The Philadelphia Experiment

By: Cantin Gillen

Transcript of The Philadelphia Experiment

Page 1: The Philadelphia Experiment

By:Cantin Gillen

Page 2: The Philadelphia Experiment

German U-boats


German U-boats were able to maneuver around battle ships and destroy American convoy ships.

U-boats were smaller and therefore had a smaller turning area, compared to our battle ships.

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U.S. Response to U-boats

Destroyer Escort

Did what its name implies --escorted the destroyers

An anti-submarine vessel

A mini destroyer, very similar, except not as fast, but more maneuverable.

Ex: the USS Elderage

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Ultimate Defense Against SubsU-boats Destroyer escorts

These enemy subs were not limited to maneuverability.

They were able to approach a convey without detection, from the deep.

Some believe that the US military had a plan to create a ship that was undetectable by enemy radar.

The destroyer escorts were perfect candidates.

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Albert Einstein

Experiment Einstein

A test of Unified Field Theory of Gravitation and Electricity.

Published his theory in Germany around 1927 but it was rendered incomplete.

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Actual experiment

USS Eldridge (escort destroyer)

Wrapped in steal cable

High voltage energy ran through cables that was produced by large generators .

This altered magnetic fields.

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First experiment

July 22, 1942 at 0900 the large generators of the USS Elderage were switched on.

This was done in plain view of other merchant ships that were in the Philadelphia naval yard.

A green haze or fog formed around the ship as the fields built up.

Then it was claimed that the green fog disappeared, taking the ship with it.

Complete success- not only was it invisible to radar but it was also invisible to the eye.

Returned to natural state after 15 mins.

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First Experiment (Continued) Although the Navy succeeded in

masking the ship from radar they also made it invisible.

The equipment on the ship had been altered.

And this cause the ships crew to become very sick and disoriented.

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Final Experiment

October, 28, 1943 at 17:15 in the Philadelphia Naval Yard

The generators were switched on and almost completely disappeared.

But this time reappeared a few minutes later in Norfolk, Virginia and was seen for several minutes then vanished and returned to Philadelphia

( teleportation )

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Gone wrong

With the return of the ship came many problems

Most of the crew was violently sick

Some were missing and never found

The craziest thing of all was that some of the men were fused to the steel of the ship, embedded in the bulkheads

-watch 7:00 to end

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Government response

The navy did not report this issue

Crew members receive neural damage from the intense magnetic fields, this killed many and drove other insane

The government tried to keep this experiment a secret by brain washing those who survived

Also altering the ships logs to show that it was never in Philadelphia, this closed the experiment

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Philadelphia Experiment. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The "Philadelphia Experiment." (2000, November

28). Retrieved from faq21-1.htm

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment [Video file]. (2007, June 13). Retrieved from http:/

Turner, J. (n.d.). The Philadelphia Experiment. Retrieved from Viewzone website: