The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) Wisdom and Creation Proverbs 30-31 & Sirach 7.18-36 Gen. 1.1-2.3 Gen. 2.4-3.24 Gen. 6.5-9.17 & 11.1-9 Ps.8, 74, 89.6-19, 136.1-9 Is. 40.12-14 & 21-22 Job 9.4-13, 25.1-26.14


Wisdom and Creation Proverbs 30-31 & Sirach 7.18-36 Gen. 1.1-2.3 Gen. 2.4-3.24 Gen. 6.5-9.17 & 11.1-9 Ps.8, 74, 89.6-19, 136.1-9 Is. 40.12-14 & 21-22 Job 9.4-13, 25.1-26.14. The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures). Wisdom and Creation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

Page 1: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)

Wisdom and Creation

Proverbs 30-31 & Sirach 7.18-36 Gen. 1.1-2.3 Gen. 2.4-3.24

Gen. 6.5-9.17 & 11.1-9 Ps.8, 74, 89.6-19, 136.1-9

Is. 40.12-14 & 21-22 Job 9.4-13, 25.1-26.14

Page 2: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)

Wisdom and Creation

Proverbs 30 – social order as divinely ordainedProverbs 31 – the virtues of a king, the ideal wife

Sirach 7.18-36 – advice to a wealthy man

The theme: creation is divine order, therefore social order is a reflection of the order of

creation,disruption of the social order leads to chaos

Page 3: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)

Wisdom and Creation The first Creation Narrative: Gen. 1.1-2.3

The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth(video segment/reading from Enuma Elish)

Text from the Priestly redactor

Terms:ruachtan/tanyimEnuma Elish

Page 4: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)
Page 5: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)Wisdom and Creation

The Hymn of Creation

Separation Population light/dark sun/moon & stars Waters above/below birds/fish land/sea mammals, humanity

'and God saw that it was good', 'on the 7th day He rested'

Page 6: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)

Wisdom and Creation

Man and Woman

Made in the Divine ImageStewards of Creation

Priestly connection to sanctity of Matrimony

Page 7: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)

Wisdom and Creation

The Second Creation Narrative: Gen. 2.4-3.24

Adam, Eve, and the Garden(video segment)

Page 8: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)Wisdom and Creation

Gen. 2.4-3.24

The importance of language

‘man’ (‘adam) and ‘soil’ (‘adamah)

name of the garden is reminiscent of both the Akkadian word for ‘steppe’ and the Hebrew word for pleasure

man (ish) and woman (ishah)

naked(‘erummim) and cunning (‘arum)

Page 9: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)Wisdom and Creation

Gen. 2.4-3.24

The importance of language

man (ish) and woman (ishah)

The words ish (man) and ishah (woman) share the letters alef shin, which spell out eish: fire. The man has a yod within the word ish, and woman has a hey in the word

ishah. The yod and hey together spell out the name Yah, referring to the divine Presence.

Page 10: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)

Wisdom and Creation

Gen. 6.5-9.17 Noah and the Flood

Gen. 11.1-9 the Tower of Babel

Page 11: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)Wisdom and Creation


8 – God is Creator, humanity 'little less than gods' and stewards of


74 – even though the Temple is destroyed, God is Lord of Creation

89.6-19 - “Yours are the heavens, yours the earth; you founded the world and everything in it.”

136.1-9 God is Creator, “God's Love endures forever”

Page 12: The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)

The Old Testament(Hebrew Scriptures)Wisdom and Creation

Is. 40.12-14,21-22 – God is the Creator, and the savior of His people

Job 9.4-13 – God made the mountains and the stars 25.1-26.14 - God made all things and gave order to
