The people vs oj simpson ethnicity

Jay Franks The People vs OJ Simpson Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of ethnicity using the following: Camera shots, movement, angles, composition , editing , sound and mise-en-scene The People v OJ Simpson represents ethnicity in various ways using specific media techniques. They represent it through Camera shots, movement, angles, composition, editing, sound and mise en scene. Through this, the extract portrays various stereotypes and connotations in relation to ethnicity which I am going to explain in my extract. As the extract begins, non-diegetic mysterious toned music is added onto the clip, and the volume builds and then tension is increased as a match cut is then used that takes the audience to the same location with a white woman and a black man. The non-diegetic music is then stopped. A hand held camera shot is used combined with a pan that takes the camera form looking at the woman in the lift to the man. Through the use of this shot it portrays the black man to be a lot taller than the white woman. This portrays connotations that this character is powerful and could be portrayed as dangerous in this situation which is classed as stereotypical due to connotation of people of his ethnicity and that they usually pursue crime and he is made to seem powerful in this situation which could frighten the audience for the behalf of the woman’s perspective. After this, the camera is focused on the black man and shows his to be shaking his head and to be moving around looking disturbed an angry. Which linked to stereotypes puts the woman in a dangerous situation. This concept is reinforced with a cut shot of the man slamming his briefcase down on the floor which supports this idea that he is an angry aggressive man who suits the stereotype. A cut is then introduced again showing a close up of the man’s face which makes him seem a dangerous character as he is close and up at the camera. Fast paced editing is also used combined with multiple cuts from the man to woman, woman to man showing low angle shots from the man’s perspective to the woman to high angle shots from the woman’s perspective to the mans. These shots imply dominance for the black man and that the audience should be wary of his power due to stereotypes associated to his race. Due to this editing effect, it builds tension and makes the audience feel enraged and wary of this man’s presence. The woman’s facial expression makes her to show scared and anxious of what he might do to her, which is common due to racial stereotypes of a black man as they are perceived as aggressive and could possibly inflict violence onto her if he is very angry. After this short moment of madness, it is followed with the dialogue of “I said it and I said it, but you just didn’t take me seriously”. The words “I

Transcript of The people vs oj simpson ethnicity

Page 1: The people vs oj simpson ethnicity

Jay Franks

The People vs OJ Simpson

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of ethnicity using the following: Camera shots, movement, angles, composition , editing , sound and mise-en-scene

The People v OJ Simpson represents ethnicity in various ways using specific media techniques. They represent it through Camera shots, movement, angles, composition, editing, sound and mise en scene. Through this, the extract portrays various stereotypes and connotations in relation to ethnicity which I am going to explain in my extract.

As the extract begins, non-diegetic mysterious toned music is added onto the clip, and the volume builds and then tension is increased as a match cut is then used that takes the audience to the same location with a white woman and a black man. The non-diegetic music is then stopped. A hand held camera shot is used combined with a pan that takes the camera form looking at the woman in the lift to the man. Through the use of this shot it portrays the black man to be a lot taller than the white woman. This portrays connotations that this character is powerful and could be portrayed as dangerous in this situation which is classed as stereotypical due to connotation of people of his ethnicity and that they usually pursue crime and he is made to seem powerful in this situation which could frighten the audience for the behalf of the woman’s perspective. After this, the camera is focused on the black man and shows his to be shaking his head and to be moving around looking disturbed an angry. Which linked to stereotypes puts the woman in a dangerous situation. This concept is reinforced with a cut shot of the man slamming his briefcase down on the floor which supports this idea that he is an angry aggressive man who suits the stereotype. A cut is then introduced again showing a close up of the man’s face which makes him seem a dangerous character as he is close and up at the camera. Fast paced editing is also used combined with multiple cuts from the man to woman, woman to man showing low angle shots from the man’s perspective to the woman to high angle shots from the woman’s perspective to the mans. These shots imply dominance for the black man and that the audience should be wary of his power due to stereotypes associated to his race. Due to this editing effect, it builds tension and makes the audience feel enraged and wary of this man’s presence. The woman’s facial expression makes her to show scared and anxious of what he might do to her, which is common due to racial stereotypes of a black man as they are perceived as aggressive and could possibly inflict violence onto her if he is very angry.

After this short moment of madness, it is followed with the dialogue of “I said it and I said it, but you just didn’t take me seriously”. The words “I said it and I said it” was combined with the action of the man smacking his hand twice which lets the audience know he is very frustrated by the actions pursued by this woman. His tone portrays him to be very angry and scares the audience. After this, the words “but you just didn’t take me seriously” he says it in a way that he lets out his emotions and allows the audience to feel sympathy for the character. What he actually says as well portrays many stereotypical connotations. On this that the reason she doesn’t take him seriously is because due to stereotypes and that he is a black man, meaning his intelligence levels will not be as high as a white person may be a reason why she didn’t bother taking him seriously. However, due to the mise en scene and the fact that he is wearing a smart suit and glasses, portrays the idea to the audience that he is a successful man in his profession and that he is upper class. This is a countertype of a black person as typically they are lower class because they aren’t intelligent and can’t get into a well-paid job. Glasses are symbolic of intelligence and goes against the stereotype for a black person’s intelligence through the portrayal of the character. Which contradict the actions of the woman, and questions why she did them. Furthermore, in this confrontation, the black man also say’s “the truth is you never wanted a black voice”, this portrays to the audience that the white woman is racist. This can be portrayed as stereotypical for a white person to exclude a black person because of their character type of character, and in this case if a black person is going to be convincing enough in a court room which she might feel he won’t due to him being black and that he might lack intelligent on how to persuade the judge.

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Jay Franks

Moreover, the extract cuts to the next scene where a crane shot combined with a zoom shot is used which hallows the viewer to see a group of black men on a platform with a group of white men below them on steps broadcasting. This instantly implies that the black men have authority over the white men due to portrayals of height and power. The higher someone is the more power they have over someone. Anther mysterious toned soundtrack, non-diegetic, is added to the scene. This causes tension again within the scene and this is when a black man is talking. Similarly, in the first scene when the black man was talking. Through the use of sound, they have created an air of suspicion over this ethnic group and have made the audience seem aware of their presence and that they are dangerous characters. This supports the stereotype for their ethnicity. During this, a cut is made which takes the audience to a home. They use a pan shot to slowly show them two white people in their home. This pan shows off their housing environment. This I very stereotypical for a white person. Having expensive furniture portraying them to be upper class which is stereotypical. The shot also shows a golden clock, which just tells the audience that they are successful in their jobs and are earning good money. This is stereotypical for an upper class marriage. Another cut is made to a TV set, which shows the two white people watching the live broadcast of the group of black people on the platform doing their speech. As their main leader steps up, another cut is made to show the live events or the audience of him doing the main speech. This implies that white people are tuning in to see what these group of black people have got to say, they want to know as they are intimidated by them which his shown throughout the clip and they need to be aware of what is going on the area so they can be safe and protect themselves. This is stereotypical, because black people are shown to be dangerous and white people are protective and like to stay safe and is why he majority of upper class citizens purchase good housing in an private area so they are safe because they aren’t physically strong, however are mentally strong and is why they are able to afford the type of housing the two white people are living in.

As the black people’s main leader starts his speech, the dialogue implies many connotations. On being that he is using the technique of petition in the words “we demand”. This implies that the group of black people are powerful and authoritive over most for the white people within the community. This is a countertype as typically he white command the black as shown in historic times in slavery. The reasons they did this is because the whites were more intelligent and were able to boss around the black people because of this and that they are successful. This isn’t the case here it is the other way around; it is almost the stereotypical ethnic role for black and white has flipped. The black people are shown to also have successful jobs as the building behind them is prestigious, they are all wearing smart suits showing that they are earning a respectable income and can afford this type of clothing which wouldn’t be the case for stereotypical black people as they would normally wear tracksuits and would have a minimum wage job. Moreover, the group of black people start chanting “release the tapes, release the tape”. This portrays the group to have unity between them. The constant chanting is scary and threatening to the white people that are watching and will make them scared over what they might do if they don’t release the types. Due to stereotypical actions pursued by black people, such as killing, robbery etc, it could be dangerous for the white people to not release the tapes.

As the clip goes on, a crane tilt is used to show the full structure of this massive building to the top. A cut shot is the used to show a long shot of a priest. The camera get closer to the purest using a crane and then a cut shot is used to a close up of the judge which reveals to the audience that he is Asian. This is unstereotypical as usually someone of his ethnicity would usually pursue an office job, or an IT based job. The close up shows that he is wearing glasses. This is a sign of intelligence stereotypically and could be the reason for why he is able to become a judge. Asian people are typically quiet and not commanding so it makes it hard for the audience to believe how he is going to be a good judge in a court room.

After this short scene, a cut is made to the court room where the decision is to be made on whether the tapes are released. A low angle hot is sued to portray the judge, this is giving the view point of the judge looking down to the courtroom and that he possess the power over ever within the room which is unstereotypical for someone that is Asian as usually they are the ones being dominated and ordered around. However, editing

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Jay Franks

uses shot reverse shots, a sideways pan combined with fast paced editing to zoom in on the judge to show the audience that the focus is on him and he hasn’t said anything yet within the courtroom. This supports the stereotype that Asians are quite and not commanding.

Further on in the court protest, shot reverse shots are used again showing the judge swinging on his chair which is a sign of nervousness and that he doesn’t know what decision to make and that it could end badly for him if he makes the wrong one due to the different ethnicities fighting against each other. A cut is made, and a long shot is shown of the protestors table showing three black men working together for one side of the argument and a white and black working together on the other side of the argument. This stands out for the audience and is unstereotypical for different races to be able to work together. At the end of the court hearing mysterious music is added, non-diegetic, and the volume gradually builds. The audience’s point of view goes to then a CCTV camera a slowly zoom sin o the judge which builds suspense and makes the judge feel as if he is being watched and that the decision he is about to make is highly important. Someone of his ethnicity is stereotypically oust to making big decision like this as typically a dominant white person is always the leader of things in life. The judge then looks directly at the camera, which then gives of the intention that he is seeking help form the audience and they create sympathy for him.

After this, right at the very end of the clip, the camera goes back to the judge with a cut which then is a close up on his face which implies his unsurity in the situation, also a sign of this is him holding his hand cupped on his chin, implying he is thinking and doesn’t know what to do. Someone of hi ethnicity isn’t leader and doesn’t come across these types of decision regularly and is a reason for why he is struggling. However, it questions how he got this job. The clip in the courtroom doesn’t portray the judge to be demanding and forceful on protestors. This makes the audience think that possibly this judge has been given the on off hearing to take on this case as if worse comes to worse and that the black people’s decision goes against them they have picked the weakest in society and therefore it won’t affect the more important people in society which portrayed by the clip in the mise en scene that all whites and blacks are wearing suits meaning they are all successful and have import economical roles in society.

To conclude, Camera shots, movement, angles, composition, editing, sound and mise-en-scene have all contributed to the portrayal of ethnicity connotations within the extract. Implying some common stereotypical views of certain ethnicities, while the clip doesn’t countertype this views often also through the different filming techniques.