section of the show. INTRODUCTIONS BY JOYCE: Joyce introduced the Chair for the 2018 Quilt Show - Donna Hosek. She thanked Kath Heslep for all her help during the past few days when Betsy Stone had to be looking after her father who suffered a heart attack. Joyce introduced the Members of the Quilt Show Committee, the Chapter Presidents, and the QU Executive Board Members. She thanked all and especially Christine Shaefer who is leaving the Board as she is moving out of town and Janet Tasker who is finishing out her second term as Treasurer. PRESENTATION TO JOYCE: Christine presented Joyce with a gift card in appreciation for her work this year as President of QU. ELECTION OF QU EXECUTIVE BOARD: Sue Heisler presented the nominations for the 2017-18 QU Executive Board in the absence o Nominations Chair Linda Keithley. The nominees are:

Joyce Bounds - President Rosemary Ryan - Vice President Mary Ansoff - Treasurer Trudi Sommerfield - Secretary Linda Keithley - Nominations

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There were no nominations from the floor. Kath Heslep proposed the acceptance of this slate of officers. There was a second, and the motion passed unanimously. OUTREACH: It was decided that a concentrated outreach effort should be undertaken to recruit new members including some younger members. To that end, an Outreach Committee is being established led by Sue Heisler. Each chapter needs to appoint an Outreach Person to serve on this committee. They will develop a brochure to be used for informational/recruitment purposes and look at ways to attract new members. Sue Heisler spoke briefly about the Outreach Committee and its goals for the coming year. BYLAWS CHANGES: The changes to Section III of the Bylaws were proposed, seconded, discussed and passed without dissent. The affected parts of Section III now read: 2. Membership classifications shall be Individual, Associate, Family, and Lifetime. (Only those who are Lifetime members as of June 30, 2017 will be grandfathered into that category and will be excused hereafter from the payment of dues.) A Family Membership shall be defined as two or more family members living at the same address. All members in good standing shall be voting members of QU and of the local chapters to which they belong. Delete current #5 of Section III of the Bylaws. [The amended #6 of the Bylaws becomes the new #5 and reads] 5. An Individual member from one Chapter may belong to additional Chapters. These members shall be Associate Members.

Respectfully submitted Trudi Sommerfield

June 7, 2017 CHANGES TO VQU BYLAWS IN ACCORDANCE WITH QU BYLAWS In order to keep in line with QU’s BYLAWS the following changes will be made to VQU’s BYLAWS. The changes will be presented at the May 16th meeting for discussion. Once the changes are voted on an approved at the QU annual meeting we will vote on the changes at VQU’s Annual Meeting June 20th. Article III. Membership Current BYLAWS contain the following language for number 3. 3. Members: Voting members of the Chapter shall consist of two classes: Active and Associate. Active members are those members in good standing who have paid their annual dues to Vienna Chapter. Associate members are those individuals who are active members of another Chapter and who have paid annual fees to this Chapter. Language CHANGE to number 3. In the last sentence “Associate members are those individual ………………”. Change the word fees to dues. Current BYLAWS contain the following language for number 4. 4. Dues: Annual dues are set by the QU Board of Directors and approved by 2/3 vote of the QU Board. One half (1/2) of this amount shall be retained by the Chapter and one half remitted to QU. Each member shall pay annual dues in September. A member is dropped from the roster if dues are not paid by November 1. No payment of dues shall be accepted at the Annual Meeting. Associate members shall pay one half (1/2) the annual dues paid by Active members and the entire amount shall be retained by the Chapter. Language CHANGE to number 4. Change the last sentence to read: Associate members shall pay the amount determined by the QU Board and the entire amount shall be retained by the Chapter. New Language for number 6. 6. Membership Categories: Individual, Associate, Family and Lifetime (only those who are lifetime members as of June 1, 2017 will be grandfathered into that category). A Family membership shall be defined as two or more family members living at the same address. All members in good standing shall be voting members of QU and of the local Chapters to which they belong. QU Chapters will have the same Membership Categories as those stated in QU BYLAWS and the same dues as approved by the QU Board of Directors. Current BYLAWS contain the following language for number 6. Remove In Full 6. Members shall become Senior members in the fiscal year following their 65th birthday. The dues for these members shall be half the

amount of the annual dues. When Senior members reach their 75th birthday, they shall become Life members, excused from the payment of dues, effective the start of the following fiscal year. These members shall be considered “Active” voting members.

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VQU Calendar


June 20th - VQU June Dinner, 7:00 PM

June 22nd – In and Out Dinner, 6:30 PM, Location: Townes of Moorefield Community Building

July 7th-23rd – Sacred Threads in Herndon

July 10th – Sit and Sew, Quilters Studio, Fairfax, 10:30AM - 5:30PM

July 14-16, 2017 – Mid-Appalachian Quilters Retreat, Mt. St. Mary’s College

August 1 – VQU Board Meeting, 7-8 Patrick Henry Library

Sep 5th – VQU Board Meeting, 7-8 Patrick Henry Library

Vienna Quilters Unlimited – Sep-June Third Tuesday

(except when changed) Vienna Firehouse

400 Center Street South Vienna, Virginia

Second Floor Community Hall

VQU Executive Board 2016-17

As of March 2017 Position Name Email Phone

President Laura Fraser [email protected] 571-205-6715 Vice President Mary Lyttle [email protected] 703-217-8626

Secretary Diana Sinclair [email protected] 703-319-4022 Treasurer Carol Kramp [email protected] 703-992-8094 Newsletter Tommie Curtis [email protected] 703-641-9178 Nominating Sharon Gokey [email protected] 703-757-0708

Committee Chairs

Block of the Month Mary Lyttle [email protected] 703-217-8626 Charm/Strip Swap Janet Tasker [email protected] 703-356-0605 Community Service Barbara Ross

Diane Lovejoy [email protected] [email protected]

703-591-8908 703-759-7160

QU Show Boutique

Barbara Leven Sharon Gokey

[email protected] [email protected]


Historian/Archives Laura Fraser [email protected] 571-205-6715 Hospitality Gloria Thompson [email protected] 240-328-4404 Library Karla Vernon [email protected] 703-281-0738 Make a Quilt Night Darlene Howke [email protected] 703-352-1593 Membership Polly Dombroski [email protected] 703-938-7799 Nominating Connie Sherrill [email protected] 703-281-0397 Programs Joni Seidenstein [email protected] 703-319-8899 Quilt Collector Willa Downes [email protected] 703-641-0517 Trunk Show - February Joni Seidenstein [email protected] 703-319-8899 Quilt Show Rep Mary Lyttle [email protected] 703-217-8626 Retreat Michiyo Vangello

Marge Westlake [email protected] [email protected]

703-801-8300 703-403-6209

Sunshine Gloria Thompson [email protected] 240-328-4404 Trash to Treasure Prudi Trout [email protected] 703-242-0458 Web Master Debbie Bacigalupo [email protected] 703-255-0218 Firehouse Contact Josh MacNab [email protected] 703-319-1463

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Quilters Unlimited 2017 – 2018 Membership Form Annual membership is July 1 – June 30. A membership form is required each year for all categories. Membership payment must be received by September 30th for inclusion in the Annual QU Directory. Detail information about chapters is available from the QU website: Item numbers 1 thru 7 are published in QU Directory. Please circle to confirm preference (YES is the default). Renewal New Please indicate if this is a renewal or new membership and select Chapter. Annandale Arlington Burke Centreville Fairfax Haymarket

McLean Mt. Vernon Reston Springfield Vienna

Yes No QU may publish my name, address & phone number (Items 1-6) in the Annual QU Directory. Yes No QU may publish my e-mail (Item 7) in the Annual QU Directory.

Yes No QU may e-mail the quarterly QU newsletter and information. Yes No The chapter may e-mail the monthly Chapter newsletter and information. Yes No Do you wish to receive a QU directory printed version of all members? Yes No If available, would you prefer to receive an electronic QU directory of all members and not a printed

version? (Currently pending privacy review and not yet approved for electronic distribution.)

1.Name: Last, First [Preferred, i.e., Doe, Judith (Judy)] 2.Preferred Phone for QU Directory


4.City 5.State 6.Zip Code + 4

7.Email Address

8.Work Phone – optional 9.Cell or Home Phone - optional

10.Birthday (optional for chapter use) Month/Day Only:

11.Chapter optional use


INDIVIDUAL $30 Individual Membership is for one Primary chapter which you wish to join. You may designate only one chapter for Individual membership….others are Associate.

LIFETIME $0 Lifetime membership is available only to a specific membership group as of June 2017. Confirm eligibility with your Chapter Membership Chair.

ASSOCIATE $10 Associate Membership is available if you wish to join more than one chapter. Please complete a new membership form and submit to the Associate Chapter with separate payment. Please include your Primary Chapter: __________________

FAMILY $10 Family Membership is available if multiple members live at the same address. After the first member joins as an Individual Member, select this option if you are the additional member and include the name of the Individual Member at this address. Individual Member:

Additional options

$5 QU Membership Pin @ $5.00 each

Chapter Specific Options


Make your check payable to the chapter and mail to Donnie Wood, 10400 Burke Lake Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039. Include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE), if you wish to have your membership card mailed to you.

April 2017 V3 QU Final 2017-18

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Article I. Name The name of this organization shall be the Vienna Chapter (“Chapter”) of Quilters Unlimited (“QU”). Article II. Purpose and Policy 1. The purpose of this Chapter shall be to preserve the tradition, culture and history of quilting, and to promote the

knowledge and understanding of the art of quilting through continuing education services for members and public education activities.

2. The policy of the Chapter is to enjoy rather than judge each other's work. Article III. Membership 1. Any person who is interested in furthering the purpose of QU may become a member upon payment of dues to the Chapter

Treasurer. 2. Persons who join Vienna Chapter shall be voting members of QU and the Vienna Chapter. 3. Members: Voting members of the Chapter shall consist of two classes: Active and Associate. Active members are those

members in good standing who have paid their annual dues to Vienna Chapter. Associate members are those individuals who are active members of another Chapter and who have paid dues to this Chapter.

4. Dues: Annual dues are set by the QU Board of Directors and approved by 2/3 vote of the QU Board. One half (½) of this amount shall be retained by the Chapter and one half remitted to QU. Each member shall pay annual dues in September. A member is dropped from the roster if dues are not paid by November 1. No payment of dues shall be accepted at the Annual Meeting.

5. Membership Categories: Individual, Associate, Family and Lifetime (only those who are lifetime members as of June 1, 2017 will be grandfathered into that category and will be excused hereafter from the payment of dues). A Family membership shall be defined as two or more family members living at the same address. All members in good standing shall be voting members of QU and of the local Chapters to which they belong. QU Chapters will have the same Membership Categories as those stated in QU BYLAWS and the same dues as approved by the QU Board of Directors.

6. An individual member from one Chapter may belong to additional Chapters. These members shall be Associate Members.

Article IV. Meetings 1. The regular meetings of the Vienna Chapter shall be scheduled each month on the third Tuesday from September to May and

at such other dates set by the Chapter Executive Board. 2. The regular meeting during the month of May shall be known as the Chapter Annual Meeting and shall be for the purpose of

electing new officers and for any other business that may arise. 3. Special meetings of the Chapter may be called by the President, and shall be called upon the request of ten (10) members.

Only business stated in the meeting notice shall be transacted at special meetings. 4. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Board. Only business

stated in the meeting notice shall be transacted at special meetings. 5. Fifteen (15) members shall constitute a QUARUM at any meeting of the Chapter. 6. Notices of the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting stating the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting shall be given to

members at least fourteen (14) days prior to said meeting. Except in cases of emergency, notices of Special Meetings of the Executive Board stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be given to members of the Executive Board at least three (3) days prior to said meeting.

Article V. Executive Board 1. The Executive Board of the Chapter shall be composed of all elected officers and Standing Committee Chairmen. Each shall

be entitled to one vote. Four members shall constitute a QUORUM. 2. The Executive Board shall select a bank to act as depository for Chapter Funds and shall designate the person or persons who

are authorized to sign checks. 3. The Executive Board shall present an annual program and budget for adoption at the first regular Chapter meeting in

September. 4. The Executive Board shall authorize all non-budgeted expenditures over $25.00. 5. The Executive Board shall require the keeping of proper records of all receipts and disbursements of the Chapter, including

accrual items of incoming expense and liability incurred, and in sufficient detail to permit at least one audit per year, and the preparation of such financial records as may be required by law and by QU.

6. The Executive Board shall submit all financial and membership reports as required by the QU Board of Directors. 7. The fiscal year of Vienna Chapter shall begin on the first day of July of each year.

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8. Audits: Immediately after the close of the fiscal year, and at such times as may be advisable, the President shall appoint a committee to audit the books and records and make a report thereon. An Annual Statement, which should include at least a balance sheet showing net worth and liabilities at the end of the fiscal year shall be published in the first newsletter following the close of the fiscal year. A statement of income and expenses shall be prepared for the Annual Meeting.

Article VI. Election of Officers 1. The elected officers of this Chapter shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Treasurer, and

Nominating Committee Chair. 2. Nominations: Nominations for elected officers shall be made by the Nominating Committee who shall consist of the elected

Chair and two (2) members appointed by the Chair, who do not currently serve on the Executive Board. 3. Election of officers shall be by ballot at the Annual Meeting. If there is only one candidate for an office, the vote may be made

by voice if no objection is made. 4. Officers will serve for one (1) year or until their successors are elected, and their terms shall begin at the close of the Annual

Meeting at which they are elected. 5. Vacancies in office shall be filled by the Executive Board 6. An officer shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office, or until his/her successor has been elected. The

Chapter president may not hold any other QU Board of Directors position. 7. Any officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board in attendance at any

regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose for nonfeasance, or malfeasance, or misfeasance, for conduct detrimental to the interests of the organization, or for refusal to tender reasonable assistance in carrying out its purposes. Any officer proposed to be removed shall be entitled to appear before and be heard by the Executive Board.

Article VII. Duties of Officers 1. The President shall:

a. Preside over all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board, b. Call special meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board, c. Assure that the Chapter is represented at all QU Board of Directors meetings, d. Appoint chairman and members of all Chapter committees, e. Be an ex-officio member of all Chapter committees except the Nominating Committee, f. Pay bills in the absence of the Treasurer.

2. The Vice President shall:

a. Assist the President and assume duties of the President in the absence of the President or if for any reason the presidency is vacated,

b. Obtain the monthly meeting place for the Chapter, c. Be a liaison with Chapter bees, d. Welcome prospective and new members.

3 The Secretary shall:

a. Conduct the correspondence of the Chapter as directed by the President or Executive Board, b. Keep a complete record of all Chapter meetings and Executive board meetings, c. Have general supervision of and provide for the safekeeping of the Minutes of the current and previous years, d. Publicize meetings to the general public.

4. The Newsletter Editor shall: a. Issue the newsletter and all notices from the Executive Board to the VQU Membership as may be directed by these

Bylaws, the President, or the Executive Board, b. Send the newsletter to the Presidents of other QU Chapters, and to the President of the QU Board of Directors.

5. The Treasurer shall: a. Be the custodian of the Chapter funds, b. Keep an account in detail of all money received and disbursed, c. Maintain a current roster of membership, d. Forward affiliation monies to the Treasurer of QU upon receipt accompanied by complete membership information, e. Present periodic financial reports to the membership and the Executive Board, f. Prepare a complete financial report for both the Chapter and for the QU Board of Directors at the end of each fiscal year or

as required by the QU Board of Directors.

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6. The Nominating Committee Chair shall: a. Appoint to the Chapter's Nominating Committee two (2) members who do not currently serve on the Executive Board, b. Secure a slate of officers for the offices to be filled and secure the consent of the nominees to serve if elected, c. Submit a written list of nominees to the Executive Board in due time to be included in the notice of Annual Meeting given

to Chapter members. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting provided the nominee's consent has been secured.

d. Represent the Chapter on the QU Nominating Committee.

7. All officers shall maintain files and records and shall deliver them to their successors by July 15. Article VIII. Standing Committees The President shall appoint standing committees for Membership, Programs, and Hospitality as soon as convenient after each Annual Meeting. Chairmen of standing committees are members of the Executive Board of this Chapter

a. The Membership Committee shall distribute new membership information and assist the Treasurer with registration and roster compilation.

b. The Program Committee shall be responsible for programs and shall prepare a list of programs for the year for Executive Board approval prior to the first Chapter meeting in September.

c. The Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for providing refreshments at all Chapter meetings.

Article IX. Amendments These Bylaws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of members present at any Annual or Special meeting, provided the amendment has been proposed by the Executive Board or a committee authorized by the Chapter, and provided notice of such amendment has been included in the notice of the meeting given to members. Article X. Limitation and Dissolution 1. The affairs and activities of the Vienna Chapter of QU shall be conducted in such manner that no part of its net earnings shall accrue to the benefit of any member, officer, or other individual. 2. This Chapter shall not carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation, and shall not participate in nor intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no member, director, officer, employee, or representative of this organization shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the Vienna Chapter of QU not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization except under Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended. 4. Upon dissolution of the Chapter and after payment of all debts, all remaining assets of the Chapter shall be transferred to QU. Membership shall be transferred to other chapters as desired by the members. Article XI. Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and the Bylaws of QU. These Bylaws were adopted by a 2/3 vote of the Chapter on April 15, 1997, and last amended on May 17, 2016. Laura Fraser, Chapter President 2015-17 Darlene Howke, Bylaws Committee Chair

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