The One Hoss Shay y Otros

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  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    The Project Gutenberg EBook of The One Hoss Shay, by Oliver Wendell


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    Title' The One Hoss Shay

    With its (o$anion Poes Ho! the Old Horse Won the Bet )

    The Broostick Train

    *uthor' Oliver Wendell Holes

    +llustrator' Ho!ard Pyle

    elease -ate' October ./, 0112 3EBook 4510627

    &anguage' English

    (haracter set encoding' 8T9%/

    ::: ST*T O9 TH+S PO;E(T G8TE

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    The One Hoss Shay

    With its Companion Poems

    Ho the Old Horse !on the "et


    The "roo$stic% Train

    "y Oliver !endell Hol$es

    With Illustrations by

    Hoard &yle

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    Boston and New York

    Houghton' (ifflin and )o$pany

    The *iverside &ress' )a$bridge+

    ( ,))) -)


    )opyright' 100' 10' 1003' and 1045'

    "6O789* !9:,977 HO7(9S.

    )opyright' 1041'


  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    $aterial difficulties it presents. t is conceivable that a being of an order superior

    to hu$anity should so understand the conditions of $atter that he could construct

    a $achine hich should go to pieces' if not into its constituent ato$s' at a given

    $o$ent of the future. The $ind $ay ta%e a certain pleasure in this picture of the

    i$possible. The event follos as a logical conseBuence of the presupposed

    condition of things.

    There is a practical lesson to be got out of the story. Observation []shos us in

    hat point any particular $echanis$ is $ost li%ely to give ay. n a agon' for

    instance' the ea% point is here the axle enters the hub or nave. !hen the

    agon brea%s don' three ti$es out of four' thin%' it is at this point that the

    accident occurs. The or%$an should see to it that this part should never give

    ayC then find the next vulnerable place' and so on' until he arrives logically at

    the perfect result attained by the deacon.

    ;nBuestionably there is so$ething a little li%e extravagance in ?Ho the OldHorse on the "et' hich taxes the credulity of experienced horse$en. Still

    there have been a good $any surprises in the history of the turf and the trotting



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    The delusion co$$only spo%en of' as if it belonged to Sale$' as $ore

    idely diffused through the tons of 9ssex )ounty. 7oo%ing upon it as a pitiful

    and long dead and buried superstition' trust $y poe$ ill no $ore offend the

    good people of 9ssex )ounty than Ta$ OEShanter orries the honest fol% of


    The localities referred to are those ith hich a$ fa$iliar in $y drives about

    9ssex )ounty.

    O. !. H.

    %uly' 1041.


    TH9 ,9A)O:ES (AST9*&9)9. &A
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    ?The parson ta%es a drive 2

    ?All at once the horse stood still 23

    ?Then so$ething decidedly li%e a spill 2

    ?Fust as bubbles do hen they burst 20

    ?9nd of the onderful one@hoss@shay 24

    HO! TH9 O7, HO*S9 !O: TH9 "9T.Half Title /5

    [4]?The fa$ous trotting ground /1

    ?(any a noted steed /2

    ?The Sunday sell //

    ?The Gointed tande$ />

    ?So shy ith us' so free ith these /

    ?The lovely bonnets bea$ed their s$iles /3

    ?Ell bet you to to one /

    ?Harnessed in his one@hoss@shay /0

    ?The sexton ... led forth the horse >5

    ?A sight to see >1

    ?They lead hi$' li$ping' to the trac% >2

    ?To li$ber out each stiffened Goint >/

    ?So$ething li%e a stride >

    ?A $ighty stride he sung >

    ?Off ent a shoe >0

    ?And no the stand he rushes by 5

    ?And off they spring 1

    ?They follo at his heels 2

    ?TheyEre losing ground 2

    ?HeEs distanced all the lot /

    ?So$e too% his ti$e >

    ?"ac% in the one@hoss shay he ent 3

    ?A horse 'an trot' for all heEs old

    TH9 "*OO(ST) T*A:.

    Half Title 0

    ?)lear the trac% 4

    ?An 9ssex ,eacon dropped in to call 35

    ?The old dellings 31?The s$all sBuare indos 31

    ?,ar%' di$' ,ante@li%e solitudes 3/

    [15]?:or$anEs !oe 3>

    ?The Screeching !o$an of (arblehead 3

    ?t isnEt fair 33

    ?6ouEre a good oldIfelloIco$e' let us go 30
  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    ?See ho tall theyEve gron 34

    ?They called the cats 5

    ?The 9ssex people had dreadful ti$es 1

    ?The ithered hags ere free 2

    ?A strange sea@$onster stole their bait >

    ?They could hear hi$ tenty $iles ?They ca$e ... at their $asterEs call 3

    ?6ou can hear her blac% catEs purr 0

    ?)atch a glea$ fro$ her ic%ed eye 4

    Tail &iece 05

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    The ,eaconEs (asterpiece

    HA89you heard of the onderful one@hoss shay'

    That as built in such a logical ay

    t ran a hundred years to a day'And then' of a sudden' itIah' but stay'

    Ell tell you hat happened ithout delay'

    Scaring the parson into fits'

    [1/]=rightening people out of their its'I

    Have you ever heard of that' sayJ

    Seventeen hundred and fifty@five'

    (eorgius $e'undusas then alive'I

    Snuffy old drone fro$ the

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    n scre' bolt' thoroughbrace'Ilur%ing still'

    =ind it so$ehere you $ust and ill'I

    Above or belo' or ithin or ithout'I

    And thatEs the reason' beyond a doubt'

    A chaise breaks down' but doesnEt wear out.

    "ut the ,eacon sore Kas ,eacons do'

    !ith an ? de vu$' or an ? tellyeou'L

    He ould build one shay to beat the taon

    EnE the %eounty EnE all the %entry raounEC

    t should be so built that it 'ouldn)brea% daonMI?=ur' said the ,eacon' ?EtEs $ighty plain

    Thut the ea%esE place $usE stanE the strainC

    EnE the ay tE fix it' uN $aintain'

    s only Gest

    TE $a%e that place uN strong uN the rest.

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    So the ,eacon inBuired of the village fol%

    !here he could find the strongest oa%'

    That couldnEt be split nor bent nor bro%e'I


    That as for spo%es and floor and sillsC

    He sent for lanceood to $a%e the thillsC

    The crossbars ere ash' fro$ the straightest trees'

    The panels of hiteood' that cuts li%e cheese'

    "ut lasts li%e iron for things li%e theseC

    The hubs of logs fro$ the ?SettlerEs ellu$'I

    7ast of its ti$ber'Ithey couldnEt sell Ee$'

    :ever an axe had seen their chips'

    And the edges fle fro$ beteen their lip

    Their blunt ends friNNled li%e celery@tipsCStep and prop@iron' bolt and scre'

    Spring' tire' axle' and linchpin too'

    Steel of the finest' bright and blueC

    Thoroughbrace bison@s%in' thic% and ideC[10]

    "oot' top' dasher' fro$ tough old hide

    =ound in the pit hen the tanner died.

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    That as the ay he ?put her through.

    ?ThereM said the ,eacon' ?nao sheEll de.

    ,oM tell you' rather guess

    She as a onder' and nothing lessM


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    )olts gre horses' beards turned gray',eacon and deaconess dropped aay'

    )hildren and grandchildrenIhere ere theyJ

    "ut there stood the stout old one@hoss@shay

    As fresh as on 7isbon@earthBua%e@dayM

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros




  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    7ittle of all e value here

    !a%es on the $orn of its hundredth year

    !ithout both feeling and loo%ing Bueer.n fact' thereEs nothing that %eeps its youth'

    So far as %no' but a tree and truth.

    KThis is a $oral that runs at largeC

    Ta%e it.I6ouEre elco$e.I:o extra charge.L


    =*STO=:O89("9*'Ithe 9arthBua%[email protected]

    There are traces of age in the one@hoss@shay'

    A general flavor of $ild decay'

    "ut nothing local' as one $ay say.

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    [2>]There couldnEt be'Ifor the ,eaconEs art

    Had $ade it so li%e in every part

    That there asnEt a chance for one to start.

    =or the heels ere Gust as strong as the thills'

    And the floor as Gust as strong as the sills'

    And the panels Gust as strong as the floor'And the hippletree neither less nor $ore'

    And the bac%@crossbar as strong as the fore'

    And spring and axle and hub en'ore'

    And yet' as a whole' it is past a doubt

    n another hour it ill be worn outM


    =irst of :ove$ber' E=ifty@fiveM

    This $orning the parson ta%es a drive.

    :o' s$all boys' get out of the ayM

    Here co$es the onderful one@hoss@shay'

    ,ran by a rat@tailed' ee@nec%ed bay.

    ?HuddupM said the parson.IOff ent they.


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    The parson as or%ing his SundayEs text'IHad got to*i*thly' and stopped perplexed

    At hat theI(osesIas co$ing next.

    All at once the horse stood still'

    )lose by the $eetEnE@house on the hill.

    I=irst a shiver' and then a thrill'

    Then so$ething decidedly li%e a spill'I


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    And the parson as sitting upon a roc%'

    At half@past nine by the $eetEnE@house cloc%'I

    Fust the hour of the 9arthBua%e shoc%M

    I!hat do you thin% the parson found'

    !hen he got up and stared aroundJ

    The poor old chaise in a heap or $ound'

    As if it had been to the $ill and groundM

    6ou see' of course' if youEre not a dunce'

    Ho it ent to pieces all at once'I

    All at once' and nothing first'IFust as bubbles do hen they burst.

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    9nd of the onderful one@hoss@shay.

    7ogic is logic. ThatEs all say.


  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    HO! TH9 O7, HO*S9 !O: TH9 "9T

    ET !ASon the fa$ous trotting@ground'

    The betting $en ere gathered round

    =ro$ far and nearC the ?crac%s ere there

    !hose deeds the sporting prints declare

    The sift g. $.' Old Hira$Es nag'

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    The fleet s. h.' ,an &feifferEs brag'

    [/2]!ith these a thirdIand ho is he

    That stands beside his fast b. g.J

    "udd ,oble' hose catarrhal na$e

    So fills the nasal tru$p of fa$e.

    There too stood $any a noted steed

    Of (essenger and (organ breedC

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    "lue are the s%ies of opening dayC

    The bordering turf is green ith (ayC

    The sunshineEs golden glea$ is thron

    On sorrel' chestnut' bay' and roanC

    The horses pa and prance and neigh'

    =illies and colts li%e %ittens play'

    And dance and toss their rippled $anes

    Shining and soft as sil%en s%einsC

    !agons and gigs are ranged about'

    And fashion flaunts her gay turn@outC

    Here stands'Ieach youthful FehuEs drea$'IThe Gointed tande$' tic%lish tea$M

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    And there in a$pler breadth expand

    The splendors of the four@in@handC

    On faultless ties and glossy tiles

    The lovely bonnets bea$ their s$ilesC

    KThe styleEs the $an' so boo%s avoC

    The styleEs the o$an' anyhoCL

    =ro$ flounces frothed ith crea$y lace&eeps out the pug@dogEs s$utty face'

    Or spaniel rolls his liBuid eye'

    Or stares the iry pet of S%yeCI

    O o$an' in your hours of ease

    So shy ith us' so free ith theseM


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    ?)o$e onM Ell bet you to to one

    Ell $a%e hi$ do itM ?!ill youJ ,oneM

    !hat as it ho as bound to doJ

    did not hear and canEt tell you'I

    &ray listen till $y storyEs through.

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    Scarce noticed' bac% behind the rest'

    "y cart and agon rudely prest'

    The parsonEs lean and bony bay

    Stood harnessed in his one@horse shayI

    7ent to his sexton for the dayC

    KA funeralIso the sexton saidC

    His $otherEs uncleEs ife as dead.L

    7i%e 7aNarus bid to ,ivesE feast'

    So loo%ed the poor forlorn old beastC[/4]His coat as rough' his tail as bare'

    The gray as sprin%led in his hairC

    Sports$en and Goc%eys %ne hi$ not'

    And yet they say he once could trot

    A$ong the fleetest of the ton'

    Till so$ething crac%ed and bro%e hi$ don'I

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    The steedEs' the states$anEs' co$$on lotM

    ?And are e then so soon forgotJ

    Ah $eM doubt if one of you

    Has ever heard the na$e ?Old "lue'

    !hose fa$e through all this region rung

    n those old days hen as youngM

    ?"ring forth the horseM AlasM he shoed

    :ot li%e the one (aNeppa rodeC

    [>5]Scant@$aned' sharp@bac%ed' and sha%y@%need'

    The rec% of hat as once a steed'

    7ips thin' eyes hollo' stiff in GointsC

    6et not ithout his %noing points.

    The sexton laughing in his sleeve'

    As if Et ere all a $a%e@believe'

    7ed forth the horse' and as he laughed


    ;nhitched the breeching fro$ a shaft'

    ;nclasped the rusty belt beneath'

    ,re forth the snaffle fro$ his teeth'

    Slipped off his head@stall' set hi$ free

    =ro$ strap and rein'Ia sight to seeM

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    So orn' so lean in every li$b't canEt be they are saddling hi$M

    t isM his bac% the pig@s%in strides

    And flaps his lan%' rheu$atic sidesC

    !ith loo% of $ingled scorn and $irth

    They buc%le round the saddle@girthC

    !ith horsey in% and saucy toss

    A youngster thros his leg across'

    And so' his rider on his bac%'

    They lead hi$' li$ping' to the trac%'

    =ar up behind the starting@point'To li$ber out each stiffened Goint.


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    As through the Geering crod he past'

    One pitying loo% old Hira$ castC


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  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    Off ent a shoe'Iaay it spun'

    Shot li%e a bullet fro$ a gunC

    The Bua%ing Goc%ey shapes a prayer

    =ro$ scraps of oaths he used to searC

    He drops his hip' he drops his rein'

    He clutches fiercely for a $aneC


    HeEll lose his holdIhe says and reelsI

    HeEll slide beneath those tra$pling heelsMThe %nees of $any a horse$an Bua%e'

    The floers on $any a bonnet sha%e'

    And shouts arise fro$ left and right'

    ?Stic% onM Stic% onM ?Hould tightM Hould tightM

    ?)ling round his nec% and donEt let goI

    ?That pace canEt hold'IthereM steadyM hoaM

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    "ut li%e the sable steed that bore

    The spectral lover of 7enore'

    His nostrils snorting foa$ and fire'

    :o stretch his bony li$bs can tireC

    And no the stand he rushes by'

    And ?Stop hi$MIstop hi$M is the cry.



    Stand bac%M heEs only Gust begun'I

    HeEs having out three heats in oneM?,onEt rush in frontM heEll s$ash your brainsC

    "ut follo up and grab the reinsM

    Old Hira$ spo%e. ,an &feiffer heard'

    And sprang i$patient at the ordC

    "udd ,oble started on his bay'

    Old Hira$ folloed on his gray'

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    And off they spring' and round they go'

    The fast ones doing ?all they %no.


    7oo%M tice they follo at his heels'

    As round the circling course he heels'

    And hirls ith hi$ that clinging boy

    7i%e Hector round the alls of TroyC

    Still on' and on' the third ti$e roundM

    TheyEre tailing offM theyEre losing groundM


    "udd ,obleEs nag begins to failM

    ,an &feifferEs sorrel his%s his tailM

    And seeM in spite of hip and shout'

    Old Hira$Es $are is giving outM

    :o for the finishM at the turn'The old horseIall the rest astern'I

    )o$es singing in' ith easy trotC

    "y FoveM heEs distanced all the lotM

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    That trot no $ortal could explainCSo$e said' ?Old ,utch$an co$e againM

    So$e too% his ti$e'Iat least they tried'

    "ut hat it as could none decideC

    One said he couldnEt understand

    !hat happened to his second handC

    One said 2.15C thatcouldnEt beI

    (ore li%e to tenty to or threeC

    []Old Hira$ settled it at lastC

    ?The ti$e as toItoo dee@vel@ish fastM

    The parsonEs horse had on the betC

    t cost hi$ so$ething of a seatC

    "ac% in the one@hoss shay he entC

    The parson ondered hat it $eant'

    And $ur$ured' ith a $ild surprise

    And pleasant tin%le of the eyes'

    ?That funeral $ust have been a tric%'

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    Or corpses drive at double@Buic%C

    shouldnEt onder' declare'

    f brotherIFehuI$ade the prayerM

    And this is all have to say

    About that tough old trotting bay.HuddupM HuddupM

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros




  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


    TH9 "*OO(ST) T*A:

    7OOoutM 7oo% out' boysM )lear the trac%M

    The itches are hereM TheyEve all co$e bac%M

    They hanged the$ high'I:o useM :o useM

    !hat cares a itch for a hang$anEs nooseJThey buried the$ deep' but they ouldnEt lie still'

    =or cats and itches are hard to %illC

    [35]They sore they shouldnEt and ouldnEt die'I

    "oo%s said they did' but they lieM they lieM

    IA couple of hundred years' or so'

    They had %noc%ed about in the orld belo'

    !hen an 9ssex ,eacon dropped in to call'

    And a ho$esic% feeling seiNed the$ allC

    =or he ca$e fro$ a place they %ne full ell'And $any a tale he had to tell.


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    They long to visit the haunts of $en'

    To see the old dellings they %ne again'

    And ride on their broo$stic%s all around

    Their ide do$ain of unhalloed ground.

    n 9ssex county thereEs $any a roof

    !ell %non to hi$ of the cloven hoofC

    The s$all sBuare indos are full in vie

    !hich the $idnight hags ent sailing through'


    On their ell@trained broo$stic%s $ounted high'

    Seen li%e shados against the s%yC)rossing the trac% of ols and bats'

    Hugging before the$ their coal@blac% cats.

    !ell did they %no' those gray old ives'

    The sights e see in our daily drives

    Shi$$er of la%e and shine of sea'

    "ronEs bare hill ith its lonely tree'

    Kt asnEt then as e see it no'

    !ith one scant scalp@loc% to shade its broCL

    ,us%y noo%s in the 9ssex oods',ar%' di$' ,ante@li%e solitudes'

    !here the tree@toad atches the sinuous sna%e

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    psich *iverC its old stone bridgeC

    =ar off AndoverEs ndian *idge'

    And $any a scene here history tells

    So$e shado of bygone terror dells'I

    Of ?:or$anEs !oe ith its tale of dread'

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    Of the Screeching !o$an of (arblehead'

    KThe fearful story that turns $en pale

    ,onEt bid $e tell it'I$y speech ould fail.L

    !ho ould not' ill not' if he can'

    "athe in the breeNes of fair )ape Ann'I*est in the boers her bays enfold'

    7oved by the sache$s and sBuas of oldJ

    Ho$e here the hite $agnolias bloo$'

    [33]Seet ith the bayberryEs chaste perfu$e'

    Hugged by the oods and %issed by the seaM

    !here is the 9den li%e to theeJ

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    =or that ?couple of hundred years' or so'

    There had been no peace in the orld beloC

    The itches still gru$bling' ?t isnEt fairC

    )o$e' give us a taste of the upper airM

    !eEve had enough of your sulphur springs'

    And the evil odor that round the$ clingsC!e long for a drin% that is cool and nice'I

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros



    ?Here are your broo$stic%s' an i$p replied.

    ?TheyEve been inIthe place you %noIso long

    They s$ell of bri$stone unco$$on strongC

    "ut theyEve gained by being left alone'I

    Fust loo%' and youEll see ho tall theyEve gron.

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    I?And here is $y catJ a vixen sBualled.

    ?6es' here are our catsJ the itches baled'

    And began to call the$ all by na$e

    As fast as they called the cats' they ca$e

    There as bob@tailed To$$y and long@tailed Ti$'

    And all@eyed Fac%y and green@eyed Fi$'

    And splay@foot "enny and sli$@legged "eau'

    And S%inny and SBually' and Ferry and Foe'

    [1]And $any another that ca$e at call'I

    t ould ta%e too long to count the$ all.All blac%'Ione could hardly tell hich as hich'

    "ut every cat %ne his on old itchC

    And she %ne hers as hers %ne her'I

    Ah' didnEt they curl their tails and purrM

    :o sooner the ithered hags ere free

    Than out they sar$ed for a $idnight spreeC

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    couldnEt tell all they did in rhy$es'

    "ut the 9ssex people had dreadful ti$es.



    The Sa$pscott fisher$en still relate

    Ho a strange sea@$onster stole their baitC

    Ho their nets ere tangled in loops and %nots'

    And they found dead crabs in their lobster@pots.

    &oor ,anvers grieved for her blasted crops'

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    And !il$ington $ourned over $ildeed hops.

    A blight played havoc ith "everly beans'I

    t as all the or% of those hateful BueansM

    A dreadful panic began at ?&rideEs'

    !here the itches stopped in their $idnight rides'

    And there rose strange ru$ors and vague alar$sE(id the peaceful dellers at "everly =ar$s.



    :o hen the "oss of the "elda$s foundThat ithout his leave they ere ra$ping round'

    He called'Ithey could hear hi$ tenty $iles'

    =ro$ )helsea beach to the (isery slesC

    The deafest old granny %ne his tone

    !ithout the tric% of the telephone.

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    ?)o$e here' you itchesM )o$e hereM says he'I?At your ga$es of old' ithout as%ing $eM

    Ell give you a little Gob to do

    That ill %eep you stirring' you godless creM

    They ca$e' of course' at their $asterEs call'

    The itches' the broo$stic%s' the cats' and allC


    He led the hags to a railay train

    The horses ere trying to drag in vain.

    ?:o' then' says he' ?youEve had your fun'And here are the cars youEve got to run.

    The driver $ay Gust unhitch his tea$'

    !e donEt ant horses' e donEt ant stea$

    6ou $ay %eep your old blac% cats to hug'

    "ut the loaded train youEve got to lug.

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    Since then on $any a car youEll see

    A broo$stic% plain as plain can beC

    On every stic% thereEs a itch astride'I

    The string you see to her leg is tied.

    She ill do a $ischief if she can'

    "ut the string is held by a careful $an'And henever the evil@$inded itch

    !ould cut so$e caper' he gives a titch.


    As for the hag' you canEt see her'

    "ut har%M you can hear her blac% catEs purr'

    And no and then' as a car goes by'

    6ou $ay catch a glea$ fro$ her ic%ed eye.

    Often youEve loo%ed on a rushing train'

    "ut Gust hat $oved it as not so plain.

    t couldnEt be those ires above'

    =or they could neither pull nor shoveC

    !here as the $otor that $ade it go

    6ou couldnEt guess' but now you know.


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    *e$e$ber $y rhy$es hen you ride again

    On the rattling rail by the broo$stic% trainM

  • 8/9/2019 The One Hoss Shay y Otros


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