The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in …...The Organisation of Initial Attack and...

The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in California The Valley Fire, Lake County Sept. 12 th 2015 Battalion Chief Greg Bertelli, CAL FIRE, USA Station Commander Andy Elliott, Dorset FRS, UK

Transcript of The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in …...The Organisation of Initial Attack and...

Page 1: The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in …...The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in California The Valley Fire, Lake County Sept. 12 th 2015 Battalion Chief

The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in

California The Valley Fire, Lake County

Sept. 12th 2015 Battalion Chief Greg Bertelli, CAL FIRE, USA

Station Commander Andy Elliott, Dorset FRS, UK

Page 2: The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in …...The Organisation of Initial Attack and prevention in California The Valley Fire, Lake County Sept. 12 th 2015 Battalion Chief

Content We will cover:

Wildfire Preparedness Fire Danger Rating System Incident Command System – ICS Calfire Resources Fire Safe Councils – South Lake Firewise in Lake County The Valley Fire

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Preparedness Situational Awareness

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The Fuel

Are known

Fuel, Topography and Weather are key elements in Wildland fire

behaviour The Topography

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The Weather is constantly changing and is a key factor in wildfire behaviour

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Informs Fire personnel and Land Managers on current weather conditions so that they know what to expect in

the way of fire behavior

Fire Danger Rating System

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Dispatch Level (DL)

Low: Battalion Chief, 2 Engines, Helicopter Medium: Battalion Chief, 3 Engines, 1 Bulldozer, 2 Hand Crews, 1 Helitack, 1 Helicopter, 2 Air Tankers High: Battalion Chief, 5 Engines, 2 Bulldozers, 2 Hand Crews, 1 Helitack, 1 Helicopter, 3 Air Tankers

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The Burning Index is an estimate of the potential difficulty of fire control as a function of how fast and how hot a fire could burn It has been scaled so that the BI value divided by 10 predicts the flame length at the head of a fire. For example, a BI of 75 would predict a flame length of 7.5 feet (2.3 m) Is a function of the Spread Component and the Energy Release Component, and has moderate variability On the day this was predicted at 19.2 feet (5.8m)

Burning Index (BI)

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Ignition Component (IC) Displays the probability of a firebrand causing an ignition requiring a suppression action Number associated is based on a percentage Of 100 firebrands landing in a receptive fuel bed, the IC indicates how many would start a new fire On the day the IC was 95 i.e. It was predicted that 95 of every 100 firebrands would start a spot fire!

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Displays a value numerically equivalent to the predicted forward rate of spread of a head fire in feet per minute The SC is a function of fuel model characteristics, live fuel moistures, the 0 to 3-inch (76 mm) dead fuel moisture (heavily weighted to the 1-hour time lag fuels), wind speed and slope The SC is highly variable due to the effects of relative humidity, wind and live fuel moisture On the day this was predicted at 79 feet/minute

Spread Component (SC)

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Incident Command Structure




Division Division


Division Division

Planning Logistics Finance

Safety Liaison


Presentation Notes
The IC assumes command from the outset, but will be replaced by more senior/qualified officers as the incident develops. It is likely that as the IC is replaced the outgoing IC will become the Operations Commander. The next operational level down is the Branch Supervisor. In the UK this would equate to a Sector Commander. Below the Branch is the Division Supervisor. As this incident develops other functional areas are developed. These include Safety to develop risk assessments and ensure that safe systems of work are employed, Liaison to communicate with other responders such as Law Enforcement and Government Agencies, Public Information Officer to ensure that the public receive all relevant information in a timely manner via the press, social media etc. Other functional areas are also built up as the incident grows including; Planning to consider how this incident will develop over coming hours, days and even weeks, Logistics to ensure that personnel are fed, accommodated, equipped etc. and Finance to take control of the budget at an early stage to ensure fiscal responsibility and to enable federal grants etc. to be claimed at a later date.
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Calfire has six ICS Level 1 Management Teams Calfire Fire Engines 343 Local Government Fire Engines 759 Bulldozers 58 Mobile Kitchen Units 11 Air Tankers 23 Helicopters 12 Firefighters (including seasonal and inmates) 13,750

Presentation Notes
Bert to check.
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South Lake Fire Safe Council

Since 2002 the SLFSC has provided; fire safety education, shaded fuel breaks and chipping For $25 residents receive a chipping service to remove excess fuels. This has been used over 1200 times The Konocti Conservation Camp have assisted the LCFSC to create shaded fuel breaks

Presentation Notes
Info taken from the South Lake Fire Safe Council website.
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Firewise in Lake County

The Fire Safe Council is doing great work in Lake County Firewise has not yet taken off with only one community More work is needed with Firewise in the future

Presentation Notes
I can’t find anything very much on Firewise, but as it has been mentioned in your abstract, felt that I should put a slide in. Does this represent the current position?
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Background to the Valley Fire

Northern California was suffering from a four year drought Multiple major fires were happening in the region prior to the start of the Valley Fire Fire Indices were at an all time critical level Resources were positioned throughout the state

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Initial Response 13:21 First call to 3 acre vegetation fire, property involved, Valley Road 1 Battalion Chief (+Andy!) 5 Fire Engines 1 Air Attack Supervisor 3 Air Tankers 1 Helitack 2 Hand Crews 2 bulldozers

Presentation Notes
Bert to complete.. Image may well be a location plan, yet to decide.
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Initial IC Actions Only a few minutes away TOA 13:32 1 additional helitack requested en route Evacuation of Cobb Mountain ordered Saving life and property were the priorities Additional resources ordered on once in attendance:

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First Assistance Message 1 additional Fire Chief 5 Engines, any type 2 Hand Crews 2 Bulldozers 3 Air Tankers A third Helicopter

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Resources after 1 hour 1 Staging Area Manager 10 Division Supervisors 50 Engines 24 hand crews 14 Bulldozers 16 Air Tankers 1 Helicopter Attack 3 Type 1 Helicopters 2 Medic Units 2 Medic Helicopters

Presentation Notes
Useful to know how many personnel this represents?
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The Burn Over Helitack crew split to defend properties Crew located top of slope, left flank Main fire burning up slight slope and wind driven from the west Spot fires raced up steep slope from the east Crew trapped between fires – shelters deployed

Presentation Notes
Information taken from the green sheet report to summarise the burn over incident. This will ensure that we don’t release anything that hasn’t already been published. Perhaps have a photo of either the crew of Helo 104?
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Fire Shelter Deployment Site

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1958 structures destroyed

1280 homes 27 HMOs 66 commercial buildings 585 other structures Including: 3 thermal power stations 7 firefighters homes

Presentation Notes
Bullet points of property destruction with some photos and possibly map.
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76,067 acres (118 mi2)

At 18:00 12/09 the fire was 18,507 acres By 01:00 13/09 the fire was 40,568 acres By 22:00 13/09 the fire was 53,475 acres By 23:00 14/09 the fire was 76,067 acres

Presentation Notes
Notes of the timeline day by day to indicate rate of spread with photos and maps. The fire outline was captured via Thermal images taken at the times indicated above. The confidence in the last three is high, but a little lower for the first area. However, it suggests that the fire was 18,507 acres 4.5 hours after ignition and 40,568 acres within 12 hours of ignition. That’s 3380 acres/hour!
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The Home of Darlene

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Summary/lessons learnt Partnerships such as the Fire Safe Council and Firewise include and prepare the population Some fires are just too big to fight, even with Calfire resources During the burnover some equipment failed LACES saves lives Common terminology Prevention is cheaper and safer than the cure

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Any Questions? Four members of the Boggs Mountain Helitack Crew 104 were seriously injured during the Valley Fire in California. Please help us to help them by donating to: Thank you for your support.