The Picture in East Sussex

The Picture in East Sussex James Harris Acting Assistant Director - Economy East Sussex County Council James Harris Acting Assistant Director - Economy East Sussex County Council The Picture in East Sussex


The Picture in East Sussex. The Picture in East Sussex. James Harris Acting Assistant Director - Economy East Sussex County Council. James Harris Acting Assistant Director - Economy East Sussex County Council. Econom ic context. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Picture in East Sussex

Page 1: The Picture in East Sussex

The Picture in East Sussex

James Harris

Acting Assistant Director - Economy

East Sussex County Council

James Harris

Acting Assistant Director - Economy

East Sussex County Council

The Picture in East Sussex

Page 2: The Picture in East Sussex

Economic context

• EasEast Sussex is a county of contrasts t Sussex is a county of contrasts

• Still have areas of deprivationStill have areas of deprivation

• Economy dominated by small/medium businessesEconomy dominated by small/medium businesses

• Some sector strengths e.g. advanced manufacturingSome sector strengths e.g. advanced manufacturing

• Transport and infrastructure challengesTransport and infrastructure challenges

• Relatively low economic productivity - GVA 69% of UK Relatively low economic productivity - GVA 69% of UK averageaverage

• Job Job SSeekers Allowance claimant rate - eekers Allowance claimant rate - 2.5% (lower than 2.5% (lower than national average, but higher than the South East)national average, but higher than the South East)

Most deprived Least deprived

Index of Employment Deprivation 2010

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Why is economic growth important?• Improve quality of life of residents

• Reduce deprivation and demand for services

• Central government changes to local government funding

We need to provide an environment in which businesses can flourish

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East Sussex is on the up…

• Economic performance improving GVA up 6% since 2009

• Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants lowest number since December 2008

• More qualified residents since 2001

• Significant investment in economic interventions during a period of financial austerity

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East Sussex assets• High quality natural environment – AONB, National Park,

heritage coast

• Strong cultural offer – Glyndebourne, Charleston, Jerwood, De la Warr, Towner

• Strong political support for economic development across the county

• Varied SME base – less vulnerable to ‘economic shocks’

• Working in partnership …

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District & Borough Councils

South East Local Enterprise Partnership

Locate East Sussex/Let’s Do Business Group

East Sussex Rural Partnership

SeaChange Sussex

Local Partnerships/3rd Sector

Working in partnership

District and Borough Partnerships

Hastings & Bexhill Taskforce

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Facilitation intervention

• Market failure has led to a change of emphasis

• Funding – grants and loans - £10m+

• Economic infrastructure – Broadband, roads, rail, commercial buildings

• New Skills and Employability strategy

• SME Commission

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And finally ….

• Less about deprivation

• More about unlocking the growth potential of East Sussex