The One Woman Web Team

The One Woman Web Team Katherine Druckman Webmistress, Linux Journal WIOS - SCaLE 8x Feb 19th, 2010


Slides from SCaLE8x WIOS presentation.

Transcript of The One Woman Web Team

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The One Woman Web Team

Katherine DruckmanWebmistress, Linux Journal

WIOS - SCaLE 8xFeb 19th, 2010

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Going it alone

● Open Source project page● Or maybe you're just a masochist

● Regional event site

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You want this:

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Assembling Your Team

● Graphic designer● Front-end

developer/UX● Programmer● Sys admin


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Wait... What??

Photo by po go re lo va

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This is what we have, and this is what we're going to win with.

-My husband (and the Israeli Military)

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Assemble your gear for the steep climb ahead

Decide on the platform that is right for your project:

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Plan of Attack● Identify your primary

goals● User-centric● Content-driven● Selling something?

What?● Inform? Entertain?

● Prioritize!● Define your most

important features● How to achieve these

with given resources● Weigh design,

performance, usability

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Getting organized

● Version control!!!● Git, Suvbersion, Bazaar (whichever makes you

happy. Just please use something.)

a.k.a Do as I say, not as I do

● Time-tracking - get help with what's dragging you down

● Set a realistic timeline (and try to actually stick to it)

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Identify Strengths and Weaknesses● Is ok to not be perfect.● Give weight to those tasks you enjoy spending

time on.● There could be many ways of achieving your

desired result – use the path of least resistance● [disclaimer: I am going to get in trouble for this]

You don't always have time for best practices

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You've identified your weak spots, now what?

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Find help● Local User Groups● Regional Events● Online Forums● IRC

As a woman, should I seek out women-centric resources for help?

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● Drupalchix -● PHPWomen -● .51 -● Women Who Tech -

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How To Ask For Help● Be respectful of others' time.● Don't ask for a fish. Ask where the poles are.

Your problem is probably not unique, and the answer is probably written somewhere.

● Just as you receive help, help others. There will always be someone who knows less than you.

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Pitfalls to Avoid

● Featuritis! (We can be just like Facebook!)

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This is SO temping, I know

Photo by bookgrl

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But you probably just need:

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Pitfalls to Avoid● Featuritis!● Design by committee● Failure to prioritize● Forgetting your users

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Multi-disciplinary approach● Ergonomics● Interior Design

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Photo by: annahape-gallery

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Multi-disciplinary approach● Ergonomics● Interior Design● Psychology

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Multi-disciplinary approach● Ergonomics/design● Psychology● Engineering● Social Science

Encourage women of all backgrounds. Recruit from different fields.

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Diversity should be a means to an end, not the end itself.

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Katherine Druckman
