The Persistent and Very Annoying Duck By Mr. Deakin.

The Persistent and Very Annoying Duck By Mr. Deakin

Transcript of The Persistent and Very Annoying Duck By Mr. Deakin.

The Persistent and Very Annoying Duck

By Mr. Deakin

One day, a duck waddled into a grocery store and found the store manager.

Pardon me sir, would you happen to have any duck food?”

Hearing the news, the duck waddled out of the store, satisfied with the answer, never to return. At least, that’s what the store manager thought, until…

I’m sorry, we don’t have duck food here, sir. This is a grocery store with people food.


The next day, the same duck waddled into the same store, and up to the same store manager.

Um, excuse me sir, could you please direct me to the duck food aisle?

Um, no. This is a grocery store. We do not have duck food here.

Hearing the news, the duck waddled out of the store, satisfied with the answer, never to return.

Okee Dokee.

Kind of…


At least, that’s what the store manager thought…

The next day came and guess what? If you guessed that the same duck waddled into the same grocery store and up to the same store manager, you are RIGHT! Guess what the duck asked the store manager…

Sir, I’m in need of a bit of assistance…I’m a tad bit hungry, and I was wondering if you might be able to point me in the general direction of some…ahem…duck food?

Did you guess right?



Finally, the store manager had had all he could take. He thought of something to say that he hoped would get rid of that dad blasted duck forever!

Listen here, duck! You came here two days ago asking for duck food, and I told you we don’t have any. You came here yesterday, and I told you the same thing. And here you are again today, asking for duck food. For the last time… WE DON’T HAVE DUCK FOOD HERE. THIS IS A GROCERY STORE FOR PEOPLE!!! And one more thing…

If you come back here again and ask me for duck food…

I’m going to nail your foot to the floor.

Well! Okay… Goodbye.

No. I’m sorry, this is a grocery store. We don’t carry nails here.

Pardon me sir…Could you please tell me where I could find some nails?

After that, a few weeks happily went by at the grocery store with no annoying visits from the duck…But then, one day, you guessed it, the same duck eventually waddled in to the same store and up to the same store manager…

Good. Got any duck food!?!!!

The End