The Parallel Press First Edition

TOMORROW’S NEWS TODAY Vol. 1 December 2070 December 2070 THE PARALLEL PRESS TOMORROW’S NEWS TODAY December 2070 Free Edition The Parallel Press FAR FUTURES REVEALED PORTALS REVEALED: Portals throughout Christchurch are opening up to reveal voices from the past, present and future. Photos by Clare Logan. IDENTITY CONCEPTS: The City Council is working alongside local graphic designer Emma Tuohy to realise their vision for the new city. The CCC expects to reach a decision mid 2071, and citizens are encouraged to voice their opinions through holographic tolling booths around the CBD. Claims that voices heard within a geo-located audioscape in Christchurch are voices from various futures for those locations in the city, have continued to multiply. Reports first started six months ago, but have received little to no serious media attention. However an increasing number of citizens are now raising concerns. Miriam Duncan who first brought them to public attention was thought to have been having schizophrenic episodes. She reported hearing the unusual voices while wandering in the CBD using the Sound Sky iOS app and recalls, “It was scary, I was trying to record and leave a memory for a particular place, as is the intent of the audioscape project, but aſter I did that I was walking and listening and these voices kept coming up, talking about things happening in that place but the situations they described seemed very strange. ey sounded to me like completely different worlds almost. Some sounded amazing, others very scary. I stayed in it for hours, trying to decipher it all. It is still a mystery.” In particular Ms Duncan claimed to have heard someone talking about events triggered by climate change effects that have not occurred yet. Of the further reports that have followed, some have differed and some have correlated with Ms Duncan’s and other reports. Many have claimed that this is because the voices are coming from portals to a number of different futures or other dimensions. Generally any media coverage has dismissed this idea as an elaborate hoax. However as supporter Rose Flanagan stated, “due to the increasing numbers of local citizens with a variety of involvements who now state as having experienced the voices themselves, the demand is growing for the incidents to be more fully investigated”. Cosmologists and astrophysicists however have been quick to point out the strange effects that were noted aſter the close encounter with asteroid 2014 HQ124 that passed close to earth just days prior to the first voice encounters. “It is possible that the time-space compression with this event has created a binding of the frequency of the energy used to transmit the data for the geo-located audioscape, with the echoing energies from the geophysical disruptions of the earthquakes, thus causing a rippling disturbance in space- time” commented Cosmologist Tony Burns, “effectively opening up communication portals to parallel dimensions here”. No ill-effects were mentioned. Quite a few local civilians that have been interacting with the so-called portals in order to carry out their own investigations. Some have reported using them to meet themselves in the future. One such explorer who wished to remain anonymous said, “It’s great and it doesn’t have to be weird”. He gave the following advice, “Be positive. Bring some snacks. You know what you like. Good conversation starters can be Story continued on Page 2 WEATHER HIGH LOW HIGH LOW TODAY TOMORROW 25°c 10°c 30°c 15°c Mostly sunny, becoming overcast in the evening with light winds building overnight. SUNRISE: 5:44am SUNRISE: 5:40am SUNSET: 9:23pm SUNSET: 9:27pm ARE YOU SICK OF BEING YOU? WISH YOU COULD BE SOMETHING ELSE? © e At a press conference held earlier today, the mayor of Christchurch announced the formation of an investigative entity within the CCC. e Department of Time will be in charge of co-ordinating all activity and research that pertains to the astrological disturbances that have been happening in the city for over 6 months now. As time has passed the number of portals seems to be slowly increasing. At first the activity was solely focused on the CBD, but now there are occurrences being reported in the outlying suburbs too. ere is still a lot of speculation going around as to what caused these disturbances to appear, but no-one really knows. is has been a key reason behind the creation of the Department of Time (DoT). e CCC have reached out to all corners of the globe to find people and research that might be able to shine some light on what is behind the portals. e research now being carried out by the DoT is wide ranging, and incorporates a quite a number It seems there are alternatives to dairy, not only for those that are lactose intolerant, but for the economy as well. rough the investigation of the recent time-space fabric disturbances, it appears that one alternative future for Christchurch, and indeed the whole country, is to diversify and start diminishing our reliance on the dairy industry. What triggered this? e realisation and wide spread acceptance of the climate change reality. It appears that in a parallel version of our city the choice was made by the citizens to start shiſting the investment in dairy farms to New Time Department for Christchurch City Council Dairy Legacy Now in e Past in the Future? BY MICHAEL REYNOLDS BY MICHAEL REYNOLDS BY AMELIA MIRARE TIME OF YOUR LIFE ADVENTURES © Meet yourself in the future! Phone 0800 FUTUREME to learn more about our services. “Be positive. Bring some snacks. You know what you like. Good conversation starters can be favourite movies, old relationships, the weather. To not try to lecture yourself and remember that if it happens to be a portal going back in time that fashion senses change and what you are wearing was seriously cool back then.” – Testimonial from Satisfied Customer The Nut Tree Canterbury Over milk? So are we... Try our range of NUT MILKS today AMBI-PODS SELF-CONTAINED LIVING ORB FRESH WATER CONVERTERS SOLAR PANELS BIODEGRADABLE AFTER USE TOP-LINE WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM HUGE RANGE OF SIZES AND PRICES TO MATCH YOUR FAMILY, YOUR BUDGET AND YOUR LIFESTYLE renolt co. of scientists that have been based in Christchurch since the 2010/11 earthquake sequence. One of the main areas of study will be focused on how we can communicate and possibly even travel to these parallel universes. a more climate stability boosting alternative - nut tree orchards. Methane gases produced by large scale dairy farming were on the rise throughout the early part of 21st century as the global population was nearing the 9 billion mark. ere was high demand for New Zealand produced dairy solids throughout Asia and into Africa through aid agencies. Climate change was becoming more and more apparent as weather patterns changed and extreme events were common place. Some areas of the American continent went through decade long droughts, and were no longer able to support the same level of dairy production. Christchurch too was noticing climate change related phenomena, especially noticeable was the reported sea level rise. In early 2057 a survey of the Christchurch and Canterbury coastline was complete, and as a result of climate change our coastline had lost, on average, 7.3m to the sea. In some places around Banks Peninsula it was over 10m. As a reaction to all of this the CCC, alongside the Congress of Community Governance, decided to create a public vote to enact measures to reduce our impact on the climate. Replacing dairy was voted as the preferred option, and thus phasing out of dairy farming commenced in September 2058. It is now 2070 in that parallel universe and the process has not only continued in Canterbury, but has now spread across the rest of the country. ey are reporting today that the last dairy farm in New Zealand has been decommissioned. We would love the public’s feedback on this as a potential option for Christchurch, Canterbury and the whole of New Zealand, and also to hear where our country can start shiſting their investment to to replace the revenue stream that we have been relying on for much of our country’s history.


An exploration into possible futures via a newspaper set in 2070, There has been a disruption in the Space-Time continuum and portals to parallel dimensions of our city are being noticed all over the city. We report on all the future news as it comes to hand.

Transcript of The Parallel Press First Edition

TOMORROW’S NEWS TODAYVol. 1 December 2070


December 2070 Free Edition

The Parallel Press


PORTALS REVEALED: Portals throughout Christchurch are opening up to reveal voices from the past, present and future. Photos by Clare Logan.

IDENTITY CONCEPTS: The City Council is working alongside local graphic designer Emma Tuohy to realise their vision for the new city. The CCC expects to reach a decision mid 2071, and citizens are encouraged to voice their opinions through holographic tolling booths around the CBD.

Claims that voices heard within a geo-located audioscape in Christchurch are voices from various futures for those locations in the city, have continued to multiply. Reports first started six months ago, but have received little to no serious media attention. However an increasing number of citizens are now raising concerns.

Miriam Duncan who first brought them to public attention was thought to have been having schizophrenic episodes. She reported hearing the unusual voices while wandering in the CBD using the Sound Sky iOS app and recalls, “It was scary, I was trying to record and leave a memory for a particular place, as is the intent of the audioscape project, but after I did that I was walking and listening

and these voices kept coming up, talking about things happening in that place but the situations they described seemed very strange. They sounded to me like completely different worlds almost. Some sounded amazing, others very scary. I stayed in it for hours, trying to decipher it all. It is still a mystery.” In particular Ms Duncan claimed to have heard someone talking about events triggered by climate change effects that have not occurred yet.

Of the further reports that have followed, some have differed and some have correlated with Ms Duncan’s and other reports. Many have claimed that this is because the voices are coming from portals to a number of different futures or other dimensions. Generally any media coverage has dismissed

this idea as an elaborate hoax. However as supporter Rose Flanagan stated, “due to the increasing numbers of local citizens with a variety of involvements who now state as having experienced the voices themselves, the demand is growing for the incidents to be more fully investigated”.

Cosmologists and astrophysicists however have been quick to point out the strange effects that were noted after the close encounter with asteroid 2014 HQ124 that passed close to earth just days prior to the first voice encounters. “It is possible that the time-space compression with this event has created a binding of the frequency of the energy used to transmit the data for the geo-located audioscape, with the echoing energies from

the geophysical disruptions of the earthquakes, thus causing a rippling disturbance in space-time” commented Cosmologist Tony Burns, “effectively opening up communication portals to parallel dimensions here”. No ill-effects were mentioned.

Quite a few local civilians that have been interacting with the so-called portals in order to carry out their own investigations.

Some have reported using them to meet themselves in the future. One such explorer who wished to remain anonymous said, “It’s great and it doesn’t have to be weird”. He gave the following advice, “Be positive. Bring some snacks. You know what you like. Good conversation starters can be

Story continued on Page 2







Mostly sunny, becoming overcast in the evening with light winds building overnight.

SUNRISE: 5:44am SUNRISE: 5:40amSUNSET: 9:23pm SUNSET: 9:27pm




At a press conference held earlier today, the mayor of Christchurch announced the formation of an investigative entity within the CCC.

The Department of Time will be in charge of co-ordinating all activity and research that pertains to the astrological disturbances that have been happening in the city for over 6 months now.

As time has passed the number of portals seems to be slowly increasing. At first the activity was solely focused on the CBD, but now there are occurrences being reported in the outlying suburbs too. There is still a lot of speculation going around as to what caused these disturbances to appear, but no-one really knows.

This has been a key reason behind the creation of the Department of Time (DoT). The CCC have reached out to all corners of the globe to find people and research that might be able to shine some light on what is behind the portals. The research now being carried out by the DoT is wide ranging, and incorporates a quite a number

It seems there are alternatives to dairy, not only for those that are lactose intolerant, but for the economy as well.

Through the investigation of the recent time-space fabric disturbances, it appears that one alternative future for Christchurch, and indeed the whole country, is to diversify and start diminishing our reliance on the dairy industry.

What triggered this? The realisation and wide spread acceptance of the climate change reality. It appears that in a parallel version of our city the choice was made by the citizens to start shifting the investment in dairy farms to

New Time Department for Christchurch City Council

Dairy Legacy Now in The Past in the Future?

by Michael Reynolds

by Michael Reynolds

by aMelia MiRaRe



Meet yourself in the future!

Phone 0800 FUTUREME to learn more about our services.

“Be positive. Bring some snacks. You

know what you like. Good conversation

starters can be favourite movies, old

relationships, the weather. To not try to

lecture yourself and remember that if it

happens to be a portal going back in time

that fashion senses change and what you

are wearing was seriously cool back then.”

– Testimonial from Satisfied Customer

The Nut TreeCanterbury

Over milk? So are we... Try our range of NUT MILKS today

AMBI-PODS™Self-cOntAIneD lIvIng OrB

freSh wAter cOnverterSSOlAr PAnelSBIODegrADABle After uSetOP-lIne wASte PrOceSSIng SySteM

huge range of sizes and prices to match your family, your budget and your lifestyle

renolt co.

of scientists that have been based in Christchurch since the 2010/11 earthquake sequence. One of the main areas of study will be focused on how we can communicate and possibly even travel to these parallel universes.

a more climate stability boosting alternative - nut tree orchards.

Methane gases produced by large scale dairy farming were on the rise throughout the early part of 21st century as the global population was nearing the 9 billion mark.

There was high demand for New Zealand produced dairy solids throughout Asia and into Africa through aid agencies.

Climate change was becoming more and more apparent as weather patterns changed and extreme events were common place. Some areas of the American continent went through decade long droughts, and were no longer able to support the same level of dairy

production. Christchurch too was noticing climate change related phenomena, especially noticeable was the reported sea level rise.

In early 2057 a survey of the Christchurch and Canterbury coastline was complete, and as a result of climate change our coastline had lost, on average, 7.3m to the sea.

In some places around Banks Peninsula it was over 10m. As a reaction to all of this the CCC, alongside the Congress of Community Governance, decided to create a public vote to enact measures to reduce our impact on the climate. Replacing dairy was voted as the preferred option, and

thus phasing out of dairy farming commenced in September 2058.

It is now 2070 in that parallel universe and the process has not only continued in Canterbury, but has now spread across the rest of the country.

They are reporting today that the last dairy farm in New Zealand has been decommissioned. We would love the public’s feedback on this as a potential option for Christchurch, Canterbury and the whole of New Zealand, and also to hear where our country can start shifting their investment to to replace the revenue stream that we have been relying on for much of our country’s history.

Distant Futures Revealed Internal Time Portal Investigations Revealed

Echoes From Future Prison Causing Disturbance

by dR cheRyl doig

by Michael Reynolds

Christchurch City, Ethical by Choice?

Body FoundUnder BuildingIdentity of deceased suspected to be leader of an underground resistance movement.

The earthquakes of 2010/11 provided impetus for Christchurch Ōtautahi to collaborate in new ways, with an emphasis on the greater good. The biggest driver of change was the youth of the city. In 2015 engagement with youth was sporadic and token. By 2020 youth across the city had come together, as network integrators and advisers for all government departments and services.

New initiatives were enabled overnight, with the improved transport system allowing greater influx of students into the central city. Connected by digital hubs, Year 13 students began meeting physically each Friday to seed the spirit of diversity and engage in projects of transformational benefit to the city and beyond. New learning facilities across the city were complete and collaboration at all levels of education was accelerating.

By 2020 technology stopped being a separate ‘thing’ and became ubiquitous. The Innovation Precinct spawned networks of connectedness globally, with nodes of technology being spread across the city through the infrastructure of high speed internet access and sensing city data. Christchurch Ōtautahi had become an ecological city that morphed daily and that was seen as combining the best of humanity and technology. While the Innovation Precinct was at the heart of this ubiquity, innovation had crept stealthily throughout the city. The legacy of social innovation and enterprise post earthquake enhanced the city’s reputation as a model for public good internationally. A group germinated in 2030, “Christchurch Civic Hackers”, acknowledged the role of every person to be an agent

of change in the city. This rapidly spread as a movement for citizen impact.

Christchurch Ōtautahi extended its reach as a platform for innovation with a particular focus on wellness, sustainability and open government. The city created a ‘one school’ approach with interacting nodes focused on meeting the personalised needs of learners. A learning network of open innovation was embraced nationally, creating a New Zealand wide collaboratory.In 2040 humanity has reached a crossroads in its development. The singularity has moved from concept to part reality, with technology and humanity blurred, and with physical and virtual existences interwined. Smart moves by the local and national governments of the 2030s has meant that the city is now a vibrant technological hub focused on developing new humanistic models of technology. The city wide focus has become ‘ethical by choice’ with a voluntary code of conduct articulating how machines and humanity interact for the benefit of the planet. This has influenced the positive branding of New Zealand as a whole.

No longer are we seen as a country of agriculture and tourism but as a place where the human footprint had been amplified by, rather than usurped by, technology. Interestingly, this has established us as the number one virtual tourist destination and the city is seen as a place of immersive learning and creativity.

Christchurch Ōtautahi has became an ecological knowledge hub of learning that people interact with, and learn from globally. Distance has become our advantage.

PAST AND PRESENT: From Earthquakes to Eden, Christchurch has developed into an epicentre of environmental awareness and technological advancement.

Continued from Page 1favourite movies, old

relationships, the weather. To not try to lecture yourself and remember that if it happens to be a portal going back in time that fashion senses change and what you are wearing was seriously cool back then.” She also reported having stopped off at various points on her adventures including a Time Travel Mart that gave lots of further handy advice for the frequent time traveller. A service that may become more popular as more people unveil the location and access to these portals.

Some witnesses also claim to have seen weird shapes and oddly refracted light in the locations of the voices. Local artist Clare Logan claims she captured photos, and believes the occurrences have links to extraterrestrial activity

in the other universes. Another popular theory for which reports are gathering including those from Emma Tuohy who says she came across printed artefacts which indicate that at least one of these worlds involves a situation where humans are co-habitating with other intelligent life-forms. It however appears to be a somewhat dangerous embroilment, as mind-protection equipment was advertised in the fashion section.

These portals have raised so many unknowns that we hope a multi-faceted investigation and exploration of these portals will be forthcoming and will yield some answers. Our reaction to and learning from the interactions appears to be the most important factor here. Rest assured that The Parallel Press will continue to cover developments.

Coincidental or not, just days after new reports of ghostly voices being heard in specific locations around the central city, a body has been found. Whilst excavating a central city site for a new building as part of Christchurch’s third attempt at rebuilding the city, workers came across the mummified remains of male in his early forties.

It is unknown who this person is or how they came to be buried under the building. Police have been quick to downplay rumours regarding the urban myth of Old Man Reynolds and the Underground Seedbank Alliance. They have however confirmed that AgriSolutions, a well-known research firm that has been very successful in creating highly resistant strains of food crops through genetic modification, was previously located on this site.

The body was found with a piece of parchment near his chest, the text on it reads:

“Long held rumours about a leak of GMO crops from Lincoln University are confirmed by a leaked report and the question is: was the central government complicit in the cover up and who knew about it in the then CCC?The CCC is split and a defiant faction in that organization merges with us, an underground group who started protesting Monsanto’s seed monopoly at the turn of the century and slowly turned our attention to creating secret seed banks for future generations.If you are getting this message, you must find Old Man Reynolds. He can connect you with the people

Information has come to light that the CCC, along with our central government, have been carrying out their own in-depth investigations into these disturbances internally. A team within the CCC known as the Department of Time has been collaborating with intelligence agencies across the globe, and they revealed today, across dimensions.

Communication and information sharing via the portals, has led to the formation of this unit upon advice from parallel teams in other dimensions of the city. They have been in charge of investigating all activity that pertains to the astrological disturbances that have been happening in the city for the last 6 months.

Following our stated intent to make this information public, the Chief Investigator for the Department of Time, Sienna Lane, conceded to make this statement at a public press conference earlier today, “A number of people using satellite-data connected devices to access a geo-located audioscape have reported strange disembodied voices appearing as they walk through the city. Speculation continued to grow as to their origin and consequently there has been intensive research around this for the last 5 months. Upon investigating we found we were able to communicate with people who appear to be existing in different parallel dimensions for this city–a multiverse as they are known.

We are now working with intelligence agencies from across the globe and similar research units in more technically advanced dimensions who are helping us to determine the cause and any potential public safety threats this inter-dimensional contact might pose. In conjunction with a cross-

dimensional team of engineers, astrophysicists, sociologists, doctors and technology innovators, we made our first attempt to send personnel through a portal this morning to investigate a rather disturbing portal to see if we can be of any help to the people on the other side. We are awaiting communication or their return in a few hours.”

Mayor Vicki Dalziel, and others on the Christchurch City Council were also present. Mrs Dalziel said that “It was of course difficult to believe, and we spent the first month thinking it was a ridiculous hoax. However further testing and international intelligence agencies advised and convinced us otherwise.

However these are such completely new phenomena for all involved, that we are still very much trying to understand them and any dangers they pose.” The Councillor says they had kept quiet on the information to-date so to avoid completely discrediting themselves, public panic or increasing the numbers exploring before more information was known.

The Mayor said in the collaborative investigation, they were, “now also curious to find out what is going on in these different universes, so to try to assess how it might affect our decision making now. Do each of these represent our possible future pathways? We have no idea at this stage, but if so there does seem to be a full spectrum of possibilities out there, including one rather apocalyptic and horrific scenario where everyone is scavenging what they can to survive. So we are really keen to investigate further to so to avoid whatever it is that might have occurred there, if it is something that we can control.”

who will reveal one of the central seed banks. These seeds need to be passed out and grown by as many people as possible in defiance of this leak. Plant them everywhere. Parks, gardens, windowsills. Anywhere. Everywhere.It is vital that the movement is widespread and sustained. There will be a backlash, if there hasn’t been already. You may be risking harm to yourself or others. It may be illegal. We don’t know. But these seeds are representative of nature as we once knew it and took it for granted. No more. That world was lost to the corporate control of agribusiness worldwide. We made it our cause to preserve these seeds for a counter-revolution. The rest is up to you.Think of a seed planted in a place that once marked a new beginning. Think about where the roots will go.”

The body was found with approximately 30 sealed pottery urns, which has raised further questions. The citizens we spoke to were deeply concerned, and were demanding that the city investigate this situation, taking seriously what again appears to be a time-disturbance situation.

As one bystander put it, “If this truly is Old Man Reynolds, how did he die? What is inside the urns? Was there a cover-up here that we need to know about?”

Others were curious if the Underground Seedbank Alliance was something that already existed. Questions that may or may not receive a satisfactory answer.

“Haunting and disturbing” is how new so-called ‘floating’ voices heard by customers inside one of the most popular cafes in the city were described. Rose Goodapple said to C1000 Cafe staff on Wednesday that she heard screaming and moaning emanating from a strange orb that appeared just above her head. The incident has been passed from the police to the Christchurch Economic and Civil Service Bureaus (OECSB) Department of Time. Preliminary investigations have revealed that the orb is indeed a manifestation of some form of disruption to the fabric of space-time.

Department spokesperson Hannah McLean made the statement that "We are working to pinpoint where these disturbing voices are emanating from. We sent a team of four Investigators to see if they could find the source. Unfortunately only one officer has since returned and has not recovered the ability to speak or to sleep yet”. He had also received minor lacerations and a dislocated shoulder. “Whatever he encountered, it seems that it was quite violent and psychologically damaging." The forensic team at the department are scanning the monitoring equipment and cameras to see if they can piece together what happened to the team, and are looking to complete a Cerebral Memory Retrieval tomorrow to compliment the other information they already have.

In a press release late yesterday afternoon Head of Forensic Sciences for the CECSB Martha Hedgefort said, "It seems as though the investigating officers encountered a heavily armed security force on arrival, there are shadowy images of a collection of towers. We can vaguely detect that the sound is coming from the towers, and may well be some kind of detention block. Why they have so many people detained in this particular universe is beyond our understanding at this time. But rest assured that we will be investigating to the fullest extent of our capabilities."

Until the source can be confirmed and contact can be made with authorities in the parallel universe, the cafe owners say there is nothing they can do to stop the orb appearing again in the C1000 Cafe.

by Michael Reynolds

by aMelia MiRaRe

HOTSPOTS: Portals throughout Christchurch are opening up to reveal voices that authorities believe we may be able to interact with one day.

ORB PROBLEMS: The Department of Time worked with Rose Goodapple to create a digital impression of the experience she had in the popular C1000 Cafe.





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