THE PENNSYLVANIAN VOLUME XXVI.-NO. 155 PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, AI'KIL 12. 1911 PKICE, THREE CENTS PHILLIES SMOTHER VARSITY ! TRAVESTY FOR MASK AND WIG SOUTHERN TRAINING TRIP Wretched Hitting and a Bad Case of ••Rattles" Contribute Much to Leaguers' Victory. iovelty <>: playing against a league team waa too much I * ihe 'Varsltj yeaterday. and the] were d id a sound drubbing bj the Phillies i" the tune of 11 - Coach Thomaa' protegi never had :i look-In. Imlaj was nervona from the and ins teammatei were soon in ihi midst of a balloon aacenalon thai d for Bve Innlnga. When th ij Anally came down to earth, the Na- tionals had a 13 run lead, and the , «as too one-sldi il to be Inter Imlay was only touched up hits in four Innlnga, but atro clous support and daring baae-rnnnlng soon proved liis undoing. Clarke sue- him, and, after one bad Inning, did falrlj well. Beebe, shult/. 41ei- ni Thomaa woi ked ag ilnal the i Blue, and, with the exception of the last named, kepi the hlta well ed His lapsi came In the ninth, when Thayer singled and the Phlllj i it McNabb and Clarke In sue- ,, ion Blllng the baaea, Coryell saved iii s team from a ahut-oul with a limelj single to centre thai brought ih. two runs In. There waa little of Intereal to the from a collegiate standpoint. The Phillies hit the ball when neei - sary, which waa nol often, took advan- tage of fielding and batten errors and ., in d i' will. The 'VaralU waa badlj rattled In the early Innings and did not ., me 111\> n until it waa too bite i" do anythli - Errors « en much In ei Idence Si * eral inexcuaable muffs were naadi i In uHiiall; Bteady Infield, probabl] due right On the baaea the run teemed paralysed, and tw Ice an- i .- a sfullj woi ked. and Imlay pitched * i II ai and, « mi better support, could Icepi the score conalderably Cory< 11 madi llnj good , i ot :i double, Blngle and ;> on balls oul of four trlpa to the The score: I isylvanla , ' ° ° - - lM.iMi.--s 30433010a II Two-baai hlta Coryell, Doolan, 2. hlu Knabe, Welch mo i 11 plays Magee to Knabe, Tha r li \,,i,ii Stolen baaea Lobert, Mo \ i b VI ayes Btrui k oul By Imlay, i bj Be< be, 2; bj Bhults, I; bj Hex- ander, 5; Thomaa, I, Mrsl bai on i balla Off Imlay, I; off Beebe, Ihults, 1. Hit by pitched ball ,:,. Mayea, Mowrey, McNabb, Clarke Paaaed ball* McDonough I'mpire Connolly, Rogers. Smith, McFadden and French Have Parts in Burlesque on "Alias Jimmy Valentine." SWORDSMEN IN RETURN MEET. Broadsword Team Meets Keystone Fencers - Club This Afternoon. in a return n t, the I'nlverslt; broadsword team will oppose the Key- Fencera' Club al the De Lmncey -.! ool al G o'clock this afternoon, The 'Varalty was defeated in the nral icintesl \>.i111 the Keyatonera, but sum Daa been material Ij strengthened b> the addition of Parker, captain "f Dclng team, who recentlj Becured d place i" the Pennsylvania state Broadsword Champlonahlpa. Pennaylvanla will be repreaented by i ii it Parker, P. M Flaajg, " ', and H. it Haydny, with M. i spaldlng and .1. B. Bulloc* as aubetl- in Hi. Keystone line-up are Inch ded in- FT rlek Fraley, present Indl- dual broadsword champion »' renn- , mil i.. n. r/lelaher, former oan- tain of 'in- inivnsiiy fencing team, I ml winner of the l.ron/..- medal In Uie Champlonahlpa: Truxton Hare, Pennaylvanla'a phenomenal football lar, and either Cordon Leater ot. C i ii, il, both of who Bwordamen. A close ami hard-fought battle is expected. One of the features of "The Inno- cents." which is sure to i»- well re- ceived, is the travest] on "Alias Jimmy Valeatlne," which includes i-,-,• scene with Jimmy and also the engrossing scene In which hi i he safe by the sense of touch, E, il Rogers, '12 Law, is capital as "Jlrnmj Valentine," alias "I Ran- dan," and he is well supported by J. il. McFadden, Jr., A. '13, as "Red." "Rose." daughter of the haul, presi- dent, ami who is madly in love with Jimmy, is played by D. II. Smith, A. 'I i. and all thai need be said Is thai I'll in mimicking beauti- ful ij tin- languorous cadences of the - voice. .1 II Ki-imil, Wh. '13, has alao succeeded n mark- ably in his imitation of the speech and actions ol the "Doyle" of 'Alias Jimmy Valentine." TH reall- apprei late th.- clei prn< - ol the skit, everyone should Bee "Alias Jlmm) Valentine," which |g no« play- ing ai the Adelphl Theai re. The plot, if a travest) can i" said in have a plot, la as follows: Jimmy Valentine, alias i -,- Randall, has been "doing" Rose and her father system- atical!) for three years She sake him what he would like to continue to do, and In- with iiuc lover-like accents, says: "To keep on robbing yon until you anil jour father are forced to go to the poorhouse." Bpurred - in b) this avowal of never-dying love, Rose irlea to Jimmy to take her In his amis fortunately, Jimmy is spared 'bis b) the opportune entrance of Red Jlinmj Bends Rose away, since be says he has a big scene coming with Doyle and must have time to work up emo- tion Jlmmj has stolen some manu- scripts from the sat, of the Mas] and Club Hous Doyle refuses to believe this, and Jlmm) Is determined to "lullaby" him so thai he'll arrest him. Doyle demands proofs thai Jimmy i the robbery, whli h oc- curred ot i' bruarj 9, 1910. "Easily il in.." -in Jimmy. Pointing o - large picture, he says: "Von don'l se,- me iii thai picture, do you?" ••Weil." continues Jimmy, "That was ; , I,,,- feed, held on February 3, 1910. Sine,- i alwaya attend such functions ami DU admit i am nol in the pi I icast have been robbing thi i tvercome b) such undeniable ai gu- incuts ami fa, Doyle agreea to ar- i isi Jimmy Jusl at this Juncture Ked rushes In crying thai the plot of the plaj has been locked up In the new safe and until ii is recovered the play cannot continue. Jimmy agreea to open the ,ii. in tin- "old way," and then tot- lows the soul-harrowing scene In which he works out the combination by aense of touch When tin- door of the .,, i , p open the orchestra Btarta to pis) Brahm'a Hungarian Rhapsod a n d the chorua dancea oul to give the Hungarian Specialty. -i : - Director Mot gan announced thai there would be a speclaltj r< - hearaal at the club house. 310 Quince Itreet, al I :; " o'clock to-day. Thursday morning everyone mual ,-,. i at the Cbeatnul Streel Opera i,„ lls ,. al B o'clock for the dress re- hearaal to which only club membera and membera of the theatrical profee- g| OD HMI he admitted. "The Charao'er of Peter." Profeaaor R, D. Brown spoke In Chapel yeaterday morning on "The Character ol Peter, rhough the man oftimea alnned agalnal ( hriat, s-,id Dr Brown, "he showed In all Ma retetlona with hla Maater the frank- ne „, sincerity and Brmneaa which afterward made him the greatest of the apoetlea " Di- Itiown announced that he would .peak each morning on tha character of some meat man of the Bible. Squad of Twenty-five Track Men Will Leave for South Tuesday—Oppon- ents Not Very Strong. Twent) live men comprise the track squad thai will leave for the Beater training trip nexi Tueadaj morning. The team will leave at 7.20 A. M. from Weal Philadelphia Station, arriving at Charlotteaville, Va., In ii for the triangular meel acheduled between ylvanla, Dartmouth and the Unl- v.isin oi Virginia for Thursday, April 20 The i Diversity of Virginia will be Pennaylvanla'a hoal until Saturday morning, when the) leave tor Balti- more, to meet Johns Hopkins on Sat- urdaj afternoon After the meel the will leave for Philadelphia get ting h Hue Saturdaj night, Neither Virginia, Dartmouth nor Johns Hopkins have especially strong i- imi I hla yeai. bul ai e ui uau ally well balanced In all d< partm m- and Bbould furnish good competition tor "Mike" Murphy's proteges. Johns Hopkin i has In Horax a i ir who is , t. il to show up ,. i in the hur- dles. The lisi ol n en to go has a il yel b i passed upon b thi Facult) Com mlttee, bul will be published In to morrow's Pennsylvaulan. it is neces- sarv that all ci Ibutlona to the gen- eral xpense rund be ban led In al the A, A. office bi tween the houra of 3 and :, today, as tin- omissl f thla duty win pi even i he mail from accompany- ing the squad, MORE CHANGES IN VARSITY. Bennf.t and Smith Now in First Eight. Freshman-Sophomore Race To-day. Further changes were made in the Varalt) crew yeati rday. Bennltl and R i. Smith, both Seniors itnd vi terans Pou b eepi e el iht, re- pi.i ed Walton and Boswell in thi flrsl eight, at bow and No ::. pel wo-mlle race yesterda) the dis- tance separating the two Brat boats at the finish was nol> so g - ii | M s been in tl" dally races of the week This does not reflect upon the atrengtb of Bennltl and Smith, however, as the s| il Of any ne* combination can never be determined on the Ural day of practice. Thla afternoon, at 3.30, the annual one mile race between the Fri abraan and Bophomore eights will take place to count towards the Dean's Trophy. The second year men have bad much more i xperlence than their oppone iti. inn so far thla year have tint rowed to- r in iii,- order that they will nice the Fit ihmen to-day. I nleaa Coach Wa ii refuses to allow Boawell and Paddock to abaenl themselves from to- day's practice with the second Var- in the make-up of the Sophomore crew will be a.s follows: Madeira. stroke; Boawell, 7; Hamilton, 6; johna, 5: Balnea, I: Krelmer, 3; Wal- lace 2; Brown, bow, and Stubbs, cox- swain. Elliott, No. 7 on last year's 'Varalt) Pn ahmat crew, will in- un- able to race, as he has been Buffering from an attaek of pleuresy ALUMNI TO PULL TOGETHER. Movement on Foot to Combine Socie- ties—Meeting Tonight. RECORD OUT MAY I Novelties Promised in Cuts, Re.:din.; Matter and Arrangement Dedica- tion Written by Provo3t Smith. All ol the matetlai tor the i 'Ii Senior Class cord has gone to i - ami the appearance of the bool bj Ma> l la certain, In previoua s the Record has rarely cone oul until the third week in May o late i the promlsi of ' Ma) I, without i ill." baa co ue as .- in e rhai of a BUI rl te, hardl; to be i" Hi ved Beoaua i . arl) publli ation, and the latent - of Easter this year, ii haa been found liu- ni,- to in-arl aa man) of the Mask and Wig cuts as have been used in ,,. -. loua years, So man new features in the « t) of IHustratti ns and 111 al maki up ive h, i n ii trodut e I, howi ei bat thi will ican be which has been ra Inert sed advance sales has I" i ;.- i o pnth-bour beti BI I ich »i I ci othi have bi en pose souvenirs for the board have I e n* dime away with and every available eeni bai bei n " - I to ake the Rt i ord larger and better than ever befort One of ile t In- i criticisms In former \eais has been Ittei (k o : taste in the illustrative work and In the general ai rangement of the ia- terlal. In the 1911 Record the all ol the board has i n to build up book on lint a «hlch ar both aim i'.e and artistic. The , o\ et is Ot d< rk leather, with design worked in. The title page, In color, was done by I a ir Paul Cret, of Ihe Architectural Sen ml. 'I'li'-i e an In addll It i to I four other full-page olor ; lates, two of which are bj Gram M. Simon and two by W. .1. II. Hou The number ol i uts thla yi ar is i,- \ much greater tban t ver befoi spot i a ill ha i a imi page of .1,. ii Illustrations, tastefully arranged to| tide will have a iiumli, r of small cuts scattered through the text, \ n feature is the dedlcatoi i page to C C. Harrli on, « t II ten b) Pro> '--- 1 S Tin i e will els,, be - - eral BUbJi is dealt with »hlch h \ e never bi I appt ared En a ' 'lasa Record Although this year's class is no i than i be class oi 1910, :100 Indl- \ |du ! phot igraphs, oul ol a uoss le :;,' ' ha\ i- been Becured, as eompa ed with 280 last year. The Record it If will contain over llftj pages more t mn the one which preceded it Th,- Board is rompoat d of \ Ian Hauler. Jr., Editor-in-Chief; Percj E. Humphre) Business Manag I . W J il. Hough, Arl Editor Associate Edl- tore, K 0. Conies. K. Wolle. W. I.. Irish. \l. N. Stiles. II. II. Stiles, ii It. Hume, H it chase, il w Hoag- land. H M Kleaewetter. Art Associ- ate Editors, Cram M Simon. T, W Haatlnga. Business Associates, M Young, P, itrow nlng, it Elder, The Society of the alumni of the College win hold a special meeting In Houston Hall this evening to ct aalder plans for the confederation of tin 1 BO- cieiv with the Alumni Association of th.- other departmenta. Tin- meeting is only one feature of tin- general movement "> combine the r i departmental societies Into one Alumni Association I': < Smith and Profeaaor Bchelllng, as well as many other prominent memo ira of the society and nlnninl, heartily sanc- tion the scheme. Then an- ahout eight hundred nieni- bera ol thi soclet) In the Immediate Vicinity of Philadelphia. 2EL0S ORATORS CHOSEN. Lanr, Parker. Har; and McQuilken Will Face Philo Team. In the trials for the annual Philo- Zelo debate, which were held by Zelo last night, thi- following; men were chosen to represent the society: S I Lang, '13 wh.: Prank Parker, Jr., n Wh.: .1 11 Hart. Jr.. II ('.. and Ii C Mi Q liiken. 18 C, alternate. The question discussed by the twelve aspirants for forensic honora was: "Resolved, Thai a systeni of popular election of Senators should nol be adopted in this COUUtry " Parker ami Halt are both "Varalty debaters, and Lang and McQuilken were members of the victorious Sopho- more team which defeated the Fresh- men, both being prise winners iii that content it was announced at the trials that tin- annual Zeio extemporanooua apeak- inn contest will be hi Id In the son hall on M i) 6 Two loving cups will be given as pi I c : \ ^trn


Page 1: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn  · PDF fileTRAVESTY FOR MASK AND WIG SOUTHERN TRAINING TRIP ... live men comprise the track ... hoal until Saturday morning, when the) leave tor Balti



Wretched Hitting and a Bad Case of ••Rattles" Contribute Much to

Leaguers' Victory.

iovelty <>: playing against a league team waa too much I *

ihe 'Varsltj yeaterday. and the] were d id a sound drubbing bj the

Phillies i" the tune of 11 - Coach Thomaa' protegi ■ never had

:i look-In. Imlaj was nervona from the and ins teammatei were soon in

ihi midst of a balloon aacenalon thai d for Bve Innlnga. When th ij

Anally came down to earth, the Na- tionals had a 13 run lead, and the

, «as too one-sldi il to be Inter Imlay was only touched up hits in four Innlnga, but atro

clous support and daring baae-rnnnlng soon proved liis undoing. Clarke sue-

him, and, after one bad Inning, did falrlj well. Beebe, shult/. 41ei-

ni Thomaa woi ked ag ilnal the i Blue, and, with the exception

of the last named, kepi the hlta well ed His lapsi came In the ninth,

when Thayer singled and the Phlllj i it McNabb and Clarke In sue-

,, ion Blllng the baaea, Coryell saved iiis team from a ahut-oul with a limelj single to centre thai brought ih. two runs In.

There waa little of Intereal to the from a collegiate standpoint.

The Phillies hit the ball when neei - sary, which waa nol often, took advan- tage of fielding and batten errors and ., in d i' will. The 'VaralU waa badlj rattled In the early Innings and did not ., me ■ 111\> n until it waa too bite i" do anythli -

Errors « en much In ei Idence Si * eral inexcuaable muffs were naadi i ■ In uHiiall; Bteady Infield, probabl] due

right On the baaea the run teemed paralysed, and tw Ice an-

i .- a sfullj woi ked. and Imlay pitched * i II ai

and, « mi better support, could Icepi the score conalderably

Cory< 11 madi llnj good , i ot :i double, Blngle and ;>

on balls oul of four trlpa to the The score:

I isylvanla , ' ° ° - - lM.iMi.--s 30433010a II

Two-baai hlta Coryell, Doolan, 2. hlu Knabe, Welch mo

i 11 plays Magee to Knabe, Tha ■ r li \,,i,ii Stolen baaea Lobert, Mo

\ i b VI ayes Btrui k oul By Imlay, i bj Be< be, 2; bj Bhults, I; bj Hex- ander, 5; i» Thomaa, I, Mrsl bai on

i balla Off Imlay, I; off Beebe, Ihults, 1. Hit by pitched ball

,:,. Mayea, Mowrey, McNabb, Clarke Paaaed ball* McDonough I'mpire Connolly,

Rogers. Smith, McFadden and French Have Parts in Burlesque on

"Alias Jimmy Valentine."


Broadsword Team Meets Keystone Fencers- Club This Afternoon.

in a return n t, the I'nlverslt; broadsword team will oppose the Key-

Fencera' Club al the De Lmncey -.! ool al G o'clock this afternoon,

The 'Varalty was defeated in the nral icintesl \>.i111 the Keyatonera, but sum

Daa been material Ij strengthened b> the addition of Parker, captain "f

■ Dclng team, who recentlj Becured d place i" the Pennsylvania

state Broadsword Champlonahlpa. Pennaylvanla will be repreaented by

i ii it Parker, P. M Flaajg, " ', ■ and H. it Haydny, with M. i ■

spaldlng and .1. B. Bulloc* as aubetl-

in Hi. Keystone line-up are Inch ded in- FT rlek Fraley, present Indl-

dual broadsword champion »' renn- ,mil i.. n. r/lelaher, ■ former oan-

tain of 'in- inivnsiiy fencing team, I ml winner of the l.ron/..- medal In Uie

Champlonahlpa: Truxton Hare, Pennaylvanla'a phenomenal football lar, and either Cordon Leater ot.

C i ii, il, both of who Bwordamen. A close ami hard-fought battle is expected.

One of the features of "The Inno- cents." which is sure to i»- well re- ceived, is the travest] on "Alias Jimmy Valeatlne," which includes

i-,-,• scene with Jimmy and also the engrossing scene In which hi i he safe by the sense of touch,

E, il Rogers, '12 Law, is capital as "Jlrnmj Valentine," alias "I Ran- dan," and he is well supported by J. il. McFadden, Jr., A. '13, as "Red." "Rose." daughter of the haul, presi- dent, ami who is madly in love with Jimmy, is played by D. II. Smith, A. 'I i. and all thai need be said Is thai

■I'll in mimicking beauti- ful ij tin- languorous cadences of the

- voice. .1 II Ki-imil, Wh. '13, has alao succeeded n mark- ably in his imitation of the speech and actions ol the "Doyle" of 'Alias Jimmy Valentine."

TH reall- apprei late th.- clei prn< - ol the skit, everyone should Bee "Alias Jlmm) Valentine," which |g no« play- ing ai the Adelphl Theai re.

The plot, if a travest) can i" said in have a plot, la as follows: Jimmy Valentine, alias i ■-,- Randall, has been "doing" Rose and her father system- atical!) for three years She sake him what he would like to continue to do, and In- with iiuc lover-like accents, says: "To keep on robbing yon until you anil jour father are forced to go to the poorhouse." Bpurred - in b) this avowal of never-dying love, Rose irlea to Jimmy to take her In his amis

fortunately, Jimmy is spared 'bis b) the opportune entrance of Red Jlinmj Bends Rose away, since be says he has a big scene coming with Doyle and must have time to work up emo- tion Jlmmj has stolen some manu- scripts from the sat, of the Mas] and

Club Hous Doyle refuses to believe this, and Jlmm) Is determined to "lullaby" him so thai he'll arrest him.

Doyle demands proofs thai Jimmy i the robbery, whli h oc-

curred ot i' bruarj 9, 1910. "Easily il in.." -in ■ Jimmy. Pointing o - large picture, he says: "Von don'l se,- me iii thai picture, do you?"

••Weil." continues Jimmy, "That was ;, I,,,- feed, held on February 3, 1910. Sine,- i alwaya attend such functions ami • DU admit i am nol in the pi I icast have been robbing thi

i tvercome b) such undeniable ai gu- incuts ami fa, Doyle agreea to ar- i isi Jimmy

Jusl at this Juncture Ked rushes In crying thai the plot of the plaj has been locked up In the new safe and until ii is recovered the play cannot continue. Jimmy agreea to open the

,ii. in tin- "old way," and then tot- lows the soul-harrowing scene In which he works out the combination by aense of touch When tin- door of the

.,, i , p open the orchestra Btarta to pis) Brahm'a Hungarian Rhapsod and the chorua dancea oul to give the Hungarian Specialty.

-i :■- Director Mot gan announced thai there would be a speclaltj r< - hearaal at the club house. 310 Quince Itreet, al I :;" o'clock to-day.

Thursday morning everyone mual ,-,. i at the Cbeatnul Streel Opera i,„lls,. al B o'clock for the dress re- hearaal to which only club membera and membera of the theatrical profee- g|OD HMI he admitted.

"The Charao'er of Peter." Profeaaor R, D. Brown spoke In

Chapel yeaterday morning on "The Character ol Peter, rhough the man oftimea alnned agalnal ( hriat, s-,id Dr Brown, "he showed In all Ma retetlona with hla Maater the frank- ne„, sincerity and Brmneaa which afterward made him the greatest of the apoetlea "

Di- Itiown announced that he would .peak each morning on tha character of some meat man of the Bible.

Squad of Twenty-five Track Men Will Leave for South Tuesday—Oppon-

ents Not Very Strong.

Twent) live men comprise the track squad thai will leave for the Beater training trip nexi Tueadaj morning. The team will leave at 7.20 A. M. from Weal Philadelphia Station, arriving at Charlotteaville, Va., In ii for the triangular meel acheduled between

■ylvanla, Dartmouth and the Unl- v.isin oi Virginia for Thursday, April 20 The i Diversity of Virginia will be Pennaylvanla'a hoal until Saturday morning, when the) leave tor Balti- more, to meet Johns Hopkins on Sat- urdaj afternoon After the meel the will leave for Philadelphia get ting h Hue Saturdaj night,

Neither Virginia, Dartmouth nor Johns Hopkins have especially strong i- imi I hla yeai. bul ai e ui uau ally well balanced In all d< partm m- and Bbould furnish good competition tor "Mike" Murphy's proteges. Johns Hopkin i has In Horax a i ir who is

, t. il to show up ,.■ i in the hur-

dles. The lisi ol n en to go has a il yel

b i passed upon b thi Facult) Com mlttee, bul will be published In to morrow's Pennsylvaulan. it is neces- sarv that all ci Ibutlona to the gen- eral • xpense rund be ban led In al the A, A. office bi tween the houra of 3 and :, today, as tin- omissl f thla duty win pi even i he mail from accompany- ing the squad,


Bennf.t and Smith Now in First Eight. Freshman-Sophomore Race To-day.

Further changes were made in the Varalt) crew yeati rday. Bennltl and R i. Smith, both Seniors itnd vi terans

Pou b eepi e el iht, re- pi.i ed Walton and Boswell in thi flrsl eight, at bow and No ::. • ■ pel

wo-mlle race yesterda) the dis- tance separating the two Brat boats at the finish was nol> so g - ii |Ms been in tl" dally races of the

week This does not reflect upon the atrengtb of Bennltl and Smith, however, as the s| il Of any ne* combination can never be determined on the Ural day of practice.

Thla afternoon, at 3.30, the annual one mile race between the Fri abraan and Bophomore eights will take place to count towards the Dean's Trophy. The second year men have bad much more i xperlence than their oppone iti. inn so far thla year have tint rowed to-

r in iii,- order that they will nice the Fit ihmen to-day. I nleaa Coach Wa ii refuses to allow Boawell and Paddock to abaenl themselves from to- day's practice with the second Var- ■ in the make-up of the Sophomore crew will be a.s follows: Madeira. stroke; Boawell, 7; Hamilton, 6; johna, 5: Balnea, I: Krelmer, 3; Wal- lace 2; Brown, bow, and Stubbs, cox- swain. Elliott, No. 7 on last year's 'Varalt) Pn ahmat crew, will in- un- able to race, as he has been Buffering from an attaek of pleuresy


Movement on Foot to Combine Socie- ties—Meeting Tonight.


Novelties Promised in Cuts, Re.:din.; Matter and Arrangement — Dedica-

tion Written by Provo3t Smith.

All ol the matetlai tor the i 'Ii Senior Class R« cord has gone to i - ami the appearance of the bool bj Ma> l la certain, In previoua s the Record has rarely cone oul until the third week in May o late i the promlsi of ' Ma) I, without i ill." baa co ue as .- in e rhai of a BUI ■ rl te, hardl; to be i" Hi ved Beoaua i . arl) publli ation, and the latent - of Easter this year, ii haa been found liu-

ni,- to in-arl aa man) of the Mask and Wig cuts as have been used in ,,. -. loua years,

So man new features in the « t) of IHustratti ns and 111 al maki up ive h, i n ii trodut e I, howi ei bat thi will ican be which has been ra ■ Inert sed advance sales has I" ■ i ;.- i o

pnth-bour beti BI I ich »i I ci othi have bi en pose souvenirs for the board have I e n* dime away with and every available eeni bai bei n "■- I to ake the Rt i ord larger and better than ever befort

One of ile t In- i criticisms In former \eais has been Ittei (k o • : taste in the illustrative work and In the general ai rangement of the • ia- terlal. In the 1911 Record the all ol the board has i n to build up book on lint a «hlch ar ■ both aim i'.e and artistic. The , o\ et is Ot d< rk leather, with design worked in. The title page, In color, was done by I a

ir Paul Cret, of Ihe Architectural Sen ml. 'I'li'-i e an In addll It i to I four other full-page • olor ; lates, two of which are bj Gram M. Simon and two by W. .1. II. Hou

The number ol i uts thla yi ar is i,- \ much greater tban t ver befoi

spot i a ill ha i a imi page of .1,. ii Illustrations, tastefully arranged to| tide will have a iiumli, r of small cuts scattered through the text, \ n feature is the dedlcatoi i page to C C. Harrli on, « t II ten b) Pro> '---1 S Tin i e will els,, be - - eral BUbJi is dealt with »hlch h \ e never bi I appt ared En a ' 'lasa Record

Although this year's class is no i than i be class oi 1910, :100 Indl-

\ |du ■! phot igraphs, oul ol a uoss le :;,' ' ha\ i- been Becured, as eompa ed with 280 last year. The Record it If will contain over llftj pages more t mn the one which preceded it

Th,- Board is rompoat d of \ Ian Hauler. Jr., Editor-in-Chief; Percj E. Humphre) Business Manag I . W J il. Hough, Arl Editor Associate Edl- tore, K 0. Conies. K. Wolle. W. I.. Irish. \l. N. Stiles. II. II. Stiles, ii It. Hume, H it chase, il w Hoag- land. H M Kleaewetter. Art Associ- ate Editors, Cram M Simon. T, W Haatlnga. Business Associates, M Young, P, itrow nlng, it Elder,

The Society of the alumni of the College win hold a special meeting In Houston Hall this evening to ct aalder plans for the confederation of tin1 BO-

cieiv with the Alumni Association of th.- other departmenta.

Tin- meeting is only one feature of tin- general movement "> combine the

r i departmental societies Into one Alumni Association I': < Smith and Profeaaor Bchelllng, as well as many other prominent memo ira of the society and nlnninl, heartily sanc- tion the scheme.

Then an- ahout eight hundred nieni- bera ol thi soclet) In the Immediate Vicinity of Philadelphia.


Lanr, Parker. Har; and McQuilken Will Face Philo Team.

In the trials for the annual Philo- Zelo debate, which were held by Zelo last night, thi- following; men were chosen to represent the society: S I Lang, '13 wh.: Prank Parker, Jr., n Wh.: .1 11 Hart. Jr.. II ('.. and Ii C Mi Q liiken. 18 C, alternate.

The question discussed by the twelve aspirants for forensic honora was: "Resolved, Thai a systeni of popular election of Senators should nol be adopted in this COUUtry "

Parker ami Halt are both "Varalty debaters, and Lang and McQuilken were members of the victorious Sopho- more team which defeated the Fresh- men, both being prise winners iii that content

it was announced at the trials that tin- annual Zeio extemporanooua apeak- inn contest will be hi Id In the son hall on M i) 6 Two loving cups will be given as pi I ■


: \ ^trn

Page 2: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn  · PDF fileTRAVESTY FOR MASK AND WIG SOUTHERN TRAINING TRIP ... live men comprise the track ... hoal until Saturday morning, when the) leave tor Balti


THE PtNNSYLVANIAN En'MTl! SI 1 ' : .1 I- ! M POSl I Hll. f II

seeon.l-eliiHs miitipr.

I' ibllibrd d.iI]v (Sunday pxueptedi during th.' University yritr In the Inters.*! of

the Htmlenis of the Knlv.nlly <>f IVnnsylvunii.

K'lbKTiption 12.00 par MBI delivered on 4'nnipiiH: Juno by mall.


MANA(ilM) KI1ITOR, RABOLO II. KVNKrr. .in.. l»12.


KM I Hits, | >■ nl.num. 'III. I T. C. ft QUO. '12.

Allnr Ranter, .Tr. 'il It fl How. "12. MM..I .11, »..!.. 1.1. '11 | I*. II. K..M'll\V.t7.. '12.

C. R. Hlllman, "II

ASSOCIATI Milfoils. It F Rdenharter, 'II Bhalton ltnle. MS. .. u K. in ■ .i>. 'II H- "• lloClnra, 'H- I. v. Cornwall, 'la J >- Van Name, 'II HI- Brown, -1J. at. R Lovell, 'la. u. P rha«». '11.

IDVMOB1 UHTORJAL HIIAKU, a. W Qoagland, 'ii.

Wsliher .1 Wexsets. "11.

inma MAMAont, I.AMBBBT I. MAVIS, mi:!.

A4HIKTANT BI-SIXr.HM MANAfiKRM. B, Wesley Roberta, 1019.

Bowman Rider, 1011, Bdmiind Ili.iTiiii.ii Jr.. 1018.

Itnlph C Olfford, 1018.

R<i«lnr«a Miiniiser's OSler lloura: I lo :' mul 7.; T.4B 1-. II. Dally.

81'.l \V....illnn.l Avenue





To the Editor of The Pennsylvanlan, Dear sir. i reel sure thai there are

n any undergraduate! new si Pennsyl-

vania who doalre to Bee the i ntlre abo- lition of haslng. Mi attention is di- rected ID the siiiij.-i i ii\ your recent . i Itortal in »Inch > IU advocate the declaring of Houston Hall aa neutral i ound. This propoaed leglalatlon is,

ol course, excellent, I reallie that the extension ol Ii to declare BII the cam-

pus as neutral is - step so radical thai it nill no) occur to many. Yel there are BO many things which can in- said for such a move and BO few things that i an be said aj alnal it, thai I should lik.- to place the question before the

brougb j our . olumna.

i ia a known fact thai practically

nowadays done

. i . i,- rait) Is done bj the iei■■ mi.i. ■ The hazeri are,

for the moat part, ol that tj pe «hi. Ii Is tamlllarlj and expressively known

the "rough-neck." Everyone i »■ I. ;>i the men In •] lestl in will admit this, Now ii ii manifestly unfortunate thai the first impressions which a

HYeshman gets of the University should be those which are given him b) t!iis class Unfortunately, again,

I hi- impressions of hazing are pretty Strong, for when a man has the skin rubbed off the end of his nose, or has his clothes overhauled by the tailor h.- usually has time sufficient to think deeply of what happened to him.

i*o the better undergraduates want basing? Perhaps if you will ask them they will say. "Yes" Hut continue

your questioning and ask whether

these same better undergraduates have ever based anyone, and you will almost Invariant] gel the answer, "No." Aid again, whether the ques- tioned ndlvlduals would like to haze

si ne and yon win gel again the "!'. No."

NOW ilic Issue is this: Shall we s'i|i" • ii.iii whi'-h is only made

possible by the I. ss .l.-sinihl. .-'.-iiL-nt

iii our numbers? My answer to the ipiestion is emphatically that all basing should be done away with by action

of the Undergraduate Committee, and that every upper classman should

make it his duty to see that the rule is enforced. To give the Freshman the lessons in discipline which haziiiK lias

ilways i n supposed to supply, let a series of comprehensive rules be drawn

up and strictly enforced, Lei these rules preferably place upon the fresh- man nut only restraint but also per- sonal Inconvenience to a small extent, -I. thai be may have no opportunity i" forge) thai his bead should be of the same si/.- as those of the rest of ii imanlty. Lei there be rales about sm king, about wearing caps, aboul entering College Hall by the side door.

about giving upparolasamen the right of way when on a sidewalk, perhaps malting it obligator) for Freshman '"

nlT the sidewalk when passing a member of a higher clSSS. A strict enforcement of such rules would do all the good which basing could do, and do iwsy with all the undesirable feat- urea Which Lew BO unfortunately ac- company the custom,



Arrangement! Pending for a Talk by

His Famous Orator on May 28.

Arrangement! fm a talk by the Hon William Jennings Bryan ai the Bun- da) service on May 28 are being made by Thomas B, Evans, Secretary of the Christian Association, bul nothing defi- nite will be ascertained for two or three weeks. Il is most likely, how- > in, thai Mr Bryan will send a fav- orable replj to the Christian associ- ation's Invitation.

Mr Bryan has been touring the east- ern section of the country, speaking In the vai inns large ton na and cities on political ami religious subjects, and at present Is regarded as the greatest orator In America.


Chairman Browning Appoint! Various


Extensive plans were formed <■ Prom in

I." inid iii Houston Hall on the nlgbl The committee, under the

P. P. Browi Ing. Is mak- '

• Ian.-.- ;i gi eat cc-esa than i i er b<

The following Bub-committees have be n appointed: Printing, n. Mlrkel, Ralph Hard. M, W. Toung, chairman. Patronesses, n \i. Kiesewetter, How- man Elder, i>. B Williams, chairman. Music, Gran) Blmon, F, \v. Hastings, Refreshment, <> it Payne, D, T. Innes,


Flora of Pennsylvania and New Jeney

Will Be Examined by Student!.

Professor John w. Hsrshberger, of the Botanical Department, has ar- ranged a series of excursions to the surrounding country in connection with ('ours, s MI an.i 83, dealing with I'mest Botany ami Plan! Ecology, All of the trips win he taken on Satur- days, and, in a majoiit] of will start early in the morning. The first will he on April 19, to ('rum Creek Valley. Others will follow at weekly intervals In May and on Decoration I'.r , May 30, and will Include Pink HP1 ami Upper Darb) Creek, Browns- Mllls-ln-the-Plnes, Clementon, \. .1., Seaside Park, \. .1.. and Haycock

1 ountaln.

One Million for M. I. T. 't'he Massachusatts Legislature rs>

cently provided for an appropriation of $1.0011,(1(111 for Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, upon condition thai a like sum h. : iii. ,i by gift or bequest by mi;.

YOU ARE INVITED The new uncommon woolens are now on display at common prices.

Whelan & Company 1222 Walnut Street

Tailors to the Well Groomed Man

J. (Enulsmt ^tmpsnn

JVtrt Styop

Jlirtnrrn Artiatirallif IFramrb



Columbus, Ohio CapHa! $100,000.

Pig Iron, Steel, Coke, Mill Cinder L. F. Flrser, President and Treasurer Lion Bentley, Vice President

Wm. DssUsi Warner. Ptnn 1910, Secretary



1004 Chestnut Street

To Attract Your Attention to our line of

Fine Imported and Domestic Fabrics

is the object of this announcement.

You w.ll find th:m especially adapted to

Spring and Summer Wear and we hope too, to have the opportunity of

giingover the matter with you personally

at an early date

Very truly yours

Kcndig & Boyd

•8th and Chestnut Sts.


10 per cent discount to students


DISCOUNTS? The question, has often been asked- If students will form hat clubs of 110

each wo will gtvo 15 per cent discount Cards lsmied aud clubs regulated by us. Full Information upon application

1428 Chestnut KEEBLER 14 Mint Arcade

■Twfi I a I'll'"S



S. W. Cor. Broadway at 54th St.

Near 50th Street Subway Station ami 53d Street Elevated


Ideal location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Psrk. NBW, MODKRN AND AI180LTJTHI.Y FIRRPROOI*.

Most attractive Hotel In New York Transient Rates, |2.5u with Bat*, as* ■P All outside rooms.

Sen.) for Booklet


Formerly with Hotel Imperial Ten Minutes' Walk to Twenty Theatres

Page 3: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn  · PDF fileTRAVESTY FOR MASK AND WIG SOUTHERN TRAINING TRIP ... live men comprise the track ... hoal until Saturday morning, when the) leave tor Balti



You can pay the price of


and not get Fownea style.

III nor service.


Opening 1911 Spring and Summer

Business Suits, $25 CO to $50.00 Dress & Frock Su;ts,$50.0i>to$<»fJ.OO

U. of P. lo per cent, discount allowed

JAMES E. IH01L0Y MaKer of Men's Clothes


SUMMER WORK We have an opening lor throe or

four College Men for the coming sum- position will paj el Ittal

J2.0II | r day for M days' actual work, with iin opportunity to Increase earn-

,<" or more per daj The work Is nol difficult and prevl-

. ;- .\ erience is nol necessary. Pull particular! will be sent on applica- tion to


10064016 Arch St., Phil.u, Pa.

Pennsylvania Men—

Nothing adds so much t<> a well-groomed appearance as up to -date, correct and inconspicuous head wear.

Blaylock and Blynn hats i irry an air of distinction I hat marks the good taste of the wearer—the refinement ol the college bred man.

We are sole agents in Philadelphia for the famous products of A. J. White, Herbert Johnson, and E. Albertini — known the world over for their smart atj lea,

lo per cent ditcounton pur-

chases made by University >>f Pennsylvania students.


Importing Halters and Furriers 824-826 Chestnut St.



Crew.—M,.|„i,erg „f the Freshman :""1 s"iii» re crews mual leave for the river on the S o'clock oar to-day.

Red and Blue Meeting.—There will '"' ■ " 'hiK Of the Rod and Blue Board at 7 o'clock to-night, |n :i8!i Up- plncott

May Day Sports.—There will bo a meeting of the May Daj Snorts Com- mlttee today, in Room 208, College Hall, at I (.clock. Dillon. Chairman.

Episcopal Academy Club.—Important 1 ''"* of Episcopal Academy Club ' to-day, in Room 106, College Ball, it is Important thai everj man be pres- enl s. s: Large, President

Broadsword Team.—The following will report tor broadsword moot

with Keystone P C, al De Laneey Bchool al 5 P. M. .-harp to-daj: J, n it. Parker, P. M, Plagg, n. A. Blogg, ft It Hayday.

Mask and Wig.—AII members of the Qlee ami Dancing Cbontsei and of the Caal report ut the Cbestnul Street Opera House to- rrow nlghl at 9 o'clock sharp tor dresi rehearsal, c. B. Morgan, Jr., Btage Director.

Freshman Base Ball. — Following men report al Reading Terminal to- daj at o'clock tor I'cnnington: Patrie, Minds, Payden, Davis, Marolda, Btevenson, Black, idams, Coleman, Barr, Bushy, Stringer, Rupert, Bayre, Hueltngs

Rife Team.—The following nun re- port ai the Universltj rifle range to- morrow al i P. M . to shool against Central High Bch to! O, A Smith, W. Bradford, L. C Smith, H Hlckman, C. Elchelberier, it. D, Scott, H, Seeger, wills, Haerther, u. Evans, alternate, (i. u. Payne, Captain

Course 656.—The following members of the class In United stales and Latin America «ili be prepared to present their reports on Thursdaj i Mr. Pore- belmer, special application of Monroe ii ctrlni lo Cuba, 1861. Mr. Wleder, special application ol Monroe Doctrine to San DomlngO, L, S. Howe

Christian Association.—The follow- ing men of the Finance Committee of the Christian Association phase re- port to C \ Minds, ai 800 South Thirty-sixth street, thla evening al " p M J. P. Van Vecten, Wh . W. F Knlm. Arch : EC. I HibbB, M. Iv; 1). F. Torrey, C, B.; s \ Ouerbaoker, B. B.; w. R iies.ii. rii K : it Drysdale, Chem.

Our Mr. WILLIAMS will be at BEASTON'S

37th and 'Woodland Avc.



Cloths for fine Tailoring

Tailored ready to wear Overcoats

English Raincoats and Lambton (London) Motor Coats


IrVM. H. WANAMAKER Twelfth and Market Streets



—or perhaps to friends, relatives, and others. Cost you so

little; appreciated so much by them. This year's selection is

the best ever—come in and look them over.

When you need Supplies give us a

chance. We'll treat you right.

Houston Club Supply Store HOUSTON HALL


Fifty-eight Per Cent, of Philadelphia's

Lawyers Are Pennsylvanians.

Everj oilier lawyi r In Philadelphia ia a QI Las Bchool or il„. i'nlverslty. According to Btatls-

which have |usl bei n compiled, ,l, mei era of the Phila- delphia bar, One thousand three hun- dred and Blxty-flve are graduatei of the I'nlverslty. Thli ii 68 per cent. ,„. more than halt of the lawyers In Philadelphia.

Two P< nnaj Ivanla men are on 'ho Supreme Bench, one on the superior Bench, twelve on the Common Pleas and iiu i the Orphans' Conn Bench Mayor Reyburn Is ■ Pennsyl- vania graduate, also Sheriff Qllflllan „M1| his iwo solicitors, the District At- tomej and four District At- torneys, the City SoUcltor and twenty- three of ins assistants.


••Parsifal" Closed Philadelphia Season

with a Flourish Last Night.

A brilliant performance of "Pawl- f„l " Wagner's great festival muslc ,1,-ama. dosed the Metropolitan Opera Sany. «easo„ in Philadelphia lasl evening. .

All the miraculous incidents and magical transformations of the hook we^ handled with unusua^r^ nmk- ing me performance ■ marvel of stage

'•''^ni's no,-,,,, of •Far.ifal-' was ,„ ,„v credUable, and Olive Premstad

. ,„. deserved the avtah • is,, of New York critics. Amato

.. his usual Bniahed interpretation ^ wWl8 Htashaw and

therspoon sang respective!! the „ „ "fTiturel and Ouraemani otto

„ Lpeared as Klenlgsor and Al- (| Herti conducted the orchestra.

The Normandie






With each package of ■ alima ;,uu get a popu- j ;r actrea' photograph - -alto a pennant cou-

.25 oj whiihiecur* 0 ..jnJsome fdl ">"•■«« ,.„arnl2rU)-*- UctlonqfKJO.

Speaking of shells, shell out of your pocket 15 cents and go, collect from your favorite Tobacconist, 20 Fatima Cigarettes and see what different forms of pleasure they will give you in the smoking.

You may not know much about conchology, but you'll learn a heap about choice Tobacco well blended.

We haven't spent money for an elaborate box—we said 20 for 15 cents, which gives you 10 additional.





Page 4: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn  · PDF fileTRAVESTY FOR MASK AND WIG SOUTHERN TRAINING TRIP ... live men comprise the track ... hoal until Saturday morning, when the) leave tor Balti


CLIFTON f*» '"• titKtt




lU.lforao., ,* Co.,Ma«rra

Typewriters Rented

$5.00 for 3 Months Every inaihinc in guaranteed ID IN- in tine WOI k-

IIIK onler in .1 will br Itepl ro daring term of rental. Imtinl payment all.iwiil in apply if pur- OBMMi

Wa ajao have for aale a line line of Mm ■nine* of all makes on which Mm can Mva M in 76 per cenl Vear'a ifiiurunlcc Send or i all for catalog


Rent a


Written Work. Report* and I s»»)s ire VBStl} Improved when typewritten

You ran rant or purchase » MocW-rn l.lKhl Touch Monarch Ylslhlc ai a low munth- ly rale Call «m or lulflreH* poaial to


University Monogram Pin


14-kt. Gold, $3.15 Silver-Gill, $1.25

Soid < -I'V . •; piVMntaApfi o*

BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. 1218-20-22 Chestnut Street


Typewriters All Nahei

50c. per month and up Second Hand (llflce luntliurt

Fixtures. Hlinr Svnicmi



JJI'rMlN'll >l PfnUDHMIa

It's Time for YOl' to Think of

B.V. D. Lno«c Killing B. V. I>. I'nderwear insure< amlntii to you. 'The light \\n\cn B. V. I), falincs SllUfC nWaj/oT/ to you. The integrity of U. V. I) making secures resi'tiincf ro nvftir mnl -,vash. The Rr.l Woven B. V. I> Label'inls the ginuinrnrts of your purchase,

This Rfd Woven Lubrl

BEST RETAIL TRADE (Trail, litrt */j. V, v. H». Of.)

is sewed on rvrry B. V. I). (iarment. 'Take no garment nvrthrmt it. A copy of our Booklet lias been set aside for run. Write for it.

n. v. D. Coat Cut UadmMftt nnil Kncel.enirth Drawers, Mk. T.'c. M.IMI and ii.MI a ujimrnl.

it. v. n. Union Suit., P it i n i I

fl, ll.SD, t:.(MI i.i.00 and i<.00 a mil.

The B.V. D. Company 65 Worth St.. Now York


Y. M. C. A. Secretary Returns from Convention of Virginia Associations.

Mr T, B, Bvans, General Set retan of i ho Christian Association, returned yesterday from bis visit to the Unlver- ■it] of Virginia, where he attended the Btate Convention of the Y. M. C. A. and addressed meetings of the student and Faculty members from the Virginia col- leges.

The subject of bis talk to the fac- ulty members was, "What the Faculty Can Do tor the Students Through the Christian Association," in which he told whal had been done In thai way ai Pennsylvania

AI the student meeting he talked on "Social Work," and dwell especially on the University Settlement, which be said was the greatest and most Im- portant of its kiiui in the country,

When asked by a Pennsylvanlan re- porter as to the Iltlon and organi- sation of the Southern associations, be said "Pennsylvania's Christian As- sociation is being taken ns a model In man] branches of the work by the various universities of the South ami ami even In New Dngland. or necessity, these organisations are much smaller than our own, bul take equal!} as active interest in the vari- ous actlvltli s One of the chli ( feat- ures thai the Southern organisations have adopted following Pennsylva-

izample, is the co-operation with the churches,


Di. McKenzie Discusses Its Relation to School Training.

Dr McKensle lectured to the Lead- ers' Corps yesterdaj aftt■rimon on the subjecl or, "The Place of Physical Ed- ucation in School Training." He die- cussed thi development of the young bo] of to-day, comparing the latins life with that or the young Spartans ami Athenians,

in the course of ins talk Dr Mc Kensle spoke of the propel methods of lighting a school room, and empha- sised especlallj the Importance of t structing the desks and chairs to lit the pupils. Ho considers thai s large part of the spinal troublet of children la due in the neglect of thia


Wh.irton Association Picks Men to Be Voted on After Easter.

A mei ting ol he What ton Vssoi Is I Ion « ol be hi Id In R IO n IG2, l<ogan Hall, "i d iv at I Hi-! , k for the pur- pose ol nominating offli era for the en ii g v,-ai- President Ylton Bennltl

is anxious to have ever] Wharton man on band, i der thai the besl possl ble selections ma) i»' made,

The election of the men who are nominated to-daj will take place on i.prll 27, the Brsl Thursdaj of College after the holidays AI thai time no man will be allowi d io vote who has nut paid liis annual dues ol 50 Ci ni-


First Year Team Plays Pennington Seminary This Afternoon.

This afternoon the Freshman team will gather their suit cases and sticks together and cross the Delaware to meei the fas) Pennlngton Seminary nine, at Pennlngton.

Coach Carlsi expects bis squad to duplicate Saturday's victory, He is depending on Barr to hold down the Seminar] boys to a shut-out The line-up and batting order will bo:

Marolda. ss.; Coleiuan. If: Steven- son, 8b; Minds, c. Adams, rf.i Black, if.; Davis, 2b; I'nvtlcn. lb; llarr ami Stringer, p.

LOST. Blank fan. with tortoise shell sticks,

ai Saturday night's Circus, Return to Mis. Bj, W. Clark. Chestnut Hill.

Library book between Thirty-seventh and Walnut and Thirty-sixth and Spruce. Kindly return to the Llbrarj

A black morocco waiiei containing sl\ Mask and Wig tickets, on Twenty- second street, between (engineering Building ami Welghtman Ball, or In one of these buildings. Finder will phase return to II. Wanner, Locker i in. civil Engineering Building, and reci Ivn reward



15th 6. CHESTNUT


Two Great Floors .showing over 5(KM) nobby new ideas for Fall and Winter, everything hung upon racks, pressed and ready to slip on. but not "Readymade." George's Clothes are built bv Custom Tailors during their dull sea Prices Range SIO.IH) to 540.00.

JACOB REED'S SONS Younfi; Men especially

will appreciate our Spring; Suits. The smart trimneii of these garments is in keeping with the spirit of youth. The models depict the most modern lenden* cies of styles. They are designed on natural, graceful lines. There is an agreeable absence of pad- ding in shoulders. Lapels are increased. Trousers are cut narrower than usual.

Spring Suits, S>15 to .TWO Spring Overcoats, $15

to #35.

JACOB REED'S SONS 1424112(1 ( iM'Htllllt HI.

I'llivCTNity I « vl-IJooLs





McVey's Book=Store 1229 Arch Street


1612 Chestnut St.


Begley Beef Co. '.'..'. W II., ml tveuue

MEATS of the finest quality We make Special Low 1'ilces to

Fraternity Houses, Boarding Houses, Hotels. Restaurants and Institutions,

All Our Meats Are City Slaughtered and Government Inspected.

raUtPHONH Bell: I'rcalon 4X47 and 1'rcliin 4X48

gaVStOM! Weal 4M7 it

GILBERT 926 Chestnut Street

See our new and specieJ Photo-

graph at three ($3.00) dollars

per dozen to University Students



Cigars ejt e^e

«H *£ Tobacco Confectionery S. *& *£ Stationery


S. E. cor. 37 and Locust St*.

A New Base Ball Book

Spalding's Official College

Base Ball Annual


The only Base Ball Veai Book

published that contains the 11|

Base Ball Data of Colic-, \,

Base Ball.

Pictures of all the leading Col-

lege Base Ball Teams and Co

Base Hall Statistics. These are

only to be found in Spa

Official College Base Ball Ai

for 1911.

Price, 10 cenls A.C SPALDINC fa BROS.

1210 Chestnut Street



Your graduation photo-

graphs should be distinc- tive ones.

AsR for the V prints.

Tht price is right.

H. R. POTT 1318 Chestnut Street

The Common wealth Title Insurance and Trust

Company CAPITAL AMi BURP1.1 B, f

1201 I hcslnut Street. Philadelphia




Drug Shop Opposite the Dormitories

For your tusntj in ,'i.if lint


Gilbert 6c I^KOD

HMO Chestnut St. I'liiLi

Photographing in All its



Send your mother or thai

home ol our special K.i

of cm Bowers. We ship to

ol the r. s and guaranti ■ th ' ,:

of our Bowers In perfeel i

We grow all of our BoWl

can depend on their ket i


Walnut and Fortieth Sts-

Special discount to U. of P. trade-