The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-09-02 [p...

r OI 1 1 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE IYf few e8ign8 in neckwear The new fads in Persian and Velvet design NeoRwear are now being shown by us Quito novel effects and very stylish cult tollarl jabots a ttficS Jtoek tollarJ w 25e 50e and 75e Ii w- es mr It ftudifs rrBS LOCAL SEWS J J GET IT AT GILBERTS Dr Gilbert Osteopath 8- IlroMdA i hdaos 19Cy Rubber stamps seals bra tcnclli etc at Tho Sun office pFree city and laflD real eltato prlcallaL Whlttomore Kratornll building Phones 836 Blltn writing G R SOl too Phones 401 Tbo greatest variety of typi i writer papers from onion akin I to heavy ledgers and In sires from balf letter to legal at Tbo Sun office Telephone Tbo Sun once for samples and prices of all kinds of typewriter papers Dillon Djo Works have moved to 114 South Fifth street fiTorgrecn I maim Plant Food cures tick plants makes all plant stow llruntonf 629 roadway MI88 COX lucccuor to Mn nirardcy Millinery Second pot J A Rudy It Sons Nino years without ilooplm tluchanana restaurant S19 Jo lucky avenue Always at 70ur service Miss IJIUo Maoa Sutherland Irarbvr of plane and I hrmnod- 17nmo j SIC residence 711 Broad waj Dalton Ojro Works Sava mond to t lit t South Fftb street Chicken f d1t1IOlho bci mti 1 eetJ2 Hrb3nrcdTVo JT flyer Yopp Seed company Dot phones Dr J VVorls has returned Doth phones jjo 251 Kratornll building if August wfts a dull month with City Jailer Jaroot Glark Lasltnont ho scrvcil 2290 meals In tho e1t7 hotel nn rompimd wllli 394C men In August 1909 Mr J licll Gardner It III will a icvcrp cold Mr George Lansstaff Is harlni the l 1o1rr talt homwtcad on broad nwjr rcmodelcd and will rmnoro hi family Into It about tho middle o- klcnr Mr C M 1 Ulk 5r will taki hM Kentucky nvemio home Ur and Mrs 1 F I IJ lAck and Will Fisher and Fred Uvk win have bcenr In drfcnso and 1 tho north wwl arc returning overland In a yli Ig OMnnuilillo Limned Morot that aA- leak l purrhwd In Chlmgo the week They expect to arrive Satur day fMtnml 1 Mr 1 JmneiJ Slrk of 820- vRnttK i ki avenue Are tho pro a tinrcn < n of a baby plrl born lasl nightThu I children of tfio flrlmary do pnrl incut of tho First Biptlut ch- urnPERSPIRO w for Hot Days A finer toilet preparation It 1 would bu Impossible to mnko Prepared as It Is from the choicest southing healing and nntlsuptlc Ingredients It Is the only perfect deodorant wo i know ey j4Jl TryThis Rub n llttlo on tho bare fcclI Then ace how delightfully cool see how delightfully coolI sweet nod comfortable your feet feel Its marvelous 2Sc GILBERTSDrug Fourth nnrt Broadway noth IMioncs 77 GET IT AT GILBERTS t 4 aro requested to moot Saturday afternoon at 4 oclock at tho cliurcli New rungs to practice Major W M Andrews sub division officer of tho Salvntloi Army arrived In this city this morn log from Cincinnati on an Inspcc lion trip llpwlll conduct n meet ins at the local hall Tonight at Six- teenth and Tennessee streets HMJM Annie Howard of Trlmbl rtrvct l Who 10 U> of typhoid fever I II Improving NEWS S OF COURTS 1 Ill Polices Court One of tho longest dockets folic Judge D A Crow has faced In sea eral weeks was on dock obflf < morn In In pollco court As a result of Uu crusade ngnlnet the vagrants the tlet ot prlconcrs was lengthy The docke Is l Malicious awault Tony homan continued until September C Bread lof ileaeoLtC Manifiod continued until September 0 John and Annie Walters 5 rochT W Yocum am FranTc 1 lurch 5 oath Drunk Archie Batncr and Gcorgo Mlmmc i1and coats each krulJttrI i creditors In I D Smith a merchant in Murray bal lacfta 4ilr 0i ptf TtqrpIf tutrn at the bfilco at Attorney F takree f The first mectlnKqf creditors in A the case of Ivan Merrill has been called for ScptombcV r13 < Snits l 1tMIInjllrcnlt court The Dalton Adding Mnchlno rom pjujy Illod mil against tho PArlucah Tranifnr conipainy for2S0 alleged duo IIJIILbalall q 9nam adding ma- chine that was purchased f Train Ilrnten Ity Arroplam Cleveland Sept 2Racing with a Lake Shore mall rain Glenn Curtis today drove hit blplsno over water from Cedar Point to Euclid Beach sixty mllo completing tho 120 mile round trip illght lcrgnn l yesterday and established a worlds record for an over water flight Ho beat tho train to C1e roland <jventecn mln utot Tho distance traversed esti ¬ mated at tho United States hydro graphic oincc cow 644 miles Fifty thousand people were at tho leach sal surrounded him Insisting on shaking hands Tho i ollco res ¬ cued him 110 encountered dltnculty In nixvl gating In tho treacherous air currents abovo Lake I Irlo- WOMAN HITTKN UV 1MJ Rent Off Animal That Snnk UN Tnth lu HIT Leg Now York Sept 2 = lIls Annlo OReilly 28 years old of No 2381 Washington avenue the Bronx was bitten by a yellow dog while passing flung Park avenue Sho told the police at the Tremont ntntlon that Uio animal had fastened fps teeth In her knoo und that the had driven off tho bruto with liar handbag Tho young woman was taken to Fordham hospital and Dr Wnlker drewod the wounds Policeman Cummings was sent In search of tho dog and soon returned with n log tho policeman raid be ¬ l longed to Mrs Nelson of No 43C1I Park avenue Tho board of health was requested to examine tho animal for traces of hydrophobia Nunilny Afternoon Kvrurslon Sunday Sept Itl- iStr DICK FOWLER For tho benefit of the public the Str Dick Fowler will run an afternoon excursion Sunday Sept 4th from Paducah to Me ¬ tropolis and Joppa and return leaving the wharf at 2 p m and returning at G p m Those so desiring can get off the boat at Metropolis and return on tho up trip Elegant Music and Refresh ¬ meats No disorderly conduct permitted Fare Hound Trf 25 Ceiitd v s Y I I IIN SOCIAL CIRCLES enlorItaln town guests The list mat bo seen at Walkers Drug store Mr Leo Keller has returned from Boston where ho has born on bus yeas Mr rind Mrs William Kroutw and daughter Mlsa Bernice left to- day for Richardson Tome whcro they will locate 91Iss Hannah Bonds 1001 Joel lc ton street and iMIss Laura Thomn of Ballard county ha > o returns from an extensive tour of time WCtlt They hail boon gone for Bevcr weeks IThe Rev II B Term and farm returned to their homo In UuCvntt today alter a visit to Mrs Sun Korwls 1001 Jacknon street Mm 6 Folz and daughter lIf8 Carrto Fob have returned from Yorklolnt Jclfcrso itrcct has returned from a sever wvoks visit In Woljattw hId Mrs B D Taylor of Seattle VVarti Is the guest of her Trarcnti Mr and Mrs J Bambwger UNi South Sixth street Mte Jnnct Wottcrhahn of Chi- mlO Is the guest of Mrs II Bui truer of Seventh and Jcfforso streets iMr T NJcmcyzk him Telumo from Chicago Mr Charles VondcrvcWvc ot Jhwkrvlllo Penn Is vIsHIng rob fives and friends in the city Mr James Parcon of Plnckncj vlUe waa the guest of his brothel Dr W IL Parsons yesterday Attorney Veto Sony of MayfloK wan In the city last night Mr J U Powers of LxnilsvllU budInCtI newMr and airs Harry Clements of South Sixth etrcct havo returns rom Chicago Mr Karl Walters arrived yesterda rent St Louis lie will leave Sun lay for Nnihvlllc on buelncw Mr J M Dunlap Jr of Vicks- burg was tho guest of his coiuln Irs J F Sexton of South Third trcct yesterday Mr C II D vcrs of THIne pass cd through tho city last night rn route to Slkcirton Mo While In tin cllr he wan the guest of his cousin Ir J F Sexton Mrs T J Moore and sons Frank Theo and David of North Sixth trcct returned last night fret luntsvlllc Ala where they hay pent several weeks with Mrs looros staler Mrs C F Suggs Miss Lucy Russell la visiting In haves I county Mr Roy McKinney Rent for tin leo machine has returned from n luslness trip to Michigan where ho fatted tho factory Mr A D Sowell has returned ruin a business trip Mr Olllo Cooke of Kansas ar- rived this morning on a several dnI visit to his parents Mr and Mrs John Cooke G17 South Sixth reel lie Is en route to Pittsburgh on businessMr Mclaughlin left till morning for Jackson Tcnn on bust essMr II C Richards ot Hopkins vlllo wee In tho city this morning on business Mr William Clark left this morn- Ing for Princeton and Dawson rings on business Mrs Addle Thompson of Mctrop oils will arrive tonight to be the guest of Mrs I B Hasan 1237 Amble street- Patrolman Leslie Ogllvlo returns day from Union City Tenn where he has been attending time bedside of Ids little con L B Ogilvie who III III of slow fever Mrs Ogllvlt aUlI children will return later Mr W B Kennedy anti fnmllj havo returned from a two weeks camping trip to Tennessee Ridge Tenn Mrs W J Whlto of Montgomery Ala Is visiting friends In the city for a few days MM 1 W R Smith of Louisville Is i tho guest of Mrs E L Wilson 735 Clay street Mica Rosalie fetter and Mr Luis Potter left this afternoon for a sojourn M Dixon Springs 111 Mr Harry Stiles returned today frolU Louisville where he has liven olng tjtorotyplng work and will loa < tomorrow for St Louis whore he has a position Tho Rev 111 A File has returned from a court of lectures at Chicago n Ivors Ity and Minoan Lake Mire Mao Roberta of Chicago has turned home after visiting hot ouut Mrs C A Torrence Eighth anll Woodson streets 1 KCATUll BARS NEW I TUSTAMHN Book No Lntger to have Place In School Libraries Decatur III Sept 2Decatur chool board decided to Include tea New Testament In tho school II rarlcs no longer The state BU rcmo court hud handed down n de- cIsion In which U was held unlawful to give religious Instruction In tit public schools Decatur decided ti ppcnl to F Q Blair state suporln tendon I of public Instruction Ills advice came back swiftly that ti hnvo a Now Testament In the publl shoots Is against tho law as soma ono Is likely to rend It Itimrnllume p Ian DleK QUIncj Ml Sept S Fredoricl W I lan ep 71 years old a proml nent furniture dooler died here ti o niter n abort mum idn iMiuaivcv MONKV I tlncVelKli Shows That ItankH Clln rut > 100UOMM0 Washington Sept 2Secreti Y MacVclghs ruling on the term com- mercIal paper In the treasury depArl incntA Interpretation of cmcrgcn currency law became known In full Import today Tho way Is clear for tho banks to put Into circulation iriOOOOOOOO emergency money at tho first dawn of stringency Tho law provides that commercial paper upon which emergency paper may bo Issued shall Include only notes re resenting actual commercial tram actions which bear the names of at least two responsible i crjons and have not more than four months to run A large proportion of the banks hold notes which are bought rrom bankers The notes bear only t tbo name ot the maker MacVeogh has dcdded that tho cp dorscmcnt of the holding bank upon such notes will constitute tho vecon endorsement the law call for MaC Vcaph holds that notes Issued by reputable persons for carrying on or bona lido business and discounted at the bank represent actual lranci tlon < and are distinct from what Is known as accommodation paper Tho halter Is strictly barred as cmcrgcnc currency 50CIALIST SUNATOIB IS OLSTI lO- Sit lenl ConinicntH on Rooscvcl Soldil Affair In lIhfllukeeI iMIlwnaukee Sopt 2Senate Jajilord today Issued a statement I In regard to the RooscveltSctdel cot t iroveray and said In part lOOt course It Is too had that tllo Prccs olub made up mainly of good Follows on tho whole happens I to have arranged for thla reception I to tloosovelt after tho people of Mil Kaukco elected a Socialist admlnlf ration thereby giving the lie direct to what this mono privato citizen bas aid about Socialists in general Sine Jio members of the Press club wet Iood enough to include me In their inHlatlon It may bo worth while tor nc to recall that famous article In the Outlook of iMarch 27 1909 I It Puts the Press club In a hard post Ion as host of a guest who has dc Ibcrateiy slandered about 21OOO ot ho citizens of Milwaukee Tho Preys dirt must understand bat these men do not look to any band hake with Roosevelt for a vcr Icntlon of their credentials as decor Itlzcus 1 AV MATRIMOXIAL IltAUII TO 3 ostoflUo lnspethbr Arrest Womc and Muu In WICOnlll1I La Crocte Wbfcllt 2Post- mco inspectors havfc unearthed a- lleged matrimonial bureau teem at Rtchland Centerfia ylllaee ileAl here b1 means ot1l they chars hundreds of farmers throughout the orthwcsl have bcicn swindled out of a great sum George Chars and lwo omen whoso names are withheld have been arrested aud held to wall tho action of tho federal grand Jury In October Post office Inspector G i Fraser who waS hero today verges that the women started tho bureau and advertised for husbands hale Is alleged to havo been called In to manage the business when I It relplltcc1 lent money from Alden N D to pay the railroad fare of his prosper tlvo wife grew ttisplclous according to Fraser and gave tho poRtofflco In- spectors tho tip which resulted lr the arrestsI COTIISCIIILU IIKIHH LOSK SUIT Detroit Sept 2 Judge Donovan n circuit court today decided tha ormor Postmaster General Dlcklnsoi Is tftlll In possession of his faculties and able to attend to business The caso was that of Sigmund RothschlU belrs to set aside his trusteeshli and dlvde the property conslstlni rlnclpally of eleven quarter section of f very valuable mining lands In Jararquette county Mr DIckinson has been trustee since 1888 Tin tollischllda alleged Inc nlletjJnt lanagcmont due to advancing age Tho court found nothing In the testl tony to sustain tho claim The cour also refuted to terminate the lea o- or t the Dlrd Mining company on the roperty of Mr Dickinsons aHega tlon of a plot to roll It at an made uato figure FINED I FOR COXTHMPT iwyers In Browne Vase Curried II Feeling TIKI Fur Chicago Sept 2Amld scenes o III 1 I foqMng between the lawyers dur InJ which Attorney Qharie Brbsteh f r the defense was fined j5o for ontempt States Attorney Wiiymiai onclud <Hl the opening arKumcnt Jr ho Leo ONeal Drowno bribery trial day Attorney W F Forest counsel tom Browne opened the testimony Sev ral times tho court room Willi hrown fn nn uproar by the clash- esTYPEWRITERS Repaired called for and de llvered Wo also carry Type- writers ¬ for rent Will sell secondhand Type ¬ you a good writer fully guaranteed for I tho lowest price Full lino of Typewriter Supplies Ribbons Carbon Paper Brushes and CoversCall J228Ri Old Phone EYE SEE JEWELRY OPTICAL CO 315 nnd 4 OH Broadway t I errUabdlalrimTaltTam4r3ra raldaTamd- lii e I MOTHERS t Dont forget to buy your chil ¬ t dren Rocks School Shoes It They fit better wear longer It 1 and give general satisfaction t Try Rocks They fit the childs It foot correctly I IOEO SOCK SHOE CO t t 482111roadway It tw t PUBLIC DEBT TKKAHITIIiY HTATliMKNT H1IOU 1787Il18OH I 11 CIT Increase In Debt DUR Largely to Ex coss of Xntionnl Dank Deposits Washington Sept 2W1th nD Inweaso of J3273325 In the publl debt and a total deficit of 1371 46808 tho Unltedi States trcasur closed the second month of tho fiscal year keeping on an even keel 1111 circumstances considered with a working balance ot 30v82GOC72 on hand and the general fund dow Ito The 8952320759 Increase In public debt whir a complete turnover of tour roll lions in round numberf from tho month of Julji is duo largely to nn 3XCC63 of national bank deport 1 ye r redomi > Lon8 The general rvle Qf j excess of expenditures over receipt 1a luring July and August ts dIsc I ontrFbutor Those who have observed close tho fluctuations of thud wprkffrg bdl nice during time last month affectVv o find rafisfaction In That It Is r a f1i1ldo otter Uinn at the close of JuU Nt It there has been a drop bf apprtji I natoly three millions In thokprieVrjl fund The deficit too of 17UfI- o0 Is a round ten millions undo r rtiat It was a year ago at this time and a progressive condition Is appar- ent In the comparison of receipts and llalmrscntenti with those of this late In tho last fiscal year I RerclptH anti KpenKcx Total Te ccJptB In the month or August were = 5490925304 rough Iy five millions moro than for the a mo months last cyan This briny ho receipts of this year over the 13000000 murk rued five mllllom otter than those of the preceding ear I I ISUIT FOR 8KDITIOX CaDI Operntoru Start Unique LitigH tletn Against Miners I Pittsburgh Sept 2Attorney for the coal operators who have flied suIt against the minors In tho Irwin Vcstmoreland coal fields charging conspiracy in preaching scdltlo against laws of tho state and nation Icclaro these suits to be the first of heir kind to bo flied In the United tales Tho legal action Is tho outcome of I lho strike bc ng waged against the ilalntlfl companies by several thou and miners in the IrklnWestmore Iland field nearest approach to the pro ccdlnga taken by the Western cnnsylvanla operators It Is said was tho recent action ot tho New York hat manufacturers who sued tho Hatters union for damages when tho union declared them to lielon- tho unfair list The manufw iircrs were awarded 250000 dam + ICSI il 1 n ArninKdiiiMitH for Alntknii MallJ1 Seattle Wash Sept 2fcArt angcmonts for the final dispatch fdt tho season of mall ot aU claswulnU yertortaiLyho i t anana and other points In the ilnl crlor of Alaska will be made from Seattle by way ot Skagway Septenn lIer 9 The last dUpatch from Como SU Michael and other points II i the Soward Peninsula will bq imdo on October 1 and for Eaplc Fort Yukon and tributary points on September 2- 3IFIIStcJa matter In Knitted quan Itles will bo sent to Inland Alaska and Behrlnff Sea points over the lountaln trolls after the closing ot avlgatkm Wnr Secretary Approves Manila Sept 2 Secretary of War Dickinson has given his approval or- tho project to unify tho constabulary a hd the scouts Ho plans to appoint a board of officers who will work out tbo details and submit a plan which II Is hoped may bo placed before con ret1 In December fluke Smith CoiiieN flack Atlanta On Sept 2Ex00ver1- I0r Puke Smith came back pollti ally today when ho was nominated ror governor of Georgia and on orscd for1 the presidency of the United States lu 1912 by tho Demo- crats hero I I t EDWARDSThe Now Ixcntcxl In Krneix Build pug Itoom 10 Is ready to take orders for Ladles Coat Suits and Skirts made to measure Best work manshlp guaranteed by experi- enced ¬ tailors Old Vhone 778R i 944444- i I i WANT ADS r C FOR SALE Household good 411 N 7th Old phono C14R DIAMONDS oo easy payment Eye See Jewelry Co 316 Droadwaj I FOR SALECheap good heatln stove Address F M care Sun t I I RENTAlodern 4 room cot- tage Water and electricity 1638 Monroe Phone 2899 I FOrt SALE Fine 4yearold mar cjy broke fancy driver Old phon 1881 WA tiTKDApprentice gIrl for millinery department Mrs Bake 319 Broadway UMBRELLAS Covered while you wait Eye See Jewelry Co 316 and 408 Broadway FOR SALE Onohoreo wagon and harness Bargain for quickI sale Address F M I caro Sun DEATS THEM ALL on price Williams Furniture Depot 601 50 Third New Phone 981a Jon RENT Apartment In flat 003 North Sixth street Goo litaw Leigh FOIL JlETTwo cottages mOd- ern conveniences four bocks fret postoftlco Aplly 502 South Sixth I FOR RENT Ono apartment San Soucl apartments 308 North Nlnt street See W E Cochran Fon RENT Two front rooms over Walkers drug store second floor Apply D A Yeiser WANTED You to bear in mind that Bradley Bros are sole agents for Old Taylor Coal FOR SALiE Two good work horses cheap Johnston Fuel Cq Phone 203 FOR SALE Top buggy w4tn c rubber tires Good as new p1bnoI 1850 Mrs Mary Holland FOIL REST Store house RSS 527 So Third Apply Goo Oehl pchlaogej 823 So Third- 11ANTEDPoslflen by young lady I DI with office experience Address are Suij It FOR RENT Furnished rooms tear business section Gentlemen referred Old phone 1204 LOST Black cameo breast pin I leturn to 714 Jefferson and receive rowardt I I Foil dtENTElthomt side double tenement 721 Harrison Old phone 189 I FOR RENT Threo unturnlshci dt rooms with lath centrally Jocated1 I 1000 Address C taro FOR SALE A good roller top leak Phone Haynes Dlsmukes 910 old 1395 now J FOR SALEA good uprlgl1t1 piano A bargain AddresaCi this once j 2 VANTED To furnish your um- brella with a now cover or handle ff N Warren jeweler 403 Broad waI FOR RENT8 room brick cot APpllto I ray Youn LACE curtains need clean- Ing You will make no mistake In ending them to the Star Laundry hone 300 WE WASH lace curtains very cue ally Get thorn cleaner and whiter t than you could at home Star Launt dry Phone 200 kj It IIOSTEN DyeIng pressing enovatlng French dry cleaning Work called for and delivered ClubI I 100 per month Old phono 338 a- WANTEDYou to give Old Y t t- lor b Coal a rial We guarantee to lease you Bradley Bros 339 t both phones I FOR RENT414 SOuth Tenth Street nine room house bath hot and cold water Eighteen dollars per month Telephone 102 J A JudyWAFTEDRahway mall clerks aducah examination November 2th 800 to 1000 Preparation free Franklin Institute Dept 01T Rochester N Y WANTED You to remember order for coal when placing your hot Old Taylor Coal Is by test tho best and at the same prlco of the then Inferior coals sold on tho Pa ucrih marketI oontlllsu1t1 leaned or dry cleaned from 1251 to 150 French Cleaning and dressing Co 113 South Fourth trcct Now phono 480I WE STARCIi ace curtains Just the degree of stiffness that makes hem pang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and stretch them smooth and even Star Sundry Phone 800 WIlY GO HOME In the not sun or your dinner when you can go to j he Market restaurant 123 South- econd where It is cool andtom ortable and whero you can get t rhat you want to eat at a price youI can afford to pay FOR SALEOne large Ice box me roller top desk one Dowser oil I tank two thow case two pair com mting scales one National cash reg- Ister one safe one rope reel Apply to Otle Ovorstreet Twelfth and Jet erson Both phones 133 Skeltons baggage andaei ervlce does general hauling of all I kinds Delivers parcels transfers runks to trains and boats moves light household furniture hauls taxes crates and barrels Freight to and from depots or wharfboat foods delivered promptly Give mt a call Both phonM 2181 j J Ir Ilaw NOWREADY READYW School Book List f for the city i V r schools Buy early to avoid the rush DE WILSON I n FURNISHED rooms for rent All conveniences 406 S 4th bOll R NTurntlohedroom Apply 304 North Sixth FOR RENT =3 rooms FurnUficd or unfurnished ClosO to High school Phono 2255 FOR SALE One Art Garland tit ¬ thracite burner and Mahogany fold Ing bed 321 North Eighth Old phono 120- 4UNIO LAUEL mens ladles and childrens shoes and Stronger than tho law men and boys Star Brand shoes Rungos Shoe store LDARN THE BARBER TRADE Its easy Good field for our graduates Our dlplomaas are recognized everywhere Established 1593 all leading cities Wage whllo learning Few weeks re ¬ quired Catalogue mailed free Moler Barber College St Louis Mo ISt MuryV Academy on Tuesday Septem ¬ her Cth Parents and guardians are requested to have children ready for the opening day- 5JSTERS PF QHAR1TY Ball lance Minneapolis Keystone vsfPaducah l Cubs September 4 and C at Row landtown park Game called at 3 dock Admission 2Gc NOTICK To 1roperfyOwners onJilehftr Street Front Kentucky Avenue to Trimble Street The total cost ot the Improvement of sidewalks curbs and gutters work Soncontrasrchargeable y ownor811 787713 4736 feelt6632S per front foot Tho Board of Public Wgrk0 will hold a special meeting In their once In the city hall at 4 oclock Monday flernoon September 5th 1910 to ear any complaints against the work If any and tho acccptaJica thereat BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS By L F Kolb Secretary- L A Washington City Engineer l CZAR VISITS BATII9 Walks TlmniRh Streets Afconipani I l by Two AeljulaiitH Nauhelm Sept 2rEmpcror Nich alas motored over from Frfjdberg jp lay arid vlritod this resort of baths In tho most democratic fashion illS najcEty left his automobile ouUUle ho town and walked In accompanied >y two adjutants As the party pass cd through the streets large crowds athered and hailed the emperor who turned their salutations lie vlelt cd various objects ot Interest and lat er had coffee at a public cafe While hero tho Russian monarch xhlbltod not the least nervousness though It was proUablj tho first tlmp IIn some years that he had come cp lose > y and freely In contact with tho mbllc Mr < W B Kennedy loft this morn Inl for Murray on business DR I B HOWELL DENTIST Columbia BldK Phone S2I L VV Perfect Dyeing and Dry Cleaning When In doubt about your sununrt Yeas Pongee Coats Etc send thrIll to MSI Gentlemens llannett Siilil and Trousers cleaned equal to now Model Steam Dyeing and Dry Cleaning Works ion South Third Street Old Phono SHQR New Phone 904 R + sI

Transcript of The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-09-02 [p...


OI 1



few e8ign8

in neckwear

The new fads in Persian andVelvet design NeoRwear arenow being shown by us Quitonovel effects and very stylish

cult tollarl jabots

a ttficS Jtoek tollarJw 25e 50e and 75e




It ftudifs


GET IT AT GILBERTSDr Gilbert Osteopath 8-

IlroMdA i hdaos 19CyRubber stamps seals bra

tcnclli etc at Tho Sun office

pFree city and laflD real eltatoprlcallaL Whlttomore Kratornllbuilding Phones 836

Blltn writing G R SOl tooPhones 401

Tbo greatest variety of typii

writer papers from onion akin Itoheavy ledgers and In sires from balfletter to legal at Tbo Sun office

Telephone Tbo Sun once forsamples and prices of all kinds oftypewriter papers

Dillon Djo Works have movedto 114 South Fifth street

fiTorgrecn Imaim Plant Foodcures tick plants makes all plantstow llruntonf 629 roadway

MI88 COX lucccuor to Mnnirardcy Millinery Second potJ A Rudy It Sons

Nino years without ilooplmtluchanana restaurant S19 Jolucky avenue Always at 70urservice

Miss IJIUo Maoa SutherlandIrarbvr of plane and Ihrmnod-17nmo


SIC residence 711 Broad wajDalton Ojro Works Sava mond

to tlitt South Fftb streetChicken f d1t1IOlho bci

mti 1eetJ2 Hrb3nrcdTVo JTflyer Yopp Seed company Dotphones

Dr J VVorls has returnedDoth phones jjo 251 Kratornllbuilding ifAugust wfts a dull month withCity Jailer Jaroot Glark Lasltnontho scrvcil 2290 meals In tho e1t7hotel nn rompimd wllli 394C menIn August 1909

Mr J licll Gardner It III willa icvcrp cold

Mr George Lansstaff Is harlnithe l1o1rr talt homwtcad on broadnwjr rcmodelcd and will rmnoro hifamily Into It about tho middle o-

klcnr Mr C M1 Ulk 5r will takihM Kentucky nvemio home

Ur and Mrs1 F IIJ lAck andWill Fisher and Fred Uvk winhave bcenr In drfcnso and1 tho northwwl arc returning overland In a yliIgOMnnuilillo Limned Morot that aA-

leakl purrhwd In Chlmgo theweek They expect to arrive Saturday

fMtnml1 Mr1 JmneiJ Slrk of820- vRnttKi ki avenue Are tho proa

tinrcn<n of a baby plrl born laslnightThuI

children of tfio flrlmary dopnrl incut of tho First Biptlut ch-




Hot DaysA finer toilet preparation It


would bu Impossible to mnko

Prepared as It Is from the

choicest southing healing and

nntlsuptlc Ingredients It Is theonly perfect deodorant wo

i know ey j4Jl

TryThisRub n llttlo on tho bare fcclIThen ace how delightfully cool

see how delightfully coolIsweet nod comfortable your

feet feel Its marvelous



Fourth nnrt Broadwaynoth IMioncs 77



aro requested to moot Saturdayafternoon at 4 oclock at tho cliurcliNew rungs to practice

Major W M Andrews subdivision officer of tho SalvntloiArmy arrived In this city this mornlog from Cincinnati on an Inspcc

lion trip llpwlll conduct n meetins at the local hall Tonight at Six-

teenth and Tennessee streetsHMJM Annie Howard of Trlmbl

rtrvctl Who 10 U> of typhoid fever IIIImproving


Ill Polices CourtOne of tho longest dockets folic

Judge D A Crow has faced In seaeral weeks was on dock obflf< morn In

In pollco court As a result of Uu

crusade ngnlnet the vagrants the tletot prlconcrs was lengthy The dockeIsl Malicious awault Tony homancontinued until September C Bread

lof ileaeoLtC Manifiod continueduntil September 0 John and AnnieWalters 5 rochT W Yocum amFranTc 1lurch 5 oath DrunkArchie Batncr and Gcorgo Mlmmci1and coats each


creditors InI D

Smith a merchant in Murray ballacfta 4ilr0i ptfTtqrpIf tutrnat the bfilco at Attorney F takree

f The first mectlnKqf creditors inA the case of Ivan Merrill has beencalled for ScptombcV r13<

Snits l 1tMIInjllrcnlt courtThe Dalton Adding Mnchlno rom

pjujy Illod mil against tho PArlucahTranifnr conipainy for2S0 allegedduo IIJIILbalall q 9nam adding ma-

chine that was purchased

fTrain Ilrnten Ity ArroplamCleveland Sept 2Racing with a

Lake Shore mall rain Glenn Curtistoday drove hit blplsno over waterfrom Cedar Point to Euclid Beachsixty mllo completing tho 120 mileround trip illght lcrgnnl yesterdayand established a worlds record foran over water flight Ho beat thotrain to C1e roland <jventecn mlnutot Tho distance traversed esti ¬

mated at tho United States hydrographic oincc cow 644 miles

Fifty thousand people were at tholeach sal surrounded him Insistingon shaking hands Tho i ollco res¬

cued him110 encountered dltnculty In nixvl

gating In tho treacherous air currentsabovo Lake IIrlo-


Rent Off Animal That Snnk UN Tnthlu HIT Leg

Now York Sept 2 = lIls AnnloOReilly 28 years old of No 2381Washington avenue the Bronx wasbitten by a yellow dog while passingflung Park avenue

Sho told the police at the Tremontntntlon that Uio animal had fastenedfps teeth In her knoo und that thehad driven off tho bruto with liarhandbag Tho young woman wastaken to Fordham hospital and DrWnlker drewod the wounds

Policeman Cummings was sent Insearch of tho dog and soon returnedwith n log tho policeman raid be ¬

llonged to Mrs Nelson of No 43C1I

Park avenue Tho board of healthwas requested to examine tho animalfor traces of hydrophobia

Nunilny Afternoon KvrurslonSunday Sept Itl-

iStr DICK FOWLERFor tho benefit of the public theStr Dick Fowler will run anafternoon excursion SundaySept 4th from Paducah to Me¬

tropolis and Joppa and returnleaving the wharf at 2 p m andreturning at G p m Those sodesiring can get off the boat atMetropolis and return on tho uptrip Elegant Music and Refresh ¬

meats No disorderly conductpermitted

Fare Hound Trf 25 Ceiitd


s Y I


enlorItalntown guests The list mat bo seenat Walkers Drug store

Mr Leo Keller has returned fromBoston where ho has born on busyeas

Mr rind Mrs William Kroutwand daughter Mlsa Bernice left to-

day for Richardson Tome whcrothey will locate

91Iss Hannah Bonds 1001 Joellcton street and iMIss Laura Thomnof Ballard county ha > o returnsfrom an extensive tour of time W CtltThey hail boon gone for BevcrweeksIThe Rev II B Term and farmreturned to their homo In UuCvntttoday alter a visit to Mrs SunKorwls 1001 Jacknon street

Mm 6 Folz and daughter lIf8Carrto Fob have returned from

Yorklolnt Jclfcrsoitrcct has returned from a severwvoks visit In Woljattw hId

Mrs B D Taylor of SeattleVVarti Is the guest of her TrarcntiMr and Mrs J Bambwger UNiSouth Sixth street

Mte Jnnct Wottcrhahn of Chi-

mlO Is the guest of Mrs II Buitruer of Seventh and Jcfforsostreets

iMr T NJcmcyzk him Telumofrom Chicago

Mr Charles VondcrvcWvc otJhwkrvlllo Penn Is vIsHIng robfives and friends in the city

Mr James Parcon of PlnckncjvlUe waa the guest of his brothelDr W IL Parsons yesterday

Attorney Veto Sony of MayfloKwan In the city last night

Mr J U Powers of LxnilsvllU

budInCtInewMr and airs Harry Clements ofSouth Sixth etrcct havo returnsrom Chicago

Mr Karl Walters arrived yesterdarent St Louis lie will leave Sunlay for Nnihvlllc on buelncw

Mr J M Dunlap Jr of Vicks-burg was tho guest of his coiulnIrs J F Sexton of South Thirdtrcct yesterday

Mr C II D vcrs of THIne passcd through tho city last night rnroute to Slkcirton Mo While In tincllr he wan the guest of his cousin

Ir J F SextonMrs T J Moore and sons Frank

Theo and David of North Sixthtrcct returned last night fretluntsvlllc Ala where they haypent several weeks with Mrslooros staler Mrs C F Suggs

Miss Lucy Russell la visiting InhavesI county

Mr Roy McKinney Rent for tinleo machine has returned from n

luslness trip to Michigan where hofatted tho factory

Mr A D Sowell has returnedruin a business trip

Mr Olllo Cooke of Kansas ar-

rived this morning on a severaldnI visit to his parents Mr andMrs John Cooke G17 South Sixth

reel lie Is en route to PittsburghonbusinessMr Mclaughlin left tillmorning for Jackson Tcnn on bust

essMr II C Richards ot Hopkinsvlllo wee In tho city this morningon business

Mr William Clark left this morn-Ing for Princeton and Dawsonrings on business

Mrs Addle Thompson of Mctropoils will arrive tonight to be theguest of Mrs I B Hasan 1237

Amble street-Patrolman Leslie Ogllvlo returnsday from Union City Tenn where

he has been attending time bedsideof Ids little con L B Ogilvie whoIII III of slow fever Mrs OgllvltaUlI children will return later

Mr W B Kennedy anti fnmlljhavo returned from a two weekscamping trip to Tennessee RidgeTenn

Mrs W J Whlto of MontgomeryAla Is visiting friends In the cityfor a few days

MM1 W R Smith of LouisvilleIsi tho guest of Mrs E L Wilson735 Clay street

Mica Rosalie fetter and MrLuis Potter left this afternoon for

a sojourn M Dixon Springs 111

Mr Harry Stiles returned todayfrolU Louisville where he has liven

olng tjtorotyplng work and will

loa< tomorrow for St Louis whorehe has a position

Tho Rev 111 A File has returnedfrom a court of lectures at Chicago

n Ivors Ity and Minoan LakeMire Mao Roberta of Chicago has

turned home after visiting hotouut Mrs C A Torrence Eighthanll Woodson streets



Book No Lntgerto have Place InSchool Libraries

Decatur III Sept 2Decaturchool board decided to Include teaNew Testament In tho school IIrarlcs no longer The state BU

rcmo court hud handed down n de-cIsion In which U was held unlawfulto give religious Instruction In titpublic schools Decatur decided tippcnl to F Q Blair state suporlntendon I of public Instruction Illsadvice came back swiftly that tihnvo a Now Testament In the publlshoots Is against tho law as somaono Is likely to rend It

Itimrnllume p Ian DleKQUIncj Ml Sept S Fredoricl

W Ilan ep 71 years old a promlnent furniture dooler died here tio

niter n abort mumidn

iMiuaivcv MONKVI

tlncVelKli Shows That ItankH Cllnrut >100UOMM0

Washington Sept 2Secreti Y

MacVclghs ruling on the term com-mercIal paper In the treasury depArlincntA Interpretation of cmcrgcncurrency law became known In fullImport today Tho way Is clear fortho banks to put Into circulationiriOOOOOOOO emergency money attho first dawn of stringency Tholaw provides that commercial paperupon which emergency paper may boIssued shall Include only notes reresenting actual commercial tramactions which bear the names of atleast two responsible i crjons andhave not more than four months torun A large proportion of the bankshold notes which are bought rrombankers The notes bear only ttboname ot the maker

MacVeogh has dcdded that tho cpdorscmcnt of the holding bank uponsuch notes will constitute tho vecon

endorsement the law call for MaCVcaph holds that notes Issued byreputable persons for carrying on orbona lido business and discounted atthe bank represent actual lrancitlon < and are distinct from what Is

known as accommodation paper Thohalter Is strictly barred as cmcrgcnccurrency


Sit lenl ConinicntH on RooscvclSoldil Affair In lIhfllukeeI

iMIlwnaukee Sopt 2SenateJajilord today Issued a statement IInregard to the RooscveltSctdel cottiroveray and said In part

lOOt course It Is too had that tlloPrccs olub made up mainly of goodFollows on tho whole happens Itohave arranged for thla reception Itotloosovelt after tho people of MilKaukco elected a Socialist admlnlfration thereby giving the lie direct

to what this mono privato citizen basaid about Socialists in general Sine

Jio members of the Press club wetIood enough to include me In theirinHlatlon It may bo worth while tornc to recall that famous article In

the Outlook of iMarch 27 1909 IItPuts the Press club In a hard postIon as host of a guest who has dcIbcrateiy slandered about 21OOO otho citizens of Milwaukee

Tho Preys dirt must understandbat these men do not look to any

band hake with Roosevelt for a vcrIcntlon of their credentials as decorItlzcus


ostoflUo lnspethbr Arrest Womcand Muu In WICOnlll1I

La Crocte Wbfcllt 2Post-mco inspectors havfc unearthed a-

lleged matrimonial bureau teemat Rtchland Centerfia ylllaee ileAlhere b1 means ot1l they charshundreds of farmers throughout theorthwcsl have bcicn swindled out ofa great sum George Chars and lwo

omen whoso names are withheldhave been arrested aud held to walltho action of tho federal grand JuryIn October Post office Inspector G

i Fraser who waS hero todayverges that the women started tho

bureau and advertised for husbandshale Is alleged to havo been calledIn to manage the business when IItrelplltcc1lent money from Alden N D topay the railroad fare of his prospertlvo wife grew ttisplclous accordingto Fraser and gave tho poRtofflco In-

spectors tho tip which resulted lrthe arrestsICOTIISCIIILU IIKIHH LOSK SUIT

Detroit Sept 2 Judge Donovann circuit court today decided thaormor Postmaster General Dlcklnsoi

Is tftlll In possession of his facultiesand able to attend to business Thecaso was that of Sigmund RothschlUbelrs to set aside his trusteeshliand dlvde the property conslstlni

rlnclpally of eleven quarter sectionoff very valuable mining lands InJararquette county Mr DIckinson

has been trustee since 1888 Tintollischllda alleged Inc nlletjJntlanagcmont due to advancing age

Tho court found nothing In the testltony to sustain tho claim The cour

also refuted to terminate the lea o-

ort the Dlrd Mining company on theroperty of Mr Dickinsons aHegatlon of a plot to roll It at an made

uato figure


iwyers In Browne Vase Curried IIFeeling TIKI Fur

Chicago Sept 2Amld scenes o

III1I foqMng between the lawyers durInJ which Attorney Qharie Brbstehf r the defense was fined j5o forontempt States Attorney Wiiymiai

onclud <Hl the opening arKumcnt Jrho Leo ONeal Drowno bribery trial

dayAttorney W F Forest counsel tom

Browne opened the testimony Sev

ral times tho court room Willi

hrown fn nn uproar by the clash-

esTYPEWRITERSRepaired called for and dellvered Wo also carry Type-



for rent Will sellsecondhand Type¬you a good

writer fully guaranteed forI tho lowest price Full lino of

Typewriter Supplies RibbonsCarbon Paper Brushes and

CoversCall J228Ri Old Phone


315 nnd 4 OH Broadway


I errUabdlalrimTaltTam4r3ra raldaTamd-



I MOTHERS tDont forget to buy your chil ¬ tdren Rocks School Shoes ItThey fit better wear longer It

1 and give general satisfaction tTry Rocks They fit the childs Itfoot correctly

IIOEO SOCK SHOE COtt482111roadway It



Increase In Debt DUR Largely to E xcoss of Xntionnl Dank


Washington Sept 2W1th nDInweaso of J3273325 In the publldebt and a total deficit of 137146808 tho Unltedi States trcasurclosed the second month of tho fiscalyear keeping on an even keel 1111

circumstances considered with aworking balance ot 30v82GOC72on hand and the general fund dow

Ito The8952320759

Increase In public debt whira complete turnover of tour roll

lions in round numberf from thomonth of Julji is duo largely to nn3XCC63 of national bank deport 1 ye rredomi >Lon8 The general rvle Qfjexcess of expenditures over receipt 1aluring July and August ts dIsc IontrFbutor

Those who have observed closetho fluctuations of thud wprkffrg bdlnice during time last month affectVvo

find rafisfaction In That It Is ra f1i1ldo

otter Uinn at the close of JuU NtIt there has been a drop bf apprtji I

natoly three millions In thokprieVrjlfund The deficit too of 17UfI-o0 Is a round ten millions undo rrtiat It was a year ago at this time

and a progressive condition Is appar-ent In the comparison of receipts andllalmrscntenti with those of thislate In tho last fiscal year

I RerclptH anti KpenKcxTotal Te ccJptB In the month or

August were = 5490925304 roughIy five millions moro than for thea mo months last cyan This brinyho receipts of this year over the13000000 murk rued five mllllom

otter than those of the precedingear



CaDI Operntoru Start Unique LitigHtletn Against Miners


Pittsburgh Sept 2Attorneyfor the coal operators who have fliedsuIt against the minors In tho IrwinVcstmoreland coal fields chargingconspiracy in preaching scdltlo

against laws of tho state and nationIcclaro these suits to be the first ofheir kind to bo flied In the Unitedtales

Tho legal action Is tho outcome ofIlho strike bc ng waged against theilalntlfl companies by several thouand miners in the IrklnWestmore


nearest approach to the proccdlnga taken by the Westerncnnsylvanla operators It Is saidwas tho recent action ot tho NewYork hat manufacturers who suedtho Hatters union for damages whentho union declared them to lielon-tho unfair list The manufwiircrs were awarded 250000 dam +ICSI il

1 n

ArninKdiiiMitH for Alntknii MallJ1Seattle Wash Sept 2fcArt

angcmonts for the final dispatch fdttho season of mall ot aU claswulnU

yertortaiLyho it

anana and other points In the ilnlcrlor of Alaska will be made fromSeattle by way ot Skagway SeptennlIer 9 The last dUpatch fromComo SU Michael and other pointsIIi the Soward Peninsula will bqimdo on October 1 and for EaplcFort Yukon and tributary points onSeptember 2-3IFIIStcJa matter In Knitted quan

Itles will bo sent to Inland Alaskaand Behrlnff Sea points over thelountaln trolls after the closing ot


Wnr Secretary ApprovesManila Sept 2 Secretary of War

Dickinson has given his approval or-

tho project to unify tho constabularyahd the scouts Ho plans to appointa board of officers who will work outtbo details and submit a plan whichII Is hoped may bo placed before con

ret1 In December

fluke Smith CoiiieN flackAtlanta On Sept 2Ex00ver1-

I0r Puke Smith came back polltially today when ho was nominated

ror governor of Georgia and onorscd for1 the presidency of the

United States lu 1912 by tho Demo-

crats heroI


t EDWARDSTheNow Ixcntcxl In Krneix Build

pug Itoom 10

Is ready to take orders forLadles Coat Suits and Skirtsmade to measure Best workmanshlp guaranteed by experi-enced


tailorsOld Vhone 778R

i 944444-i




FOR SALE Household good411 N 7th Old phono C14R

DIAMONDS oo easy paymentEye See Jewelry Co 316 Droadwaj I

FOR SALECheap good heatlnstove Address F M care Sun tI

I RENTAlodern 4 room cot-tage Water and electricity 1638Monroe Phone 2899 I

FOrt SALE Fine 4yearold marcjy broke fancy driver Old phon1881

WA tiTKDApprentice gIrl formillinery department Mrs Bake319 Broadway

UMBRELLAS Covered while youwait Eye See Jewelry Co 316 and408 Broadway

FOR SALE Onohoreo wagonand harness Bargain for quickIsale Address F MI caro Sun

DEATS THEM ALL on priceWilliams Furniture Depot 601 50Third New Phone 981a

Jon RENT Apartment In flat003 North Sixth street Goo litawLeigh

FOIL JlETTwo cottages mOd-

ern conveniences four bocks fretpostoftlco Aplly 502 South Sixth I

FOR RENT Ono apartment SanSoucl apartments 308 North Nlntstreet See W E Cochran

Fon RENTTwo front roomsover Walkers drug store secondfloor Apply D A Yeiser

WANTED You to bear in mindthat Bradley Bros are sole agentsfor Old Taylor Coal

FOR SALiE Two good workhorses cheap Johnston Fuel CqPhone 203

FOR SALE Top buggy w4tn c

rubber tires Good as new p1bnoI1850 Mrs Mary HollandFOIL REST Store house RSS

527 So Third Apply Goo Oehlpchlaogej 823 So Third-

11ANTEDPoslflen by young ladyIDIwith office experience Address

are Suij It

FOR RENT Furnished roomstear business section Gentlemenreferred Old phone 1204

LOST Black cameo breast pin I

leturn to 714 Jefferson and receiverowardt I


Foil dtENTElthomt side doubletenement 721 Harrison Old phone189


FOR RENT Threo unturnlshcidtrooms with lath centrally

Jocated1I1000 Address C taro

FOR SALE A good roller topleak Phone Haynes Dlsmukes910 old 1395 now JFOR SALEA good uprlgl1t1piano A bargain AddresaCithis once j 2

VANTED To furnish your um-

brella with a now cover or handleff N Warren jeweler 403 BroadwaIFORRENT8 room brick cotAPplltoI

rayYoun LACE curtains need clean-

Ing You will make no mistake In

ending them to the Star Laundryhone 300

WE WASH lace curtains very cueally Get thorn cleaner and whiter tthan you could at home Star Launtdry Phone 200

kj It IIOSTEN DyeIng pressingenovatlng French dry cleaning

Work called for and delivered ClubII

100 per month Old phono 338 a-

WANTEDYou to give Old Y tt-


Coal a rial We guarantee to

lease you Bradley Bros 339 t

both phones I

FOR RENT414 SOuth Tenth

Street nine room house bath hotand cold water Eighteen dollarsper month Telephone 102 J A

JudyWAFTEDRahwaymall clerks

aducah examination November

2th 800 to 1000 Preparationfree Franklin Institute Dept

01T Rochester N Y

WANTED You to rememberorder for coalwhen placing your

hot Old Taylor Coal Is by test tho

best and at the same prlco of the

then Inferior coals sold on tho Paucrih marketIoontlllsu1t1

leaned or dry cleaned from 1251to 150 French Cleaning anddressing Co 113 South Fourth

trcct Now phono 480IWE STARCIi ace curtains Justthe degree of stiffness that makes

hem pang nicely and dry them upon

frames that make them square and

stretch them smooth and even StarSundry Phone 800

WIlY GO HOME In the not sun

or your dinner when you can go to j

he Market restaurant 123 South-

econd where It is cool andtomortable and whero you can gett

rhat you want to eat at a price youI

can afford to pay

FOR SALEOne large Ice box

me roller top desk one Dowser oilI

tank two thow case two pair com

mting scales one National cash reg-

Ister one safe one rope reel Apply

to Otle Ovorstreet Twelfth and Jeterson Both phones 133

Skeltons baggage andaeiervlce does general hauling of allI

kinds Delivers parcels transfersrunks to trains and boats moveslight household furniture haulstaxes crates and barrels Freight

to and from depots or wharfboatfoods delivered promptly Give mt

a call Both phonM 2181 j

JIr Ilaw



School Book List

ffor the cityiV r

schools Buyearly to avoid the




nFURNISHED rooms for rent All

conveniences 406 S 4thbOll R NTurntlohedroom

Apply 304 North SixthFOR RENT=3 rooms FurnUficd

or unfurnished ClosO to High schoolPhono 2255

FOR SALE One Art Garland tit ¬

thracite burner and Mahogany foldIng bed 321 North Eighth Oldphono 120-4UNIO LAUEL mens ladles andchildrens shoes and Stronger thantho law men and boys Star Brandshoes Rungos Shoe storeLDARN THE BARBER TRADE

Its easy Good field for ourgraduates Our dlplomaas arerecognized everywhere Established1593 all leading cities Wagewhllo learning Few weeks re ¬

quired Catalogue mailed freeMoler Barber College St LouisMo

ISt MuryV Academyon Tuesday Septem ¬

her Cth Parents and guardians arerequested to have children ready forthe opening day-


Ball lanceMinneapolis Keystone vsfPaducahl

Cubs September 4 and C at Rowlandtown park Game called at 3dock Admission 2Gc


To 1roperfyOwners onJilehftrStreet Front Kentucky Avenue

to Trimble Street

The total cost ot the Improvementof sidewalks curbs and gutters work

Soncontrasrchargeabley ownor811 787713 4736

feelt6632S per front footTho Board of Public Wgrk0 will

hold a special meeting In their onceIn the city hall at 4 oclock Monday

flernoon September 5th 1910 toear any complaints against the

work If any and tho acccptaJicathereat

BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBy L F Kolb Secretary-L A Washington City Engineerl


Walks TlmniRh Streets AfconipaniI lby Two AeljulaiitH

Nauhelm Sept 2rEmpcror Nichalas motored over from Frfjdberg jplay arid vlritod this resort of bathsIn tho most democratic fashion illSnajcEty left his automobile ouUUleho town and walked In accompanied>y two adjutants As the party pass

cd through the streets large crowdsathered and hailed the emperor who

turned their salutations lie vleltcd various objects ot Interest and later had coffee at a public cafe

While hero tho Russian monarchxhlbltod not the least nervousnessthough It was proUablj tho first tlmp

IIn some years that he had come cp

lose>y and freely In contact with thombllc

Mr < W B Kennedy loft this mornInl for Murray on business


Columbia BldK Phone S2IL VV

Perfect Dyeing and DryCleaning

When In doubt about your sununrtYeas Pongee Coats Etc send thrIllto MSI Gentlemens llannett Siililand Trousers cleaned equal to now

Model Steam Dyeing andDry Cleaning Worksion South Third Street

Old Phono SHQR New Phone 904

R + sI