The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1899-04-13 [p...

THE OMAHA BATTiY 1JEE : TTIVRSDAV , APTlTTj in , 1810. Again Wheat Strengthens and Gains Oent- on Drop Damage Bcports , CORN AND OATS ARE A SHADE BETTER Arc HourMny MiiiiMn- tlon - llrliiK SUM t'mlcr AVny Pork IjOMt'N Twite nnil n Hnlf- CIIICAOO. . April 12. Persistent reports to- day ¬ of crop damage (strengthened wheat nnd May clo'ed with a gain of Ic. Corn Im- proved ¬ 4p and oats He. Pork lost 12'4c , lard Jtic nnd ribs Be- .Reporttl . of crop conditions were the chief considerations again with wheat speculators nt the opening nnd those being of one un- varying ¬ tone of badness the market opened litrong. Receipts here nnd In the northwest were small , Chicago Betting only 35 cars , of which 2 were graded contract , and Mlnne- npolls - und UulutU 188 , colnpared with 112 a year ago. The MKsourl weather bureau ro- jiort - of wheat condition In that stale said many correspondeula reported half the wheat killed , and the Iowa state report claimed late sown wheat wow about all dead end early sown seriously damaged. Private reporlM wore almost Unanimously of a most dlscouraglnK character with regard to ' 'tho injury done. Those were not repetitions of previous reports , but from fresh sources.- Mny . wheat opened to .ic higher at .KM ? , and during the llr t two bourn rose to- 72'Jc. . At that point , however , realizing com- menced ¬ nnd forced the price back again to- ijamogo claims again became popular , however , nnd were- given the most considera- tion ¬ Thcro were several UPS and downs as- thn session progressed , with trade very light. On ono ot the downward reactions about forty minutes frirm the close some ttioavy shorts attempled lo cover. Imme- diately ¬ the price shot up , May touching 72-Vc , -losing with Heller * nt ij . 2lic. There were a number of considerations' In- rorn of bullish Import and the. market ruled Ilrm. Receipts were only 93 cars. Liver- pool ¬ cables weru Mjd higher on futures and the cash situation was Improved , owing to the now reduced export rates. Mny started 3.i ttUe higher at Sl&H lfcc , sold up to 31'fc- clind closed at 31Hc. There was. llttlo doing In the oats market nnd outside of nn occasional spurt with wheat It wa * very slow. The bulk of biisl- np."rt - consisted of buying May and selling July nt lc premium. Cash demand was good. Receipts small , 100 cars. May began He higher at 2fi-c , sold oft to 2 and rose to 2fi'ie at the close. Provisions were very hoavy. May liquida- tion ¬ was still under way and the course of prices was controlled by that and covering liy aborts on the ctevllno. May pork opened fc lower at $ ! . declined to JS.Ri4 ' and Im- proved ¬ to $ i.924 at the close. The range In lard and ribs was Inconsequential.- ISstlmnled . receipts for Thursday : Wheat. 03 cars ; corn , 135 cars ; oats , 92 cars ; hogs , 23.000 head. Leading futures ranged as follow- Articles. * - . . Open. Hlirh.- 72M . L w- .71M . Clone- .72H . Yend'y. May. . . July. , 71M7U- 36HMK 72M 71- ns Torn.- May. . .. . S4M July. . Sept. , , 3511- EfiH 30 t- 25M 3BH- C4M2 30 'M'H- 8I12H 35M- 24M OatB- .May. . . . . July. . , * Pork.- May. . .. . 000- U 000- U 8R7W son July . . 10- r I''M 000- t yoo- S2B B17K Lanl.- May. . .. . , ir 5 15- can 10 620 July. .. can Sept. .. 645 5 40- 4JJ7H 537 * BlhH.- May. . ... 4 G2K 4in- 4H7H ( 402) ), July. . . 475- 487X 47ft 480 Sept. . . 4 00 4874 490- No. . 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents.$- 3.COf3.CO . ; straights , 3203.30 ; clears , 3.00 ( 3.10 : spring sp'clals , 410ff4.25 ' ; ivitents.I- 3.20f(3.CO . ( ; straights. J290S3.10 ; bakers , $2.20- CJ2. . 1- 0.YHBAT . No. 2 spring , 71T72c : No. 3- BprlliR , GGi5i70c ; No. 2 red , 73fT75Vic. CORN No. 2 , 3lV4c ; No. 2 yellow , SMSiSfa. OATS No. 2. 27W27 4c ; No. 2 white. SOJj-Slc ;' INo. 3 white , 29U.rr30'4C- .RYIC | . No. 2 , 63Uc- .HAHLI3Y . No. 2. 395 17c. SEEDS No. 1 flax-seed , J1.20 ; northwest , J123U. . I'rimc timothy sccd.u O. Clover need , contract Krade , not quoted. t PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.90g 895. Lard , ner 100 Ibs. , J512i5515. ! Short ribs slde.H ( loose ) , $ l455riSO. Dry salted Bhoulders ( boxed ) . 437V4Q4CO. Short clear tides ( boxed ), 485iif495. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per Eal. , $1.2f- i.SUGARS . Cut loaf , J5.S3 ; Kranulated , 533. The following are the receipts and ship- ments ¬ for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlp'ts. Flour , bbls . 1S.OOO 32.000 Wheat , bu . 51,000 8.CO ) Corn , bu . 272,000 111.000 Oats , bu . 245.000 20fi,00- 03lye. . bu . 7,000 1,00- 0JJarlcy. . bu . 21,000 13.000- On the Produce exchange today the but- ter ¬ market was quiet and easy ; creameries , ] lf20e | ; dairies , lUi nHc. Eggs , steady : fresh , Wic. Cheese , steady ; creams , ll }; ® MOW Youic < ; IMHAI : , MAHKIST- .IliiolaUoiiM . for ( In- Day nil General Cniiiinodltli-N. : YORK. April 12. FLOURRO- celpts - , 20,920 bbls. ; fxporta , 3,120 bbls , ; a little more active and firmer with wheat. RYE Stronger ; No. 2 western , GS' gGGc ; state , file- .UARLEY . Nominal.- NARLKY . MALT Dull- .'l . I EAT Receipts , 2SG7f bu. ; exports. 39- 915 , - bu. Snot , Ilrm ; No. 2 red , 83 ic ; No. 1 northern Duliith , Slic ; No. 2 northern Duliith , SOVdc ; No. 1 hard Manitoba , S4iic. Option * opened Ilrm on cables and crop Jiewf. Speculation very light , however, and although crop accounts became sensation- ally ¬ bad later In the day prices responded s'.owly. affected chiefly by moderate. cover- Ing. - . Export trade and clearances were dis- nppolntliiB. - . Closed Ilrm on crop news at Ic net advance. May , 3-lGc ; closed , 77liiC : July. 7G4'fi7GHc ! ' : closed , 7GHC ; Septem- ber ¬ , 71 % i(7l ( ic , closed , 74 ic. CORN Reccipta. 1,950 bu. ; exports , 42.S3S- fcu. . Spot , Ilrm ; No. 2, 43Uff43ttc. Options , quiet hut Ilrm all day on light receipts ; ex- port ¬ demand and strong cables ; closed Ilrm- ut % ( Q'ie ' net advance ; May , WMiW.te ; closed , 3UTic ; July , iOTilOUc ; closed , 40Uc. OATS Receipts , 138,100 Int. ; exports , 330- till. . Spot , dull. Options , du'.l. HAY Firmer ; shipping , 45J53c ; good to choice , G5fi75e. HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , 1S9 crop. GffSc ; 1SU7 crop , 110l3c ; 1SDS crop.3- Glffl7c. . . Paclllc const : 1S9G crop , GQ7o ; 1897 crop , llff12c ; 1S9S crop , HiflSc. HIDES Firm ; Oalveston , Texas . 12'i l3c ; California- VOOIQtilctj , s- domestic Ileecc , lCQ21c ; Toxns , I2 ? llc- .TALLOW . Dull , IK-c ; country , I'.WJic. HICK Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4',4'iJ ' 7e ; Japan , fifi5'ic.- MOLASSKS . Firm ; Now Orleans open Itettle. good to choice , 3Mi37e- .HUTT13H . HcceliHH , 5H4 pkgs. ; steady ; western creamery , UiilSVjc ; Klglnn , 21c ; fac- tory. ¬ . 13Til5- c.CIIKKSKRccelptH . , 1,005 pkgs. ; Ilrm : large , white. ISiiT-'iic : small , white , 12MJ- 13c ; ' .arKO. colored , 12fll2'ic ; Hiniill , colored. 12iiJ'13o ( ' ; light skiing S iiiriOuj part fcklins , 75i iOc ; full skims , 4S3c. KGOSRecelpUlliB pkgs , ; firm ; state nnd Ponnsylvanla , W4cj western , 13 i ; southern. 13U13ic. " LARD Weak ; western ntenrned , 5.40 April. f' .3" & , nominal. Hcllned , easy ; con , tlnfnt. $5.G- O.COTTONSHKD . OIL-FIrm ; crude , 228 2Hc ; crtido yellow , 2il ; c- .MICTALS . The market for metals was Ir- regular , tin Helling off 37'i ' polnU , lead 2' ' , DolntK. Pig Iron warrants , dull and nom inal at 10.fiO Lake copper , nominal , will Sluv limited 1S. Tin , lower and easy , will J21.50 bid and 24.73 aoked. Lead quiet , will J1.2T > i bid and $ l.32 . . asked. Hpoitfr , firm with $ ( 1.60 bid and Jt!. 0 asked. The brokers iirlces for lead IB $4,10 and for copper $ lS.25ii Ilalllinore1- 1ALTIMORE , April 12. FLOUR -Qulel and unchanged ; receipts. 11,021 bbU. ; ex- bid : receipts , 1S.OSS bu. ; exports , 16,000 bu- Buuthern. . by sample , 717U ! c : southern , 01 trade , 72SY7G- e.t'OltN . Stroimi mixed spot. OSSiSiSOljie : th month , Ss ; May. 3S , i i3S ic ; June 39Uo linked ; xteamer , mixed. 3V < i3Ue ; re- cclpts , 11S.537 bu. : exports. b5,714 bu. : fouth- rn < white corn , 41o ; eouthcrn yellow corn ! Wb- e.OATSDull . ; No. 2 white , 35G35 io ; No. mixed , 32y32i e ; receipts , 25,162 bu. ; exports ' KTMNIIN Clljiraln and rrovUlonN. KANSAS CITY. April 12. WHEAT Firm Slay opened ? ic higher , at B4 ? c , closet Around that figure ; cusli , No , i hard , cS No , ?, ftJi n , ) ! , Nn 2 rtd , " ' , No. 3 , 7tr73c ; N.I 2 s.irli , IMCrti . N . 3 , 6C'i04c | f'ORNrik No. 2 mixed , 33c ; No. 3- wiiitc , ' ;} ' ! < NO s , MI- OATS l-.rm , No 2 while. 29 sS30c. RYE No 2 Sli llAYaini > . chrtlcP timothy , 9238.50 ; ch" | . , pr.Irle , l7ri'V'rtS.- OO.lUTTTERSteady ' . ; creamery , 14S20c ; dairy , 16 ' . El(3S-Stpndy ; fr ° h , 10'4- c.RKciCIPTSXYhent . , 21,600 bu. ; corn , 17- GOO bu. ; ontd. 4OdO bu. SHlPMENTS-Whent. 22,160 bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; onts , 5,0f ) bu. OMAHA < ; , MVUICKT- .Condlllfin . of Trnilp nnd ( Inolallonn nil Ntniilc nnd I'nnc- Produce.- KOOSRccclpts . light ; demand Rood ; market He- .lIUTTERCommon . to fair. 111T12C ; choice , separator , 20c ; gathered creamery , POULTRY-II n.i , live , Sc ; drcsvcd , lOc ; old and stagey roosters , llvo 47c ; drrsFcd , Gfl'c ; ducks and geese , live , 7',4'i- ltte ' ; drcs cd , lOc ; turkeys , live , ; dressed ,, lightweight , 12',4S13c ; heavyweight , IHilZc- .PIOKONS . Live , per dozen , 75Q90c- .VKA1.H . Choice. 9- e.OYSTERSltulk . Standard , per gal. , 1.10 ; medium * , per can , 15c ; Standard , p r can , 20c ; Extra Select , per can , 25e ; New York CountM , per can , 30c. FRESH WATER FISH-Cntfl'h , per lb. , lie ; buffalo , per ! . , dressed , 7c ; white fish.- 9c . ; lake Irout. 9c : small trout , green , lie ; yellow pike , Sc ; silver herring , Ic ; perch , lOc ; bullheads , dressed , lOc ; black bass , very Eiarce , 16TISr , SEA FISH-Flounders , Sc : haddock , 9c ; Columbia river salmon , 15c ; halibut , lie ; No. 1 smelts. lOc ; blue llsh , 10c ; Spanish mackerel , 10r ; red snapper , lOc ; extra largo mackerel , each , 30c ; roe shad , each , 70c. FRUITS.- STIlAWnWRUIUS . Per crate , 600fC.EO ; pints , 2751300. APPLKS-HMi Davis , per bbl. , 5.00 ; Gen- iton. - . ' , 1.75 ; New York Unldwlns , arcenlngs and others , choice , per bbl. , 5.50 ; wcaterti boxed , $2.0- 0.CRANHERRIESDell . and Uugle , $ D.O- O.VEGETABLES. . . RADISHES 1'cr bu. , box , JlSOffl7G. TOMATOES None In market. SPINACH Per basket , 125. LETTUCE Homo grown , per dozen bunches. I0ti45- c.ASPAIIAWS . California , per lb. , 12Jfl5c. ONIONS Home grown , per doz. bunches , according to size , 30f35- c.WATERCRESS16qt. . . cases. $1.6- 0.CAHHAGECrated. . . per lb. , 3Uc. CAULIFLOWER Per crate. 250. ONIONS Per bu. , 90c ii$1.00- .1JEANS . Ilnnd-plcked , navy , per bu. , $1.60- ffl.GO. . POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked , 70c : poorer stock , Gl > c ; Minnesota Uurbnnlra , 8- 5f90c ; Colorado. 1.00 ; early Ohio seed po- tatoes ¬ , 1. OWil. 10. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , Mcd- .sweets. . . 3.00 ; seed awests , 200. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS - California , fancy , 3.76 4.00 ; choice , 3Mtf3.75 ( ; Mestlna , fancy , 400. ORANGES Navels , fancy , 3.75 ; choice , 3.00 ; seedlings , $2.50fi2.9- 5.HANANAS . Choice , crated , large stock , pr bunch , 2.0i >012.25 ; med im sized bunches , I1.7SB2.0- 0.DATESHnllowee . . GO to 70lb. boxes , Gc ; Salr. Gc ; Fard , 9-lb , boxes. lO- c.MISCELLANEOUS. . . NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils , per lb. , 9W10c ; English walnuts , per lb. . fancy oft shell , 12ifM2Hc ; standards , lOc : filberts' , per lb. . He ; pecans , pol.s.hed ! , 8I10c ; cocoa- nuts - , per 100 , 1.00 ; peanuts , raw , BV4Q6c ; roasted , G1iir7- c.CIDBR . Per half bbl. . 3. SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. . $2- .HONBY . Choice white , l fflSc. MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each , 2.50 ; gal. cans , pure per aoz. , $12 ; halfgal.- cans. . . $ G2. ; quart cans , 350. MAPLE SUGAR Choice , In boxes , 9@10- c.HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c : No. 2 green hides , Gc ; No , 1 salted hides. SVic ; No- .Ited . hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12- Ibs. .. lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c- .TALLOW. . . GREASE , ETC. Tallow, No. 1, 34c ! ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , 1' c ; white greapc. 24l3e ! ; yellow and brown grease , I'.iSICH- c.FURSMlnk. . . 10J75c ; bear ( black or brown ) . 500f20.00 ( ; otter , 150TS.OO ; beaver , 100JTG.OO : skunk. Ini75c ! : muskrat , 3910c ; raccoon , 155i50c ; red fox , 25ciT1.25 : gray fox , 2.VfiSOc : wolf ( timber ) , 25cif2.BO ; wolf , ( prairie ) , coyote , 10 60c : wildcat. 10S25c ; badger. 5ff40 ; silver fox , 500067500. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 15 © 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooie < l early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early (-.kins ). No. 1, each , EC ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4 50 ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3JT4c ; dry flint , Colo- rado ¬ butchr wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4175c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 35f4c.- St. . . I.iinlK Market.- ST. . . LOUIS. April 12. WHEAT-Ontlons strong and higher ; spot stronger ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 75c ; track , "Gc ; April , 75',4c ; May , 7Gic ! ; July , 7HMJ71Uc ; No. 2- hard. . 7oyOVsC. CORN Options firm , fractionally higher ; spot firm ; No. 2, cash. 3lc ; track , "MViftSSc ; April. 34c ; May , 33Uff33Me ; Juiy , y s-i c. OATS Dull , nominally higher ; No. 2 , cash , 2Sc ; track , 29c ; April , 2Sc ; May , 27Hc bid : July. 24c bid ; No. 2 white. 31c. RYE IllL'her at 55- c.SURDSl'laxseed. . . higher nt 116. Prime timothy seed , 215. CORNMEAL $ l.SOfl.85- .URAN . Strong and higher ; sacked , east track , GOc. HAY -Timothy. 7BOiT11.75 ; prairie , stronger at $ G.OOii9.0- 0.UUTTER . Steady ; creamery , lSS22c ; dairy , 14JT1- 9c.EGGSHlBher . at ll c. WHISKY Steady at $1.2- 6.METALSLead. . . steady at 4.12 {r4.17V- 4.Spelter . , higher at 6.27 . PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; standard mess. Jobbing , 912Vfc. Lard , lower ; prlmo steam , 4.95 ; choice , 300. Dry salt meats ( boxed ), shoulders. $ l.37Vi ; extra shorts , 4.87i ; ribs , 5.00 ; shorts , 5.12V4 ; ribs. $5.37V- j.liacon . ( boxed ) , shoulders , 5.00 : extra shorts , 5.25 ; ribs. 5.37Vfc ; shorts , 5.62 . RECEIPTS-Flour , 2.000 bbln. ; wheat , 4,000- bu. . ; corn , 22.000 bu. ; oats , 33,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 7OW bu. ; corn , G2,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu- .Xew . OrIniiN Mnrlcct. NEW ORLMANS , April 12.PROVISIONS Steady , Pork , standard mess , 9Vi@9' e. Lard , refined tierce , D se e ; pure : nrd. 6T4 {iCc- Hexed meats , dry salt shoulders , 4.50 ; sides , J5.12M , . Bacon , clear rib sides , 5.7f W 5.S71Ham ; ?, choice sugar-cured , $ S.50 g9.5- 0.COFFEEQulet . ; Rio , ordinary to fair , RICE Steady ; ordinary to good , FLOUR-Extra fancy , 3GOG3.75 ; patents , $ I.OOfl4.1- 0.IJRAN72C. . . HAY Prime , llT12c : choice , 134W14c. CORN No. 2 sacked , white , : mixed. 43Vje ; yellow. 43U- c.OATSNo. . . 2 sacked , 34c. Liverpool Craln and I'rovlnlniiH , LIVERPOOL. April 12. WHKAT-d higher : May. 6s 5d ; July. 5s & ' * . CORN-Qulet , , id higher ; April , 3s 4Hd ; May. 3i4jd : July. 3s 4Tid. PROVISIONS Lard , American refined , in- 2Slb. . palls , Hteady , 27s. 9d ; prlmo western , dull. 27s. COTTONSEED OIL-Dllll ; rcHned , firm , 15 * 9d. 't'oli-ilo . , TOLEDO. O. , April 12.WHEAT Higher. Ilrm ; No. 2 cash , ? ) ' { .c : May , 71ici. CORN Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed. 35Ao. OATS Dull. Htcady ; No. 2 mixed , 2ic. RYE Nominal ; No. 2 cash , r 5- c.OLOVERSEKUDui . : ; prlmo cash , old , 3.30 ; new , cash and April , 3.5214 asked- .MnrUi . t- .MINNEAPOLIS. . . April 12.WHEATIn HRANUnchangcd- .I'lillndiliililn . Produce Miirl.'et.- PHILADI3LPHIA . , April 12.BUTTER- St - ady ; fnncy western creamery , 22c ; fancy western prints. 23c- .KOlTS . l-'lrm ; fre-ih nearby , 13o ; fresh western , VIV-jc ; frfsh Boutlnvestern , 13c ; fresh southern. 124c. .f ( iralii Market.- MIMVAliKEE . , April 12.WHEATFlrm ii ° -l , "" them , 72j724c ! ; No. 2 northern , Oil i Ot. c- .RY . 1-3-1 Uglier ; No. 1, 6Gc. llARLEY.-Flrm ; No. 2, 4Sg4SV4cj sample, 1'iorlaP- EORIA. . April 12.CORNFlrm ; No. 2 , HfcC. OATS Firm : No. 2 white. 2S ; ft29c. V HISKY-FIrm , on the basis of 1.20 foi finished iooda- .Dululli . Wlifiil Market. nrijJTlr' April 12WHKATNO. Mian ] . (3Uc ; April , 73ic ( ; May , 7 Uc ; July 1E c : No. 1 northern cash , 70iicj No. : northern , C6c.- X . MV York Dry ( Joiid * llurUft. NEW YORK. April 12-Thero was falrlj liiuivy 'buying today In nearly nil lines 01 dry goods. Cottons wors linn us a rule. The feature of this week's market Is tin ojionlinr of printed ilcivod goods and othe : lines of fall TMI.JM 1 fabrics on thft r.rd r of- flnnr.f'ls A ft.w tf thiso lmbetn op nc.l- ftt ji. iuw whl'h wcrn RituKilly slightly In advance of lat y ar' quotations. Tnc Flt- tiatl.jn - eems to foe , i very strong ono on all f.ill lines juwl ( hero are intimations that price* on nr w fall prints wMl show a acneral- ndvniKo. . The demand for print cloths has continue *! light , in tht local market the dealing ' ! n staple cotton1 ? liiu been on a re- stricted ¬ ialo. . There have been no heavy Individual purchases of either brown or- blcvichd goods. Although thft totals for eixch day have been pontirnHy satisfactory. Ex- port ¬ goods have- been 'old steadily and the demand cthowa no diminution. In most grades the prices have be. n sail'factory. STORY 01' HAY IX STIIKBT- .Itiinli . of .SpeenlatorN in liny nnil Spc- HiiltlcH - Atnkc I.drwc ( inlnx. NEW YORK , April 12. There was ai wild rush to buy at the- opening nnd the special- ties ¬ mad ? larger galnr , part of which they retained , while the railways , which had 1m- ipnoved - smartly , left off nt about yesterday'sf- igures. . The rise of Americans In London 'before the opening and the mom .ntum of yester ¬ day's advance wore responsible for the early Gxellr-mont In the. market. Call money ranged from 4 to 5 per osnt , closing it the lower ilgure. and sterling exchange was strong throughout , demand sterling rising ' ,4 per cent. The rnp'dlty of the early ad- vance ¬ Induced heavy realization. , 4 ut a g n- eral - tone of strength ] until t'he afternoon , when some sharp recessions w- curred. - . The killing of uVmerlcnn and Eng ¬ lish navy olllcrs In Knmoa seemed 1o arouse ni prehenslon In some quarters of further complications. Among the specialties' strong features were Brooklyn Trnu-lt. CoiiHolldntod Gns , People's Gns. SilRUr and the Iron nnd steel shar s. linaumore .t Ohio Issucfl , Norfolk .t Western preferre 1 and Northern Pacltlc were strong. Foreign housoj were ertdy purchasers , but r old about half n. milch on the locnl rise. Same of the foreign purchn.i'lng was connected with London' * fortnightly settlement. A- numbpr of shorts were driven to cover early owing -to the commission house demand , ospoeuilly Tor Industrials , becniH'e of a moro liberal position taken by a number of banks toward such stocks. The market closed steady.- Th . ire was imoro activity in railroad bonds today and .while a few Issues were Hhadcd , the general ndvnntingo was slightly better on the daj. Total .rnlcfl , 3750000. United ' 'States 3s advanced. % per ont In the bid price. The Commercial Advertlserts London flnnnclal cablegram says : The- markets hero were good early today. New York Central was th ? feature. Now York ac- cepted ¬ London's level and then there was a- ahairp c-cllpse. Later New York .bought Northern Pacific , causing a general rally on the street. Th ? best Issues were St. Paul and Norfolk & Wn-tern preferred. Paris said Spanish 4s to R7T4. French Insiders are. reported to bo bearish. Tlrttos wore -IJ. Other copper shares were dull , The bank boucht .1:53,000 : in gwld .bars. The following are the closing quotations for the lending stocks on the New York exchange today : The total sales of stocks today amounted to 845,120 shares. Including American Steel & " 23iOO ; Amcrl-can Supar , 34,000 ; Ameri- can ¬ Tlnplate , 800 ; Atchlson preferred , 29- 000 , - ; Baltimore & Ohio certificates , 4,500 ; H. & O. W. I. . 23,300 ; B. & O. W. I. pre ¬ ferred. 7,400 ; Brooklyn Rapid TranHt , 75.300 ; Burllaston , 1D.COO ; Chesapeake & Ohio , 3.300 ; ChlcaifO Grciat Western , 4.COO : Chicago Ter- rmlnal - Tranrtt preferred. 9,000 ; Cleveland , Cincinnati. ChfcaRO & St. Louis , 100.SOO ; Conso'lidated ' Gas. 7,100 ; Continental To- .bacco. - . . 81.800 ; Continental Tohacco preferred , B.OOO ; Federal Steel , 51,000 ; Federal Steel prc- ferrod. - . 13.COO : Kansas .t Texas preferred , 3,300 ; Louisville Sc Nashville. 19.ROO ; aianhat- tan Consolldatsd , 24,400 ; Missouri Pacltlc. 31- .100 . - : iN-'atlonal ' Steel , 20,500 ; Nc.w York Cen- tral. ¬ . 17,500 ; Norfolk & Western preferred , 4,400 ; Ontario & Western , 3.000 ; Pacific Mall , r.tMO ; People's Gas. 48,000 ; Reading : fin-I pre ¬ ferred. 19.700 ; Reading ? ! cond preferred , 3,030 ; Rock Island , fi.700 ; St. Louis & South- weBleni - preferred , 5,500 ; Southern Railway , G.300 ; Tenne-sseo Coal & Iron , 12.200 ; Texas & Paclllc. 4,000 ; Union Pacltlc. 16,000 ; Union Pacific preferred , 0,000 ; United States leather preferred , 4800. MV York Money Market.- NRW . YORK , Aflrll 12. MONEY ON Steady at GJJ5M , Wr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3V4 - U per cent- .STBRLIN'G . EXCHANGK-Strong. with actual oiulness In bankers' bills at JI.KfiUff4- .S6V4 for demand and at 48404.8111 for tlxty days ; noated rates , { 4.S4 ! ( (i4.SS and 4S7ff4.S7W ; commercial bills J4.S3V- 4.SILVElt CERTIKICATES-COfflCOVJc. BAR SILVBR59UC. MEXICAN DOLLARS 17 0. GOVERNMENT BONDS-FIrm ; 2s , rep. , 99'A ; 3 , rcff. , 1075H ; coupon , lOSvi ; new 4s , 129 i ; coupon. 129 ; old 4. , res. . 112' ; 4s coupon , 118i ; Es , rcK. and coupon , 113. Closing ipiotntloim on bonds wera : In ( In * l''orlun I'MiiiincliiI AVorld.- UONDON . , April 12. American railway shared ojiened ralhcr rirmer In rc pen * to- heller overnight prices from New York und were w ll maintained. Norfolk & West- ern ¬ prcferrtd was the feature. The cloH.'ng was steady , with n moderate demand. .Span- ish ¬ 4s doted at 57c. ? ; Amount of bullion KJ nt Intthi n nk of l-.n. l.ii. 1 on L.tlm tuday jcjf ; io. OUl n' Iivicnoo Ayns 1.7 w- I'AHls Apri' U I'riit * ip iul tlrm on the bourse ted ly nnd axr th y Wire Ir- rciniinr - and cK . i it wcnk , isiicililly In thi- case of lnt ( SL-curllrs. | Turks w rt- In not I xv demand early M the dny. but IK came ensk-r Spanish 4s relapsed on frej li- Cnrllst reports and lllo Tlntos and Ue Heer. succumbed to realizations. Knlllrs were flrm In repons <" to Ixindon advices , but closed below the best quntntlons of the day. Three per cent rentes , lolfflOc for the ac- count. ¬ . Spanish 4s eloped ni 5S.7- 5.HI3HMN . , April 12. International securi- ties ¬ were tlrm on th1 bourse today nnd Ar- Bcntlnes - were In special favor. Americana and Canadian Pacltlcs were buoyant and made marked advances. Local shares started Ilrm , but Inter were ! rr RUla- r.FHANKFOHT . , April 12.lrlces wen- gen- erallv - ilrm on the IxMirso today , but the trnnractlons were light. Spanish 4s , Otto- mans ¬ and Greeks were strong. Americans were harder , especially Northern Paclllcs.- iMAUIiro . , April 12.Spnnlsh 4s closed to- day ¬ nt 0099. Gold quoted nx 19.2 . lloxtoii Slock ( ( notation *. nOSTON. April 12.Call loans , 3JT4 per- cent ; time loans , Sliil Its per cent , closing prices for stocks , bonds and mtnlliK shares : do XIMV Vurk Mlnlnu Quotation *. NEW YORK. April 12.Thc following are the closing prices for mining sliaros : oil oi i n r iTTTTTTTTTrrr 30 omnrlo r n frown Point 22- rvn. (> ! ) lilr iso . C I , t Vn..l70I- Vmlwood Plymouth 1- 0Qulrki.llxcr . .,. M ISO flotild & riirrle. . . , jo rte pM 73- 0florra Hale & N'orcrora. . IS N'evaila 1C 1 Homontnko jyi ) ) Standard 22- 3t'lilrn Iron Silver no ( "on P- OYollcw Mexican jg .larkct 3- 1I.oiuloii Stock ( tnoaoiiK.L- ONDON. . . April 12.1 1 p. m.-Clo.slns ! Con.iol.i , mnn y . .llo7irN ! V. ( "cnTrnl . 1K. C-nmlii , iux-t . llu'i Pennsylvania . BS i CnnaJlnn 1'aelllc .. M % Keatllns . K Krle . H'i.U. I' pfd . SS i ! ' l8t pM . SMfclAH-lils-on . L. .., !2 Illinois Ontml . . .nuj-ij. , n N' . C7H J1'- llacino pra. ... Sl-1 jGnind Trunk . t % Sjt. Puil , . . ? !, _ BAH SILVEH-Qulot at 277-lCd per ounce. MON i-2 per cent- .Ilia . rate of discount In the open market for long and short bills Is 29-10 per cent- .I'lnaiicliil . .Voles. CHICAGO , April 12.3tocks active and higher. Alloy L , 79 6 ; Diamond Match. MS ; North Chicago , 22S ; West Chicago , 101 ; Strawtioard , 3S ; Ulscult common , RO',4 ; UlFCtilt preferred. 10) ) . Clearings , 20SCfi.915 : balanccii , ' .OW OO ; New York exchange , 30c t' Sterllni ; exchange : Posted , 4.SH4 actual , 4SI5T4.S 'i ; sixty days ; $ | Jj ; CINCINNATI , April 12. Money. 2* Jf6 per felfrlng S mexchttn . 2 = c "l5 " " ' : ST. 1OUIS. April 12.Clcnrlngs , 3732.933 ; toalnnccs $813,750 : money , 507 per cent ; Ny 15 par $23,123,821 ; . . V5U1'BANS , April 12-cearlng9 : , $1- .2U2.0 . - ; New ork exchange , bank , $1 pre ¬ mium ; commercial. $1 discount.- COJfDlTIOX . OF TUB IVOOI , 3IAIIKUT.- Mlllm . Coniicutvil > vltli CoiuIiliiGi- N. . DOSTOX April 12.The American AVool and Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow : Some of the largo woolen mllla , including 'both thos ? In the combine, have been rep ¬ resented In the market during the last " '" " o.Purelinswl verj- liberally of ' e JVa hlnBton , Wnnskuck and Pa- mills been espcsclally promlivrnt- tArri , hf'A1'10'1 ' ' ' semi > vcr >' lnrS ° ] 1nc . ° M'C ' { ,0rJeKn nn(1 nuarter nnd - ' . - ileeces. The sales of territories alone aggregated over 4COO.OOJ Ibs. , which, combined with those of other lines , make a total business , for the week of near y S.OOO.WO Ibs. Thsro Is no change to note In prices , howewr. The sales of the week In Boston amount to 7,4C1,000 Ibs. do- met tic and 1C8.COO Ibs. foreign making a tal of 7.9275W Ibs. , nRUlnlt'n of 424i.SOO Ibs. for the previous week and a total of o30S30 Ibs. for the corrcapondlng last year. Sales since Januarv 1, 1SO! " amount to 07,003,800 Ibs. , against 40,7C7S10 Jbs. last year at this time. CollVtMnrkct. . NEW YORK , April 12.COFFEEOtlons | opened steady , with price. ? unchanged to 5 ! lna rl"C(1 ( fnlrl >' nctlve and llrnier , showing an advance on covering and moderate investment liuvlng , following smaller receipts at lllo and Snntos , ilrm- iiess - In Brazilian markets nnd larger ware- houBo - deliveries In this country. Closed ' : , " "cte.e.S J ° 5 Points lilghcr ; sales.- blng. . . C 13lGc. Mild. Ilrm' ; Cordova , SfflCe. Cotton . NEW YORK , Apri : 12Cotton. spot closed quiet and unchanged ; sales , 523 bales ; 1"3 > 1 st "ly ; April. 5.76 0 ; June , 5.85 ; July. 3.00 ; August ! : October. 5.89 ; No ¬ boccmber , $3,93 ; January, . 5.W : Jtarch. $ n04. A"r" 12--COTTON-DUII and no sales reported ; middling , I'rvHHctl Sti-fl Dlvliloiul. NEW YORK , April 12. The. Board of Dl- Teelors - of the Pressed Steel Car companv today doclaired a quarterly dividend of earn ¬ ings to April 1. The earnings for three months were ovtr 500000. No dividend on common stock was declared on nccount of the charter s renulrement thait 7 per cent of the earnings for the lls il year bo first paid or set asldo for paymtnt of dividends on ' 'tho profcirred stock. NEW ORLEANS. A'irl ! 12SUGAIT- NI5W YORK. April 12SUOARRnw. Htrong ; fair rcllnlng, 4 1-lfic ; centrifugal , 90 " 8'04' ' 8l'Knr ' 3 ls-1Cc : rclintd , irrn and fiilirornlii Hilcd- 3SSJL. . April 12OAI.IKORNIA ' ' Apricots , royal , 13171 Ic ; Moor park , 13Mjl7c. ' I'eachos , impeded , ; peeled , 25'a2Sc per pound.- SI . , I.OIllH I.IVC SIOI'- l.JJ' . - . , ? * ? ' Al'r" 12CATTIERcceIpts. , ( Irad , Including l.KOO Texans. Market law and weak. Fair to good native ship ¬ ping land export Hteei-H , $ | .Cfrf fi,50 , with fancy grades salable nt 3.75 : dressed beef nnd butcher steers , 4.00 fi5.23 : steers , under l.W ( ll . 3.33 T4.S5 ; stockers and feeders , 3.25if I.SO ; cows and .lielfwx. Ji.0ri4C0 ; bulls. 2.7u © fl.a ; canners , tl50ije.83 ; Texas and Indian toers , 350fjl.90 ; cows and heifers , $2.75- 0'nOGSmocelpts. . 11,100 head. Market Be lownr. Plgrt and llgh.ts. 3raf73.SO ; packers , 370W3.S3 : ibutchers , JS.WTiU.iC' ' . . SHEKP-Reicelpts , 300 head. Market strong and acMvo. 'Nntivo muttons , 4.00S 4.03 ; lambs , 310Q13.50 , the top being for St. .loHcpb Iv | < - Sloi'K- ROUTH . ST. JOSEPH , Aiprll 12.SpeclalOi- 'ATTMS ( - Receipts , l,0f 0 head ; market steady 1o weaik ; quality common to fair.- Natives. . . $ T ! i4.40 : Tcxnns and westerns , f1.SOn4.n.cows ; and helfen- . 20ord.J5 ; veals . . HOGS Receipts. 4rhead. . Market 10, lower. Helling at 3WJ.75 ; 3)Ulk lit 35of3.70 SHEEP Receipts , l.lrt ) head. Market ac- tive nnd strong ; Colorado lambs , 570. Stock In Following are the receipts at the foui principal western marke's for A'irll 1" : Cattle. IIogH. Sheep Omaha . 'J.sfti 5,133 5.21 Chicago . 13.WO 2SOO ( IC.OOf Kansas City . 5,550 12,170 7,00 ( St. houla . 3.COO 11.100 3W Totals . 24.C1I C7.723 . 28Cj fliicliuuill llv < Stock.- CINCINNATI. . . April I2.HOGActlve al- $3.26lT3.S7H. ! . CATTKE-Strong n't ' $2.75173.0- 0.SIIKKP . Dull und lower at J273U5.00i lainbti dull ut } l23tj2S5. OMAHA STOCK MARKET Liberal Supply of Oorn-Pod Oattlo is Offered , PRICES STEADY AND A LITTLE STRONGER AVIIIi Hi-nvy Itccrlitt * nnil n Drop In Value * nt Ollior Point * noun Sell UII Unit It Dime DurltlK- tin - SOUTH OMAHA. April IS. Cattle , ll'og * . Strtop. Receipts today 2,3d4 o.l53 6,21- 1Olllclal Monday 1,6JO 2,52 ? 7,379- OIllcUU Tuesday 3.W 7,541 4,673 * Indicates Sunday. The olllela : number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.- C. . ., M. & St. P. Ry 1- U. . it St. 1 . Ity 1 Missouri IM.'lllc Ry G C Union P.iclllc System 13 12 8- C. . it N. W. Ry G 1- F. ., K. ft M. V. R. '11 7 23 . 4- C' ., St. P. , ' 'M. & O. Ry 25 S- II. . Jt M. R. 11. IR 'JG 17 8- U. ., II. & Q. Ry . . K. C. ft St. J C. ., IR. 1. & P. Ry. , 13 . . C. , R. 1. ft P. Ry. . W 2 1 4 Total receipts OG 73 21 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num- ber ¬ of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co 131 . . . . CCO The ( . ; . !! . Hammond Co. . 30, ! 1, H Swift and Company ell 1,260 797 The Cudahy Packing Co. . 403 1,351 875 Armour t Co 'J71 1.3SB 1,72- 5Cudahy P. Co. . from 1C. C. 31 Swift , from the country 1,053- It. . Decker & Uegun 10- Lobnian it Co 70- McCreary & Clark 81- W. . I. Stcph-na 4- 9Itenton it Underwood 2- 7Huston it Co 1- 4LIvlngHton & Schaller ... . 11G Hamilton it Rothschild. .. 47- L. . 'F. Ulusz 1- McVlckcr it Co 77 Other buyers 1SG . . . . 4i5 Holdover 100 . . . . Totals ... .2200 6,154 5,55- 5CATTLEOver fifty loads of cornfed cattle were on sale this morning , a fair run for the middle of the week. There was a large run at other market points , so that the total offerings of cattle for th- day were liberal. This fact , however , did not appear to have any material Inlluence upon the market at this point , as there was a- very good local demand , which caused a better feeling to prevail. The most of the cattle sold early and at price * that were tully steady with the best time yesterday and a little stronger than the low time yesterday. There were no very good eattlu hero so that the sales did not show up very high on paper.C- OW.M . and liultcrB were In good demand and the market active at steady prices. Everything In the way of cow btuff was soon disposed of. The bull market con- tinues ¬ unchanged , fat bulls being extremely alow sale nt the low prlce.3 preval.lng. Light and good quality stock bulls are good sellers , but heavier ones are slow- .Thcro . was no change In the stocker and feeder situation. Values this week on stock cattle have shown no material cnango. The demand continues good and fully equal to all arrivals , so that holder.- * meet with no- dlfilcuity In disposing of the cattle at satis- factory ¬ prices. Reinsentuive sales : BEEP STEEJXua.- ntK . a [ hud a naturally wenkenlni ; effect upon the market nt thl- lioint , the iii'iierul run of the hoga m-UInt ? 6c lower. The demand was BOdd and liuyiri- ull wantr-d liberal tiiipiilleH , lint pe'lcrs were determined to siiiucze ovury cent out of the IIOKH that tlu-y j oKallly could , mid accord- ingly ¬ wen- Blow about nmulng the conceu- hlon - cleinanikcl by buyera. Kor that reuson- Uio inornliiK was unite advanced before the IIOKK wer ? ull disposed of. The market cloMCd weak at the decline noted above.- Thu . ( juallty of the buys wa i lte good on an uv raBc , there belnt more heavy hoK.'i than un a KOOI ! many days of ' .uit , and tfoniu urlme fat backx whlcli brought tbu lei of Hit1 market.- TJiB . no * od ! today very larfioly at JS.COt ? 3.U5 , a UKiilimt WtCJra.70 yesterday. It will lie noted fiom the table of ilturea at of coiumn thnt the nuirkit t-i.lny wnn liuillv- nn hlKh on n , HR it win n w ik- HKO but iuj It Ilk Tn irr.diiy of Inuts k- II will nlfo be noUtl from the t ibu uf r- . thnl thr nrmnlso fnr thin woi-k show a toi lilPMl li' fn.HnR off nfl C"in- arnl - | ) with In't wcik.- As . a Ken * tiling everyone * looking for n v ry llRht run of hops iliirlni ; the three WCOKM to come , n , they llKurc Unit formers will bo too busy In the Held to- mnrkct lingsllenreaentntlve snls : No. Av , Sh. IT. No. Av. Sn. IT.- f,7 . 164 40 S 15 M MS 11W 3 ffM- S ( , l ... 3. CO 271 24(1 ( 3 fi! < i 10 33s ! 120 3 K 73 2(0 ( SO 3 ( Si ! 31 CS . .. 3B7'i ' ff ! 2M SO 3 IH't ' 70 M 40 3 f.7iS fil ICe . . . 3 2'4 71 153 SO 357.4 27 31C 120 3 CI < 4- IK) 2M 160 .1 BO If. 2S2 . . . 3 HIM , 5.3 231 40 3 BO M 271 SO 3 ( (121 * 63 218 . . . SIX ) 69 207 . .. 3 62',4 ' 70 210 . . . 3 IX) 77 277 ISO 3 f.2'4- JS , 2.11 $0 3 CO 03 273 201 3 62 4j- CO 2(11 ( 4C SCO fi.1 2Sfi 120 3 C2'' , IB 2vHi . . . 3d ) 30 22S 40 3 ti2J4- IS 1S.1 ... 3W CO 263 . . . a C2J4- IB 213 . . . 3 (HI CO 201 . .. 3 2Hi- 3S 220 . . . 3 fiO 78 2ifi ; 120 3 C2' ' , j 77 22G SO SCO 7G 2f S 100 3 C2J4 41 2SS 120 SCO fiS 22(5 ( 40 3 ( ' . : : 71 24 ? .. . 300 CT. 2. 120 3 62'a ' 77 2.11 120 3 CO 71 2SO 1GO 3 l.2 4- 7C 221 120 SCO f 0 2o.1 . . . 3 Co- 7S 1U7 . . . SCO BO 24- , ... 3 C5 10 249 40 SCO 72 225 40 3 ( S 73 2thi . .. 3 tn Cl .V 40 3 6fi 14 2)0 ) . . . 3 CO B3 ! S8 . .. S l" 73 227 40 SCO 43 275 40 3 C5- f.S 231 . .. SCO Cl 301 . . . 3 (W- CO 219 240 SCO f.5 2X! 40 3 Co 70 212 120 SCO 70 2.12 . . . 3 IM- til 2S 4 ICO SCO 40 252 SO 305- M 224 11X ) SCO C2 270 40 3 IIS- 1C 207 . .. 3 BU 61 271 40 S Co- C3 227 40 SCO 7i ( 2S5 3SO 3 C5 (17 225 10 3 tSVj , C2 275 . . . 3 fii 72 2SS 40 3 IS'.J M 353 . . . 3074- C7 2.M SO 3 C2'S ' 131 333 120 3 07V4 fifi 3JS ... 3 G2U | IX) 300 . .. 3 G7'i ' 122 2fl2 200 3 GZ'.S ' ffl 312 ... 3 07- Cl 272 SO 3 C2' . W ) 303 . .. 370- CO 23S .. . 3 02i ( 00 410 SO 375 WAGON LOTS1MGS. 1 1,10 . .. 200 S 290 . . . SCO 1 390 .. . 225 2 230 .. . SCO 1 3.M . . . 250 7 219 . . . SCO 3 113 . .. 300 B 241 .. . 300 1 370 . . . 3 00 H 1 ! .. . S ( M- S US .. . 350 G 223 . . . SCO 9 143 . .. 355 8 1S5 . . . SCO- G 273 . .. 3 B7',4 B 227 .. . 3 C2'4 4 170 . .. 360 1 430 SO 3 C2U 2 1S5 . . . 3 GO 7 420 . . . 3 C2 4 2 ISO 40 3 G- OS1IBI31 * Arrivals today were considerably Inrscr than a we.ek ago and sllg-htly liu-Rur than yesterday. Of th. total number re- ceived ¬ , however , live or six earn wore con- fllitned - direct to packers und not offered for sale. A considerable proportion of the receipts consisted of sheep , while choice lambs were very scarce. The market as a whole was In very satis- factory ¬ condition as regards the scliliiK I- nlrcsts - and values were generally 10 higher. The demand for all kinds wa.s Rood and the movement active , so that everything was sold and welphcd up at an curly hour.- A . bunch of six double decks ofhecp Ihat sold on Monday at 4.70 brought $ I.S3 today. Western yearlings brought J3.121 *. and Mexican yearlings 535. Western lambs brought 3.10 5.5- 0.Quotation' . are : Good to choice fed wcsl- orn - wethers. $ IG5CT4.90 ; fair to Rood , j.t.r.OTf 4.13 ( ; Mexican y.arllngs , 520115.35 ; choice light weight western yearlings , $ IS05i4.93 : good heavy weight western yearlings , $ l.70Tj 4.90 ; good to choice western ewes , S435ti4.50 ; fair to good western ewas , J3.90i 1.25 ; good to choice native lambs , Ki351fS.40 ; good to choice western lambs , J5.40fl 5.30 ; Fort Col- linn Mexican lambs , good to choice , $5.50'Q'- 5.GO ' ; fair to good Fort Collins Mexican Iambs , 525fi5.35 ; feeder sheep , 425Ti4.50 ; feeder lambs , J4COH52o. Representative sale.s : No. Av. Pr. 135 cu'.Is i9 250 5 cull (MVCP 70 $3 00 1 cull , ewe SO 3 ( K) 45 bucks 15G 3 50 70 Mexican ewes 7G 4 25 47 native ewes Ill I 30 3 ewes S6 4 30 13 shorn lambs 50 4 C5 91 native wethers 135 4 SO 11 shorn lambs 70. I S3 19 yearlings S7 4 S3- S7S western wethers Ill 4 S3 415 western withers 110 4 S5- SO western sheep and yearlings , . S3 4 S3 9 wethers 103 B ft) CSO western yearlings M 5 12'i ' 45 native yearlings 107 515- S.I Mexican lambs 07 525- 2S1 Mexican yearlings 78 5 35- 2SO Mexican yearlings 7S 5 35 372 western Inmbs 73 5404- GO western lambs SO 5 45 221 lambs , westerns 7G 5 50 4 native Iambs 77 5 C- oCIIICAOO J.IVI3 STOCIC MAIIICET- .Trudc . In Cnttlc SliMV nml Tricon- Ilnn ly MltMiiIy How Active. CHICAGO , . .April 12.Tho cattle- market today -was provoklngly slow nnd trade was unusually late In getting started , buyrs holding .back and refusing to bid. After imslnees was fairly under way , prices were barely steady. Fancy gnulea sold at 5.05 5.75 ; choice steers , 5.30 f5.CO ; mediums , 4.70 4. !> 5 ; le-f steers , 3Wi4.r ! ( : stockcrN nnd feeders , 3SOTir.00 ; bulls , 2COJfI.IO ' ; cows and heifers , *3.40 f4.C5 ; Texas steers , Jl.OOy1 5.15 ; calven , 350fiBCO. There wa.s a fairly active demand for hogs on local nd eastern snipping account , but buyers succo'ded In putting prices about ftc lower , on average , the market ruling very weak from the i tart. Fair 10 choice , $3.7oi7- S.fiO ; heavy packing lots , SU.oOTia ,; mixed , $-1.WMG.S2'i ; butchers. 3C5f3.S7i ; light , S3.C- Of3.SO ; pigs , J330fl3.70 ; bulk of snles , 3.75ir 3R5. Trade In sheep was brisk and prices ruled steady , at the recent advance. Lambs made 'tho bulk of offerings and Hold at 530JiG.0 ' !) for wooled and 47515.15 for shorn. Culls brought SIIXVG4.75 ; Colorado lambs , 3.SO fji 5.90 ; western lamb ?, 55055.75 ; wooled i-heep , $4 50ig5.00 ; Texans and westerns , $ l.75fti .00 ; Uiaivyexports , 475tjH.S5 ; yearlings , 4.SOQi 5.10.HECHlPTSCattle. . 13,000 head ; hogs, 2S- 000 , - head ; sheep , 10,000 head- .Xtiv . York Ilvo S < 4)clf- .NRW . YOniC. April 12.HRKVKSRCc- eipts. - . 2,015 head ; market iow ; teers. Mtv > c lower ; bulls , steady to lirm : cows , steady ; medium to choice steers , 1.70 5.50 ; Ktags and oxen , 32Bf4.E5 ; bulls , 3.23 % 1.35 ; cal les plow and unchansed ; exports , 140 head of cattle and 4,531 quarters of beef- .CAIVKS . Receipts , 1,034 head ; market slow ; top grades , 23c lower : others I.fi25c off ; noor to choice vea > , 350f3.CO ; tops , 370ii5.75 ; few head fancy , 6.00 ; general sales , JI.SOJjo.B- O.SlIKJM' . AND LAMHS-necelpls. 7.015 head ; active and Ilrm : lambs , EfflSc hlgh-r ; wooled s-heep , 30073.10 ; clipped , $) 75fBC2M. ; unshorn liimliH , $ O.OOffi.SO ; cllpneil lamb , $ l75f5C2i. ( ! ; spring lambs , $ IOOffC.25 cash. HOGS Itecclpts. 7,231 head ; Ilrm at $ l.00f? 423. KIUINIIH ( "ll.v Ilv < Stock.I- CAXSA'S . PITV. April 12. f'ATTLH Ile- ccipts. - . 4MO head natives , C30 head Texnim. Good demand for cattle today , with prlc ruling steady ' .n common grades , and strong for the good offerlngH ; no choice native otuenoll'ercd. . Medium steers , $ ( .15 ; light weights , $ I13T4.0 | !) ; stockers nnd fi d- crs - , 375J5.25 | ; butcher cows nnd heifers , ' 'ft .10 < an , . r J" .. ' J . h. r bu'-s , ' ( i , WV..K n ,. . i. 4. . v.iMJ. Texnii.ii- f.i t M- HOUS lUv .L . IM.t h- , Fury m- tlo Jininl f r a i , i. out i-i in..Hti.l- on t r r.iiig , r t " ' ' - tc MK- won fully m under yi-tti il.iy n quotntl nl.- ll ! . ivy. $.! RVM7A. mlxitl , | 3.Vitil , " 0 , _ . .HEP Receipts , " .pi ) hejicl. The voltuns of liitslti'i's ill heep and l.un'j * wax lUMMMi ; ITTC ! ( wttefor the inot imrt iinrhani ; l, Kprlnir lanilw , $7fiO , ; fil l Ininb * . Jfi.sVu j .<) ! crs aiwi'fccilors * . $ Jat1l.75i cliNs , POSTOKKH'IJ MITK13. ( Should bo read T> A1LY Jiy all Interested as changes may occur at any lime. ) Foreign mail * for the week ending April 15 , 1S99 , will close ( PROMPTLY in iillc.i ? a ) nt the llcnornl Postolllt-e as follows : PAR- OKI.S - POST MA1I.8 close on- hour earllei than closing time shown below. TrniiNntlniitlc- THURSDAYAl S a. m. for N'KTMKIl- LANDS direct , per n. s. AVerkendam , via Amsterdam ( letters must bo direct d "per- Werkcndnni" ) . SATt'linAY-At ( (1 n. m. for KUROP1C. per s. s. Ktrurlii * . via ( } ueentowu ( letter * f. r- France - , Switzerland , Italy. Srt.iln Portu- gal ¬ , Turkey , Kgypt nnd Hrltlsh tndl.i ni'ist- bo directed "per Btrnrla" ) ; at 7 a. in. for KRAXCK , , ITALY , SPAIN . PORTVOAL , TI.'RKKY , KUYPT and HR1TISII INDIAr s. o. La lire- taglie - * . via Havre ( letters for other jvirla- of Kuropi * must IIP directed "por 1 Hro- lagno" - ) : nt S a. m. for XBTIIKIU.AN1 3 direct , per s. n. Stateudam , via Hntii-rd un ( letters must be dlr ctcd "per Si n i- tdam" - ) ; nt ! a. in. for ITALY , per t finale , via Xales | ( letters mu t be ilim' . , ! "per Sa.ile. " ) ; nt 11 a. in. for NORWAY ( letters for Costa Rlea must bo dltvrt..l- "per Altai" ): at 11 a. m. ( mipplcmoni u v 11 : n a. m. ) for CtTRACAO , also YKXK- X.ITKLA - , SAVANILLA and PAUTIIAC- 5ICNA - , via Curacao , per s. s. A. II , Tlionie ; at 11 a. m. for Ct'HA. per o. s- .Orizaba . , via Havana ( letters must lie ill- .I'i'c'tcd . "per Orizaba" ) ; at 1 p. in. rt NORTH , per s. s. Trc . . Para , Maraiihnm and warn ; at I p 111 for NUKV1TAS. OIHARA and HAliO.- COA . , per s. s. Ollnda. St'NDAY At 'JlSn a. 111. for XASSAV. M- P. . , per slenmer from Miami Kin. : at v ;( p. in. for ST. PiniJRH-MlQtlKLoN pel steamer from North Sydney.- Mall" . for Newfoundland , by rail tn Xnrlti Sydney , and thence by steamer , eln r at this olllcc dally at S:30 : p. in. ( conm-i-tlitu close here every Monday , and Saturday ) . Malls for Mlnuelon , by rail to- Unstcii. . and Ihenc" 1 - r'n-.inier , clo o it this ofi-f ! dTl'y ' at S0 :! ; - , . m. Malls f.t Cuba , by rail to Port Tntnpa , 11. . ni l thrnee by steamer , close nt thH ollli-a dally ( ex 'eit | Monday ) at " a. m. , cnn- peellng - clr > s H hero every Sun lay.Vcdm.i - day , ind Krlday. Mails for fuli.i , by rail 'to Miami. Fin. , and thetie > by i-leiimer , close nt this otllee everv Monday , Tues- day ¬ and Saturday at * 2:30 : a. m. , con- nectlnp - closes here every Tuesday and Saturday. Mails for Mexico City , over- land ¬ , unless specially nddrosned 'for dis- patch ¬ by st nine.r , close at this olllee dally nt 2:30 : n. in. and 20 : p. in. "Registered mall clones nt fi p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes at C p. m. second day before. TrniiNpnclllf Mull *. Malls for China and Japan , per s. H. Km- pres - A - ? of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close W here dally up to April "llth at ( l-.M p. m. Malla for China , Japan and Hawaii , i r s.- K . , City of Rio Janeiro ( from S-an Fran- cisco ¬ ), close here dally ! to April 14th atf- l:30 : p. in. . Malls for Australia ( ex pt- UKI.O fo - Wect Australia which are f'-r- ' warded via Kurope ) . New iCea.'and , H'a- wali. - . Fiji and Samoaii Islands , per n a. L. direct , per s. s. Norgo ( letters must bo directed "per Norgo" ) . f PRINTED MATTOR KTC.-German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially addressed printed matter , etc. , for other parts of ISuropc. Am ncnn and Whlto Star stcn.ners on AVcdncsdays , Oernuin steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Satur- days ¬ take printed matter , etc. . for all countries for which they are ailvtrtited- to carry mall. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails nnnu-d above , addi- tional ¬ supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English. French and German steamers , and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mull * for South anil Central America , "Wc-l InilU-H , i : c. THURSDAY At 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : i > . m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. . SANTI- AGO ¬ DE CUHA anil MANHANILLO , per s. K. Santiago ; at 9 p. in. for JAMAICA , per f-teamer from Hoston. FRIDAY At 12 111. for Porto Rico , per s. K. Evelyn , via Ponce. SATURDAY At 10 a. in. ( supplementary 1I.TO ): a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVANILLA , CARTHA- GENA - and GREYTOWN. per s. Altai Mnrlposa ( from Snn Frnnclscoj , OIOKP nera dally after Mnrc-h " 30lh tip to fiD : n, m- .on . day ot arrival of s. . Campania. which will probably arrive April"15th Mall.s for China and Japan , per s. s. Glen- ogle ( from Tucomu ) close here dully up to April 17th at fiM : ; p. m. Mniln for the Society IflandH. per ship City of Papelt ! ( from San Francisco ) , c'ose here dally up to April 24th nt C,0 : p. in. Mnlln for Ha- waii ¬ , per s. s. Australia ( from San Frnn- cl.sco - ) . close here daily up to April 27th- at fi:30i. : . m. Mails for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Ntw Zealand. Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s AortuiRl ( from Vancouver ), close here itally after April " 15tli and up to April 2Sth ; it fi:30 : p , m- .Transpaclflp . mails nre forwarded to port of sailing dally and the m-hndtilp of closing Is arranged on the presumption of ( lu-lr uninterrupted overland traimlt. Regis , v tercd mall el sen at fi p. in. previous day V CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster.- Postollice . , New York , N. Y. , Apri : 7. 1S9D. & GO , , Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS flOARI ) OH THADH. Direct wlrex to- Correscondrntii . .111.1ew York. John A. Warren i Co.- FCNC . ' 1933 HRPEHNEYaca BRAtiCH l03lHWtU- tlCOLD OMAHA MED. ME P. BY ONE PAINLESS OPERATION WITHOUT THE KNIFE.- NO . DETENTION FROM BUSINESS. ESTABLISHED EIGHT YEARS IN OMAHA , WE REFER TO THOUSANDS OF GASES CURE- D.OneHalf . Our Regular Prices Until the 1st of next Month , If AVCJ can see you at our offices lonp ; enough to fit our scientific support ( truss ) and give onelreatiiicnt , we can cure your rupture. Our new and wonderful discovery in the treatment of all forms of rupture enables us to do this with perfect satisfaction , In 7 to 10 Days , by one Painless Operation , Without the use of Knife , Ligature , Clarnp or- Cautery. . Rectal Diseases and Rupture a Spec ¬ ialty. We refer by permission to more than three hundred prominent business men , bankers and others in Omaha and vicinity ; also thousands of others in Western States. Circulars and list of references sent on application. 031-932-933 N. Y. Life UUlg. , OMAHA , NJiI3.

Transcript of The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1899-04-13 [p...

Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1899-04-13 [p 10] · 245.000 20fi,00-03lye.. bu. ... , 1,005 pkgs.; Ilrm: large,


Again Wheat Strengthens and Gains Oent-

on Drop Damage Bcports ,


Arc HourMny MiiiiMn-tlon


llrliiK SUM t'mlcr AVny PorkIjOMt'N Twite nnil n Hnlf-

CIIICAOO. . April 12. Persistent reports to-


of crop damage (strengthened wheat nndMay clo'ed with a gain of Ic. Corn Im-


4p and oats He. Pork lost 12'4c , lardJtic nnd ribs Be-


of crop conditions were the chiefconsiderations again with wheat speculatorsnt the opening nnd those being of one un-


tone of badness the market openedlitrong. Receipts here nnd In the northwestwere small , Chicago Betting only 35 cars , ofwhich 2 were graded contract , and Mlnne-


und UulutU 188 , colnpared with 112 ayear ago. The MKsourl weather bureau ro-


of wheat condition In that stale saidmany correspondeula reported half thewheat killed , and the Iowa state reportclaimed late sown wheat wow about all deadend early sown seriously damaged. PrivatereporlM wore almost Unanimously of a mostdlscouraglnK character with regard to ''thoinjury done. Those were not repetitions ofprevious reports , but from fresh sources.-Mny


wheat opened to .ic higher at .KM ?, and during the llr t two bourn rose to-

72'Jc. . At that point , however , realizing com-menced


nnd forced the price back again to-

ijamogo claims again became popular ,

however , nnd were- given the most considera-tion


Thcro were several UPS and downs as-

thn session progressed , with trade verylight. On ono ot the downward reactionsabout forty minutes frirm the close somettioavy shorts attempled lo cover. Imme-diately


the price shot up , May touching72-Vc , -losing with Heller * nt ij .2lic.

There were a number of considerations' In-

rorn of bullish Import and the. market ruledIlrm. Receipts were only 93 cars. Liver-pool


cables weru Mjd higher on futures andthe cash situation was Improved , owing tothe now reduced export rates. Mny started3.i ttUe higher at Sl&H lfcc , sold up to 31'fc-clind closed at 31Hc.

There was. llttlo doing In the oats marketnnd outside of nn occasional spurt withwheat It wa* very slow. The bulk of biisl-np."rt

-consisted of buying May and selling

July nt lc premium. Cash demand wasgood. Receipts small , 100 cars. May beganHe higher at 2fi-c , sold oft to 2 and roseto 2fi'ie at the close.

Provisions were very hoavy. May liquida-tion


was still under way and the course ofprices was controlled by that and coveringliy aborts on the ctevllno. May pork openedf c lower at $ ! . declined to JS.Ri4' and Im-


to $ i.924 at the close. The range Inlard and ribs was Inconsequential.-


receipts for Thursday : Wheat.03 cars ; corn , 135 cars ; oats , 92 cars ; hogs ,

23.000 head.Leading futures ranged as follow-


*-.. Open. Hlirh.-


. L w-


. Clone-


. Yend'y.

May. . .

July. , 71M7U-


72M 71-



. . . S4MJuly. .Sept. , , 3511-


30 t-




30 'M'H-






. . .

July. . , *Pork.-


. . . 000-U


8R7W sonJuly . . 10-

rI''M 000-





. . . , ir 5 15-

can10 620

July. . . canSept. . . 645 5 40-


537 *BlhH.-


. . . 4 G2K 4in-


( 402)),July. . . 475-

487X47ft 480

Sept. . . 4 00 4874 490-

No. . 2.Cash quotations were as follows :

FLOUR Steady ; winter patents.$-3.COf3.CO


; straights , 3203.30 ; clears , 3.00( 3.10 : spring sp'clals , 410ff4.25' ; ivitents.I-3.20f(3.CO


( ; straights. J290S3.10 ; bakers , $2.20-CJ2. . 1-


No. 2 spring , 71T72c : No. 3-

BprlliR , GGi5i70c ; No. 2 red , 73fT75Vic.CORN No. 2 , 3lV4c ; No. 2 yellow , SMSiSfa.OATS No. 2. 27W27 4c ; No. 2 white. SOJj-Slc ; '

INo. 3 white , 29U.rr30'4C-.RYIC

| .

No. 2 , 63Uc-.HAHLI3Y

.No. 2. 395 17c.

SEEDS No. 1 flax-seed , J1.20 ; northwest ,

J123U. . I'rimc timothy sccd.u O. Cloverneed , contract Krade , not quoted. t

PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.90g895. Lard , ner 100 Ibs. , J512i5515.! Shortribs slde.H (loose ) , $ l455riSO. Dry saltedBhoulders (boxed ) . 437V4Q4CO. Short cleartides ( boxed ) , 485iif495.

WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , perEal. , $1.2f-


Cut loaf , J5.S3 ; Kranulated , 533.The following are the receipts and ship-


for today :

Articles. Receipts. Shlp'ts.Flour , bbls. 1S.OOO 32.000Wheat , bu. 51,000 8.CO )Corn , bu. 272,000 111.000Oats , bu. 245.000 20fi,00-03lye. . bu. 7,000 1,00-0JJarlcy. . bu. 21,000 13.000-

On the Produce exchange today the but-ter


market was quiet and easy ; creameries ,

] lf20e| ; dairies , lUi nHc. Eggs , steady :

fresh , Wic. Cheese , steady ; creams , ll }; ®




for ( In- Day nil GeneralCniiiinodltli-N.

: YORK. April 12. FLOURRO-celpts

-, 20,920 bbls. ; fxporta , 3,120 bbls , ; a

little more active and firmer with wheat.RYE Stronger ; No. 2 western , GS' gGGc ;

state , file-.UARLEY



MALT Dull-.'l

.I EAT Receipts , 2SG7f bu. ; exports. 39-

915, -

bu. Snot , Ilrm ; No. 2 red , 83 ic ; No. 1

northern Duliith , Slic ; No. 2 northernDuliith , SOVdc ; No. 1 hard Manitoba , S4iic.Option * opened Ilrm on cables and cropJiewf. Speculation very light , however, andalthough crop accounts became sensation-ally


bad later In the day prices respondeds'.owly. affected chiefly by moderate. cover-Ing.

-. Export trade and clearances were dis-


. Closed Ilrm on crop news at Icnet advance. May , 3-lGc ; closed ,77liiC : July. 7G4'fi7GHc! ' : closed , 7GHC ; Septem-ber


, 71 % i(7l( ic , closed , 74 ic.CORN Reccipta. 1,950 bu. ; exports , 42.S3S-

fcu. . Spot , Ilrm ; No. 2 , 43Uff43ttc. Options ,

quiet hut Ilrm all day on light receipts ; ex-port


demand and strong cables ; closed Ilrm-ut % (Q'ie' net advance ; May , WMiW.te ;closed , 3UTic ; July , iOTilOUc ; closed , 40Uc.

OATS Receipts , 138,100 Int. ; exports , 330-till. . Spot , dull. Options , du'.l.

HAY Firmer ; shipping , 45J53c ; good tochoice , G5fi75e.

HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice ,

1S9 crop. GffSc ; 1SU7 crop , 110l3c ; 1SDS crop.3-Glffl7c.


. Paclllc const : 1S9G crop , GQ7o ; 1897crop , llff12c ; 1S9S crop , HiflSc.

HIDES Firm ; Oalveston , Texas. 12'i l3c ; California-

VOOIQtilctj, s-

domestic Ileecc , lCQ21c ;Toxns , I2 ? llc-


Dull , IK-c ; country , I'.WJic.HICK Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4',4'iJ'

7e ; Japan , fifi5'ic.-MOLASSKS


Firm ; Now Orleans openItettle. good to choice , 3Mi37e-


HcceliHH , 5H4 pkgs. ; steady ;western creamery , UiilSVjc ; Klglnn , 21c ; fac-tory.


. 13Til5-c.CIIKKSKRccelptH


, 1,005 pkgs. ; Ilrm :

large , white. ISiiT-'iic : small , white , 12MJ-13c ; '.arKO. colored , 12fll2'ic ; Hiniill , colored.12iiJ'13o( ' ; light skiing S iiiriOuj part fcklins ,75i iOc ; full skims , 4S3c.

KGOSRecelpUlliB pkgs , ; firm ; statennd Ponnsylvanla , W4cj western , 13 i

; southern. 13U13ic."

LARD Weak ; western ntenrned , 5.40April. f' .3" & , nominal. Hcllned , easy ; con ,

tlnfnt. $5.G-O.COTTONSHKD


OIL-FIrm ; crude , 2282Hc ; crtido yellow , 2il; c-


The market for metals was Ir-regular , tin Helling off 37'i' polnU , lead 2'',DolntK. Pig Iron warrants , dull and nominal at 10.fiO Lake copper , nominal , willSluv limited 1S. Tin , lower and easy , willJ21.50 bid and 24.73 aoked. Lead quiet , willJ1.2T >i bid and $ l.32 .

. asked. Hpoitfr , firmwith $ (1.60 bid and Jt!. 0 asked. The brokersiirlces for lead IB $4,10 and for copper $ lS.25ii

Ilalllinore1-1ALTIMORE , April 12. FLOUR -Qulel

and unchanged ; receipts. 11,021 bbU. ; ex-

bid : receipts , 1S.OSS bu. ; exports , 16,000 bu-Buuthern. . by sample , 717U ! c : southern , 01trade , 72SY7G-


Stroimi mixed spot. OSSiSiSOljie : thmonth , Ss ; May. 3S , i i3S ic ; June39Uo linked ; xteamer , mixed. 3V< i3Ue ; re-cclpts , 11S.537 bu. : exports. b5,714 bu. : fouth-

rn< white corn , 41o ; eouthcrn yellow corn!Wb-


; No. 2 white , 35G35 io ; No.mixed , 32y32i e ; receipts , 25,162 bu. ; exports

'KTMNIIN Clljiraln and rrovUlonN.

KANSAS CITY. April 12. WHEAT FirmSlay opened ?ic higher , at B4 ? c , closetAround that figure ; cusli , No , i hard , cS

No , ?, ftJi n, ) ! , Nn 2 rtd , " ' , No. 3 , 7tr73c ;N.I 2 s.irli , IMCrti . N . 3 , 6C'i04c|f'ORNrik No. 2 mixed , 33c ; No. 3-

wiiitc ,' ; } ' ! < NO s , MI-

OATS l-.rm , No 2 while. 29 sS30c.RYE No 2 SlillAYaini > . chrtlcP timothy , 9238.50 ;

ch" | . , pr.Irle , l7ri'V'rtS.-OO.lUTTTERSteady

' .; creamery , 14S20c ;

dairy , 16 ' .

El(3S-Stpndy ; fr ° h , 10'4-c.RKciCIPTSXYhent


, 21,600 bu. ; corn , 17-GOO bu. ; ontd. 4OdO bu.

SHlPMENTS-Whent. 22,160 bu. ; corn ,

22,000 bu. ; onts , 5,0f ) bu.




of Trnilp nnd (Inolallonn nilNtniilc nnd I'nnc- Produce.-


light ; demand Rood ;

market He-


to fair. 111T12C ; choice ,

separator , 20c ; gathered creamery ,

POULTRY-II n.i , live , Sc ; drcsvcd , lOc ;

old and stagey roosters , llvo 47c ;

drrsFcd , Gfl'c ; ducks and geese , live , 7',4'i-ltte


; drcs cd , lOc ; turkeys , live , ;

dressed , , lightweight , 12',4S13c ; heavyweight ,



Live , per dozen , 75Q90c-.VKA1.H


Choice. 9-e.OYSTERSltulk


Standard , per gal. , 1.10 ;

medium * , per can , 15c ; Standard , p r can ,20c ; Extra Select , per can , 25e ; New YorkCountM , per can , 30c.

FRESH WATER FISH-Cntfl'h , per lb. ,

lie ; buffalo , per ! . , dressed , 7c ; white fish.-


; lake Irout. 9c : small trout , green , lie ;

yellow pike , Sc ; silver herring , Ic ; perch ,

lOc ; bullheads , dressed , lOc ; black bass , veryEiarce , 16TISr ,

SEA FISH-Flounders , Sc : haddock , 9c ;

Columbia river salmon , 15c ; halibut , lie ;

No. 1 smelts. lOc ; blue llsh , 10c ; Spanishmackerel , 10r ; red snapper , lOc ; extra largomackerel , each , 30c ; roe shad , each , 70c.



Per crate , 600fC.EO ;

pints , 2751300.APPLKS-HMi Davis , per bbl. , 5.00 ; Gen-


.', 1.75 ; New York Unldwlns , arcenlngsand others , choice , per bbl. , 5.50 ; wcatertiboxed , $2.0-


and Uugle , $ D.O-



RADISHES 1'cr bu. , box , JlSOffl7G.TOMATOES None In market.SPINACH Per basket , 125.LETTUCE Homo grown , per dozen

bunches. I0ti45-c.ASPAIIAWS


California , per lb. , 12Jfl5c.ONIONS Home grown , per doz. bunches ,

according to size , 30f35-c.WATERCRESS16qt.


. cases. $1.6-0.CAHHAGECrated.

.. per lb. , 3Uc.

CAULIFLOWER Per crate. 250.ONIONS Per bu. , 90c ii$1.00-.1JEANS


Ilnnd-plcked , navy , per bu. , $1.60-ffl.GO. .

POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked , 70c :poorer stock , Gl> c ; Minnesota Uurbnnlra , 8-5f90c ; Colorado. 1.00 ; early Ohio seed po-tatoes


, 1. OWil. 10.SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , Mcd-


. 3.00 ; seed awests , 200.TROPICAL FRUITS.

LEMONS - California , fancy , 3.76 4.00 ;

choice , 3Mtf3.75( ; Mestlna , fancy , 400.ORANGES Navels , fancy , 3.75 ; choice ,

3.00 ; seedlings , $2.50fi2.9-5.HANANAS

.Choice , crated , large stock ,pr bunch , 2.0i>012.25 ; med im sized bunches ,



. GO to 70lb. boxes , Gc ;

Salr. Gc ; Fard , 9-lb , boxes. lO-c.MISCELLANEOUS.


NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils , perlb. , 9W10c ; English walnuts , per lb. . fancyoft shell , 12ifM2Hc ; standards , lOc : filberts' ,

per lb. . He ; pecans , pol.s.hed! , 8I10c ; cocoa-nuts

-, per 100 , 1.00 ; peanuts , raw , BV4Q6c ;

roasted , G1iir7-c.CIDBR


Per half bbl. . 3.SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. . $2-


Choice white , l fflSc.MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each ,

2.50 ; gal. cans , pure per aoz. , $12 ; halfgal.-cans.

.. $ G2. ; quart cans , 350.

MAPLE SUGAR Choice , In boxes , [email protected]. TALLOW. ETC.

HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c : No. 2green hides , Gc ; No , 1 salted hides. SVic ; No-


hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12-

Ibs. . . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c-


. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 ,

34c! ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , 1' c ;

white greapc. 24l3e! ; yellow and browngrease , I'.iSICH-


. 10J75c ; bear (black orbrown ) . 500f20.00( ; otter , 150TS.OO ; beaver ,100JTG.OO : skunk. Ini75c! : muskrat , 3910c ;

raccoon , 155i50c ; red fox , 25ciT1.25 : gray fox ,2.VfiSOc : wolf ( timber ) , 25cif2.BO ; wolf ,( prairie ) , coyote , 10 60c : wildcat. 10S25c ;

badger. 5ff40 ; silver fox , 500067500.SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 15 ©

75c ; green salted shearings (short wooie < learly skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings (shortwooled early (-.kins ) . No. 1 , each , EC ; dryflint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher woolpelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4 50 ; dry flint.Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,per lb. , actual weight , 3JT4c ; dry flint , Colo-rado


butchr wool pelts , per lb. , actualweight , 4175c ; dry flint , Colorado murrainwool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 35f4c.-



. I.iinlK Market.-ST.

.. LOUIS. April 12. WHEAT-Ontlons

strong and higher ; spot stronger ; No. 2

red , cash , elevator , 75c ; track , "Gc ; April ,

75',4c ; May , 7Gic! ; July , 7HMJ71Uc ; No. 2-

hard. . 7oyOVsC.CORN Options firm , fractionally higher ;

spot firm ; No. 2 , cash. 3lc ; track , "MViftSSc ;

April. 34c ; May , 33Uff33Me ; Juiy , y s-i c.OATS Dull , nominally higher ; No. 2 , cash ,

2Sc ; track , 29c ; April , 2Sc ; May , 27Hcbid : July. 24c bid ; No. 2 white. 31c.

RYE IllL'her at 55-c.SURDSl'laxseed.

.. higher nt 116. Prime

timothy seed , 215.CORNMEAL $ l.SOfl.85-.URAN

.Strong and higher ; sacked , east

track , GOc.

HAY -Timothy. 7BOiT11.75 ; prairie ,stronger at $ G.OOii9.0-


Steady ; creamery , lSS22c ;dairy , 14JT1-


at ll c.WHISKY Steady at $1.2-6.METALSLead.

.. steady at 4.12 {r4.17V-


, higher at 6.27 .PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; standard

mess. Jobbing , 912Vfc. Lard , lower ; prlmosteam , 4.95 ; choice , 300. Dry salt meats( boxed ) , shoulders. $ l.37Vi ; extra shorts ,

4.87i ; ribs , 5.00 ; shorts , 5.12V4 ; ribs. $5.37V-j.liacon


(boxed ) , shoulders , 5.00 : extra shorts ,

5.25 ; ribs. 5.37Vfc ; shorts , 5.62 .

RECEIPTS-Flour , 2.000 bbln. ; wheat , 4,000-bu. . ; corn , 22.000 bu. ; oats , 33,000 bu.

SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wheat ,

7OW bu. ; corn , G2,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu-



OrIniiN Mnrlcct.NEW ORLMANS , April 12.PROVISIONSSteady , Pork , standard mess , 9Vi@9' e.

Lard , refined tierce , D se e ; pure : nrd. 6T4{iCc- Hexed meats , dry salt shoulders , 4.50 ;sides , J5.12M , . Bacon , clear rib sides , 5.7f W5.S71Ham; ? , choice sugar-cured , $ S.50 g9.5-


; Rio , ordinary to fair ,

RICE Steady ; ordinary to good ,

FLOUR-Extra fancy , 3GOG3.75 ; patents ,$ I.OOfl4.1-




HAY Prime , llT12c : choice , 134W14c.CORN No. 2 sacked , white , :

mixed. 43Vje ; yellow. 43U-c.OATSNo.

.. 2 sacked , 34c.

Liverpool Craln and I'rovlnlniiH ,

LIVERPOOL. April 12. WHKAT-dhigher : May. 6s 5d ; July. 5s & ' * .

CORN-Qulet , ,id higher ; April , 3s 4Hd ;

May. 3i4jd : July. 3s 4Tid.PROVISIONS Lard , American refined , in-

2Slb. . palls , Hteady , 27s. 9d ; prlmo western ,dull. 27s.

COTTONSEED OIL-Dllll ; rcHned , firm ,15 * 9d.

't'oli-ilo . ,

TOLEDO. O. , April 12.WHEAT Higher.Ilrm ; No. 2 cash , ? ) ' {.c : May , 71ici.

CORN Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed. 35Ao.OATS Dull. Htcady ; No. 2 mixed , 2ic.RYE Nominal ; No. 2 cash , r 5-c.OLOVERSEKUDui

.: ; prlmo cash , old ,

3.30 ; new , cash and April , 3.5214 asked-





. April 12.WHEATIn



Produce Miirl.'et.-PHILADI3LPHIA


, April 12.BUTTER-St

-ady ; fnncy western creamery , 22c ; fancywestern prints. 23c-


l-'lrm ; fre-ih nearby , 13o ; freshwestern , VIV-jc ; frfsh Boutlnvestern , 13c ;

fresh southern. 124c..f (iralii Market.-MIMVAliKEE

., April 12.WHEATFlrm

ii°-l , "" them , 72j724c! ; No. 2 northern ,

Oil i Ot. c-


1-3-1 Uglier ; No. 1 , 6Gc.llARLEY.-Flrm ; No. 2, 4Sg4SV4cj sample ,

1'iorlaP-EORIA. . April 12.CORNFlrm ; No. 2 ,

HfcC.OATS Firm : No. 2 white. 2S ; ft29c.V HISKY-FIrm , on the basis of 1.20 foifinished iooda-



Wlifiil Market.nrijJTlr' April 12WHKATNO. Mian ]

. (3Uc ; April , 73ic( ; May , 7 Uc ; July1E c : No. 1 northern cash , 70iicj No. :

northern , C6c.-



MV York Dry ( Joiid * llurUft.NEW YORK. April 12-Thero was falrlj

liiuivy 'buying today In nearly nil lines 01dry goods. Cottons wors linn us a rule.The feature of this week's market Is tinojionlinr of printed ilcivod goods and othe :

lines of fall TMI.JM 1 fabrics on thft r.rd r of-flnnr.f'ls A ft.w tf thiso lmbetn op nc.l-ftt ji. iuw whl'h wcrn RituKilly slightly Inadvance of lat y ar' quotations. Tnc Flt-tiatl.jn

-eems to foe ,i very strong ono on all

f.ill lines juwl ( hero are intimations thatprice* on nr w fall prints wMl show a acneral-ndvniKo. . The demand for print cloths hascontinue *! light , in tht local market thedealing ' ! n staple cotton1 ? liiu been on a re-stricted


ialo. . There have been no heavyIndividual purchases of either brown or-blcvichd goods. Although thft totals for eixchday have been pontirnHy satisfactory. Ex-port


goods have- been 'old steadily and thedemand cthowa no diminution. In mostgrades the prices have be. n sail'factory.STORY 01' HAY IX STIIKBT-



of .SpeenlatorN in liny nnil Spc-HiiltlcH

-Atnkc I.drwc ( inlnx.

NEW YORK , April 12. There was ai wildrush to buy at the- opening nnd the special-ties


mad ? larger galnr , part of which theyretained , while the railways , which had 1m-


smartly , left off nt about yesterday'sf-igures. .

The rise of Americans In London 'beforethe opening and the mom .ntum of yester ¬

day's advance wore responsible for the earlyGxellr-mont In the. market. Call moneyranged from 4 to 5 per osnt , closing it thelower ilgure. and sterling exchange wasstrong throughout , demand sterling rising',4 per cent. The rnp'dlty of the early ad-vance


Induced heavy realization. , 4 ut a g n-


tone of strength ] until t'heafternoon , when some sharp recessions w-curred.

-. The killing of uVmerlcnn and Eng ¬

lish navy olllcrs In Knmoa seemed 1o arouseni prehenslon In some quarters of furthercomplications. Among the specialties'strong features were Brooklyn Trnu-lt.CoiiHolldntod Gns , People's Gns. SilRUr andthe Iron nnd steel shar s. linaumore .tOhio Issucfl , Norfolk .t Western preferre 1

and Northern Pacltlc were strong. Foreignhousoj were ertdy purchasers , but r oldabout half n. milch on the locnl rise. Sameof the foreign purchn.i'lng was connectedwith London' * fortnightly settlement. A-numbpr of shorts were driven to cover earlyowing -to the commission house demand ,

ospoeuilly Tor Industrials , becniH'e of a moroliberal position taken by a number of bankstoward such stocks. The market closedsteady.-


ire was imoro activity in railroad bondstoday and .while a few Issues were Hhadcd ,

the general ndvnntingo was slightly betteron the daj. Total .rnlcfl , 3750000. United''States 3s advanced. % per ont In the bidprice.

The Commercial Advertlserts Londonflnnnclal cablegram says : The- marketshero were good early today. New YorkCentral was th ? feature. Now York ac-cepted


London's level and then there was a-ahairp c-cllpse. Later New York .boughtNorthern Pacific , causing a general rallyon the street. Th ? best Issues were St. Pauland Norfolk & Wn-tern preferred. Parissaid Spanish 4s to R7T4. French Insiders are.reported to bo bearish. Tlrttos wore -IJ.Other copper shares were dull , The bankboucht .1:53,000: in gwld .bars.

The following are the closing quotationsfor the lending stocks on the New Yorkexchange today :

The total sales of stocks today amountedto 845,120 shares. Including American Steel &" 23iOO ; Amcrl-can Supar , 34,000 ; Ameri-can


Tlnplate , 800 ; Atchlson preferred , 29-

000, -

; Baltimore & Ohio certificates , 4,500 ;

H. & O. W. I. . 23,300 ; B. & O. W. I. pre ¬

ferred. 7,400 ; Brooklyn Rapid TranHt , 75.300 ;

Burllaston , 1D.COO ; Chesapeake & Ohio , 3.300 ;

ChlcaifO Grciat Western , 4.COO : Chicago Ter-rmlnal

-Tranrtt preferred. 9,000 ; Cleveland ,

Cincinnati. ChfcaRO & St. Louis , 100.SOO ;

Conso'lidated' Gas. 7,100 ; Continental To-.bacco.

-. . 81.800 ; Continental Tohacco preferred ,B.OOO ; Federal Steel , 51,000 ; Federal Steel prc-ferrod.

-. 13.COO : Kansas .t Texas preferred ,

3,300 ; Louisville Sc Nashville. 19.ROO ; aianhat-tan Consolldatsd , 24,400 ; Missouri Pacltlc. 31-


. -: iN-'atlonal' Steel , 20,500 ; Nc.w York Cen-


. 17,500 ; Norfolk & Western preferred ,

4,400 ; Ontario & Western , 3.000 ; Pacific Mall ,

r.tMO ; People's Gas. 48,000 ; Reading : fin-I pre ¬

ferred. 19.700 ; Reading ? !cond preferred ,

3,030 ; Rock Island , fi.700 ; St. Louis & South-weBleni

-preferred , 5,500 ; Southern Railway ,

G.300 ; Tenne-sseo Coal & Iron , 12.200 ; Texas& Paclllc. 4,000 ; Union Pacltlc. 16,000 ; UnionPacific preferred , 0,000 ; United Statesleather preferred , 4800.

MV York Money Market.-NRW

.YORK , Aflrll 12. MONEY ON


per cent-.STBRLIN'G

.EXCHANGK-Strong. with

actual oiulness In bankers' bills at JI.KfiUff4-.S6V4 for demand and at 48404.8111 fortlxty days ; noated rates , { 4.S4 ! ( (i4.SS and4S7ff4.S7W ; commercial bills J4.S3V-


99'A ; 3 , rcff. , 1075H ; coupon , lOSvi ; new 4s ,

129 i ; coupon. 129 ; old 4. , res. . 112' ; 4scoupon , 118i ; Es , rcK. and coupon , 113.

Closing ipiotntloim on bonds wera :

In ( In* l''orlun I'MiiiincliiI AVorld.-UONDON

., April 12. American railway

shared ojiened ralhcr rirmer In rc pen * to-

heller overnight prices from New Yorkund were w ll maintained. Norfolk & West-ern


prcferrtd was the feature. The cloH.'ngwas steady , with n moderate demand. .Span-ish


4s doted at 57c.? ; Amount of bullion

KJ nt Intthi n nk of l-.n. l.ii. 1 on L.tlmtuday jcjf; io. OUl n' Iivicnoo Ayns 1.7 w-

I'AHls Apri' U I'riit * ip iul tlrm onthe bourse ted ly nnd axr th y Wire Ir-


and cK . i it wcnk , isiicililly In thi-case of lnt ( SL-curllrs.| Turks w rt-In not I xv demand early M the dny. but IK

came ensk-r Spanish 4s relapsed on frej li-

Cnrllst reports and lllo Tlntos and Ue Heer.succumbed to realizations. Knlllrs wereflrm In repons <" to Ixindon advices , butclosed below the best quntntlons of the day.Three per cent rentes , lolfflOc for the ac-count.

¬. Spanish 4s eloped ni 5S.7-


, April 12. International securi-ties


were tlrm on th1 bourse today nnd Ar-Bcntlnes

-were In special favor. Americana

and Canadian Pacltlcs were buoyant andmade marked advances. Local sharesstarted Ilrm , but Inter were ! rr RUla-


, April 12.lrlces wen- gen-erallv

-ilrm on the IxMirso today , but the

trnnractlons were light. Spanish 4s , Otto-mans


and Greeks were strong. Americanswere harder , especially Northern Paclllcs.-


, April 12.Spnnlsh 4s closed to-day


nt 0099. Gold quoted nx 19.2 .

lloxtoii Slock ( ( notation * .nOSTON. April 12.Call loans , 3JT4 per-

cent ; time loans , Sliil Its per cent , closingprices for stocks , bonds and mtnlliKshares :


XIMV Vurk Mlnlnu Quotation * .NEW YORK. April 12.Thc following

are the closing prices for mining sliaros :

oil oi i n r iTTTTTTTTTrrr 30 omnrlo r nfrown Point 22-rvn.

( > ! )lilr iso. C I ,t Vn..l70I-

VmlwoodPlymouth 1-0Qulrki.llxcr. . ,. M ISO

flotild & riirrle. . . , jo rte pM 73-0florraHale & N'orcrora. . IS N'evaila 1C 1

Homontnko jyi) ) Standard 22-3t'lilrnIron Silver no ( "on P-OYollcwMexican jg .larkct 3-

1I.oiuloii Stock ( tnoaoiiK.L-ONDON.


. April 12.11 p. m.-Clo.slns !

Con.iol.i , mnn y . .llo7irN ! V. ( "cnTrnl . 1K.C-nmlii , iux-t. llu'i Pennsylvania . BS iCnnaJlnn 1'aelllc . . M % Keatllns. KKrle. H'i.U. I' pfd. SS i

! ' l8t pM. SMfclAH-lils-on . L. . . , !2Illinois Ontml . . .nuj-ij. ,n N'. C7HJ1'- llacino pra. . . . Sl-1 jGnind Trunk . t%Sjt. Puil , . . ? !,

_BAH SILVEH-Qulot at 277-lCd per ounce.MON i-2 per cent-.Ilia

.rate of discount In the open marketfor long and short bills Is 29-10 per cent-


.Voles.CHICAGO , April 12.3tocks active andhigher. Alloy L , 79 6 ; Diamond Match. MS ;

North Chicago , 22S ; West Chicago , 101 ;

Strawtioard , 3S ; Ulscult common , RO',4 ;

UlFCtilt preferred. 10)) . Clearings , 20SCfi.915 :balanccii , ' .OW OO ; New York exchange , 30c

t' Sterllni ; exchange : Posted , 4.SH4actual , 4SI5T4.S 'i ; sixty days ; $ |Jj;

CINCINNATI , April 12. Money. 2 *Jf6 perfelfrlng

S mexchttn . 2= c "l5 " " ' :

ST. 1OUIS. April 12.Clcnrlngs , 3732.933 ;toalnnccs $813,750 : money , 507 per cent ; Ny15 par

$23,123,821 ;. .

V5U1'BANS , April 12-cearlng9:, $1-

.2U2.0 . -; New ork exchange , bank , $1 pre ¬mium ; commercial. $1 discount.-






Coniicutvil >vltli CoiuIiliiGi-N. .

DOSTOX April 12.The American AVooland Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow :

Some of the largo woolen mllla , including'both thos ? In the combine, have been rep ¬

resented In the market during the last" '"" o.Purelinswl verj- liberally of

' e JVa hlnBton , Wnnskuck and Pa-mills been espcsclally promlivrnt-tArri , hf'A1'10'1' ' ' semi> vcr >' lnrS° ] 1nc

.°M'C' { ,0rJeKn nn(1 nuarter nnd- '. - ileeces. The sales ofterritories alone aggregated over 4COO.OOJ

Ibs. , which , combined with those of otherlines , make a total business , for the weekof near y S.OOO.WO Ibs. Thsro Is no changeto note In prices , howewr. The sales of theweek In Boston amount to 7,4C1,000 Ibs. do-met tic and 1C8.COO Ibs. foreign making atal of 7.9275W Ibs. , nRUlnlt'n of424i.SOO Ibs. for the previous week and atotal of o30S30 Ibs. for the last year. Sales since Januarv 1 , 1SO !"amount to 07,003,800 Ibs. , against 40,7C7S10

Jbs. last year at this time.

CollVtMnrkct. .NEW YORK , April 12.COFFEEOtlons|opened steady , with price. ? unchanged to 5

!lna rl"C(1( fnlrl >' nctlve andllrnier , showing an advance on covering andmoderate investment liuvlng , followingsmaller receipts at lllo and Snntos , ilrm-iiess

-In Brazilian markets nnd larger ware-houBo

-deliveries In this country. Closed'

: ,""cte.e.S J° 5 Points lilghcr ; sales.-



. C 13lGc. Mild. Ilrm' ; Cordova , SfflCe.

Cotton .NEW YORK , Apri : 12Cotton. spotclosed quiet and unchanged ; sales , 523 bales ;

1"3 > 1 st "ly ; April. 5.760 ; June , 5.85 ; July. 3.00 ; August! : October. 5.89 ; No ¬

boccmber , $3,93 ; January ,. 5.W : Jtarch. $n04.A"r" 12--COTTON-DUII andno sales reported ; middling ,

I'rvHHctl Sti-fl Dlvliloiul.NEW YORK , April 12. The. Board of Dl-


of the Pressed Steel Car companvtoday doclaired a quarterly dividend of earn ¬ings to April 1. The earnings for threemonths were ovtr 500000. No dividend oncommon stock was declared on nccount ofthe charter s renulrement thait 7 per centof the earnings for the lls il year bo firstpaid or set asldo for paymtnt of dividendson ''tho profcirred stock.


NI5W YORK. April 12SUOARRnw.Htrong ; fair rcllnlng , 4 1-lfic ; centrifugal , 90" 8'04'' 8l'Knr' 3 ls-1Cc : rclintd ,irrn and

fiilirornlii Hilcd-3SSJL. . April 12OAI.IKORNIA

' ' Apricots , royal , 13171 Ic ; Moorpark , 13Mjl7c.' I'eachos , impeded , ;peeled , 25'a2Sc per pound.-




.- ., ? * ? ' Al'r" 12CATTIERcceIpts.

, ( Irad , Including l.KOO Texans. Marketlaw and weak. Fair to good native ship ¬

ping land export Hteei-H , $ | .Cfrf fi,50 , with fancygrades salable nt 3.75 : dressed beef nndbutcher steers , 4.00 fi5.23 : steers , under l.W(ll . 3.33 T4.S5 ; stockers and feeders , 3.25ifI.SO ; cows and .lielfwx. Ji.0ri4C0 ; bulls. 2.7u© fl.a ; canners , tl50ije.83 ; Texas and Indiantoers , 350fjl.90 ; cows and heifers , $2.75-

0'nOGSmocelpts. . 11,100 head. Market Belownr. Plgrt and llgh.ts. 3raf73.SO ; packers ,

370W3.S3 : ibutchers , JS.WTiU.iC' '. .

SHEKP-Reicelpts , 300 head. Marketstrong and acMvo. 'Nntivo muttons , 4.00S4.03 ; lambs , 310Q13.50 , the top being for

St. .loHcpb Iv| < - Sloi'K-ROUTH

.ST. JOSEPH , Aiprll 12.SpeclalOi-

'ATTMS(- Receipts , l,0f 0 head ; marketsteady 1o weaik ; quality common to fair.-


. $ T ! i4.40 : Tcxnns and westerns ,

f1.SOn4.n.cows; and helfen- . 20ord.J5 ; veals. .

HOGS Receipts. 4rhead. . Market 10,lower. Helling at 3WJ.75 ; 3)Ulk lit 35of3.70

SHEEP Receipts , l.lrt) head. Market ac-tive nnd strong ; Colorado lambs , 570.

Stock InFollowing are the receipts at the foui

principal western marke's for A'irll 1" :

Cattle. IIogH. SheepOmaha. 'J.sfti 5,133 5.21Chicago. 13.WO 2SOO( IC.OOf

Kansas City. 5,550 12,170 7,00 (

St. houla. 3.COO 11.100 3W

Totals. 24.C1I C7.723. 28Cj

fliicliuuill llv < Stock.-CINCINNATI.

.. April I2.HOGActlve al-

$3.26lT3.S7H.! .

CATTKE-Strong n't' $2.75173.0-0.SIIKKP

.Dull und lower at J273U5.00i

lainbti dull ut } l23tj2S5.


Liberal Supply of Oorn-Pod Oattlo is

Offered ,


AVIIIi Hi-nvy Itccrlitt * nnil n Drop InValue * nt Ollior Point * noun Sell

UII Unit It Dime DurltlK-tin-


Cattle , ll'og * . Strtop.Receipts today 2,3d4 o.l53 6,21-1Olllclal Monday 1,6JO 2,52 ? 7,379-

OIllcUU Tuesday 3.W 7,541 4,673

* Indicates Sunday.The olllela : number of cars of stock

brought In today by each road was :

Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.-C.


. , M. & St. P. Ry 1-

U. . it St. 1 . Ity 1Missouri IM.'lllc Ry G C

Union P.iclllc System 13 12 8-

C. . it N. W. Ry G 1-

F. . , K. ft M. V. R. '11 7 23 .4-

C' . , St. P. , ''M. & O. Ry 25 S-

II. . Jt M. R. 11. IR 'JG 17 8-

U. . , II. & Q. Ry . .

K. C. ft St. JC. . , IR. 1. & P. Ry. , 13 . .

C. , R. 1. ft P. Ry. . W 2 1 4

Total receipts OG 73 21

The disposition ot the day's receipts wasas follows , each buyer purchasing the num-ber


of head Indicated :

Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.Omaha Packing Co 131 . . . . CCO

The (.; . ! ! . Hammond Co. . 30 ,! 1 , HSwift and Company ell 1,260 797The Cudahy Packing Co. . 403 1,351 875Armour t Co 'J71 1.3SB 1,72-5Cudahy P. Co. . from 1C. C. 31Swift , from the country 1,053-

It. . Decker & Uegun 10-

Lobnian it Co 70-

McCreary & Clark 81-

W. . I. Stcph-na 4-9Itenton it Underwood 2-7Huston it Co 1-4LIvlngHton & Schaller . . . . 11G

Hamilton it Rothschild. . . 47-

L. . 'F. Ulusz 1-

McVlckcr it Co 77Other buyers 1SG . . . . 4i5Holdover 100 . . . .

Totals . . . .2200 6,154 5,55-

5CATTLEOver fifty loads of cornfedcattle were on sale this morning , a fair runfor the middle of the week. There was alarge run at other market points , so thatthe total offerings of cattle for th- daywere liberal. This fact , however , did notappear to have any material Inlluence uponthe market at this point , as there was a-

very good local demand , which caused abetter feeling to prevail. The most of thecattle sold early and at price* that weretully steady with the best time yesterdayand a little stronger than the low timeyesterday. There were no very good eattluhero so that the sales did not show upvery high on paper.C-


and liultcrB were In good demandand the market active at steady prices.Everything In the way of cow btuff wassoon disposed of. The bull market con-tinues


unchanged , fat bulls being extremelyalow sale nt the low prlce.3 preval.lng.Light and good quality stock bulls are goodsellers , but heavier ones are slow-


was no change In the stocker andfeeder situation. Values this week onstock cattle have shown no material cnango.The demand continues good and fully equalto all arrivals , so that holder.-* meet with no-dlfilcuity In disposing of the cattle at satis-factory


prices. Reinsentuive sales :




a[ hud a naturally

wenkenlni ; effect upon the market nt thl-lioint , the iii'iierul run of the hoga m-UInt ?6c lower. The demand was BOdd and liuyiri-ull wantr-d liberal tiiipiilleH , lint pe'lcrs weredetermined to siiiucze ovury cent out of theIIOKH that tlu-y j oKallly could , mid accord-ingly


wen- Blow about nmulng the conceu-hlon

-cleinanikcl by buyera. Kor that reuson-

Uio inornliiK was unite advanced beforethe IIOKK wer ? ull disposed of. The marketcloMCd weak at the decline noted above.-


( juallty of the buys wa i lte goodon an uv raBc , there belnt more heavyhoK.'i than un a KOOI ! many days of '.uit ,

and tfoniu urlme fat backx whlcli broughttbu lei of Hit1 market.-


no * od! today very larfioly at JS.COt ?3.U5 , a UKiilimt WtCJra.70 yesterday. It willlie noted fiom the table of ilturea at

of coiumn thnt the nuirkit t-i.lny wnn liuillv-nn hlKh on n , HR it win n w ik-HKO but iuj It Ilk Tn irr.diiy of Inuts k-

II will nlfo be noUtl from the t ibu uf r- thnl thr nrmnlso fnr thin woi-kshow a toi lilPMl li' fn.HnR off nfl C"in-arnl


| ) with In't wcik.-As


a Ken * tiling everyone * lookingfor n v ry llRht run of hops iliirlni ; thethree WCOKM to come , n , they llKurc Unitformers will bo too busy In the Held to-mnrkct lingsllenreaentntlve snls :

No. Av , Sh. IT. No. Av. Sn. IT.-


164 40 S 15 M MS 11W 3 ffM-

S( , l . . . 3. CO 271 24(1( 3 fi! <i10 33s! 120 3 K 73 2(0( SO 3 (Si!31 CS . . . 3B7'i' ff! 2M SO 3 IH't'70 M 40 3 f.7iS fil ICe . . . 3 2'471 153 SO 357.4 27 31C 120 3 CI <


IK) 2M 160 .1 BO If. 2S2 . . . 3 HIM ,

5.3 231 40 3 BO M 271 SO 3 ((121 *63 218 . . . SIX ) 69 207 . . . 3 62',4'70 210 . . . 3 IX) 77 277 ISO 3 f.2'4-

JS, 2.11 $0 3 CO 03 273 201 3 62 4j-

CO 2(11( 4C SCO fi.1 2Sfi 120 3 C2'' ,

IB 2vHi . . . 3d ) 30 22S 40 3 ti2J4-

IS 1S.1 . . . 3 W CO 263 . . . a C2J4-

IB 213 . . . 3 (HI CO 201 . . . 3 2Hi-3S 220 . . . 3 fiO 78 2ifi; 120 3 C2'', j77 22G SO SCO 7G 2f S 100 3 C2J441 2SS 120 SCO fiS 22(5( 40 3 ( '.: :71 24 ? . . . 300 CT. 2. 120 3 62'a'77 2.11 120 3 CO 71 2SO 1GO 3 l.2 4-

7C 221 120 SCO f 0 2o.1 . . . 3 Co-

7S 1U7 . . . SCO BO 24-, . . . 3 C510 249 40 SCO 72 225 40 3 (S73 2thi . . . 3 tn Cl .V 40 3 6fi14 2)0) . . . 3 CO B3 !S8 . . . S l"73 227 40 SCO 43 275 40 3 C5-

f.S 231 . . . SCO Cl 301 . . . 3 (W-

CO 219 240 SCO f.5 2X! 40 3 Co70 212 120 SCO 70 2.12 . . . 3 IM-

til 2S 4 ICO SCO 40 252 SO 305-M 224 11X ) SCO C2 270 40 3 IIS-

1C 207 . . . 3 BU 61 271 40 S Co-

C3 227 40 SCO 7i( 2S5 3SO 3 C5((17 225 10 3 tSVj , C2 275 . . . 3 fii72 2SS 40 3 IS'.J M 353 . . . 3074-C7 2.M SO 3 C2'S' 131 333 120 3 07V4fifi 3JS . . . 3 G2U | IX) 300 . . . 3 G7'i'122 2fl2 200 3 GZ'.S' ffl 312 . . . 3 07-

Cl 272 SO 3 C2' . W ) 303 . . . 370-CO 23S . . . 3 02i( 00 410 SO 375

WAGON LOTS1MGS.1 1,10 . . . 200 S 290 . . . SCO1 390 . . . 225 2 230 . . . SCO1 3.M . . . 250 7 219 . . . SCO3 113 . . . 300 B 241 . . . 3001 370 . . . 3 00 H 1 ! . . . S ( M-

S US . . . 350 G 223 . . . SCO9 143 . . . 355 8 1S5 . . . SCO-G 273 . . . 3 B7',4 B 227 . . . 3 C2'44 170 . . . 360 1 430 SO 3 C2U2 1S5 . . . 3 GO 7 420 . . . 3 C2 42 ISO 40 3 G-OS1IBI31 * Arrivals today were considerably

Inrscr than a we.ek ago and sllg-htly liu-Rurthan yesterday. Of th. total number re-ceived


, however , live or six earn wore con-fllitned

-direct to packers und not

offered for sale. A considerable proportion ofthe receipts consisted of sheep , while choicelambs were very scarce.

The market as a whole was In very satis-factory


condition as regards the scliliiK I-nlrcsts

-and values were generally 10 higher.

The demand for all kinds wa.s Rood andthe movement active , so that everythingwas sold and welphcd up at an curly hour.-


bunch of six double decks ofhecp Ihatsold on Monday at 4.70 brought $ I.S3 today.Western yearlings brought J3.121 * . andMexican yearlings 535. Western lambsbrought 3.10 5.5-


are : Good to choice fed wcsl-orn

-wethers. $ IG5CT4.90 ; fair to Rood , j.t.r.OTf

4.13( ; Mexican y.arllngs , 520115.35 ; choicelight weight western yearlings , $ IS05i4.93 :good heavy weight western yearlings , $ l.70Tj4.90 ; good to choice western ewes , S435ti4.50 ;

fair to good western ewas , J3.90i 1.25 ; good tochoice native lambs , Ki351fS.40 ; good tochoice western lambs , J5.40fl 5.30 ; Fort Col-linn Mexican lambs , good to choice , $5.50'Q'-5.GO

'; fair to good Fort Collins Mexican

Iambs , 525fi5.35 ; feeder sheep , 425Ti4.50 ;

feeder lambs , J4COH52o. Representativesale.s :

No. Av. Pr.135 cu'.Is i9 250

5 cull (MVCP 70 $3 001 cull , ewe SO 3 ( K)

45 bucks 15G 3 5070 Mexican ewes 7G 4 2547 native ewes Ill I 303 ewes S6 4 30

13 shorn lambs 50 4 C591 native wethers 135 4 SO

11 shorn lambs 70. I S319 yearlings S7 4 S3-

S7S western wethers Ill 4 S3

415 western withers 110 4 S5-

SO western sheep and yearlings , . S3 4 S3

9 wethers 103 B ft )CSO western yearlings M 5 12'i'

45 native yearlings 107 515-S.I Mexican lambs 07 525-

2S1 Mexican yearlings 78 5 35-

2SO Mexican yearlings 7S 5 35

372 western Inmbs 73 5404-

GO western lambs SO 5 45

221 lambs , westerns 7G 5 504 native Iambs 77 5 C-




In Cnttlc SliMV nml Tricon-Ilnn ly MltMiiIy How Active.

CHICAGO , ..April 12.Tho cattle- markettoday -was provoklngly slow nnd trade wasunusually late In getting started , buyrsholding .back and refusing to bid. Afterimslnees was fairly under way , prices werebarely steady. Fancy gnulea sold at 5.055.75 ; choice steers , 5.30 f5.CO ; mediums , 4.70

4. !>5 ; le-f steers , 3Wi4.r! ( : stockcrN nndfeeders , 3SOTir.00 ; bulls , 2COJfI.IO' ; cowsand heifers , *3.40 f4.C5 ; Texas steers , Jl.OOy15.15 ; calven , 350fiBCO.

There wa.s a fairly active demand for hogson local nd eastern snipping account , butbuyers succo'ded In putting prices about ftclower , on average , the market ruling veryweak from the i tart. Fair 10 choice , $3.7oi7-S.fiO ; heavy packing lots , SU.oOTia , ; mixed ,

$-1.WMG.S2'i ; butchers. 3C5f3.S7i ; light , S3.C-Of3.SO ; pigs , J330fl3.70 ; bulk of snles , 3.75ir3R5.

Trade In sheep was brisk and prices ruledsteady , at the recent advance. Lambs made'tho bulk of offerings and Hold at 530JiG.0' ! )

for wooled and 47515.15 for shorn. Cullsbrought SIIXVG4.75 ; Colorado lambs , 3.SO fji5.90 ; western lamb ? , 55055.75 ; wooled i-heep ,$4 50ig5.00 ; Texans and westerns , $ l.75fti .00 ;

Uiaivyexports , 475tjH.S5 ; yearlings , 4.SOQi

5.10.HECHlPTSCattle. . 13,000 head ; hogs, 2S-

000, -

head ; sheep , 10,000 head-



York Ilvo S < 4)clf-


YOniC. April 12.HRKVKSRCc-eipts.

-. 2,015 head ; market iow ; teers. Mtv >c

lower ; bulls , steady to lirm : cows , steady ;

medium to choice steers , 1.70 5.50 ; Ktagsand oxen , 32Bf4.E5 ; bulls , 3.23 % 1.35 ; cal lesplow and unchansed ; exports , 140 head ofcattle and 4,531 quarters of beef-


Receipts , 1,034 head ; marketslow ; top grades , 23c lower : others I.fi25coff ; noor to choice vea > , 350f3.CO ; tops ,

370ii5.75 ; few head fancy , 6.00 ; generalsales , JI.SOJjo.B-


AND LAMHS-necelpls. 7.015head ; active and Ilrm : lambs , EfflSc hlgh-r ;

wooled s-heep , 30073.10 ; clipped , $ ) 75fBC2M. ;

unshorn liimliH , $O.OOffi.SO ; cllpneil lamb ,

$ l75f5C2i.( ! ; spring lambs , $ IOOffC.25 cash.HOGS Itecclpts. 7,231 head ; Ilrm at $ l.00f?


KIUINIIH ( "ll.v Ilv < Stock.I-CAXSA'S


PITV. April 12. f'ATTLH Ile-ccipts.

-. 4MO head natives , C30 head Texnim.

Good demand for cattle today , with prlcruling steady '.n common grades , and strongfor the good offerlngH ; no choice nativeotuenoll'ercd. . Medium steers , $ ( .15 ;

light weights , $ I13T4.0| !) ; stockers nnd fi d-


, 375J5.25| ; butcher cows nnd heifers ,

''ft .10 < an , . r J" . . ' J . h. r bu'-s ,' ( i , WV..K n ,. . i. 4. . v.iMJ. Texnii.ii-

f.i t M-

HOUS lUv .L . IM.t h- , Fury m-

tlo Jininl f r a i , i. out i-i in..Hti.l-on t r r.iiig , r t " ' ' - tc MK-won fully m under yi-tti il.iy n quotntl nl.-

ll! .

ivy. $ .! RVM7A. mlxitl , | 3.Vitil ,"0 ,

_ . .HEP Receipts , " .pi ) hejicl. The voltunsof liitslti'i's ill heep and l.un'j * wax lUMMMi ;

ITTC! ( wttefor the inot imrt iinrhani ; l ,

Kprlnir lanilw , $7fiO, ; fill Ininb * . Jfi.sVu j . <) !

crs aiwi'fccilors * . $Jat1l.75i cliNs ,


( Should bo read T > A1LY Jiy all Interestedas changes may occur at any lime. )

Foreign mail * for the week ending April15 , 1S99 , will close ( PROMPTLY in iillc.i ? a )

nt the llcnornl Postolllt-e as follows : PAR-OKI.S


POST MA1I.8 close on- hour earlleithan closing time shown below.


THURSDAYAl S a. m. for N'KTMKIl-LANDS direct , per n. s. AVerkendam , viaAmsterdam ( letters must bo direct d "per-Werkcndnni" ) .

SATt'linAY-At ((1 n. m. for KUROP1C. pers. s. Ktrurlii * . via ( } ueentowu ( letter * f. r-

France - , Switzerland , Italy. Srt.iln Portu-gal


, Turkey , Kgypt nnd Hrltlsh tndl.i ni'ist-bo directed "per Btrnrla" ) ; at 7 a. in. forKRAXCK , , ITALY ,

SPAIN . PORTVOAL , TI.'RKKY , KUYPTand HR1TISII INDIAr s. o. La lire-taglie

-* . via Havre ( letters for other jvirla-

of Kuropi * must IIP directed "por 1 Hro-lagno"

-) : nt S a. m. for XBTIIKIU.AN1 3

direct , per s. n. Stateudam , via Hntii-rd un( letters must be dlr ctcd "per Si n i-tdam"

-) ; nt ! a. in. for ITALY , per t

finale , via Xales| ( letters mu t be ilim' . , !

"per Sa.ile." ) ; nt 11 a. in. for NORWAY( letters for Costa Rlea must bo dltvrt..l-"per Altai" ) : at 11 a. m. ( mipplcmoni u v11 : n a. m. ) for CtTRACAO , also YKXK-X.ITKLA



, via Curacao , per s. s. A. II ,

Tlionie ; at 11 a. m. for Ct'HA. per o. s-


, via Havana ( letters must lie ill-


"per Orizaba" ) ; at 1 p. in. rtNORTH , per s. s. Trc . .

Para , Maraiihnm and warn ; at I p 111


., per s. s. Ollnda.

St'NDAY At 'JlSn a. 111. for XASSAV. M-

P. . , per slenmer from Miami Kin. : at v ; (

p. in. for ST. PiniJRH-MlQtlKLoN pelsteamer from North Sydney.-



for Newfoundland , by rail tn XnrltiSydney , and thence by steamer , eln r atthis olllcc dally at S:30: p. in. ( conm-i-tlituclose here every Monday , andSaturday ) . Malls for Mlnuelon , by rail to-Unstcii. . and Ihenc" 1 - r'n-.inier , clo o itthis ofi-f! dTl'y' at S0: ! ;-, . m. Malls f.tCuba , by rail to Port Tntnpa , 11. . ni l

thrnee by steamer , close nt thH ollli-adally ( ex 'eit| Monday ) at " a. m. , cnn-peellng

-clr >s H hero every Sun lay.Vcdm.i -

day ,ind Krlday. Mails for fuli.i , by rail'to Miami. Fin. , and thetie > by i-leiimer ,close nt this otllee everv Monday , Tues-day


and Saturday at * 2:30: a. m. , con-nectlnp

-closes here every Tuesday and

Saturday. Mails for Mexico City , over-land


, unless specially nddrosned 'for dis-patch


by st nine.r , close at this olllee dallynt 2:30: n. in. and 20: p. in. "Registeredmall clones nt fi p. m. previous day.

Registered mall closes at C p. m. secondday before.

TrniiNpnclllf Mull * .Malls for China and Japan , per s. H. Km-

pres- A

- ? of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close Where dally up to April "llth at ( l-.M p. m.Malla for China , Japan and Hawaii , i r s.-


, City of Rio Janeiro ( from S-an Fran-cisco


) , close here dally ! to April 14th atf-l:30: p. in. . Malls for Australia ( ex pt-UKI.O fo - Wect Australia which are f'-r-'

warded via Kurope ) . New iCea.'and , H'a-wali.

-. Fiji and Samoaii Islands , per n a. L.

direct , per s. s. Norgo ( letters must bodirected "per Norgo" ) . f

PRINTED MATTOR KTC.-Germansteamers sailing on Tuesdays take printedmatter , etc. , for Germany , and speciallyaddressed printed matter , etc. , for otherparts of ISuropc. Am ncnn and WhltoStar stcn.ners on AVcdncsdays , Oernuinsteamers on Thursdays , and Cunard ,

French and German steamers on Satur-days


take printed matter , etc. . for allcountries for which they are ailvtrtited-to carry mall.

After the closing of the supplementarytransatlantic mails nnnu-d above , addi-tional


supplementary malls are opened onthe piers of the American , English.French and German steamers , and remainopen until within ten minutes of the hourof sailing of steamer.

Mull * for South anil Central America ,"Wc-l InilU-H , i : c.

THURSDAY At 1 p. m. (supplementary1:30: i> . m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. . SANTI-AGO


s. K. Santiago ; at 9 p. in. for JAMAICA ,per f-teamer from Hoston.FRIDAY At 12 111. for Porto Rico , per

s. K. Evelyn , via Ponce.SATURDAY At 10 a. in. (supplementary


-and GREYTOWN. per s. Altai

Mnrlposa ( from Snn Frnnclscoj , OIOKP neradally after Mnrc-h "30lh tip to fiD: n , m-.on

.day ot arrival of s. . Campania.

which will probably arrive April"15thMall.s for China and Japan , per s. s. Glen-ogle ( from Tucomu ) close here dully upto April 17th at fiM: ; p. m. Mniln for theSociety IflandH. per ship City of Papelt !( from San Francisco ) , c'ose here dally upto April 24th nt C,0: p. in. Mnlln for Ha-waii


, per s. s. Australia ( from San Frnn-cl.sco

-) . close here daily up to April 27th-

at fi:30i.: . m. Mails for Australia ( exceptWest Australia ) , Ntw Zealand. Hawaiiand FIJI Islands , per s. s AortuiRl ( fromVancouver ) , close here itally after April"15tli and up to April 2Sth ;it fi:30: p , m-



mails nre forwarded to port ofsailing dally and the m-hndtilp of closingIs arranged on the presumption of ( lu-lruninterrupted overland traimlt. Regis , vtercd mall el sen at fi p. in. previous day V

CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster.-Postollice


, New York , N. Y. , Apri : 7. 1S9D.

& GO , ,Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb


flOARI ) OH THADH.Direct wlrex to-Correscondrntii

..111.1ew York.John A. Warren i Co.-














Our Regular Prices Until the 1st of next Month ,

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Circulars and list of references sent on application.

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