The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

ECRWSS LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 91 HIGHLAND PK, IL SATURDAY AUGUST 3 | SUNDAY AUGUST 4 2013 NO. 43 | A JWC MEDIA PUBLICATION SUNDAY BREAKFAST JEROME CARUSO IS A TRUE ORIGINAL IN PRODUCT DESIGN. P. 20 FEATURING THE NEWS AND PERSONALITIES OF WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, WINNETKA, NORTHFIELD, GLENCOE, HIGHLAND PARK, LAKE FOREST & LAKE BLUFF VETERAN SPOTLIGHT HONOR FLIGHT CHICAGO CONTINUES TO SOAR. P. 15 SPORTS REILLY LANIGAN WINS SIX GOLD MEDALS AT STATE MEET. P. 35 by abby wickman It does not take long for Neesa Sweet to navi- gate her way to the North Shore Yacht Club. The Highland Park resident lives only a hop, skipping stone and jump away (two blocks) from the club. “I always feel like I’m at summer camp,” said Sweet, a kayaker and member of the North Shore Yacht Club. “I can go down to the water- front, and I always find people there.” In addition to providing its members with sailing equipment, the North Shore Yacht Club allows them to take part in ev- erything from regattas to cardboard boat races. “People literally make boats out of cardboard,” Sweet said. “People build everything from a Viking ship to an alligator, and then there’s a race to get from here to there before your boat sinks — that’s really, really fun.” Though currently closed off because of construc- tion on the Highland Park Water Plant, the North Shore Yacht Club’s clubhouse is a common gath- ering place for sailors and non-sailors alike. “There’s definitely a social aspect, and there’s definitely the opportunity to be out on the water in a safe environment,” Sweet said. “So, it’s a way to experience something that might be harder to experience on your own.” Yacht clubs on the North Shore remain popular spots, especially in the summer. Though the image of yachting may bring to mind 150-foot engine- powered vessels cutting through Lake Michigan, the yacht clubs focus on low-key sailboats that are funs for adults and children both. For the Lake Bluff Yacht Club, which has been in existence for 51 years, family orientation has always been central to the club’s operation. “It was founded by a number of families in Lake Bluff that liked to sail, and there was a relative- ly new boat that was being sold called the Sunfish,” said Doug Warren, co-chairman of the club’s Racing Program and a long-time club member. When the families of Lake Bluff started sailing Sunfish in the early 1960s, there was no place to COME SAIL AWAY Yacht clubs on North Shore have winds at their back THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND © 2013 PUBLISHED AT 445 SHERIDAN ROAD, SUITE 100, HIGHWOOD, IL 60040 | TELEPHONE: 847.926.0911 YACHTING >> PAGE 8


Featuring the news and personalities of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Northfield, Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest & Lake Bluff, Illinois

Transcript of The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

Page 1: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43




HigHLAnd Pk, iL

saturday august 3 | sunday august 4 2013No. 43 | A JWC Media PUbLiCATiOn


featuriNg the NeWs aNd persoNalities of WilMette, KeNilWorth, WiNNetKa, Northfield, gleNCoe, highlaNd parK, laKe forest & laKe Bluff



■ by abby wickman

It does not take long for Neesa Sweet to navi-gate her way to the North Shore Yacht Club.

The Highland Park resident lives only a hop, skipping stone and jump away (two blocks) from the club. “I always feel like I’m at summer camp,” said Sweet, a kayaker and member of the North

Shore Yacht Club. “I can go down to the water-front, and I always find people there.”

In addition to providing

its members with sailing equipment, the North Shore Yacht Club allows them to take part in ev-erything from regattas to cardboard boat races.

“People literally make boats out of cardboard,” Sweet said. “People build everything from a Viking ship to an alligator, and then there’s a race to get from here to there before your boat sinks — that’s really, really fun.”

Though currently closed off because of construc-tion on the Highland Park Water Plant, the North Shore Yacht Club’s clubhouse is a common gath-ering place for sailors and non-sailors alike.

“There’s definitely a social aspect, and there’s definitely the opportunity to be out on the water in a safe environment,” Sweet said. “So, it’s a way to experience something that might be harder to experience on your own.”

Yacht clubs on the North Shore remain popular spots, especially in the summer. Though the image of yachting may bring to mind 150-foot engine-powered vessels cutting through Lake Michigan, the yacht clubs focus on low-key sailboats that are funs for adults and children both.

For the Lake Bluff Yacht Club, which has been in existence for 51 years, family orientation has always been central to the club’s operation.

“It was founded by a number of families in Lake Bluff that liked to sail, and there was a relative-ly new boat that was being sold called the Sunfish,” said Doug Warren, co-chairman of the club’s Racing Program and a long-time club member.

When the families of Lake Bluff started sailing Sunfish in the early 1960s, there was no place to

come sail awayYacht clubs on North Shore have winds at their back

the north shore Weekend © 2013 Published at 445 sheridan road, suite 100, highWood, il 60040 | TELEPHOnE: 847.926.0911

yachting >> page 8

Page 2: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/132 |

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Page 3: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 3

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Page 4: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/134 |

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Page 5: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 5

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Page 6: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/136 | index


on our cover Yacht clubs continue to draw members on the North Shore — though those expecting to see large craft run by cap-tains of industry will be surprised.

10 day of fun Lake Forest Day is more than 100 years strong, and this year’s theme salutes those who put it together — veterans.

15 veteran spotlight Honor Flight Chicago, which has flown North Shore veterans of World War II to Washington, D.C. for memorable experiences, is about to take off on its 50th flight.

Lifestyle & Arts

20 sunday Breakfast That refrigerator of yours at home? The chair you’re sitting in? There’s a good chance Jerome Caruso designed them.

22 goings on aBout towns Find out about the best events coming up this week in the North Shore.

25 social whirl Take a look at some of the top parties attended by North Shore residents recently.

Real Estate

30 north shore offerings Take a look at two intriguing houses in our towns.

30 open houses Find out — complete with map — what houses you can walk through for possible purchase on the North Shore on Sunday.


34 all aces Winnetka’s Tom Fawcett, who is ranked No. 9 in the nation, has made a verbal commitment to Stanford University.

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Last but not least…

42 perfect weekend Sharon Rosenweig and Aaron Freeman enjoy a visit to The Speckled Hen in Wisconsin.

Page 7: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND first word | 7

When thinking of the luxuri-ous perception of yachts, one must refer to the movie “Cad-dyshack.”

I know. That was a film primarily about golf. But one water scene (not involving a Baby Ruth or Judge Elihu Smails’ shower) still resonates.

A proud Judge Smails reads a dedicatory poem before his wife christens The Flying WASP. Though the sailboat is of average stature, the judge and the scholarship-seeking caddy, Danny, are dressed like classic yachtsmen — blazers, white pants, ascots and yachting caps.

On the horizon is Al Czervik, steering a mas-sive engine-powered yacht. Yet Al’s craft is named Sea Food, and his attire is more appropriate for a Hawaiian luau than an expensive vessel.

Which brings me back to the North Shore. A number of yacht clubs adorn our towns, but the boats look nothing like Czervik’s pride and joy. Nor are the boaters dressed anything like Judge Smails.

The yachts adhere to the original definition of the term — small vessels sailed for pleasure or rac-ing — rather than the popular perception, which includes stewards and deckhands. The clubs them-selves are thriving, and Abby Wickman offers the full story on our cover.

Back on land, Jerome Caruso is a captain of design. Though he may not be a household name, there’s a good chance one of his creations is in your household. In the kitchen, his new look for the refrigerator — featuring a well-lit and white interior —in the 1980s changed the look of the appliance. The following decade, his invention of integrated drawers and cabinets helped hide the often-bulky refrigerator. The man who once worked for a Swedish prince hasn’t stopped there — he boasts more than 100 patents for his designs, from ovens to chairs. Read Sunday Breakfast in these pages about his scintillating career.

Honor Flight Chicago is designed to give veter-ans a lasting memory of the National World War II Memorial in Washington. D.C. After the visit to the nation’s capital, the group of veterans flies back and lands to bands playing and flags wav-ing. Says Honor Flight Chicago vice president and Glencoe resident Doug Roth, “I’ll hear the veterans say that this is the second greatest day of their life; the first is marrying their wife.” Find out more in our Veteran Spotlight feature.

Enjoy the weekend.

David SweetEditor in [email protected]

are yacht clubs, Judge smails in the same boat?

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Page 8: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

8 | news

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yACHtInG >> from cover

store their boats at the beach, so the newly formed group worked out an agreement with Lake Bluff’s park district and sanitary district to build storage facilities.

“Those storage facilities are still in existence — we’ve expanded them, and the club has grown and prospered,” Warren said. “We now are up to about 120 families in the area.”

An increased interest in sailing has allowed the Kenilworth Sailing Club to expand its sailing les-sons and summer camps.

“I think that the timing’s just right, and people are enjoying all that the lake has to offer.” Kenilworth Sailing Club Commodore Susan Tempest said. “It’s

not just people with certain aged kids; you also have the dads and mothers taking their 2-year-old out for some kayaking, and then you have the teenag-ers going out, and you’ve got the kids that are back home from college.

“We have a lot of families that are just getting very active, but it’s all ages, which is wonderful.”

Some of the original members of the Lake Bluff Yacht club still go sailing every now and then.

“I know that there’s one couple — I think they’re in their late 80s now — and they still come down and are active in the club,” Warren said. “In fact, one woman still goes sailing from time to time on her own. She goes out on a warm, sunny day, and she’ll go out for an hour or two just to have fun.

“We get the full range of the population in Lake Bluff.” While members of the North Shore Yacht Club sail

everything from paddleboats to Buccaneers (larger sailboats), an interest in kayaking has recently been sparked by members. Similarly, the Kenilworth Sailing Club and the Lake Bluff Yacht Club have seen an increased enthusiasm for kayaking.

“We used to be a 100-percent sailing club, and now we have more and more people who are interested in kayaking and we’ve brought people onto the board who are kayakers, as opposed to sailors only,” Warren said. “That’s one of the things we’re trying to do — really reflect the way people want to use the lake.”

Though Tempest is unsure as to the specific rea-sons for the increase in the sailing club’s member-ship and activity, she has some theories.“I think it’s having the ability to get out on Lake Michigan at any time. I grew up always on the lake — every summer of my life I was on the lake … that was how I knew summertime,” Tempest said. “I was so excited when we moved to Chicago, moved to Kenilworth, because my boys could have that same experience — they could grow up know-ing what it’s like to be out on the water with friends, doing water sports and activities, and having that be part of their summertime memories." ■

sailing for disabled program launches on north shore■ by abby wickman

The Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation (JGASF) — which provides sailing opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities — opened a sailing program in Lake Forest in June.

JGASF was founded 24 years ago in memory of Justin “Judd” Goldman – a long-time sailor with a disabling bone disease – by his wife, daughter, and son and current president of JGASF, Peter Goldman. The organization has worked mainly in Chicago, but it recently launched the suburban program as a partnership with the City of Lake Forest’s Parks and Recreation Department

“He and I had a discussion about starting a program with things for people with disabilities – a sailing program,” Peter Goldman recalled. “I was going to look into it when he left and went to Florida for the winter (in 1989) — and he passed away almost exactly a month later.”

The new program will be headed up by Lake Forest Sailing Program Supervisor Hunter Ratliff – who became a volunteer for JGASF at the Chicago location when he was 13.

The organization has 20 boats with three different classes, all designed for people with physical disabilities. The Lake Forest location will start out with one boat – the Freedom Independence Twenty, a 20-foot boat that includes specially designed chairs, allowing a person to move freely while remaining seated.

“We’re creating a program that’s more inclusive. Many people are not able to sail without the special equipment we have,” Goldman said. “We’re allowing more people to partake in this sport.”

Goldman hopes the new location in Lake Forest continues to communicate the foundation’s values.

“Our whole premise of our foundation and our sailing pro-gram – the whole idea – is self-esteem and independence.” ■

gretchen Seymour gets her Sunfish ready for the Lake bluff yacht Club's weekly races.

photography by joel lerner

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Page 9: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 9

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Page 10: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1310 | news

■ by abby wickman

Lake Forest Day Chairman Bill Malich became acquainted with the local American Legion in the 1990s, when he noticed a veteran who needed help pulling a flag from a trailer for the Fourth of July.

“After we posted the flags, I asked him ‘Who’s going to do this when guys like you aren’t around?’” Malich recalled. “He pushed his toe around in the sand, look-ing down, and said ‘I expect no one.’ That was the day I decided to join the America Legion.”

Planned by the Lake Forest American Legion McKinlock Post 264 since 1921, Lake Forest Day — which begins the eve-ning of Tuesday, Aug. 6 at West Park with a carnival and continues with a parade and more on Wednesday, Aug. 7 — offers special significance for members such as Malich this year. The theme: “Lake Forest Salutes All Veterans.”

Separate cars representing World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War — along with the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan wars — will carry veterans during the parade. Commander of the nearby Great Lakes Naval Training Base, U.S. Navy Captain William Bulis, will be the grand marshal.

Legion members — who are primar-ily World War II and Korea veterans — hope younger ones will be persuaded to join the group and carry on the annual Lake Forest Day tradition. Said American Legion member Bud Turner, “We’re tak-ing their membership, and we’d like to welcome them into our organization.”

High school reunions and family vacations are often planned around the

two-day festival, which includes musical performances, raffle drawings, bingo, a beer garden and a roasted corn tent. Legion members and volunteers put in more than 12,000 hours preparing and operating the 105-year-old event, which was launched by the Lake Forest Woman’s Club in 1908.

The money raised from Lake Forest Day helps fund the Legion’s efforts to support the Veterans Administration Hospital of North Chicago, American Legion Baseball, Lake Forest Boys State and Girls State, and other organizations.

“I didn’t know anything about [Legion baseball] till I got here from New York, and I have had grown men come to me and say that it was the making of them,” said Legion Senior Vice Commander and Public Relations Officer Bill Gretz.

Aside from throwing the city’s biggest party, members of the Legion also post more than 550 American flags to celebrate Lake Forest Day. But it is all worth the effort.

“Based upon the number of people I see sitting on the curbs watching the parade go by, I think virtually every child in Lake Forest is there,” Gretz said. “I think the easiest way to put it is we’re doing our duty. Some people don’t do their duty — we try.” ■

graham and katie Hutton enjoy a ride during last year’s Lake Forest day at west Park.

photography by larry miller

century-old event poised to captivate residents once again

“i think the easiest way to put it is we’re doing our duty. some people don’t do their duty — we try.” | Bill Gretz

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08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 11

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Page 12: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1312 | news


highland park

At an all-day special meeting of the City Council recently, Mayor nancy Rotering, council members and senior staff discussed the city’s missions and plans.

in the first quarter of 2013, the city identified a work plan of more than 90 major projects and initiatives to complete during the year. The projects were identified based on priorities established by the City Council and staff, with feedback from the community.

At the workshop, the Council and staff spent time discussing current priorities as well as new priorities. The priorities included fiscal stability, infrastructure, and public safety. The council’s priori-ties will be incorporated into the proposed 2014 budget.

budget meetings commence Aug. 5 and are open to the public.

lake forest

Zachary d. Lazar Jr. was elected chairman of the Joffrey ballet board of directors in Chicago.

Lazar, president of illinois and Florida with bMO Private bank, has served on the Joffrey board since 2007.  He succeeds Jason Tyler, an executive at northern Trust.

The Lake Forest resident has worked in the financial ser-vices industry for more than 20 years.  Prior to joining bMO, Lazar was president and CEO of northern Trust bank Missouri. northfield

Amy gregorio, who was an award-winning reporter in Chicago for many years, won the title of Mrs. international 2013 at an event in Skokie recently.

gregorio, 40, of northfield was crowned at the 28th Annual Mrs. international Pageant.  The two-hour event featured 70 contestants competing in three categories: interview, fitness wear and evening gown. 

gregorio will spend her year as Mrs. international promoting her platform of helping abused and neglected children through CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). 

preview glencoe

The Orchid Show will provide an infusion of warmth to guests visiting the Chicago botanic garden this winter.

The event will run daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 15 through Sunday, March 16 inside the Regenstein Center.

Visitors will enter the exhibition through an orchid-and-palm allée in nichols Hall, then view a large orchid tree surrounded by other orchid displays in the Joutras gallery. The visitor greenhouses will be filled with orchids on trees, in the ground and suspended on hanging structures.

Advance tickets are available starting in October online or in person at the Visitor Center. highland park

The city will host its first business Summit on Oct. 2 at the Highland Park Country Club.

Said Mayor nancy Rotering, “it will be an excellent opportunity for our community to learn about

economic trends, discuss the eco-nomic climate and shape long-term city economic development policy.”

The event will be free to the public, although registration is required. Registration is set to open on Aug. 15 and will be made available through

lake forestThe Forest Park Project

Corporation and the City of Lake Forest invite the community

to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for Forest Park on Saturday, Aug. 3 at 9:30 a.m. 

The ceremony will celebrate the oldest park in Lake Forest, designated by planner Almerin Hotchkiss in 1857 and platted by O.C. Simonds in 1896.

Light refreshments will be served during the ceremony at Forest Park.  Please respond to Tricia Schwall at [email protected] or at 847.810.3544.

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Mark your calendar to see

Peggy Macnamara The Art of Migration

Sunday, August 11th, 3:00-5:00

Tiny ruby-throated hummingbirds weighing less than a nickel fly from the upper Midwest to Costa Rica every fall, crossing the six-hundred-mile Gulf

of Mexico without a single stop. One of the many creatures that commute on the Mississippi Flyway as part of an annual migration, they pass along Chi-cago’s lakefront and through midwestern backyards on a path used by their species for millennia. This magnificent migrational dance takes place every

year in Chicagoland, yet it is often missed by the region’s two-legged residents.

Join us here at the Book Stall to meet Peggy Macnamara, the only artist in residence at the Field Museum as she discusses her magnificent new book.




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Page 13: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 13


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Page 14: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1314 |

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Page 15: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND news | 15

veteran spotlight

‘it was the highlight of my life’Honor Flight Chicago on verge of 50th trip to nation’s capital■ by angelika labno

Mary Pettinato asked her father, a World War II veteran, what his deathbed wish would be. More than anything, he said, he wanted to see the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Seeing how happy it made Gene Coschigano to have that wish granted inspired her to get together with three other Chicago women — Jeanmarie Kapp, Nancy Kapp, and Suzanne Stanits — and establish Honor Flight Chicago (HFC) in 2008. On Aug. 7, the organization will be celebrating its 50th flight to the nation’s capital.

“I’ll hear the veterans say that this is the second greatest day of their life; the first is marrying their wife,” said Honor Flight Chicago vice president and Glencoe resident Doug Roth.

There are honor flights all over the coun-try, but Chicago offers more than any other hub. Since 2008, HFC has taken more than 4,000 veterans from Midway Airport for an all-expenses-paid day trip around the memorials in Washington.

To ensure the safety of the veterans, who range in age from 85 to 102, HFC brings along two doctors, eight nurses, personal guardians and wheelchairs for all 90-plus vets per flight. Additional perks include professional photographers, a videographer, all meals, snacks and beverages, and take-home goodies.

After a day of special tours, the veterans arrive back in Chicago around 9 p.m. and are greeted with a welcome home unlike any other. Active duty service members, motorcyclists, a 50-piece brass band, dozens of bagpipers, thousands of volunteer patri-ots and family members are among those waving flags and singing songs.

“The crowd just cheers, cheers, cheers,” said Pettinato. “[The veterans] are so thankful and so appreciative, and it’s just great fun.”

The sunset organization has a limited window to reach as many veterans as it can in the next few years. There are an estimated 21,000 veterans living in the

Chicago area, and the average age of a vet-eran on the waiting list is 89. HFC sched-ules up to 10 flights a year, one every four weeks between April and November, and each flight transports 90 to 95 veterans. The estimated cost per flight is $60,000, which is raised through fundraising efforts and generous private donations. On July 4 this year, Culver’s presented HFC with a check for $33,000 after a year of fundrais-ing across 64 stores.

Part of HFC’s new strategy is Operation Locate a WWII Hero. Volunteers visit Veterans Administration hospitals and various clubs around Chicago to distribute posters, flyers and applications in hopes of recruiting veterans to fly.

“There’s no greater way to say thanks than to help us find and recruit our WWII heroes for their honor,” said Pettinato. “The challenges are greater with each year that goes by, but it’s all minor compared to what they did. My dad was in a foxhole for 37 days, so complaining about anything seems kind of silly.”

Veterans can call the office at (773)-227-8387 and a representative will mail out an application. It can also be printed from, which includes information on upcoming flights, volunteer-ing, and more.

“It was tremendous — the whole thing, from beginning to end,” said veteran Ted Krengel in a comment from the July 10 flight. “It was so warm and thrilling beyond my wildest expectation.”

“It was the highlight of my life,” said Bill Kostecki about the June 12 flight. “The Fire Department and the water cannon salute in Washington — I can’t even begin to describe it. I had no idea that the people in this coun-try felt this way about veterans.”

For Roth, a restaurateur, HFC is a way of staying connected to his father and World War II Marine, Don. He has taken the trip several times as a guardian and bus captain, as have his identical twin sons.

Says Roth, “I feel that I have made a day in the life of an individual more fulfilling.” ■

“i feel that i have made a day in the life of an individual more fulfilling,” says Honor Flight Chicago vice president and glencoe resident doug Roth.

photography by joel lerner

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Page 16: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1316 |


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Page 17: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 17


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Page 18: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1318 |

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Page 19: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

buSiNeSS | 19

■ by abby wickman

When Victor Seyedin decided to open a dry-cleaning business in Highland Park, he was faced with a decision: what kind of a dry cleaner did he want to be?

“Do I want to be one that presses quickly and looks at the volume and not the quality? Or one that looks at qual-ity and focuses on high-end garments?” Seyedin asked.

He chose the latter. Fourteen years later, Lake City Cleaners has four loca-tions in the greater Chicago area and draws customers from Lake Bluff to down-town. Under Seyedin’s leadership, Lake City Cleaners was the first dry-cleaning company to use Solvair — an environ-ment-friendly cleaning system that uses biodegradable cleaning liquid and recycled carbon dioxide.

While some dry cleaners may offer a lower price than Lake City Cleaners, Seyedin says this often comes at the expense of quality.

“I make sure that when I press the pants, there’s no impression on the side, make sure there’s no double-crease, make sure the creases are at the same level,” he said.

“Business is common sense, and the problem is that common sense is quite uncommon,” Seyedin added. “It all goes back to the quality and the service – if you have that, and a good value for cus-tomers, you’ve built a relationship with the customer.”

Because of the company’s pick-up and delivery, as well as a drive-through pick-up window at its Highland Park location, Lake City Cleaners is a convenient choice, employee Naomi Castro said.

“We have a lot of regulars – some come almost every week,” Castro said. She has

been with the company for five years and has seen clothing come in everywhere from ballet companies to the police department.

With delicate clothing, Lake City Cleaners boasts an expertise in hand-finishing.

“I always say, [if] people have very expensive china, when the dinner is done, they don’t put those dishes in the dish-washer, because they’re so fragile. The same thing applies here,” Seyedin said.

Though customers have the option to choose the Solvair system or hand-finishing for their clothing, Lake City Cleaners also offers a Classic Care basic cleaning option.

“We’re offering this to people because if they have regular pants or a regular shirt or a regular anything that needs to be cleaned day to day, they don’t need to be going through a couture department,” Seyedin said. “You want to make sure you’re being fair to the customer and you don’t overcharge them.” ■

Victor Seyedin

photography by joel lerner

lake city stays focused on high-end cleaning

“we have a lot of regulars – some come almost every week.”| Naomi Castro

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Page 20: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

20 | lifestyle & arts

Jerome Caruso

illustration by barry blitt

■ by david sweet

As one wanders about Jerome Caruso’s kitchen, it is hard to say where, exactly, is the refrigerator. Amazingly enough, there isn’t one — in fact, there are three. And they are all hidden, integrated among the cabinetwork.

“Some said it was impossible to design a kitchen with a refrigerator — it’s like the elephant in the room,” says Caruso, an industrial designer. “I thought, ‘Why not have a system that’s much more practical in terms of storage?’

“Everything below the waist would be accessible, so I created drawers. You can even put a refrigerator into an armoire, and it would disappear.”

Caruso designed an integrated refrigerator series for Sub-Zero nearly 20 years ago — today, a slew of those refrigerators and freezers still adorn North Shore kitch-ens. The Lake Forest resident, in fact, has designed just about everything but the kitchen sink in a career span-ning more than half a century. Aside from refrigerators, he has created ovens, warming drawers, wine storage and more for Sub-Zero and its sister company Wolf, along with chairs for Herman Miller.

His career has been filled with industry honors (the machine-produced bi-cast stacking chair he created sat in the American Arts collection of The Art Institute). And in June, the University of Illinois graduate received the 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Art & Design.

“I was honored and gratified to make that connection after all those years,” Caruso says. “And believe it or not, my college design professor was there — he is in his 90s!”

Caruso grew up in Oak Park, and he can point to the moment when he became entranced by design. At 12, he signed up for a contest through a magazine where Fisher Body — owned by General Motors — would send him specifications and wheels for a car about 18 inches long. He built a model out of clay and then continuously remod-eled it for months in his basement.

“It taught me a great deal about design and develop-ment,” says Caruso, who captured the best-design award

among Illinois entrants. “I think everyone should choose something that fits his or her personality. I was always interested in innova-tion from an early point.”

After graduation from Oak Park and River Forest High School and then the University of Illinois, Caruso and his wife, Marie, embarked to Copenhagen to attend a graduate design pro-gram in 1960. After a 24-hour flight on a four-propeller plane, they landed and were told there were no apartments or jobs avail-able for them in the whole city — “even though we didn’t have enough money to buy a Time magazine,” Caruso recalls.

Yet three days later, after asking who was the best designer in the city, Caruso joined that firm, run by Count Sigvard Bernadotte, once the heir to the Swedish throne (before he married a commoner) and the great-grandson of Queen Victoria of England.

“It started me on an international awareness of design,” Caruso recalls. “Danish modern was coming in a big way. It was sleek and unornamental, totally different from what was in America.

“Hardly anyone even knew then what an industrial designer was. They are the key to economic success.”

Soon Caruso made enough money to buy a container of Danish modern furniture — and within a few months, he procured clients on his own. He opened an office in Brussels at age 26 and then returned to the United States.

Working on his own for decades in a home-based studio,

he was asked about challenges he has faced.“I always strive for a design of significance, not just to bring another product into the

world. It needs to be sustainable, and I want mass production,” Caruso says. “Having these requirements makes it challenging to find a manufacturer. They’re commit-ting a lot of money and time.”

Three months after being hired by Sub-Zero in 1981, Caruso — who has also designed products for Motorola and Rockwell — was shown a 48-inch mockup

of a refrigerator 40 designers had worked on. He said it wasn’t the way a refrigerator

should look.“I used my natural intuition to ask, ‘What do people really want in a refrigerator?’ What

interests me is it’s a multiplicity of products. The lighting is a product. The drawers are

a product by themselves.”What he sketched and per-

suaded Sub-Zero to spend $5 million to $6 million to build — a refrigerator where a well-lit white and glass inte-rior replaced metal shelves — revolutionized the indus-try when it appeared in the

1980s. But when showing a picture of the piece on his sec-

ond floor, the septuagenarian’s manner is humble.

“This refrigerator I’m pretty proud of,” says Caruso, whose drawer-and-

cabinet system introduced a decade later for Sub-Zero fur-ther shook up the industry. “The whole ceiling is lit.”

On a typical day, Caruso wakes up at 3 a.m., thinks of solutions to some problems, then goes back to sleep. In his free time, he and Marie like to travel, and he is a prolific painter, with many works of high quality hanging on his home’s walls.

What’s next? His mission these days is to design chairs at the lowest end of the market that have motion, which explains the skeleton hanging on one wall of his spacious office (“it’s for anatomical reference”) and the sign embla-zoned on another wall: Motion Is The Essence Of Life.

Says Caruso, “I’m more excited about my career than I’ve ever been, which is very fortunate.” ■

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“i’m more excited about my career than i’ve ever been, which is very fortunate.” | Jerome Caruso

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08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 21



















914 Juniper






Page 22: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

22 | lifestyle & arts THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/13

whelan arrives (after 14-hour drive) to lead lfcds

bob whelanphotography by joel lerner

■ by katie rose mceneely

Bob Whelan is the new head of school at Lake Forest Country Day School. He and his family moved to Lake Forest from Bedford, N.Y. in July.

Reading: Tony Wagner’s “Culture of Innovation.” I love it; the whole concept behind it is that the world we’re preparing our kids for will inevitably be different than the world those of us adults are inhabiting. It’s less about what you know and more about what you can do with what you know. That’s such an exciting way to approach what we can do with education.

Listening: On my way out here I listened to “Joyland” by Stephen King. It was pretty good; it made the 14 hours pass pretty quickly. I love the TED [Technology, Entertainment and Design] education series, but I like TED across domains. I try to listen to at least two of those a week. Another podcast I listen to pretty regularly is “This American Life.”

Watching: Sometimes I’m watching “Cake Boss” because my daughter is watching “Cake Boss.” But I’m personally watching “Game of Thrones,” “Downton Abbey” —loved that — and “House of Cards,” the Netflix series with Kevin Spacey. They’re all done (for now), which may be why I’m doing more reading.

Following: I follow the Tour de France, and it’s something I’ve been following for the last 12 years. I’m really drawn to the teamwork aspect of it. It’s akin to watching a flock of geese, as members of each team take turns going to the front. And I love watching people push themselves to the limit.

I’m following what’s going on with technol-ogy in schools. I’m every bit as interested in the failures that take place as I am in the successes.

Something else I’m following, and I’m a year

late, but when Neil Armstrong died I was so floored by the idea, I loved reading more about what was involved to put a man on the moon. When I think of the difficulty I have getting my printer syncing with my laptop, and the difficulty of landing the lunar module — there are a lot of lessons I can take from that.

I’m also following Lake Forest’s own Tommy Rees and what he’s doing at Notre Dame this year. And I’m looking forward to following the Chicago Bulls.

Activity: A lot of it is what my kids are involved in — at this time in my life, so much involves me standing on the sidelines. Or in darkened theatres: our kids are into theatre and lacrosse. I like being around that energy, being at events and listening to other people coach and teach. That takes up the lion’s share of my free time when I’m not working. It’s no burden.

Eating: I’ve been staying near a Chipotle, so four of my last six meals have been Mexican food, which I love. But I’m looking forward to broadening my palate.

What is your favorite mistake? A detailed email I once sent to the wrong

person. The relief was that I had adhered to the rule of “anything you put in print, be pre-pared for someone you didn’t intend to read it.” I was quietly relieved that there wasn’t anything all that incriminating in it. This hap-pened 10 years ago, and I’ve been five times more sensitive about clicking the send button ever since.

We talk a lot in school about mistakes being important — it’s no joke we learn so much from mistakes — I often feel I learn more from my mistakes that I do from my successes.

Want to know more? The August issue of our sister publication, Forest & Bluff maga-zine, will feature a Q&A about Bob’s plans for LFCDS. ■

goIngs on aBout towns FRidAy, AUgUST 2

author Jeanne nolan | LAkE FOREST bOOk STORE | 680 n. wESTERn AVEnUE, LAkE FOREST | 7 P.M. | TO RESERVE A COPy OF THE bOOk, CALL 847-234-4420 | Lake forest Book Store’s Summer fridays program continues with Jeanne Nolan, a North Shore resident and leader in the sustainable food movement. She will discuss her new book, “from the Ground Up: A food Grower’s education in Life, Love, and the movement That’s chang-ing the Nation.”  A book sign-ing will follow the program, and refreshments will be served.

photography 2013: summer lens| AnnE LOUCkS gALLERy | 309 PARk AVE., gLEn-COE | THROUgH SEPT. 17 | 847-835-8500 | The Summer Lens Photog-raphy show features work by

the following artists: Larry chait, Lyle Gomes, Laurie victor Kay, cheryl maeder, maggie meiners and Joshua Jensen Nagle.


glencoe festival of art| gREEn bAy ROAd And PARk AVEnUE, gLEnCOE | 10 A.M.-5 P.M.; COnTin-UES On AUg. 4, 10 A.M.- 5 P.M. | FREE | gLEnCO-EFESTiVALOFART.COM OR 847-926-4300 | one of Amdur Productions’ 2013 festivals, the fifth an-nual Glencoe festival of Art offers artwork to enjoy and purchase, as well as numer-ous demonstrations, live music sponsored by WLIT, food and activities for kids — including an art scavenger hunt and spin art. 

heirloom seed gardening workshop| wiLMETTE PUbLiC LibRARy | 1242 wiL-METTE AVE., wiLMETTE | 10:30 A.M.-nOOn | wiLMETTE.Lib.iL.US | experienced and beginning heirloom gardeners are in-

vited to learn more about the history, growing, saving, and sharing of heirloom vegetable seeds. Bring in heirloom veg-gies from your own garden, family stories, and/or seeds to swap.

MOndAy, AUgUST 5

hummingbird summer: fine art photography| LAkE bLUFF LibRARy | 123 E. SCRAnTOn, LAkE bLUFF | THROUgH AUg. 31 | See local artist Kristin Ash-ley’s fine art photography at Lake Bluff Library.


750 show| ZiA gAL-LERy | 548 CHESTnUT ST., winnET-kA | 10 A.M.-4 P.M. | 847-446-3970 OR ZiAgALLERy.nET | ZIA Gallery

opens its 750 Show, a group exhibition of gallery and invited artists, covering ZIA’s main exhibition space with artworks priced at $750 and below. The show will con-tinue through Aug. 31.


plugin workspace: net-work while you work| 1770 1ST STREET SUiTE 200A, HigHLAnd PARk | 2-5 P.M.; 5-6 P.M. | PL-UginwORkSPACE.COM OR 312.493.7129 | Network while you work is an

opportunity for nonmembers to experience working in the PLUGIN workspace shared office co-working environ-ment. People should bring their laptops, tablets and work materials and will have access to the Internet as well as the PLUGIN community. Want to submit your event to goings on About Towns? send an email with the particulars to [email protected] 10 days before publication, and we will do our best to get it in.

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Page 23: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND | 23

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Page 24: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1324 |

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Page 25: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

lifestyle & arts | 2508/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND

The Occasion: The Junior Board of Rush University Medical Center held its annual fashion show this past spring, which had the young women of the organization take to the runway at the Kenilworth Club in fashions from local retailers.

The VIPs: Lizzie Chandler and Caroline Casey, both of Winnetka, served as the fash-ion show co-chairs, and Jennifer Swanson, lead volunteer coordinator at Rush, spoke on how the young women have made a sizable impact to the hospital.

The Final Tally: The more than 300 guests raised $7,000, which will go directly to a pediatric dialysis machine as well as provide support for social and volunteer

photography by larry millerstrike a pose









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Page 26: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

26 | lifestyle & arts THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/13

a Matter of taste

■ by katie rose mceneely

Nicole Pederson is the chef at Found Kitchen and Social House in Evanston.

How did you start cooking? I was wait-ing tables at a small French restaurant in St. Paul. One day the chef looked at me — we were talking about a new dish for the menu — and he said, “I don’t know why you don’t cook. You’re more inter-ested in the food than most people here. You should go to culinary school.”

Years cooking? Fourteen. Best recipe tweak? I’m obsessed with

chickpea fritters. I put onion pekora and garlic dill pickles and chopped pickled vegetable inside it. We use rice flour and chickpea flour so they get really crispy.

Favorite cuisine to make? I was a Francophile when I started cooking. When I went out to New York, I got turned on to American style, and when I came back to the Midwest, I got focused on farm-to-table. I didn’t think I could start working outside of my comfort zone until I met Marcus Samuelsson [the Ethiopian-Swedish chef-owner of Red Rooster in New York City].

What do you like to eat at home? I think I could eat Mexican food just about every day of the week. I love doing takes on squash blossom quesadillas and using lots of chilies, really borrowing from cul-tures all over the place. I like a lot of sal-ads — I cook up a big batch of farro and keep it in the fridge. I also like to have potatoes, beets and eggs in the fridge.

Worthwhile gadget? The microplane is the best invention of all time. The one thing I love to do with it is the garlic trick

— zest it on a microplane and toss it with a little oil into a salad. If you like garlic, man, that is the way to eat it.

Favorite cookbook? I think that “Cook’s Illustrated: Best Recipes” is a great reference book for baking. My mom just gave me “Artisan Cheese Making at Home” by Mary Karlin, and I’m com-pletely fascinated by it.

Favorite vegetable? Yellow wax beans, purple beans, green beans. In two weeks I’ll be obsessed with eggplant. Or cauliflower.

Most memorable kitchen incident? When I was working at Lula, we did a lot of canning. We had lot of tomatoes and pickles, and we were doing it under the radar. I was with the health inspec-tor, and we walked past the wall of jars and he was like, “So, do you make those here? Do you use them?” I was like, “Um. Sometimes. For decoration.” He didn’t believe me. He made me pour everything out and dispose of it. It was awful. I cried.

Found Kitchen and Social House is located at 1631 Chicago Ave. in Evanston. For more information, visit or call 847-868-8945. ■

recipe: heirloom Bean salad with harissa Vinaigrette

Soak and cook 1 ½ cups of dried beans (a combination of varieties is best) in fresh water with 1 clove of garlic, a bay leaf, salt, and a sprig of thyme. Once tender remove from heat, strain the cool on a sheet tray.

Once cool, combine. For Harissa vinaigrette: Roast 4 red

Fresno peppers, 2 hot banana peppers, and 2 Anaheim peppers over an open flame until skin is black and blistered. Rehydrate 2 dried guajillo peppers in hot

water and toast 4 cloves garlic in a dry pan until soft and brown. Combine pep-pers and garlic in a blender with ½ tea-spoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon ground coriander, 1 teaspoon ground caraway, ¼ cup red wine vinegar and 1 cup olive oil. Blend until smooth.

Toss cooked beans with 3-4 cups fresh arugula and ¼-1/2 cup of the Harissa vin-aigrette. Top with fresh quark cheese and serve with naan or flatbread.

pederson has found her calling

nicole Pederson


lake Forest: 800 N. Westmoreland Rd. Suite 100C | 847.234.1177Wilmette: 3612 W. Lake Ave 2nd Floor | 847.853.7900

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“i was a francophile when i started cooking. when i went out to new york, i got turned on to american style.” | Nicole Pederson

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F O C U S | D E D I C A T I O N | E X P E R I E N C E | R E S U L T S

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1000 Wade Street, Highland Park, IL 60035$849,000 | #08364569

590 Old Elm Road, Highland Park, IL 60035$525,000 | #08384226

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Page 30: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

30 | real estate


ExCLUSiVELy PRESEnTEd by: SCOtt LACkIEgRiFFiTH, gRAnT & LACkiE [email protected] Situated on 4 idyllic acres, this ex-traordinary historic estate in East Lake Forest has been renovated to perfec-tion. boasting the best of both worlds - historic character and tradition, com-

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871 Fox Trail CTLake ForeSt Sunday 1-3$1,390,000Baird & Warner 847.804.0092

01 825 laCrosse CourTWiLmetteSunday 12-2$598,000Coldwell Banker 847.217.0494

02 03 2409 Meadow dr NorThWiLmetteSunday 2:30-4$629,000Coldwell Banker 847.217.0494

280 Cedar laNeGLeNcoeSunday 12-2$750,000Coldwell Banker 847.217.0494

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565 washiNg-ToN aveNueGLeNcoeSunday 1-3$2,295,000Koenig & Strey847.441.6300

08 1440 sheridaN road, #401WiLmetteSunday 1-3$280,000Koenig & Strey847.441.6300

09 1120 ridgewood driveHiGHLaNd ParkSunday 12-3$799,000Prudential Rubloff 312.972.2515

10 1290 arbor laNeLake ForeStSunday 1-4$1,699,000Prudential Rubloff 847.460.5412

11 440 spruCe aveLake ForeStSunday 1-4$749,000Prudential Rubloff 847.846.8814

12 577 greeNway drLake ForeStSunday 1-3$1,240,000Prudential Rubloff 847.902.2296

13 14 511 huNTer laNeLake ForeStSunday 1-4$1,089,000Coldwell Banker847.208.9049

19 s. we go TrailmouNt ProSPectSunday 12-2$280,000Coldwell Banker847.835.0236

24 630 wiNNeTka Mews uNiT 302WiNNetkaSunday 1-3$258,000Coldwell Banker847.835.0236

25 465 greeN bay roadHiGHLaNd ParkSunday 2-4$435,000Coldwell Banker847.835.0236

26 1787 spruCeHiGHLaNd ParkSunday 1-3$1,349,000Coldwell Banker847.835.0236

27 28641 wiNdMere CourTLake BLuFF Sunday 1-3$449,000Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors847.234.0485


669 ridge roadHiGHLaNd ParkSunday 1-3$549,900 @Properties 847.881.0200

29 786 llewellyN aveNueHiGHLaNd ParkSunday 1-3$417,000 @Properties 847.432.0700

30 391 belle ForeT CirCleLake BLuFFSunday 2-4$1,300,000 @Properties 847.295.0700

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32 15 iNdiaN Tree roadHiGHLaNd ParkSunday 1-3 $549,000 @Properties 847.432.0700

33 2728 suNFlower CourTGLeNvieWSunday 1-3 $629,000 @Properties 847.881.0200


881 MCCorMiCkLake ForeStSunday 2-4$1,369,000Coldwell Banker 847.682.9100

16 1261 oak kNoll Lake ForeStSunday 12-2 $625,000 Prudential Rubloff 847.322.1970

17 1801 Telegraph roadLake ForeStSunday 12-2$750,000Coldwell Banker847.446.4000

18 2132 Middle-Fork roadNortHFieLdSunday 12-2$1,060,000Coldwell Banker847.446.4000

19 9655 woods drive #510SkokieSunday 2-4$429,000Coldwell Banker847.446.4000

20 216 golF TerraCeWiLmetteSunday 1-3$725,000Coldwell Banker847.446.4000

2132 warriNgToNLake BLuFFSunday 12-2$479,000Coldwell Banker 847.804.3088


919 gregory aveWiLmetteSunday 1:30-3$599,000Coldwell Banker847.446.4000

22 1208 oak sTreeTWiNNetkaSunday 2-4$699,000Coldwell Banker847.446.4000









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Page 34: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

34 | sports

■ by bill mclean [email protected]

Rising New Trier High School senior Tom Fawcett has been a fan of Bruce Springsteen’s music for most of his life.

Born in the U.S.A., Fawcett attended a Springsteen concert with his family at Wrigley Field last summer.

“My dad [Pete] listens to his music a ton,” Fawcett said. “I’ve liked Springsteen ever since I was 5 or 6.”

He has liked pummeling tennis balls for about the same number of years. Ranked ninth in the USTA Boys 18-and-under singles division and the reigning Midwest Closed 18 singles champion, the 6-foot-6, 205-pound Fawcett verbally committed to Stanford University last month.

But an hour before doing so, he called former Trevians teammate and fellow Winnetkan Robert Stineman, a ris-ing junior netter at Stanford. Stineman and Fawcett had helped New Trier capture the IHSA state team title in 2011, with Stineman (a senior then) topping the singles field and Fawcett (a freshman then) teaming with Drew Campbell to take runner-up honors in doubles.

Stineman has won a combined 40 singles matches and 39 doubles matches in college.

“I needed to ask Robert a few questions and talk things over with him,” said Fawcett. “I’m excited to go to school and play tennis there. It’ll be nice being on a team with Robert again.”

Fawcett would like nothing more than to test his game against professional players after his college years. He has collected three USTA bronze balls for finishing third at three junior Grand Slam events, including one with Wilmette native and University of Illinois recruit Aron Hiltzik (NTHS, ’14) after the pair’s doubles performance at last summer’s 16-and-under National Clay Courts Championships. One of Fawcett’s coaches, Billy Heiser, is currently coaching ATP player and Milwaukee native Tim Smyczek, ranked 124th in the world in singles (as of July 25).

“[Fawcett] is a highly competitive player who plays every point hard and every point with focus and concentration,” said Heiser, who trained Fawcett for several years at the Lincolnshire Tennis Academy. “He makes players feel uncomfortable on the court because he can either attack or sit back and grind.

“Tom,” he added, “is a big kid with a big game, and he moves quite well for someone his size. He covers a lot of ground during points.”

Seeded fourth at this summer’s USTA National Clay Court Championships in Delray Beach, Fla., Fawcett got upset by Terrance Whitehurst of Tallahassee, Fla., in the third round of the Boys 18s draw. But he and doubles partner Sameer Kumar of Carmel, Ind., surprised some tandems as an unseeded pair en route to the national quarterfinals.

Fawcett played some of his best tennis earlier in the summer, downing reigning IHSA state champion Martin Joyce of Hinsdale Central 7-6 (5), 6-0 in the Midwest Closed championship final June 27 in Indianapolis. The victory earned Fawcett an automatic spot to represent the Midwest at last month’s USTA National Team Cup competition in Champaign.

“Tom has a lot of tools, with his big serve being one of his best; he gets a lot of free points with that weapon,” said Wisconsin-bound and 2013 Lake Forest High School graduate John Zordani, who, like Fawcett, chose not to

rockin’ & rollin’Winnetka’s Fawcett — ranked No. 9 in the nation — will play his college tennis at Stanford

Tom Fawcett claimed the Midwest Closed 18 singles title earlier this summer.

photography by joel lerner

play high school tennis his sophomore and junior years. “He has done a great job developing his forehand, as well as his versatility.”

Fawcett and Zordani worked out together recently at the Nielsen Tennis Center in Winnetka, pounding the fuzz off most of the tennis balls they used. The incessant sweet-spot music their rackets made with each exchange — Pop-Pop! Pop-Pop! Pop-Pop! — was Fourth of July-esque. Both were aiming to stay sharp in advance of this month’s USTA National Hard Court Championships in Kalamazoo, Mich.

“I like the mental part of [tennis],” said Fawcett, who won a USTA 18s national open tournament title in February and finished runner-up at another one in May. “I like the challenge of being out there all by yourself, trying to figure stuff out. I really like that. It’s also an extremely physical sport. Some three-set matches can be grueling.”

He won a trio of three-setters before the title match at the Midwest Closed Championships in June.

“I know I’m going to have to work incredibly hard on my game [at Stanford], in order to do well for the program and to give myself a chance to make it [on the professional tour],” he added.

What Fawcett doesn’t know: Whether or not he’ll return

to high school tennis as a senior next spring. Zordani did at LFHS last spring, pairing up with Scott Christian to take fifth place at state in doubles.

“I had so much fun playing for New Trier as a fresh-man,” Fawcett said. “It was a tough decision, not coming our for the sport my sophomore year. But I felt training [with Heiser] would be the most beneficial for my develop-ment as a tennis player.

“Right now, I’m not sure what I’ll do in the spring.”In the meantime, with the summer nearing its “third

set,” Fawcett plans to continue to hone his tennis game three or so hours per day and work on his fitness for an hour each day between tournaments.

He’ll also listen to Springsteen whenever he can and occasionally navigate his paddle board atop Lake Michigan.

“Tom is a really good kid and kind of quirky, with a great sense of humor,” said Heiser, who keeps in touch with Fawcett almost daily. “He’s always had an outstand-ing work ethic and the determination to get better as a tennis player. He’s open to buying into changes, knowing they’ll likely help him against certain opponents.

“With his motivation and intensity,” he added, “Tom has a shot at playing professionally.” ■

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08/03– 08/04/13 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND sports | 35THe NorTH SHore WeeKeNd 08/03– 08/04/13

■ by bill mclean [email protected]

At last weekend’s Speedo Long Course Age Group State Swimming Championships at Stevenson High School, the 50-meter freestyle in the girls 13-14 division was one of the marquee events at the three-day meet for a couple of reasons:

It marked the third straight year in which standouts Reilly Lanigan of Scout Aquatics and Ingrid Wall of New Trier Swim Club would battle in the sprint race.

And their coaches — NTSC’s Jeff Frydenlund and Scout Aquatics’ Carolyn Grevers — are husband and wife.

“Those two were talking smack all weekend,” a smiling Lanigan said after the showdown in Lincolnshire.

Lanigan, a rising sophomore at Lake Forest High School, beat Wall to the final wall on July 28, recording a personal-best 26.82 to avenge losses to her rival in 2011 and 2012. Runner-up Wall finished in a swift 26.97, matching the time she had clocked in the morning’s preliminary session.

“We’ll see each other a lot at high school meets,” said Wall, who will be a freshman at New Trier High School. “It’s always good to go up against someone so competitive. Reilly makes me swim faster.”

Lanigan had a sensational weekend in the water, zipping to six gold medals and a pair of top-five medals in relays. Her other first-place swims came in the 400 IM (5:00.97), 100 butterfly (1:03.88), 200 IM (2:22.08), 100 free (57.92) and 400 free (4:21.31).

“I’m proud of her,” Grevers said after the 400 free, in which Lanigan lopped more than five seconds off her seed time of 4:26.86. “Sometimes she gets so serious before races — too serious. She was worried she wouldn’t be able to drop time [in the 400 free]; I wasn’t. I knew she would do well.

“I was relieved to see her smile after the race.”Wall motored to an impressive 1:14.6 to top the field in

the 100 breaststroke. Her other medal-worthy efforts last weekend included a runner-up 59.74 in the 100 free and fifth-place finishes in the 200 breast (2:46.12) and 200 IM (2:26.77).

“Ingrid races really hard, goes hard all the t ime ,” F r yden lu nd said. “It’s fun watching her race.”

Two years ago at the same meet, Wall edged Lanigan by 3/100ths of a second to win the 50 free (11-12 age divi-sion) in a state-record 27.45. Lanigan settled for second place again last sum-mer and then starred for the Scouts’ varsity in the fall, tak-ing fourth in the 100 butter-fly (55.56) and fifth in the 200 IM (2:04.99) at the IHSA state meet at Evanston.

Lanigan, unlike Wall, won’t compete at this month’s U.S. Junior Nationals in Irvine, Calif., even though she made national cuts in four events last weekend. Instead, Lanigan will race at this weekend’s National Club Swimming Association Championships in Indianapolis.

Lanigan teamed with Scout Aquatics mates Madeline Smith, Emma Kyle and Josephine Annin to finish fourth in the 400 free relay (4:06.73) and fifth in the 800 free relay (9:03.6) last weekend. Smith anchored

the seventh-place 400 medley relay (4:39.19), after legs from Ella Needler, Kayla Smith and Lanigan.

Joachim claims two titlesScout Aquatics member Kendra Joachim also climbed the

awards podium often in Stevenson’s natatorium. Competing against 10-and-under qualifiers, Joachim captured titles in the 100 free (1:07) and 50 fly (32.55) and silvered in the 100 fly (1:15.58), 200 IM (2:48.76) and 200 free (2:33.33). She also touched third in the 50 backstroke (35.51).

Grevers’ SA girls squad placed sixth (323 points) out of 50 clubs, and Frydenlund’s NT crew finished 15th (151).

Vorobev shines in five eventsAndrew Vorobev cornered the market on silver medals

at last weekend’s Speedo Long Course Age Group State Swimming Championships at Stevenson.

A Highland Park Aquatics Club member and rising seventh-grader at Elm Place Middle School in Highland Park, he sped to runner-up honors and personal-best times in five events in the 11-12 age group. Yezan Alsader of the Bloomington/Normal Waves topped Vorobev in each event.

“It’s not always best to be the best at meets,” Vorobev said. “Finishing second so many times, that will make me strive that much harder to improve.

“I still have a long way to go.”HPAC coach Danny Weinberg stood nearby as

Vorobev spoke poolside, smiling while hearing his charge’s golden attitude.

“He’s a good and humble kid, isn’t he?” Weinberg said. “Andrew loves a challenge, works hard, and he’s versatile. I’m OK with those sec-onds, considering [Alsader] is one of the best in the country in his age group.

“When Andrew is about to swim in a final,” Weinberg added, “he gets jacked up.”

Vorobev clocked finals times of 2:08.35 in the 200-meter freestyle; 1:03.91 in the 100 butterfly; 4:30.52 in the 400 free; 59.27 in the 100 free; and 2:23.34 in the 200 IM. He capped his busy week-end with a fifth-place effort in the 50 free (27.35), a race in which Alsader did not compete.

Vorobev was active in judo before he found sus-tained success in the water. He lauded the martial art for the foundation it gave him for the rigors

of swimming.“Judo was good for my cardiovascular system; it helped

develop my endurance,” he said.Vorobev’s swims last weekend in Lincolnshire paced

HPAC’s 20th-place showing (103 points) in a field of 54 clubs.

Kingsley: a state champLake Forest Swim Club member Colin Kingsley reigned

in the 10-and-under 200 free race, touching in 2:24.89. He also finished third in the 200 IM (2:50.39) and fifth in the 50 free (31.68) and 100 free (1:09.57) events. In the 100 breaststroke, Kingsley placed sixth (1:35.63).

New Trier Swim Club’s Jack Walter, meanwhile, took fifth in the 13-14 400 IM (5:03.04), while teammate Charles Scheinfeld finished seventh in the 13-14 100 breast (1:14.09) and eighth in the 200 breast (2:41.86).

Scout Aquatics member Alexander Ortiz was eighth in the 11-12 100 breast (1:22.39). ■

Andrew Vorobev of HPAC churns in the 200 freestyle in last weekend’s Age group State Championships.

photography by joel lerner

some serious funLanigan, Wall battle it out at Age Group State Championships

ingrid wall of the new Trier Swim Club competes in the 200 breaststroke at the state meet at Stevenson High School.

photography by joel lerner

Scout Aquatics star Reilly Lanigan is all smiles after winning six gold medals at state.

photography by joel lerner

Page 36: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

36 | sports THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/13


Basketball: The 6-foot-7 standout, who will be a junior at Lake Forest High School, helped his club team, Team NLP, win the AAU 11th Grade Division I National Championship on July 29 at the Wide World of Sports in Orlando, Fla.

Team NLP (Next Level Performance), which is coached by ex-Chicago Bull Dickie Simpkins, defeated Team Thad Young, an Under Armour-sponsored team based in Memphis, Tenn., 63-51 in the championship.

The 16-year-old Boudreaux, who finished the final three tournament games with 40 points and 40 rebounds, played the championship with a broken nose, which he sustained earlier in the day in semifinal action.

“Evan played like a high major (college) player,” said Simpkins.

Team NLP earned runner-up honors in this tourna-ment a year ago.

This year’s title game can be viewed on ESPN 3.zOE REDEI HigHLAnd PARk LEA WADDLE LAkE FOREST

Soccer: This duo helped Eclipse Elite Black U-15 to another national title. Redei scored two goals, includ-ing one in overtime, as Eclipse topped Ambassadors FC (Ohio) 4-1 in the title match at the 2013 US Youth Soccer National Championships in Overland, Kan., on July 28.

Eclipse finished 3-0-1 in the four-game set.

Redei also had a goal in the team’s 5-0 victory over the Boise Nationals Italia.

Waddle was the story in Eclipse’s 2-1 triumph against Tennessee SC. The Lake Forest resident scored two goals in rapid-fire fashion in the second half: 49:00 and 50:00.

In the opener, Eclipse played MSC Coyotes Green (Md.) to a 1-1 tie.

Katie Sadera of Winnetka also plays for Eclipse.A week earlier, Eclipse earned a 15-U national crown

at the Elite Clubs National League in Virginia.Meanwhile, FC United U-18 finished 1-2 in the national

tournament in Kansas. Coached by Craig Snower, the squad ended the season with a win over Legends FC 94 (Calif.) 3-2. Abby Reed had two goals. Montana Paley also scored.

In other action, FC United dropped 2-1 decisions to Leahi 95 Premier and VSA Heat Blue. Sydney Rumple and Reed scored the goals.


Golf: Battling tough weather conditions, Laughlin shot a 74 in the second round to win the Kenosha Classic on July 26.

His score of 149 at the Kenosha Country Club was just enough to edge Spring Grove’s Jordan Hahn (150) in this Mid-American Junior Golf Tour (MAJGT) event.

Winnetka’s Nicholas Iserloth carded a 151 to finish in a tie for third. Winnetka’s Jack Junge and Lake Forest’s

Jake Kunz shot 157s and wound up in a three-way tie for seventh. Lake Forest’s Martin Montagne and Winnetka’s Nick Abbott came in with 159s to place in the top 10.

In girls action, Lake Forest’s Cindy Wang took third place (259), while Highland Park’s Tina Berardi placed sixth (168).


Golf: She advanced to the semifinal round of the girls match play bracket in the Chick Evans Jr. Amateur (CEJA) on July 22-26 at Itasca Country Club. Her chance to play in the final was blocked by Lemont’s Lauren Beaudreau 5 and 4.

Ono, who will be a junior at Highland Park High School, qualified to match play after shooting a 150 (second place) in stroke play.

Lake Forest’s Cindy Wang took 16th in stroke play (161) but lost in the first round of match play to the eventual champ, Jessica Yuen of Bollingbrook (5 and 3).

In boys action, Lake Forest’s Martin Montague, Nick Lavezzorio and Joe Egan; Highland Park’s Noah Apter and Noah Fishbein; Winnetka’s Nicholas Iserloth and Austin Rendell; and Wilmette’s John Wegener qualified to the match play bracket but none of them advanced to the quarterfinal round.

■ by kevin [email protected]

When Charlie Burton launched a pitch over the right-field fence in the bottom of the sixth inning — his team’s third homer of the game — it didn’t figure to be all that significant.

Burton’s opposite field, two-run blast put New Trier Blue ahead 11-4 in the Lake Shore Feeder Baseball League’s 14A cham-pionship game at Community Park West in Glenview on July 28.

“At the time, I didn’t think we’d need those runs,” said New Trier Blue head coach JB McCallum.

But, as it turned out, Burton’s bomb proved to be the signature hit of the game, after the Lake Forest Scouts fought back to score five times in the top of seventh. The tying runs were on base, when New Trier’s Eric Moerschel got the final out — a groundball to second — to nail down an 11-9 victory.

“Coming back like that says a lot about our team’s character and competitiveness,” said Lake Forest head coach Kevin Konsler.

In this wildly entertaining title game, there were plenty of great efforts. New Trier’s Matt Kann doubled home a

run in the first inning and then smashed a game-tying two-run homer to dead center field in the third inning.

“He’s a big power guy,” said McCallum, noting that Kann has hit six homers this summer.

Kann will attend a board-ing school out East this fall. Lake Forest’s Christian McCauley

had two key hits in the game. He doubled home a run in the opening frame, and he led off the seventh inning with a sin-gle and came around to score. Andrew Potter, who plays third

base for New Trier, also went deep. Batting behind Kann, Potter drove a high fastball over the left-center field fence in the third inning to give New Trier a 5-4 lead.

Potter, who will attend North Shore Country Day High School, also made a diving stop to take a hit away from Jonny Salm in the top of the third.

“We see him make plays like that a lot,” McCallum said. Connor Hanekamp, Cal Wonham and

Charlie Reinkemeyer, who bat No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 in the batting order for the Scouts, held up their end of the bargain. They had two hits apiece.

Reinkemeyer singled home Hanekamp in the first inning. Wonham doubled and knocked in Hanekamp in the third.

Hanekamp also had a stellar effort in his team’s 8-5 win over Mundelein in the semi-finals on July 27. He pitched six innings and allowed only one earned run.

“It was our best pitching perfor-mance of the year,” said Konsler. New Trier shortstop Will McNulty finished with two hits (a run-scoring double in the first and an RBI single in the fourth) and

came up with the game’s most captivat-ing play. In the second inning, he made a backhand stop in the hole to start a 6-4-3 double play.

“Will makes a lot of flashy plays out there,” McCallum said. “That one came out of nowhere.”

homer happyNew Trier Blue cracks three homers, holds off Scouts in 14A title game

Connor Hanekamp of the Scouts races around third and scores a run in the LSFbL’s 14A championship game.

photography by joel lerner

bASEbALL >> PAgE 38


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Page 38: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

38 | sports THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/13


Golf: Savarie, who will graduate in 2018, took medalist honors (76) at the IJGA Sectional #7 at Old Oak on July 17. He also came in first (145) at the Jr Elite Series #1 at Glenview Park on July 17-18, while Winnetka’s Matt Murlick was third (153).

On July 15 at the IJGA Regional #11 at Green Garden, he shot a 78 in the 14-15 age division but settled for runner-up honors when he lost the playoff. He also was second (76) — two strokes back — at the IJGA Regional #12 at Red Tail.

And, at the IJGA Open #11 Kellman Memorial at Deerfield, he shared second place with Lake Forest’s Michael Banas (74) while Highland Park’s Noah Fishbein was fourth (74) and Lake Forest’s Jason Folker was fifth (75).


Golf: Aldrich, who claimed second at the Championship of Purdue, earned top honors in the IJGA Open #11 Kellman Memorial at Deerfield on July 18. His 73 was three strokes better than Skokie’s Nathanial Lee. Winnetka’s Charlie Steinhoff and Wilmette’s Patrick Kennedy came in with 78 to finish in six-way tie for sixth.

Meanwhile, Wegener shot a 73 to finish first in the CEJA Qualifier #5 at Winnetka GC on July 17. It was enough to beat Glencoe’s Scott Chudacoff (2nd, 74), Aldrich (tied for 3rd, 75), Wilmette’s Matthew Consolo (tied for 3rd, 75), Glencoe’s Andrew Sigurdson (tied for 7th, 76) and Highland Park’s Noah Fishbein (tied for 7th, 76).

And, at the IJGA Sectional #6 at Highland Park CC, Consolo finished in a tie for fourth (75) while Aldrich was seventh (76). In the 14-15 division, Noah Fishbein of Highland Park finished third with a 73.


Golf (Girls): Kraff, who will a senior for the Giants this fall, earned medalist honors at the CEJA Qualifier #5 at Winnetka GC on July 17.

She shot an 80 to edge Glencoe’s Lauren Sigurdson (81).

HP’s Tina Berardi also qualified with an 84, whch put her in three-way tie for sixth.

Berardi also picked up a fifth (81) at the IJGA Open #11 Kellman Memorial on July 18. Wilmette’s Ellie McGuire finished in a tie for third (79). And in the 14-15 age division, Wilmette’s Louise McCulloch was eighth (88).

And at the IJGA Sectional #6 at Highland Park CC on July 16, Lake Forest’s Genevieve Foster placed sixth (83).


Swimming: The former New Trier High School star, who will be a sophomore at Dartmouth, claimed runner-up honors in the men’s 50 freestyle at the 2013 Central Zone Speedo Meet, which was held at the University of Minnesota on July 17-20.

He was clocked in 23.45. The winner of the race was Stanford-bound Connor Black (23.12).

Whitcomb also teamed Murphy McQuet, Connor Fotsch and David Tao to place fourth in the 400 free relay (3:33.56).

McQuet, who finished fourth in the 200 free (1:55.31), also was a member of the 800 medley which placed third in 7:50.75. That foursome included Denver Freeman, Fotsch and Tao.

In women’s action, Kara Lucenti, Samantha James and Courtney Campbell led the way. Lucenti took fourth in the 200 breast (2:35.35) and 10th in the 100 breast (1:13.77). She also teamed up with Maria Jardeleza, Jessica Sutherland and Campbell Costley to place sixth in the 400 medley relay (4:24.37).

Jones raced to a fifth-place finish in the 100 back (1:04.32). In relay competition, she teamed with Costley, Stephanie Marchuk and Madeline Jardeleza to place seventh in the 800 free relay (8:33.77). She joined forces with Hope Hayward, Marchuck and Madeline Jardeleza to place eighth in the 400 medley relay (4:25.80). And in the 400 free relay (10th, 3:58.08), she teamed with Brittany Bishop, Costley and Marchuk.

Campbell finished the meet with three top-10 fin-ishes: sixth in the 1500 free (17:27.31), ninth in 800 free (9:10.37) and 10th in the 400 free (4:25.30).

Marchuk also was 12th in the 200 butterfly (2:22.26).bOGDAn bALtEAnu/PEtER GRumHAuS

CATS SwiM CLUbSwimming: Balteanu, who will swim at George

Washington University, took home a first-place medal at the Central Zone Speedo Meet. The 2013 Lake Forest High School graduate anchored the 400 medley relay which won in 3:48.68. The other relay members were Alex Snarski, Kyle Aerne and Connor Black.

Grumhaus, who will swim at the University of Iowa, turned in a number of solid swims. The LFHS grad was third in the 200 back (2:06.63), sixth in the 200 butterfly (2”05.96), ninth in the 100 fly (55.84) and 10th in the 200 free (1:54.83).

Balteanu and Grumhaus shared the glory in a two relay events. They teamed up with Matt Harrington and Black to take second in the 400 free (3:29.77) and eighth in the 800 free (7:59.94).


Swimming: The ex-Lake Forest High School stand-out, who swims for the University of Arkansas, finished 11th in the 400 free (4:28.37) and 12th in the 800 free (9:14.40) at the Central Zone Meet.

Stoehr was a pair of state titles (200 and 500 free-styles) during her senior season with the Scouts. ■

bASEbALL >> from PAGe 36

HEADLInERS >> from PAGe 36

Lake Forest second baseman Jonny Salm had a productive game. He walked and scored the game’s first run. And he hit a sharp single to left field to score a run in the seventh.

Things could have been even better for Salm. In addition to being robbed of a hit by Potter, he came up just shy of a home run in the fifth inning when he sent New Trier center fielder Matt Gallo to the warning track. Right-hander Sean Douaire, who

was touched up for four runs in the first three innings, had a dynamite finish for New Trier. He finished with eight strikeouts in his six innings of work. He struck out the side in the fourth inning. He also helped his cause with two singles.

This hard thrower threw a perfect game in his team’s LSFBA regular-season finale against Mundelein. Lake Forest’s Andrew Athenson,

Daniel Hanson, Paul Turelli and Andrew Goodwin played smart baseball in the top of the seventh. Needing base runners, they displayed good patience at the plate.

“The bottom of the order sparked us (in the seventh),” said Konsler, referring to three walks and a hit batsman. “There are no selfish players on our team. They trust the guy in front of them (in the batting order) and the guy behind them.” New Trier also received clutch at-

bats from Francis Fay (sacrifice fly), Michael Graham (RBI single), Danny Sullivan (single, RBI double) and Gallo (RBI double). Thomas Nugent (single) and Moerschel (double) also contributed to the team’s 15-hit attack. Charlie Hexamer didn’t reach

base but played well at first base.

Notable: New Trier, which drew the No. 1 seed with a 14-2 regular season record in the LSFBA, fin-ished the season with four tourna-ment titles. The team also took 15th out of 40 teams in a national tourney in Omaha, Neb. … JB McCallum, a New Trier grad, plays college base-ball at DePauw (Ind.) University. The shortstop/third baseman fin-ished his junior campaign batting .267 with 23 runs and 27 RBI. … Konsler, a graduate of LFHS who played his college baseball at Illinois State, was assisted by his brother, Stephen Konsler. who played at LFHS and the University of Dayton. … One of Lake Forest’s top players didn’t play in the tournament. Jason Cast, who hits No. 3 in the batting order, was away on a church mission trip with his dad. Cast belted three home runs against Northbrook in his team’s LSFBA season finale. … The Scouts, who finished the season 33-24, also competed in the Northern Illinois Competitive Baseball League (NICBL) this summer. They advanced to the tourney title game and lost 11-8 to the Northwest Crushers. … Three LF players were named to the NICBL all-star team: Ryan Chandler, Hanekamp and Cast. … Lake Forest Baseball Association’s other tournament champ was its 10A team … New Trier White won the 14 American and 13 American titles, while New Trier Youth won the 10 American crown. ■

new Trier blue’s Matt kann removes his helmet at home plate after hitting a home run in the third inning.

photography by joel lerner

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HIGHLAND PARK 4bed/3.1ba $875,000

2063BURROAKS.INFO Alan Meyerowitz 847.432.0700

WINNETKA 5bed/3.2ba $879,000

556WINNETKAAVE.INFO Mary Marcus 847.881.0200

GLENCOE 6bed/6.3ba $2,999,999

212MAPLEHILLRD.INFO Susan Maman 847.881.0200

HIGHLAND PARK 3bed/3ba $3,150,000

909SHERIDANROAD.INFO Ted Pickus 847.432.0700

HIGHLAND PARK 4bed/4.2ba $2,500,000

2717RIDGERD.INFO Corder/Koperski 847.295.0700

GLENCOE 3bed/3.1ba $735,000

561WESTWOOD.INFO Robin Wilson 847.881.0200

WILMETTE 3bed/2.1ba $815,000

920PONTIACRD.INFO Laurie Foster 847.881.0200

HIGHLAND PARK 3bed/3ba $417,000

786LLEWELLYN.INFO Thompson/Coretti 847.432.0700

HIGHLAND PARK 2bed/2ba $289,000

2694WESTERNAVE.INFO Albiani/Ackerman 847.432.0700

GLENCOE 3bed/2.1ba $475,000

97LINDENAVE.INFO Barry Newman 847.881.0200

LAKE FOREST 5bed/4.1ba $1,095,000

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GLENCOE 6bed/4.2ba $1,776,000

762GREENWOOD.INFO Susan Maman 847.881.0200

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SUNDAY 1 - 3

SUNDAY 1 - 3

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884 HIGGINSON | WINNETKA7BED/7.3BA $3,975,000

• 807 PROSPECT | WINNETKA 6bed/5.5ba $2,875,000• 780 LINCOLN | WINNETKA 6bed/6.5ba $3,299,000• 968 EASTWOOD | GLENCOE 5bed/5.1ba $2,475,000• 509 WASHINGTON | GLENCOE 6bed/6ba $2,575,000• 185 OLD GREENBAY | GLENCOE 6bed/6.3ba $3,975,000• 229 ESSEX | KENILWORTH 6bed/7ba $3,475,000• 514 ABBOTSFORD | KENILWORTH 6bed/6.2ba $3,475,000• 164 OXFORD| KENILWORTH 6bed/5.5ba $3,175,000• 561 CIRCLE | LAKE FOREST 7bed/7.3ba $4,749,000





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LAKE FOREST $4,450,000 1000ILLINOISRD.INFO 4bed/6.1baBrunner-Dasse/Jordan 847.295.0700

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1101GOLF.INFO Susan Burklin 847.432.0700

LAKE FOREST 5bed/3ba $999,000

753LONGWOODDR.INFO Barbara Redszus 847.295.0700

HIGHLAND PARK 4bed/3.1ba $929,000

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LAKE FOREST 3bed/2.1ba $525,000

915LANELORRAINE.INFO Sandra Limacher 847.881.0200

HIGHLAND PARK 5bed/3.1ba $685,000

434LAKESIDEMANOR.INFO Debbie Scully 847.432.0700

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Page 42: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/1342 | perfect weekend

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We went up to a bed and breakfast around Madison, Wis. called The Speck-led Hen. It was in the middle of nowhere and run by a very friendly couple. They have five rooms. It was a great, lovely place. Outside there’s a chicken farm — they had chickens and llamas.

We rented a tandem bicycle there — a lot of bike paths are around the area. We went to the farmers market in Madi-son. It was great — they had cheese curds in more varieties than there are kinds of yoga pants in Highland Park.

The artisanal beers are good too. We found a vegetarian Indian restaurant in Madison that we enjoyed eating at.

My (Sharon’s) son owns a game store in Madison. His friends played a game called Magic: The Gathering, a card game. We checked out the culture of the gamers. They spoke funny languages. It was an amazing cultural experience, the juxtaposition between the college intellectual set and staying at a place with chickens. Each one made us ap-preciate the other.

We’re both into chickens. It’s been a recent phenomenon. We try to visit as many chickens as possible. In Highland Park, there’s a flood of renegade chick-ens who we love visiting. We play with them.

Sharon Rosenweig and Aaron Free-man, as told to David Sweet. ■

two spring chickens enjoy nature-oriented excursion

Highland Park resident Sharon Rosenweig and her husband, Aaron Freeman, hold some of their favorite chickens.

photography by joel lerner

“we’re both into chick-ens. it’s been a recent phenomenon. we try to visit as many chickens as possible.”| Sharon Rosenweig

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THe NorTH sHore weekeNd 08/03– 08/04/13 | 43

Page 44: The North Shore Weekend EAST, Issue 43

the north shore weekend | saturday august 03 2013 | sunday august 04 2013