The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Nevada’s Official JCL Newsletter



Transcript of The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Page 1: The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Nevada’s Official JCL Newsletter

Page 2: The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Hello fellow JCL delegates,

Every year around this same time, State convention is suddenly just around the corner. This year however,

we are working hard to make it the best one ever. The board and our host JCL have worked tirelessly to

compile only your favorite dramatic events, tests, and ludi, back to back with dessert prizes and meals to

impress. For two days at the end of March you can wind down the stress of 3rd quarter by participating in

our exciting two-day classical celebration. You can begin participating in pre-convention contests to be

judged at convention or if you want to get even more involved, you can run for a position on the state

board! Attendance at one national convention and one state convention is required so any and all

applicants are encouraged to run and be a part of planning all of our fun events. We hope to see you all at

the state convention, the 28th and 29th of March, at the Meadows!

See you soon,

Elisse Johnson

NVJCL President 2013-2014

"For the beginnings of all things are small."

Cicero, De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum V. 58

I attended my first national convention this summer at UNLV. I enjoyed myself greatly, and I felt that it was a

learning experience for me for future conventions. Never before had I seen a JCL event on such a grand

scale, with over 1200 attending. I think the most memorable parts of convention for me were either

fellowship meetings, or participating in Open Certamen. Also, I felt that this convention, for me personally,

was a new experience and a stepping-stone to future conventions. - Ian Ogilvie, Technology Coordinator

As this was my first national convention, I was very excited to go and even more excited because we were

hosting at UNLV. I didn’t know what to expect. I had never been to such an enormous gathering of Latin

lovers. When the convention started, it was a blast. If I had never taken Latin, I would have thought that a

week of speaking and learning Latin in the middle of summer would be boring and tortuous. That was

SOOOOOO not the case. I could have never imagined all the fun I had in those 7 days. Whether it was

playing cards and hanging out with friends, partaking in Ludi, or even the chapter meetings at crazy times at

night, it was always fun. I will never forget my first of many national conventions, and I can’t wait for the

next ones. - Christian Otter, Second Vice President

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*TMS JCL Movie Night* Pompeii from the British Museum

On September 25, 2013, several members of The Meadows School

Junior Classical League went to the theater at Village Square in Las

Vegas to watch a one-and-a-half hour documentary that was being

shown for only one night from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Pompeii from the

British Museum. The movie is currently “touring” and being viewed in

movie theaters around the world. The film is about an exhibition on

Pompeii and Herculaneum and covers both the daily life of people

living in these two cities and, of course, the eruption of Mount

Vesuvius. TMS JCLers had a blast learning about the ancient world, and

when asked what they found most interesting or what they most

enjoyed about the film, some of these JCLers responded, giving us a

glimpse of what they experienced.

“From the documentary of Pompeii, I thought it was interesting how

similar a lot of their [jewelry] was and how complex some of their

possessions were. The art was pretty interesting, might I say, but

overall the movie was pretty cool!” - Kaitlyn Abdo, TMS JCLer

“At our JCL movie night [...], I learned about the daily life of the people

who lived in Pompeii. I enjoyed learning about the various artifacts

displayed and how they were incorporated in everyday life. I learned

how perfume was stored and the beautiful jewelry the women would

wear. I learned that the rich women would wear expensive pearls and

gemstones, while the less wealthy women would substitute pearls for

clay in their jewelry.” - Miriam Novick, TMS JCLer

“I thought the movie gave a really good glimpse into what the ancient

world of Pompeii was like from a “daily life” perspective. From

grooming to conducting business, jewelry to household adornments,

there were many aspects of the daily life that were on display that

show what a ‘day in the life’ of a Pompeian was like. I also liked the fact

that they had experts in Classics, archaeology, and art explain the

significance of the pieces and how they relate to the person who lived

and used/owned them. A good discussion was introduced that slaves

made the Roman city and household work, and that our snapshot of

Pompeii froze these ‘invisible’ members of a household along with the

household themselves. There usually isn’t much left from other cities

about this sometimes forgotten part of the household. The entire

movie was well produced, and I am eager to see such an exhibit come

to the states!” - Sherry Jankowski, TMS JCL Sponsor

Fall Forum

On December 7th, the TMS and

Liberty JCLs participated in a variety

of activities at Fall Forum, which

was held at Liberty High School. A

preview of what the NVJCL State

Convention will hold, Fall Forum

allowed students to engage in

academic testing, Olympica, and

Ludi, among other activites.

JCL Chapters Attend

Annual JDRF Walk in Las


Toga-clad and bearing posters to

support the cause, The Meadows

School and Liberty High School JCL

Chapters came together on

November 16 at UNLV in order to

raise awareness for Type One

Juvenile Diabetes. Afterwards,

JCLers had lunch at Market Grille

Mediterranean Restaurant and

finished off the day at Laser Quest.

Karaoke Night

On November 23, 2013, the TMS

JCL held Karaoke Night at Karaoke

Q Studios. In addition to using the

event to have fun and relax, JCLers

extended their“friendly hand” by

donating clothing for the Shadetree

and money for the Plastic Food

Drive for the Nevada Partnership

for Homeless Youth.

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Meet your new

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President: Elisse Johnson, Grade 12

Salve! My name is Elisse Johnson, your 2013-2014 Nevada JCL President. I am a senior this year and I am so excited end my high

school career leading our delegation to success alongside my fellow officers. It is my duty to lead meetings, general

communications, general assemblies and beyond. I ran for this position because I have always been a strong leader in outside

groups and activities and I wanted to use my skills and time to help with JCL activities. Since my first JCL convention I was entirely

enthused by the crazy or challenging opportunities it provides each students. Throughout the year I hope to inspire that same

enthusiasm in new JCL members while also maintaining it in the JCL veterans. I hope each and every member feels as though they

can contact me at any time and express any concerns or comments! I am working to increase the efficient means of planning by

encouraging participation within the board and making sure our board does all they can to make each person’s JCL experience as

fabulous as mine has been.

First Vice President: Claudia Close, Grade 12

My name is Claudia Close, I am a senior, and I am the First VP. As First Vice President, I am in charge of publicizing JCL and

convention through any form of media. I didn’t actually run for this position, but as soon as Kathryn was elected to National Office,

I was more than happy to step up to fill her spot. I am particularly keen on bringing awareness to the JCL through media as I am

the co-editor of my school newspaper and have written articles in the past - including an article on Nationals in the Review Journal.

As First VP, I hope to further anyone’s interest in JCL and again, make Las Vegas in general aware of the NVJCL’s participation in

the national convention. Habetis bona deum!

Second Vice President: Christian Otter, Grade 10

Salvete, fellow JCLers! My name is Christian Otter, I am in the 10th grade, and I am your new 2nd Vice President of Nevada JCL. In

this position, it is my job to be in charge of all things relating to spirit, whether that be prizes, judging, or deciding on competitions.

I decided to run for this position because in the 5 years I have been doing JCL, spirit is definitely one of my most favorite

competitions. Also, I love to do all the crazy dances that go with the cheers. I have always loved mythology and ancient civilizations.

I hope this year will be great and I can’t wait for State! Valete! –Otterpop

Secretary: Elizabeth Noone, Grade 11

Hey! I'm Elizabeth (Lizzy) Noone. I'm a junior at Liberty HS. As secretary, I keep track of what happens at the meetings, and remind

everyone what happened at our last meeting, so we don't have to go over all of it again. I've been in Latin and JCL since freshmen

year. The summer I was heading into junior year, I got to attend my first national convention, and got to make friends with the

Meadows JCL Chapter. It had been one of the greatest summers I've had in a while. School started back up, and my teacher, Mr.

Fisher, asked if I would be interested in running for secretary. I told him that I would love to. As secretary, I'm hoping to be able

to keep everyone on track, and help everyone prepare for upcoming events whenever I can. Valete for now, my fellow JCLers!

Treasurer: Kennedy Courtney, Grade 12

I’m Kennedy Courtney. I am a senior at Liberty High School and the 2013-2014 Junior Classical League state treasurer. As a

treasurer, I keep track of funds, philanthropic donations, convention expenditures, and I monitor the accounts. My teacher has

been a great influence on me. He’s inspired me to get involved in learning more about ancient cultures. I also love the enthusiasm

of the JCLers and wanted to continue to be a part of the wonderful or-ganization. I hope to make an impact on others in the same

way that I have been impacted.

Parliamentarian: Daria Butler, Grade 12

Salve, amici! My name is Daria Butler and I am 17-year-old senior. I am the Nevada Junior Classical League Parliamentarian and

my job is to assist President Elisse in the conduct of the meetings and I am in the process of drafting the NVJCL constitution. I ran

for this position because I thought that my planning and organizational skills could contribute to NVJCL. In the past, I served as

Junior Class Representative and currently serve as Student Body Representative. I enjoyed fundraising and planning for Prom 2013

and Homecoming 2013 and wanted to also assist with JCL conventions. Additionally, I served as Representative to the TMSJCL last

year and I thought my experience with JCL could also benefit NVJCL. Serving as NVJCL Parliamentarian has taught me to be more

responsible and use my time more efficiently in terms of completing tasks. My goals this year are to successfully draft the NVJCL

Constitution and to plan a fantastic NVJCL Convention. The Convention will be held at The Meadows School this year and I am on

the planning committee for Karaoke, the Friday night Dance, and decorations.

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Editor: Aliya Farmanali, Grade 11

Salvete omnes! My name is Aliya Farmanali, and I am your NVJCL Editor for the 2013-2014 Term. I am thrilled to introduce myself

by publishing this first newsletter for the NVJCL! You will definitely be seeing another one of these sometime around the NVJCL

State Convention!

Why did I run for this office? I ran because I believe in the inclusiveness of the JCL and camaraderie that it fosters, and what better

way to express that then by creating publications that can bring all of the JCLs in Nevada together? As Editor, I hope to capture

the passion that all of us JCLers share for Latin and the Ancient World through the NVJCL Torch, but I also hope to connect the

various local JCLs even more so by letting you all know about what is going on where and inspire each JCL to try new activities.

I would like to thank the NVJCL Board for all of their input regarding this first edition of the NVJCL Torch for the 2013-2014 school


Remember, if you have any comments or questions, or if there is something that you would like to see in a future edition of the

NVJCL Torch, be sure to let me know by emailing to [email protected]! Curate ut valeatis!

Historian: Abirami Balarajan, Grade 12

My job is to create the state scrapbook over the summer that is submitted to the National Convention in June. My job during the

year is to get us into the National Torch article on what states are up to and take pictures at all of our events!

Since my freshman year, I have always been known to take those great moments of JCLers when they are in an awkward pose or

sleeping or catch them in a great moment of spirit. I loved taking pictures during convention and I wanted to share these photos

with the JCL rather than just putting it on facebook. I wanted to be state Historian so that my pictures can be shown to the whole

state and share my love of taking pictures during convention. My Latin experiences also have made me want to be more involved

with the JCL any way possible. Also my 8th grade year, my first year of JCL, I immediately fell in love with Latin. I had attended

my very first state convention, and I had an amazing time there hanging out with my friends, doing certamen, doing tests, and

generally having fun. I knew I wanted people to feel the same joy I did at my first state convention, so I became a state officer.

My goals as officer is to get our state in the National Torch every time, enter us in every possible contest we can to gain more

publicity and recognition as a JCL. I’m already working on two deadlines for our JCL to get us into the torch, and also my goals are

to make it the best possible JCL year I possibly can!

Technology Coordinator: Ian Ogilvie, Grade 10

Salve! My name is Ian Ogilvie, and I am currently a sophomore at The Meadows School, and I am this year’s Nevada JCL tech

coordinator. The job of the tech coordinator is to transfer news and information about the events and the JCL onto the Nevada

JCL website. I have a background in computers, and I feel that I can head this position. My main goal is to update the website as

much as I can before state convention. Valete vomnes!

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Olympika Ludi Soccer 4th

Other Publicity - % of Chapters 2nd


The Meadows School

Other Publicity - Best Article 1st

Publicity 6th


Liberty High School

Elizabeth Noone

Greek Life and Literature II 12th

Greek Derivatives II 28th

Hellenic History II 31st

Ancient Geography II 33rd

Academic Heptathlon II 34th

Latin Derivatives II 36th

Reading Comprehension: Level 2 II 36th

Latin Vocabulary II 37th

Roman Life II 40th

Mythology II 42nd

Academic Decathlon 96th

Traditional Photo 10 3rd - 6 POINTS!

OVERALL Graphic Arts 24th

OVERALL Sweepstakes 46th

Sage Ridge School

Jasmine Brazelton Latin Derivatives 1/2 2nd – 8 POINTS!

Reading Comprehension 1/2 & 1 1/2 3rd – 6 POINTS!

Latin Grammar 1/2 and 1 1/2 4th – 4 POINTS!

Latin Vocabulary 1/2 4th – 4 POINTS!

Mythology 1/2 6th

Mottoes 1/2 7th

Open Certamen: Novice 1st

Modern Myth - Lower Division 3rd – 6 POINTS!

Essay - 7-8th Grade Girls 9th

Page 10: The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Textiles 7-9 1st – 10 POINTS!

OVERALL Creative Arts 12th

OVERALL Graphic Arts 22nd

OVERALL Academics 24th

OVERALL Sweepstakes 30th

Matthew Grimm

Reading Comprehension: Level 2 II 28th

Latin Derivatives II 31st

Ancient Geography II 34th

Latin Grammar - Level 2 II 46th

Grace Macauley Reading Comprehension: Level 2 II 24th

Drew Stephenson

Roman Life II 41st

Jewelry 7-9 6th

The Meadows School

Abirami Balarajan

Classical Greek IV 14th

Greek Life and Literature IV 17th

Ancient Geography IV 19th

Hellenic History IV 20th

Reading Comprehension: Prose IV 21st

Latin Literature IV 27th

Roman History IV 27th

Greek Derivatives IV 30th

Mottoes IV 34th

Academic Heptathlon IV 36th

Roman Life IV 36th

Latin Derivatives IV 37th

Latin Vocabulary IV 38th

Mythology IV 40th

Latin Grammar - Advanced IV 42nd

Dramatic Interpretation Prose Girls 9th

Traditional Scrapbook State 4th – 4 POINTS!

OVERALL Graphic Arts 25th

OVERALL Sweepstakes 47th

Shivani Dixit Mottoes IV 20th

Aliya Farmanali Reading Comprehension: Prose III 14th

Classical Art III 18th

Mythology III 30th

Roman Life III 32nd

Roman History III 36th

Academic Decathlon 80th

Page 11: The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Textiles 10 1st – 10 POINTS!

Jewelry 10-12 6th

Small Models 10-12 8th

OVERALL Graphic Arts 22nd

OVERALL Sweepstakes 44th

Kathryn Gibson Mythology III 35th

Samantha Gondy Latin Derivatives II 25th

Reading Comprehension: Level 2 II 25th

Latin Vocabulary II 30th

Latin Grammar - Level 2 II 42nd

Roman Life II 48th

Amanda Hansen

Hellenic History II 22nd

Reading Comprehension: Level 2 II 23rd

Roman History II 26th

Ancient Geography II 29th

Latin Grammar - Level 2 II 32nd

Roman Life II 34th

Sight Latin - Level II Girls 6th

Dramatic Interpretation II Girls 9th

Austin Heerema

Hellenic History IV 18th

Ancient Geography IV 26th

Latin Derivatives IV 29th

Mythology IV 38th

Open Certamen: Advanced 2nd

Kaitlyn Herndon

Hellenic History II 19th 19th

Ancient Geography II 25th 25th

Latin Derivatives II 30th 30th

Roman Life II 36th 36th

Mythology II 45th 45th

English Oratory - Lower 4th – 4 POINTS!

Essay - 9th Grade Girls 7th

Dramatic Interpretation II Girls 10th

Chalk/Pastel 7-9 9th

OVERALL Creative Arts 13th

OVERALL Sweepstakes 47th

Anisha Makhija

Classical Art IV 12th

Latin Derivatives IV 16th

Reading Comprehension: Prose IV 20th

Hellenic History IV 25th

Academic Heptathlon IV 28th

Page 12: The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Reading Comprehension: Poetry IV 28th

Ancient Geography IV 30th

Roman Life IV 31st

Mythology IV 32nd

Mottoes IV 37th

Sight Latin Poetry Girls 8th

Kaiya Massey

Latin Derivatives II 22nd

Roman History II 27th

Mottoes II 32nd

Ancient Geography II 33rd

Latin Grammar - Level 2 II 35th

Roman Life II 37th

Mythology II 41st

George Ogilvie

Hellenic History II 14th

Latin Derivatives II 27th

Roman Life II 33rd

Mythology II 39th

Open Certamen: Intermediate 2nd

Christian Otter

Roman Life II 10th

Ancient Geography II 28th

Mythology II 39th

Latin Derivatives II 46th

Lucas Pan

Mythology III 30th

Open Certamen: Advanced 3rd

Monica Pan

Classical Art IV 11th

Mythology IV 24th

Roman Life IV 25th

Mottoes IV 26th

Roman History IV 30th

Latin Grammar - Advanced IV 36th

Academic Decathlon 77th

Multimedia 10-12 6th

Shalini Shah

Latin Derivatives II 24th 24th

Roman History II 25th 25th

Reading Comprehension: Level 2 II 32nd 32nd

Mottoes II 35th 35th

Latin Vocabulary II 37th 37th

Roman Life II 39th 39th

Page 13: The NVJCL Torch - February 2014

Chandler Williams

Hellenic History III 22nd

Ancient Geography III 31st

Latin Derivatives III 38th

Mythology III 40th

Quid: Crib Cards

Ubi: The Meadows School – Upper School Common Room

Quando: Tuesdays or Wednesdays After School

Still interested? Talk to a TMS JCL Officer or Ms. Jankowski for more details!

Need Hours? Join the TMS JCL in

Making Crib Cards for the

Summerlin Hospital NICU!

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Comments? Questions? Contact Aliya Farmanali,

Editor of the Nevada Junior Classical League, 2013-2014

[email protected]