The Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the implications of wholeness on

The Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the implications of wholeness on science and society Bradley J Nordell Special Topics Seminar Series 1/13/2012 University of Missouri- Kansas City Department of Physics and Astronomy 1


The Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the implications of wholeness on science and society. Bradley J Nordell Special Topics Seminar Series 1/13/2012 University of Missouri- Kansas City Department of Physics and Astronomy. Table of Contents. Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the implications of wholeness on

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The Ontological Interpretation of

Quantum Mechanics and

the implications of wholeness on

science and society Bradley J NordellSpecial Topics Seminar Series 1/13/2012University of Missouri- Kansas CityDepartment of Physics and Astronomy

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Table of ContentsIntroduction

Philosophical schools of quantum theory

Problems with QM

Ontological Interpretation

Implications of Ontological Interpretations and its meaning in reality


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Introduction: The Infinite Beach and the “Self”

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Paradigm Shifts and The History of Scientific Revolutions

• Science does not progress linearly, but exponential through paradigm shifts (similar to that of Moore’s Law)

• When will the next revolution occur? Is QM the last paradigm or will there be another theory, another insights that will alfter man’s perception of the universe? When will it happen and what will it be?

• A new paradigm does not just change science but it changes man’s perception of the world

Historical Paradigm Shifts

1. Greek/Platonic ontology (flat world)2. Newtonian Mechanics3. Copernicus4. Special and General Relativity5. Quantum Theory

Let us explore this history further…

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A Very Brief History of Physics and Reality (Time, Space, Matter and Consciousness)

History Reveals patterns in time, awareness of these pattern gives us truth

The Greeks notion of reality (~100 to 200 B.C)

Newton’s/Leibniz Physical World Principia -(1687)

Faraday/Maxwell’s reality (1865)


Our reality is government by atomic discrete particle

• Particulars• Universal• Reality (ideas) and Illusion (Material)• Beauty Being and Non-Being• Matter

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1900’s – The Birth of New Insights/Concepts General/Special Relativity and Quantum Theory

Einstein’s World• Four dimensional space-time continuum• Cannot separate observer from observed• Individual Continuum• Deterministic/ local/causal• Gravity is curvature of spacetime• Spacetime metric – universal field theory

The Berth of the Quantum

• N-dimensional Hilbert Space• Indivisible whole• Inherent uncertainty• Randomness• Nonlocal• Causality Questionable• Measurement altersThe outcome of aSystem• Duality of Matter• Indeterministic

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The Competing Philosophical Schools of Quantum Theory

Epistemological Ontological• Ontology (from onto- The Greek word

ὄντος meaning: "being; that which is“• Both epistemolgical and ontological are

essential in a physical theory of reality• Must be both conceptual and

mathematical feeding off each other• Mathematics alone constitutes only

knowledge about the statistics of the quantum phenomena and not the phenomena itself.

• There is a deeper level of reality beyond which new concepts and phenomena exist to give us a deeper meaning and explanation of reality as it is

• There are no sound reason against not seeking ontological version of quantum theory

From Greek ἐπιστήμη (epistēmē), meaning "knowledge, science", and λόγος (logos), meaning "study of")

• Must rely on a foundation (axiomatic truths)apriori vs posterori knowledge (Kant) The Wavefunction is a mathematical tool for

calculating probabilities (statistical theory). It does not represent an actual reality but the potentiality that could be realized by measurement

We have uncertainty in the amount of knowledge we can obtained about a system (this is intrinsic)

No clear physical picture can be set, thus mathematical tools are used to obtain the limited knowledge of a system due to indivisibility of quantum process of unpredicability or uncertainty of a measurement of observables.

Going back to the three realities or worlds idea, here we are saying the physical world of quantum regime is explained or is meaningful only in terms of the mathematical world

Going back to the three realities or worlds idea, here we are saying the physical world of quantum regime needs to be explained and in fact exists in all three worlds (which will be shown later can be unified)

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The Mysterious Quantum LandQuantum Tunneling Wave/particle Duality and the

quantum entity

Discrete energy levels and Quantum Jumps

Nonlocality and entanglement

Orbitals and Probability


The All Power Quantum Algorithm (The Oz of physics)

𝑖ℏ 𝜕𝜓𝜕𝑡 =�̂� 𝜓

Wavefunction alone has no physical meaning, however the square of the wavefunction gives probability density


Principle of Linear Superposition: Ψ 𝑡𝑜𝑡=∑𝑖=1


𝑐 𝑖𝜓 𝑖

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The Observer and The Observed – Undivided Wholeness

The Observed (observables)

The Observer (apparatus or the measurement)

In Quantum Mechanics when a measurement is made that which is being measured (the state) is thus put into a certain eigenfunction of that operator or observer.this is in fact one system and to talk of them separately has no meaning, this is indivisible process of the whole

Effect Cause

The Observer effects The Observed and The Observed effects The Observer


Quantum state

�̂�|𝑎 ⟩ =𝐸𝑎|𝑎 ⟩

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The Measurement Problem and the problem of the collapsing wavefunction

Quantum uncertainty, intrinsic property of nature?

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relations

When a measurement is made on an observable like position, then the wavefunction collapses to that specific state. What is truly going on during a wavefunction collapse? And what mechanism is responsible for its collapse?

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The Schrdinger Cat Paradox

𝑐1|𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 ⟩

𝑐2|𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 ⟩

1 0


𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝜓=∑𝑖


𝑐𝑖|𝜑 ⟩ +

Equal Probability for contradicting states.

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Wave and Particle

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Quantum Tunneling

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Quantum Entanglement and nonlocality

Communication of Properties between entities is independent of distance?

Does this violate special relativity and causality?


Nonlocality does not allow a signal to be transmitted faster than that of light

Quantum entanglement occurs when particles such as electrons are correlated within a system and then separated. After separation they act as if they are still connected or correlated in the same quantum state. A measured on one affects the other independent of distance (nonlocality). This is a form of Superposition Principle. According to the Copenhagen interpretation the shared state of two entangled particles in the same quantum state is indefinite until measured.

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Quantum Reality?


The pictures



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The Main Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

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De Broglie/Bohm’s Ontological Interpretation (a.k.a. The Causal Interpretation)

Both de Broglie (1927) and David Bohm (1952) sought after a different interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in order to explain reality as it is and not just mathematically. They felt the current interpretation was incomplete and felt a different interpretation was necessary in order to explain the inconsistencies, ambiguities, and paradoxes of current quantum theory. The grand solution:The Wavefunction was not just a mathematically object but a objectively real field that guides a particle with causally determined trajectories similar to that of the electromagnetic field. Thus the ontological interpretation can be seen in some way as the beginning of a Quantum Field Theory.

Ontological Interpretation

Of Quantum Mechanics

Pilot Wave Theory

Causal determined Trajectories

No wavefunction collapseGuides particle


Bohmian Mechanics/Causal Interpretation

Particle + FieldQuantum Potential

New Order: Implicate, Explicate


Rejected to Solvay Conference, problem: proof against hidden variables later refuted by Bohm.

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PostulatesBohm’s Ontological Interpretation

1. The Wavefunction is assumed to represent an objectively real field and not just a mathematical symbol, where

2. We suppose, besides a field, a particle represented mathematically by a set of coordinates, which are always well defined and vary in a definite way

3. We assume that the velocity of this particle is given by where m is the mass of the particle and S is a phase function obtained from the wavefunction.

4. We suppose the particle is acted on not only by a classical potential but also by an additional Quantum Potential

5. We assume the field is in a state of very random and chaotic fluctuations such that the values of used in usual interpretation of quantum mechanics are a kind of average over a characteristic interval of time. The fluctuations are coming from a deeper sub-quantum level and schrodiner equation will determine the mean behavior of that field.

Copenhagen Interpretation

1. There exist a wavefunction which satisfies a linear equation. This wavefunction has no physical meaning but only statistical.

2. To any self-consistently and well d efined observable (position, moimentum, angular momentum, energy, spin, etc) there corresponds an operator such that the measurement of A yields eigenvalules of A.

3. Any particular observable is definite only when the wavefunction is an eigenfunction of the corresponding operator.

4. When the wavefunction is not an eigenfunction of this operator, then the result of a measurement of the corresponding observable cannot be determined with certainty. The wavefunction will flucuate lawlessly over a range of possibilities.

5. Principle of linear superposition, the wavefunction is a linear combination of all possible states of a system. Physical meaning comes only from the square or modulus of the wavefunction.6. No wavefunction with non-commutable operator can exist which are simultaneous eigenfunctions . This means that not all physically significant observables be determined together. Nature has an intrinsic uncertainty. Those eigenfunction not determined flucuate lawless and the “wave” spready over a large possible states until measured.

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Schrdinger Equation and Hamilton Jacobi Equation for single particle

Single particle (1)


𝑆 ( �⃑� 𝑖 , 𝑡 )=𝑚𝑗 ( �⃑� ,𝑡 )𝜌 ( �⃑� ,𝑡)

=ℏ 𝐼𝑚 (𝜓∗∇𝜓 )

𝜓∗𝜓=−(ℏ2 ) (𝜓∗𝛻𝜓− (𝛻𝜓∗ )𝜓 )


Hamilton-Jacobi Equation (

Probability Density or (3)

(4) 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 :𝑝=∇𝑆𝑚

From (1) and (2)

From (1), (2) and (3)

If then we have not only a classical potential but a Quantum Potential given in (4)


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Many-body Problem and Results

Γ 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚=−∇𝑈 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2,…, �⃑�𝑁 )=−∇ (− ℏ2𝑚𝑅∑



∇𝑖2𝑅 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2 ,…, �⃑�𝑁 ))= ℏ

2𝑚𝑅 ∇ ( 1𝑅 )∑𝑖=1


∇𝑖2𝑅 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2 ,… , �⃑�𝑁 )

𝑈 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2 ,…, �⃑�𝑁 )=− ℏ24𝑚 [ 𝛻2𝑃𝑃 − 12

(𝛻𝑃 )2

𝑃2 ]=− ℏ2𝑚𝑅∑



𝛻𝑖2𝑅 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2 ,… , �⃑�𝑁 )

In the many-body problem unique properties come out of the Quantum Potential and the interaction of all the particles in a system. We see that the many body wavefield connects each particle and the dynamical behavior of a single particle is dependent upon every other particle in the system. Each particle effects every other particle and this information is communicated through the Quantum Potential. The Quantum Potential is not dependent on the intensity of the wavefield but only on its form.

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Example: Symphony

Phase Space trajectories

Every particle is accompanies by a . The form of the field creates trajectories were active information can travel within and guide the particle (due to Quantum Potential). A new type of order is necessary in understanding this field (implicate order).Trajectories for active information to travel.

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The Quantum Potential

𝑈 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2 ,…, �⃑�𝑁 )=− ℏ24𝑚 [ 𝛻2 𝑃𝑃 − 12

(𝛻𝑃 )2

𝑃2 ]=− ℏ2𝑚𝑅∑



𝛻 𝑖2𝑅 ( �⃑�1 , �⃑�2 ,… , �⃑�𝑁 )

• Independent of the intensity of a the wavefield. Therefore it is a nonlocal potential. This new type of potential is responsible for unique behavior of nonlocality and quantum wholeness.

• Depends on the curvature of the wavefield not the intensity!

Relay’s information (Active) to each particle in the system.

‘the quantum potential can develop unstable bifurcation points, which separate classes of particle trajectories according to the “channels” into which they eventually enter and within which they stay. This explains how measurement is possible without “collapse” of the wave function, and how all sorts of quantum processes, such as transitions between states, fusion of two states into one and fission of one system into two, are able to take place without the need for a human observer.’ - Bohm

Active information

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Implicate OrderImplicate Order: Bohm called this the implicate order the order of pre-space, this is implicite order within the +particle of space time. This is the fundamental order of the universe.

Separate entities (particles) arise from such movement as a result of certain enfolded and generative orders thatprevail in the movement. Such entities are not separate substances but relatively autonomous sub-wholes, like vortices in a stream.

The Meaning of the Particle in the Implicate Order

• The implicate order represents both matter and consciousness: (i) enfold the structure of the whole within each region, and (ii) involve continuous processes of enfoldment and unfoldment. For example, in the case of matter, entities such as atoms may represent continuous enfoldment and unfoldment which manifests as a relatively stable and autonomous entity that can be observed to follow a relatively well-defined path in space-time

• In Bohm’s conception of order, he emphasizes the undivided whole, and the implicate order inherent within the whole, rather than to parts of the whole, such as particles, quantum states, and continua. For Bohm, the whole encompasses all entities, from particles, waves and quantum states.

Examples: ink drop in vortices. Television signal to picture

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Explicate Orders and Their UnityWhen a measurement is made or an observation we unfold parts of the implicate order, this unfoldment is the Explicate Order. The explicate order is the particle, the wave, the quantum state, the observable fragmented universe we experience daily.

Bohm maintained that in physics, the explicate order generally reveals itself within well-constructed experimental contexts as, for example, in the sensibly observable results of instruments.

The Explicate order can be viewed like a hologram of a relative part of the implicate order. And once the measurement is made and the hologram is perceived the explicate order is enfolded back into the implicate order

The majority of our theories of the physical universe is based solely on the explicate order.

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The Double Slit and Cat Paradox explained

In the ontological Approach Bohm has now taken our the problem of measurement. In the Copenhagen Interpretation one needed to observe in order to find out what quantum state the cat was in (dead or alive). In the ontological interpretation this is not necessary for due to the fact that the wavefield has causal trajectories for the state to be in and due to the quantum potential the cat will be in a definite state no matter if a observation is made or not

Due to Quantum Potential and trajectories of the wavefield which slit the particle went through is determined causally

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Nonlocality and CompletenessNonlocality is based on the fact that the Quantum Potential is not dependent on the intensity of the -field but only on its form. This makes it independent on distance. And on the many-body problem, every particle is connected to every other particle in the whole (one can extend this to the universe) and every particle is connected nonlocally by information being sent through trajectories by the Quantum Potential.

Bohm's 1952 Due to the fact that particles (like electrons) electron is a real particle guided by a new kind of force, the quantum potential. Unlike all other potentials in physics its effects do not depend upon the strength or "size" of the potential but only on its form. It is for this reason that distant objects can exert a strong influence on the motion of an electron.By this idea all particles are connected within the curvature of the wavefield and communicate through active information due to the Quantum Potential.

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Quantum World and the Classical World Consistency and indivisibility

𝑚 𝑑2 �⃑�𝑑𝑡2

=−𝛻 {𝑉 ( �⃑� )− ℏ22𝑚

𝛻2𝑅𝑅 }

The quantum potential gives a new type of behavior that is far beyond that of the classical world. In the Copenhagen Interpretation there is not a smooth transition from the Quantum domain to the Classical Domain (high quantum numbers. In the ontological Interpretation Bohm has shown that one can obtain classical equations when the quantum potential becomes negligible or goes to zero. Looking at the equation for the quantum force below we can see that if the quantum potential goes to zero we can obtain once more the classical force equation.

In the classical world our observations and measurements seem to not affect the results or that which is being observed i.e. the wavefield curvature is small. For this reason seems to be local and divisible whole.

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Arguments and Problems against the Bohm’s Ontological Interpretation

• Can the Quantum Potential or Quantum Force be measurable either directly or indirectly?

• A: Arahov-bohm effect, vacuum force

• Does not seem to add any new phenomena to the picture

• A: Paradigm happen slowly over time, Democritus predicted the atom and 2000 years later we observed the atom.

• Violation of Occam’s Razor?• Due to its consistent and complete descrpition of reality, it assume just as

many premises as Copanhagen Interpretation.

• Is Occam’s Razor complete?

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The Sub-quantum mechanical level, causality, determinism, indeterminism, holomovement, and consciousness

• Bohm’s interpretation implies a new theory that describes a new type of order and understanding beyond the quantum domain into the sub-quantum domain.

• The quantum domain is less approximate theory of this deeper level of reality. Thus what we see as randomness, indeterminacy and probability is only a mirage of what actually exist at a fundamental level of nature which is controlled by the wave field.

• We are now dealing a qualitative infinity of nature due to the wavefield dynamic behavior. Other Theories in Science have described Primarily the Explicate Order or parts of the implicate order. Time implies greater approximations. Is there a final Theory? For Bohm’s Theory it is describing the implicate order in complete detail.

• Newtonian mechanics is to General/Special Relativity as Quantum theory is to the Ontological interpretation.

• Explanation for mind-matter duality (matter and consciousness are both aspects of the implicate order)

• Deterministic-Indeterministic and causality

• The Holomovement (process of unfolding of explicate from the implicate and the enfolding of explicate back into the implicate)

• An undivided wholeness

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Connections of Wholeness and the World

I. Neurology

II. Biology and Evolution

III. Psychology and Sociology

IV. Philosophy, Religion, Mysticism

V. Education

VI. Self sustainable living

VII. The take home message

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NeurologyImplicate and explicate order and neural networks (neurodynamics)

Consciousness, the brain, and the universe

• The implicate order represents both matter and consciousness: Bohm pointed toward evidence presented by Karl Pribram that memories may be enfolded within every region of the brain rather than being localized (for example in particular regions of the brain, cells, or atoms).• David Bohm had suggested that were we to view the cosmos without the lenses that outfit

our telescopes, the universe would appear to us as a hologram. Pribram extended this insight by noting that were we deprived of the lenses of our eyes and the lens like processes of our other sensory receptors, we would be immersed in holographic experiences

The Holonomic Brain

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Biology and evolution: The dyanmic world of change

Pathways in genetic space similar to trajectories in Bohmian space caused by the -field. The implicate order is in constant dynamic state of evolution and creation of qualitative infinity of nature due to the holomovement and Quantum Potential, is it possible this is responsible for higher order evolution?

Genetic Information (Active information) • Qualitative and Quantitative evolution

by natural selection

Not only do genes (genetic information in our DNA) evolve but also information in cultural phenomena which is called the “meme”. Evolution of Fragmentation?

Our senses have evolved in such a way to understand only the classical world – that which was necessary for survival. Thought process seems to be Quantum Mechanical

Genes (implicate order) Human body attributes (explicate)

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Psychology and Sociobiology• Mental disorders often have to do with the breakdown of

wholeness or unity, in one way or another (Globus, 2010; Stephens and Graham, 2007).

• Dreams, meaning, and the mind

• Behavorism and conditioning as explicate order.

• The self = The Me, the I, the ego implies psychological time of “Becoming” which creates fragmentation and conflict within ourselves and the world

• In present day we live in a fragmented “Tribalism” view. We break ourselves in Cities, nationalities, governments, ethical, etc

• Implicate Order and Wholeness would imply that this is an illusion, that we created the distinction between things by creating the Me, the I, the Self. There is only a universal self

• The End of Time = The ending of the Self• Once we get rid of the desire to “Become” we end the

psychological time (the delusion) and we begin then to end conflict.

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The Monomyth- universal story told throughout time. This is connected or due to Jung Collective Unconscious mind

Consciousness (individual and universal)

The Self and conflict



The ending of Fragmentation

Wholeness and The Ground


Insight and Awareness

Psychedelic Experiences of Mescalin and Wholeness and Mysticism. Eastern Philosophy in Western World

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Education and its Significance In Life and The World

The importance of Education systems

A society is defined by their education system. United States is among the worst

• The problems of education systems specifically in America: Specialization/technique, fragmentation, knowledge instead of intellect, memory instead of awareness, religion, government, false ideals and morals

• Education and wholeness/awareness: If we truly loved or cared for our children, friends, family, we would change the system as it is but as of today we do not

• The new systemGlobal outlook, holistic type of education. Find what the child is interests are and teach him from that perspective with wholeness. Awareness of oneself and understand of one’s self. Smaller schools, passionate teachers. Equality and no leaders

In Aldous Huxley’s novel the Island, portrays the fall of a Utopian eastern minded society to Utalitarian/democratic militarized governments. • The Island of Pala existed

with beliefs of wholeness in eastern thought and mysticism.

• The school systems created in this society are similar to that of Krishnamurti’s ideas.

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Self Sustainable Living: Earthships

• The Three Wizard Visions

• The Earthship Idea

• The future of housing

The Pillars

Solar cells

Solar mass


Recycle material

Greenhouse Recycled and water purification

• Connection to Wholeness With emphasis on nature and humankind

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Wholeness and the ending of social and psychological strife




Everything in the universe is connected by the Implicate Order (within that the Wavefield and the Quantum potential) and within this the holomovement. This indicates a type of Universal Wholeness

Is it possible to change the illusory fragmented world of present day and adopt this notion and understanding of wholeness?

In order to do this we must become aware of our own self (psychologically) and once we can understand ourselves we will then realize there is no self and end the process of “becoming”. We can then be true observers of the world and with true awareness and attention only then can we change. The hope lies in us. For if we cannot change, we are inevitable doomed in this world of strife, hate, and wars.

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Wholeness,Consciousness and Quantum Reality• The Physical and Mental aspects are reality are one in the same. One can proclaim that co-

exist within different aspects of the implicate order. The Quantum Potential can be seen as “consciousness” of the universe and the implicate contains both the mental and physical into a single entity.

Therefore: Implicate order implies Consciousness and Consciousness implies the implicate order

• You are the Consciousness of the World and The World is the consciousness of You.

• Feelings, thoughts, instincts, mind, matter all exist as one in the implicate order of quantum space-time reality (i.e. the quantum field). The movement of the implicate order that gives rise to these potentialities of explicate orders are due to the quantum potential and the holomovement. These explicate orders are what we define as the “observed reality” in both classical and quantum domains. Quantum Reality = holomovement

• Life and death are one of the same. Death to life is nothing more than the enfolding of explicate order into the implicate order and implicate to explicate i.e. the holomovement

• The origin of Conflict and problems with the psychological and sociology aspects of human kind derives itself from the illusion of fragmentation and the “becoming of the self” (explicate orders). To end conflict is to end the “self” and become aware of universal connect of all things (implicate order)

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Summary/The Take home Message

We have showed in this presentation that an ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics is not just valid and possible but also that it has far reaching implications and insights into reality specifically understanding of quantum reality in a consistent and clear manner. It is possible to extends this interpretation into other domains in physics like condensed matter in order to achieve greater understanding in this area of science.

Not only are new concepts necessary in the ontological interpretations but these new concepts can led to insights that can dramatically alter the way we view and exist within the world of present day. Specifically, the idea of Wholeness and universal connections of all entities by the Implicate Order. These notions of Wholeness have led to revolutionary ideas of world peace, intelligence, psychology, neurology, consciousness, education, and self sustainable homes; all of which have the ultimate goal of changing the world by ending conflict, social strife, hate, indifference, anger, violence, and discrimination.

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Awareness is Truth

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Questions to Consider for Discussion1. Why change our view or interpretation of a scientific model that we

are used to and it works? What is the point of an ontological view of reality?

2. What is the meaning of time within the implicate order? If psychological time does not exist, then why do we think in a past-present-future fashion? Is time only a explicate order pheneomena, does the implicate order depend on time?

3. If we are trapped in a world that has lived with fragmentation for thousands of years, then what is the point of me changing? Just cause one person doesn’t mean the world will and thus I will be destroyed by the fragmented word that treats me like a traitor. So what is the point of such a self sacrifice?

4. How can we apply this ontological interpretation to my area of specialization like condensed matter or cosmology? What new phenomena may come about? Could the ontological phenomena help explains things like crystalline-amorphous phase transitions, transport properties in amorphous systems? Dark matter?

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Ontological interpretation and amorphous materials

In a crystalline solid, the Quantum Potential is zero however this changes in a phase transition from crystalline to amorphous

Using the charge density function and potential field lines

Delocalized states mixed with localized states give rise a quantum potential

This implies non local transport in amorphous networkActive Information

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The Aharonov-Bohm Effect