The normans in england

The Normans In England By: Rebecca, Eduarda e Isabella

Transcript of The normans in england

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The Normans In England

By: Rebecca, Eduarda e Isabella

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Battle Of Hastings

October the 14th 1066 – King Harold was killed and Normans invaded England.

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French Became an Important Language


Normans worked in the government and in business & controlled the church.

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King John Lost his French Lands

On 1204, King John of England lost his French lands, detaching himself and his people from the Normans, resulting in an increase of patriotism.

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People Felt Proud of Their English

Upper classes were prouder of their english than of their

french, since they spoke norman french

and not parisian french.

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Ordinary People Didn’t Know How to Speak French

Regular people didn’t need and didn’t want to learn French since it was their invaders’ language.

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100 Years War English people rebelled against their invaders (the Normans) and engaged in the 100 years war (1337-1453).

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The Black Death

During 1348-1375, the black death epidemic killed many school teachers, church man and monks. These people were substituted by citzens who only spoke english, spreading, therefore, this language and making it more important.