The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Training Session September 27, 2004 The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information


The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information. Training Session September 27, 2004. Non Operators – Retrieving data from the Registry. Retrieving data from the Registry. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

Page 1: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Training Session

September 27, 2004

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

Page 2: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Non Operators –

Retrieving data from the Registry

Page 3: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Retrieving data from the Registry

• Non operators have a need to know for a well, well group or unit where they have an working interest ownership in:

• the gross volume and/or energy and

• their net share of volume and/or energy

• Operators must submit volumetric data, which identifies the gross volume and/or energy at each operated facility and well.

Page 4: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Retrieving data from the Registry (con’t)

• Operators must submit allocations identifying individual ownership for gas & by product crown royalty triggers

• Operators can submit allocations identifying individual ownership for all products and activities reported. (Partner reporting)

• The number and type of allocations submitted by the facility operator determines what net volume and/or energy data can be retrieved from the Registry. Only data that has been submitted can be retrieved.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Retrieving data from the Registry (con’t)

• Crown Royalty Allocations only means that non operating partners (Working Interest Owners):

– Can retrieve their net volume and energy gas and by-product crown royalty information from the Registry.

– Can use the information to compare to or accrue for the gas & by-product crown royalties charged by DOE.

– Can use the gas dispositions (sales) to confirm the volume and energy against revenue received.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Retrieving data from the Registry (con’t)

• Allocations for all products and activities means that non operating partners (WIO) can in addition to the crown royalty related information:

• Retrieve all their net volume and energy information for all products and activities from the Registry eliminating the need for a partner reporting volume package from the operator.

• Use this information to book/record their volume share of production, inventories, sales etc. for oil and other products.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – WIO report

• This report provides by facility, stream and production month:

• the gross and net owner (WIO) share of volumes and/or energy for each applicable product and activity.

• the calculated net volume and/or energy is based on the gross volumetric record and the applicable allocation.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – WIO report (con’t)

• This report can be used to:

• Validate information against revenues received on cheque exchange day

• Confirm your share of gross is correct

• Book accruals for non operated properties

• This report should be requested each month after the EUB deadline (18th-20th) but before cheque exchange day (25th)

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – WIO report (con’t)

• The data on the report is limited to the allocations submitted by the facility operators.

• If data is missing from the report.

• Contact the operator to confirm if allocations have been filed.

• Confirm if the operator is submitting allocations for partner purposes, such as gas production or oil related items (inventory etc.)

• Currently not all operators and/or their vendor systems are ready and able to report allocations for non royalty trigger items. Some upgrades required will not be implemented until 2005.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Page 11: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

 Allocation – WIO report Default Alternate Choice(s) Recommend every

30 days – Current items

Recommend every 30 days – Amended items

Start Production month Last completed production month

Any production month since 2002-10

Default 2002-10

End Production month Last completed production month

Any production up to current

Default Default minus one month

Start Submission date Cut-off (EUB deadline) for last production month minus one month

Any date since start of Registry 2002-11-01

Default Default

End Submission date Today’s date Any date up to and including today

Default Default

Operators All except Requestor All or List (1 or more) Default if only requiring non operated info

Default if only requiring non operated info

Reporting Facilities All List (1 or more) Default Default

Streams All List (1 or more) Default Default

Products All Select (1 or more) Default Default

Activities All Select (1 or more) Default Default

From/To Facilities All List (1 or more) Default Default

Report Format PDF CSV or both Both or CSV only if data is to be manipulated

Both or CSV only if data is to be manipulated

Page 12: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – WIO report PDF

Page 13: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Volumetric Facility Activity report

• This report provides by facility and production month:

• the gross volumes and/or energy for each applicable product and activity.

• information previously available on “S” reports

Page 14: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Volumetric Facility Activity report (con’t)

• This report can be used to:

• Identify gross volumes, hours and energy at facilities and wells.

• Determine if your volumes are reasonable at the facility level, i.e. your share of production compares to your share of disposition.

• Cumulative months of data can identify treads of production increase or decline.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Page 16: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

VolumetricFacility Activityreport

Default AlternateChoice(s)

Recommendevery 30 days– Currentitems

Recommend every30 days – Amendeditems

Operators All All or List (1 ormore)

Default Default

Facilities All List (1 or more) List (1 or more) List (1 or more)Start Productionmonth

Last completedproductionmonth

Any productionmonth since2002-10

Default 2002-10

End Productionmonth

Last completedproductionmonth

Any productionup to current

Default Default minus onemonth

Start Submissiondate

Cut-off (EUBdeadline) forlast productionmonth minusone month

Any date sincestart of Registry2002-11-01

Default Default

End Submissiondate

Today’s date Any date up toand includingtoday

Default Default

Activities All Select (1 or more) Default DefaultProducts All Select (1 or more) Default DefaultFrom/Tos All List (1 or more) Default DefaultWells All List (1 or more) Default DefaultFacility Activity All One of – Well

Details, Pro-rationFactors, FacilitySummary &FractionationSummary

Default Default

Report Format PDF CSV or both Both or CSVonly if data is tobe manipulated

Both or CSV only ifdata is to bemanipulated

Page 17: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Volumetric Facility Activity report PDF

Page 18: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – OAF report

• This report provides by facility, stream and production month:

• the net owner (WIO) share of volumes and/or energy for each applicable product and activity.

• the Registry calculated and operator submitted net volume and/or energy.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – OAF report (con’t)

• When the WIO report information does not match revenue volumes received, this report can be used to:

• Identify if the operator submitted owner volumes were recalculated by the Registry.

• Review with the operator instances when differences between submitted and calculated volumes are too large to be associated with rounding issues.

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Page 21: The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

Allocation – OAF report Default Alternate Choice(s) Recommend every 30 days – Current items

Recommend every 30 days – Amended items

Start Production month Last completed production month

Any production month since 2002-10

Default 2002-10

End Production month Last completed production month

Any production up to current

Default Default less one month

Start Submission date Cut-off (EUB deadline) for last production month minus one

Any date since start of Registry 2002-11-01

Default Default

End Submission date Today’s date Any date up to and including today

Default Default

Operators List – BA requesting report

All or List (1 or more) All All

Reporting Facilities All List (1 or more) Default Default

Products All Select (1 or more) Default Default

Activities All Select (1 or more) Default Default

Streams All List (1 or more) Default Default

Owners List – BA requesting the report

All * Default Default

Report Format PDF CSV or both Both or CSV only if data is to be manipulated

Both or CSV only if data is to be manipulated

* Only the operator who submitted allocation can see data for all owners

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Allocation – OAF report PDF

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Summary/Wrap up

Focus Items for Non-Operators (WIOs):

• How to retrieve net share of volumes and/or energy – Allocation WIO report

• How to retrieve gross volume and/or energy data – Volumetric Facility Activity report

• How to identify variances between submitted and calculated allocation volumes – Allocation OAF report

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta

Summary/Wrap up (con’t)

• Your comments are appreciated to assist in future training sessions.

• If you have any questions or comments about the content of this presentation, please email them to:[email protected]

or fax them to us at 297-3665.